The District’s CEQA community risk and hazards screening tools are provided for lead agencies to
consider in deciding whether there should be further environmental review of a project. Lead agencies
may use the screening tools to assess a project’s potential risk and hazard impacts, compare the results
to the lead agency’s applicable thresholds of significance, and determine whether additional analysis is
necessary. The screening tools provide conservative estimates and are not based on actual Health Risk
Screening Assessments. A refined analysis, including modeling, should be conducted for more accurate,
and most likely lower, risk and hazard estimates. The screening tools are not intended to discourage infill
development or affordable housing. The screening tools will continue to be updated to reflect the best
available data. Contact the District for additional guidance on the tools and for conducting a more
refined screening analysis.
This flow chart outlines the District’s recommended screening analysis process. The screening tools
provide estimates for PM
concentrations, cancer risk, chronic hazard risk, and acute hazard risk. For
additional guidance on any of the steps refer to the Recommended Methods for Screening and Modeling
Local Risk and Hazards (Modeling Report) (
Research/CEQA-GUIDELINES/Tools-and-Methodology.aspx) or contact District staff.
The following tools will be needed for the screening analysis:
Google Earth, a free program
Stationary Source Screening Analysis Tool County specific Google Earth (KML) files that map all the
stationary sources permitted by the District with risk and hazard estimates (tool does not estimate
acute hazards since the levels were found to be extremely low),
Highway Screening Analysis Tool County specific Google Earth (KMZ) files that map all the highway
links in the region with risk and hazard modeling estimates by distance,
Roadway Screening Analysis Tables County specific tables containing estimates of risk and hazard
impacts from roadways by AADT and distance (tables do not estimate acute or chronic hazards since
the screening levels were found to be extremely low),
Local road traffic count data from the California Environmental Health Tracking Program
Please note that risk reduction strategies may
be considered and implemented at each step of
the screening process. Risk reduction strategies
include, but are not limited to:
Setback/site design to reduce potential
impacts to sensitive receptors through the
use of commercial development, parking
lots, landscaping, open space, or other uses
that minimize exposure to sensitive
Phase project to be built when the
forecasted model year for roadways
generates reduced impacts.
Confirm that dry cleaners will be phasing out
perc by project build out date.
Install emission controls on back-up
Contact District staff for additional risk
reduction strategies as needed.
District staff will continue to update and expand
screening tables and technical support tools.
To report any errors or corrections in the
District’s tools, please contact District staff.
Contact info: Alison Kirk, 415-749-5169,
Risk and Hazard Screening Analysis Process Flow Chart
Permitted Sources:
Click on the points in Google Earth to
see estimated PM
, cancer risk ,
and hazard values for the identified
permitted sources.
Click on the Google Earth highway
links to see estimated PM
, cancer
risk, and hazard values based on the
highway’s distance from the project
and east/west or north/south
direction from the project.
Major Roadways:
Download the county-specific
Roadway Screening Analysis Tables
from the District’s website. Look-up
and cancer risk values based
on the roadway’s AADT, distance
from the project, and east/west or
north/south direction from the
Determine Impacts:
Compare each source’s estimated
risk, PM
, and hazard to the
applicable thresholds as determined
by the lead agency. Sum all the
sources’ impacts for comparison to
applicable cumulative thresholds.
Permitted Sources:
If the results of the refined
screening exceed any thresholds,
the user may opt to conduct site-
specific air modeling analysis. See
Section 4.0 in the Modeling Report
for additional guidance.
Contact District staff for modeling
data for permitted sources. A
public records request may need to
be submitted to receive specific
permit files.
Highways and Major Roadways:
Risk, PM
, and hazard values for
highways and major roadways may
be further refined with modeling
using local traffic and meteorology
data. See Section 4.0 in the
Modeling Report for additional
Determine Impacts:
Compare each source’s estimated
risk, hazard, and PM
to the
applicable thresholds as
determined by the lead agency.
Sum all the sources’ impacts for
comparison to applicable
cumulative thresholds.
Permitted Sources:
District staff can provide tips for
scaling concentrations based on
Highways and Major Roadways:
Highway and roadways risk and
values can be scaled to reflect
actual AADT and distances from the
To modify the values based on
AADT, divide the actual AADT by the
AADT in the screening table.
Multiply that value with the risk in
the screening table:
(Actual AADT/Screening AADT) x
Screening Value = Actual AADT
Value. See Section 3.1.2 in the
Modeling Report for additional
To refine estimates based on the
exact distance of the roadway to the
project see Section 3.1.2 in the
Modeling Report.
Determine Impacts:
Compare each source’s estimated
risk, hazard, and PM
to the
applicable thresholds as determined
by the lead agency. Sum all the
sources’ impacts for comparison to
applicable cumulative thresholds.
Permitted Sources:
Install Google Earth and download the
county-specific Google Earth kml
permitted source files from the
District’s website. The kml files map the
stationary sources permitted by the
District and provide conservative
screening values for PM
, cancer risk
and chronic hazard index.
Input the project’s address into the
Google Earth search bar. Use the ruler
function to identify permitted sources
within an appropriate radius of the
project area.
Download the county-specific Google
Earth kmz highway files from the
District’s website and identify the
highway links near the project. The kmz
files are available for 6 or 20 feet
elevations to reflect whether people
are located on the 1
floor or higher in
a project.
Major Roadways:
Identify the major roadways with at
least 10,000 average annual daily traffic
(AADT) near the project. AADT data is
available from local transportation
agencies; or from the California
Environmental Health Tracking
No Yes
1. Identify emission sources within
1,000 feet of project's fence line.
2. Conduct initial conservative
screening .
3. Conduct advanced screening for
more refined estimates.
Project can assume no significant impact for risk and hazards. No further analysis needed.
Are there any sources near the
Are the risk and hazard estimates
below the lead agency’s
thresholds of significance?
Are the risk and hazard estimates
below the lead agency’s
thresholds of significance?
4. Conduct refined modeling
Are the risk and hazard estimates
below the lead agency’s
thresholds of significance?
BAAQMD Risk and Hazard Screening Analysis Process Flow Chart:
Implement risk
reduction strategies.