List of U.S.government and military acronyms
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Listofinitialisms,acronyms("wordsmadefrom partsofother words,pronounceable"),and other abbreviationsused by
thegovernmentand themilitaryoftheUnited States:
Top·09·A ·B ·C ·D ·E·F·G ·H ·I·J·K ·L·M ·N ·O ·P·Q ·R ·S·T·U ·V ·W ·X ·Y ·Z·Seealso
0K -ZeroKilled (pronounced OK,astheexpressionthateverythingisallright)
1LT –FirstLieutenant(U.S.Army)(USAFuses"1stLt")
2LT –Second Lieutenant(U.S.Army)(USAFuses"2d Lt")
2IC Second InCommand
A analog
A1C –Airman1stClass(USAFE-3)
A2C2 –Armyairspacecommand and control
AA –Anti-aircraft
AA –Armed ForcesAmerica
AA –assemblyarea
AA –assessmentagent
AA –avenueofapproach
AAA antiaircraftartillery
AAA arrivaland assemblyarea
AAA assignalternatearea
AAAS amphibiousaviationassaultship
AABB AmericanAssociationofBlood Banks
AABWS –amphibiousassaultbulkwater system
AAC activityaddresscode
AAC ArmyAir Corps(British)
AAC AustralianArmyCadets(Australia)
AACG –arrivalairfield controlgroup
AADC areaair defensecommander
AADP –areaair defenseplan
AA&E –arms,ammunition,and explosives
AAEC aeromedicalevacuationcontrolteam
AAFC –AustralianAir ForceCadets(Australia)
AAFES Armyand Air ForceExchangeService
AAFIF automated air facilityinformationfile
AAFS amphibiousassaultfuelsystem
AAFSF amphibiousassaultfuelsupplyfacility
AAGS Armyair-ground system
AAI air-to-air interface
AAM air-to-air missile
AAMDC USArmyAir and MissileDefenseCommand
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AAOE arrivaland assemblyoperationselement
AAOG arrivaland assemblyoperationsgroup
AAP Allied administrativepublication
AAP assignalternateparent
AAR after actionreport
AAR after actionreview
AAS –ArmyApprenticeSchool(Australia)
AAST –aeromedicalevacuationadministrativesupportteam
AAT automaticanalogtest
AAT aviationadvisoryteam
AAU analogappliqueunit
AAV amphibiousassaultvehicle
AAW –antiair warfare
AB airbase
AB AirmanBasic(USAFE-1)
ABCA American,British,Canadian,AustralianArmiesProgram
ABCS –armybattlecommand system
ABD airbasedefense
ABV -AssaultBreacher Vehicle(U.S.Army)
ABFC advanced basefunctionalcomponent
ACF armycadetforce(UK Military)
ADF AustralianDefenceForce(Australia)
ADFA –AustralianDefenceForceAcademy(Australia)
ADFC –AustralianDefenceForceCadets(Australia)
ADOS activeduty,operationalsupport
ADSW activeduty,specialwork
AE Armed ForcesEurope
AEW&C -Airborneearlywarningand control
AFI awaitingfurther instruction/Air ForceInstruction(requirementguide)
AFMC armed forcesmedicalcollege
AFOQT air forceofficer qualifyingtest
AFOSI Air ForceOfficeofSpecialInvestigations
AFSC -Air ForceSpecialtyCode
AHA ammunitionholdingarea
AIM airborneinterceptmissile(U.S.military)
AIPD –ArmyInstituteFor ProfessionalDevelopment
AIRTC Air TrainingCorps(former namefor theAustralianAir ForceCadets)
AIT advanced individualtraining(U.S.Army)
Amn airman(USAFE-2)
ALCON Allconcerned (U.S.military)
AMU aircraftmaintenanceunit
AMXG –aircraftmaintenancegroup
AMXS –aircraftmaintenancesquadron
An Antonov(Russian)
ANZAC Australianand New Zealand ArmyCorps
AOL absentover leave(U.S.Navy)
AO areaofoperations
A&P administrativeand personnel
AP Armed ForcesPacifice
AP armor-piercing
APC armored personnelcarrier
APFSDS armour-piercingfin-stabilized discardingsabot
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APO ArmyPostOffice;SeealsoFPO
APPN appropriationnumber (U.S.Military)
APRT ArmyPhysicalReadinessTest(U.S.Army)
ARA AustralianRegular Army(Australia)
ARes –ArmyReserve(Australia)
ARM anti-radar missile
ARM anti-radiationmissile
ARMS –automated recruitmanagementsystem (U.S.military)
ARMS –aviationresourcemanagementsystem (USAF)
ART alarm responseteam (USAF)
ARVN ArmyoftheRepublicof(South)VietNam (U.S.Military)
ASAP armysubstanceabuseprogram (U.S.military)
ASAP assoonaspossible
ASEAN AssociationofSouthEastAsianNations
ASM air-to-surfacemissile
ASCM –anti-shipC missile
ASV –anti-surfacevessel(airborneradar)
ASVAB armed servicesvocationalaptitudebattery
ASW Anti-submarinewarfare
ATC air trainingcorps
ATC air trafficcontrol
ATO air taskingorder
ATO antiterrorism officer
ATRRS armytrainingrequirementsand resourcessystem
AWACS -AirborneW arningand ControlSystem
AWOL absentwithoutleave
BAMCIS BeginplanningArrangeReconMaketheplanCompletetheplanIssuetheorder Supervise(US
BAH BasicAllowancefor Housing
BAR BrowningAutomaticRifle
BAU BehaviouralAnalysisUnit
BCD -Bad ConductDischarge(akaBigChickenDinner)
BCG BirthControlGlasses(U.S.MilitarySlang)
BCT BasicCombatTraining(U.S.Army)
BDF BarbadosDefenceForce(Barbados)
BDU BattleDressUniform (U.S.Military)
Be Beriev(Russian)
BEA BudgetExecutionAuthority(U.S.Navy)
BFT BlueForceTracker (U.S.Military)
BG Bodyguard
BGHR ByGod He'sRight(U.SMilitary)
BLUF Bottom LineUpFront(USMilitary)
BMNT BeginMorningNauticalTwilightight(U.SArmy)
BN -Battalion(U.S.Army)
BDE -Brigade(U.S.Army)
BOHICA Bend Over HereItComesAgain(USMilitarySlang)
BRAC BaseRealignmentAnd Closure
BRAT (American)–BornRaised And Transferred (Americanusage,referstodependentchildrenofmilitary
personnel)UsuallyPronounced "MilitaryBrat" (Or "Air ForceBRAT",or Army"Brat",Navy"Brat" etc.).
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BRAT (British)BritishRegimentAttachedTraveler (Britishmilitaryusage,mayhavebeentheoriginalusage,
whichwaslater adapted totheAmericanmilitary:Means"child thattravelswithasoldier")Usuallypronounced
"MilitaryBrat" or "BaseBrat".
BUB BattleUpdateBrief
BVR Beyond VisualRange(USAF)
BX –BaseExchange(USAF)
C1 Command
C2 Command And Control
C3Command ControlAnd Communication
C4IR Command ControlCommunicationComputersIntelligenceAnd Recognition
CAC CommonAccessCard (U.S.DoD,pron."cac")
CAG Commander,Air Group(U.S.Navy,pron."cag")
CAGE Commercialand GovernmentEntity
CAPT Captain(USNavy,USCG O-6)
Capt Captain(USMC,USAFO-3)
CAS –CloseAir Support
CASEX –Coordinated Antil-SubmarineEXercise
CAT CombatApplicationTourniquets
CBRN ChemicalBiologicalNuclear Radiological
CBU Cluster BombUnit
CCIR CommandersCriticalInformationRequirements
CDAT –Computerized DumbAssTanker (M1AbramsCrewmen)
CDIAC –CarbonDioxideInformationAnalysisCenter
CDRUSPACOM Commander United StatesPacificCommand
CENTCOM CentralCommand (U.S.Military)
CF Cluster Fuck(alwayspronounced phonetically"CharlieFoxtrot")
CH CuntHair (aunitofmeasurement)
CIA –Central Intelligence Agency
CIC Command IntelligenceCenter (U.S.Navy)
CINCLANT –Commander-in-chief,AtlanticForces(U.S.Navybefore2002)
CINCLANTFLT Commander-in-chief,AtlanticFleet(U.S.Navybefore2002)
CINCPAC –Commander-in-chief,PacificForces(U.S.Navybefore2002)
CIWS Close-InW eaponSystem
CMSgt ChiefMaster Sergeant(USAFE-9;highestAFenlisted rank)
CMSAF ChiefMaster SergeantoftheAir Force(USAFE-9–Senior Enlisted Member)
CO CommandingOfficer
COA CourseofAction
COB -ChiefOftheBoat(ChiefPettyOfficer inchargeoftheBoatusuallyaMaster Chief(USN Submariner
COCOM –CombatantCommander
CODELS CongressionalDelegations
COMINT CommunicationsIntelligence
COMPACFLT –Commander,PacificFleet(U.S.Navy)
COMSEC' –Communication Security
CONUS ContinentalUnited States(U.S.military,pron."cone-us")
CONUSA ContinentalUnited StatesArmy(numbered ArmiesofU.S.military)
CORDS (U.S.military,Vietnam era)
COP CombatOutPost
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CoS ChiefofStaff
COT Commissioned Officer Training
CPL Corporal(U.S.Armyand MarineCorpsE-4)
CPO ChiefPettyOfficer (USCG/USN E-7)
CPT Captain(USArmyO-3)
CPX –Command PostExercise
CQB CloseQuartersBattle
CRC CONUSReplacementCenter (amilitaryprocessingcenter atFortBenning,Georgia,US)
CSM Command SergeantMajor (U.S.ArmyE9highestArmyenlisted rank))
CT Counter-terrorism Team
CTR CloseTargetReconnaissance
CUB Commander UpdateBrief
CVN Nuclear-powered AircraftCarrier (NOTE:theV comesfrom theexpression"heavier thanair flying
CZN Nuclear-powered AirshipCarrier (NOTE:theZcomesfrom theuseoftheword Zeppelinalthoughnon-
Zeppelinairshipswould alsobetransported onaCZN)
DA –DefenceAttaché
DAC DepartmentoftheArmyCivilian
DAGR –DefenseAdvanced GPSReceiver
DARPA DefenseAdvanced ResearchProjectsAgency(U.S.Military)
DCAA DefenseContractAuditAgency
DCMA –DefenseContractManagementAgency
DME -DepotMaintenanceEnterprise(U.S.Military)
DFAC –DiningFacility(U.S.Military)
DFAS DefenseFinanceand AccountingService(U.S.Military)*D.I.A –DefensiveIntelligenceAgency
DINFAC DiningFacility(U.S.Military)
DISA DefenseInformationSystemsAgency
DLB Dead Letter Box
DMEA -DefenseMicroelectronicsActivity
DMS DefenseMessageSystem (U.S.Military)
DMZ –Demilitarized Zone
DoDAAC –DepartmentofDefenseActivityAddressCode(U.S.Military)
DoDAF –DepartmentofDefenseArchitecturalFramework(U.S.Military)
DoDIC DepartmentofDefenseIdentificationCode(U.S.Military)
DOP Drop-OffPoint
DPMs DisruptivePatternMaterial
DRT Dead RightThere;wounded insuchawayastoindicateimmediateand/or unavoidabledeath;oftenused
asasarcasticform ofthecivilianacronym DOA (Dead OnArrival)
DTO DailyTaskingOrder
DTRA -DefenseThreatReductionagency
DZ –DropZone
E&E Escapeand Evade
EA -ElectronicAttack
ECP EntryControlPoint
EI Engineeringand Installation
EIS Engineeringand InstallationSquadron,EnvironmentalImpactStatement
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EI SIT Engineering and Installation Site Implementaion Team
ELINT Electronic Intelligence
EMI - Extra Military Instruction
ENS Ensign (US Navy junior officer rank, O-1)
EOD Explosive Ordnance Disposal
EOS - End of Service
EP - Electronic Protection
EPW Enemy Prisoner of War
ERV Emergency Rendezvous
ETA Estimated time of arrival
ETS Estimated Termination of Service
EUCOM –European Command (U.S. Military)
EW - Electronic Warfare (comprises EA, EP)
Exfil Exfiltration (Opposite of infiltration;exiting undetected)
FA Field Artillery
FABS Fetus Aborted By Squad
FAK First Aid Kit
FAR Federal Acquisition Regulation
FBCB2 –Force XXI Battlefield Command Brigade and Below
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation
FEBA Forward Edge of the Battle Area
FIDO FIre Direction Officer
FIST FIre Support Team
FISTer Member of a FIre Support Team
FIST-V FIre Support Team Vehicle
FISINT –Foreign Instrumentation Signals Intelligence
FISHDO Fuck It, Shit Happens, Drive On
FitRep –Fitness Report
FLOT Forward Line of Troops
FLOTUS –First Lady of the United States (U.S. –see POTUS)
FM Field Marshal
FMC –Fully Mission Capable
FO Forward Observer
FO Foxtrot Oscar (i.e. F**k Off) (US/UK Forces)
FOB –Forward Operating Base
FOD Foreign Object Damage (U.S.)
FOD Foreign Object Debris (U.S.)
FPO Fleet Post Office;See also APO
FSA Force Structure Allowance
FSTE –Foreign Service Tour Extension
FTUS –Full Time Unit Specialist
FUBAR –Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition
G1 General Staff Level office for Personnel and Manpower (Division and Above)
G2 General Staff Level office for Military Intelligence (Division and Above)
G3 General Staff Level office for Operations and Plans (Division and Above)
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G4 General Staff Level office for Logistics (Division and Above)
G5 General Staff Level office for Military/Civil Affairs (Division and Above)
G6 General Staff Level office for Signal and Communication (Division and Above)
G7–General Staff Level office for Training and Exercises (Division and Above)
G8–General Staff Level office for Force Development and Analysis (Division and Above)
G9–General Staff Level office for Civil Operations (Division and Above)
GBU Guided Bomb Unit
GEN General
GI Government Issue
GIGO Garbage In Garbage Out
GM Gone Mersault
GO General Officer
GOCO Government owned, contractor operated
GPMG General Purpose Machine Gun
GPS Global Positioning System
GROM Polish Special Operations Team (Polish Grupa Reagowania Operacyjno-Manewrowego)
Gulag –The Chief Administration of Collective Labor Camps (Russian Главное Управление Лагерей,
"Glavnoye Upravleniye Lagerey")
HALO High Altitude Low Opening (Airborne)
HBL - Holiday Block Leave (U.S. Army)
HE High Explosive
HEAT High Explosive Anti-Tank warhead
HMAS Her Majesty's Australian Ship (Australia)
HMCS Her Majesty's Canadian Ship (Canada)
HMFIC –Head Motherf*cker In Charge –colloquialism for the highest-ranking person present;more commonly
used by NCO's than by officers (U.S. Military)
HMMW V High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (U.S. Military)
HMNZS Her Majesty's New Zealand Ship (New Zealand)
HMS Hans Majestäts Skepp (His Majesty's ship, Sweden)
HMS Her Majesty's Ship (Royal Navies such as Royal British Navy) (His Majesty's Ship if King)
Hr.Ms - His/Her Dutch Majesty's Ship (Dutch Royal Navy ship)
HOMSEC Homeland Security
HRAP - Hometown Recruiter Assistance Program
HQ Headquarters
HHB - Headquarters and Headquarters Battery
HHC - Headquarters and Headquarters Company
HHT - Headquarters and Headquarters Troop
HUMINT –Human Intelligence
HYT High Year Tenure
IAF Indian Air Force
IAF Israeli Air Force
ICBM Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
ICE Individual Carrying Equipment
ID IDentification
IED Improvised Explosive Device
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IFAK Individual First Aid Kit
IFF Identification Friend or Foe
IFF Introduction to Fighter Fundamentals (USAF)
IG Inspector General (US Military)
IFV Infantry Fighting Vehicle
INSCOM United States Army Intelligence and Security Command
Il Ilyushin
Interpol –International Criminal Police Organization
ISO Inter School Course
ISR –Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance
IYAAYAS If You Aint AMMO, You Ain't Shit
JA –Judge Advocate [General]
JAG –Judge Advocate General
J.S.F –Joint Strike Fighter
JATO –Jet-fuel Assisted Take Off
JETDS Joint Electronics Type Designation System
JSAM –Joint Service Achievement Medal
JSTAR –Joint Surveillance Target Acquisition Radar
JSOC –Joint Special Operations Command
JDAM Joint Direct Attack Munition
JEEP - Just Enough Essential Parts
KATUSA –Korean Augmentation Troops to the United States Army
KIA Killed In Action
KISS Keep It Simple, Stupid –USAF
KP Kitchen Police or Kitchen Patrol
KBO Keep Buggering On
LAAD Low Altitude Air Defense
LCDR Lieutenant Commander (US Navy)
LCPL Lance Corporal (US Marines)
LES Leave and Earnings Statement
LP Listening Post
LP/OP Listening Post Observation Post
LGOP Little Group Of Paratroopers
LT –Lieutenant
LTC or Lt Col –Lieutenant Colonel
LTG or Lt GenLieutenant General
LTJG –Lieutenant,Junior Grade (US Navy)
LUP –Lying-Up Point
LZ –Landing Zone
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Maj.- major
MARCORSYSCOM MARine CORps SYStems COMmand (U.S. Military)
MARFORRES –MARine FORces REServe (U.S. Marine Corps)
MAW Maximum Allowable Weight
MBT Main Battle Tank
MCCS –Marine Corps Community Services (also known by the humorous backronym Marine Corps Crime
MCEN Marine Corps Enterprise Network (U.S. Military)
MCEITS Marine Corps Enterprise Information Technology Service (U.S. Military)
MCPO Master Chief Petty Officer (USCG/USN E-9)
MFA –Ministry of Foreign Affairs
MG Machine Gun
MG Major General
MI Military Intelligence
Mi–Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant (Russian)
MIA Missing In Action
MedEvac–Medical Evacuation
MICV –Mechanized Infantry Combat Vehicle
MiG Mikoyan-Gurevich (Russian)
MK Mark
MK Machinery Technician (U.S. Coast Guard)
MLRS Multiple Launch Rocket System
MMFD Miles and Miles of Desert (unofficial report in Gulf War)
MOA –Military Operating Area (USAF Airspace)
MOAB –Massive Ordnance Air Blast bomb, also known as "Mother Of All Bombs". (U.S. military)
MOAC - Mother of All Coffee (Green Bean Coffee)
MOB –Main Operating Base
MOPP –Mission Oriented Protective Posture
MPDS Military Planning Data Allowance
MRAP Mine Resistant Ambush Protected
MRE Meal Ready to Eat (U.S. Military)
MRX –Mission Rehearsal Exercise
MSgt Master Sergeant (USAF E-7)
MTOE Modified Table Of Organizational Equipment
MTS+–Movement Tracking System Plus
MSDC+–Marine Science Diving Club (Diving Club Of Hasanudin University)
NAFTA –North American Free Trade Agreement
NAS –Naval Air Station
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
NCIS Naval Criminal Investigative Service (U.S. Navy)
NAVAIR Naval Air Systems Command
NCI - National Cancer Institute
NCO Non-Commissioned Officer
NCOES - Non-Commissioned Officer Education System
ND –Negligent Discharge
NIBC National Interagency Biodefense Campus
NICBR - National Interagency Confederation for Biological Research
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NMC Not Mission Capable
NMCI –Naval Marine Corps Intranet (U.S. Navy)
NNMSA Non-Nuclear Munitions Storage Area
NS Network Services
NSA –National Security Agency
OBE Overcome by Events (DoD)
OCONUS –Outside Continental United States
OCS Officer Candidate School
OM On the Move (Normally just spelled out Oscar Mike)
O&M,MC Operations & Maintenance, Marine Corps (U.S. Navy)
O&M,N Operations & Maintenance, Navy (U.S. Navy)
OODA Observe, Orient, Decide, And Act
OP Observation Post
ORM –Operational Risk Management
OSM Oh Shit Moment (U.S. Marine Corps)
OSP On Site Procurement
OPORD Operations Order
OPSEC Operations Security
OTF Out There Flapping (Airborne)
OTS –Officer Training School
OTV Outer Tactical Vest
PACOM –Pacific Command
PCS Permanent Change of Station
PDS Permanent Duty Station (U.S. Military)
PDT Pre-Deployment Training
PE Plastic Explosive
PFC –Private First Class (U.S. Military)
PFM Pure Fuckin Magic (U.S. Military)
PFT Physical Fitness Test
PII - Personally Identifiable Information or Personal Identity Information
PL Platoon Leader (U.S. Army)
PLT Platoon (U.S. Army)
PMC –Partially Mission Capable
PME Professional Military Education
PMS Planned Maintenance Schedule (U.S. Navy)
PNG Passive Night Goggles
PO Post Office
PO1 Petty Officer 1st Class (USCG/USN E-6)
PO2 Petty Officer 2nd Class (USCG/USN E-5)
PO3 Petty Officer 3rd Class (USCG/USN E-4)
POBCAK Problem Occurs Between Chair And Keyboard
POL Petroleum Oil & Lubricants (U.S. Air Force)
POC Point Of Contact
POTUS –President of the United States
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POG – Person Other than Grunt (All non-combat arms job fields i.e. any MOS or CMF other than infantry,
cavalry, armor, and artillery; among infantrymen, refers to anyone other than infantry or Special Forces)
POW – Prisoner Of War
POV – Privately Owned Vehicle
PPG – PT Parade Games
PRP – Personnel ReliabilityProgram
PRP – Pretty Retarted Program
PRT – Provincial Reconstruction Team
PRT – Physical Readiness Training (U.S. Army)
PT – Physical Training
PTB - Powers That Be
PV2 – Private 2nd class (U.S. Army E-2)
PVT – Private (U.S. Army and Marine Corps E-1)
PX – Post Exchange (U.S. Army)
RAAF – Royal Australian Air Force (Australia)
RAF – Royal Air Force (UK)
RAN – Royal Australian Navy (Australia)
RATO – Rocket Assisted Take Off
RCSC – Royal Canadian Sea Cadets (Canada)
REMF – Rear Echelon Mother Fucker
RFL – Response Force Leader
RMC – Royal Military College of Canada (Canada) in Kingston, Ontario
RN – Royal Navy (UK)
ROE – Rules Of Engagement
ROMA Data, Right Out of My Ass Data. Unverifiable created data (different from SWAG)
ROW PU – Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit
RNZAF – Royal New Zealand Air Force (New Zealand)
RPG – Rocket-Propelled Grenade
RPM – Rounds per minute
RS – RatShit (Australia – related to US – Unserviceable)
RSS – Regional Security System (Caribbean)
RTB – Return To Base
RV – Rendez-Vous
RTO - Radio Telephone Operator
SA – Seaman Apprentice (USCG/USN E-2)
SAS – Special Air Service (British special forces)
SBS – Special Boat Service (British special forces)
SAAS – Standard Army Ammunition System (U.S. Army)
SAM – Surface-to-air Missile
SARSS – Standard Army Retail Supply System (U.S. Army)
SCOTUS – Supreme Court of the United States
SCPO – Senior Chief Petty Officer (USCG/USN E-8)
SEAC - Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
SEAL – Sea, Air and Land (US Navy SEALs)
SERE – Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape
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SFC – Sergeant First Class (U.S. Army E7)
SGM – Sergeant Major (U.S. Army E9 – Sometimes referred to as Staff Sergeant Major)
SGT – Sergeant (U.S. Army E5)(U.S. Marines uses Sgt)
SITREP – Situation Report
SJA – Staff Judge Advocate
SLAM – Standoff Land Attack Missile
SMA – Sergeant Major of the Army (U.S. Army E9 – Senior Enlisted Member)
SMEAC - Situation Mission Execution Admin/logistics Command/signal (US Marine Corps basic knowledge)
SMSgt – Senior Master Sergeant (USAF E-8)
SN – Seaman (USCG/USN E-3)
SNAFU – Situation Normal: All Fucked Up
SOCOM – United States Special Operations Command
SOFA – Status of Forces Agreement
SOP – Standard Operating Procedures
SOS – Shit On a Shingle, or creamed chipped beef on toast.
SPC – Specialist (U.S. Army E-4)
SR – Seaman Recruit (USCG/USN E-1)
SrA – Senior Airman (USAF E-4)
SRR – Special Reconnaissance Regiment (British special Forces)
SSDD – Same Shit Different Day
SSDDBS – Same Shit Different Day Bigger Shovel
SSG – Staff Sergeant (US Army E-6)
SSgt – Staff Sergeant (US Air Force E-5)(U.S. Marines E-6)
SOL – Shit Out of Luck (US Army)
SOLJW F – Shit Out of Luck and Jolly Well Fucked (U.S. Marines)
STOVL – Short Takeoff, Vertical Landing
SUSFU Situation Unchanged, Still Fucked Up
SW AG – Scientific Wild Ass Guess
TACP – Tactical Air Control Party (USAF)
TAD – Temporary Additional Duty (U.S. Military)
TBD – To Be Determined
TDY – Temporary Duty (U.S. Military)
TF – Task Force
TFOA – Things Falling Off Aircraft
TG6 – Task Group 6 (group designation for NZ SAS – NZ Army)
TIC – Troops In Contact
TSgt – Technical Sergeant (USAF E-6)
TU – Tits Up (Dead, Inoperable), a.k.a. "tango uniform"
TARFU – Things Are Really Fucked Up, or Totally And Royally Fucked Up
UA – Unauthorized Absence
UAS – Unmanned Aerial System
UAV – Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
UCAV – Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle
ULLS – Unit Level Logisitics System (U.S. Army)
UMA – Unit Mobilization Assistor
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UN – United Nations
US – Unserviceable
USSS – United States Secret Service
USAF – United States Air Force
USAFE – United States Air Forces in Europe
USAMRICD - United States Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense
USAMRIID - United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Disease
USAMRMC - United States Army Medical Research and Materiél Command
USAMRAA - United States Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity
USA PATRIOT Act – Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept
and Obstruct Terrorism Act
USAREC – US Army REcruiting Command
USAREUR – US Army European Command
USMC – United States Marine Corps
USN – United States Navy
USO – United Service Organizations (U.S. Military)
USR – Unit Status Report
UUV – Unmanned Underwater Vehicle
UXB – Unexploded Bomb (bomb disposal; British)
UXO – Unexploded Ordnance
VBIED – Vehicle-borne Improvised Explosive Device
VDM – Visual Distinguishing Mark
VFD – Volunteer Fire Department
VFR – Volunteer Fire and Rescue
W IA – Wounded In Action
W O1 – Warrant Officer 1
W SA – Weapons Storage Area
W MD – Weapons of Mass Destruction
W ILCO – Will Comply
XO – Executive Officer
See also
military slang
List of acronyms
List of government and military acronyms
List of U.S. Air Force acronyms and expressions
List of U.S. Marine Corps acronyms and expressions
List of U.S. Navy acronyms
List of U.S. government and military acronyms
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1. ^Wertsch, Mary E. (January 2006). Military Brats: Legacies of Childhood Inside the Fortress
( ISBN 0-9776033-0-X.
2. ^Clifton, Grace, "Making the Case for the BRAT (British Regiment Attached Traveler)", British Educational Research
Journal, Vol. 30, No. 3 2004
3. ^Adams, Leah; Kirova, Anna (2006), Global Migration and education, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.,
p. 263–4, ISBN 0-8058-5838-5
External links
AcronymFinder – Military and Government ( – Military Abbreviations (
All Acronyms – Military Acronyms (
Acronyms List – US Military Acronyms (
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List of U.S. government and military acronyms
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