000137.52049 issue 0200
Minivator 1000 series
Installation Manual
First check that all the required components are available: 4
Special installation tools 4
To assemble the track 5
Fit the charge strip assemblies 6
To fit the end caps 8
To assemble the track to the feet 9
To assemble the track to the staircase 10
To change the power unit hand - Electrics 11
Fit the power unit to the track 12
Fitting the seat chassis to the power unit 13
Assembling the seat 14
To fit the seat to the chassis 16
Fit upholstery to the seat 17
To remove and replace armrest upholstery 17
Program the stairlift and handset 18
To change the hand required for control 19
Connect the track loom to the transformer, and test at final installation 20
Fit the hand control holder 21
Fit the powered folding rail 22
Changing the seat position 24
Appendix 1 Electrical diagram - Right hand 30
Appendix 2 Electrical diagram - Left Hand 31
Appendix 3 Electrical diagram - options. To build a standard left hand unit 32
Appendix 4 To change the power unit hand - Electrics 32
Appendix 5 Electrical diagram - options. To build a standard right hand unit 33
Fault analysis 34
Fault analysis - Other possible problems and tests 34
Minivator 1000 series Installation Manual
Minivator 1000 series Installation Manual
First check that all the required
components are available:
1 Lengths of track. Please note before
assembly ensure the track is the correct
If it requires cutting you must use the
appropriate grade of saw.
2 Feet. You will require 1 foot per 1.5m of track
plus 1.
2A Feet assembly plates and nuts/washers 1
assembly per foot.
3Track Joining plates. You will require 2 per
4 Power unit.
5 Seat chassis and seat.
6 Upholstery:-
Seat cushion (2).
Armrest Cushion (2).
7 Fitting Kit.
Special Installation Tools
1 Feeder track (Power pack to track).
2 Driving seat toggle loom.
3 300mm screwdriver extension.
The installation engineer must check with Minivator for the latest Installation
Manual issue No.
Minivator 1000 series Installation Manual
Fig. 1
To assemble the track
1 Bolt in the track joining plates to one
section of track extrusion (Fig. 1).
Note: There are 2 holes in the top rebated
section of the extrusion to accept the track
joining bolts.
On the underside there are also two holes,
as shown in Fig. 1.
Torque setting 8-9Nm.
2Offer up the adjacent track section, and
bolt both together (Fig. 2).
Ensure the bolts are secure (Torque setting
3 Continue the process until the required
length is reached.
Fig. 3
4 The top and bottom final limit stops are
factory fitted to the rear face of the track
extrusion. Slacken and rotate the upper final
limit stop, so that it does not contact the
power pack as it is loaded on to the track.
Note: Ensure the positioning lugs are not
damaged when the stop is rotated.
Note: Ensure the positioning lugs are
correctly located in the groove when the stop
is secured.
Re assemble as shown in (Fig. 3).
Tighten securely. (Torque setting 8 - 9Nm).
Final limit stop
Retaining lugs
Rotate top stop
to avoid
contact with the
power pack as
it is loaded
groove for
7 inches (180mm)
Fig. 2
Minivator 1000 series Installation Manual
Fig. 4A
Fig. 4
5 The stairlift end stop brackets are factory
The upper end stop must be removed to
load the power pack.
To re fit the end stop slide the retaining
hexagon headed screws into the track
extrusion, as shown in Fig. 4.
Screw up the nuts loosely, to allow the
brackets to slide to their required positions.
Tighten securely. (Torque setting 8-9Nm).
end stop
limit stop
6 Hinge track only. Fit the hinge track latch
switch on to the track extrusion, as shown
in figure 4A.
Note: This must be fitted prior to fitting
the override stops and end stops.
7Tuck the harness into the groove as shown
in figure 4B, and hold the harness in place
with the plastic studs as shown in figure
4B, and connect to the hinge track loom.
Fig. 4B
Minivator 1000 series Installation Manual
Charge strip assemblies
1 The charge strips are factory fitted. They
are pre assembled and snap into the
retaining groove in the track extrusion as
shown in Fig. 5 and 5A.
2 When the track sections are assembled the
gap between the top and bottom charge
strip assemblies must be filled with the
supplied filler strip.
Measure the gap between the charge
strips, cut the filler strip to length and snap
fit it into the groove. (It is an identical section
to the charge strips).
2 Feed the two core grey cable through the
track as shown in figure 5B
3 Using the two way connecting blocks wire
up the charging point cables to the two way
feed cable (Fig. 5C).
One of the wires on the grey two way cable
is has a black line moulded in for continuity
identification purposes.
5 Choose the most appropriate position for
the power supply.
Note: If this is at the top of the staircase
the bottom nut plate and end cap can
be fitted to the track.
Where the power supply is located at
the bottom, fit only the nut plate, to
enable the charging circuitry to be
connected to the tpower supply at the
final stage of fitting.
Fig. 5A
Snap fit the
charge strips
into this groove
Fig. 5B
Fig. 5C
Fig. 5
Snap fit the
charge strips
into this
Minivator 1000 series Installation Manual
To fit the end caps
1 Carefully tuck the connector and harness
into the track extrusion (Fig. 6)..
2 Slide in the nut plate pressing (Fig. 6 - this
is retained by barbed sprung sections
which lock against the inside of the track
Take care not to damage the charging
wiring as the pressing is being fitted
Figure 5D and 5E are schematics of the charging
wiring within the track
Fit the
bottom nut
Grooves in
Fig. 7
Fig. 6
Tuck the
into the
Charge polarity
Fig. 5D
Schematic of
track wiring
Right Hand Rail
Charge polarity
Twin cable
contacts with
flying leads
Two way
Fig. 5E Schematic
of track wiring - Left
Hand Rail
Minivator 1000 series Installation Manual
3 Fit the end cap (Fig. 8), taking care that
the end cap moulding retaining screw is
not over tightened, and that it avoids the
Hint: Pre-assemble the end cap, nut plate
pressing and retaining screw,
This assembly can then be feed into the
extrusion and secured as shown.
2 Only finger tighten the nuts at this stage,
to allow the foot to be adjusted in position
on the stair tread.
Note: The foot must be fitted with the
straight edge (three hole side) against the
To assemble the track to the feet
Ensure the track is the correct length before you
commence assembly.
1 Slide the foot assemblies into the track.
The foot retaining plate locates into the
extrusion, as shown in Fig. 9. Fig 10 & 11
show the individual components of the foot
Note: The pressings can be assembled
from the top or bottom of the track.
Fig. 9
Foot retaining
Slot in track
accepts retaining
Fig. 10
Retaining plates slide in track
Mounting foot- top only shown
Do not over tighten the
End cap
Fig. 8
Minivator 1000 series Installation Manual
To assemble the track to the staircase
3 Stand the feet on to the stairs, with one
foot on the top tread, and one foot on the
first tread, with the spacing even in
If possible fit one foot over the splice, or
as close as possible to it.
4Offer the track assembly to the stairs, and
fix the feet to the stair treads, see Fig. 14
for fitting dimension.
With the screws supplied locate the feet
using three rear screws per foot.
5 Vertically align the track along its whole
length, using a spanner on the single front
adjuster on each foot (Fig. 13).
Do not tighten the screws until the track
angle is correct for vertical alignment along
its whole length.
Fig. 13
Screw the adjuster up or
down to achieve the
correct level - using a
10mm A/F wrench,
(under the foot) or a
6mm Allen key (before
fittting the fixing screw)
Finally snap fit the
plastic covers over the
adjusting screws
When all the feet are
correctly adjusted
tighten all the fixing
Three fixing screws on each foot
Fig. 12
Note the bottom foot component is shown in
isolation for clarity
Fig. 11
Mounting foot-
Mounting foot-
top bracket
Mounting foot-assembly bolt.
Use the hole closest to the
nose of the stair tread.
6Tighten all feet to the track, and the feet
pivot bolts.
7 Snap fit the protective plastic covers over
the adjuster assemblies.
Failure to align the track and feet
correctly prior to tightening the
screws will twist the feet and lead
to permanent damage.
Minivator 1000 series Installation Manual
Figure 15 showing an end view of the track with
the top finishing extrusion in place and a foot
assembled to the track.
To change the power unit hand-Electrics
Note: Should the power unit require
changing hand, this must be done prior
to fitting to the track.
Then follow the sequence given in the
Appendix 3 and/or 4 to change the
1 Lay the power unit with its front face down.
2Take off the top and rear covers from the
power unit to reveal the main PCB and
wiring connectors (Fig. 16).
Follow the sequence stated in the
schematic electrical diagrams, Appendix 1
Note: All wires have numbered collars
for identification purposes.
Fully tighten the foot to stairtread screws. (Fig. 14).
Recheck the vertical alignment of the track, fit
locking nut and tighten the front screw.
This can be done when the power unit has been
loaded on to the track.
Note: A long shaft Pozidrive screwdriver will be
required for this operation.
Fig. 14 shows typical view on site.
The rear finishing extrusion groove should be
approximately 100mm from the wall.
(Dependant on the wall condition, and so that
any obstacle will clear the back of the seat).
Note this should ensure a seat clearance from
the wall of 25mm.
Fig. 15
Top finishing
Fig. 14
Use a long shaft screwdriver
to tighten the 3 screws
Stair Rail
To any obstacle that may
interfere with the back of
the seat
Fig. 16 Some wiring omitted for clarity
for setting
and speed
button (Red)
Minivator 1000 series Installation Manual
Fit the power unit to the track
1Take off the top cover from the power unit
2 Lay the power unit with its rear face down.
3 Slide the power unit fitting rail into the power
unit, and lock the power unit into place,
using the plastic locking studs (Fig. 17).
5 Carefully locate the power unit/fitting rail
on to the track (Fig. 18).
Note: Ensure the charging loom is not
When the fitting rail is securely attached,
tuck the charging loom into the cut out in
the fitting rail and check that it does not
This ensures the power unit override will
not be activated when the unit is being
driven on to the track.
Remove the power unit lock and carefully
allow it to role on to the track, until it starts
to engage with the rack.
6 Connect the dummy seat toggle looms:-
6 way to 6 way (Can only be fitted one way).
8 way to 8 way (Can only be fitted one way).
2.5mm² battery link across the flying battery
0.5mm² underpan link across the underpan
loom (Violet to Red).
8 Way connections as follows:
Plug Green to Orange.
Plug the 0.5mm² toggle link into the
common (Blue) connection on the 8 way
connector, and to drive the lift connect to
(Brown - Up), or (White - Down).
Note: These will change when hand of stairlift
changes (White - Up), or (Brown - Down)
Drive the power on to the track (Fig. 19).
Warning: Do not hand wind the power
unit on to the track, as this could trip the
Over Speed Governor (OSG).
7 When the power unit is fully and correctly
engaged with the rack remove the fitting
rail from the track, and the dummy seat
toggle looms
Fig. 17
Cut out
on fitting
Cut out
on fitting
Fig. 18
Power unit
fitting rail
Power unit locking stud
loom, and cut
out on fitting
Fig. 19
6 way
leads (Red)
and link
(Violet &
Red) and
link loom
8 way
Minivator 1000 series Installation Manual
Fitting the Seat Chassis to the power unit
1 Remove the front cover from the seat
chassis, to gain access to the mounting
Note: There are two pairs of straight slots
to give height adjustment to the footplate/
seat dimension
Note: they also allow the footplate/seat to
be adjusted towards or away from the
stairtread nose (Fig. 20).
Note: The power unit has arced slots on
the seat chassis interface, to set the angle
of the seat and footplate (see Fig. 17 - 19).
2Offer the seat chassis to the power unit
(Fig. 20), and using the nuts, bolts and
washers supplied secure the seat chassis
to the power unit, ensuring that the chassis
is in the correct vertical alignment.
Fit the flanged bolt in the radial slot and
assemble the eccentric washer by rotating
to locate it within the large slot and secure
with the M8 flange nut.
Note: Do not fully tighten the assembly at
this stage, as you will need to adjust the
footrest for vertical alignment.
Note: Do not pinch any harnesses whilst
assembling the chassis.
Tighten the retaining bolts to torque setting
33Nm. (Fig. 21).
Fig. 21
2 pairs
of slots
nuts and
Top pressing
cut away for
Fig. 20
M8 Flange
nut & bolt
The eccentric washer must be
fitted to ensure the correct
location of the seat assembly
Minivator 1000 series Installation Manual
Fig. 22
Fig. 23
Micro switch
Seat stem assy.
Nylon spacing
Retaining bolt, collar and washer
Fig. 24
Assembling the seat
1 Lay the seat rear face down on a suitable
non scratch surface.
2 Remove the seat stem retaining bolt ,collar
and washer (Fig. 22).
3 Fit the nylon spacer washer with its
bevelled inner diameter against the weld
(Fig 22).
4 Slide the seat stem assembly over the
retaining spigot on the seat (Fig. 23), taking
care not to damage the micro switch.
5 Ensure the seat stem assembly can rotate
into its lockable positions and that the micro
switch is undamaged.
Replace the retaining collar, washer and
bolt and tighten (Fig. 24).
It may be advisable to remove the micro
switch to avoid damage and to replace
it after the seat stem assembly is fully
Minivator 1000 series Installation Manual
6 Push out the required seat stem hole in
the base moulding. (These are held with
three moulded stems for ease of removing).
Slide the moulding over the seat stem (Fig.
25) and fit using the plastic slotted head
female screws provided (Fig. 26).
7 Slide the V shaped loom down the seat
stem, with the single 8 way connector at
the bottom (Fig. 27).
Fig. 25
Fig. 26
Plastic slotted head
female screws
Push out the required
seat stem hole
Fig. 27
Minivator 1000 series Installation Manual
To fit the seat to the chassis
1 Place the seat chassis top moulding on
the chassis, and feed the harness and seat
stem (and seat assembly) through the
holes in the moulding and chassis (Fig.
4 When all the checks are satisfactory fit the
seat chassis front cover, plug in the wiring
harness to the cover mounted switch and
neon (Fig. 30).
2 Feed the two seat retaining bolts through
the required holes in the seat stem and
footrest chassis. Fit the strengthening
plate, and the two retaining nuts and
tighten to 25Nm. torque (Fig. 29).
3 When fitted check for correct action of the
latching mechanism on the seat swivel
assembly. Check for any chafing on the
wiring harness. Connect the seat chassis
harness to the power unit.
Fig. 28
Fig. 29
Fig. 30
Minivator 1000 series Installation Manual
Fit upholstery to the seat
The seat backrest and cushions are held in place
with Velcro pads (Fig. 32).
To remove and replace armrest upholstery
Remove both armrest pads by rotating the
armrests vertically and unscrewing the Philips
head screws to release the armrests (Fig. 33).
5 Connect the 2 top plugs into their
respective sockets on the seat PCB and
infra red unit (Fig. 31).
Fig. 32
Fig. 33
Fig. 31
To In fra-Red
Philips head
screws (2)
Minivator 1000 series Installation Manual
Program the stairlift and handset
Rotate the seat through 90
to gain access
to the main control board as shown in Fig.
2 Press the red button on the main control
board (adjacent to the green connectors)
and keep it held down (Fig. 34).
Note: Wiring has been omitted for clarity.
3A If the lift is at the top of the stairs press the
DOWN button on the remote control (Fig. 35).
3B If the lift is at the bottom of the stairs press
the UP button on the remote control (Fig. 35)
4 Release the red button.
The lift and remote control are now programmed
for normal operation.
Should the lift require any additional
programming, first determine if the program is
standard, by pressing park on the hand set.
The lift should head upwards in standard mode.
Then move the dip switches on the main
controller board to the required settings (Fig.
Finally fit the power unit top cover.
Should there be more than one lift operating in
the same vicinity the handsets will require
1 Remove the 4 screws from the rear covers
and remove the covers to gain access to
the dip switches, which can be set in 4
different positions as shown in Fig. 37.
2 Set the switches as required and replace
the rear covers.
Note: Ensure each set of handsets have
the same dip switch settings.
Fig. 34
Fig. 35
Move lift up
Move lift
Fig. 37
Location of Main
controller board PCB
Fig. 36
Minivator 1000 series Installation Manual
To change the hand required for control
The chair is factory supplied for the user to use
their right hand for controlling the chair.
To change the control position:
1 Carefully unplug all armrest wire sockets
from the printed controller board (PCB)
located in the rear centre seat backrest
(Fig. 38), taking care to note the sockets
correct positions on the PCB.
2 Unclip the wires from their mountings on
the seat.
3 Remove the both armrest pivot covers, by
turning approximately 45% and lifting clear
(Fig. 39).
4 Unfasten the retaining screws on the
controller arm and carefully withdraw the
arm and control wires through the arm
mounting (Fig. 38, 39).
5 Unfasten the opposite arm and thread the
safety shut off wires through the arm
6 Fit the control arm on to its required
mounting, carefully threading the control
wires through the arm mounting moulding.
Tighten the mounting screws securely and
refit the cover moulding.
7 Fit the opposite arm following the sequence
outlined in 7 (Fig. 40 shows completed
8 Refit the sockets on to their respective
plugs on the control PCB (refer to Fig. 38),
and ensure the infra red detector is
correctly positioned in its transparent dome
in the rear of the backrest.
Note: If the detector is not correctly
positioned the hand control will not
operate the stairlift.
Fig. 39
Arm retaining screws
Arm retaining screws
Armrest pivot cover
Fig. 38
Fig. 40
Connect all
wires to seat
Power unit
and seat
chassis looms
Infra Red
Minivator 1000 series Installation Manual
Connect the track loom to the Power
Supply and test at final installation
Note: The Minivator 1000 series stairlift
is battery operated from the 33V output
power supply, and can therefore be
safely connected to the household
mains supply via the normal ring main.
1 Locate the power supply in an appropriate
position, and connect to the mains at a
fused spur or with a fused plug on to the
normal household ring main.
Note: All mains wiring must comply
with the standards in force at the time
of installation.
2 Connect the charging point wiring to the
transformer (Fig. 41, 41A, 41B).
3 Slide in the nut plate (this is retained by
springed sections which lock against the
iside of the track extrusion), as shown in
Fig. 42
(See also page 5 and 6).
4 Fit the final limit stop (Fig. 42).
5 Earth bond the track at base of the L
shaped end stop through the M5 clearance
hole specifically for cable connection.
6 Fit the top end stop to the stringer side of
the track (Fig. 42).
7 The magnetic limit stops can be adjusted
at this stage, to position the stairlifts static
position relative to the end of the track.
Note: They are held in place on a Velcro
backing strip. The whole strip must be
moved to give final adjustment.
Fig. 42
Fig. 41
Fig. 41B Schematic of track wiring - Left Hand track
Twin cable
Power supply
End stop Final
limit stops
Nut plate
Two way
Fig. 41A Schematic
of track wiring - Right
Hand track
Power supply
33V Output
Charge polarity
contacts with
flying leads
Minivator 1000 series Installation Manual
Fit the hand control holder
Fit the hand control holder to the wall in the
required position using the fixings supplied (Fig.
When the stairlift assembly is complete and
tested satisfactorily demonstrate all the
features on the hand control.
Note; the hand controller can be fixed into the
holder by locking it with the supplied plastic
7Tuck the 2 way connecting block and wiring
into the track.
Fit the track end cap, ensuring that no
wires are trapped (Fig. 44).
8Test the final installation.
6 Fit the track top plastic finishing extrusion,
sliding under the power unit, and snapping
it into place, (Fig. 43).
Fig. 45
Fig. 44
Fig. 43
Track top plastic finishing
Move lift up
Move lift
Park and lift
folding rail
Hinge track
Hinge track up
Minivator 1000 series Installation Manual
4aFit the screws
b Adjust the rail angle to ensure the stairlift
is vertical using the adjuster screw as
shown in Fig. 47. (Bottom plate only shown
- for clarity).
Fit the powered folding rail
1 Splice the hinge rail section to the main track
as per the track assembly instructions, and
fit the required number of feet, and then
proceed as follows:-
2Offer up the folding rail to the adjacent track
section, and bolt loosely together at this
stage (Fig. 46).
3 Fasten the foot/rail assembly to the stair
Due to the overhang of the operating
gear train and the possible position of
the foot you may only be able to locate
1 or 2 fixing screws in the foot. If this is
the case use the following procedure.
Fig. 47
Fig. 46
Locate as many screws as are accessible
Gear train
Rail joining
bolts on top
and bottom
of the rail
Angle adjuster
with flats, and
hexagon for
Minivator 1000 series Installation Manual
c Withdraw the foot top bracket/bottom
bracket bolt (Fig. 48).
d Unscrew the rail joining bolts and
withdraw the folding rail assembly (Fig. 46).
e Locate the remaining screws (Fig. 49).
f Reassemble the folding rail to the fixed
rail, (see Fig. 43).
Torque setting 8-9Nm.
Fig. 48
Fig. 49
Fig. 50
Locate the
Screw the adjuster up or
down to achieve the
correct level - using a
10mm A/F spanner,
(under the foot) or a
6mm Allen key (before
fittting the fixing screw)
Finally snap fit the
plastic covers over the
adjusting screws
When all the feet are
correctly adjusted
tighten all the fixing
Fig. 50A
g Relocate and secure the top bracket/
bottom bracket bolt (Fig. 50).
h Finally snap fit the protective plastic
covers over the adjuster assemblies.
6 Fit the track top finishing extrusion on all
Minivator 1000 series Installation Manual
Changing the seat position
The seat can be mounted at the left or right
side of the seat chassis.
Refer to Figures 51, 52, 53
The seat stem should be fitted to the upper
side of the unit.
On the left for right hand stairs.
On the right for left hand stairs.
1 Unclip the front cover, and remove the
female terminals from the switch and
neon on the front cover, and unclip the 8
way seat harness connector (Fig. 51).
2 Remove the seat cushions and backrest
upholstery to gain access to the wiring,
and unclip the plugs on the seat PCB and
on the infra red unit.
3 Remove the two tube retaining bolts (Fig. 52),
nuts, and flat plate, and carefully withdraw
the seat assembly from the chassis (Fig.
Fig. 53
Front cover
cut away for
Seat harness
Fig. 51
Fig. 52
Minivator 1000 series Installation Manual
4 Lay the seat on its back, with foam rubber
to stop any movement, and to avoid
5 Remove the screws locating the bottom
cover moulding and remove the moulding
(Fig. 54).
6 Remove the micro switch.
7 Remove the seat stem retaining nut,
washer and collar seat stem retaining nut,
washer and collar (Fig. 55), and withdraw
the seat stem and spacing washer (Fig.
Fig. 55
Fig. 56
Remove the 2
screws retaining
the bottom cover
Fig. 54
Seat stem
nut, washer
and collar
Micro switch
Minivator 1000 series Installation Manual
6Unbolt the reaction block (Fig. 58).
Unbolt the spring reaction bracket (Fig. 58).
8 Slide the latching bar out.
8 Remove the circlips from the latching
levers (Fig. 57), and remove the levers.
9 Remove the 4 countersunk Allen screws
retaining the seat mounting plate (Fig. 59),
and remove the plate.
10 Remove the micro switch loom from its
present inlet hole (Fig. 59).
Latching bar
Fig. 58
Fig. 59
Remove circlips
and withdraw
the latching
Micro switch
Minivator 1000 series Installation Manual
10 Replace the plate in the required position,
and tighten the Allen screws to 20Nm.
(Fig. 60).
11 Replace the micro switch in the position
indicated in Figure 61, and feed the loom
through the moulded hole as shown in (Fig.
60 and 61) and reconnect the spade
12 Feed the latching bar, and reaction bracket
into the seat,
Note: The positions of the reaction bracket
and spring must be a mirror image of the
original assembly, so that the latching yoke
lines up with the latching plate (Fig. 62).
13 Fit the spring reaction bracket and tighten
to 20Nm. (Fig. 62).
Fig. 60
Fig. 61
Fig. 62
Micro switch
Minivator 1000 series Installation Manual
14 Fit the latching levers into their bearings
and over the latching bar and replace the
circlips (Fig 63).
Ensure the latching mechanism operates
16 Snap out the plastic covering the new
position required for the seat stem
(Fig. 65), and replace the cover (Fig. 66).
15 Fit the nylon spacing washer with the inner
bevelled portion against the weld on the
plate and the seat stem in the position
shown, with the large notch rotated 90
anti-clockwise (Fig. 64).
Note: Take care not to damage the micro
switch when assembling the seat stem.
Fit the seat stem retaining nut, washer and
collar (Fig. 61), and ensure the mechanism
operates smoothly prior to fitting the cover.
Fig. 63
Snap out the new seat
stem cover moulding
Fig. 65
Fig. 64
Seat stem
Minivator 1000 series Installation Manual
18 Replace the seat in the required position
(Fig. 66), refer to page 11 and 12 (Fitting
the seat), for details of the sequence.
19 Replace the seat upholstery as detailed on
page 12.
17 Fit the cover moulding using the two plastic
nuts (Fig. 66).
Fig. 66
Fig. 67
Minivator 1000 series Installation Manual
Appendix 1 electrical diagram - right hand
Fig. 68 Appendix 1
Minivator 1000 series Installation Manual
Appendix 2 electrical diagram - Left Hand
Fig. 69 Appendix 2
Minivator 1000 series Installation Manual
Appendix 3 electrical diagram - options. To build a standard left hand unit
for setting
and speed
RED lead
Black lead
button (Red)
Fig. 70 Appendix 3
Fig. 71 Appendix 3
Appendix 4 To change the power unit hand
- Electrics
Note: Should the power unit require
changing hand, this must be done prior
to fitting to the track.
Then follow the sequence given in
schematically in Fig. 71 Appendix 3 and/
or Fig. 73 Appendix 4 to change the
1 Lay the power unit with its front face down.
2Take off the top and rear covers from the
power unit to reveal the main PCB and
wiring connectors (Fig. 16).
Follow the sequence stated in the schematic
electrical diagrams, Appendix 1
Note: All wires have numbered collars
for identification purposes.
A pair of pointed nose pliers will be
required to change the main motor leads
over; care must be taken to avoid
damaging the cover insulators when
performing the operation.
Minivator 1000 series Installation Manual
for setting
and speed
RED lead
BLACK lead
button (Red)
Appendix 5 electrical diagram - options. To build a standard right hand unit
Fig. 72 Appendix 4
Fig. 73 Appendix 5
Minivator 1000 series Installation Manual
Fault Analysis
Lift dead
No green LED indication
Lift dead
No LED indication
Lift running at half
Battery charger
Check key switch is ON before removing covers. Has lift overrun onto final limits?
LED will extinguish when final limit is actuated.
With voltmeter, check battery volts across B+ & B- on control board. If more than 23V, pull
out both green connector blocks. After approximately 5 seconds there will be a bleep and
the red LED will glow. This means there is a short circuit on the wiring.
If no bleep or LED replace board.
Very low battery volts, final stage before lift stops.
Check dip-switch settings.
Lift will run at half speed when immediately after power-up, the handset is used to move
the lift UP or DOWN.
Connect voltmeter across B+ & B- on the control board.
Momentarily press up or down button on remote control, lift will bleep and the volts will dip
down, then increase back to original voltage. If this happens the charger is OK
Also look for the Green LED on front panel to be permanently illuminated. If its flashing,
lift not receiving charge. Check charge contacts on track with voltmeter.(Should read
approximately 40V DC). Check polarity of charge contacts on rail. Lower contact should
be +, upper contact should be - on a left-hand track. Vice versa on right-hand track i.e.
lower -, upper +.
Check continuity from lift charge contact butterfly to connection into controller for BOTH
positive & negative looms.
Are the butterfly contacts on the lift making contact with charge contacts on track?
Green LED
(On lift front panel)
Red LED flashing
Yellow LED
Flashing yellow LED
Power ON
Permanently illuminated
Flashing with buzzer
LED extinguished when
direction selected
Holding switch (Key) OR
Final limit OR
Battery charger not connected
plus one or more of above
Battery condition
Brake not connected
Relay fault
Short bleep on starting
Continuous bleeping for 20
seconds with flashing green
LED (front panel)
Extended bleep on start
Battery charger connected
Battery charger not
Brake not connected
Lift has over-run its limit
OSG tripped
Battery volts less than 21V
when first connected
Battery volts fallen below
16.5V when running
Check brake circuit
Tap large black relay, if LED
still flashing replace control
Battery charger not
Battery has reached 30% of
usable power
Check battery charger
Check brake circuits
Turn key ON
Wind lift off the cam on track
Reset OSG
Allow batteries to charge
Possibly due to heavy
usage if charger OK
Fault Analysis-other possible problems and tests
Minivator 1000 series Installation Manual
Minivator Ltd. 82, First Avenue, Pensnett Estate, Kingswinford,
West Midlands. DY6 7FJ. England.
Tel. 44(0)1384 408700. Fax. 44(0)1384 408719 E mail. [email protected]