Goodwill Color Logo Speccations
Logo Spot Colors: Black, Gray (75% Black) and Pantone Reex Blue
Logo Process Colors: Black (C-0/M-0/Y-0/K-100%), Gray (C-0/M-0/Y-0/K-75%) Reex Blue (C-100/M-72/Y-0/K-56)
Typeface: Helvetica Black Expanded and Verdana Regular
Special Note: Letterhead arch color Reex Blue (15% Screen Tint)
of the Great Plains
of the Great Plains
of the Great Plains
of the Great Plains
of the Great Plains
of the Great Plains
Mission Statement
Goodwill of the Great Plains
serves as an advocate for
economic self-sufciency through
employment and education.
Vision Statement
We create a world of dignity and
compassion by putting people
to work. Goodwill invests in our
community by: turning donated
goods into work opportunities,
forming and expanding job
creation centers, through
innovative programming and
services, and development of
Core Values
Compassion, Achievement,
Potential, Integrity, Dignity
Leadership Message
Goodwill of the Great Plains has been making a positive impact in the
lives of thousands of people since 1923. From Mason City to
Rapid City, we continue to grow our services across our
600 mile wide, four state territory.
I would like to share a few highlights of our success.
Goodwill is rst and foremost about helping people with
barriers achieve independence through the power of
work. We have been true to our mission.
In 2015, 12,497 people were impacted through our
broad range of programs and services. Over 1,400 people
were placed in to jobs in communities across our region through our 9
Connection Centers, in sectors ranging from manufacturing to health
care. Over 400 local employers hired individuals served by Goodwill and
participated in our Job Fairs, conducted across our territory.
12,000 visits were made to our Connection Centers in Sioux City, Sioux
Falls, Rapid City, Storm Lake, Aberdeen, Worthington, Watertown, Pierre
and Mitchell. 640 Veterans were served. 3,633 youth benetted from
our services.
Over $10 million in wages were earned. Millions of pounds of waste
were diverted from landlls, recycled and turned in to jobs for people.
Goodwill is not just about the numbers. Goodwill is about the
compassion of addressing the needs of the human condition. It is about
helping a single mother achieve the dignity and independence that
comes with a paycheck. It is about keeping families intact with day
support, so that their child or parent does not have to leave their home.
It is about helping a homeless person with a hand up, not a hand out.
As you read through this report you will see that our balance sheet
of services is strong. Our success comes from the efforts of our 550
staff, our volunteers, our Board of Directors and you, our donors and
shoppers. When you support Goodwill, you change lives!
Bruce Odson- Chair
Jan Poulson- Vice Chair
Terry Keime- Secretary/Treasurer
Dan Pecaut
Cindy Schubert
Ed Arshem
Dale Jans
Mark Puetz
Sandra Runde
Chuck Corbett
Amy Novak
Col. Brian Miller
Pam Miller
John B. Anderson- Emeritus
Dr. Robert Dunker- Emeritus
Fred Wells- Emeritus
Glenn LeGrand- Emeritus
2015 Board Members
Goodwill Annual Report 2015 | 1
A motivated student found the support she
needed to graduate high school at YouthBuild.
Melissa Botello
As a freshman in high school, Melissa recalls wanting
extra support. “If I had a question in class, sometimes
there were twenty other students to compete with.
Or if I wanted to talk to a counselor, she might not be
Earlier in life, Melissa remembers her brother attending
YouthBuild, an alternative high school setting offered at
Goodwill. “I remember the good things he told me about
the program. He said it challenged him mentally. I could
see the difference.” Deciding it was time for a change, Melissa applied and
was accepted at YouthBuild.
Melissa rst entered YouthBuild’s Mental Toughness, a two-week period
involving teambuilding , trust, and accountability activities with the new
cohort of students. “This was very self-rewarding for me. My motivation
was to get my diploma. I kept that in my head every day. ”
Finishing her Mental Toughness, Melissa joined the other students in the
11-month program to earn their high school diplomas while learning
workforce skills. “I like the program because there was always someone
to talk to here.” Melissa completed her remaining 20 credits in just six
months. “The YouthBuild teacher helped me in all the subjects I had to
complete. I liked having over four hours of classroom time each day.
Meanwhile, Melissa began exploring career options during the work skills
portion of YouthBuild. “Carpentry was good, but the Certied Nurse’s
Assistant (CNA) caught my attention. I know it’s in high demand in our
community, and I want to do something that helps people.” Melissa plans
to complete her CNA this summer at Northeast Community College with a
grant from Women United of United Way of Siouxland.
As she prepares to walk with her North High School classmates this May for
their diplomas, Melissa has some words of encouragement for her fellow
YouthBuild students. “Give 100%! These 11 months go fast. This is a
really good opportunity for a fresh start, a new beginning.
Thanks to a partnership between the Sioux City School System, Goodwill of
the Great Plains, and opportunities through Northeast Community College
and Women United, Melissa is on a track to success.
Goodwill Annual Report 2015 | 2
Determination leads man to success after health
set backs.
Kim Brown
Ten years ago, Kim Brown became disabled.
Determined to stay on the job, Kim found success
thanks to an opportunity from Goodwill.
Kim’s story of determination begins over a decade ago:
“Ten years ago, I was working in roong and installing
pipe. At that time, I developed arthritis in my hips and
knees. I couldn’t keep up and was red. I was out of work
for some time.
I didn’t want to be on public assistance; I wanted to work but my body
held me back. I found my way to South Dakota Vocational Rehabilitation
in Sioux Falls on 10th Street. They did some tests and connected me with
Goodwill. I did a six-week training here.
Kim shares how he connected with the services Goodwill offers to help
people nd competitive employment. “After my training, I used Goodwill’s
Connection Center, Skills Trainer, and Employment Specialist. They helped
me nd a job. This is a good service for people that need it. They had
patience with me and even spoke to employers on my behalf. I introduced
my brother to Goodwill, too.
I later came back to Goodwill to apply for a janitorial position. I found
janitorial work is easier on my body. Goodwill hired me and it’s been over
90 days now. I feel like a part of the family here.
When asked how he feels about the services Goodwill provided him, Kim
gave a glowing recommendation. “I appreciate Goodwill taking a chance
with me. I have only had good experiences here; you don’t always nd
that. Goodwill took the time to nd out what I can do, worked with me,
and made me feel welcome. They gured out what I can do instead of
telling me what I had to do.
Goodwill Annual Report 2015 | 3
Goodwill. Good Cause.
Goodwill’s future is in meeting the current, unmet
demand from private industry for qualied,
skilled, and trained labor. Today a worker is
more likely to need a specialized credential, an
associate’s degree or higher – to maintain an
economically self-sufcient standard of living
for their family. Goodwill believes that the
single largest contribution a business can make
toward their bottom line is to invest in the skills
of their local workforce, and Goodwill programs
provide those opportunities to job seekers and
Our Approach:
- Reach out to those struggling
in the labor market.
- Support program participants
with career navigation, soft-skills
training, and removing barriers
to success.
- Help job seekers prepare for, nd
and keep gainful employment.
In 2015 job seekers
engaged in Goodwill
services acquired
employment at an average
wage rate of $12.51
per hour, with over
400 local employers.
1,423 people
were placed into
community jobs through
Goodwill Connection
Goodwill Annual Report 2015 | 4
Financial Data to Report
Goodwill Annual Report 2015 | 5
2015 Total Revenue:
$21.1 Million
2015 Total Expense:
$21.3 Million
Goodwill of the Great Plains paid
over $10 million in wages
to over 900 employees in 2015
At Goodwill of the Great Plains
supports mission.
85 cents of every dollar
85% of revenue in 2015 went to program services.
Business Operations Supporting Our Mission
Transforming donations into life-changing
When you donate your gently used items, you
are recycling and re-purposing items that would
otherwise end up in the landll, and you are
providing an opportunity for individuals to shop
for necessities at affordable prices...but the story
doesn’t end there.
Each item sold in Goodwill stores represents a
chance for someone in the community to nd
success, hope, and dignity. Goodwill Connection
Centers help individuals believe in themselves and
the power of work.
Together Goodwill will strengthen the community
by empowering thousands of people to work and
preserve the Great Plains landscape by diverting
millions of pounds from landlls.
Goodwill is doing their part to help keep the
environment clean for future generations. Whether
it’s through recycling efforts or through the
GoodShred document destruction service.
GoodShred gives customers peace of mind by
securely destroying client’s condential documents.
The cost effective shredding service is secure,
convenient, and environmentally friendly.
Goodwill Annual Report 2015 | 6
Thank you everyone for your generosity
Goodwill Employee
Internal Giving
In gratitude of those caring
employees, who supported
the mission of Goodwill of
the Great Plains. In 2015,
148 employees contributed
Sioux Falls 100+ Women
Who Care
114 Sioux Falls Women
Who Care came together
to donate in total $17,400
to our Connection Centers.
Thank you so much for your
generosity and your tradition
of caring.
Individual Donors
Pearl Aaker
John Aalfs
Nick Ackerman
Helen Ackerson
Ruth Adams
Joan Ahrens
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alderman
Vivian Allen
Harald M. Andersen
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Anderson
Emogene Andrews
Donald Archer
Janet Ashmore
Lloyd Bach
Dr. and Mrs. John Baller
Emma Ballinger
Shiray Bangert
Mr. and Mrs. Norma Barker
Orland Bartz
Jim Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. James Bauerly
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bauman
Anita Bekish
Norma Bell
Gene Beller
Terri Beller
Harlan Berg
Harold Binnebose
Miles H. Birkett
Dwight Birkley
Wayne Blahauvietz
Mr. and Mrs. William
George Blankers
Karen Blatchford
James Blenderman
Deette Blomberg
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boals
Michael Bockholt
Fr. Marvin Boes
Mr. and Mrs. William Boland Jr.
John Bolkema
Steve Bomgaars
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Bornholtz
Dr. Edward Bottei
Kathy Bousquet
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bradbury
Cathy Bradham
Duane Brandt
Susan Brandt
June Bremer
Bernice Brewer
Maynard Bridges
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brink
Malcolm Brodie
Dr. Daniel Brodkey
Roger Brooks
Lois Brownlee
Betty Jo Brunken
Helen Bundy
Bert Burwell
Marie Byrne
Kay Carlson
Lucille Carlson
Ray Cassens
Dudley Conner
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Conover
Richard Cooper
Charles Corbett
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Cowan
Robert Craigmile
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Crim
Audrey Currie
Doug Davis
Melvin Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley De
Ruth Ann Dean
Jeff DeGroot
Jerry Den Hartog
Joyce Diediker
Paula Diveley
William Donnell
Beth Doran
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Dorr
Robert Draisey
Carol Draube
James Dreeszen
Dale Drum
Jim Ducommun
Betty Durfee
Helen Dykstra
Edwin Edge
Randall Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Engle
Rudy Engstrom
Mr. and Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Eriksen
Mr. and Mrs. Al Erpelding
Elizabeth Erwin
Adell Eustice
Mr. Daniel Everist
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Eyres
Mary Feusner
Mr. and Mrs. James Filips
Mary Ann Flack
Donna Flammang
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Flynn
Karen Ford
Melvin Forsling
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Foster
Patricia Fox
Rev. and Mrs. Thomas
Wayne Fuhrman
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fulton
Mr. and Mrs. Don Garrett
Rhea Geary
Mr. and Mrs. John Gebhardt
Joan Gedwillo
Carlene Gehrts
Dale Geise
John Geist
Stacey Gerhart
Laura Gerkin
Carole Gerry
Frank Gilbert
Marian Ginger
Myron Glasnapp
Mr. and Mrs. Roger
Beverly Godsey
John Goeden
Wilma Gosch
Howard Gould
Patricia Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney
Jane Green
Sandra Green
Allison Greeneld
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Gregory
Mr. and Mrs. John Greve
Art Grone
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Grosvenor Jr.
Lois Grothe
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gude
Mr. and Mrs. Dean
Iris Halverson
James Hansen
Roger Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Melvin Hanson
John and Carol Hantla
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Happel
Rodney Lee Harklau
Judy Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Lorvan
Nila Hayes
Richard Hayes
Gloria Healy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Heath
Jane Heck
Lori Heger
Kenneth Heidbrink
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Heili
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Heiser
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hensley
Tom Herbert Jr.
Evelyn Hermanson
Jane Hey
Elizabeth Hickey
John and Gladys Hill
Linda Hiniker
Arlin Hinkeldey
Donald Holck
Beverly Holzerland
Mary Howard
Doris Howell
Dale Hubers
Gary Hudson
Marjorie Huelman
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hughes
Robert Hutmacher
Vi Iverson
Jack and Betty Marsh
Linda Jefferson
Jan Johansen
Charles Johnson
Dave Johnson
Delores Johnson
Helen Johnson
Katrina Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Johnson
Ron Johnson
Al Joens
Judy Junge
Gene Kammerer
Mina Karsher
Jason Kellen
Sonny Kellen
Cindy Kellogg
Don Lee Kessler
Sylva Kiernan
Sandra King
Betty Kingery
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Kingland
Myra Kingsbury
Dan Kirby
Marty Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Kal Kletschke
Doris Kilngbeil
Del Klingensmith
Leon Klotz
Clayton Kluver
Betty Knapp
Weber Koester
Eugene Kohnen
Marcella Kolb
Gertrude Kooi
Alfred Korthals
Connie Korver
Chris & Cheryl Kounas
Mr. and Mrs. George
Ronald Krage
Lois Kreykes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Krile
Gordon Krogh
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kuester
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Lake
Margaret Lamkin
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin
Betty Lansink
Adrian and Sue Larsen
Janet LaRue
Rick Lauritsen
James Lawson
Patricia Leamer
Ms. Lee
Max Leget
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Lego
Helen Leinbaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lemek
Sophia LeMoine
Leonard Lensink Jr.
Timothy Lester
Bayne Linden
Dolores Livengood
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Bryan Livingston
Roger Lorenzen
Duane and Nancy Loudon
Leila Lyman
Janet Mallatt
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Malloy
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Manning
Merlin Martin
Dr. and Mrs. Wayne Marty
Lisa Mascarello
Ellen Mc Guirk
Carol McMullen
Richard McCoy
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley
Steven McHugh
William McLarty
Carol McMullen
Jeff Meinen
Larry Meinen
Dr. Aaldert Mennega
Dean Mertz
John Michalsky
Arthur Miethke
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Milbrodt
Nancy Miles
Greg Miller
Pam Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mills
Robert Mishne
Steve and Deborah Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mortt
Marilyn Morley
Anne Morstad
Jacqueline Mundt
Edward Nagel
Ron and Carol Nankivel
David Napier
Candice Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Nelson
Nila Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Nelson
Ryan and Charlotte Nelson
Warren Nelson
Diane Neri
Charles Neswick
Joann Netzke
Jeffrey Neuberger
Kristina Newling
Shirley Nickolson
Charlotte Nicolaus
Mr. and Mrs. John Nielsen
Peter Nieuwkoop
Mr. and Mrs. Milo Noble
Marvin Norby
Dr. Sharon Ocker
Gerri O’Donnell
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Oeffner
Sharon Oertel
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ohm
Mary Ohm
Joseph Olander
Mr. and Mrs. John Olson
Sharon Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Olson
Arlene Oolman
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Otten
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Patrick
David and Joan Paulsrud
Charlotte Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. Vic Pearson
Dan and Kay Pecaut
Jean Peck
Ralph Pederson
Loise Persinger
Arlys Peters
Ellann Petersen
Darcy and MaryLou
Stephen Phelps
Mr. and Mrs. Van Phillips
Bruce Piper
Keith Plendl
Ricki Plummer
Mr. and Mrs. William
Audrey Popp
Brian Portereld
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Potts
Jan Poulson
Greg and Julie Miller-Pranke
Thomas Priestman
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Raeside
Gerald Ramler
Mervan Rasmussen
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Ratcliff
Dr. and Mrs. Theodore
Charlotte Reed
Ron and Mary Reedy
George Reekers
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill
Helen Rose and Roberta
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Leroy Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Tom Robie
Paul Roisen
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rolfes
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Rollinger
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin
Goodwill Annual Report 2015 | 7
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Rosenbaum
Regina Roth
Mary Jane
Catherine Rudin
Brenda Runyan
Terrance Ryan
Maita Sadoff
Rudy Salem
Mr. and Mrs. William Sandison
Richard Sauer
John Saxton
Lois Schallau-Chettinger
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Schaper
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Schenkelberg
Mike Schluetter
Mr. and Mrs. Dana Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Schmidt
Don Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Scholten
Maureen Schroeder
Scott Schubert
Ronald Schuetz
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Schultz
Violet Schultz Estate
Mary Arlene Schulz
Vic Schulz
Christy Schuster
Betty Schutter
Florence Shank
Rosemary Sheehan
Kay Shever
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Shroll
Mr. and Mrs. John Shulenberger
Carlton Shull
Joyce Siegner
Bill Sievers Jr.
Merle Simonsen
Garrett Smith
Linda Smith
Pat Smith
Patricia Smith
Sara Snider
Carol Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Sohm
Briget Solomon
Wayne Sorenson
Donald Sporrer
Stanley Sprik
Mr. and Mrs. John St. Peter
Carol Stabile
Marguerite Stage
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Staufacker
Mr. and Mrs. David Sterling
Frank Stickney
Lewis Storm
Mark Stroman
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Strouth
Lee Struthers
Mark Stuck
Harold Stump
Martha Svoboda
Albert Swartz
Faye Sweet
Mr. and Mrs. Sid Swenson
Berton Tagg
Margaret Talbott
Ruth Tarvin
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Taylor
Harold Teerink
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Theisen
Bernice Thissell
Peggy Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thoreson
William Tobin
Clifford Toft
Beverly Turek
Mary Turner
Jan Van Bruggen
Alice Van Dyke
Roger Van Klompenburg
Casey Van Roekel
Dale Van Wyhe
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Vande
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vander
Rena VanDyke
Roger Vanklompenburg
Mr. and Mrs. Dean VanRoekel
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Vaughn
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ver Mulm
Dr. Warren VerPloeg
Mark Viksten
Gerald Von Ehwegen
Leland Wagner
Lyle Wagner
Marion Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Don Wall
Mike Walsh
Alice Walters
Charlene Warren
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Webner
Jim Webster
Carl and Marlene Weil
Cynthia Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wells
Fred Wells
Marjorie Wilbur
Dean Williams
Larry Williams
Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Winneke
Adrian Wisner
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Woock
Frances Wynia
Carol Yarrow
Maia Yule
Robert Zahniser
JoAnn Ziniel
Business Donors
Aramark Uniforms
ARC Fabricators
ATV Research Inc.
Avery Brothers Sign
Bang Properties
Cargill Incorporated
Certied Testing Service
Community Bank
Corbett, Anderson, Corbett, Vellinga
CSF Marketing Services Co.
Deluxe Advertising Sales
Gill Hauling Inc.
Great West Casuality Company
Interstate Mechanical Company
Iowa-Nebraska Bank
Jackson Lewis PC
Johnson Howard Inc.
King, Reinsch, Prosser & Co LLP
L & L Builders Co.
Lampert Lumber
Laurel Ready Mix
Libersky Auto Repair
Lite-Form Technologies
Mark Kunkel Construction
Martin Enterprises
Marx Investments LLC
Mercy Medical Center
Mills, Shellhammer, Puetz, Insurance
Northwestern Mutual
Puetz Construction
Rose Croix Chapter 502
Security National Bank
Seldin Property Management
SilverStone Group
Sioux City Journal
Siouxland Federal Credit Union
State Steel Supply
Thompson Electric Company
Triview Communications
United REal Estate Solutions Inc.
US Bank
WA Kilinger, LLC
Wells Fargo Bank
Westoff Managetment Consultants
Woodbury County Sheriff’s Ofce
Community and Religious
Adaville United Methodist Church
Castana Ladies Aid
Catholic Daughters of America
Court Santa Maria
First United Methodist Church
God’s Helpers of UMC
Goodwill Service Auxiliary
Lakes United Methodist Church
Larrabee UMW
Melvin United Methodist Church
Merrill Melbourne UMW
Moville United Methodist Church
Naomi Circle of United Methodist Women
Nemaha UMW
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church
Peace Reformed Church
Pioneer United Methodist Church
Plover UMW
Rembrandt UMW
Sioux City Professional Fire Fighters
Sioux City Police Ofcers Association
St. John’s United Methodist Women
St. Paul Lutheran Church
Titonka Methodist Church
Union Memorial Guild
United Methodist Church- Sergeant Bluff
Hartley United Methodist Church
United Methodist Church- Cresco
United Methodist Church- Fenton
Wesley UMW
Foundations and Trusts
Baton Rouge Area Foundation
Bob and Ginny Peterson Foundation
Byron J. and Muriel M. Foundation
Chesterman Family Foundation
Gleeson Family Foundation
Iowa Scottish Rite Masonic Foundation
Jane Bekins Meginnis
Mahoney-Hill Charitable Fund Trust
South Dakota Community Foundation
South Sioux City Community Foundation
The Kind World Foundation
The Wellmark Foundation
Together, we help people find jobs.
Goodwill Annual Report 2015 | 8
At Goodwill of the Great Plains
supports mission.
85 cents of every dollar
Goodwill Color Logo Speccations
Logo Spot Colors: Black, Gray (75% Black) and Pantone Reex Blue
Logo Process Colors: Black (C-0/M-0/Y-0/K-100%), Gray (C-0/M-0/Y-0/K-75%) Reex Blue (C-100/M-72/Y-0/K-56)
Typeface: Helvetica Black Expanded and Verdana Regular
Special Note: Letterhead arch color Reex Blue (15% Screen Tint)
of the Great Plains
of the Great Plains
of the Great Plains
of the Great Plains
of the Great Plains
of the Great Plains
3100 West 4th Street
Sioux City, IA 51103
Serving protions of Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota and
all of South Dakota