You guide me
with your instruction
and at the end
you will receive me with honor.
Psalm 73:24 (Good News Translation)
God’s Guiding Word:
God’s Guiding Word:
Colossians –
Colossians –
Colossians —
Colossians –
Colossians —
Psalm 
Colossians –
Colossians –
Mark –
 Mark –
 Mark –
 Mark –
 Mark –
 Mark –
 Mark –
 Mark –
 Mark –
Week of Prayer for
Christian Unity Begins
 Mark —
 Mark –
 Mark –
Ecumenical Sunday
 Mark –
 Mark –
 Acts –
 Acts –
 Acts –
 Acts –
 Acts –
 Acts –
 Acts –
 Acts –
 Acts –
The Octave for Christian Unity is
January18–25, 2024.
Psalm 
Psalm 
Psalm 
John –
John –
John –
John –
John –
John –
 John –
 John –
 John –
 John –
Ash Wednesday
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
First Sunday in Lent
 John –
 John –
 John –
 John –
 John –
 John –
 John –
Second Sunday in Lent
 John –
 John –
 John –
 John –
 John –
God’s Guiding Word:
God’s Guiding Word:
World Day of Prayer
Habakkuk –
Habakkuk –
Third Sunday in Lent
Habakkuk –
Nehemiah –
Nehemiah –
Nehemiah –
Nehemiah –
Esther –
Esther –
Fourth Sunday in Lent
 Esther –
 Esther –
 Esther –
 Esther —
 Esther –
 Esther –
 Esther –
Fifth Sunday in Lent
 Psalm 
Great Lent (Orthodox)
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
Palm/Passion Sunday
 Mark –
 Mark –
 Mark –
 Mark –
Maundy Thursday
 Mark –
Good Friday
 Mark –
 Mark –
Easter Sunday
 Mark –
John –
John –
John –
John –
Jude –
Ephesians –
Ephesians –
Ephesians –
Ephesians –
 Ephesians –
 Ephesians –
 Ephesians —
 Ephesians –
 Isaiah –
 Isaiah –
 Isaiah –
 Isaiah –
 Isaiah –
 Isaiah –
 Isaiah –
 Isaiah –
 Isaiah –
 Isaiah –
 Isaiah –
 Isaiah –
 Isaiah –
 Isaiah –
 Isaiah –
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
Orthodox Christians observe Holy
Week from April 28—May 4 and
celebrate Pascha on May 5 and
so may wish to substitute the
readings from March 24–30 in
place of those for April 28—May 4
and substitute the readings from
March 31—April 6 in place of those
for May 5–11. These substitutions
will enable the Passion and
Resurrection readings to coincide
with the Orthodox dates.
God’s Guiding Word:
Spiritual Renewal
God’s Guiding Word:
Psalm 
National Day of Prayer
Psalm 
Psalm 
Psalm 
Pascha (Orthodox Easter)
Psalm 
Psalm 
Psalm 
Psalm 
Ascension Day
Acts –
 Acts –
 Psalm 
 John –
 John –
 John –
 John —a
 John b-
 John –
 John –
 Acts –
 Acts –
 Acts –
 Acts –
 Acts –
 Acts –
 Acts –
 Acts –
 Acts –
 Acts –
 Acts –
 Acts –
 Acts –
Genesis –
Genesis –
Genesis –
Genesis –
Genesis –
Genesis –
Genesis –
Genesis –
Genesis –
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm –
 Psalm –
 Psalm –
 Psalm –
 Isaiah –
 Isaiah –
 Isaiah –
 Isaiah –
 Jeremiah –
 Jeremiah –
 Jeremiah –
 Jeremiah –
 Jeremiah –
 Jeremiah –
 Haggai –
 Haggai –
 Zechariah –
 Zechariah –
 Zechariah –
Orthodox Christians will observe
Ascension Day on June 13 and
Pentecost on June 23.
Joshua –
Joshua –
Joshua –
Joshua –
Joshua –
Joshua –
Joshua –
Judges –
Judges –
 Judges –
 Judges –
 Judges –
 Judges –
 Judges –
 Judges –
 Judges –
 Judges –
 Judges –
 Ruth –
 Ruth –
 Ruth –
 Ruth –
  Samuel –
  Samuel –
  Samuel –
  Samuel –
  Samuel –
  Samuel –
 Romans –
 Hebrews –
 Hebrews –
God’s Guiding Word:
Mercy and Forgiveness
God’s Guiding Word:
Isaiah –
Isaiah –
Isaiah –
Isaiah —
Isaiah –
Isaiah –
Jeremiah –
Jeremiah –
Jeremiah –
 Jeremiah –
 Jeremiah –
 Jeremiah –
 Jeremiah –
 Lamentations –
 Lamentations –
 Ezekiel –
 Ezekiel –
 Ezekiel –
 Ezekiel –
 Ezekiel –
 Joel –
 Joel –
 Zephaniah –
 Zephaniah –
 Zephaniah –
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Philemon –
God’s Guiding Word:
God’s Guiding Word:
Justice and Peace
Mark –
Mark –
Mark –
Mark –
Mark –
Mark –
 Kings –
 Kings –
Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Proverbs 
 Proverbs 
 Proverbs 
 Proverbs 
 Psalm –
 Psalm –
 Psalm –
 Psalm –
 Psalm –
 Psalm –
 Psalm –
 Psalm –
 Psalm –
 Psalm –
 Psalm –
 James –
 James –
 James –
 James –
 James –
Psalm 
Psalm 
Psalm 
Psalm 
Psalm 
World Communion Sunday
 Corinthians –
Psalm 
Psalm 
Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Deuteronomy –
 Ezekiel –
 Ezekiel –
 Isaiah –
 Isaiah –
 Isaiah –
 Isaiah –
 Isaiah –
 Isaiah –
 Isaiah –
 Isaiah –
 Isaiah –
 Amos –
 Amos –
 Amos –
 Amos –
 Amos –
 Amos –
 Amos –
 Amos –
 Amos –
God’s Guiding Word:
Praise and Thanksgiving
God’s Guiding Word:
Tell us how reading the Bible has impacted your life.
Psalm 
Psalm 
Psalm 
Psalm 
Psalm 
Psalm 
Psalm 
Psalm 
Psalm 
  Chronicles –
  Chronicles —
  Chronicles –
  Chronicles –
  Chronicles –
 Psalm –
 Psalm –
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm –
 Psalm –
 Psalm 
Thanksgiving Day
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
 Psalm 
First Sunday of Advent
Psalm 
Luke –
Luke –
Daniel —a
Malachi –
Malachi –
Malachi –
Second Sunday of Advent
Malachi –
Revelation –
 Revelation –
 Revelation –
 Revelation –
 Revelation –
 Revelation –
Third Sunday of Advent
 Revelation –
 Revelation –
 Isaiah –
 Isaiah –
 Isaiah –
 Isaiah —
 Luke –
Fourth Sunday of Advent
 Luke –
 Luke –
 Luke –
Christmas Day
 John –
 John –
 John –
 Luke –
 Revelation –
 Revelation –
 Isaiah –