Danny Gagnon© PhD, Psychologist (514) 605-7610
1. Below is a list of common psychological needs that have been identified by
psychologists and individuals to be important to theory psychological health and
happiness. Go through the list and read each need. Circle each need that you feel is
important to you. There is no minimum or maximum number of needs that you have to
identify, so circle as many as apply to you. If you feel a need has been missed, make
sure to add it to the list!
accepted empowered noticed spontaneity
accepting family open stability
accomplished focused optimistic status
achievement forgiven order successful
acknowledged forgiving personal growth supported
admired friendship power treated fairly
affection free privacy trust
affiliation free-time productive understanding
alive fulfilled protected understood
amused happy proud useful
appreciated heard reassured valued
appreciative helped recognized wisdom
approved of helpful relationships work
attention honesty relaxed worthy
autonomy important reputation
belonging in control respected
capable included responsibility
challenged independent safe
competence intimacy satisfied
conscientiousness interested secure
confident knowledge self-actualization
control limits self-esteem
developed listened to sex
dominance loved significant
educated needed spirituality
Danny Gagnon© PhD, Psychologist (514) 605-7610
2. Next, it is important to define what that need means to you, as well as how you can
work to achieve it. For example, if intimacy is an important need, what does it mean to
you? Is it a simple hug of affection, is it lying in bed with your partner, is it sexual
intercourse, all of these, etc.? It is important to define each need because people can
vary in what a need means to them. Furthermore, once you have defined the need, it will
help you identify ways to have the need fulfilled.
Need: ________________ Definition: What does this need mean to me?
What behaviour can I engage in to get this need satisfied?
Need: ________________ Definition: What does this need mean to me?
What behaviour can I engage in to get this need satisfied?
Need: ________________ Definition: What does this need mean to me?
What behaviour can I engage in to get this need satisfied?
Need: ________________ Definition: What does this need mean to me?
What behaviour can I engage in to get this need satisfied?
Need: ________________ Definition: What does this need mean to me?
What behaviour can I engage in to get this need satisfied?