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Prepared by Mass General Brigham Risk and Insurance Services
This document expires on12/31/2024
Insurance Obligations of Business (hereinafter referred to as “Insurance Obligations-Business”).
A. Business agrees to and shall have and maintain insurance policiesincluding, among others, the following
insurance policiesin full force and effect, covering Business applicable world-wide insurable risks, interests, claims,
and losses occurring at any time in connection with this Agreement of which Mass General Brigham Incorporated
(“MGBI”) and/or any entity of MGBI (collectively herein, “Customer”) is a party. The insurance limits indicated herein
may be achieved by primary-insurance policies alone or in combination with excess-insurance policies and/or
umbrella-insurance policies. Insurance limits and other monetary amounts herein are shown in Millions (herein, “M”) of
US dollars. “Services” herein refer to services and/or products that the Business is providing in connection with this
1. Workers’ compensation (“WC”) insurance in compliance with applicable statutes of the states and other
jurisdictions in which work (including Services) in connection with this Agreement will be performed by
Business’ employees.
2. Employer’s liability (“EL”) insurance with a limit of not less than $1M per employee bodily injury, illness,
or death, from any accident or disease, and with a policy limit of not less than $1M.
3. Commercial general-liability (“CGL”) insurance with limits of not less than $1M per claim or occurrence,
and $3M annual aggregate, covering Business’ CGL risks and losses in connection with Business’ premises
liability, operations-in-progress liability, products liability and completed-operations liability, bodily-injury
liability, property-damage liability, fire legal liability, advertising and personal-injury liability, and contractual
liability. If payments to Business under this Agreement will exceed $1M annually, Business shall have limits of
not less than $3M per claim or occurrence and $6M annual aggregate. Such insurance shall include coverage
for sexual misconduct liability. If Business has separate products-liability insurance, products liability
(“PDL”) insurance providing limits as indicated for the CGL insurance herein.
The following insurance obligations of this section A of the Insurance Obligations-Business shall apply only if
the Business presents the indicated risks in connection with this Agreement.
4. If Business in its performance of Services in connection with this Agreement will provide the Customer with
any of the following services , contractor’s pollution liability (“CPL”) insurance with limits of not less than
$10M per claim or occurrence, and $10M annual aggregate: Mitigation of environmental conditions and/or
environmental hazards; waste collection, waste storage, waste transport, and/or waste disposal services
(which may include any form of wastes and/or environmental hazards such as chemicals, medical wastes,
laboratory wastes, construction or demolition debris, and petroleum products); and/or construction-related
services such as construction operations, construction-site environmental testing, mitigation of environmental
conditions and/or environmental hazards, demolition, site preparation, site cleanup, and/or waste-transport
and/or disposal services.
5. If Business in its performance of Services in connection with this Agreement will provide the Customer with
any form of professional Services (which may include medical-professional Services) that requires state
licensure, applicable professional-liability (“PL”) insurance. Such insurance shall cover Business for its
wrongful acts and omissions in its performance of professional Services under this Agreement and shall have
limits of not less than $1M per claim or occurrence, and $3M annual aggregate. If payments to Business under
this Agreement will exceed $1M annually, Business shall have limits of not less than $2M per claim or
occurrence and $4M annual aggregate. Business shall ensure that everyone performing professional Services
on behalf of the Business has appropriate professional liability insurance with limits of not less than $1M per
claim or occurrence and $3M annual aggregate.
6. If Business in its performance of Services in connection with this Agreement will provide the Customer with
any form of management Services and/or management consulting-and-advisory Services, applicable
professional errors-and-omissions liability (“E&O”) liability insurance. Such insurance shall cover
Business and its employees and agents for their wrongful acts and omissions in its performance of
professional Services under this Agreement and shall have limits of not less than $1M per claim or occurrence,
and $1M annual aggregate.
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Prepared by Mass General Brigham Risk and Insurance Services
This document expires on12/31/2024
7. If Business in its performance of Services in connection with this Agreement will collect, maintain, store,
transmit, have access to (which may include access to information systems), and/or conduct similar activities
or Services involving personally identifiable information (e.g., credit-card, debit-card, and/or health-insurance-
card information) and/or protected health information of patients, employees, customers, or other individuals of
the Customer, information-security (“IS”) insurance (which is also known as network security
insurance), which includes coverage for business-interruption losses and cyber-extortion (including cyber-
terrorism and/or ransomware) costs, and privacy-breach liability (“PBL”) insurance with limits of not less
than $5M per loss event, and $5M annual aggregate. The PBL insurance shall include coverages for all of the
following foreseeable PBL losses; such as, third-party PBL claims and lawsuits, regulatory fines and penalties
(e.g., OCR, GDPR), defense costs, notification and response costs, and credit-monitoring costs. This IS and/or
PBL insurance herein may be provided under an insurance program that is commonly referred to as “cyber”
8. If Business in its performance of Services in connection with this Agreement will provide the Customer with
information-technology Services, information technology errors-and-omissions (“IT E&O”) liability
insurance with limits of not less than $5M per claim or occurrence, and $5M annual aggregate. This insurance
herein may be provided under an insurance program that is commonly referred to as “cyber” insurance.
9. If Business in its performance of Services in connection with this Agreement will operate automobiles,
commercial automobile-liability (“CAL”) insurance covering Business for its operation of automobilesof
symbol 1 or of symbols 7, 8, and 9in compliance with applicable statutes of the states of the autos’
registrations, with a combined single limit of not less than $1M for each accident. However, if the Business, in
its performance of Services in connection with this Agreement will provide the Customer with transportation of
people Services, the combined single limit shall be not less than $20M for each accident.
10. If Business, in its performance of Services in connection with this Agreement, will provide the Customer
with valet Services and/or parking-operations Services, garage keeper’s legal liability (“GKLL”) insurance
with a limit of not less than $10M per claim or occurrence and annual aggregate.
11. If Business in its performance of Services in connection with this Agreement, will provide the Customer
with charted-aviation Services, and/or medical-transport-aviation Services, and/or aviation-drone related
services on behalf of the Customer, aviation liability (“AVL”) insurance with a limit of not less than $20M
per claim or occurrence and annual aggregate.
12. If Business in its performance of Services in connection with this Agreement, will provide the Customer
with any form of child-care services, which may include child-daycare services, on behalf of the Customer,
child-care liability (“CCL”) or child day-care-liability (“CDCL”) insurance with limits of not less than $15M
per occurrence or claim and annual aggregate. Such insurance shall include coverage for sexual misconduct
13. If Business in its performance of Services in connection with this Agreement will sell, serve, or deliver
consumable alcohol products (such as liquor, beer, and wine), liquor-liability insurance (“LL”) insurance
with limits of not less than $10M per occurrence or claim and annual aggregate.
14. If Business in connection with this Agreement will provide and/or administer product(s) to be studied in a
clinical trial in connection with this Agreement, applicable clinical-trials-liability (“CTL”) insurance with limits
of not less than $10M per claim or occurrence, and $10M annual aggregate.
15. If Business in its performance of Services in connection with this Agreement will provide the Customer with
gardening, lawncare, landscaping, and/or similar services that involves the application of herbicides and/or
pesticides to the leased and/or owned premises of the Customer, pesticide and herbicide liability (“PHL”)
insurance with limits of not less than $1M per claim or occurrence, and $3M annual aggregate.
B. The CGL insurance--and, if applicable, the PDL, CAL, CPL, LL, PBL, GKLL, AVL, CCL/CDCL, PHL, and CTL
insurance--and any applicable excess-liability and umbrella-liability insurance shall name the following as additional
insureds, covering their liabilities to the extent caused, in whole or part, directly or indirectly, by the Business, its
related entities, and/or their employees and agents: Customer, its current and future related entities, and their lenders,
members, trustees, shareholders, directors, officers, employees, independent contractors, volunteers, students,
successors, and other agents (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Additional Insureds-Business”). Insurance
policies providing such additional-insured status shall (a.) provide waivers of rights of subrogation in favor of the
Additional Insureds-Business and (b.), at the discretion of the Additional Insureds-Business at the time of a covered
loss, be primary and non-contributory to any insurance maintained by the Additional Insureds-Business.
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Prepared by Mass General Brigham Risk and Insurance Services
This document expires on12/31/2024
C. Insurance policies indicated within this Insurance Obligations-Business section of this Agreement shall comply as
1. Comply as indicated in section A of this Insurance Obligations-Business section of this Agreement.
2. Must remain, or through successive insurance policies and/or “tail” endorsements remain, in full force and
effect for the duration of this Agreement and until the expiration of the statute of limitations or statute of
repose, whichever is longer in duration, applying to each insured event, claim, and/or lawsuit thereof.
3. Must not be cancelled, non-renewed, or materially altered or reduced without at least thirty (30) days’ prior
written notification by the Business to the Customer.
4. All deductibles and/or retentions of insurance policies shall be the fiscal responsibility of the Business.
5. Business’ commercial insurers must have and maintain an AM Best financial-strength rating of not less than
A-minus, a financial-size rating of not less than VII or maintain ratings otherwise acceptable to the Customer.
6. Limits of liability insurance indicated herein are minimum requirements for total limits; however, any
available higher limits of the insurance policy(ies) herein that are in place and that apply to an insured loss
shall apply, prevail, and cover, if applicable, the Additional Insureds-Business.
D. As an alternative to using commercial insurance, Business may fulfill and satisfy its insurance obligations with an
alternative risk-financing (“ARF”) mechanism, such as captive-insurance, self-insurance, or self-funded programs that
are financially stable and viable as determined annually by a certified independent actuary. Correspondingly, any
reference to “insurance” within this Insurance Obligations-Business section of this Agreement shall include such ARF
E. At the Customer’s written request, Business shall furnish the Customer, at the inception of this Agreement and
anytime thereafter, evidence of compliance with the Business’ insurance obligations indicated in sections A through D
of this Insurance Obligations-Business section of this Agreement. Such evidence must be in a valid form such as a
valid certificate(s) of insurance and/or additional-insured endorsement(s).
F. Any limitation and/or waiver of liability anywhere within this Agreement shall not limit the extent of the Business’ and
its insurers’ liabilities that are insured by any insurance policy or alternative risk-financing mechanism indicated within
this Insurance Obligations-Business section of this Agreement and any related agreement(s). The insurance
obligations within this Insurance Obligations-Business section of this Agreement do not reduce the Business’
indemnification obligations within this Agreement.
G. If the Business will contractually engage with subcontractors (individuals and/or legal entities) to provide Services in
connection with this Agreement: The Business’s insurance within this Insurance Obligations-Business section of this
Agreement shall apply to such subcontractors. If the Business’s insurance within this Insurance Obligations-Business
section of this Agreement does not apply to such subcontractors, the Business shall contractually cause its
subcontractors who are organized as a legal entity (e.g., corporation, LLC, or PC) to comply with reasonably similar
insurance obligations as indicated for the Business within this Insurance Obligations-Business section of this