Background & Overview
Overview and Background
What’s Been Accomplished
One of the most successful IT projects in Texas government history
Rolled out on budget and ahead of schedule
Texas is the largest mandatory e-filing system in the country, and possibly the world
Nearly flawless implementation with virtually no hiccups
Has the support of county court officials, the bar and private sector across 254
Texas counties
Become a model in other states (California, Indiana, Georgia)
Uptime is 99.95% - day, night, weekends and holidays - 24/7/365
Expected to handle 4.4 Million transactions in 2015
Saving more than 3 pallets of paper per week
Some Details
254 counties - Coordinated, trained and implemented with court staff in all TX
counties, including multiple offices in many counties. Thousands of court staff now
use it every day.
565 offices in total - Impacted all 14 Appellate Courts, the Court of Criminal Appeals,
the Supreme Court, 40 Justice of the Peace Precincts and every District and County
Clerk office in the state.
115,000+ Users - Registered and trained users from the bar & legal community
Promotes competition - The eFileTexas system was integrated with the systems of
11 - 3
party private companies (EFSPs) who can now offer their services who
compete to provide attorneys the best e-filing related services at the lowest price
(includes 3 high-volume filers with direct connection for automated processing).
9 months - The system was up and running within 9 months of contract signing
Mandatory in a year - Mandatory e-filing was live within a year in the 10 largest
counties in Texas.
Who Deserves Credit - This wasn’t Easy
Supreme Court Chief Justice Nathan Hecht - Showed leadership and commitment to
something many said couldn’t and shouldn’t be done.
The OCA - For carefully guiding the plan, providing clear direction to the county
courts in all 254 counties, and for guiding appropriate legislation
Texas Legislature - for supporting the initiative with the required legislation
County Clerks - For taking on the significant workload the transition required without
additional resources, for making adjustments to business processes, and for using
e-filing as a an opportunity to eliminate paper and make their courts more efficient.
Tyler Technologies - For implementing the technology and providing their expertise
in e-filing.
Why it Matters - The Benefits
Makes the court more efficient - allows them to eliminate paper from court processes
Saves more than 30 million pages of paper, per year - which if stacked would be
more than 30 times the height of the Texas capital
Quicker access to efiled documents
Increased efficiency for attorneys and litigants
Reduced printing and mailing costs
Reduced storage costs for clerks
Greater security of court documents in the event of disaster
More efficient use of court staff
Increased transparency and access to courts
Background & History
The objective for creating the eFileTexas.gov system was to provide an efficient, cost
effective and reliable platform for submitting and processing court documents
electronically. Attorneys needed a convenient way to interact with Texas courts without
coming to the clerk’s counter, and they needed to be able to do so 24/7/365. Courts
needed to improve efficiency and eliminate paper so they can provide citizens improved
access to the court system and reduce costs. Everyone, including citizens expects to be
able to interact with government entities the same way they interact with the private
sector – electronically, via the internet. eFileTexas.gov enabled this.
Benefits for Citizens, Attorneys and the Court System
Benefits for Citizens
eFileTexas.gov saves tax dollars by allowing courts throughout
the state to eliminate paper, and to run more efficiently. E-Filing shortens lines at clerk
counters, provides staff immediate access to information, so they can provide answers
faster and make better decisions. It also simplifies access to public record information.
Benefits for Attorneys
Attorneys and other filers avoid trips to the courthouse and waiting in line at the clerk’s
counter, and can file 24/7/365 from their desks. eFileTexas.gov improved
tracking and reporting of filings and is a free service as provided by eFileTXCourts.gov
(other than the standard court fees that would apply to paper documents). Specific
benefits of e-filing include:
Instant access to file stamped copies of filings
Online tracking and proof of delivery
Advanced search functionality that indexes, bookmarks and locates documents in
Allows users to send required preliminary and/or courtesy copies instantly at no
Easily generates an audit trail as well as provides logs and reports that represent a
firm’s filings, and sorts reports based on primary parties, date range and document
Accepts statutory court fee payments online and generates relevant financial reports
based upon case type, date range and primary parties
Provides optional status notifications by email for filings submitted, filings accepted,
filings rejected, service undeliverable, and/or filing submission failed
Accepts multiple documents in one electronic envelope, eliminates the need for
separate submissions for each pleading
Benefits for the Courts
E-filing makes courts more efficient, shortens wait times at counters, allows courts to
redeploy staff to other tasks, reduces costs for paper, and frees up space used for
storing paper records. Electronic filing of documents creates a tipping point for the
courts to eliminate paper from the court system and become more efficient. It is a
tipping point because filing is the first step in the process for civil cases, and once
documents enter the system electronically it simplifies the task of using electronic case
files throughout the life of a case.
How The System Works
eFileTexas.gov is a system that accepts electronic documents from attorneys (as pdfs)
and other filers via Web portals, and securely distributes these documents to the
appropriate county or appellate court where they can be accepted into the case
management system of that court.
Historical Background
Beginning January 1, 2014 Texas became the most populous state in the country to
implement a mandatory electronic filing system for its courts.
In November of 2012 the Office of Court Administration (OCA) of the State of Texas
announced a plan for providing an e-filing system to be used across the state, and
identified Tyler Technologies as the system provider. In December 2012 the Supreme
Court announced that e-filing would become mandatory for civil matters in all county
and appellate courts, starting January 1
2014 in the 10 largest counties.
Within 9 months the eFileTexas system went live on a pilot basis when an attorney in
Gregg County filed the first document into eFileTexas in June 2013. In the fall of 2013
additional courts began using eFileTexas, and now 565 offices across 254 counties are
using the system. Volume has been increasing steadily and more than 115,000 users
have registered.
Schedule Timeline
December 2012 Texas Supreme Court Issued Mandatory order
June 2013 Gregg County District Court became the first court live on the new system
Fall 2013 Broad go lives across 60 courts
January 1 2014 Mandatory e-filing began for civil matters in the 10 largest counties as
well as appellate courts
July 1, 2014 – E-filing became mandatory in another 12 counties with populations greater
than 200,000
Jan 1, 2015 E-filing became mandatory in counties with populations greater than 100K
July 1, 2015 – E-filing became mandatory in counties with populations greater than 50K
Sept 15, 2015 - E-filing became available for all 254 Texas counties
Jan 1, 2016 E-filing becomes mandatory in counties with populations greater than 20K
July 1, 2016 – E-filing becomes mandatory in counties with populations less than 20K