Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections (PLI)
Rules and Regulations pursuant to the Pittsburgh City Code, Title VII Business Licensing
Effective November 15, 2018,
Amended April 1, 2019, May 29, 2022
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ...................................................................................... 2
I. Applicability ........................................................................................ 5
1. Availability of Rules and Regulations ....................................................................................................... 5
2. Definitions and Abbreviations ................................................................................................................... 5
3. Non-Discrimination & Reasonable Accommodations ............................................................................. 6
II. General Provisions ............................................................................ 8
1. Compliance .................................................................................................................................................. 8
2. Fees .............................................................................................................................................................. 8
3. Payment Standards .................................................................................................................................... 8
4. Proration ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
5. Refunds ........................................................................................................................................................ 9
6. Posting Licenses ........................................................................................................................................ 10
7. License Inspections ................................................................................................................................... 10
III. Applications & Processing .............................................................. 11
1. Applications for Licenses Issued by PLI ................................................................................................ 11
2. Correspondence from PLI to Licensees .................................................................................................. 11
3. License Start Date, Renewal Date, and Expiration Date ...................................................................... 11
4. License Process ......................................................................................................................................... 12
5. Rejection or Closure of License Application .......................................................................................... 12
6. License Amendments ................................................................................................................................ 13
7. License Closure ......................................................................................................................................... 13
IV. Minimum Requirements of All Applicants and Licensees............. 14
1. Good Standing .......................................................................................................................................... 14
2. Tax Compliance. ....................................................................................................................................... 14
3. Standards of Conduct. .............................................................................................................................. 14
4. License Display. ........................................................................................................................................ 14
5. Age Requirement. ..................................................................................................................................... 14
6. Insurance Compliance .............................................................................................................................. 15
7. Required Documents ................................................................................................................................ 17
8. Certifications and Document Expiration ................................................................................................ 17
9. Non-Profit Status ...................................................................................................................................... 17
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
V. License Suspensions, Revocations, and Appeals Process .............. 18
1. Reasons for License Suspensions or Revocations .................................................................................. 18
2. Suspension and Revocation...................................................................................................................... 18
3. Right to Appeal ......................................................................................................................................... 19
4. Action Pending Appeal and Penalties ..................................................................................................... 20
VI. Contractor and Trade Licensing Provisions ................................... 21
1. General Provisions for Contractors and Trade Licensees .................................................................... 21
2. General Contractor Licensing ................................................................................................................. 25
3. Sign Contractor Licensing ....................................................................................................................... 26
4. Stationary Power Engineer Trade Licensing ......................................................................................... 27
5. HVAC/Mechanical Trade Licensing ....................................................................................................... 29
6. Electrical Trade Licensing ....................................................................................................................... 31
7. Fire Suppression Trade Licensing .......................................................................................................... 33
VII. Business Licensing Provisions ..................................................... 35
1. General Business Licensing Provisions ................................................................................................... 35
2. Amusement Places Licensing ................................................................................................................... 36
3. Amusement Producers Licensing ............................................................................................................ 37
4. Bed and Breakfast Licensing ................................................................................................................... 39
5. Charitable Solicitation (Tag Day) Licensing .......................................................................................... 40
6. Limited Towing Licensing ....................................................................................................................... 42
7. Mechanical Amusement Device Licensing ............................................................................................. 44
8. Mobile Vehicle Vendor Licensing ........................................................................................................... 46
9. Parking Lot Licensing .............................................................................................................................. 50
10. Peddler Licensing ..................................................................................................................................... 54
11. Secondhand Dealer Licensing .................................................................................................................. 56
12. Sign Maintenance Certification Licensing ............................................................................................. 58
13. Stationary Vendor Licensing ................................................................................................................... 59
15. Trade Fairs Licensing .............................................................................................................................. 62
16. Transient Merchant Licensing ................................................................................................................ 63
17. Ticket Reselling Licensing ....................................................................................................................... 64
VIII. Appendices ................................................................................... 66
1. Required Documents List ........................................................................................................................ 66
2. Vendor Locations ...................................................................................................................................... 69
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
3. Tag Day Letter Example .......................................................................................................................... 70
Workers’ Compensation Exemption Affidavit ............................................................................................... 71
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
I. Applicability
The City of Pittsburgh Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections (hereinafter
"PLI") enforces Title Seven, Title Ten, and Title Nine of the Pittsburgh City Code
(hereinafter referred to as the “PCC,” the “Code,” and/or the “City Code”), as amended.
PLI’s License Officer is required to promulgate and enforce reasonable rules and
regulations necessary to the operation and enforcement of Title Seven, Business
Licensing (PCC § 701.03(a)(1))
. The Rules and Regulations herein apply to all business
and trade licensing within the jurisdiction of the City of Pittsburgh (also referred to herein
as “the City”) that are issued and enforced by PLI. Policies and the like not outlined in
the PCC, Title Seven and the Rules and Regulations herein shall be at the discretion of
the License Officer.
1. Availability of Rules and Regulations
The License Officer shall ensure that a copy of the Rules and Regulations is kept at
PLI’s office at all times and is available as reference for employees and the public.
Licensees are solely responsible for ensuring that they and, if applicable, all of their
partners, employees, subcontractors, etc., read, understand, and comply with the
Rules and Regulations herein.
2. Definitions and Abbreviations
Applicant. A person applying for a license issued by PLI.
Business. The name of the business and, where applicable, the address where the
licensed business activity shall take place. Applicants and licensees will also provide
the type of business—online applicants will be prompted to select the type of
business from a list.
Contractor license. A license provided to a business as defined by the Rules and
Regulations for the purpose of obtaining building permits issued by PLI that do not
require a trade license.
Effective Date(s) of Rules and Regulations. The date(s) on which these Rules and
Regulations and amendments go into force and effect.
Effective Date of License. The first date on which the business license is in effect
and licensed business can occur.
Expiration Date. The date on which a license or certification is no longer valid and
connected business must cease unless the license is renewed.
Grace Period. A time frame after the expiration date in which a licensee seeking
renewal may be delinquent in their license fees and requirements, but may apply to
renew their current license following satisfactory completion of all renewal
Citations to the City of Pittsburgh Code of Ordinance will be denoted by the prefix “PCC” followed by the numeric
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
requirements. The amount of time of the grace period varies depending on the type of
license as defined in the Rules and Regulations.
Issuance Date. The date that the license requirements were initially satisfied and the
license ready to be printed.
Lapse. A license which has expired and surpassed its allotted grace period. All
licensees that allowed their license(s) to lapse are required to apply for a new license
and meet all new license requirements at the time of new application.
Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting Certification. A certification provided to
contractor firms or individuals who are trained by Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) -approved training providers and follow lead-s afe work practices.
Legal Entity. The legal name that is connected to a business or person and their
associated City of Pittsburgh tax identification number.
License. A permit from PLI granting authority to carry on a trade or to perform an
applicable, corresponding business operation.
Licensee. A license holder for any use or period of time of any special privilege
granted relevant to any provision of Title Seven. The person(s), business(es), or legal
entity(ies) actually performing and/or immediately and directly supervising the work
for which a license is required must possess and maintain a license in accordance with
the Rules and Regulations and the PCC.
License Officer. The Director of PLI who is empowered by the PCC to delegate
authority to any other PLI officer or employee.
Most Recent Issue Date: The date that the license was most recently issued as
recorded on the official license document.
PLI.” Abbreviation for the City of Pittsburgh Department of Permits, Licenses and
PCC.” Abbreviation for and reference to the City of Pittsburgh Code of Ordinances
(also referred to herein as the “Code” and the “City Code”). This Code of Ordinances
is free and available to the public at www.municode.com.
Revocation. The act of cancelling and closing a license. Revocation of a license is
determined by the License Officer.
Suspension. A temporary hold on a license, during which a Licensee may not resume
business activity related to the license, including but not necessarily limited to work
on permits, until the terms connected to the suspension are satisfied, if applicable.
Suspension periods are determined by the License Officer.
Trade License. A license provided to an individual based on satisfactory education
and experience in a given trade as determined by the License Officer.
3. Non-Discrimination & Reasonable Accommodations
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
The License Officer shall not permit any rules, policy, or action, express or implied,
which discriminates on account of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual
orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, or any other classification
identified in the Pittsburgh Anti-Discrimination Ordinances (PCC Title Six, Article
For all rules and regulations articulated herein and all services provided by PLI,
applicants and licensees may request reasonable accommodations due to a disability
as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended, by communicating
the need for the accommodation to the License Officer in writing. The License
Officer shall respond to the request within three (3) business days. For purposes of
making a reasonable accommodation request, the Licenses Officer can be contacted
at: 412-255-2979.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
II. General Provisions
1. Compliance
At the time of application for and throughout the entire duration of the license, all
licensees must conform to the requirements articulated in the Rules and Regulations
and the PCC for obtaining and maintaining a license.
2. Fees
A. Payment of License Fee(s) and Issuance of Licenses: Prior to the issuance
of a new license and/or renewal of a license, 1) any and all license fees
connected to obtaining and/or renewing a particular license must be paid in
full, and 2) the applicant/licensee must satisfactorily complete all license
B. Promulgation of License Fees: At least annually, PLI shall post a license fee
schedule. The license fee schedule will be posted on PLI’s website and at
PLI’s office. Copies of the fee schedule are available at PLI’s office and
a. New License Fee: A fee for a new license. New license fees apply to
new license applications, including license holders who have allowed
their license to lapse and have applied for a new license.
b. Renewal License Fee: A fee for a renewed license. Renewal license
fees apply to each and every license that is renewed in good standing
prior to the end of the grace period.
c. Renewal License Penalty Fee: A renewal penalty shall be assessed
for each and every license not renewed by the license expiration date
but before the end of the allotted grace period.
C. Adjustment of License Fee: When the status of the licensee changes to place
the licensee in a different classification that corresponds with increased
license fees, then the licensee must pay the corresponding fee increase (PCC §
701.07 (a)). There will be no adjustment to decrease license fees.
3. Payment Standards
PLI shall only accept payment in the form of checks, e-checks, money orders and
credit and debit cards. PLI shall not accept payment in the form of cash.
A. Checks and Money Orders
a. Checks and money orders must be made payable to “Treasurer - City
of Pittsburgh.”
b. No more than five (5) application fees may be included in one check
or money order.
c. Applicants who provide incomplete applications or incorrect check or
money order amounts shall be subject to a hold on the processing of
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
any applications until the transaction or application requirements are
d. If correction of incomplete and/or incorrect applications and/or
transactions is/are not received by PLI within three (3) business days
of receipt of the noncompliant application and/or payment, checks
and/or money orders shall be returned to the applicant’s last recorded
mailing address.
B. If the full amount for a license is due, PLI will not accept partial payment(s).
C. PLI will accept a payment for a license and a separate payment for a late fee at
one time. Licenses will not be processed and/or issued unless all costs
associated with the license, including any late fees, “not sufficient funds”
(“NSF”) fees, and any other fees connected to the applicant are paid in full.
D. Funds provided to PLI that are incorrect will be rejected and sent back to the
E. For each check returned from the bank due to “not sufficient funds (NSF),
applicants will have to pay a fee as listed in the fee schedule.
F. Applicants who have had two (2) returned checks due to insufficient funds
will be required to provide payment via money order thereafter.
G. PLI will not accept funds in excess of fee amounts due.
H. PLI will not accept payments over-the-phone.
4. Proration
Where applicable and specified in these Rules and Regulations, PLI will calculate and
assess to the applicant/licensee a pro-rated fee for additional costs associated with
business license amendments. There will be no adjustment to decrease license fees.
5. Refunds
License fees are nonrefundable unless the fee or any part thereof was collected in
error, as determined by the License Officer.
A. Refund Requests
a. Refund requests must be made in writing via email or letter to the
License Officer.
b. The License Officer will review requests on a case by case basis.
c. The request must include:
i. An explanation of the reason for the request;
ii. The license number;
iii. The licensee’s name; and
iv. The licensee’s contact information.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
6. Posting Licenses
Licenses issued by PLI shall be posted by the Licensee in a conspicuous location
where the public can easily see and read them without difficulty or need of assistance.
Licenses will contain electronic codes (QR codes), which must be made visible and
easily accessible to scan by anyone (customers, general public, government
employees, inspectors, etc.) without assistance.
7. License Inspections
A. From time to time, PLI will inspect licensed business premises to ensure
compliance with requirements for license-connected business activity.
Obstruction or denial of entry for authorized inspections shall be considered
grounds for suspension or revocation of a license.
B. License inspections may be made at the time of a new license application,
license renewal, receipt of complaint, or at any time during the duration of a
C. Trade licensees must carry a copy of their PLI-issued trade license at all times
while performing work under permits issued by PLI. Inspections of the trade
license may be made at any time at the job site as required.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
III. Applications & Processing
1. Applications for Licenses Issued by PLI
The License Officer shall create forms, and maintain applications, forms, and records
completed or provided by applicants and licensees for all licenses issued and enforced
by PLI.
A. Per the PCC, the License Officer shall prescribe the manner of submission of
all applications, which is set forth in the PCC and these Rules and
B. Applicants shall submit applications either electronically through the PLI
license and permit portal known herein as “One Stop PGHor by paper to
PLI. Applicants may only submit PLI-approved forms and not forms of their
own creation.
C. Applications not submitted electronically through One Stop PGH will be input
by PLI staff. In these circumstances PLI staff will be inputting the
applications; however PLI staff will not be creating user accounts for
D. Applicants may bring their completed paper applications to the PLI service
counter or mail their applications to PLI, where they will be input through
One Stop PGH by PLI staff.
E. Incomplete applications submitted and abandoned for 60 days after a final
requests for requirements will be closed and all fees forfeited.
F. Businesses submitting more than five (5) applications in a calendar year must
do so online through the OneStopPGH customer portal.
2. Correspondence from PLI to Licensees
The License Officer may send to all Licensees correspondence that includes any
information the License Officer deems relevant.
If applicants/licensees have created a One Stop PGH user account, they may choose
to receive electronic correspondence from PLI regarding upcoming license
expiration(s) or the expiration of certifications that are connected to their license(s).
Applicants/licensees who do not have One Stop PGH user accounts cannot choose to
receive electronic correspondence.
Applicants/licensees are responsible for creating their own One Stop Shop PGH user
3. License Start Date, Renewal Date, and Expiration Date
New license applicants may choose a license start date that is up to sixty (60) days in
the future from the date of the application/request.
A. Licensees may not request a start date for a date that occurred prior to the date
of the application.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
B. Unless otherwise outlined in the PCC or Rules and Regulations, all yearly
licenses expire 365 days from the license start date. For example, a license
with a start date of July 1, 2018, will expire on June 30, 2019.
C. Current licensees can renew their licenses up to forty-five (45) days before the
expiration date.
D. Renewed licenses will start on the first day after the expiration date of the
license being renewed.
4. License Process
After receiving an application, PLI will check the application for completeness.
A. PLI will inform the applicant of any application requirements that have not
been satisfied.
B. Information regarding incomplete applications shall be housed on the One
Stop PGH Customer Portal.
C. Once the applicant provides all necessary documentation and information and
meets all application requirements, PLI will process the application.
D. While processing the application, PLI may conduct inquiries and inspections.
E. After successfully completing all application requirements and paying all
license fees in full, and passing inspection where applicable the license will be
approved and available for printing by the applicant.
5. Rejection or Closure of License Application
A. The License Officer shall not issue a license if it is determined that the
proposed activity at the proposed location (PCC § 701.06):
a. Will be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, morals,
comfort, or general welfare;
b. Will be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property in the
immediate vicinity of the proposed use; and/or
c. Is not of a nature and type that is suitable for the licensed activity.
B. If an applicant requests a business license and the application fails inspection
three (3) times for the same reason(s):
a. The application will be rejected and closed, and,
b. Any funds paid in connection to the application and/or license will be
C. If an applicant who requests a business, contractor or trade license is required
to provide additional “Required Document Types" (see Appendix 1 for a list
of Required Document Types) or related information that is needed to process
and adjudicate the application/license and fails to do so three (3) times either
for the same or related, requested documents or information:
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
a. The application will be rejected and closed; and
b. Any funds paid in connection to the license will be forfeited.
c. The applicant may reapply and must again pay the license fee(s) per
the fee schedule.
D. If a trade license applicant requests a license but cannot meet the educational
or experience requirements, the application will be closed and any fees paid
will be forfeited.
6. License Amendments
Amendments are corrections or changes to licenses. If a licensee wants to amend their
license(s) to correct an error or update their record, the licensee may do so free of
A. Amendments pertaining to a increase in a numeric count relevant to the
license fee should take place prior to license renewal.
B. For Trade Licenses, any amendment(s) to the license(s) regarding corporate
information or contractor relationship(s) will affect and apply to all open
C. For Business Licenses, a change of business operation(s) location, for licensed
activity that occurs in a fixed location, is not considered an amendment and
requires a new application to ensure proper adherence to valid occupancy and
license requirements.
7. License Closure
PLI will close licenses that are lapsed. If a licensee wishes to close their business or
end their trade activities, then:
A. The licensee must notify PLI;
B. Upon receiving that notice, PLI will close the license;
C. The licensee may also close their own license via One Stop PGH; and
D. Any permits issued by PLI related to the trade license activity will be
suspended until a new trade license is connected to the permitted work. Any
fees paid will be forfeited.
E. Unless otherwise stated in Title Seven of the PCC, a license cannot be
transferred to another person (PCC § 701.10).
F. Expired licenses cannot be closed and will remain in expired status.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
IV. Minimum Requirements of All Applicants and Licensees
All applicants and licensees must meet the following qualifications (PCC § 701.09):
1. Good Standing
Applicants and licensees must be in good standing in their license and payment history
(PCC § 701.01).
A. It is the responsibility and duty of applicants and licensees to maintain all
requirements of their applications and licenses without notice from the License
Officer and/or PLI.
B. It is the responsibility and duty of applicants and licensees to renew on time and
make payment(s) without notice from the License Officer and/or PLI.
2. Tax Compliance
Unless otherwise exempt in the PCC or theses Rules and Regulations, applicants and
licensees must be current with or in a payment plan for all applicable tax obligations to
the City of Pittsburgh (PCC § 701.04 (a) (3)) to be eligible to obtain a PLI license. The
License Officer may ascertain from the City Department of Finance whether the required
compliance has been obtained. It is the responsibility and duty of applicants and licensees
to be current in their City of Pittsburgh tax obligations and to secure proper notice from
the Department of Finance as directed by the License Officer showing tax compliance in
order to be eligible to obtain a PLI license.
3. Standards of Conduct
Applicants and licensees must adhere to good standards of conduct (PCC § 701.09),
which include that licensees shall:
A. Permit all reasonable inspections of their business and examination of books by
public authorities as authorized by law.
B. Ascertain and at all times comply with all laws, ordinances and regulations
applicable to the licensed business.
C. Avoid all unlawful, prohibited, improper or unnecessary practices or conditions
which do or may affect the public health, morals or welfare.
D. Refrain from operating the licensed businesses on premises after license
expiration and/or during any period of revocation or suspension.
4. License Display
Licensees must prominently and appropriately display on the premises where the licensee
is doing the work or carry on their person the license and/or insignia issued by PLI that is
necessary for the licensed activity (PCC § 701.09 (b)).
5. Age Requirement
Applicants and licensees must be at least eighteen (18) years old or older for licenses.
Applicants must be twenty-one (21) years old or older for certain licenses based on
licenses type (Rule VII). In order to verify age, applicants must provide a copy of a
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
current, unexpired government issued photo ID that shows the applicant’s date of birth,
such as a driver’s license, photo identification card, or passport.
6. Insurance Compliance
A. Maintaining Current Insurance(s)
All licensees shall maintain general liability insurance and workers’ compensation
insurance unless otherwise exempt in these Rules and Regulations (PCC §
a. If vehicle(s) is/are used to conduct licensed business, licensees
shall maintain vehicle insurance(s).
b. Contractor businesses that connect to trade license holders for the
purposes of obtaining a permit must list the trade license holder on
the required Certificate of Insurance.
c. Insurances must include a written, signed statement that the
licensee shall hold harmless the City of Pittsburgh, its officers,
agents and employees and shall indemnify the City of Pittsburgh,
its officers, agents and employees for any claims of damage to
property or injury to persons, which may be occasioned by any
activity carried on under the terms of the license.
d. Licensees shall furnish and maintain such public liability, food
products liability, and property damage insurance as will protect
the licensee and the City from all claims for damage to property or
bodily injury, including death, which may arise from operations
under the permit or in connection therewith. Such insurance shall
provide coverage for bodily injury for each person, for each
occurrence and for property damage per occurrence, as prescribed
by the License Officer. Such insurance shall be without prejudice
to coverage otherwise existing therein, and shall name as
additional insured the City of Pittsburgh, its officers and
employees, and shall further provide that the policy shall not
terminate or be cancelled prior to the expiration date of the permit
without thirty (30) days' written notice to the License Officer.
B. Certificate of Insurance
Upon application, all applicants must provide a valid Certificate of Insurance for
any and all applicable insurance(s). At the time of application, applicants must
provide insurance certificates that expire no less than thirty (30) days from the
license start date. If the applicant cannot provide a copy of such a certificate, PLI
will accept other documentation from the insurer verifying that the insurance will
expire in no less than 30 days from the license start date.
Throughout the duration of the license, all licensees must maintain valid
insurance(s) and maintain an updated, accurate, and valid Certificate of Insurance.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
The City of Pittsburgh shall be listed as certificate holder on any and all
certificates of insurance.
The Certificate of Insurance must indicate current coverage for comprehensive
general liability, workers’ compensation and automobile liability when applicable.
In determining whether the general liability insurance coverage amount meets the
requirements set forth in PCC § 701.04(a)(5) and Rule IV(6)(A)(d) that it fully
cover all claims for damage to property or bodily injury, including death, PLI will
consider current, prevailing insurance industry practices and standards and the
nature and scope of the licensed/permitted activity. The certificate of insurance
must also include a contact name and phone number of the insurance broker or
agent. The City of Pittsburgh shall be listed as certificate holder.
In addition, as directed by the License officer, licensees may be subject to include
the City of Pittsburgh as additional insured on all certificates of insurance.
In this case, unless the applicants’/licensees’ general liability insurance includes
blanket coverage for all additional insureds, in addition to providing a Certificate
of Insurance, applicants/licensees shall provide a valid, signed endorsement letter
from their insurance provider that verifies and confirms that the City of Pittsburgh
has been named in the insurance policy as an additional insured.
C. Workers’ Compensation Insurance
All applicants must provide upon application valid and current workers’
compensation insurance that meets Pennsylvania Statutory Requirements where
applicable. The City shall be listed as certificate holder on all certificates of
If an applicant or licensee does not have any employees, the applicant or licensee
must complete a notarized affidavit attesting that they have no employees and are
exempt from the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act. Notarized affidavits
attesting that a licensee does not have any employees must be provided annually.
A copy of the affidavit is included in Appendix 4 and is available at PLI’s website
and office. If a licensee completes an affidavit of exemption from workers’
compensation insurance and has hired or does hire one or more persons to
perform work, until the workers’ compensation insurance requirements are met,
that licensee’s license is subject to suspension as defined in Rule IV.
D. Rejection of Applications Due to Insufficient Insurance Coverage
PLI will reject applications with insurance(s) that expire(s) in less than thirty (30)
days from the license start date and will require updated proof and documentation
of current, valid insurance. The insurance expiration date must be at least 30-days
after the date of licensed activity start date to be entered into the PLI licensing
software system. If not, the applicant may provide documentation from their
insurer showing intent to extend coverage; at that time the expiration date will be
entered as expiring thirty-one (31) days after the licensed activity start date so that
is may be processed.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
7. Required Documents
PLI will complete process license applications after applicants have submitted full
and complete applications, along with the license fee, as well as any and all required
documentation. A list of commonly requested documents and their definitions is
included herein (see Appendix 1 for reference). The License Officer may request
additional information as needed to ensure compliance with the intent of PCC Title
Seven. Applicants are solely responsible for providing any and all required
documentation and meeting any and all deadlines.
8. Certifications and Document Expiration
If a necessary certification will and/or does expire during the license period, it is the
licensee’s responsibility to provide PLI with updated documentation. Licenses are
subject to revocation or suspension if the required document(s) and/or certification(s)
expire during the license period. All other documents without specific expiration
dates will be considered valid for the period of the valid license and must be updated
and resubmitted for each renewal or application as defined in the Rules and
9. Non-Profit Status for Special Events
Community groups, business associations and similar organizations may vend on
the public right-of-way during the hours and within the perimeters of a permitted
special event with the approval of the appropriate City of Pittsburgh departments
and personnel including the Department of Permits Licenses and Inspections and
the special events coordinator of the City of Pittsburgh (PCC719.05(c)(b).
Following submission of non-profit status documentation and/or a current (issued
within the past three hundred and sixty five (365) days) copy of the IRS Affirmation
or Determination letter issued to the non-profit organization, exemptions for non-
profit organizations shall be determined by the License Officer. Exemptions are
available for licenses related to those that would be obtained by the organizers only of
an event requiring a Special Event Permit only.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
V. License Suspensions, Revocations, and Appeals Process
1. Reasons for License Suspensions or Revocations
As defined in the City Code, any license issued pursuant to the provisions of Title
Seven may be revoked or suspended at the discretion of the License Officer, based on
the severity and/or frequency of the reason(s)/violation(s), including but not limited to
any of the following (PCC § 701.14):
A. Failure to conform or adhere to the minimum qualifications of all applicants
and licensees or specific license requirements as contained in the PCC or these
Rules and Regulations.
B. Fraud, misrepresentation, or false statement(s) contained in the license
C. Fraud, misrepresentation, or false statement(s) made in the course of carrying
on the business;
D. Violation(s) of any provision of Title Seven, Title Nine and/or Title Ten of the
PCC and/or the Rules and Regulations;
E. Conviction of any crime(s) or misdemeanor(s) involving moral turpitude;
F. Conducting the business and/or using any vehicle, premises, machine or other
device in connections therewith in an unlawful manner and/or in such a
manner as to constitute a breach of peace or a menace to the health, safety,
and/or general welfare of the public;
G. Obstruction or denial of entry for authorized inspections; and/or
H. Violation of any City building and/or zoning laws and/or Rules and
Regulations—buildings that are condemned are ineligible for business
2. Suspension and Revocation
Following receipt of information regarding any reason(s)/violation(s) as described in
the PCC and these Rules and Regulations, the License Officer may choose to do one
or more of the following (PCC § 701.14):
A. Issue a written notice to the licensee regarding potential revocation and/or
suspension and the reasons therefor;
B. Suspend a license for a period of time up to and including 365 days from the
date of receipt of the violation notice;
C. Revoke a license for a period of time up to and including 365 days from the
date of receipt of the violation notice; and/or
D. Revoke a license for a period of time longer than 365 days.
E. Whenever the License Officer or code official determines that there has been a
violation of the codes enforced by PLI, notice shall be given in writing to the
person(s) deemed responsible for the violation(s). Notices shall be deemed
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
served when delivered by hand to the alleged violator, or to any adult person
in charge of the premises where the alleged violation exists; or regularly
mailed to the alleged violator or their agent to the last known residence of the
alleged violator or to the usual place of business of the alleged violator.
Licensees and applicants are solely responsible for providing PLI with up-to-
date addresses and other contact information. The notice of violation shall
a. The address or a description of the real estate/property sufficient for
identification, if applicable;
b. A statement of the violation(s) and the reason(s) for the notice;
c. A statement the effective day/date of the license suspension and/or
revocation, if applicable;
d. Information regarding the right to appeal the notice and the cost(s)
e. A statement regarding how to request a reasonable accommodation for
a disability; and
f. A statement of PLI’s right to pursue prosecution within the limits of
state law for violations of the PCC and Rules and Regulations.
3. Right to Appeal
The PCC establishes the right of any person aggrieved by any action of the License
Officer to appeal such action (PCC § 701.16). Section 701.15 of Title Seven of the
PCC establishes the Board of License and Inspection Review, and Section 701.16
establishes the following means of appealing issues that arise from enforcement of
Business Licensing:
A. Any person aggrieved by any action of the License Officer related to the
issuance, transfer, renewal, refusal, suspension, revocation, and/or
cancellation of any City license issued pursuant to Title Seven of the PCC and
the Rules and Regulations shall have the right to appeal to the Board of
License and Inspection Review.
B. Appeals shall be filed in writing in a form and manner prescribed by the
License Officer. As applicable, each appeal shall be accompanied by a copy of
the notice, order, or other official document which is the subject of the appeal.
Each appeal shall be filed within thirty (30) days of the date of the action
being appealed.
C. All appeals considered by the Board of License and Inspection Review shall
be heard in a public forum at a publicly advertised time as determined by the
Board of License and Inspection Review.
D. The Board of License and Inspection Review shall maintain an official record
of all hearings, and such hearings shall be conducted in compliance with all
applicable laws.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
E. The Board of License and Inspection Review shall, by a majority vote, affirm,
modify, reverse, vacate, or revoke the notice, order, or action from which an
appeal is taken.
F. Each decision of the Board of License and Inspection Review shall be made in
writing and shall be available for public review. A copy of the decision will be
sent via regular, first-class mail to the appellant’s last known address of record
with PLI and the Board of License and Inspection Review.
4. Action Pending Appeal and Penalties
The PCC establishes actions prohibited during the time of appeal, and establishes
penalties for violation of any provision of Title Seven Business Licensing as follows:
A. Whenever an appeal filed pursuant to Title Seven and/or Ten, Chapter 1004,
Section 1004.02, of the PCC is pending, unless there is a condition of
immediate danger or hazard to health, safety or welfare that requires
immediate compliance, then compliance with the order, decision, notice of
violation, or license suspension or revocation that is the subject of the pending
appeal shall not be required (PCC § 701.17).
B. Penalty(ies):
a. Whoever violates any provision of Title Seven of the PCC and the
Rules and Regulations shall be punished as provided in Section 101.09
of Title One of the PCC.
b. An administrative penalty fee shall be charged on all late filings for
licenses and permits under this Title and the Rules and Regulations as
prescribed in the fee schedule (PCC § 701.18).
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
VI. Contractor and Trade Licensing Provisions
1. General Provisions for Contractors and Trade Licensees
A. Minimum Qualification of All Applicants Required
All applicants and licensees must conform to the “Minimum Qualifications of All
Applicants,” as set forth in Rule IV. Where a licensee is also a business entity,
they must register as a business through the One Stop PGH customer portal. Proof
of insurances and tax compliance is required as defined in these Rules and
Regulations. All applicants must submit a full and complete application that
includes all required documentation and any further requirements as deemed
appropriate by the License Officer.
B. Insurance Standards
All contractors and/or trade licensees are to carry general liability insurance in the
minimum amounts of $1,000,000 dollars per occurrence/claim and $2,000,000
aggregate per claim period.
On a case-by-case basis, PLI will evaluate the adequacy of an
applicant’s/licensee’s general liability insurance coverage. Based on the
prevailing insurance industry practices and standards and the nature and scope of
the licensed/permitted activity, PLI may require a greater or lesser amount of
coverage than the minimum stated above.
C. Insurance Exemption for Trade License Applicants and Licensees at the
Time of Application
Electrician, Fire Suppression, HVAC/Mechanical, and Stationary Power Engineer
trade licenses are exempt from providing proof of insurance(s) (PCC §§ 741.08,
747.08) at the time of application, but are required to provide proof of
insurance(s) that comply with the Rules and Regulations and the PCC prior to
issuance of any permit under Title Ten. Contractor businesses that connect to
trade license holders for the purposes of obtaining a permit must list the trade
license holder on the required Certificate of Insurance as additionally insured. See
Rule IV(6) for more information on Insurance Compliance.
D. Trade License Experience Requirements
Where required in the PCC and the Rules and Regulations, applicants will provide
documented proof of education and experience. For new trade license applicants,
work experience must be accompanied with a resume and references of relevant
job experience and contact information for references provided, and/or a
statement from an employer or licensed trade-person attesting to the applicant’s
years of experience. Self-employed applicants must provide proof of experience
in the form of a notarized statement attesting to the number of years of
E. Trade Licensing Testing Requirements
All new applications for trade licenses are required to provide an official
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
document from the exam provider of their passing score for the respective trade
test as proof of the testing requirements as defined in the Rules and Regulations.
a. For electrical and mechanical/ HVAC license applicants, PLI will accept
any authentic, relevant passed ICC exam, for any code year, or City of
Pittsburgh-proctored exam documentation.
b. For the Fire Suppression trade license, effective January 1, 2019, PLI will
accept any authentic, passed “Fire Suppression Installation Contractor”
ICC exam, beginning with the 2015 code year and continuing.
In addition, PLI will accept passed National Institute for Certification in
Engineering Technologies (“NICET”) exams including both the Level III
Water-based Systems Layout and Special Hazards Systems Layout tests;
both tests must be completed to be considered equivalent to the ICC test
defined above and in Section VI (7)(D)(a)(i)(1).
c. Stationary Power Engineer applicants will continue to be required to
complete the National Institute for the Uniform Licensing of Power
Engineers (“NIULPE”) exams.
d. Finally, as per City Code, equivalent certification testing programs from
states other than Pennsylvania shall be accepted as proof of compliance of
the testing requirements upon review and determination of equivalence by
the License Officer.
PLI will accept older versions of a relevant ICC or NIULPE exam, or a passing
score letter from the City of Pittsburgh-proctored exam, to be evaluated by the
License Officer.
If multiple exams exist that meet the requirement through the ICC, then the
applicant should choose the exam that covers the most recent code year adopted
by the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code (“UCC”). The code years
available through the ICC are periodically updated and restrict the exams
available to new license applicants over time. Other relevant ICC exams not
specifically called out can be submitted, and will be reviewed for substantial
equivalence and acceptance.
All ICC exams are currently proctored by PearsonVue and can be scheduled
through PearsonVue’s website. All NIULPE exams are scheduled through
NIULPE’s website.
A history of previously issued licenses is not proof of passing an exam. Trade
license holders that let their licenses expire and subsequently lapse will be subject
to a closure of the license. The applicant must meet all of the new, applicable
application requirements, which may include re-testing if the applicant does not
have proof of passing the relevant exam. Applicants and licensees are solely
responsible for maintaining their licensing qualifications and their records.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
F. Trade License Continuing Education (CE) Hours Requirements
The training requirements for trade licenses require eight (8) CE hours annually.
One (1) CE hours equates to one (1) hour of training. PLI will accept relevant
continuing education credits from accredited institutions as listed by:
a. The ICC Preferred Provider’s Directory. For a full list of current
providers, visit https://ppp.iccsafe.org, and click on “Providers Directory.”
b. The Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry’s (“PA DLI)
Uniform Construction Code continuing education providers. For a list of
current providers, visit www.dli.pa.gov/ucc, and click on the “Continuing
Education Providers” link.
c. the International Union of Operating Engineers (“IUOE) and the
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (“OSHA) for relevant
courses and trainings for Stationary Power Engineers.
In addition, trainings provided by trade-specific union and apprenticeship
programs are accepted.
In determining whether a CE provider is acceptable, PLI will refer to the lists
maintained by the third-parties identified above, but PLI is not responsible for the
list and makes no guarantees that the list is up-to-date or that the listed CE
providers will continue to be accepted. PLI will review requests outside those
categories on a case-by-case basis. A determination will be made within ten (10)
business days. This pending determination is not a valid reason for license
renewal delays. Licensees are solely responsible for providing PLI with the
necessary information to make timely CE determinations. Licenses that expire or
lapse during any determination period will be subject to standard processing as
per the Rules and Regulations.
G. City Tax Compliance Exemption at the Time of Application
Electricians, Fire Suppression, HVAC/Mechanical and Stationary Power Engineer
trade applicants are exempt from providing their City Tax ID and proof of tax
compliance at the time of application. However, prior to issuance of any permit
under Title Ten and Rule III(7), proof of tax compliance that complies with the
Rules and Regulations and the PCC must be provided by the applicant business
responsible for the permitted work.
H. Trade and Contractor License Renewal, Grace Period and Late Fees
If a contractor or trade license is not renewed within sixty (60) days past the
expiration date, applicants must meet all of the new, applicable application
requirements, which may include but are not necessarily limited to re-testing.
For all trade licenses and contractor licenses, grace periods will begin at the
expiration of a license and continue for sixty (60) days. If the licenses is not
renewed within thirty (30) days after the expiration date, per the fee schedule, a
late fee is incurred on the thirty-first (31
) day following the expiration date. If
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
the license is not renewed within sixty (60) days after the expiration date, then on
the sixty-first (61
) day following the expiration date, the license automatically
lapses. All licensees that allow their license to lapse must apply for a new license
and meet all new license requirements at the time of that new application.
Permits related to the licensed activity will be suspended until a valid and current
trade license is connected to the permitted work. Additionally, any fees paid will
be forfeited.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
2. General Contractor Licensing
A. Applicability: This section applies to individuals, proprietorships,
partnerships and/or corporations engaging in, adverting or otherwise
representing to engage in any activity regulated by Title Ten of the PCC (PCC
§ 751); such individuals/entities must have a general contractor license.
B. Exemptions: Contractors with current and valid Pennsylvania Home
Improvement Contractor (“HIC) registration may provide their HIC
registration/license information in lieu of obtaining a general contractor
license. In addition, the following work that does not require a permit under
Title Ten, also does not require a general contractor license to complete:
a. Owner(s) of single-or two-family dwellings who personally perform
work, provided that the owner(s) occupy or, upon completion of the
work, will occupy the dwelling.
b. A governmental entity performing work upon premises owned by that
governmental entity.
C. Fees: General contractor license fees are established per the PLI fee schedule.
General contractor licenses are subject to late fees per Rule VI(1)(H).
D. Expiration: General contractor licenses expire 365 days from the license start
date. If those licenses not renewed on time, additional fee(s) will apply.
E. Application Requirements: Unless otherwise exempted, general contractor
applicants and licensees must conform to the minimum qualification of all
applicants (Rule VI(1)(A)).
a. Effective May 29, 2022, applicants must provide a copy of a valid and
current Lead Renovation, Repair, and Painting certification associated
with the contractor license and responsible for work related to lead
safety protocols during renovation, repair, and painting.
F. Inspections: Licensees must carry a copy of their PLI-issued general
contractor license at all times while performing work under permits issued by
PLI to be made available for inspection (PCC§ 701.09 (b), Rule II (7)).
G. Waste Disposal: Any and all licensed contractor(s) shall maintain records of
the location(s) at which waste generated in the course of their activities is
disposed of and, upon request of the License Officer or the Officer’s
representative, shall make such records available for inspection.
H. Suspension for Non-Abatement: A license may be suspended if a notice of
violation of the Building Code has not been abated within the time specified.
I. Restrictions: None.
J. Testing: None
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
3. Sign Contractor Licensing
A. Applicability: This section applies to any person, firm and/or corporation in
the business of erecting, altering, repairing, and/or maintaining ground signs,
wall signs, projecting signs, roof signs, post signs, or similar signs requiring a
sign permit as defined in the Zoning Code (PCC §§ 919 & 749); such persons
must have a sign contractor license.
B. Exemptions: None.
C. Fees: Sign contractor license fees are established per the PLI fee schedule.
Sign contractor licenses are subject to late fees per Rule VI(1)(H).
D. Expiration: Sign contractor licenses expire 365 days from the license start
date. If those licenses are not renewed on time, additional fee(s) will apply.
E. Application Requirements: Unless exempted in this section, sign contractor
applicants and licensees must conform to the minimum qualifications of all
applicants (Rule VI(1)(A)).
F. Inspections: Licensees must carry a copy of their PLI-issued license at all
times while performing work under permits issued by PLI to be made
available for inspection (PCC § 701.09 (b), Rule II(7)).
G. Requirements During License Period: None in addition to maintaining the
aforementioned minimum qualifications.
H. Restrictions: None.
I. Testing: None.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
4. Stationary Power Engineer Trade Licensing
A. Applicability: This section applies to any person that controls or operates
pipes, boilers, stationary or locomotive engines, and/or any other containers,
tanks or vessels under pressure of water, liquid, gas or steam in the City of
Pittsburgh (PCC § 745); such persons must have stationary power engineer
B. Exemptions: The following work that does not require a permit under Title
Ten of the PCC and does not require an HVAC license to complete is exempt
from the requirements of this section:
a. Pipes, containers, tanks or vessels used in the transportation of water,
liquid, gas or steam.
b. Hot water tanks used for domestic service as defined in the
Mechanical Code.
c. Portable compressor operators.
d. All vessels defined as low pressure in the Mechanical Code or any
vessel of fifteen (15) pounds per square inch or less of pressure.
C. Fees: Stationary power engineer license fees are established per the PLI fee
schedule. Stationary power engineer licenses are subject to late fees per Rule
D. Expiration: Stationary power engineer licenses expire 365 days from license
start date. If those licenses are not renewed on time, additional fee(s) will
E. Application Requirements: Except for insurance (Rule VI(1)(B)) and tax ID
requirements (Rule VI(1)(G)), stationary power engineer licensees and
applicants must conform to the minimum qualifications of all applicants (Rule
VI(1) (A))).
a. New Applications: In addition, applicants must provide the following
upon application:
i. A copy of proof of passing the appropriate certified
standardized test issued by the NIULPE; or
ii. A copy of the NIULPE card.
b. Renewal Applications: In addition, applicants and licensees must
provide the following upon application to renew a stationary power
engineer license:
i. Proof of completing eight (8) contact hours of CEs within the
previous twelve (12) months of license renewal, during the
license period.
ii. For Stationary Power Engineers, relevant trainings provided by
the IUOE and OSHA are acceptable. Please see Section VI (1)
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
(F) for additional information about acceptable sources of CE
Such proof shall consist of documentation including the names
of the training activities, the date(s) of the training, who
provided the training, and the number of contact hours for each
training activity.
iii. CE Exception: Where licensees have completed a test to move
into a different, higher level classification of stationary power
engineering, the new stationary engineering NIULPE
information will be accepted in lieu of CE credentials to renew
the application.
F. Requirements During License Period: None in addition to maintaining the
aforementioned minimum qualifications.
G. Restrictions: To be eligible for license renewal, in addition to providing all
requirements for new applicants, licensees who allow their license to lapse
and subsequently apply to renew them must provide documentation of at least
eight (8) contact hours of CEs within the previous twelve (12) months.
No unlicensed person shall operate or control the equipment. The licensed
person in charge of or operating the aforementioned equipment shall be
located on the same premises where the equipment is located during its
operation or control.
H. Testing: PLI accepts certification of testing for Stationary Power Engineers
from the NIULPE as a qualified program for the purposes of meeting the
application requirements. Certification can be obtained by applying on the
NIULPE website. NIULPE license holders can have their City of Pittsburgh
license reflect NIULPE classification if a copy of the NIULPE certification is
submitted at time of renewal or license application.
A. Continuing Education: To be eligible for license renewal, in addition to
providing all requirements for new applicants, licensees who allow their
license to lapse and subsequently apply to renew them must provide
documentation of at least eight (8) contact hours of CEs within the previous
twelve (12) months. Please see Section VI (1) F for additional information
about acceptable sources of CEs.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
5. HVAC/Mechanical Trade Licensing
A. Applicability: An HVAC/Mechanical Trade License is required in order to
install, erect, enlarge, repair, alter, remove, convert or replace any mechanical
system in the City of Pittsburgh (PCC § 741).
B. Exemptions: The following work that does not require a permit under Title
Ten of the PCC and does not require a HVAC license to complete is exempt
from the requirements of this section:
a. Portable heating appliances, portable ventilation appliances,
portable evaporative coolers, and portable cooling units;
b. Steam or hot- or chilled-water piping within any heating or cooling
equipment regulated by Title Ten of the PCC;
c. Replacement of any minor part that does not alter approval of
equipment or make such equipment unsafe;
d. Self-contained refrigeration systems containing ten (10) pounds
(4.54 kg) or less of refrigerant or that are actuated by motors of one
(1) horsepower (746 W) or less; and
e. Portable-fuel-cell appliances that are not connected to a fixed piping
system and are not interconnected to a power grid.
HVAC/Mechanical trade license fees are established per the PLI fee
schedule. HVAC/Mechanical trade licenses are subject to late fees per Rule
HVAC/Mechanical trade licenses expire 365 days from the
license start date. If the licenses are not renewed on time, additional fee(s) will
Application Requirements:
Except for certain insurance (Rule VI(1)(B) and
tax ID requirements (Rule VI(1)(G)), HVAC/Mechanical trade licensees and
must conform to the minimum qualifications of all applicants (Rule
New License Application:
In addition, applicants must provide the
following upon application:
i. A copy of proof of passing the certified standardized test.
Accepted documentation includes proof of passing the City of
Pittsburgh proctored Master Mechanical exam, and/or ICC
Standard Master Mechanical Exam(s) for any code year.
Please see Section VI (1) (E) for additional information
regarding testing and equivalencies.
ii. Provide a resume or documentation showing four (4) years or
more of practical experience. Experience must be
accompanied with a statement from an employer or licensed
mechanical contractor regarding experience. For those who
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
are self-employed, they must provide a notarized statement
attesting to their experience. See Section VI (1) (D) for
additional information regarding experience.
b. Renewal License Application: In addition, applicants and licensees
must provide the following upon application to renew a license:
i. Proof of completing eight (8) hours of CEs within the previous
twelve (12) months of license renewal.
ii. Such proof shall consist of documentation including the names
of the training activities, the date(s) of the training, who
provided the training, and the number of contact hours for each
training activity.
F. Requirements During License Period: None in addition to maintaining
the aforementioned minimum qualifications.
G. Continuing Education: Continuing Education: To be eligible for license
renewal, in addition to providing all requirements for new applicants,
licensees who allow their license to lapse and subsequently apply to renew
them must provide documentation of at least eight (8) contact hours of CEs
within the previous twelve (12) months. Please see Section VI (1)(F) for
additional information about acceptable sources of CEs.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
6. Electrical Trade Licensing
A. Applicability: This section applies to individuals engaging in electrical work
regulated in Title Ten of the PCC within the jurisdiction of the City of
Pittsburgh (PCC § 747); such individuals must have an electrical trade license.
An electrical contractor is defined herein as any person performing work that
requires an electrical permit. Such person must have an electrical trade
B. Exemptions: The following work does not require a permit under Title Ten of
the PCC and, therefore, does not require an electrical trade license to
a. Listed cord-and-plug connected temporary decorative lighting.
b. Reinstallation of attachment plug receptacles but not the outlets
c. Replacement of branch circuit overcurrent devices of the required
capacity in the same location. Electrical wiring, devices, appliances,
apparatus or equipment operating at less than twenty-five (25) volts
and not capable of supplying more than fifty (50) watts of energy.
d. Minor repair work, including the replacement of lamps or the
connection of approved portable electrical equipment to approved
permanently installed receptacles.
C. Fees: Electrical trade license fees are established per the PLI fee schedule.
Electrical trade licenses are subject to late fees per Rule VI(1)(H).
D. Expiration: Electrical trade licenses expire 365 days from the license start
Application Requirements:
Except for certain insurance (Rule VI(1)(B)) and
tax ID requirements (Rule VI(1)(C)), electrical trade licensees must conform
to the minimum qualifications of all applicants (Rule VI(1)(A)).
New License Application Requirements:
In addition, applicants
must provide the following upon application:
i. A copy of proof of passing the certified standardized test.
Accepted documentation includes proof of passing the City of
Pittsburgh proctored Master Electrical exam, and/or ICC
Standard Master Electrician Exam(s) for any code year. Please
see Section VI 1 (E) for additional information regarding
testing and equivalencies.
ii. A resume or documentation establishing a minimum of six (6)
years of a combination of experience and education, as
evaluated by the License Officer and conforming to the
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
I. Education includes a degree or certification of
attainment in electrical wiring or related field from an
accredited school or apprenticeship program.
II. Experience must be accompanied with a statement
from an employer or licensed electrician regarding
experience. For those who are self-employed, they
must provide a notarized statement attesting to their
b. Renewal Application Requirements: In addition, applicants and
licensees must provide the following upon application to renew a
i. Proof of completing eight (8) hours of CEs within the previous
twelve (12) months from the license renewal date.
ii. Such proof shall consist of documentation including the names
of the training activities, the date(s) of the training, who
provided the training, and the number of contact hours for each
training activity.
F. Requirements During License Period: None in addition to maintaining the
aforementioned minimum qualifications.
G. Continuing Education: To be eligible for license renewal, in addition to
providing all requirements for new applicants, licensees who allow their
license to lapse and subsequently apply to renew them must provide
documentation of at least eight (8) contact hours of CEs within the previous
twelve (12) months. Please see Section VI (1)(F) for additional information
about acceptable sources of CEs.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
7. Fire Suppression Trade Licensing
A. Applicability: This section applies to all individuals engaging in any fire
suppression work regulated in Title Ten of the PCC and involving fire
suppression systems. All such individuals must have a fire suppression
contractor license.
B. Exemptions: Cooking hood work does not require a fire suppression trade
license. Fire suppression trade licenses shall be exempt from Section
701(a)(5) of the PCC at the time of the application, but are required to provide
proof of insurance(s) that comply with Section 701.04(a) of the PCC for any
permitted work under Title Ten of the PCC. (PCC § 741.08).
C. Fees: Fire suppression trade license fees are established per the fee schedule.
Fire suppression trade licenses are subject to late fees per Rule VI(1)(H).
D. Expiration: Fire suppression trade licenses expire 365 days from the license
start date.
E. Application Requirements: Unless exempted in this section, fire
suppression trade licensees must conform to the minimum qualifications of all
applicants (Rule VI(1)(A)).
a. New Applications: In addition, applicants must provide the following
upon application:
i. A copy of proof of passing the following certified tests:
I. ICC standardized test: PLI will accept any authentic,
passed “Fire Suppression Installation Contractor” ICC
exam, beginning with the 2015 code year and
continuing; Or
II. NICET standardized tests: PLI will accept any
authentic, passed National Institute for Certification in
Engineering Technologies (“NICET”) exams including
both the Level III Water-based Systems Layout and
Special Hazards Systems Layout tests. Both tests must
be completed to be considered equivalent to the ICC
test defined above in Section VI (7)(D)(a)(i)(1).
ii. Provide a resume or documentation establishing a minimum of
six (6) years of a combination of experience and education, as
evaluated by the License Officer and conforming to the
I. Education includes a degree or certification of
attainment in fire suppression systems.
II. Experience must be accompanied with a verifying
statement from an employer or licensed fire suppression
contractor regarding experience. For those who are self-
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
employed, they must provide a notarized statement
attesting to their experience.
b. Renewal Application: In addition, applicants and licensees must
provide the following upon application to renew a license:
i. Proof of completing eight (8) hours of CEs within the past
twelve (12) months from license renewal.
ii. Such proof shall consist of documentation including the names
of the training activities, the date(s) of the training, who
provided the training, and the number of contact hours for each
training activity.
F. Requirement During License Period: None in addition to maintaining the
aforementioned minimum qualifications.
G. Restrictions: To be eligible for license renewal, in addition to providing all
requirements for new applicants, licensees who allow their license to lapse
and subsequently apply to renew them must provide documentation of at least
eight (8) contact hours of CEs within the previous twelve (12) months.
H. Continuing Education: To be eligible for license renewal, in addition to
providing all requirements for new applicants, licensees who allow their
license to lapse and subsequently apply to renew them must provide
documentation of at least eight (8) contact hours of CEs within the previous
twelve (12) months. Please see Section VI (1) F for additional information
about acceptable sources of CEs.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
VII. Business Licensing Provisions
1. General Business Licensing Provisions
A. Minimum Qualification of All Applicants Required
All applicants and licensees must conform to the “Minimum Qualifications of
All Applicants,” as set forth in Rule IV. In addition, each business license
includes additional requirements per license type. All applicants must submit
a full and complete application that includes all required documentation.
B. Insurance Standards
All business licensees are to carry general liability insurance in the minimum
amounts of $1,000,000 dollars per occurrence/claim and $2,000,000 aggregate
per claim period.
On a case-by-case basis, PLI will evaluate the adequacy of an
applicant’s/licensee’s general liability insurance coverage. Based on the
prevailing insurance industry practices and standards and the nature and scope
of the licensed/permitted activity, PLI may require a greater or lesser amount
of coverage than the minimum stated above.
C. Grace Period and Late Fees
For all business licenses, grace periods will begin at the expiration of a license
and continue for thirty (30) days. If the license is not renewed prior to
expiration, per the fee schedule, a late fee is incurred. If the license is not
renewed within thirty (30) days after the expiration date, then on the thirty-
first (31
) day following the expiration date, the license will be considered
lapsed and closed. All licensees that allow their license to lapse must apply for
a new license and meet all of the new license requirements at the time of that
new application.
D. License Display
Business licensees must display in an open and visible manner a copy of their
PLI-issued license at all times while performing work under a business license
issued by PLI (Rule II(6)).
E. Inspections
Unless otherwise exempted herein, PLI shall inspect to ensure compliance of
licensed activity, which includes both new and renewed licenses (Rule II(7)).
For business licenses located at a fixed location, PLI will inspect all new
locations prior to license issuance.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
2. Amusement Places Licensing
A. Applicability: This section applies licenses required for any place of
amusement as defined, whether indoors or outdoors, and located within the
jurisdiction of the City of Pittsburgh (PCC § 771).
Amusement: All manner and forms of entertainment including: theatrical or
operatic performances, concerts, moving picture shows, and all forms of
entertainment at fair grounds and amusement parks; athletic contests,
including wrestling matches, boxing and sparring exhibitions, football,
basketball and baseball games, billiards, pool, skating, golfing, tennis, hockey,
swimming, and all other forms of diversion, sport or recreation or pastime,
shows, exhibitions, contests, displays and games, and all other methods of
obtaining admission charges, donations, contributions or monetary charges of
any character from the general public or a limited or selected number thereof,
directly or indirectly, in return for other than tangible property, or specific
personal or professional service.
Amusement Place. Any place indoors or outdoors within the City where the
general public or a limited or selected number of people attend or engage and
pay a fee in any amusement as herein defined, and other like places.
B. Exemptions: None.
Amusement places licensing fees are established per the PLI fee
schedule. Amusement places licenses are subject to late fees per Rule
D. Expiration: Amusement places licenses expire 365 days from the license start
E. Application Requirements: Except for insurance (Rule VI(1)(B)) and tax ID
requirements (Rule VI(1)(C)) applicants must conform to the minimum
qualifications of all applicants (Rule VII(1)(A)). In addition, applicants must
provide a valid Certificate of Occupancy (see Appendix 1).
F. Inspections: Unless otherwise exempted herein, PLI shall inspect to ensure
compliance of licensed activity. This applies to both new and renewed
licenses (Rule II(7)).
G. Requirements During the License Period: None in addition to maintaining
the aforementioned minimum requirements.
H. Restrictions: None.
I. Additional Employee License Count Required: No additional employee
license count is required.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
3. Amusement Producers Licensing
A. Applicability: This section applies to license(s) required for all forms of
entertainment, whether indoors or outdoors, and located within the jurisdiction
of the City of Pittsburgh (PCC § 771).
Amusement: “Amusement” is defined as all manner and forms of
entertainment, including: theatrical or operatic performances, concerts,
moving picture shows, and all forms of entertainment at fair grounds and
amusement parks; athletic contests including, wrestling matches, boxing and
sparring exhibitions, football, basketball and baseball games, billiards, pool,
skating, golfing, tennis, hockey, swimming, and all other forms of diversion,
sport or recreation or pastime, shows, exhibitions, contests, displays and
games, and all other methods of obtaining admission charges, donations,
contributions or monetary charges of any character from the general public or
a limited or selected number thereof, directly or indirectly, in return for other
than tangible property, or specific personal or professional service.
Amusement Producer. ”Amusement producer” is defined as any person who
conducts, stages or produces an amusement at any place of amusement where
the general public or a limited or selected number thereof may attend or
engage in any amusement.
B. Exemptions: Scholastic events such as athletic contests and plays where the
participants are not adults are excluded from the definition of amusement.
Amusements which are licensed by the State Athletic Commission (boxing,
kick boxing and wrestling), are exempt from the provisions of these rules and
C. Fees: Amusement producer license fee(s) are established per the PLI fee
schedule. Amusement producer licenses are not subject to late fees.
D. Expiration: Amusement producer license(s) is/are valid for the duration of
the licensed activity. The license(s) reflect(s) the number of days paid for as
per the fee schedule.
E. Application Requirements: Unless otherwise exempted in this section,
Applicants must conform to the minimum qualification of all applicants (Rule
VII(1)(A)). In addition, upon completion of the application, applicants must
provide a lease or legal agreement or letter on letterhead from the owner of the
property, regarding the amusement producer’s right to occupy a location.
F. Inspections: Unless otherwise exempted herein, PLI shall inspect to ensure
compliance of licensed activity.
G. Requirements During the License Period: None in addition to maintaining
the aforementioned minimum requirements.
H. Restrictions:
a. The City of Pittsburgh Department of Public Safety may determine
that police officers shall be specially detailed to any licensed event.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
The owner or operator of a place of amusement or producer of the
event shall pay the police so detailed. License holders must contact the
Department of Public Safety regarding safety requirements and
I. Additional Employee License Count Required: No additional employee
license count is required.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
4. Bed and Breakfast Licensing
A. Applicability: This section applies to businesses operating “bed and
breakfast” establishments as defined below. No person shall own or operate a
bed and breakfast without first obtaining license.
Bed and Breakfast is a small lodging establishment that offers overnight
accommodations where the owner-operator lives on premises.
B. Exemptions: This licensing does not apply to short-term rentals.
C. Fees: Bed and breakfast fees are established per the PLI fee schedule. Bed and
breakfast licenses are subject to late fees per Rule VII(1)(B).
Fees due to license amendments: Licensees shall be required to pay any
additional amounts for any and all increases in bed and breakfast employees
during the license period.
D. Expiration: Bed and breakfast licenses expire 365 days from the license start
date. (PCC § 767.03)
E. Application Requirements: Bed and breakfast applicants and licensees must
conform to the minimum qualifications of all applicants (Rule VII(1)(A)). In
addition, applicants must provide the License Officer with:
a. the full name and address of the owner(s) and the resident operator if
different than the owner. (PCC § 767.02); and
b. a valid Certificate of Occupancy.
F. Inspections: Unless otherwise exempted herein, PLI shall inspect to ensure
compliance of licensed activity. This applies to both new and renewed
licenses (Rule II (7)).
G. Restrictions: The following restrictions apply to bed and breakfast licenses:
c. The license does not allow short-term rentals.; and
d. Violation of any provision of Chapter 767 of the PCC pertaining to
Bed and Breakfast Establishment and/or these Rules and Regulations
duly applied in connection with bed and breakfast licensure or
occupancy shall result in the suspension of the license by the
Licensing Officer for a period of one (1) year from the date of the
H. Additional Employee License Count Required: No additional employee
license count is required.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
5. Charitable Solicitation (Tag Day) Licensing
A. Applicability: This section applies to licenses provided to charitable and not-
for-profit organizations and/or institutions in order to solicit the public (PCC §
601.05). In accordance with the PCC and these Rules and Regulations, such
organizations must be licensed in order to solicit the public.
Charitable solicitation is defined as the solicitation or request by any
charitable organization or institution for voluntary funds from the general
B. Exemptions: Except for insurance requirements of Rule IV(6) and tax
compliance requirements of Rule IV(2), charitable solicitation licensees must
conform to the minimum qualification of all applicants (Rule VII(1)(A)).
C. Fees: Charitable solicitation license fees are established per the fee schedule.
Charitable solicitation licenses are not subject to late fees.
D. Expiration: Charitable solicitation licenses are valid for one day only.
E. Application Requirements: Unless otherwise exempted in this Section,
Applicants must conform to the minimum qualification of all applicants (Rule
VII(1)(A)). In addition, applicants must provide the following upon
a. An original, notarized application;
b. A letter on company letterhead stating the date requested and for what
the funds will be collectedPLI staff will determine if the date
requested is available (see Appendix 3 for an example of a charitable
solicitation/tag day request letter);
c. Schedules A-E as explained on the application that describe your
organization and event; and
d. An email address and phone number for Tag Day Contact.
e. Upon receipt of a full and complete application, which includes the
aforementioned items and all required documentation, the application
is then sent to the City of Pittsburgh Chief of Police for approval.
Doing so will appropriately register the organization or institution with
the Police. The process may take several weeks.
F. Inspections: The City of Pittsburgh Bureau of Police may inspect to ensure
compliance of licensed activity.
G. Restrictions:
a. Each organization or institution can only solicit funds one day per
calendar year;
b. Only one group may solicit funds per day; each group can have
multiple locations; and any group wishing to seek a variance to this
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
rule should do so in a formal written letter to the Chief of Police
accompanying their application;
c. The purpose of the collection must be displayed on signs, boards, or
cards in a conspicuous place; and
d. Solicitation of personal funds is not permitted.
H. Additional Employee License Count Required: No additional employee
license count is required.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
6. Limited Towing Licensing
A. Applicability: This section applies to license(s) for commercial parking lots
at which property owners wish to tow registered and licensed vehicle(s)
without permission from vehicle owner(s) (PCC § 763.12).
Nonresidential Parking Places: “Nonresidential parking place(s)” is/are
defined as any place within the City, whether wholly or partially enclosed or
open, at which motor vehicles are parked or stored but not including public
streets, any parking area or garage that is provided or leased to residents in the
connection to occupation of such residence, any loading dock or loading area,
and any area necessary for the utilization of any loading dock or loading area.
Gateless Honor Box Lot: “Gateless honor box lot” is defined as a parking lot
that provides a system that is designed to allow the payment of money in
exchange for a designated parking space without the need for a continuous on-
site parking lot attendant.
B. Exemptions: Motor vehicles that are classified as “abandoned vehicles”
pursuant to the definition set forth in PA Code Section 75.102 are exempt
from these rules and regulations.
C. Fees: Limited towing license fee(s) are established per the fee schedule.
Limited towing licenses are subject to late fees per Rule VII(1)(B).
D. Expiration: Limited towing licenses expire 365 days from license start date.
E. Application Requirements: Except for the tax ID requirements (Rule
VI(1)(C)) and Worker’s Compensation (Rule IV(6)(C)) requirements,
Limited Towing applicants and licensees must conform to the minimum
qualification of all applicants (Rule VII(1)(A)). In addition, applicants must
provide the following upon application:
e. Valid Certificate of Occupancy describing the parking on the
f. Valid parking lot license, if applicable; and
g. Sketch or plot drawing of parking lot.
F. Inspections: PLI shall inspect to ensure compliance of licensed activity (Rule
II(7)). New license applicants are subject to PLI inspection prior to the
issuance of a license. Renewed licenses will be inspected according to a
departmental maintenance schedule throughout the year. Inspectors shall
inspect for PennDOT signage regulations (67 Pa. Code § 212.115). The name
of the Towing Company and Towing Company contact number must be
conspicuously posted at the lot.
G. Requirements During License Period: In addition to maintaining the
aforementioned minimum requirements, all limited towing licensees must
conform to the following provisions:
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
h. Unless a gateless honor box is provided, parking lots that are not open
twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week must have a chain
or other barrier that can be closed during non-business hours; and
i. Comply with PennDOT signage regulations (67 Pa. Code § 212.115)
H. Restrictions: None.
I. Additional Employee License Count Required: No additional employee
license count is required.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
7. Mechanical Amusement Device Licensing
A. Applicability: This section applies to license(s) issued to the vendor or owner
of the mechanical amusement devices requiring license (PCC § 777); such
vendor(s)/owner(s) must be licensed.
A mechanical amusement device is defined as any mechanical or electronic
device or apparatus for playing of games or entertainment that collects
revenue. Pool tables are considered mechanical devices if there is a charge to
B. Exemptions: Any devices, machines or apparatus where the cost, price or
consideration for playing one (1) game is less than five (5) cents ($0.05) are
exempt from the provisions of these rules and regulations.
C. Fees: Mechanical amusement device license fee(s) are established per the
PLI fee schedule. Mechanical amusement device licenses are subject to late
fees per Rule VII(1)(B).
j. Fees due to license amendments: Licensees must pay additional
funds for any increase in mechanical devices during the license period.
Licensees must show the increase in mechanical amusement devices as
an amendment, prior to license renewal. The increase in mechanical
devices will be included at the time of license renewal.
D. Expiration: Mechanical amusement device licenses expire 365 days from the
license start date.
E. Application Requirements: Except for insurance (Rule IV(6)), Mechanical
Amusement Device applicants and licensees must conform to the minimum
qualifications of all applicants (Rule VI(1)(A)). In addition, for the licensing
of gambling devices, applicants must be twenty-one (21) years old or older.
The applicable tax compliance must correspond with the Mechanical Device
owner or vendor. A valid Certificate of Occupancy that corresponds with the
place of the establishment that houses the mechanical devices is required.
F. Inspections: PLI shall inspect to ensure compliance of licensed activity (Rule
II (7)). New license applicants are subject to PLI inspection prior to the
issuance of a license. Renewed licenses shall be inspected according to a
departmental maintenance schedule throughout the year.
G. Requirements During the License Period: None in addition to maintaining
the aforementioned minimum requirements.
H. Restrictions:
a. Licensee(s) must display on their premises at all times the placard
issued by PLI.
b. Nothing in this Chapter shall authorize, license or permit any gambling
devices or any mechanism that has been judicially determined to be a
gambling device or that is in any way contrary to present or future law.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
c. The responsibility to ensure that each premise containing the devices is
licensed shall be joint and severable. Where the owner of the premise
or the proprietor of the business establishment fails to acquire the
proper license, the owner of the device shall bear the responsibility to
either acquire the proper license or remove the device.
d. If an owner of a device, person listed pursuant to PCC §
777.03(b)(1)(B), owner of the premises, and/or applicant/proprietor of
the business establishment is convicted of having a mechanical or
electronic device that is in violation of any gambling laws of
Pennsylvania, the License Officer shall revoke each City license which
has/had been issued to such person and each City license for machines
owned by such person. In addition, for three (3) years, the person shall
be barred from being eligible for the City license.
e. The Licensing Officer shall not issue a Mechanical Amusement
Device License to any applicant, owner or proprietor, who, within
three (3) years of the date of application, has been found guilty for
possessing or using a video or mechanical amusement device in
violation of the Crimes Code of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
I. Additional Employee License Count Required: No additional employee
license count is required.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
8. Mobile Vehicle Vendor Licensing
A. Applicability: This section applies to licenses issued to mobile vehicle
vendors within the City of Pittsburgh that are situated on public parking; such
vendors must be licensed.
Mobile Vehicle Vendor is defined as any person, whether a resident of the
City of Pittsburgh or not, who sells or offers for sale goods, wares,
merchandise, meats, fish, vegetables, fruits, farm products, or provisions from
an approved vending vehicle that shall not remain at any one (1) location for a
period greater than four (4) hours while vending (PCC § 719.02).
Food Truck is defined as a type of mobile vehicle vendor that is a food
establishment that is located upon a vehicle, or which is pulled by a
vehicle, where food or beverage is cooked, prepared, and served for
individual portion service, such as a mobile food kitchen. Vehicle
registration is required for trailer-type units.
B. Exemptions: Neither a vending permit nor occupancy permit is required to
vend wares where vending units are located in the Strip District neighborhood
of the City of Pittsburgh. Vendors that fall under this exception must seek
written permission from the building and/or property owner to use a
specific/predetermined area for vending. The building and/or property owner
may charge a fee for your vending on their property.
C. Fees: Mobile vehicle vendor license fees are established per the PLI fee
schedule. Mobile vehicle vendor license fees are subject to late fees per Rule
VII(1)(B) and to additional employee fee(s) per vendor employee.
a. Fees due to license amendments: Licensees must pay additional
funds for an increase in vendor employees during the license
D. Expiration: Mobile vehicle vendor licenses expire 365 days from the license
start date.
E. Application Requirements: Mobile vehicle vendor licensees must conform
to the minimum qualifications of all applicants (Rule VII(1)(A)). In addition,
applicants must provide the following upon application:
a. Three (3) current photographs of the vehicle showing the front,
side, and interior;
b. Valid vehicle registration;
c. Current and valid driver’s license;
d. Valid vehicle insurance;
e. Valid Allegheny County Health Department (“ACHD”) license, if
vending food (see Appendix 1);
f. Additional employee license requirements, if applicable; and
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
g. Workers’ compensation insurance, if applicable.
F. Inspections: Unless otherwise exempted herein, PLI shall inspect to ensure
compliance of licensed activity. This applies to both new and renewed
licenses (Rule II(7)). In addition, DOMI will inspect the vending site on the
first day of business to ensure compliance with right-of-way regulations.
G. Requirements During License Period: In addition to maintaining the
aforementioned minimum requirements, all licensed mobile vehicle vendors
must conform to the following provisions:
a. Be capable of movement or mobility at all times.
b. Be situated on one of the approved public property locations only.
c. The vehicle must be moved every four (4) hours.
d. The size of the vending unit shall not be larger than eleven (11) feet
high, twenty-four (24) feet long and eight (8) feet wide. DOMI may
provide an exception to cart constraints upon written request. Any
vendor on private property is not regulated by this section and must
contact the Department of City Planning, Zoning Division for a list of
e. For the purpose of vending, so long as they follow all laws regarding
metered parking and parking area time limits, mobile vehicle vendors
may park their vehicles in on-street metered parking spaces and place
any materials in on-street metered parking spaces. Mobile vehicle
vendors may only park in and place materials in on-street metered
parking spaces.
f. If the vendor is selling a product that generates trash, they must have
with them a metal or rigid plastic trash containers with a thirty gallon
combined minimum capacity. In addition, vendors must maintain and
keep clean a twenty-five (25) foot perimeter surrounding the
designated location of the vending unit or vehicle.
g. If vending in any of the locations listed below, contact the
corresponding organization,—the organization may require the
applicant to submit an approval letter to PLI or pay membership fees:
i. Downtown and Market Square: Pittsburgh Downtown
Partnership, 412-566-4190, Hours 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
ii. Oakland: Oakland Business Improvement District, 412-683-
6243; Hours 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
iii. Strip District: Vendors must obtain written permission from the
building and/or property owner to use a specific/predetermined
area for their table(s), vending unit or food cart. It cannot be
located on City property such as sidewalks, alleys, and
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
commercial parking lots. The building and/or property owner
may charge a fee for your vending on their property.
H. Restrictions:
a. No vendor is permitted to operate within 100 feet of a City of
Pittsburgh permitted special event except parades. This includes
previously approved vending sites.
b. No loud noises are permitted.
c. Any signs are regulated by current Zoning code ordinances.
d. No mobile vendor vehicle is permitted in residential districts. Those
operating in commercial districts are not permitted to operate between
12:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m.
e. No vendor shall be permitted to dispose of any debris or waste
products generated from the operation of their business into City
owned and maintained trash receptacles.
f. Unless permission from the business owner has been granted, no
vending activity will be permitted within 100 feet of any business that
sells similar items.
g. Unless approved through agreement with the appropriate Authority or
its designated management company, no vending activity will be
permitted on any public right-of-way within the boundaries set forth in
Appendix 2 below or within any property owned by the Sports and
Exhibition Authority of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County for the
operation and management of Heinz Field, PNC Park, the PPG Paints
Arena, and the David L. Lawrence Convention Center or on any other
property used by professional sports franchises in which the Sports and
Exhibition Authority of the City of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County
has a financial or proprietary interest; and on property owned and
operated by the University of Pittsburgh known as the John M. &
Gertrude E. Peterson Event Center; and property owned and operated
by Duquesne University known as A.J. Palumbo Center.
h. A mobile vehicle vendor may not operate within a City park except at
the following approved locations during normal park operating hours
(6:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m.):
i. Schenley Park
I. The Bob O'Connor Golf Course.
II. Flagstaff Hill.
III. The Schenley Oval.
ii. Frick Park
I. Tennis court parking lot.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
II. Frick Environmental Center.
I. Additional Employee License Count required: Licenses must be amended
to add additional employees during the licensed period, where applicable.
Refunds are not provided for the reduction of employees.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
9. Parking Lot Licensing
This section applies to licenses that are required for revenue-
generating commercial
parking places that are open and/or enclosed and
located within the City (PCC § 763).
A parking lot is defined as any commercial parking area at which motor
vehicles are parked or stored for any period of time in return for payment.
The following revenue-generating commercial parking lots are
exempt from obtaining a license as required under PCC Section 763:
Any parking garage or place that is provided or leased exclusively to
occupants of a residence, or any parking garage or place where at least
80% of spaces are provided to residents on the same or other premises
for use only in connection to the residence.
Any parking place or garage that is provided exclusively for guests or
tenants of a hotel, tourist court, or trailer park.
Any parking by an employee for a fee in a parking lot owned or
operated by or for his or her employer at the employee's regular place
of business (PCC § 763.04).
Parking lot license fees are established per the fee schedule. Parking lot
licenses are subject to late fees per Rule VII(1)(B).
Parking lot licenses expire 365 days from the license start date.
Application Requirements:
Unless otherwise exempted in this section,
applicants must conform to the minimum qualification of all applicants (Rule
VII(1)(A)). In addition to the general tax compliance requirements for all
applicants, parking lot applicants must provide proof of payment of the
parking tax imposed by the City of Pittsburgh (PCC § 249). In addition,
applicants must provide the following upon application:
Valid certificate of occupancy; and
A plot or sketch of the parking lot that clearly depicts all parking spots.
This is required for all new licenses or where there has been a change
in the Certificate of Occupancy for parking to reflect a different
parking plot.
For open lots, a detailed sketch or plot showing every possible
detail of the lot.
For closed lots, a detailed sketch or plot and a written
description of the number of uniformed security personnel to
be used at the lot.
PLI shall inspect to ensure compliance of licensed activity (Rule
II(7)). New license applicants are subject to PLI inspection prior to the
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
issuance of a license. Renewed licenses will be inspected throughout the year
according to a departmental maintenance schedule.
G. Requirements During License Period: In addition to maintaining the
aforementioned minimum requirements, all parking lot licensees must
conform to the following provisions:
Parking and driving areas shall be of smooth and compact surfacing.
Parking places located on open lots shall be properly enclosed or
maintained with bumper protection for sidewalks and adjacent
Entrances and exits to and from parking places shall be plainly marked
and so situated as to avoid obstructing traffic on the abutting street and
to prevent interference with or obstruction of pedestrian traffic on the
Reasonable effort shall be made to keep the parking area free of all
All open lots shall be lit so that all spaces may be observed from the
adjoining public streets, alleys or walkways, or, if the open lot is such
that is not observable in the regular course from adjoining public
streets, alleys or walkways, it shall comply with the licensing and
safety requirements for enclosed parking lots applicable to that
particular open lot.
For the entire time that a parking garage is in operation, there shall be
surveillance of all areas of all enclosed parking garages in which
attendants do not park all of the vehicles. At a minimum, the
surveillance shall include uniformed garage personnel to patrol each
area of the parking garage at least once every thirty (30) minutes,
unless the uniformed person is detained for security reasons, as
verified by Detex or comparable equipment or methodology. No
person who is responsible for collecting money or parking cars shall
be responsible for surveillance.
On and after January 1, 1985, the lighting in every part of all enclosed
parking garages in which attendants do not park all vehicles shall be
consistent with the standards set forth in the City of Pittsburgh
Lighting Code, Title Twelve Lighting Code, Chapter 1201 Lighting
Code, Section 1201.07 Required Calculations for Lighting
Installations, Table 7(E) and (F) Recommended Maintained
Illuminance and Luminance Values.
All access to enclosed parking garages shall be through secured
entrances during all hours of operation. The access may be secured by
alarm and/or lock and key, or closed-circuit TV, or verifiable
uniformed security patrols at a minimum of at least once every fifteen
(15) minutes.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
All enclosed parking garages in which attendants do not park all of the
vehicles shall be in compliance with BOCA regulations, including but
not limited to BOCA regulations regarding fire suppression equipment
and emergency alarms/phones for elevators.
Within six (6) months of the effective date of this subsection, the
structures shall have emergency phones installed on all parking levels,
or panic buzzers/alarms zoned to a central station which is staffed at
all times, or comparable equipment. The equipment will be
strategically located, visibly marked and accessible to persons with
All enclosed parking garages with three (3) or more floors shall
provide escort service for all customers who request the service. Escort
service shall be available during all hours of operation, by an
employee readily identifiable as a representative of the garage.
All enclosed parking garages which provide escort service shall post a
sign at all entrances clearly defining the service. A patron should wait
no longer than fifteen (15) minutes for an escort.
Every operator shall post and maintain, in a conspicuous place at each
entrance to each parking place, a sign showing the schedule of rates to
be charged on an hourly, daily, Sunday, holiday, event and special
basis and weekly, monthly and yearly leases, which corresponds to
those rates stated in the operator's application; the operator's name and
address, and the City license registration number all printed in letters
three (3) inches high with half inch strokes as to be readily readable by
prospective patrons.
Once the operator posts a new schedule of rates,
the operator must file a supplement to the license application within
ten (10) business days to PLI.
Every commercial place in excess of fifty (50) cars which does not
have attendant parking shall have one (1) parking space designated as
"Parking for Persons with Disabilities," and for each 100 parking
spaces over fifty (50), there shall be an additional parking space for
persons with disabilities. Each parking space for persons with
disabilities shall be seventeen (17) by seventeen (17) by nineteen and
one-half (19½ or 19.5) feet and shall be located in the commercial
parking place in areas that are most accessible to garage entrances and
exits that serve persons with disabilities.
H. Restrictions:
o. For the purposes of this provision, a parking lot may be operated for
the benefit of more than one (1) employer so long as spaces are not
offered to nonemployees of those employers. In order for lots operated
solely for the benefit of an employer or employers to qualify for the
exemption under this provision, all employers affected shall execute a
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
form to be provided by the License Officer acknowledging that they
are aware that their employees shall not be afforded the protections
guaranteed by this Chapter and they agree that the protection of their
employees in the employee lots is a matter which shall be determined
between them and the operators of the lots.
p. No operator shall permit any motor vehicle brought to any commercial
parking place or any parking lot to be parked on a street or sidewalk.
q. No operator shall permit any merchant or vendor to use a commercial
parking lot to distribute or sell any goods, service, or merchandise.
r. No operator shall allow any revenue control equipment required by
this Chapter to be disabled or rendered inoperable entirely or in part by
any switch, button, or other means. In the event that any revenue
control equipment becomes disabled or inoperable entirely or in part,
the operator shall immediately take action to have such equipment
repaired and shall immediately notify the License Officer of the
location of the equipment, date and time that the equipment
malfunction began, the nature of the malfunction, and the action taken
to effect its repair. Upon completion of the repairs to the equipment,
the operator shall immediately notify the License Officer of the date
and time that the equipment was restored to full operation.
s. No operator shall exceed the capacity of a commercial parking lot as
stated on the license application.
I. Additional Employee License Count Required: No additional employee
license count is required.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
10. Peddler Licensing
A. Applicability: This section applies to licenses issued to peddlers selling
within the City of Pittsburgh (PCC § 719).
A peddler is defined as any person, whether a resident of the City of
Pittsburgh or not, traveling by foot from place to place, from house to house,
or from street to street, carrying on their person or by push-cart or wagon
goods, wares, merchandise, products, and/or provisions, offering and
exposing the same for sale, or making sales and delivering articles to
B. Fees: Peddler license fees are established per the PLI fee schedule. Peddler
licenses are subject to late fees per Rule VII(1)(B) and to additional employee
fee per vendor employee.
t. Fees due to license amendments: Licensees shall be required to pay
additional funds for an increase in vendor employees during the
license period.
C. Exemptions: Except for the insurance requirements (Rule IV(6)), peddler
licensees must conform to the minimum qualifications of all applicants (Rule
I. Expiration: Peddler licenses expire 365 days from the license start date.
J. Application Requirements: Except for insurance requirements (Rule
VI(1)(B)), peddler applicants and licensees must conform to the minimum
qualifications of all applicants. In addition, applicants must provide the
following upon application:
a. If an employee of a company, a letter from employer on company
letterhead confirming employment must be provided; and
b. If vending any food, a copy of the ACHD Certificate (see Appendix
1). Due to ACHD Food Safety Rules and Regulations, PLI makes no
guarantees that Peddlers will be able to secure a certificate for
Peddling food items. PLI will defer to ACHD decisions regarding food
safety compliance and food permit issuance.
K. Inspections: Unless otherwise exempted herein, PLI shall inspect to ensure
compliance of licensed activity. This applies to both new and renewed
licenses (Rule II(7)).
L. Requirements During License Period: In addition to maintaining the
aforementioned minimum qualifications, any and all licensed peddlers shall
not remain more than fifteen (15) minutes in a single location. Upon the
expiration of the fifteen (15) minutes, the peddler must begin moving to a
location at least 250 feet from the first location.
M. Restrictions: No peddler shall:
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
a. Be permitted to operate in residential districts between the hours of 8
p.m. to 8 a.m., unless otherwise allowed through a permitted event.
b. Be permitted to operate in commercial districts between the hours of
12:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m.
c. Without the written permission of the event organizers, be permitted to
operate within 100 feet of a City of Pittsburgh permitted special event,
as enforced by Special Events.
d. Whether licensed or not, no peddler shall use any public place to sell
wares or do anything else in any way(s) that obstruct(s), interfere(s)
with, or prevent(s) the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic in the
Central Business District, except during the hours of a City of
Pittsburgh permitted special event; and, unless they have approval
through agreement with the appropriate Authority or its designated
management company, no peddler shall operate on any public right-of-
way within the boundaries set forth in Appendix 2 below or within any
property owned by the Sports and Exhibition Authority of Pittsburgh
and Allegheny County for the operation and management of Heinz
Field, PNC Park, the Mellon Arena and the David L. Lawrence
Convention Center and of any other property used by professional
sports franchises in which the Sports and Exhibition Authority of the
City of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County has a financial or proprietary
interest, and/or within the boundaries set forth in Appendix 2 below of
the property owned and operated by the University of Pittsburgh
known as the John M. & Gertrude E. Peterson Event Center and
property owned and operated by Duquesne University known as the
A.J. Palumbo Center.
e. Community groups, and charitable organizations may vend on the public right-
of-way during the hours and within the perimeters of a permitted special event
with the approval of the appropriate City of Pittsburgh departments and
personnel including the Department of Permits Licenses and Inspections and the
special events coordinator of the City of Pittsburgh.
N. Additional Employee License Count required: No additional employee
license count is required. Each individual person/employee is an individual
peddler who must have their own peddler’s license.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
11. Secondhand Dealer Licensing
A. Applicability: This section applies to license(s) provided to re-sell goods
second-hand with a valid Certificate of Occupancy for a retail use (PCC §
Secondhand Dealers: Any person who either wholly or partly engages or
operates the trade or business of the buying and selling of any articles or
goods that are purchased, salvaged or received from any person such as
antiques, precious stones, metals and jewelry, tools, electrical devices,
fixtures, appliances, second hand cars, automobile accessories or tires,
household goods, firearms and bric-a-brac.
Pawn Broker:Pawn broker” is defined as any person who1) engages in the
business of lending money on the deposit or pledge of personal property, other
than choses in action, securities or written evidence of indebtedness; 2)
purchases personal property with an express or implied agreement or
understanding to sell it back at a subsequent time at a stipulated price; and/or
3) lends money upon goods, wares or merchandise pledged, stored or
deposited as collateral security.
Pledge: “Pledge” is defined as article(s) deposited with a pawnbroker in the
course of his or her business as security for a loan.
Pledger: Pledger is defined as the person who obtains a loan from a
pawnbroker and delivers a pledge into the possession of a pawnbroker, unless
the person discloses that he or she is or was acting or another, in which case a
"pledger" means the disclosed principal.
B. Exemptions: None.
C. Fees: Secondhand dealer license fee(s) are established per the PLI fee
schedule. Secondhand dealer licenses are subject to late fees per Rule
VII(1)(B) and to the additional employee fee per vendor employee.
D. Expiration: Secondhand dealer licenses expire 365 days from license start
E. Application Requirements: Secondhand Dealer License applicants and
licensees must conform to the minimum qualification of all applicants (Rule
VII(1)(a)). In addition, applicants must provide the following upon
a. Valid certificate of occupancy;
b. ePatch criminal record check (see Appendix 1);
c. If selling jewelry, the applicant/licensee must also obtain a Precious
Metal License through Allegheny County (see Appendix 1); and
d. If the applicant/licensee gives loans in exchange for merchandise and
charges interest, the applicant/licensee must provide a Pennsylvania
Department of Banking and Securities license.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
F. Inspections: PLI shall inspect to ensure compliance of licensed activity (Rule
II(7)). This applies to both new and renewed licenses. The City of Pittsburgh
Bureau of Police will conduct inspections as required.
G. Requirements During License Period: In addition to maintaining the
aforementioned minimum requirements, all secondhand dealer licensees must
conform to the following provisions:
a. Each Licensee shall keep a book at the time of acquiring articles in the
course of business containing a full and accurate description of any
article(s) purchased and the name and address of any person buying or
selling any article(s).
b. Each pawnbroker shall keep a book legibly written in the English
language recording a full and accurate description of any article(s)
purchased or pledged, the time of purchase or pledge, the time that the
purchase or pledge is to be redeemed, and the amount of money lent or
c. All dealers, pawnbrokers, and junk dealers shall furnish the book
described above for the previous business week to the Superintendent
of Police by 12:00 p.m. Monday.
d. All Licensees shall keep and retain on their premises all articles and/or
junk in the original form, shape or condition in which they were
received for a minimum period of forty-eight (48) hours after receipt.
H. Restrictions: No licensee shall:
a. Sell or dispose of antiques, precious stones, jewelry, watches, old gold,
platinum, silver or other precious metals, or similar items within thirty
(30) days of purchase;
b. Sell or dispose of any other items within seven (7) days after purchase;
c. Purchase any item from anyone under eighteen (18) years of age, an
intoxicated person, or a known thief; and/or
d. Transact any business between 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
I. Additional Employee License Count Required: No additional employee
license count is required.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
12. Sign Maintenance Certification Licensing
This section applies to license(s) required for
any owner or
user of any sign requiring a permit when erected and located within the
jurisdiction of the City of Pittsburgh
(PCC §§ 1004.02, 103.5.1).
The owner or user of any sign in the City of Pittsburgh must complete a Sign
Maintenance Certificate application and, unless the sign is completely
removed, provide payment upon issuance of a sign Certificate of Occupancy
and then annually for maintenance and inspection.
Signs that satisfy the general provisions of the PCC that do not exceed four (4)
square feet in face area are exempt from the provisions of these rules and
Sign maintenance certification license fee(s) are established per the fee
schedule. Sign maintenance certification licenses are subject to late fees per
Rule VII(1)(d).
Fees due to Amendments:
Licensees shall be required to pay any
additional funds for any increase in signs associated with the license
during the license period. There shall be no prorated fee for signs
added during the license period. Payment should be made upon
Sign maintenance certification licenses expire 365 days from
license start date.
Application Requirements:
Except for insurance (Rule VI(1)(B)) and tax ID
requirements (Rule VI(1)(C)), sign certification licensees must conform to the
minimum qualifications of all applicants (Rule VI(1)(A)).In addition,
applicants must provide the following upon application:
A completed Certificate of Occupancy for sign(s); and
Picture(s) of Sign(s) as reflected in the connected Certificate of
Occupancy as seen from the street.
F. Inspections: Unless otherwise exempted herein, PLI shall inspect to ensure
compliance of licensed activity (Rule II(7)). This applies to both new and
renewed licenses.
G. Requirements During the License Period: None in addition to maintaining
the aforementioned minimum requirements.
H. Restrictions:
a. Multiple signs at the same location on the same Certificate of
Occupancy may be listed on the same certificate.
b. If the signs are still erected, even if the business moves/has moved, all
signs require a yearly fee.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
13. Stationary Vendor Licensing
A. Applicability: This section applies only to licenses issued to stationary
vehicle vendors situated on one of the approved public property locations,
known as approved vending sites; such vendors must be licensed. Any vendor
on private property is not regulated by this section, but must contact the
Department of City Planning, Zoning Division, for a list of requirements.
(PCC § 719).
A stationary vendor is any person who sells or offers for sale goods, wares,
merchandise, food, or provisions from an approved vending unit at a fixed,
pre-approved location.
A Vending Unit is a motor vehicle, cart, or other structure that conforms to the
unit size requirements as defined in the PCC and these Rules and Regulations.
Other structures may include, but are not limited to, a small structure or stand
in a public area with one or more open sides used to vend.
B. Exemptions: Neither a vending permit nor occupancy permit is required to
vend wares where vending units are located in the Strip District neighborhood
of the City of Pittsburgh. Vendors that fall under this exception must seek
written permission from the building and/or property owner to use a
specific/pre-determined area for vending.
C. Fees: Stationary vendor license fees are established per the PLI fee schedule.
Stationary vendor licenses are subject to late fees per Rule VII(1)(B) and to
additional employee fees per vendor employee.
a. Fees due to license amendments: Licensees shall be required to pay
any additional amounts for any and all increases in vendor employees
during the license period.
D. Expiration: Stationary vender licenses expire 365 days from the license start
E. Application Requirements: Stationary vendor licensees must conform to the
minimum qualifications of all applicants (Rule VII(1)(A)). In addition,
applicants must provide the following upon application:
a. One (1) colored picture of the vending unit or sketch design of vending
unit that includes the vending unit’s measurements.
b. Select a pre-approved site from the pre-approved site list or nominate a
new site.
c. Valid general liability insurance, per Rule IV(6)(C)).
d. Valid Allegheny County Health Dept. License number, if vending
food (Appendix 1).
e. Valid vehicle registration, if required.
f. Additional Employee License requirements, if applicable.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
g. Workers’ Compensation Insurance, if applicable.
h. Copy of Registration letter if vending in Downtown or Oakland.
F. Inspections: Unless otherwise exempted herein, PLI shall inspect to ensure
compliance of licensed activity. This applies to both new and renewed
licenses (Rule II (7)). In addition, DOMI will inspect the vending site on the
first day of business to ensure compliance with right-of-way regulations.
G. Requirements During License Period: In addition to maintaining the
aforementioned minimum qualifications, all licensed stationary vendors must
conform to the following provisions:
a. The size of the vending unit shall not be larger than eleven (11) feet
high, twenty-four (24) feet long, and eight (8) feet wide. DOMI may
provide an exception to cart constraints upon written request.
b. Maintain valid vehicle registration where the vending unit used to
carry on business is a vehicle.
c. Any signs are regulated by current Zoning code ordinances.
d. If the vendor is selling a product that generates trash, the vendor must
have with them a metal or rigid plastic trash container with a thirty
gallon combined minimum capacity. In addition, vendors must
maintain and keep clean a twenty-five (25) foot perimeter surrounding
the designated location of the vending unit or vehicle.
H. Restrictions: No stationary vendor shall
a. Operate in residential districts.
b. Operate in commercial districts between 12:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m.
c. Operate within 100 feet of a City of Pittsburgh permitted special event,
except parades. This includes previously approved vending sites.
d. Produce loud noises.
e. Take part in vending activity within 100 feet of any business that sells
similar items unless permission from business owner has been granted.
f. Dispose of any debris or waste products generated from the operation
of their business into City owned and maintained trash receptacles.
g. Unless approved through agreement with the appropriate Authority or
its designated management company, no vending activity will be
permitted on any public right-of-way within the boundaries set forth in
Appendix 2 below or within any property owned by the Sports and
Exhibition Authority of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County for the
operation and management of Heinz Field, PNC Park, the PPG Paints
Arena, and the David L. Lawrence Convention Center or on any other
property used by professional sports franchises in which the Sports and
Exhibition Authority of the City of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
has a financial or proprietary interest; and on property owned and
operated by the University of Pittsburgh known as the John M. &
Gertrude E. Peterson Event Center; and property owned and operated
by Duquesne University known as A.J. Palumbo Center.
I. Additional Employee License Count Required: Licenses must be amended
to add new/additional employees during the licensed period. Refunds are not
provided for the reduction of employees.
J. Vending Site Nomination: Prior to issuance of a license by PLI and in
accordance with Resolution number 756 of 2000, all stationary vending sites
must be approved by the Pittsburgh City Council.
a. To nominate a site:
i. Fill out the site nomination form.
ii. The Site Designation Committee will review and submit the
form to City Council for approval or denial.
iii. If the site is approved, an application for a particular site may
be submitted to the vending site committee.
b. If any vending locations are located within the areas listed below, you
must contact the organization listed. The organization may require the
applicant to submit an approval letter to PLI or pay membership fees.
i. Downtown and Market Square:
Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership, 412-566-4190
Hours 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
ii. Oakland:
Oakland Business Improvement District, 412-683-6243
Hours 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
iii. Strip District –Vendors must obtain written permission from
the building and/or property owner to use a
specific/predetermined area for your table(s), vending unit or
food cart. The building and/or property owner may charge a
fee for your vending on their property.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
15. Trade Fairs Licensing
A. Applicability: This section applies to license(s) issued to any person or
business conducting a trade fair within the jurisdiction of the City of
Pittsburgh (PCC § 723); such person(s)/business(es) must be licensed.
A trade fair is defined as any event in which ten or more merchants assemble
to sell goods or services.
B. Exemptions: Events in which there are no direct sales to wholesale or retail
dealers are exempt from the provisions of these Rules and Regulations.
C. Fees: Trade fair license fees are established per the fee schedule.
D. Expiration: A trade fair license is valid only for the duration of the trade fair.
E. Application Requirements: Unless otherwise exempted in this section,
Applicants must conform to the minimum qualification of all applicants (Rule
VII(1)(A)). In addition, applicants must provide the following upon
a. Valid certificate of occupancy;
b. If selling jewelry, the licensee must also obtain a Precious Metal
License through Allegheny County (see Appendix 1); and
c. Lease or legal agreement for trade fair event to occupy a location.
F. Inspections: Unless otherwise exempted herein, PLI shall inspect to ensure
compliance of the licensed activity. This applies to both new and renewed
licenses (Rule II(7)).
G. Requirements During the License Period: None in addition to maintaining
the aforementioned minimum requirements.
H. Restrictions: Application shall be filed at least two (2) weeks prior to the
opening of the trade fair.
I. Additional Employee License Count Required: No additional employee
license count is required.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
16. Transient Merchant Licensing
A. Applicability: This section applies to license(s) required for all transient
merchants located within the jurisdiction of the City of Pittsburgh (PCC §
A transient merchant is defined as any individual who occupies a room,
apartment, store, shop or building to sell goods for no more than 100 days.
B. Exemptions: None.
C. Fees: Transient merchant license fee(s) are established per the PLI fee
schedule. Transient merchant licenses are not subject to late fees.
D. Expiration: Transient merchant licenses are valid for the duration of the
licensed activity. The license period may not extend past 100 days.
E. Application Requirements: Unless otherwise exempted in this section,
applicants must conform to the minimum qualification of all applicants (Rule
VII(1)(A)). In addition, applicants must provide the following upon
a. Valid certificate of occupancy; and
b. If selling jewelry, the licensee must also obtain a Precious Metal
License through Allegheny County.
F. Inspections: Unless otherwise exempted herein, PLI shall inspect to ensure
compliance of licensed activity. This applies to both new and renewed
licenses (Rule II(7)).
G. Requirements During License Period: In addition to maintaining the
aforementioned minimum requirements, all transient merchant licensees must
conform to the following provisions:
a. If selling jewelry, the licensee must also maintain a Precious Metal
License through Allegheny County for the duration of the license
period (see Appendix 1).
H. Restrictions: None.
I. Additional Employee License Count Required: No additional employee
license count is required.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
17. Ticket Reselling Licensing
A. Applicability: This license is issued to peddlers selling tickets to events
within the City of Pittsburgh (PCC § 726).
A ticket reseller is defined as a person who resells tickets for sporting and
cultural events located at PNC Park, PPG Paints Arena, or Heinz Field.
B. Fees: Ticket reselling license fees are established per the fee schedule. Ticket
reselling licenses are not subject to late fees.
C. Exemptions: Except for the insurance requirements (Rule IV(6)), ticket
reselling licensees must conform to the minimum qualifications of all
applicants (Rule VII(1)(A)).
D. Expiration: Ticket reselling licenses expire 365 days from the license start
E. Application Requirements: Applicants must conform to the minimum
qualifications of all applicants (Rule VII(1)(A)).
F. Inspections: Unless otherwise exempted herein, PLI shall inspect to ensure
compliance of licensed activity. This applies to both new and renewed
licenses (Rule II(7)).
G. Requirements During License Period: In addition to maintaining the
aforementioned minimum requirements, all ticket reselling licensees must
carry the license and their valid government identification at all times while
engaging in the business of ticket sales and shall, if requested to do so by a
law enforcement officer or City official, permit said individual to examine and
review the license. Each refusal to permit a law enforcement officer or City
official to examine and review the license shall constitute a separate offense.
Each day's operation of such business without a license shall constitute a
separate offense.
H. Restrictions:
a. A person may not sell or offer for sale any ticket for admission to any
event at Heinz Field or PNC Park on a public street, sidewalk, public
right-of-way, or any other City or publicly owned property, except in
the Reselling Zone created in Section 726.06 of the PCC, without first
obtaining a license from PLI.
b. Except for the Reselling Zone created in Section 726.06 of the PCC,
tickets may not be offered for sale or sold within the area described in
the map referred to in Section 726.06 of the PCC.
c. Tickets may not be offered for sale or sold on sidewalks where passage
is restricted by construction.
d. Tickets may not be offered for sale or sold within fifteen (15) feet of a
bus stop marked by appropriate signage.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
e. Tickets may be offered for sale or sold only from a public sidewalk,
except sales to or from a passenger vehicle, provided that neither buyer
nor seller is in violation of any statute, ordinance or regulation relating
to traffic and operation of a motor vehicle in any public right-of-way.
f. Tickets may not be offered for sale to or be sold to occupants of
vehicles in traffic.
g. Tickets may not be offered for sale or sold in any manner that:
iii. blocks, obstructs or restricts the passage of pedestrians or
vehicles in the lawful use of the sidewalks, streets, highways or
other public rights-of-way, or the ingress or egress to or from
an abutting property, and/or
iv. interferes with the operation of any display stand of a person
licensed as a vendor (PCC § 719).
h. Ticket sellers shall not use a display stand, table, booth, chair or sign
other than a hand-held sign for the sale or offering for sale of tickets.
i. The Reselling Zone shall be located at the northeastern corner of
Dorsett Way and North Shore Drive and consist of an area
approximately twenty-three (23) feet by thirty (30) feet. The Reselling
Zone shall be identified by appropriate signage. For the protection of
the public, at the Reselling Zone, there may also be displayed signage
that contains information including but not necessarily limited to the
validity of tickets and the maximum price at which tickets may be
sold. Placement and size of signage shall be subject to the approval of
the Zoning Administrator in accordance with the applicable provisions
of Title Ten of the PCC.
I. Additional Employee License Count required: No additional employee
license count is required. Each individual person/employee is an individual
ticket reseller who must have their own ticket reseller’s license.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
VIII. Appendices
1. Required Documents List
A. Affordable Housing Certificate: A document recognizing the location as an approved
affordable housing location.
B. Allegheny County Health Department Certificate: A document that confirms that the
business has authorization from the Allegheny County Health Department (“ACHD) to
serve food. The expiration date must be after the date of license activity start date. ACHD
can be reached at (412)-687-2243.
C. Certificate of Occupancy: Certificate of Occupancy document issued by the City of
Pittsburgh for the address where the licensed activity will occur. New Certificates of
Occupancy can be obtained through a two-step process that requires review and approval
first by the Department of City Planning, Zoning Division and then by PLI. A search tool
for Certificates of Occupancy can be found at
http://pittsburghpa.gov/pli/occupancy/index.html. Contact [email protected]
for more information or if you cannot find a Certificate of Occupancy on our search
D. City of Pittsburgh Tax Compliance: A letter or notice from the Department of Finance
providing a tax ID to any legal entity in the City of Pittsburgh doing business. The Tax
Compliance letter states that the applicant legal entity is current and in compliance with
all applicable tax obligations to the City of Pittsburgh. The tax compliance letter must
have been generated within the past twelve months to be accepted by PLI.
E. Continuing Education Credits: Documentation issued by the educational provider
showing continuing education credits.
F. Documentation Regarding Experience: For new trade license applicants, work
experience must be accompanied with a resume and references of relevant job experience
and contact information for references provided, and/or a statement from an employer or
City licensed trade-person attesting to the applicant’s years of experience. Self-employed
applicants must provide proof of experience in the form of a notarized statement attesting
the number of years of experience.
G. Employer Letter Authorizing Employee: A letter stating the applicant is authorized to
do work on behalf of the business identified as the legal entity.
H. ePatch Criminal Record Check: Verification of completed Pennsylvania Criminal
Background Check. For more information about obtaining this document, please
visit https://epatch.state.pa.us/.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
I. General Liability Insurance: A Certificate of Insurance showing general liability
coverage for the applicant at the location where licensed activity will take place, and
listing the City of Pittsburgh as the certificate holder and additionally insured. The
insurance expiration date must be at least 30-days after the date of licensed activity start
date. If not, please provide a documentation from your insurer showing intent to extend
coverage and list the expiration date as thirty-one (31)days after the licensed activity start
J. Government Issued Photo ID: Current and valid government-issued photo
identification, such as a non-expired Driver’s License or Passport. This is used as proof
that the applicant is at least 18 years or older.
K. Lease or Legal Agreement: A lease or legal agreement regarding the licensee’s right to
occupy a location.
L. NIULPE Certification: Certification from the National Institute for the Uniform
Licensing of Power Engineers, Inc. showing completion of any power engineer
M. PA Department of Banking & Securities License: If the applicant's business provides
loans in exchange for merchandise and charges interest, the applicant must provide a
Pennsylvania Department of Banking and Securities license.
N. Picture of Mechanical Device: A picture of the mechanical device(s) located at the
place of business.
O. Picture of Sign: A picture of the installed, approved sign. All signs must conform to the
City of Pittsburgh zoning and building provisions. The sign displayed must match the
valid Certificate of Occupancy issued. Any changes to any sign(s) must be approved by
the Department of City Planning, Zoning Division.
P. Precious Metals License: A license issued by the Allegheny County Sheriff's Office that
permits the owner to sell precious metals license. The expiration date must be after the
license activity start-date. For further information about the Precious Metal License,
contact (412)-350-4714.
Q. Proof of Passing Test Results to Selected Trade: Documented, written proof of passing
the ICC exam relevant to the Trade License application.
R. Sketch or Plot Drawing: A document that contains a sketch or plot showing the details
of the lot. For closed lots, this should also include the details of the building and a written
description of the number of uniformed security you will be using.
S. Temporary Certificate of Occupancy: Temporary Certificate of Occupancy document
issued by the City of Pittsburgh for the address where the licensed activity will occur.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
T. Trade Fair Agreement: Documentation from the owner of the space where the trade fair
will be held authorizing the applicant to occupy the site for said trade fair.
U. Vehicle Registration: The document issued by the State of Pennsylvania that shows the
vehicle as currently registered. The expiration date must be after the date of license
V. Vending Unit Photo: Three photos which show the Front, Side and Interior of the truck
or unit.
W. Vendor List: List of Vendors participating in a Trade Fair.
X. Worker’s Compensation Insurance: A Certificate of Insurance showing Worker's
Compensation coverage for the applicant business and listing the City of Pittsburgh as the
certificate holder. If the business does not have any employees, then upload a notarized
statement attesting that there are no employees.
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
2. Prohibited Peddler and Special Permission Vendor Locations
Northern boundary - Reedsdale Street
Southern boundary - North Shore Drive
Eastern boundary - Art Rooney Avenue
Western boundary - Allegheny Avenue
Northern boundary - General Robinson Boulevard
Southern boundary - Allegheny River
Eastern boundary - 6
Street/Federal Street
Western boundary - Mazeroski Way
3. MAP 3PPG Paints Arena:
Northern boundary - Bedford Avenue
Southern boundary - Centre Avenue
Eastern boundary - Mario Lemieux Place
Western boundary - Washington Place
Northern boundary - Allegheny River
Southern boundary - Penn Avenue
Eastern boundary - 11
Western boundary - 9
Northern boundary - Univ. of Pittsburgh Property Line
Southern boundary - Terrace Street
Eastern boundary - Univ. of Pittsburgh Property Line
Western boundary - Sutherland Street
Northern boundary - Forbes Avenue
Southern boundary - Duquesne Univ. Property Line
Eastern boundary - Stevenson Street
Western boundary - Duquesne Univ. Property Line
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
3. Tag Day Letter Example
Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections PLIAppTech@pittsburghpa.gov
City of Pittsburgh 412-255-2175
200 Ross Street, Suite 320, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
4. Workers’ Compensation Exemption Affidavit
Workers’ Compensation Exemption Affidavit
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
County of ______________________
I affirm, under penalty of perjury, that no individuals will be employed to perform work pursuant
to any building permit issued by the City of Pittsburgh, Department of Permits, Licenses, and
Inspections, in accordance with Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1993 Act 44 – Workman’s
Compensation Act, Section 302.
____________________________________ ______________________________
Printed Name Applicant Signature
____________________________________ ______________________________
Street Address Today’s Date
_______________________________ _________________________
City, State, Zip City Contractor License
Phone Number