“Petition for Modification of Child Support Packet” Page 1 of 35
Provided by the Superior Court of Cobb County. Rev 6. 2/2017
This packet contains forms and information on:
How to Modify a Child Support Order
Note: The Child Support Order must have been originally issued by a Superior Court
and you may only file for modification if it has been two (2) years since a judge
signed an Order for Child Support, unless your original Child Support Order has never
been modified.
It is advisable to have an attorney when filing legal papers to be sure that your rights
are protected and that all the procedures are correctly followed. Courthouse
personnel are prohibited by state law O.C.G.A. § 15-19-51 from giving legal
advice. Different situations may require special procedures and courthouse personnel
cannot advise you on how to proceed or what forms may be necessary in specific
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Use this packet if all of the following are true:
You have a Child Support Order from a Superior Court in Georgia which was signed after July 1,
1986, and it Orders child support to be paid to you or by you.
You are asking for a change in child support.
The opposing party is a resident of Cobb County.
STEP 1: Fill out the Petition for Modification of Child Support.
STEP 2: Fill out the Verification form to go with the Petition.
STEP 3: Fill out the Rule Nisi form.
STEP 4: Fill out two (2) Summons forms.
STEP 5: Fill out the Sheriff’s Entry of Service.
STEP 6: Make a copy of the original child support order and attach it to the Petition for
Modification of Child Support.
STEP 7: Put the documents in order.
STEP 8: Make two (2) copies of each document.
STEP 9: File the original documents with the Clerk of Court and pay filing fees and service
fees in the Clerk’s Office.
STEP 10: Come to Court on the date and time indicated on the Rule Nisi form.
Step 1: Petition for Modification of Child Support
Petitioner: You are the Petitioner. Fill in your name on the line after “Petitioner” and on
the line after “NOW COMES.”
Respondent: The Respondent is the opposing side. Fill in that person’s full name on the
line after “Respondent.”
File Number: Leave the Civil Action File Number blank. It will be filled in by the Clerk
of Court when you file the Petition.
Paragraph 1: (Check a or b)
o Check a if the Respondent lives in Cobb County. Fill in his/her complete
o Check b if the Respondent lives in another state, but you live in Cobb County
and your original court order is from a Georgia Superior Court. Fill in the state
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where the Respondent lives in the first blank, and then enter his/her complete
address in the other space.
Paragraph 2:
o In the first blank, fill in the date of the original Child Support Order.
o In the second blank, fill in the county in Georgia where you received your Child
Support Order.
o In the third blank, fill in the Civil Action File Number from your original Child
Support Order.
o In the fourth blank, fill in which party was to receive child support under the
original Child Support Order.
o In the fifth blank, fill in the amount of the original Child Support Order. Circle
whether it is weekly, biweekly, semimonthly, or monthly.
Paragraph 3:
o Check a if the child support is paid to the Petitioner (you) and write the amount
in the blank.
o Check b if the child support is paid to the Respondent (opposing party) and write
the amount in the blank.
Paragraph 4:
o Check a if you are asking for an increase in child support paid to you.
o Check b if you are asking for your child support payments to be decreased.
o Check c if you are asking for an increase in payment for the needs of the
Paragraph 5:
o Check a if you are asking for an increase in child support paid to you. Then in
the first blank, fill in how much the Respondent (opposing side) was earning at
the time that the original Child Support Order was entered. In the next blank, fill
in the date that his/her income increased. In the next blank, fill in the amount of
the Respondent’s current gross income.
o Check b if you are asking for your child support payments to be decreased. Then
fill in your monthly gross income.
Paragraph 6:
o Check a if it has been two years since your child support has changed.
o Check b if you have never changed the original Child Support Order and you
want to change that order.
Prayer, Paragraph a:
o Check 1 if you are asking for an increase in child support paid to you.
o Check 2 if you are asking for your child support payments to be decreased.
o Fill in the date you finished the form and then sign your name.
Step 2: Verification
This document tells the Court that you swear, under oath, that what you wrote or put in
the Petition is true and correct.
Print or type your full name next to the word “Petitioner.”
Print or type the full name of the person disobeying the order next to the word
Where it says: “I ___________,” print or type your full name.
Where it says: “This ____ day of _____, 20____,” fill in the current date, month, and
Next to the number 2, print or type your full name where indicated and fill in your
address and telephone number.
DO NOT SIGN THIS DOCUMENT. You may only sign this document in front of a
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public notary. Public notaries are available at banks, the post office, grocery stores, or
the Cobb County Superior Court Clerk’s Office.
Step 3: Rule Nisi
This document is used to set a temporary hearing date. This is what you would request if
you want temporary relief until the judge makes a final ruling.
Fill in your full name as the “Petitioner” and the other person’s full name as the
Fill in “Petition for Modification of Child Support” as the type of action being brought.
The remaining information on this document will be filled in by the Clerk of Court when
you take the papers to be filed.
Step 4: Summons
Fill out two (2) Summons forms.
Step 5: Sheriff’s Entry of Service
This document is used by the Sheriff when s/he serves a copy of the documents on the
Write your address under “Petitioner’s Address” on the left.
Write the Respondent’s full name and address under “Name and Address of Party to be
On the right, write your full name on the line above “Petitioner” or “Plaintiff.”
On the right, write the Respondent’s full name on the line above “Respondent” or
Step 6: Original Order
Make a copy of the original Court Order that the opposing party disobeyed, and attach it
to your Petition for Modification.
Step 7: Putting the Documents in Order
Put the documents in the following order:
o Petition
o Copy of the Original Court Order for Child Support
o Verification
o Rule Nisi
Make two (2) copies of all documents in the package.
Attach a Summons to your original papers. Attach another Summons to one of your
copies along with the Sheriff’s Entry of Service.
Step 8: Filing
Take the document package to the Cobb County Superior Court Clerk’s Office to file.
Have the clerk fill in the case number. Be sure to tell the clerk that you need a hearing
date for your Rule Nisi form. Make sure this information is on all copies of your
documents. Have the clerk stamp your copies. Keep a copy of the document package for
your records. You may be required to pay a filing fee.
Take one copy of the document package to the Sheriff’s Office so that the Sheriff can
serve it upon the opposing party. You will have to pay a service fee. Check with the
Sheriff’s Office for the schedule fee.
Step 9: Court Appearance
Come to Court on the hearing date and time that is indicated on the Rule Nisi form. You
should go to the courtroom indicated on this document, and let the case manager know
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that you are there. Then, wait for your case to be called by the judge.
If you are requesting a decrease in your child support payments, you should bring copies
of your pay stubs for the last three (3) months.
If you asking the judge for an increase in child support, then during the trial you will need
to call the Respondent as a witness and ask questions about how much money s/he has
now compared to how much s/he had when the original Child Support Order was issued.
When you schedule your Final Hearing, make sure you completely fill out the Child
Support Addendum and Final Order for Child Support Modification as completely as
possible. Also complete a Child Support Worksheet. Bring these forms to your hearing
and present them to the judge.
Fees are subject to change. Please check with the Clerk’s Office.
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Petitioner: ____________________________________
Respondent: __________________________________
Civil Action File No.: __________________________
You are hereby notified in accordance with O.C.G.A. § 19-6-15 and Uniform Superior Court Rule 24.2, as
amended, that you must comply with the requirements here within.
The Domestic Relations Financial Affidavit (in substantially the form provided in U.S.C.R. 24.2, as amended)
and child support schedules, in the form promulgated by the Georgia Child Support Commission, * shall be filed and
served on the opposing party:
(a) at least five (5) days prior to any temporary hearing;
(b) at least five (5) days prior to any court-ordered mediation; or
(c) either with the Answer or 30 days after service of the Complaint, whichever first occurs, if no application
for a temporary award is made and the parties do not attend mediation.
Both parties shall exchange any amendments at least ten (10) days prior to a final hearing. Both parties shall
submit their proposed worksheets pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 19-6-15, as amended, at the time of the hearing. No social
security numbers or account numbers shall be included on any document filed with the court.
Failure to furnish financial information may subject a party to the penalties of contempt and may result in
continuance of the hearings or other penalties.
Any party who intends to submit a proposed worksheet and the accompanying schedules to the Court
electronically shall do so in accordance with Rule 24.2, as amended, and shall provide the opposing party a copy of the
submission, either electronically or by printed copy. Electronic submission is not a substitute for filing with the
Clerk of Court.
Signed this _________________ day of ________________________________________.
[day] [month] [year]
(Sign your name here) Self-Represented
Name (print or type): ___________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________
Daytime Telephone Number: _____________________________________
* The requisite forms are available at http://www.ocse.dhr.georgia.gov/portal/site/DHR-OCSE/ and
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Georgia’s new child support guidelines require new paperwork in all pending cases involving child support issues. Both
parties must file completed Child Support Worksheets and Schedules as a part of their case in addition to the Domestic
Relations Financial Affidavit. Uniform Superior Court Rule 24.2 (enclosed) requires that you file a completed worksheet
and financial affidavit with your Complaint.
Where can I get help completing the Worksheet and Schedules?
Selecting, interpreting, and filling out forms all constitute legal advice. O.C.G.A. § 15-19-51 states that it is illegal for
anyone but a duly licensed attorney to give legal advice; therefore, we cannot help you complete these forms in the Law
Library. Below is a list of places that will be able to help you:
Cobb County Bar Association
Lawyer Referral Hotline
(770) 424-7149
9a.m. to 4:30p.m.
Atlanta Legal Aid, Cobb Office
30 South Park Square
Marietta, Georgia 30090
(770) 528-2565
Cobb County Family Law Workshop
(770) 528-8100
Hispanic Outreach Law Project*
Provides Spanish Speaking Attorneys
(404) 377-5381
Georgia Senior Legal Hotline*
(404) 657-9915
* Services of Atlanta Legal Aid
What if I want to complete the Worksheet & Schedules on my own? Where can I get the documents?
A Guided Electronic Worksheet is available online over the Internet through Child Support Services at
https://services.georgia.gov/dhr/cspp/do/public/SupportCalc. Once you are there, you will select the Guided Worksheet
option and click the Next button at the bottom of the screen. You will answer a series of questions about the household
income and child rearing expenses for both parents. The Electronic Worksheet will automatically figure out the child
support obligation of both parents. It will also fill out the Worksheet and Schedules for you. The Worksheet is long and
complicated, so you may need to work on it several times. If this is the case, you may save the Worksheet online and
work on it later. You will be given a confirmation number that you will enter every time you work on the Worksheet.
This confirmation number is very important because it is unique to your specific worksheet. If you lose your
confirmation number, you will not have access to your saved worksheet! Once you have completed the Worksheet, you
will be given the option to submit the information for access by the Judge. In order to submit the Worksheet to the Judge
electronically, you will be asked to input your Civil Action Number. Your Civil Action Number will be assigned when
your case is filed.
Where can I go to get on the Internet?
Cobb County Public Libraries have free public Internet access. Local Law Libraries have free public Internet access as
well, as long as you are doing legal research. Both libraries allow printing for a small fee. See the following page for a
list of local libraries in your area where you can access a computer.
Important Points about Worksheets and Schedules:
Both parents are required to file a Child Support Worksheet and Schedules.
There is a difference between filing and electronically submitting the Worksheet and Schedules. The original
worksheet and schedules are filed with the Superior Court Clerk’s Office. After you submit electronically, you
should check with the Court to see if a hard copy is preferred, and also to make sure that the Judge’s office has a
copy of your confirmation number. Your confirmation number is unique to your Worksheet and Schedules. If
you lose your confirmation number, you will not have access to your saved worksheet! You will have to start
over again if you need to print or make changes.
After the Worksheet is submitted electronically, it cannot be retrieved to print. Remember to print out the
original Worksheet before submitting it to the Judge.
Documents used to complete your Worksheet will need to be brought with you to Court.
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Local Libraries with Computer Access
Central Library
266 Roswell Street
Marietta, GA 30066
(770) 509-2725
Acworth Library
4569 Dallas Street
Acworth, GA 30101
(770) 917-5165
Merchant’s Walk Library
1315 Johnson Ferry Road
Marietta, GA 30068
(770) 509-2730
East Marietta Library
2051 Lower Roswell Road
Marietta, GA 30068
(770) 509-2711
Gritters Library
880 Shaw Park Road
Marietta, GA 30066
(770) 528-2524
Hattie G. Wilson Library
350 Lemon Street
Marietta, GA 30060
(770) 528-2526
Kemp Memorial Library
4029 Due West Road, NW
Marietta, GA 30060
(770) 528-2527
Mountain View Regional Library
3320 Sandy Plains Road
Marietta, GA 30066
(770) 509-2725
Powder Springs Library
4262 Marietta Street
Powder Springs, GA 30127
(770) 439-3600
Sibley Library
1539 South Cobb Drive
Marietta, GA 30060
(770) 528-2520
Stratton Library
1100 Powder Springs Road
Marietta, GA 30064
(770) 528-2522
West Cobb Regional Library
1750 Dennis Kemp Lane
Kennesaw, GA 30152
(770) 528-4699
Kennesaw Library
2250 Lewis Street
Kennesaw, GA 30144
(770) 528-2529
Cobb County Law Library
12 East Park Square
Marietta, GA 30090
(770) 528-1884
Cherokee County Law Library
90 North Street
Canton, GA 30114
(678) 493-6175
Fulton County Law Library
185 Central Avenue
Atlanta, GA 30303
(404) 730-4544
Gwinnett County Law Library
75 Langley Drive
Lawrenceville, GA 30045
(770) 822-8575
Forsyth County Law Library
118 Castleberry Road, Suite 10
Cumming, GA 30040
(770) 205-4610
Clayton County Law Library
Harold R. Banke Justice Center
9151 Tara Boulevard, Suite 3CA01
Jonesboro, GA 30236
(770) 477-3415
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Petitioner: ____________________________________
Respondent: __________________________________
Civil Action File No.: __________________________
Comes now the Petitioner, ____________________________________________, and states his/her claim against
the Respondent for a Modification of Child Support as follows:
The Respondent is subject to the jurisdiction of this Court as follows:
a) The Respondent is a resident of Cobb County, Georgia and may be personally served with a copy of
this Petition and Summons at:
b) The Respondent is a resident of the state of _________________________________, and may be
personally served with a copy of this Petition and Summons at:
On ______________________________________, 20__________, the Superior Court for the County of
______________________ in the State of Georgia, Civil Action File No. __________________________ issued an Order
awarding permanent child support to the _____________________________________ (insert Petitioner or Respondent) in
the amount of _______________________ dollars to be paid weekly/semimonthly/monthly (circle one).
The Court awarded child support as follows:
a) To the Petitioner in the sum of ______________________dollars as permanent child support.
b) To the Respondent in the sum of _____________________ dollars as permanent child support.
Since that date, there has been the following substantial change(s):
a) There has been a substantial upward change in the income or financial status of the Respondent
which increases his/her ability to pay the child support award previously ordered.
b) There has been a substantial downward change in the income or financial status of the Petitioner
which has decreased his/her ability to pay the child support award previously ordered.
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c) There has been a substantial change in the needs of the children as follows:
Specifically, at the time of the Child Support Order, the following was true:
The Respondent was earning ________________________ dollars per month, although as of
__________________, 20______, his/her gross earnings have increased to ___________________
dollars per month.
The Petitioner was earning ________________________ dollars per month, although as of
__________________, 20______, his/her gross earnings have decreased to ____________________
dollars per month.
To date, no Petition to Modify has been filed:
a) within the two years of the filing of this Petition.
b) since the original Child Support Order.
WHEREFORE, Petitioner demands:
a) That the Final Judgment and Decree awarding periodic payments of child support be modified so as
1) Increase the payments commensurate with the Respondent’s changed financial status.
2) Decrease the payments commensurate with the Petitioner’s changed financial status.
b) That Respondent be served with a copy of this Petition and Rule Nisi; and
c) That the Petitioner have such additional relief as the Court may deem equitable and appropriate.
Signed this _________________ day of ________________________________________.
[day] [month] [year]
Sworn to and affirmed before me, this (Sign your name here before Notary) Petitioner, Self-Represented
_______ day of _________________.
NOTARY PUBLIC Petitioner’s Name (print or type): ______________________________
My commission expires: __________ Petitioner’s Address: ________________________________________
(Notary Seal) ________________________________________
Petitioner’s Telephone Number: _______________________________
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Petitioner: ____________________________________
Respondent: __________________________________
Civil Action File No.: __________________________
I, ___________________________________________, personally appeared before the undersigned Notary Public,
and declare under oath that I am the Petitioner in the above-styled action and that the facts stated in the foregoing Petition for
Modification of Child Support are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Signed this _________________ day of ________________________________________.
[day] [month] [year]
(Sign your name here before Notary) Petitioner, Self-Represented
Petitioner’s Name (print or type): ______________________________
Petitioner’s Address: ________________________________________
Petitioner’s Telephone Number: _______________________________
Sworn to and affirmed before me, this
_______ day of _________________.
My commission expires: __________
(Notary Seal)
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Petitioner: ____________________________________
Respondent: __________________________________
Civil Action File No.: __________________________
This action has been filed. Therefore, let the parties appear before the Honorable Judge
_____________________________ of the Superior Court of Cobb County, Cobb Judicial Circuit in Courtroom
____________, in the Superior Court Building, 70 Haynes Street, Marietta, Georgia on ____________________________,
20______ at _________________ o’clock _____.m. to show cause why the relief sought should not be granted.
Issued on _______________________________, 20_____.
Superior Court of Cobb County
Cobb Judicial Circuit
Presented by:
Petitioner Respondent Self-Represented
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Petitioner: ____________________________________
Respondent: __________________________________
Civil Action File No.: __________________________
Instructions: All parts of this Addendum must be completed and it must be attached to all Final Orders and Judgments
determining the amount of child support. However, it is not required for Orders on Contempt motions.
IMPORTANT: Final Order must be used in combination with this form.
The following is true:
[You must check one of the following boxes.]
The parties have agreed to the terms of this Order and this information has been furnished by both parties to
meet the requirements of O.C.G.A. § 19-6-15. The parties agree on the terms of the Order and affirm the
accuracy of the information provided, as shown by their signatures at the end of this Addendum.
This Addendum includes findings of fact and conclusions of law and fact made by the Court, in compliance
with O.C.G.A. § 19-6-15.
Application of Child Support Guidelines.
The statutory requirements of O.C.G.A. § 19-6-15 have been applied in reaching the amount of child support
provided under the Final Order in this action. The specifics are as follows:
1) Gross Income – The Petitioner’s gross monthly income (before taxes) is _______________________
dollars; the Respondent’s gross monthly income is ____________________ dollars (before taxes).
2) Number of Children – The number of children for whom support is being provided in this case is _____.
3) Attachments – The Child Support Worksheet and Schedule E are attached and made a part of this
Addendum, along with any other applicable schedules.
4) Child Support Amount – The __________________________________________ shall pay to the
__________________________________, for the support of the minor children in the sum of
____________________________________ dollars ($ _______________) per month, beginning on
___________________________, 20_______.
5) Duration of Child Support
[You must check and complete only one of the following paragraphs.]
a) Beyond Age 18 for High School – The child support shall continue monthly thereafter
until each child reaches the age of eighteen, dies, marries, or otherwise becomes emancipated,
provided that if the children become eighteen years old while enrolled in and attending
secondary school on a full-time basis then child support shall continue for the children until
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the children graduate from secondary school or reaches twenty years of age, whichever occurs
b) Stop as Age 18 – The child support shall continue monthly thereafter until each child
reaches the age of eighteen, dies, marries, or otherwise becomes emancipated.
c) Until Further Ordered – This is not a Final Order, so the child support shall continue
until further Order of this Court.
d) Until Specific Date – The child support shall continue monthly thereafter until
6) Deviation from Presumptive Amount
[You must check and complete only one of the following paragraphs.]
a) No Deviation – It has been determined that none of the deviations allowed under
O.C.G.A. § 19-6-15 applies in this case, as shown by the attached Schedule E. The Amount
of support in Paragraph 4 above is the Presumptive Amount of Child Support shown on the
attached Child Support Worksheet.
b) Deviation – It has been determined that one or more of the deviations allowed under
O.C.G.A. § 19-6-15 applies in this case, as shown by the attached Schedule E. The
Presumptive Amount of Child Support that would have been required under O.C.G.A. § 19-6-
15 if the deviations had not been applied is _______________________ dollars per month, as
shown on the attached Child Support Worksheet. The attached Schedule E explains the
reasons for the deviation, how the application of the guidelines would be unjust or
inappropriate considering the relative ability of each parent to provide support, and how the
best interest of the children who are subject to this child support determination is served by
deviation from the presumptive amount of child support.
7) Health Dental and Vision Insurance for Children
[You must check and complete only one of the following paragraphs.]
a) Insurance Available – The following insurance for the children involved in this action is
available at a reasonable cost to the _____________________________________ through the
parent’s employer or the PeachCare program:
Health (medical, mental health, and hospitalization) Dental Vision
So long as it remains available to that parents, the ________________________________
shall maintain the types of insurance checked above for the benefit of the minor children, until
each child reaches the age of eighteen, dies, marries, or otherwise becomes emancipated,
except that if the children become eighteen years old while enrolled in and attending
secondary school on a full-time basis, then the insurance shall be continued for the children
until the children graduate from secondary school or reaches twenty years of age, whichever
occurs first.
1) The parent who maintains the insurance shall provide the other parent with an
insurance identification card or such other acceptable proof of insurance coverage
and shall cooperate with the other parent in submitting claims under the policy.
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2) All money received by one of the parties for claims processed under the insurance
policy shall be paid within five (5) days after the party receives the money to the
other party (if that other party paid the applicable health care service provider) or
to the applicable health care provider (if the provider has not been paid by one of
the other parties).
b) Insurance Not Available Insurance (other than Medicaid) is not available at this time to
either party at a reasonable cost. If health insurance for the children later becomes available
to the parent who is required to pay child support for these children, then that parent must
obtain the following types of insurance, unless it is then being provided by the other parent:
Health (medical, mental health, and hospitalization) Dental Vision
When insurance has been obtained by either party, Paragraphs 7(a)(1) and (2) shall apply.
8) Uninsured Health Care Expenses
The ______________________________________ shall pay _______________% and the
__________________________________ shall pay _______________% of all expenses incurred for the
children’s health care (including medical, dental, mental health, hospital, vision care) that are not covered by
insurance. The party who incurs a health care expense for one of the children shall provide verification of
the amount to the other party. That other party shall reimburse the incurring party (or pay the health care
provider directly) for the appropriate percentage of the expense, within fifteen (15) days after receiving the
verification of a particular health care expense.
9) Parenting Time Amounts
The approximate number of days of parenting time per year according to the visitation order is
_____________________ days for the Petitioner and ______________________ days for the Respondent.
10) Social Security Benefits
[You must check and complete only one of the following paragraphs.]
a) Not Received – The children do not receive Title II Social Security benefits under the
account of the parent ordered to pay child support. The benefits received by the children shall
be counted as child support payments, and shall be applied against the final child support
order to be paid by that parent.
b) Received – The children receive Title II Social Security benefits under the account of the
parent ordered to pay child support. The benefits received by the children shall be counted as
child support payments, and shall be applied against the final child support order to be paid by
that parent.
1) If the amount of benefits received is less than the amount of support ordered, the
obligor shall pay the amount exceeding the Social Security benefit.
2) If the amount of benefits received is equal to or more than the amount of support
ordered, the obligor’s responsibility is met and no further support shall be paid.
3) Any Title II benefits received for the children’s benefit shall be retained by the
custodial parent or nonparent custodian for the children’s benefit, and it shall not
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4) be used as a reason for decreasing the final child support order or reducing
11) Modification
[You must check and complete only one of the following paragraphs.]
a) Not a Modification Action This is an initial determination of child support, not a
modification action.
b) Support Not Modified – This action is a Modification Action, but the Order does not
modify the amount of child support that was previously ordered for the children. The date of
the initial support order concerning this child support case was ________________________.
12) Continuing Garnishment for Child Support
Whenever, in violation of the terms of the Order, there shall have been a failure to make the support
payments, so that the amount unpaid is equal to or greater than the amount payable for one month, the
payments required to be made may also be collected by the process of continuing garnishment for
13) Income Deduction Order
[You must check and complete only one of the following paragraphs.]
a) An Income Deduction Order shall be entered by the Court under O.C.G.A. § 19-6-32 for
payment of the child support and alimony (if any) provided. The Income Deduction Order
shall take effect:
[To finish a), you must check either 1) or 2). Do not check both.]
(1) immediately upon entry by the Court
(2) upon accrual of a delinquency equal to one month’s support. The Income
Deduction Order may be enforced by serving a “Notice of Delinquency,” as
provided in O.C.G.A. § 19-6-32 (f).
b) The parties agree that an Income Deduction Order is not immediately necessary.
c) The Court finds that there is good cause not to require income deduction, having
determined that income deduction will not serve the children’s best interests and that there has
been sufficient proof of timely payment of any previously ordered support
We knowingly and voluntarily agree on the terms of this Order. Each of us affirms that the information we have provided in
this Addendum is true and correct to the best of our knowledge.
_________________________________________ _________________________________________
Petitioner’s Signature Respondent’s Signature
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The Court has reviewed the foregoing Child Support Addendum, and it is hereby made the Order of this Court.
This Order entered on _________________ day of __________________________, 20_________.
Judge, Superior Court
Cobb Judicial Circuit
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Petitioner: ____________________________________
Respondent: __________________________________
Civil Action File No.: __________________________
(1) Your Name: Your Age:
Spouse’s Name: Spouse’s Age:
Date of Marriage: Date of Separation:
Names and birth dates of children for whom support is to be determined in this action:
Name Date of Birth Resides with
Names and birth dates of your other children:
Name Date of Birth Resides with
(2) S
: (fill out this part after you complete pages 2-5)
(A) Gross Monthly Income (from Item 3A below) $
(B) Net Monthly Income (from Item 3B below) $
(C) Average Monthly Expenses (Item 5A below) $
Monthly Payments to Creditors (Item 5B below) $
Total Monthly Expenses & Payments to Creditors (Item 5C below) $
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(3) (A) Y
: (Complete this section or attach Child Support Schedule A).
(All income must be entered based on monthly average regardless of date of receipt. Where applicable,
income should be annualized)
Commissions, Fees & Tips $
Income from self-employment, partnership, close corporations and independent contracts
(gross receipts minus ordinary and necessary expenses required to produce income) ATTACH
Rental income (gross receipts minus ordinary and necessary expenses required to produce income)
Bonuses $
Overtime Payments $
Severance Pay $
Recurring Income from Pensions or Retirement Plans $
Interest and Dividends $
Trust income $
Income from Annuities $
Capital Gains $
Social Security Disability or Retirement Benefits $
Worker’s Compensation Benefits $
Unemployment Benefits $
Judgments from Personal Injury or Other Civil Cases $
Gifts (cash or other gifts that can be converted to cash) $
Prizes & Lottery Winnings $
Alimony and maintenance from persons not in this case $
Assets which are used for support of family $
Fringe Benefits (if significantly reduce living expenses) $
Any Other Income (Do not include means-tested public assistance, such as TANF or food stamps.) $
TOTAL Gross Monthly Income (also write in 2A on page one) $
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(3)(B) Net Monthly Income From Employment (deducting only state and federal taxes and
FICA) (also write in 2B on page one)
Asset of
Asset of
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Asset of
Asset of
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Child Care (total monthly cost) $ Allowance $
School Tuition $ Children’s Clothing $
Tutoring $ Diapers $
Private lessons (e.g., music, dance)
Medical, Dental, Prescriptions (out-of-
pocket uncovered expenses)
School Supplies / Expenses $ Grooming / Hygiene $
Lunch Money $ Gifts from children to others $
Other Educational Expenses (list type & amount): Entertainment $
Activities (including extra-curricular,
school, religious, cultural, etc.)
$ Summer Camps $
Health Insurance $ Life Insurance $
Children’s portion: $
Relationship of Beneficiary:
Dental Insurance $ Disability Insurance $
Children’s portion: $ Other Insurance (specify) $
Vision Insurance $
Children’s portion: $
Dry Cleaning & Laundry $ Publications $
Clothing $ Dues, Clubs $
Medical / Dental / Prescription (out-of-
pocket uncovered expenses)
$ Religious & Charities $
Your Gifts (special holidays) $ Pet expenses $
Entertainment $ Alimony Paid to Former Spouse $
Recreational Expenses
(e.g., fitness)
$ Child Support Paid for other children $
Vacations $ Date of initial CS order:
Travel Expenses for Visitation $ Other (attach sheet to list) $
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TOTAL ABOVE MONTHLY EXPENSES (also write on first line of 2C on page one)
(5)(B) Y
& D
To Whom Balance Due
(Please check one)
$ $
$ $
$ $
$ $
$ $
$ $
Total Monthly Payments to Creditors (also write this total on line 2 of 2C on page
(5)(C)TOTAL MONTHLY EXPENSES (Total Expenses from final line on page 5 +
Total Monthly Payments to Creditors above) (also write this total on line 3 of 2C on page
one) $
(Sign your name before Notary) Petitioner Respondent, Self-Represented
Name (print or type): _______________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________
Daytime Telephone Number: _________________________________
Sworn to and affirmed before me, this
_______ day of _________________.
My commission expires: __________
(Notary Seal)
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Petitioner: ____________________________________
Respondent: __________________________________
Civil Action File No.: __________________________
This document certifies that on ___________________________, 20____, I sent copies of the following documents:
to the opposing party by first class mail/ certified mail and return receipt was requested.
The documents were addressed as follows:
Signed this _________________ day of ________________________________________.
[day] [month] [year]
(Sign your name before Notary) Petitioner Respondent, Self-Represented
Name (print or type): _______________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________
Daytime Telephone Number: ________________________________
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Petitioner: ____________________________________
Respondent: __________________________________
Civil Action File No.: __________________________
This action came before the Court on __________________________________, 20_______. The Petitioner
appeared Self-Represented. [Select one of the following.] The Respondent also appeared/ The Respondent did not
appear. The Court heard the evidence and considered the matter. It is hereby Ordered and Adjudged that:
[Choose only one (1) of the following.]
The Petitioner did not satisfactorily prove that there has been a substantial change in his/her income or financial
status or in the needs of the children so as to warrant a Modification of Child Support.
The Petitioner did not satisfactorily prove there has been a substantial change in the Respondent’s income or
financial status or in the needs of the children so as to warrant a Modification of Child Support.
There has been a substantial upward change in the income or financial status of the Respondent which increases
his/her ability to pay the child support award previously ordered.
There has been a substantial downward change in the income or financial status of the Petitioner which decreases
his/her ability to pay the child support award previously ordered.
There has been a substantial change in the needs of the children as follows: ________________________________
[Choose only one (1) of the following.]
Child support shall not be modified.
Child support shall be modified to reflect the substantial change in the income or financial status of the
Petitioner/Respondent, or in the needs of the children.
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Application of Child Support Guidelines.
The statutory requirements of O.C.G.A. § 19-6-15 have been applied in reaching the amount of child support
provided under the final order in this action. The specifics are as follows:
1) Gross Income – The Petitioner’s gross monthly income (before taxes) is ______________________ dollars; the
Respondent’s gross monthly income is _____________________ dollars (before taxes).
2) Number of Children – The number of children for whom support is being provided in this case is ___________.
3) Attachments – The Child Support Worksheet and Schedule E are attached and made a part of this Addendum,
along with any other applicable schedules.
4) Child Support Amount – The ____________________________________________ shall pay to the
________________________________________, for the support of the minor children in the sum of
____________________________ dollars ($ _________________ ) per month, beginning on
____________________________________, 20________.
5) Duration of Child Support
[You must check and complete only one of the following paragraphs.]
a) Beyond Age 18 for High School – The child support shall continue monthly thereafter until each child
reaches the age of eighteen, dies, marries, or otherwise becomes emancipated, provided that if the
children become eighteen years old while enrolled in and attending secondary school on a full-time basis
then the child support shall continue for the children until the children graduate from secondary school or
reaches twenty years of age, whichever occurs first.
b) Stop at Age 18 – The child support shall continue monthly thereafter until each child reaches the age of
eighteen, dies, marries, or otherwise becomes emancipated.
c) Until Further Ordered – This is not a final order, so the child support shall continue until further order of
this Court.
d) Until Specific Date – The child support shall continue monthly thereafter until _____________________.
6) Deviation from Presumptive Amount
[You must check and complete only one of the following paragraphs.]
a) No Deviation – It has been determined that none of the deviations allowed under O.C.G.A. § 19-6-15
applies in this case, as shown by the attached Schedule E. The Amount of support in Paragraph 4 above
is the Presumptive Amount of Child Support shown on the attached Child Support Worksheet.
b) Deviation – It has been determined that one or more of the deviations allowed under O.C.G.A. § 19-6-15
applies in this case, as shown by the attached Schedule E. The Presumptive Amount of Child Support
that would have been required under O.C.G.A. § 19-6-15 if the deviations had not been applied is
_____________________ dollars per month, as shown on the attached Child Support Worksheet. The
attached Schedule E explains the reasons for the deviation, how the application of the guidelines would
be unjust or inappropriate considering the relative ability of each parent to provide support, and how the
best interest of the children who are subject to this child support determination is served by deviation
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from the presumptive amount of child support.
7) Health Dental and Vision Insurance for Children
[You must check and complete only one of the following paragraphs.]
a) Insurance Available – The following insurance for the children involved in this action is available at a
reasonable cost to the _________________________________________ through the parent’s employer
or the PeachCare program:
Health (medical, mental health, and hospitalization) Dental Vision
So long as it remains available to that parent, the ________________________________ shall maintain
the types of insurance checked above for the benefit of the minor children, until each child reaches the
age of eighteen, dies, marries, or otherwise becomes emancipated, except that if the children becomes
eighteen years old while enrolled in and attending secondary school on a full-time basis, then the
insurance shall be continued for the children until the children graduate from secondary school or
reaches twenty years of age, whichever occurs first.
1. The parent who maintains the insurance shall provide the other parents with an
insurance identification card or such other acceptable proof of insurance coverage
and shall cooperate with the other parent in submitting claims under the policy.
2. All money received by one of the parties for claims processed under the insurance
policy shall be paid within five (5) days after the party receives the money to the
other party (if that other party paid the applicable health care service provider) or to
the applicable health care provider (if the provider has not been paid by one of the
other parties).
b) Insurance Not Available – Insurance (other than Medicaid) is not available at this time to either party at a
reasonable cost. If health insurance for the children later becomes available to the parent who is
required to pay child support for these children, then that parent must obtain the following types of
insurance, unless it is then being provided by the other parent:
Health (medical, mental health, and hospitalization) Dental Vision
When insurance has been obtained by either party, Paragraphs 7(a)(1) and (2) shall apply.
8) Uninsured Health Care Expenses – The __________________________________ shall pay __________% and the
___________________________________ shall pay _____________% of all expenses incurred for the children’s
health care (including medical, dental, mental health, hospital, vision care) that are not covered by insurance. The
party who incurs a health care expense for one of the children shall provide verification of the amount to the other
party. That other party shall reimburse the incurring party (or pay the health care provider directly) for the
appropriate percentage of the expense, within fifteen (15) days after receiving the verification of a particular health
care expense.
9) Life Insurance
[You must check and complete only one of the following paragraphs.]
_________________________________ shall maintain a policy of life insurance in the amount of
$____________________ that names the minor children as irrevocable beneficiaries of the same. This life
insurance policy shall be kept in full force effect until all child support obligations required of the
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________________________________________ have terminated. At least once each calendar year,
_________________________________ shall provide proof to ________________________________ that the life
insurance policy exists and is in full force and effect. __________________________________ shall also provide
___________________________________ with a copy of said life insurance policy, naming the minor children as
irrevocable beneficiaries, within 15 days of the Final Judgment and Decree.
The Court does not order life insurance in this case.
The parties agree that life insurance is not necessary in this case.
10) Parenting Time Amounts – The approximate number of days of parenting time per year according to the visitation
order is ____________________ days for the Petitioner and __________________ days for the Respondent.
11) Social Security Benefits
[You must check and complete only one of the following paragraphs.]
a) Not Received – The children do not receive Title II Social Security benefits under the account of the
parent ordered to pay child support. The benefits received by the children shall be counted as child
support payments, and shall be applied against the final child support order to be paid by that parent.
b) Received – The children receive Title II Social Security benefits under the account of the parent ordered
to pay child support. The benefits received by the children shall be counted as child support payments,
and shall be applied against the final Child Support Order to be paid by that parent.
1) If the amount of benefits received is less than the amount of support ordered, the obligor shall
pay the amount exceeding the Social Security benefit.
2) If the amount of benefits received is equal to or more than the amount of support ordered, the
obligor’s responsibility is met and no further support shall be paid.
3) Any Title II benefits received for the children’s benefit shall be retained by the custodial parent
or nonparent custodian for the children’s benefit, and it shall not be used as a reason for
decreasing the final child support order or reducing arrearages.
12) Modification
[You must check and complete only one of the following paragraphs.]
a) Not a Modification Action – This is an initial determination of child support, not a modification action.
b) Support Not Modified – This action is a Modification Action, but the order does not modify the amount
of child support that was previously ordered for the children. The date of the initial support order
concerning this child support case was _________________________________.
13) Continuing Garnishment for Child Support
Whenever, in violation of the terms of the order, there shall have been a failure to make the support payments,
so that the amount unpaid is equal to or greater than the amount payable for one month, the payments required
to be made may also be collected by the process of continuing garnishment for support.
14) Income Deduction Order
[You must check and complete only one of the following paragraphs.]
a) An Income Deduction Order shall be entered by the Court under O.C.G.A. § 19-6-32 for payment of
the child support and alimony (if any) provided. The Income Deduction Order shall take effect:
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[To finish a), you must check either 1) or 2). Do not check both.]
1) immediately upon entry by the Court.
2) upon accrual of a delinquency equal to one month’s support.
The Income Deduction Order may be enforced by serving a “Notice of Delinquency,” as provided in
O.C.G.A. § 19-6-32(f).
b) The parties agree that an Income Deduction Order is not immediately necessary.
c) The Court finds that there is good cause not to require income deduction, having determined that
income deduction will not serve the children’s best interests and that there has been sufficient proof of
timely payment of any previously ordered support.
This Order entered on ______________________ day of __________________________, 20_____.
JUDGE, Superior Court
Cobb Judicial Circuit
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My name is ___________________________________, and I am representing myself in this Modification action. In
support of my case, I state the following:
Respondent (CIRCLE ONE: ADMITS OR DENIES) the allegations contained in Paragraph 1 of Petitioner’s
Petition for Modification of Child Support.
Respondent (CIRCLE ONE: ADMITS OR DENIES) the allegations contained in Paragraph 2 of Petitioner’s
Petition for Modification of Child Support.
Respondent (CIRCLE ONE: ADMITS OR DENIES) the allegations contained in Paragraph 3 of Petitioner’s
Petition for Modification of Child Support.
Respondent (CIRCLE ONE: ADMITS OR DENIES) the allegations contained in Paragraph 4 of Petitioner’s
Petition for Modification of Child Support.
Respondent (CIRCLE ONE: ADMITS OR DENIES) the allegations contained in Paragraph 5 of Petitioner’s
Petition for Modification of Child Support.
Respondent (CIRCLE ONE: ADMITS OR DENIES) the allegations contained in Paragraph 6 of Petitioner’s
Petition for Modification of Child Support.
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Signed this __________ day of _____________________, 20____.
(Sign your name here before notary) Respondent, Self-Represented
Respondent’s Name (Print or Type): _____________________________
Respondent’s Address: _______________________________________
Respondent’s Telephone Number: ______________________________
Sworn to and affirmed before me
this _____ day of ______________, 20___.
My Commission Expires: __________
(Notary Seal)
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This document certifies that on _______________, 20____, I sent copies of the following
to the opposing party by: (CHOOSE ONE: first class mail OR certified mail and return receipt was
The documents were addressed as follows:
Signed this _____________ day of _________________, 20____.
(Sign your name here before notary) Respondent, Self-Represented
Respondent’s Name (Print or Type): ________________________
Respondent’s Address: ___________________________________
Respondent’s Telephone Number: __________________________
Sworn to and affirmed before me
this _____ day of ______________, 20___.
My Commission Expires: __________
(Notary Seal)
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Civil Action File Number
This case is hereby set for a hearing on ________________________________________ at
________________ AM/PM in Courtroom ________ of the Superior Court of Cobb County, 70 Haynes
Street, Marietta, GA 30090.
To Parties without Attorneys: If you have filed this action without an attorney, or if you plan to defend this
action without an attorney, you have full responsibility for complying with all procedural and substantive
requirements of the law. The Court will not act as your attorney, will not dispense legal advice, and will not
help you prove or defend your case. This action involves important legal rights and this Court strongly
urges you to hire an attorney.
The parties to this action, their agents, servants, and employees, and all other persons acting in concert
with the Parties are subject to the following provisions:
If this case involves child custody or visitation, then
except in an emergency which has been created by
another Party, you shall not cause or permit the
minor children to be removed from the State of
Georgia for more than one week at a time unless this
Court Orders otherwise.
You shall not do, attempt to do, or threaten to do any
act which injures, maltreats, vilifies, molests, or
harasses or which may, upon judicial determination,
constitute threats, harassment, or stalking of the
adverse Party or the children of the Parties or any act
which constitutes a violation of other civil or
criminal laws of this state.
You shall not sell, encumber, trade, contract to sell,
or otherwise dispose of or remove from the
jurisdiction of the court, without the permission of
the court, any of the property belonging to the
Parties except in the ordinary course of business or
except in an emergency which has been created by
the other Party to the action.
You shall not disconnect or cause to be disconnected
any utility-providing service to the home of the other
Party. You shall not change, cause to change, cancel,
or cause the cancellation of any insurance presently
in effect which protects the Parties or any of their
children or property. You shall not interfere with the
other Party’s mail.
You must attend the Seminar for Divorcing Parents.
If you would like more information about the
Seminar, please see this Court’s Standing Order
Establishing Seminar for Divorcing Parents or
contact the ADR Office.
You must provide the following documentation to
this Court by filing it with the Clerk:
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a) if this case involves financial issues such as
child support, alimony, division of property,
allocation of debt, or contempt of a court order
addressing these issues, then you must file your
Financial Affidavit/Statement as required by the
Uniform Superior Court Rules with the Clerk at
least 15 days before the scheduled hearing.
b) if this case involves child support or child
custody, then you must file your Child Support
Worksheet and the Schedules thereto as required
by the Uniform Superior Court Rules with the
Clerk at least 15 days before the scheduled
c) if this case involves an action for contempt of a
previous court order or an action for
modification of custody, visitation, child
support, or alimony, then you must attach copies
of all prior orders which you seek to enforce or
modify to your initial pleadings.
d) If there has been a change in your income,
employment, debts, assets, or other relevant
financial circumstances since you filed a
previous Financial Affidavit/Statement or Child
Support Worksheet, then you must file with the
Clerk and serve upon the opposing Party
updated versions of either or both of those
documents at least 10 days before the next
scheduled hearing.
You must bring the following documents to each
hearing in this case:
a) Documents reflecting your current income,
including but not limited to a copy of your most
recent paystub as well as state and federal
income tax returns, W-2 forms, and 1099 forms
from the last three years.
b) If this case involves child support, documents
from your employer or insurance company
showing how much you pay for health, dental,
and vision insurance for the children at issue and
health insurance cards for yourself and the
children at issue. If possible, these documents
should show how much you pay for insurance
for each child.
If any documents that you plan to file or bring to
court contain social security numbers or financial
account numbers, you must redact those numbers by
marking out all but the last four digits.
If you fail to comply with the provisions of this
Order, then you may be sanctioned by or held in
contempt of this Court.
SO ORDERED this day of ________________________________________.
Judge, Superior Court of Cobb County
Cobb Judicial Circuit
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Petitioner: ____________________________________
Respondent: __________________________________
Civil Action File No.: __________________________
You are hereby summoned and required to file with the Clerk of said court and serve upon the Petitioner, whose
name and address is:
an Answer to the Complaint which is herewith served upon you, within 30 days after service of this Summons upon you,
exclusive of the day of service. If you fail to do so, judgment by default will be taken against you for the relief demanded in
the Complaint.
If a hearing has already been scheduled in this case, you must appear at that scheduled hearing, regardless of
whether the 30 days for filing an answer has elapsed.
This _________________ day of __________________________, 20_________.
Clerk of Superior Court
By __________________________________________________
To Respondent upon whom this Petition is served:
This copy of Complaint and Summons was served upon you, __________________________, 20_________.