Background: GC vs. HS-GC
Two separate calibration curves (C,D) were generated in
the laboratory using liquid samples of 10, 40, 50, 65, 90,
and 100 % (v/v) ethanol/water using GC.
Sample preparation was improved between analysis as
shown on each calibration
Proposed HS-GC-Method
A method proposed by Shan et al., (2011) using a HS-GC with
a FID detector will be tested during the summer to evaluate
Headspace Explanation
Partition coefficient: K=Cs/Cg
Phase Ratio: B=Vg/Vs
Headspace Concentration: Cg=Co/(K+B)
As T goes up, K goes down
Activity coefficient: Pi=Po x Yi x Xs(i)
Adding salts to EtOH/H
O samples
O Calibration Curves
Applications of Gas Chromatography with Headspace Autosampler
Paul Maricocchi
Advisors: Dr. Erick Vasquez and Dr. Yvonne Sun
Gas chromatography (GC) is a separation
technique for volatile compounds that involves the
vaporization of a sample through an injector.
Then, the sample is carried by a gas moving
through a stationary phase (column) packed with
a gel or a solid until reaching a detector. The
CME Department recently acquired a GC system
with exchangeable detectors: Thermal
conductivity detector (TCD) and flame ionization
detector (FID). To enhance interdisciplinary
collaboration across Units and Departments
within the University of Dayton, this work seeks to
develop GC and Headspace-GC (HS-GC)
analytical methods for use both in the classroom
and in research.
To understand the variables manipulated in
GC and HS-GC and apply this knowledge to
developing characterization methods
To generate a characterization method to
determine the concentration of ethanol in
aqueous mixtures obtained from a distillation
An extensive literature review has been
conducted through Journal articles, books, and
webinars before starting with the Summer
Undergraduate Research Experience(SURE)
program with the SoE this summer.
Thermo Scientific GC w/TCD
and FID detector
Autosampler (Triplus RSH)
Capillary Column
[TG-BOND Q+]01mm)]
HS and GC vials
Using HS-GC Quantitatively
Sample volume: Vs=Ve x (Fcol/Fcol+Fs)
Injection time: Ti=(Vsyr/Fcol+Fs)x(Pi/Pa)
This combination allows sample concentrations
Future Applications
Analyze ethanol and water samples obtained
from the Unit Operations Laboratory.
Characterize the efficiency of GC analysis of
O/oil samples vs. using HS-GC for
ternary mixtures
Characterize SCFA (short chain fatty acid)
content in Listeria metabolites present in mice
feces with the SURE program in the SoE during
this summer
We are grateful to the Chemical and Materials
Engineering Department for supporting this work and
the 2018 SURE SoE program.
Thermo Scientific GC
And Autosampler
Selected References
1. Kolb, B., & Ettre, L. S. (2006). Static headspace-gas chromatography:
theory and practice. John Wiley & Sons.
2. Shan, X., Tiscione, N. B., Alford, I., & Yeatman, D. T. (2011). A study of
blood alcohol stability in forensic antemortem blood samples. Forensic
science international, 211(1-3), 47-50.
3. Tipler, Andrew. “An Introduction to Headspace Sampling in Gas
Chromatography Fundamentals and Theory.” (2013)
4. Tiscione, N. B., Alford, I., Yeatman, D. T., & Shan, X. (2011). Ethanol
analysis by headspace gas chromatography with simultaneous flame-
ionization and mass spectrometry detection. Journal of analytical
toxicology, 35(7), 501-511..
Distillation Column
Perfume Chromatographs obtained using a direction injection
GC (A) method and a Headspace sampling technique (B).
(Tipler, 2013)
Headspace sampling: The more volatile compounds are
extracted from the sample. For example:
Results and Discussion