Chapter 1
Dietary Assessment Methodology
Frances E. Thompson and Amy F. Subar
National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, United States
This chapter is a revision of the similarly named chapter
in the earlier editions [13] of this book, which itself was
based on the “Dietary Assessment Resource Manual” [4]
by Frances E. Thompson and Tim Byers, adapted with
permission from the Journal of Nutrition. Dietary assess-
ment encompasses food supply and production at the
national level, food purchases at the household level, and
food consumption at the individual level. Th is review
focuses only on individual-level food intake. It is intended
to serve as a resource for those who wish to assess diet in
a research study, for example, to describe the intakes of a
population, using individual measurements for group-
level analysis. This chapter does not address clinical
assessment of individuals for individual counseling. The
first section reviews major dietary asse ssment methods,
their advantages and disadvantages, and validity. The
next sections describe which dietary assessment methods
are most appropriate for different types of studies and for
various types of populations. Finally, specific issues that
relate to all methods are discussed.
A Dietary Records
In the dietary record approach, the resp ondent records the
foods and beverages and the amounts of each consumed
over one or more days. Ideally, the recording is done at
the time of the eating occasion in order to avoid reliance
on memory. The amounts consumed may be measured,
using a scale or household measures (e.g., cups or table-
spoons), or estimated using mode ls, pictures, or no aid. If
multiple days are recorded, they are usually consecutive,
and no more than 7 days are included. Recording periods
of more than 4 conse cutive days are usually unsatisfac-
tory, as reported intakes decr ease [5] due to respondent
fatigue, and individuals who do comply may differ sys-
tematically from those who do not. Because the foods and
amounts consumed on consecutive days of reporting may
be related (e.g., leftovers and eating more one day and
less the next day), it may be advantageous to collect non-
consecutive single-day records in order to increase repre-
sentativeness of the individual’s diet.
To complete a dietary record, each respondent must be
trained in the level of detail required to adequately describe
the foods and amounts consumed, including the name of
the food (brand name, if possible), preparation methods,
recipes for food mixtures, and portion sizes. In some stud-
ies, this is enhanced if the investigator contacts the respon-
dent and reviews the report after 1 day of recording. At the
end of the recording period, a trained interviewer should
review the records with the respondent to clarify entries
and to probe for forgotten foods [6]. Dietary records also
can be recorded by someone other than the subject, such as
parents reporting for their children.
The dietary record method has the potential for pro-
viding quantitatively accurate information on food con-
sumed during the recording period [7]. By recording
foods as they are consumed, the problem of omission may
be lessened and the foods more fully described.
Furthermore, reporting amounts of food as they are con-
sumed should provide more accurate portion size informa-
tion than if the respondents were recalling portion sizes of
foods previously eaten.
Although intake data using dietary records are typi-
cally collected in an open-ended form, close-ended forms
have also been developed [810]. These forms consist of
listings of food groups; the respondent indicates whether
that food group has been consumed. In format, these
“checklist” forms resemble food frequency questionnaires
Nutrition in the Prevention and Treatment of Disease. DOI:
2017, Published by Elsevier Inc.
(FFQs) (see Section II.C). Unlike FFQs, which generally
query about intake over a specified time period such as
the past year or month, checklists are intended to be filled
out concurrently with actual intake or at the end of a day
for that day’s intake. A checklist can be developed to
assess particular “core foods” that contribute substantially
to intakes of some nutrients [11], and it also has been
used to track food contaminants [12]. Portion size can
also be asked, either in an open-ended manner or in
A potential disadvantage of the dietary record method
is that it is subject to bias both in the selection of the sam-
ple and in the sample’s completion of the number of days
recorded. Dietary record keeping requires that respondents
or respondent proxies be both motivated and literate
(except for photograph-based methods), which can poten-
tially limit the method’s use in some population groups
(e.g., low literacy, recent immigrants, childr en, and some
elderly). The requirements for cooperation in keepi ng
records can limit who will respond, compromising the
generalizability of the findings from the dietary records to
the broader population from which the study sample was
drawn. Research indicates that incomplete records
increase significantly as more days of records are kept,
and the validity of the collected information decreases in
the later days of a 7-day recording period, in contrast to
information collected in the earlier days [5]. Part of this
decrease may occur because many respondents develop
the practice of filling out the record retrospectively rather
than concurrently. When respondents record only once
per day, the reco rd method becomes simi lar to the 24-
hour dietary recall in terms of relying on memory rather
than concurrent recording.
An important disadvantage of this method is that
recording foods as they are being eaten can affect both
the types of food chosen and the quantities consumed
[1315]. The knowledge that foods and amounts must be
recorded and the demanding task of doing it may alter the
dietary behaviors the tool is intended to measure [16],
creating “reactivity bias.” This effect is a weaknes s when
the aim is to measure typical dietary behaviors. However,
when the aim is to enhance awareness of dietary beha-
viors and change them, as in some intervention studies,
this effect can be seen as an advantage [17]. Recording,
by itself, is an effect ive weight loss technique [18,19].
Recent interest in “real-time” assessment has led to the
development of numerous mobile “apps” for self-
monitoring that enable concurrent recording and immedi-
ate, automated feedback. This approach generally has
been found to improve self-monitoring and adherence to
dietary goals compared with traditional paper-and-pencil
dietary records [20,21].
A third disadvantage is that unless dietary records are
collected electronically, the data can be burdensome to
code and can lead to high personnel costs. Dietary assess-
ment software that allows for easier data entry using com-
mon spellings of foods can save considerable time in data
coding. Even with high-quality data entry, maintaining
overall quality control for dietary records can be difficult
because information often is not recorded consistently
among different respondents, nor is the information coded
consistently among different coders. This highlights the
need for training of both the respondents and the coders.
Several approaches using a variety of technological
advances have been used to allow easier data capture and
less respondent burden; some may be particularly benefi-
cial among low-literacy groups. For example, a computer-
administered instrument allows the respondent to select
the food consum ed and the appropriate portion size from
photographs on a screen
[22,23]; this can be done using
touch-screen technology [24]. The proliferation of mobile
devices with cameras allows simultaneous photographic
records of the foods selected [25]. However, for this
approach to be quantifiable, before and after pictures of a
consumption event and training of the participant in how
to consistently take pictures using a standard reference
object are required. Wearable cameras which can continu-
ously take pictures or videos have been developed
[26,27], lessening the burden on the respondent and
potentially allaying some reactivity (i.e., changes in the
respondent’s behavior that are caused by the instrument).
These methods have great potential to improve portion
size accuracy.
Automated processing of the image information for
these methods is not yet fully developed. The images that
illustrate the beginning of the consumption event and its
completion must be selected, the food has to be identified
[28], and the mathematical properties of the food image
need to be quantified [29] in order to develop an accurate
estimate of the food’s volume. However, if these pro-
blems can be solved, the foods can be linked to appropri-
ate databases (see Section V.E), dramatically reducing the
burden of coding [30]. In the meantime, the images could
be identified manually by staff or the respondent in an
accompanying application, and later coded.
Respondent burden and reactivity bias may be less
pronounced for the “checklist” [31], because checking off
a food item is easier than recording a complete descrip-
tion of the food [32], and the costs of data processing can
be minimal, for example, paper forms that are machine
scannable, or electronic forms on a computer or mobile
device. Checklists are often developed to assess particular
foods that contribute substantially to intakes of some
nutrients. As the comprehensiveness of the nutrients to be
assessed increases, the length of the form also increas es,
and it becomes more burdensome to complete at each eat-
ing occasion and may increase reactivity. Nonetheless,
precoded food diaries to assess diet have been developed,
6 PART | A Assessment Methods for Research and Practice
evaluated, and used: the precoded food diary used in the
200508 Danish National Survey of Diet and Physical
Activity contained about 400 items and portion size
choices [33]; a precoded food diary used in Norway con-
tained 277 items [34]. However, checklists are limited in
their ability to assess the diet, because of lack of details
on the particular food consumed, food preparation, por-
tion sizes, and other relevant information.
Food records have been evaluated most frequently
through comparison to another instrument, often 24-hour
recalls. However, no self-report instrument is without
reporting error, and thus relative validation is not neces-
sarily useful. Instead, when possible, validation studies
should consider using “recovery” biomarkers that are
unbiased reference instruments. Only a few are currently
available. These are total energy expenditure from doubly
labeled water for energy [35], and protein (nitrogen) [36],
potassium [37], and sodium based on 24-hour urine col-
lections [38]. Many studies in selected small sample s of
adults indicate that reported energy and protein intakes on
dietary records are underestimated in the range of 437%
compared to energy expenditure as measured by doubly
labeled water and protein intake as measured by urinary
nitrogen [18,3953]. In the largest doubly labeled water
study using food records, with about 450 postmenopausal
women in the Women’s Health Initiative, energy and pro-
tein intakes reported on food records were underestimated
by about 20% and 4%, respectively, and protein density
(kcal of protein as a percentage of total kcal) was overes-
timated by about 17% [54]. Underreporting on dietary
records is probably a result of the combined effects of
incomplete and inaccurate recording and the impact of the
recording process on dietary choices leading to undereat-
ing, and thus not typical of usual intake [18,48,55,56].
The highest levels of underreporting on dietary records
have been found among individuals with greater body
mass index (BMI) [41,43,44,54,57,58], particularly
women [41,43,44,52,5961] . This effect, however, may
be due, in part, to the fact that overweight individuals are
more likely to be dieting on any given individual day
[62]. These relationships between underreporting and
BMI and sex have also been found among elderly indivi-
duals [63]. Other research shows that demographic or psy-
chological indices such as education, employment, social
desirability, body image, or dietary restraint also may be
important factors related to underreporting on diet records
[41,48,60,61,6467]. A few studies suggest that energy
underreporters compared to others have reported intakes
that are lower in absolute intake of most nutrients [58],
higher in percentage of energy from protein [58,61], and
lower in percentage of energy as carbohydrate
[58,61,68,69] and in percentage of energy from fat [69].
Correspondingly, energy underreporters may report lower
intakes of desserts, sweet baked goods, butter, and
alcoholic beverages [58,69], but more grains, meats, sal-
ads, and vegetables [58]. Some research has examined the
performance of food checklists relative to accelerometry
[70] or, more commonly, complete dietary records
[8,9,32], 24-hour dietary recalls [11], dietary history [71],
and biological markers [71]. An evaluation study of the
7-day precoded food diary used in the Danish National
Survey of Dietary Habits and Physical Activity 200002
reported that energy intake was underestimated by 12%
compared to accelerometer [70].
Some appro aches have been suggested to overcome
underreporting in the dietary record. These include
enhanced training of respondents and incorporating psy-
chosocial questions known to be related to under reporting
in order to control for the effect of underreporting [56].
Another approach is to calibrate dietary records to doubly
labeled water or urinary nitrogen, biological indicators of
energy expenditure and protein intake, resp ectively,
including covariates of sex, weight, and height, to more
accurately predict individuals’ energy and protein intake
[72]. This approach was applied to a subcohort of the
Women’s Health Initiative. Calibration equations that
included BMI, age, and ethn icity explained much more of
the variation in the energy and protein biomarkers than
did calibration without the covariates, for example, 45%
versus 8% for energy [54]. Further research is needed to
test this approach in other populations and to develop and
test other modeling approaches.
B 24-Hour Dietary Recall
In the 24-hour dietary recall, the respondent is asked to
remember and report all the foods and beverages consumed
in the preceding 24 hours or on the preceding day. The
recall typically is conducted by interview, in person or by
telephone [73,74], either computer-assisted [75] or using
a paper-and-pencil form, although self-administered com-
puter administration is becoming more prevalent [7680].
When interviewer-administered, well-trained interviewers
are crucial because much of the dietary information is
collected by asking probing questions. Interviewers should
be knowledgeable about foods available in the marketplace
and about preparation practices, including prevalent regional
or ethnic foods.
The interview is often structured, usually with specific
probes, to help the respondent remember all foods con-
sumed throughout the day. An early study found that
respondents with interviewer probing reported 25% higher
dietary intakes than did respondents without interviewer
probing [81]. Probing is especially useful in collecting
necessary details, such as how foods were prepared. It is
also useful in recovering many items not originally
reported, such as common additions to foods (e.g., butter
on toast) and eating occasions not originally reported
Dietary Assessment Methodology Chapter | 1 7
(e.g., snack s and beverage breaks). However, interviewers
should be provided with standardized neutral probing
questions so as to avoid leading the respondent to specific
answers when the respondent really does not know or
The current state-of-the-art 24-hour dietary recall pro-
tocol in the United States is the U.S. Department of
Agriculture’s (USDA) Automated Multiple-Pass Method
(AMPM) [82,83], which is used in the U.S. National
Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES).
The AMPM five-pass method consists of (1) an initial
“quick list,” in which the respondent reports all the foods
and beverages consumed, without interruption from the
interviewer; (2) a forgotten foods list of nine food catego-
ries commonly omitted in 24-hour recall reporting; (3)
time and occasion, in which the time each eating occasion
began and what the respondent would call it are reported;
(4) a detail pass, in which probing questions ask for
more detailed information about the food and the portion
size, in addition to review of the eat ing occasions
and times between the eating occasions; and (5) final
review, in which any other item not already reported
is asked [82,83]. In addition, a two-dimensional Food
Model Booklet [84], developed from USDA research, is
used in the NHANES in order to facilitate more accurate
portion size estimation. A 24-hour recall interview usin g
the multiple-pass approach typically requires betwee n
30 and 45 minutes.
Data processing software systems are currently avail-
able in most developed countries, allowing direct coding
of most foods reported during the interview. This is
highly efficient with respect to processing dietary data,
minimizing missing data, and standardizing interviews
[85,86]. If direct coding of the interview is done, methods
for the interviewer to easily enter those foods not found
in the existing database should be available, and appropri-
ate use of these methods should be reinforced by inter-
viewer training and quality control procedures.
A huge technological advance in 24-hour dietary recall
methodology is the development of automated self-
administered data collection instruments [76,7880,
8791]. These systems vary in their design, inclusion of
probes regarding details of foods consumed and possible
additions and omissions, the approach to asking about
portion size, and the number of foods in their databases.
The Automated Self-Administered 24-hour dietary recall
(ASA24) developed at the National Cancer Institute
(NCI) [76,90,91] incorporates many elements of the
AMPM 24-hour interview developed by USDA [82].
Prompts used in the AMPM are asked in the program .
Portion sizes are reported using digital photographs depict-
ing up to eight sizes as portion size aids [91]. The system
uses the most current USDA survey database [92] to allow
automated coding and processing and ultimately estimation
of nutrient and food group intakes. The ASA24 system is
freely available for web or mobile phone administration
[76]. Such automated tools make feasible the collection of
high-quality dietary data in large-scale population research.
Automated self-administered recalls have been compared
to interviewer-administered recalls. One study in adoles-
cents found that differences between interviewer- and self-
administered recalls were minimal [80]. A feeding study of
86 adults found that the AMPM and the ASA24 were com-
parable in their agreement with observed intake [93].
Additionally, a large field study in 1083 adults found
that nutrient and food group intakes estimated from
AMPM and ASA24 recalls were comparable, and that
the ASA24 was preferred over the AMPM by 70% of the
participants [94].
There are many advantages to the 24-hour recall.
When an interviewer administers the tool and records the
responses, literacy of the respondent is not required. For
self-administered versions, literacy can be a constraint.
Because of the immediacy of the recall period, respon-
dents are generally able to recall most of their dietary
intake. Because there is relatively little burden on the
respondents, those who agree to do 24-hour dietary recalls
are more likely to be representative of the population than
are those who agree to keep food records. Thus, the 24-
hour recall method is useful across a wide range of popu-
lations. In addition, interviewers can be trained to capture
the detail necessary so that new foods reported can be
researched later by the coding staff and coded appropri-
ately. Finally, in cont rast to record methods , dietary
recalls occur after the food has been consumed, and if
unscheduled, reactivity is not a problem.
The main weakness of the 24-hour recall approach is
that individuals may not report their food consumption
accurately for various reasons related to knowledge,
memory, and the interview situation. These cognitive
influences are discussed in more detail in Section V.A.
A potenti al limitation, as is true for f ood records, is that
multiple days of recalls may be needed for the study
objective. Whereas a single 24-hour recall can be used
to describe the average dietary intake of a population,
multiple days of recalls are needed to model estimates
of the population’s usual intake distributions. Multiple
administrations of 24-hour recalls also allow more
precise estimation of relationships with other factors
(see Section V.G).
As with other self-report instruments, relative valida-
tion, for example, comparing 24-hour recalls with food
records, is not particularly useful. The validity of the 24-
hour dietary recall has been studied by comparing respon-
dents’ reports of intake either with intakes unobtrusively
recorded/weighed by trained observers or with recovery
biomarkers. Numerous observat ional studies of the perfor-
mance of the 24-hour recall have been conducted with
8 PART | A Assessment Methods for Research and Practice
children (see Section IV.C). In studies of adults, group
mean nutrient estimates from 24-hour recalls have been
found to be similar to observed intakes [5,95], although
respondents with lower observed intakes have tended to
overreport energy and those with higher observed intakes
have tended to underreport energy [95]. One observationa l
study found energy underreporting during a self-selected
eating period in both men and women, similar underre-
porting during a controlled diet period in men, and accu-
rate reporting during a controlled diet period in women;
underestimates of portion sizes accounted for much of the
underreporting [96]. A study of adults comparing AMPM
and ASA24 to observed intake found that both protocols
captured about 80% of the foods and drinks actually con-
sumed; there were few differences in nutrient and food
group intakes between observed and reported for both
protocols [93]. Studies with the recovery biomarkers of
doubly labeled water and urinary nitrogen generally have
found underreporting using 24-hour dietary recalls for
energy in the range of 334% [22,42,79,83,97103],
with the largest two studies in adults using a multiple-
pass method showing average underreporting to be
between 12% and 23% [83,100]. For protei n, under-
reporting tends to be in the range of 1128%
[97,100,101,103107]. An analysis of data pooled from
five of the larger recovery biomarker studies found an
average rate of underreporting of 15% for energy and 5%
for protein [108]. However, underreporting is not always
found. Some studies found overreporting of energy from
24-hour dietary recalls compared to doubly labeled water
in proxy reports for young children and adolescents
[109,110]. In addition, it is likely that the commonly
reported phenomenon of underreporting in Western coun-
tries may not occur in all cultures; for example, Harrison
et al. [111] reported that 24-hour recalls collected from
Egyptian women were well within expected amounts.
Finally, in many studies, energy adjustment has been
found to reduce error. For example, for protein density
(i.e., percentage energy from protein), 24-hour dietary
recalls conducted in the large biomarker studies were in
close agreement or somewhat higher compared to a
biomarker-based measure [54,100,101].
In past national dietary surveys using multiple-pass
methods, findings suggest that energy underreporting may
affect up to 15% of all 24-hour recalls [112,113].
Underreporters compared to nonunderreporters tended to
report fewer numbers of foods, fewer mentions of foods
consumed, and smaller portion sizes across a wide range of
food groups and tended to report more frequent intakes of
low-fat/diet foods and less frequent intakes of fat added to
foods [112]. As was found for records, factors such as BMI,
sex, social desirability, restrained eating, education, literacy,
perceived health status, and race/ethnicity have been shown
in various studies to be related to underreporting in recalls
[48,54,62,64,83,98,106,108,112116]. The 24-hour dietary
recall is considered the least biased self-report instrument,
and thus is useful for most research purposes. The NCI
Dietary Assessment Primer gives extensive guidance as to
its use in research studies [117].
C Food Frequency
The food frequency approach asks respondents to report
their usual frequency of consumption of each food from a
list of foods for a specific period. Information is collected
on frequency, but little detail is collected on other charac-
teristics of the foods as eaten, such as the methods of
cooking, or the combinations of foods in meals. Many
FFQs also incorporate usual portion size questio ns or
specify portion sizes as part of each question. Overall
nutrient intake estimates are derived by summing, over all
foods, the products of the reported frequency of each food
by the amount of nutrient in a specified (or assumed)
serving of that food to produce an estimated daily intake
of nutrients, dietary const ituents, and food groups. In
most cases, the purpose of an FFQ is to obtain a crude
estimate of usual total daily intakes over a designated
time period.
There are many FFQ instruments, and many continue
to be adapted and developed for different populations and
purposes. Among those evaluated and commonly used are
the Block Questionnaires [118], the Harvard University
Food Frequency Questionnaires or Willett Questionnaires
[119], the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Food
Frequency Questionnaire [120,121], and the NCI’s Diet
History Questionnaire [122], which was designed with an
emphasis on cognitive ease for respondents [123,124].
FFQs have been developed for use with specific popula-
tions in the United States (e.g., African Americans,
Hispanics) and throughout the world. Because of the num-
ber of FFQs available, investigators planning to use an
FFQ need to carefully consider which best suits their
research needs. “Brief” FFQs that assess a limited number
of dietary exposures are discussed in the next section.
The appropriateness of the food list is crucial in the
food frequency method. The entire breadth of an indivi-
dual’s diet, which includes many different foods, brands,
and preparation practices, cannot be fully captured with a
finite food list. Obtaining accurat e reports for foods eaten
both as sing le items and in mixtures is particularly prob-
lematic. FFQs can ask the respondent either to report a
combined frequency for a particular food eaten both alone
and in mixtures or to report separate frequencies for
each food u se. (For example, one could ask about beans
eaten alone and in mixtures, or one could ask separate
questions about refried beans, bean soups, beans in burri-
tos, etc.) The first approach is cognitively complex for the
respondent, but the second approach may lead to double
Dietary Assessment Methodology Chapter | 1 9
counting (e.g., burritos with beans may be reported as
both beans and as a Mexican mixture). Often, FFQs will
include similar foods in a single question (e.g., beef, pork,
or lamb). However, such grouping can create a cogni-
tively complex question (e.g., for someone who often eats
beef and occasionally eats pork and lamb). Differences in
definitions of the food items asked may also be problem-
atic; for example, rice is judged to be a vegetable by
many nonacculturated Hispanics living in the United
States, a judgment not shared in other race/ethnic groups
[125]. Finally, when a group of foods is asked as a single
question, assumptions about the relative frequencies of
intake of the foods constituting the group are made in the
assignment of values in the nutrient database. These
assumptions are generally based on information from an
external study popul ation (such as from a national survey
sample) even though true eating patterns may differ con-
siderably across population subgroups and over time.
Each quantitative FFQ must be associated with a data-
base to allow estimation of nutrient intakes for an
assumed or reported portion size of each food queried
[126]. For example, the FFQ item of macaroni and cheese
encompasses a wide variety of different recipes with dif-
ferent nutrient com position, yet the FFQ database must
have a single nutrient composition profile. There are sev-
eral appro aches to constructing such a database. One
approach uses quantitative dietary intake information
from the target popul ation to define the typical nutrient
density of a particular food group category. For example,
for the food group macaroni and cheese, all reports of the
individual food codes reported in a population survey can
be collected, and a mean or median nutrient composition
(by po rtion size if necessary) can be estimated. Values
can also be calcul ated by sex and age. Dietary analysis
software, specific to each FFQ, is then used to compute
nutrient intakes for individual respondents. These analyses
are available commercially for the Block, Willett, and
Fred Hutchinson FFQs, and are publicly available for the
NCI Diet History Questionnaire.
In pursuit of improving the validity of the FFQ, investi-
gators have addressed a variety of frequency questionnaire
design issues, such as length, closed- versus open-ended
response categories, portion size, seasonality, and time
frame. Frequency instruments designed to assess total diet
generally list more than 100 individual line items, many
with additional portion size questions, requiring
3060 minutes to complete. In fact, some research sug-
gests that FFQs with even longer food lists (e.g., 200
items) may perform better than those with shorter food lists
(e.g., 100 items) [127]. This raises concern about the length
and its effect on response rates. Although respondent bur-
den is a factor in obtaining reasonable response rates for
studies in general, a few studies have shown that respon-
dent burden does not seem to be a decisive factor for FFQs
[124,128,129]. This tension between length and specificity
highlights the difficult issue of how to define a closed-
ended list of foods for a food frequency instrument. Using
food record intake information, a recently described mathe-
matical approach considers the length, coverage, and
explained variance to derive an optimized food list [130].
It is suggested that this tool be used in conjunction with
expert judgment from a research nutritionist.
Although the amounts consumed by individuals are
considered an important component in estimating dietary
intakes, it is controversial as to whether or not portion size
questions should be included on FFQs [127].Frequency
has been found to be a greater contributor than serving size
to the variance in intake of most foods [131,132],suggest-
ing that the additional respondent burden of reporting serv-
ing sizes is not worthwhile. Others cite small
improvements in the performance of FFQs that ask the
respondents to report a usual serving size for each food
[133,134]. Some incorporate portion size and frequency
into one question, asking how often a particular portion of
the food is consumed [135].Althoughsomeresearchhas
been conducted to determine the best ways to ask about
portion size on FFQs [123], the marginal benefit of such
information in a particular study may depend on the study
objective and population characteristics [136]. The ramifi-
cations of using self-reported versus standard portion sizes
were illustrated in a casecontrol study that found differ-
ent odds ratios depending on which metric was used [137].
Another design issue is the time frame about which
intake is queried. Most instruments inquire about usual
intakes during the past year, but others ask about the past
week or month [138], depending on specific research
situations. Even when intake during the past year is asked,
some studies have indicated that the season in which the
questionnaire is administered has an influence on report-
ing for the entire year [139 141].
Finally, analytical decisions are required in how food
y data are processed. In research applications in
which there are no automated quality checks to ensure
that all questions are asked, decisions about how to han-
dle missing data are needed. In particular, in self-
administered situations, there are usually many initial
frequency questions that are not answered. One approach
is to assign null values because some research indicates
that respondents selectively omit answering questions
about foods they seldom or never eat [142,143]. Another
approach is the imputation of frequency values for
those not providing valid answers. Only a few studies
have addressed this issue [144,145], and it is currently
unclear whether imputation is an advance in FFQ analy-
ses. Recently, however, paper and pencil administration
has declined and has been replaced by electronic adminis-
tration which, because of programmable skip patterns,
greatly reduces missing data.
10 PART | A Assessment Methods for Research and Practice
Strengths of the FFQ approach are that it is inexpen-
sive to administ er and process and it asks about the
respondent’s usual intake of foods over an extended
period of time. Unlike other methods, the FFQ can be
used to circumvent recent changes in diet (e.g., changes
due to dise ase) by obtaining information about indivi-
duals’ diets as recalled about a prior time period.
Retrospective reports about diet nearly always use a
food frequency approach. Food frequency responses are
used to rank individuals according to their usual
consumption of nutrients, foods, or groups of foods.
Nearly all food frequenc y instruments are designed to be
self-administered, and most are either optical ly scanned
paper versions or administered electronically [118,120,
122,146148]. Be cause the costs of data collection and
processing and the respondent burden have traditionally
been much lower for FFQs than for multiple diet records
or recalls, FFQs have been a common way to estimate
usual dietary intake in large epidemiological studies.
The major limitation of the food frequency method is
that it contains a substantial amount of measurement error
[54,100103,149]. Many details of dietary intake are not
measured, and the quantification of intake is not as accu-
rate as with recalls or records. Inaccuracies result from an
incomplete listing of all possible foods and from errors in
frequency and usual serving size estimations. The estima-
tion tasks required for an FFQ are complex and difficult
[150]. As a result, the scale for nutrient intake estimates
from an FFQ may be shifted considerably, yielding inac-
curate estimates of the average intake for the group.
Research suggests that longer food frequency lists may
overestimate whereas shorter lists may underestimate
intake of fruits and vegetables [151], but it is unclear
whether or how this applies to nutrients and other food
Portion size of foods consumed is difficult for respon-
dents to evaluate and is thus problematic for all assess-
ment instruments (see Section V.D). However, the
inaccuracies involved in respondents attempting to esti-
mate usual portion size in FFQs may be even greater
because a respondent is asked to estimate an average for
foods that may have highly variable portion sizes across
eating occasions and time periods [152].
Because of the error inherent in the food frequency
approach, it is generally considered inappropriate to use
FFQ data to estimate quantitative parameters, such as the
mean and variance, of a population’s usual dietary intake
[153158]. Altho ugh some FFQs seem to produce esti-
mates of population average intakes that are reasonable
[153,159,160], different FFQs will perform in often
unpredictable ways in different populations, so the levels
of nutrient intakes estimated by FFQs should best be
regarded as only approximations [154]. FFQ data are usu-
ally energy adjusted and then used for ranking subjects
according to food or nutrient intake rather than for esti-
mating absolute levels of intake, and they are used widely
in casecontrol or cohort studies to assess the association
between dietary intake and disease risk [161163]. For
estimating relative risks, the degree of misclassification of
subjects is more important than is the quantitative scale
on which the ranking is made [164].
The definitive validity study for a food frequency
based estimate of long-term usual diet would require
nonintrusive observation of the respondent’s total diet
over a long time. Such studies are not possible in free-
living populations. One early feeding study, with three
defined 6-week feeding cycles (in which all intakes were
known), showed some significant differences in known
absolute nutrien t intakes compared to the Willett FFQ for
several fat components, mostly in the direction of under-
estimation by the FFQ [165]. Many studies have com-
pared food frequency estimates with those from multiple
food recalls or records over a period of time (see [166]
for a register of such studies). However, recalls and
records cannot be considered as accurate reference instru-
ments because they themselves have err or. Validation
studies of various FFQs using recovery biomarkers have
found that FFQs underestimate energy intake by 11%
35% [42,48,51,54,79,97,99103] and protein intake by
up to 30% [46,47,54,97,100,101,103,167171].Ina
pooled analysis of five larger U.S. biomarker studies,
FFQs underestimated energy by 28% and protein by 10%
[108]. A few studies show that correlations between a bio-
marker for protein density constructed from both urinary
nitrogen and doubly labeled water and self-reported pro-
tein density on an FFQ (kcal of protein as a percentage of
total kcal) are higher than correlations between urinary
nitrogen and FFQ-reported absolute protein intake
[101,103,149], indicating that energy adjustment may
alleviate some of the error inherent in food frequency
instruments. Various statistical methods employing mea-
surement error models and energy adjustment are used
not only to assess the validity of FFQs but also to adjust
estimates of relative risks for disease outcomes
[54,172182]. However, analyses indicate that correla-
tions between an FFQ and a reference instrument, such as
the 24-hour recall, may be overestimated because of cor-
related errors [54,101,149]. Furthermore, a few analyses
comparing relative risk estimation from FFQs to dietary
records [183,184] in prosp ective cohort studies indicate
that observed relationships are attenuated with FFQs,
thereby obscuring associations that might exist; however,
not all analyses have found this result [185]. Some epide-
miologists have suggested that the error in FFQs is a
serious enough problem that more accurate methods
(e.g., food records or 24-hour recalls) of assessing dietary
intake in large-scale prospective studies should be consid-
ered [186188].
Dietary Assessment Methodology Chapter | 1 11
Because of relatively large measurement error and
bias found with FFQs, the NCI Dietary Assessment
Primer suggests they be used sparingly, especially when
other instruments such as 24-hour dietary recalls could be
used. When FFQs are used as the main instrument, a con-
current calibration study on a subsample of the population
using more accurate instruments should be included in the
design [117]. See Section V.C for more discussion of cali-
bration. Because FFQ data might be combined with recall
or record data to improve estimates of intake and relative
risks [188190], the use of both instruments may be opti-
mal [117].
D Brief Dietary Assessment Instruments
Many brief dietary assessment instruments, also known as
“screeners,” have been developed. These instruments can
be useful in situations that do not require either assess-
ment of the total diet or quantitat ive accuracy in dietary
estimates. For example, a brief diet assessment of some
specific dietary components may be used to triage large
numbers of individuals into groups to allow mor e focused
attention on those at greatest need for intervention or edu-
cation. Measurement of dietary intake, even if imprecise,
can also serve to activate interest in the respondent, which
in turn can facilitate nutrition education. Brief instruments
may therefore have utility in clinical settings or in situa-
tions in which health promotion and health education is
the goal. In the intervention setting, brief instruments
focused on specific aspects of a dietary intervention have
been used to track changes in diet. However, because of
concern that responses to questions of intake that directly
evolve from intervention messages may be biased [191]
and that these instruments lack sensitivity to detect die-
tary change [192], this use is not recommended. Brief
instruments of specific dietary components such as fruits
and vegetables have been used for population surveillance
at the state or loca l level, for example, in the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Behavioral Risk
Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) [193,194] and the
California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) [195] (see
Section III.A). Brief instruments have also been used to
examine relationships between some specific aspects of
diet and other exposures, such as in the National Health
Interview Survey (NHIS) [196]. Finally, some suggest the
use of brief instruments to evaluate the effectiveness of
policy initiatives [195,197,198], although others question
the ability of short measures to adequately evaluate die-
tary changes [199].
Brief instruments can be simplified or targeted FFQs,
questionnaires that focus on specific eating behaviors other
than the frequency of intake of specific foods, or daily
checklists. Complete FFQs typically contain 100 or more
food items to capture the range of foods contributing to
the many different nutrients in the diet. If an investigator
is interested only in estimating the intake of a single
nutrient or food group, however, then far fewer foods
need to be assessed. Often, only 1530 foods might be
required to account for most of the intake of a particular
food component [200,201].
Numerous short questionnaires using a food frequency
approach have been developed and compared with multi-
ple d ays of dietary records, 24-hour recalls, complete
FFQs, and/or biological indicators of diet. The NCI has
developed a Register of Validated Short Dietary
Assessment Instruments [202], which contains descriptive
information about short instruments and their validation
studies and publications, as well as copies of the instru-
ments when available. To be included, publications are
required to be in English language peer-reviewed journals
and published since January 1998. Currently, the register
includes nearly 140 instruments assessing more than 30
dietary factors from 31 different countries. Instruments in
the register may be searched by dietary factors, question-
naire format, and number of questions. Descriptive infor-
mation about the validation study includes the reference
tool, the study population (age, sex, and race/ethnicity),
and the geographical location.
Much of the focus in brief instrument development
has been on fruits and vegetables and on fats. Some work
has addressed other food components that are found in
relatively few foods, such as calcium, added sugars, soy,
phytoestrogens, and heterocyclic amines [202].
1 Brief Instruments Assessing Fruit and
Vegetable Intake
Food frequency-type instruments to measure fruit and
vegetable consumption range from a single overall ques-
tion to 45 or more individual questions [203207].An
early 7-item tool developed by the NCI and private g ran-
tees for NCI’s 5 A Day for Better Health Program effort
was used widely in the United States [208210].This
tool was similar to one used in CDC’s BRFSS
[193,211,212]. Validation studies of the BRFSS and
5 A Day brief instruments to assess fruit and
vegetable intake suggested that without portion size
adjustments, they often underestimated actual intake
[203,208,212214]. Using cognitive interviewing find-
ings (see Section V.A), NCI revised the tool, including
adding portion size questions; some studies indicate
improved performance [215] and utility in surveillance
studies. However, its performance in community interven-
tions was mixed. In six of eigh t site/sex comparisons, fruit
and vegetable consumption was significantly overesti-
mated in relation to results from multiple 24-hour recalls
[216]. More important, the screener indicated change in
consumption in both men and women when none was
12 PART | A Assessment Methods for Research and Practice
seen with the 24-hour recalls [217]. The BRFSS fruit and
vegetable screener used in 201115 in odd years [193]
assessed intake of solid fruit and 100% fruit juice and
subgroups of vegetables that were particularly relevant to
2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans [218]. Intake esti-
mates from the 2011 and 2013 assessments with the new
tool have been reported [194,219]. The instrument is
being redesigned, using questions developed at NCI.
2 Brief Instruments Assessing Fat Intake
The MEDFICTS (meats, eggs, dairy, fried foods, fat in
baked goods, convenience foods, fats added at the table,
and snacks) questionnaire, initially developed to assess
adherence to low total fat (,30% energy from fat) and
saturated fat diets [219], asks about frequency of intake
and portion size of 20 individual foods that are major
food sources of fat and saturated fat in the U.S. diet. Its
initial evaluation showed high correlations with dietary
records [219]. In addition to the cross-sectional studies,
the MEDFICTS underestimated percentage calories from
fat; it was effective in identifying very high-fat intakes
but was not effective in iden tifying moderately high-fat
diets [220] or correctly identifying low-fat diets [221].
The number of mixtures reported on an FFQ (e.g., pizza
and macaroni and cheese), which were not specifically
included in the MEDFICTS tool, was negatively related
to its predictive ability [221]. In a longitudinal setting,
positive changes in the MEDFICTS score have been cor-
related with improvements in serum lipids and waist cir-
cumference among cardiac rehabilitation patients [222] .
The instrument has been adapted for other populations
with varying success [221,223]. Other fat screeners have
been developed to preserve the between-person variabil-
ity of intake [224226]—that is, to focus on the fat
sources that most distinguish differences in fat intake
among individuals or groups. A 20-item screener was
developed and tested at the German site of European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition
correlated with 7-day dietary records (r 5 0.84) and a
complete FFQ (r 5 0.82) [224,225]. A 16-item percent-
age energy from fat screener had a correlation of 0.6
with 24-hour recalls in an older U.S. population [226].
However, its performance in overweight African-
American women was poorer (mean of 33.0% vs 35.5%
energy from fat for screener vs 24-hour recall) [227].
Its performance in an intervention study of adults varied
by site [228].
Often, dietary fat reduction interventions are designed
to target specific food preparation or consumption beha-
viors rather than frequency of consuming specific foods.
Such behaviors might include trimming the fat from red
meats, removing the skin from chicken, or choosing low-
fat dairy products. Many questionnaires have been
developed in various populations to measure these types
of dietary behaviors [229238], and many have been
found to correlate with fat intake estimated from other
more detailed dietary instruments [239,240] or with
blood lipids [233,241,242]. In addition, some studies
have found that changes in dietary behavior scores have
correlated with changes in blood lipids [234,241,243].
The instrument has been updated and modified for use in
different settings and populations [242,244,245]. A modi-
fication tested in African-American adolescent girls had a
relatively low correlation (r 5 0.31) with multiple 24-hour
recalls [246] . In another modification developed for
African-American women [247], a subset of 30 items
from the SisterTalk Food Habits Questionnaire correlated
with change in BMI (r 520.35) as strongly as did the
original 91 items (r 520.36) [248].
3 Brief Multifactor Instruments
Recognizing the utility of assessing a few dimensions of
diet simultaneously, several multifactor short instruments
have been developed and evaluated. For example, Prime-
Screen is composed of 18 FFQ items asking about con-
sumption of fruits and vegetables, whole and low-fat dairy
products, whole grains, fish and red meat, and sources of
saturated and trans-fatty acids. The average correlation
with estimates from a full FFQ over 18 food groups was
0.6 and over 13 nutrients was also 0.6 [249]. The NCI
developed a dietary screener administered in the
200910 NHANES that included 28 items addressing
consumption of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, added
sugars, dairy, fiber, calcium, red meats, and processed
meats [250]. This screener was also used in the 2010 and
2015 NHIS Cancer Control Supplement.
Some multicomponent behavioral questionnaires
have also been developed . For example, Schlundt et al.
[251] developed a 51-item Eating Behavior Patterns
Questionnaire targeted at assessing fat and fiber consump-
tion among African-American women. Newly incorpo-
rated in this questionnaire were questions to reflect
emotional eating and impulsive snacking.
Some instruments combine aspects of food frequency
and behavioral questions to assess multiple dietary patterns.
For example, the Rapid Eating and Activity Assessment
for Patients is composed of 27 items assessing consump-
tion of whole grains, calcium-rich foods, fruits and
vegetables, fats, sugary beverages and foods, sodium,
and alcohol. When compared to dietary records, correla-
tions were 0.49 with the original Healthy Eating Index
(HEI) [252], a measure of overall diet quality, and moder-
ately high (range of r 5 0.330.55) for HEI subscores of
fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, fruit, and meat. Correlations
for other HEI subscores for sodium, grains, vegetables, and
dairy were low (range of r 5 0.030.27) [253].
Dietary Assessment Methodology Chapter | 1 13
Because the cognitive processes for answering food
frequency-type questions can be complex, some attempts
have been made to reduce respondent burden by creating
brief instru ments with questions that require only
“yesno” answers. This approach has been applied as a
modification of the 24-hour recall [254]. These “targeted”
24-hour recall instruments aim to assess particular foods,
not the whole diet [71,255257]. They present a pre-
coded close-ended food list and ask whether the respon-
dent ate each food on the previous day; portion size
questions may also be asked. For example, a web-
administered checklist has been developed to measure the
Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension diet. It includes
a listing of foods grouped into 11 categories, and it
includes serving size information [258].
4 Limitations of Brief Instruments
The brevity of these instruments and their correspondence
with dietary intake as estimated by more extensive meth-
ods create a seductive option for investigators who would
like to measure dietary intake at a low cost. Although
brief instruments have many applications, they have sev-
eral limit ations. First, they do not capture information
about the entire diet. Most measures are not quantitatively
meaningful and, therefore, estimates of dietary intake for
the population usually cannot be made. Even when
measures aim to provide estimates of total intake, the esti-
mates are approximations and have large measurement
error. Finally, the specific dietary behaviors found to cor-
relate with dietary intake in a particular population may
not correlate similarly in another population or even in
the same population at another time period. For example,
a brief instrument developed to assess fast-food and
beverage consumption in a pri marily white, adolescent
[259] was not useful in an overweight Latina
adolescent population [260]. Investigators should care-
fully consider the needs of their study and their own
population’s dietary patterns before choosing an “off-the-
shelf” instrument designed to briefly measure either food
frequency or specific dietary behaviors. Because of these
limitations, the NCI Dietary Assessment Primer recom-
mends that short instruments be used sparingly and when
used, to be calibrated to a more accurate instrument such
as 24-hour dietary recalls [117]. See Section V.C for
more discussion on calibration.
E Diet History
The term diet history is used in many ways. In the most
general sense, a dietary history is any dietary assessment
that asks the respondent to report about past diet.
Originally, as coined by Burke, the term dietary history
referred to the collection of information not only about
the frequency of intake of various foods but also about
the typical makeup of meals [261,262]. Many now impre-
cisely use the term dietary history to refer to the food fre-
quency method of dietar y assessment. However, several
investigators have developed diet history instruments that
provide information about usual food int ake patterns
beyond simply food frequency data [263266].Someof
these instruments characterize foods in much more detail
than is allowed in food frequency lists (e.g., preparation
methods and foods eaten in combination), and some of
these instruments ask about foods consumed at every
meal [265,267]. The term diet history is therefore proba-
bly best reserved for dietary assessment methods that are
designed to ascertain a person’s usual food intake in
which many details about characteristics of foods as usu-
ally consumed are assessed in addition to the frequency
and amount of food intake.
The Burke d iet history included three elements: a
detailed interview about usual pattern of eating, a food
list asking for amount and frequency usually eaten, and a
3-day dietary record [261,262]. The detailed interview
(which sometimes include s a 24-hour recall) is the central
feature of the Burke dietary history, with the food fre-
quency checklist and the 3-day diet record used as cross-
checks of the history. The original Burke diet history,
which requires administration by an interviewer, has not
often been exactly reproduced because of the effort and
expertise involved in capturing and coding the informa-
tion. However, many variations of the Burke method have
been developed and used in a variety of settings
[263266,268272]. These variations attempt to ascer-
tain the usual eating patterns for an extended period of
time, including type, frequency, and amount of foods con-
sumed; many include a cross-check feature [273,274].
Some diet history instruments have been automated
and adapted for self-administration, sometimes with
audio, thus eliminating the need for an interviewer to ask
the questions [24,265,275]. Other diet histories have been
automated but still continue to be administered by an
interviewer [276,277]. Short-term recalls or records are
often used for validation or calibration rather than as a
part of the tool.
The major strength of the diet history method is its
assessment of meal patterns and details of food intake
rather than intakes for a short period of time (as in records
or recalls) or only frequency of food consumption. Details
of the means of preparation of foods can be helpful
in better characterizing nutrient intake (e.g., frying vs
baking), as well as exposure to other factors in foods
(e.g., charcoal broiling). When the information is col-
lected separately for each meal, analyses of the joint
effects of foods eaten together are possible (e.g., effects
on iron absorption of concurrent intake of tea or foods
containing vitamin C). Although a meal-based approach
14 PART | A Assessment Methods for Research and Practice
often requires more time from the respondent than does a
food-based approach, it may provide more cognitive sup-
port for the recall process. For example, the respondent
may be better able to report total bread consumption by
reporting bread as consumed at each meal.
A weakness of the approach is that respondents are
asked to make many judgments about both the usual
foods consumed and the amounts of those foods eaten.
These subjective tasks may be difficult for many respon-
dents. Burke cautioned that nutrient intakes estimated
from these data should be interpreted as relative rather
than absolute. All of thes e limitations are also shared with
the food frequency method. The meal-based approach is
not useful for individuals who have no particular eating
pattern and may be of limited use for individuals who
“graze” (i.e., eat throughout the day rather than at defined
mealtimes). The approach, when conduc ted by inter-
viewers, requires trained nutrition professionals and is
thus costly. Finally, the diet history as a method is not
well standardized, and thus methods differ from each
other and are difficult to reproduce, making comparisons
across studies difficult.
Relative to other assessment approaches, few valida-
tion studies of diet history questionnaires using biological
markers as a basis of comparison have been conducted.
The studies found that reported mean energy intakes using
the diet history approach in selected small samples of
adults were underestimated in the range of 223% com-
pared to energy expenditure as measured by doubly
labeled water [278281]. Generally, underreporting of
protein, compared to urinary nitrogen, was less than that
for energy and only sometimes significantly different
[279,281283]. These results have also been seen in chil-
dren [284], adolescents [285,286], and the elderly [264].
Because of small sample sizes in these studies, few were
able to examine characteristics related to underreporting,
and their results were mixed, with some finding more
underreporting with higher BMI [283,284] and others
finding no relationship [264,280,287]. Although the diet
history approach was extensively used as the main study
instrument in European cohorts initiated in the 1990s, the
approach is seldom used now in new cohort studies as
other approaches have evolved. The approach is some-
times used as a reference instrument [288 290].
F Blended Instruments/Combined
Better understanding of various instrume nts’ strengths
and weaknesses has led to creative blending of instru-
ments with the goal of maximizing the strengths of each
instrument. For example, a record-assisted 24-hour recall
has been used in several studies with children [291,292].
The child keeps notes of what he or she has eaten and
then uses these notes as memory prompts in a later 24-
hour recall. A mobile phone food record app that includes
before and after meal photographs with text entry has
been tested in adolescents [293].
Analytical methods for using information from two
different instruments are available. For example,
Thompson et al. [294] combine d information from a
series of daily checklists (i.e., precoded record) with fre-
quency reports from an FFQ to form checklist-adjusted
estimates of intake. In an evaluation of this approach,
agreement with 24-hour recalls improved for energy and
protein but was unchanged for protein density [294].
A two-part statistical model developed by NCI uses infor-
mation from two or more 24-hour recalls, allowing for the
inclusion of daily frequency estimates derived from a
food propensity questionnaire (a frequency questionnaire
that does not ask about portion size), as well as other
potentially contributing characteristics (e.g., age and race/
ethnicity), as covariates [295]. Frequency information
contributes to the model by providing additional informa-
tion about an individual’s propensity to consume a food,
and is particularly useful for episodically consumed foods
and nutrients [296]. The recalls, however, provide infor-
mation about the nature and amount of the food con-
sumed. Such methods are used to better measure usual
intakes (see Section V.G). Several approaches consisting
of multiple dietary assessment instruments are available
to estimate associations between diet and disease.
A prominent use is to calibrate a frequency questionnaire
completed by all study subjects wi th information from a
more accurate instrument, such as a 24-hour recall, com-
pleted by a subset. See Section V.C for more discussi on
of calibration. Carroll et al. [188] explored the number of
days of 24-hour recall required to estimate associations
between diet and disease in a cohort study and whether an
FFQ, in addition, is beneficial. They concluded that for
most nutrients and foods, 46 nonconsecutive days of
24-hour recall and an FFQ are optimal. The combination
of FFQ and multiple 24-hour recalls was superior in
estimating some nutrients and foods, especially for episodi-
cally consumed foods. Finally, the addition of biomarker
information to self-reported dietary information has been
shown to increase accuracy and statistical power to estimate
associations between diet and disease [297,298].
Table 1.1 summarizes the important characteristics of
the main self-report dietary assessment methods.
The choice of the most appropriate dietary assessment
method for a specific research question requires careful
Dietary Assessment Methodology Chapter | 1 15
consideration. The primary research question must be
clearly formed, and questions of secondary interest should
be recognized as such. Projects can fail to achieve their
primary goal becau se of too much attention to secondary
goals. The choice of the most appropriate dietary assess-
ment tool depends on many factors. Questions that must
be answered in evaluating which dietary assessment tool
is most appropriate for a particular research need include
the following [162]: (1) Is information needed about
foods, nutrients, other food components, or specific die-
tary behaviors? (2) Is the focus of the research question
on describing intakes using estimates of average intake,
and does it also require distributional information? (3) Is
the focus of the research question on describing relation-
ships between diet and health outcomes? (4) What level
of accuracy and precision is needed? (5) What time period
is of interest? (6) What are the research constraints in
terms of money, interview time, staff, and respondent
The NCI Dietary Assessment Primer conceptualizes
research questions into four categories: to describe a
population’s dietary intake; to examine associations
between diet as an independent variable and another vari-
able; to examine associations between an independent
TABLE 1.1 Comparison of Self-Report Dietary Assessment Methods by Important Characteristics
Dietary 24-Hour FFQ Diet Screener
Record Recall History
Type of Information Attainable
Detailed information about foods consumed X X
General information about food groups consumed X X
Meal-specific details X X
Scope of Information Sought
Total diet X X X X
Specific components X
Time Frame Asked
Short term (e.g., yesterday, today) X X
Long term (e.g., last month, last year) X X X
Adaptable for Diet in Distant Past
No X X
Cognitive Requirements
Measurement or estimated recording of foods and drinks as X
they are consumed
Memory of recent consumption X X
Ability to make judgments of long-term diet X X X
Potential for Reactivity
High X
Time Required to Complete
,15 minutes
.20 minutes X X X X
Suitable for Cross-Cultural Comparisons Without Instrument Adaptation
Yes X X
16 PART | A Assessment Methods for Research and Practice
variable and diet as a dependent variable; and to evaluate
the effect of an intervention on dietary intake. The role of
measurement error in tool selection for each research
objective is discussed in depth [117].
A Cross-Sectional Surveys
One of the most common types of population studies is
the cross-sectional survey, a set of measurements of a
population at a particular point in time. Such data can be
collected solely to describe a particular population’s
intake. Alternatively, data can be used for surveillance at
the national, state, and local levels as the basis for asses-
sing risk of deficiency, toxicity, and overconsumption; to
evaluate adherence to dietary guidelines and p ublic health
programs; and to develop food and nutrition policy.
Cross-sectional data also may be used for examining asso-
ciations betwee n current diet and other factors including
health. However, caution must be applied in examining
many chronic diseases believed to be associated with past
diet because the currently measured diet is not necessarily
related to past diet. If the study objective requires quanti-
tative estimates of intake, the 24-hour recall and possibly
the food record instruments are recommended [117]. Less
detailed instruments, such as FFQs or behavioral indica-
tors, may be appropriate when qualitative estimates on
limited exposures are sufficient—for example, frequency
of consuming sugar-sweetened beverages and frequency
of eating from fast-food restaurants.
1 Surveillance/Monitoring
When measurements are collected on a sample at two or
more times, the data can be used for purposes of monitor-
ing dietary trends. To assess trends in intakes over time, it
would be ideal for the dietary surveillance data collection
methods, sampling procedures, and food composition
databases to be similar from survey to survey. As a practi-
cal matter, however, this is difficult, and the benefits of
trend analysis may not outweigh the benefits of improving
the methods over time. The dietary assessment method
used consistently throughout the years in U.S. national die-
tary surveillance is the interviewer-administered 24-hour
recall. However, recall methodology has improved over
time based on cognitive research, the addition of multiple
interviewing passes, standardization of probes, automation
of the interview, and automation of the coding. The avail-
ability of automated self-administered 24-hour recall instru-
ments may lead to further changes in methodology.
Another issue that affects the assessment of trends over
time is changes in the nutrient or food grouping databases
and specification of default foods. Changes in the food sup-
ply are reflected in additions or subtractions to food com-
position databases, whereas changes in consumption trends
may lead to subsequent reassignment of default codes for
foods not fully specified in 24-hour recalls or records (e.g.,
when type of milk is not specified, the default code is now
2% milk as opposed to whole milk in the past). Food com-
position databases, too, are modified over time because of
true changes in food composition, improved analytic meth-
ods for particular nutrients, or inclusion of information for
new dietary components. Since 1999, the major cross-
sectional surveillance survey in the United States has been
the NHANES [299]. This survey is conducted by the
National Center for Health Statistics. The dietary compo-
nent of the survey, called “What We Eat in America” [75],
consists of 24-hour recalls collected using the USDA’s
AMPM (see Section II.B). The USDA also processes and
analyzes the data. The 24-hour recalls in NHANES query
the intake of dietary supplements as well as foods and
beverages. Since 200304, NHANES has conducted two
24-hour dietary recalls on each respondent, allowing for
estimation not only of average usual intake but also of the
distributions of usual intake of the dietary components (see
Section V.G).
NHANES provides high-quality dietary intake data at
the national level, but these data are of limited use for
state and local researchers planning and evaluating their
programs and policies [300]. Collection of state and local
data is often constrained by lack of resources or interview
time, leading to the frequent use of less expensive brief
instruments. For example, the CDC has used telephone-
administered brief instruments to periodically assess fruit
and vegetable intake within the BRFSS [193]. The
California Department of Public Health, in its California
Dietary Practices Survey, has assessed dietary practices
among adults biennially since 1989 [301]. The CHIS used
telephone-administered brief instruments to assess fruit
and vegetable intake in 2001, 2005, and 2009 [195].
B Case Control (Retrospective) Studies
A casecontrol study design classifies individuals with
regard to current disease status (as cases or controls) and
relates this to past (retrospective) exposures. In etiologic
research, information about diet before onset of disease is
needed. Dietary assessment methods that focus on current
behavior, such as the 24-hour reca ll, are obviously not
useful in retrospective studies of long past diet. The food
frequency and diet history methods are the only viable
choices for case control (retrospective) studies.
In any food frequency or diet history interview, the
respondent is not asked to recall specific memories of
each eating occasion but, rather, to respond on the basis
of general perceptions of how frequently he or she ate a
food. In casecontrol studies, the relevant period is often
the year before diagnosis of disease or o nset of symptoms
or at particular life stages, such as adolescence and
Dietary Assessment Methodology Chapter | 1 17
childhood. Thus, in assessing past diet, an additional
requirement is to orient the respondent to the appropriate
time period.
The validity of recalled diet from the distant past is
difficult to assess because definitive recovery biomarker
information (e.g., doubly labeled water, urinary nitrogen)
is not available for large samples from long ago. Instead,
relative validity and long-term reproducibility of various
FFQs have been assessed in various populations by asking
participants from past dietary studies to recall their diet
from that earlier time [302304]. These studies have
found that correlations between past and current reports
about the past vary by nutrient and by food group
[135,305], with higher correspondence for very frequently
consumed and rarely consumed foods compared to that
for foods consumed moderately often [305,306]. Evidence
suggests that correspondence between past and recalled
past decreases with the length of time between reports
[302,307]. In particular, retros pective reports of diet in
adolescence after long recall periods (i.e., .30 years)
have shown little correspondence with the original reports
[308310]. Maternal reports about diets of their children
in early childhood or adolescence and siblings reports of
each other’s diets in adolescence have also shown low
correspondence with the original reports [310,311].
Correspondence of retrospective diet reports with the
diet as measured in the original study usually has been
greater than the correspondence of current diet with past
diet. This obser vation implies that if diet from years in the
past is of interest, it is usually preferable to ask respon-
dents to recall it than to consider current diet as a proxy
for past diet. Nonetheless, the current diets of respondents
may affect their retrospective reports about past diets. In
particular, retrospectiv e diet reports from seriously ill indi-
viduals may be biased by recent dietary change s
[302,312]. Some studies of groups in whom diet was pre-
viously measured indicat e no consistent differences in the
accuracy of retrospective reporting between those who
recently became ill and others [313,314]. However, in two
of three studies that have compared baseline prospective
dietary information to later retrospective recall of the ear-
lier diet, the correspondence of the information differed
between those who later became cases and control s, intro-
ducing attenuation into risk estimates [310,315,316].
C Cohort (Prospective) Studies
In a cohort study design, exposures of interest are
assessed at baseline and possibly at later times in a group
(cohort) of people and disease outcomes occurring over
time (prospectively) are then related to the baseline expo-
sure levels. For many chronic diseases, large numbers of
individuals need to be followed for years before enough
new cases with that disease accrue to have adequate
power for statistical analyses. A broad assessment of diet
is usually desirable in prospective studies because many
dietary exposures and many disease end points will ulti-
mately be inve stigated, and areas of interest may not even
be recognized at the beginning of a cohort study.
In order to relate diet at baseline prior to disease to the
eventual occurrence of disease, a measure of the usual
intake of foods (see Section V.G) by study subjects is
needed. Multiple dietary recalls, multiple records, diet histo-
ries, and food frequency methods have all been used effec-
tively in prospective studies. Cost and logistic issues have
favored food frequency methods because many prospective
studies require thousands of respondents. However, because
of concern about significant measurement error and attenua-
tion attributed to the FFQ [183,186,187,317320],other
approaches are being considered. One approach is the use of
multiple automated self-administered 24-hour recall instru-
ments (see Section II.B). Another approach is collecting
multiple days of dietary records at baseline, with later cod-
ing and analysis of records for those respondents selected
for analysis, using a nested casecontrol design [321,322].
The incorporation of emerging technological advances, such
as mobile phones, in obtaining dietary records increases the
feasibility of such approaches in prospective studies.
If using an FFQ as the main instrument in the cohort, it
is desirable to include multiple recalls or records in repre-
sentative subsamples of the population (preferably before
beginning the study) to construct or modify the food fre-
quency instrument and to calibrate it (see Section V.C).
Information on the foods consumed could be used to
ensure that the FFQ includes the major food sources of key
nutrients, with appropriate portion size categories. Because
the diets of individuals change over time, it is desirable to
measure diet throughout the follow-up period rather than
just at baseline. If diet is measured repeatedly over years,
repeated calibration is also desirable. Information from cal-
ibration studies can be used for three purposes: to assist in
study design, such as the sample size needed [164];tocali-
brate values from the food frequency tool to values from
the recalls/records [180]; and to determine the degree of
attenuation/measurement error in the estimates of associa-
tion observed in the study (e.g., between diet and disease)
[175,178,180,182,323327] (see Section V.C). Some
research indicates that an optimal approach to dietary
assessment in prospective studies may be the use of both
multiple recalls or records and FFQs [188].TheFFQcan
be particularly useful in contributing information about epi-
sodically consumed foods.
D Intervention Studies
Dietary intervention study designs usually consist of mea-
sures of interest for at least two time periods (typically,
before and after intervention), and for at least two groups
18 PART | A Assessment Methods for Research and Practice
of participants, those receiving the intervention and those
not (i.e., controls). Intervention studies range from rela-
tively small, highly controlled, clinical studies of targeted
participants to large trials of population groups.
The need for careful planning and formative research
in designing useful community dietar y intervention trials
has been described [328]. A critical element is the exis-
tence of evidence that a particular intervention would cre-
ate a measurable change in a particular group and setting.
Intentional behavior change is a complex and sequential
phenomenon, as has been shown for tobacco cessation
[329], and this is also true for dietary change [330].
Interventions that aim to change the existing diet may
use dietary assessment for two purposes: (1) initial
screening for inclusion (or exclusion) into the study and
(2) baseline measurement agai nst which dietary changes
resulting from the intervention are assessed. Not all inter-
vention trials require initial screening. For those that do,
screening can be performed using very detailed instru-
ments or less burdensome instruments. For example, food
frequency instruments were used in the Women’s Health
Trial [331] and in the Women’s Health Initiative Dietary
Modification Trial [332] to identify groups with high fat
intake and thus determine eligibility.
Measurement of the effects of a dietary intervention
requires a valid measure of change from baseline to the
conclusion of the intervention period, and often, postinter-
vention to assess the durability of any change. Dietary
interventions that are expected to change an objective
marker, for example, weight or blood lipids, are relatively
straightforward to measure and analyze. However, if eval-
uation of the intervention requires measurement of change
in self-reported diets, the task is complex, due to many
possible biases.
Although not intending to be deceptive, some respon-
dents may tend to report what they think investigators
want to hear, leading to social desirability [333] and social
approval [334] biases. Because of their greater subjectiv-
ity, behavioral questions, short instruments, and the food
frequency method may be more susceptible to social desir-
ability biases than the 24-hour recall method [73,191].On
the other hand, repeated measurement may lead to greater
awareness of diet and enhanced reporting skills and thus
may enhance accuracy [335]. Dietary records and sched-
uled 24-hour recalls are vulnerable to reactivity bias. If
assessment is by 24-hou r recalls, unannounced administra-
tion would avoid reactivity but possibly at the expense of
participation as successful contact may be more difficult
(and expensive). Most importantly, the potential for differ-
ential misreporting of diet between study groups (whether
the misreporting in each group is similar or different) can
affect the integrity of the results. Repeated measures of
diet among study subjects can reflect reporting bias in the
direction of the change being promoted [336].
Some work has been done to evaluate the use of self-
report dietary assessment methods to measure dietary
changes [245,336]. Researchers have found that dietary
records and scheduled 24-hour recalls are associated with
changed eating behavior during the record days and less
correspondence with biological measures [337] and
expected weight change [338], and increased underreport-
ing [339]. One study using dietary screeners and a
reference measure of multiple nonconsecutive unan-
nounced 24-hour recalls found that change in fruit and
vegetable intake in the intervention group was overesti-
mated relative to the control group [217]. However, in the
same study, a fat screener and the 24-hour recalls were
consistent in finding no change in percentage energy
fromfatinthetwogroups[340]. Because of resource
constraints and respondent burden, large intervention
studies have often relied on less precise measures of
diet, including FFQs and brief instruments. However,
resource constraints may be less relevant with the avail-
ability of automated self-administered 24-hour dietary
recall instruments and less burdensome dietary records.
Because self-reports of diet are subject to differential
response bias in the context of an intervention study
[335,336], an independent objective assessment of dietary
change should be considered. For example, food availabil-
ity and/or sales in worksite cafeterias, school cafeterias, or
vending machines could be monitored. One such method
useful in community-wide interventions is monitoring food
sales [341]. Often, cooperation can be obtained from
food retailers [342]. However, because the number of food
items may be large, it may be possible to monitor only
a small number, and the large effects on sales of day-to-
day pricing fluctuations should be carefully considered.
Another method to consider is measuring changes in
biomarkers of diet, such as serum carotenoids [335,343]
or serum cholesterol [344]. Consistency of changes in self-
reported diet and appropriate biomarkers provides further
evidence for real changes in the diet. Finally, social desir-
ability biases could be measured and the resulting scales
incorporated into intervention analyses. See Chapter 10,
Nutritional Intervention: Lessons from Clinical Trials,
and Chapter 11, Biomarkers and Their Use in Nutrition
Intervention, for more in-depth discussions of the evalua-
tion of diet in nutrition interventions and use of biomarkers
in intervention studies, respectively.
A Respondents Unable to Self-Report
In many situations, respondents are unavailable or unable
to report about their diets. Dietary assessment in young
children relies on surrogate reports. In casecontrol
Dietary Assessment Methodology Chapter | 1 19
studies, surrogate reports may be obtained for cases who
have died or who are too ill to interview. Although the
accuracy of surrogate reports has not been examined
using the recovery biomarkers of doubly labeled water or
urinary nitrogen, comparability of reports by surrogates
and subjects has been studied with the goal that surrogate
information might be used interchangeably with informa-
tion provided by subjects [345]. Common sense indicates
that individuals who know most about a subject’s lifestyle
would make the best surrogate reporters [346]. Adult sib-
lings provide the best information about a subject’s early
life, and spouses or children provide the best information
about a subject’s adult life. When food frequenc y instru-
ments are used, the level of agreement between subject
and surrogate reports of diet varies with the food and pos-
sibly with other variables, such as number of shared
meals, interview situation, case status, and sex of the sur-
rogate reporter. Mean frequencies of use computed for
individual foods and food groups between surrogate
reporters and subject reporters tend to be similar
[347349], but agreement is much lower when detailed
categories of frequency are compared. Several studies
have shown that agreement is better for alcoholic bev-
erages, coffee, and tea than for foods.
When subjects themselves report intakes in the
extremes of a distribution, their surrogates seldom report
intakes in the opposite extreme, although the surrogates
tend to report intakes in the middle of the distribution
[350]. This may limit the usefulness of surrogate infor-
mation for analyses that rely on accurate ranking.
Furthermore, the quality of surrogate reports between
spouses of deceased subjects and spouses of surviving
subjects may dif fer substantiall y [351]. Thus far, however,
little evidence suggests that dietary intakes are systemati-
cally overreported or underreported depending on the case
status of the subject [352 354]. Nonetheless, use of
surrogate respondents should be minimized for obtaining
dietary information in analytical studies. When used, anal-
yses excluding the surrogate reports should be done to
examine the sensitivity of the reported associations to
possible errors or biases in the surrogate reports. If plan-
ning a study using surrogate reports, sample size should
be inflated to account for higher incidence of missing
data, inability to recruit surrogates for some number of
cases, and reduced precision of dietary estimates.
B Minority Populations
The widespread use of many “ethnic” foods in the Unite d
States throughout the popul ation and the increasing diver-
sity of the population have broadened the food composi-
tion databases and food lists used for the general
population. Nonetheless, special modifications may be
needed in dietary assessment methods when the study
population is com posed of individuals whose cuisine or
cooking practices are not adequately represented in the
instrument and/or database [355]. If the method requires
an interview, interviewers of the same ethn ic or cultural
background are preferable so that dietary information can
be more effectively communicated. If dietar y information
is to be quantified into nutrient estimates, examination of
the nutrient composition database is necessary to ascertain
whether ethnic foods are included and whether those foods
and their various preparation methods represent those con-
sumed by the target population [356]. It is also necessary
to examine the recipes and assumptions underlying the
nutrient composition of certain ethnic foods. Some very
different foods may be called the same name, or iden tical
foods may be called by different names [357,358]. For
these reasons, it may be necessary to obtain detailed recipe
information for all ethnic mix tures reported.
To examine the suitability of the initial database, pre-
liminary information about typical diets should be
collected from individuals in the minority groups. This
information could come from recalls or records with
accompanying interviews or from focus group interviews.
These interviews should focus on the foods eaten and the
ways in which foods are prepared in that culture. Recipes
and alternative names of the same food should be col-
lected, and field interviewers should be familiarized with
the results of these focus groups. Recipes and food names
that are relatively uniform should be included in the nutri-
ent composition database. Even with these modifications,
it may be preferable for the field interviewers to collect
detailed descriptions of ethnic foods reported rather than
to directly code these foods using preselected lists most
common in computer-assisted methods. This would pre-
vent the detail of food choice and preparation from being
lost by a priori codi ng.
USDA continues to incorporate new foods into the
National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference (SR)
as does the University of Minnesota Nutrient Database
System (see Section V.F). If a newly reported food is not
available in the food composition database being used, a
default code that is thought to closely mirror the nutrient
composition of the new food can be used.
Use of FFQs developed for the majority population
may be suboptimal for many individuals with different
eating patterns. Many individuals consume both foods
common in the mainstream culture and foods that are spe-
cific to their own culture. Modification of the existing
food list can be accomplished through expert judgment,
qualitative interv iews with the target population [359],
and/or examination of the frequency of reported foods in
the population from a set of dietary records or recalls. For
example, FFQs for Alaska Natives [360], Hispanics
[361,362], and African Americans in the southern United
States [363] have been developed using these approaches.
20 PART | A Assessment Methods for Research and Practice
In addition to the food list, however, there are other
important issues to consider when adapting existing FFQs
for use in other populations. The relat ive intake of differ-
ent foods within a food group line item may differ , thus
requiring a change in the nutrient database associated
with each line item. For example, Latino populations may
consume more tropical fruit nectars and less apple and
grape juice than the general U.S. population and therefore
would require a different nutrient composition standard
for juices. In addition, the portion sizes generally used
may differ [364]. For example, rice may be consumed in
larger quantities in Latino and Asian populations; the
amount attributed to a large portion for the general popu-
lation may be substantially lower than the amount typi-
cally consumed by Latino and Asian populations.
Adaptation of an existing FFQ considering all of these
factors has been done for an elderly Puerto Rican popula-
tion [365], for white and African-American adults in the
Lower Mississippi Delta [366], and for the Hawai i Los
Angeles Multiethnic Cohort Study [367]. The Southern
Community Cohort Study incorpor ated both race/ethnicity
and geographic region into its FFQ database [368].
With some populations, it may be preferable to adminis-
ter an FFQ using an interviewer rather than self-
administration because literacy and language barriers may
limit participation in the study as well as quality of
response. In addition, portion size models, which inter-
viewers can bring to a home interview, may be preferable
to portion size pictures available in a self-administered
instrument [360].
The NCI Dietary Calibration/Validation Studies
Register [166] can be used to search for studies using FFQs
in specific race/ethnicity groups. Questionnaires aimed at
allowing comparison of intakes across multiple cultures
have been developed. Although some studies have found no
appreciable performance differences across various race/
ethnicity groups [369], most have found differences
[365,367,370374]. Understanding these differences is
crucial to the appropriate interpretation of study results.
C Children
Assessing the diets of children is considered to be even
more challenging than assessing the diets of adults.
Children tend to have diets that are highly variable from
day to day, and their food habits can change rapidly over
time. Younger children are less able to recall, estimate,
and cooperate in usual dietary assessment procedures than
older children [375], so much information by necessity
has to be obtained by surrogate reporters. Although they
are more able to report, adolescents may be less moti-
vated to give accurate reports. Baranowski and Domel
[376] have posited a cognitive model of how children
report dietary information.
Dietary assessment in children and adolescents
has been discussed and reviewed [375,377382].
The 24-hour recall, dietary records (including precoded
checklists [8]), dietary histories, FFQs, brief instruments
[383385], and blended instruments such as a dietary
record-assisted 24-hour recall [291] have all been used to
assess children’s intakes. The use of direct observation of
children’s diets has also been used extensivel y, most often
as a reference method to compare with self-reported
instruments [386,387]. As predicted from Barano wski and
Domel’s model, it has been found that children’s esti-
mates of portion size have large error [388], and they are
less able than adults to estimate portion sizes [389] (see
Section V.D). Overall, the consensus seems to be that the
characteristics of different age groups call for the use of
different assessment approaches [380].
For pres chool-aged children, information is obtained
from surrogates, usually the primary caretaker(s), typi-
cally a parent or external caregiver. If information is
obtained only from one surrogate reporter, the reports are
likely to be less complete. Even for periods when the
caregiver and child are together, foods tend to be underes-
timated [390]. A “consensus ” recall method, in which the
child and parents report as a group on a 24-hour recall,
has been shown to give more accurate information than a
recall from either parent or child alone [391]. Sobo and
Rock [392] describe such interviews and suggest tips for
interviewers to maximize data accuracy. Food records
have been used in many European population studies
[393]. This approach may be acceptable, but is likely to
be inappropriate for some populations. The U.S.
NHANES administers 24-hour recalls to proxy reporters
for children under 6 [394].
For older children, extensive research has been con-
ducted on the self-reported 24-hour recall [395]. Baxter
et al. [396] found that among fourth graders, accuracy of
the 24-hour recall improves as the time between reporting
and eating decreases, and meal-specific intrusions (i.e.,
reports of foods not consumed) are fewer in an open for-
mat interview than in a time-forward format interview
(i.e., beginning at the earliest meal in the time period and
working forward to the next meal). These intrusions are
often associated with additional intrusions at the same
meal [396]. Becaus e accuracy of recall is greater when
the time between eating and reporting is shorter, there
will be differential error by meal; meals further away
(e.g., at the beginning of the 24-hour recall period) will
have substantially more error [397,398].
To make 24-hour recalls more feasible, self-
administered automated 24-hour recall tools have been
developed and tested for children [88]. An interviewer-
administered 24-hour recall and a self-administered 24-
hour recall using the Food Intake Recording Software
System (FIRSSt) were compared to unobtrusive
Dietary Assessment Methodology Chapter | 1 21
observations in fourth graders. Compared to observed
intake, the interviewer-administered 24-hour recall was
associated with a 59% match, 17% intrusion, and 24%
omission rates, whereas the automated recall was associ-
ated with a 46% match, 24% intrusion, and 30% omission
rates [88]. The most recent version, FIRSSt4, is an adap-
tation of the ASA24, simplified for children [399,400]
and is available as ASA24-Kids [76]. Particular chal-
lenges of self-administered 24-hour recalls in this age
group include instigating and maintaining motivation to
complete the task, and, because of difficulty in estimating
portion size incorporating training for portion size estima-
tion within the application [401]. Other web-based
24-hour recall systems have been developed especially for
children and adolescents, for example, SCRAN24 in
Great Britain [402], Web DASC in Denmark [403], and
CANAA-W in Belgium [404]. The Synchronized
Nutrition and Activity Program (SNAP), a partial recall,
directs children to report the previous day’s food intake
by ticking the number of times they consumed each of
40 foods and 9 drinks [405]. Another approach that has
been taken with school-age children is a blended instru-
ment, the record-assisted 24-hour recall, in which the
children record only the names of foods and beverages
consumed throughout a 24-hour period. This information
serves as a cue for the later 24-hour recall interview.
The European Food Consumption V alidation Project, a
consortium of 13 institutes from 11 European countries,
provisionally recommended a similar approach—a food
recording booklet for foods eaten away from home—for
school children 714 years old. Studies examining the
validity of this approach have had mixed results
[291,292,406]. For children ages 611, the U.S.
NHANES administers 24-hour recalls to the child
assisted by an adult household member. Children 12
years old and older report for themselves and may have
a proxy reporter if necessary [394].
Food frequency appro aches are even more challenging
for children and adol escents as they are for adults.
Children’s diets change more quickly over time, and may
also be more variable from day to day than adults. In
addition, children are less able to conceptualize intake
over a long period of time. The instrument itself requires
adaptation of the food list, question wording and format,
and portion size categories, and consequently the database
for converting responses to nutrient intakes. Food
frequency instruments, some web administered, have been
developed and tested for use in child and adolescent
populations [146,407410]. A web -based food behavioral
questionnaire underestimated the intake of middle-school
children compared to a multiple-pass 24-hour recall
[411]. Generally, correlations between food frequency
type instruments and more precise reference instruments
have been lower in child and adolescent populations than
in adult populations. For these reasons, the food fre-
quency approach is not recommended for children and
New technology has been incorporated into some die-
tary assessment approaches. Williamson et al. [412]
developed and tes ted an observational method using digi-
tal photography in school cafeterias. The method consists
of standardized photography of the food selected before
the meal and the plate waste following the meal. Using
reference portions of measured quantities of the foods,
expert judgment is used to estimate the amount of each
food consumed [413]. Technology-based methods, such
as disposable cameras, mobile phones with cameras
[414], and smart phones, are being developed for collect-
ing records and may be particularly useful among adoles-
cents, who prefer these methods to traditional methods
[415]. Examples of these new methods are the Remote
Food Photography Method [416] and Technology
Assisted Dietary Ass essment [417]. Generally, these
methods require more development, and eventual large-
scale evaluation.
In addition to performance considerations, the choice
of which dietary assessment approach instrument to use in
a given study may depend on the study objectives and
study design factors, all of which will influence the
appropriateness and feasibility of different approaches
D Elderly
Measuring diets among the elderly can, but does not nec-
essarily, present special challenges [419422]. Both
recall and food frequency techniques are inappropriate if
memory or cognitive functioning is impaired. Similarly,
self-administered tools may be inappropriate if physical
disabilities such as poor vision are present. Interviewer
administration is difficult when hearing problems are
present [421]. Direc t observation in institutional care
facilities [419] or shelf inventories for elders who live at
home can be useful. Even when cognitive integrity is not
impaired, several factors can affect the assessment of diet
among the elderly. Because of the frequency of chronic
illness in this age group, it is more probable that special
diets (e.g., low sodium, low fat) would have been recom-
mended. Such recommendations could not only affect
actual dietary intake but also bias reporting because indi-
viduals may report what they should eat rat her than what
they do eat. Alternatively, respon dents on special diets
may be more aware of their diets and may more accu-
rately report them. When dentition is poor, the interviewer
should probe regarding foods that are prepared or con-
sumed in different ways. Relative to other age groups, the
elderly are more apt to take multiple types of nutritional
supplements [423425], which present special problems
22 PART | A Assessment Methods for Research and Practice
in dietary assessment (see Chapter 2: Assessment of
Dietary Supplement Use). Because of the concern of mal-
nutrition among the elderly, specific instruments to detect
risk of malnutrition [426], such as the Mini Nutritional
Assessment [427] and the Mini Nutritional Assessment
Short Form [428,429], the Geriatric Nutritiona l Risk
Index [430432], the Subjective Global Assessment
[426,428], and the Scored Patient-Generated Subjective
Global Assessment [433] have been developed. While all
of these tools focus on the elderly, they vary by setting,
purpose, and administration mode.
Some researchers have suggested that the short-term
memory required for the 24-hour recall may be more diffi-
cult for the elderly, who are more adept at long-term mem-
ory [419]. However, interviewers conducting an FFQ among
elderly respondents noted difficulty in maintaining interest
and concentration, whereas these issues were not found dur-
ing the more engaging 24-hour recall interview [420].
Validation studies using doubly labeled water and/or
urinary biomarkers among the elderly are limited
[42,434436]. Generally, energy underreporting has been
found to be positively related to elevated BMI and lower
education, similar to younger populations. However, in
the NIH-funded Health, Aging, and Body Composition
Study cohort, Shahar et al. [436] found that a substantial
portion of elderly reporters were undereaters, losing more
than 2% of their weight over a year. The distinction
between undereating and underreporting is particularly
relevant in the elderly.
Adaptations of standard dietary assessment methods
have been suggested and evaluated, including using mem-
ory strategies, notifying the respondent prior to the dietary
interview [437], combining methods [438], conducting
multiple interviews for long protocols [419], and adaptin g
existing instruments [439]. Specific adaptations that have
been made in elderly populations include use of house-
hold measures rather than pictures to portray portion size
for sight-impaired respondents [420] and tailoring the
food list and portion sizes to be characteristic of the
elderly rather than all adults in FFQs and their related
databases [440,441].
Some have suggested including measures of cognitive
function within a study to aid interpretation of results, but
one such study found no relationship between cognitive
functioning score and the validity of an FFQ [442].In
another study those showing cognitive dysfunction were
excluded, but this creates selection bias [443]. Another
approach is to solicit surrogate information for those con-
sidered cognitively unfit [444]. Mobile and web-based
methods may prove useful, but currently the acceptance,
feasibility, and validity of such methods in the elderly are
unknown [422].
The variability in functional status among the elderly
suggests the need for a flexible approach in assessing dietary
intake. Mixed mode design in survey research [445] has cer-
tain advantages with regard to enhancing coverage and
decreasing nonresponse, but it may cause other biases [446].
Table 1.2 summarizes special considerations for spe-
cific populations.
A Cognitive Testing Research Related to
Dietary Assessment
Nearly all studies using dietary information about subjects
rely on the subjects’ own reports of their diets. Because
such reports are based on complex cognitive processes, it
is important to under stand and take advantage of what is
TABLE 1.2 Optimal Strategies for Special Populations
Special Population Optimal Strategies
Respondents unable to Use best-informed surrogate
Analyze effect of potential bias on study results
Ethnic populations Use interviewers of same ethnic background
Use nutrient composition database reflective of foods consumed
For FFQs, use appropriate food list and nutrient composition database
Children For young children, use caretakers in conjunction with child
For older children and adolescents, blended instrument and other creative ways of engagement and
motivation may work best
For FFQs, use appropriate food list and portion size categories
Elderly Assess any special considerations, including memory, special diets, dentition, use of supplements, etc.,
and adapt methods accordingly
Dietary Assessment Methodology Chapter | 1 23
known about how respondents remember dietary informa-
tion and how that information is retrieved and reported to
the investigator. The need for and importance of such
considerations in the assessment of diet has been dis-
cussed by several investigators [302,376,447449], and
research using cognitive testing methods [10,90,123,197,
215,253,267,448,450454] and other qualitative research
techniques [400,402,404,455 458] has been reported.
A thorough descr iption of cognitive interviewing methods
is found in Willis [459,4 60].
Specific and generic memories of diet are distinctly
different. Specific memory relies on particular memories
about episodes of eating and drinking, whereas generic
memory relies on general knowledge about typical diet.
A 24-hour recall relies primarily on specific memory of
all actual events in the very recent past, whereas an FFQ
that directs a respondent to report the usual frequency of
eating a food during the previous year relies primarily on
generic memory. As the time between the behavior and
the report increases, respondents may rely more on
generic memory and less on specific memory [448].
Investigators can do several things to enhance retrieval
and improve reporting of diet. Research indicates that the
amount of dietary information retrieved from memory can
be enhanced by the context in which the instrument is
administered and by use of specific memory cues and
probes. For example, for a 24-hour recall, foods that were
not initially reported by the respondent can be recovered
by interviewer probes. The effectiveness of these probes is
well-established and is therefore part of the interviewing
protocols for all standardized high-quality 24-hour recalls,
including those administered in the NHANES. Probes can
be useful in improving generic memory, too, when subjects
are asked to report their usual diets from periods in the
past [302,449]. Such probes can feature questions about
past living situations and related eating habits.
The way in which questions are asked can affect
responses. Certain characteristics of the interviewing situa-
tion may affect particular responses for foods viewed as
“good” or “bad.” For example, the presence of other family
members during the dietary interview may increase bias
especially for certain items such as alcoholic beverages. An
interview in a health setting, such as a clinic, may also
increase social approval bias in reporting about foods that
were previously proscribed or recommended in that setting.
In all instances, interviewers should be trained to refrain
from either positive or negative feedback and should repeat-
edly encourage subjects to accurately report all foods.
B Validation Studies
Validation studies yield information about how well the
primary or main method used to collect dietary data is
measuring what it is intended to measure. It is important
and desirab le that the main dietary assessment method be
evaluated against a less-biased reference method
[179,180,182,461]. Furthermore, even if an instrument
been evaluated and shows satisfactory results, its pro-
posed use in a different population may warrant additional
validation research in that population. The purposes of
such studies are to better understand how the method
works in the particular research setting, to improve it if
possible, and to use that information to better interpret
results from the overall study.
There are two types of validation studies. The first
assesses the validity of
reported intakes for a specific
number of days or meals in comparison to reference mea-
sures that approximate truth such as direct observation,
feeding studies, or recovery biomarkers for a time period
exactly consistent with each self-reported intake day. The
results of this type of study provide estimates of differ-
ences in true versus reported intakes of nutrients and food
groups, proportion of foods and drinks accurately reported
and omitted, and correlation coefficients. This type of
study can only be used for short-t erm instruments such as
24-hour recalls or food records. For example, if the
24-hour recall or food record is the main instrument in a
study, available reference instruments include observa-
tional techniques, feeding studies, or recovery biomarkers
[115,390,462,463]. In observation or feeding studies,
can be assessed by determining the matches,
intrusions and exclusions in the foods reported compared
to true intakes, and for matches differences between
actual and reported nutrient and food group intakes
and portion sizes [93,464,465]. Recovery biomarkers
unbiased reference instruments and include 24-hour
urine collections to measure protein, sodium, and
potassium intakes and doubly labeled water which
measures energy expenditure and is used as a measure
of energy intake when individuals are in energy balance
67,168,170,171,466,467]. In studies using
recovery biomarkers as the reference instruments, intakes
estimated from the biomarkers can be compared to
reported intakes from recalls or food records to assess
reporting error. However, the high cost and increased
respondent burden can make the collection of recovery
biomarkers impractical for many studies. Additionally,
known recovery biomarkers are limited in number.
The second type of validation study assesses how well
reported intakes match tru e usual intakes and collects ref-
erence measures such as recovery biomarkers or less-
biased self-report dietary assessment instruments for a
time period not exactly consistent with each self-reported
intake day. This type of validation study can be used
across all self-report dietary assessment instruments when
interest is in obtaining validation measures of usual
intake. For example, when an FFQ is used as the main
24 PART | A Assessment Methods for Research and Practice
study instrument, it can be evaluated in a study that com-
pares it to another less-biased dietary assessment method,
such as 24-hour recalls or dietary records and, preferably,
to recovery biomarkers. The results are summarized by
statistics such as correlation coefficients, bias, and attenu-
ation factors. Correlation coefficients are related to the
loss of power to detect relationships between diet and
health outcomes. They are also useful for estimating the
sample size required in a study because the less precise
the diet measure, the more individuals will be needed to
attain the desired statistical power [468]. Bias provides
information about the difference between average
reported intake and average true intake, at the group level.
Attenuation factors represent bias in the estimated effect
of self-reported dietary components on a health outcome.
Some of this “attenuation bias,” can be addressed through
the use of measurement error models that allow for
within-person error in the reference instrument, resulting
in estimates that more nearly reflect the correlation
between the diet measure and true diet [325,468].Itis
important to note that when an FFQ is being evaluated
using other biased and imperfect self-report reference
instruments such as dietary records or 24-hour recalls,
reporting errors between an FFQ and records/recalls are
correlated, therefore, the statistical measures that result,
such as correlation, bias, and attenuation, will be overly
optimistic compared to those determ ined from unbiased
reference instruments such as recovery biomarkers.
Validation and calibration studies (see below) are
challenging because of the dif ficulty and expense in
collecting reference dietary information. Because of this,
such studies are done frequently on subsamples of the
total study sample. If possible, the subsample should be
chosen randomly. In addition, it should be sufficiently
large to estimate the relationship between the study instru-
ment and a reference method with reasonable precision.
Increasing the numbers of individuals sampled and
decreasing the number of repeat measures per individual
(e.g., for an FFQ validation, collecting two nonconsecu-
tive 24-hour recalls on 100 people rather than four recalls
on 50 people) often can help to increase precision without
extra cost [469]. The subsequent analyses quantify the
relationship between the primary or main dietary intake
tool and the reference method, and the resulting statistics
can be used for a variety of purposes.
Too often, the term “validated” is used indiscrimi-
nately in research publications, to imply that the instru-
ment is “valid,” rather than that the instrument has been
evaluated [470]. Thus the existence of a validation study
is used by some to imply that the instrument is valid,
regardless of the validation study’s results. Often, valida-
tion coefficients in the range of 0.40.6 are presented as
evidence that an instrument is valid. In reality, however ,
such findings should not be used to answer a “yes” or
“no” question with respect to whether or not an instru-
ment is “valid. Instead, readers should consider how the
instrument performed for the purpose of study planning or
instrument improvement. One should also consider
whether the validation study design used unbiased or
imperfect reference measures to evaluate the main instru-
ment. The identification of additional unbiased references
is needed to allow more extensive evaluation of self-
report dietary assessment instruments.
The NCI maintains a register of validation/calibration
studies and publications on the web [166].
C Calibration and Regression Calibration
The term “calibration” is used to refer to the rescaling of
dietary data obtained from a more biased, less accurate
instrument using information obtained from a less-bias ed,
more accurate instrument. A calibrated instrument can be
used to estimate population means and compare subpopu-
lation means more accurately than an instrument that has
not been calibrated. Calibration is distinct from “regres-
sion calibration,” a term used to describe a method that
uses calibration as part of a statistical procedure to better
estimate associations (e.g., relative risks) between diet
and other factors, such as health outcomes.
Calibration can be used to relate reported intakes on
an FFQ or screener to a more accurate reference instru-
ment administered in the same population. For example, a
study may administer an FFQ to all respondents and the
reference instrument (such as 24-hour dietary recalls) to a
subsample. Alternatively, external calibration using data
from a reference population different from the study pop-
ulation can be performed. In this case, the external popu-
lation should be similar to the study population. In both
situations, scoring algorithms are estimated and used to
rescale the dietary data from the screener. The use of
such scoring algorithms for screeners has been shown to
lead to estimates of mean intakes that are closer to means
estimated with 24-hour recall than those derived solely
from screeners.
Regression calibration is a method used to adjust esti-
mates of associations between diet and health outcomes
for measurement error. This requires a main dietary
assessment instrument collected among all study subjects
and a reference instrument collected in at least a subsam-
ple. This data to accomplish regression calibration often
come from a v alidation study (described above). In cohort
studies, the main instrument has most often been an FFQ,
although the use of multiple recalls or multiple-day food
records is now more feasible than in the past. The esti-
mated regression relationship between an FFQ and the
reference method is used to adjust the relationships
between diet and outcome (e.g., relative risk of disease
for subjects with high nutrient intake compared to those
Dietary Assessment Methodology Chapter | 1 25
with low intake) as assessed in the larger study
[164,175,176,325,471,472]. Many of these adjustments
require the assumption that the reference method is unbi-
ased [175,323]. However, as discussed above, at least for
most nutrients and food groups, the reported intakes from
reference instruments such as recalls and records are
biased in a manner correlated with FFQ [149], violating
this assumption, which leads to overestimates of validity.
For these reasons, researchers use recovery biomarkers
such as urinary nitrogen and doubly labeled water when
possible because they are unbiased measures of intake.
However, because these are available for only a few nutri-
ents, data from imperfect reference instruments such as
24-hour dietary recalls or food records are used. Such
data are assumed to be unbiased for true usual intake,
even though they fall short of this ideal. Although using
these imperfect reference instruments does not completely
adjust estimated diet-outcome associations for the bias
caused by dietary measurement error, on average, it may
produce less-biased results than an unadjusted standard
analysis based solely on FFQ data. Another area in need
of further study is the effect of measurement error in a
multivariate context because most research thus far has
been limited to the eff ect on univariate relationships
D Mode of Administration
Instruments may be interviewer-administered or self-
administered. Interviewer-administered questionnaires may
be in person or by telephone. A self-administered instru-
ment may be completed on paper or electronically. All of
these modes are currently used for dietary assessment.
For interviewer-administered instruments, telephone
administration is less costly than in-person adm inistration.
However, concern is increasing about response rates in
telephone surveys, given the public’s distaste for preva-
lent telemarketing, technology that allows for screening
of calls, the increase in the proportion of the population
(especially young adults [475]) who use only wireless
telephones, and the general resistance of the public to
engage in telephone interviews. For these reasons,
response rates obtained using random digit dialing techni-
ques have been dropping.
Despite these difficul ties, many surveys and studies do
collect dietary data over the telephone. For example,
BRFSS [193] and the CHIS [195], both, include dietary
screeners. NHANES [299] administers an initial 24-hour
recall at the examination site and a second 24-hour recall
later by telephone. For 24-hour recalls collected by tele-
phone, the difficulty of reporting serving sizes can be
eased by mailing picture booklets or other portion size
estimation aids to participants before the interview. Many
studies have evaluated the comparability of data from
telephone versus in-person 24-hour recall interviews.
Several have found substantial but imperfect agreement
between dietary data collected by telephone and that esti-
mated by other methods, including face-to-face interviews
[74,476478] or observed intakes [479]. Godwin et al.
[480] and Yanek et al. [481] examined the accuracy of
portion size estimates for known quantities of foods con-
sumed that were assessed by telephone and by in-person
interviews. Both estimates were found to be similarly
Self-administration is less costly than interv iewer-
administration. In addition, self-administered surveys tend
to minimize social desirability bias [482]. Howeve r, self-
administration may not be feasible for segments of the
population who have low literacy levels or limited moti-
vation. Thus, selection bias is a potential problem.
Web-administered questionnaires have cost advantages
and have become popular as the penetrance of the
Internet increases. In 2013, 79% of households in the
United States had Internet access [483]. Various FFQs
[122], dietary history questionnaires [484], screeners
[250,485], and 24-hour recall instruments [76,88,486]
have been developed for web administration. In general,
it has been found that initial response rates for web ques-
tionnaires are substantially lower than those for mailed or
telephone interviewer questionnaires [487]. One study
conducted in Sweden found a lower initial response rate
to a web questionnaire compared to a mailed printed
questionnaire but greater compliance in answering follow-
up questions over the web [488]. Web-administered ques-
tionnaires may be more effective than telephone
interviewer-administered questionnaires for presentation
of complex questio ns that are better processed visually
than aurally by respondents and that can be answered at a
pace set by the respondent rather than by the interviewer
[489]. Beasley et al. [490] found that the responses to
questions about diet on a web-administered FFQ were not
significantly different from responses on a paper version
of the same questionnaire. One large-scale survey found
that self-administered 24-hour recalls using the Internet
yielded nutrient intake estimates similar to interviewer
telephone-administered 24-hour recalls [94]. The Internet
version was pref erred over the telephone-administered
version by 70% to 30% [94] .
Dietary assessment with mobile phones or tablets is an
active area of devel opment and research. Several self-
administered 24-hour recalls instruments are available on
mobile devices [76]. Use of mobile phones to record and
photograph foods is also possible [491,492]. Sharp et al.
recently reviewed evaluative studies of mobile phones to
assess diet [493] and found that validity was comparable
but not superior to other conventional methods. Further
studies in larger and more diverse populations comparing
these mobile devices to other modes of data collection are
26 PART | A Assessment Methods for Research and Practice
needed to examine comparability as well as the potential
for self-selection biases.
E Estimation of Portion Size
Research has shown that untrained individuals have diffi-
culty in estimating portion sizes of foods, both when
examining displayed foods and whe n reporting about
foods previously consumed [91,389,399,480,494 510].
One study indicates that literacy, but not numeracy, is an
important factor in an individual’s ability to accurately
estimate portion size [511]. Furthermore, respondents
appear to be relatively insensitive to changes made in
portion size amounts shown in reference categories asked
on FFQs [512]. Portion sizes of foods that are commonly
bought and/or consumed in defined units (e.g., bread by
the slice, pieces of fruit, and beverages in cans or bottles)
may be more easily reported than amorphous foods
(e.g., steak, lettuce, and pasta) or poured liquids [91,509].
Other studies indicate that small portion sizes tend to
be overestimated and large portion sizes underestimated
Aids are commonly used to help resp ondents estimate
portion size. Research showing that different type s of aids
are more or less effective for different types of foods
[417,510,514] indicates that having multiple types of aids
available may be optimal. The NHANES What We Eat in
America uses an extensive set of three-dimensional mod-
els for an initial in-person 24-hour dietary recall [515] .
Respondents then are given a Food Model Booklet devel-
oped by the USDA [516] along with a limited number of
three-dimensional models and household measures (e.g.,
measuring cups and spoons) for recalls collected by tele-
phone. Food pictures and models have been developed for
other eating patterns, for exampl e, Asian foods [517] and
foods consumed in Mexico [518]. The accuracy of report-
ing using either models or household measures can be
improved with training [412,519521], but the effects
may deteriorate with time [522]. Studies comparing the
use of either household measures or pictures among chil-
dren and adolescents indicate that pictures outperform
household measures [514,518]. Studies that have com-
pared three-dimensional food models to two-dimensional
photographs in adults have shown that there is little dif-
ference in the reporting accuracy between methods
[388,480,523,524]. One study in children, however,
showed that usin g food models resulted in somewhat
larger error than using digital images [506]. Portion size
pictures, however presented, should be tailored to the par-
ticular populations and ages.
With the increased use of technology in dietary assess-
ment, digital food images in multiple portion sizes are
being tested. Studies have investigated the effects of num-
ber of portion pictures, size of picture, and concurrent
versus sequential display on accuracy of report
[91,399,505]. Such studies indicate preferences by respon-
dents but generally little difference in accuracy. However,
in two studies, one with adults [91] and the other with
children [400], accuracy was higher when more portion
size choices were offered. An emerging use of digital
technology removes respondent judgments of portion size,
instead relying on digital images of foods taken before
and after consumption, either actively by the respondent
[525,526] or passively by a wearable camera [527,528].
Computer software is then used to both identify foods and
estimate the amount consumed.
F Choice of Nutrient and Food Database
It is necessary to use a nutrient composition database when
dietary data are to be converted to nutrient intake data.
Typically, such a database includes the description of the
food, a food code, and the nutrient composition per 100 g
of the food. The number of foods and nutrients included
varies with the database. Research on nutrients, other
dietary components, and foods is ongoing, and there is con-
stant interest in updating current values and providing new
values for a variety of dietary components of interest.
Some values in nutrient databases are obtained from
laboratory analysis; however, because of the high cost of
laboratory analyses, many values are estimated based on
conversion factors or other knowledge about the food
[529]. In addition, accepted analytical methods are not yet
available for some nutrients of interest [530], analytical
quality of the information varies with nutrient [530,531],
and the variances or ranges of nutrient composition of
individual foods are in most cases unknown but are
known to be large for some nutrients [532]. Rapid growth
in the food processing sector and the global nature of the
food supply add further challenges to estimating the mean
and variability in the nutrient composition of foods eaten
in a specific locale.
One of the USDA’s primary missions is to provide
nutrient composition data for foods in the U.S. food sup-
ply, accounting for various types of preparation [533].
Information about the USDA’s nutrient composition data-
bases is available at the USDA’s Nutrient Data
Laboratory home page [534]. The USDA produces and
maintains the Nutrient Database for SR. New releases are
issued yearly; these include information on new foods and
revised information on already included foods, and they
identify foods deleted from the previous version of the
database. The most recent release, SR28, includes infor-
mation on up to 150 food components for 8789 foods
[535], and is available online.
Interest in nutrients and food components potentially
associated with di seases has led the USDA to develop
specialized databases for a smaller number of food
Dietary Assessment Methodology Chapter | 1 27
components, such as flavonoids [534]. A separate data-
base developed by the USDA Food Surveys Research
Group—the Food and Nutrient Database for Dietary
Studies (FNDDS)—is used by many investigators in
analyses of foods reported in NHANES’ What We Eat
in America dietary recalls and is based on nutrient
values in the USDA SR database [92].TheFNDDSpro-
vides information for 65 nutrients and food components,
and has no missing data for nutrient fields.
Nutrient composition data are also com piled by a
number of other countries, and the International Network
of Food Data Systems maintains an international directory
of nutrient composition tables [536]. Combining different
food composition databases across countries poses com-
parability challenges, however. The European Food
Information Resource [537] was formed to support the
harmonization of food composition data among the
European nations [538]. The International Nutrient
Databank Directory, an online compendium developed by
the National Nutrient Databank Conference, provides
information about the data included in a variety of data-
bases, national reference databases, and specialized data-
bases developed for software applications, such as the
date the database was mos t recently updated, the number
of nutrients provided for each food, and the completeness
of the nutrient data for all foods listed [539].
In addition to nutrient databases, databases that relate
dietary intake to dietary guidance have been developed in
the United States [540,541]. The USDA Food Patterns
Equivalents Database (FPED) provi des quantities of
specific food groups consistent with dietary guidance
recommendations in order to allow for evaluation of
whether diets meet dietar y guidelines at a variety of calo-
rie levels [542]. Just as FNDDS provides nutrient compo-
sition data, the FPED provides food group data per 100 g
of each food code in FNDDS. Importantly, mixed dishes,
such as pizza, are disaggre gated to their food group com-
ponents. The FPED contains data for 37 food group com-
ponents (e.g., dairy, fruits, vegetables) [543].
Other databases are available in the United States for
use in analyzing dietary records and 24-hour recalls, but
most are based fundame ntally on the USDA SR database,
often with added foods and specific brand names. One
prominent such database is the University of Minnesota’s
Nutrition Coordinating Center’s (NCC) Food and Nutrient
Database [544]. This database includes information on
165 nutrients, nutrient ratios, and other food compon ents
for more than 18,000 foods, including 8000 brand-name
products. The NCC is constantly updating its database to
reflect values in the latest release of the USDA SR
One limitation in all nutrient databases is the variabil-
ity in the nutrient content of foods within a food category
and the volatility of nutrient composition in manufactured
foods. Recent changes in the sodium and fatty acid com-
position of manufactured foods, for example, illustrate the
difficulty in maintaining accurate nutrient composition
databases [545,546]. Obviously, a key consideration is
how the database is maintained and supported.
Estimates of nutrient intake from 24-hour recalls and
dietary records are often affected by the nutrient composi-
tion database that is used to process the data [547549].
Inherent differences in the database used for analysis
include factors such as the number of food items included
in the database, how recently nutr ient data were updated,
and the number of missing or imputed nutrient composi-
tion values. Therefore, before choosing a nutrient compo-
sition database, a prime factor to consider is the
completeness and accuracy of the data for the nutrients of
interest. For some purposes, it may be useful to choose a
database in which each nutrient value for each food also
contains a code for the quality of the data (e.g., analytical
value, calculated value, imputed value, or missing).
Investigators need to be aware that a value of zero is
assigned to missing values in some databases, whereas for
other databases, the number of nutrients provided for each
food may fluctuate depending on whether or not a value
is missing, and for others all unknown values may be
The nutrient database should also include weight/vol-
ume equivalency information for each food item. Many
foods are reported in volumetri c measures (e.g., 1 cup)
and must be converted to weight in grams in order to
apply nutrient values. The number of common mixtures
(e.g., spaghetti with sauce) available in the database is
another important factor. If the study requires precision of
nutrient estimates, then procedures for calculating the
nutrients in various mixtures must be developed and
incorporated into nutrient composition calculations.
Developing a nutrient database for an FFQ presents
additional challenges [550] because each item on the FFQ
represents a food grouping rather than an individual
food item. Various approaches that rely on 24-hour recall
data, either from a national population sample or from a
sample similar to the target population, have been used
[551553]. Generally, individual foods reported on
24-hour recalls are grouped into FFQ food groupings, and
a composite nutrient profile for each food grouping is
estimated based on the individual foods’ relative con-
sumption in the population. For this approach to be effec-
tive, the 24-hour recall data must be representative of the
population for whom the FFQ is designed and connected
to a trustworthy nutrient database.
G Choice of Dietary Analysis Software
Data processing of 24-hour recalls and dietary record
requires creating data that include a food code and an
28 PART | A Assessment Methods for Research and Practice
amount consumed for each food reported. Computer soft-
ware then links the nutrient composition of each food on
the separate nutrient composition database file, converts
the amount reported to multiples of 100 g, multiplies by
that factor, stores that information, and sums across all
foods for each nutrie nt for each individual for each day of
intake. Many software packages have been developed that
include both a nutrient composition database and software
to convert individual responses to specific foods and, ulti-
mately, to nutrients. A listing of many commercial dietary
analysis software products has been compiled [539].
Software should be chosen on the basis of the researc h
needs, the level of detail necessary, the quality of the
nutrient composition database, and the hardware and soft-
ware requirements [554]. If precise nutrient information is
required, it is important that the system be able to expand
to incorporate information about newer foods in the mar-
ketplace and to integrate detailed information about food
preparation by processing recipe information (e.g., the
ingredients and cooking steps for homemade stew).
Sometimes the study purpose requires analysis of dietary
data to derive intake estimates not only for nutrients but
also for food groups (e.g., fruits and vegetables), food
components other than standar d nutrients (e.g., nitrites),
or food characteristics (e.g., fried foods). These additional
requirements limit the choice of appropriate software.
The semiautomated food coding system used for
NHANES is USDA’s Dietary Intake System, consisting
of the AMPM for collecting food intakes; the Post-
Interview Proce ssing System, which translates the AMPM
data and provides initial food coding; and the Survey Net
food coding system for the final coding of the intake data
[86]. Survey Net is a network dietary coding system that
provides online coding, recipe modification and develop-
ment, data editing and management, and nutrient analysis
of dietary data; multiple users can use the software to
manage the survey activities. It is available to government
agencies and the general public only through special
arrangement with the USDA. NCI’s ASA24 instrument
performs automated coding of all reported foods. Foods
which are not completely described are assigned default
Many diet history and food frequency instruments
have also been automated. Users of these software
packages should be aware of the source of information in
the nutrient database and the assumptions about the nutri-
ent content of each food item listed in the questionnaire.
H Estimating Usual Intakes of Nutrients and
Usual intake is conceptualized as the long-term average
intake of a food or nutrient. The concept of long-term
average daily intake, or “usual intake,” is important
because dietary recommendations are intended to be met
over time and diet health hypotheses are based on
dietary intakes over the long term. Consequently, it is the
usual intake that is often of most interest to policymakers
(e.g., the proportion of the population at or below a
certain level of intake) or to researchers (e.g., relation-
ships between diet and health).
Data from FFQs, 24-hour recalls, and dietary records
have all been used to estimate usual intake at the group
level. Obtaining accurate estimates of usual intake at the
individual level is generally not possible with the dietary
assessment tools available even for FFQs which attempt
to estimate usual intake generally over a longer period
such as the past year. FFQs are known to contain a sub-
stantial amount of measurement error (see Section II.C)
[54,79,100103,117,149]. Dietary recalls or records
generally provide more accurate short-term intake esti-
mates than frequency-type instruments.
For estimates of mean usual intake in the population,
data from just a single day of recall or record can be
used. Multiple days of recalls and records are needed to
estimate the distribution of intakes. However, the distribu-
tion of simple within-person averages of intakes acro ss a
few days does not adequately represent the population’s
usual intake distribution [555], because of the large
day-to-day variability of individuals’ diets. Distributions
generated from averaging only a few days of data are
generally substantially wider than those of true usual
intakes, and thus lead to overestimating the proportion of
the population above or below a certain cut point, as
illustrated in Fig. 1.1.
Single-day intake
2-day mean intake
Usual intake
FIGURE 1.1 Effect of day-to-day variability on distributions. Adapted
from NCI Dietary Assessment Primer, Epidemiology and Genomics
Research Program, Division of Cancer Control and Population
Sciences, National Cancer Institute. Available from https://dietassess-
Dietary Assessment Methodology Chapter | 1 29
Statistical modeling can be used to more accurately
portray the population’s distribution by analytically esti-
mating and removing the effects of day-to-day variation
in dietary intake [555]. These methods rely on a minimum
of two administrations of 24-hour recalls or dietar y
records to capture day-to- day variation. The earliest
efforts at statistical modeling of usual intake were made
by the Institute of Medicine [556] for nutrients, most of
which are consumed nearly every day by most everyone,
and then extended and updated for nutrients or foods that
are more episodically consumed (e.g., dark green vegeta-
bles) by researchers at Iowa State University [557559].
Others have developed usual intake statistical approaches
as well [189,560563]. The NCI method uses a minimum
of two 24-hour recalls to estimate intake of both nutrients
and episodically consumed foods [296]. This model as
well as others [189] allows for covariates such as sex,
age, race/ethnicity, or information from an FFQ to supple-
ment the model [562]. One study using the NCI method
showed that including FFQ data as covariates in modeling
usual intakes from 24-hour recalls increased prec ision for
assessing the relationship of a highly epis odically con-
sumed food, fish, with blood mercury levels [190].
Modeling usual intakes to assess relationships to health
outcomes by combining data from a few 24-hour recalls
with an FFQ has been shown to provide better estimates
compared to a single FFQ or a few 24-hour recalls alone
The NCI Measurement Error Webinar Series [564]
provides a thorough discussion of dietary measurement
error, including usual intake estimation.
We gratefully acknowledge the contributions of Susan M. Krebs-
Smith and Thea Zimmerman in reviewing and editing portions of
this chapter. We also thank Penny Randall-Levy for invaluable
research assistance.
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