Order of Prohibition Page 1
Order No. 2019-028
On this day, the matter of SUSANN NELSON, Greenville, Texas, (Nelson) was submitted
to me, Charles G. Cooper, Banking Commissioner of the State of Texas (Commissioner), for
consideration and action.
I. Findings of Fact
A. Jurisdiction
1. Nelson is a former employee of LegacyTexas Bank, Plano, Texas (Bank), a bank that is
chartered by the State of Texas.
2. The Texas Department of Banking (Department) is authorized to bring this enforcement
action pursuant to Texas Finance Code §35.003.
3. The Bank and Nelson are, and at all times pertinent to the allegations in this proceeding
were, subject to the provisions of the Texas Banking Act, Texas Finance Code Title 3,
Subtitle A.
B. General background
4. Nelson was employed at a Richardson, Texas branch of the Bank from 1999 to 2015. From
2006 until 2015, Nelson was the central vault manager.
5. In her position as central vault manager, Nelson maintained control over the amount of
cash in the Bank’s vault on a daily basis, including ordering cash from the Federal Reserve
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Bank and other financial institutions and documenting the receipt of cash into the Bank’s
books and records.
C. Misapplication and Embezzlement of Bank Funds
6. From at least as early as January 2010 until on or about February 10, 2015, Nelson used
her position at the Bank to embezzle a sum of money exceeding $1,000 and engaged in a
lapping scheme in which successive cash shipments received by the bank were misapplied
to prior cash shipments in order to hide the embezzlement.
D. False Entries
7. From at least as early as January 2010 until on or about February 10, 2015, in furtherance
of the lapping scheme described above, Nelson recorded the receipt of cash shipments from
the Federal Reserve Bank on specific dates, when in truth and fact as Nelson well knew,
the cash shipments had been received by the Bank on earlier dates.
II. Conclusions of law
8. The Commissioner has jurisdiction over Nelson and the subject matter of this proceeding
pursuant to Texas Finance Code §§35.002 and 35.003.
9. Nelson intentionally violated applicable law, in particular, 18 U.S.C. §656, through the
misapplication and embezzlement of funds, and 18 U.S.C. §1005, through the recording of
false entries, over a five-year period.
10. These violations of law constitute unsafe and unsound bank practices. Texas Finance Code
§§35.002(a)(2) and 35.003(a)(1)(A).
11. Nelson made, or caused to be made, false entries in the records of a financial institution.
Texas Finance Code §35.003(a)(1)(C).
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12. Nelson’s acts as described in the Findings of Fact caused the Bank to suffer financial loss.
Texas Finance Code §35.003(a)(2)(A).
13. Due to Nelson’s acts as described in the Findings of Fact, the interests of the depositors,
creditors, or shareholders of the Bank were or could have been prejudiced. Texas Finance
Code §35.003(a)(2)(B).
14. Nelson benefitted from the acts described in the Findings of Fact. Texas Finance Code
15. Nelson’s acts as described in the Findings of Fact were personally dishonest and taken with
continuing and willful disregard for the safety and soundness of the Bank. Texas Finance
Code §35.003(a)(3)(A) and (B).
16. The Commissioner has considered the matter and determines that, based upon bank
examination or other credible evidence, Nelson’s actions satisfy the statutory requirements
for the issuance of a Prohibition Order as set forth in Texas Finance Code §35.003. In
particular, the Commissioner determines that:
a. Nelson has intentionally committed or participated in violations of law or
regulations, unsafe or unsound practices, and/or breaches of fiduciary duty with
regard to the affairs of the Bank;
b. because of these actions by Nelson, the Bank has suffered or will probably suffer
financial loss or other damage and/or Nelson received financial gain or other benefit
by reason of the actions, or likely would have if the actions had not been discovered;
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c. such actions involve personal dishonesty on the part of Nelson or demonstrate
Nelson’s willful and/or continuing disregard for the safety and soundness of the
17. The Commissioner further determines that such violations of law or regulations, unsafe or
unsound practices, and/or breaches of fiduciary duty demonstrate Nelson’s unfitness to
serve as a director, officer, or employee of a state bank, state bank holding company, or
state trust company, among other positions to which this Prohibition Order applies, or to
directly or indirectly participate in any manner in the management of such entity.
Accordingly, the entry of this Prohibition Order appears to be necessary and in the best
interest of the public.
III. Order of Prohibition
It is, therefore, ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that, pursuant to Texas Finance
Code §§35.003 and 35.007, SUSANN NELSON may not:
1. serve as a director, officer, or employee of a state bank, holding company of a state bank,
or state trust company, or as a director, officer, or employee with financial responsibility
of any other entity chartered, registered, permitted, or licensed by the Banking
Commissioner under the laws of this state;
2. directly or indirectly participate in any manner in the management of such entity or in the
conduct of their affairs;
3. directly or indirectly vote for a director of such an entity; or
4. solicit, procure, transfer, attempt to transfer, vote, or attempt to vote any proxy, consent, or
authorization with respect to voting rights in such an entity.
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IV. Effective Date
This Order of Prohibition against SUSANN NELSON is effective twenty-one days after
mailing, unless Nelson requests a hearing in writing before that date. After taking effect, the Order
will be final, nonappealable, and of perpetual duration. The provisions of this Order will remain
effective and in force except in the event that, and until such time as, this Order shall have been
modified, terminated, suspended, or set aside in accordance with Texas Finance Code §35.0071.
It is so ORDERED.
Signed this13th day of September, 2019.
/s/ Charles G. Cooper
Charles G. Cooper
Banking Commissioner of the State of Texas
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This Order of Prohibition is served on SUSANN NELSON as follows: By first-class mail
and by certified mail, return receipt requested, sent on September 13, 2019, to:
Susann Nelson 56150-177
FMC Carswell
Federal Medical Center
P.O. Box 27137
Fort Worth, Texas 76127
CMRRR# 91 7199 9991 7031 6327 4591
/s/ Marcus Adams
Marcus Adams
Assistant General Counsel
Texas Department of Banking