Love a Golden Rescue
Golden News
© Copyright 2020 by Love a Golden Rescue
Also available “on-line” in FULL COLOR at
Spring 2020 Volume 20 Issue 1
Volume 20h Issue 1 LOVE A GOLDEN RESCUE Page 1
Kris the Lucky Puppy
I was born where there were other moms and puppies. I was small when I was born, and my brothers and sisters took most of the food. I
just did not grow well. It turned out this was a lucky break for me. Because most people are not interested in buying the runt of the litter, my owner
was persuaded to let me go to Love a Golden Rescue so I could grow and get strong before I went to my forever home. In my foster home I would
get so tired and lay on my foster dad’s lap. They thought it was due to my size, that I just did not have any stamina. I would get these
funny feelings in my heart, but I couldn’t tell anyone.
On January 23, 2020, my body just had enough. I went into mild shock. I was very lethargic, depressed, I threw up, and had diar-
rhea (runny puppy poop is no fun, let me tell you). I drooled. My tummy hurt so much I was feeling terrible. I almost collapsed and
was very weak. I ate very little for a couple of days, and my foster mom knew this was not a good sign. She was on it like a tick grabs
onto an unprotected dog. I was taken to our vet, and all things pointed to me having a tummy issue. I had x-rays, fluids were
checked, blood work (that hurt a little), and they managed to get me stabilized… but not out of the woods.
It was decided I would be transferred to an emergency hospital, AVS. Off we went in the golden van. I was so tired. Once there, I
was again examined. (Did I look like a canine pincushion to them? Good grief!) I had something called an ultrasound of my tummy,
but there was nothing remarkable found. (Hey! That’s not right. I think I’m quite a remarkable puppy.) My heart rate when I arrived at AVS was 264,
which was very high, but they couldn’t figure out why my heart was racing. I was a puzzle.
I got to spend the night and was monitored. My temp was stable (Do you know where they insert the thermometer in dogs? I felt very
undignified each time they did it) as was my heart rate until 3.00 a.m., and then it spiked to 240. Now the focus was on my heart, so after a very
enjoyable night at AVS being loved on by the great staff, I was transferred to the cardiologist at VSS. Again, my foster mom had to go through the
whole long story about what was going on with me. I was still a puzzle. I was monitored during the night and nothing strange happened. It was
decided I would stay another night to see what would happen, and my heart did spike that night, up to 340. The cardiologist suspected I had some-
thing called an accessory pathway. As I understand it (‘cause I’ve heard my foster mom ask questions and talk about it as she took notes), this can
be caused by my heart not being developed correctly when I was in the womb.
A specialist was contacted. Did you know there are only two specialists in the US who are successful at doing the surgery I needed? Boy,
did I feel special. After the VSS vet consulted with the vet at Med Vet in Cincinnati, I was diagnosed with a suspected accessory pathway. Finally, we
had a plan. I was put on some medication to help me not have any more fluctuations and spent one more night being monitored on the new meds.
I was happy to finally come home to my foster home. No more thermometers rammed up my bum! I had to be by myself in the kitchen, to stay
calm, and I had to go out on a leash for potty breaks. I did get the hang of that, but initially I thought going potty on a leash was not for me.
Finally, the day for our trip to Cincinnati came. Road trip! I was to be admitted on Feb 6
with the procedure scheduled for the 7
. On the
morning of the 5
, we left early to beat the snow, but it rained most of the way. (Wow! Those two ladies can talk. Margie and my foster mom chatted
the whole way. There were times I would have liked for them to turn on the radio so I could listen to songs like “How Much is That Doggie in the Win-
dow?” or “Who Let the Dogs Out?” but no. It was spirited conversation and laughter the whole way.) Margie was a great driver and got us there safe-
ly after a very long car ride. We spent the night at a hotel, where everyone said I was so cute. (I am, of course, and I know it, but I love it when
people swarm around and admire me.) One problem: they put us on the 5
floor. I didn’t get the logic of that, I mean I’m a puppy, and I have to go
when I gotta go. In the morning, my foster mom had to carry me down the elevator so I wouldn’t pee on our journey down 5 flights. I loved the eleva-
tor and became a pro. (How many puppies get driven on a 6-hour trip and then get carried like he’s a prince and get whisked up and down in an
elevator every time he needs to go wee-wee? I felt really special.)
On the day of my appointment, we arrived at Med Vet and met Dr Wright, who I really liked. (Dr. Wright was the right
doctor for me. You get it? Well, it was funnier when I made it up in my furry noggin.) She explained the procedure to my peo-
ple. My heart was going to be mapped out to find the problem area. This all sounded complicated, but once she found the
problematic parts, I would be fixed. It was much better for me to have the problems on the right side of my heart, which is most
There was a whole team available. Team Kris! Did I feel important! Of course, these Cincinnati people recognized
how cute I was--just like the humans in St. Louis--so I got more spoiling at yet another veterinary clinic.
I did not know, but my foster mom and Margie drove back to St Louis that evening. On Saturday, Donna, Sioux and
my foster mom drove back to Cincinnati to pick me up at noon. They left at 5 in the morning and arrived at 11.55--pretty impressive in my book. They
were told all about my surgery.
Continued next page
Volume 20 Issue 1 LOVE A GOLDEN RESCUE Page 2
Lucky Puppy continued
During the mapping, it was determined I did not have an accessory pathway. They tried to induce any automatic atrial rhythm, but my heart didn’t
cooperate. It is possible I had a case of transient myocarditis (heart muscle inflammation). There is one rhythm which does not like to show up.
In one month, I will go back to VSS and wear a Holter monitor for 24 hours, and my rhythm will be accessed once again.
As soon as I pottied and had a drink and a little to eat and we left Med Vet, my foster mom kept talking about some guy named Freddy.
Two minutes after we pulled out of the vet’s parking lot, I found out Freddy’s was a hamburger and ice cream sundae place. Apparently, on the
Cincinnati trip with Margie, Freddy’s had messed up my foster mom’s order, and she got a coupon for a free meal. She was determined to get that
free meal plus the sundae, of course. (My foster mom is all about dessert.) While the three women were eating, Donna might have given me a
couple of french fries, but if she did, I’m not snitching on her.)
Some people might ask why spend all the money and the time on a little puppy? However, that’s what Love a Golden Rescue does. If
there’s no hope for a dog, and it’s suffering, LAGR will do what it can to end the pain. But, if something can be done to make a dog whole, and the
prognosis is a normal and healthy life after the surgery or treatment, Love a Golden Rescue will go the extra mile. And for that, I’m so grateful.
One thing I learned from this whole experience is if you put ladies in a car, they do not stop talking. I was trying to nap but boy, they had
a lot to say. Initially, Donna and my foster mom discussed who was going to sit in the back seat. They both wanted to hold me. My foster mom
won, but she didn’t hold me. I stretched out on my blanket and relaxed. We arrived home safe and sound. Can you believe those ladies drove
around 700 miles for me in one day? I also learned the people who cared for me are so very special and loving. I am so very lucky to have been
rescued. I would probably not have made it without all the care I received.
I am feeling great these days. I have a forever home (aren’t I one lucky pup!) who will work with LAGR to continue my care. They’re a
very special family. Many people made donations for my care (on Facebook), and for their generosity, I extend a paw out. Thank you!
Keepers Korner
The other night I was cleaning the mud off my paws, as I admired my fur, which was like spun copper in the light from the family room
light. I don’t mean to brag, but I looked like quite the handsome dog. All of my brothers and sisters are good-looking canines, and it got me think-
ing. Why is the golden retriever such an admired breed? And how did goldens come into existence? During these long winter evenings since
then, I’ve been researching facts about golden retrievers, and I’ve discovered some fascinating tidbits. Did you know…
The golden retriever began near Glen Affric in Scotland, at "Guisachan," the highland estate of Dudley Marjoribanks, 1st Baron
Tweedmouth. The golden retriever is a crossbreed, believe it or not. The breed originates from a tweed water spaniel, which is an extinct breed
nowadays, and a yellow flat coated retriever. This was back in the 1800s. Despite their titled heritage, golden retrievers didn't win breed recogni-
tion until the 1920s. This breed was developed as a hunting breed. They first came to North America in the 1920s where they became popular
for their excellent temperament and beautiful appearance. (See? I’m not the only good-looking golden!) In 1925, the AKC (American Kennel
Club) registered the golden retriever as a breed.
While you might think all golden retrievers look very similar, the breed actually has three different colors--golden, light golden, and dark
golden, as well as three different types--English, Canadian, and American. There are subtle differences between the types of goldens, but they
all fall under the same breed. Goldens have 2 layers of fur. The inner layer is to keep warm, and the outer layer is waterproof.
Golden retrievers have a very high tolerance to pain and can tolerate injuries that many other dogs can't tolerate. They also have an
incredibly powerful scenting ability. Their sense of smell is among the best of all dog breeds
As the dog ages, his fur will darken. It’s possible to know exactly what color the newborn pup will have when he is an adult just by
looking at the color at the tip of his ears.
Goldens are incredible swimmers. Their large webbing between the toes and their long tail (which acts like a rudder) make them true
water dogs.
Golden retrievers are easy to train, and they perform reliably and consistently. That's what makes them such popular guide dogs, and
it's also what led the breed to take first in AKC obedience trials when they were introduced in 1977.
Many Golden retrievers work as search and rescue dogs. Their tracking abilities and strong sense of smell help them find missing
people. Perhaps the most well-known use of golden retrievers as rescue dogs was during 9/11, when a two-year-old trained rescue dog named
Bretagne helped search for survivors. Bretagne went on to aid in the search and rescue efforts during Hurricanes Rita and Katrina as well.
Bretagne is my hero!
A couple of golden retrievers have made it into the Guinness Book of World Records. An Australian golden holds the world record for
the loudest bark, measured at 113.1 decibels -- 3 decibels louder than a buzzing chainsaw. (My brother Coal could probably be a contender for
that record. He is one loud and bothersome barker.) Another golden retriever holds the record for the most tennis balls held in the mouth, at five
tennis balls. Wow!
Both President Ford and President Reagan had golden retrievers while in office. President Reagan's golden retriever, Victory, was one
of six dogs the president owned. President Ford had a Siamese cat and a mixed-breed dog in addition to Liberty the golden retriever and
Liberty's puppy, Misty.
And finally, how much we cost our owners. Owning a golden retriever can cost people $13,000 over his/her lifetime, considering an
average lifespan of 10 years. Considering what wonderful and loyal companions we are, aren’t we worth it?
Thanks for listening to me boast about the history of the golden retriever. We began surrounded by royalty… and our families consider
us princes and princesses as they shower us with love and attention.
Presidents Message
2020 has started off as a very busy year. To date, we have taken in 17 dogs, a record considering the year is only two months old. A
large majority are puppies from breeders. They are wonderful puppies, and all will be heading for great forever homes and a new life.
In 2019, we took in 48 dogs. 20 were female and 28 were male. Their ages ranged from 8 weeks to 9 years old. Our intakes were a
mixed-bag, as far as breed. There were 24 purebred, 5 golden mixes, 8 labs, 5 doodles, 1 Newfie and 5 other mixed breeds. It is very rewarding
watching our intakes change and go to their forever homes. From our perspective, they all have golden hearts.
Our 6k run and fun walk is scheduled for May 23rd at Creve Coeur Park. Please save the date. If you’re not a runner, there’s a fun
1-mile walk, or you can volunteer and help with the event. The flyer can be found in this newsletter.
Our trivia night is on August 22nd. Please mark your calendar. It’s a fun night. Our trivia committee is already working on getting things
for the silent auction and as always, the evening will be full of laughter.
Our most favorite event—the reunion picnic—is on September 19th at Vago Park in Maryland Heights. It’s our favorite event because
it gives Love a Golden Rescue a chance to celebrate all of our families. Anyone who has adopted a LAGR dog—we’re inviting you to join in the
food and festivities. Please make a note of the date and keep the day open. The theme this year is Peace, Love & Goldens. We are going back
in time to the 60s. Think tie-dye. Think flower-power and bell bottoms and psychedelic colors. Think loads of fun.
Thank you for your support and generosity. Also, thank you to our volunteers who help out so much and in so many ways. Without us
working together and stepping up to do the work, we couldn't save any of the dogs we've saved.
Golden thoughts,
Volume 18 Issue 3 LOVE A GOLDEN RESCUE Page 3
Adoption Days
Come see our available goldens.
Adoption Days are held at the following locations and times:
Treats Unleashed; Meet & Greet
Various dates and locations.
Please see our webpage for more information.
Saturday May 23rd
6K (3.8 Miles)
1 Mile Walk/Fun Run
Creve Coeur Park Sail Boat Cove
13725 Marine Ave, Tremayne Shelter
Maryland Heights, MO
Please see the flyer on page 11.
upcoming events
Volume 20 Issue 1 LOVE A GOLDEN RESCUE Page 4
Happy Endings
Trina, formerly Bacall, from Turkey, celebrated 2 years in her
forever home in October. I just wanted to let you know she has
brought such life back into this
home. My 12 ½ yr old golden has
been somewhat of a mother to her,
teaching her the ropes of what she
can and can't do in this American
home. Trina is still just a ball of
spunk. She loves to play, loves
cuddling with me, loves her walks and enjoys her car rides.
Lou came into rescue one year ago as a
wild and crazy guy. In the past year, he has
earned his CGC, raised a kitten and a
puppy, and taught several foster dogs how
to be dogs. He loves hiking, car rides and
belly rubs. He demands to go to PetsMart
weekly and get treats from the employees.
Main Street St. Charles is one of his favor-
ite adventure spots.
Josie has been a pleasure, and we have seen a
huge difference in her being so timid. She has
started playing with my other dog and loves her
chew toys. She will take all the petting you have
to offer.
Milton is doing great! He is such a lover. He
wants to be petted ALL the time. He and his
LAGR sister Cora are getting to be closer.
They absolutely LOVED playing and running in
the snow together. This was their first REAL
romp in the yard. I couldn't get them to come in
the house. He is super smart. Here he is with
Cora. He LOVES to pose! Handsome guy!
Lucas is doing great :) There's been
no change in his eyes--they haven't
gotten better or worse, but he's the
happiest dog in the world who just
wants to cuddle and play all day!
Pedro is doing very well! He's a very happy boy
with his mom. He loves walks and playing with
other dogs. He loves cuddling on the couch. He
still isn't sure about other people, but he's
already made great progress. I love him so
Augie is still a perfect fit. Here he is sleeping with Blu, our chiweenie.
Continued next page
Roy is doing great. We love him so
much. We are so happy he is now part
of our family.
Look at this handsome, happy guy!
Murlin is doing great in his new home.
Bella is WONDERFUL. She is so loyal to
me. My family members have commented
“I’ve never seen something love you as
much as Bella loves you.” She’s over the
moon every time we get to go on a car ride.
She’s the perfect companion for me these
days and such a joy to have around. I’m so
grateful for Bella.
Charlie (formerly Kale) is doing very well!
He is getting much better controlling his
excitement around new people and loves the
days he gets to come to work with me. I’ve
attached a picture of Charlie (black doodle)
with my other dog Cedric.
Bruno is one of the best things that has ever
happened to us, and we love him more than he
could ever know! We owe it all to LAGR. Thank
you all for the amazing work you do and for
gifting us our beautiful and perfect boy.
Volume 20 Issue 1 LOVE A GOLDEN RESCUE Page 5
Hannah is still very reserved but does come out
of her shell to meet new people, and we often
take her to public festivals to keep her active
socially. We are very blessed to have her, and
she has been a great fit for us.
Parker is doing wonderfully! We are still work-
ing on training, but he gets lots of fun and
We love our sweet Lilly (formerly Dilly) and
are so lucky to have her! She is with my
husband when we were in Arizona on
vacation. She is a snuggle bunny too.
Paxxie (Paxton) is doing great and is so hap-
py!!! He is my baby, although he wears me out!
Murray (formerly Henry) Is growing up fast and
doing great.
Happy Endings-continued
Continue next page
Maggie (formerly Tekila) loves being around
my grandkids and her brother Cooper. She’s
such a sweet and happy girl. We’re working on
some basic commands, and she is learning
them well when she wants to.
Lacey is doing very well. She is still adjusting,
but she has made so much progress.
She still has many things to work through. She
occasionally gets scared and runs if someone
walks toward her or when we raise a hand to
pet her. She must think we are going to hit her
but she does not jump very often now because
I think she is realizing we are going to pet and
love her and not hurt her.
We are so happy to have Lacey in our family, and I look forward to
continuing to watch her progress.
Ollie is doing great! He loves to go on walks
and play in the backyard, but he likes me to
be with him. He also plays with our other
dogs, but I keep a close eye on them,
because it can get wild quickly.
All is well here with Lela!!! She is A
WONDERFUL girl!! She's sweet,
loving, friendly!!! Everyone loves her!!! She
loves getting onto my bed.
Jax is doing great. He is such a loving dog.
We all love him so much. He now weighs
84 pounds. We are so thankful we found
Bernie (formerly Mutz) is doing great! He
is just darling.
Volume 20 Issue 1 LOVE A GOLDEN RESCUE Page 6
We love Josh to pieces!!!
Freya (formerly Laney) is doing really well. Every day that goes by,
she has come more out of her shell, and
lets us know her true personality. She’s
silly and playful and such a lovable girl.
She gets along well with her brother
Joey and sister Mandy (LAGR alum).
She is loving and affectionate to our
whole human family but REALLY loves
her dad and always wants to be where he is.
Frankie has been doing good. He loves his
home and big sister, Payton (LAGR alumni).
Loves to play keep away with her, snuggling
and long walks to explore the world. Thank
you so much for giving us our babies. Can’t
imagine life without them.
Dusty is settling in. He loves the snow and
going for walks. He thinks he's a lap dog at
52 pounds and jumps up to lay down in
whoever's lap when they're in the recliner.
He's very lovable and loves interaction.
Festival is the sweetest boy and is doing
great! He is very loving and just wants hugs
and pets all the time. He loves going
outside, and walks. He loves to play with toys
too! He and our other golden, Eloise, get
along very well and play a lot. He’s been very
good for her honestly. Eloise was a breeder
and is very scared and shut down, but in a few
short weeks of having Festival here, we’ve seen a big difference!
Happy Endings
It has not been very long and I understand this sounds strange to
hear, but I almost feel I can’t remember when Chloe was not part of
our family. She continues to make tremendous strides. She was a
broken dog when we got her. She is pre-
cious and very beautiful. She is gentle with
her humans but a complete ball of energy
with her buddy Cooper. Cooper is also
alum of Love a Golden Rescue. They wres-
tle and play nonstop. Chloe is learning to
walk on a leash very well, she follows
Cooper’s every lead. I cannot say any more good things about her. I
am so grateful for your organization for introducing her to us. She
came to us at the right time, as we had lost our other golden doodle
two months earlier. Chloe is a special girl, and we love her.
I wanted you to know that Ivy and Ginger (Eve)
are wonderful and love cuddling with each other
and us. Thank you for bringing these wonderful
girls into our life.
All is well with my red-headed golden,
We adopted him about 2 ½ years ago.
Hamish turned 10 years old recently, but
he still acts like he is 2 yrs. old.
Chief (formerly Reggie) is such a good
puppy!!! So happy to have him. Thanks for allowing
me to adopt Chief !!!
Budde is doing so well! He’s down to a slender
81 pounds now and loves playing with his 2
golden sisters and brother. He’s staying in
shape by walking on the underwater treadmill
at Healing Paws every week. We love him so
much!! He is a wonderful addition to our family!
Auggie on vacation. Lucky boy
It's so hard to believe that we've had Brodie for a year now. He's
finally at a healthy weight, and his coat is starting
to grow in. He's got the cutest little black mustache
and a pink winter nose. He's doing really well on a
leash and doesn't pull anymore. He loves toys,
and he sploots whenever he lays down. He's such
a good boy! He loves playing with our teenage
golden, Bonnie. He tries to get her to play all the
time, and sometimes, she does decide to play.
He's the best thing for her.
Volume 20 Issue 1 LOVE A GOLDEN RESCUE Page 7
Recent Events
Book Wrapping
Have you ever dreamed of being a rapper? Have you ever dreamed of making music about doing shots of
Patron and drive-bys? Do you aspire to get a grill and have your face tattooed?
Oh, sorry. That’s the life of a rapper. Right now, we’re talking about a book wrapper.
Every holiday season, we wrap gifts at all the St. Louis area Half Price Books. Ever since the national chain
came to St. Louis, they’ve had a special place in their hearts for Love a Golden Rescue. Every Black Friday and
Christmas/Hanukah season, we get a table right by the front door. Half Price Books supplies the wrapping paper, store
announcements urging folks to stop by, and the customers. Love a Golden Rescue supplies the
dogs, and the volunteers who can cut in straight lines (thank goodness for those pre- printed lines
on wrapping paper).
Why do we make this five or six-day commitment every year? Well, one reason is it’s a
great way to raise much-needed funds. People who get their books, games and DVDs gift-wrapped
usually make a donationand they’re often quite generous. This year, we raised over $3,600 in
donations between the three stores.
However, the main reason we wrap at Half Price Books is because it’s so much fun talking
to people about their dogs and cats. Having a dog at the table is a magnet. Our furry friends attract
peoplecustomers can’t resist stopping by to give a belly rub or a pat on the head to the four-
legged helpers. We hear funny and poignant stories about well-loved pets, and the time just flies
So, when the next holiday season approaches, consider volunteering to wrap. Or, stop by,
buy some stuff at Half Price Books, and get us to gift wrap your purchases. It’ll put the festive in your festivities...
Photos with Santa
One of our favorite events of the year is Photos with Santa. We are lucky
enough to have an “in” with the real Santa. Not only do we love him, the dogs
(and cats) who visit him love him too!
Sometimes people bring very calm, well-behaved dogs, who sit where we ask
them and stay while we take pictures. More often, people bring excited dogs
who either run up to Santa or run away, may or may not sit, and may or may not
stay once they sit. This, friends, is why the event is so much fun! We are all
laughing, and trying to wrangle the dogs back into place, or trying to get the
dogs to look at us. All the while, Santa just sits there calmly. It makes us happy
to experience such cuteness. It’s also nice to be able to provide people with
these memories. We are fortunate that our fabulous vet, Heritage Veterinary Hospital, lets us use
their space for this event. The room with Santa is private, so if your dog is shy, they don’t have to worry about other
dogs in their space while they visit with Santa.
We’d love for you to join us next year! The date will be on the calendar of events tab on our website.
In Loving Memory
Volume 20 Issue 1 LOVE A GOLDEN RESCUE Page 8
Warren had a wonderful forever home but sadly his time there was short.
I adopted Amber from LAGR in Sept. 2011 at 5 ½ years old. She had some issues but overcame most of them. She loved to
go on walks and dig her nose in the snow. She slept in bed with me every night until the last year, when she couldn't get up in
my bed anymore and refused to use a ramp/steps. She then loved sleeping in her "hut," a soft sided kennel in my bedroom
closet. Amber went to the Rainbow Bridge, Dec. 4, 2019 at 13 ½ years old. I miss her terribly.
We are sad to let you know that Paris crossed the Rainbow Bridge the day before Thanksgiving, 2019. Paris came to her
forever home with us in June, 2012. She was so frightened with many issues, but over time, she learned that she was safe,
and it was okay to trust us. She learned much of that from Callie, our first LAGR girl. Paris eventually came to enjoy having
company, greeting visitors with a toy in her mouth and a wagging tail. We miss her gentle spirit very much.
Shelby (formerly Ashly) went to the bridge recently. She was adopted many years ago. Thank you for introducing my little sweetheart to us.
Our sweet Leela passed away on Thursday, January 2nd at the age of 15. We adopted Leela in 2005. She was one of
Rachel's 10 puppies. She may not have looked like a golden, but she truly had the heart of one. She loved to swim, hike
and to be with her family. She was always right by my side. She was a huge part of our family and will be greatly missed.
Thank you for rescuing her and her family!
I just wanted to let you know that Sandy crossed the Rainbow Bridge recently at age 15.
She was in good health up until two weeks ago at which time her health declined dramatically due to a blockage in her
We loved her very much and were truly happy to spend 9 ½ months with her. Sandy became very loving during her time
in our family. She became especially attached to my husband, and Sandy enjoyed laying on the floor with him for a belly
rub at least twice a day. She became much more animated and even bounced around playfully only three weeks prior to
her illness and eventual death.
Thank you for the opportunity to have Sandy in our family. She will be missed.
Photo Sherman age 5, Bella ? and Sandy age 15
Our beautiful Emma (in front) crossed the Rainbow Bridge today and joined Rosie. They can run and play together
again. We are heartbroken and will miss her so much. Emma was our sixth golden retriever from Love a Golden Rescue
and one of the absolutely sweetest. She was almost 15 years old, and today we said goodbye to her.
Just letting you know that Buddy (Buddie Holly from 2016) has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. He was such a sweet soul
and loved his tennis balls and snacks!
Thank you for letting us love him. The Burke family.
Volume 20 Issue 1 LOVE A GOLDEN RESCUE Page 9
It's with a heavy heart and lump in my throat that I share that we said goodbye to Barley (formerly Harry). His health had
been declining for several months, and recent tests revealed an advanced, metastatic cancer spread to his liver and spleen.
He was a fighter through it all, and though we're heartbroken to lose him, we find comfort in knowing that he's at peace now.
Thank you, LAGR, for giving us this wonderful boy. Despite his past, Barley was a constant reminder of the resiliency and
love that dogs are capable of. We did our best to deserve that love with constant affection, daily walks, visits to his dog
friends in the country, copious snacks, and a warm bed (oftentimes our own :)). Harry was one of the first dogs we brought
from Turkey.
It is with a heavy heart that we let our sweet Kendra go today. She was our first dog and our first “kid.” Kendra was deemed “the untrainable
dog,” but those who knew her know that was certainly not true! She was amazing! Not only was she trainable, she was super
smart! She helped me with all the troubled dogs that we fostered, helped with my classes when I was training, and helped raise
3 kids... plus some neighborhood kids! She was a sweet, kind, fun, loving, and gentle soul that knew no stranger. I’ve never
seen another dog trust so much. There will never be another Kendra. She will be missed greatly. We believe Kendra was al-
most 14. We adopted her in April of 2007. Tony knew she was our dog, when she tackled him in our living room during the
home visit. From then on, she was ours. She loved everyone! Kendra just wanted to be close to you... preferably on your lap or
as close as possible! Kendra, you will forever carry a piece of my heart. I love you and miss you a ton! Rest peacefully pretty
Lizzie was surrendered to LAGR because she was having health issues, and her owner could not give her the care she needed.
She came to live with us and had her eye removed along with some teeth. She was a wonderful addition to our senior pack, but
unfortunately, she had more health issues and went to the Rainbow Bridge way to soon. We only had her six weeks, but she
has given us a life time of memories. Rest in peace Lizzie. We love you.
Dallas passed away on November 12, 2019. He adopted us on February 10, 2015. He was a wonderful companion, we all took a nap on No-
vember 12
but Dallas didn’t wake up, He died peacefully in his sleep. He loved everyone, and everyone loved him.
In Loving Memory—continued
Sweet Sarge lost his long battle with cancer.
Love A Golden Rescue - supporters
Love a Golden Rescue would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our supporters who, since the publication
of our last newsletter, have given new “forever homes” to our homeless goldens and who have generously
helped our Goldens with their financial support, gifts in kind and donated services.
Courtney Shatzer Bella
Name held on request Bradley
Name held on request Bruce
Grace & Greg Hammett Buster
John & Joann Ruport Cadbury
Nancy & Jack Whitson Cagney
Carol & Erik Sall Curly
Lacey & Steve Adams Festival
Name held on request Glory
Donaldson Family Henry
Renee & Greg Campbell Lacey
Debbie Davis Lola
Rhonda Woodruff Milton
Ryan & Krista Phillips Nick
Lori Donley Reggie
Lynn Vermeiren & Doug Eisele Seba
Elizabeth & William Steward Star
Debbie & Kurt Kientzle Suffle
Donna Zellerman Tekila
Foster Buddies
For Dixie Jennifer Falk, Catherine Herbst, Denice
Traeger, Donna Nicholson , Erica Kline, Gabby
Hammett, Gail Ford, Jamileh-Sofia Diguida,
Jeanine Zmigrodski, Jennifer Shake, Lynn
Valentine, Maegan Rudloff Porter, Mary Bathhurst,
Melissa Jane , Nancy Sparr, Nancy Wade, Nancy
Willison, Paul Rizzo, Robin Knoll, Sandy & Doug
Turmail, Wayne Deutsch
For Kris: Caitlin Vazquez Barker, Cat & Brian
Kennedy, Catherine Herbst, Cindy Drone, Debbie
Hoheshell, Gabby Hammett, Jamileh-Sofia
Diguida, Jan Musick, Jennifer Shake, John Ewers,
Kristen Novacich, Lori Gibbons, Lynn Valentine,
Mark Canada, Nancy Sparr, Nancy Willison, Paula
Warner, Rhonda Woodruff, Robin Knoll, Rocco
Peluso, Steven Maas, Sue Sullivan , Susan Hall,
Teresa Kenney, Terry Carmody, Tim Grimes,
William & Carolyn Grobl
In Memory and Honor
Chris's Birthday Fundraiser for Love a Golden Rescue Chris
Braconier, Constance Farina, Debbie Caticchio, Mark Piotrowski, Paul
Rizzo, Robin McKenney
In honor of Annie Cynthis Zelenka
In honor of Barb Tetley Anderson Robert Wilson
In honor of Giving Tuesday Angie Pezold, Gabby Hammett, Gail
Ford, Janet Knoche, Kim Weiss, Lacey Adams, Marilyn Molitor, Nancy
Scanlon, Nancy Sparr, Paul Rizzo, Robin Knoll, Sandy Havermann,
Teresa Kenney, Vicki Keith
In honor of Hamish Dan Cape
In honor of Lisa Pendel B-Day Danielle Wolf, Dawn Zue Pendel,
Gail Ford, James Lariviere, Jenn Reinhardt, Kathy Brown, Kelli Owen,
Linda Pendal, Lisa Pendal, Stacey Costin
In honor of Mickey Goldstein Giving Tuesday
Bruce Griffin, Jeffrey Abrams, Mickey Goldstein, Penny Buchmueller,
Scott Liberman, Shana Singer
In honor of Nora Megan Graham & David Comens
In honor of Ollie Carol & Erik Sall
In honor of Ron Edwards Catherine Cleveland
In honor of Ruby Birthday from friends Ruby Blair
In memory of Callie & Paris Lois Koenen, Rita Lippert
In memory of Chase & Gypsy Kathleen Peterson
In memory of Dallas Fred & Betty Goodyear
In memory of Duffy Noreen & Ron Cohen
In memory of Duke Rachel Arnold
In memory of Granger Poppy, Isabella and Grimmy
Patricia & Randall Rushing
In memory of Ivy Nancy Cusanelli, Susan Weeks
In memory of Jack Greg Kolacinski
In memory of Jane Lowell Arnold and Tori Lowell Gloris Lowell
In memory of Jay Mickey Goldstein & Paula Wagner
In memory of Junior, Gus, Brian and Bart Dave & Diane Cracchiolo
In memory of Kathy Ross Rizzo Paul Rizzo
In memory of Leo Mike & Mary Etta Dunaway
In memory of Lucy & Max Dennis & Susan Doerge
In memory of Luke Anne Higgins
In memory of Lumpy Gravy Cheryl Brown
In memory of Mary Jane Humbarger Angelita Nunez
In memory of Murphy & Cinnamon Mary Ann Broemmelsick
In memory of Odie and Big Foot Jon & Pat Courtney
In memory of Rachel & Remmington Julie & Philip Acker
In memory of River our special valentine Rebecca Bethhard
In memory of Sarah Wells Mickey Goldstein
In memory of Sassy Ford Gail Ford
In memory of Shadow Kate Steele
In memory of Shelby Mark & Cathy Upton
In memory of sweet Parker Nicki Vitale
In memory of Torre Carla Goacher
In memory Sandy Theresa Dattilo
In memory of Audrey (Snookie) Berkley Kathy Buxton
In recognition of Kent & Jennifer Cerneka K & J DonorFund
Mary's Giving Tuesday Fundraiser Mitch Paluszek
Paula's Birthday Fundraiser for Love a Golden Rescue
Ann Prenatt, Joyce Bruno , Linda Arterberry , Marcia Wien Weber,
Mickey Goldstein, Paula Beaman-Dittmer,Paula Wagner,
In honor of Angela Deal birthday Lynn Deal
Yvette's Giving Tuesday Fundraiser Phillip McCrory, Mary Been
Volume 20 Issue 1 LOVE A GOLDEN RESCUE Page 10
Dana & Mike Zimbleman
Deb Kinscherf
Debbie Stratton
Debra Henke
Denny Hoffman
Donna Haller
Donna Henke
Donna Henke
Donna Massey
Graham & Diane McCoy
Holly & Ken Schaefer
James & Jamie Ragan
Jan & Jeff Taylor
Jan & Les Shenberg
Jan & Mike Stengel
Janet & Ron Ferris
Joe & Ruby Blair
John Rodis
Jon & Barbara Meline
Joseph Scanlon
Ken Flynn
Kent Holomb
Kids who Kare Camp
Kristine Sutliff
Ky & Mary Cowan
Laura Gittemeier
Linda & Dennis Peterson
Lisa Pendel
Lynn & Robert Berry
Marcie Huner
Margie Deibel
Mari Graham
Marla & Neal Fix
Mary Joe Geary
Mickey Goldstein
Mr & Mrs Thomas Fleming
Nancy Weitzel Burry
Pat & James Hoisington
Pat & Larry Jeske
Patricia Rushing
Paula Wagner
Phil Fitzgerald
Randall Rushing
Renee Campbell
Ron Edwards
Sandy & Doug Turmail
Sarah Roth
Stephanie Jennings
Steve & Justine Brown
Steven McCloud
Stone Laguna
Susan Hall
Teresa & Steve Glad
Terry Carmody
The Dickinson's
Ton & Mary Jane Campbell
Treats Unleashed
Alicia Ross
Andrea Belgrade
Arno Perlow
Barb & Jon Meline
Ben & Jennifer Goessling
Betty Humphrey
Canine Aquatics
Charlie & Cathy Swoboba
Cheryl Crays
Chris & Tim Brzycki
Connie & Eric Coleman
Corinne Casoutt
Cynthia Andrews
Dala Mara
Dan & Charleen Durbin
Volume 20 Issue 1 LOVE A GOLDEN RESCUE Page 11
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NOTE: Due to the dynamic situation with the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) in the St. Louis area. Please check our webpage for scheduling
Love A Golden Rescue
P.O. Box 27621
St. Louis MO 63146-0621
address correction requested
Love a Golden Rescue
P.O. Box 27621
St. Louis MO 63146-0621
Phone: (314) 963-5232
Articles must be submitted by
July 1, 2019
to be considered for our next newsletter.
About our newsletter….
The Love a Golden Rescue newsletter is published three times each year, in the months of March, July, and November.
The deadline for submitting stories, photos, announcements etc. is the 1st of the month in which the newsletter is published.
We reserve the right to edit any submissions for publication.
The newsletter is published in full color in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format on our web site and can be accessed at:
To have the newsletter mailed to you, please drop a note to one of our addresses listed below.
Interested in volunteering with Love a Golden Rescue?
Fill out a volunteer application form on-line at:
or send an e-mail to volunt[email protected]
Love a Golden Rescue gives permission for this newsletter to be reproduced in whole or in part for personal use or for limited
distribution to advance the cause of pet rescue. The use of any photos or text from this newsletter for any commercial
purpose is strictly prohibited.
NOTE: Due to the dynamic situation with the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) in the St. Louis area. Please
check our webpage for any scheduling changes to our May 23rd race day.