Developmental and Training
Opportunities, Resources, and Tool
Base Education & Training Center
88th Force Support Squadron
2130 Fifth Street, Building 50, Area B
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433
October 2020 Version (Previous versions are obsolete)
Base Education and Training Center
The mission of the Education and Training Center is to develop
the Wright-Patterson AFB workforce for current and future
assignments through effective and efficient management of
Education and Training products and services.
A full list of scheduled projected courses can be found on the
Class Registration:
Contact Information
2130 Fifth Street
Building 50, Area B
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433
Education and Training: 937-904-4801
Training and Delivery: 937-904-4871
Developmental Opportunities and Tools
The following developmental opportunities and tools are available for
Civilian, Officer, and Enlisted personnel.
Acquisition Training
Acquisition training is a fundamental element of the Acquisition
Professional Development Program. The Air Force, through
Defense Acquisition University (DAU), provides the required
training to meet mandatory position certification requirements. All
personnel working in acquisition-coded positions have a specified
functional area and required certification level
for their position that must be achieved within
24 months of being assigned to the position
(known as the “grace period.”)
Advanced Distributed Learning Service (ADLS)
ADLS is the AF Enterprise solution that deliv
online courses, tracks learner progress, and provides reports
individuals, supervisors, training managers, and
commanders. Manage individual and unit training activities.
Air Force Portal Education and Training (88 FSS/FSDE)
Air Force Portal Education and Training is a setting where you
can find our Vision and Mission Statements, the Wright-Patterson
Installation Training Guide, Wright-Patterson AFB Leadership &
Development Guide, and Products and Services.
AF e-Learning
AF e-Learning provides information technology and business skills
resources to enhance personal and professional knowledge. Air
Force members and civilian employees have access to a collection of
over 80,000 FREE online books, book summaries, courses, custom
learning assets, learning portals, learning resources, and videos!
These self-directed resources (developed by the private sector) are
accessible from your desktop or personal mobile devices 24/7 to
help deliver knowledge transferable to the Air Force workplace.
AF Library Online Resources
Online Library & Resources offers a wealth of online resources
and databases at no-cost to Air Force Personnel (Active Duty and
Civilians). Resources such as EBSCO Research Databases, Gale
Online, eBooks, audiobooks magazines, comics, Mango Languages,
streaming movies, and so much more. Setup an account for 24/7
access from your personal mobile devices.
Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT)
AFIT provides Airmen with world-class defense-focused and research-
enabled advanced academic education, and career-long professional
continuing education both on-command and on-demand. Through
four schools and a non-resident, civilian institution program, AFIT:
delivers graduate education to the Medical, Line, Legal and
Chaplain Corps
delivers professional continuing education to Civil Engineers,
Space, Nuclear, Acquisition, and Logistics professionals
conducts cutting-edge research in many areas including cyber,
directed energy, hypersonic, stealth, navigation and space
provides consultation and analysis support services
Air Force Personnel Center
AFPC is responsible for managing personnel programs and carrying
out policies affecting Air Force active duty and civilian members.
Among various personnel programs, you will find the Force
Development program and underlying information about Enlisted
PME, Military and AF Civilian Developmental Education, Career
Skills Program, and MyVector.
Air Force Virtual Education Center (AFVEC)
AFVEC is the Air Force’s premier site for information about
educational benefits. AFVEC offers a wide array of online services,
empowering you to actively participate in all aspects of your
education, including applying for tuition assistance.
Air University Portal (AU)
AU provides the full spectrum of Air Force
education, encompassing pre-commissioning
programs for new officers; graduate programs
in specialized military disciplines; progressive,
career-long professional military development
for officer, enlisted, and civilian Airmen; and
specialized programs for US cabinet appointees,
senior executive service (SES) civilians, and
general officers. AU’s professional military
education (PME) programs educate Airmen to leverage air, space, and
cyberspace power to achieve national security objectives. Specialized
professional continuing educational programs provide scientific,
technological, managerial, and other professional expertise to meet the
needs of the Air Force.
Or contact the AU Help Desk:
Command Human Resources Intelligence System (CHRIS)
CHRIS is a read only relational data warehouse that provides visibility
into all areas of human resource reporting. CHRIS integrates military
and civilian personnel, manpower and training data into a single
source. The warehouse offers users an adhoc capability to mine data
providing a breadth and depth of data that greatly reduces the data
collection effort allowing more time to be spent on decision support.
Defense Acquisition University (DAU) Catalog
The DAU Interactive Catalog (iCatalog) Mobile provides
information regarding:
Regular certification and assignment specific training courses
Continuous learning courses
Acquisition career field certification & Core Plus Development Guides
Alternate means to meet training requirements
Education & Training Course Announcement (ETCA)
The ETCA contains procedures, fund citations, reporting
instructions, and listings for formal courses conducted/
managed by MAJCOMs, field operating agencies, and other DoD
organizations. It also contains courses conducted/administered
by AF and Reserve forces.
MyBiz is a Self-Service HR module that brings information from an
employees’ official personnel record to their workstations, online,
real-time, and secure (restricted to .mil domains). Employee can
access and view information about: appointment, position, personal,
salary, benefits, awards, bonuses, and performance and can also
update other pertinent information such as work information,
ethnicity and race, etc.
Training Delivery Element (88 FSS/FSDET)
The Training Delivery Element provides zero-cost classes to
military and civilian employees stationed at WPAFB as well as in
Geographically Separated Units (GSU) in a wide range of subjects.
The element also facilitates the Tactical Leadership Course (TLC)
and Flight Leadership Course (FLC).
AFMC’s Education & Training Management System (ETMS WEB)
Air Force Materiel Command’s ETMS WEB is a system tool used
by training managers and supervisors to manage their unit or
individual member’s training and development.
My Education & Training Management System (myETMS)
MyETMS is a subsystem of the AFMC Education and
Training Management System (ETMS Web) and is a personal
training management system for all AFMC Civilian and
Military members. It allows AFMC Airmen to be actively
involved in their professional and personal development.
An Air Force official online source for personnel policy, information,
day-to-day transactions, and force development info. myPers site is
customized, recognizing the user’s affiliation as officer, enlisted, civilian,
Reserve or Guard.
Contact: Total Force Service Center
DSN: 665-0102
COMM: 210-565-0102
Toll Free: 1-800-525-0102
Email: Total Force Service Center via
MyVECTOR is an enterprise solution that supports the Air Force’s
goal to provide a standardized process available to the Total Force
(Active, Guard, Reserve, and Civilian) for career development and
mentoring. Airmen can be proactive about their career development
and mentoring relationships.
Virtual Force Development Center (vFDC)
The vFDC was designed with all Airmen (Civilian, Officer, or
Enlisted) in mind. It is a one-stop site that links to numerous
self-development and institutional force development resources.
WPAFB Education and Training Section SharePoint
Mission: Develop the WPAFB Workforce for current and future
assignments through effective and efficient management of
Education and Training services.
Training Delivery Classes
The following are a sample of classes offered free of charge to Wright-
Patterson military and civilian employees. For a full list of courses and
their descriptions, visit the Education and Training Center SharePoint:
To register, visit:
Conflict Management in the Workplace
(4 hours)
Creative competition drives innovation; harmful conflict is the
root cause of a toxic work environment. Students will explore the
differences between the two as well as types of conflict, levels and
sources of conflict, interpersonal tools to consider when conflicts
arise, different approaches to conflict, and a four step model that
guides re-establishing trust between parties. This course concludes
with a group practical exercise.
motional Intelligence
(4 hours)
This course explores a different way of thinking about
intelligence and how it can strengthen our personal and
professional lives. Emotional Intelligence consists of self-
awareness, impulse control, persistence, self-motivation,
empathy and social dexterity. Also, explains the history and
the science behind how we think. Provides suggestions for
improving emotional intelligence. Learning what scientists have
discovered can make you happier, healthier and more intuitive,
leading you towards a more intellectually enriched life.
Flight Leadership Course (FLC)
(24 hours)
A 3-day orientation for new flight
commanders or similar level leaders
focused on leadership development
and application at the unit-level.
The courses is designed to improve
understanding of flight commander
roles, duties, and responsibilities.
Increase proficiency in key flight-
level leadership skills
Tactical Leadership Course
(48 hours)
Designed for First and Second Lieutenants to provide awareness of
current AF issues, policies, and mission. Designed to provide the
necessary tools to develop means to enhance camaraderie and ability to
network with a cross section of peers. Course will provide interaction
with senior officers, Air Force civilians, and enlisted personnel.
Communication & Briefing Skills
(12 hours)
In a blended-learning environment of self-paced learning and
classroom instruction, participants will learn to communicate
and form messages in a clear, concise, and succinct manner to
ensure effective communication. Each participant will gain a
level of understanding by seeking input and validating written
and verbal communication effectiveness.
Excel 2013: Level 1
(4 hours)
This instructor-led course introduces skills necessary for
development of spreadsheets, managing and enhancing multiple
worksheets, charts, and graphics, creating simple formulas, and
copying and moving data. Learn how to work ranges, format
numbers, text, cells, use the office assistant, page setup, auto
format, and online help.
Excel 2013: Level 2
(4 hours)
Students will learn to manage data using advanced filters.
Students will complete activities enabling them to learn how to
display data on spreadsheets through the use of conditional
formatting, pivot tables, and advanced charting features.
Excel: Data Analysis and Formulas
(3 hours)
This instructor-led course provides a hands-on approach to data
analysis using Microsoft Excel 2010. Participants will learn to create
simple formulas, use range names, auto filter, and financial
as well as work with pivot tables and understand
Conducting Effective Meetings
(2 hours)
This course will discuss how to conduct the perfect meeting
using the four ‘musts’:
1. Set a HARD objective
Provide an AGENDA
4. Keep STRICT time limits
Topics covered include: who to
invite (and not invite), several systems that will help
(SharePoint and DCO), and creating a meeting template.
One Note 2013
(3 hours)
This instructor-led course is designed for users who take notes, create
continuity books, document research, and use automated tools to
organize and manage those documents. In this course, students will
create, edit, organize, and enhance notes/documents and also integrate
them with other applications using Microsoft OneNote 2013.
Word 2013: Level 1
(4 hours)
This instructor-led course will cover basic concepts required to
produce various types of documents. Students will utilize Word
2013 to cover basic skills including creating, editing, and enhancing
documents using formatting and styles. Students will build
personalized efficiency tools using the Word 2013 environment to
effectively create professional documents.
Word 2013: Level 2
(4 hours)
Students will create, manage, revise, and distribute complex
documents utilizing multiple tools in the Word 2013 environment.
Students will also learn how to use items such as graphics and charts
from various other applications to create professional documents.
PowerPoint 2013: Level 1
(4 hours)
Students will create presentations, insert slides, format and
modify presentation slides, edit graphics, charts, and navigate
through a PowerPoint slide show.
PowerPoint 2013: Level 2
(4 hours)
Students will create charts, use tables and Smart Art, insert
photos, apply special effects, customize presentations using
master slides, and export PowerPoint outlines.
Generations in the Workplace
(2 hours)
Navigating the generational workplace has become increasingly
more difficult over the past few years. Generations in the
Workplace attempts to explain why. This fun and interactive
instructor led course guides attendees though the four
generations that comprise Wright-Patterson: Traditional, Baby
Boomer, Gen X, and Millennials. Attendees will be able to
explore characteristics of each and learn how to combine the
generations to become stronger and more productive teams.
Access 2013: Level 1
(4 hours)
This instructor-led course demonstrates the basic concepts and
practical applications of relational databases, through the construction
of tables, relationships, and queries. The student learns through
completion of various activities to create a database as well as to extract
and manipulate data using common queries, forms, and reports.
Access 2013: Level 2
(4 hours)
This instructor-led course offers advanced applications of
relational databases using Access 2013. Students will learn to
extract and manipulate data using advance queries, forms, and
reports that will be created through various completed activities.
Access 2013: Level 3
(4 hours)
This instructor-led course provides a hands-on approach to data
analysis. Participants learn how to create cross tab queries, run macros
to automate tasks, create data validation and data entry macros, as well
as import objects from other applications.
Basic Aircraft Fundamentals
(8 hours)
The overall objective of the training is
to enhance employee performance by
providing training that gives the student a
basic knowledge of aircrafts in the USAF
inventory. This will include mission, capabilities, fundamental design
features, and major systems.
Bullying in the Workplace
(3 hours)
This course defines what bullying is, what it is not, and how bullying
differs from harassment. Participants will be able to identify
behaviors associated with bullying in the workplace and discuss
recommended strategies and appropriate courses of action to
address and effectively counter workplace bullying.
Fundamentals of Team Building
(3 hours)
This 3 hour, instructor led course will provide the definition of a
team, the mission of a team, and explain the guidelines of
building effective teams. This course will also identify major
parts of teams, list the roles of each participant, expected
behaviors in a team dynamic, and state key components of
building effective teams. An activity will then be conducted to
broaden the participants understanding of team building.
Managing Learning Styles
(2 hours)
This course defines personal learning styles and provides suggestions
for leaders who want to build a strong dynamic team based on learning
modalities as defined by Neil D. Fleming of Christchurch, New Zealand
and referenced in AFMAN36-2234 and AFMAN36-2236. This fun
and interactive course demonstrates the importance of knowing your
learning style and the learning style of people on your team.
The Professional Image
(4 hours)
This instructor-led course address professional image as it relates
to the work environment. Discussion topics address the three
areas that define professional behavior: attitude, accountability,
and actions. Attendees assess their current level of professionalism
and focus on those areas where development is needed. At the end
of the course, attendees will commit to action items that continue
the development of their professional image.
Force Development Courses
The following are a sample of classes offered. For a full list of courses
and descriptions, visit the Education and Training Center SharePoint:
To register, visit:
Leadership Courses
These courses were developed from imperative core competencies and
are designed for the evolving leaders of the Air Force to interact with
senior leadership and subject matter experts while networking with a
cross section of peers.
Tactical Leadership Course 16 hours
Flight Leadership Course 24 hours
Application Courses
Ranging from beginner level to advanced technical concepts, these
courses are designed to empower students at every level to gain
proficiency in frequently used applications.
ETMSWeb for Supervisors 2 hours
ETMSWeb for Training Managers 2 hours
Microsoft Access Level 1 4 hours
Microsoft Access Level 2 4 hours
Microsoft Access Level 3 4 hours
Microsoft Excel Level 1 4 hours
Microsoft Excel Level 2 4 hours
Microsoft Excel Level 3:
Data Analysis and Formulas 3 hours
Microsoft OneNote 3 hours
Microsoft Outlook 4 hour
Microsoft PowerPoint Level 1 4 hours
Microsoft PowerPoint Level 2 4 hours
Microsoft Word Level 1
4 hours
Microsoft Word Level 2
4 hours
SharePoint for Site Members 4 hours
SharePoint for Site Owner 8 hours
Practical Courses
These core competency and management based courses are designed
around popular workplace issues, offering strategies and practical advice
for managing and working with a diverse workforce.
Action Officer Workshop 4 hours
Air Force Training Course 8 hours
Basic Aircraft Fundamentals 8 hours
Building a Culture of Trust 4 hours
Bullying in the Workplace 3 hours
Business Etiquette Basics 3 hours
Coaching & Mentoring for Leadership Success 2 hours
Communication & Briefing Skills 12 hours
Conducting Effective Meetings 2 hours
Conflict Management in the Workplace 4 hours
Delivering Effective Feedback 2 hours
Dynamic Team Building 4 hours
Emotional Intelligence 4 hours
Excellence in Customer Satisfaction 4 hours
Front Stage Customer Service 3 hours
Fundamentals of Team Building 3 hours
Generations in the Workplace 2 hours
Managing Learning Styles 2 hours
Study & Test Taking Skills 2 hours
The Professional Image 4 hours
Time Management: Concept and Application 4hours
Unit Funded Courses
DiSC Personality Course 2 hours
Speed of Trust Foundations 8 hours
Franklin Covey Courses
5 Choices to Extraordinary Productivity 16 hours
7 Habits of Highly Effective People 24 hours
Meeting Advantage 8 hours
Millennials @ Work
8 hours
Presentation Advantage 16 hours
Project Management Essentials
for the Unofficial Project Manager 16 hours
Writing Advantage 8 hours
7 Habits for Managers
16 hours
Leadership Foundations 8 hours
Leadership: Great Leaders,
Great Teams, Great Results 24 hours
Leadership Module Series : Inspiring Trust 4 hours
Leadership Module Series:
Unleashing Your Team’s Talent 4 hours
Leadership Module Series: Leading
Across Generations 4 hours
Leading at the Speed of Trust 16 hours
Managing Millennials 8 hours
Information & Learning Online Resources
The following e-Resources as well as many more are available on the
AF Portal,
A9, where you can create/register for an account. Thereafter,
access some of the online resources through personal devices:
Downloadable and Streaming Media
Download eBooks, audiobooks, and video as well as language
learning materials.
(CAC not required)
EBSCO eBooks & Audiobooks
Offers over 8,000 eBooks and Audiobooks.
Click on Sign In”
Create your personalized
My EBSCOhost
account by clicking
on “Create a New Account.” This account will work with all
EBSCOhost products.
RBdigital eBook, Audiobooks, and Digital Magazines
Offers a wide selection of eBooks (8,000+), unabridged audiobooks
(15,000+), and Digital Magazines.
(Initial access through AF Portal; CAC required only to register.)
A digital media service that allows users to borrow movies, music,
audiobooks, eBooks, comics, and TV shows.
(Initial access through AF Portal; CAC required only to register.)
An online brain-training system that offers 29 exercises specialized to work
out your attention, brain speed, memory, people skills, and intelligence.
(CAC required)
Language and Culture
AF Culture and Language Center
Offers a variety of resources to help Airman become
cross-culturally competent.
(CAC not required)
Mango Languages
Register through AF Portal or in-
person at the Information Learning
(CAC not required)
PressReader Digital Newspapers
Delivers unlimited digital access to over 7,000 newspapers from
120 countries in more than 60 different languages.
(Access through AF Portal; CAC required)
Special Interest Resources
ArtistWorks Music Lessons
Access to hundreds of video lessons in guitar, piano, drums,
ukulele, bluegrass, classical, jazz, hip-hop scratch, and more.
(CAC required)
Chilton Automotive Maintenance Library
Access to automotive repair information for thousands of years,
makes, and models.
(CAC required)
Small Engine Repair Reference Center
Contains over 400 reference books with original photos and illustrations
for small engine repair assistance. This collection of full-text content
provides detailed, user-friendly repair guides for all types of small engines.
EBSCO Research Databases
The following databases can be accessed with your EBSCOhost
account. CAC is required to create EBSCOhost account. Follow
EBSCO eBooks instructions.
Academic Search Premier Account
Multidisciplinary research database providing full-text journals and
BritannicaAcademic Edition
Provides fast and easy access to high-quality, comprehensive
(CAC required)
GALE Online Resources
Enhances the learning experience with current and relevant digital content.
(Access through AF Portal; CAC required)
Learning Express Library
Features 1,000 online tutorials, practice tests, and eBooks to help
patrons of all ages.
Universal Class
Offers over 500 online courses on a wide range of subjects/levels.
(CAC not required.)
News & Reference Resources
Consumer Reports
Provides access to 1,000+ ratings, reviews, expert buying advice, product
comparisons, consumer user reviews, and product video clips.
(Access through AF Portal.)
Federal Soup
Provides access to the Federal Employees News Digest (FEND). It also
provides access to the Federal Employees Almanac.
(CAC required)
Global Incident Map
A fully customizable map that displays critical events happening in
real time across the globe.
(CAC required)
NFPANational Fire Codes
Provides access to more than 300 codes and standards, as well as
every NFPA Handbook.
(CAC required)
PressReader Digital Newspaper
Delivers unlimited digital access to over 7,000 newspapers from 120
countries in more than 60 different languages.
(CAC required)
Provides expert analysis in international affairs, public policy, and security.
(CAC required)
U.S. Major Dailies Newspapers
Provides full-text, same day publication access to five major US
newspapers: New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune,
Los Angeles Times, and Washington Post.
(CAC required)