Leader Guide
W H A T N O W ?
Leader Guide
Cross Hill Press and Hannah Duggan • All Rights Reserved 3
What Now? has been designed to meet you and your group right where you are. In the midst of your crazy,
busy, overwhelming lives, this Bible study is meant to be an escape from the madness. My prayer for your
study group is that this book is going to be a faith-catalyst for each of you as individuals, but also as a
I know that your life, and the lives of your group are insane. Between school, work, and that whole
figuring-out-life thing, the members of your group probably don’t have hours to pour into this study. And
that’s okay. These ten chapters are power packed with simple truths that have the potential to revolutionize
our approach to our fears, doubts, and decisions. This is not a complicated book of theology. What Now?
is a practical look at God’s will in every area of our everyday lives.
Leading a group can be a terrifying prospect for anyone, which is why this leader guide is full of
discussion questions, study resources, and fun ice breakers. Whether you’re a seasoned Bible teacher or a
first-time small group leader, this leader guide will help you in each step of your journey through this study.
If this is your first time leading a Bible study, visit my website (www.authorhannahduggan.wordpress.com)
and download the free PDF guide, How To Lead a Bible Study and Not Die.
What Now? is designed as a session-driven Bible study. This means that the first time your group gets
together you will read the first chapter, and assign the first week’s homework. However, there are several
ways you can format your study.
ook Club: Some groups prefer the book club format. This set up requires the members of your
group to read the week’s chapter on their own time, then come together weekly to do the study guide
portion together as a discussion. Some leaders choose this format because they don’t want the
embarrassment of reading aloud. However, there is a problem with this format, and that is that Young
Adults don’t like homework. If you expect your participants to read the chapter on their own, chances are
at least half of them will show up having not read the chapter. To make sure everyone is one the same page
(quite literally), I don’t recommend assigned reading.
hat Read Repeat: I’ve seen great success with the “Chat Read Repeat” method both in my own
small groups and the many study groups I’ve had the privilege to chat with. In this format, each individual
is expected to complete the chapter study guides on their own time. When your group meets, you can
discuss the previous week’s homework, read the current chapter together, and assign the correlating study
guide for the coming week. This is a wonderful format that I’ve used for my previous studies. It leaves a lot
W H A T N O W ?
Leader Guide
Cross Hill Press and Hannah Duggan • All Rights Reserved 5
of room for the individuality of your group. You can take turns reading the chapters or ask members of your
group to read the Scriptures aloud as your come across them.
he What Now? Workshop: To ensure that everyone in your group gets the most out of this study,
this format creates a full study experience every week with no assigned reading or homework for the
individual. Instead, there is a weekly challenge that you and your group can embark on together, which I’ll
talk more about later. This is the ideal format for this study. It allows every young adult in your group to
fully engage without feeling the pressure of one more homework assignment. This format also allows you
to be flexible with your group. This leader guide has been created to fit “The What Now? Workshop” format.
owever you choose to format your study, know that your group has come to get away from the rest of
their lives and meet with God. You job as the leader is to do whatever you need to do to make sure that
this study time is fun for them and frustration-free for you.
1. Plan your environment. One of your jobs as a facilitator is to create a comfortable environment.
You might have people in your group that don’t want to go near a church. Meeting in a sanctuary
is going to freak them out, and you’re going to lose them. Find a central place where each of your
group members will be comfortable. Maybe that’s a school gym, someone’s living room, or your
favorite hipster coffee shop. Whatever you do, avoid a lecture/classroom set up. (I have nothing
against classrooms or sanctuaries. They make great meeting places, but if you do meet in this kind
of setting, gather around a table, or circle up some seats, rather than standing up front. Meeting
on the same level will bring you down to earth as a leader and encourage your group members to
open up.) If you do all the talking, your group members are going to clam up and zone out. Keep
your group engaged by making them comfortable
2. L
et there be food. Need I say more? I love food. You love food. Chances are, your group probably
loves food. If at all possible make sure that there will be coffee, cookies, or some enticing snack for
your group. Some people love to bake. Some people love a pack of Oreos. (That hipster coffee shop
is sounding better and better, isn’t it?) This might seem like a trivial point, but one of my favorite
fun facts about Jesus is that He loved to share a meal. He was famous for eating with people
(Matthew 9:11). Many of His miracles, parables, and deepest truths took place around a table full
W H A T N O W ?
Leader Guide
Cross Hill Press and Hannah Duggan • All Rights Reserved 7
of food. He knew that while His audience’s spirits were willing, their flesh was weak. So in the words
of Jesus, “Give them something to eat.” Matthew 14:16.
3. K
eep it real. Often, as leaders we feel the need to enforce our credibility and authority by erecting
a façade. Put plainly, this never works. Your group doesn’t want to be led by the super Christian.
They don’t expect you to be perfect. They don’t want you to have it all figured out. They want
someone who is willing to be open and honest. I can promise you that you are going to show up
to Bible study frustrated and angry and feeling less than worthy. Why? Because Satan hates what
you’re doing, and is going to try to take you off course. It’s an occupational hazard. Don’t feel like
you have to hide that from your group. If you had a terrible week and are barely crawling into Bible
study, tell them that. Because if you’re willing to be honest about your struggles, it will encourage
an environment of honesty and safety and cause them to be more ope
4. S
ay hi! This is by no means a must, but I love to hear from groups who are doing this study.
ould love to be in prayer for all of you. I’ve had the opportunity in the past to Skype and even visit
groups who’ve done my studies. To find out how I can connect with your study group, visit the
contact page on my website or write me an email at authorhannahduggan@gmail.com.
5. C
enter your heart. Many Bible study leaders suggest praying for each member of your group b
ame before Bible study ever begins. I LOVE doing this. As I pray for the people in my small group
I’m given fresh insights to the Lord’s love for them. During the study, I recommend asking them
what they would like prayer for. Write down those prayer requests, because as much as we try, none
of us remember them. One group study I was a part of created a group text and sent the prayer
requests to the members each week as a reminder to pray for one another. We need each other in
the Body of Christ. We need to hold each other up when life is rough. Group studies are the perfect
opportunity for us to draw closer to the Lord and to each other. I will not pretend that this is easy.
You will be at war with the Devil from the moment you begin this journey. Before it all starts, get
down on your knees and fight for your group, fight for your confidence, fight for your joy. God has
put you in this place of leadership for a reason. Do not fear that, but don’t take it lightly either.
Center yourself on the identity you’ve been given in Christ. You and I are flawed, imperfect leaders,
but we have been given all that we need for life and godliness. So stand strong and lead with grace.
Let’s get started!
1. Read the “How to Use This Book” section found on page v of What Now? and look over Chapter 1.
Read through the Chapter 1 Study Guide.
2. Pray for your group and the study ahead. Lift up each member of your group, praying for the things
that might prevent them from engaging in the study
3. P
repare your environment. Circle up those chairs, put on that worship music, order that pizza.
Whatever you’ve got to do to create an inviting environment.
4. G
et your materials together. This week, everyone will need
A pen
A copy of What Now?
A blank sheet of paper for the Ice Breaker game
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Leader Guide
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1. Le
t everyone come in and get comfortable. Ask them about their week. Connect with them.
2. T
his week’s Ice Breaker Game:
Two Truths and a Lie. Pass out one sheet of paper and a pen or pencil to everyone. Give your
group five minutes to write down three statements about themselves. Two of them are true. One
of them is a lie. Each member will read their three statements, and the other members will guess at
which statement is false. This game is fun whether your group is unfamiliar with each other or gre
up together.
3. I
ntroduce the book. When the game is finished, pass out the books and read the descriptio
4. P
ray with your group.
5. G
et them talking. Start with this opening discussion:
e hear the phrase, “God’s Will” thrown around in church all the time. What does it actually
Often when we talk about wanting God’s will we simply mean that we want to understand
the future. This book discusses figuring out our futures, but also talks about finding God’s
will in every area of our lives. What are other areas of your life where you want to be in-
step with God’s will?
Explain the format you are going to take with this study, what each Bible study session wil
look like, and what will be expected from your group as far as weekly assignments.
6. B
e sure that everyone has a Bible and ask each of your group members to look up a different vers
und in this week’s chapter. As you come across verses while reading the chapter, don’t just read
right over them. Involve you group by asking each person to read their verse aloud. Start by asking
someone to read Exodus 3:14 before you get into Chapter 1.
7. R
ead “Chapter 1: The God We Think We Know.”
8. A
t the end of the chapter, ask if there was anything that stood out. Then move on to the study
9. F
or the Practical Challenge, each person will need to open their books to the Chapter 1 Study Guide
sure they each have a pen. Set a timer for five minutes. In those five minute, each of you
must write down ten words that come to mind when your think of God in the space provided.
10. When they’ve written down their words, ask your group the questions found on page 20.
11. F
or the Spiritual Challenge each person will need a Bible. Ask each member of your group to look
up a verse from the list on page 21 and ask them the questions found on page 22.
12. R
ead the Somewhat Unusual Challenge section of the study guide and tell each of your group
members to have their “Cathedral Momentsometime before you next meet. Next week you will
discuss the things that the Lord showed you in your “Cathedral Moment.”
13. T
ake Prayer requests from your group and pray over them before they leave.
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Leader Guide
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1. Be sure that you completed your “Somewhat Unusual Challenge” from last week’s study, andif
possibleremind your group to finish it before your meet
2. L
ook over Chapter 2 and the Chapter 2 study guide.
3. P
ray for your group and the study ahead.
4. P
repare your environment.
5. V
isit my website (www.authorhannahduggan.wordpress.com
) to print out the quiz for this week’s
ice breaker game. Chapter 2 centers on our identity in Christ. You and your group will discuss
different ways we try to identify ourselves. One of the most current ways is by personality quizzes.
On my website you will find a personality quiz called, “Which Middle School Girl Are You?” Print
one out for each member of your group members and print out a copy of the results for yoursel
You can find the quiz and the results
6. Gather your materials. This week each member of your group will need
A Bible
A copy of What Now?
A blank sheet of paper
A pen or a pencil
A copy of the “Which Middle School Girl Are You?” Quiz
1. Welcome everyone and make sure they’re comfortable.
2. This week’s Icebreaker:
Pop Quiz: Hand out the quizzes you printed out earlier and pass them out to your group. Tell them
that this week we are talking about identity. We find our identity in all sorts of things which is why
we can’t resist a personality quiz. Keep it fun and light as you and your group find out what kind of
iddle School girl they are. Read them their results.
3. W
hen the quiz is finished, pray with your group.
4. A
sk everyone to open their books to page 24 and discuss how each of you went about finding your
“Cathedral Moment” this week. As where they chose to go, how their time with God went, and what
new things they learned about His character.
5. R
ead “Chapter 2: Who am I?” and consider taking turns reading
6. At the end of the chapter, ask if there was anything that stood out. Then move on to the study
7. For the Practical Challenge, read the section found on pages 39 and 40. Then give your group
several minutes to write down their “False Names.”
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8. When each person has filled out their answers, ask them to read them aloud and discuss where this
False Name” came from and how it has affected them.
9. F
or the Spiritual Challenge ask a member of your group to read Isaiah 41:8-10, and ask them the
questions found on page 41.
10. Spend time in prayer as a group, allowing each member to release their false name and take up the
identity they’ve been given in Christ. Ask God to reveal His love to each person in your group and
to help each of you discover your true identity.
11. R
ead the Somewhat Unusual Challenge section of the study guide. Next week you’ll come together
and discuss the different ways your went about encouraging people with their true identity this
12. T
ake Prayer requests from your group and pray over them before they leave.
1. B
e sure that you’ve completed your “Somewhat Unusual Challenge” from last week’s study, and
if possibleremind your group to finish it before your meet
2. L
ook over Chapter 3 and the Chapter 3 study guide.
3. P
ray for your group and the study ahead.
4. Prepare your environment.
5. G
ather your materials. This week you will need
Bible for each person
Two blank sheets of paper for the Ice Breaker Game
A pen or a pencil for each person
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Leader Guide
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1. W
elcome everyone and ask about their week
2. T
his week’s Icebreaker:
Battle it Out: Divide your group into two teams. Tell them to pick a group spokesperson and
choose a team name. Read them the rules:
his week we are talking about spiritual warfare. We’re going to start this study off with a battle of
Bible knowledge. There will be six rounds of questions, and a seventh tie-breaking bonus question
worth three points. I will ask a question and your team will have a maximum of thirty seconds to
determine an answer. As soon as your team finds an answer, you must all raise your hands, at which
oint I will call on your team. If you answer correctly you will be awarded a point. If you answer
incorrectly, I will differ to the other team. If neither team gets the answer on their first try, no one
is awarded a point, and we move onto the next round. Any questions?
attle It Out Bible Questions
uestion 1 (Worth 1 Point): Where did Jesus Grow Up?
Answer: Nazareth
uestion 2 (Worth 1 Point): Fill in the blank: I can do all things through _____________.
Answer: Christ, who gives me strength (or correlating version of Philippians 4:13)
uestion 3 (Worth 1 Point): Which of the following was the name one of Jesus’ brothers?
a. John b. James c. Joseph d. Jesus had no brothers
Answer: b. James (who wrote the book of James)
uestion 4 (Worth 2 points): Fill in the blank. According to Ephesians 2:18, “It is by ________ we
have been saved, and that not of ourselves.”
Answer: Grace
uestion 5 (Worth 2 points): In week one we discussed the eight “I AM” statements of Jesus.
Without looking in your books, list two of them.
Possible answers: The Bread of Life, The Door, The Good Shepherd, The Branch, Before Abraham
was I AM, The Vine, The Resurrection and the Life, The Light of the World.
uestion 6 (Worth 2 points): Name three of the six pieces of the Armor of God as listed in
Ephesians 6 without looking them up.
Possible Answers: Belt of Trust, Breastplate of Righteousness, Shoes of Peace, Shield of Faith,
Helmet of Salvation, Sword of the Spirit.
For Question 7, hand a blank piece of paper and a pen or pencil to each team, and tell them to
assign someone who can write quickly.
uestion 7 (Worth 3 points): The team with the most accurate answers on their paper at the end
of this round gets three points. You have one minute to write as many books of the Bible as you
can think of. No looking them up!
Answer: Look at a Bible concordance for possible answers, and don’t let them fool you. Hezekiah
is not a book of the Bible.
3. W
hen you’ve finished the game, pray with your group.
4. A
sk everyone to open their books to page 42, and ask each of them to share their experiences
encouraging others this week.
5. Read “Chapter 3: Your Move” and consider taking turns reading.
6. A
t the end of the chapter, ask if there was anything that stood out. Then move on to the study
7. F
or the Practical Challenge, read the section found on pages 59 and 60 and give them several
minutes to identify their weakest places and possible strongholds, writing them in the space
provided on page 60.
8. A
sk each person to share one of these areas, making clear that this is a safe discreet environment
where they can share freely.
9. F
or the Spiritual Challenge ask a member of your group to read 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, ask them the
question on page 61, and read the section on page 62.
10. S
pend time in prayer as a group, praying specifically over the areas of spiritual captivity that have
been shared. Pray for protection from the Enemy and for strength in the battles ahead this week
W H A T N O W ?
Leader Guide
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11. Challenge each member of your group to target a specific area of temptation or spiritual captivity
in their life this week. Don’t call out your group or embarrass them, but make yourself available as
an accountability partner if they would like to share what they are struggling with.
12. Take Prayer requests from your group and pray over them before they leave.
1. B
e sure that you completed your “Somewhat Unusual Challenge” from last week’s study, andif
possibleremind your group to finish it before your meet
2. L
ook over Chapter 4 and the Chapter 4 Study Guide
3. P
ray for your group and the study ahead.
4. Prepare your environment.
5. G
ather your materials. This week each member of your group will need
A copy of What Now?
A timer
A pen or a pencil
W H A T N O W ?
Leader Guide
Cross Hill Press and Hannah Duggan • All Rights Reserved 19
1. W
elcome everyone and ask how their week went.
2. T
his week’s Icebreaker:
#WorstVacationEver: This chapter is about a journey that is going in circles. Ask the members of
your group to each share their worst/funniest summer break memory or vacation mishap.
3. W
hen everyone has shared their stories, pray with your group.
4. A
sk everyone to open their books to page 63 and discuss how they targeted specific areas of
temptation and spiritual bondage this week. Ask them if they faced spiritual attack this week or
experienced victories.
5. R
ead “Chapter 4: Cruise Ship Christianity” and consider taking turns reading
6. At the end of the chapter, ask if there was anything that stood out. Then move on to the study
7. Read
the first section of the Practical Challenge found on pages 83 and 84
8. Se
t a timer for five minutes. In those five minutes, have each of your participants make a list of
things that keep them from fully trusting God. These can be fears, doubts, or areas of spiritual
bondage. Don’t let them stop before the timer ends.
9. W
hen each person has filled out their answers, ask them to read them aloud and discuss why thes
reas keep them from fully trusting God
10. For the Spiritual Challenge ask a member of your group to read Numbers 13:26-33 and ask them
the questions found on page 85 and 86.
11. S
pend time in prayer as a group, praying over the areas each person has shared. Ask for the courage
to leave the cruise ship and head for the promised land.
12. R
ead the Somewhat Unusual Challenge section of the study guide on pages 87-88. Help each
member of your group figure out what they are going to fast from. Write them down and keep
your group accountable
13. T
ake Prayer requests from your group and pray over them before they leave.
W H A T N O W ?
Leader Guide
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1. B
e sure that you completed your “Somewhat Unusual Challenge” from last week’s study, andif
possibleremind your group to finish it before your meet
2. L
ook over Chapter 5 and the Chapter 5 Study Guide
3. P
ray for your group and the study ahead.
4. P
repare your environment
5. G
ather your materials. This week each member of your group will need
A copy of What Now?
A pen or a pencil
You’ll also want to find the list that you created last week detailing who was fasting and from
1. W
elcome everyone and ask how their week was.
2. This week’s Icebreaker:
No Really I’m Fine: We all have meltdowns. We all freak out. We all have different ways to deal
with stress. Ask your group to share the different ways they cope with meltdowns and bad days,
the tips that have helped them in the past, and any funny stories about a time when they had a
3. When everyone has shared their stories, pray with your group.
4. A
sk everyone to open their books to page 87 and ask them how their fasting went this week. Using
the list you wrote last week, ask them specifically how it went, if they saw any noticeable changes,
and what the Lord taught them by giving up that particular thing.
5. R
ead “Chapter 5: Ready, Set, Lose it!” and consider taking turns reading.
6. A
t the end of the chapter, ask if there was anything that stood out. Then move on to the study
7. Read the Practical Challenge found on pages 102-105 asking the questions as you go.
8. A
sk a member of your group to read Romans 8:26-28, discuss what it means, read the Spiritua
hallenge on page 106. Your group is going to do the Somewhat Unusual Challenge together. So
this is the challenge assignment for the week. Encourage each person to get that alone time wit
od, and pray over the stressful and meltdown-worthy areas of their lives without using words.
9. R
ead the Somewhat Unusual Challenge and ask your group the questions found on page 107.
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Leader Guide
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10. Take prayer requests and pray over your group. Pray for the times of stress and meltdown in each
person’s life. Ask the Lord to bless them as the Spirit helps them with the things they don’t know
how to pray for this week.
1. B
e sure that you completed your “Somewhat Unusual Challenge” from last week’s study, andif
possibleremind your group to finish it before your meet
2. L
ook over Chapter 6 and the Chapter 6 Study Guide. Read the Somewhat Unusual Challenge and
decide what you want your group to do to remember God’s faithfulness this week. Get any materials
you need for this project ahead of time.
3. P
ray for your group and the study ahead.
4. Prepare your environment.
5. G
ather your materials. This week each member of your group will need
A copy of What Now?
A pen or a pencil
Whatever you need for the Somewhat Unusual “Faithfulness” Challenge on page 127
W H A T N O W ?
Leader Guide
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1. W
elcome everyone and ask how their week went.
2. T
his week’s Icebreaker:
Yes and No: Sometimes finding God’s will is like a game of twenty questions. In this version of the
game, one person must think of a person, place, or thing. Each member may ask them one question
(if your group is small they may ask multiple questions), but they must respond using only the
words “Yes.” “No.” and “Sometimes.” At the end, your group must confer and agree on the object
they think it is and take a guess. You can play this game as many or as few times as your time slot
3. W
hen the game is finished, pray with your group.
4. A
sk everyone to open their books to page 106 and discuss how their time of prayer went this week.
What did it feel like to pray without using words? Did you discover anything new about the Lord?
5. Read “Chapter 6: When God Says No” and consider taking turns reading.
6. A
t the end of the chapter, ask if there was anything that stood out. Then move on to the study
7. R
ead the first section of the Practical Challenge and ask them the questions found on pages 123
and 124.
8. Ask a member of your group to read Numbers 13:26-33 and ask them the questions found on page
9. P
ray over your group and the specific trouble and difficulties each one of them has suffered or is
suffering. Ask for God to make His faithfulness to clear to them in their times of trouble.
10. R
ead the Somewhat Unusual Challenge on page 127 and start your group bouncing ideas around
on ways that each of you can remember God’s faithfulness this week. One of the best parts of being
a group is that you can take on these challenges together. Get creative! Create reminder tokens
while your together, or give each member of your group something they can carry around, or
commit to write something on the palms of your hand every day this week. I want to hear what you
came up with! Snap a picture and post it using the hashtag #whatnowstudy so that I can see and
share your fun ideas to remember God’s faithfulness.
11. T
ake Prayer requests from your group and pray over them before they leave
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1. B
e sure that you completed your “Somewhat Unusual Challenge” from last week’s study, andif
possibleremind your group to finish it before your meet
2. L
ook over Chapter 7 and the Chapter 7 Study Guide.
3. P
ray for your group and the study ahead.
4. P
repare your environment.
5. G
ather your materials. This week each member of your group will need
A copy of What Now?
A pen or a pencil
Two slips of paper for the ice breaker game
A timer for the ice breaker game
1. W
elcome everyone and ask how their week went.
2. This week’s Icebreaker:
Lie Detector: In this chapter we discuss five lies that we believe. Do you have a good lie detector?
Find out by playing this ice breaker game.
How to Play: Each person takes the two slips of paper. On one you will write a story that’s true. On
the other you make up a story about themselves. Make sure to make your fake story sounds as
detailed as possible, and your true story sounds as crazy and unbelievable as possible. When you’ve
written your stories, hold one in each hand and ask your group whether they would like you to read
them the story from your right hand or your left. When they choose, you will read them the story
our group has one minute to interrogate you. When the timer goes off, they must tell you whether
they think your story is true or false.
Give each member of your group a chance to play. If your group is large, split them into smaller
groups to play.
3. W
hen the game is finished, pray with your group.
4. A
sk everyone to open their books to page 127 and ask them how it went remembering the Lord’s
faithfulness this week. Did they get the chance to share the Lord with anyone as a result? What did
they learn about the Lord?
5. R
ead “Chapter 7: Somebody to Love” and consider taking turns reading.
6. A
t the end of the chapter, ask if there was anything that stood out. Then move on to the study
7. R
ead the first section of the Practical Challenge and ask them the questions found on page 143 and
8. F
or the Spiritual Challenge, ask a member of your group to read Hebrews 13:5-6 and ask them the
questions found on page 145.
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9. Read the section at the bottom of page 145 and pray with your group for contentment and patience
in whatever season they are in. Pray specifically for their future spouses and their commitment to
follow Christ.
10. Read the Somewhat Unusual Challenge on page 146-147 and challenge your group to follow
through with whatever relationship category they fall into. Tell them to create their list and be ready
to share it next week.
11. Take Prayer requests from your group and pray over them before they leave.
1. B
e sure that you completed your “Somewhat Unusual Challenge” from last week’s study, andif
possibleremind your group to finish it before your meet
2. L
ook over Chapter 8 and the Chapter 8 Study Guide
3. P
ray for your group and the study ahead.
4. Prepare your environment.
5. G
ather your materials. This week each member of your group will need
A copy of What Now?
A pen or a pencil
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1. W
elcome everyone and ask how their week went.
2. T
his week’s Icebreaker:
Odd Man Out: This week we’re talking about isolation and feeling left out of the group. So we’ll
start off with a game called Odd Man Out
How to Play: Divide your group into teams of three or four and explain how the round will work.
Round 1: One person per team must volunteer to be the Odd Man Out. They must leave the room
and not listen to the conversation of the other players. Each team must come up with a different
secret word. Once the teams have devised their secret words, send each Odd Man Out back to their
team. Each member of their team must give the Odd Man Out one hint word. Hint words may not
be contained in the secret word. It may not be more than one word, and may not be repeated by
more than one team member. When they’ve heard all their team’s hints, the Odd Man Out then
must guess what they think the secret word is. If they’re correct they’re team earns a point.
Round 2: Another player from the group must volunteer to be the new Odd Man Out and leave
the room. This time, each member of their team is allowed to give one, non-verbal hint or action
clue to the Odd Man Out. If the Odd Man Out can guess the secret word based on these hints, their
team earns a point
Round 3: Select another team mate to be the new Odd Man Out. (If you have teams of three, each
person will take a turn being the Odd Man Out.) This time, your team must agree on only one hint
word or action (You may not use both.). Whichever team can get their Odd Man Out to guess the
secret word first, wins three points (and the game).
3. W
hen the game is finished, pray with your group.
4. A
sk everyone to open their books to page 146-147 and ask your group to share some of the items
that made it onto the lists they were asked to create. Ask them how they are practically going to
make these dreams a reality.
5. R
ead “Chapter 8: Am I the Only One” and consider taking turns reading
6. A
t the end of the chapter, ask if there was anything that stood out. Then move on to the study
7. Read the first section of the Practical Challenge and ask them the questions found on pages 165-
8. A
sk a member of your group to read Hebrews 10:19-25 and ask the questions found on page 167.
9. D
iscuss with your group, the church family, or church families that you are a part of. Discuss ways
to keep isolation from creeping its way into your church family. What can you practically do to keep
people in your church from feeling isolated?
10. T
he first and most important thing that any of us can do is pray. Pray for your church together. Ask
that God would bind His church together. Pray for Him to show your specifically the people in your
church community who are slipping through the cracks.
11. Read the Somewhat Unusual Challenge on pages 167-168. Challenge your group to reach out to
someone who is distancing themselves from the safety of community. Make clear to your group
that if any of them feels isolated, the very group they are a part of loves them and wants them to
feel loved and involved. Be sure to check in with your group throughout the week to make sure
that they remember to do this.
12. T
ake Prayer requests from your group and pray over them before they leave
W H A T N O W ?
Leader Guide
Cross Hill Press and Hannah Duggan • All Rights Reserved 33
1. B
e sure that you completed your “Somewhat Unusual Challenge” from last week’s study, andif
possibleremind your group to finish it before your meet
2. L
ook over Chapter 9 and the Chapter 9 Study Guide
3. P
ray for your group and the study ahead.
4. P
repare your environment.
5. G
ather your materials. This week each member of your group will need
A copy of What Now?
A pen or a pencil
You will also need a blindfolds for the Icebreaker Game, a stop watch for the Icebreaker Game,
and anything you need for the obstacle course.
1. W
elcome everyone and ask how their week went.
2. This week’s Icebreaker:
lk the Walk: This chapter is all about faith and trust. We’re going to talk about our faith in God,
but first, let’s see if you guys can put your faith in one another.
How to Play: Divide your group into teams of two. Let each team choose who will lead and who
will follow. Once they’ve decided, send all of the followers out of the room and blindfold them. Set
the room up as obstacle course. It doesn’t have to be extensive, just unfamiliar to the followers. Call
the followers back in one at a time and allow their leader to guide them through the obstacle
course, using only their voice. The team that can complete the obstacle course with the least
amount of stumbles in the shortest amount of time wins.
3. W
hen the game is finished, pray with your group.
4. A
sk everyone to open their books to pages 167-168 and ask who they chose to reach out to (with
discretion) and how it went. Did the person respond? Did the Lord teach them anything through
he experience?
5. R
ead “Chapter 9: Taking the Leap” and consider taking turns reading.
6. A
t the end of the chapter, ask if there was anything that stood out. Then move on to the study
7. Read the first section of the Practical Challenge and ask them the questions found on pages 183-
8. F
or the Spiritual Challenge, ask a member of your group to read Matthew 14:22-33, and ask them
the questions found on pages 185-186.
W H A T N O W ?
Leader Guide
Cross Hill Press and Hannah Duggan • All Rights Reserved 35
9. Read the Somewhat Unusual Challenge on page 187 and challenge your group to put a fleece
before the Lord this week. They don’t have to specify what that is right now. But you will ask them
specifically about it next week.
10. Take Prayer requests from your group and pray over them before they leave.
1. B
e sure that you completed your “Somewhat Unusual Challenge” from last week’s study, andif
possibleremind your group to finish it before your meet
2. L
ook over Chapter 10 and the Chapter 10 Study Guide.
3. P
ray for your group and the study ahead.
4. Prepare your environment.
5. G
ather your materials. This week each member of your group will need
A copy of What Now?
A pen or a pencil
W H A T N O W ?
Leader Guide
Cross Hill Press and Hannah Duggan • All Rights Reserved 37
1. W
elcome everyone and ask how their week went.
2. T
his week’s Icebreaker:
Say Hi: You’ve reached the final week of your study. Well done, you! This week, rather than play a
game or start a discussion, you can connect with me. I’d love to have a fifteen minute Skype ca
with your group and hear all about your favorite parts of the study. You can organize a Live Chat
with me by writing me an email at authorhannahduggan@gmail.com . Let me know your time zone,
the size of your group, and the time you would like to meet. I can’t promise that I will be available,
but I would love to hang out with you guys for a few minutes to celebrate your end of study.
3. P
ray with your group.
4. A
sk everyone to open their books to pages 187 and ask what each of them chose as their ”Fleece.”
Did God answer them? What did they learn about the Lord?
5. Read “Chapter 10: What am I Doing With My Life?” and consider taking turns reading.
6. A
t the end of the chapter, ask if there was anything that stood out. Then move on to the study
7. R
ead the first section of the Practical Challenge and ask the questions found on pages 205-207.
8. F
or the Spiritual Challenge, ask a member of your group to read Psalm 37:3-8 and ask them the
questions found on pages 208-209.
9. R
ead the Somewhat Unusual Challenge on pages 210-211 and do a bit of dream-chasing as a
here is God calling you each individually right now?
Where is leading you as a group?
10. Congrats! You made it through all ten weeks in one piece. I can’t wait to hear what God is doing
through your group. You’ve found His will in so many areas of your lives. You’ve accomplished so
much in ten weeks. So the question is, What Now? I don’t know where the Lord will take you or
your group, but I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that He will lead you ever on, deeper into
His grace. Thank you for sharing this journey with me.