Free Online Training Resources for WIC Staff
Table of Contents
Free Online Training Resources for WIC Staff Development .......................................................... 0
Purpose ....................................................................................................................................... 2
Viewing Online Trainings ............................................................................................................ 2
Sources ........................................................................................................................................ 2
Comments and Suggestions ........................................................................................................ 2
Growth and Health Assessment ................................................................................................. 2
Nutrition Assessment .................................................................................................................. 3
Infant Nutrition ........................................................................................................................... 3
High Risk Infant ........................................................................................................................... 3
Toddler/Child Nutrition............................................................................................................... 4
High Risk Children ....................................................................................................................... 4
Prenatal Nutrition ....................................................................................................................... 5
Nutrition for Woman .................................................................................................................. 5
Breastfeeding Education ............................................................................................................. 6
Breastfeeding Counseling ........................................................................................................... 6
Breastfeeding Assessment .......................................................................................................... 7
High Risk Maternal ...................................................................................................................... 8
Returning to Work/Community .................................................................................................. 9
General Nutrition Topics ............................................................................................................. 9
Micronutrients .......................................................................................................................... 10
Other General Nutrition Topics ................................................................................................ 10
Nutrition Related Diseases/High-Risk Nutrition Topics ............................................................ 10
Food Allergies and Intolerances................................................................................................ 11
Substance Abuse/Mental Health .............................................................................................. 12
Cultural Awareness and Civil Rights .......................................................................................... 12
Customer Service ...................................................................................................................... 12
Leadership/Management ......................................................................................................... 13
Staff Wellness ........................................................................................................................... 13
Other WIC Related Topics ......................................................................................................... 13
Reference- Complete Listing of Hyperlinks: ............................................................................. 14
This list of online education resources is provided to help local WIC agencies identify available
training resources that are free and easily accessible. These training can be used to help
strengthen and enhance the knowledge and skills of local agency staff.
NOTE: The trainings shared are a resource for staff development; many will not include
continuing education credits.
Viewing Online Trainings
Below are some ideas to enhance the training experience and its effectiveness:
View and discuss the training with others. This might involve viewing at a staff meeting,
viewing with another person, or watching the training and then set up a time to discuss it
with another person.
Watch the Training in Small Segments. Many of the trainings listed are an hour in length.
Consider watching the training in short, planned out segments, rather than all at once.
Practice WIC Application. Many of these trainings are focused on nutrition and health
knowledge. Reflect on how you could use this knowledge in the WIC clinic setting.
Inclusion of a training on this list is not an endorsement by MN WIC of the company who
developed or sponsored the training. It is also not an endorsement of opinions that may be
expressed by the presenters.
Comments and Suggestions
Please email any comments or suggested trainings to [email protected].
Growth and Health Assessment
Using the WHO Growth Charts to Assess Growth in the United States Among
Children Ages Birth to 2 Years (CDC, 2015)
Description: This comprehensive module discusses the recommendations for using the
WHO growth charts, describes the attributes of a growth reference versus a growth
standard, describes the differences between WHO and CDC growth charts for infants and
young children aged 0-2 years, discusses the effect of infant feeding on growth, and
Identifies issues to consider when interpreting WHO growth charts.
NOTE: After launching module, navigate through the different pages by clicking on the
topical outline located on the left side of the web page.
Hemocue OnCue Learning Module (HemoCue, 2020)
Description: There are two machine modules for Public Health and WIC Programs to
choose from (201 or 301). Register and select the HemoCue training module that
correlates to the machine used in your clinic. The modules provide detailed instructions on
HemoCue use.
Nutrition Assessment
VENA Training Videos (USDA 2021)
Description: These videos are intended to serve as a starting point for familiarizing WIC
staff with the VENA process. It contains 3 lessons:
Lesson 1A. Introduction to VENA: Nutrition Assessment in WIC. This video introduces the
role VENA plays in a WIC nutrition assessment. It also details the components of a
participant-centered and health outcome-based approach.
Lesson 1B. Introduction to VENA: A Systemic and Personalized Process: This video focuses
on maintaining flexibility and personalization within a systemic assessment. The video
explores fostering partnership with participants using probing questions.
Lesson 1C. Introduction to VENA: Conducting a WIC Nutrition and Breastfeeding
Assessment: The video features role-plays of WIC staff and participants to show how the
VENA approach allows WIC staff to systematically collect and evaluate participant
information while also engaging the participant in dialogue about their individual needs and
goals of healthy behavior.
Infant Nutrition
Feeding Infants: Nourishing Attitudes and Techniques (USDA, 2021)
Description: This course includes information to assist WIC staff members in providing
anticipatory guidance and nutrition education in the area of infant nutrition and feeding.
Supporting the Mother Who Feeds with Bottles and/or Infant Formula (MD Dept. of
Health, 2016: Session 9)
Description: This training discusses key education points for families who are choosing not
to breastfeed, safe infant formula handling, storage and preparation, water sources, and
the basics of how to bottle feed.
NOTE: WIC follows FDA recommendations for heating water for formula preparation and
refers parents to the formula label for dilution information. This presentation uses CDC
High Risk Infant
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (IL Department of Health, 2020)
Description: Discusses NAS symptoms, treatment, and diagnosis. Discusses breastfeeding
and substance abuse, education, and parent support after release from hospital.
NOTE: Diagnosis of NAS is outside the scope of WIC services but knowing signs to look for to
offer a referral and parenting support is valuable knowledge for WIC staff.
High Risk Newborns and Nutrition (AAP, 2015)
Description: This webinar focuses on preterm and low birthweight infants discussing long-
term consequences and strategies to minimize these health consequences.
Toddler/Child Nutrition
Supporting Responsive Feeding Using Baby Behaviors (Cal WIC, 2020)
Description: Dr. Jane Heinig recently expanded on her Baby Behavior research to identify six
big changes of healthy toddlers that assist in the understanding of developmental change
that can impact mealtime.
Food for 'ME TOO' Nutrition for the Toddler and Preschooler (Iowa State University
Extension, 2020)
Description: This publication teaches common eating patterns, gives tips for surviving the
toddler rollercoaster, and provides a sample menu for children.
Child Nutrition and Cooking (Stanford University, free college course, 5 sessions, ongoing)
Description: This is a 5-session college course. Topics include Why home cooking matters,
what constitutes a balanced meal, From supermarket to dinner table, Sustainable eating,
Labels, Allergies and Taste.
Early Childhood Nutrition: How to Get Feeding off to a Positive and Healthy Start
(Dairy Council and Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior, 2013)
Description: This webinar focuses on guiding parents to healthy feeding behaviors, focusing
on toddler behavior, division of responsibility.
Eat Play LoveRaising Healthy Eaters (Dairy Council and Society for Nutrition Education
and Behavior, 2012)
Description: This webinar focuses on best strategies for raising healthy eaters.
High Risk Children
Let’s Eat Together: Responsive Feeding Practices in Early Intervention (EITP IL, 2019)
Description: This webinar highlights the need to build trust between providers, families, and
children to support family-focused mealtime routines.
Parenting and Childhood Obesity Treatment/Prevention (Cooperative Extension,
Description: This webinar discusses primary care obesity prevention in healthcare settings
and methods for engaging parents in weight-related conversations. Usable tips and
suggestions are given that are applicable to the WIC setting.
Many Faces of Autism: An Introduction to Characteristics and Simple Strategies
(Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities, 2017)
Description: This introductory module presents information about unique characteristics of
autism spectrum disorder (ASD), including social-communication, restricted interests, and
patterns of behavior, sensory, cognition and information processing, and emotional
Setting the Table: Initial Steps Towards Achieving Adequate Nutritional Intake in
Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Gastrointestinal Issues (GI)/
Food Allergies (Nutricia Learning Center, 2015)
DISCLAIMER: This CPE approved webinar is sponsored by a medical formula company. To
access it you must register on their website. The content has been reviewed.
Description: This webinar focuses on autism spectrum disorder characteristics and
assessment and practical strategies are identified to support eating and expansion of food
choices to foster adequate nutritional intake and growth in children with autism.
Prenatal Nutrition
Women w/ Obesity: Pre-Pregnancy Wt, Gestational Wt Gain, Impacts on
Maternal/Child Health (NASEM, 2018)
Description: This webinar discusses the current understanding of pre-pregnancy weight,
gestational weight gain, and the impacts on maternal and child health among women with
Food Safety for Mom’s to Be (FDA, 2015)
Description: This video reviews basic food safety recommendations and special
recommendations of food to avoid during pregnancy.
Diabetes and Pregnancy (Emory Univ., 2013)
Description: This webinar discusses diabetes in pregnancy, adverse outcomes for mom and
baby, and management of the condition.
NOTE: A window will pop up asking for username, hit cancel. The video will then appear;
advance video to the 21:32 minute mark and hit play.
Nutrition for Woman
Every Woman, Every Time: Integrating Preconception Health Promotion (CME
approved, Univ North Carolina, 2014)
Description: This is a comprehensive overview of the link between major threats to
women’s health and pregnancy outcomes, the importance of promoting preconception
wellness and recommended factors to address at every encounter with women of
childbearing age.
In Between Time: Interconception health care starting with the Postpartum Visit
(CME approved, Univ. North Carolina, 2016)
Description: This comprehensive presentation discusses the rationale for interconception
care, examines the ten core content areas for postpartum care, and reviews evidence about
interpregnancy intervals.
Nutritional Trends and Implications for Weight Loss Surgery (Cooperative Extension,
CDR CPEU approved, 2016)
Description: An in-depth discussion on the various types of weight loss surgery, who is a
candidate for weight loss surgery, and the benefits and complications of these surgeries.
NOTE: Start at 53:00 minutes for Pregnancy after Weight Loss Surgery information.
Breastfeeding Education
BreastfeedingNatures Best (Cooperative Extension, 2016)
Description: Discusses advantages of breastfeeding for infant and mother, positioning and
frequency of nursing for establishing milk supply, skin to skin, laid back breastfeeding, how
supplementation impacts milk supply, breast pump considerations, and returning to work.
From Baby to BreastAnatomy and Physiology (MD Dept. of Health, 2016)
Description: This module discusses basic breast anatomy and physiology, hormones that
impact lactation, the process of milk production, baby’s role in milk transfer and basic
breast care instructions for mom.
Breastfeeding Counseling
Promoting Breastfeeding During Pregnancy (MD Dept. of Health, 2016)
Description: This module discusses the history of breastfeeding, when to discuss BF with
prenatal woman and the influence this conversation has on women’s decision to BF. The 3-
step counseling method is reviewed.
Welcoming African American Families (CWA 2018)
Description: This webinar focuses on engaging AA families so that they get more out of WIC
services. It discusses the ROSE network’s work on addressing breastfeeding inequities
among people of color to improve outcomes.
Breastfeeding Support for Somali Mothers (University of Washington, 2007)
Description: This PowerPoint outlines breastfeeding in the Somali Culture and strategies to
support pregnant and postpartum participants that encourage breastfeeding success.
The Breastfeeding Partner: How Dads and Other Special People Make a Difference
(IL WIC 2016)
Description: This presentation discusses both positive and negative influence that partners
can have on breastfeeding, the importance of addressing the concerns of the partner, and
ways the partner can have a role in breastfeeding.
Preparing Moms for a Baby Friendly Experience (IL WIC, 2016)
Description: This presentation by Cathy Carothers talks through the various requirements
that must be followed for a baby-friendly hospital, and why these requirements are
important for successful breastfeeding.
Helping Moms Gain Confidence in the Milk Production (IL WIC, 2016)
Description: This Cathy Carothers presentation discusses the milk production process, how
we can talk with mom prenatally about changes in her breast and the milk production
process to help build confidence that her body is able to make enough milk.
Ongoing Breastfeeding Support for Mothers (MD Dept. of Health, 2016)
Description: This session focus on breastfeeding support after hospital discharge. It
identifies breastfeeding issues, the importance of community resources, challenges mom’s
face, and strategies for maintaining breastfeeding beyond a year.
Getting Started with Breastfeeding Videos (Stanford Medical Center)
Description: This site contains short instructional videos appropriate for staff and
participant education.
Breastfeeding Assessment
Helping with a Breastfeed Session (MD Dept. of Health, 2016)
Description: This session discusses different breastfeeding positions, signs of an effective
latch and signs of milk transfer.
Part 1: Preparing Parents to Lay the Foundation for Milk Supply (Illinois Department
of Human Services, 2021)
Description: This session discusses how to establish an adequate milk supply, the concerns
that mothers have about not having enough breastmilk, and why they stop breastfeeding.
Additional Comments: Presentation handout available at Springfield Community Health
Training Center.
Overactive Milk Ejection Reflex and Oversupply (IL WIC, 2014)
Description: This presentation describes the difference between milk oversupply and
overactive milk ejection and discusses methods for controlling oversupply and techniques
that can help the baby deal with overactive milk ejection for a successful breastfeed.
Working with Parents Who Exclusively Pump (Illinois Department of Human Services,
Description: This session discusses why parents may choose to exclusively pump, explain
the difference in pumps, and techniques to help with relatching if parents change their
NOTE: Presentation handout available at Distance Learning, Springfield Urban League Inc.
Using a Nipple Shield (Lactation Education Resources, 2021)
Description: This handout discusses reasons baby may benefit from a nipple shield and
how one should be properly used.
High Risk Maternal
Infants and Mothers with Special Needs (Maryland Department of Health, 2016)
Description: This module discusses mothers and infants who will need additional support
with breastfeeding, including preterm, low-birth weight, infants or mom with medical
concerns or breastfeeding multiples.
Breast and Nipple Concerns (MD Dept. of Health, 2016)
Description: This module discusses breast assessments, how to recognize and treat sore
nipples, how to recognize and treat engorgement, blocked ducts, and mastitis.
D-MER: What breastfeeding moms might not be telling you (Illinois Department of
Human Services, 2021)
Description: This webinar discusses Dysphoric Milk Ejection Reflex (D-Mer), assessment,
negative effects, possible treatment, the role in breastfeeding support, and education for
the breastfeeding parent.
NOTE: PowerPoint slides available at Distance Learning, Springfield Urban League Inc.
If the Baby Can’t Feed at the Breast (MD Dept. of Health, 2016)
Description: This session discusses reasons why babies may not be able to feed from the
breast, milk expression methods, and alternate feeding methods which can be used to
support breastfeeding and transitioning to the breast.
Supporting Breastfeeding in the Presence of Tongue Tie/Lip Tie (IL WIC, 2015)
Description: This session discusses symptoms present in a breastfeeding mother or her
baby that may indicate the presence of a tongue tie and/or lip tie.
Breastfeeding the Infant with Cleft Lip and Palate (IL WIC, 2014)
Description: This presentation provides an overview of types of clefts and their impact on
breastfeeding, and ways to support and assist mother and baby with cleft lip/palate.
Returning to Work/Community
Successfully Combining Breastfeeding with Work or School (Illinois Department of
Human Services, 2018)
Description: This webinar why parents should be encouraged to continue breastfeeding
when returning to work/school, how to prepare, and how to keep it going.
NOTE: PowerPoint slides available at Distance Learning, Springfield Urban League Inc.
Breastfeeding and the Workplace Success Takes a Team (Univ of Albany, NY, 2016)
Description: This presentation discusses the importance of supporting breastfeeding
mothers and the challenges mothers and employers face in doing so.
NOTE: This presentation discusses NY breastfeeding laws. Contact the State Breastfeeding
Coordinator if you have questions about MN Breastfeeding laws.
It takes a Village Promoting Breastfeeding at the Community Level (Univ. of Albany,
NY, 2013)
Description: This program will highlight community-level actions to support successful
General Nutrition Topics
Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Nutrition The Thousand Day Window of
Opportunity (CDC, 2019)
Description: This Public Health Grand Rounds explores maternal nutrition, identifies
strategies that support women to breastfeed, and provide recommendations regarding an
infant’s transition to the family diet.
Introduction to Human Nutrition (UC-Berkeley, 2006 College lectures, 24 audio
Description: Audio onlySee link for audio recording titles for the various topics covered.
Many topics are very applicable to WIC.
Sugary Drinks Why the Fuss and What Can You Do? (Univ. of Albany, 2013)
Description: This webinar discusses the health impact of excess sugary drink consumption,
trends in consumption among children and strategies to reduce consumption.
Trans Fat Update (Nutrition and Wellness Concentration Area, Military Families Learning
Network, 2016)
Description: This webinar explains the science behind trans fats in formulated foods versus
naturally occurring trans fats and health implications of trans fats in the diet are explored.
The Importance of Monitoring Vitamin D Status in the US (CDC, 2010)
Description: This presentation explores vitamin D, why we need it, challenges to getting it,
and ways to address this issue within the public health and medical settings.
Folic Acid and the Prevention of Birth Defects (CDC, 2010)
Description: This grand round includes the topics of prevention of neural tube defects,
global strategies in prevention efforts, research on whether intake of folic acid can cause
harm, and folic acid supplementation.
Safety of Dietary Supplements (Harvard Forum, 2017)
Description: Focus is on safety of dietary supplements, with emphasis on the safety of
supplements marketed for weight loss/muscle building and sports performance/ sexual
Other General Nutrition Topics
Enhancing Health and Wellness with Probiotics (Military Family Learning Network,
Description: Prebiotics and probiotics help support overall health by building and
maintaining healthy gut bacteria and creating an environment for other healthy
microorganisms. This webinar will explore the role of probiotics in health and disease and
highlight tips for choosing food and probiotic supplements.
Modulating the Gut Microbiome- The Role of Probiotics and Prebiotics (Genova
Diagnostics, 2016)
Description: Learn the beneficial effects of the gastrointestinal microbiota on the
development and function of the immune, gastrointestinal, and other organ systems, as
well as mechanisms by which probiotics may confer benefit, how to effectively select
probiotic formulas.
Nutrition Related Diseases/High-Risk Nutrition Topics
Hypertension Update: Nutritional Guidelines and Strategies (Military Families
Learning Network, 2015)
Description: This webinar discusses hypertension recommendations and focuses on
lifestyle modifications and nutrition factors that can help with managing hypertension and
counseling strategies to offer families support.
Management of Celiac Disease: Now and Beyond (University of Maryland Medical
Center, 2017)
Description: This webinar describes Celiac Disease and Gluten Sensitivities.
Food Allergies and Intolerances
Food Allergy vs Food Intolerance (Military Families Learning Network, 2021)
Description: This webinar explores the differences between food allergies and food
intolerances, list common food allergens and intolerances, and understand implications of
medical nutrition therapy for diagnosis and intervention.
The Diagnosis of Food Allergies, and the Role of Oral Food Challenges (OFCs) (Food
Allergy Research and Education 2016)
Description: This webinar differentiates food allergy and food intolerances, and how
allergies are diagnosed. It also discusses how misdiagnosis and unnecessary avoidance of
foods has implications on health and nutrition and can have a significant impact on quality
of life.
Early Peanut Introduction: Recent Findings, Latest Guidelines, Q&A (Food Allergy
Research and Education, 2017)
Description: This webinar discusses the LEAP trial (Learning Early About Peanut Allergy) and
other follow up studies. It discusses the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
(NIAID) clinical guidelines for introducing peanut products for the prevention of peanut
NOTE: WIC follows the AAP guidelines for introduction of peanut allergies. AAP guidelines
are based on the NIAID recommendations.
Breastfeeding and Beyond: Best Practices for Feeding an Infant with Cow Milk
Allergy (Nutricia Learning Center, 2016)
DISCLAIMER: This CPE approved webinar is sponsored by a medical formula company. To
access the webinar, you have to register on their website. The content has been reviewed.
Description: This webinar discusses the role of human milk in infants with cow milk allergy,
discusses the maternal diet when managing cow milk allergy, distinguishes differences in
composition and categorization of specialized pediatric formulas, and discusses the proper
use of specialized pediatric formulas based on currently available evidence.
Recognizing Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome (FPIES) and the
Important Role of Dietary Management (Nutricia Learning Center, 2015)
DISCLAIMER: This CPE approved webinar is sponsored by a medical formula company. To
access the webinar, you have to register on their website. The content has been reviewed.
Description: This webinar focuses on how to identify and manage the pediatric patient with
FPIES. It also discusses the role of dietary management, including considerations when
breastfeeding, starting complementary foods and table foods.
Substance Abuse/Mental Health
FASD Primer for Healthcare Professionals (Web-Based) - WB2746R (CDC, 2020)
Description: This training course provides a broad foundation of knowledge about fetal
alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs). Topics include prevention, identification, referral, and
treatment of FASDs.
Primary Prevention and Public Health Strategies to Prevent Neonatal Abstinence
Syndrome (CDC, 2016)
Description: This presentation focuses on NAS and its relation to the current opioid crisis,
NAS prevention through public health interventions, screening and treatment of pregnant
women for opioid use.
Addressing the Unique Challenges of Opioid Use Disorder in Women (CDC, 2017)
Description: This presentation gives an overview of the federal response to opioid use
across the nation and addresses approaches to care and prevention of substance use
among women.
Marijuana, The Latest Scientific Findings and Legalization (Harvard Forum, 2017)
Description: This talk discusses what we know about the notable gaps in scientific data on
the short- and long-term effects of marijuana use and the impact on health.
Learn more at Marijuana and Public Health (CDC, 2021)
E-Cigarettes an Emerging Public Health Challenge (CDC, 2015)
Description: This session of Grand Rounds explores the public health challenge of electronic
cigarettes, including the surveillance and research gaps that must be addressed to assess
the impact of e-cigarettes on the health of our nation.
Learn more at Electronic Cigarettes (CDC, 2021)
Cultural Awareness and Civil Rights
Implicit Bias in the Academy: Professional and Personal Implications (Duke
University & Duke University Health Systems, 2017)
Description: This lecture discusses the significance of implicit bias, research findings, the
impact of implicit bias on decision-making, what helps to diminish implicit bias, and
implications for future research.
Customer Service
Training Videos- WIC Customer Service (AZ WIC, 2016)
Description: These videos illustrate positive and negative interactions between WIC
participants and WIC staff. At the end of each video, the participant is interviewed about
how he/she felt during the interaction.
Becoming a Successful Leader (Inclusive Leadership Skills) (EdX 2017)
Description: This course covers how to develop and refine the key inclusive leadership skills
of Empowerment, Accountability, Courage, and Humilityknown as the “EACH” framework.
Staff Wellness
Wellness in the Workplace (Cooperative Extension, 2014)
Description: This webinar will explore the essential components of a workplace wellness
program, talking to management about wellness, and defining issues and prioritizing goals.
Creating a Healthier Life, A Step-By-Step Guide (Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration (SAMHSA), 2017)
Description: This guide offers a broad approach for things we can doat our own pace, in
our own time, and within our own abilitiesthat can help us feel better and live longer.
Other WIC Related Topics
2016 CWA Learning Collaborative Webinar- Engaging Men & Dads (California WIC
Assoc. 2016)
Description: This webinar discusses best practices for making programs more father
friendly and how to make WIC more welcoming to fathers.
Open Wide: Oral Health Training for Health Professionals (OHRC, Georgetown
University, 2010)
Description: A series of four web-based, self-study modules to help health and early
childhood professionals (such as WIC staff!) working in community settings promote oral
Maternal Immunization: Current Status and Future Directions (CDC, 2019)
Description: Learn about the burden of influenza and pertussis during pregnancy and
among infants, the benefits of maternal immunization, and the development of new
Vaccinating Children (Harvard Forum, 2014)
Description: This Forum event examined the drivers of public perceptions of vaccinations,
the threats that vaccine-preventable illnesses pose, and the steps to be taken to restore
trust in one of public health’s greatest weapons against infectious diseases.
Parenting for a Digital Future: How Hopes and Fears about Technology Shape
Children’s Lives (Sesame Workshop, 2020)
Description: This presentation discusses technology and the effects it has on our identities,
our relationships, our values, and our children’s life chances.
Recognizing Child Abuse: For Non-Medical Professionals (MD WIC, Johns Hopkins
presenter, 2015)
Description: This presentation describes the non-medical professional’s role in recognizing
child abuse and the role in intervention.
Reference- Complete Listing of Hyperlinks:
Using the WHO Growth Charts to Assess Growth in the United States Among Children Ages
Birth to 2 Years (
Hemocue OnCue Learning Module (
VENA Training Videos (
Feeding Infants: Nourishing Attitudes and Techniques
Supporting the Mother Who Feeds with Bottles and/or Infant Formula
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (
High Risk Newborns and Nutrition
Supporting Responsive Feeding Using Baby Behaviors
Food for 'ME TOO' Nutrition for the Toddler and Preschooler
Child Nutrition and Cooking (
Early Childhood Nutrition: How to Get Feeding off to a Positive and Healthy Start
Eat Play LoveRaising Healthy Eaters (
Let’s Eat Together: Responsive Feeding Practices in Early Intervention
Parenting and Childhood Obesity Treatment/Prevention
Many Faces of Autism: An Introduction to Characteristics and Simple Strategies
Setting the Table: Initial Steps Towards Achieving Adequate Nutritional Intake in Children with
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Gastrointestinal Issues (GI)/ Food Allergies
Women w/ Obesity: Pre-Pregnancy Wt, Gestational Wt Gain, Impacts on Maternal/Child Health
Food Safety for Mom’s to Be
Diabetes and Pregnancy
Every Woman, Every Time: Integrating Preconception Health Promotion
In Between Time: Interconception health care starting with the Postpartum Visit
Nutritional Trends and Implications for Weight Loss Surgery
BreastfeedingNatures Best (
From Baby to BreastAnatomy and Physiology
Promoting Breastfeeding During Pregnancy
Welcoming African American Families (
Breastfeeding Support for Somali Mothers (
The Breastfeeding Partner: How Dads and Other Special People Make a Difference
Preparing Moms for a Baby Friendly Experience (
Helping Moms Gain Confidence in the Milk Production (
Ongoing Breastfeeding Support for Mothers
Getting Started with Breastfeeding Videos (
Helping with a Breastfeed Session (
Part 1: Preparing Parents to Lay the Foundation for Milk Supply
Overactive Milk Ejection Reflex and Oversupply
Working with Parents Who Exclusively Pump (
Using a Nipple Shield (
Infants and Mothers with Special Needs (
Breast and Nipple Concerns (
D-MER: What breastfeeding moms might not be telling you
If the Baby Can’t Feed at the Breast (
Supporting Breastfeeding in the Presence of Tongue Tie/Lip Tie
Breastfeeding the Infant with Cleft Lip and Palate
Distance Learning, Springfield Urban League Inc. (
Successfully Combining Breastfeeding with Work or School
Breastfeeding and the Workplace Success Takes a Team
It takes a Village Promoting Breastfeeding at the Community Level
Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Nutrition The Thousand Day Window of Opportunity
Introduction to Human Nutrition
Sugary Drinks Why the Fuss and What Can You Do?
Trans Fat Update (
The Importance of Monitoring Vitamin D Status in the US
Folic Acid and the Prevention of Birth Defects
Safety of Dietary Supplements (
Enhancing Health and Wellness with Probiotics
Modulating the Gut Microbiome- The Role of Probiotics and Prebiotics
Hypertension Update: Nutritional Guidelines and Strategies
Management of Celiac Disease: Now and Beyond
Food Allergy vs Food Intolerance (
The Diagnosis of Food Allergies, and the Role of Oral Food Challenges (OFCs)
Early Peanut Introduction: Recent Findings, Latest Guidelines, Q&A
Breastfeeding and Beyond: Best Practices for Feeding an Infant with Cow Milk Allergy
Recognizing Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome (FPIES) and the Important Role of
Dietary Management (
FASD Primer for Healthcare Professionals (Web-Based) - WB2746R
Primary Prevention and Public Health Strategies to Prevent Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
Addressing the Unique Challenges of Opioid Use Disorder in Women
Marijuana, The Latest Scientific Findings and Legalization
Marijuana and Public Health (
E-Cigarettes an Emerging Public Health Challenge (
Electronic Cigarettes (
Implicit Bias in the Academy: Professional and Personal Implications
Training Videos- WIC Customer Service
Becoming a Successful Leader (Inclusive Leadership Skills)
Wellness in the Workplace (
Creating a Healthier Life, A Step-By-Step Guide
2016 CWA Learning Collaborative Webinar- Engaging Men & Dads
Open Wide: Oral Health Training for Health Professionals
Maternal Immunization: Current Status and Future Directions (
Vaccinating Children (
Parenting for a Digital Future: How Hopes and Fears about Technology Shape Children’s Lives
Recognizing Child Abuse: For Non-Medical Professionals
Minnesota Department of Health - WIC Program, 85 E 7th Place, PO BOX 64882, ST PAUL MN 55164-0882;
1-800-657-3942, health.[email protected],; to obtain this information in a different
format, call: 1-800-657-3942.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.