McNair Scholars Research Journal McNair Scholars Research Journal
Volume 6 Article 6
Determination of the Concentration of Atmospheric Gases By Gas Determination of the Concentration of Atmospheric Gases By Gas
Chromatography Chromatography
Chris Haskin
Eastern Michigan University
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Haskin, Chris (2013) "Determination of the Concentration of Atmospheric Gases By Gas Chromatography,"
McNair Scholars Research Journal
: Vol. 6 , Article 6.
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Chris Haskin
Dr. Gavin Edwards, Mentor
The study of common greenhouse gases such as Carbon
Dioxide (CO
) and Methane (CH
) is important because the con-
centration can be linked to added absorption of emitted terrestrial
radiation, leading to the warming of the atmosphere
. This research
measures the concentrations of common greenhouse gases in the
air surrounding Eastern Michigan University. The development
of an auto-sampler system for long term use on the EMU campus
will create a viable way to monitor greenhouse gas concentrations
throughout the year. Samples were analyzed using an Agilent 6890
Gas Chromatograph and a Valco Industries Thermal Conductivity
Detector tted with a Restek 5A Molsieve column (part # 80440-
800) and a Varian poraPLOT column (part# CP7550) for proper
molecular separation. Molecular data analysis is plotted using
Peaksimple software by SRI Systems from Torrance, Ca. Although
the experiment is ongoing, preliminary data suggest this methodol-
ogy could be used to detect atmospheric methane.
Global monitoring of atmospheric greenhouse gases, in
particular carbon dioxide (CO
), has been a goal of the U.S. gov-
ernment for over 40 years
. Charles Keeling developed the rst
instrument to measure atmospheric carbon dioxide and began tak-
ing samples at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii, in 1958
. Oth-
er measurements and estimates of historic levels of greenhouse
gases, dating back millions of years, have been obtained from ice
core samples
. The levels of these gases have uctuated through-
out history, but the highest rates of increase were not seen until
the Industrial Revolution. During the last two centuries the con-
centrations of CO
and methane (CH
) never exceeded about 280
ppm and 790 ppb, respectively. Current concentrations of CO
about 390 ppm, and CH
levels have exceeded 1700 ppb
. The use
of hydrocarbon fuels such as coal, natural gas, and petroleum has
been largely responsible for the rise in fossil carbon emissions.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
states that the
study of the increase in the concentrations of these greenhouse
gases is important, due to the effects these gases have on global
temperatures. Climate change can be dened as a difference in av-
erage weather conditions, or the change in distribution of weather
. Over time, some of the adverse effects due to these
climate changes are increased temperatures and the severity of
weather patterns
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change states
that greenhouse gases warm the planet by absorbing solar radia-
. As light from the sun penetrates the atmosphere, it is nor-
mally reected back into space as infra-red (heat)
. Greenhouse
Gases (GHG) absorb energy in the infra-red spectrum, and there-
fore heat the atmosphere, thus warming the planet
. This radia-
tion would normally ow through the atmosphere and continue on
into space, but the rapid rise in concentrations of these absorbent
GHG’s has led to some of the warmest years in the instrumental
record of global surface temperature since 1850
Methane is an important greenhouse gas in the tropo-
sphere as it is not highly reactive with OH radicals in the atmo-
sphere, and therefore, is a long lived substance. Its atmospheric
lifetime has been calculated to be on the order of a decade
. Meth-
ane oxidation occurs through a series of reactions in which CH
is converted to CO
and other byproducts. The atmosphere is in a
state of constant change, with many chemical reactions happening
simultaneously. As we move forward with new technology, new
ways of adding greenhouse gases to the atmosphere emerge.
“Fracking,” a slang term for “fracture,” describes a
procedure involving fracturing rock formations that contain oil,
petroleum or natural gas (CH
). “Fracking” is a relatively new
procedure, rst used in 1947; modern fracking technology was de-
Chris Haskin
veloped in the 1990’s
. According to the Tyndall Centre report by
, fracking occurs by a process that begins when sedimenta-
ry rock formations rich in organic materials are targeted for shale
oil. The oil is extruded by rst drilling vertically to the targeted
deposit. Next a horizontal technique that can stretch for thousands
of meters is employed. These horizontal wells are pumped full
of water, additional additives and sand, to prop the well up. The
pressure of the water fractures the rock, thus releasing the gases
or oils held inside
While the gases and oils collected through fracking are
not necessarily damaging to the environment, according to How-
arth, et al
, a potentially important impact is created by methane
leaking from the mining sites. Drilling and ow back release sub-
stantial amounts of methane into the atmosphere. Many of these
fracking mines release methane that is trapped either in the rock or
under it. Mines that are not interested in the methane either let it
escape into the atmosphere or elect to burn it off
. As the increase
in shale gas exploitation is only likely to increase, the next twenty
years could see major increases in the amount of methane in the
atmosphere due to fracking
It is impossible to do experiments on the planet’s atmo-
sphere as a whole, so we must take smaller usable samples and
adapt ways of testing in order to measure the targeted subject. One
of these testing methods involves the use of gas chromatography
(GC) to separate molecules of interest from the bulk atmosphere
Chromatography is one of the most widely used tools employed by
analytical chemists. GC works by introducing a sample in the gas
or liquid phase (the ”mobile phase”) through a tube that is either
packed with, or lined with a material called the “stationary phase.”
This stationary phase can be composed of a number of things;
usually either a polar or non-polar material is used to attract mol-
ecules of interest. An inert gas such as Neon (Ne), Helium (He),
or Argon (Ar), is used as a mobile phase. The mobile phase pushes
the sample through the column without reacting with the sample
or the stationary phase. When heated, the molecules of interest
begin to break their attraction with the stationary phase and break
loose, moving through the column and into a detector.
Determination of the Concentration of Atmospheric Gases
by Gas Chromatography
Packed columns were the rst type of columns used in
GC; a packed column is lled with a stationary phase component.
Perhaps the most important advancement in chromatography is
the development of open tubular or capillary columns
. The “sta-
tionary phase,” rather than being in the form of beads, or an in-
ert glass mesh throughout the length of the column, was instead
coated on the inside of the tube. This allowed the columns to be
longer, yet not require the pressure needed to move the sample
through packing. Sensitivity has been greatly improved by being
able to run the sample through longer columns
Thermal conductivity detectors (TCD’s) are some of the
earliest detectors used in GC. TCD is a powerful technique because
it is a universal detector that has a range that begins at 500 pg/mL
As the mobile phase exits the column it passes over a tungsten-
rhenium wire lament
. When the sample passes over the wire,
the electrical resistance is monitored, as it depends on temperature,
which is determined by the thermal conductivity of the mobile
phase. As the thermal conductivity of the mobile phase in the TCD
cell decreases, the temperature of the wire lament and thus its re-
sistance, increases
. Individual molecules and even atoms can be
detected, since they all have different thermal conductivities. The
VICI thermal conductivity detector that was used in this experiment
works with a two channel reference system. TCD works by measur-
ing the amount of electrical current required to keep the Tungsten-
Rhenium lament the same temperature. The lament cools due to
reference gas, or sample gas, running over it. There are two chan-
nels, A and B; channel B is used as a reference channel where only
carrier gas is introduced to the lament. The reference channel mea-
sures the difference in conductivity created by the carrier gas so that
it can be accounted for in sample gas measurements.
This research involves developing an auto sampler to be
used in gathering and analyzing air samples around the campus
of Eastern Michigan University. The air samples have been ana-
lyzed using an Agilent 6890 Gas Chromatograph with a Valco In-
dustries Thermal Conduction Detector. The mobile phase ran hy-
drogen through a Restek Molseive 5 angstrom packed column and
a Varian poraPLOT column (part #CP7550), which was used to
Chris Haskin
separate our molecules of interest (CO
and CH
). The molsieve
column is a packed column that has a crystalline material inside to
achieve molecular separation. The crystalline material has pores
of 5 angstroms in diameter; the micro pores are able to lter larger
molecules. Sample data was plotted using data analysis software
(Peaksimple by SRI Systems) and compared to literature data to
determine GHG concentrations found on central campus.
Developing an auto sampler for testing allows investiga-
tion of seasonal uctuations of concentrations of greenhouse gas-
es. As a rst test of the auto-sampler system, the data can be com-
pared to the literature concentration of these oft-measured species,
which should give us condence that the auto-sampler is a viable
instrument for use in other atmospheric chemistry measurements.
Gas Chromatography is appropriate for this experiment
because it is easy to use and detects a wide array of elements. It
provides both quantitative and qualitative data on samples ana-
. This method allows a sample containing many different
substances to be analyzed at one time.
Air samples were collected at locations on the Eastern
Michigan University campus. We collected atmosphere samples
on the veranda from the third oor of the science complex. This
provides good coverage of the central part of south campus. The
samples were collected using Tedlar gas sample bags. The bags
were connected to the machine via a gas pump and sample loop.
The gas pump was used to draw sample gas from the bag into
the sample loop. This allows for many samples to be analyzed
quickly. Figures 1. and 2. show diagrams of the sample loop in ll
mode and sample mode.
As described in Figures 1. and 2. (above), the equipment
used to separate and detect the greenhouse gas molecules was
an Agilent 6890 Gas Chromatograph tted to meet our specic
needs. There are two columns rst a Restek Molseive column the
second is a Varian poraPLOT column and a single lament Ther-
mal Conductivity Detector. The carrier gas and sample will be
brought online with a 6 port sample gas valve system.
Determination of the Concentration of Atmospheric Gases
by Gas Chromatography
Molecular Sieve Column
Atmosphere Sample In
Out to Sample Loop
Gas Pump
Out to GC
Carrier Gas In
Molecular Sieve Column
Atmosphere Sample In
Out to Sample Loop
Gas Pump
Out to GC
Carrier Gas In
Chris Haskin
Figure 2. Diagram of gas ow in sample.
Figure 1. Diagram of gas ow in ll mode.
Sample materials are introduced to the system through an
injection port, and into the columns. The temperature of the injec-
tion port is kept at temperatures above 200°C to minimize con-
tamination sources until it is time to inject sample material. Our
sample is held in a sample loop and pumped into the GC.
Measurements for this experiment were made using two
separate columns. This was done to achieve maximum separation
and retention times. A Restek 5A Molsieve packed column and a
Varian poraPLOT column were used. “PLOT” stands for Porous
Layer Open Tubular column. This is a capillary column that is lined
with a 10 micrometer thick porous material made of fused silica.
PLOT columns are especially sensitive for the detection of perma-
nent gases. Permanent gases
are resistant to liquefaction under
normal circumstances. This column, in particular, is good for both
polar and non-polar molecules. The Varian poraPLOT is excellent
for hydrocarbons up to C12. A C12 hydrocarbon is a carbon chain
that contains 12 carbon atoms and 26 hydrogen atoms; hydrocar-
bons do not contain any other atoms. This column is especially
good for C1 to C3 isomers. The column was conditioned in a GC,
using a constant temperature of 200°C under a ow of 4 mL/min for
24 hours, to remove any residue from manufacturing and shipping.
The poraPLOT column has a working temperature range
of up to 250°C. Samples are introduced with the injector port set
at 50°C. The carrier gas is set on a constant ow at 6.0 mL/min.
The column temperature is at 50°C for all data collection runs.
Analytical Conditions
The analytical conditions of our experiment were as fol-
lows: the test run began by turning on the pump and lling the
sample loop for 0.6 min. At 0.6 min the valve was switched to the
analysis mode and gas samples were pushed through the loop into
the GC. The injector port was set to 50° C. The GC oven was set
to 30° C and the ow rate remained at ~2mL/ min. TCD tempera-
ture was 100° C. Sample run time was 15 minutes monitored by
Peak Simple software. Samples were directly injected to the port
by syringe.
Determination of the Concentration of Atmospheric Gases
by Gas Chromatography
Instrument Calibration
Calibration of the instrument occurred via samples of CH
introduced by direct injection into the sample loop. CH
was supplied by a house supply and the room air was gathered
from the lab. The hydrogen carrier gas used was of high purity
(AIRGAS). The sample loop and the pipeline feeding the system
was purged to ensure that there were no residual gases in the sys-
tem. The analyzer was brought up to temperature over the course
of a few hours and allowed to remain heated while carrier gas
was pumped through the system. Test runs were initiated after the
TCD readings stabilized and there was a reliable baseline. The
rst sample was pure Hydrogen (H). This sample was run in or-
der to check for proper TCD function. The carrier gas ow rate
was adjusted to ~4 mL per minute using a needle valve. Flow rate
was determined using a bubble detector and stopwatch. The stan-
dard gas was then introduced to the system and given time to ow
through the instrument. After analyzing these standards, a calibra-
tion curve was established to see retention times of our molecules
of interest. A sample chromatogram was produced on the Peak
Simple software, and the peak area was used to determine the con-
centration loading experienced by the detector.
Chris Haskin
Figure 3. Series of Methane injections used to establish the calibration curve.
A calibration curve was established by injecting known
amounts of CH
and measuring detector response. The rst bags
that were analyzed had pure methane from the house tap. A number
of different volumes were used to build a calibration curve. Figure
3. illustrates the different peaks used to build the curve. In this case
.1mL, .2mL, .3mL, .4mL, and .5mL methane samples were used.
After injecting known volumes of gas, the equa-
tion PV=nRT and Avogadro’s number were used to calculate
the number of molecules per sample. The calibration curve
is shown in Figure 4 (below). The peaks on Figure 3. show
the retention time and concentration of molecules of meth-
ane. Because the volumes were known, we were able to use
the equation PV=nRT and determine the number of moles
in the sample. Then, using Avogadro’s number of 6.23x10
atoms per mol, the number of atoms per sample was cal-
culated. The number of moles were then compared to the
voltage. Using this information when sample gas was passed
through the TCD, the voltage was then used to calculate concen-
tration. Table 1. denes the variables of the ideal gas equation.
By plotting the response of the TCD to varying volumes
of methane, a line was established with a correlation (r
) value of
.9883. This correlation shows the fraction of the value that was
derived from the data, and what was derived from tting the trend
line. A value of 0.9883 shows that the line was derived at 98.83%
of data, and that there is only a 1.17% error due to tting the line.
Tests were run at a variety of temperatures, ranging from
30°C to 100°C, in order to ascertain where the best separation oc-
Determination of the Concentration of Atmospheric Gases
by Gas Chromatography
Table 1. Variables of the ideal gas equation.
P= Pressure = 1atm
V = Volume= volume of sample
N= number of moles= x
R= gas constant= .08206
T= temperature K°= 296.15 K°
Chris Haskin
Figure 4. Calibration Curve 1.
Figure 5. Room Air Compared to Methane using poraPLOT Column.
curs. Despite literature data showing otherwise
, it was decided
that the poraplot column was not separating the atoms of interest
). This is shown in Figure 5. By increasing the CH
tration, it was easier to map it, which led to the discovery that its
peak may have been lost in the nitrogen peak.
Figure 6. compares the room air to room air with added
methane. This graph shows that the room air sample (containing
nitrogen, oxygen and methane) is not resolved into three compo-
nent peaks. Because the methane peak begins so close to the end
of the nitrogen peak, and the methane is very dilute in room air
samples, it is very likely the two species are eluting at the same
time. Measures were taken to add to molecule retention time and
allow for a more distinct chromatogram, but at this time we have
Determination of the Concentration of Atmospheric Gases
by Gas Chromatography
Figure 6. Comparison between Room Air and Room Air+Methane
not perfected the method. Also note that in Figure 6. the chro-
matogram of room air shows that the nitrogen peak is cut off, be-
cause the TCD only records voltage up to 6x10
microvolts (6V).
To solve the problem of poor methane separation, a
packed molecular sieve column was added to the loop. The col-
umn used is a Restek Moleseive column with a 2 mm inside di-
ameter, packed with 5 angstrom diameter Zeolite packing. Tests
were run with the new column added in the loop, yet there were
still difculties in isolating the methane. The ow rate was low-
ered to nearly 2mL/ min in order to give the molecules more
time in the columns, and thus more time to adhere to the station-
ary phase. Problems with the separation continued, thus the next
step was to place the sample loop into an ice bath in order to cool
the sample molecules. By cooling the sample, the molecules
should in turn have slowed down, increasing chances of separa-
tion. There were still problems differentiating a proper methane
peak with room air samples. Our samples were then re-tested,
using only the molecular sieve column. Successful separation
of methane, oxygen and nitrogen was observed; the poraPLOT
column was removed and the experiments continued with the
molecular sieve column only.
Sample Analysis
Sample atmosphere bags were connected to a 6 port
valve system. This system has two settings: analyze mode and
fill mode. In fill mode, the gas pump sucks sample atmosphere
out of the bag and into the sample loop. The carrier gas must
always run through the column, so in both analyze and fill mode
the Hydrogen ows into the GC, and thus the column. Once the
sample loop is full, the system is put into analyze mode and the
valve switches so that the carrier gas pushes through the sample
loop and into the GC. This in turn pushes the sample atmosphere
into the GC and detector. After discovery of the poraPLOT not
separating methane molecules, the poraPLOT was replaced by
the mol sieve column. This provided better resolution and sepa-
ration than the poraPLOT column. A septum port was also added
to the sample loop for direct injections of atmosphere gas.
Chris Haskin
Data Analysis
Once the calibration curve was established and TCD re-
sponse was recorded, samples of room air were tested, as methane
concentrations in indoor air are similar to those found outside.
The room air samples delivered 2 peaks in chromatograms; the
rst was determined to be Oxygen (O
), and the second was deter-
mined to be Nitrogen (N
). The peaks were determined by intro-
ducing pure forms of the gases to the system in order to determine
where Oxygen and Nitrogen eluted. Figure 7. shows a sample
chromatogram of room air.
This chromatogram shows that the typical peaks of O
, but CH
seem to be below the limit of detection for this small
(1mL) sample size. The CH
retention time falls in the latter part
of the N
peak. In order to show the comparison of methane and
room air, methane was added to a bag of pure air from a cylinder.
In higher concentrations it is much easier to see where the peaks
should be, and to compare them to room air. Figure 8. shows a
comparison of room air and room air doped with methane from
the house tap.
Using the sample bag with added methane shows the peak
beginning as the large nitrogen peak is still attening out. The fol-
Determination of the Concentration of Atmospheric Gases
by Gas Chromatography
Figure 7. Sample Chromatogram of Room Air
Chris Haskin
Figure 8. Illustration of a Bag of Room Air and Room Air + Methane
Figure 9 Chromatogram using Molsieve column
lowing diagram, Figure 9., illustrates the air + methane reference
sample matched up to atmospheric air analyzed using only the
molecular sieve column. A discernible peak, although small, can
be viewed just to the right of the nitrogen peak. Figure 9. shows
the molsieve chromatogram.
While the research is ongoing a viable separation technique
for methane is within reach. As more adjustments are made the ma-
chine should prove quite useful for atmospheric measurements.
While previous data and the literature suggested that the
poraPLOT column was the correct column for analyzing CH
proper separation was never achieved with this column in place.
One possible reason for this is that without proper equipment, the
temperature of the sample could not be lowered enough. Cryo-
genic trapping is a technique used to narrow the width of sample
peaks and thus improve resolution in chromatograms. The tech-
nique involves lowering the temperature of analytes far below am-
bient temperature (as low as -180° C), then releasing them from
the trap by very rapid heating (60° C/ min). A version of this was
attempted using ice baths, but was found not to be effective.
Another way that poor separation was addressed was by
adding volume to the sample loop. It was thought that 1mL sam-
ples were not large enough to achieve proper separation. To x
this the sample, loop size was increased. Even with larger sample
sizes good separation did not occur.
This experiment was conducted in order to prepare an
instrument for further research. It has been shown that this is a
viable instrument in atmospheric chemistry. This project will con-
tinue, and in future writings data from other sources and locations
will be analyzed.
Determination of the Concentration of Atmospheric Gases
by Gas Chromatography
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Chris Haskin