Making Home Affordable Data File
User Guide
Version 12.0
Effective July 2017
MHA Data File User Guide
Version 12.0, Effective July 2017
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Making Home Affordable Data File User Guide July 2017
In early 2009, President Obama announced the Making Home Affordable (MHA) Program to
help families restructure or refinance their mortgages to avoid foreclosure. As part of this plan,
the U.S. Department of the Treasury (Treasury) announced a national modification program for
mortgages, the Home Affordable Modification Program
). Under HAMP,
participating servicers apply a uniform loan modification process to provide a borrower with
sustainable monthly payments, which reduces the risk of default and possible foreclosure.
Subsequently, Treasury introduced additional programs under the MHA Program including the
Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives
Program (HAFA
), the Second Lien Modification
), Treasury FHA-HAMP and RD-HAMP. Furthermore, in January 2012,
Treasury announced enhancements to expand program eligibility to include an additional
evaluation or “Tier.” The additional modification evaluation is referred to as HAMP Tier 2,
while the existing HAMP modification is referred to as HAMP Tier 1.” In July 2015 Treasury
announced a “streamlinedloan modification process referred to as “Streamline HAMP”
designed to assist borrowers who meet basic HAMP eligibility criteria and, among others, those
who have not completed an application by the time their loan is 90 days delinquent.
This user guide provides an overview of the lifecycle of the HAMP modification process, the
HAFA process, the 2MP process and a presentation of data considerations when reviewing the
Making Home Affordable Data File (Data File). Additional information about MHA policies
and guidelines can be found at:
Purpose of this User Guide
This MHA Data File User Guide, used in conjunction with the MHA Data File Data Dictionary,
is a reference source that is intended to:
help interested constituents use and interpret the data provided in the Data File; and
describe data quality themes observed in the data.
Terms used but not defined in this User Guide shall be as defined in the Making Home
Affordable Program Handbook for Servicers of Non-GSE Mortgages, available at:
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Version 12.0, Effective July 2017
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Purpose of the MHA Data File
As part of Treasury’s continued commitment to enhanced reporting and transparency, the Data
File is made available to provide comprehensive data to researchers so that they may more fully
understand the impact of the program. Treasury compiled the Data File from information
provided by mortgage servicers participating in the program, while adhering to strict privacy
laws designed to protect homeowners’ privacy rights. The Data File is updated monthly and is
located online at:
While this data is meant for responsible public use by interested parties, Treasury does not intend
to provide validation of analysis to external parties.
This User Guide will be updated periodically as necessary. The most current available version is
located online at the above URL.
MHA Data File Construct and Publication
The Data File is available as a comma-separated value (“.csv”) file. The CSV format is
generally convertible into and readable by almost all spreadsheets and database management
The Data File consists of four data sets: the First Lien Loan Modification Data Set, the 2MP Data
Set, the HAFA Data Set and the Net Present Value (NPV) Data Set (each, a Data Set):
First Lien Loan Modification Data Set. Each record in this Data Set represents the
most current information, as reported by participating servicers to Fannie Mae as the
Program Administrator, on each modification of a first lien loan as it progresses through
the stages of the modification process. This Data Set includes requests for modification
that were not approved by servicers or not accepted by borrowers, trial modification
setups, trial modification fallout, permanent modification setups, and permanent
modification fallout. Also included in this data set are loans from other MHA programs
such as those government loans modified under Treasury FHA-HAMP or Rural Housing
Service Home Affordable Modification Program (RD-HAMP).
Second Lien Loan Modification (2MP) Data Set. Each record in this data set represents
the most current information, as reported by participating servicers to the Program
Administrator, on second lien loan modifications and both partial and full second lien
extinguishments. Trial data for 2MP modifications is not included as trial period plans are
not mandatory and only those loans that have become permanent are reported to the
Program Administrator.
HAFA Data Set. Each record in this data set represents the most current information, as
reported by participating servicers to the Program Administrator, on a Short Sale or
Deed-in-Lieu (DIL) as it progresses through the stages of the HAFA transaction.
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Included is data obtained at an agreement execution, property ownership transfer or
termination of the agreement.
NPV Data Set. Each record in this Data Set contains data inputs to, and results of, the
NPV test performed by participating servicers at the point in time that the first lien loan
was evaluated for the HAMP program. It is important to note that loans might not be
evaluated for an NPV analysis if the loan fails to qualify for the program because of other
reasons, such as an ineligible date of origination. While each record in the NPV Data Set
can be associated with a record in the First Lien Loan Modification Data Set, the
converse is not the case. For those servicers that use Treasurys NPV portal, the last run
on a related mortgage loan in the NPV portal is assumed to be the one used in the
evaluation. The NPV test is not part of the eligibility criteria for Streamline HAMP, 2MP,
Treasury FHA-HAMP and RD-HAMP. Therefore, NPV data is not reported to the
Program Administrator for these programs.
For the purposes of this disclosure, the First Lien Loan Modification Data Set, the 2MP Data Set,
the HAFA Data Set and the NPV Data Set are further segregated into files sorted based on
Property Region Codes (as defined below). An additional file is available for those loans which
do not have a value for Property Region Code as well as a consolidated file that encompasses all
of the data from the eleven region files.
File Limitations
Privacy Considerations
The collection and use of the data contained in these files is subject to Federal privacy protection
laws as well as restrictions in the MHA contracts with the servicers, which impact the overall
content of the Data File. Treasury performed extensive analysis on compliance with these
requirements, including the engagement of a third-party vendor to assist in the identification of
potential risks to program participant privacy rights. Certain data attributes, such as social
security number, borrower/co-borrower name and date of birth, have been excluded completely
from this disclosure, while others, such as geographic location and exact number values, have
been rounded or masked to protect individual participants.
Geographical Limitations
The Data File masks property location to protect homeowner privacy. Based on volume and
distribution of the modifications, the Data File limits geographic information to the related
Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) or, in circumstances where the property does not reside in
an MSA, or the property has not been geographically coded, the Data File provides the state code
instead of MSA. Due to privacy considerations, it is not possible to provide loan-level
information by zip code or Congressional district in this Data File.
Property Region Codes
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As previously referenced above, the First Lien Loan Modification Data Set, 2MP Data Set,
HAFA Data Set and NPV Data Set are segregated into files based on geographical regions
(Property Region Codes) as well as a combined region code file. Those codes are as follows:
Property Region Code:
Localities Included:
All Geographic Regions
East North Central
East South Central
Middle Atlantic
New England
South Atlantic
US National
West North Central
West South Central
No Geography
Includes those with no designated Property
Region Code.
Servicer Name Limitations
The mortgage servicer for each loan is not specified in the Data File. The terms of the contracts
with MHA-participating servicers, known as the servicer participation agreements (posted online
at the below URL), restrict disclosure of loan-level servicer information.
However, summary servicer performance information for the top servicers is provided in the
MHA Program Performance Report, posted at:
In addition, comprehensive MHA data (including information by servicer) is provided to
program oversight entities and certain regulatory agencies responsible for overseeing fair lending
Government Monitoring Information
Applicants and homeowners in the MHA program are requested, but not required, to provide
Government Monitoring Information (GMI) that is, race and ethnicity information as part of
obtaining a modification under the MHA program. However, many homeowners choose not to
provide GMI data.
Data Quality and Completeness Considerations
Treasury relies on participating servicers to report accurate and timely information on MHA
participants and activity. The information contained in these files is data as reported by
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servicers. There are various quality and completeness observations noted for the data contained
in these files given the staged rollout of the MHA program requirements.
Treasury and its Program Administrator have, from the program’s inception, worked to identify
data anomalies, with focus on the reporting of data elements used to calculate program financial
incentives. Beginning in the first quarter of 2010, strong data quality remediation efforts were
implemented that focused on data related to incentive payments for permanent modifications. As
part of this remediation effort, servicers were required to certify the data quality of the incentive-
related data for permanent modifications reported to the Program Administrator. Treasury and
its Program Administrator continue to work with servicers on data quality monitoring and
remediation activities. As the data quality efforts are ongoing through the life of the program,
issues may continue to be seen in the data. The most notable of those issues that may affect
analysis of this data are described in “Key Data Quality Themes in Appendix A.
Collection and Reporting Date Limitations
Treasury guidelines require servicers to report GMI, NPV, trial not accepted/not approved
(NANA) codes and trial fallout data only for evaluations, trials and modifications after
December 1, 2009. Consequently, a substantial portion of the entries in the MHA Data File do
not contain this data, particularly for modifications completed before December 1, 2009.
The aggregation of loan-level data provided in the Data File may not match exactly with data
provided by Treasury in its monthly MHA Program Performance Report or with other publicly
available information due to the differences in reporting requirements.
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Exhibit A The Life of a HAMP 1st Lien Modification
There are four major stages for 1
Lien Modifications as depicted below. Data availability and
quality vary through the stages of the loan modification process.
Data Quality Focus and Maturity Scale
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Pre-Trial Stage
For Tier 1 and Tier 2, a loan begins the Pre-Trial stage when a borrower requests a HAMP
modification from his or her servicer. The servicer collects several types of data from the
borrower to ensure the borrower and the loan meet basic HAMP eligibility criteria, then applies a
series of waterfall steps as necessary to reduce the borrower’s monthly mortgage payment to an
acceptable percentage of the borrower’s gross (pre-tax) income as defined in the Making Home
Affordable Program Handbook. For Streamline HAMP, a request is not required from the
borrower, however, the borrower must meet all eligibility criteria in accordance with the
servicer’s policy in order to receive a Streamline HAMP Offer.
For Tier 1 and Tier 2, a standardized NPV test is then used to analyze the cost/benefit of the loan
modification to the investor. If a borrower is determined to be ineligible for either tier or does
not accept the Trial Period Plan (TPP), servicers are required to report a NANA code to the
Program Administrator and send the borrower a Non-Approval Notice. In the case of Streamline
HAMP, a standardized NPV test is not applied at the individual borrower level and the servicer
is not required to report a NANA code if a borrower is determined to be ineligible for, or does
not accept, a Streamline HAMP offer. Changes in the borrower’s circumstances and/or other
considerations may elicit one or more subsequent evaluations of the borrower for HAMP, as
applicable, requiring continuous reporting updates to the loan information that reflect the latest
evaluation data.
Trial Fallout Stage
If a borrower fails to complete a TPP under HAMP, the participating servicer is required to
report the Trial Fallout Reason to the Program Administrator. It should be noted that the reasons
for trial failures that occurred prior to December 1, 2009 were reported only at the discretion of
the participating servicers. Those reason codes may not be available in the Data File. Appendix
B lists the potential reasons why a borrower may not complete a TPP.
Trial Period Plan Stage
Once a borrower is determined to be eligible, the servicer will offer a TPP. The homeowner
must make the modified monthly mortgage payments on time and in full, during the trial period
to demonstrate that the modified monthly payment will be sustainable.
Permanent Modification Stage
Once a borrower successfully completes a TPP and a permanent modification is established,
participating servicers are required to report permanent modification setup data to the Program
Administrator. The permanent modification setup reflects data after the final trial period
payment is applied.
Participating servicers begin reporting monthly payment activity in the month after the
permanent modification is effective. Servicers must continue to report payment activity for all
such loans on a monthly basis thereafter as long as the loan remains active under the Program.
The modification terms of the loan can change after the sixth anniversary of the 1
Trial Payment
Due Date as a result of a re-amortization or “recast” of a borrower’s unpaid principal balance.
The Data File reflects the original terms of the modification. The servicer or investor may
withdraw a modification due to a re-modification, a repurchase after the sixth anniversary of the
Trial Payment Due Date, or repurchase/involuntary transfer. In some instances in which a
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HAMP loan is part of a non-performing or re-performing loan sale, servicers have been
instructed to withdraw the modification with a reason code of Proprietary Remodification.
It should be noted that the current process for handling changes to investor data for 1st lien
permanent modifications includes a cancellation of the active permanent modification, or a re-
activation of the disqualified permanent modification, and a subsequent resubmission of the
permanent modification with the revised investor information.
Additionally, the current process for handling corrections in scenarios where a modification
record has been reported multiple times under different loan numbers or a Trial Period Plan was
not actually initiated, requires servicers to report a status of Trial Cancelled with a Trial Fallout
Reason of ‘18 – Submission Error Correction’ for the modification record.
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Exhibit B– The Life of a 2MP Loan
The Second Lien Modification Program (2MP) provides a borrower with a modified first lien an
option for modifying an eligible second lien loan.
There are four stages of a 2MP Modification as depicted below. Data availability and quality
vary through the stages of the loan modification process.
Data Quality Focus and Maturity Scale
What to Expect:
Active confirmation of permanent
modification related data
What to Expect:
Active confirmation that the second
lien is fully forgiven by the investor
What to Expect:
Standard process to change a reported
transaction is through cancellation and
What to Expect:
No data provided to Program
partial extinguishment;
or modification
extinguishes 2
lien loan
completed trial
plan; and
Borrower is not
three payments
Mod Paid Off
Borrower pays off 2
lien loan
Servicer identifies 2
lien loan
associated with 1
Borrower is three
payments behind on 2
lien loan
Associated 1
(Modification Stage)
(Permanent Modification)
2MP Cancelled
2MP extinguishment cancelled; or
2MP permanent mod cancelled
Borrower is not three
payments behind on
lien loan
1MP Match
Active Trial
Borrower approved
for trial;
Borrower accepts
trial plan offer; and
Borrower is making
trial plan payments
(Trial Period Plan)
2MP Start
2MP Cancellations Stage
Pre 2MP Mod Stage
Full Extinguishment
Option Stage
Permanent Modification Stage
Mod Not in
lien loan is re-modified
There is a transfer of servicing to a non-
participating entity
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Pre 2MP Modification
When a borrower’s first lien is modified, the 2MP servicer must offer to modify or extinguish the
corresponding eligible second lien. The terms of the first lien modification will be used to
determine the terms of the second lien 2MP modification.
2MP Cancellations
2MP servicers are required to report all 2MP cancellations using the appropriate reason code. It
should be noted that cancellations are also used as a means to correct data previously reported to
the Program Administrator. For loans requiring an update, a participating 2MP servicer must
cancel the existing loan and resubmit the transaction using the correct data.
It should be noted that cancellations were previously also used as a means to transfer the
servicing of 2MP modifications between servicers. However, as of August 2013, 2MP servicers
can use existing system servicing transfer functionality to perform servicing transfers versus
cancelling and resubmitting.
Full Extinguishment Option
As an alternative to modifying an eligible second lien, a 2MP servicer may elect to extinguish
the second lien. The extinguishment of the second lien may not become effective until the
modification of the first lien becomes effective. Subsequent activity on the first lien
modification will not impact a 2MP extinguishment that has been completed.
Full extinguishments must be reported in the month in which the full extinguishment is effective.
Permanent Modification
A 2MP permanent modification can become effective once the corresponding first lien
permanent modification is effective and once the borrower has made all 2MP trial period
payments, if required. 2MP servicers are required to follow the first lien modification steps to
modify the second lien.
When applicable, a servicer may also offer a partial extinguishment of additional principal as
part of the 2MP modification. This alternative can also be used instead of interest rate reduction.
Servicers are required to report 2MP permanent modification transactions the month in which the
2MP modification is effective. Participating servicers are required to report monthly payment
activity beginning in the first month after the 2MP permanent modification is effective. The
servicer or investor may withdraw a modification due to a re-modification.
Additionally, for instances where a 2MP modification was originally modified under a first lien
HAMP Tier 1 modification that lost good standing, was re-modified or withdrawn, the 2MP
modification is reinstated upon successful reporting of the first lien re-modification, if
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Exhibit C The Life of a HAFA
The HAFA Program provides eligible borrowers with the option of a short sale (SS) or a deed-in-
lieu (DIL) of foreclosure as alternatives to foreclosure. Borrowers that meet the eligibility
criteria for HAMP, but who are not offered a TPP, do not successfully complete a TPP, are in an
active permanent modification or defaulted on a permanent HAMP modification may be
evaluated for HAFA. HAMP eligible borrowers may also decline a HAMP modification and
pursue a HAFA transaction. There are three major stages in the HAFA process as depicted
below. Data availability and quality vary through the stages of the overall process.
Servicers participating in HAFA are required to report loan-level data at key milestones. Each of
these milestones constitutes a separate data transmission.
Borrower not approved for trial; or Borrower
did not accept trial plan offer
Request Not
Approved/ Not
Permanent Mod
SS Notice/DIL
Cancelled /
Trial Mod
SS Notice / DIL Agreement in effect
Borrower successfully completed trial plan;
and Borrower is not three payments behind
Permanent Mod
Not in Good
Borrower failed trial plan; or Borrower did
not complete trial plan period
Borrower is three payments behind
SS / DIL transaction complete
Borrower requests
foreclosure alternative
SS Notice / DIL agreement expired; or
SS Notice / DIL agreement terminated by borrower; or
SS Notice / DIL agreement cancelled by servicer
Exit from HAMP
(During Modification Stage)
(Permanent Modification)
(Trial Fallout)
SS Notice/DIL
Short Sale (SS) / Deed-in-Lieu (DIL) Notification Stage
What to Expect:
Active notification that SS or DIL is
being pursued
Transferred Stage
What to Expect:
Active confirmation that a SS or DIL
was completed
If an active permanent modification
exists, it is denoted as Paid Off to
enable HAFA transaction to be
Effective February 1, 2015 data
corrections may be submitted
subsequent to the closed transaction
Notice Expired/
Terminated Stage
What to Expect:
Standard process to change a
reported transaction is through
cancellation and resubmission prior to
February 1, 2015
Data Quality Focus and Maturity Scale
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Short Sale / Deed-in-Lieu Notification Stage
Servicers must report the loan-level notification data the month after a Short Sale Notice (SSN)
or a DIL Agreement is issued. The notification must be submitted before a HAFA loan setup
transaction can be processed.
Property Ownership Transferred Stage
A SS or DIL Loan Setup transaction is submitted to the Program Administrator the month after
the property ownership is successfully transferred through a SS or DIL. An active HAFA
Notification record with a matching HAMP Servicer Number and Servicer Loan Number must
Notice Expired / Agreement Terminated Stage
A HAFA Cancellation transaction is submitted in the month after the SSN or the DIL Agreement
expires or when the SSN or DIL Agreement is terminated by the servicer.
A cancellation submission must include the cancellation reason code. The list of Short Sale or
DIL Cancellation Reason Codes that servicers must use is detailed in the MHA Data File Data
Dictionary found in Appendix C.
It should be noted that the current process for handling a transfer of a HAFA transaction includes
a loan cancellation by the transferor and a resubmission of the notification by the transferee. This
could cause multiple instances of the same HAFA transaction appearing in the Data File.
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Appendix A – Key Data Quality Themes and Observations
Key Data Quality Themes and Observations
Throughout the course of the program, Treasury has undertaken several data initiatives to assess
and improve the quality of data reported by the servicers to the Program Administrator.
Participating servicers are required to maintain and report accurate records pertaining to MHA
activity. To ensure that this is the case, the Program Administrator works with servicers to
improve the quality of the existing reported data and additionally implements incremental
program edits to prevent further data issues from occurring. As a result, MHA program data is
continuously improving; however, data anomalies exist. These anomalies should be considered,
as they could limit the usability of the data and/or affect data interpretation.
Some common themes among those anomalies are described below. Additionally, Appendix C
includes details for the applicable attributes for each theme.
Theme 1: Inconsistent Data Formats Reported
Definition: As described in the Data Dictionary attached hereto as Appendix C, program
guidelines specify all percentages are to be reported as integer. Due to the various external
reporting systems and data entry methods, data are sometimes reported as decimals causing
inconsistent formats across the data.
Example: A Mark to Market LTV of 152% is reported as ‘1.52’, (decimal) instead of ‘152’,
Theme 2: Unreasonable Data Ranges
Definition: As described in the Data Dictionary and program guidelines, data reported are not
within a reasonable range when compared to values for other modification attributes or expected
guidelines. Outliers exist for some of the data elements identified in Appendix C.
Example: Amortization Term before Modification is less than the Remaining Term before
Theme 3: Misinterpretation of Data Requirements per Program Guidelines
Definition: Data reported are not in compliance with the existing attribute definition or the
expected timing of the data.
Association Dues/Fees before Modification is reported as an annual amount instead of a
monthly amount during loan setup.
Second lien modifications, which will have a step up after the five-year modification
term, have been reported as fixed rate in the system of record.
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Theme 4: Default Values Are Reported When Data Is Not Available or Not Properly Set
Up for Reporting.
Definition: As a result of program changes and/or construction and limitations of external
reporting systems, some data reporting may not be consistent with defined program
parameters. As a result, in certain circumstances data may be reported with default values in
order to allow activity to be entered into the system of record.
Example: Servicers may have implemented policy changes related to HAFA borrower
relocation assistance prior to the functionality being in place in the system of record. As a result,
reported transaction dates may be adjusted to align to the effective date of the system revision.
Theme 5: Data Inconsistencies When Compared Across Various Data Attributes or Data
Definition: There is a subset of data attributes across the data sets that, while similar in
definition, may vary due to timing of reporting or purpose of collection. Any comparison of
these cross data set attributes or use of cross data set attributes to perform recalculations of other
attributes may produce unexpected results due to the difference in timing or purpose of the
specific attributes.
Monthly Housing Expense before Modification = Principal and Interest Payment before
Modification + Escrow Payment before Modification + Association Dues/Fees; or
Principal and Interest before Modification from the NPV Data Set does not equal the
Principal and Interest Payment before Modification from the First Lien Loan
Modification Data Set.
First Lien Step Schedule data reported does not align with expected policy variables.
Examples such as the Interest Rate reported for the Final Step does not align with
Maximum Interest Rate After Modification.
Theme 6: Availability of Data
Definition: With the evolution of the program, changes in reporting requirements often occur.
Servicer implementation of new reporting requirements often lags adoption of policy changes.
In addition, not all changes to program requirements require retroactive reporting. As a result,
gaps may exist in modification data.
Refer to Appendix C for implementation specific conditionality.
Example: Trial Fallout Reason Code is blank for a cancelled trial modification with an effective
date of October 1, 2010.
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Appendix B:
MHA Reason Codes and Descriptions
HAMP Reason Codes
MHA Reason Code Description
HAMP Tier 1
Not Offered
Reason Code
Trial Not
Approved/ Not
Reason Code
Trial Fallout
Reason Code
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MHA Reason Code Description
HAMP Tier 1
Not Offered
Reason Code
Trial Not
Approved/ Not
Reason Code
Trial Fallout
Reason Code
1 Ineligible Mortgage
Loan is not eligible for modification under the MHA program because it does not meet one or
more of the following basic program eligibility criteria:
Mortgage loan must be a first lien mortgage loan originated on or before January 1,
Current unpaid principal balance (UPB) of the mortgage loan prior to capitalization
must be no greater than $729,750 for a one-unit property; $934,200 for a two-unit
property; $1,129,250 for a three-unit property; or $1,403,400 for a four-unit
Mortgage loan has been charged off and borrower released from liability for
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MHA Reason Code Description
HAMP Tier 1
Not Offered
Reason Code
Trial Not
Approved/ Not
Reason Code
Trial Fallout
Reason Code
2 Current DTI Less than 31%
Under HAMP Tier 1, borrower’s current monthly housing expense, which includes the
monthly principal and interest payment on their first lien mortgage loan plus property taxes,
hazard insurance and homeowner’s dues (if any) is less than or equal to 31% of their gross
monthly income (i.e. monthly income before taxes and other deductions).
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MHA Reason Code Description
HAMP Tier 1
Not Offered
Reason Code
Trial Not
Approved/ Not
Reason Code
Trial Fallout
Reason Code
3 Property Not Owner Occupied
Loan is not eligible for modification under HAMP Tier 1 because the property secured by the
mortgage loan is not occupied by the borrower as their primary residence.
4 Other Ineligible Property -
Property Condemned, Property >
4 units
Loan is not eligible for modification under the MHA program because:
The property secured by the mortgage loan is vacant (Tier 1 only),
The property is condemned or uninhabitable, or
The property has more than four dwelling units.
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MHA Reason Code Description
HAMP Tier 1
Not Offered
Reason Code
Trial Not
Approved/ Not
Reason Code
Trial Fallout
Reason Code
5 Investor Guarantor Not
Loan cannot be modified under the MHA program because the investor of the subject
mortgage loan has not provided contractual authority to modify the loan; the private
mortgage insurance company insuring the subject mortgage loan has not approved the
modification; or the guarantor of the subject mortgage loan has not approved the
6 Court/Public Official Declined Loan is not eligible for modification under the MHA program because proposed modified
terms were not approved by a court or public official.
7 Negative NPV Loan is not eligible for modification under the MHA program because the result of the
standardized Net Present Value (NPV) test is “negative” and the investor has not authorized
different thresholds. The standardized NPV test compares the NPV result for a modification
to the NPV result for no modification. If the NPV result for no modification is greater than
NPV result for the modification scenario, the modification result is deemed “negative”.
8 Offer Not Accepted by Borrower /
Request Withdrawn
Borrower withdrew their modification request for consideration for either a Trial Period Plan
or HAMP Tier 1, Tier 2 or Streamline HAMP modification or did not accept either a Trial
Period Plan or a HAMP Tier 1, Tier 2 or Streamline HAMP modification offer. Failure of
borrower to make the first trial period payment in a timely manner is considered non-
acceptance of the Trial Period Plan.
Effective April 1, 2016, servicers should not use this code for borrowers who fail to sign the
permanent modification agreement, but should use MHA Reason Code 32, Modification
documents not returned by borrower.
9 Default Not Imminent - Default
Status Not Eligible
Loan is not eligible for modification under the MHA program because:
For HAMP Tier 1 or owner-occupied HAMP Tier 2: The subject loan is not
delinquent and default is not reasonably foreseeable.
For rental property considered under HAMP Tier 2: The borrower has not missed
two or more mortgage payments.
10 Property and/or Borrower Exceeds
Allowable number of HAMP
Loan is not eligible for modification under the MHA program because the subject loan,
borrower or co-borrower has received the maximum number of modifications permitted
under the Home Affordable Modification Program.
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MHA Reason Code Description
HAMP Tier 1
Not Offered
Reason Code
Trial Not
Approved/ Not
Reason Code
Trial Fallout
Reason Code
11 Loan Paid off Loan is not eligible for modification under the MHA program because the subject loan was
completely paid off and there is no longer a debt obligation.
12 Excessive Forbearance Loan is not eligible for modification under HAMP Tier 1 because the principal forbearance
required to achieve a payment of no more than 31% of the borrower's monthly income
resulted in a forbearance amount that exceeds program guidelines.
13 Request Incomplete Borrower requested a modification under the MHA program but did not provide the
documentation in a timely manner necessary for servicers to evaluate the borrower for
HAMP Tier 1 or Tier 2. Servicers are required to provide the borrower with a notice listing
all documents needed to complete the evaluation and dates by which the information must be
received. If the borrower fails to provide all required verification documentation by the date
provided, the servicer is unable to offer a modification.
Effective April 1, 2016, servicers should not use this code for borrowers who fail to sign the
permanent modification agreement, but should use MHA Reason Code 32, Modification
documents not returned by borrower.
14 Trial Plan Default Borrower accepted a Trial Period Plan under the MHA program but failed to make all the
trial period payments in accordance with the Trial Period Plan
18 Submission Error Correction
(incorrect transaction type)
A HAMP Trial or 2MP Modification was not initiated or a record already exists in the
HAMP Reporting System with the most current data for this loan.
19 Unemployment Forbearance Plan Borrower accepted a Trial Period Plan under the MHA Program however prior to receiving a
permanent modification has become unemployed and qualified for an unemployment
forbearance program.
20 Federally Declared Disaster Borrower accepted a Trial Period Plan under the MHA program however prior to receiving a
permanent modification has been affected by a Federally Declared Disaster that has qualified
them for a forbearance period.
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Version 12.0, as of July 2017
Page 21
MHA Reason Code Description
HAMP Tier 1
Not Offered
Reason Code
Trial Not
Approved/ Not
Reason Code
Trial Fallout
Reason Code
21 Application Discrepancy Borrower is in a HAMP Tier 1, Tier 2 or Streamline HAMP Trial Period Plan but there is a
discrepancy in documentation that requires additional documentation, and borrower has not
provided all the requested documentation to resolve the discrepancy. Trial Period Plan will
be terminated if required documents are not received by the date set by the servicer.
Borrower is under consideration for a HAMP Tier 1, Tier 2 or Streamline HAMP Trial
Period Plan, but there is a discrepancy in the provided documentation and additional
documentation is needed to complete the review of the loan. The request for modification
will be considered withdrawn if documentation is not received by the date set by the servicer.
23 Waiver Cancellations Servicer has been specifically granted permission to remove a loan from the HAMP
Reporting System.
24 Dodd Frank Certification Non-
Borrower did not meet the requirements of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and
Consumer Protection Act
25 Ineligible Borrower Borrower or a co-borrower own in excess of five single family properties exclusive of
principal residence or the borrower of the loan or owner of the property is not a natural
person, i.e., Corporation or LLC.
26 Ineligible Rental Property The property fails to satisfy the criteria of a rental property to receive a Home Affordable
Modification because the property is a second home, is rented on a seasonal basis and not
year-round, or the Rental Property Certification was not provided in the Request for
Mortgage Assistance.
27 Insufficient Monthly Payment
Principal and interest payment of a potential modification cannot be reduced by the minimum
standard defined for HAMP Tier 2 in the MHA Handbook.
28 Post-Modification DTI Outside
Acceptable Range
Proposed modified monthly payment, which includes a modified monthly principal and
interest payment on the first lien mortgage loan plus property taxes, hazard insurance
premiums and homeowners dues (if any), is not within eligibility guidelines defined for
HAMP Tier 2 in the MHA Handbook.
29 No Change in Circumstance Borrower did not accept the offer of a Trial Period Plan or Home Affordable Modification;
twelve months have not elapsed since borrower received a modification, and/or
circumstances have not changed. Or borrower circumstances have not changed since
previously being denied a Home Affordable Modification.
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Version 12.0, as of July 2017
Page 22
MHA Reason Code Description
HAMP Tier 1
Not Offered
Reason Code
Trial Not
Approved/ Not
Reason Code
Trial Fallout
Reason Code
30 Repurchase/Involuntary Transfer
The loan lost good standing or was paid off prior to the effective date of the
The loan was transferred to a transferee that is not currently a SPA servicer and
does not intend to become a AAA servicer.
30 Streamline HAMP Borrower was placed in a Streamline HAMP trial modification, subsequently submitted a
complete package for a Tier 1 or Tier 2 evaluation, but was not offered a Tier 1 or Tier 2
31 Other Permanent HAMP
HAMP Trial was cancelled due to the borrower being approved for another HAMP
32 Modification documents not
returned by borrower.
Borrower did not provide the required permanent modification documents in a timely manner
and has defaulted on the Trial Period Plan as a result.
33 Failure to meet Streamline HAMP
After acceptance of a Streamline HAMP Trial Period Plan offer, the borrower was not
eligible for a Streamline HAMP permanent modification due to failure of any term or
condition set forth in the Streamline HAMP Trial Period Plan or Streamline HAMP
FHA-HAMP and RD-HAMP Loan Modification Fallout Reason Codes
MHA Reason Code Description
1 Ineligible Mortgage Loan is not eligible for modification under the MHA program because it does not meet one or more of the following basic program eligibility criteria:
Mortgage loan must be a first lien mortgage loan originated on or before January 1, 2009.
Current unpaid principal balance (UPB) of the mortgage loan prior to capitalization must be no greater than $729,750 for a one-unit
property; $934,200 for a two-unit property; $1,129,250 for a three-unit property; or $1,403,400 for a four-unit property.
Mortgage loan has been charged off and borrower released from liability for repayment.
14 Trial Plan Default Borrower accepted a Trial Period Plan under the MHA program but failed to make all the trial period payments in accordance with the Trial Period
15 Data Correction Servicer cancelled the modification in order to correct data.
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Version 12.0, as of July 2017
Page 23
MHA Reason Code Description
16 Payor Request The payor, which may be Treasury, Fannie Mae, or Freddie Mac, requested the modification be cancelled.
17 Compliance Request MHA-Compliance requested the modification be cancelled.
18 Submission Error Correction
(Incorrect Transaction Type)
A HAMP Trial or 2MP Modification was not initiated or a record already exists in the HAMP Reporting System with the most current data for this
2MP Loan Modification Fallout Reason Codes
MHA Reason Code Description
1 Ineligible Mortgage
Automatically assigned by the HAMP Reporting System whenever the corresponding first lien modification is cancelled, resulting in the
cancellation of the 2MP modification.
Servicer has been granted permission from MHA to cancel the loan from the HAMP Reporting System.
15 Data Correction Servicer cancelled the modification in order to correct data.
16 Payor Request The payor, which may be Treasury, Fannie Mae, or Freddie Mac, requested the modification be cancelled.
17 Compliance Request MHA-Compliance requested the modification be cancelled.
18 Submission Error Correction
(Incorrect Transaction Type)
A HAMP Trial or 2MP Modification was not initiated or a record already exists in the HAMP Reporting System with the most current data for this
Short Sale or Deed-in-Lieu Cancellation Reason Codes
MHA Reason Code Description
1 Agreement Expiration The amount of time allowed for execution of the SS or DIL agreement has ended.
2 Agreement Termination The SS or DIL agreement was terminated because the terms of the SS or DIL agreement were not adhered to.
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Version 12.0, as of July 2017
Page 24
3 Notification Cancellation Servicer cancelled the SS or DIL notification because it was submitted in error or a correction was needed.
4 Loan Setup Cancellation Servicer cancelled the SS or DIL payment request because it was submitted in error or a correction was needed.
5 Servicing Transfer of HAMP Loan Servicer cancelled the SS or DIL setup because the related HAMP Modification is in the process of being transferred to another servicer.
6 Payment of HAMP Loan Property is not eligible for a SS or DIL under the MHA Program because the subject loan was completely paid off and there is no longer a debt
7 Other Servicer cancelled the SS or DIL for a reason not of a type previously described.
MHA Data File User Guide
Version 12.0, as of July 2017
Page 25
Appendix C:
MHA Data File Data Dictionary
A data dictionary in a separate Excel workbook is provided for each data set (1
Modification Data Set, 2
Lien Modification Data Set, HAFA Data Set and NPV Data Set).
Data elements in the dictionary are listed in order of the Order in File. Each data dictionary
contains the following information:
Ref ID - A unique reference identifier for the data element.
Order in File - Indicates the order in which the data element appears in the file.
Name of Data Point - The name of the data element as used in the file.
Business Name - The business name of the data element.
Description - The definition or business description of the data element.
Data Model Entity - Identifies the entity in the MHA Program Data Model with which
the data element is associated.
Calculation / Derivation - Identifies any formula / calculation associated with the data
Source - Indicates whether the data is reported by the servicer or generated by the
Data Type - Identifies the format in which the data is provided and the character limit.
For numeric data, the decimal precision is also specified.
Allowable Values - Identified valid enumerations or data ranges, when applicable.
Conditionality - Describes the condition under which data is available:
o M = Mandatory. Data is always provided for each record in the file.
o CR = Conditionally Required. Data is provided under the specified condition(s).
Data Quality Theme - Identifies key data quality themes for the data element. Refer to
the Government Data File User Guide Appendix A for more detailed descriptions of each
data quality theme.
Data Quality Observations - Identifies key data observations as the data element relates
to the Data Quality Theme, mentioned above.
MHA Data File User Guide
Version 12.0, as of July 2017
Page 26
Key Technical Specifications
The table below lists key technical specifications for the 1
Lien Modification Data Set, the 2
Lien Modification Data Set, the Home Affordability Foreclosure Alternative Data Set, and the
NPV Data Set of the MHA Data File (Data File).
Modification Data
Lien Modification
Data Set
Home Affordability
Foreclosure Alternative
(HAFA) Data Set
Net Present Value
(NPV) Data Set
File Name:
is the reporting date
and $RegionCd =
Property Region Code.
($RegionCd = 99,
when Property Region
Code is unknown).
where YYYYMMDD is
the reporting date and
$RegionCd = Property
Region Code.
($RegionCd = 99, when
Property Region Code is
YYYMMDD.csv, where
reporting date and
$RegionCd = Property
Region Code. ($RegionCd
= 99, when Property
Region Code is unknown).
MDD, where
reporting date and
$RegionCd = Property
Region Code. ($RegionCd
= 99, when Property Region
Code is unknown).
File Character
Primary Key:
Financial Asset ID
Financial Asset ID
Scope of File
Program Inception through date of the file
File Structure
Comma-separated format (csv) with double-quotes around each field
If a data field has multiple values, e.g. Borrower Race Type Code , then the group of multiple values
will be bounded by [ ]. The values within the group are pipe delimited, i.e., separated by |
File Header:
First record is data file header record
Contains the data element names in a comma-separated format with double-quotes around each name
and listed in the same order as the data
File Footer:
N/A (no footer on file)
Making Home Affordable (MHA) Program Data Model
Exhibit D on page 23 depicts the Data File Data Model. Each data entity in the data model is a
logical grouping of related data elements in the Data File that represent a concept within the
MHA program. The primary or central data entity is 1
Lien Loan. Relationships between the
data entities may be mandatory or optional; data relationships where the cardinality is depicted as
[0:m] or [1:m] indicate repeating groups.
Data Entity Descriptions:
Lien ModificationRepresents a 1
lien modification that was evaluated under HAMP,
Treasury FHA-HAMP or RD-HAMP.
Lien Modification Status - Indicates the status of the 1st lien modification under HAMP,
Treasury FHA-HAMP or RD-HAMP. Includes the status of the last transaction submission
reported by the servicer (Submission Status) as well as the current 1st lien modification status
(Loan Modification Mode Code and Loan Status Code). Loan Modification Mode Code and
Loan Status Code must be inspected together to understand the current status of the 1
MHA Data File User Guide
Version 12.0, as of July 2017
Page 27
modification. The last transaction submission reported by the servicer (Submission Status) may
not be the same as the current status of the 1
lien modification (Loan Modification Mode Code
and Loan Status Code). Servicers report Permanent Cancellation Codes only on government
loans modified under Treasury FHA-HAMP and RD-HAMP.
Subject Property InformationRepresents the residential property securing the mortgage loan.
Lien Trial Modification Information – Information on the trial modification period under
HAMP, Treasury FHA-HAMP and RD-HAMP. If the trial period is underway or was
successfully completed, information on the date of the first trial payment received from the
borrower will be available. If the trial was cancelled by the servicer, trial payment data will not
be available. If the trial was not approved or was not accepted, reason codes will be available.
However, if the trial was cancelled by the servicer, reason codes may not be available.
Borrower Information - General information on the primary borrower. Does not include
identifying information, such as name or social security number.
Borrower Race Data - Information disclosed by the borrower.
Co-Borrower Information - General information on the co- borrower. Does not include
identifying information, such as name or social security number.
Co-Borrower Race Data Information disclosed by the co-borrower.
Lien Loan Characteristics Before Modification Describes key characteristics of the loan
before modification (Trial) under HAMP, Treasury FHA-HAMP or RD-HAMP.
Lien Loan Characteristics After ModificationDescribes key characteristics of the loan
after modification under HAMP, Treasury FHA-HAMP or RD-HAMP.
Step Rate Schedule Datathe rate schedule of the step rate product after modification of the 1
lien or 2
lien loan.
Lien Permanent Modification Payment InformationRepresents the most recent monthly
payment information reported by the servicer during the permanent modification. Does not
represent the full payment history of the permanent modification.
InvestorRepresents the owner of the 1
lien modification, 2
lien loan or short sale or deed-in-
MHA Program – Indicates the MHA program or campaign for which the 1st lien loan, 2
loan, or short sale or deed-in-lieu was evaluated was evaluated.
Lien Modification – Represents a 2nd lien loan that was modified or extinguished under
Lien Modification StatusIndicates the status of the 2
lien modification under 2MP.
Includes the status of the last transaction submission reported by the servicer (Submission Status)
as well as the current 2
lien modification status (Loan Modification Mode and Loan Status
Code). Loan Modification Mode Code and Loan Status Code must be inspected together to
understand the current status of the 2
lien modification. The last transaction submission
reported by the servicer (Submission Status) may not be the same as the current status of the 2
lien loan modification (Loan Modification Mode and Loan Status Code).
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Version 12.0, as of July 2017
Page 28
Lien Trial Modification InformationRepresents a 2nd lien loan that was modified or
extinguished 2MP.
Lien Loan Characteristics Before ModificationDescribes key characteristics of the 2
lien loan before modification or extinguishment under 2MP.
Lien Loan Characteristics After Modificationkey characteristics of the loan after
modification under 2MP.
Lien Permanent Modification Payment InformationDescribes key characteristics of the
loan after modification under 2MP.
Short Sale / Deed In Lieu Information – Information on the short sale or deed-in-lieu provided
to the borrower as an alternative to foreclosure on an eligible 1
lien modification under HAMP.
Short Sale / Deed In Lieu StatusIndicates the status of the short sale or deed-in-lieu. Includes
the status of the last transaction submission reported by the servicer (Submission Status) as well
as the current Short Sale/Deed In Lieu status (Loan Modification Mode Code and Loan Status
Code). Loan Modification Mode Code and Loan Status Code must be inspected together to
understand the current status of the Short Sale/Deed In Lieu. The last transaction submission
reported by the servicer (Submission Status) may not be the same as the current status of the
Short Sale/Deed In Lieu (Loan Modification Mode Code and Loan Status Code).
NPV Evaluation Information Describes key inputs to and results from the Net Present Value
(NPV) test that may have been performed on the 1
lien loan, with the exception of Streamline
HAMP, as part of the eligibility process at the point in time when the loan was first evaluated for
HAMP. Government loans evaluated under Treasury FHA-HAMP and RD-HAMP are not
subject to the NPV test. Due to the point-in-time nature of the data in the NPV data set, the data
in the NPV data set may not be consistent with more current data values reported in the 1
Loan Modification Data Set.
Alternative (PRA) NPV Evaluation Information - Describes key inputs to and results from the
Alternative (PRA) scenario of the Net Present Value (NPV) test that may have been performed on
the 1
lien loan, with the exception of Streamline HAMP, as part of the eligibility process at the
point in time when the loan was first evaluated for HAMP. Government loans evaluated under
Treasury FHA-HAMP and RD-HAMP are not subject to the NPV test. Due to the point-in-time
nature of the data in the NPV data set, the data in the NPV data set may not be consistent with
more current data values reported in the 1
Lien Loan Modification Data Set.
MHA Data File User Guide
Version 12.0, as of July 2017
Page 29
Exhibit D - MHA Program –Data File Data Model
HAFA Data Set
Lien Modification Data Set
NPV Data Set (
Lien Modification Data Set
1st Lien
st Lien Mod
MHA Program
NPV Evaluation Info
st Lien Trial Mod
Subject Property
Borrower Info
1st Lien Loan
Before Mod
may have reported [0:1]
has reported [1:1]
may have reported [
is associated with [
1st Lien
Permanent Mod
Payment Info
may have reported [0:1]
has reported [
may have reported [
1st Lien Loan
After Mod
may have reported
2nd Lien
Borrower Race
Step Rate
Schedule Data
modified loan product may have
may have reported [
may have reported [
mandatory relationship [cardinality]
optional relationship
Co-Borrower Info
Race Data
may have reported [0:m]
may have reported
Alternative (
NPV Evaluation Info
may use alternative (PRA) waterfall [0:1]
may also have [
2nd Lien Mod
MHA Program
2nd Lien
Permanent Mod
Payment Info
2nd Lien Loan
After Mod
2nd Lien Loan
Before Mod
has [1:1]
is associated with [1:1]
has [1:1]
may have reported [0:1]
may have reported
has [1:1]
may have reported [0
2nd Lien Trial
Mod Info
may have reported [0:
Step Rate
Schedule Data
modified loan product may have [
Subject Property
has reported [
Short Sale
/Deed In
Lieu Info
Subject Property
has reported [1:
Short Sale/Deed
In Lieu Status
has reported [1
MHA Program
is associated with
has reported