2020 tea.texas.gov. Written by Stephanie Lerner, MS, CSC
Example Foundation Template
Cass Middle School CSCP Mission Statement
The mission of the Cass Middle School (CMS) Comprehensive Counseling Program is to support the
academic success, the post-secondary/career preparation, and the personal/social development of our
diverse student population using best practice school counseling strategies and a tiered approach to
meet the needs of all students. Together with our stakeholders, our tiered approach incorporates direct
and indirect services that ensures equity and access for every student in order to help them become
future leaders and contributors of a global society with 21st century skills.
Program Definition- below are the defining elements of our CSCP
Delivery- Campus school counselors deliver the comprehensive school counseling program with
support from administration and campus staff.
Competencies- To plan, implement, and evaluate the CSCP; to collaborate with and promote the
CSCP to our stakeholders.
Clients-Students are served through our campus with the possibility to expand to the families
and community, as needed and supported.
Organizational Elements-Elements that go into making our school counseling program organized
to help ensure that unnecessary elements are left out and needed elements are maintained are:
The master counseling yearly calendar
Following the 5
Edition TX Model for CSCP
Weekly schedules
Weekly PLC’s (professional learning community)
TX Model guidance lesson curriculum indicators/goals
Annual Agreement with Principal
District and CMS Counseling Handbook for systems and procedures
Research-based interventions such as Solution Focused Brief Counseling
Program Rationale
Below are the 6 statements that make up the rationale for our CSCP:
1. The importance of our school counseling program as an equal partner in the educational process
is to support students’ personal/social needs that must be met before students can achieve
academic success. Maslow before Blooms”
2. Students first need to acquire the intrapersonal/interpersonal competencies and the personal
health/safety competencies in order to feel healthy and motivated enough to achieve the post-
secondary education/career readiness competencies. Our students need to acquire post-
secondary education/career readiness competencies in order to become successful future
leaders and contributors of a global society.
2020 tea.texas.gov. Written by Stephanie Lerner, MS, CSC
3. The school counseling program will enable students to develop their full potential because our
mission is to help students become our future leaders and contributors of a global society.
4. The rationale for the SC program can be determined by reviewing assessment results. The
conclusions we can draw from our various CMS assessments are: high crisis numbers (1.2 crises
per day), more crises and discipline referrals in spring semester, number of failing classes
increased as year progressed, Feb/May/Apr and 6
graders had highest discipline referrals;
counselors spend a significant amount of time on system support.
5. The goals of our campus include safety and student academic success.
6. Current theories and professional trends of our school counseling program include Solution
Focused Brief Counseling.
Program Assumptions see completed checklists on pg. 56
Program Goals (highlighted) & Process
Needs Assessment Results- see Google Forms data; the most significant needs of staff/students in needs
assessments include:
Getting along with friends or others/ difficulty making friends
Teasing, bullying, sexting, cyberbullying
Dealing with change/new situations at home with family
Physical/ sexual abuse, neglect or domestic violence
Handling stress healthfully
Anger management
Destigmatizing mental illness
Study skills
Improving grades
We reviewed the following data points:
Group data
Yearly guidance reports
Staff evaluation
Staff/student needs assessments
Crisis numbers
Discipline referrals
Failure reports
We found the following patterns in our data:
All counselors are above the recommended TEA percentage of 10%-15% for system support
All counselors low on TEA percentage of 35%-40% for guidance curriculum but, this can be fixed
through data re-distribution and through hiring more school counselors
Out of 176 days we had more than one crisis per day
We had more crises in the spring semester than in the fall
Our group data indicated knowledge gained through pre/posttests
Discipline data showed highest refs in Apr, May, Feb and with 6
Academic data showed more failing classes as year progressed
Academically, 8
grade failed the most classes
grade had the highest number of discipline referrals
Staff evaluations patterns showed overall very high marks for school counseling program
2020 tea.texas.gov. Written by Stephanie Lerner, MS, CSC
We found the following areas of significance in our data points:
High crisis numbers (1.2 crises per day)
More crises and discipline referrals in the spring semester
Counselors spend a significant amount of time on system support
graders had the highest number discipline referrals
graders had the highest number of failing grades
The most significant needs identified in needs assessments were:
Getting along with friends or others/ difficulty making friends
Teasing, bullying, sexting, cyberbullying
Dealing with change/ new situations at home with family
Physical/ sexual abuse, neglect or domestic violence
Handling stress healthfully
Anger management
Destigmatizing mental illness
Advisory council input/insight to be incorporated into CSCP goals:
We will share 4 CSCP goals at first Leadership meeting to elicit revisions/additions
TBD through discussion of student concerns at weekly PLC meetings and monthly Leadership
Program Goals for the 2020-21 Year
#1. By May 2021, students in 6/7/8gr will decrease the number of failed classes by 10% from the
previous school year to the current school year. Source: CMS Failure Term Report from Skyward
#2. By May 2021, students in 6/7/8gr will decrease the number of discipline referrals by 10% from
previous school year to the current school year. Source: CMS Annual Discipline Report from Skyward
#3. By May 2021, students in 6/7/8gr will decrease the number of crisis incidents by 10% from the
previous school year to the current school year. Source: CMS Crisis Reports
CSCP Design Priorities
Clients- ranked by importance according to our goals (1 is most important):
1. Students
2. Parents
3. Teachers
4. Administrators
5. Others
Student Needs- ranked by importance according to our goals (1 is most important):
1. Prevention needs
2. Remediation needs
3. Crisis needs
Student Competencies- ranked by importance according to our goals (1 is most important):
1. Interpersonal Effectiveness
2. Intrapersonal Effectiveness
2020 tea.texas.gov. Written by Stephanie Lerner, MS, CSC
3. Personal Health and Safety
4. Post-Secondary Education and Career Readiness
School Counselor Competencies- ranked by importance according to our goals (1 is most important):
1. Program Management (plan/implement CSCP)
2. Advocacy
3. Guidance (theories, plan lessons, groups, involve others)
4. Professional Standards (ethics)
5. Professional Behavior (relationships, use of time)
6. Consultation
7. Coordination
8. Leadership
9. Counseling (interventions for students personal/social development, individual/group counseling)
10. Student Assessment
Counselor Time/Program Component- ranked by importance according to our goals (1 is most
1. Guidance curriculum 35-40%
2. Responsive Services 35-40%
3. System Support 10%
4. Individual Planning 15-25%
Example Program Design Template
Guidance Curriculum Services
1. Strategic Content Area-Intrapersonal Effectiveness
Needs Assessment Findings- Staff/students noted high need for strategies to handle stress healthfully
and manage anger.
Guidance Curriculum Lesson Topic/s- stress and anger management
SMART Goal/s-
By May 2021, students in 6/7/8gr will decrease the number of discipline referrals by 10% from
previous school year to the current school year.
By May 2021, students in 6/7/8gr will decrease the number of crisis incidents by 10% from the
previous school year to the current school year.
2. Strategic Content Area-Interpersonal Effectiveness
Needs Assessment Findings- Staff/students noted high need for strategies to better get along with/make
friends and to deal with change/new situations at home with family.
Guidance Curriculum Lesson Topic/ss- friendship, conflict resolution, family changes
SMART Goal/s-
By May 2021, students in 6/7/8gr will decrease the number of discipline referrals by 10% from
previous school year to the current school year.
3. Strategic Content Area-Personal Health & Safety
2020 tea.texas.gov. Written by Stephanie Lerner, MS, CSC
Needs Assessment Findings- Staff/students noted high need for strategies to handle: harmful behaviors
(bullying/sexting/cyberbullying) and abuse (physical/ sexual abuse/neglect/domestic violence) and
destigmatizing mental illness.
Guidance Curriculum Lesson Topic/s- child abuse prevention, destigmatizing mental illness, anti-bullying
SMART Goal/s-
By May 2021, students in 6/7/8gr will decrease the number of discipline referrals by 10% from
previous school year to the current school year.
By May 2021, students in 6/7/8gr will decrease the number of crisis incidents by 10% from the
previous school year to the current school year.
4. Strategic Content Area-Post Secondary Education and Career Readiness
Needs Assessment Findings- Staff/students noted high need for strategies to improve study skills and
academic achievement.
Guidance Curriculum Lesson Topic/s- success in school, organizational/study skills
By May 2021, students in 6/7/8gr will decrease the number of failed classes by 10% from the
previous school year to the current school year.
Campus Responsive Services
*All topics on page 91 are issues at CASS MS, so we picked the 3 top issues and grouped some others into them.
Identified Need #1- Failure of core classes
Preventative, Remedial, or Crisis- Preventative
Intervention/Plan of Action- Attend grade level team meetings to learn about student concerns from
Outcome/Follow- Meet with students mentioned in concerns.
Identified Need #2- Student stress and anxiety
Preventative, Remedial, or Crisis- Remedial
Intervention/Plan of Action- Stress management groups, healthy coping skills groups; all student support
groups will address stress and include a stress management mini-lesson.
Outcome/Follow- Group posttests to determine success of above intervention.
Identified Need #3- Student crisis outcries (“3 Hurts” emergencies)
Preventative, Remedial, or Crisis- Crisis
Intervention/Plan of Action- Create/apply CASS MS Crisis Protocol Steps.
Outcome/Follow- See protocol, meet with student to do a day-after-crisis-incident check in.
Individual Planning Priorities
Domain- Career
Goal- IIIAii. Students will take advantage of their educational opportunities: understand cost associated
with postsecondary education and that post-secondary education requires resources.
School Counselor Considerations- Conceptual Cube components of guidance curriculum, middle,
Advocacy- NA
Domain- Education
Goal/s- IIIDi. Student will demonstrate awareness that education and training is needed to achieve
career goals: assess/modify educational (6-year) plan to support career goals.
2020 tea.texas.gov. Written by Stephanie Lerner, MS, CSC
School Counselor Considerations- Conceptual Cube components of individual planning, middle,
postsecondary planning & readiness
Advocacy- Educate parents/guardians on importance of 6-year plans.
Domain- Personal
Goal/s- III3ii. Students will learn how to apply goal-setting in career: set and achieve some long and
short term goals.
School Counselor Considerations- Conceptual Cube components of individual planning, middle,
intrapersonal effectiveness
Advocacy- NA
System Support Tools
Monthly Calendar- see attached calendar at end of this CSCP.
Program Balance Chart/Weekly Schedule- see next page.
KEY for the following tools:
GC: Guidance Curriculum
RS: Responsive Services
IP: Individual Planning
SS: System Support
NCD: Non-counseling duty
2020 tea.texas.gov. Written by Stephanie Lerner, MS, CSC
Program Balance Chart/Weekly Schedule Example Template
Crisis Followup (RS)
Staff Referrals/SST
Crisis Followup
Staff Referrals/SST
Crisis Followup (RS)
Student Concerns
Student Concerns
Student Concerns
Student Concerns
Student Concerns
New Student
Scheduling/ Advising
Guidance Lessons
New Student
Advising (IP)
New Student
Advising (IP)
Weekly Counseling
Team Meeting (SS)
New Student
Scheduling/ Advising
Guidance Lessons
New Student
Advising (IP)
Group Counseling
New Student
Scheduling/ Advising
New Student
Scheduling/ Advising
Guidance Lessons
New Student
Advising (IP)
Group Counseling
New Student
Scheduling/ Advising
Guidance Lessons
Group Counseling
Guidance Lessons
Group Counseling
Guidance Lessons
Counselor Corner
during Student
Lunches (RS)
Group Counseling
Guidance Lessons
Counselor Corner
during Student
Lunches (RS)
Group Counseling
Guidance Lessons
Counselor Corner
during Student
Lunches (RS)
Group Counseling
Guidance Lessons
Group Counseling
In School
Conferences (RS)
Guidance Lessons
In School
Conferences (RS)
Group Counseling
In School
Conferences (RS)
New Student
Scheduling/ Advising
Guidance Lessons
New Student
Advising (IP)
Group Counseling
Weekly Principal-
Counselor Meeting
New Student
Scheduling/ Advising
Guidance Lessons
New Student
Advising (IP)
Group Counseling
Weekly Principal-
Counselor Meeting
New Student
Scheduling/ Advising
Guidance Lessons
New Student
Advising (IP)
Group Counseling
New Student
Scheduling/ Advising
Session Followup/
Recordkeeping (SS)
Session Followup/
Recordkeeping (SS)
Session Followup/
Session Followup/
Session Followup/
Recordkeeping (SS)
2020 tea.texas.gov. Written by Stephanie Lerner, MS, CSC
Counseling Department Monthly Calendar Example Template
This calendar is based on the following guidelines.
1. The Texas Model School Counseling Program Guide Components and Content Areas of:
Guidance Curriculum
Responsive services
Individual Planning
System Support
Content Areas
Interpersonal Effectiveness
Intrapersonal Effectiveness
Personal Health and Safety
Post-Secondary Planning and Career Readiness
2. The three program goals of the CMS Comprehensive School Counseling Program:
Program Goals for the 2020-21 Year
a. By May 2021, students in 6/7/8gr will decrease the number of failed classes by 10%
from previous year to current school year. Source: SMS Failure Term Report from
b. By May 2021, students in 6/7/8gr will decrease the number of discipline referrals by
10% from previous school year to current school year. Source: CMS Annual Discipline
Report from Skyward
b. By May 2021, students in 6/7/8gr will decrease the number of crisis incidents by 10%
from previous school year to current year. Source: CMS Crisis Reports
3. Campus Improvement Plan Goals:
Goal 1: Increase student success through expanded opportunities for all students with a
focus on college and career readiness.
Goal 2: Increase collaboration with stakeholders through consistent procedures,
practices, and communications.
Goal 3: Increase engagement of school community in addressing growth issues while
maintaining focus on the CMS Mission.
Goal 4: Maintain financial strength and stability while addressing needs and providing
appropriate resources.
Goal 5: Provide a safe and supportive learning environment.
2020 tea.texas.gov. Written by Stephanie Lerner, MS, CSC
2020 tea.texas.gov. Written by Stephanie Lerner, MS, CSC
2020 tea.texas.gov. Written by Stephanie Lerner, MS, CSC
2020 tea.texas.gov. Written by Stephanie Lerner, MS, CSC
2020 tea.texas.gov. Written by Stephanie Lerner, MS, CSC
2020 tea.texas.gov. Written by Stephanie Lerner, MS, CSC
GC: Guidance Curriculum
RS: Responsive Services
IP: Individual Planning
SS: System Support
NCD: Non-counseling duty