THEIR accomplIsHmEnT Is
youR accomplIsHmEnT.
From the rst steps to the walk across the are proud of every moment.
Be prepared to celebrate this once-in-a-lifetime achievement with our graduation
12-14 monTHs
Attend senior graduation ceremonies and
celebrations – to observe the process and start to
think of how you might want the celebration to
Schedule your students senior photos.
Senior photos have multiple uses including sharing
with friends & family, décor at graduation parties
and of course, Herff Jones photo announcements &
party invites.
Don’t let your child graduate empty handed – now is a great time to order a class ring –
head over to to design a ring.
Schedule a family meeting to start planning what you envision the graduation celebration
to look like – a few things to be sure to think about around this time are:
-Budget – What do you want to do to make this celebration special, how will you
split costs – now is the time to think about this as there is plenty of time to save!
-Informing potential out of town guests. Give them a heads up you’d like them to
attend, so they can plan their travel.
Pay attention to school announcements about your Senior’s meetings & graduation
planning with your local Herff Jones rep. If you have any questions about when orders will
be, you’ll want to contact your local rep. Find your rep at and
search for your school or contact us on
Get your seniors photos taken.
10-12 monTHs
Don’t forget to check out our fun photo products to help celebrate graduation!
8-10 monTHs
8-10 monTHs
Help create your initial invitation list for the graduation party as well as those who you
would like to send a graduation announcement to – this will help you know how many of
both to order. Check out this video for more info:
Help your senior order their graduation announcements, cap & gown, thank you cards and
graduation accessories in advance.
Consider a theme for the graduation. Some popular themes include: Dr. Seuss, Backyard
BBQ, Hawaiian themed or a theme reective of a college or career choice. Check out our
pinterest for ideas:
If you haven’t ordered your graduation products - this is the time for late orders.
Schedule a time with the guidance counselor or academic advisor to ensure your senior is
on track to graduate.
If applicable at the school - make sure your senior registers to participate in the
graduation ceremony.
Begin collecting photos or mementos you want at the graduation party.
Select a bakery to pre-order graduation cake
or cupcakes.
Mail party invitations & grad announcements three weeks before the party.
Create a graduation party playlist! Include all your seniors favorite jams from their
high school years.
6-8 monTHs
Did you know Herff Jones is the official provider for your High School? We
provide custom items that can’t be found anywhere else including graduation
announcements with official school colors, custom school crest & etching.
4-6 monTHs
2-4 monTHs
4-6 wEEks
4-6 wEEks
Help your student choose their graduation outt! This is a time to dress up.
Order food and beverages for the graduation party and make sure you have everything
ready. Check out this video for recipes:
Buy a sign in book or poster for guests
to write memories.
Make sure your senior picks up your cap &
gown from your local rep or at the high school.
Buy paper plates, napkins, silverware, glasses,
Conrm hotel reservations for out of town
Prepare food for the party.
Conrm delivery of the rental equipment (i.e. chairs, tents, table, etc.) for the graduation
Set up gift table, food tables, decorations, sign in book, scrapbook etc.
Wrap gifts & thank you gifts to teachers and mentors. Be sure to check our Herff Jones
Create decorations.
Make sure your senior tries on the cap & gown and remove any wrinkles according to
instructions. Check out this video for details:
Have your camera charged for the big day!
Make sure your family and friends know where to meet you after the ceremony.
Don’t forget to check out our fun photo
products to help celebrate graduation!
2 wEEks ouT
GRad wEEk
According to the “turning of the tassel” tradition, tassels are worn on
the right and moved to the left, signifying the accomplishment of academic
achievement in life.
GRad day!
Assign someone to take photos, videos and give them
instructions to get group photos - make sure you get a
picture with all your friends too!
Pick up balloons and set out yard signs to let your
guests know where the party is.
Set out graduation book for guests to sign.
Send thank you cards within 2 weeks.
Collect photos and save in photo album for good
memories or create a facebook album! We would like to
see your grad photos too! - Share them with us at
Order Ceremony Video and Photos.
Print Unofcial Transcripts (to use when applying for jobs).
Make sure your graduate receives their diploma.
GRad day!
Don’t forget to check out our fun photo
products to help celebrate graduation!
afTER youR cElEbRaTIon
Check out our signature diploma frame to make sure your keepsake lasts
for graduation celebration ideas