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A comfortable and elegant new way to enhance
your experience at Hale Centre Theatre…
· THE ·
S beginning in 2017 u
Hale Centre Theatre eagerly welcomes you and your guests to an exclusive
gathering featuring world-class theatre, a delicious dinner and an opportunity
to gain and strengthen important relationships.
Imagine driving into your reserved parking spot adjacent to the Founders
Club entrance. Enter a classy, private reception area. Be greeted by your host
who welcomes you and takes your coats. Enjoy a delicious buffet with other
Founders Club members. Just prior to the production be escorted to your
favorite seats.
At intermission, enjoy private restrooms and an opportunity to choose
the exact concessions you desire without waiting in line. At the end of the
show your coat will be returned to you with our best wishes.
We hope that as a Founders Club member your families and friendships
can grow closer and that your business and networking opportunities will be
enhanced. Join us for an unmatched theatre experience. We look forward to
seeing you in 2017.
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Gold Membership
Exclusive membership in the Founders Club for one year. The Founders Club in-
cludes 12 Founders Club season tickets, access to club room, dinner (provided on
designated dates), reserved parking, private restrooms and refreshments.
A complimentary theatre trip for two with HCT executives (destinations may include
New York, Los Angeles, Las Vegas or Chicago).
Invitations to exclusive donor appreciation events.
An allotment of 108 complimentary tickets, in addition to Founders Club tickets.
Priority seating is included, based on availability.
A VIP event for a party of up to 50 people. Light refreshments, concessions vouchers
and a guided backstage tour of the theatre are included. Tickets would be deducted
from allotment noted above.
Up to four complimentary room reservations based on availability.
Choose one:
» Advertising Package (below)
» Program Support (see pages 18 and 19)
Sponsor for one season
Electronic advertising throughout season on marquee adjacent to I-15
Name printed on tickets throughout season
Logo on Book of Plays and playbill covers throughout season
Logo on sponsor page in playbill for season of sponsorship
Spoken pre-show acknowledgement throughout season
Full-page advertisement in playbill throughout season
Commercial/ad/logo on in-house advertisements, website, and other marketing
material throughout season
Name mentioned on ‘on-hold’ messages throughout season
Acknowledgement inside of playbill donor section for 12 months
One-year commitment - $100,000
Two-year commitment - $94,000 per year, $188,000 total
Three-year commitment - $91,000 per year, $273,000 total
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Silver Membership
Exclusive membership in the Founders Club for one year. The Founders Club in-
cludes 8 Founders Club season tickets, access to club room, dinner (provided on
designated dates), reserved parking, private restrooms and refreshments.
A complimentary theatre trip for two with HCT executives (destinations may include
New York, Los Angeles, Las Vegas or Chicago).
Invitations to exclusive donor appreciation events.
Sixteen complimentary tickets (do not include Founders Club benefits)
A VIP event for a party of up to 16 people. Light refreshments, concessions vouchers
and a guided backstage tour of the theatre are included. Priority seating is included,
based on availability.
Up to three complimentary room reservations based on availability.
Choose one:
» Advertising Package (below)
» Program Support (see pages 18 and 19)
Sponsorship for two productions during season
Electronic advertising for sponsored productions on marquee adjacent to I-15
Logo on playbill cover for sponsored productions
Logo on sponsor page in playbill for season of sponsorship
Spoken pre-show acknowledgement for sponsored shows
Full-page advertisement in playbill for sponsored productions
Commercial/ad/logo on in-house advertisements, website, and other marketing
material for sponsored shows
Acknowledgement inside of playbill donor section for 12 months
One-year commitment - $40,000
Two-year commitment - $37,000 per year, $74,000 total
Three-year commitment - $35,500 per year, $106,500 total
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Bronze Membership
Exclusive membership in the Founders Club for one year. The Founders Club in-
cludes 8 Founders Club season tickets, access to club room, dinner (provided on
designated dates), reserved parking, private restrooms and refreshments.
An invitation for two to accompany HCT executives on a theatre trip (destinations
may include New York, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, or Chicago).
Sixteen complimentary tickets (do not include Founders Club benefits)
Invitations to exclusive donor appreciation events.
Up to two complimentary room reservations based on availability.
Choose one:
» Advertising Package (below)
» Program Support (see pages 18 and 19)
Logo on sponsor page in playbill for sponsored show
Full-page advertisement in playbill for sponsored show
Commercial/ad/logo on in-house advertisements, website, and other marketing
material for sponsored show
Acknowledgement inside of playbill donor section for 12 months
Spoken pre-show acknowledgement for sponsored shows
One-year commitment - $20,000
Two-year commitment - $18,000 per year, $36,000 total
Three-year commitment - $17,000 per year, $51,000 total
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Bronze Membership (Continued)
Exclusive membership in the Founders Club for one year. The Founders Club
includes 2 Founders Club season tickets, access to club room, dinner (provided
on designated dates), reserved parking, private restrooms and refreshments.
An invitation for two to accompany HCT executives on a theatre trip (destinations
may include New York, Los Angeles, Las Vegas or Chicago).
Invitations to exclusive donor appreciation events.
Four complimentary tickets (do not include Founders Club benefits)
Choose one:
» Advertising Package (below)
» Program Support (see pages 18 and 19)
Logo on sponsor page in playbill for sponsored show
Half-page advertisement in playbill for sponsored show
Logo on HCT website page for sponsored show
One-year commitment - $5,000
Two-year commitment - $4,500 per year, $9,000 total
Three-year commitment - $4,250 per year, $12,750 total
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Founders Club Sign-Up Periods
Priority Seating -Reserve seating prior to season ticket holders and general public
Sign up January 1 through March 31 for subsequent season
(ex: January 1-March 31, 2018 for 2019 season)
Best Available Seating
Sign up April 1 through December 31 for subsequent season
(ex: April 1-December 31, 2018 for 2019 season)
Current Season
Best available seating for current season, prorated, Bronze membership packages only
Founders Club Policies
Two week notice to exchange tickets in order to guarantee full Founders Club
benefits – dinners are first come, first served until full
All ticket exchanges must be made no later than 48 hours prior to performance time
One complimentary exchange per production, additional exchanges $8 per transaction
Additional tickets purchased at regular price exclude Founders Club benefits
No children under 5 or babes in arms admitted
No cancellations or refunds
Late-comers will be seated at the discretion of the management in alternate seats
Hales Angels Sign-Up Period
VIP event sign up allowed throughout the year, based on reception room and ticket
availability benefits – dinners are first come, first served until full
Season ticket sign up:
» Sign up January 1 through May 31 for current season, prorated tickets available,
pricing based on number of remaining shows in season
(ex: January 1-May 31, 2018 for 2018 season)
» Sign up June 1 through December 31 for subsequent season
(ex: June1-December 31, 2018 for 2019 season)
Hales Angels Policies
One month notice to exchange tickets for VIP events, $50 fee per exchange
48 hour notice to exchange season tickets, one complimentary exchange per
production, additional exchanges $8 per transaction
No children under 5 or babes in arms admitted
No cancellations or refunds
Late-comers will be seated at the discretion of the management in alternate seats
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Program Support
Choose one of the following programs to underwrite:
Access Theatre
Artisan Training
HCT Community
1. Access Theatre Education
Student Matinee Program – Each year 5,000 students from the Intermountain West attend
eight daytime performances of a production free of charge.
Summer Theatre Camps – Three two-week sessions are held every summer. Courses include
acting, singing, theater dance/movement, theater art, production, and special seminars.
Performing Arts Classes – Acting, singing and dancing classes are available throughout
the year.
Experience Theatre Live Tour – A 75-minute interactive “behind the scenes” tour of HCT
provided free of charge, with a 2-for-1 ticket voucher given to all participants.
Title underwriter ($100,000 giving level)
Name or logo included on education materials ($40,000 giving level)
Name or logo included on ETL ticket voucher ($40,000 giving level)
Invitation to Student Matinee performance ($20,000 giving level)
Invitation to a Summer Theatre Camp showcase ($10,000 giving level)
Invitation to attend an Experience Theatre Live Tour ($5,000 giving level)
Logo on hct.org education pages
Acknowledgement in playbill and receive HCT annual report
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2. Artisan Training Program
Professional Development – Provides production and design teams the opportunity to attend
industry conferences and training to further their knowledge, creativity and networking.
Master Classes – Quarterly courses for local artists focused on various topics within music,
dance and theater.
Title underwriter ($40,000 giving level)
Invitation to attend a producer preview rehearsal ($20,000 giving level)
Invitations to attend quarterly master classes ($10,000 giving level)
A post-show “meet and greet” with actors ($5,000 giving level)
Acknowledgement in playbill and receive HCT annual report
3. HCT Community Outreach
Ticket Outreach – Each year, Hale Centre Theatre donates a minimum of 6,000 tickets for
fundraisers, teacher recognition, military families, etc.
HCT Applauds – HCT honors a non-profit organization during each production with an ad in
the playbill and a VIP reception and tickets to the show for their board members and key staff.
KSL Teacher Feature – One pair of season tickets given to each recipient
Title underwriter ($100,000 giving level)
Name or logo included on outreach materials, including KSL Teacher Feature
($40,000 giving level)
Invitation to attend an HCT Applauds VIP night ($20,000 giving level)
Two season tickets donated to each HCT Applauds recipient in donor’s name
($10,000 giving level)
Name or logo on hct.org HCT Applauds page
Acknowledgement in playbill and receive HCT annual report