Welcome to the Exalted 3e Homebrew
An idiot with too much time on his hands
Hello everyone and welcome to the unfiltered madness of my mind when I am left
unchained and untethered to vomit forth words as I please. If you’re here and reading this, you
are no doubt left wanting some monsters for your game. If that is the case feel free to scroll
down and use them if you’re impatient.
This introduction section will be short and sweet. We’ll be going over two optional
components to this monster guide: Enemy Types and EX-Hard enemies.
I also decided that this project would happen upon my 666th post on the OPP forums.
So as you enjoy this document, settle in with those you truly care about while reading this
manual. Having knowledge and comfort in that as the sky turns red on Christmas, my horrible
form which cannot be described with any words shall make your death mercifully quick.
Enemy Design Philosophy
My goal for this monster manual, aside from just giving a wide array of baddies, is to
make enemy design even more interesting in combat. Each enemy I’ll try to give some reason
why you want *that* specific enemy dead the most in combat. Going beyond just mere filler
enemies to make encounters interesting, and trying to make each monster interesting in a
sense beyond that it's just a bag of numbers to overcome.
New Enemy Classification Types
People like to jump to conclusions with me, did you know this section is optional and that
you can totally ignore it and have this monster guide still work strictly RAW? Yes? Good.
One of the things I noticed about Exalted 3e is that it tends to simulate duels and
Dynasty Warrior’s-esque fights very well. However I feel that sometimes this led to an annoying
missing middle ground. Full single fights against people with activate initiative tracks, especially
if there are multiple of them in the scene, takes too long. Using a battle group either makes the
enemy trivially easy and blown past on the first turn by most people, but buffing them up with
larger Sizes comes with the problem that you’re trying to run Dynasty Warriors in a teahouse or
cramped area, which may not be possible given the size of the area.
To solve this I wish to expand upon the insignificant opponent rule mentioned in 3e,
giving Storytellers the option to turn Exalted from a dueling simulator into a beat-em-up/Devil
May Cry style action game. For this to function, enemies are split into three different types:
Weak, Strong, Special.
Weak - These are the enemies that are so far below your skill level that they’re
practically irrelevant. An Essence 1 Twilight who has a 5 in Brawl with assorted charms
getting into a fight with a sailor with brawl 2 at most? Don’t even bother running this, let
the Twilight jam his thumbs in the guys head and watch it explode. In video game terms
these are the enemies which require one hit from nearly anything to kill, while in DnD 4e
rules these are basically lesser Minions. The danger of these opponents however is that
in larger numbers these are usually battle groups which can pose a danger to people.
Strong - Strong in this sense is what is regarded as ‘Strong opponent for the players at
this particular stage.” They are meant to be threatening enough to be individuals, but at
the same time nothing a PC couldn’t reasonably beat in time as if they were Special
opponents (see below). Strong characters tend to include the highly trained swordsman
prodigy, First Circle Demons, and other things that are meant to be cut through quickly in
order to move onto something more interesting. In video game logic, these are the
enemies that require a few hits to take down but are not the main boss, or in 4e terms
standard opponents.
Special - Special opponents are the badasses of the Exalted world. They kick ass, chew
bubblegum, then head to Red Light District with a pillow full of drugs. These are the
people with active initiative tracks, including things like Second Circle Demons, Stronger
gods, and any Exalted. In video game logic, these guys are bosses, or in DnD 4e terms
Elites/Solo enemies. Player characters are always Special characters.
What’s important here is that these distinctions are all relative. Some ST’s hate the idea
of Weak opponents and may not have such a thing in their games. Which is fine, but part of this
enemy classification is introducing a new opponent type that is both dangerous to careless
players but at the same time can be cut apart like wet tissue paper in order to make them look
and feel more badass.
Sidebar: What about Battle Groups?
Battle Groups are generally composed of either large numbers of insignificant opponents
or simply too many Strong opponents that one is capable of feasibly tracking in combat. Strong
characters are supposed to be the tough badasses that are still potent in their own right and can
easily beat an Insignificant opponent.
Mechanics of the Three Enemy Types
To keep things short and sweet, Insignificant opponents are the same as in Exalted 3e
and Special opponents are just people who have an active initiative track and fight like people
normally do. So let’s just get into the differences that Strong opponents have.
Like a battle group, Strong opponents have inert initiative. They cannot gain any initiative
nor lose any initiative from their initiative tracks.
EX-Mode: Strong opponents have semi-active initiative tracks. They increases
depending on the amount of initiative/damage they take from their opponents and
lower it by 1 for each health level of damage they take. Only do this if you don’t
mind bookkeeping and want the extra challenge.
Strong opponents take damage differently. A withering attack roll made against them
subtracts one health level per success on the roll and if the attacker is a Special
character, rewards one initiative per health level damage, you cannot gain more initiative
than a Strong opponent has health levels (Except the break bonus)
. A decisive damage
roll made against a Strong character is just like that made against a Special character,
only after attack resolution a Special Character does not reset their initiative but rather
reduces it by an amount equal to the damage dealt to the Strong character, but no
initiative can be gained by damaging the Strong opponent this way (Except KO’ing
them). If a Special character KO’s a Strong character (By either withering or decisive)
than it counts as an initiative break, gaining +5 initiative and fueling charms that normally
use initiative break mechanics.
Charms that let the user make multiple attacks (EX: Trance of Unhesitating
Speed) or deal AoE effects (EX: Dancing Devil Trigger Finger) will reset initiative
as per Strong after they are completed.
EX-Mode: Downing a Strong opponent will not grant the +5 initiative related to a
break bonus, however any abilities or charm effects that rely off of initiative break
still function as normally.
Damage inflicted by Strong opponents is like that of a battle group. They can only make
withering attacks and do not directly gain any of the initiative they steal and is rather
lost. Against an opponent in a crash this damage is directly applied to one’s health track.
Like Battle Groups, Strong characters do not double 10s on damage rolls.
Strong opponents may perform gambits like Special characters, each gambit subtracting
initiative as per normal. If they use a gambit on a target in a crash, they add +5 dice to
the gambit roll and the gambit costs no initiative for them.
Animals can easily be Strong opponents, but Familiars are NEVER Strong opponents.
Your PC paid for those, so let him get his investment back!
EX-Mode: Commanders can issue orders to Strong characters like battle groups,
granting them an amount of bonus dice equal to the amount of successes the
commander has on the command roll.
Why on earth would you want to waste a decisive attack on this you say? Remember that decisive
attacks will straight up ignore the soak of Strong opponents, so if you want to finish them off quickly this’ll be
your best bet.
Be very careful with dice adders. Only use these if your group has shredded most
other encounters like paper up until now, and be VERY careful on using this if
your Strong character has some form of excellency.
Many Exalted 3e opponents are not as extreme in skill as the 2e counterparts. This is
mainly done so that everyone has a chance shine against someone without demanding a
Attribute 5 Ability 5 character or not bothering to try in the first place. However there are times
that sometimes players need a little bit of kick to their enemies in order to not become bored.
This isn’t me trying to say that some groups are better than others, just that different people like
different things. So for this Guide I’m first statting up enemies as what I would consider to be a
‘normal’ difficulty, underneath all enemy powers there may be an EX-Mode.
EX-Mode enemies are harder than normal enemies. Not only can such enemies be more
accurate, hit harder, and take less damage; they also have alterations to their skills or brand
new skills! These enemies are for players who want extra difficulty and the Storytellers who
think they can handle it. If this is your first time running a game and if you have first time Exalted
players in your group, I highly suggest not using EX-Mode skills.
What’s the Difference Between Magical and Non-Magical Attacks?
Magical attacks are attacks that are either:
A) Made with an artifact weapon
B) Have some sort of damage adding ability to it (Such as Fire and Stones Strike or
Adamantine Fist of Battle)
C) Weapons or attacks created by Sorcery
Anything else is considered to be a non-magical attack. If you’re worried about me
fucking over Archery and Thrown with this, check the appendix.
Why are there Zerg and X-COM units?
Don’t ask why, ask why not.
Arctic Demitaur
Standing nearly eight feet tall with the head of a bull, jaws of a wolf, the hooves of a horse and
the hands and overdeveloped arms of an incredibly strong man, the Minotaur is widely regarded
as one of the most ferocious monsters of the North. Making up for a lack of cunning with a raw
brute strength that is capable of snapping steel in twain, one doesn’t need to make much of an
imagination to realize how easily this can apply to the bones of a man. Demitaur’s are extremely
skittish and aggressive, in where if any intruder happens upon their group’s law, all of them will
begin smashing and breaking everything in site until their nest is ruined, afterwards they head
out to find a new nest.
Many tribes of the North often have tests of redemption where one is expected to head into the
wild and return with the head of a Demitaur, many just cut their losses and accept the soft exile.
Difficulty: A slow but incredibly tough son of a bitch that’s capable of breaking you across its
knee with ease if you’re not capable. Flying into a rage will make the exponentially more lethal
as well.
Suggested Type: Strong / Special
Essence: 1 Willpower: 6 Join Battle: 7 dice
Health Levels: -0x2/-1x4/-2x4/-4/Incap.
Appearance 2 (Hideous), Resolve 3, Guile 1
Combat: Feats of Strength: 11 dice (May attempt Strength 7 Feats of Strength, See Incredible
Might); Intimidation: 10 dice; Resist Poison/Disease: 10 dice; Senses: 7 dice; Tracking: 7 dice
Gore: 10 dice, 17L/4 damage
Punch: 13 dice, 14B/3 damage, has the Smashing tag
Grapple: 9 dice (12 to control)
Combat Movement: 6 dice
Evasion: 2 Parry: 5
Soak/Hardness: 11/0 (Thick Hide + Fur: 4L soak)
Special Attacks
Brutal Stomp: Against a prone target the Demitaur may attempt to stomp on the enemy using
its hooves, adding +2 dice to the damage (post soak if withering, raw damage as decisive) and
doubles 9s on withering damage rolls and doubles 10s on decisive attacks.
Gut them like a Pig!: When using a ravage grapple option with its horns, it may strike at the
target with double 9s on withering damage and double 10s on decisive.
Rage: When the creature enters a new health level category or is provoked into rage (Such as
inspire attacks to make the enemy angry) than it immediately flies into potent rage which last
three turns or until the Demitaur is crashed or knocked prone. During this rage the Demitaur
ignores all penalties related to its wounds, adds +3 dice to speed and doubles 9s against the
target that caused it to rage, automatically gains an amount of initiative equal to (1 + new wound
penalty category), adds +2 damage to all withering attacks, and lastly adds +1 automatic
success to all attacks or grapple related actions. The duration of this rage is equal to (1 +
Wound Penalty category) if the health is reduced or three actions otherwise.
Rampage: Upon entering into a new wound penalty, the Demitaur is capable of lashing out at
its aggressor, making a free reflexive attack against anyone in range.
Weapon-Crushing Strength: The savage Strength of a Demitaur is enough to snap most
mortal weapons in twain. If a Demitaur strikes a target who attempted to parry and achieves
either 5+ or more damage on a withering attack roll or any decisive damage, the Demitaur
may make a reflexive roll to break the weapon completely reflexively, which is usually a difficulty
6 feat of strength. If the weapon is indestructible, than the Demitaur may attempt an immediate
disarm gambit against the target. If a mortal attempts to parry an attack unarmed against a
Demitaur, a contested roll is made pitting the victim’s Stamina+Resistance against the
Demitaur’s Feat of Strength pool, which if it rolls higher than it automatically breaks the victims
limbs. Magical creatures and the Exalted are more hardy, thus do not gain the crippling injury.
Dodging does not trigger this ability.
Adapted to Cold: Although it may not prefer it, a Demitaur is adapted to the Cold of the North.
It ignores all environmental damage related to mundane cold weather and gains +4 automatic
successes to resist effects based on supernaturally cold weather. Lastly, it ignores up to two
points of penalties related to cold or Northern weather.
Incredible Might: The Demitaur doubles 9s on all Feats of Strength.
Winter Menace: The Demitaur does not count waist high snow as difficult terrain, treating it as if
it were normal terrain.
EX-Mode Abilities
Accuracy Up: Increase the Accuracy of the unit’s attacks by +2, counting as a stunt bonus. This
does not apply when in a battlegroup.
Rage: Applies to an enemy the Demitaur can see for three turns but has not yet attacked, in
which case it may immediately fly into a rage and chase after them.
After years of geomatic essence from a nearby demense these once docile creatures
have mutated into fierce, fast, flesh tearing beasts. Ever present in the warm southern deserts
and savannah plains, standing nearly seven to eight feet tall with claws sharp enough to cut
men wearing plate armour to pieces in seconds. Harborheadians have tried to tame some of
these beasts but such attempts always end in tragedy. Many a young dragonblooded have
thought to prove themselves by slaying one of these beasts, many don’t come back.
Suggested Type: Special
Difficulty: Run.
Really What’s the difficulty: Very Hard. Deathclaws are made to shatter slow tanky walls,
dishing out just as much as they take in. They are also incredibly hard to run away from if you’re
fighting a losing battle.
Essence: 1 Willpower: 7 Join Battle: 10 dice (Base initiative 5)
Health Levels: -0x3/-1x5/-2x5/-4x4/Incap. Fiercely territorial, Deathclaws will attack anyone
intruding on their territory and will not flee unless they take 13+ levels of damage or protecting
their nest.
Actions: Feats of Strength: 10 dice (may attempt Strength 7 feats); Hide in Plains/Desert: 8
dice; Intimidation: 10 dice; Resist Poison/Disease: 10 dice; Senses: 8 dice (see Relentless
Pursuit); Tracking: 8 dice (see Relentless Pursuit)
Attack (Bite): 11 dice (Damage 14, minimum 5)
Attack (Claws): 13 dice (Damage 14, minimum 4) A Deathclaw’s claws can easily shred armour,
allowing for piercing attacks.
Grapple: 8 dice (10 to control)
Combat Movement: 9 dice
Evasion: 4 Parry: 6
Soak/Hardness: 12/4
Special Attacks
Advancing Charge: If the Deathclaw has taken a rush action and moves from short to close
range of an opponent, than any threshold dice on the Rush roll is counted as additional
post-soak damage on a withering attack. If the opponent’s last action was a
Disengage/Withdraw action or the Deathclaw made a surprise/ambush attack, these dice are
turned into automatic successes.
Armour Breaker: Against an opponent with lower initiative, the Deathclaw is able to use
piercing attacks without sacrificing a point of defense or initiative.
Bloodhunt: A Deathclaw adds his opponent’s current wound penalty to his damage on a 1:1
basis. Post soak if withering, additional damage if decisive.
Deathclaw’s Fury: Whenever the Deathclaw manages to crash a target, they are allowed to
make an immediate follow up attack that can either be withering or decisive at their leisure.
Once per battle, if the Deathclaw has knocked someone away with Vicious Pounce after using
Advancing Charge, than the Deathclaw may pay one willpower to trigger this ability, adding
either (5 + Threshold successes on rush) dice to a decisive attack or adding the same amount
of post soak dice as Advancing Charge did (With them counting as automatic successes)
Furious Rampage: Whenever the Deathclaw attacks or rushes an enemy who is in Initiative
Crash, it adds three automatic successes on the roll.
Vicious Pounce: If the Deathclaws has moved at least one range brand before attacking their
target and their attack does either 5+ withering damage or any decisive damage, the
Deathclaw may knock their opponent one brand away and prone. The Deathclaw can use this
melee combat without having moved first so long as he pays 1 willpower before doing so. This
forced movement a range brand away does trigger the rush action’s reflexive move.
Pain Tolerance: Deathclaws do not suffer any wound penalties to their defense until they reach
their -4 health levels, and even then they only suffer a -2 penalty instead.
Swift Hunter: The Deathclaw may double 9s on any test of speed to chase after its prey.
Relentless Pursuit: The Deathclaw applies the double 8s rule on any scent-based Awareness
roll or on any roll to track by scent so long as it's within the Deathclaw’s territory or double 9s
otherwise. It adds three automatic successes on any roll made to oppose an enemy’s (Dexterity
+ Stealth) roll using scent within its territory, or outside of its territory adding an amount of bonus
dice equal to the wound penalty of its quarry.
EX-Mode Abilities
Accuracy Up: Deathclaws are automatically counted to complex something such as a level 1
stunt on all rolls, adding two dice to all rolls (Except damage). A battlegroup composed of
Deathclaws do not gain this benefit.
Advancing Charge: The Deathclaws suffers no penalties from attempting to flurry a rush and
attack roll in the same turn so long as he’s within short range of his target.
Berserk: If a Mother or Alpha Deathclaw is protecting their nest, they adds any wound penalties
they have to all rolls rather than subtract them.
Swift Hunter: Against a wounded opponent, the Deathclaw adds the opponent’s wound penalty
as bonus dice.
Emerald Monkey
These green skinned simiens are a common sight in the jungles of the East. These small
monkeys are not strong enough to be a direct threat, they can be trained to perform various
other small tasks, such as scouting an enemy base, serving as loud distractions, or stealing
some various small trinket. The last bit is something they’re extremely adept at, and travellers to
the East are warned to keep a sharp eye on their backpack or belongings at all times least an
Emerald Monkey steal it when they least expect it. Monkey’s can be trained to be smart as a
small child of about six years old, and can be expected to accomplish orders that a six year old
can understand.
Emerald Monkey’s typically start running anytime starts to wave something threatening at them
or a single level of damage is dealt.
The stats for any small monkey can also apply to the Emerald Monkey’s.
Difficulty: Almost none, but their main threat is pissing players off when their stuff is constantly
stolen or having various tricks done to them pre-battle such as unloading weapons.
Suggested Type: Insignificant, but when chasing after one to hunt down an item it could be
special whatever makes more sense for the narrative.
Essence: 1 Willpower: 4 Join Battle: 6 dice
Health Levels: -0/-1/-2/Incap.
Speed Bonus: You gotta be like REALLY tiny
Actions: Any Stealing Related Roll: 7 dice (See Yoink!); Climbing: 8 dice; Senses: 7 dice;
Stealth: 8 dice (see Camoflauge);
Appearance 2, Resolve 2, Guile 1
Bite: 10 dice, 5L damage
Fling Poo: 8 dice, no damage but the target will be really grossed out with a -2 penalty from the
smell if they’re not used to monkeys.
Combat Movement: 8 dice
Evasion: 4 Parry: 2
Soak/Hardness: 2/0
Camouflage: The Green Monkey doubles all 9s on stealth rolls when in its native environment
of jungle Forest.
Climber: The Monkey is capable of scampering up trees just as fast as it can run on the ground.
A Green Monkey is capable of running directly up a green at one range brand per turn. They
never need to make climb checks unless the tree is violently shaking or covered in soap or
something slipper.
Distraction Master: If a Monkey successfully pulls off a distraction gambit, the gambit only
costs half the amount of initiative, rounded down.
Jungle Menace: Ignore up to three points of penalties that arise from jungle environments,
mainly related to movement but could also be things such as gathering food. This includes
moving while in in Stealth.
Yoink!: Green Monkey’s apply a -3 penalty when one attempts to sene them stealing by touch.
All other actions that involve stealing double 9s.
Bred in Sijan as a form of enhanced war hound capable of dealing with the dead, Gravehounds
appear as large furless dogs with a sickly and sorrowful expression on their faces (even when
they are healthy). Gravehounds are useful to Sijanese or Abyssals as they do not fear dead nor
the Underworld. Whenever a Gravehound consumes the flesh of a recently deceased, it is
capable regaining all their memories for a number of days for a limited duration. Often
Gravehounds who do this may attempt to accomplish some last urgent task such as telling a
loved one or a lord the last report of a noble scout. More sadistic people use this to extract
information out of a dead man.
Gravehounds are very uncommon outside of the Scavenger Lands, though they are known to
exist in the Underworld as well.
Traits: As per the Wolf in Exalted 3e, except with the following abilities.
Special Attacks
Spectral Seal: Whenever a Gravehound has a spirit based target grappled, they are forbidden
to dematerialize so long as the Gravehound remains latched onto them.
Consume Memories: When a Gravehound consumes a recently deceased body, he is able to
absorb all the memories and intimacies of the recently deceased. For a number of days after the
fallen’s (Willpower), the Grave Hound uses the non-physical traits the recently deceased had
(Albeit it does not change its appearance).
Foot in Death’s Door: A Gravehound is capable of perceiving undead spirits who are
dematerialized normally with all of its senses. They are also able to physically touch, restrain,
and attack undead creatures who are dematerialized.
Ice Weasels
Speciality is jaw lock, if they can bite onto an opponent for three turns, their jaw becomes locked
around them and cannot be removed unless you break the jaw of the critter or cut off the arm.
EX-Mode they can tear off an arm while in crash.
Ice Weasel’s are predators of north, the three feet feet long creatures hunt alone through the icy
dunes. Despite their size and innocent appearance, they are known for being incredibly
dangerous creatures who can tear off the arm of a grown man with ease. Pelts of these
creatures are highly treasured valued across Creation, easily going for two dots of resources
(Resources three elsewhere). With their incredible sense of smell and speed, they are capable
of chasing their prey across the vast expanses of the north. Creatures of the north such as
Hushed Ones or Lunars have been known to train Ice Weasels to use them as powerful ambush
Difficulty: Similar to the Great Cat, but with a nasty little trick up its sleeve. Shouldn’t be overly
difficult for most people however.
Suggested Type: Strong / Special
Essence: 1 Willpower: 5 Join Battle: 5 dice
Health Levels: -0/-1x4/-4/Incap.
Actions: Feats of Strength: 7 dice (may attempt Strength 5 feats); Senses: 7 dice (see Keen
Scent and Night Vision); Stealth: 8 dice (see Camouflage); Tracking: 6 dice (see Keen Scent)
Appearance 3, Resolve 3, Guile 1
Bite: 11 dice, 12L damage
Grapple: 10 dice (9 to control)
Combat Movement: 10 dice
Evasion: 4 Parry: 5
Soak/Hardness: 6/0
Special Attacks
Ambush Hunter: The Ice Weasel adds three dice on all attack rolls made from stealth.
Clamp Down: An Ice Weasel that deals 3+ levels of damage to a victim with a decisive bite
attack may pay a point of Willpower to begin grappling them, making the opposed roll to
establish control over the clinch. A successful clinch adds +1 to the base Initiative it resets to for
every round of control it gains. Once per fight.
Leaping Pounce: If a Ice Weasel moves into close range with an enemy the size of a full grown
man or smaller and deals 5+ damage to it with a withering attack on the same turn, it may pay
a point of Willpower to reflexively make a grapple gambit against its prey.
Locked Jaw: The Ice Weasel is known for its jaw strength, and once it locks around someone’s
limb with a good enough grip it's capable of tearing the entire thing off. Once an Ice Weasel has
control of a grapple for three turns than control rounds become irrelevant. The Ice Weasel will
remain on the opponent until either its jaw is broken or the limb is torn clean off (Killing the Ice
Weasel won’t work, its jaw must be broken). If an Ice Weasel manages to launch a decisive
attack on a crashed opponent and do at least a single level of lethal damage, than it is capable
of tearing the limb directly off the target itself. Magical creatures such as the Exalted are more
hardy, and merely have the limb rendered useless for the scene.
Adapted to Cold: The Ice Weasel adds +2 dice and doubles 9s to any Resistance or Survival
check involving the temperature or other winter related hazards of the north.
Camouflage: The Ice Weasel doubles all 9s on stealth rolls when in its native environment of
icy tundra.
Keen Nose: The Ice Weasel double 9s on any perception roll involving their sense of smell.
Snow Predator (Latent): The white fur the Ice Weasel makes it hard to spot in the snow even
while moving. Ice Weasel’s ignore the -3 penalty to stealth for moving while cloaked so long as
the terrain is ice or snow or white.
EX-Mode Abilities
Accuracy Up: Increase the Accuracy of the unit’s attacks by +2, counting as a stunt bonus. This
does not apply when in a battlegroup.
Locked Jaw: For exalted users, the limb remains crippled until they receive proper medical
treatment or heal the damage.
Many stories about how Lockjaws first appeared in the Western oceans are as numerous as the
fish are themselves. A tornado carried fresh water fish into the deep wyld where they mutated
into more deadly predators, a god jealous of Siakal’s power in the West made the fish in order
to compete with her, ancient super-predators of a primordial Creation have once again awoken
from their ancient slumber, either way the result is the same. An orange size fish about the size
of a man’s hand and a jaw that can open up to about the size of its body. These fish constantly
prowl the Western oceans looking for anything to eat; such as wood, meat, metal, meat, ships,
meat, exalts, and finally meat. Incredibly aggressive towards anything not another Lockjaw, the
fish are known to be large problems in the West. Siakal especially hates them with an undying
fury, and if any of her priests sacrifice blood to this creatures than she’ll demand the priest him
to be thrown into the jaws of her sons and daughters. Siakal may want blood split, but the only
blood she wants are from Lockjaws or those trying to kill them.
Difficulty: Lockjaws are a joke by themselves, but in a massive group they become nightmares
to everything floating in the water.
Suggested Type: Insignificant
Essence: 1 Willpower: 4 Join Battle: 5 dice
Health Levels: -0x1/-1x1/-2x1/Incap A single Lockjaw is something a single adult can easily do,
and when the situation arises a single successful attack roll to hit can kill one. However they
rarely appear alone...
Sample Intimacies:
Defining: Food (Tie), Fish Food (Tie)
Major: Food (Tie)
Minor: Food (Tie)
Actions: Feats of Strength: 6 dice (May attempt Strength 3 Feats of Strength, see Iron Jaw);
Senses: 6 dice (see Blood Scent); Swim: 7 dice; Tracking: 3 dice (see Blood Scent)
Resolve 2, Guile 1
Bite: 9 dice, 12L damage
Combat Movement: 7 dice
Evasion: 3 Parry: 1
Soak/Hardness: 3/0
Special Attacks
Blood Lust: Upon smelling blood in the water, Lockjaws abandon whatever reason they have
left in the sole minded purpose to consume prey. As soon as someone takes a single level of
lethal damage (Or even something cosmetic like a nosebleed) the Lockjaws go into a frenzy,
granting them Perfect Morale and an average drill.
Go for the Jugular!: Against a unit in initiative crash, Lockjaws add an amount of automatic
successes to attack rolls equal to the opponent’s current wound penalty. One roll is still made
against all targets within range of the battlegroup, but only those harmed get the bonus
successes compared to their defense.
Iron Jaw: Lockjaws are capable of eating virtually any matter they can virtually get their mouths
around. Swords, wood, people, all can be eaten and digested by the Lockjaws. For each point
of size the Lockjaws have they increase the dice pool for their feats of strength and their
effective strength by 1. Additionally Lockjaws add a number of automatic successes to such
rolls equal to (Size/2). Due to their size, a Lockjaw battle group can apply this to every ship
within its radius.
Blood Scent: The siaka adds three automatic successes on any Perception-based roll to sense
the presence of blood in the water, and can smell even a drop of blood from hundreds of miles
away. If it is specifically attempting to track or detect a character who is bleeding, it adds an
additional automatic success for each point of wound penalty that character is suffering.
Endless Swarm: The fast breeding Lockjaws are known to swim in massive schools time to
time. When used as part of a battle group, increase the magnitude size by an amount equal to
(Current Size/2, round up). This represents the sheer size in numbers.
Shark Sleep: Same as the Siaka. Siaka do not every truly sleep, remaining constantly active.
Instead, they may enter a resting phase, during which they remain conscious and can still move,
but cannot attack or take other involved physical actions without disrupting their rest. Eight
hours spent in this resting phase is equivalent to a night’s sleep for the siaka.
Fish Food: Lockjaws go crazy for food designed to feed normal pet fish and no one knows why.
If a person has fish food, then they may attempt a gambit at a difficulty of (2 + [Current Size/2]).
If successful then for one action the size of the Lockjaw battle group will be reduced by 2 for all
effective stats, if the battle group is size 2 this could even force a withdraw! Of course, a brave
soul who is bleeding (one level of lethal damage) could attempt to lead the fish away.
EX-Mode Abilities
Accuracy Up: Increase the accuracy of this unit by +2, this is represented as a stunt bonus.
Endless Swarm +: The bonus to magnitude is increased to Size x2 instead of just Size.
Go for the Jugular!: The damage bonus related to size is turned into post soak against targets
in initiative crash.
Heavy Teeth: The incredibly sharp teeth of the Lockjaw are capable of shredding apart the
toughest of armour, granting them the piercing keyword.
Wyvern with Wyvern Rider
Wyverns are a rare sight in Creation, a high maintenance animal due to extremely finicky
way they set up their nest and their temperament often makes them more trouble than they’re
worth for most people. The people who are known to tame Wyverns are known as Wyvern
Riders and are regarded as some of the most elite shock troops in all of Creation. Wyverns are
most commonly seen in the South or Southeast, liking the warm climates and making their nests
in high locations which allow them to spot prey more easily and protect their young. In the
Scavenger Lands however there is a small Kingdom known as the Gardo Empire which is
known to make heavy use of Wyverns not only for attacking other nations, but also for thwarting
Mount Metagalapa’s Hawk Riders. Given the Wyvern’s tougher scales and vicious natural
weapon, they are more than a match for Hawk Riders.
Difficulty: Fighting Wyverns out in the open is an annoying prospect, with strong mobility and
flight to constantly harress others. However it is nothing players shouldn’t be able to handle, and
if you lure one into a cave or some such the mobility drastically decreases.
Suggested Type: Strong
Essence: 1 Willpower: 5 Join Battle: 6 dice
Health Levels: -0x3/-1x3/-2x3/-4x1/Incap . Wild Wyverns will generally flee after taking 6 levels
of damage, but if protecting their nest they will fight to the death.
Speed Bonus: +1 (+4 in air)
Actions: Feats of Strength: 8 dice (May attempt Strength 5 Feats of Strength); Resist
Poison/Disease: 7 dice (See Hard Gullet); Senses: 6 dice (See Airborne Hunter); Tracking: 6
Attack (Bite): 9 dice (Damage 15)
Attack (Claw): 11 dice (Damage 11)
Attack (Grapple): 8 dice (7 dice to control)
Combat Movement: 8 dice (See Tireless Wings)
Evasion: 4 Parry: 3
Soak/Hardness: 8/4
Special Attacks
Armour Crusher (Latent): If the Wyvern takes a movement toward an opponent and then
makes an attack, the next attack they make ignores 4 points of the opponent's armour.
Death Dive: As long as the Wyvern is able to soar up to long range from the ground, it may dive
down at an enemy with devastating force. The first time it moves down into close range with an
enemy while airborne and makes a decisive attack, it may add four dice to the attack roll and
apply the double 10s rule on the damage roll. Once it has used this special attack, it must regain
altitude, returning back to vertical long range before it can do so again.
Airborne Hunter: Being a predator of the air, the Wyvern’s eyes are keen on spotting things
from the air. Double all 9s on Sight based rolls while in the air.
Aerial Speed Demon: When competing against creatures on the ground while in the air, the
Wyvern my keep and reroll all 10s it gains on rushes against its opponent.
Darting Target: A Wyvern normally fights by constantly attempting to dart in and out of the
targets range. If a Wyvern flies into close range of the opponent, than until the end of their next
turn they turn one die on disengage rolls into an automatic success.
Hard Gullet: The Wyvern has adapted its stomach to food that would normally be toxic to other
creatures, as they’re not picky. Add +2 automatic successes to resist poison or disease from
food the Wyvern has ingested.
Tireless Wings: The Wyvern’s wings are very large and efficient, capable of carrying it across
vast distances with little physical effort. Flying for the Wyvern is no more difficult than walking. In
addition when it is flying it gains +3 dice on all combat movement rolls.
EX-Mode Abilities
Accuracy Up: Wyverns are automatically counted to complex something such as a level 1 stunt
on all rolls, adding two dice to all rolls (Except damage).
Aerial Speed Demon: Against people attempting Withdraw actions, the Wyvern can rush from
medium range.
Ground Terror: The Wyvern turns one die on its attack roll into an automatic success whenever
it attacks a target incapable of flight from the air. Against characters who lack the Reaching tag
on their weapons, its defense increases by 1.
Arete-Series Artificial Heroes (ASAH-001)
Familiar •••
The bodies of these advanced automatons are grown from obsidian in the stylized
likeness of perfect human physiques, devoid of distinguishing features and yet perfectly
proportioned blank-masked mannequins. When they move, their stone bends to its new position
as though sheared by volcanic force. At the heart of each burns a blessed effigy of the
Unconquered Sun so bright that it shines like a burning Solar anima through their nigh-opaque
exterior. A molten mantle of orichalcum flows like blood through their bodies. In battle, their
stone cracks and an eruption of superheated liquid alloy forms into the desired weapon until
reabsorbed. The synthetic warriors are largely silent combatants, designed to let the poetry and
brilliance of their prowess speak for them. They know only Old Realm. Although they failed to
provide a viable alternative to the Terrestrial Exalted as originally envisioned, they remain
among the most advanced models of battle automaton ever designed: fast, strong, fierce and
Aries has been a unique Arete as her creator has often told her that she was a twofold
Creation: Not only was she a lethal bodyguard but also had a personality installed within her as
well. Aries lives, thinks, and interacts with people just like any other person does. She has
wondered where her master went however after he left for dinner all those centuries ago,
leaving her all alone the Denandsor. Sure some interesting things happen, such as the Fey that
came in droves centuries ago, but whenever someone comes into the city they always leave
screaming before she can invite them to do anything. Until her master comes back or she hears
proof of her demise however, she is forced to remain in Denandsor, conflicting with her
Automaton core programming in which she wants to desperately explore the world and hear the
telling tale of heroes themselves.
Suggested Type: Special generally, but if the PC’s are really strong then Strong.
Difficulty: Certainly not an opponent for the lighthearted, Arete’s are often made to challenge
experienced Exalted themselves and even players who pick 5/5 in their primary combat stat.
Essence: 3 Willpower: 10 Join Battle: 12 dice
Personal Motes: 30/30
Health Levels: 10x -0/Incap
Actions: Feats of Strength: 12 dice (May attempt Strength 7 Feats of Strength), Craft: 9 dice
(Always a speciality with Arete’s and maintaining magical infrastructure, weapons, armour,
jewelery, buildings + manses, whatever else the ST needs), Social actions: 1 die, all other rolls:
12 dice (9 dice if intelligence is used)
Appearance 3, Resolve 6 (See Automaton), Guile 1
Attack (Daiklave): 15 dice, 20/4L Damage, +1 Defense, see Masterwork Aureate Arsenal
Attack (Goremaul): 15 dice, 20/4L Damage, +1 Defense, see Masterwork Aureate Arsenal
Attack (Razor Claws): 17 dice, 18/3L Damage, +1 Defense, see Masterwork Aureate Arsenal
Attack (Grand Daiklave): 13 dice, 22/6L Damage, +0 Defense, see Masterwork Aureate Arsenal
Attack (Short Powerbow): 17 dice at short, 18/3L Damage, +1 Defense, see Masterwork
Aureate Arsenal
Combat Movement: 12 dice
Evasion: 6 Parry: 7 (6 with Grand Daiklave)
Soak/Hardness: 14/7 (+8/7 Obsidian Shell, no mobility or fatigue penalty)
Art in Motion: As a permanent enhancement of their capabilities, Arete automatons do not
accrue normal flurry penalties. Instead, Arete’s may flurry any two actions at no penalty but may
still only take one attack action per turn. Aretes have permanent enchantments duplicating the
effects of the following Solar Charms of Exalted: Graceful Crane Stance, Soaring Crane Leap,
Lightning Speed, Spider-Foot Style and Feather-Foot Style.
Automaton: Automatons are immune to poison and disease, and have no need to eat, drink,
breathe, or sleep. As a general rule, they treat all social influence as unacceptable, unless
following the orders of their master or faced with magic such as the Dawn Caste anima power.
Beauty-Appreciating Eye: The automatons benefit from permanent enchantments upgrading
their senses, duplicating the effects of the following Solar Charms: Unshakeable Bloodhound
Technique (enhances all tracking efforts, but with no Charm roll-off bonus), All-Encompassing
Sorcerer’s Sight (automatically identifies magic without Occult roll), Keen Sense Technique and
Unsurpassed Sense Discipline (Vision, Hearing/Touch).
Dynamic Crystal Design: The automatons can melt and internally re-forge damaged or
worn-out components, allowing them to heal two bashing or one lethal level each time their turn
begins (or every five seconds out of combat), which fails to work if they’re in initiative crash.
Aggravated damage heals one level per day. These systems also obviate the need for the
periodic maintenance common to less advanced models. Once “killed” with injury, one can be
hacked apart to stop regeneration. Amputated body parts fuse back into place the moment they
are reconnected and heal proportionally to their state (half intact means half health at max, plus
pertinent Crippling from remaining amputation). At least half the body must be restored for
severely damaged Aretes
to regain “consciousness” and begin gathering missing pieces. The
constructs know nothing of pain (immune to wound penalties and other pain-based Crippling
Masterwork Aureate Arsenal: The automatons can reflexively grow any basic orichalcum
weapon upon declaring an attack (or being declared the target of an attack), provided it has the
requisite free hands to wield it. Once made, the weapon can’t be changed out for another until
the unit’s DV refreshes. Grown weapons aren’t a valid target for non-amputating disarming
attempts, add an extra +2 damage from their superheated state and generate infinite mundane
ammunition as needed from the automaton’s own Essence-charged radiance.
Tactical Analysis Protocols: Aretes adapt to their attackers, applying onslaught as a DV
bonus rather than penalty. Arete
composed battle groups always have Perfect Morale, Elite
drill, and a Might of 2.
EX-Mode Abilities
Adaptive Learning Algorithms: Upon seeing a target’s actions at least once, the Arete is able
to adapt to their targets to alarming efficiency. Upon seeing a target defend against an Arete’s
attacks at least once the Arete may spend 1m 1i per automatic success it wishes to purchase
on an attack roll to a maximum of 3. Against a target who has disengaged/rushed the Arete, the
Arete may spend 1m 1i per automatic success on any such roll, to a maximum of 3.
Beauty-Appreciating Eye: In addition to its normal effects, the Arete Automaton may pay 1m
per 10 that appears in his join battle roll in order to cascade them, paying an additional mote for
each extra success.
Dynamic Crystal Design: In addition to its normal effects, Arete’s are capable of returning from
death even in incredibly harsh circumstances. Upon checking off the incapacitated level, the
Arete may return from combat three turns later as if it merely suffered initiative crash, checking
off the incapacitated box upon doing so and standing back up to fight once more. The only way
to stop this from happening is a special Coup de Grace
action in where your character
separates the Automaton apart in order to stop it from reactivating. This action is a simple
action and may be placed in a flurry.
Masterwork Aureate Arsenal: In addition to its normal effects, the Arete
may pay 1m per 10
that appears in the damage roll in order to cascade those die (paying additional motes per 10
that appears). On a decisive damage roll, the Arete
may pay 1m per 10 that appears in order
for that die to count as two successes.
Obsidian Shell Protection: The Arete
Automaton gains all the unique charms that the spell
Invulnerable Skin of Bronze
provides, which cannot be dispelled (In lieu of anima levels,
Invincible God Metal Flash may only be used once per scene instead with a reset condition of
taking three attacks which deal no damage). Additionally the Arete may spend 1m per 1 that
appears in the damage roll of the opponent, lowering the damage by 1 and netting the Arete 1i.
Hounds of Autochton
Originally constructed by Autochthon before his disappearance from Creation, these dogs were
originally made herd Furnace Rhinos. Standing nearly 10 feet tall at each shoulder while being
mostly made out of a single magical material, they silently roam the areas in the South
performing their duties even after thousands of years. Out of the Creations in the South
Autochton only made a handful of these creatures, and now only about half their numbers
It is also said that Hounds of Autochton, or their larger brothers the Alchemical Battle Beasts,
are said to roam important areas to Autochton within Creation or his domain within Yu-Shan.
Difficulty: The Hounds of Autochton are a far more durable and rarer version of the Dog
Suggested Type: Strong / Special
Essence: 5 Willpower: 7 Join Battle: 9 dice
Personal Motes: 50/50
Health Levels: -0x3/-1x4/-2x2/-4/Incap. The Hounds have no sense of fear, but unless
protecting something valuable to Autochton will retreat after taking seven levels of damage.
Speed Bonus: +3, but without Autochton ordering them they won’t allow anyone on their back.
Actions: Feats of Strength: 6 dice (may attempt Strength 3 Feats of Strength); Intimidate: 3
dice; Resisting Hardship: 6 dice; Senses: 8 dice (see Keen Nose); Stealth: 8 dice; Tracking: 8
(see Keen Nose)
Appearance 3, Resolve 4, Guile 1
Bite: 11 dice, 13L/3 damage
Grapple: 8 dice (7 to control)
Combat Movement: 8 dice
Evasion: 5 Parry: 3
Soak/Hardness: 10/5 (Magical Material Skin)
Dog/Wolf: Unless mentioned otherwise, Hounds of Autochton have the exact same Special
attacks and merits as a wolf. All Latent and Magical options are also automatically unlocked for
the Hounds.
Automaton: Automatons are immune to poison and disease, and have no need to eat, drink,
breathe, or sleep. As a general rule, they treat all social influence as unacceptable, unless
following the orders of their master or faced with magic such as the Dawn Caste anima power.
Automaton battle groups have perfect morale. The Drill of such units is often considered
Inevitable Escape: Given time, Hounds of Autochthon can chew through any chain, dig out of
any pit or escape from any pen or trap. Even magical bindings or prisons fail in time, often with
no sign of how the hound got out. If it becomes relevant in play, roll the beast’s Willpower on
regular increments. The hound escapes after five successes. Roll daily for mundane means of
restraint (if the hound cannot simply break out with an ordinary feat of strength or attack);
weekly, for extraordinary fetters such as a jadesteel cage, or those employing simple Charms,
artifacts, thaumaturgy or Terrestrial Circle sorcery; and monthly for powerful artifacts or sorcery.
Even N/A artifacts, entities of comparable power or throwing a hound into Elsewhere merely
extend the time scale to years.
Keen Nose: When making perception rolls based on smell, the Hounds of Autochton double all
9s and add two automatic successes to any roll.
Loyal Guardian: The Hound of Autochton is able to flurry a defend other action with an attack
without the usual penalties if protecting another hound.
Magical Material Construction: Depending on their magical Material base, each hound of
Autochton will get a different upgrade:
Sun Dogs: Appearing like a Mastiff with a lion like mane and glittering golden coat, the
howls of these creatures can be heard for miles. Sun Dogs are stronger than other dogs,
having +2 Strength (Meaning that they at least add +2 damage to attacks), can attempt
Strength 5 feats of Strength, double 9s on all Feats of Strength rolls, and their attacks
have the piercing tag.
Moon Dogs: These lean creatures have smooth Silver Coats and whiplike tails. These
hounds are far quicker than most other Hounds, adding +2 to their combat movement
speed, doubling 9s on all combat movement rolls, and may take their next action three
ticks faster than what they normally could.
Jadehound: These bulky stone like dogs are deceptively agile for their size, standing
only nine feet tall and still able shrug off blows far better than their other cousins. Increse
the soak and hardness of a Jadehound to 15/10 respectively, all wound penalties count
as one less, and lastly add two dice to resist hardship and double all 9s on such rolls.
Starhounds: Starhounds have thick grey coats but are rarely seen, always appearing to
be in the area where others are not known to look. Starhounds add +2 dice to their
stealth pool, double all 9s on stealth rolls, are capable of adding all threshold damage to
post-soak on withering attacks or as extra damage on decisive attacks when made
from stealth, and lastly are still capable of making ambush attacks after a fight has
begun so long as they meet other criteria are met.
Nighthounds: Appear as ebon black sun dogs with solid white eyes. The Silent Killers
are known to never bark and their very stare and bite is said to drain the soul out of a
target completely and that they will chase their quarry to the ends of the earth.
Nighthounds add +2 dice to all perception or tracking based rolls and double all 9s from
such things, double 9s (withering) or double 10s (decisive) on damage rolls against
spiritual OR mortal based targets, and every successful attack against an exalted target
must have the defender pay either three motes or one willpower lest they apply the
doubling rule on them as well.
Regeneration: The hounds recover one level of non-aggravated damage every 15 minutes.
Aggravated damage takes the same amount of time as the Exalted to heal.
Sense Intrusions: Hounds of Autochthon sometimes know when forces of the Wyld or (less
often) Malfeas or the Underworld launch assaults into Creation, or when ancient seals are about
to be broken. Even the wisest gods and savants don’t know how, but considering who made
them, they might receive warnings directly from the Loom of Fate.
Southern Adaptation: When resisting hazards or weather common in the south, the hounds
add +3 automatic successes to the roll and may soak southern environmental hazards with a
soak of 3.
Spectral Adaptation: A Hound of Autochton is capable of perceiving any spirit who are
dematerialized normally with all of its senses. They are also able to physically touch, restrain,
and attack such creatures who are dematerialized.
Wyld Resistance: The unnatural influence of the Wyld has no effect on these hounds. They
treat themselves as having Integrity Protecting Prana active at all times.
EX-Mode Abilities
Accuracy Up: Increase the Accuracy of the unit’s attacks by +2, counting as a stunt bonus.
Principle of Motion (10m, 1wp; Reflexive; Instant; Essence 2): The Hounds of Autochton move
with blinding speed, taking a flurry without the usual restrictions—it can flurry two of the same
action if desired, and it ignores the usual penalties to dice pools and Defense.
Regeneration: One level of damage once every three turns while in battle. In order to properly
KO a Hound of Autochton for good, the attack must perform a miscellaneous coup de grace
action which may not be flurried.
VTX-001 “Bartoll”
In the face of an ever growing amount of aggressive aliens, the United Earth Directorate
sent out contracts to various companies in order to make a next-generation fighting mechanoid
in order to replace the obsolete Gespenst and even Huckebein MKII. The VTX-001, otherwise
known as Bartoll, is the solution that Wong Heavy Industries produced. With everything going
into speed and power, the paper thin armour the Bartoll appears to leave much to be desired.
The Bartolls true power and potential however lies within the ODE System that is shared
amongst the network of Bartolls, allowing their combat prowess to grow in proportion to the
number currently within the immediate area in addition to their cognitive abilities. This allows
Bartolls to rarely be victims to attacks and tactics used twice in succession against them as they
adapt on the fly to counter their opponents. Concerns mount however over the risk of an
completely AI controlled army, as if what would happen if that army happened to fall into the
wrong hands...
As Automatons, Bartolls are fearless and conduct their orders to the letter. They are
armed with a variety of lethal and non-lethal weaponry. Their armour is paper thin on purpose
not only to increase speed, but the idea is that once the ODE System has had sufficient time to
analyze an opponent than that opponent will be fighting an uphill battle unless they are
particularly crafty. Often times command variants of Bartolls exist, often having different or
exotic weaponry to deal with specific threats that normal Bartolls have trouble with.
Suggested Type: Almost always Special, can be composed of Battle Groups.
Difficulty: Very hard. Bartolls are easy to take on as singular enemies, but in groups the ODE
System makes them a devastating force to be dealt with. In addition the longer a battle goes on
against them the harder it becomes, in both battle groups and singular opponents. The entire
premise is to overwhelm an opponent with superior numbers, and if Bartolls determine that they
cannot beat an opponent and have no other pressing issues, they will often retreat failing
Essence: 2 Willpower: 5 Join Battle: 9 dice
Health Levels: 1x -0/3x -1/3x -2/Incap
Actions: Any Awareness roll: 8 dice, Analyzing Opponents: 8 dice, Command: 8 dice (May only
be used to command other Bartolls), Feats of Strength: 12 dice (May attempt Strength 7 Feats
of Strength), Tactics: 7 dice, Tracking: 7 dice
Appearance 2, Resolve 5 (See Automaton), Guile 3
Attack (Wrist Beam Sabers): 12 dice, 14/3L Damage, +1 Defense, see Beam Saber entry
Attack (Wrist Laser Blast): 12 dice at Short range, 11/2L Damage
Attack (Arm Missile Pod): 12 dice at Short, 15/1L Damage
Attack (Knockout Gas): 13 dice at Short, special, see Knockout Gas Entry
Combat Movement: 8 dice
Evasion: 4, Parry: 4
Soak/Hardness: 4/0
Special Attacks
Wrist Beam Saber: The wrist mounted Beam weapons of the Bartoll are very effective against
mundane arms and armour. For each successful decisive attack or withering attack that deals
five or more damage, the opponent's armour is reduced by one until it can be fixed or repaired.
This does not apply to artifact arms and armour. Additionally the Bartoll’s sabers are mounted
directly on its wrists, gaining the Natural tag and thus cannot be disarmed.
Knockout Gas: In order to take an assigned target captive, a Baroll may deploy knockout gas.
This is represented as a special gambit that attacks everyone within close range of the target
with a special gambit of difficulty 3 (Roll once for all opponents and for the gambit roll).
Everyone within the area must immediately check as if they took a dose of Arrow Frog Venom,
and if anyone affected by this poison crashes, than the poison penalty increases by an
additional -1 for each round. If this exceeds or meets the victim's stamina, then they are
immediately rendered unconscious.
Adaptive Learning Algorithms: Any attack or tactic used against them has much less effect in
the future. When using a charm or spell against a Bartoll, one of the actions of a nearby Bartoll
will be to immediately scan this new phenomena (In combat groups, this reduces their size by 1
for a turn unless a commander does this for them), after scanning this new action the Bartolls
will no longer take any sort of onslaught against similar attacks for the rest of the scene against
that opponent. In addition each time the attack is repeated the Bartoll may pay 2i per +1
defense, up to a maximum of +3. The ways to counter this are to use attacks the Bartolls have
not analyzed yet, such as a new weapon (Switching from Sword to a Spear), using a new charm
or spell, getting a level 2 or higher stunt, or attacking in a way that is largely unorthodox (EX:
Stunting your attack by throwing out a crystal vase, shooting the crystal vase, then letting the
shrapnel shred multiple Bartolls). Rushing/Disengage attempts are also analyzed in the same
way, and each attempt an opponent makes against a Bartoll (Win or lose) allows the Bartoll to
spend 2i per success it wishes to purchase in future rush/disengage attempts, to a maximum of
3 (Starts at 1, each additional attempt allows the Bartoll to purchase another). This isn’t shown
as the Bartoll suddenly becoming faster, but rather knowing how to cut their opponent off or
what moves they’ll take in order to make a safe retreat far more hazardous.
Automaton: Automatons are immune to poison and disease, and have no need to eat, drink,
breathe, or sleep. As a general rule, they treat all social influence as unacceptable, unless
following the orders of their master or faced with magic such as the Dawn Caste anima power.
Automaton battle groups have perfect morale. The Drill of such units is often considered
Average, but there are upgraded computer modules that improve processing power and could
give Bartolls access to Elite functionality (For the GM’s who really want to give players a
Flight: The Bartoll is capable of flight due to its Tesla Drive. Outside of combat it can move as
fast as an airplane normally would, but this is rare as it is not normally designed for long
distance flights. Some storytellers may wish to limit this.
Networked Intelligence: The Bartoll’s shared networking allows them to share senses and data
in order to accomplish complex goals and ideals with surprising clarity despite being an AI. The
Bartoll gains a number of bonus die equal to the size of the combat group it would currently
have to all actions listed in the Action list, and if more than one Bartoll is in the area but not
enough for a battle group treat it as a +1 bonus. Additionally if they lack a commander to
oversee their combat group, the Bartolls are able to take a collective command action
ODE System: The Omni Dendro Encephalon System is the latest in Technology from Wong
Heavy Industries, allowing a networked group of automatons to function in near perfect
harmony. When fighting as singular units, all Bartolls in the area begin each turn with the
highest initiative amongst any single one of them, while for each turn a commander/single unit
Bartoll has higher initiative than his friendly combat group than the initiative of the battle group
increases by +2. If a Bartoll makes a decisive attack, than the remaining Bartolls with active
initiative tracks need each pay an amount of initiative in order to bring the initiative of the reset
Bartoll as equal to the rest of the group at the beginning of their next turn. Bartolls who are
crashed do not gain this bonus. In mass combat they are treated as having Might 1 the very
instant they are subject to an attack from an opponent on the enemy side, raising to Might 2 if
they manage to crash a single person.
Optical Enhancement: The Bartoll has access to the following Optical Enhancements at all
Ultraperipheral Awareness
: The Bartoll has a 360 degree view of its surroundings at all
Recording Systems
: Each Bartoll records up to the previous day of footage. This is
significant as the bonuses from the Adaptive Learning Algorithms trait will remain for the
Pack Hunting: When the Bartoll attacks an enemy, it adds one automatic success to the
attack roll for each allied pack member in close range to that enemy for melee or short for
ranged weapons, to a maximum of three successes. On a decisive attack, it may also pay a
point of Willpower to add that many dice to the raw damage of the attack, representing its
packmates joining in the attack. In a Combat Group, Bartolls gain an additional +1 automatic
success on attacks against non-battlegroup opponents or battlegroups to which they have
superior numbers against at all times. This special attack can only be used with other Bartolls.
Thin Armour: For all the advancements in the Bartoll, the armour and durability was the one
thing that was sacrificed in order to make efficient for mass production. Instead of making a
normal decisive attack against a Bartoll, one can just make a gambit roll with the successes on
the gambit roll being applied as health damage directly to the Bartoll and the attacker only losing
(Amount of successes on gambit roll +1, maximum of 7) initiative.
Thin Armour: Bartolls lack this flaw.
Knowledge Checks
Difficulty 3: With a difficulty 3 check, the player is able know about any system the Bartoll has
before battle and how it works, such as the ODE System or Adaptive Learning Algorithms. Each
three threshold successes over the difficulty allows knowledge of one other system.
Fucking Archviles
Archviles are something akin to the Bishop’s of the Neverborn, constantly wanting to spread
their word to the death of all things. Despite constantly being consumed alive by Pryeflame, a
unique fire only found in the Underworld and can consume nearly anything in its powerful
flames, even spirits, and rend them to ash. Despite outward appearances, the Archvile actually
views itself as a healer amongst the dead and is rather actually kind towards those who wish to
fulfill the wishes of the neverborn. To those who opponent them they’re blasted apart by
powerful necromancy and then made into a puppet for the Neverborn.
Difficulty: The ability to raise the dead once again and command battlegroups places them
firmly into the “KILL ME FIRST” category. Brutally powerful attacks capable of cleaving through
tough armour and making dodging all that much harder, combined with powerful sorcery and the
ability to bring back any enemy back from the dead is something that cannot be understated.
Flesh Wizards and Ice Viles are even worse.
You also may’ve noticed some stats are very close to the Nephwrack, let this be a lesson in how
simple making a new enemy entirely can be.
Suggested Type: Strong / Special
Essence: 5 Willpower: 8 Join Battle: 11 dice
Personal Motes: 100/100
Health Levels: -0x3/-1x3/-2x4/-4x4/Incap.
Actions: Command: 10 dice; Healing the Undead: 9 dice; Read Motives: 8 dice; Prayer: 11
dice; Senses: 8 dice; Shape Sorcery/Necromancy: 13 dice; Social Influence: 9 dice; Stealth: 7
dice; Strategy: 8 dice; Underworld Lore: 10 dice
Appearance 5 (Hideous), Resolve 4, Guile 5
Unarmed: 12 dice, 12L/3 damage
Pyreflame Blast: 16 dice, 18L/5 damage, Range Long
Combat Movement: 8 dice
Evasion: 5 Parry: 4
Soak/Hardness: 10/5 (Pyreflame seared Skin)
Pyreflame Master: The Archvile uses Pyreflame over normal fire, and thus affects that reduce
the damage of fire (Such as Guarda birds) have no effect against the flame based attacks.
Void-Eaten Soul: Like the Nephwracks, the Archvile have seen the void at the end of all things
and dreamt the dreams of dead gods. They are insane, almost always having one or more
Derangements, but their madness only makes them more dangerous. Any social influence
opposed by a Derangement or the archvile’s absolute enmity to life is unacceptable, as is any
Psyche effect, sorcerous control, or healing magic that would undo their madness.
As with the Nephwrack, the Archviles are known to be very proficient sorcerers, often knowing
Skin of Bronze (Which it will very often cast at the beginning of each day), Obsidian Butterflies,
and Mists of Eventide. Nephwracks will moreso focus on offensive sorcerous magic dedicated to
obliterating the opponent.
An Archvile may draw power from the consuming might of Pyreflame. It may consume a nearby
willing ally in Pyreflame gaining (3 or Essence, whichever is higher) motes from them. This
destroys lesser spirits with an essence rating of 1 to 4, but tougher targets are immediately
subject to a Pyreflame Blast that is undodgable and unblockable, is rolled as as a withering
attack against armour, but deals lethal damage and nets the Archvile the damage done as extra
motes. Against a battle group the Archvile gains (Size, Average Essence rating of members in
battlegroup, or 3, whichever is higher) additional motes in exchange for doing 10 dice of
damage to the battlegroup which cannot be soaked. This drawback is seen as pointless to the
Archvile who can bring back the Undead with incredible rapidity. In addition the Nephwrack
knows the Necromancy spell Bonespike Graveyard
, which is shown in the appendix.
Offensive Charms
Hungry Flames (5m, Supplemental, Uniform): Pyreflame is known to consume any known
substance, and armour provides little effect against it. When the Archvile makes a withering
attack, then any threshold damage dice are added as post soak instead. If the target is crashed
than it applies to both raw damage and adds post soak damage. For Decisive attacks it doubles
10s, or doubles 9s if the opponent is crashed.
Pyreflame Burst (5m, Simple, Uniform, Aggravated, Instant): The Archvile raises its arms high
up in the air as it begins chanting a spell, ghostly flames beginning to rapidly form at the
opponent’s feet as the chant continues, then on the next turn the Archvile then turns this ghostly
flames into real ones, Pyreflame burning not only the physical body but actually exploding the
soul as well. This charm works by having the Archvile spend a turn activating the charm, during
which he cannot move and take no other actions. On the beginning of the next turn if the
opponent has not moved behind total cover or somehow disappeared from the Archvile’s sight,
the blast erupts beneath the targets feet. This spells is incredibly accurate and can be used at
the same accuracy regardless of the distance, and the fast moving flames applies a -2 penalty
to the opponent's dodge if they attempt to use it. If the target is in initiative crash, the damage it
does is applied as aggravated.
Social Charms
Undead Majesty (7m 1WP, Simple, Scene): Appearing as a high priest of the Neverborn itself,
the Archvile is capable of commanding lesser undead with ease. With this charm active, any
social roll against a creature of death is made with double 9s and costs an additional point of
willpower resist while command rolls are also made with double 9s. If the Archvile wishes, he
can either appear oddly beautiful so he can apply his appearance as normal or horrifying in
order to scare away others. Any undead or demons with a lower essence rating than the
Archvile must pay two points of willpower to actually strike him (This only needs to be paid once
per battle). Against living creatures his has a much greater effect, forcing people to spend 1 WP
to attack the Archvile (Unless they have some defining intimacy of bravery, Valor, or Hatred of
the Neverborn/Undead), doubling 9s only on inspire attempts to draw out fear, and paying an
extra willpower point to resist fear attempts.
Miscellaneous Charms
Raise Dead (10m, Simple, Instant): By spending 10 motes in sight of a dead body, the Archvile
can bring the dead back to life as a zombie corpse under its control. For the rest of the scene
the corpse itself will have the exact same traits as it did in life. What’s unique about the Archvile
however is that it can even do the same to recently slain spirits, demons, and dead! Those
spirits who have been force to dissipate in battle can be summoned back to life under the
Archvile’s control of the rest of the scene, even resulting in impossibilities such as undead
demons of Malfeas temporarily. Such creatures will always rise up at at least half their original
health. Raise mortals or Essence 1 targets back from life doesn’t require a roll, but to bring back
other essence wielding targets requires a sorcery roll using 13 dice at a difficulty of (Target’s
Essence). Archvile’s can only revive targets who have Essence ratings 1-4, any more is too
great for them. Destroying a target with Ghost Eating Technique prevents an Archvile from
using this ability on a corpse, as does burning them with the Zenith ability. Targets with
Legendary Size cannot be brought back to life.
Against a battle group this ability is even more extreme, allowing the Archvile to bring slain
soldiers back to life entirely! This allows a Rally for Numbers action to be used on a friendly
battlegroup, rolling 13 dice for it.
EX-Mode Abilities
Accuracy Up: Increase the Accuracy of the unit’s attacks by +2, counting as a stunt bonus. This
does not apply when in a battlegroup.
Pyreflame Burst: On withering attacks, all targets within close range of the original target are
compared to the original attack roll, and if it hit take 5 unsoakable damage (The Archvile does
not gain this initiative). If a decisive attack hits and does more than 5 levels of damage, on
bonfire hazard starts on the opponent.
EX-Mode Archviles can also be one of two variants: Flesh Wizards or Ice Viles. Unless
otherwise noted their abilities are largely the same.
Flesh Wizards
Flesh Wizards conjure images of horror and nightmares from the Labyrinth itself, moving with
unnatural ease through the Labyrinth and other dark places with rarely a sound, it then blasts
opponents with powerful mental and fear inducing attacks. The Flesh Wizard, to those that
actually see it, appears as a single faceless figure, floating just above the floor as a pillar of
flesh which mouthless moans constantly escape its mouth.
Flesh Wizards are rarely seen even by those in the Underworld, often remaining in the darkest
areas of the Labyrinth where seeing it directly would be even harder. If one is seen outside of it,
then someone has likely done something to really anger the Neverborn... or they wish to crown
a new potential champion.
As a point of clarification, unless otherwise noted all stats are the same as the Archvile base.
Difficulty: You thought the Archvile was bad? Welcome to a new level of hell. Unless players
track down and find this son of a bitch it's fairly capable of dragging on a battle to uncomfortable
or extreme lengths.
Actions: Social Influence: 9 dice (See He Who Lurks Within the Darkness); Stealth: 10 dice
(See He Who Lurks Within the Darkness)
He Who Lurks Within the Darkness: The Flesh Wizard doubles all 9s on stealth rolls when in
stealth. Against a target who has an emotion of fear or a major intimacy of fear towards the
undead, the Flesh Wizard doubles 8s instead. This also applies to any social rolls and
movement checks against the Flesh Wizard. Lastly any attempt to attack the Flesh Wizard with
similar fear based motivations are done at a -3 penalty.
I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream: The Flesh Wizard does not have a mouth on it, rather it
communicates by blasting images directly into the opponent's mind. Such communications
attempts are unnerving to say the least, and any successful social influence check that isn’t fear
instills a minor intimacy of fear towards the Flesh Wizard. This can be resisted by resisting the
original social attack. Having no facial cues also confuses those who try to discern its alien
motivations, applying a -3 penalty on all read motivation checks against it.
Visions of a Waking Nightmare: The Flesh Wizard is able to conjure illusions to fool the
opponent. These illusions never last for more than a single turn and can fool two senses at most
out to a range of Long. The Flesh Wizard will often use such illusions to confuse and distract
those in combat. When used as part of a stunt with Horrors from Beyond the Void, he applies a
-2 penalty to the opponent’s defense as horrors in the real world assault him in tandem with
horrors of the mental world.
In addition to Terrestrial Circle spells, Flesh Wizards have the Impenetrable Veil of Night, and
will often immediately cast it to a precursor to any serious battle. If Undead Majesty is active
than any demons it commands in battle are immune to the negative effects of the darkness and
can see in it clearly.
Offensive Charms
Pyreflame Burst: The Flesh Wizard does not have this charm, he instead has Horrors from
Beyond the Void.
Horrors from Beyond the Void (5m, Simple, Uniform, Aggravated, Instant): The Flesh Wizard
reaches out to communicate with a soul, images and words from the Neverborn themselves
assaulting the targets mind. These images are so damaging to the mind and soul of the target
that their brain overloads trying to comprehend such blasphemous knowledge. Mechanically this
is modelled in the same fashion as Pyreflame Blast is only with a few differences. First is that
the Flesh Wizard can flurry a threaten or intimidation action free of charge when using this
charm. Second is that it bypasses traditional soak completely, using the opponent's Resolve as
as the soak and hardness values, which can be altered using relevant intimacies to help
defense against it (Doing so does not consume the intimacy for the scene). The damage from
this attack is a bit weaker compared to Pyreflame Blast, doing ‘only’ 15L/3 base damage.
Hungry Flames: This still works, I just can’t think up a good spooky sounding name. Just call it
Skeleton March or something.
It Knows What Scares You (5m, Supplemental, Uniform, Psyche): If the Flesh Wizard learns
an intimacy or feeling of fear the target has, than the Flesh Wizard is able to attack the target
using the lower of either their Guile or defense so long as he stunts it with Visions of a Waking
Nightmare. If this attack manages to crash or do any decisive damage to a target, that target
must enter an immediate decision point to resist either gaining a derangement of Madness or
Obsession (Avoiding the Flesh Wizard at all costs).
Miscellaneous Charms
Heal Dead (10m, Simple, Instant): The Neverborn uses the blessing of the Void against its
target, fulfilling its champion with unholy might so it may survive longer against the fools who
fight entropy. The Flesh Wizard selects a creature of death with a lower essence than itself and
rolls 13 dice. For every success that comes up, one level of lethal damage is turned into
bashing, and if no lethal levels exist than it's able to heal bashing. Against a Strong type
opponent it's able to heal one level of damage per success rolled.
Lost Souls
The Lost Souls of the Underworld are quite literally what their name implies, souls lost in the
Labyrinth down below and unable to pass into Lethe as the Neverborn wanted them to suffer as
much as they are. Taking the form of a flying skill that’s on fire, the Lost Soul’s sole purpose in
life is to cause as much pain and suffering as it can before it expires. What they lack up for in
strength however they more than make up for in numbers.
Difficulty: By themselves a Lost Soul is no threat, the real problem comes when there’s dozens
of the little bastards around. Their suicide attack is very painful and accurate to boot.
Suggested Type: Insignificant
Essence: 1 Willpower: 3 Join Battle: 6 dice
Personal Motes: 30/30
Health Levels: -0/-1/-2/Incap.
Actions: Senses: 4 dice; Shrieking: 5 dice
Charge: 8 dice, 10L damage
Combat Movement: 7 dice (See Flaming Charge)
Evasion: 3 Parry: 0
Soak/Hardness: 2/0
Special Attacks
Exploding Charge: As an alternative to the default Flaming Charge, Lost Soul’s can be sent
screaming towards their opponents as living missiles. The accuracy of this attack is 12 dice with
a damage of 13L/3, which if the Lost Soul hits it automatically dies in the resulting explosion. If
used in a battlegroup, the resulting battlegroup loses magnitude equal to (Size, minimum 2)
from the multiple suicide chargers. This feature can only be used if the Lost Soul is at least short
or further away from the opponent in order to build up speed, but in a size 2 or larger
battlegroup it can use it regardless of these restrictions.
Flaming Charge: When a Lost Soul has focused on their target they begin to charge towards
them with frightening speed, moving two range brands a turn towards a target before colliding
with them. This charge adds one additional automatic success to the roll to hit and adds +2
additional damage. However the Lost Soul can only move in a straight line while doing this, and
moving a single range brand in distance makes the Lost Soul’s automatically miss.
Endless Swarm: The numbers of the Lost seem truly endless. When used as part of a battle
group, increase the magnitude size by an amount equal to (Current Size/2, round up). This
represents the sheer size in numbers.
Flight: The Lost Soul is capable of hovering with no ceiling whatsoever.
Clinching: Despite being on fire, Lost Soul’s are quite safe to touch. In fact if one can
successfully land a grapple gambit on one, they are able to throw and use it as a missile!
Having the same traits as a medium thrown weapon which explodes on contact with its target.
EX-Mode Abilities
Accuracy Up: Increase the Accuracy of the unit’s attacks by +2, counting as a stunt bonus. This
CAN apply in a battle group but not on Exploding Charge.
Endless Swarm +: Magnitude is increased by (Size x2) instead.
Flaming Charge: Any Battle Group of size 2 or higher automatically gains the benefits of
Flaming Charge on all attacks, as the sheer number of Lost Souls flying around makes it.
Pain Elemental
Some scholars say a Pain Elemental is the living embodiment of pain and suffering within
Underworld, those who are not wise say they’re the ghost of vengeful rotten tomatoes, either
one may as well but true as the real answer for that they are has never really been explained in
depth. All that’s known is letting these things live around you will quickly drown an unfortunate
target in Lost Soul’s.
Appearing as a giant ball about six feet tall with light brown leathery skin, a massive maw, short
stubby arms, two large black curved horns, and a single red eye. Their main attack is spitting
out brand new lost souls, born screaming into the world as they hurl themselves towards an
unlucky target.
Difficulty: Flight combined with the ability to constantly spawn minions and reinforce a
battlegroup makes for a really terrifying opponent to those who use melee and are incapable of
flight. Archery users can quickly find themselves swamped with screaming flaming heads as
well, thrown users will thank you as Shrike Saving Direction annihilates the Lost Souls and the
Pain Elementals in one go.
Suggested Type: Strong / Special
Essence: 3 Willpower: 5 Join Battle: 7 dice
Personal Motes: 70/70
Health Levels: -0x2/-1x3/-2x3/-4/Incap.
Actions: Commanding Lost Souls: 6 dice; Senses: 6 dice
Resolve 3, Guile 2
Lost Soul Projectile: 11 dice at close, 14L/3 damage, Range Medium, See Lost Soul Projectile
Bite: 7 dice, 18L damage
Combat Movement: 6 dice
Evasion: 3 Parry: 0
Soak/Hardness: 8/0 (Leathery skin)
Special Attacks
Lost Soul Explosion: Killing a Pain Elemental is just as bad as letting one live. Upon its death
a Pain Elemental explodes into 3 Lost Souls. If a Lost Soul battlegroup is on the field, it instead
makes a reflexive roll to rally for numbers which is useful for Lost Soul Swarm.
Lost Soul Projectile: The Pain Elemental attacks by firing Lost Souls at people, sending the
flaming skulls screaming from its mouth and towards the unfortunate opponent. However these
are not phantom imagery attacks, they are actual Lost Souls that will remain around after the
attack has concluded. Pain Elementals never use this attack before battle to generate more Lost
Souls for some reason, and cannot be ordered to unless attacking an opponent with hostile
Flight: The Pain Elemental is capable of true flight without a ceiling.
Heartless: A Pain Elemental is incapable of feeling compassion, and any such social influence
attempt to appeal to such a thing automatically fails. They are however capable of being the
target of other social influence actions normally.
Lost Soul Swarm: If more than 5 Lost souls are on the field (Either starting or generating Lost
Souls via attacks) they’ll enter into a battle group. For every Lost Soul Projectile attack made
after this, this Pain Elemental reflexively rolls 6 dice and for every success on that roll increases
the magnitude of the Lost Soul battlegroup by an equal amount. If the magnitude of this battle
group increases to (See chart below to save the math), than the battle group loses the extra
magnitude and increases its size by 1. If in a battle group, then the volley of Lost Souls would
immediately create a size 1 battle group at least and adds the current size of the battle group to
the dice rolled for the reflexive command actions.
Magnitude increase chart:
Size Progression
Magnitude Needed at Old Size
Size 1 -> Size 2
Size 2 -> Size 3
Size 3 -> Size 4
Size 4 -> Size 5
Size 5 -> New Size 1
EX-Mode Abilities
Accuracy Up: Increase the Accuracy of the unit’s attacks by +2, counting as a stunt bonus. This
does not apply when in a battlegroup.
Dual Mouthed Pain Elemental: Often called Pain Elemental 64 for how many it can seem to
spawn after one blinks their eyes. Command actions reroll a number of dice equal to the
successes in order to see how many Lost Souls are spawned for a Lost Soul Battlegroup. If
combined with Lost Soul Swarm+ this does not make an attack more accurate, just allows to
see how much bonus magnitude they can gain. If no battle group is on the field, each attack
from the Pain Elemental spawns 2 lost souls instead.
Lost Soul Explosion: Everyone within close range of the Pain Elemental as it dies is subjected
to an immediate withering attack that deals 5 dice of unsoakable damage.
Lost Soul Swarm+: The successes on the attack Lost Soul Projectile is used to reinforce the
battle group.
Jiang Shi
A terrifying ghost that is mostly seen in the Southeast of Creation but can be created anywhere
by deadly necromancers. By attaching a talisman to a fresh corpse’s head and performing a
ritual, such as making a pregnant cat leap over the coffin or resting place, a Jiang Shi is born.
Jiang Shi’s appear as living corpse’s that have wick long claws, each of them being nearly a foot
long in of themselves. Their very touch is infused with undead energy, ripping apart the natural
vitality's that sustain a person’s body and even shred apart any potent defensive magics they
may have! While being stronger than a hungry soldier, they have considerably more
weaknesses, some of which are rather odd. Their power however makes them a staple for any
necromancer and their undead army.
Difficulty: Jiang Shi’s were made to crush tanky characters that rely on natural and/or magical
soak, a group of them easily capable of beating a character down so anyone can damage the
weakened character. Otherwise they’re a beefier version of the War Ghost that also has far
more weaknesses to exploit.
Suggested Type: Strong / Special
Essence: 2 Willpower: 5 Join Battle: 6 dice
Personal Motes: 60/60
Health Levels: -0x2/-1x3/-2x3/-4x2/Incap.
Actions: Ancient An-Teng Proverbs: 5 dice; Being Spooky: 6 dice; Senses: 6 dice; Threaten: 6
Appearance 2 (Hideous), Resolve 2, Guile 2
Jiang Shi Claw: 10 dice, 14L/3 damage
Combat Movement: 6 dice
Evasion: 2 Parry: 4
Soak/Hardness: 6/0 (Light armour)
Special Attacks
Infectious Claws: Any mortal who takes damage from a Jiang Shi’s claws will become a Jiang
Shi after their dead if they die within 25 hours of taking damage.
Material: Jiang Shi’s are made from physical bodies, thus cannot dematerialize.
Energy Draining Touch (3m, Instant; Supplemental): If a Jiang Shi hits their target and
successful does at least one point of withering damage, than the opponent’s natural soak is
reduced by 1 for the rest of the scene. When no more natural soak is left, then magical soak
(From charms such as Diamond Body Prana) are reduced by 1 per successful attack until no
magical soak remains. This benefit only applies on any soak charm with a duration greater than
Phobia: Jiang Shi’s have immense fears of Roosters, and will flee the very instant they hear
their call. This is because the Rooster is seen as the herald as the morning, which are
anathema to Jiang Shi. Realizing this is a difficulty 2 Lore roll, difficulty 4 if no speciality is had.
Peach Tree Wood: Peaches are known to be a metaphor for life in An-Teng, and as a result
are anathema to Jiang Shi. Any damage done by a weapon made by wood from a peach tree
ignores 3 points of soak from a Jiang Shi and does aggravated damage. Realizing this is a
difficulty 2 Lore roll, difficulty 4 if no speciality is had.
Sunlight Weakness: Being exposed in sunlight will cause a Jiang Shi’s body to melt. For every
action a Jiang Shi’s body is exposed to sunlight, it counts as being inside of a bonfire.
Talismen: Placing a Talismen of any sort on a Jiang Shi’s forehead drastically slows it down.
Applying a -3 penalty to all combat movement and attack rolls. Attaching the Talismen to the
forehead of the Jiang Shi is a difficulty 2 gambit, and so long as he has it on his forehead he
cannot remove it (nor can other Jiang Shi’s). Realizing this is a difficulty 2 Lore roll, difficulty 4 if
no speciality is had.
EX-Mode Abilities
Accuracy Up: Increase the Accuracy of the unit’s attacks by +2, counting as a stunt bonus. This
does not apply when in a battlegroup.
Energy Draining Touch: If this charm successfully attacks and damages a target in initiative
crash, then that target must pay a single point of willpower or the cost of the charm again in
order to keep the charm active. If they don’t, then charm is terminated.
Infectious Claws: In addition to the base effect, anyone taking damage from the claws are
exposed to a version of Puppeteer’s plague which turns the target into a Jiang Shi, their soul
slowly corrupting itself and lashing out until the victim becomes a Jiang Shi. A Talismen on the
forehead on the victim grants +1 automatic success to all checks in order to resist this however.
Sunlight Weakness: Instead of a bonfire hazard, Jiang Shi’s only take a -3 penalty to all
actions when in sunlight. Such a feeling is still uncomfortable to them, and will make all due
haste to leave it as soon as possible.
Silent Spectre
Born from those who witnessed something so horrible before their death, they have warped into
something that shall never speak again. The Silent Spectre appears as a faceless
semi-transparent figure dressed in light blue robes, a thin wispy trail appearing where one’s legs
would be instead. Silent Spectre’s are ghosts that will attack the living on sight, but are smarter
than the other mindless ghosts. If they know other more combat oriented ghosts are within the
area, then they are content to hang back and let their silence aura do the work for them, which
mutes all sound around the spectre itself. Alternatively they may attempt to rip the voice from
them completely.
This unit is also somewhat of a template. If you wish to make a more combat or socially oriented
Silent Spectre, go right ahead!
Difficulty: Weak by itself, but it mainly exists to mess up other players when its on the field.
Suggested Type: Insignificant / Strong / Special
Essence: 2 Willpower: 4 Join Battle: 4 dice
Personal Motes: 70/70
Health Levels: -0/-1x2/-2x2/1x-4/Incap.
Actions: Being Spooky: 6 dice; Senses: 4 dice; Threaten: 4 dice
Appearance 3 (Hideous), Resolve 2, Guile 2
Spectral Touch: 9 dice, 10B damage
Combat Movement: 3
Evasion: 4 Parry: 2
Soak/Hardness: 3/0
Aura of Silence: The spectre is surrounded by an aura of silence that spreads out to medium
range around it. Within this area the very concept of sound is dead, battlecries and impassioned
speeches alike muted out completely until the spectre is destroyed. This silence carries with it a
number of benefits:
All enemies in the area are immediately prepped to combat readiness. The Silence
spread out by the Silent Spectre is far too unnatural to be normal, thus puts enemies on
All Command action in war automatically fails if the commander is in the area and
attempts to use voice to relay his commands. Even if he stunts his way around it, all
command actions face a -3 penalty due to fear soldiers feel from such unnatural silence.
Sorcery actions that rely on verbal components fail completely and utterly. Other means
to gather sorcerous motes, such as shaping rituals, have to be used instead.
Any social influence action made by verbal components automatically fails until the
silence aura is dispelled.
Phase Body (5m; Reflexive; Instant; Uniform): The ghost turns its body immaterial the very
instant an opponent attempts to strike them, reducing the damage done by (Essence or 3,
whichever is higher) to a maximum of one half the damage done, meaning it subtracts
successes after they’ve been rolled. This charm fails if the opponent can strike immaterial
Voice Ripper (7m 1WP, Dual, Reflexive, if a Silent Spectre [Or one of its allies] manages to
crash an opponent within close range of the Silent Spectre, the Spectre can attempt to rip out
the voice of the target themselves. The Spectre rolls a special gambit against a difficulty of 5,
but this difficulty is lowered by the amount of wound penalty an opponent suffers. If successful
the target loses the ability to speak for the rest of the day. For mortals this is permanent.
Recovering from this is a medicine roll akin to healing from a crippling wound)
EX-Mode Abilities
Flight: The unit is capable of hovering flight.
Phase Body +: Unless a user can hit immaterial targets, all damage (withering or decisive) is
halved against the ghost.
Spectral Warrior
Spectral Warriors are nameless warriors of a crypt whose names are lost to time, even the
identity of the soldiers is no longer remembered by them, only their never ending duty to guard
the land they have been tasked to guard. They appear to be similar in appearance to the Silent
Spectre’s cloaked in semi-transparent green robes that shield their fast and only a wispy trail in
place of legs. Spectral Warriors however are always armed with arms and armour, carrying a
shield in one hand and a weapon in the other along with suitably heavy armour.
Difficulty: Spectral Warriors are a considerable step up from War Ghosts. The EX-Mode
versions of them are plain nasty to users who rely on armoured soak as they can nullify their
armour entirely and cause penalties to parry defense values, which armoured users will more
likely use.
Suggested Type: Strong / Special
Essence: 3 Willpower: 5 Join Battle: 6 dice
Personal Motes: 60/60
Health Levels: -0/-1x2/-2x2/-4/Incap.
Actions: Being Spooky: 6 dice; Cryptic Warnings: 6 dice; Senses: 6 dice; Threaten: 6 dice
Appearance 1, Resolve 4, Guile 1
Spectral Blade: 10 dice, 12L/2 damage
Combat Movement: 5
Evasion: 2 Parry: 4
Soak/Hardness: 8/0
Special Attacks
Spectral Blade: By taking a penalty to attack (-4 for light weapons, -2 for medium weapons, no
penalty for heavy weapons) a Spectral Warrior can attempt to bypass an opponent’s armour
completely. If the attack hits, the Spectral Warrior reduces any soak from mundane armour
down to zero. This has no effect on artifact armour. Additionally this ability applies a -2 penalty
to the opponent’s defense if they attempt to parry. Artifact weapons can parry normally.
Duty Unto Death: Any attempt to convince a Spectral Warrior to leave the area it has been
tasked to guard is considered an unacceptable order. Convincing it to enter Lethe is however
Chilling Touch (7m; Supplemental; Instant; Withering-only; Essence 1): The war-ghos
flickers ethereal for a moment, ignoring up to four points of natural or armored soak.
Phase Body (5m; Reflexive; Instant; Uniform): The ghost turns its body immaterial the very
instant an opponent attempts to strike them, reducing the damage done by (Essence or 3,
whichever is higher) to a maximum of one half the damage done, meaning it subtracts
successes after they’ve been rolled. This charm fails if the opponent can strike immaterial
EX-Mode Abilities
Accuracy Up: Increase the Accuracy of the unit’s attacks by +2, counting as a stunt bonus. This
does not apply when in a battlegroup.
Phase Body +: Unless a user can hit immaterial targets, all damage (withering or decisive) is
halved against the ghost.
Spectral Blade: Now applies to artifact armour in addition to mundane armour. Artifact
weapons also gain the penalty.
I’d do the oWoD Vampires... but I don’t have the V20 book, so I’ll be going with what I got.
Vampires in Creation are humans cursed in Creation, cursed by the Unconquered Sun for a
crime so dire that he refuses to suffer their presence while cursed by the Neverborn to forever
consume the blood of the living in order to keep their eternal unlife. While weaker compared to
other Exalted, they possess the attractive ability in that anyone can become a Vampire. This
can cause their numbers to greatly increase and swell, but it comes with the problem that
converting too many humans lessens their potential pool of blood as well.
Below are some quick conversion steps for nWoD Vampires. They are not intended to be all
encompassing, but those who know Vampires can safely apply the same logic in the world of
Exalted as well.
Sidebar: WoD vs Exalted tone
The tone of WoD vs Exalted is quite different. WoD is usually dark gothic horror while Exalted is
epic heroism. In WoD it may be a big question if you can succeed, but in Exalted it's more of a
question of when most of the time. My goal for this is to see if I can keep the relative ‘feel’ of
nWoD vampires intact rather than engaging in power pissing matchups. Vampires may have
some shockingly powerful abilities compared to the Exalted, but usually I believe most Exalted
will pull ahead. Also since I’m literally writing these guys on Christmas Eve I haven’t tested them
at all.
All vampires have an Essence pool equal to 40 + (Essence x4) motes. Vampires beyond
Essence 5 gain motes at a FAR faster rate. I was going to do blood points and all, but this
makes it nicer for the system.
Vampire Powers and Weaknesses
All Vampires have the following powers and weaknesses.
Attunement - Vampires can attune to Soulsteel weapons and armour. Attempting to
wield, let alone touch, an Orichalcum weapon inflicts one unsoakable level of aggravated
damage per turn.
Blood Potency - Vampires can only spend an amount of motes per turn equal to (4 x
Essence). If a single ability costs more than the Vampire can spend in a single turn
(Such as an ability costing 10m 1WP and the Vampire is Essence 1), then they can still
activate the ability but no more can be spent until the beginning of his next turn.
EX-Mode: Vampires have no restrictions on mote use per turn.
Disciplines - Vampires are able to practice many different types of magical powers
related to their curse called Disciplines. Each Vampire knows two out of three disciplines
related to their clan, then one other one which relates to them on a personal level. Unlike
the chosen who learn charms as an extension of natural abilities, Vampires are mainly
stuck in their disciplines. The only way they can learn others other than the three they
start with is to completely drain another vampire of blood who knows it (Which is
considered a grave sin amongst vampires) or by draining an Exalted character strongly
related to the ability (EX: Completely draining a Supernal Athletics Solar with speed
charms to gain the Celerity discipline)
As a note, disciplines do not stack, rather you only get the higher of the two. For
example, Dominate 2 and Majesty 2 does not give +4 total Charisma, but rather
only +2). This DOES however stack with Physical Intensity.
Drink Blood - Vampires can drink the blood of a person they have grappled or seduced
and can drain their blood. The bite isn’t painful, in fact it is quite pleasurable for the
subject until too much blood is drained. Each turn the vampire does one lethal level of
damage as he drains the blood from a victim, regaining 4 motes of essence per health
level drained. Blood is also the only substance a vampire can eat, attempting to
consume anything else means the rest will be vomited rather violently. Lastly, unless
consent is given, vampires cannot drain blood from any creature with an active hardness
As a note, vampires do not spread by simply biting others. New Vampires can
only be made by taking an intact body which has been deceased within the
scene, then the vampire cutting themselves and pouring at least one lethal health
level of blood into the would be vampire’s mouth, then lastly paying a single
willpower dot
Essence Regeneration - Vampires *do not* recover the 5 motes per hour people
normally do, forcing them to drink blood to do so. In fact without drinking blood, vampires
cannot respire Essence at all!
EX-Mode: In combat Vampires regenerate at the normal 5m per action.
FIRE HOT! - Fire based hazards and attacks deal aggravated damage to vampires.
Frenzy - Occasionally when overwhelmed, starving, stressed, or under severe mental
trauma the beast inside of the vampire may last out. This plays out as a unique form of
limit break that only ends when the vampire’s reason for entering a frenzy is resolved or
becomes impossible to resolve (EX: If hungry, it ends when feeding. If gone berserk over
the death of a lover, the vampire goes back to normal). In exchange the vampire adds
their Essence to Strength, Dexterity, and Stamina for the rest of the scene, those who
have Vigor/Celerity/Resilience still use either the higher of their frenzy bonus or their dot
total and do not add them together. Vampires can be snapped out of a frenzy with a
successful persuade roll, but the Vampire’s resolve is treated as being boosted by a
defining intimacy. Lastly the Vampire cannot make any social or mental actions during a
Frenzy, they’re too consumed by bloodlust!
Alternatively a vampire may do something called “Riding the Wave”, in where she
just barely brings the Beast to the surface by invoking its power but still retaining
(mostly) full control. To do this the Vampire rolls Wits + Integrity without doubling
10s as a simple action costing one willpower, and keeps rolling until five
successes are gained (Total across all rolls, not at once). The vampire must still
have a reason for Riding the Wave, but things such as “Killing that bastard” are
acceptable. If a Vampire botches any roll in this they immediately enter a normal
frenzy instead.
Ghoulification - Vampire blood is addictive to mortals. Any mortal who drinks vampire
blood on a regular basis gains the derangement condition with an addiction to that
specific vampire’s blood.
Immortality - Vampires are truly ageless, they cannot die of old age. In addition
Vampires can heal any bashing or lethal damage done to them by spending 4m as a
reflexive action, up to (Essence) rating levels healed per turn. Damage that is done by
fire, sunlight, or aggravated damage cannot be healed by this method and must heal
with time.
Physical Intensity - Vampires are known for being far stronger, quicker, or more
durable than any mortal. By spending 4m vampires are capable of boosting Strength,
Dexterity, or Stamina by two until the beginning of their next turn.
Predatory Aura - Unless Vampires take other measures to hide it, a Vampire only
needs a difficulty 1 Perception + Awareness roll to notice another vampire.
Night Vision - Vampires see better in the dark than normal humans. Any penalties that
come from low light are reduced by 3 to a minimum of zero.
Sunlight Burn - The Unconquered Sun scores the very presence of such creatures,
empowering his sunlight for forever sear such blasphemies. Standing in natural sunlight
is akin to standing in the middle of a bonfire that does aggravated damage, and each
Essence dot above the first adds one to the trauma roll to resist. Lastly no environmental
resistance ability, such as a Vampire learning Elemental Resisting Prana somehow, will
work. They will ALWAYS be damaged by sunlight until the Unconquered Sun relents.
“Sunlight” in the Underworld does not harm vampires, but feeding opportunities are far
more rare there.
Torpor and Final Death - If the vampire checks off his final damage box with bashing or
lethal damage, he immediately goes unconscious into a special condition called Torpor,
whch is akin to a sleep which he cannot be awakened from, until his incapacitated box is
healed. Final Death only occurs when the final box is filled with aggravated damage or
when the heart is torn out, as it is said that the Unconquered Sun accepts this symbolic
gesture to permanently kill such creatures. Torpor usually lasts an entire week for
vampires under Essence 3 and those higher are usually two weeks. However this is cut
down to days if a vampire sincerely wishes to become mortal or do their best to shield
Undead Body - Vampires are not technically alive, and thus any lethal damage from
things likes bullets, arrows, or blades only do bashing damage instead of lethal. A
vampire can also spend 4m as a reflexive action to stimulate life for a scene, and unless
a deeper check is done will pass all mundane checks to see if he’s a living person. Lastly
each vampire starts with health levels equal to -0/-1/-2/-4/Torpor, but gain an additional
number of health levels depending on the dots of Stamina they have, taking -2 health
levels as a priority first.
Also if things like weapon damage or soaks seem to low, those are base. You can modify them
with armour.
Vampire Types
Daeva’s are the ever devouring artists of the vampire world. Constantly seeking new
experiences to devour, new people to seduce, and new people to manipulate. New Daeva’s get
themselves drunk in the experiences their newfound powers and abilities can afford them, while
older more experienced Daeva’s are jaded husked who rarely find pleasures in such trivial
carinal pursuits anymore, but rather using them as means to an end.
Wiess Pepe was once a female whore living inside of Nexus, making a meager living in order to
just survive. However after accepting a deal from the Deathlord Mask of Winters, she has
gained great power in exchange for the task of keeping tabs and gossip in the higher echelons
of Nexus society, something that she has always dreamed about doing anyways. With a
powerful backer in her pocket and being allowed to do whatever she wants for a task she’s
curious about anyways was hardly a choice for her, plus she always liked the nightlife more
Difficulty: Very powerful socialite character to throw at your players. While interesting to deal
with by itself, a Daeva is capable of turning a mortal run kingdom in on its head in short order if
one is not careful.
Suggested Type: Strong / Special
Essence: 2 Willpower: 6 Join Battle: 8 dice (See Celerity)
Personal Motes: 48/48
Health Levels: -0/-1x2/-2x3/-4/Incap.
Actions: Feats of Strength: 7 dice (May attempt Strength 3 Feats of Strength); Investigation: 6
dice; Read Intentions: 6 dice; Senses: 5 dice; Stealth: 4 dice; Social Influence: 9 dice (-2 dice
when using manipulation)
Appearance 5, Resolve 3, Guile 4
Punch: 12 dice, 11B damage, has the Smashing tag
Combat Movement: 8 dice
Evasion: 4 Parry: 5
Soak/Hardness: 2/0, but at this stage a vampire may wear enchanted clothing that appears to
be normal clothing that has a soak value of 3 with no mobility penalty.
Daeva’s are usually at the center of attention at everything they do and always happen to know
who’s who. Contacts and Influence are almost always found on such characters, quite possibly
some amount of Resources as well.
Celerity Charms
Celerity 2 (Permanent): As a permanent enhancement to their power, each Vampire adds their
Celerity score to their Dexterity rating for all intents and purposes.
Faster than Fast (4m; Reflexive; Instant): By spending 4m a vampire may double 9s on all
combat movement rolls.
Speed of the Beast (2m; Reflexive; One Turn): By spending 4m the Vampire may add his
Celerity rating to his initiative for purposes of turn order, allowing her to go (Celerity) ticks
sooner. If multiple people act on a tick, the vampire may activate this power again in order to
ensure that they go first on that tick.
Wolf Chases Fox (4m 1WP; Reflexive; Instant): Once per scene when a Vampire successfully
rushes a target, they may activate this charm to move reflexively twice instead of once.
Majesty Charms
Majesty 2: As a permanent enhancement to their power, each Vampire adds their Vigor score
to their Charisma and Appearance rating for all intents and purposes.
Awe (4m; Simple; One Scene): The vampire makes it so that he demands attention from
everyone and everything in the room. Upon activating this charm the vampire rolls (Charisma or
Appearance + Presence). If this exceeds the Resolve of those in the room then they are
compelled to look at the vampire, subtracting the Vampire’s Majesty score on any other
Awareness action to notice something other than the Vampire. Secondly anyone affected is
treated as having a minor intimacy of either love, lust, or at least interest in the vampire. Lastly
the vampire is able to add an amount of bonus dice to any social action equal to the amount
they exceeded the target’s resolve by for the rest of the scene. The Exalted can resist this by
paying a single willpower at any time, but mortals will need a major or higher intimacy in a
decision point in order to resist the vampire.
Confidant (5m 1WP; Simple; Instant): The Vampire beckons towards a target, making them
seem far more friendly and approachable. Soon after talking to them you want to do more for
them, wanting to please them more than anything. This discipline can only be used against a
target who is currently under the effects of Awe for free or anyone else who at least has a
positive intimacy of the vampire for 5m 1WP, rolling the Vampires Charisma/Apperance +
Presence vs the target’s resolve which may not be modified by any intimacies. If successful the
target becomes Charmed
for a number of hours equal to the Vampire’s Majesty rating. So long
as the target is charmed they treat their intimacy for the vampire as one higher than what it
actually is, may add their Majesty score to Manipulation in order to lie against the target, and the
target themselves takes a penalty equal to the Vampire’s Majesty rank on any Invesitgation roll
to discover crimes the Vampire has committed or Socialize rolls to discover intimacies they may
not like. They don’t want to believe the vampire has any flaws that would cause them to dislike
the Vampire. Lastly if the Vampire succeeds with 3+ or more threshold successes over the
victims Resolve, the charmed status lasts for a number of days equal to their Majesty rank
rather than hours.
Enticing (3m; Reflexive; Instant): Against a target who is currently under the effects of Awe or
has a major or higher intimacy of love towards the vampire, then any seduction rolls gains
double 9s.
Kiss of the Succubus (Permanent): Merely kissing people inflicts addiction on par with sharing
blood. While it keeps people coming back, it makes it so that they never leave you alone. This is
done as an Instill action (Which may use the Seduction dice pools).
Vigor Charms
Vigor 2: As a permanent enhancement to their power, each Vampire adds their Vigor score to
their Strength rating for all intents and purposes.
Armour Like Paper (0m/4m; Supplemental; Instant): Metal armour breaks like paper against
the Vampire’s attacks. Mundane armour has their soak lowered by the (Vampire’s Vigor rating
+1). Soak that comes from artifact armour can be reduced by spending 4m before the attack.
Optionally the vampire may pay 4m before making a Feat of Strength roll to see if she can
destroy something, lowering the difficulty to do by her Vigor rating.
Kapow! (Permanent): The Vampire gains the smashing tag on all unarmed attacks.
Lover’s Embrace (4m; Reflexive; Until Released): If the vampire wishes to make a grapple
attempt in order to suck blood from the opponent, than all rolls involved in it (Attack, gambit roll,
AND the control roll) double 9s, but in exchange the vampire can do nothing but drain the blood
from her opponent.
Overindulgence: All Daeva vampires have an a major intimacy toward indulging themselves in
some fashion, being it surrounding themselves with fawning fans, partying, or sex. Either way
this intimacy cannot be altered or eroded, but it can be increased in intensity. The cost of
resisting this intimacy when in a decision point is increased to 2 willpower.
EX-Mode Abilities
Accuracy Up: Increase the accuracy of all of the user’s attacks by 2. This is counted as a stunt
Principle of Motion (10m 1WP; Simple; Instant): The vampire gains the Principle of Motion
Skill Up: Increase all of the vampire’s skills by two, represented by a stunt bonus.
The lone wolf of the Vampire world is called this not in a metaphor, but in truth. For Gangrel are
actually the closest to their bestial nature as a vampire as they make no delusions about what
they become. Indeed, many of them revel in it. This doesn’t mean they go out mindless
committing slaughters left right and center, just as animals rarely if ever make senseless kills.
They’ll continue to eek out their undead existence not mimicking humans, but being uniquely
Or do something like play vampire Fry (Futurama) like my friend did, that is awesome.
Difficulty: More stealthy when out of combat, but if in combat and they manage to Ride the
Wave be prepared for ripping and tearing all the while as they’ll be quite potent.
Suggested Type: Strong / Special
Essence: 2 Willpower: 6 Join Battle: 7 dice
Personal Motes: 48/48
Health Levels: -0/-1x2/-2x3/-4/Incap.
Actions: Feats of Strength: 6 dice (May attempt Strength 3 Feats of Strength); “Riding the
Wave”: 8 dice; Senses: 6 dice; Stealth: 6 dice; All other rolls: 3 dice
Appearance 4, Resolve 3, Guile 1
Punch: 10 dice (10B damage)
Frenzy Punch: 12 dice (13L/2 damage)
Combat Movement: 6 dice (+2 when in Frenzy)
Evasion: 3 Parry: 4 (+1 to both when in Frenzy)
Soak/Hardness: 5/0 (9/0 when in Frenzy), usually Gangrel will wear light armour but nothing
more, as they’ll want maximum freedom of movement or gain more soak from Protean or Riding
the Wave anyways.
Gangrel are quite possibly one of the more varied bunch of vampires outside of Mekhet’s, so
any merits wouldn’t be out of place. Due to Protean and Resiliance however physical merits
wouldn’t be out of place.
Animalism Charms
Animalism 2: As a permanent enhancement to their power, each Vampire adds their Animalism
score to their Survival for all intents and purposes. Additionally they may add extra dice when
dealing with any roll involving animals, such as Animalism charms or training animals.
Feral Whispers (0m/4m; Reflexive; Instant): The vampire is capable of speaking to animals,
capable of casual conversation or even asking “Have you seen this man?” The animals are not
any smarter, but unless the Vampire has threatened them in some way many animals will
generally answer. By spending 4m and making a successful persuade roll against the animal,
the vampire is able to give it commons such as “spy on this man” or “attack that man”. Major
actions which endanger the animal’s life increases their Resolve by 3 while ones that do not
endanger the animal. The animal will follow the instructions for up to one hour. If the Vampire
gains three or more threshold successes over the creature’s Resolve, then it follows the
instructions for up to one day or night.
Raise the Familiar (4m 1lhl; Reflexive; Instant): By pouring some of the vampire’s blood into
the mouth of a recently deceased creature, the vampire is able to bring the creature into a
cursed unlife similar to itself. The animal functions as it did normally in life but the wounds it had
at the time of death remain. A Mammoth who was killed by a spear through the brain will have a
gaping hole in its head, but such injuries do not impede nor penalize the creature’s normal
functions in any way. Like the vampire, the animal itself takes bashing damage instead of lethal
from most sources and burns in sunlight. Each activation of this charm keeps the animal alive
and moving equal to (Animalism x Essence) days, after which the Vampire may use this charm
again on the familiar to keep it going for another number of days as if they just raised it or have
it collaspe to the ground dead for good. Feral Whispers can also be used to communicate to the
animal from any distance, but if beyond visual sight the vampire must pay 4m and make the
persuade roll as normal to see if the animal is able to interpret the message.
Protean Charms
Protean 2: As a permanent enhancement to their power, each Vampire adds their Protean
rating to the Wits + Integrity roll in order to see if they can “Ride the Wave”.
Unmarked Grave (0m/4m/8m; Reflexive; Instant): The vampire is able to sink into the Earth or
wall in order to rest inside of it, so long as enough physical space exists inside to accommodate
the vampire. The cost for this is 0m for Soil or Earth, Rock is 4m, Reinforced Concrete is 8m.
While inside the vampire is protected from the sun’s rays outside while all her senses continue
to function normally. She can even feed if there is someone to bleed over her resting place. The
vampire can be damaged inside of the structure however, as every threshold success on a
successful feat of strength to damage the structure causes one point of bashing damage to the
vampire, and upon entering Torpor is forced out of the structure. Vampires who take lethal or
aggravated damage cannot maintain cohesion and are ejected immediately.
Ravage (Permanent): The vampire’s connection to the beast is stronger than most. While
Riding the Wave or in Frenzy, increase the vampire’s withering damage by 2L and increase
minimum damage by 1. Lastly successful ravage actions that deal lethal damage restow up to
(damage dealt x4) motes up to a maximum of (Protean Rank).
Primal Strength (4m; Reflexive; Instant): The Vampire’s body explodes with newfound power
while in Frenzy. By spending 4m as a reflexive action while in Frenzy or Riding the Wave, the
vampire may do one the following:
Double 9s on a withering damage roll
Double 10s on a decisive damage roll
Double the bonus strength she gains in Frenzy, both for meeting strength requirements
and bonus dice to make the attempt.
Double 8s on all Feats of Strength (May stack with above)
Activate Monkey Leap Technique for the rest of the scene.
Predatory Aspect (4m; Reflexive; One Scene): The vampire is able to manifest various aspects
of certain woodland creatures. Such as twisting their bodies to run like a wolf, have skin like a
sharp, or rather attacking people with their bare hands use BEAR HANDS!
Upon learning this discipline the vampire gains three traits listed down in the list below. She may
design new adaptations using the ones as guidelines below or swap out each adaption at a cost
of 4m per swap she wishes to make:
Aquatic: Gaining flippers or webbed hands allows the Vampire to move underwater the
same speed she can on land.
Claws: Wicked sharp claws manifest on the vampire’s hands, gaining +1 damage and
dealing lethal damage instead of bashing. She may optionally also take the four die merit
of the Claws mutation, treating their attacks as natural weapons.
Extra Sense: The vampire gains tremorsense, echolocation, or some other exotic sixth
sense she can ‘see’ with in addition to the rest of her senses.
Feral Senses: By taking a Hawk’s eyes of a Dog’s nose, the vampire is able to double
9s on a specific kind of sensory roll. Rolls to detect blood add +Essence additional dice
to the roll.
Patagia: By making a pair of weak wings o-FUCK IT YOU GAIN THE WINGS FROM
GARGOYLES! You gain the Wings mutation, but you cannot fly, only Glide.
Tail - Functions as the two dot tail merit
Quadrupedal - The Vampire is able to double 9s on all movement rolls. Outside of battle
she’s able of running as fast as a horse.
Wall Walking - Gain the Wall Walking merit.
Resilience Charms
Resilience 2: As a permanent enhancement to their power, each Vampire adds their Resilience
rating to their stamina for all intents and purposes. Also the first two points of aggravated
damage in the scene from any source
is turned into lethal damage instead. Lastly each rank of
Resilience grants an additional -0 health level instead of the standard health levels normally
gained from stamina increases.
Hide of the Beast (Permanent): While in Frenzy or Riding the Wave, the vampire adds his
Resilience rating to their soak, effectively granting Resilience x2 additional soak while in a
Frenzy. This cannot be used while the vampire wears armour.
Urging of the Beast: Any mental roll that involves careful thinking over instinctive and on the
spot action does not double 10s on the roll, additionally each 1 that appears on the roll counts
as one less success.
EX-Mode Abilities
Accuracy Up: Increase the accuracy of all of the user’s attacks by 2. This is counted as a stunt
Skill Up: Increase all of the vampire’s skills by two, represented by a stunt bonus.
Mekhet vampires come from all walks of life, from the raving bum on the street to the
Philosopher professor in Nexus, but what they all have in common is their thirst for knowledge
and their drive for perfectionism. Capable of doing their works in the shadows, many do not
know how Mekhet’s are capable of knowing the things they know, other than that they’re glad
that such knowledgable little bastards are on their side.
Difficulty: Powerful stealth and information gathering abilities means skeletons can be *very*
quickly dug up. Secondly their ability to hide combat from others means careless groups could
have their members picked off one by one by the crafty predators.
Suggested Type: Strong / Special
Essence: 2 Willpower: 6 Join Battle: 10 dice
Personal Motes: 48/48
Health Levels: -0/-1x2/-2x2/-4/Incap.
Actions: Any Lore or Occult roll: 7 dice; Investigation: 8 dice; Read Intentions: 8 dice; Senses: 9
dice; Social Influence: 4 dice Stealth: 9 dice; All other rolls: 3 dice
Appearance 3, Resolve 3, Guile 3
Punch: 10 dice (9B damage)
Bow: 10 dice at short, (11L damage), Range Long
Combat Movement: 6 dice
Evasion: 5 Parry: 2
Soak/Hardness: 2/0
Mekhet’s can have virtually any sort of background, but knowledgeable Allies or Contacts are
something most of them have in common.
Auspex Charms
Auspex 2: As a permanent enhancement to their power, each Vampire adds their Asupex rating
to any Awareness or Perception based roll to find something. Against effects that apply Resolve
in order to forget something, the Vampire adds her Auspex rating to her Resolve to see if she is
Beast’s Hackle’s (4m; Reflexive; One Scene): The Beast is able to see things far beyond what
mortals can ever hope to perceive. The Vampire may activate this charm whenever he
encounters a disguise that requires some sort of supernatural sense to counter, allowing him to
use his senses in order to perceive them normally. Additionally the vampire can see
dematerialized spirits normally.
Wisdom of the Beast (0m/4m; Reflexive; Instant): By rolling Wits + Lore + Auspex (9 dice for
this character), the vampire is able to gleam knowledge that others would deem impossible to
know about. At this level of Auspex, the vampire can only gleam questions about immediate
danger or weakness, such as “Who here is the easiest to feed upon?”, “How do I troll that
Gangrel so he flips out into the beast?”, or “Which person in this room is the most dangerous?”
Difficulties range from one (simple answers) to five (In which the target actively tries to remain
hidden). The first use of this charm in a scene is 0m, but every use after the first is 4m. You
cannot use this charm against characters who are hidden in stealth
, however the question of “Is
there a hidden hostile presence within this room?” is a valid yes/no question for the Storyteller. If
the vampire succeeds with three or more threshold successes, they may ask two questions
Uncanny Perception (Permanent): This charm upgrades Wisdom of the Beast. The Vampire
may roll Perception + Socialize + Auspex as a Read Intentions action against a character. If
successful, than in addition to the normal effect of a successful read intentions action the
vampire may ask a question about any weakness the target has or their personal nature. Such
as related intimacy to the one they just learned, what the target fears/desires the most, is that
person a cannibal, or what kind of supernatural creature (if any) the target is.
Vampiric Senses (4m; Reflexive; Instant): The vampire may double 9s on any Wits or
Perception roll.
Celerity Charms
Celerity 2 (Permanent): As a permanent enhancement to their power, each Vampire adds their
Celerity score to their Dexterity rating for all intents and purposes.
Faster than Fast (4m; Reflexive; Instant): By spending 4m a vampire may double 9s on all
combat movement rolls.
Speed of the Beast (2m; Reflexive; One Turn): By spending 4m the Vampire may add his
Celerity rating to his initiative for purposes of turn order, allowing her to go (Celerity) ticks
sooner. If multiple people act on a tick, the vampire may activate this power again in order to
ensure that they go first on that tick.
Wolf Chases Fox (4m 1WP; Reflexive; Instant): Once per scene when a Vampire successfully
rushes a target, they may activate this charm to move reflexively twice instead of once.
Obfuscate Charms
Obfuscate 2: As a permanent enhancement to their power, each Vampire adds their Obfuscate
ranking to their Stealth and Larceny ratings for all intents and purposes.
Stealth Predator (4m; Reflexive; Instant): The Vampire may add stack their Obfuscate rating
with their Celerity rating for a single stealth or Larceny roll.
Face in the Crowd (4m 1WP; Reflexive; Indefinite): The beast cows lesser creatures, making
the lessers feel as if the best possible choice would be to ignore it. This charm functions the
same as the Solar charm Mental Invisibility Technique only with a different cost and duration.
Rolling Join Battle does not end the charm, only attacking does, and unless the victim notices
the vampire then the first attack the vampire makes against them will be an ambush. In fact so
long as this charm is active during combat, other people in the scene need to roll in order to
notice there is a commotion going on at all, comparing their perception + Awareness against the
Vampire’s Dexterity + Stealth. So long as this charm is active, the Vampire’s Predatory Aura
vanishes, so other vampires can’t immediately notice him.
Touch of Shadow (4m; Reflexive; Instant): By touching a single object no bigger than a large
van, the vampire may cloud it from people’s minds as if being under the effects of Face in the
Crowd. People will subconsciously move around it, but won’t be able to pinpoint it out by
themselves if their resolve was overcome. This cannot be used on a living person, but it can be
used on an inanimate corpse. The effects of this charm last for a single scene, but if the
vampire’s result is three greater than the victims Resolve they are compelled to ignore it for any
entire night.
By Fire and Light You Shall Burn: Attacks that deal fire damage inflict one additional level of
automatic damage while hazards based in Fire and Light increase their trauma to 5. Meaning
yes a Fire Aspected Dragonblooded can light you up like a matchstick if you’re not careful.
EX-Mode Abilities
Accuracy Up: Increase the accuracy of all of the user’s attacks by 2. This is counted as a stunt
Principle of Motion (10m 1WP; Simple; Instant): The vampire gains the Principle of Motion
Skill Up: Increase all of the vampire’s skills by two, represented by a stunt bonus.
Damn... You’re one ugly motherfu-
If Vampires are outcasts, than Nosferatu are outcasts of vampirekind as well. With their own
unique curse for being incredibly ugly and only able to pass for a human if one is under many
different substances. Still Nosferatu have their uses, functioning as the vampires most willingly
to do dirty jobs for their own price. Once you also get past their ghoulish appearance, many
Nosferatu are rather cultured and civilized. The kind of vampire that is more than willing to have
a spot of tea with you shortly before the battle that is about to take place.
Oh! You know what a celebrity turned into a Nosferatu is called? A Mon-Star. Haha! Get it!?
Difficulty: Want to fight against a monster who knows your greatest fears and is near
impossible to find? Didn’t think so.
Suggested Type: Strong / Special
Essence: 2 Willpower: 7 Join Battle: 6 dice
Personal Motes: 48/48
Health Levels: -0/-1x2/-2x3/-4/Incap.
Actions: Any Lore or Occult roll: 5 dice; Feats of Strength: 8 dice (May perform Strength 5
Feats of Strength); Investigation: 6 dice; Intimidation/Inspire Fear: 9 dice; Read Intentions: 7
dice; Senses: 6 dice; Stealth: 9 dice; All other rolls: 3 dice
Appearance 3 (Hideous), Resolve 3, Guile 2
Punch: 10 dice (10B damage)
Combat Movement: 6 dice
Evasion: 3 Parry: 4
Soak/Hardness: 3/0
Nosferatu’s may find it difficult to have some social merits, nevertheless trusting Allies or
Contacts are not out of the question.
Nightmare Charms
Nightmare 2: The vampire adds two dice to any roll intended to scare or frighten someone or to
discover something that someone is frightened of. Secondly he makes it so that he’s only afraid
of real terror, adding his rank in Nightmare to his Resolve against any intimidate action and any
attempt to find the Vampire’s fears suffers a penalty equal to their Nightmare rank.
Dread Presence (4m 1WP; Reflexive; Indefinite): The vampire feels just plain... wrong. Even
when being nice and friendly to you something inside of you just screams at one to not get
involved with such a dangerous creature. This charm replicates the effect of Majestic Radiant
Presence from the Solar charm set with a modified cost and duration. Additionally the Vampire
is able to conduct intimidation or Inspire (Fear) actions using illusions based in at least two
senses, but otherwise modelled after Phantom Conjuring Performance. A plate of the finest food
can suddenly appear as maggots, the sounds of a bounty hunter banging against the door
which a person swears rattles, and other such things.
On the topic, that wasn’t turkey you ate at dinner.
Face the Beast (4m; Supplemental; Instant): With a mere glance the vampire can amplify a
victim’s fear of something to truly terrifying levels. If the Vampire knows what the target is truly
afraid of, she may prey on that intimacy by the vampire momentarily making it come to life in
front of them, doubling 9s on the intimidate roll and costing one additional willpower to resist. If
the Vampire doesn’t know what the target fears, he may still activate this charm as if preying
upon a minor intimacy for intimidation purposes. Nosferatu’s can actually use their curse to their
advantage with this charm, making it count as major instead.
Obfuscate Charms
Obfuscate 2: As a permanent enhancement to their power, each Vampire adds their Obfuscate
ranking to their Stealth and Larceny ratings for all intents and purposes.
Stealth Predator (4m; Reflexive; Instant): The Vampire may add stack their Obfuscate rating
with their Celerity rating for a single stealth or Larceny roll.
Face in the Crowd (4m 1WP; Reflexive; Indefinite): The beast cows lesser creatures, making
the lessers feel as if the best possible choice would be to ignore it. This charm functions the
same as the Solar charm Mental Invisibility Technique only with a different cost and duration.
Rolling Join Battle does not end the charm, only attacking does, and unless the victim notices
the vampire then the first attack the vampire makes against them will be an ambush. In fact so
long as this charm is active during combat, other people in the scene need to roll in order to
notice there is a commotion going on at all, comparing their perception + Awareness against the
Vampire’s Dexterity + Stealth. So long as this charm is active, the Vampire’s Predatory Aura
vanishes, so other vampires can’t immediately notice him.
Touch of Shadow (4m; Reflexive; Instant): By touching a single object no bigger than a large
van, the vampire may cloud it from people’s minds as if being under the effects of Face in the
Crowd. People will subconsciously move around it, but won’t be able to pinpoint it out by
themselves if their resolve was overcome. This cannot be used on a living person, but it can be
used on an inanimate corpse. The effects of this charm last for a single scene, but if the
vampire’s result is three greater than the victims Resolve they are compelled to ignore it for any
entire night.
Vigor Charms
Vigor 2: As a permanent enhancement to their power, each Vampire adds their Vigor score to
their Strength rating for all intents and purposes.
Armour Like Paper (0m/4m; Supplemental; Instant): Metal armour breaks like paper against
the Vampire’s attacks. Mundane armour has their soak lowered by the (Vampire’s Vigor rating
+1). Soak that comes from artifact armour can be reduced by spending 4m before the attack.
Optionally the vampire may pay 4m before making a Feat of Strength roll to see if she can
destroy something, lowering the difficulty to do by her Vigor rating.
Kapow! (Permanent): The Vampire gains the smashing tag on all unarmed attacks.
Monster’s Embrace (4m; Reflexive; Until Released): If the vampire wishes to make a grapple
attempt in order to suck blood from the opponent, than all rolls involved in it (Attack, gambit roll,
AND the control roll) double 9s, but in exchange the vampire can do nothing but drain the blood
from her opponent.
Visage of the Beast: Nosferatu’s are incredibly ugly to the point where most people will run
away in fear from them. The Nosferatu treats any encounter with a person as having a major
intimacy of fear, disgust, or some other negative intimacy. This can be lowered given time and
effort by the Nosferatu, and those who are used to dealing with the Nosferatu do not gain
intimacy. Secondly the Nosferatu can only have negative appearance.
EX-Mode Abilities
Accuracy Up: Increase the accuracy of all of the user’s attacks by 2. This is counted as a stunt
Skill Up: Increase all of the vampire’s skills by two, represented by a stunt bonus.
Venture’s have their eyes on only one prize: The top. Everything else, from friends,
accomplices, artifacts, even their own powers are just seen as tools to achieve the real power of
being on top. Many see the Venture as fancy dandy cats, but Venture’s do not see personal
losses, like a Tactician who only sees setbacks to his grand strategy. Those who go against the
Venture are given one simple warning: The fight you have against one will continue until one of
you is dead.
Difficulty: An absolute nightmare for any sort of Exalted who wishes to leave his kingdom to
attend to other matters. Dominate can very quickly make a Venture do almost whatever they
want without the proper countermeasures in place.
Suggested Type: Strong / Special
Essence: 2 Willpower: 7 Join Battle: 6 dice
Personal Motes: 48/48
Health Levels: -0x2/-1x2/-2x2/-4/Incap.
Actions: Command: 9 dice; Investigation: 6 dice; Read Intentions: 7 dice; Senses: 5 dice;
Social Influence: 10 dice
Appearance 3, Resolve 3, Guile 4
Punch: 8 dice (Damage 9B)
Combat Movement: 6 dice
Evasion: 3 Parry: 4
Soak/Hardness: 4/0
Venture will typically live off their social connection merits. Allies, Backing, Influence, and
Resources are not uncommon merits to have. Command is quite likely as well if he wishes to
have an army to enforce themselves with, or a strong ally to search as the muscle to the
Venture’s mastermind.
Animalism Charms
Animalism 2: As a permanent enhancement to their power, each Vampire adds their Animalism
score to their Survival for all intents and purposes. Additionally they may add extra dice when
dealing with any roll involving animals, such as Animalism charms or training animals.
Feral Whispers (0m/4m; Reflexive; Instant): The vampire is capable of speaking to animals,
capable of casual conversation or even asking “Have you seen this man?” The animals are not
any smarter, but unless the Vampire has threatened them in some way many animals will
generally answer. By spending 4m and making a successful persuade roll against the animal,
the vampire is able to give it commons such as “spy on this man” or “attack that man”. Major
actions which endanger the animal’s life increases their Resolve by 3 while ones that do not
endanger the animal. The animal will follow the instructions for up to one hour. If the Vampire
gains three or more threshold successes over the creature’s Resolve, then it follows the
instructions for up to one day or night.
Raise the Familiar (4m 1lhl; Reflexive; Instant): By pouring some of the vampire’s blood into
the mouth of a recently deceased creature, the vampire is able to bring the creature into a
cursed unlife similar to itself. The animal functions as it did normally in life but the wounds it had
at the time of death remain. A Mammoth who was killed by a spear through the brain will have a
gaping hole in its head, but such injuries do not impede nor penalize the creature’s normal
functions in any way. Like the vampire, the animal itself takes bashing damage instead of lethal
from most sources and burns in sunlight. Each activation of this charm keeps the animal alive
and moving equal to (Animalism x Essence) days, after which the Vampire may use this charm
again on the familiar to keep it going for another number of days as if they just raised it or have
it collaspe to the ground dead for good. Feral Whispers can also be used to communicate to the
animal from any distance, but if beyond visual sight the vampire must pay 4m and make the
persuade roll as normal to see if the animal is able to interpret the message.
Domination Charms
Domination 2: As a permanent enhancement to their power, each Vampire adds their
Domination rank to all Charisma and Manipulation based rolls as do any command rolls for
battle groups.
Mesmerize (0m/4m; Supplemental; Instant): With but a simple command, the vampire can
command lesser minds to do their bidding with shocking ease. By rolling Charisma/Manipulation
+ Presence the vampire is able mesmerize the victim, which is a special condition where the
victim will believe or do what the vampire says. The instructions cannot be longer than five
words, must be clear, must be something the target can do, and cannot be unacceptable orders.
A simple phrase of “Let us pass” to city guards is perfectly acceptable. The Vampire is even
able to manipulate the memories of the opponent as an instill action. Such as “I was never here”
or “You killed that man” when it was the Vampire that slit his throat. Against mortals this power
cost 0m and mortals cannot use intimacies to boost their resolve. Mortals who are ordered to act
against a defining intimacy can resist this charm at a cost of 1 willpower per action, and when
an amount of willpower equal to the Vampire’s Essence is spent the mortal is free to act as they
wish, remembers exactly what they did, and gains +4 Resolve the next time the vampire tries to
use this charm on them.
Against the Exalted, this power is far less effective. First is each use of the charm costs 4m.
Second is that ordering the Exalted directly doesn’t work, but rather doubles 9s on all instill,
persuade, or bargain actions. Memory alternation still works, functioning as an instill attempt
(that still doubles 9s) which if successful implants the illusionary memory, which can only be
broken if the Exalt manages to find contradictory evidence.
Iron Edict (4m; Supplemental; Instant): If the victim is mesmerized, the Vampire is able to to
use this charm to give them far more complex instructions the length of three sentences.
Secondly if the vampire overcomes the mortal's resolve again, they take the Dominated
condition, where they cannot spend willpower in order to resist the commands willingly
anymore. The only hope the person has is by taking more damage than their stamina to slap
them to their senses. The victim remains like this for the rest of the night, but if the Vampire
gain’s three or more threshold successes over a victim's resolve, this lasts a number of nights
equal to (1 + Vampire’s Essence).
This charm be be used against the Exalted, but again with certain conditions. First is that the
charm has a +4m 1WP surcharge attached to it, secondly is that if the Exalt is ordered to do
something that goes against a defining intimacy than they may immediately spend a willpower
to break control of the charm.
Resilience Charms
Resilience 2: As a permanent enhancement to their power, each Vampire adds their Resilience
rating to their stamina for all intents and purposes. Also the first two points of aggravated
damage in the scene from any source
is turned into lethal damage instead. Lastly each rank of
Resilience grants an additional -0 health level instead of the standard health levels normally
gained from stamina increases.
Hide of the Beast (Permanent): While in Frenzy or Riding the Wave, the vampire adds his
Resilience rating to their soak, effectively granting Resilience x2 additional soak while in a
Frenzy. This cannot be used while the vampire wears armour.
EX-Mode Abilities
Accuracy Up: Increase the accuracy of all of the user’s attacks by 2. This is counted as a stunt
Iron Edict: Mortal victim’s must be knocked unconscious to stop.
Skill Up: Increase all of the vampire’s skills by two, represented by a stunt bonus.
In addition to most other unique abilities demons have, most of them also have a skill called
Devil Trigger, which greatly amplifies the battle capabilities of the demon itself but often have
unique activation conditions. When in Devil Trigger demons become overall more lethal, gain
things such as new charms, stronger attacks, or better defenses. Devil Trigger in most cases
cannot be forced except with specific charms. Solars who know Saga Beast Virtue
may treat
Devil Trigger as a single mutation but only for First Circle Demons.
First Circle Demon
For new ST’s, First Circle Demons almost always have Essence ratings between 1-4, with
Essence 4 demons being very strong.
Imp, the Demonic Footsoldier of Hell
Appearing as brown skinned humanoids with bone spikes coming out of its elbows and
shoulders, the Imp is regarded as one of the most common demons in all of hell. One of the
most ‘human’ demons in all of hell they tend to have few if any dramatic personality traits that
other demons have. Indeed while the male sex of this demon is often regarded as hideous, the
female demon is quite attractive in comparison, having red hair and a complete set of secondary
sex characteristics.
Imps are quite curious, and their bodies are well adapted to exploration and scouting. Nearly all
of them having a strong case of wanderlust, they’ll often want to explore an area thoroughly
before moving onto the next. Doing everything from exploring jungles full of teeth to the demonic
cities of Malfeas. They are quite fascinated by Creation and relish any chance to set forth and
adventure around in it. It is said that for every adventurer or explorer that dies in Creation an
Imp manages to escape from Malfeas.
Difficulty: A backbone of hellish armies everywhere. These Fireball spitting freaks have no real
weaknesses but no real strengths (outside of their mobility) either. Devil Trigger makes them far
more deadly, but nothing an exalt with marginal combat investment could take care of. Rip and
tear to your pleasure.
Suggested Type: Insignificant / Strong / Special
Essence: 2 Willpower: 6 Join Battle: 6 dice
Personal Motes: 75/75
Health Levels: -0/-1x2/-2x3/-4/Incap.
Actions: Feats of Strength: 8 dice (may attempt difficulty 3 feats of Strength): Resisting
Disease/Poison/Hardship: 6 dice; Social Influence: 6 dice (Males may make intimidation checks,
females may make seduction checks); Senses: 6 dice (See Night vision); Stealth: 7 dice (See
Attack from Above); Tour Guide: 8 dice (Only in hell and areas it has been in Creation before)
Appearance 3 (Hideous for males, beautiful for females), Resolve 2, Guile 2
Claws: 11 dice (Damage 11L)
Fireball: 12 dice (Damage 13L)
Combat Movement: 8 dice
Evasion: 4 Parry: 3
Soak/Hardness: 7/0 (Tough Skin)
Special Attacks
Fireball: By spitting a ball of fire into its hand, the Imp is capable of tossing the Fireball to an
amazing range with surprising accuracy. Having the tags Archery (Long) and Crossbow.
Throughout both Hell and Creation Imps are known to being easy to handle marksmen of sorts.
However their fireballs are slow, and if attacking a target out to medium or longer range than the
attack automatically misses if the target moves a range brand since the fireball was launched.
Attack from Above!: The Imp gains one automatic success on all attack rolls if it attacks from a
higher elevation than the opponent. If above the opponent, they also gain one automatic
success on all stealth rolls.
Demonic Agility: The Imp is considered to be under the effects of Monkey Leap Technique at
all times and is able to stick to ceilings and walls without any extra difficulty, climbing up them as
if they were solid land. Additionally Imps are able to fight while prone with no penalties, but
cannot use their fireball attack while prone.
Night Vision: Imps can see in dim conditions as though they were in broad daylight, and reduce
the difficulty of Perception-based checks made in deeper darkness by one.
Stalking Imp Advantage: Imps adds one automatic success to any Join Battle roll made while
in stealth.
Offensive Charms
Forceful Pounce (5m 1WP; Reflexive; Instant; Dual): When an Imp moves from short to close
range of an opponent they may activate this charm, forcing power in their hind legs as they
pounce upon their opponent. Make a contested combat movement speed test between both
targets (counting as a rush for charm purposes), which if successful the Imp adds the amount of
threshold dice as bonus damage for withering damage or double a similar amount of 10s in a
decisive damage roll. If the Imp made this attack from stealth or succeeds with a threshold of
5+ or more, than the damage roll doubles 9s if withering or adds an extra amount of damage
equal to half the threshold victory rounded up on decisive attacks in addition to its usual
Shoot and Run (5m; Reflexive; Instant; Essence 1): When the Imp makes a successful
disengage roll it may activate this charm to make a reflexive attack against the target it
disengaged from (if multiple, pick one).
Principle of Motion (10m, 1wp; Reflexive; Instant; Essence 2): The Imp moves with blinding
speed, taking a flurry without the usual restrictions—it can flurry two of the same action if
desired, and it ignores the usual penalties to dice pools and Defense.
Miscellaneous charms
Hurry Home (10m, 1wp; Simple; Instant; Essence 1): The demon fades away and vanishes on
its next turn, drawn instantly to its summoner’s side. This Charm is unavailable when the demon
is unbound.
Materialize (40m 1WP, simple, Instant): The Imp manifests itself from a sudden burst of flame
that appears from the air.
Measure the Wind (5m, Simple, Instant): The Warlord can measure anyone it makes a
command roll against.
EX-Mode Abilities
Accuracy Up: Increase the Accuracy of the unit’s attacks by +2, counting as a stunt bonus. This
does not apply when in a battlegroup.
Devil Trigger: The Imp undergoes a dramatic power increase as its skin turns a pitch black
(female variants gaining white hair) that gives a strong improvement of abilities across the
Essence increases to 3.
All actions and accuracy values increase by +2 (This stacks with Accuracy Up if its in
play already). Imp may attempt Strength 5 Feats of Strength
A large toughness boost. The Imp’s soak increase to 9/5 and increases its health levels
to -0x2/-1x3/-2x3/-4/Incap.
The accuracy of all attacks increase by +1 and the damage increases by +3. Claws gain
an overwhelming value of 3 and the fireballs gain one of 4.
Evasion and Parry both increase by one.
Fireballs gain a slight homing ability, allowing them to steer towards targets. Fireball
attacks no longer automatically miss if the target moves a range brand barring total
cover and may make attacks out to extreme range. For 5m the Imp may automatically
complete an aim action and treat the range brand as one less for attacking if that is
beneficial (So long becomes medium, medium becomes short, etc...)
Stealth rolls gain one automatic success during the night or low light conditions.
Longer duration, when most demons remain in Devil Trigger for a scene Imps can
remain in it for a day if it was triggered naturally.
If an Imp is able to discover something that no one else has discovered before (Such as enemy
intelligence from a camp) or manages to incapacitate a significant opponent (If a demon it must
be a Special character Essence 4 or higher) than it may immediately enter Devil Trigger.
Nightmare Variant: Imps have an Imp variant called the Nightmare Imp, and elusive demon
that makes it hard to see due to near perpetual invisibility. It has the following changes over the
normal Imp:
Shadow Cloak: A Nightmare Imp always appears to be something akin to partically
materialized, as if not fully formed within this world. The Nightmare Imp adds +2 dice to
stealth, subtracts 2 successes on any sight based roll in order to find it, and does not
apply the -3 penalty for moving while in Stealth. Additionally whenever it moves
afterimages trail behind it, making it hard to properly attack it or chase after it. So long
has it has moved at least one range brand since its last turn it increases its Evasion by 1
and adds one automatic success to all movement based rolls. However it hates the
sunlight, and any action made while in brand light is done at a -2 penalty.
Pinky, the Ravenous Explorer/Vanguard
Pinky demons (Whose real name was lost long ago) are a type of demon known for rushing
headlong into potential meals and other problems. Capable of eating almost anything and
everything, Pinky Demons can often tear a full grown man to shreds into seconds while their
charges hit like a Bull in its prime. Pinky Demons are also encouraged to face their problems
head on, as their back is unarmoured and exposed.
Aside from making excellent charging bulwarks for offensive armies, Pinky Demons also make
excellent trackers and garbage disposals.
Difficulty: Kinda like heavily armoured Blood Apes, as getting grappled by either leads to a
world of pain. The only difference is the Pinky trades in some speed and range for increased
Suggested Type: Strong / Special
Essence: 2 Willpower: 6 Join Battle: 6 dice
Personal Motes: 75/75
Health Levels: -0/-1x3/-2x3/-4/Incap.
Actions: Feats of Strength: 10 dice (may attempt Strength 5 feats); Resist Poison/Illness: 8
dice; Senses: 6 dice; Stealth: 6 dice; Threaten: 7 dice; Tracking: 5 dice
Appearance 3 (Hideous), Resolve 3, Guile 1
Claw: 13 dice (Damage 13L)
Bite: 11 dice (Damage 15L/2)
Grapple: 8 dice (10 to control)
Combat Movement: 5 dice (See Armoured Charge)
Evasion: 2 Parry: 4
15/7 (Armour Plated front)
5/0 (Exposed Rear)
By Hunger Nourished: So long as a Pinky willingly consumes something, it cannot become
poisoned or sick by what it eats.
Eat From the Floor: Pinky demons gain a +2 damage bonus against any prone target.
Keen Taste: The Pinky is considered to have the charm Keen Taste technique active at all
Armoured Charge (5m 1WP; Reflexive; Instant; Essence 1): By lowering its head and bursting
forth with a surprising burst of speed, the Pinky may attempt to rush its opponent from out to
medium range, gaining a +3 bonus to speed and allowing it to move reflexively twice for the
duration of the rush. If the Pinky Demon manages to close within close range of its target before
the end of its next turn, it may attack reflexively and if its attack deals 5+ withering damage or
any decisive damage than the target is knocked prone. Lastly any attacks made have a +2
bonus to accuracy or +2 bonus to withering damage.
Clamp Down (1i per round kept; Reflexive; Instant; Perilous; Essence 2): When a Pinky Demon
bites down on something, it will rarely if ever let go. When subjected to an attack or hit by by
another, the Pinky may pay 1i per round of control lost in order to keep it instead.
Om Nom Nom! (4m; Supplemental; Instant; Uniform; Essence 1): When a Pinky demon
manages to grapple a target they will immediately attempt to use their mouth to do damage,
granting it the piercing keyword to all attacks. In addition if a Pinky hits with +5 or more
threshold successes on the attack, double 9s on the damage roll.
You Are What You Eat (Permanent): Whenever the Pinky incapacitates an opponent they may
then take an action to consume the helpless body and roll (3+[Opponent’s Essence]),
immediately recovering a number of health levels or initiative equal to the successes on the roll.
As a battle group they may instead roll (3 + Battle group size) dice whenever a battle group’s
size is depleted as part of a reflexive rally for numbers roll, represented as injured members
recovering their health.
Your Resistance Only Makes You Tastier (5m 1WP; Reflexive; Instant; Essence 1):
Whenever the Pinky manages to crash a target it has grappled, it may pay 5m 1WP in order to
make a reflexive attack against those it has grappled. If the target isn’t grappled, the Pinky may
make a reflexive grapple attack.
Armoured Front: Only the front of the Pinky is considered to be heavily armoured, the rear of it
is considered to be lightly armoured. At all times the Pinky is considered to be facing at least
one target it is aware of. In order to get around to the Pinky’s weak spot one has to disengage it
and move back into close range after, surprise attacks, or knocking it prone.
EX-Mode Abilities
Accuracy Up: Increase the Accuracy of the unit’s attacks by +2, counting as a stunt bonus. This
does not apply when in a battlegroup.
Devil Trigger: The defensive capabilities of the Pinky increase upon entering Devil Trigger,
their skin turning a deep red colour instead. When in Devil Trigger Pinky’s gain the following
Add 1x -1 and 1x -2 health levels.
Unless they attack from the backside of the Pinky, all damage is reduced by 2. This is
compared post-soak to withering attacks and before hardness comparisons on
decisive attacks.
A Pinky boosts its speed by 2.
The Pinky adds threshold successes on the Grapple gambit roll as bonus dice to the
control roll and doubles 10s on the gambit.
Pinky’s activate Devil Trigger whenever they eat 3 or more human sized bodies in a scene.
Erymanthus, the Blood-Ape, Demon of the First Circle
EX-Mode Abilities
Accuracy Up: Increase the Accuracy of the unit’s attacks by +2, counting as a stunt bonus. This
does not apply when in a battlegroup.
Devil Trigger: The Blood Ape lets out a bloodcurdling shout from its mouth, abandoning any
pretense of subtlety and fully throwing itself into the fray. It becomes immune to any intimidate
or Social Influence command to make it back down from battle, wound penalties instead apply
to all attack/withering damage rolls and to break something and increases the combat
movement by +2 die. The Blood Ape may reflexively activate this power when he either does 5
or more levels of lethal damage over the course of a fight.
Teodozjia, the Lion Sent Forth in the World
The Teodozjia are the mythical priests that spread the gospel of the Yozi. Seemingly immortal,
all knowing, and with a stunning majestic appearance that commands awe in all that set eyes
upon them. Created by Zsofika specifically for this purpose, they are the creatures that wish to
usher in the worship of the Yozi’s. Their very existence in Creation is an affront to other gods,
the noble demons capable of not only dispelling cults of traitor gods but often enough to deal
with the gods themselves given their strength. Of a special note is their hatred for the
Unconquered Sun and their own priests, in which the Teodozjia take any chance to destroy
such relics and if a Zenith and a Teodozjia are in the same room together, it is said that only
one will survive the encounter.
Difficulty: A slow but powerful tank that is capable of some fairly decent social influence as
well. Without proper damage adding charms players may find themselves hard pressed to take
on a Teodozjia with withering attacks. Their low speed however makes them easy to retreat
from at least.
Suggested Type: Strong / Special
Essence: 4 Willpower: 7 Join Battle: 6 dice
Personal Motes: 100/100
Health Levels: -0/-1x6/-2x5/-4/Incap.
Actions: Any Occult roll: 9 dice; Any Social Influence roll: 8 dice; Feats of Strength: 6 dice (may
attempt Strength 5 Feats of Strength); Resisting Poison/Illness/Hardship: 11 dice; Senses: 6
dice; Tracking: 6 dice; All other rolls: 3 dice
Appearance 4, Resolve 3, Guile 3
Claw: 12 dice, 12L/3 damage
Bite: 10 dice, 15L/4 damage
Words of Power: 13 dice, 14B/3 damage, has Smashing tag
Grapple: 8 dice (10 dice to control)
Combat Movement: 4 dice
Evasion: 3 Parry: 5
Soak/Hardness: 13/5 (Jade plated Skin)
Special Attacks
Heretical Edifice Destruction: Whenever the Teodozjia comes within short range of a holy
object that is not owned by the yozi’s, it may attempt a reflexive feat of Strength roll in order to
destroy it gaining +4 bonus dice in the process (Which can stack with Bane Weapon). This is
represented as some sort of divine force smiting the object rather than a direct attack made by
the Teodozjia. Artifact religious symbols are immune to this, but the Teodozjia will attempt to
hide or deface such objects instead unless specifically ordered not to.
Teodozjia Hive Mind: The Teodozjia may attempt to pull any information that another Teodozjia
knows, regardless of boundaries or space in between. This is a special kind of fact roll, which
the Teodozjia may
Zenith Enmity: Whenever a Teodozjia encounters a Zenith caste Solar Exalted only one of
them may leave the encounter alive. The Teodozjia immediately rolls battle against the target
and commences battle against it. This act is akin to breathing for the Teodozjia, and is known to
attack Zeniths even when under sorcerous bindings or under diplomatic immunity of the Eclipse
caste. Ordering it to stop attacking for a single turn costs a single point of willpower for the
Teodozjia. Disguises can fool the Teodozjia, however it always counts as being applicable for
the roll and adds +4 bonus dice to the roll. Stealth functions as normal for any Zenith solars.
Offensive Charms
Bane Weapon (5m; Supplemental; Uniform): When pitted against Creation based gods the
Teodozjia may spend 5m to add +4 dice post soak on a withering attack or add up to +4 dice to
a decisive attack roll. When attempting to use a feat of Strength to destroy a holy symbol or
structure may add +4 non-charm dice to the roll.
Principle of Motion (10m, 1wp; Reflexive; Instant; Essence 2): The Warlord moves with
blinding speed, taking a flurry without the usual restrictions—it can flurry two of the same action
if desired, and it ignores the usual penalties to dice pools and Defense.
Shattering Roar (15m, 1wp; Simple; Instant; Dual; Essence 2): The Teodozjia emits a howl
potent enough to pulp flesh and pulverize bone, attacking an enemy out to medium range with a
roll of ten dice. Withering howls have a base damage of 20. Decisive attacks add extra
successes to their raw damage, and deal bashing damage. Once per fight, unless reset by
forcing an enemy into a decision point and them accepting your influence.
Words of Power (5m 1WP; Reflexive; One scene; Uniform; Essence 3): The Teodozjia’s very
own words carry the weight and authority of the Yozi’s, allowing it to attack targets with speech
out to medium range using the statistics of a light Thrown weapon. Additionally the Teodozjia
can flurry social actions along with such attacks with no penalty, so long as it makes the target
abandon non-yozi based gods, promote worship of the Yozi’s or themselves, or force
themselves to submit on behalf of the Yozi’s.
Defensive Charms
Armour of Faith (5m; Reflexive; One Tick; Dual): When faced with trials against their faith the
Teodozjia only stands firm resolute in its faith towards its cause. The Teodozjia may channel
intimacies in order to bolster its soak, increasing its soak and hardness by the amount the
resolve bonus that the intimacy would give and reduces damage post soak (withering) or raw
damage (decisive) by half that amount. If the intimacy used was defining, the Teodozjia
increases its soak and hardness by 1 for the rest of the scene. The only flaw involving this
charm is that when the intimacy is used for defense, it cannot be used again by this charm for
the rest of the scene unless the Teodozjia either undergoes significant dangerous hardship to
justify the intimacy or successfully defends it in a decision point.
Social Charms
Inquisitor's Sharp Eye (5m; Reflexive; Instant; Eclipse; Essence 1): The Teodozjia’s mind is
sharp, it must be to root out the followers of heretical gods. The Teodozjia may attempt a Read
Intentions action against a target, adding (Essence) additional dice and doubling 9s on the roll.
If successful the Teodozjia learns what god(s) or beings the target worships, if any. If successful
the Teodozjia gains a single automatic success on all further social actions against the target for
the rest of the scene, so long as it comes with the end goal of making them worship the user
themselves or the Yozi’s. Unlike normal Read Intentions actions, the Teodozjia does not need a
prompt to make this roll, and if it fails it merely cannot use this charm for the rest of the scene
rather than lose all Read Motivation actions.
Righteous Lion Defense (Permanent): The Teodozjia have a defining intimacy towards their
Yozi masters and one towards its hatred of other gods. These intimacies cannot be altered with
or tampered in any way, and treats all influence going against such intimacies as unacceptable
Miscellaneous charms
Hurry Home (10m, 1wp; Simple; Instant; Essence 1): The demon fades away and vanishes on
its next turn, drawn instantly to its summoner’s side. This Charm is unavailable when the demon
is unbound.
Materialize (65m 1WP; simple; Instant): The Teodozjia manifests itself from a column of earth
that rises up and shatters to reveal its image. Sand also works.
Measure the Wind (5m; Simple; Instant): The Teodozjia can measure anyone who claims to be
a strict follower of faith. It may also use this power to determine if the target is a Zenith caste,
but if it uses it so blindly they only get a simple yes/no answer on whenever the target is a
Zenith or not.
Weather Control (10m; Reflexive; Four Hours): Upon activating this charm, the Teodozjia may
attempt to blot out the sun or moon with thick cover of clouds. When angry, green rain with
black bolts of lightning may rain from the sky.
EX-Mode Abilities
Accuracy Up: Increase the Accuracy of the unit’s attacks by +2, counting as a stunt bonus. This
does not apply when in a battlegroup.
Devil Trigger: With a mighty roar the Teodozjia turns into a pitch black colour, clouds and
lightning billowing around it while its eyes glow with fury. While in Devil Trigger mode,the
Teodozjia gains the following benefits:
Bane Weapon may apply to rival priests. For the purpose of this charm, any Exalted of a
god counts as as a rival priest but is only half as effective.
Words of Power may completely ignore all armoured and natural soak, using only the
victim’s resolve or unmodified stamina (whichever is higher) in order to soak the attack,
along with relevant intimacies to boost soak as if it were resolve. The Teodozjia can only
use this on targets who worship a heretical god.
Increase soak and hardness to 15/10.
Devil Trigger may be activated when the Teodozjia successfully destroys a religious relic that
requires Strength 5 to destroy or when they slay a supernatural priest.
Tomescu, the Living Cloud Arsenal
Each Tomescu appears as a living cloud of miasma, which on rare occasions one can see a
glimmer of an insectoid carapace behind it. Extending from the Tomescu are what seems a
limitless amount of arms ending in various weapons such as swords, spears, maces, and bows.
While Tomescu do not enjoy combat, they nonetheless excel at it making them excellent
All Tomescu are born with the knowledge of their own death, and it's perhaps this knowledge
that causes them to go insane. Each and every Tomescu howls at every dusk and sunset,
which is the only reason how demons in Malfeas can tell whenever it's day or night. The rare
Tomescu however doesn’t foresee its own death, but rather a great destiny awaiting it. It’s these
solemn Tomescu that are some of the most feared demons in Malfeas.
When summoned in Creation, Tomescu’s are known to head off in order to perform seemingly
innocent and/or pointless tasks, such as take down all the wanted posters in a town or to switch
one caravan horse out with another. While this is never directly harmful to the summoner, these
actions are known to cause large and widespread butterfly effects from hell.
Difficulty: Tomescu’s will get double the amount of attacks in one on one battles, in battles
where it is outnumbered it is able to get far more counterattacks off. However the main gimmick
of the Tomescu is that of the counter ability, and once you get past that it's really not that hard.
Suggested Type: Strong / Special
Essence: 2 Willpower: 5 Join Battle: 7 dice
Personal Motes: 75
Health Levels: -0/-1x4/-2x4/-4/Incap.
Sample Intimacies:
Defining: To Live for the Moment (Principle, Tie)
Actions: Astrology: 7 dice; Any War related roll: 5 dice (6 dice when outnumbered) Resisting
Disease/Poison/Hardship: 5 dice; Senses: 6 dice
Appearance 1, Resolve 3, Guile 2 (See Fog Body)
Light Weapon: 13 dice, 11L damage
Medium Weapon: 11 dice, 13L damage
Heavy Weapon: 9 dice, 15L damage
Archery Weapon: 13 dice at short, 12L damage
Combat Movement: 7
Evasion: 3 Parry: 5
Soak/Hardness: 5/0 (Carapace armour: +3)
Special Attacks
Arsenal Body: Born and bred to fight against multiple opponents at once, the Tomescu is
capable of making a reflexive withering or decisive counterattack against each target that
attacks it using any one of its weapons at its full dice pool. This counterattack however only
occurs after the attack against the Tomescu has fully resolved and can be done once per
opponent per turn. Lastly the Tomescu is capable of using any weapon it pleases at will, using
the tags from each weapon as well. Lastly all weapons have the Natural tag.
Fog Body: The Tomescu’s body is constantly covered in a thick, roiling fog which makes
reading its true intentions difficult. Apply a -5 to any read intentions action against the Tomescu
that relies purely on sight.
Howlers: At the beginning of every dusk and dawn, the Tomescu makes a blood curdling howl
towards the sky. This cannot be prevented in any way.
Materialize (40m 1WP, Simple; Instant, Essence 1): The demon is capable of taking on a
material form, shown by clouds of mist quickly condensing into a singular ball.
Measure the Wind (5m; Simple; Instant; Essence 1): The Tomescu can discern the nature of
anyone it has read the destiny with via astrology or Natural Prognostication.
Natural Prognostication (10m 1WP, Simple, Instant, Essence 2): The Tomescu can see into
the future, capable of seeing its destiny as well as the destiny of others. The Tomescu activates
this charm and rolls 8 dice. The difficulty of the roll is 1 normally, but if the target is an essence
wielding user of some sort this increases by 1, and increase by another 1 if the target had any
recent battles. For each threshold success the Tomescu gets over this roll, it gives their master
one prophetic hint regarding the future. For example, a Tomescu reading a Solar on the run
from the Wyld Hunt could give a rough idea of the time the Immaculate’s ambush is going to
happen, a rough soldier count, and hints about any traps that may be in the area. As a general
rule the information is vague enough not to instantly solve a problem most of the time, but would
be suitable for a +2 circumstance bonus if it applies and strategic warfare rolls can always be
made no matter how unfamiliar one is with a target. Once used the Tomescu cannot use this
charm again on the individual until the even has played out, and even summoning new
Tomescu will wield the exact same information with nothing new.
Spirit Cutting (3m, instant, supplemental, the spirit is capable of attack targets who are
EX-Mode Abilities
Accuracy Up: Increase the Accuracy of the unit’s attacks by +2, counting as a stunt bonus. This
does not apply when in a battlegroup.
Devil Trigger: The Tomescu’s body becomes a raging stormcloud that electrifies all of its
weaponry and turning them into artifact equality weapons. All weapons gain +1 accuracy and +3
damage and gain the proper amount of overwhelming damage to go along with it. This ability is
activated when the Tomescu lands five successful counterattacks in a row.
Skill Up: Increase the dice value from all of the creature’s actions by +2, counting as a stunt
Warlord, the Demonic Lieutenants
Oh hey look, meat pinatas!
Warlord’s are the Demonic Lieutenants in Hell’s armies. These individuals are not happy
winning a single conflict, but winning an entire war. Warlord’s are glad to accept a loss if it
means to a bigger victory down the line. They abhor combat for combat’s sake but will gladly
throw down their lives in the name of conquest, and their skills and capabilities in battle make
them admirable Lieutenants for the constant wars that go on in Hell itself. If their ambition
exceeds their sense, they may even try to gather their own warband and take over parts of the
demon realm, which may actually succeed... until they run into an angry second/third circle or
an Infernal Exalt.
When summoned in creation, Warlord’s are known to be overly zealous in ensuring victory for
their summoner’s armies and no tactic is too barbaric or cruel for this demon. If left to their own
devices, a Warlord will resort to things such as poisoning an enemy’s food supply or parading
captured women and children in front of an attacking army (Usually belonging to the attacking
army itself). Ahlat is known to hate these demons with a seething fury, believing that they make
a mockery out of him and his Aurochs.
Difficulty: Big large ugly thing. Lots of soak and a few HL’s for a First Circle Demon. Its main
threat however is by serving as a force multiplier to other forces in the area by buffing them with
command rolls, activating Devil Trigger for Demonic allies, while still being fairly powerful in its
own right with big weapons and tough armour.
Suggested Type: Strong / Special
Essence: 4 Willpower: 8 Join Battle: 5 dice
Personal Motes: 90/90
Health Levels: -0x2/-1x4/-2x4/-4/Incap.
Actions: Command: 8 dice; Feats of Strength: 10 dice (may attempt Strength 5
feats); Resist Poison/Illness: 8 dice; Senses: 7 dice; Threaten: 7 dice, Training New Recruits: 10
Appearance 3 (Hideous), Resolve 3, Guile 1 (See Battlefield Tactics)
Heavy Axe: 9 dice, 17L/1 damage, has Chopping tag
Chopping Sword: 11 dice, 15L/2 damage, has Chopping tag
Combat Movement: 4 dice
Evasion: 2 Parry: 4
Soak/Hardness: 12/0
Special Attacks
Lead by Example: Every time the Warlord crashes, incapacitates, or reduces a battle group in
size than he is able to reflexively make a command roll.
Ambidextrous: The Warlord suffers no penalties for wielding items in his off hand and can use
both hands equally.
Battlefield Tactics: When in battle, the Warlord treats his Guile as 3 when attempting to resist
combat related charms.
Large Frame: The large body of the Warlord allows him to hold Two-Handed weapons in one
hand without penalty but still retain the two-handed bonus during clashes.
Offensive Charms
Battlefield Tactician (5m; Simple; Decisive-Only): Upon making a successful distract gambit,
the Warlord may donate up to an additional (Half of the difficulty of the Gambit, rounded up)
initiative. If the Warlord is a normal opponent, than instead of donating his own initiative he may
pay an amount of motes equal to however much initiative the recipient would’ve gained.
Bladed Shockwave (10m, Simple, Instant): After taking an aim action, the Warlord may then
swing at the target allowing him to use a melee attack out to short range, the sheer air pressure
itself being as sharp as any blade.
Demonic Command (10m 1WP; Simple; Instant; Essence 3): By sacrificing its turn the Warlord
is able to select a demonic ally in range. Rolling command and adding the successes as bonus
dice to hit. This can only be used on first circle demons and cannot be used in conjunction with
Principle of Motion.
Demonic Role Cry (15m 3i, Simple, Instant): The Warlord may make a command roll that uses
double 9s.
Demonic Vanguard (5m; Reflexive; One Turn): If the Warlord has a shield in at least one hand,
than it is able to assume a reflexive defend other action on behalf of a single demonic ally or
bonded summoner. This must be used on a single target, and cannot be used to protect a
Force Devil Trigger (10m, Simple): The Warlord channels a vast amount of power into an
underling under his charge, causing them to fly into a frenzy and begin attacking an opponent.
When this charm is activated, one demonic member of the battlegroup immediately activates his
Devil Trigger mode becoming a normal tier opponent or Special one if you’re not using those
rules. This ability can only be used on First Circle Demons except other Warlords.
Giant Cleave (5m; Simple; Instant; Withering-Only; Essence 2): With a giant swing of its
weapons, the Warlord is capable of hitting nearly everyone in close range of itself. Whenever
the Warlord makes an attack, he may use this charm to attack everyone in close range in front
of him, but the fury of his attack is still mainly applied to one target. Select a target, that target
has a withering attack resolve normally against them but everyone within close range of the
victim is also subjected to the attack, comparing the Warlord’s attack roll to everyone in range
who take (threshold successes) of unsoakable damage if hit, maximum 4.
Principle of Motion (10m, 1wp; Reflexive; Instant; Essence 2): The Warlord moves with
blinding speed, taking a flurry without the usual restrictions—it can flurry two of the same action
if desired, and it ignores the usual penalties to dice pools and Defense.
Teather Toss (7m 3i, Simple, Withering-Only): The Warlord is able to tactically reposition
elements on the battlefield as he sees fit using this unique power. If the Warlord has a spare
hand available he may use it to conjure a magical lasso that extends out to short range, having
an accuracy rating of 13 dice and 15 ‘damage’. The damage doesn’t actually damage the
opponent, but rather is abstraction to see if he’s able to lasso an opponent. If 5+ or more
withering damage is dealt, than the Warlord is able to move the opponent one range brand in
any direction. If the Warlord drags an opponent towards his direction, he is able to immediately
and reflexively attack using the weapon his other hand. Strong type Warlord’s ignore the
initiative cost. Alternatively this ability may be used as a gambit, using an accuracy of 9 dice and
with a difficulty of 2.
Miscellaneous charms
Hurry Home (10m, 1wp; Simple; Instant; Essence 1): The demon fades away and vanishes on
its next turn, drawn instantly to its summoner’s side. This Charm is unavailable when the demon
is unbound.
Materialize (40m 1WP, simple, Instant): The Warlord manifests itself from the arms and armour
scattered on the battlefield or if no armour exists, a place where it would be tactically
advantageous, such out from a nearby door or closet.
Measure the Wind (5m, Simple, Instant): The Warlord can measure anyone it makes a
command roll against.
No I’m the Leader: Making a battlegroup out of warlord’s seems like a good idea until you
realize that each and every one of them seems to have a better idea on how to fight, never
coming to any sort of consensus. The Drill of any Warlord based battlegroup will always be
poor, even after any and all modifiers. Additionally Warlord charms to benefit other demons
never work on other Warlords.
Knowledge Rolls
Using Your Head (Difficulty 4 INT+Occult/Lore roll): With a bit of sorcerous know how, the head
of a Warlord can be made to fire powerful eye lasers from it. This is represented as a medium
Archery weapon that does an additional (Essence) damage post soak for 5m as a simple action
and has the tags Archery (Medium) and Flame (Not really a flame, but can’t be extended) and
can be aimed with Dexterity+Archery/Occult or Intelligence + Occult. The head is good for
(User’s Essence) attacks or one day, after which the energy expelling it vanishes.
EX-Mode Abilities
Accuracy Up: Increase the Accuracy of the unit’s attacks by +2, counting as a stunt bonus. This
does not apply when in a battlegroup.
Demonic Command: Can be used in Conjunction with Principle of Motion now.
Devil Trigger: The Warlord materializes a banner matching the summoners crest or house he
currently serves. So long as this banner flies the drill of a battlegroup he commands increases
by one step (up to a maximum of elite), all command actions gain an additional automatic
success, anyone who is summoned to attack via Demonic Command also gains additional
damage equal to the bonus dice on the attack roll, and lastly sets its soak to 14/5. This ability is
activated when the Warlord gains three ‘points’, with each of the following actions counting as a
Successfully preventing an allied battlegroup from dissolution
Beginning a battle with a stratagem in effect
Having an ally who under the effect of Demonic Command or allied battlegroup
successfully crash/incapacitate an enemy.
Teather Toss: Anyone who is pulled by this charm suffers a -2 penalty to their defense from the
sheer and sudden jolt of being forcefully pushed around the battlefield. As a point of clarification,
this charm cannot be used at Close range.
The Enlightened Masters
A serious mortal practitioner of the martial arts may be one out of a thousand people,
and for those who know the esoteric fighting styles that martial arts brings that is enough to
bring them an edge in battle itself. But what of the martial artists who are one in a thousand
themselves? People who are not only content to practice what their martial art means in both
the physical and philosophical sense, but those who practice it above all else? Sometimes the
end result is a being who manages to awaken their own essence, not relying on the blessing of
a god or a trip into the Wyld, but those who manage to awaken it all by themselves? These
people are called the Enlightened Masters.
Enlightened Masters are the most common in the Threshold, as the Immaculate Order
considers anywho who practices the Five Dragon Styles outside of the Dragonblooded as
people who cannot contain their power and will destroy themselves. For everyone else these
are the masters of the craft whose power is whispered the dread secrets. Those capable of
felling armies and being the living embodiment of their craft. With such power and enlightened
sense of purpose, these people seem strange and distant to most people, all but the most
hotheaded of people give them a wide berth.
These people still have limits however. Sidereal Martial Arts (even if they knew of them) cannot
be learned by these people while all of their martial arts are learned with the Celestial tag. Lastly
their Essence cannot be raised about 3.
Dreaming Pearl Master
Enlightened Masters of the Dreaming Pearl style are as fleeting as a dream themselves.
Their dojos most often being the ballroom galas of nobles moreso than in the battlefield, but in
either area they still leave a trail of broken hearts behind (One is just in the very literal sense).
Some Dreaming Pearl Masters will keep the fact that they practice the style a secret to keep an
upper hand in battle, others will gladly show off their names and list of accomplishments in order
to keep living the Dream.
Graceful Fallen Snow really does not enjoy using this style, for using it only reminds him
of his recently departed wife. Serving as years as a male courtesan, but in reality a special
agent and special investigator, for Majordomo Iron Bear of the Spear Clan he was unexpectedly
betrayed. A group of bandits attacking him and his wife on the side of his road. With both his
wife and family now dead and himself being declared as a traitor of the state, he is prepared to
do anything in order to kill Iron Bear, even if it means plunging his country into civil war.
Graceful Fallen Snow appears as a slender and effeminate man, with looks capable of
melting the hearts of both men and women. His smooth smile and gentle looks always give the
look of courtesy, but those who are capable of breaking his strong poker face may see the
stifled rage that lives underneath. Graceful Fallen Snow always appears to be wearing the
fanciest of kimono’s or noble uniforms, and always with a paper fan of some sort. Visible
weapons are hardly needed when one can use a paper fan to cut through metal armour after all.
Difficulty: Combing martial might and social prowess into one package makes this a deadly
form indeed. People who think the worse is over when they unravel all of the master
manipulators plans may be shocked to learn that he can fight really well too.
Suggested Type: Special
Essence: 2 Willpower: 7 Join Battle: 8 dice
Personal Motes: 20/20
Health Levels: -0/-1x2/-2x2/-4/Incap.
Actions: Investigation: 8 dice; Read Intentions: 8 dice; Senses: 8 dice; Stealth: 6 dice; Social
Influence: 9 dice
Appearance 4, Resolve 4, Guile 4
Unarmed: 14 dice (9 damage)
Dreaming Pearl Form Attack: 15 dice (12L/4 damage)
Grapple: 10 dice (7 dice to control)
Combat Movement: 8
Evasion: 4 Parry: 6
Soak/Hardness: 3/0 (6/0 when Pearlescent Filigree Defense is active, 8/4 when Dreaming Pearl
form is active)
Dreaming Pearl Excellency: When assuming Dreaming Pearl Form, the Dreaming Pearl
Master may add +1 dice per 1m he spends, up to a maximum of 5m. However he may only do
so for any roll which involves a Dreaming Pearl style roll.
Demure Carp Feint (3m, Reflexive, +1 on evasion based defense or +1 success on disengage
roll. If Appearance is greater than target’s Resolve, increase bonuses to two. Defending or
disengaging increases initiative by 1)
Elegant Weapon Repertoire (3m, Supplemental, add weapon accuracy score to withering
damage or one die to decisive. Use Ready weapon action to empower seemingly innocent
objects into deadly light weapons +1 Overwhelming value. Depending on the weapon, different
tags to attacks can be done:
Disarm: Items such as weighted clothing or sashes.
Grappling: Things that tie up the target, such as dresses/Ropes/Blankets
Piercing: Things that are sharp and pointy. Knitting needles, broken china, or very sharp
Shield: Items with broad surfaces, such as paper fans or the long flowing sleeves of a
Pearlescent Filigree Defense (1m, Reflexive, any attack that targets the character while this
charm is up treats the character as having an additional +3 soak which counts as light armour.
May spend up to 4 additional motes to increase soak on 1:1 basis.)
Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Form (8m, simple, scene, make attacks out to short range, Elegant
Weapon and Filigree Defense gain traits of artifact armour and weapons. Reflexively activate if
succeed on disengage action with +5 threshold successes or more)
Fragrant Pedal Fascination Prana (4m, Supplemental, 2 bonus successes to inspire love, lust,
mercy, distraction, or similar emotions with inspire action. If this exceeds Resolve of opponent,
gain +1 initiative up to APP max, even if opponents spend WP to resist. Once an enemy is
exposed to this charm, he is immune to it for the rest of the scene)
Seven Storms Escape Prana (4m 2i, R1/2, Instant, -4 penalty to any opponent who contests
disengage, rush, or control roll on clinch against him. If the successes on the roll are greater
than the Resolve of the opponent then they must pay a point of WP or automatically fail roll)
Flurry of August Leaves (3m 1WP, Simple, Decisive-Only, different effects based on weapon
tags, pick one effect if multiple are allowed:
Disarm: No initiative cost for gambit, throw weapon out to medium range, long range with
Shield: Take a full defense action reflexively for free as part of attack
Piercing: Set base soak and hardness to zero against MA’s for next two rounds.
Grappling: Ignore initiative cost of grapple gambit, use Initiative+Essence rather than
normal control roll, if grapple out to short range than enemy is dragged to close.
EX-Mode Abilities
Dreaming Pearl Excellency: The Dreaming Pearl Master may now use the Excellency outside
the form. In addition they add up to 3 dice on things within the themes of the style. Such as
Investigation, Read Intentions, and Social Influence.
Essence Up: The Essence of the Martial Artist is now 3 and his motepool increases to 30
Woman who have bartered with the Storm Mothers of the West for power, gaining power
in exchange for becoming incredibly ugly. Known for having a morbid sense of humor with their
crackling voice, many in the West regard the Hags with fear and suspicion, but there are always
some who would gladly pay whatever price the Hags want in return.
Difficulty: Hags are only difficult as they won’t fight fair, attempting to remain high in the air
while raining down fury upon their foes. But any ranged fighter should be able to handle a hag
no problem.
Suggested Type: Strong / Special
Essence: 2 Willpower: 6 Join Battle: 5 dice
Personal Motes: 20/20
Health Levels: 1x -0/2x -1/2x -2/Incap
Actions: Speaking in Confusing Advice/Annoying Rhymes: 8 dice; Resisting
Disease/Poison/Hardship: 3 dice (See Electricity Resistance)
Appearance 4 (Hideous), Resolve 2, Guile 3
Air Dragon Claw Swipe: 9 dice, 11L/3 damage (Has Smashing and Piercing [mundane metallic
armour only] tags)
Static Discharge: 12 dice at close, 14L/3 damage (Lethal tags, ignores 2 points of mundane
armoured soak)
Combat Movement: 2 (on ground), 5 (in air), 8 (With Stormwind Rider)
Evasion: 3 (4 against opponents who cannot fly) Parry: 1
Soak/Hardness: 2/0
Broomstick Flight: The Hags are capable of flight on their broomsticks, allowing them to fly
without an upper ceiling and can be used in combination with Stormwind Rider.
Electricity Resistance: The Hag is highly resistant to powers originating from either wind or
electricity, adding +5 bonus dice in order to resist such maladies.
Influence 2: For being a known sorcerer, Hags are known throughout many locations in the
West and are known to offer their sorcerous powers in exchange for some alien or strange
boon, from something as innocent as making sure one specific barrel does not get loaded onto
a ship or from stealing the Admiral’s daughter.
Static Discharge (1m, Simple, Uniform, the wielder becomes able to hurl bolts of lightning
using his Air Dragon Claws. These attacks have the same traits as a light artifact thrown
weapon, are aimed using [Dexterity or Intelligence + Occult], use Intelligence instead of
Strength for withering base damage, and have a range of short [Or medium if attacking during
a large thunderstorm] and ignore up to [Essence] points of armour from mundane metallic
armour. An Exalt ignores a higher of [Essence or 3])
Lightning Bolt: (0m, simple, Decisive-Only, gathering all of the energy the wielder has inside of
their spell, they lash out with a spectacular display of power as a thunderbolt rips loose from the
caster's fingers or from the heavens to electrocute their foe. This spell allows the user to make a
decisive attack that is aimed with [Intelligence + Occult] with [Higher of Occult or Intelligence]
additional damage. If the user successfully hits the target, than each target within close range of
the one struck is immediately subject to an unsoakable withering attack that deals [Intelligence]
damage, with the same roll on the decisive attack being compared to all targets within range,
after which Air Dragon’s Claw is terminated. The sorcerer gains no initiative from the secondary
Static Shock (3m, instant, uniform, whenever the user makes a successful attack that does
either more damage than the target’s stamina in withering damage or any amount of decisive
damage, than that target will act 2 ticks later as electricity forces his body to convulse)
Zephyr Rush (1m, 1wp; Supplemental; Instant): The sorcerer whips the Stormwind Rider into a
sudden frenzy of speed, allowing her to move up to two range bands with a single movement
action in combat or doubling 8s on one interval of a race.
All Hags know the spells Air Dragon’s Claw
and Stormwind Rider
. The spell of Air Dragon’s
Claw is shown in the appendix
EX-Mode Abilities
Accuracy Up: Increase the accuracy of all of the user’s attacks by 2. This is counted as a stunt
Airstrike (5m, dual, supplemental, a gust of wind with air like blades rushes towards the
opponent. Against a land-bound target this does the same as Static Discharge, against targets
in the air however the Hag adds 4 dice post soak for withering attacks and doubles 10s on
decisive damage rolls)
Static Discharge: The Witches attacks ignore 2 points from all armour except for that of White
Jade. Additionally they can attack from medium range.
Lightning Bolt: Costs 5m instead and does not terminate Air Dragon’s Claw.
Functioning as the top military elites from nations around the world, X-COM agents are
the people that the government's send in to do the jobs people think to be impossible. Each
soldier in their own right is an elite badass (At least once they get over the shock of what they
have to fight on a daily basis). Their incredible skills combined with the devastating technology
they field makes them a nightmare to fight in the field.
X-COM soldiers are broken down into roles and classes each of them follow and
specialize in, and as they advance through the ranks they become stronger and stronger. The
ranks are as follows:
Every X-COM soldier begins with the Squaddie template, and depending on how hard
you wish to make them, you dial them up a class tree to add various skills/stat enhancements.
In terms of skill, you can make them into extremely effective mortals, many granted
supernatural powers from sorcerous workings or from the Wyld itself.
Sidebar: These guys kinda break what it means to be mortal...
I tried to keep them as close to the source material as humanly possible. I’m not going to
give a fluff answer in how to use these guys beyond what I just said above and leave that in the
hands of the ST. A player tries to bullshit getting these upgrades/abilities as an Exalt, then don’t
as because X-COM soldiers are meant as isolated enemies you should fight. I’m looking at you
people who tried to play as an exalt of an Adorjan clone so they could get 5/5’s in everything.
X-COM Classes
Squaddies are the backbone of the X-COM force. These elite fighters are still new to fighting
against supernatural threats way above their own personal power, and in the old days were
generally considered expendable. There’s been more than one day of them being the first to
open a door only to be immolated alive by plasma fire.
Difficulty: Dangerous, by any exalt should be able to handle a squaddie all by themselves. It is
also likely that some can be terrified into surrendering if a sufficient display of prowess is shown.
As they advance through the ranks however, it becomes exponentially harder...
Suggested Type: Strong/Special
Essence: 1 Willpower: 5/5 Join Battle: 8 dice
Health Levels: -0/-1x2/-2x2/-4/Incap.
Sample Intimacies:
Defining: Whatever you want
Major: Defend Creation/Earth from alien threats (Principle)
Minor: Home Nation (Tie), Dying horribly (Negative, Tie)
Actions: Feats of Strength: 5 dice (May attempt Strength 3 Feats of Strength); Resist
Poison/Disease/Environmental damage: 6 dice; Senses: 6 dice; Threaten: 6 dice
Appearance: Varies, Resolve 2, Guile 2
Assault Rifle: 11 dice at short (13L damage), Distance Long
Unarmed: 5 dice (9B damage)
Grapple: 5 dice (5 dice to control)
Combat Movement: 5 dice
Evasion: 3 Parry: 2
Soak/Hardness: 8/0, +2 vs ranged attacks (Tactical Assault Vest)
Special Attacks
Fish in a Barrel: X-COM soldiers are trained to attack targets outside of cover. When making a
ranged attack on a target outside of any sort of cover then any 10s on the attack roll are added
as additional raw damage on the withering damage roll and on a decisive roll they may reroll a
number of 10s in the damage roll equal to the 10s that appeared on their attack roll.
Overwatch: When an X-COM unit decides to delay a turn he is put into Overwatch status.
Overwatch adds an additional automatic success to senses as the unit senses become very
sharp, but also allows for an immediate attack action against anyone up to medium range so
long as as they move a single range brand. This attack resolves before any other action. As a
point of clarification, Overwatch does not
function on melee weapons or bazookas, rather the
core weapon for each class (Or Pistols for Sharpshooters)
Backing: 2 (X-COM or some other secret government unit)
Item Synergy: Equipping X-COM items allows various changes to the unit’s overall statistics.
Secondly the items that an X-COM unit wields are ID locked so only he can use them. Upon the
death of the agent or if he moves out to a range of one extreme brand away from an item, the
item in question self-destructs in order to prevent the enemy from using it.
Utility Slot: Each X-COM soldier has a single utility slot which various things can be placed into
EX-Mode Abilities
Accuracy Up: Increase the Accuracy of the unit’s attacks by +2, counting as a stunt bonus. This
does not apply when in a battlegroup.
Multiclassing: If you want to be a total bastard, give agents all abilities in their ranks as you
proceed upwards.
The X-COM personnel responsible for carrying the heavy weaponry into battle: from miniguns to
grenade and launchers. A Heavy can move down one of two paths: Demolitions or Gunner.
Demolitions involves skills that come with explosives or dealing damage over wide areas.
Gunners are all about using their primary weapon in order to not only cause damage to their
opponent, but to lock them down entirely.
Squaddie bonus: Gain a heavy infantry weapon “Minigun”, this weapon is counted as a heavy
weapon and does +2 additional damage over the assault rifle. Being hardy and durable, Heavy’s
gain an additional -0 health level, add +1 to Resist Poison/Disease/Environmental damage, gain
the skill Demolitions: 7 dice which may be used in place of feats of strength to destroy objects,
and lastly wear heavy armour rather than medium (adding +2 to their soaks). They may also use
demolitions as a feat of strength to destroy an object that gives an amount of automatic
successes based on the tier of the explosive used (+2 for mundane, +3 for plasma, +4 for
Elerium). The STR amount is irrelevant given enough time and explosives, though as a Heavy
moves up the weapon tiers he certainly needs less of each given the power of the explosives.
Each Heavy is also assigned a Rocket or Grenade Launcher. The Rocket Launcher fires out in
a straight line out to extreme while the grenade launcher can go out to medium and can be
bounced around corners/cover. Either way explosive attacks work differently than others. When
making an attack with a weapon containing the explosive keyword, first pick a target and the
attack against that target resolves normally. All other targets take a one time environmental
hazard of trauma 4 with a difficulty varying on the weapon type. Light explosive weapons deal
6i, Medium explosive weapons deal 8i, and heavy explosive weapons deal 10i. Soak does
reduce this damage down to a minimum of one normally and against battle groups it deals lethal
damage. The wielder of the explosive does not gain any extra initiative that was lost by
secondary opponents. Wits+Dodge can be used in place of Stamina+Resistance on the
trauma roll against all explosive weapons. Users cannot also trick the system by aiming at
the feet of their opponents and letting the environmental damage wear them down. They must
score a successful hit against them. The Grenade or Rocket Launcher is also treated as a
heavy weapon.
Difficulty: Heavies are capable of crushing heavier armour or soak based builds almost
regardless of the build they take. They are also capable of locking down an enemy from range
like no one’s business. Demolitions heavies can take insane amounts of punishment before
finally succumbing to their wounds, only the MEC Trooper is more durable.
Rank Bonus
Blast Padding:
Additional armoured
plates pads the Heavy’s
armour, reducing all
incoming damage by 1 to
a minimum of 1 (2 if
explosive). Secondly the
heavy gains an
additional +3 dice to
resist the area of effect
attacks of explosives
(including his own).
Shredder: Ignore an
amount of the opponent’s
armour equal to (1 +
Weapon tier)
+1 to ranged accuracy
values, +1 to Resist
add 1x -1 health level
Demolition: If the
opponent is behind a
piece of cover, than the
heavy may make an
attack that destroys any
cover that requires a
Strength 5 feat of
strength. This attack also
targets the opponent, but
the opponent still gains
cover bonuses before
the cover is destroyed.
This ability works with
either the minigun or
Suppression: The Heavy
fires a barrage that pins
down a target. If a target
wishes to move while
under suppression they
need a special disengage
roll in which the heavy
rolls their weapon
accuracy for. While a
target is Suppressed they
may only make attacks at
a -3 penalty (-4 at
Captain, -5 at Colonel).
Lastly if the target does
move or attack, the heavy
may take an immediate
attack against (withering
or decisive) with an
additional automatic
success. Using this ability
is harsh on the heavy’s
ammo however.
Add 1x -2 health level,
+1 to evasion, +1 to
Resolve, +1 to
Willpower, +1 to
movement speed
Shredder: The heavy
carries a special
explosive that allows him
to demolish armour.
Once per encounter they
may fire an explosive
that shreds the
opponent's armour,
Holo-Targeting: Any
attack made against the
target, whenever it hits or
misses, grants an
additional automatic
success for every allied
unit attempting to attack
the same unit before the
+1 to ranged accuracy
values, +1 to
movement speed, +1
to Resist
treating it as 4 less for
the end of the scene and
reducing its hardness by
4. This takes effect when
a withering attack either
inflicts +5 damage,
crashes the target, or if
any amount of decisive
damage is done. At
Colonel rank, this ability
may be used an
additional time.
beginning of the Heavy’s
next turn. This can also
activate when
Suppressing an
+1 to Senses, +1 to
Mayhem: All explosives
deal an additional +2
damage with an
additional +1 minimum
damage. Additionally, if
Suppression is known,
inflict an amount of
automatic unsoakable
withering damage equal
to (2 + weapon tier)
Chain Shot: If the heavy
fires a withering attack
and hits, than he may
follow up with a second
withering attack. The
attack uses the higher of
the two rolls and gains a
damage bonus equal to
the threshold successes
of the lower attack roll.
This ability has a three
turn cooldown.
Add 1x -1 health level,
+1 to Willpower, +1 to
Resolve and Guile,
intimacy of "Defend
Creation/Earth from
alien threats" is now
defining, +1 to
movement speed
Salvo: Reloading and
firing a rocket or grenade
launcher on a single turn
only inflicts a -1 penalty
to the attack roll.
Additionally the blast
radius on all explosive
weapons is increased to
short range.
Hail of Bullets: The
Heavy may fire a barrage
of shots that is virtually
guaranteed to hit. Upon
using this ability, your
attack will always hit, if it
fails to meet or exceed
the enemy’s defense on a
withering attack they
instead strike assuming 0
threshold successes. The
Heavy may only use this
ability once per battle and
it immediately forces a
reload, but the use of this
skill is not expended if the
Heavy actually hits the
target normally (EX:
Attack successes meet or
exceed defense)
+1 to ranged accuracy
values, +1 to Resist
Extra Conditioning: The
heavy gains an
additional amount of
health levels depending
on the tier of armour he
wears equal to (tier). All
of these health levels are
-0. Lastly the Heavy
reduces all post soak
damage by 1 to a
minimum of 1, this stacks
with Blast Padding.
Danger Zone: For a
single point of willpower,
Suppression now targets
everything within close
range of the original
target, applying the same
penalties on them and
even the reflexive attacks.
Additionally the Heavy
may make an additional
reflexive attack per turn
against a target(s) that
are pinned.
Add 1x -2 health level,
+2 to Willpower, +1 to
+1 to Senses, +1 to
Sharpshooters are the ace marksmen in the X-COM squad, capable of picking off
targets at incredible distances using their high powered sniper rifles, but also trained in pistol
marksmenship should the need for close encounters become apparent. The Sharpshooter is
capable of honing its sharpshooting prowess into one of two paths: Gunslinger or Sniper.
Gunslinger is all about bringing the maximum possible potential out of pistols. Snipers are all
about learning to use their sniper rifle in nearly any sort of situation.
Squaddie bonus: The Sniper gains the Sniper rifle weapon that has the same stats as the
Assault Rifle but with a range of extreme and a pistol weapon that is considered a light weapon
that has the Archery (medium), Crossbow, and Special [Reload after every six shots] tags. The
Sniper also gains the Squadsight
merit, in where if any enemy is within short range of an
opponent than the sniper treats that range as medium (for accuracy purposes), if the enemy is
within close range than its treated as being within short range for the sniper (For Accuracy AND
firing purposes, even if the sniper’s at extreme range!). Additionally the Sniper adds any dice
gained from aiming to the raw damage of the attack. The cons to this however are the sniper
cannot use Overwatch with his rifle nor can he move and fire his rifle on the same turn (This
includes disengage actions!). The sniper is trained to have naturally sharp eyes, granting the
abilities of Senses: 7 dice, Stealth: 7 dice, and Tracking: 7 dice.
Difficulty: Gunslingers can unleash a blistering amount of firepower towards opponents as if
they’re in a John Wu film. Snipers can remain on the other edge of the battlefield and constantly
plink at enemies, making those who know a sniper is on the field seriously question engaging
people on open terrain. This heavy bonus on range however is somewhat reduced by a lower
amount of overall health.
Rank Bonus
Return Fire: When
attacked with a ranged
attack within short range,
counterattack with your
pistol after the attack has
been resolved. Usable
once per turn.
Long Watch: The sniper
can use overwatch with
his rifle, and may make
snap shots out to long
range (No aiming dice
can be gained from this).
+1 to ranged accuracy
values, +1 to
g, +1 to movement
Lightning Hands: The
user may reflexively fire
their pistol at the target.
This does not consume
their main attack action.
3 turn cooldown.
Deadeye: The Sniper
may take up to a -5
penalty on his attack roll
in order to add that much
raw damage to his
withering upcoming
attack or double an
amount of 10s equal to
the penalty on a decisive
attack. If the target is
crashed the sniper may
instead add half of that
amount (rounded up) as
post soak damage.
+1 to evasion, +1 to
Resolve, +1 to
Willpower, add 1x -2
health level
Gunmaster: The
Sharpshooters pistol
inflicts an additional +2
damage and increases
the minimum damage
and accuracy by 1.
Secondly they become
skilled in Gun-kata,
allowing them to attack in
close range using the
pistol at a +2 accuracy
rating (+3 if tier 2/3
weapons are used).
Death From Above:
Crashing or incapacitating
with the sniper rifle grants
the sniper an additional
action he may take. This
ability only activates if the
sniper is at a higher
elevation than the target.
Additionally any attempt
to attacl the sniper when
she is on higher ground is
done at a -1 penalty
(increases to -3 when in
total defense).
+1 to ranged accuracy
values, +1 to
movement speed, +1
g, +1 to soak
Faceoff: One per battle
the Gunslinger may fire
their pistol at every
single visible enemy
within medium range of
itself with a withering
Killzone: The sniper sets
up a killzone as a simple
actino, which is a cone of
90 degrees and heads out
to long range. Whenever
an enemy acts within the
Add 1x -1 health level,
+1 to Willpower, +1 to
Resolve and Guile,
intimacy of "Defend
Creation/Earth from
alien threats" is now
attack, with one roll
being made and being
compared to all targets.
The Gunslinger only
gains an amount of
initiative equal to the
highest damage dealt,
but gains +1 initiative for
every additional enemy
snipers line of sight, he
immediately makes an
immediate reflexive
withering attack against
the target, which the
sniper does not gain any
initiative from the attack
but does gain any crash
bonuses he causes.
Enemies who move within
this cone are immediately
attacked while those who
take any attack action or
gambit are subjected to
the attack after the attack
resolution. This ability
cannot work against
enemies within close
ranged of the sniper nor
can any single enemy be
attacked more than once
per action. This ability has
a 5 turn cooldown.
Steady Hands: If the
Sniper didn’t move last
turn, than his pistol
counts as automatically
completing an aim action
while the sniper rifle may
be fired without needing
to aim beforehand.
Hunker Down: Whenever
the Sniper takes an aim
action, they automatically
take a free total defense
action as well.
Additionally aiming now
increases the sniper’s
dice to hit to 4 dice
instead of 3.
+1 to ranged accuracy
values, +1 to
g, +1 to movement
Serial: When the unit
attacks a crashed target
with a decisive attack
with their pistol they do
not reset to base
initiative. Rather they roll
their willpower rating an
amount of initiative equal
to the successes shown
upon reset. Additionally
upon incapacitating a
target with a pistol the
Gunslinger may
Executioner: Against
targets in initiative crash,
in their -2 health levels, or
have 50% or less of their
health remaining, add +1
automatic success to the
attack roll and add the
targets wound penalty to
the damage post soak for
withering attacks and for
decisive attacks add the
penalty as a flat damage
+2 to Willpower, +1 to
immediately take another
bonus action (Though
only one movement
action may be taken per
Soldiers are the elite footsoldiers which fulfill a valuable support role compared to the others.
Often aiding their allies in ways such as locking down the battlefield or receiving advanced
medical and technical training. The Soldier is capable of branching out into one of two paths:
Roughneck or Savior. Roughneck focuses more on aiding allies offensively while Savior is all
about supporting allies through use of battlefield tactics and maneuvers.
Squaddie Bonus: Soldiers often gain training and access to use grenades, which has the
statistics of 11 dice at close to hit (Damage 13L). Grenades have the same properties
mentioned in the Heavy section on explosives. They are also trained in Command and Tactics:
7 dice and Medicine: 7 dice. They gain no additional weapons but are skilled in the assault rifle,
gaining an additional automatic success on any attack granted by the Overwatch action. Lastly
they gain 1x -2 health level.
Difficulty: Soldiers can either ensure a fight is going to take much longer for their opponents
with the Savior path or lock down the Battlefield with the roughneck path. While not as
dangerous overall compared to other classes, Soldiers will control the battlefield like no other
class can.
Rank Bonus
Covering Fire:
Overwatch now triggers
on most enemy actions
rather than enemy
movement actions.
When attacking a target
who has declared an
attack, the Roughneck is
allowed to attack
(withering or decisive)
and resolve that attack
before the opponent
begins theirs. Aiming,
Field Surgeon: When
treating wounded soldiers
in the field, add an
additional 2 bonus dice to
the attempt. If the action
is made using an X-COM
Medkit, increase this to
two bonus successes.
Lastly taking a Medkit
does not take a utility slot.
+1 to ranged accuracy
values, +1 to
tics, +1 to movement
Defend Other, Total
Defense, or Reloading
does not trigger Covering
Will to Survive: The unit
reduces all incoming
damage by one die post
soak when in light cover,
two dice when in heavy
cover, and if an enemy
can somehow attack you
in full cover, 3 dice. All
damage is to a minimum
of 1.
Steadfast: Unit becomes
immune to mundane fear
based attempts. Against
supernatural fear based
attempts and/or mental
attacks, add +3 Resolve.
Add 1x -1 health level,
+1 to evasion, +1 to
Resolve, +1 to
Sentinel: The unit is
capable of making two
Overwatch shots per turn
instead of one.
Paramedic: Once per
turn, the Soldier may use
a medkit as a movement
action rather than a
normal action. Additional
using a Medkit on a
dying/bleeding out subject
automatically stabilizes
them without needing a
+1 to ranged accuracy
values, +1 to
movement speed, +1
tics, +1 to Senses, +1
to soak
Ready for Anything:
Any War related roll the
soldier makes in combat
or against an opponent
he has a speciality
against gains double 9s
and adds one automatic
success. Lastly by
spending one willpower
they may issue a
command a fellow
X-COM unit, in which
that unit gains (half
successes, rounded up)
in bonus dice towards
the action.
Dense Smoke: The
smoke from the smoke
grenades is upgraded, the
thick dense smoke
applying a -5 penalty
(instead of -3) to any
ranged attack inside of it
regardless of visual
prowess or unique vision
modifications. Additionally
all units inside are treated
as being in light cover and
gain +2 soak against any
ranged attack made
against them.
Add 1x -2 health level,
+1 to Willpower, +1 to
Resolve and Guile,
intimacy of "Defend
Creation/Earth from
alien threats" is now
Ever Vigilant: If the
soldier has not attacked
this turn, the soldier
Combat Drugs: Using a
Medkit on a target in
battle now grants them a
+1 to ranged accuracy
values, +1 to
performs an automatic
Overwatch action.
Additionally they add +1
automatic success to
look for hidden or
stealthed threats when in
temporary buff, allowing
them to ignore up to -1 in
wound penalties, +1
bonus to resolve (+2 if
Colonel rank), and adds
any 10s on the attack roll
to raw damage for
withering attacks. This
bonuses automatically
apply to any smoke
grenades the Soldier has,
taking time to tinker with
them before deployments.
tics, +1 to movement
Tacticool Sense: Once
per battle the Soldier
may attempt a reflexive
strategic planning roll in
the middle of combat. If
the enemy has not
scouted the area
beforehand, the Soldier
may pay one willpower
when making his roll in
order to perform actions
that shouldn’t be feasible
in combat, such as
hidden trenches or
bombs collapsing the
primary exit route.
Angel of Life: The medic
now adds +4 health levels
healed when using a
medkit and doubles all 9s
on any medical action
regarding a medkit and
without them rerolls all 6s
until they fail to appear.
Add 1x -1 health level,
+2 to Willpower, +1 to
tics, +1 to Senses
The ranger the forward Scout of the X-COM forces. Relying on stealth and close range assaults,
the Ranger is capable of branching into one of two paths: Scout or Assault. Scout largely
focuses on abilities largely related to stealth or sneak attacks. Assault primarily relies on the skill
and technique that comes with wielding the blade that all Rangers are trained in the use of.
Squaddie bonus: Gain a melee weapon, usually a chopping or straight sword. The statistics for
this weapon at 11 dice (12L damage) with a Parry value of 4, gains a shotgun instead of a
Assault Rifle (Same statistics apply, only it has maximum range of medium and has the Thrown
[Uses Thrown Accuracy values], Crossbow, Powerful, and Special [-2 damage at medium or
longer] tags) and is trained at stealth granting the Stealth: 7 dice ability, Lockpicking: 7 dice
ability, and Tracking: 7 dice ability. Lastly he gains an additional -2 health level.
Difficulty: A Scout Ranger is going to have one hell of a nova strike and can unleash it any any
time against vulnerable targets, but then attempting powerful stealth attacks against anyone
else it can get in range of. Assault Rangers are a master of the blade, capable of remaining
within close combat of a target and locking them down.
Rank Bonus
Phantom: When combat
actually starts and the
unit is still undetected,
the first attack it makes is
still considered an
Ambush attack.
Blademaster: The
Ranger is truly one with
his weapon, permanently
adding a +2 bonus to
accuracy and damage to
all weapon attacks.
Against a crashed enemy,
the damage bonus is
added post-soak
+1 to accuracy (This
applies to blade,
ranged weapon, and
unarmed), +1
damage, +1
cking, +1 to grapple
control rolls, +2
movement speed
Shadowstrike: When
concealed gain a bonus
of +4 dice to hit when
making an ambush
attack. Withering
attacks turn up to 4 dice
post soak into automatic
successes while
decisive attacks double
up to four 10s. Surprise
attacks half these
Shadowstep: This unit
does not trigger any
reflexive attacks (This
includes most
Add 1x -1 health
levels, +1 to evasion
and Parry, +1 to
Resolve, +1 Willpower,
+1 to Join Battle, +1 to
Movement speed
Conceal: May reflexively
attempt stealth. This
ability has a 3 turn
cooldown. Additionally
the unit no longer suffers
a -3 penalty for moving
while in stealth.
Run and Gun: The unit
may flurry a rush and
attack action without any
additional penalties. This
ability has a 3 turn
Add +1 to ranged
weapon accuracy
values, +1 to
movement speed, +1
king, +1 to soak
Implacable: Whenever
this unit manages to
incapacitate an enemy,
Bladestorm: Whenever
an enemy enters within
close range of you, you
Add 1x -2 health level,
+1 Willpower, +1 to
Resolve and Guile,
they immediately gain an
additional bonus turn. 2
turn cooldown limit.
may reflexively attack
them with a withering or
decisive attack.
Additionally as an active
ability, any enemy who
attacks you in close range
with a Brawl/Martial
Arts/Melee attack than
you may also make a
reflexive counterattack
that may be withering or
decisive. The active part
of this ability has a 3 turn
intimacy of “Defend
Creation/Earth from
Alien threats” is now
defining, +1 damage
from blade/unarmed,
+1 to grapple control
rolls, +1 to Strength +
Athletics and may
attempt Strength 5
feats of strength, +1 to
Evasion and Parry, +1
to join battle
Deep Cover: If the unit
did not attack this turn,
then it immediately takes
a free (and costless) Full
Defense action.
Additionally it adds one
automatic success to any
stealth roll.
Untouchable: If the unit
makes a successful
attack (That is one that
does damage) than for
the next turn it gains +1 to
its defense. Whenever
this unit manages to
incapacitate an
enemy/deplete a battle
group of size, the next
attack launched against
him suffers a -5 penalty
and does not double 10s
on the attack roll.
+1 to ranged accuracy
values, +1 to
movement speed, +1
Rapid Fire: At a -2
penalty to hit, the unit is
able to roll for attack
twice and take whichever
result he prefers. If both
attacks hit than an
additional amount of raw
damage is added equal
to the threshold
successes of the lower
roll result for withering
attacks. For decisive
attacks this ability costs
1 willpower and allows
the unit to reroll the
attack but must take the
result of the second roll.
Combat Superiority: The
Ranger never lets a
quarry escape him. If an
opponent attempts to
disengage, the Ranger
may instead roll an attack
against the target with +3
bonus dice and +3 bonus
damage (Post-Soak if
withering, threshold if
decisive). If the attack
does more withering
damage than a target’s
stamina, or any decisive
damage or damage while
Add 1x -1 health level,
+2 Willpower, +1 to
Resolve, +1 to stealth/
+1 to join battle, +1 to
Movement speed
This ability also counts
as attacking twice for
onslaught purposes.
in initiative crash, the
opponent’s disengage
attempt is cancelled. This
does not consume the
Ranger’s attack action for
the turn. This ability has a
two turn cooldown.
M.E.C. Trooper
The Mechanized Exoskeleton Cybersuit Troopers are what is regarded as the pinnacle of
augmentation technology without turning the soldier into a full blown Alchemical. Heading into
combat in large mechanized combat suits, they are not only capable of wielding weapons of
great power but also gain powerful upgrades to their augmented bodies as they rise through the
ranks. MEC Troopers can progress down of one of two paths: Guardian or Valkyrie. Guardian
abilities enhance squad support and protection abilities. Valkyrie’s are expected to run into the
heaviest of combat with guns blazing.
Squaddie Bonus: Gain access to exclusive access to MEC Suit and allowed to carry heavy
ranged weapons which can be of either two variants: Single Shot (grants piercing tag) or rapid
fire (Gains access to the Heavy’s “Suppression” skill). The skills for the MEC Trooper are highly
varied and can come from either the Heavy, Sharpshooters, Soldier, or Ranger’s skill list. Also
depending on which skill set you pick, the MEC Trooper gains a bonus Merit:
Heavy: Body Shield (A large shield covers the body of the MEC, and thus the closest
enemy unit within sight of the MEC has a -2 penalty to hit. When multiple opponents are
within the same range, the Heavy picks which target at the start of their turn)
Sharpshooter: Platform Stability (Any attacks the MEC makes when not having moved
for at least one turn adds a single bonus dice that counts as an aiming bonus, to a
maximum of two. The MEC still needs to aim in order to hit opponents at medium range
or longer)
Soldier: Distortion Field (All allies in range have a -1 penalty to hit them so long as
they’re within cover. This does not apply to any MEC’s [Including this unit itself])
Ranger: Shock Absorbent Armour (Lower all post soak damage by 2 against any enemy
within short range against withering attacks)
Rank Bonus
Bulwark: Allies may now
Advanced Fire Control:
Gain class skills, gain
use the MEC unit as high
cover and when the MEC
has not moved for at
least a turn, one die of
damage is removed from
the damage roll (Post
soak on withering, raw
damage on decisive)
When in Overwatch, gain
one automatic success
against the target you fire
class-related special
ability, add 1x -2 health
Automated Threat
Assessment: The
M.E.C. is capable of
flurrying a full defense
action in addition to its
Overwatch action for
free, however once it
takes its Overwatch shot
it loses the defense
Reactive Targeting
Sensors: The first enemy
who fires against the
M.E.C. is immediately
counterattacked by the
M.E.C. with its heavy
weapon. Can be used
once per turn. If in
Overwatch, the success
from Advanced Fire
Control also applies to
this ability (You cannot
however fire against the
same target with
Overwatch and Reactive
Targeting Sensors).
+1 to ranged accuracy
values, +1 to class
skills, +1 to movement
Damage Control: When
the MEC is damaged, all
further damage is
reduced by 2 for turn
turns, maximum 2.
(Pre-Soak for withering
attacks, raw damage for
Vital Point Targeting: If
the MEC has a speciality
against the target, add
one automatic success to
all withering damage
rolls or one die to all
decisive attacks.
Additionally, if the MEC
aims at a target he may
elect to not gain the
accuracy bonus but apply
a +3 damage bonus
(withering) or add +3
threshold successes to
the damage roll
(Decisive). If being
performed from medium
or longer range, the MEC
needs to aim twice to gain
this benefit.
Add 1x -1 health level,
+1 to evasion, +1 to
Resolve, +1 to
Covering Fire:
Overwatch now triggers
on most enemy actions
rather than enemy
movement actions.
When attacking a target
who has declared an
attack, the MEC is
allowed to attack
(withering or decisive)
and resolve that attack
before the opponent
begins theirs. Aiming,
Defend Other, Total
Defense, or Reloading
does not trigger Covering
Jet Boot Module: Jet
boots are placed on the
bottom of the MEC, giving
it the ability to leap to the
top of tall buildings easily.
The MEC permanently
gains the effect of the
charm Monkey-Leap
+1 to ranged accuracy
values, +1 to
movement speed, +1
to class skills, +1 to
Senses, +1 to soak
Paladin Protocols: If
you have a defend other
action and successfully
defend your ward, you
may immediately reply
with a counterattack
(either withering or
decisive) with your main
weapon. Each
counterattack after the
first applies a -2 penalty
to the attack roll
Weapon Master: For
Heavy Rifle weapons, the
unit may count natural or
magical soak as part of
the piercing tag. When
making withering attacks
for automatic weapons,
add +1 damage for every
round the MEC continues
to fire on them.
Add 1x -2 health level,
+1 to Willpower, +1 to
Resolve and Guile,
intimacy of "Defend
Creation/Earth from
alien threats" is now
Channeling Field: Every
time you are targeted
with an attack (either
directly or on a target
you have used defend
other on) then add +1
raw damage to the next
withering attack you
make or double that
many 10s in a decisive
attack. You either you or
your ward are hit and
damaged, increase this
bonus to +2. If the MEC
misses, this bonus is
Bring ‘Em On!: For every
visible enemy within
range of the MEC it adds
+1 raw damage to every
withering attack or +1
threshold decisive dice.
This caps out to a
maximum of 5
+1 to ranged accuracy
values, +1 to class
skills, +1 to movement
Absorption Fields:
Once per battle the
M.E.C. actives a field
that pulls all attacks
directly towards it out to
short range, forcing
opponents to attack the
MEC instead of anyone
else within close range of
it. Effectively this applies
a Defend Other action to
everyone within close
range, and even if the
opponent succeeds in
overcoming your defense
the attack must actually
be unblockable in order
to hit the opponent.
When this ability is active
the MEC gains +2 to
defense and +4 to
Siege Mode: By digging
its feet into the ground,
the MEC reroutes nearly
all power from movement
into other systems. It may
attack out to medium
range without needing to
aim, immune to
knockback and
knockdown, and
automatically does an
Overwatch action for free
every turn. Going into
Siege Mode takes a
single action to enter and
remove itself with.
Add 1x -1 health level,
+2 to Willpower, +1 to
class skills, +1 to
X-COM Armoury
While each X-COM soldier is a force to be reckoned with, a soldier is nothing without their gear.
It is thanks to X-COM’s brillant scientists and engineers who reverse-engineer exotic weapons
from their opponents for use of their soldiers. Producing such weapons as akin to a small
fortune, as even the combined funding from all the countries in the world can still run into
problems providing the proper amount of resources to construct these wonders.
All X-COM item into weapon tiers, which is often represented as a significant leap in technology
from the previous technological batch. In game terms such a progression is best defined as
something more narrative, but in terms of mechanics there are certain effects that each step
Tier 1: Mundane weapons and armour. This tier is often the best mundane technology
humanity has to offer, but it's still mundane technology and isn’t really cut out against the
higher level threats that X-COM is expected to face.
Tier 2: Tier 2 items are wonders of science. Suits that make the user invisible, weapons
that fire lasers or magnetically launched projectiles, exotic upgrades for weapons, and
more. At this tier weapons gain the same traits as artifact weapons, but only provide half
the amount of onslaught they normally provide (Rounded up). Tier 2 armours are the
same as artifact armours only they provide half the amount of listed hardness (minimum
Tier 3: Tier 3 items are miracles of science themselves. Armoured suits straight out of
science fiction that make the user seemingly invincible or allow them flight, weapons that
fire concentrated beams of plasma or superheated alien alloys, and gear to help them
track all but the most elusive of alien combatants. Tier 3 weapons and armours function
the same as full fledged arms and armour at this point.
X-COM Weapons
X-COM weapons are powerful items of science. While at the lower end it may only be some of
the best mundane technology the world has to offer, at the higher ends they become awesome
weapons of power capable of shaking the world itself or army levelling weapons.
Weapon Modifications
Ammo types take up a utility slot, Grenade types change the type of grenade X_COM soldiers
bring with them on mission, and Weapon Upgrades have a special slot on the weapon itself in
where a number of weapon upgrades equal to the technology tier of the weapon itself can be
installed at once.
Ammo Types
A.P. Rounds - Grants the piercing tag to the weapon if it didn’t already have it. If
it already does, it may ignore up to an additional 2 points of armour and
Bluescreen Rounds - These rounds wreck havoc on mechanical systems and/or
Automatons. Withering rounds turn up to two threshold dice into automatic
successes and if an Automaton is crashed or takes more damage than their
stamina with these rounds, they suffer a -2 penalty to all actions so long as they
are crashed or for three turns (Whichever comes first)
Dragon Rounds - These projectiles catch fire mid-flight and are known to set
things ablaze. If an X-COM agent does more lethal damage than the target’s
stamina or crashes them than they immediately catch fire with the traits of a
bonfire which burns for three turns. Dropping prone to roll the fire out adds an
automatic non-charm success to the trauma roll.
Talon Rounds - When impacting against fleshy or unarmoured targets, this
rounds fragment inside doing horrific damage. If the target relies on an organic
source of armour or magical source of soak, such as Diamond Body Prana, the
weapons gain the piercing tag.
Tracer Rounds - High tech smart rounds allow the shots to slightly home in on
the target, compensating for user error slightly. Reroll up to two 1s that appear on
an attack roll.
Venom Rounds - When doing decisive damage on a target they are immediately
exposed to a dose of arrow frog venom.
E.X.O. Suit Weapons
E.X.O. Suit weapons may only be installed on E.X.O. suits using the special slot
that they have.
Rocket Launcher - This portable wrist mounted rocket launcher allows all the
destructive capabilities of a rocket launcher fired virtually hands free! This feature
grants a single shot rocket launcher that has the same traits as the Heavy’s
Grenade Launcher only it flies out to long range.
Flamethrower - A portable Flamethrower allows serious damage to all targets
within its line of fire. A single withering attack roll is made in a 90 cone to
everything within short range with one roll and an accuracy rating of +3 with the
damage of a light artifact weapon. The X-COM Trooper only gains an amount of
initiative equal to the highest initiative reaped amongst any one attack. Cover is
treated as one step less with the flamethrower and anyone who is crashed by this
attack immediately catches fire as per the traits of a bonfire for three turns,
similar to Dragon Grounds.
Claymores - Large piles of ball bearings are attached to the shoulder, firing out
with explosive force over a large area. Follow the same rules as the
Flamethrower, only the attack is considered to rip away two points of the
opponent’s soak from any source
for the rest of the scene if any damage is dealt.
Grenade Types
Acid - These Grenades leave behind a cloud of corrosive acid, damaging
everything within close range of its detonation zone as an acid bath
environmental hazard, which lasts for three turns. Anyone starting inside of one
may attempt to move out before the acid burn starts at their turn. Anyone who
was damaged by the explosive blast, direct hit, or takes acid burn damage treats
their soak as one less for the rest of the scene. As the tech level of the grenades
progresses up the tiers, more armour can be ripped off from the initial blast (1 for
tier 1, 2 for tier 2, 3 for tier 3)
EMP - EMP grenades are designed to affect automaton or mechanical targets
and only work on them. A direct hit ignores up to four points of soak on a
mechanical target and if they suffer initiative crash their systems are forced to
reboot, losing their next turn entirely. The environmental blast damage against
such targets is also increased by +2.
Flashbang - Flashbangs confuse and disorient all within the blast radius, rolling a
single gambit against all targets with a difficulty of 3 (+1 for each additional target
past the first). If successful the afflicted target(s) suffer a -3 to attacks, sight, and
hearing actions for three turns. If the target was crashed, they are rendered blind
and deaf for a single action which unless they have some other way of sensing
their targets treat all attacks made against them as ambush attacks. Lastly this
terminates one non-permanent buff or charm benefit the target has currently
active. Overwatch is dispells, form charms can shut down, etc...
Incendiary - These grenades coat everything within their explosion radius with a
highly flammable substance, burning with intensely hot flames. Everything within
close range of the impact point is treated as being inside of a bonfire. Those who
start their turn inside of it may attempt to move immediately at the start of their
turn out of it (Unless you are crashed, which in this case it's done at the
beginning of your turn). Targets who are crashed by this grenade with a direct hit
or by explosion damage are treated as being lit up like a bonfire for three turns
like with Dragon Rounds, where going Prone and rolling ONLY works if you head
outside of the fire zone itself.
Plasma - Plasma grenades are quite simply stronger grenades, using an
advanced energy reaction that deliberately ruptures an energy core to produce
an explosion. Plasma grenades do +2 damage more than their mundane
counterparts and extend the blast radius out to short range on the impact point,
meaning its quite possible to level the entire floor of a mundane house with this.
Smoke - Thick dense smoke covers everywhere up to close range of the impact
point. This does no damage but the thick smoke applies a -3 penalty to all attacks
inside of it and any ranged attack attempting to hit those inside of the smoke.
Lastly the thick smoke counts as concealment for stealth rolls.
W.A.R. Suit Weapons
As a note, W.A.R. suits can equip the same extra weapons as E.X.O. suits can
but not visa versa. Otherwise they follow the same rules.
Blaster Launcher - This advanced weapon fires a glowing green orb that can be
guided directly to its targets. Again it follows the same traits as the Heavy’s
Grenade Launcher, only it may be fired out to extreme and since it can be
controlled remotely, it ignores all cover the target has. If a spotter can inform the
gunner where the target is, it is even capable of going around corners! Lastly it
does not need to be aimed in order to be fired from medium or further range, but
remember this can only be used once per scene so...
Claymore Avalanche - Ball bearings made from tungsten or other exotic alloys
are used in combination with a more explosive force. Works the same as the
normal Claymore, only this time it rips away four points of soak. If a target is
crashed by this attack, than until the end of this units next turn the first attack that
hits the crashed target means they can only apply their natural soak to the attack
(or instant soak enhancements).
Hellfire Projector - Same as the Flamethrower for the W.A.R. suit, only it counts
as a medium weapon instead now and if the target takes 5+ or more withering
damage than they immediately catch fire as per the bonfire traits for three turns.
This bonfire trait does withering damage only unless the target is crashed which
in that case it does lethal damage.
Plasma Blaster - A single high energy plasma bolt is shot not only through one
target, but all the targets behind it. This allows an X-COM agent to apply a
decisive attack against all targets in a line out to extreme range. Any cover that
is not made of imperishable materials is ignored completely. For Strong X-COM
enemy types this applies on a normal attack, although why a Strong and not a
Special enemy would be wearing a W.A.R. suit is beyond me.
Weapon Upgrades
As a note, not all weapon upgrades do the following below. Only X-COM
upgrades do as they’re that damn good.
Auto-Loader - Auto-Loaders allow an X-COM soldier to reflexively reload up the
technology tier of the auto-loader.
Expanded Magazine - Adds an amount of shots per technology tier. If ammo is
rolled kept instead, add an amount of bonus dice to ammo checks equal to the
weapon technology tier.
Laser-Sight: Add an amount of bonus damage equal to the amount of 10s rolled
on the attack roll. May add up to 1 per tier level.
Repeater: May reroll a number of 10s in the damage roll equal to the technology
tier of the Repeater.
Scope: Adds an amount of bonus dice dependent on the tier of the weapon. +1
accuracy per tier.
Stock - Upon missing a target, you may still do some small amount of damage
that is treated as unsoakable minimum damage. 1 per tier. Special effects that
rely on hitting or damage DO NOT proc off of this feature.
Armour Modifications and Power Armour Variations
Unless mentioned otherwise, armour that grants additional health levels split the additional
health as evenly as possible between the -1 and -2 health levels, with -2 getting the priority for
odd amounts.
Light Armour
Spider Suit - This tier 2 armour is a lightweight armour that serves to boost the
wielder’s own speed and reflexes over physical protection in addition to easy
relocation around the battlefield. Increase the agent’s combat speed by 1 and
any attack that would meet the agent’s dodge instead misses entirely. Lastly a
grappling hook allows the agent to have the abilities of Monkey Leap Technique,
as well as whatever other stunts the agent can possibility think of. Spider suits
also grant +2 health.
Ghost Suit -This tier 3 armour is a direct upgrade to the Spider Suit, not only
incorporating all of its features, but also increasing the user’s dodge rating by 1
and allows the user to turn invisible. While invisible any sight based awareness
roll in order to spot them subtracts 3 successes while any other roll subtracts two.
The invisibility field lasts the scene, but can only be used once per hour. Any
attack made briefly disrupts the invisibility field, allowing people to make an
awareness roll without penalty during that time. This armour also grants +3
additional health levels.
Spectre Suit - This tier 3 armour is a direct upgrade to the Spider Suit, not only
incorporating all of its features, but also increasing the wielder’s dodge rating by
one and actually allows for the user to go immaterial. Going immaterial can only
be done on the user’s turn and lasts until the end of his next turn. During this time
he is able to run through all walls and obstacles that seek to get in his way. This
feature can only be used twice per scene. This armour also grants +3 additional
Medium Armour
Archangel Armour - This tier 3 armour allows the user to actually have full blown
flight capabilities, allowing them to fly in the air unhindered and train destruction
down on enemies below with impunity and without penalty. While in the air the
wielder increases their dodge rating by 1. This armour confers an additional 4
health levels.
Predator Armour - This tier 2 armour is a vast upgrade over the common X-COM
Tactical armour vests. Made with alien alloys, these armours are lighter and far
more durable than their mundane cousins. While it does not offer anything
special like the other armours, it does allow for more space to carry items, thus
soldiers may deploy with one additional utility slot. Lastly these armours are
incredibly cheap to mass produce, meaning once X-COM knows how to make it
all agents from then on will be able to wear this armour. This armour confers an
additional 4 health levels.
Warden Armour - This Tier 3 armour combines an advanced power source in
addition to armour plating to give unparalleled protection to agents in the field
with an affordable cost. Like the Predator armour, it lacks many exotic abilities
but allows an additional Utility item to be carried into battle. Once this armour is
learned how to be made, all future X-COM agents will deploy with this in the field.
This armour confers an additional 5 health levels.
Heavy Armour
E.X.O. Suit - This tier 2 heavy armour combines advanced alien alloys onto a
powered Exoskeleton that allows for not only greater protection, but for portable
wrist mounted weapons. The soldier’s strength increases by 1 when wearing this
suit and all models come with the wrist mounted rocket launcher (which may be
changed into other weapons) that can be used once per mission. This armour
confers an additional 5 health levels.
W.A.R. Suit - This tier 3 heavy armour employs an advanced power generator,
allowing for far stronger heavy weapons to be mounted in addition to the normal
benefits. This armour increases the soldier’s strength by 2 when wearing this
armour and all models come with wrist mounted Rocket Launchers (Which may
be upgraded to use other weapons) that can be used once per mission. Lastly
this armour covers with an advanced ‘Shieldwall’ technology, which when
activated allows the user to be treated in high cover so long as doesn’t move,
and any allies nearby can also use him as cover! This can be used once per
scene, but only deactivates if the agent moves. This armour confers an additional
6 health levels.
Titan Armour - This tier 3 armour is heaviest armour within the X-COM arsenal,
focusing everything it has on the survival of the agent. Providing a whopping
seven levels of health to the agent it also comes with its own air supply in a close
environment, making airborne toxins worthless. Additionally advanced medical
support on-board keeps the agent alive, providing three bonus successes to and
roll to Resist Poison/Illness/Hardship.
Vest Types
Vests take up a Utility Slot.
Hazmat Vest - By reinforcing the Nanoscale vest with extra materials the soldier
becomes more resistant to external hazards. Add three bonus dice to any roll
Resisting Poison/Illness/Environmental Hazards and lethal damage hazards
become bashing instead.
Hellweave - Directional explosives allow a counterattack to anyone who attempts
to attack the agent with a Brawl or Melee attack at close range as per the rules
involving light explosives (Only the target is affected, no one else is)
Nanoscale - A fine mesh of ultra durable and lightweight materials reinforces the
soldier, granting him more overall staying power. The Soldier gains an additional
-0 health level.
Plated - By padding the traditional Nanoscale vest with armour plating, protection
is further increased. In addition to a -0 health level, the unit takes one less
damage post soak from all sources, minimum 1 die.
Stasis Vest - Emergency medical injectors inside of the vest increase the
longevity of the soldier in combat with various stimulants and painkillers. The
Soldier is considered to have a personal medkit on him at all times, which is
automatically uses when at the -2 health levels or at will reflexively.
Miscellaneous Equipment
All Miscellaneous equipment below takes up a single utility slot.
Battle Scanner - This advanced scanner device records and sense data back to X-COM
agents in the field, allowing them to get the drop on their enemies or look for vital
intelligence without risking the lives of their agents. This device appears to be a small
white ball that is coated with cameras and sensory equipment, which may be thrown out
to medium range or placed on a wall. The agent who throws this device adds +3 to their
senses for the purpose of determining anything within range of the device, and with a
suite of sensory options it scans in spectrums such as UV, Infrared, RADAR and LIDAR
for its targets, counting as a unique sense type outside of the traditional five. Agents
typically get three per deployment when this is taken.
Medkit - These medkits contain powerful anti-coagulants and stimulants which are the
bleeding edge of science and technology. When used on a wounded soldier the soldier
rolls five dice with one automatic success (Or may use their medicine roll score if that is
higher), treating the successes on the roll as recovered health levels on the target. It is
noted however that these injuries are covered up, they are not effectively healed. Add
the amount of health recovered to the recovery time a soldier needs to heal.
Nano-Medkit - A medkit filled with nanotechnology so that it delivers where the
medicine needs to go precisely and exactly. Upon being used, the soldier now
rolls seven dice with two automatic successes (Or their medicine score if that is
higher), which the successes gained recover that many bashing or lethal health
levels. These medkits are tier 2.
Mimic Beacon - These small disc shaped devices produce a lifelike hologram of an
X-COM agent upon being used. These holograms have a set of preprogrammed
behaviors, such as calling for help, dodging shots, and so forth. Attacks against a
hologram are worthless, and those that do attack only find out that the hologram just
barely managed to dodge whatever shot was launched at it and lose two initiative. So
good is this deception that people must make a difficulty 5 Perception + Awareness roll
in order to realize that the hologram is not real.
Mindshield - A thin protective shield is placed over the agent's head, rendering the more
power mental effects of stronger creatures less effective on the X-COM agent. This item
adds +2 Resolve to any charm backed social influence magic or any other effect that
seeks to mentally influence the agent. In addition it renders them completely immune to
things such as mind control and mundane fear effects.
Overdrive Serum - This advanced chemical cocktail greatly increases the effectiveness
of the user in combat temporarily despite the difficulty in resources it takes to produce.
Upon being used with a reflexive, the Agent’s Strength increases by 3, all incoming
damage (withering or decisive) is halved for two turns, and their defense increases by
1 for all incoming attacks which is immune to onslaught penalties. X-COM has no known
way to produce the chemicals in this drug synthetically, so it must often be harvested
from the bodies of aliens or other extraterrestrials.
M.E.C. Trooper Equipment
Probably should’ve tested this, but M.E.C. Troopers are intended to be very powerful grunts or
badass bosses.
M.E.C. Troopers use different equipment than everyone else, their arms and legs being able to
be detached and the torso used in the center of a rather large and impressive war machine that
stands nearly eight feet tall from the ground to its shoulders. M.E.C.’s lack a grenade or utility
slot, but instead can being in their own unique mounted systems in order to crush their
opponent or support their allies. All M.E.C. suits count as heavy armour with no movement
There is one M.E.C. suit for each tier of technology, and each one can install one of two unique
MEC-1 “Warden” - The Warden appears to be little more than a proof of concept, bulky
movement systems hastily covered with titanium or ceramic armoured plates, but even in
this stage it is still more than capable of providing a dominating force on the battlefield.
This suit sets the user's strength to 7 (regardless of what it was before) and adds eight
additional health levels for the user, one of them being a -0 health level.
Kinetic Strike Module - A large jet propelled melee weapon makes the units
blows truly ferocious in nature, granting them the same stats as an artifact
smashfist. Additionally the servos in the legs are strengthened along with the
frame in order to handle such bone shattering impacts, doubling all 9s on combat
movement rolls and for Feats of Strength to destroy something. At Tier 3 the
damage of this smashfist increases by +2 and overwhelming by 1.
Flamethrower - The Flamethrower functions similarily to the Hellfire Projector on
the W.A.R. suit due to bigger fuel tanks. The M.E.C. is immune to its own flames
or mundane flames. At Tier 3, the damage of this Flamethrower increases by +2
and overwhelming by 1.
MEC-2 Sentinel - Lighter alien alloys allows for more protection of vital systems (such as
the user) while also making more efficient locomotion systems. This suit sets the user’s
strength to 8 and provides 10 levels of health, two of which are -0.
Grenade Launcher - The M.E.C. gains use of a shoulder mounted grenade
launcher, able to launch grenades over large distances. The M.E.C. is able to
use three grenades per deployment, but otherwise can use the same grenades
as the infantry on the ground can use. The grenades the M.E.C.’s use are
stronger however, inflicting +2 additional damage upon a direct hit and capable of
being launched out to long range like a mortar cannon.
Restorative Mist - The M.E.C. is capable of treating everyone within close range
of it as being subjected to a single medkit use once per scene.
E.X.O. Suit Options - The M.E.C. is capable of using any other extra weapons
the E.X.O. suit can mount.
MEC-3 Paladin - Reactive armour plating combined with brand new power generation
sources allows for a streamlined M.E.C. model that moves virtually indistinguishable
from a human being. This suit sets the user’s strength to 9 and provides a whopping 12
levels of health, three of which are -0 health levels.
Proximity Mine Launcher - The M.E.C. launches a special mine out towards an
area that only detonates when it detects any movement over it (allies can pass
over the mines normally) or detonated remotely by a reflexive action by the one
who laid it. The M.E.C. makes the attack roll when it fires this weapon off, and
anyone who activates the mine is immediately subjected to the attack roll. If
trying to evade mine detection matters, the user must beat a
Perception+Awareness pool of 10 from the mine which doubles 9s. Being hidden
is also recommended as the M.E.C. can detonate the mine remotely if it sees
anyone attempting to defuse it.
Electro-Pulse - A single strong electromagnetic pulse blasts out from the center
of the M.E.C., making a single withering attack against every single mechanical
or Automaton unit out to close range of the M.E.C. rolled with 13 dice to hit and
only gaining the largest amount of initiative from any one attack. Otherwise they
function with all the same traits as normal ECM Grenades.
W.A.R. Suit Options - The advanced power generation of the Paladin allows
W.A.R. Suit weapons to also be mounted in lieu of the other two options.
Dire Goose
Supposedly created by a Raksha Court in the North which often enjoyed fighting and
toying with mortal traders who crossed their territory on the ground, but now shortcutting it by
just flying over their territory directly. No more fun and games were to be had anymore, and the
Raksha’s boredom slowly turned into rage over the years that went by. Thus they created this
hellish creature to exact their vengeance upon the mortals. The creature however was too
powerful, too wild to control. After slaying all of the Raksha in the court, it now forever patrols
the wastelands of the north, killing all those unfortunate enough to be within its territory.
The Dire Goose is a creature created specifically for hatred and malice. Those who are
fortunate enough to get away from such a creature can only recall the honking of thousands of
Geese, blood, and feathers. The area the Dire Goose patrols is said to be a wasteland filled
with a trader’s dream in terms of treasure, but no one dares to enter the territory of such a
fearsome beast for fear of their own life.
Suggested Type: Special
Difficulty: Very hard. Potent offenses combined with great defenses make the Dire Goose a
challenging opponent for most groups. The fact that it can fly and is quite fast makes it very
difficult to get away from. The multiple heads can focus on one target for great damage and a
strong chance to hit or attack everything around them and keep opponents at low initiative.
Essence: 1; Willpower: 7; Join Battle: 10 dice (Base initiative 5)
Actions: Feats of Strength: 12 dice (may attempt Strength 7 feats); Intimidate: 8 dice; Resist
Poison/Disease: 8 dice; Senses: 7 dice (see Keen Nose and Night Vision); Stealth: 5 dice (see
Winter Menace); Tracking: 6 dice (see Keen Nose)
Resolve 4, Guile 2
Attack (Bite): 13 dice (Damage 13, minimum 5), Tags: Reach
Combat Movement: 8 dice (+2 in air)
Evasion 3 (In air), Parry 5
Soak/Hardness: 12/6
Health Levels: -0x3/-1x5/-2x6/-4x2/Incap A Dire Goose will fight to the death within its territory,
but unless it is hungry it will leave things alone (NOTE: Its always hungry) Note that for
purposes of determining Magnitude, The Dire Goose’s health level amount is considered to be
about 13 instead
Special Attacks
Feathered Wrath: Instead of using its heads to attack targets all around the Dire Goose
at once, more cunning or intelligent Dire Goose’s may use the number of heads to overwhelm a
single unlucky opponent. The Dire Goose makes a single attack against an opponent using
Head based Battle Group and applies an amount of onslaught equal to the size of the current
battle group. If the attack the battle group did hit and did damage, than the Dire Goose does an
additional amount of post-soak withering damage or if a single willpower is paid, a decisive
attack that does additional damage equal to the threshold successes on the attack roll,
maximum of the Dire Goose’s size.
Rampage: Upon reaching a new health level category, the Dire Goose may immediately
make an attack with its head based battle group against every opponent in range of its heads
reflexively, which does not count towards its action for the turn. If an attack does enough to go
past two health penalty areas of damage (EX: -0 to -2) than only one attack is made. If the Dire
Goose heals itself to a higher level than goes back down to a lesser one, it cannot make that
attack again (Only one free attack per health level category lost)
Relentless Hunger: If an opponent reaches incapacitated while fighting the Dire Goose,
than they are instantly devoured by the creature. If the Dire Goose reduces the size of a battle
group, than most of the numbers lost in the size are treated as if they were killed.
Threatening Reach: The Dire Goose’s heads are extremely long, more often than not
easily able to get the better of opponents who foolishly charge in. In order to move away from a
Dire Goose, one must use a disengage action when they are either close or short range of him.
In addition, the range of the Dire Goose’s melee attacks can be done out to a range of short.
The Head Based battle group can attack everything within short range by using a single attack
roll and comparing it to all targets.
Limitless Goose Heads: The Northeastern Dire Goose is said to possess a limitless
number of heads, a unique mutation spurred on by the Wyld whereas the Dire Goose will grow
more heads the more endangered the beast currently is. Each Dire Goose has at minimum two
heads from the moment it is born and learn very quickly early on how to overwhelm opponents
with their heads working in furious harmony. In addition to its normal initiative track, the Dire
Goose also possesses a Battle Group on itself at all times with the Battle Group representing
the multiple heads. The size of this group starts at 3 and uses the traits of the Dire Goose’s bite
for its own attack and for adding the battle group bonuses. It uses the Dire Goose’s own main
initiative for determining turn order, and may attack before or after the Dire Goose on the Dire
Goose’s own action for the turn. It may delay its action or spend its turn aiming by paying the
appropriate initiative, but it cannot use initiative for things such as gambits. Size applies as
normal to all stats except
for soak. If the battle group composed of the Dire Goose’s heads has
its size reduced to 0, then that represents all of the heads either being sliced off or beaten to a
lifeless pulp apart from a single remaining head (Which still may act as if it were a normal
character). However this state of vulnerability does not last forever, for approximately (Old size
-3) turns later a new batch of heads will burst forth from the Dire Goose’s shoulder area. These
will either sprout from the neck of severed heads or new heads with burst forth, consuming the
useless heads in an orgy of bloodshed and violence in which new heads will quickly sprout.
The new batch of heads will increase the size of the Dire Goose’s head battle group by +1 up to
a maximum of 5 and completely refill its magnitude. Each increase of size representing an
exponential increase of heads where size 2 may be 5 heads while size 5 could be something
akin to 36 or more. These heads do not suffer rout and cannot be targeted by command or rally
actions. Upon reaching Size 5, depleting the size of the Dire Goose heads down to zero does
not grant it any additional size, but rather additional heads are presented as their drill going from
poor to average, and if it happens again increasing their might by +1.
Multiheaded Shield: The heads of the Dire Goose are not just used for great offense,
but defense too. The Dire Goose’s own main body is considered to be under a persistent
defend other action from the Dire Goose’s heads, which unless the Dire Goose is on its last
head then it instinctively will defend itself from harm using such heads. The only laspe this
defense has is when the Dire Goose is waiting for its heads to generate, leaving its exposed
body vulnerable to attacks. The Dire Goose is considered to be able to see 360 degrees
around itself, making sneaking up on it to stab it in the back significantly more difficult.
Acid Blood: Even the creature’s very blood hates those it touches. This merit functions
as a five dot merit of the Poison Body
merit. In addition the blood is acidic to the very touch.
Mundane weapons are melted to slag after dealing any sort of lethal damage to the beast.
Those poor fools who do lethal damage unarmed are instead subjected to a one-time Acid Bath
environmental hazard. For this reason, bashing damage is highly preferred.
Adapted to Cold: Although it may not prefer it, a Dire Goose is adapted to the Cold of
the North. It ignores all environmental damage related to mundane cold weather and gains +4
automatic successes to resist effects based on supernaturally cold weather. Lastly, it ignores
up to two points of penalties related to cold or Northern weather.
Flight: The Dire Goose is capable of flight, and uses it extensively to attack those who
invade its airspace.
Keen Eyes + Blood Smell: The Dire Goose applies the double 9s rule on
Perception-based rolls made using sight. In addition if a quarry is bleeding, it doubles 9s on
rolls to smell them too.
Legendary Size: The tyrant lizard’s immense size makes it extraordinarily difficult for
human-scale enemies to engage it in combat. It does not take onslaught penalties from any
attack made by a smaller opponent, although magically-inflicted onslaught penalties still apply
against it. Withering attacks made by smaller enemies cannot drop the tyrant lizard below 1
Initiative unless they have a post-soak damage of 10 dice (although attackers can still gain the
full amount of Initiative damage dealt). Decisive attacks made by smaller enemies cannot deal
more than (5 + attacker’s Strength) levels of damage to the tyrant lizard with a single attack, not
counting any levels of damage added by Charms or other magic. If one is damaging the head
based battle group however, this minimum damage does not apply, as any number of heads
can be chopped off in one turn.
Regeneration: The Dire Goose recovers from wounds much more quickly than any
other known creature. The healing rate for the Dire Goose is the same as the Exalted.
Furthermore whenever the Dire Goose recovers from initiative crash, reduces a battlegroup in
size, or devours an opponent with a decisive attack, it immediately heals one bashing or lethal
level of damage.
Night Vision: Dire Goose’s can see in dim conditions as though they were in broad
daylight, and reduce the difficulty of Perception-based checks made in deeper darkness by one.
Unusual Hide: The Dire Goose feathers alone are on pair with steel in terms of
toughness. This has already been factored into the soak.
Winter Menace: The Dire Goose does not count waist high snow as difficult terrain,
treating it as if it were normal terrain. Additionally it doubles 8s on stealth rolls that involve
hiding in the clouds or snow.
EX-Mode Abilities
Rampage: Going through multiple wound penalties will no longer skip attacks. In the
case that someone plunges the Dire Goose from -0 to -2 for example, the Dire Goose will get
two attack actions immediately.
Limitless Goose Heads: The Dire Goose’s Size amount for its heads will increase by
+1 automatically once it takes +8 levels or more of damage. If this is done while its heads are
currently regenerating, this increases the size count by +2 when the heads grow back.
Take it easy~
The Wyld has a funny effect on popular individuals; even they are no where near the
Wyld itself the stories told about them drift through them. Some Raksha may latch onto such a
popular individual in other to further their own narrative, while other times things like Yukkari’s
pop out for no disconcernable reason whatsoever. While being an endless source of
embarrassment to those who have a Yukkari of themselves, they do make interesting pets.
Yukkari are incredibly varied, all of them appearing as ball shaped objects with human
eyes, mouth, nose, and often some sort of fashion implement/hairstyle they use to tell each
other apart. Yukkari’s lack any real organs however, in fact the inside of their bodies and their
outside skin are just that of a red bean bun, but due to the narrative of the wyld these creatures
can not only survive, but actually survive and reproduce like normal animals. While they are
capable of speech, their intellect never advances beyond that of a child of about 3-4 years old.
Difficulty: They’re not really made for fighting, though they do make good pets as most
Yukkari’s are very easy to tame.
Suggested Type: Insignificant
Essence: 1 Willpower: 3 Join Battle: 4 dice
Health Levels: -0x1/-1x1/-2x1/-4x1/Incap
Sample Intimacies:
Defining: Taking it Easy (Principle), Fashion Accessory (Tie)
Minor: People Who Don’t Take it Easy (Tie, Negative)
Actions: Annoying Prattle: 4 dice; Any Intelligence based roll: 1 die; Senses: 4 dice; Taking It
Easy: 11 dice
Appearance 2, Resolve 1, Guile 1
Bap Bap: 7 dice (8B damage)
Combat Movement: 4
Evasion: 3 Parry: 2
Soak/Hardness: 1/0
Special Attacks
Fashion Accessory: Each Yukkari will often gain some sort of fashion accessory. Sometimes
it's a hat, other times its a tattoo, while other times it may be a hairstyle. No matter the situation
Yukkari’s use these accessories in order to not only distinguish Yukkari’s from each other but
also identify itself. A Yukkari without its fashion accessory will often go into panic or a deep
depression. Yukkari’s gain an additional +5 automatic successes to determine whenever or not
a fashion accessory is ‘authentic’ or not, and will refuse them unless they are desperate.
Grazing: As a passover from their native roots, any attack roll that meets a Yukkari’s defense
makes it miss.
Taking it Easy~: All Yukkari’s have a defining principle of “Taking it Easy”, looking for a relaxed
and enjoyable life. While most Yukkari’s do not enjoy fighting, they will fight to protect their
‘Easy’ life. This intimacy cannot be eroded by any means.
Yukkari variation: There are many different types of Yukkari’s, each one having different
behaviors and skills unique to that Yukkari. A few types of Yukkari’s are listed below, but there
are many more that can be found!
Arianna: A highly intelligent Yukkari that is as white as the fallen snow, their silver long
ponytails and diagonal scar across their face being their accessories. These Yukkari’s
are also highly intelligent on matters related to Lore or Occult, having at least 5 dice in
these pools and can ever carry on normal conversations with people (They still use
simple . They claim to know sorcery but cannot learn it, and are vicious jealous of
anyone who actually can perform it.
Dace: A wised Yukkari often found in battlezones, strangely enough liking to make “War
war” with others. This Yukkari is bald, but is known for the brown beard and mustache
that it uses as its accessory. Due to their knowledge of the battle field, they are very
knowledgable about war and have 5 dice to make with any war related roll (6 dice
involving Yukkari’s). They are also very good on horseback, needing to make no rolls in
order to remained balanced on a horse.
Jade: A whole wheat Yukkari who is often silent and keeps to herself, but is known to be
extremely aggressive towards other Yozi/Demon related Yukkari, often regarding them
as shitheads and will often attack them with a sneak attack. Jade Yukkari’s are rarely
every known to speak, but are very stealth and nimble, gaining 5 dice on any athletics or
stealth related roll.
Hamster: A Yukkari with fur all over its body, with large black eyes and ears, it often has
a black bandana around its head as its accessory. When it fights it is known to attempt to
attack from up high and drop down on its opponent, saying ‘Bwginin’ da pwain!”. They
are also skilled at writing, gaining a total of 5 dice to any attempt at writing (6 dice when
involving magical creatures). When in presense of a Rich Yukkari, they are known to
write more often, though the exact reason has yet to be determined.
Panther: A rather tough Yukkari that is made of a whole wheat layer, often having very
short black hair on top and a tattoo of a blazing sun just below its eyes as an accessory.
They are known for being extremely noble and virtuous, expecting others to behave in
the same way and are known to attack others who don’t (This is more common after they
awaken from a nap). Often yell “What the hell are you talking about!?” Lastly they are far
more durable that other Yukkari’s, having a soak of 5.
Scarlet Empress: An extremely rare Yukkari to find these days, as originally the Empress
herself attempted to have them all killed for impersonating her. Scarlet Empress
Yukkari’s often have a large crown with white facial make up. They are most often known
as being the leader amongst a group of Yukkari’s and are surprisingly good at it, having
5 dice to any roll regarding Bureaucracy or leadership (6 dice amongst Yukkari’s).
Youmu: An extremely soft Yukkari with white hair and a black bow in her hair as an
accessory. This Yukkari also knows how to wield swords in its mouth and is quite skilled
with them, having 6 dice to attack (Before accuracy bonuses) and a parry of 3 (Which
may increase due to defense bonus of weapons). Because of this they make excellent
guard dogs. Lastly they are also fiercely loyal to their masters, often having a major if not
defining intimacy towards them.
Pastry Body: Due to their body being made out of pastry, being submerged in water is lethal to
Yukkari’s as they dissolve within it. When totally submerged in water or very heavy rain,
Yukkari’s are treated as if being exposed to an acid bath environmental hazard per turn. Any
amount of water that only goes up to about their mouth is fine however, as Yukkari’s too need to
Yup, I’m doing Zerg units too. Why? Because I have fun doing so.
“They’re everywhere!”
“Then shoot everywhere!”
Once a docile race of Dune-Runners, the Zergling is now a core part of the Hive’s countless
units. Despite being weak individually and poorly armoured, Zerglings perform very well when
attacking in large groups. Due to how simple their DNA is, the Zergling can also be produced
very quickly and in great numbers. As soldiers often say, if you see one you’ll two dozen more
Being the size of a large dog with four legs and claws and long as a man’s hand, the Zergling is
very swift on the ground. Its eyes constantly seem to be glowing which gives it an edge in the
dark, while two large claws on its shoulders seem to rise high in the air to about the height of an
average man.
Difficulty: By itself the Zergling is a joke, but in a battle group its true strength will shine through
sheer strength in numbers.
Suggested Type: Strong
Essence: 1 Willpower: 4 Join Battle: 6 dice
Health Levels: -0x1/-1x2/-2x2/Incap Feral Zerglings will flee after taking 3 or more levels of
damage, controlled Zerglings are fearless and will fight to the death.
Speed Bonus: +4
Actions: Senses: 5 dice; Stealth: 6 dice
Combat: Claw/Bite: 12 dice (Damage 10)
Grapple: 6 dice (5 dice to control)
Combat Movement: 10 dice
Evasion: 3 Parry: 2
Soak/Hardness: 5/0
Special Attacks
Adrenal Glands: The Zergling is capable of landing many attacks in rapid succession. After
landing a successful withering attack, the Zergling may take its next action three ticks earlier
than what it normally does.
Harry: Biting at the heels of its prey, the Zergling denies it the chance to flee. On the turn that a
Zergling moves into close range of an enemy, if it deals 5+ damage to them with a withering
attack, that enemy cannot disengage or withdraw on their next turn.
Pack Hunting: When the Zergling attacks an enemy, it adds one automatic success to the
attack roll for each allied Zergling in close range on the ground to that enemy, to a maximum of
three successes. On a decisive attack, it may also pay a point of Willpower to add that many
dice to the raw damage of the attack, representing its packmates joining in the attack. As a
Battlegroup Zerglings gain this bonus if any other Zerg unit or battlegroup is also focused on the
same enemy(ies).
Burrow: By vibrating its own skin and muscles, the Zerg unit is able to rapidly burrow
underground. Attempts to find the unit while burrowed cannot be attempted unless one has
superhuman senses. In addition the unit adds +2 automatic successes to any stealth roll while
burrowed. The Zerg unit can still ‘see’ out to short range while burrowed, however they cannot
move nor attack. Burrowing underground only costs a movement action, and if attempting to do
it within close range of an enemy needs a disengage roll as per normal.
Endless Swarm: The numbers of the Zerg seem truly endless. When used as part of a battle
group, increase the magnitude size by an amount equal to (Current Size/2, round up). This
represents the sheer size in numbers.
For the Swarm!: When under the control of a Cerebrate, Overmind, or some other suitably
powerful Hivemind, the Zerg fight with a single minded purposed heedless of own personal
dangers, granting them perfect morale when in a battle group. If this connection is severed or
jammed somehow, the zerg function with the intelligence and guidance of normal animals that
are nearly impossible to tame and are liable to run from combat like normal animals.
Metabolic Boost: Zerglings double 9s on any test of speed.
Night Vision: Zerglings suffer no penalties for seeing in areas with little to no light.
Nutrient Synthesis: Having heralded from locations regarded as inhospitable, the Zergling has
naturally adapted to become excellent survivors. They are capable of deriving nutrients needed
to live from anything they consume - Even water.
Walling: In order for a player character to move through a Zergling Battlegroup they must not
only pay 2i but also make a Dexterity + Athletics roll which the Zerglings contest and add half
their size to the attempt. White Reaper users make ignore this.
Zerg Regeneration: All Zerg are capable of healing themselves at the same speed and
efficiency as the Exalted. Furthermore at the end of the day the Zerg unit automatically recovers
a single bashing or lethal health level (Even if they already recovered one due to natural healing
Allergies: The Zergling treats consuming lemons as consuming Coral Snake Venom, which it
cannot roll to resist. This information is a well kept secret, and declaring it will require a
speciality in biology, Xenobiology, or Alien races.
EX-Mode Abilities
Adrenal Glands: For each point of onslaught the target current suffers from the Zergling deals
an additional point of damage. Additionally if attacking as part of a battlegroup, Zerglings inflict
an additional amount of onslaught on their attacks equal to (Size/2, round down).
EX-Mode Zerglings can be of either one or two unique strains. Raptors or Swarmlings
A strain of Zergling made for traversing mountainous terrain while being extremely aggressive.
Advanced Quadriceps: The Raptor is treated as having the Solar charm “Monkey Leap
Technique” active at all times. In addition if the Raptor has successfully rushed their target, than
if they’re attacked by the end of their next turn the Raptor adds a bonus +2 withering damage.
Aggression: The Raptor always doubles 10s on withering damage rolls and increases the
base damage of its attacks by 2. Their Join Battle dicepool is increased by 2.
Hardened Carapace: The Raptor increases its health by an additional -1 and -2 health level.
The Swarmling is quantity over the Raptor’s quality, gaining additional benefits for when working
in large numbers.
Endless Swarm +: Swarmlings add (Size x2) to magnitude amounts rather than just size.
Rapid Gestation: If being attacked on their home base or nest, a commander is capable of
making command rolls to recover magnitude despite Swarmlings being fearless, this is due to
the incredibly rapid speed that larva can hatch into Swarmlings.
Spiky: The Swarming is covered in razor sharp spines all over its body in a reactionary
evolutionary feature that the Swarmling can force predators to choke to death on them. Any
creature attempting to eat it is immediately subject to 10 dice of unsoakable withering damage.
If in a battlegroup, add in the size to the damage. Those who attempt to grapple a Swarmling
shares the same fate, but the damage can be soaked to a minimum of 5 damage per turn
holding it.
The Baneling is a mutated Zergling filled with highly corrosive material. The Baneling is a simple
creature, lacking many basic features such as a digestive tract or natural weapon, the Banelings
main weapon against creatures is to explode into a burst of highly corrosive acid, killing itself in
the process. Exposed flesh is often melted within seconds and even hardened buildings
collapse in time from repeated blasts and acid exposure.
A Baneling looks like a four legged insect about the size of a dog with large glowing green sacs
of highly corrosive acid ready to burst at the slightest touch.
Difficulty: A stronger raison d’etre for ranged specialists to exist in your game if these things (or
anything remotely like it) appears in your game. Even a meddling battle group of Banelings can
spell disaster for an allied infantry battle group.
Suggested Type: Always Strong, even during RAW games.
Essence: 1 Willpower: 4 Join Battle: 5 dice
Health Levels: -0x1/-1x1/-2x1/Explode. Banelings cannot be taken out non-lethally, they will
explode if incapacitated. They also have no self-preservation instinct when Feral, meaning
finding living ones in the wild is extremely unlikely.
Speed Bonus: +3 (Ball form only, must make roll to maintain balance every turn)
Actions: Senses: 7 dice; Stealth: 6 dice
Suicide: 13 dice (Damage 13L/3)
Grapple: Banelings cannot make grapple actions, but will not resist being grappled (See “Why
Would You Grab That?” below)
Combat Movement: 4 dice
Evasion: 2 Parry: 0
Soak/Hardness: 3/0
Special Attacks
Attack Structure: When ordered to attack a structure, the Baneling leaps forth and detonates
itself against it. Attacking stationary structures makes the base damage of the Baneling is 20L/8.
If a feat of strength is required, the Baneling rolls 12 dice for its feat of strength roll doubling all
8s and counts as having a strength of 7.
Baneling Bust: The explosive power of the Banelings wrecks havoc on the formations of the
enemy. Against an enemy battlegroup, Banelings ignore any bonuses to armour granted by size
so long as they’re composed of either infantry units and/or lightly armoured units and doubles
10s on the damage rolls against such targets.
Corrosive Acid: Against targets with no armour, the Baneling does an additional +3 damage.
Why Would You Eat That?: If any creature attempts to eat a Baneling, the Baneling may
immediately attempt a reflexive Suicide action, which is considered unblockable and
undodgable and ignores soak.
Why Would You Grab That?: If a Baneling is grappled by a target, than on their turn they may
Suicide themselves, during which the opponent's defense is treated as 0.
Volatile Burst: The Banelings main form of attack is by exploding itself directly in front of its
primary target in a burst of highly corrosive acid. In addition to attacking the primary target,
anyone within close range of the primary target is also subjected to the acidic bath, inflicting a
one time environmental hazard of 5i/instant trauma 3 which may be resisted with either Stamina
+ Resistance or Dexterity + Dodge. Against normal opponents within the blast, it just attacks all
of them within close range of the target comparing one attack roll against everyone in range.
The Baneling dies after making this attack. If a Baneling dies before it can be attacked, than
everyone within close range of it immediately suffers the environmental hazard. If in close range
of a Baneling battlegroup, add (Size/2) to the damage of the hazard. Whenever a battlegroup of
Banelings attacks a target they immediately lose magnitude equal to (3 or 5, whichever is
Burrow: By vibrating its own skin and muscles, the Zerg unit is able to rapidly burrow
underground. Attempts to find the unit while burrowed cannot be attempted unless one has
superhuman senses. In addition the unit adds +2 automatic successes to any stealth roll while
burrowed. The Zerg unit can still ‘see’ out to short range while burrowed, however they cannot
move nor attack. Burrowing underground only costs a movement action, and if attempting to do
it within close range of an enemy needs a disengage roll as per normal. Banelings can also
detonate when burrowed, making themselves living, sentient mine fields.
Centrifugal Hooks: A series of long spines grows along the back of the Baneling, allowing it to
curl up into a ball and roll along at high speeds. When undertaking a rush action, the Banelings
base speed increases to 9 dice. Lastly they are capable of doubling 9s on rushing actions.
Endless Swarm: The numbers of the Zerg seem truly endless. When used as part of a battle
group, increase the magnitude size by an amount equal to (Current Size/2, round up). This
represents the sheer size in numbers.
For the Swarm!: When under the control of a Cerebrate, Overmind, or some other suitably
powerful Hivemind, the Zerg fight with a single minded purposed heedless of own personal
dangers, granting them perfect morale when in a battle group. If this connection is severed or
jammed somehow, the zerg function with the intelligence and guidance of normal animals that
are nearly impossible to tame and are liable to run from combat like normal animals.
Sonar Sight: Banelings do not see by eyes, but rather by a form of sonar that is just as
accurate as sight out to a range of medium. Purely visual obstructions (such as smoke) do not
hinder the Banelings in the slightest. For purposes of stealth, this counts as a form of sight.
Zerg Regeneration: All Zerg are capable of healing themselves at the same speed and
efficiency as the Exalted. Furthermore at the end of the day the Zerg unit automatically recovers
a single bashing or lethal health level (Even if they already recovered one due to natural healing
EX-Mode Abilities
Corrosive Acid: Whenever a target is attacked by a Baneling’s direct attack and has either light
or no armour and take more than +5 withering damage, they are subjected to an Acid bath
“poison” as the acid burns against their skin. This is modelled as Frog Arrow Venom without the
damage penalty. Against targets with medium or heavy mundane heavy armour, than the soak
of the armour is reduced by 2 until it can be repaired.
Regenerative Acid: Whenever an allied Zerg unit is close to Banelings when they explode than
the Baneling may make a reflexive Rally for Numbers roll with a dicepool of 8 dice. This
represents healed Zerg units getting back up into the fight. For Special Zerg units this turns one
lethal health level into bashing or heals one bashing box.
EX-Banelings can be of either one of two types: Splitters or Hunters
The Splitter appears as a Baneling that has glowing green mist constantly coming out from it.
Due to a decentralized nervous system, it is capable of splitting into smaller Banelings upon its
death which also explode onto people.
Baneling Bust +: Splitters increase the damage gained by sizes bonuses by (Size x 1.5),
minimum of (Size + 2). This is represented by Splitters forming off and attacking in addition to
the Banelings.
Endless Swarm +: Swarmlings add (Size x2) to magnitude amounts rather than just size, this is
represented by them exploding into smaller Banelings.
Splitter Mutation: Upon death (Either by its own hand or someone else killing it) the Splitter
Baneling explodes into a smaller Baneling. Each of them only has a single level of health, inflicts
10 damage with its suicide blast, and cannot make feats of strength rolls against structures.
Otherwise they are the same as normal Banelings. As a point of clarification, multi-target attacks
(such as Arrow Storm Technique) can target the new Baneling as soon as the old one dies.
The Hunter is a purple Baneling that has evolved strong jumping capabilities after periodic lava
flows would kill them. Additionally they are slightly tougher than normal Banelings.
Ambush Predator: The Hunter’s base stealth pool is 8 dice. If it is undetected, it is capable of
moving a single range brand towards its opponent before detonation. Lastly when attacking a
structure, they are capable of leaping a range brand towards it reflexively.
Advanced Quadriceps: The Hunter is treated as having the Solar charm “Monkey Leap
Technique” active at all times. In addition if the Hunter has successfully rushed their target, they
may move on additional range brand towards them so long as they can attack that target within
close range.
Environmental Danger Sense: The Hunter is capable of reading the environment for the subtle
cues of a natural disaster to an astonishing degree. It gains a new skill “Sensing Natural
Disasters: 8 dice” to which it doubles 9s on, and if successful is capable of seeing such a
disaster an hour ahead of time.
It is hard to tell how the Hydralisk originated from the Slothien creature it originated from,
keeping such trails as firing high speed spines from its head but nearly everything else being so
different that they appeared to be two different creatures entirely. The Hydralisk serves the
swarm by being an efficient fighter at both range and in melee.
The Hydralisk itself stands at about nearly 7 feet fall when standing, though its longer snake like
tail continues to trail behind it for some distance. On its upper torso it contains two large, scythe
like claws that shred anything foolish enough to get close to it. Its head has a massive crown
that goes on to become several feet long and wide, opening up at the sides to contain rows of
sharp barbs that can be launched with amazing speed, accuracy, and power.
Difficulty: An all-rounder unit that is capable of doing just about everything. While it rarely
excels in any give area, this does not give it many weaknesses to exploit.
Suggested Type: Strong
Essence: 1 Willpower: 5 Join Battle: 7 dice
Health Levels: -0x3/-1x3/-2x3/-4x1/Incap.
Actions: Feats of Strength: 7 dice (may attempt Strength 5 feats); Resist Poison/Disease: 7
dice; Senses: 8 dice; Stealth: 7 dice
Needle Spines: 12 dice (Damage 13L/3). Range: Long
Scythes: 12 dice (Damage 14L/3)
Bite: 9 dice (Damage 16L/4) (Only when grabbed)
Grapple: 9 dice (7 to control)
Combat Movement: 7 dice
Evasion: 5 Parry: 4
Soak/Hardness: 7/0 (3 armour)
Special Attacks
Anti-Air Expert: Hydralisks have specially adapted themselves to anti-air warfare. Any attack
against a flying target adds +1 automatic success to the roll.
Frenzy: With constant behavior adaptations made over the years, Hydralisks have become
incredibly aggressive. They are in a constant state of readied awareness, so any ambush attack
made against them is lowered to a surprise attack instead. Furthermore wound penalties do not
apply to the Hydralisk’s accuracy or damage stats, and any time the Hydralisk crashes an
enemy or depletes a battle group in size than it takes its next turn 3 ticks earlier than what it
normally can.
Mauling Bite: When the Hydralisk makes a decisive savaging bite attack against a clinched
enemy, it adds +4 to the raw damage of this attack. It can receive this bonus only once per
grapple, unless reset by crashing the clinched enemy. Strong Hydralisks instead add the
piercing tag to attacks for free.
That’s a Wrap!: After making an attack with its scythes in melee range that does at least +5
withering damage, a Hydralisk may attempt a reflexive grapple gambit.
Volley Fire: If the enemy is currently engaged with another Zerg unit in melee, a Hydralisk
battlegroup can attack from medium range without needing to aim first.
Burrow: By vibrating its own skin and muscles, the Zerg unit is able to rapidly burrow
underground. Attempts to find the unit while burrowed cannot be attempted unless one has
superhuman senses. In addition the unit adds +2 automatic successes to any stealth roll while
burrowed. The Zerg unit can still ‘see’ out to short range while burrowed, however they cannot
move nor attack. Burrowing underground only costs a movement action, and if attempting to do
it within close range of an enemy needs a disengage roll as per normal.
For the Swarm!: When under the control of a Cerebrate, Overmind, or some other suitably
powerful Hivemind, the Zerg fight with a single minded purposed heedless of own personal
dangers, granting them perfect morale when in a battle group. If this connection is severed or
jammed somehow, the zerg function with the intelligence and guidance of normal animals that
are nearly impossible to tame and are liable to run from combat like normal animals.
Walling: In order for a player character to move through a Zerg Battlegroup they must not only
pay 2i but also make a Dexterity + Athletics roll which the Zerg contest and add half their size to
the attempt. White Reaper users make ignore this.
Zerg Regeneration: All Zerg are capable of healing themselves at the same speed and
efficiency as the Exalted. Furthermore at the end of the day the Zerg unit automatically recovers
a single bashing or lethal health level (Even if they already recovered one due to natural healing
EX-Mode Abilities
Berserker: Wound penalties that would apply to the bear’s attack rolls are instead converted to
bonus dice.
Needle Spines: Have the “piercing” tag.
EX-Hydralisk’s are known as “Hunter Killers”, highly evolved Hydralisks with stronger attacks
and overall capabilities. These special Hydralisks are almost always special characters.
Attack Up: The accuracy of all the Hydralisk’s attacks have their accuracy and damage (except
bite) increase by +4 while bites damage increases by +2.
Health Up: Hunter Killers have a health of -0x4/-1x4/-2x5/-4x1/Incap.
Skill Up: All of the Hydralisk’s skills increase by +2.
Speed Up: Hunter Killers have a base speed of 9.
"Blah blah blah. They hide and they heal. And it sucks."
The Roach is a highly durable frontline unit, their hardened shell capable of sustaining incredible
amounts of damage before succumbing themselves. Originating from the Zantar Slug, Roachs
are capable of spewing acid that can melt through reinforced structures while having an
incredible regeneration rate when burrowed by absorbing the minerals in the ground itself. This
mineral leeching has given the Roach a shell that is nigh impervious to natural hazards while
being just as durable as metal armour is.
Roaches are four legged creatures that are about as tall as a man, their head capable of poking
out of the large spine covered shell on their back. Two large scythes are placed on top for
melee combat, but the Roach rarely uses these, preferring to spit acid at their foes from their
toothy maw.
Difficulty: Appearing as a slightly weaker Seige Lizard, but these things are exponentially more
likely to be encountered in large groups. Having a ranged attack, large amounts of soak, and
very high regenerative properties, Roaches are a very annoying opponent which will require
some heavy firepower at the table.
Suggested Type: Strong
Essence: 1 Willpower: 5 Join Battle: 5 dice
Health Levels: -0x2/-1x3/-2x4/-4x4/Incap.
Actions: Feats of Strength: 9 dice (may attempt Strength 5 feats); Resist
Poison/Disease/Environmental Hazards: 10 dice; Senses: 6 dice; Stealth: 6 dice (When
Acid Saliva: 11 dice at close (Damage 13L/2). Maximum range: Short
Grapple: Cannot grapple, but gains 4 dice to contest.
Claws: 11 dice (Damage 13L/2)
Combat Movement: 4 dice
Evasion: 1 Parry: 4
Soak/Hardness: 15/5 (10 points from armour)
Special Attacks
Hydriodic Bile: Against targets with no armour, the Roach does an additional +2 damage with
Acid Saliva.
Burrow: By vibrating its own skin and muscles, the Zerg unit is able to rapidly burrow
underground. Attempts to find the unit while burrowed cannot be attempted unless one has
superhuman senses. In addition the unit adds +2 automatic successes to any stealth roll while
burrowed. The Zerg unit can still ‘see’ out to short range while burrowed, however they cannot
move nor attack. Burrowing underground only costs a movement action, and if attempting to do
it within close range of an enemy needs a disengage roll as per normal.
For the Swarm!: When under the control of a Cerebrate, Overmind, or some other suitably
powerful Hivemind, the Zerg fight with a single minded purposed heedless of own personal
dangers, granting them perfect morale when in a battle group. If this connection is severed or
jammed somehow, the zerg function with the intelligence and guidance of normal animals that
are nearly impossible to tame and are liable to run from combat like normal animals.
Hardened Shell: The Roach is incredibly resistant to environmental hazard attacks. The Roach
may double 8s on all such rolls.
Tunneling Claws: Roaches are capable of moving underground at the same rate they travel on
land. They can still see as normal out to melee range, suffer no penalty moving while in stealth,
and add +2 automatic successes on any stealth roll they make while burrowed (And as with
Burrowing normally, need superhuman senses in order to sense). Roaches cannot rush targets
while underground however, and while moving through rock is possible Roaches do so very
slowly (One range brand per two turns).
Walling: In order for a player character to move through a Zerg Battlegroup they must not only
pay 2i but also make a Dexterity + Athletics roll which the Zerg contest and add half their size to
the attempt. White Reaper users make ignore this.
Zerg Regeneration +: In addition to its base effects, Roaches are capable of regenerating lost
limbs by recovering the health represented as lost. Roaches who are injured in any way also
recover all bashing or lethal damage at the end of the day, provided they have not fought for the
rest of the day. Lastly whenever a Roach recovers from initiative crash or successfully escapes
a target by burrowing underground, they automatically heal a bashing or lethal health level.
Limited Range: Roaches cannot look directly above them, so they are unable to use their Acid
Saliva attack against flying opponents.
Shellbreaker: The durability of the Roach’s shell is also one of its biggest weaknesses, for if
someone manages to crack it than weapons can easily sink into its flesh. The piercing tag
ignores an additional 2 soak when used against Roaches.
EX-Mode Abilities
Adaptive Plating: The Roach subtracts its current wound penalty from the post soak damage of
all withering attacks against it, to a maximum of 2.
Hydriodic Bile: Roaches can use the piercing
tag against targets who rely largely on natural or
scene-long magical soak (Such as Diamond Body Prana)
EX-Roaches can be one of two types: Corpsers or Viles
Yea no pretty artwork for these guys, sorry. At least none that crops nicely.
Corpsers are a vile strain of Roaches with green spines growing out from the back of its shell,
with each blast of their acidic saliva coming with a small embryo that gestates within a host, in
which upon death the victim's body is taken over as a zombie.
Host Infestation: Upon doing any amount of decisive damage (or lethal in a battlegroup), a
small embryo is implanted within the subject. This embryo is small and harmless compared to
the Acidic Saliva of the Corpser, and will perish at the end of the day normally. If a target dies
while planted with this embryo however it explosively grows in size, using the victim's body as a
host. Armour plates rapidly grow over it in seconds along with claws and a mouth dripping with
caustic acid. These creatures have the same traits as zombies, only they also have a Acid
Saliva attack with the traits of 8 dice to attack at short, 16L damage. This transformation can
only be done on mortal/non-essence wielding creatures. If a Corpser attacks a battlegroup and
drains their size, than an overwhelming majority of the losses come from death and generation
of new zombies. Size 1-3 battlegroups generate a size 1 zombie group while a size 4-5 group
spawns a size 2 zombie group. Zombie groups can only grow in size if Corpsers drain the size
of a battlegroup bigger than the current battle group of zombies.
Viles are a strain of Roach with purple spines coming out from its back. The acidic saliva it spits
out is not only purple in colour, but rapidly hardens into a binding action.
Cocoon: If the Vile manages to attack and damage a crashed target, that target is bolted to the
floor. Unable to take movement actions until the target can make a difficulty 3 feat of strength to
break the cocoon. Any attacks made in this cocooned state are done so at a -3 penalty and
dodging is also at a -3 penalty. A battlegroup who loses a point of size to Viles are bolted to the
floor, horrified soldiers left to the leisure of monsters. The opposing commander cannot rally for
numbers until he makes some sort of action to break his men free. Cocoon can also be used if a
Vile manages to successfully Ambush its targets.
Constrictive Saliva: Each attack the Vile makes against a target lowers its mobility, imposing a
-2 penalty to all movement based rolls and forces the target to take its next turn three ticks later
than what they normally can. Worse yet this malady stacks to a maximum of three stacks
meaning that unlucky foes can have a -6 penalty to all movement rolls and act 9 ticks later than
normal. All speed is recovered when the substance naturally breaks apart 3 turns after a target
has not had a Vile land an attack on them.
Assimilated from the Mantis Screamer, the ever agile Mutalisk roams the skies ceaselessly in
the name of the swarm. A Mutalisk is a strong, multipurpose fighter capable of engaging both
aerial and ground opponents at range with its powerful Glaive Wurm, a sentient creature that
ejects itself from the Mutalisks tail to attack multiple target. Mutalisks excel in hit and run tactics,
and when in a war can often be seen attempting to destroy the supply line of the opposing force.
Every part of the Mutalisk has been streamlined to afford it additional speed (Except teeth, Zerg
units can never have too many teeth).
The best description for a Mutalisk can be a purple U tipped on the side, given wings, stinger,
and a tendency to devour small innocent creatures.
Difficulty: Mutalisks appearing will want the melee or brawl specialist closely hug any ranged
Suggested Type: Strong
Essence: 1 Willpower: 5 Join Battle: 6 dice
Health Levels: -0x5/-1x1/-2x2/-4x1/Incap.
Actions: Finding Enemy Weak Points: 8 dice; Resist Poison/Disease: 5 dice; Senses: 6 dice;
Glaive Wurm: 11 dice at close (13L/2 damage). Maximum medium.
Grapple: 0 dice (3 for control roll)
Combat Movement: 12 dice
Evasion: 5 Parry: 0
Soak/Hardness: 6/0 (3 armour)
Special Attacks
Glaive Wurm: The Glaive Wurm is capable of bouncing target to target after it has hit its
primary target. Record all 10s that appear in the damage roll of the primary target. After the
attack against the primary target has been resolved the original attack roll is applied to two other
targets within close range of the original target and those targets are subjected to an
unsoakable withering attack with a base damage equal to the amount of 10s that appeared
when attacking the primary target (minimum 1). The Mutalisk does not gain any of this additional
initiative. When the Mutalisk attacks an enemy battlegroup, the Mutalisk ignores the size bonus
to armour against battlegroups that are lightly armoured.
Harasser: If the Mutalisk attacks a target on the ground incapable of flight and of lower initiative,
it adds +1 automatic success to the attack roll.
Aerial Speed Demon: The Mutalisk doubles 9s on all movement rolls.
For the Swarm!: When under the control of a Cerebrate, Overmind, or some other suitably
powerful Hivemind, the Zerg fight with a single minded purposed heedless of own personal
dangers, granting them perfect morale when in a battle group. If this connection is severed or
jammed somehow, the zerg function with the intelligence and guidance of normal animals that
are nearly impossible to tame and are liable to run from combat like normal animals.
Wings: Mutalisks have the wings mutation and are capable of flight. In addition they do not
suffer from the -3 penalty normally associated with attacking with wings.
Zerg Regeneration +: In addition to its base effects, Mutalisks who are injured in any way also
recover all bashing or lethal damage at the end of the day, provided they have not fought for the
rest of the day. Additionally anytime the Mutalisk manages to withdraw from combat away from
hostile forces, it immediately regains 4 levels of bashing or lethal damage while a battlegroup is
allowed to roll 8 dice as a reflexive attempt to Rally for Numbers, which is represented as the
remaining Mutalisks healing rapidly, this cannot cause a Mutalisk team to increase in size.
EX-Mode Abilities
Aerial Speed Demon: Against land based enemies, it doubles 8s instead.
Glave Upgrade: Select one of the following upgrades for the Mutalisk:
Vicious Glave: The Glaive Wurm is capable of bouncing to additional targets before
becoming destroyed, applying the damage to everyone within close range of the original
target. Against lightly armoured battlegroups, increase the damage dealt against them
by the amount of 10s in the attack roll.
Sundering Glave: The Glaive Wurm is given explosive properties based off the
Baneling. Increase the base damage of the Glaive Wurm by +2, add the piercing tag,
and against buildings the Mutalisk doubles 9s. (As a Feat of Strength, 8 dice [May
attempt Strength 5] and double all 9s to destroy the target) However the Glaive Wurm no
longer bounces in between targets.
Harasser: Harasser now just applies to anyone incapable of flight or who is slower than the
The swarms biggest, toughest, and most durable land unit. Standing as tall as nearly four full
grown men standing on top of each other and so long that a unit can be fighting one when half
its body is still in jungle brush, the Ultralisk still has a long list of other extremely impressive
achievements. An archer can fire every crossbow bolt in his city but still only make it angrier
than it was to start, its kaiser blades can decapitate scores of plate mail soldiers in front of it
without even slowing down, its charges are known to take down even mighty first age defense
systems. Even doing something like blowing off its hind legs won’t work as it can run just as fast
on the front two. When Ultralisks appear on the field it's either time to bring out the heavier
artillery or start praying to whatever god you believe in. Running won’t work as the bloody thing
is fast too.
For all of these benefits, there are drawbacks to these mighty beasts. First is that they’re very
expensive in resources compared to other units, both in physical resources and the mental
resources needed to maintain control of it. Even the best equipped nests may only be able to
field 50 of them (and then little of anything else).
Difficulty: Do you want a harder Tyrant Lizard? Here you go. The Ultralisk is a death dealing
machine on legs. Throw this against your players if you’re sure they can beat a Tyrant Lizard in
a fight as this thing is tougher than it. The EX-Mode versions of the Ultralisk are also incredibly
hard to where even a player who optimizes may have difficulty against it, or at the very least
force its attention to the exclusion of everything else.
Suggested Type: Special
Essence: 1 Willpower: 8 Join Battle: 10 dice (Base initiative 5)
Health Levels: -0x6/-1x6/-2x6/-4x8/Incap.
Speed Bonus: You’re kidding. You’re kidding right?
Actions: Feats of Strength: 15 dice (may attempt Strength 10 feats, see Incredible Might); Hide
in Dense Forest or Swamps: 8 dice; Intimidation: 10 dice; Resist Poison/Disease: 10 dice (See
Heightened Immune System); Senses: 8 dice
Resolve: 4 Guile 1
Kaiser Blades: 13 dice (Damage 18L/5). Kaiser Blades are monomolecular and can easily slice
through armour, granting them the piercing tag. Accuracy is 10 dice for decisive attacks.
Ram: 14 dice (Damage 15B/4). The tremendous bulk of the Ultralisk gives this attack the
Smashing keyword. Accuracy is 11 dice for decisive attacks.
Grapple: 8 dice (12 to control). The Ultralisk makes unopposed control rolls against enemies of
smaller size, unless its victims use magic that allows them to clinch larger enemies, such as
Dragon Coil Technique.
Combat Movement: 8
Evasion: 4 Parry: 6
Soak/Hardness: 17/10
Special Attacks
Blade Frenzy: If an Ultralisk manages to gain a threshold of three or more successes over an
opponent's defense with a decisive attack, than the Ultralisk may add the damage of his Kaiser
Blades to the attack. Usable once per fight. If an Ultralisk is a Strong type opponent, Simply
double the base damage of the Kaiser Blades against an opponent if he scores 5 or more
threshold successes over the opponent.
Brutal Stomp: Whenever an Ultralisk knocks an enemy prone with a smashing attack, it may
pay a point of Willpower to reflexively make a grapple attack that cannot be parried. The
Ultralisk can only restrain the stomped enemy and cannot move without ending the clinch, but
the stomped enemy takes six dice of lethal damage that ignore hardness for each round the
Ultralisk holds it.
Contempt: Each turn the Ultralisk may make a reflexive attack against a normal type opponent,
but if withering he only gains a maximum of 3 initiative. The Ultralisk only has this trait if it is a
special character.
Furious Rampage: Whenever the Ultralisk attacks or rushes an enemy who is in Initiative
Crash, it adds three automatic successes on the roll.
Quadruple Blades: The Ultralisk has four mighty blades. The Ultralisk gains +2 bonus dice on
any clash attack made against it.
Sensorimotor Control: Despite the size of the Ultralisk it is very quick on captializing upon the
enemy’s weaknesses. When the Ultralisk crashes an enemy, they may pay a point of Willpower
to immediately make a reflexive attack, withering or decisive, against that opponent.
Apex Predator: The Ultralisk regains a point of Willpower every time it crashes or incapacitates
a non-trivial opponent. This cannot raise its current Willpower above the amount it had at the
beginning of the fight. It is also immune to any non-magical influence roll meant to intimidate,
provoke fear, or play upon fear.
Burrow: By vibrating its own skin and muscles, the Zerg unit is able to rapidly burrow
underground. Attempts to find the unit while burrowed cannot be attempted unless one has
superhuman senses. In addition the unit adds +2 automatic successes to any stealth roll while
burrowed. The Zerg unit can still ‘see’ out to short range while burrowed, however they cannot
move nor attack. Burrowing underground only costs a movement action, and if attempting to do
it within close range of an enemy needs a disengage roll as per normal. An Ultralisk tags a full
turn in order to bury itself, and this action cannot be flurried. Also when burrowed it ignores any
stealth penalties related to its size.
Chitinous Plating: The Ultralisk’s armoured plates are just as hard as diamond. Reduce the
amount of damage an Ultralisk takes by (1 + Current Wound Penalty). This is applied as post
soak for withering damage and raw damage as decisive. This feature does not function in
initiative crash.
For the Swarm!: When under the control of a Cerebrate, Overmind, or some other suitably
powerful Hivemind, the Zerg fight with a single minded purposed heedless of own personal
dangers, granting them perfect morale when in a battle group. If this connection is severed or
jammed somehow, the zerg function with the intelligence and guidance of normal animals that
are nearly impossible to tame and are liable to run from combat like normal animals. The
Ultralisk however is far more likely to go on a rampage and start killing everything that isn’t
another Ultralisk.
Frenzied: The Ultralisk’s constant state of anger gives it many benefits The Ultralisk treats any
social influence ordering it not attack a target it has been ordered to attack as an unacceptable
order. Secondly, wound penalties do not apply the Ultralisk’s attacks. Lastly the Ultralisk ignores
any effect that could slow it down, stun, or give it direct orders (Such as Hypnotic Tongue
Heightened Immune System: The Ultralisk’s immune system has been overspecialized to the
point where it is nigh immune to toxins and airborne viruses. It adds +5 automatic successes to
any roll resisting either poison or illness.
Incredible Might: The Ultralisk applies double 8s on any feat of strength to lift, carry, or destroy
an object.
Legendary Size: The Ultralisk’s immense size makes it extraordinarily difficult for humanscale
enemies to engage it in combat. It does not take onslaught penalties from any attack made by a
smaller opponent, although magically-inflicted onslaught penalties still apply against it.
Withering attacks made by smaller enemies cannot drop the Ultralisk below 1 Initiative unless
they have a post-soak damage of 10 dice (although attackers can still gain the full amount of
Initiative damage dealt). Decisive attacks made by smaller enemies cannot deal more than (3 +
attacker’s Strength) levels of damage to the Ultralisk with a single attack, not counting any
levels of damage added by Charms or other magic.
Night Vision: Ultralisks suffer no penalties for seeing in areas with little to no light.
Walling: In order for a player character to move through a Zergling Battlegroup they must not
only pay 2i but also make a Dexterity + Athletics roll which the Zerglings contest and add half
their size to the attempt. White Reaper users make ignore this.
Zerg Regeneration: All Zerg are capable of healing themselves at the same speed and
efficiency as the Exalted. Furthermore at the end of the day the Zerg unit automatically recovers
a single bashing or lethal health level (Even if they already recovered one due to natural healing
EX-Mode Abilities
Accuracy Up: Increase the Accuracy of the unit’s attacks by +2, counting as a stunt bonus. This
does not apply when in a battlegroup.
Burrow Charge: If the Ultralisk is within short range of an opponent it may take an action to
attempt a burrow charge. Vibrating its mighty muscles with such power that it becomes capable
of breaking apart solid rock and sheet metal as it burrows through the earth towards the target.
All targets within close range of the Ultralisk are immediately subjected a Ram attack, one attack
roll being compared to everyone and automatically knocking everyone prone if it hits and
inflicting 5 unsoakable withering damage. If the Ultralisk manages to use this as an ambush
attack, the primary target is subjected to a full power ram attack.
Monarch Blades: By reconfiguring the Kaiser Blades down to a molecular level the Monarch
Blades are born, allowing the Ultralisk to swing through multiple opponents with ease. When
attacking a target the Ultralisk also applies an attack to any target adjacent to or within close
range of the original target comparing one attack roll against all targets. If the attack hits, the
Ultralisk does 5 unsoakable withering damage against the additional targets(s) which gives the
Ultralisk no additional initiative. Against a battlegroup with a withering attack the Ultralisk adds
an amount of post soak automatic successes equal to the number of 10s in the attack roll.
EX-Ultralisks can be one of two types: Noxious or Torrasque. Both add unnecessary power to
the Ultralisk in an effort to make players cry.
By assimilating a rare poisonous compound, the Noxious is constantly emitting a highly toxic
and corrosive poison around itself. Anything that now gets near the Ultralisk is in danger of
being melted and dying of poison in addition to being cut in half. If players ever needed a reason
to want Resistance more than ever, this is it.
Noxious: The Noxious is constantly surrounded by a corrosive poison. Every character within
close range of the Noxious are constantly bombarded by this poison, the corrosive material in
the air having the traits of 4i/turn trauma 5 (lethal in crash). In addition anyone who breathes in
the toxin/takes lethal damage within radius of the poisonous cloud than everyone within range
also checks for being poisoned with the same traits as Coral Snake Venom. Anyone who is
damaged by the Noxious’s claws also makes an immediate save vs Coral Snake Venom. If a
target is inanimate or largely synthetic, than it takes four automatic damage per turn (two if
heavily armoured). Objects that require a Strength 5 FoS simply begin to melt away. If a
Storyteller wishes to factor in how deadly this is to a battlegroup, simply roll 4 dice per turn and
that’s how much magnitude the battlegroup loses per turn from the toxin aura (6 dice if they’re
not immune to the poison). All Zerg units are immune to this toxin.
Toxin Cloud: By expelling the built up toxins within it, the Noxious can bombard an area with
highly potent toxins. At the beginning of the Noxious’s turn it may elect to turn on its Toxin
Cloud, increasing the corrosive power of its toxic aura to 8i/turn trauma 5 (Lethal in crash), the
same poison stats, but extends out to short range until the beginning of the Noxious’s next turn.
This power can be used once per scene, but may be reset if the Noxious crashes an opponent.
"It got back up! Oh, that ain't right!"
The Torrasque is a far more durable version of the Ultralisk. After absorbing rare high powered
subatomic materials it is capable of consuming dead tissue to reconstruct itself. Essentially
coming back from the dead entirely. They also regenerate extremely quickly, so one is best to
confirm their kills with this thing around.
Resurrection: Upon having its incapacitated health level checked off, whatever remains of the
Torrasque body immediately forms into a large cocoon. This cocoon has 20 health levels, 12
soak and hardness, no defenses, takes damage like a normal character [Even in RAW games]
and cannot move. It may also be broken by a difficulty 12 feat of strength requiring 7 strength.
Either way if this egg remains intact for five turns a brand new Torrasque emerges from the egg,
rolling join battle as per normal but all of its -0 and -1 health levels filled with damage. In order to
stop the Torrasque from coming back, this cocoon must be destroyed
. Other Torrasque’s or
Ultralisk’s nearby will do their best to protect the egg until it hatches. If the Torrasque is a
combat group, this allows its Commander to Rally for Numbers once per size, representing
Torrasque’s coming back to life.
Tissue Assimilation: The Torrasque’s blades allow it to convert useful matter into materials to
heal itself. Upon dealing lethal damage to an enemy or depleting the size of an enemy
battlegroup, the Torraque rolls the amount of damage it did with its last attack with the Kaiser
Blades (maximum 5) and recovers that many lethal or bashing health levels. As a battle group
the Torrasque does the same, only it adds +2 to the final result.
Zerg Regeneration +: In addition to its base effects, Torrasques are capable of regenerating
lost limbs by recovering the health represented as lost. Torrasques who are injured in any way
also recover all bashing or lethal damage at the end of the day, provided they have not fought
for the rest of the day. Lastly whenever a Torrasque recovers from initiative crash they
automatically heal a bashing or lethal health level.
Antagonist Templates
Templates are things you can add to mundane opponents in order to increase their power by
various amounts, but hopefully should apply some quick and easy upgrades to various
opponents one could counter in the field.
Alchemical Battle Beast
Alchemical Battle Beasts are some of the strongest machines made by Autochton in order to
protect very sensitive areas and positions. Appearing as robotic animals, these creatures are
actually loaded with primitive Alchemical charms which still pack a massive punch.
Alchemical Battle Beast’s gain the following characteristics:
The creature gains the automaton trait
The creature’s intelligence increases to 3, if it wasn’t already.
The creature gains an Essence of 3 and a motepool of 30 motes.
The Battle Beast may form any weapon it desires with Transcendent Multimodal Artifact
Matrix, making their attacks artifact quality (usually adding +1 accuracy, +3 damage, and
overwhelming damage equal to the trait of the weapon [Small creatures use light
weapons, bigger ones such as Wolvers and Great Cats use medium, large ones such as
River Dragons use heavy]). Usually this is represented as some sort of natural extension
of already existing weaponry on the creature, though ranged weapon of cannons can
pop out of the eyes, back, or mouth and use the same traits as they do for natural
Small or ‘medium’ creatures such as Wolves or Great Cats add artifact armour to
themselves, light or medium respectively.
The creature gains five Alchemical charms. They do not need to pay attunement motes
for them, but they suffer from the following restrictions:
Submodules cannot be installed on any charms.
Only charms of Essence 2 or lower may be learned.
Effects that dodge/parry/soak incalculable damage sources do not work. The rest
of the charm will work as normal, but not the rest of it.
If you do not have Alchemical charms, I already made them for you here.
Alpha’s are bigger, tougher, larger, and meaner than their mundane counterparts. Strongly
possessed by the leader of a group of pack animals, it can also apply to Wyld Infected mutants
as well.
Alpha’s gain the following capabilities:
Gain 1x -1 and 1x -2 HL
Gains the “Giant” Merit
Strength, Dexterity, and Stamina increase by 1 each.
Gain +2 Resolve against effects of fear
Gain the Command skill at 6 dice. If it already has the Command skill, then increase it by
Battle Tactics: When in command of a battle group, the Alpha knows one of the two
battle plans listed below. During a strategic planning roll, he may enact any one of these
plans whenever or not he passes or fails:
Maim Kill Burn! - Add +2 raw damage to all attacks for the rest of the scene.
Additionally any rallying for numbers rolls has a -2 penalty applied to it.
I Understand What You’re Saying, but She’s Crying! - All damage done by the
battlegroup is considered bashing or non-lethal, a large majority of the people
who are incapacitated are knocked out inside of killed.
Hold Fast! - Total Defense actions do not cost any initiative and also increase
Resolve by +2 when used.
After Them!: All units increase their combat speed by +2.
Tough as Nails: The magnitude bonus of the combat group increases by +2 per
size. This does not stack with perfect morale.
Creatures with the Burning template are warped by the Southern pole of fire, their dark
coal-blackened skin constantly burning with potent energy. In addition to the potent firey aura
they constantly emit, Burning creatures who fall in combat are known to actually explode!
Burning template characters gain the following bonuses:
The character is considered to be constantly on fire as a dangerous hazard. Anyone who
strikes the Burning template creature barehanded takes one die of lethal damage,
anyone who is within close range of them at the beginning of their turn take one
unsoakable die of withering damage (+1 for each additional Burning character or Size
for battlegroups), and those who are grappled with the creature (either they are
grappling it or being grappled) are treated as being exposed to a bonfire hazard.
EX-Mode: Increase unsoakable withering damage to a base of 3 instead of 1.
The creatures attacks are engulfed in flames, adding +2 damage to all withering attacks
while decisive attacks always double 10s.
All creatures gain the Tough Hide merit at level 3.
Gain the “Born of Flame” merit from the Garda Bird, but double 9s for any water based
Upon death the creature explodes with the same traits as a medium strength explosive
(heavy explosive if the creature was large). For details on explosives, see the X-COM
Heavy entry.
Creatures with the Celestial template are regards as divine beings which one seems to naturally
law down their lives in order to protect, even thinking about harming one seems to send most
people into a mid-life crisis as they try to wonder if there truly must be no other way.
Scared template characters gain the following bonuses:
The character is treated as under the Solar charm Majestic Radiant Presence at all
The creature gains one -0, -1, and -2 health levels. In addition they receive the “Thick
Hide” merit at 3. Their tanned skin appearing to knock aside any and all attacks.
The skin of a celestial shall never be cut by any blade, any lethal damage is turned into
bashing instead.
Fire and ‘Sun’ based attacks do three less post soak damage against Celestials,
minimum 1. ‘Darkness’ attacks however double 9s on withering rolls and double 10s on
decisive attacks.
Celestials gain the Exalted Healing merit.
All attributes increase by 1 and appearance by 2, as if the character is the paragon of
humanity. This can bring stats above five.
The character gains the social influence skill at 6 dice. If they already have the skill (or
any other social influence skill), they increase by +2 dice.
When using minor intimacies to resist in a decision point, two of them must be used
rather than just one.
An Essence score of 3, 30 motes, and possibly access to unique spirit based charms.
Chimera’s are a mixed fusion of monsters often combining the best traits of all of them. Chimera
descriptions are completely up to the game master. Multiple heads wouldn’t be out of the
question, but if you don’t want to use those then that’s fine too.
To create a Chimera simply take up to five animals and combine them together, which they
have the following traits below:
A height equal to the height of the tallest animal multiplied by two. If this would put them
at the size of a Tyrant Lizard, then they gain Legendary Size.
The highest Strength, Dexterity, and Stamina amongst any single one of them.
The highest armour value of any single one animal.
The natural weapons of the animal combine into one, taking the highest accuracy value
of any one attack all animals possess and combine it with the highest damage attack any
one animal possesses.
A number of health levels equal to the highest amount any one animal has along with an
extra 2x -1 and 2x -2 health levels.
A number of initiative tracks equal to the combined fused animals. Meaning a Wolf-River
Dragon hybrid would have two initiative tracks, while a Wolf-Great Cat-River Dragon
hybrid would have 3. If an initiative track is crashed, than no attacks can be made with
that track nor can any initiative damage be accepted by that track until the initiative crash
ends. This continues to at least one initiative track is left, which in this case it functions
normally until the other tracks recover. Damage between the tracks cannot be spread
out, it must be all or nothing.
With a difficulty 4 INT+LORE roll (Difficulty 3 if they have a speciality on animals) then a
character knows that its possible to shut down some initiative tracks earlier than natural
death, usually as some form of crippling or cutting off one of many heads. After crashing
one of the initiative tracks, characters may attempt to perform a gambit with a difficulty of
(1+tracks remaining). If successful the initiative track is closed off. This may repeat until
only two initiative tracks are left, which in that case the creature needs to be dealt with
Given powers by the demon lords themselves, such individuals are often blessed or gifted with
large degrees of power, or at least large enough that the Yozi’s still let them have any remaining
free will remaining. These individuals are able to slip through courts and other social arenas,
bedazzling people with captivating beauty and rending apart anyone who attempts to physically
cross them.
Infernal template characters gain the following bonuses:
Add an additional -0, -1, and -2 health level.
Add +2 Strength and +2 Intelligence to the character
Add +1 Resolve and +1 Guile
The character’s voice seems naturally beguiling to characters. Add three dice to any
social influence action.
The characters become sorcerers, if they weren’t already.
In normal form the Appearance score of the target increases by +1 (or to 3 if their
appearance was 1 or hideous before).
Infernal characters may activate Devil Trigger mode, gaining one or more demonic traits
for the duration of the Trigger, turning their appearance hideous, an active essence pool,
and possibly demonic charms from a first circle demon.
Shadow creatures are minions from the powerful Raksha Lord known as the Lord of Darkness.
Sending Shadow Creatures out in the world as a precursor to a full fledged invasion in order to
generate more fear before a proper invasion force. Shadow Creatures are incredibly difficult, if
not straight up impossible for mundane forces to beat, even unprepared supernatural forces can
be caught off guard. Exalted however always have the tools to beat them.
Only animals may possess the shadow template, the only humanoids who do are the Raksha
who serve the Lord of Shadows himself.
All Shadow creatures appear to be a pitch black copy of the creature it's supposed to
replicate with pure white eyes or markings for eyes.
Shadow Creatures can see perfectly even in pitch black conditions.
All Shadow Creatures gain a stealth pool of 6 dice (if it already has this, increase the
rating by +2). Additionally they do not suffer the -3 stealth penalty for moving while in
The Shadow Creature’s body is amorphous, capable of laying itself flat as a pancake on
a floor or squeezing through a keyhole. They are not true shapeshifters however, and
will always assume the form they are supposed to be (EX: A Shadow Great Cat will
never turn into a Shadow Wolf)
Any attack that is incapable of striking immaterial targets simply pass right through
Shadow creatures. This includes magical attacks. Any source of strong light however
renders them solid enough to be hit with any attack, and shadow beasts will tend to
instinctively destroy any light source strong enough to make them solid or avoid it. Anima
banners of the Exalted always count as a form of light regardless of what exalt they
come from, to at least out to short distance.
Daylight for shadow creatures is treated as if being inside of a lava bath.
The Skeleton template adds the following bonuses:
The creature counts as undead, if they weren’t already.
Add an additional -2 health level
The creature takes 3 less damage post soak from bladed weapons. Arrows do five less
post soak damage, to a minimum of 1. Smashing or blunt weapons however do an
additional +3 damage post soak.
EX-Mode: Bladed or sharp weapons do half damage instead.
Upon becoming incapacitated, the unit may make one last withering attack before
becoming incapacitated without wound penalties.
Creatures with the Wood template are filled with the vitality of life itself, able to heal most
wounds within a matter of seconds while multiplying like weeds.
So long as they are not incapacitated, then each time creatures begin their turn they
immediately turn three lethal levels of damage into bashing. If no lethal levels remain,
than bashing levels of damage are recovered instead. There are situations which where
the character cannot heal damage however:
If the character is in an area where no vegetation exists, then they cannot
regenerate. In a sandy desert no, in an oasis yes.
If the character does not have their feet rest on the ground, then the regeneration
will not function.
Any damage that comes from fire or ‘undead’ energies cannot be regenerated.
EX-Mode: Heal 3 levels of lethal or bashing damage per turn.
Bark skin grants the character Thick Hide 2 mutation.
The character becomes immune to any ‘natural’ toxin. Supernatural poisons or toxins
add three automatic successes to resist, which unless they’re based in the Underworld.
Gain the Garda Bird Template “Born of Flame”, except instead of fire they resist wood
based hazards and attacks, including attacks made from wooden weapons (like most
arrows [unless they’re on fire])
Any Fire or attack with ‘deathly’ energy (Such as soulsteel weapons) do double 9s on all
damage rolls.
You know, like that thing that you remove from your body, only this ones don’t nearly hurt as
much if you put them into your game!
So when I buff enemies can give new types of enemies, it only makes sense I give new charms
to use these mechanics right?
Well if we’re going to have brand new enemy types, we should have new charm
mechanics that go along with them right?
Cost: 2m; Mins: Archery 2 Essence 1; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Withering-Only
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite charms: Wise Arrow
The Solar’s bullet flies fast and true, the armour of his enemies incapable of standing against his
wrath. This charms adds +2 to the raw damage of a withering attack and allows the Solar to
treat his weapon as if it had the piercing tag if it didn’t already. If a weapon already has the
piercing tag than the wielder need not sacrifice a point of defense or initiative to use it.
Cost: 5m; Mins: Archery 3 Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Withering-Only
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite charms: Nova Shell Ordinance
The solars righteous wrath fills the shaft of his arrow, heart of his bullet, or the energy of his
blaster bolt, unleashing it as it sails towards the opponent glowing a bright cherry red. This
charm may only be invoked after aiming at a target. The Solar adds an additional (Perception or
3, whichever is higher) damage post soak to the target based on the threshold successes (So if
you had two threshold successes, you’d add two raw damage and two post soak damage with
this charm).
If the Solar knows Fiery Arrow Technique, than this charm may be repurchased to have an
additional effect against creatures of darkness. The Solar may pay 1m per threshold success in
order to turn those dice into automatic successes. At Essence +5 this applies to people who are
anathema to the solar or his beliefs.
At Essence +3, this charm may be used without needing to aim.
Cost: 3m; Mins: Archery 2 Essence 1; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Withering-Only
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite charms: Wise Arrow
The Solar Gunslinger’s eye is flawless as it judges its mark in the distance, zeroing in the
distance before making an expert shot. When making an aim action, the Solar may pay 3m to
add the the amount of aim dice she gained to the raw damage of the attack. At Essence +2 the
Solar may use this charm at medium or long range, allowing her to add the damage bonus post
soak instead.
Cost: 2m; Mins: Archery 4 Essence 1; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite charms: Heaven’s Eye Marksmanship
Dead-end shoot!
The solars eyes are ever watchful and attentive, for when her bowstring is let loose on one
target she already has the second in her sights. This charm may be activated after a Solar
makes an Archery attack that incapacitates one or more targets that she had an aiming action
on prior. The Solar may reflexively take an aiming action against any new target of her
Cost: -; Mins: Archery 5 Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite charms: Heaven’s Eye Marksmanship
Set ‘em up, knock ‘em down.
With her experienced hands, the Solar gunslinger mows down elites just like tin cans. Every
time the Solar incapacitates an opponent she gains a influx of (3 or Essence, whichever is
greater) which must be spent on Archery charms before the end of her next turn before they
vanish. At Essence +3, the Solar may gain an additional +3 motes on top of what she normally
gains, gaining an additional mote for every additional opponent incapacitated during her round.
This encourages the playstyle of Archery Nova attacks, after dispatching an opponent or a large
group of them, you gain additional motes to spend on archery charms of your choosing. The
gain is potentially rare, but has a big enough drawback so it can’t be done constantly (I figure).
Cost: 5m 1WP; Mins: Archery 4 Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: None
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisite charms: Heaven’s Eye Marksmanship, Trance of Unhesitating Speed
The Solar’s wits and hands are just as quick as his aim, capable of bringing down lesser foes
with incredible ease as the Solar remains focused on more worthy targets. Upon activating this
charm the solar is allowed to reflexively attack one insignificant/normal opponent per turn.
These free attacks however may only reward the Solar up to his (Essence) in initiative from
withering attacks and halves the normal amount he’d gain from the initiative break bonus of
beating an opponent. Additionally, he suffers no offhand penalties for dual wielding any
weapons and may also wield a melee weapon in one hand and ranged weapon in the other
without suffering penalties on either of them.
Cost: 7m 1WP; Mins: Archery 5 Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Withering-Only
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite charms: Sundog Gunslinger Stance
“Let’s fly.”
The Solar comes a whirlwind of bullets coming out from every which direction, all while he
remains the calm in the center of the storm (Or goes “WOOHOO! LET’S ROCK BABY!”). Upon
activating this charm the Solar may make Dexterity + 1 separate withering attacks against
Strong or Insignificant opponents within medium range of her without needing an aim action.
Each attack has its damaged increased by 1 for each 10 that appears in the attack roll. The
solar may only gain up to (Her essence) in initiative from each enemy, but still gains any
damage from the initiative break bonus for beating an enemy. This charm may only be used
once per fight, but may be reset by making a decisive attack and building initiative back up to
Against Special opponent's this attack has a less greater effect. The damage against a Special
character is the Solar’s (Perception) which is unsoakable, but increases by 1 for each 10 in the
attack roll. The Solar does not gain the initiative lost by the enemy.
Cost: 7m 1WP; Mins: Archery 5 Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Decisive-Only
Duration: One Turn
Prerequisite charms: Accuracy Without Distance, Arrow Storm Technique
Killzone confirmed!
Taking a deep breath, the Solar Archery pulls back the string on her bow and prepares it to be
unleashed in an instant. The solar sets up a ‘killzone’, which is roughly a 90 degree arc in front
of him going out to medium range. Until the Solar’s next turn, anyone in this zone who does any
action other than make a stealth roll (including remain idle) are immediately subjected to a
decisive attack from the Solar which is resolved before any action the opponent attempts to
make. The damage for this attack is equal to half of her base initiative plus her Perception
score. The Solars initiative does not reset back to normal until the beginning of her next turn and
only if she’s made at least one successful attack. Those who remain idle behind any amount of
cover are safe from the Lawgivers wrath, but attempting to do any action will automatically
trigger the attack.
At Essence +4, the zone is extended to long range.
Hammer on Iron Technique
(AKA: Hokuto Hundred Crack Fist) is able to switch to a new
Strong target if it was used on a normal target originally.
Rampage-Berserker Attack
never counts normal opponents as powerful or impressive.
Cost: -; Mins: Melee 4 Essence 1; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Uniform
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite charms: Thunderclap Rush Attack
Having no time for lesser foes, the Lawgivers fists lash out at lesser foes with the speed and
power from those of terrible legends. Once per round the Solar is able to make a reflexive attack
against any Strong opponent within close range, up to a maximum number of times equal to the
Solar’s (Essence or Strength, whichever is higher) +1. These free attacks however may only
reward the Solar up to his (Essence) in initiative from withering attacks and halves the normal
amount he’d gain from the initiative break bonus of beating an opponent.
At Essence +2, incapacitating a Strong type opponent rewards one reflexive attack back. At
Essence +3, whenever the Solar depletes a Battle Group in size or manages to KO or crash a
Special opponent, the Solar regains two reflexive attacks.
One Weapon Two Blows
triggers on Strong opponents if the Solar manages to raise his
initiative higher than the Strong character’s with the attack.
Heaven Sword Flash
counts Strong opponents as “Minor” ones.
Solar Counterattack
may now make withering counterattacks against special
opponents, but the Solar only gain a maximum of (Essence) additional initiative from
these extra attacks and does not get any bonus (Crash or otherwise) for defeating an
Ready in Eight Directions
makes decisive attacks as normal and will only only lower the
Exalt’s initiative by an amount equal to the damage dealt on his next turn. If this would
be enough to send him lower than what his initiative resets at, then he uses that reset
I really want to see if I can do a Link sword twirl, maybe later.
Cost: 3m; Mins: Melee 2 Essence 1; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Uniform
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite charms: Excellent Strike
10 or 10000, all will be cleaved in twain before the Lawgiver’s blade. Whenever the Solars
manages to knock out an opponent or reduce a battle group in size, the Solar may activate this
charm to immediately make another attack against either a different opponent or the same
battlegroup. The Solar may only use this charm once per turn.
At Essence 2 the Solar may use this charm as many times as she wants to long as she meets
the condition to activate it, but only gains (Essence) initiative from a successful withering attack
against a Strong opponent. At Essence 3 the Solar may repurchase this charm so that any
activation after the first costs 0m.
As a point of clarification, slaying someone in the middle of a multiple action charm (Such as the
third out of fifth attack on Iron Whirlwind) means the solar must wait until that charm’s resolution
before activating Righteous Cleave
Mist Gathering Practice
may be used on withering attack rolls against normal
opponents, adding (Essence x2) additional damage post soak after aiming.
Cascade of Cutting Terror
counts normal opponents as insignificant opponents, which
means holy shit can it ever mow down the wheat!
Cost: -; Mins: Thrown 5 Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Withering-Only
Duration: Three actions
Prerequisite charms: Swarm-Culling Instinct
The knowledge that the Solar as defeated reinvigorates him, granting him resurgence in power.
Upon incapacitating a Strong or Special opponent the Solars withering attack rolls gain
(Essence or 3, whichever is higher) additional raw damage and doubles all 9s on their damage
roll. If the attack is a surprise attack or an ambush, and these damage die are added post soak.
This rush of adrenaline lasts for only three turns after defeating an opponent, and while the
duration can be reset it cannot stack (So beating three opponents in one turn does not give you
9 actions with this charm, only three).
Thrown is one of those abilities that rewards alpha striking really well, so I figure why not reward
that playstyle with a nice buff.
Cost: 2m; Mins: Thrown 3 Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Withering-Only
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite charms: Precision of the Striking Raptor
With a small application of Essence, the Solar is able to throw his weapon with far more force
than a mortal could ever hope to achieve. This charm increases the raw damage of a Thrown
attack in proportion to the distance from the target. A +4 dice damage bonus at close range, +3
at short, etc...
At Essence 3+, than the damage added is done post-soak instead if the target is in initiative
Thrown needs some sort of Withering damage boost. I stole it from an MA somewhat but it
seems fine.
Air Dragon’s Claw
Cost: 5sm 1WP
Keywords: None
Duration: Until dismissed
The Sorcerer transmutes his hands into a roiling thundercloud of a claw, electricity crackling up
and down his arm. Slashing with these claws uses the traits of a light artifact weapon with the
same traits as an unarmed attack, save that its damage tag is lethal rather than bashing. They
do not count as unarmed attacks for the purpose of martial arts, and also render the sorcerer’s
hands incapable of fine manipulation such as writing, wielding a weapon, or turning a doorknob.
Instead of being able to reconfigure their hands, this weapon comes with the Smashing (Air
Blasts) and Piercing (Only against mundane metallic armour) tags.
In addition, characters with an Essence pool gain access to the following powers when this spell
is active.
Static Discharge (1m, Simple, Uniform, the wielder becomes able to hurl bolts of
lightning using his Air Dragon Claws. These attacks have the same traits as a light
artifact thrown weapon, are aimed using [Dexterity or Intelligence + Occult] and have a
range of short [Or medium if attacking during a large thunderstorm] and ignore up to
[Essence] points of armour from mundane metallic armour. An Exalt ignores a higher of
[Essence or 3])
Lightning Bolt: (0m, simple, Decisive-Only, gathering all of the energy the wielder has
inside of their spell, they lash out with a spectacular display of power as a thunderbolt
rips loose from the caster's fingers or from the heavens to electrocute their foe. This
spell allows the user to make a decisive attack that is aimed with [Intelligence + Occult]
with [Higher of Occult or Intelligence] additional damage. If the user successfully hits the
target, than each target within close range of the one struck is immediately subject to an
unsoakable withering attack that deals [Intelligence] damage, with the same roll on the
decisive attack being compared to all targets within range, after which Air Dragon’s
Claw is terminated. The sorcerer gains no initiative from the secondary attacks)
Static Shock (3m, instant, uniform, whenever the user makes a successful attack that
does either more damage than the target’s stamina in withering damage or any amount
of decisive damage, than that target will act [Sorcerer’s Essence] ticks later as electricity
forces his body to convulse)
A sorcerer who knows Air Dragon’s Claws as her control spell may create and master
Evocations for the claws, which can only be used while this spell is active.
Distortion (Goal Number: 12):
Distorting the Air Dragon’s Claws causes the storm inside of them
to rage violently out of control, causing him to constantly convulse while being shocked
continuously. During this time the sorcerer can take no other actions other than wetting himself,
and to recover from the constant electricity raging through their body they need to succeed on
an extended (Stamina + Resistance) roll (difficulty: 2; interval: one round; goal number: 10).
Bonespike Graveyard
Cost: 15sm 1WP
Keywords: Decisive-Only, Perilous
Duration: Instant
Write in later:
Massive spike field in 90 degree arc as jagged bones erupt from the ground
Same damage as Obsidian Butterflies, only adds damage to purely mortal targets as
Terrain left behind counts as difficult terrain, needing two move brands to move through.
They’re even solid to dematerialized targets.
Knockback into this is considered lethal damage
Behold the area of lost hope! As you noticed I intended to have far more, but alas. Maybe in the
Owlbear, as ‘requested’ by Realmfighter
Hearth Cat, as shown in Realm Book
Arete Unit
Ryker from your game
All of the party characters
Give a few out, why not
Celestial Lions - Makes sense, they’re common as hell and they’re cool
EX-MODE: All mortals gain +2 dice on all rolls as assumed part of a stunt bonus.
Hags - Women who bartered with the Ocean Mothers for power. Unbelievable
ugly, fly on broomsticks, and shoot down bolts of lightning from their hands +
know sorcery.
Martial Artists - Humans who have tapped into their inner essence by their own
strength of willpower and are able to use martial arts. The ones who do this are
incredibly rare indeed.
X-COM Soldiers
Why not
As they increase in rank their health also increases
“Rippers” - Swarms of carnivorous flying reptiles that number in hundreds.
Individually very weak (Non-threat), but deadly in numbers. Located in the forest
of Halta mainly. Work suggestion is that a few in a nest scout, summon the
others, then feeding frenzy a town?
“Super Piranha's” - A wyld mutated prana that likes to eat meat, wood, meat,
metal, meat, ships, meat, exalts, and finally meat. Hyper aggressive and known
to be a big problem in the West, as the fish literally devour anything that is not
Berserk Blood Ape - A blood ape that is constantly in a state of rage. More
powerful than a normal Blood Ape and is able to whip up other blood apes in a
frenzy. Those who summon them often have five seconds to issue a command
before it runs off (Given their single minded tendency/nature, asking them to kill
something is generally the only real order you can give. Protection works but
hope nothing can be damaged in the area)
Imps - Brown skinned demons that attack by using pouncing, claws, can
climb walls. Females have hair. EX-Mode is where their skin becomes
darker, becoming a bit faster and their fireballs home in a bit, allowing
additional accuracy and further ranged sniping.
Pinkys - Big Bite attack, can also charge
DT: Gets an armoured mode
EX: Nightmare Pinky
Glutton - From Dante’s Inferno. Eats fucking everything, also makes good soil.
Octobrain - The Octobrains from Duke Nukem. Psi-blasts to try and disable
enemies before using melee attacks to kill them.
Psi-Blasts ignore armour outright?
Prinnies - Yup
Warlord - From Shadow Warrior, a large Ox-Headed demon that specializes in
leading troops. Attempting to make a battle group out of them results in poor drill
as all of them think they can be the better leader. Abilities include ranged melee
attacks, tether for battle control, enraging minions to go beserk and become
EX MODE: Devil Trigger for demons
Ifrit Bodyguard - An elite champion of the Ifrit warriors, capable of using Fire
Dragon’s claw to incinerate the opponent. Artifact tag on burning name.
Yuki-Onna: Snow woman, attempts to bring men in from the snow, yadda yadda.
In battle they fight using Ice armour and claws.
Lava Elemental - From Serious Sam. Speciality against highly mobile targets, if
attacking a target that has moved since last turn, add bonus to hit+damage
Shadow Creatures - From your Modern game
The Dire Goose - Just paste it in
Hounds of Autochton (They’re in Southern compass)
Use the MKX variants.
Special ability that increases magnitude in unit, due to the sheer
number of them.
Pack Tactics work in mass combat by having +1 automatic
success for each addition zerg related unit attacking the target
Archvile - From Doom 2
Dullahan - The Dullahan from Golden Sun
Djinn Storm - Name and all. AoE attack which hits all opponents within
close range from each other, but also deactivates any non-permanent
charms they have active. Characters must spend time to reactivate
abilities and thankfully they cost no motes or willpower to do so.
Night Mare - Undead horse with Pyre Flames, why not.
Serious Sam
Kleer - Kleer from Serious Sam. Pouncing attacks and ball and chain
Suicide Bomber -
Lost Souls - From Doom
Killing Floor enemies? Fleshpound/Scrake
Suicide bomber type enemies?
Additional Templates one can apply to enemies
Battle Beasts - Weapons increase to artifact quality up to a cap, gain
basic Alchemical charms
Gargantuan - Increase STR/STA, more movement speed, legendary size
Shadow Beasts - From your game, cannot be hit unless bathed in light.
Difficulty: Describe how hard the creature is here.
Suggested Type: Insignificant / Strong / Special
Essence: X Willpower: X Join Battle: X dice
Personal Motes:
Health Levels: -0/-1x2/-2x2/-4/Incap.
Sample Intimacies:
Speed Bonus:
Appearance X, Resolve X, Guile X
(Insert attack types/damages here)
Combat Movement:
Evasion: Parry:
Special Attacks
EX-Mode Abilities