Journal Pre-proof
Pyrolysis gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in environmental analysis: focus on
organic matter and microplastics
Yolanda Picó, Damià Barceló
PII: S0165-9936(20)30193-X
Reference: TRAC 115964
To appear in:
Trends in Analytical Chemistry
Received Date: 22 April 2020
Revised Date: 22 June 2020
Accepted Date: 23 June 2020
Please cite this article as: Y. Picó, D. Barceló, Pyrolysis gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in
environmental analysis: focus on organic matter and microplastics, Trends in Analytical Chemistry,
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Pyrolysis gas chromatography-mass
spectrometry in environmental analysis: focus on
organic matter and microplastics
Yolanda Picó
and Damià Barceló
Environmental and Food Safety Research Group-University of Valencia (SAMA-UV),
Desertification Research Centre (CIDE), Joint Center CSIC-University of Valencia-
Generalitat Valenciana, Moncada Naquera Road km 4.3, 46113 Moncada, Valencia
Water and Soil Quality Research Group, Department of Environmental Chemistry,
IDAEA-CSIC, C/Jordi Girona 18–26, 08034 Barcelona, Spain
Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA), C/Emili Grahit 101, 17003 Girona,
Recent innovations in Py-GC-MS for environmental analysis are presented
Advances in the design of currently used pyrolyzers are discussed
Recently developed working modes within Py-GC-MS are described
Py-GC-MS applications to organic matter and microplastics are highlighted
Progresses and promising trends in Py-GC-MS analysis are pointed out
Pyrolysis gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (Py-GC-MS) has great potential
within environmental analysis. This technique is mainly used for the chemical
identification of macromolecules that cannot be characterized by either liquid or gas
chromatography due to their big size. Through pyrolysis (controlled thermal
degradation), these macromolecules are broken down into simpler molecules that can be
separated by gas chromatography and detected by mass spectrometry. This technique
has been traditionally used in environmental samples for the characterization of organic
matter and humic substances, contaminants, lignins, etc. It attains the identification of
the different types of chemical units that integrate the macromolecules. In addition,
recently, this technique has experienced an important boom in the chemical
characterization of microplastics present in environmental samples. This has triggered
its use in this type of matrix. We describe the fundamentals and modalities of Py-GC-
MS and outline some of the recent applications for the environmental analysis with
special emphasis on humic substances and/or other types of organic matter components
as well as microplastics, but reporting also other interesting application of
environmental relevance.
Keywords: microfurnaces; filaments; Curie-point; Evolved gas analysis; Reactive
1. Introduction
Pyrolysis gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (Py-GC-MS) is one of the essential
and dynamic analytical tools available today to be able to analyze and characterize
chemicals occurring in the environment. The International Union of Pure and Applied
Chemistry (IUPAC) has classified Py-GC-MS as a type of reaction chromatography, in
other words “a technique in which the identities of the sample components are
intentionally changed between sample introduction and detection” [1]. In GC, these
changes can occur before the column (the chemical compounds separated in the column
differs of those of the original sample) or between the column and the detector (the
original chemicals are separated in the column but their identity changes before
reaching the detector). The IUPAC has also defined Pyrolysis (if used for analytical
purposes) as “the characterization in an inert atmosphere, of a material or a chemical
process by a chemical degradation reaction(s) induced by thermal energy”, and Py-GC
as “a version of reaction chromatography in which a sample is thermally decomposed to
simpler fragments before entering the column” [1]. This set of definitions gives a clear
idea of the technique fundamentals also summarized in Figure 1. Nowadays, pyrolysis
involves the thermal fragmentation of the analytical sample at a temperature between
500 -1400 º C. Under these conditions and in the presence of an inert gas, the original
macromolecule is decomposed to characteristic units further separated
chromatographically using fused silica capillary columns and, subsequently, identified
by mass spectrometry mostly with the aid of mass spectral libraries or by the selection
of characteristic ions of indicator compounds. This analytical technique can eliminate
the need to pre-treat the sample as it is capable of performing the analysis directly on
the macromolecules and/or polymers whether they are in a liquid or solid state but it is
compatible with most of the pre-treatments applied to extract (macro)molecules from
environmental samples.
Applications to identify substances of low volatility were first reported in 1961 for Py-
GC [2-4] and in 1967 for Py-GC-MS [5, 6]. Since then, Py-GC-MS increases the range
of tools applicable to the analysis of macromolecules including polymers, copolymers
and additives, wheels, packaging materials, textile fibres, coatings, electronic
intermediates, coals, paints, varnishes and lacquers, leather, paper or wood derivatives,
bio-oils and biomass, fire retardants, food, drugs, surfactants, and fragrances.
Surprisingly, a retrospective of the literature published since its origins shows that this
technique has only been used when all other conventional methods of gas or liquid
chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry have been exhausted. According to Web
of Science (WoS) all databases (accessed by March 22, 2020), 6,849 peer-reviewed
research articles based on the keyword “Py-GC-MS” as topic have been published since
the technique’s begins, with a rate over the last ten years of near 500 publications yearly
[7]. The applications of Py-GC-MS range from research, quality control and
characterization of materials to forensic environmental analysis including the
conservation and restoration of cultural heritage, as well as medicine, biology,
biotechnology, geology, aeronautics, agriculture, energy fuels, etc. Reviews on Py-GC-
MS are mostly focus on its applications, such as polymer characterization [8-10],
lacquer [11], lignin [12], humic substances [13], soil organic matter [14], etc. Clearly,
these reviews cover individual issues and none addresses global fields such as
environmental analysis, a field in which it is recently becoming an indispensable tool.
To evidence this, it is sufficient to mention latest reviews on the identification of
microplastics in the environment [15-19] or the study of environmental organic matter
[14, 20]. Parallel, to find a review on the recent trends and developments within the
technique is needed to back 12 years ago to 2008 [21]. This contrasts with the rapid
technological evolution within Py-GC-MS in terms of devices design, inertness of their
components, versatility of the working modes and reproducibility of the obtained data.
Within this review, key trends and recent evolutions in the area of Py-GC-MS are
covered. In the past years, several important new developments have been made in the
pyrolysis devices (microfurnace chambers, quartz liners for the sample, etc.) as well as
in the GC-MS process itself (time-of-flight MS in the low- or high-resolution mode,
comprehensive GCxGC, etc.). This review also presents some specific environmental
applications within the environmental field that highlights the prospects achieved thanks
to the implementation of these advances, based on the literature published in the last 5
years (2016-2020). Mostly microplastics and organic matter characterization but also
other environmental applications of interest are included.
2. Fundamentals and instrumental advances of pyrolysis gas chromatography-
mass spectrometry
As stated in the introduction, Py-GC-MS is a technique capable of analyzing
macromolecules by gas chromatography breaking them into volatile fragments
(schematized in Figure 2) [9, 10]. This hyphenated technique benefits from coupling as
pyrolysis extends the scope of GC-MS to the analysis of non-volatile macromolecules
in matrices such as, various types of new and ancient materials, biological and
environmental samples. In turn, pyrolysis exploits the resolving power of gas
chromatography and the identification capability of mass spectrometry. It involves an
interesting symbiosis that provides a complex mixture of volatile fragments (pyrogram)
of the original non-GC amenable sample (or macromolecule) that may be a very
effective fingerprint [12, 13]. This is its most significant advantage.
In the pyrolyzer the sample is heated with GC carrier gas, typically an inert gas (helium
is most commonly used) to a relatively low pressure. The high temperatures induce
chemical changes in the macromolecules by a progressive bond breakage that goes from
the weakest to the strongest according to the temperature. The main reactions involved
are depolymerisation (resulting in decomposition to the basic units or, occasionally,
oligomers), random excision (providing randomly smaller fragments as all C-C bonds
are of equal energy) and the removal of side groups (side groups cleaved of the polymer
bond). Other reactions such as, chard formation, cross-linking, cyclization,
hydrogenation, isomerization, and oxidation are possible but minor. The molecular
fragmentation caused by pyrolysis (and the formed products) depends on the relative
strengths of the molecular bonds and the ability of the free radicals formed to give
stable products [22, 23].
Nowadays, different working modes of the Py-GC-MS have been described depending
on the purpose of the analysis [7, 23, 24]:
Single-shot analysis (Py-GC-MS), in which, pyrolysis is perform at a single
temperature, normally >500°C (dependent on the material being examined). The sample
temperature goes as rapid as possible from ambient to the pyrolysis temperature (in
current instruments <20 ms). The macromolecules are almost instantly fragmented in
the pyrolyzer and then, their pyrolyzate of their degradation products is separated in the
chromatographic column.
Double-Shot analysis (TD/Py-GC-MS) provides information about both types of
compounds, volatile (low molecular weight compounds analyzed at low temperature
through a thermal desorption step) and non-volatile (analyzed at high pyrolysis
temperatures that allow for the fragmentation of the macromolecules). Therefore, the
analysis of the sample involves two stages: in the first one there is the thermal
desorption of the volatile compounds then, analyzed by GC-MS and in the second one,
the residual sample left after desorption (in which the non-volatile macromolecules
remain) is pyrolyzed and the pyrolyzate is also analyzed by GC-MS.
Evolved gas analysis (EGA-MS) involves the separation of degradation products from
macromolecules according to the temperature at which they are formed rather than
according to their volatilization temperature. This is achieved through a sequential
macromolecules degradation that takes place in the pyrolyzer using a slow temperature
ramp (instead of reaching the pyrolyzation temperature as quickly as possible) and the
replacement of the chromatographic column by a short and narrow (2.5 m, 0.15 mm
i.d.) deactivated capillary tube without a stationary phase to connect directly GC-
injector and MS-detector. This is very similar to the thermogravimetric analysis (TGA).
The weight loss of the sample cannot be measured but the result shows the thermogram
such as a differential thermogravimetric curve for a given sample. EGA-MS is done as
previous step in order to identify the temperature range for the components and set-up
Py-GC-MS for a more in-depth study of the identified compound.
Heart-cut analysis (Heart-cut EGA-GCMS), is the two-dimensional way of working
in the combination of Py-GC. In this technique, EGA is used to obtain a thermogram
and each temperature zone of interest is analyzed separately by heart cutting evaporated
components and selectively introduce them to a GC column where they are temporarily
trapped at the beginning of the column prior to analyze them by GC-MS. This technique
allows examination of regions that may contain multiple components under a peak but
are not obvious during Py-GC-MS analysis. This method could be incredibly useful to
search both, for specific components in a highly complex matrix or the whole
composition of a complex system.
Reactive Pyrolysis-GC-MS. The macromolecule undergoes a chemical derivatization
reaction in the pyrolysis chamber. This may be instead of, or in addition to, heat-
induced pyrolysis of the large polymer into smaller fragments. The most used
derivatized agent is tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH).
In addition to these modes, modern pyrolyzers can be also used only for thermal
desorption of analytes (as in double-shot analysis).
Py-GC-MS can provide quantitative results with high accuracy and precision. As in any
other analytical method compound quantification in the sample requires standards and
even isotopically labeled internal standard as well as the selection of proper ions[13, 25,
Another advantage of this technique is the small sample amount (5–200 μg) without
pre-treatment. However, samples must be dried and, as already mentioned, in the case
of environmental samples, it is sometimes necessary to perform a previous extraction of
the macromolecules. Py-GC-MS is compatible with most established method[11, 12,
The most important disadvantage attributed to Py-GC-MS was poor reproducibility due
to factors such as sample inhomogeneity, slow transfer of the pyrolyzate to the
chromatographic column and catalytic events in the pyrolyzer, which may alter the
chemical nature of the sample. Other disadvantages of the technique are its destructive
character and the difficulty of interpreting the pyrograms obtained due to the large
number of reactions that can take place and the density of peaks in the pyrograms [21].
Hence, developments have been focused on areas such as developing new approaches to
improve the reproducibility of the pyrolyzer, to enhance separation of the compounds
and to better identify the reactions products. Major instrumental developments in
pyrolysis, chromatography and mass spectrometry are described in the following.
2.1. Pyrolyzer
The critical prerequisites for the apparatus in analytical pyrolysis affect pyrolysis
temperature (its reproducibility, rapid rise, and accurate control are crucial to ensure
proper results) and the connection of Py-GC that must be as direct as possible. Pyrolysis
process as fast as possible is desirable to prevent pyrolyzates back into the injector. The
pyrolyzer devices must be small and with little internal volume while the flow of carrier
gas through them should be fast to ensure that all volatiles are swept into the column
and do not remain in the pyrolyzer where they can undergo secondary pyrolysis. Small
sample amount is needed to ensure that it is rapidly degraded and that the capacity of
the column is not exceeded [5, 12].
Pyrolysis systems were classified according to the heating mechanisms into:
continuous-mode pyrolyzers (furnace or microfurnace pyrolyzer) and pulse-mode
(sample is introduced cold and receives a thermic pulse) pyrolyzers (heated filament and
Curie-point) (schematized in Figure 3). The three types of pyrolyzers are able to carry
out flash pyrolysis involving a very rapid temperature rate up to reach the pyrolysis
temperature Their ability to work in the different modes described in the previous
section is summarized in Table 1.
Nowadays, filament pyrolysis (Figure 3a) uses as heating element a coil made a very
thin wire of resistive metal (commonly platinum). A small quartz tube holds the sample
inside is inserted into the coil. Recently, progress has been made in developing better
and more effective sample holder designs that shorten the analyte diffusion path and
reduce peak broadening. Poor temperature accuracy and reproducibility have been
reported because of non-uniform heating (heat-transfer variations affect the temperature
of the sample that is not directly measured). Considerable effort has been made in the
implementation of the technology ensuring accurate monitoring of the filament
resistance and accurate temperature control. In addition to pulsed pyrolysis, recent
instruments can also perform programmed heating to obtain sequential pyrolysis
(multiple pyrolysis steps performed on a single sample at increasing temperatures) with
temperature ramps that can be rapid or slow depending on the purpose. In the filament
pyrolyzer, the sample preheating before analysis is essential to avoid condensation of
high boiling point pyrolyzates. This preheating step causes evaporation of the volatile
and semi-volatile compounds and denaturation, degradation or thermofixation of the
samples. However, the last instruments can perform thermal desorption but using
modular systems or complicated trapping sequences [23, 28, 29].
The Curie-point pyrolyzer (Figure 3b) is similar to the filament pyrolyzer but the
sample is inserted on an appropriate ferromagnetic alloy wire having the desired Curie-
point; that is the exact reproducible temperature at which the ferromagnetic material
loses its magnetism. The temperature ceases to rise when the Curie-point of the metal
has been reached. The most important disadvantage of these pyrolyzers is that different
temperature steps cannot be programmed, then, the evolved gas analysis (EGA) is
impossible. The pre-heating of the sample is necessary, similar to the filament pyrolyzer
[23, 28, 29].
The heating-furnace pyrolyzer mostly used in recent years is a vertical microfurnace-
type (Figure 3c). This microfurnace is simply a hollow quartz tube covered by a heater
device for rapid heating and cooling. State-of-art microfurnaces are equipped with
hollow ceramic heater and powerful cooling fans achieve rapid heating and cooling
across a wide temperature range as well as temperature sensors that measure the
temperature in the sample. The sample is placed in an inert deactivated cup held at the
ambient temperature in helium even through at the same time that the microfurnace is
preheated to the pyrolysis temperature. Special thermal insulation achieves excellent
thermal stability maintaining the sample at ambient temperature at the stand-by position
when the furnace temperature is at a 600 ºC and reaching 60 º C if the furnace is at 1000
ºC. In the recent years, also evolutions in the sample cup materials such as chemically-
bonded quartz thin layer on cup surface for inertness or directly quartz cups has been
reported. In the moment of the analysis, the cup is dropped by free fall, due to gravity,
into the center of the vertical furnace. Thus, in this case, the problems caused by the
preheating for the filament and the Curie-point pyrolyzers of evaporation, degradation,
or thermosetting before the analysis can be avoided. In addition, the sample is purged of
oxygen before heated so that there are no oxidation reactions [22, 30, 31].
The pyrolysis unit (pyrolyzer) is connected directly to the injector port of the GC.
Heavy and polar compounds are directly placed on-column and light compounds are
never lost. The main concern is to transfer the analytes to the GC in a tight ‘plug’ so that
the peaks are not broad and the column can separate them. At its most basic, this means
heating the sample as quickly as possible so that the resulting volatiles are produced in a
very short time and the resulting peaks are narrow and well separated. Cryotrapping
capabilities are available for the Pyrolysis GC-MS in both pulse mode and continuous
pyrolyzers. Prior to introduction into the GC-MS, the pyrolyzates are cryotrapped using
liquid nitrogen. This is done to narrow the chromatographic band and improve the
detection limit. This also allow to use the microfurnace as a pulse mode pyrolyzer [32,
2.2. Gas chromatography
Once the polymer/copolymer sample has been pyrolyzed, volatile fragments are swept
from the heated pyrolysis unit by the carrier gas (helium) into the gas chromatograph.
The volatile pyrolysis products (pyrolyzate) are chromatographically separated by using
a fused silica capillary column, according to the boiling points and the affinity of
analytes to the stationary phase (internal capillary column wall coating) [34].
Although GC-MS Pyrolysis has mostly been combined with conventional
chromatographic separation, i.e. using a capillary column with a 5 % phenylmethyl
siloxane phase 30 x 0.25 mm and 0.25 um film thickness, there is no limitation in terms
of possible GC separation modes. There are undoubtedly two major trends within
separations in gas chromatography —fast chromatography and comprehensive two-
dimensional GC (GCxGC) [3].
Fast GC involves reducing analysis time by using multiple combinations of narrower
and shorter columns, with less phase thickness and/or higher carrier gas flow. There is
no reason why this type of chromatography cannot be combined with Py-GC-MS.
However and probably because pyrolyzates are very complex samples, to our
knowledge, this combination has not been reported yet [26, 35].
GCxGC provides higher peak capacity and better resolution power by adding a second
GC column of a different polarity, connected through a modulator (commonly a
cryomodulator) that traps the eluting fractions of the first column and injects them into
the second column to achieve true two-dimensional separation. Since one of the
premises of Py-GC-MS is the separation of complex mixtures of molecules (the
pyrolyzates), GCxGC has been combined with pyrolysis in several studies showing its
great capacity to facilitate identification [36, 37]. In the future, this technique could gain
a third dimension of separation if it is combined with Heart-cut EGA. However, it
should be noted that the unquestionable improvement in separation implied by these
techniques is sometimes slowed down by the great amount of information obtained and
time required to interpret it.
2.3. Mass spectrometry
The detection technique of the separated compounds is typically mass spectrometry
(MS). The analysis of the samples fingerprint pattern is often accomplished by single
quadrupole mass analyzer, the most used system, due to its robustness and capacity to
identify the molecules. The substances detected by the mass spectrometry are
subsequently identified by the interpretation of the obtained mass spectra, by using mass
spectra libraries (e.g., NIST/EPA/NIH, Wiley, MPW, Norman Mass Bank, m/z Cloud),
or by using reference substances [23].
Triple quadrupole instruments (QqQ) were introduced more recently and today are the
most recommended systems for the analysis of target compounds, mainly due to the
higher sensitivity and specificity of the application of tandem MS (MS/MS). However,
this instrument is little used in combination with Py-GC-MS, since in this case the
compounds that are formed in the pyrolysis are mostly unknown a priori, so the QqQ
has less application. [27]
Contrarily, high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS), mostly (quadrupole)time-of-
flight (TOF or QqTOF), has been became essential tools in Py-GC-MS. The use of
these detectors provide information on the most probable empirical formula of both, the
analyzed molecule and its characteristic fragment. This is a very structural useful
information especially in the case of pyrolysis were the ultimate objective is to identify
all the compounds responsible of the fingerprint pattern of the pyrogram. Although the
application focus on using selected ion monitoring (SIM), the analysis of the scan
spectra in the method development is essential. [13, 26]
3. Environmental applications of Py-GC-MS
Two of the most interesting applications of Py-GC-MS in environmental samples are
(i) the evaluation of natural organic matter (NOM) and (ii) the identification and
characterization of microplastics and nanoplastics.
3.1. Characterization of organic matter
The complex and variable composition of natural organic matter (NOM)
(polysaccharides, amino sugars, proteins, polyhydroxy aromatics, lipids, lignin, etc)
makes characterization of its components very challenging within environmental
studies. Py-GC-MS has been applied to analyze the changes in the dissolved organic
matter (DOM) in water [38, 39]. This technique has also demonstrated to be a potent
tool for studying the molecular fingerprints of the natural organic matter (NOM) in soils
and sediments, evaluating the changes in soil organic matter (SOM), identifying soil
and sediment carbon storage [39]. Furthermore, other applications focus on
characterization of humic acids because there is an urgent need to understand the
structure and to improve definition of the function of humic substances in nature.
In water, separation and purification of DOM is important and often linked to further
analysis. The first step is filtration through a glass filter to retain any other organic
matter fraction. After filtration, the DOM in water is isolated and enriched by sorbent
extraction methods, such as solid phase extraction SPE [39] and pre-HPLC [38]. In both
techniques, DOM fraction is concentrated by reverse phase mechanisms. The
characterization of soil and sediment organic matter does not requires extraction, just to
dry, sieve and pulverize the soil [30, 31, 40, 41]. However, there are many types of
organic matter fractions, one of them commonly determined also in soils is DOM that
can be extracted using a lysimeter-pump or by shaking soil with water [42]. Other
fraction involves the humic substances, probably the most important one because soil
fertility and stability depends on it. The extraction and purification humic acids (HA)
and/or fulvic acids (FA) according to standard methods is compulsory to study them.
These standard methods involved as a first step elimination of the free organic matter by
flotation (using H
) and demineralization (with Na
needed to remove Al
associated with SOM and release the humic substances that are complexed with hydrous
amorphous oxides). Then, HA and FA are extracted from soil using a basic solutions
(NaOH), and separated by precipitation of the humic acids in the solution by
acidification (pH < 2). HA are further purified by washing with several acidic solutions
[43] and/or dialyzed into cellophane bags [44, 45]. The acidified supernatant including
FA was passed through a column of DAX-8, a nonfunctionalised
polymethylmethacrylate resin with strong hydrophobic organic matter endorsed to
humic and fulvic acids and through a strong cation-exchange resin column [46].
The three types of described pyrolyzers —micro furnace [30, 31, 34, 43, 47], platinum
heated filament pyrolyzer [22, 41, 42, 44, 48, 49] and Curie point [38, 45] has been
applied to characterize NOM in the environment. However, most of the studies only test
the single shot [22, 30, 31, 34, 38, 41-45, 47, 49] at temperatures > 500 º C and <800
ºC. The reactive pyrolysis has also been applied in some studies [42, 46] because it
provides less fragments simplifying the pyrogram. However, a study comparing the
ability of both techniques to characterize soil-derived DOM across the Three Gorges
Reservoir areas [48], concluded that Py-GC–MS fingerprinting is a more helpful tool
able to quantify microbial DOM than reactive pyrolysis. Reactive Py-GC-MS is instead
useful to determine the molecular features of the polyphenolic (cinnamic acids, lignin
and tannin compositions) and aliphatic (identification of cutin and suberin) fractions. As
an interesting alternative to palliate this problem, branched-chain fatty acids in HAs
analyzed by Reactive py–GC-MS has been proposed as biomarkers (BMs) for
determining the history of microbial activities that occurred during composting
processes [46].
The double-shot pyrolysis that makes both, free volatiles and high molecular weight
structures, accessible has been scarcely used in the studies involving NOM
characterization, probably because the organic matter is formed by non-volatile
compounds. In fact, Figure 4 illustrates that free evaporable molecular structures are
barely present in terrestrial DOM. In contrast, a lot of components are accessible only in
the pyrolysis step [39]. Hence, DOM mainly consists of large high molecular complex
structures. Many of these are aromatic, especially phenolic compounds that are lignin
degradation products.
In most of the covered studied, GC-MS is performed in practically all cases using the
most conventional system, which involves 30 m capillary columns and a simple
quadrupole working in scan mode. The detected pyrolysate compounds were assigned
by comparing the obtained mass spectra with the NIST or any other of the mentioned
mass spectral database. The identified compounds can be grouped according to their
probable origin as: (i) aliphatic hydrocarbons (n-alkanes, n-alkenes and n-methyl
ketones), (ii) aromatics and alkylbenzenes, (iii) polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and
benzofurans, (iv) methyl esters, (v) lignin phenols, (vi) N-containing compounds, (vii)
phenols and catechols, and (viii) polysaccharides. Commonly number of compounds
identified in a pyrogram ranged from 100 to 400 compounds. The relative abundance of
the pyrolysis products can be calculated by normalizing the peak areas of each
individual compound to the total area for all the peaks of the detected products.
Although powerful advances of GC and MS in last years, only one Py-GC-MS method
reports the use two ionization systems EI and photon-ionization (PI) with different mass
selective analyzers [quadrupole and a time-of-fight MS (ToFMS)] for the analysis of
terrestrial DOM in water [39]. The PI –a soft ionization method- was performed by
resonance-enhanced-multi-photon-ionization (REMPI) providing information on the
molecular weight and a high selectivity and sensitivity for aromatic hydrocarbons.
Furthermore, the accurate mass of TOF-MS attains an additional confirmation. It
enables the characterization of natural samples by a universal (electron ionization
quadrupole MS) as well as an aromatic fingerprint (REMPI-TOF-MS). However, it is
clear that new developments in the field of GC-MS have not been incorporated yet,
perhaps because analysis using routine systems is enough complex and, especially,
time-consuming and requires highly specialized personnel.
One of the main problems of the NOM characterization is, as stated in the previous
paragraph, the complexity of the obtained pyrograms, all of them with a high number of
compounds. If, in addition, the number of samples is very high, the amount of
information to be processed increases exponentially making it very difficult for the
analyst. Some studies have tried to find solutions to this problem, mostly using two
different ways. The simplest way is to focus the study on a few good biomarkers of the
processes that the organic matter undergoes. A study proposing the use of branched
chain fatty acids as bioindicators has already been discussed [46]. The methoxyphenols
(descriptors of organic matter composition) have also been proposed as indicators of the
capacity of the soil C storage [34]. Methoxyphenols (12 major guaiacyl- and syringyl-
type compounds) are released by Py-GC-MS from topsoil samples and are distinctive
molecules supposedly advising on the occurrence and degree of alteration of lignin in
soils as different statistical analysis (simple regression, partial least scuares (PLS),
statistical molecular design (SMD)) coincide in showing proper correlation between C
storage in soil and the methoxyphenol complexity.
The other methods are based on the application of statistical tests that help to
systematize or improve the visualization of the information obtained. Effort is devoted
to develop automated identification and quantification software that helps to process
mass chromatographs from Py-GC-MS and visualize the results [44, 50]. Moreover,
pyrolyzates fluctuate significantly among samples in their presence and intensity.
Statistical techniques can overcome the challenges of data interpretation. For example,
analysis of variance (ANOVA) has be used to assess differences in functional groups
among samples, whereas factor analysis has been reduce the dimension of pyrolyzates
and separate the samples using the reduced variables, or factors. Fig. 5 exemplifies one
systematic approach that has been proposed to obtain as much sample information as
and overcome these limitations [50]. There are many more reported in the literature.
3.2. Determination of micro and nanoplastics
Environmental contamination by micro and nanoplastics is a globally recognized
problem that has worldwide dimension. The large number of reviews on nano or
microplastics that have been published in recent years gives a proper picture of the
raised concerns [15-19, 51-55]. Py-GC-MS has become one of the most promising
techniques to identify micro and nanoplastics in environmental samples because it
achieves detection of lower microplastics dimensions, is more sensitive than other
methods and less affected by impurities and interferences of the samples. “Less” does
not mean “absence”. Some samples present serious interferences due mainly to the
organic matter. This is alleviated by the broad compatibility of Py-GC-MS with all
types of extraction and purification processes. Furthermore, this technique has open an
interesting horizon to determine nanoplastics. The most difficult ones due to their low
Py-GC-MS has already been applied to determine microplastics in soil [56], soil
amended with municipal solid waste compost [57], biosolids [58], salt [59, 60], river
sediments, [30, 61], beach sediments [62], coastal sediments [63], tidal flat sediment
[60], suspended particulate matter [30], wastewater, sea water [64], surface water [65],
bivalves [66], fish and other types of biota. Furthermore, Py-GC-MS has been used to
determine nanoplastics in water [67-69].
The determination of microplastics can be carried out directly in matrices, such as soil
[57] but is usually performed by separating and concentrate them from the matrix by
wet digestion (with acids, oxidants or enzymes [63, 70]) or density differences (using
solutions of NaCl [62], NaI, ZnCl
, NaBr [59], sodium polytungstate [61]) and
filtration. In the case, of wastewater analysis and due to its high organic matter content
sequential filtration can help to isolate the microplastic without clogging filters [71]. As
alternative technique, very recently pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) has been
proposed since high temperature and pressure helps to solubilize microplastics in
solvents, such as dichloromethane and tetrahydrofuran [58, 72]. In these extracts, not
only microplastics but also NOM was extracted when analyzed sediment and soils, a
pre-extraction with methanol, eliminates NOM without affecting the polymers.
Nanoplastics can be isolated by using filtration through common PTFE membranes
(pore sizes 0.45 and 0.1 µm) to deposit MPs and NPs from aqueous samples working in
the limit range of nanoscale (24 nm–52 nm) [68]. Ultrafiltration also retains altogether
micro and nanoplastics from water but retains lower nanoplastics sizes than filter
nm) [67] Triton X-45 (TX-45)-based cloud-point extraction (CPE) has also been tested
to preconcentrate nanoplastics [69]. This method provides enrichment factor of 500
without disturbing their original morphology and sizes. At present, nanoplastics can be
analyzed using optical and spectroscopic techniques [73]. The optical methods can
analyzed particles < 200 nm but cannot provide chemical identification, thus is prone of
false positive [74]. By comparison, spectroscopy, such as Raman or Py-GC-MS can
provide specific information about the polymer via its fingerprint spectra, but the small
size of nanoplastics provides weak responses being prone of false negatives [73-75].
Imaging version of spectroscopies points as the solution to the determination of
nanoplastics [73].
The determination by Py-GC-MS is also used in a very conventional format. The most
commonly used pyrolyzer in the case of micro and nanoplastics is the micro furnace
[58-63, 69]. Filament [56, 57, 68] and Curie point [56, 57, 68] pyrolyzers have also
been reported in a much lesser extend. The advantage of the microfurnace is its higher
sample capacity. In this case, the double-shot pyrolysis is the preferred mode because
NOM compounds are a potential source of interfering during pyrolysis [30, 56, 58, 63,
69]. None of the natural materials compounds interfering with the selected indicators for
polypropylene (PP), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polycarbonate (PC), poly-
(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and polystyrene (PS) when using thermal desorption
(first-shot of the double-shot method) as a clean-up step. This is difficult to explain if
we take into account that in the previous section one of the conclusions drawn was that
the NOM produced few compounds when thermo-desorbed. However, the great
variability of composition of NOM and the wide range of different conditions used may
well justify these apparently contradictory results. Residual organic matrix leads to a
variety of non-volatile pyrolysis products, enhances the risk of interferences with
specific indicator compounds, boosts the maintenance frequency and hampers reliable
quantification. Regarding the preferred pyrolyzer, a comparison of Curie-Point and
micro furnace pyrolyzers to determine microplastics in the environment [60]. showed
that microfurnace Py-GC-MS can process more sample quantity because of the larger
sample cups allowing the use of glass fibre filters for direct transfer of pre-concentrated
microplastics. Besides simplification, this minimized sample losses during the transfer
from the filter to the pyrolyzer.
The GC-MS is also very conventional with a quadrupole mass analyzer, even with a
ToF (pulsed) analyzer was also reported with advantages over more common scanning
mass spectrometers (quadrupole analyzers). In this study, ToF operated in nominal mass
units (not accurate mass) similar to the quadrupole but offers substantial sensitivity
because in a ToF, all the ions accumulated are transmitted to the detector [68].
Sensitivity is crucial to work in full scan mode because using quadrupolar detector. In
most cases and unlike the analysis of NOM, selected ion monitoring (SIM) mode is the
only working mode that attains sufficient sensitivity to detect microplastics still at much
lower concentrations than organic matter.
Residual organic matrix present in the extract/sample leads to a variety of non-volatile
pyrolysis products, enhances the risk of interferences with specific indicator
compounds, boosts the maintenance frequency and hampers reliable quantification.
Compounds in the pyrograms can be identified querying against any of the previous
mentioned mass spectral database, custom database containing pre-acquired pyrograms
with reference plastic samples or manually compared with the available literature [62,
76]. However, to identify and quantify plastics in environmental samples, specific
indicator compounds are usually selected for each type of plastic. These indicator
compounds, specific to each type of plastic, are selected either by using analytical
standards of each type of plastic or by comparing the results of the pyrograms with the
existing literature. Table 2 reports the most used indicator compounds for most reported
type of plastics. These indicators are selected assessing their specificity against a
number of natural materials: chitin, wood, pine needles, humic acid, cellulose, etc. [58].
Reactive pyrolysis [59, 61, 70] with TMAH as derivatization reagent has been used to
reduce the organic matrix interferences and because this technique improve the
detection sensitivity for PET and PC. If pyrolysis is performed after TMAH addition the
pyrolytic behavior stayed unaffected for polyethylene (PE), PP, PS, and
polyvinylchloride (PVC) while that of PET, PMMA, PC, and polyamide (PA6)
changed. The determination PS is complicated, even though the microplastics
derivatization because chitin, widely present in the natural environment, releases styrene
(m/z 104) during pyrolysis, styrene is not indicative for PS identification and
quantification in environmental samples, although it is an abundant PS pyrolysis
product. In contrast, most of the studies used styrene trimer (m/z 312) because it is
specific for PS [69].
The first international comparative study of commonly applied analytical methods for
microplastic analysis served as a first attempt to assess the suitability of frequently used
methods in microplastic research that also shows obstacles when conducting a
comparative study for microplastics [77]. In this study, microscopy, Fourier-transform
infrared microspectroscopy (μ-FTIR), Raman microspectroscopy (μ-Raman), thermal
extraction and desorption or pyrolysis- combined with GC/MS, scanning electron
microscopy and particle counter were compared regarding results on total particle
number, polymer type, number of particles and/or particle mass for each polymer type.
The quantification of polymer mass for identified polymer types was questionable for
Py-GC-MS, whereas other methods failed to determine the correct polymer mass. For
the identification of polymer type μ-Raman and Py-GC/MS performed best [77]. The
other thermodegradation technique applied to microplastics, is thermogravimetric
analysis (TGA), a thermal analysis technique that measures weight loss of a sample as it
is heated at a programmed rate in a controlled gaseous environment and is coupled to
several detectors, such as FTIR, MS or GC-MS [78, 79]. TGA has evolved to a new
combination, thermo-extraction desorption gas chromatography mass spectrometry
(TED-GC-MS) [80]. This approach is based on trapping the decomposition products
from a TGA onto a solid-phase adsorber and then, analyzing the adsorber by thermal
desorption gas chromatography mass spectrometry. Thus, the instrument remains
cleaner and is more stable for extended time. Recently, an interlaboratory comparison
of thermal procedures for the identification and quantification of polymers in freshwater
suspended organic matter revealed an acceptable analyte recovery and reproducibility
among participants performing Py-GC-MS, TGA-FTIR, and thermos extraction
desorption gas chromatography mass spectrometry (TED-GC-MS) given the still
relative novel character of this complex analyte/matrix combination [78].
In other studies, Py-GC-MS performance has been compared to that obtained by μ-
FTIR and µ-Raman, as most successful complementary approaches in the identification
of microplastics. The optimized Py-GC/MS method identified 40 particles already
identified by µ-Raman. Py-GC-MS identified copolymer like PE-PP or PE-PP-PA6
which could be difficult to identify with μ-Raman without chemometrics approach
leading to results with a finer identification [66]. In the case of µ-FTIR differentiated
between plastic vs .non-plastic in the same way in 26 cases, with 19 particles and fibers
(22 after re-evaluation) identified as the same polymer type. To illustrate the different
information obtained by these different approaches and emphasize the complementarity
of their information content, Fig. 5 shows the identification of the particles using µFTIR
and py-GC-MS [61].
3.3. Others
The other application of Py-GC-MS are mostly focused on the determination of
contaminants. The unintentional poisoning of off-target animals by bromadiolone, a
second generation anticoagulant rodenticide has been determined through its analysis in
liver and blood plasma by means of in-injector Py-GC-MS (heating the normal GC
injector at 400 ºC using with ion trap tandem mass analyzer with electron ionization
[81]. The pyrolysis products provided a very selective analysis without interferences of
other rodenticides.
The analytical capabilities of double shot Py-GC–MS were applied to evaluate
environmental samples of petroleum hydrocarbons from the Deepwater Horizon oil
spill. EGA Py-GC–MS can quantify the overall degree of petroleum hydrocarbon
weathering. Furthermore, Heart-cut Py-GC–MS can quantify specific compounds in the
‘‘thermal desorption zone” (50–370 °C), as well as characterize pyrolyzed fragments
from non GC-amenable petroleum hydrocarbons (including oxygenated hydrocarbons)
in the ‘‘cracking zone” (370–650 °C). This analysis not only elucidates weathering
trends in Deepwater Horizon oil over several years, but also illustrates the analytical
capacity of this method for future research on petroleum hydrocarbon, filling a void in
research connecting Py-GC–MS and environmentally weathered oil samples [82]. As
can be seen from the previously mentioned examples, the Py-GC-MS, although little
exploited, can still have multiple applications in other environmental fields, especially
in the determination of complex mixtures of contaminants.
4. Conclusions
Py-GC-MS has proven to be a valuable technique for environmental analysis, not
widespread use but covering crucial environmental aspects. Characterization of NOM is
essential for carbon sequestration and the maintenance of soil stability and fertility,
evaluation of terrestrial inputs on oceans, etc. The evaluation of contamination by micro
and nanoplastics has become an essential pillar. Py-GC-MS has demonstrated important
advantages over other techniques such as µRaman and µFTIR to determine
microplastics, and has been the only one able to detect nanoplastics. Something that
until very recently was considered almost impossible.
However, either because of the difficulty in interpreting the results, or because the
studies are more focused on the robustness of the pyrolyzer, the applications have not
yet introduced the latest innovations in GC-MS.
Hopefully, in near future, Py-GC-MS will not only be applied in its conventional format
but will also take advantage of the great separation power of GCxGC or the speed of
rapid GC and will more frequently incorporate the incredible identification capability
that HRMS and HRMS in tandem can provide. Furthermore, environmental analysis
could also benefit from the application of other pyrolysis’ working modes, such as EGA
or shot-cut-EGA, not applied yet in environmental analysis and could add a further
dimension to multidimensional techniques. Therefore, there are still challenges to
overcome in this aspect though we can be confident in that several of these new trends
within Py-GC-MS will be applied soon to environmental analysis.
This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and
Universities and the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) through the project
CICLIC -subproject WETANPACK (RTI2018-097158-B-C31), by the Generalitat
Valenciana through the project ANTROPOCEN@ (PROMETEO/ 2018/ 155) and the
Generalitat de Catalunya (Consolidated Research Groups 2017 SGR 1404 - Water and
Soil Quality Unit).
Figure 1. Fundamentals of Py-GC-MS
Figure 2. Scheme of the instrumentation in Py-GC-MS
Figure 3. Scheme of the different types of pyrolyzers currently in used.
Figure 4. Image plot (GC retention time vs. mass-to-charge-ratio vs. signal intensity)
of At4 surface water (rich in tDOM) under TD (top) and Py (bottom) conditions
resulting from the use of REMPI-ToFMS detection. Reprinted from ref. [39] Copyright
(2016) royal society of chemistry.
Figure 5. Flowchart of the proposed systematic approach for unveiling the changes of
chemical composition on pyrograms. ANOVA: analysis of variance; Tukey’s HSD:
Tukey’s honest significant difference; and PCA: principal components analysis.
Appropriate techniques can be used depending on whether or not the assumptions (such
as independence of cases, normality, and homogeneity of variances for ANOVA) can be
met. Reprinted from ref [50]. Copyright (2018) Elsevier.
Figure 6. ATR-FTIR spectra (left) and Py-GC-MS ion chromatograms (right) of the MP
particles. a–d (black) each with a reference (red); C10–C38—alkadienes, alkenes, and
alkanes with chain lengths; DiOPdiisooctyl phthalate; DMP—dimethyl phthalate;
FAME—fatty acid methyl ester; FADME—at 740 and 705 cm−1 (out-of-plane
deformation of the aromatic ring). They originate presumably from phthalic acid fatty
acid dimethyl ester; MB—methyl benzoate; P4ME—pentaerythritol tetramethyl ether,
P3ME—pentaerythritol trimethyl ether, P2ME—pentaerythritol dimethyl ether,
asterisk—thermochemolysis artifacts. Reprinted from ref. [61] Copyright (2018)
Table 1. Ability of working in different modes of the three types of pyrolyzers currently
in use.
Microfurnace Filament Curie-point
Single-shot analysis (Py-GCMS)
Yes Yes Yes
Double-Shot analysis (TD/Py-GCMS)
Yes Difficult No
Evolved gas analysis (EGA-MS)
Yes Yes No
Heart-cut analysis (Heart-cut EGA-
Yes Yes No
Reactive Pyrolysis-GC-MS:
Yes Yes Yes
Table 2. Plastic indicator compounds and ions monitored by MS in SIM
Plastic Pyrolysis product Indicator ions
Dimethyl alkenes (2,4-Dimethyl-1-heptene, 2,4-
70, 83, 126
111, 97
Okoffo et al.,[58] Dierkes et al.,[68] Fischer & Scholz-
Böttcher,[70] Steinmetz et al.,[56] Dierkes et al.,[68]
Hermabessiere et al.[66]
Tertramethyl alkenes (2,4,6,8-tetramethyl-1-decene,
100, 69,111, 97
Fischer & Scholz-Böttcher, [70] Steinmetz et al.,[56]
Dierkes et al.,[68]
methyl alkenes (7-methyl-decene, 7-methyl 1-undecene,
5 methyl undecene, 7 methyl-2-decene)
111,97 Dierkes et al.,[68]
3-Dodecene 111,97 Dierkes et al.,[68]
Trimethyl alkenes (2,4,8-trimethyl octane, 2,4,6-
trimethyl nonene)
111,97 Dierkes et al.,[68]
PS 5-Hexene-1,3,5-triyltribenzene (styrene trimer)
91, 117, 194, 312,
Okoffo et al.[58], Zhou et al.,[69] Steinmetz et al. [56]
Mintening et al.,[67]
Styrene 104, 78
Fischer & Scholz-Böttcher, [70] Steinmetz et al.,[56]
Mintening et al.,[67], Dierkes et al.,[68] }
Hermabessiere et al.[66]
2,4-Diphenyl-1-butene or 3-butene-1,3-diyldibenzene
(styrene dimer)
91, 208
Fischer & Scholz-Böttcher, [70], Hermabessiere et
α-Methylstyrene 103, 118 Steinmetz et al.,[56]
Toluene 91 Dierkes et al.,[68]
Plastic Pyrolysis product Indicator ions
1-Ethyl-2-methylbenzene 117,
Dierkes et al.,[68]
1,2,3-trimethylbenzene 120,
Dierkes et al.,[68]
2-Propenyl-benzene 117, 91 Dierkes et al.,[68]
3-Butenyl-benzene 132, 91 Dierkes et al.,[68]
3-Phenyl-1-propyne 115 Dierkes et al.,[68]
1-Methylenepropyl-benzene 132, 117,91 Dierkes et al.,[68]
Bibenzyl 182, 104, 91 Dierkes et al.,[68]
1,1’-(1-Methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)bis-Benzene 105, 91 Dierkes et al.,[68]
Stilbene 180, 165 Dierkes et al.,[68]
1,2-Dihydro-3-phenylnaphthalene 191, 128, 91 Dierkes et al.,[68]
2,5-Diphenyl-1,5-hexadiene 143, 130, 104, 91 Dierkes et al.,[68]
PMMA Methyl methacrylate 69, 100, 89
Okoffo et al.,[58] Zhou et al.,[69] Hermabessiere et
Methylacrylate 55 Fischer & Scholz-Böttcher, [70]
PET Vinyl benzoate 105, 77, 148, 51 Okoffo et al.[58] Hermabessiere et al.[66]
Dimethyl terephthalate*
Fischer & Scholz-Böttcher, [70] Hermabessiere et
Benzene 52, 78 Hermabessiere et al.[66]
Plastic Pyrolysis product Indicator ions
Acetophenone 51, 77, 105 Hermabessiere et al.[66]
Benzoic acid 77, 105, 122 Hermabessiere et al.[66]
PC Bisphenol A
213, 119, 91, 165,
Okoffo et al.[58] Hermabessiere et al.[66]
256, 241 Fischer & Scholz-Böttcher, [70]
p-Methoxy-tert-butylbenzene* 149, 164 Fischer & Scholz-Böttcher, [70]
Phenol 66, 94 Hermabessiere et al.[66]
p-Cresol 77, 107 Hermabessiere et al.[66]
p-Ethylphenol 107, 122 Hermabessiere et al.[66]
p-Vinylphenol 91, 120 Hermabessiere et al.[66]
p-Isopropenylphenol 119, 134 Hermabessiere et al.[66]
1-Decene (C10:1), 1-Pentadecene (C15:1) Alkanes (e.g.
C14, C15, C16, C17, C18), Alkenes (C9:1, C11:1,
C12:1, C13:1 C14:1, C16:1, C17:1, C18:1),
83, 97, 111, 140,
55, 69
Okoffo et al., [58] Fischer & Scholz-Böttcher [70]
Steinmetz et al.,[56] Hermabessiere et al.[66] Dierkes et
Alkanes (e.g. C20)
Fischer & Scholz-Böttcher [70]
-Alkenes (e.g. C20:2, C14:2, C16:2, C18:2)
82, 95
Fischer & Scholz-Böttcher [83] Steinmetz et al.,[56]
1,14-Pentadecadiene 81, 82, 95 Dierkes et al.,[68] Steinmetz et al.,[56]
Dierkes et al.,[68]
78, 74, 52, Okoffo et al.,[58] Fischer & Scholz-Böttcher [70]
Plastic Pyrolysis product Indicator ions
Hermabessiere et al.[66]
Sullivan et al. [68] Hermabessiere et al.[66]
Sullivan et al. [68]
116, 117
Sullivan et al. [68] Hermabessiere et al.[66]
Indene 116 Sullivan et al. [68]
1,4-dihydronaphthalene 130 Sullivan et al. [68]
Sullivan et al. [68] Hermabessiere et al.[66]
1-Methylnaphtalene or 2-methylnaphthalene 115, 142 Sullivan et al. [68] Hermabessiere et al.[66]
Biphenyl 154 Sullivan et al. [68]
Fischer & Scholz-Böttcher [60]
78, 104
Sullivan et al. [68] Hermabessiere et al.[66]
PA6 ε-Caprolactam
Fischer & Scholz-Böttcher [60] Hermabessiere et
N-methyl caprolactam
Fischer & Scholz-Böttcher [60]
N,N-Dimethyl-4-(4-methylamino)benzylanilin* 240
Fischer & Scholz-Böttcher [60]
4,4’-Methylenbis(N,N-dimethylaniline)* 253, 254 Fischer & Scholz-Böttcher [60]
Italics and bold values used for calibration and quantification. *Only after TMAH treatment
MDI-PUR= MDIPolyurethane, PA6=Polyamide, PC= Polycarbonate, PE=polyethylene, PET= Polyethylene terephthalate, PMMA= Poly-
Plastic Pyrolysis product Indicator ions
(methyl methacrylate), PP= polypropylene, PS= polystyrene, PVC= polyvinylchloride
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In the environmental sciences, Py-GC-MS is becoming more and more relevant
Advances in the design of currently used pyrolyzers are discussed
Recently developed working modes within Py-GC-MS are described
Py-GC-MS application to organic matter and microplastics is highlighted.
Progresses and promising trends in Py-GC;S analysis are pointed out.
Declaration of interests
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships
that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
The authors declare the following financial interests/personal relationships which may be considered
as potential competing interests: