How to Lift-and-Shift a Line
of Business Application
onto Google Cloud
by Andy Wu, Solutions Architect, Magenic
White Paper | How to Lift-and-Shift a Line of Business Application onto Google Cloud Platform
Table of Contents
Scenario Description 3
Background Information 3
Project Approach 3
Current On-Premises System Architecture 4
Final Targeted On-Cloud System Architecture 4
The How-Tos 5
Phase One Implementation 5
Creating a GCP network 5
Creating the Site-to-Site VPN 5
Creating the VMs to Support the On-Cloud System Architecture 6
Code Deployment 9
Encryption of Sensitive Data as part of Deployment Process 10
Phase Two 10
Creating the SQL Server AlwaysOn Availability Groups 10
Phase Three 11
Setting up the AD Replication for Redundancy in the Cloud 11
On the on-premises DC 12
On the GCP AD DC 16
Final Thoughts and Conclusion 21
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Scenario Description
Magenicons, a fictional comic book publishing company, has decided that its IT infrastructure needs
to go through a modernization effort to increase system reliability while providing cost savings. Its IT
staff believes leveraging cloud computing will help the company gain better agility for its IT
infrastructure and applications. As part of an evaluation process, the company has selected an
existing intranet-based expense reporting application as the proof-of-concept for its cloud migration
Background Information
The expense reporting application is a standard two-tier web-based application that currently relies on
an on-premises Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) server with data storage on a separate
on-premises Microsoft SQL Server. A second on-premises IIS server also provides auditing services.
Access to the application is secured by authenticating against an on-premises Active Directory (AD)
instance while data access is secured by using SQL Server Authentication with an application service
Project Approach
In order to minimize risk while gradually ramping up its teams’ cloud knowledge and experience,
Magenicons wants to execute the project in phases, with each phase having a defined objective to
achieve. These objectives will be used at the end of the project for evaluation of the long-term viability
of cloud computing for the company. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) was selected as the cloud
provider due to the robust capabilities of the platform and Google’s excellent technical reputation.
Phase one – Migrate the application to the cloud using Google’s Infrastructure-as-a-Service
(IaaS) offering, Google Compute Engine.
o Objective: Lift-and-shift
the expense reporting application by leveraging Compute
Engine with minimal cost. In particular, the company would like to execute the move
with minimal to no code change to the existing application.
o Prerequisite: Environment setup, such as establishing a network connection between
Magenicons’ local network and GCP, will be required in this phase to support the
lift-and-shift of the application.
Phase two – Leverage the cloud for high availability (HA).
o Objective: Once the application is properly operating in the cloud, Magenicons would
like to reduce the risk of potential downtimes by adding high availability to SQL Server
used by the application. AlwaysOn Availability Groups is SQL Server’s recommended
solution, allowing users to configure replicas for automatic failover in case of failure.
GCP supports Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) and SQL Server
AlwaysOn Availability Groups.
Phase three – Leverage the cloud for disaster recovery (DR)
o Objective: Magenicons would like to then further enhance application availability and
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the respective companies with which they are associated.
improve its DR plan by extending their on-premises AD into the cloud. This provides a
cost-effective option for protecting AD in DR scenarios. In the event of a physical
disaster or outage at company’s data center, a virtual machine (VM) running as an
Active Directory Domain Controller (AD DC) in GCP can provide uninterrupted access
to AD for cloud-based applications and any on-premises AD-integrated applications
unaffected by the outage. As an added benefit, having an AD hosted in the cloud
alongside the application will generally shorten the network latency and thus improve
system response time.
Current On-Premises System Architecture
The expense report system uses a standard ASP.NET MVC application architecture for an intranet
environment. The application is deployed onto an IIS webserver hosted in Windows Server and joined
to the AD domain. The system is secured by leveraging Windows Integrated Security for all access to
the application. Connection to SQL Server is also quite standard by using SQL Server Authentication
with a domain service account user id and password.
Final Targeted On-Cloud System Architecture
The final targeted system architecture should look similar to the original on-premises system
architecture, as it is treating GCP as an extension to the on-premises data center via a virtual private
network (VPN) with additional features for SQL Server HA and DR for AD.
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The How-Tos
Phase One Implementation
For the phase-one objective of lifting-and-shifting the expense reporting application to the cloud, three
major tasks were identified as requirements:
1. Create a GCP network suitable for the project
2. Create a VPN from the Magenicons corporate network to GCP
3. Create the VM instances that are necessary to support the application
4. Make any necessary configuration and or code changes to support the lift-and-shift
Creating a GCP network
GCP networks connect VM instances to each other and to the Internet, allowing users to segment
their networks, create firewall rules for access control as well as create static routes to forward traffic
to specific destinations. All of these capabilities will be needed as the project moves along its various
phases. A tutorial on the particulars of GCP networking can be found here.
Important Note:
Any type of supported subnet network mode (auto or custom) can be used to
achieve phase one’s objectives. However, as detailed in phase two below, in order to install SQL
Server AlwaysOn Availability Groups a custom subnet must be used. Therefore, if one has the desire
to eventually install this feature, it is highly recommended that a custom subnet be created for the
project from the beginning to avoid any unnecessary rework down the road.
Creating the Site-to-Site VPN
Creating the VPN was a straightforward exercise and the project team did not run into any issues of
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note. They simply followed the Google documentation and the VPN was up and running within a day.
Creating the VMs to Support the On-Cloud System Architecture
Creating VM instances in Compute Engine can be done in three ways:
1. The point-and-click interface: Google Cloud Console in the subscriber’s portal
3. Command Line Interface (CLI), which in Google’s case is called the gcloud
command line
Since the team understands that automation is a key ingredient to long term sustainability for cloud
computing, it decided that a code-based approach using the gcloud command line interface would be
the preferred choice.
Using the CLI is quite simple—just download the gcloud command line interface from Google and
follow the documentation. Below is a screenshot of the experience when creating a Windows Server
Below are the VM instances and their roles needed for the various phases of the project:
Phase 1
o IIS Web Server
o SQL Server
Phase 2
o Additional SQL Server instance used as part of SQL Server Availability Group replica
Phase 3
o An AD Domain Controller instance running in GCP with full replication to the
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the respective companies with which they are associated.
on-premises instance of AD Domain Controller
In addition to the above mentioned VM creation methods, GCP offers another great time-saving
alternative for creating VM instances: Google Cloud Launcher. Google Cloud Launcher is a
marketplace for third party ready-to-go development stacks, solutions and services. If the workload
type fits what’s available, then one can create the needed VM with simply a few clicks.
For Phase 1 development, the staff needed an IIS Server with ASP.NET 4.6 and its supporting .NET
Framework installed. With the usual VM creation method, one would have to create the OS VM, and
manually install all the various .NET Framework & ASP.NET component. With Cloud Launcher for
ASP.NET, however, the process is dramatically simplified:
1. Go to the following url:
2. Type in in the search input, and click on search result to initiate the Cloud Launcher
process for ASP.NET Framework.
3. Fill in the deployment specifics such as machine name, disk, and cpu size:
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4. Within minutes, the desired VM, along with all the needed components, will be created:
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For the creation of the SQL Server instance, the team uses the following gcloud command line
interface to create the image:
The gcloud command line interface (CLI) compute instances create "magcustom-sql1" --machine-type
"n1-standard-4" --zone "us-central1-a" --subnet "wsfcsubnet1" --image-project windows-sql-cloud
--image-family sql-ent-2016-win-2016--boot-disk-size "200" --boot-disk-type "pd-ssd”
--private-network-ip= --can-ip-forward
During phase 2 of the project, when the team is going to set up SQL Server HA, specific
network routes will need to be created (see section on phase 2 for details). Therefore, this VM
instance’s internal IP address will need to conform to the network design described in phase 2. This is
the reason the ‘private-network-ip’ parameter was used to specify a preferred internal IP address at
instance creation time. If this parameter is used to specify a specific IP address, then one cannot
change it to different static IP address afterwards without the risk of losing access to the instance.
Use of the CLI to deploy Cloud Launcher solutions is subject to the Cloud Launcher Terms of Service
and related fees.
Code Deployment
Once the IIS VM instance is provisioned and properly set up, the next task for the team is to deploy
the code onto the instance. This is accomplished by leveraging one of Microsoft’s many offerings in
this space: Web Deploy.
Web Deploy is a mature, extensible client-server tool for publishing website content between a
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the respective companies with which they are associated.
developer’s or SysOps’ workspace onto an IIS instance. The actual mechanism is well documented in
the ASP.NET community and is out-of-scope for this document, but an overview of this technology
can be found here.
Security best practices call for always encrypting sections of a configuration file which contain
sensitive information, e.g., credentials or other secrets. This improves security by making it difficult for
unauthorized access even if an attacker gains access to your configuration file. The same principle
applies to this application.
The .NET Framework includes two protected built-in configuration providers that can be used to
encrypt sections of a configuration file. The RsaProtectedConfigurationProvider class uses the
RSACryptoServiceProvider to encrypt configuration sections. The
DpapiProtectedConfigurationProvider class uses the Windows Data Protection API (DPAPI) to
encrypt configuration sections. However, given the expense reporting application’s required usage of
integrated security and impersonation, RSACryptoServiceProvider is not a suitable choice as it would
require granting access to the RSA Key Container used for encryption to a large group of users.
Encryption of Sensitive Data as part of Deployment Process
One of the major downsides of using the DpapiProtectedConfigurationProvider is the fact that it’s not
the default Configuration Provider used by Web Deploy, and therefore it is not able to automatically
encrypt sensitive data as part of the deployment process. After a bit of research, the Magenicons
development staff comes up with a solution that will be able to build, deploy and encrypt sensitive
data (on the deployed server) with one single call to MSBuild. The solution calls for leveraging
PowerShell’s Invoke-command cmdlet, which has the ability to run commands on local or remote
computers. Combining this capability with MSBuild’s extensible feature of embedding scripts for
various build and deployment events (in this case, after ‘MSDeployPublish’), the team is able to
optimize the build/deployment process while enhancing the security of the application.
Phase Two
Creating the SQL Server AlwaysOn Availability Groups
Enterprise SQL Server workloads require support for HA and DR. AlwaysOn Availability Groups is
SQL Server’s flagship HA/DR solution. This technology provides hot-standby for the servers and
duplicate data for the database. AlwaysOn can also provide read-only access to one or more
secondary replicas, alleviating load from the primary database in reporting and other read-only
For these reasons, Magenicons’ IT staff selects this technology to achieve the project’s HA
requirement. Coincidentally, Google recently added support for SQL Server AlwaysOn Availability
Group on Compute Engine.
In planning for the installation for AlwaysOn Availability Groups, there are several requirements one
needs to pay special attention to.
1. At the current time, AlwaysOn Availability Groups can only be installed and supported in a
GCP subnet network type. It can not be installed in a legacy network. Moreover, the subnet
network must be in custom mode and not the default auto mode (details on the difference in
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these network types and subnet modes can be found here).
2. Each node in the AlwaysOn Availability Group must reside on a different subnetwork,
therefore one would need a minimum of two subnetworks for the setup.
3. Each database replica is hosted by an instance of SQL Server on a different node of the
Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC) cluster.
4. To implement a two-node failover cluster, four IP addresses must be provisioned for the
cluster itself as well as the Availability Group Listener. It’s important to note that these
designated IP addresses must fall outside of the actual subnetwork IP address range of the
cluster nodes, but still be addressable with an appropriate subnet mask.
Let’s walk through a quick example:
If a subnetwork is defined as, the VM’s static IP and subnet mask are set up as and (/16). From the VM's perspective, the addressable subnet is Therefore, one should pick an IP address such as for the listener, which
is outside the subnetwork the VM resides in, but still addressable from the guest
OS’s perspective due to its wider subnet mask. One needs to apply this requirement for all the
IP Addresses needed for WSFC and Availability Group Listener purposes.
See table below for a sample network address scheme needed for entire setup. A
step-by-step tutorial is also available here.
Example network address scheme for the AlwaysOn Installation:
IP addresses ranges
Node Instances
Availability Group Listener
5. Lastly, as noted in the step-by-step tutorial, network routes for the cluster and the availability
group listener are needed in order for the listener and cluster to be able to reach the node
instances. To create the routes, simply follow the example commands provided in the tutorial
(modify them to fit one’s own networking scheme as needed).
Phase Three
Setting up the AD Replication for Redundancy in the Cloud
As an underlying goal for the entire project, the network in GCP should be treated as an extension of
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the Magenicons on-premises network so that applications can move from one site to the other
seamlessly. Once the VPN connectivity between the two sites is set up, one can create an AD DC
and Domain Name Server (DNS) in GCP as if it’s just another branch office. Once this is set up and
running, application(s) running in GCP will not have to traverse the internet for authentication and
lookup purposes thus improving system performance.
The following diagram depicts the traffic flow:
The process for setting up an AD DC with Compute Engine is similar to other VM roles. The first task
is to provision a VM instance by running a gcloud command::
gcloud compute instances create your-dc-machine-name --machine-type n1-standard-1 \
--boot-disk-type pd-ssd --image-project windows-cloud \
--image-family windows-2016 --boot-disk-size 200GB \
--zone us-central1-a --subnet wsfcsubnet3 --private-network-ip=
Once the VM is provisioned, the following tasks are performed in order to set up the site to site or
inter-Site Domain replication:
On the on-premises DC
Create a new site for GCP:
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Add a GCP subnet in Active Directory Sites and Services:
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© 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. Google and the Google logo are trademarks of Google Inc. All other company and product names may be trademarks of
the respective companies with which they are associated.
On the GCP AD DC
Change the default DNS IP to point to the existing DC on-prem:
Join the VM to the on-premises domain:
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Install Active Directory
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the respective companies with which they are associated.
Promote the VM to a domain controller
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the respective companies with which they are associated.
After it reboots, configure DNS settings so that the VM is pointing to itself for DNS queries
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the respective companies with which they are associated.
For a detailed explanation of how AD Replication works in various network topologies (including the
one used here), one can reference this documentation.
Final Thoughts
At the completion of the project, all three phases were successfully delivered while achieving their
respective objectives. Magenicons IT staff found their experience with the cloud to be both intuitive
and efficient. The GCP portal’s simplicity was a joy to use. Documentation on the topics needed to
carry out the various tasks was plentiful on Google’s site and support (available in both paid and free
format) was easy to use. Other than some technical requirements needed for SQL Server AlwaysOn
that needed a bit of experimentation and time to digest and implement, the staff did not run into
anything that would have hindered their project. Most impressive of all, other than changing the
application connection string in the web.config (to connect to the new HA SQL Server instance), not a
single line of code needed to be changed in order to make the system properly hosted in the cloud!
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