Guide to
2 For questions, call 1-888-675-1461 if you're in the US
Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver 03
Baggage Delay Insurance 06
Emergency Evacuation and Transportation 10
Emergency Medical and Dental Benet 14
Extended Warranty Protection 18
Lost Luggage Reimbursement 21
Purchase Protection 25
Return Protection 28
Roadside Assistance 30
Travel Accident Insurance 32
Travel and Emergency Assistance Services 38
Trip Cancellation/Interruption Insurance 40
Trip Delay Reimbursement 50
General Provisions and Denitions 52
Your Guide to Benets describes the benet that is in eect as of
08/15/2021. Information in this guide takes the place of any prior
benet and benet description you may have previously received.
Your eective date of eligibility is determined by Chase.
Please keep the guide with your account information for future
reference and call the Benet Administrator if you have any questions
before taking advantage of the benet.
Chase Sapphire Reserve 
Visa Innite 
Important Information
about your Travel & Purchase
Protection Benets
For questions, call 1-888-675-1461 if you're in the US
If you're outside of the US, call collect at 1-804-281-5772
Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver
The Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver benet provides
reimbursement for damages caused by theft or collision up to
seventy–ve thousand ($75,000.00) dollars. The Auto Rental
Collision Damage Waiver acts as primary coverage and covers theft,
damage, valid loss–of–use charges imposed and substantiated by
the auto rental company, administrative fees, and reasonable and
customary towing charges (due to a covered theft or damage) to the
nearest qualied repair facility. The Auto Rental Collision Damage
Waiver covers no other type of loss. For example, in the event of a
collision involving Your Rental Vehicle, damage to any other driver’s
car, the injury of anyone, or damage to anything is not covered. Rental
periods up to thirty–one (31) consecutive days are covered.
You are covered when Your name is embossed on an eligible card
issued in the United States, and You use Your credit card Account and/
or rewards programs associated with Your Account to initiate and
complete Your entire car rental transaction. Only You, as the primary
renter of the vehicle, and any additional drivers permitted by the
Rental Car Agreement are covered.
How Do You Use the Auto Rental Collision
Damage Waiver?
1. Use Your Account to initiate and complete Your entire
car rental transaction.
2. During this transaction, review the Rental Car Agreement and
decline the rental company’s collision damage waiver (CDW/LDW)
option or a similar provision. Accepting this coverage will cancel out
Your benet. If the rental company insists that You purchase their
insurance or collision damage waiver, call the Benet Administrator
for assistance.
This benet is in eect during the time the rental car is in Your (or an
authorized driver’s) control, and terminates when the rental company
reassumes control of their vehicle.
This benet is available in the United States and most foreign countries.
Coverage is not available where precluded by law, or where it’s in
violation of the territory terms of the auto rental agreement, or when
prohibited by individual merchants. If you have questions about where
coverage applies, contact the Benet Administrator before You travel.
What Vehicles Are Not Covered?
Certain vehicles are not covered by this benet, including: antique cars
(cars over twenty (20) years old or that have not been manufactured
for ten (10) years or more), cargo vans, vehicles with open cargo beds,
trucks, (other than pick–ups), motorcycles, mopeds, motorbikes,
limousines, and recreational vehicles and passenger vans with seating
for more than nine (9) people, including the driver (passenger vans
with seating for nine (9) or less, including the driver, are covered).
What’s Not Covered?
The Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver benet does not apply to:
Any obligation You assume under any agreement (other than the
deductible on Your personal auto policy)
Before driving out of the lot, check the rental car for any prior
damage and bring any damage You identify to the attention of the
rental car company
Wondering if coverage applies to a specic type of vehicle?
Contact the Benet Administrator.
If you're outside of the US, call collect at 1-804-281-5772
4 For questions, call 1-888-675-1461 if you're in the US
Any violation of the auto rental agreement or this benet
Injury of anyone, including you, or damage to anything, inside or
outside the Rental Vehicle
Loss or theft of personal belongings
Personal liability
Expenses assumed, waived or paid by the auto rental company
or its insurer
The cost of any insurance or collision damage waiver oered by or
purchased through the auto rental company
Depreciation of the Rental Vehicle caused by the incident
including, but not limited to, “diminished value”
Expenses reimbursable by Your insurer, employer,
or employer’s insurance
Theft or damage due to intentional acts or due to the driver(s)
being under the inuence of alcohol, intoxicants, or drugs,
or due to contraband, or illegal activities
Wear and tear, gradual deterioration, or mechanical breakdown
Items not installed by the original manufacturer
Damage due to o–road operation of the Rental Vehicle
Theft or damage due to hostility of any kind (including, but not
limited to, war, invasion, rebellion, insurrection, or terrorist activities)
Conscation by authorities
Vehicles that do not meet the denition of covered vehicles
Rental periods that either exceed or are intended to exceed
thirty–one (31) days
Leases and mini leases
Theft or damage resulting from the authorized driver’s and/or
cardholder’s lack of reasonable care in protecting the Rental Vehicle
before and/or after damage or theft occurs (for example, leaving the
car running and unattended)
Theft or damage reported more than one hundred (100) days* after
the date of the incident
Theft or damage for which a claim form has not been received within
one hundred twenty (120) days* from the date of the incident
Theft or damage for which all required documentation has not been
received within three hundred sixty–ve (365) days after the date of
the incident
Vehicles that are not rented from a Rental Agency
Damage to the interior bed of a pick–up truck unless such damage is
caused by or the result of a covered loss, such as theft or collision
Damage to a pick–up truck that is a result of loading or unloading
objects into the bed
Losses caused by or resulting from a Cyber Incident
*Not applicable to residents in certain states
How Do You File a Claim?
It is Your responsibility as a cardholder to make every eort to protect
Your Rental Vehicle from damage or theft. If You have an accident
or Your Rental Vehicle has been stolen, follow these steps to le
Your claim:
1. At the time of the theft or damage, or when You return the
Rental Vehicle, request the following documents from Your car
rental company:
If you're outside of the US, call collect at 1-804-281-5772
Copy of the accident report form
Copy of the initial and nal auto rental agreements
(front and back)
Copy of the repair estimate and itemized repair bill
Two (2) photographs of the damaged vehicle, if available
Police report, if obtainable
Copy of the demand letter indicating the costs You are responsible
for and any amounts that have been paid toward the claim
2. Call the Benet Administrator to report the theft or damage,
regardless of who is at fault and whether Your liability has been
established, as soon as possible but no later than one hundred
(100) days from the date of the incident. Any claim containing
charges that would not have been included if notication occurred
before the expenses were incurred may be declined, so it is
important to notify the Benet Administrator immediately after an
incident. Reporting to any other person will not fulll this obligation.
3. Submit the documents listed above along with the following
documents to the Benet Administrator:
Completed and signed Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver
claim form postmarked within one hundred twenty (120)
days* of the theft or damage date, even if all other required
documentation is not yet available, or Your claim may be denied
Credit card Account statement (showing the last four (4) digits of the
Account number) reecting the charge for the rental transaction
Any other documentation required by the Benet Administrator to
substantiate the claim
*Not applicable to residents in certain states
Filing online is faster: visit
Transference of Claims
After Your claim is paid, Your rights and remedies against any
party in regard to the theft or damage is transferred to the Benet
Administrator, to the extent of the cost of payment made to You. You
must give the Benet Administrator all assistance reasonably required
to secure all rights and remedies.
Account – Your credit card Account issued
by JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. and/or its aliates
Actual Cash Value – the amount a Rental Vehicle is determined to be
worth based on its market value, age and condition at the time of loss
Eligible Person a cardholder who pays for their auto rental by using
their eligible Account
Rental Agencya commercial rental company licensed under the
laws of the applicable jurisdiction and whose primary business is
renting automobiles
Rental Car Agreement – the entire contract an eligible renter receives
when renting a Rental Vehicle from a Rental Agency which describes
in full all of the terms and conditions of the rental, as well as the
responsibilities of all parties under the contract
All documents must be postmarked within three hundred sixty-ve
(365) days of the theft or damage date, or Your claim may be denied.
6 For questions, call 1-888-675-1461 if you're in the US
Baggage Delay Insurance
The Baggage Delay benet provides reimbursement for the emergency
purchase of essential items, such as toiletries, clothing, and chargers
for electronic devices (limit one per device), when Your Baggage
is delayed while on an eligible Trip. The maximum benet is one
hundred ($100.00) dollars per day up to a maximum of ve (5) days.
The Baggage Delay benet applies if Your Baggage is delayed or
misdirected for more than six (6) hours and for each additional
twenty–four (24) hour period Your baggage is delayed after the initial
six (6) hours for a maximum of ve (5) days.
The Cardholder and Immediate Family Members are covered when
the Cardholder’s name is embossed on an eligible card issued in the
United States, and the Cardholder charges all or a portion of the fare
to his or her credit card Account and/or Rewards programs associated
with the Account. Immediate Family Member means an individual
with any of the following relationships to the Cardholder: Spouse, and
parents thereof; sons and daughters, including adopted children and
stepchildren; parents, including stepparents; brothers and sisters;
grandparents and grandchildren; aunts or uncles; nieces or nephews;
and Domestic Partner and parents thereof, including Domestic
Partners and spouses of any individual of this denition. Immediate
Family Member also includes legal guardians or wards. Immediate
Family Members do not need to be traveling with the Cardholder for
benets to apply.
Benets begin on the Scheduled Departure Date and end on the
Scheduled Return Date. In the event the Scheduled Departure Date
and/or the Scheduled Return Date are delayed, or the point and time
of departure and/or point and time of return are changed because of
circumstances over which You nor the Travel Supplier have control,
the term of coverage will automatically adjust in accordance with
the change.
Rental Vehicle
a land motor vehicle with four or more wheels which
the eligible renter has rented for the period of time shown on the Rental
Car Agreement and is not identied as a non–covered vehicle herein
You or Your - the Eligible Person.
Please see the “Denitions Related to Cyber Incidents” in the General
Provisions and Denitions section at the end of this document for
additional denitions that apply to this benet.
Additional Provisions
This information is a brief description of the important features
of this insurance plan. It is not an insurance contract. Insurance
benets are underwritten by Indemnity Insurance Company of North
America (“Provider”). Coverage may not be available in all states or
certain terms may be dierent where required by state law.
No legal action for a claim may be brought against the Provider
until sixty (60) days after the Provider receives Proof of Loss.
No legal action against the Provider may be brought more than
three (3) years after the time for giving Proof of Loss. Further, no
legal action may be brought against the Provider unless all the terms
of the Guide to Benets have been complied with fully.
Please see “General Provisions and Denitions” section at the end of
this document.
If you're outside of the US, call collect at 1-804-281-5772
If the Cardholder charges multiple Common Carrier fares to his or
her Account for a Trip, each Covered Person is eligible to receive
the benet.
Please Pay Special Attention to These Conditions of
the Baggage Delay Benet:
Baggage Delay must be reported to the Travel Supplier to be eligible
for this benet.
Coverage will not be provided if the Cardholder’s Account is closed
before the Baggage Delay occurs. In no event will the Cardholder’s
cancellation of his or her Account invalidate or reduce any otherwise
valid claim that has already been submitted.
What’s Not Covered?
The Baggage Delay benet does not apply to:
Hearing aids
Articial teeth, dental bridges or prosthetic devices
Tickets, documents, money, securities, checks, travelers checks and
valuable papers
Business samples
Jewelry and watches
Cameras, video recorders and other electronic equipment
Recreational equipment
Any loss caused by or resulting from, directly or indirectly: War,
undeclared war, civil war, insurrection, rebellion, revolution, warlike
acts by a military force or personnel, any action taken in hindering
or defending against any of these, the destruction or seizure of
property for a military purpose, or any consequences of any of
these acts regardless of any other direct or indirect cause or event,
whether covered or not, contributing in any sequence to the loss;
War does not include terrorism
How Do You File a Claim?
Follow these steps to le Your claim:
1. Immediately notify the Common Carrier to begin the Common
Carrier’s claim process. You will need to provide proof that You
submitted a report to the Common Carrier, so be sure to keep a
copy of the report for Your records.
2. Call the Benet Administrator within twenty (20) days of the date
Your baggage was delayed or as soon as reasonably possible.
3. Answer a few questions, so the Benet Administrator can send You
the right claim forms and let You know what other documentation
is needed.
4. Return the completed and signed claim form and requested
documentation to the Benet Administrator within ninety (90) days
or as soon as reasonably possible (but no later than one (1) year
after the ninety (90) day deadline).
Filing online is faster: visit
Trips must occur while the insurance is in–force to be eligible
for this benet.
This benet is payable on an excess basis over and above any amount
due from any other valid or collectible insurance or any other form of
reimbursement payable by those responsible for the loss.
8 For questions, call 1-888-675-1461 if you're in the US
What Documents Will You Need to Provide?
The Benet Administrator will provide the details, but generally You
should be prepared to send:
Completed and signed claim form
Travel itinerary
Written conrmation of the Baggage Delay from the Common
Carrier or Cruise Line
Credit card Account statement (showing the last four (4) digits of the
Account number) reecting the charge for the Common Carrier or
Cruise Line fare
Copy of the settlement or denial from the Common Carrier or
Cruise Line
Copies of receipts for the purchase of essential items over
twenty–ve ($25.00) dollars
Any other documentation deemed necessary by the Benet
Administrator to substantiate the claim
Account – the Cardholder’s credit card Account issued by
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. and/or its aliates
Baggage – suitcases and the containers specically designated for
carrying personal property and the personal property contained therein
Baggage Delaya delay or misdirection of Your Baggage by a
Common Carrier for more than six (6) hours from the time You arrive
at the destination as shown on Your ticket
Cardholder – an individual to whom a credit card Account has been
issued by JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. and/or its aliates
Common Carrierany commercially licensed motorized land, water
or air Conveyance, operated by an organization organized and licensed
for the transportation of passengers for hire and operated by an
employee or an individual under contract; Common Carrier does not
include Cruise Lines
Company – Federal Insurance Company
Conveyance – any motorized craft, vehicle or mode of transportation
licensed or registered by a governmental authority with
competent jurisdiction
Covered Personthe Cardholder and the Cardholder’s Immediate
Family Members
Cruise Linea company that maintains a eet of cruise ships and
markets cruises to the public
Domestic Partnera person designated by You who is registered as
a Domestic Partner or legal equivalent under the laws of the governing
jurisdiction or who is at least eighteen (18) years of age and competent
to enter into a contract; is not related to You by blood; has exclusively
lived with You for at least twelve (12) consecutive months prior to
the date of enrollment; is not legally married or separated and as of
the date of enrollment has with You at least two (2) of the following
nancial arrangements: a joint mortgage or lease, a joint bank account,
joint title to or ownership of a motor vehicle or status as a joint lessee
on a motor vehicle lease or a joint credit card account with a nancial
institution; neither You nor the Domestic Partner can be married to,
nor in a civil union with, anyone else
Insured Personthe Cardholder
Recreational Equipmentany equipment that is used to engage in a
particular sport, hobby, game, excursion, or other recreational activity;
If you're outside of the US, call collect at 1-804-281-5772
and for which You have the requisite license or permit to own or
operate if a license or permit is required
Rewards – points, miles, cash Rewards, or any other type of
redeemable Rewards, as well as any redeposit fees charged
by a Rewards administrator, provided that all Rewards
have been accumulated by the Cardholder through use of
a JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. and/or its aliates sponsored
Rewards program
Scheduled Departure Date – the date on which You are originally
scheduled to leave on the Trip
Scheduled Return Date – the date on which You are originally
scheduled to return to the point of origin or to a dierent
nal destination
Spouse – Your husband or wife who is recognized as such by the laws
of the jurisdiction in which You reside; Spouse includes Domestic
Partners or Covered Persons joined by Civil Unions where applicable
by law
Travel Suppliera Cruise Line, or airline, or railroad or other
Common Carrier
Trip – travel booked through a Travel Supplier when some portion of
the fare for such transportation has been charged to the Cardholder’s
Account or has been paid for with redeemable Rewards that were
accumulated by the Cardholder from a Rewards program sponsored
by JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. and/or its aliates; Trip must occur
while the insurance is in–force
We, Us and Our – Federal Insurance Company
You or Your – the Covered Person
Additional Provisions
We have a right to examine under oath, as often as We may
reasonably require, You or Your authorized representative,
if applicable. We may also require You or Your authorized
representative, if applicable, to provide a signed description of the
circumstances surrounding the loss and Your interest in the loss. You
or Your authorized representative, if applicable, will also produce all
records and documents requested by Us and will permit Us to make
copies of such records or documents.
In the event of a claim under this policy, You or Your authorized
representative must fully cooperate with Us in Our handling of
the claim, including, but not limited to, the timely submission of
all reports that We may require. If We are sued in connection
with a claim under this policy, then You or Your authorized
representative must fully cooperate with Us in the handling of such
suit. JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A and/or its aliates or You must
not, except at your own expense, voluntarily make any payment
or assume any obligation in connection with any suit without Our
prior written consent.
No legal action for a claim may be brought against the Provider until
sixty (60) days after the Provider receives Proof of Loss. No legal
action against the Provider may be brought more than three (3)
years after the time for giving Proof of Loss. Further, no legal action
may be brought against the Provider unless all the terms of the
Guide to Benets have been complied with fully.
We will not use any statements, except fraudulent misstatements,
made by You to void the insurance or reduce benets payable under
this policy, or to otherwise contest the validity of this policy, unless
such statements are contained in a written document signed by You.
10 For questions, call 1-888-675-1461 if you're in the US
Emergency Evacuation and
The Emergency Evacuation and Transportation benet will cover
necessary emergency evacuation and transportation expenses up
to one hundred thousand ($100,000.00) dollars when You, Your
Spouse, and/or eligible children under age nineteen (19) [under the
age of twenty–six (26) if enrolled as a full–time student at an accredited
university] are injured or become ill while traveling, resulting in
emergency evacuation. You are eligible if Your name is embossed on
an eligible card issued in the United States, and You charge any portion
of Your Covered Trip to Your credit card Account and/or rewards
programs associated with Your Account. This benet also includes
Repatriation of Remains coverage.
Emergency evacuation can be provided if You are on a Covered Trip
and have a medical condition that warrants immediate transportation
from the place where You are injured or become ill to the nearest
Hospital where You can obtain appropriate medical treatment, or if
after being treated at a local Hospital Your medical condition warrants
transportation to Your Residence to obtain further medical treatment
or to recover, or in both of these circumstances.
What Expenses Are Covered Under the Emergency
Evacuation and Transportation Benet?
Covered expenses include transportation, medical services, and
medical supplies that are necessary in connection with Your
emergency evacuation. All transportation arrangements must be:
Recommended by the attending Physician; or
Required by the standard regulations of the conveyance transporting
You; and
Arranged and approved in advance by the Benet Administrator
in consultation with a legally licensed Physician who certied that
emergency evacuation is warranted due to the severity of the injury
or illness
Transportation includes any land, water, or air conveyance required
to transport You during an emergency evacuation. This transportation
includes, but is not limited to, commercial air, air ambulances, land
ambulances, and private motor vehicles.
For Emergency Transportation to Bedside:
If You are hospitalized for more than eight (8) days, the Benet
Administrator can arrange to bring a relative or friend to Your bedside
by paying the cost of any economy–class round trip ticket.
The evacuation must be pre–approved by the Benet Administrator
in consultation with a legally licensed Physician who certies that
emergency evacuation is warranted due to the severity of the injury
or sickness.
If We rely on such statements for this purpose, then We will provide
a copy of the written document to You, as appropriate.
This information is a brief description of the important features
of this insurance plan. It is not an insurance contract. Insurance
benets are underwritten by Federal Insurance Company. Coverage
may not be available in all states or certain terms may be dierent
where required by state law.
Please see “General Provisions and Denitions” section at the end of
this document.
If you're outside of the US, call collect at 1-804-281-5772
You are also eligible to receive reimbursement for the cost of an
economy airfare ticket if Your original ticket(s) cannot be used for Your
return ight. In addition, you are eligible to receive reimbursement
for the cost of an economy airfare ticket to return an accompanying
minor to his/her residence, when applicable. In exchange for this
service, any unused return ticket(s) must be turned over to the Benet
Administrator whenever possible or the Benet Administrator must be
reimbursed the amount equivalent to the value of the unused ticket(s).
For Repatriation of Remains:
If you die during the course of the Covered Trip, the Benet
Administrator will pay the reasonable covered expenses incurred up to
one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars to return Your body to Your home
country of Residence. Covered expenses include, but are not limited to,
expenses for embalming, cremation, a con, and transportation.
Please Pay Special Attention to These Conditions of the
Emergency Evacuation and Transportation Benet:
The duration of a Covered Trip cannot be less than ve (5) days or
more than sixty (60) days
The Covered Trip must be in excess of one hundred (100) miles
from the Eligible Person’s Residence. When a cardholder’s mailing
address is in the State of New York, this one hundred (100) or more
mile requirement does not apply pursuant to New York laws.
This benet does not apply to the extent that trade or economic
sanctions or other laws or regulations prohibit the provision of
insurance, including, but not limited to, the payment of claims.
What’s Not Covered?
The Emergency Evacuation and Transportation benet does not apply
to any expense:
Covered by another party at no cost to You or expenses already
included in the cost of the scheduled Trip on which the illness or
injury occurs
Which are non–emergency in nature
For services, supplies or charges rendered by a member of the
Eligible Person’s immediate Family
Not prescribed by or performed by or upon the direction of a
Hospital, Physician or Dentist
Not Medically Necessary as determined by the Company
Which are experimental/investigative in nature
For any illness or bodily injury which occurs in the course of
employment if benets or compensation is available, in whole or in
part, under the provisions of any legislation of any governmental
unit; this exclusion applies regardless of whether the Eligible Person
claims the benets or compensation or recovers losses from a
third party
To the extent benets are provided by any governmental agency or
unit (except Medicare)
For any illness or injury suered due to self–inicted harm,
pregnancy or childbirth; mental health care; alcoholism or substance
abuse; war; military duty; civil disorder; air travel except as a
passenger on a licensed aircraft operated by an airline or air charter
company; routine physical examinations; hearing aids; eyeglasses or
This benet is payable on an excess basis over and above any amount
due from any other valid or collectible insurance or any other form of
reimbursement payable by those responsible for the loss.
12 For questions, call 1-888-675-1461 if you're in the US
contact lenses; and routine dental care, including dentures and false
teeth; attempted suicide while sane; hernia, unless it results from a
covered accident; elective abortion; participation in a felonious act
or attempted threat; skydiving, scuba, skin or deep sea diving; hang
gliding; parachuting; and contests of speed
For which an Eligible Person would have no legal obligation to pay in
the absence of this or any similar coverage
For care received in Afghanistan, Burma, El Salvador, Iran, Iraq,
Kampuchea, Laos, Lebanon, Nicaragua, North Korea, Yemen,
Vietnam and any other countries which may be determined by the
U.S. Government from time to time to be unsafe for travel
For travel for the purpose of obtaining medical treatment
During trips less than ve (5) days or exceeding sixty (60) days
How Do You File a Claim?
Follow these steps to le Your claim:
1. Call the Benet Administrator immediately if you have an accident,
illness, or other type of loss.
2. Answer a few questions, so the Benets Administrator can send You
the right claim form, and let You know what other documentation is
needed to le a claim.
3. Return the completed and signed claim form and requested
documentation to the Benet Administrator within
one hundred eighty (180) days of the date of occurrence.
What Documents Will You Need to Provide?
Your Benet Administrator will provide the details, but generally You
should be prepared to send:
For Emergency Evacuation and Transportation:
Completed and signed claim form
Credit card statement (showing the last four (4) digits of the Account
number) reecting the charge for the Common Carrier ticket (or
the travel itinerary reecting the last four (4) digits of Your Account
number as payment method)
If more than one method of payment was used, documentation
linking a portion of the purchase back to the covered account
Statement from Your insurance carrier (and/or Your employer or
Your employer’s insurance carrier) showing any amounts they paid
towards the costs claimed
If You have no other applicable insurance or reimbursement, please
provide a statement to that eect
Copy of medical bills
Copy of transportation, medical services, and medical supply bills
incurred in connection with the emergency evacuation
Copy of physician’s statement describing the need for
emergency evacuation
Copy of the original unused return tickets or statement indicating
the value of the original unused return tickets
For Repatriation of Remains:
Completed and signed claim form
Credit card statement (showing the last four (4) digits of the Account
number) reecting the charge for the Common Carrier ticket (or
the travel itinerary reecting the last four (4) digits of Your Account
number as payment method)
If you're outside of the US, call collect at 1-804-281-5772
If more than one method of payment was used, documentation
linking a portion of the purchase back to the covered account
Copy of death certicate
Receipts for embalming, cremation, con, and transportation
Account – Your credit card Account issued by
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. and/or its aliates
Company – Indemnity Insurance Company of North America
Covered Triparrangements that are made by a commercial licensed
travel establishment consisting of travel agencies and/or common
carrier organizations for which the expense has been charged to an
Eligible account and for trips that are not less than ve (5) days and/or
do not exceed sixty (60) days
Eligible Persona cardholder, his/her spouse/domestic partner
and legally dependent children under age nineteen (19) [under
the age of twenty–six (26) if enrolled as a full–time student at an
accredited university]
Eligible Person’s Residence – the cardholder’s principal place of
residence as listed in Your card issuer’s le or address reected on
Your billing statement; the principal place of residence from the card
issuer’s records will take precedence over billing statement address in
determining the eligibility of coverage
Hospital – a facility that holds a valid license if it is required by the
law; operates primarily for the care and treatment of sick or injured
persons as inpatients; has a sta of one or more physicians available
at all times; provides twenty–four (24) hour nursing service and has
at least one registered professional nurse on duty or on call; has
organized diagnostic and surgical facilities, either on the premises or in
facilities available to the hospital on a pre–arranged basis; and is not,
except incidentally, a clinic, nursing home, rest home, or convalescent
home for the aged, or similar institution
“Medically Necessary” or “Medical Necessity”the services or
supplies provided by a Hospital, Physician or other provider that
are required to identify or treat an Eligible Person’s Illness or injury
and which, as determined by the Company, are: 1) indicated for the
symptom or diagnosis and treatment of the Eligible Person’s condition,
disease, ailment or injury, 2) appropriate with regard to standards
of good medical practice, 3) not solely for the convenience of an
Eligible Person, Physician or other provider, 4) the most appropriate
supply or level of service which can be safely provided to the Eligible
Person; when applied to the care of an inpatient, it further means
that the Eligible Person’s medical symptoms or condition requires
that the services cannot be safely provided to the Eligible Person
as an Outpatient
Physician – a licensed practitioner of the healing arts acting within the
scope of his/her license; the treating Physician may not be Yourself or
an immediate family member
You or Your – the Eligible Person
Additional Provisions
This information is a brief description of the important features
of this insurance plan. It is not an insurance contract. Insurance
benets are underwritten by Indemnity Insurance Company of North
America (“Provider”). Coverage may not be available in all states or
certain terms may be dierent where required by state law.
14 For questions, call 1-888-675-1461 if you're in the US
Emergency Medical and Dental
The Emergency Medical/Dental Coverage provides
reimbursement for Emergency Treatment if You become sick
or accidentally injured while traveling on a Covered Trip up to
two thousand ve hundred ($2,500.00) dollars and is subject
to a fty ($50.00) dollar Deductible. If You are hospitalized as a
result of a covered accident or sickness during Your Covered Trip,
and Your attending Physician determines that You should recover
in a hotel immediately after Your release from the Hospital before
returning home, You may be eligible for an additional benet of
seventy–ve ($75.00) dollars per day for up to a maximum of
ve (5) days towards the cost of a hotel room.
You are eligible if Your name is embossed on an eligible card issued
in the United States, and You charge all or a portion of a Covered Trip
to Your credit card Account and/or rewards programs associated
with Your Account. Eligible Person means You, Your spouse/domestic
partner and Your legally dependent children under age nineteen (19)
[under the age of twenty–six (26) if enrolled as a full–time student at an
accredited university].
What Medical Expenses Are Covered?
Your covered medical expenses for Emergency Treatment include
necessary services and supplies recommended by Your attending
Physician and received during the course of Your Covered Trip.
These include:
The services of a legally qualied Physician, surgeon, graduate nurse,
Dentist, or osteopath
Charges for Hospital connement and use of operating rooms
Charges for anesthetics (including administration), x–ray
examinations or treatments, and laboratory tests
Ambulance services
Drugs, medicines, and therapeutic services and supplies
Please Pay Special Attention to These
Conditions of the Emergency Evacuation
and Transportation Benet:
Your trip must be arranged by a travel agency
The Covered Trip must be at least one hundred (100) miles from
Your Residence. When a cardholder’s mailing address is in the State
of New York, this one hundred (100) or more mile requirement does
not apply pursuant to New York laws.
This benet is payable on an excess basis over and above any amount
due from any other valid or collectible insurance or any other form of
reimbursement payable by those responsible for the loss.
No legal action for a claim may be brought against the Provider
until sixty (60) days after the Provider receives Proof of Loss.
No legal action against the Provider may be brought more than
three (3) years after the time for giving Proof of Loss. Further, no
legal action may be brought against the Provider unless all the terms
of the Guide to Benets have been complied with fully.
Please see “General Provision and Denitions” section at the end of
this document.
FORM #EVAC 100K (02/19)
If you're outside of the US, call collect at 1-804-281-5772
What’s Not Covered?
Benets paid will not exceed Reasonable and Customary charges. In
addition, the Emergency Medical/Dental Coverage benet does not
apply to any expense resulting from:
Travel for the purpose of obtaining medical treatment
Non–emergency services, supplies or charges
Services, supplies, or charges rendered by a member of the Eligible
Person’s immediate family
Care not prescribed by or performed by or upon the direction of a
Hospital, Physician or Dentist
Care not Medically Necessary as determined by the
Benet Administrator
Care rendered by a provider other than a Hospital, Physician,
or Dentist
Care which is experimental/investigative in nature
Care for any illness or bodily injury that occurs in the course of
employment if You are eligible for benets or compensation in
whole or in part, under the provisions of any legislation of any
governmental unit (for example – workers compensation coverage);
This applies whether or not You claim or recover any benets
or compensation and whether or not You recover losses from
a third party
Payments to the extent benets are provided by any governmental
agency or unit (except Medicare)
Care received for which You would have no legal obligation to pay in
the absence of this or any similar benet
Care received in Afghanistan, Myanmar, El Salvador, Iran, Iraq,
Kampuchea, Laos, Lebanon, Nicaragua, North Korea, Vietnam,
Yemen, and any other country which may be determined by the U.S.
Government from time to time to be unsafe for travel
Care for any illness or injury suered due to:
Self–inicted harm
Attempted suicide
Mental health issues
Alcoholism or substance abuse
War; military duty; civil disorder
Air travel except as a passenger on a licensed aircraft operated by
an airline or air charter company
Routine physical examinations
Hearing aids; eyeglasses or contact lenses
Routine dental care, including dentures and false teeth
Hernia, unless it results from a covered accident
Elective abortion
Participation in or attempt at a felonious act
Skydiving, scuba, skin, or deep–sea diving
Hang gliding, parachuting, rock climbing and contests of speed
How Do You File a Claim?
Follow these steps to le Your claim:
1. Call the Benet Administrator within ninety (90) days of receiving
medical care while on a Covered Trip.
16 For questions, call 1-888-675-1461 if you're in the US
2. Answer a few questions, so the Benet Administrator can send You
the right claim forms and let You know what other documentation
is needed.
3. Return the completed and signed claim form and requested
documentation to the Benet Administrator within
one hundred eighty (180) days of the date of the covered event.
What Documents Will You Need to Provide?
The Benet Administrator will provide the details, but generally You
should be prepared to send:
Completed and signed claim form
Credit card statement (showing the last four (4) digits of the Account
number) reecting the charge for the Common Carrier ticket (unless
the travel itinerary reects the last four (4) digits of Your Account
number as payment method)
If more than one method of payment was used, please provide
documentation as to additional currency, voucher, rewards
programs or other payment method used
Statement from Your insurance carrier (and/or Your employer or
Your employer’s insurance carrier) showing any amounts they paid
towards the costs claimed
Copy of any other valid and collectible insurance or reimbursement
available to You, if applicable
If You have no other applicable insurance or reimbursement,
please provide a statement to that eect
Receipts for eligible medical/dental expenses
Any other documentation deemed necessary by the Benet
Administrator to substantiate the claim
Account – Your credit card Account issued by
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. and/or its aliates
Company – Indemnity Insurance Company of North America
Covered Triparrangements that are made by a commercial licensed
travel establishment consisting of travel agencies and/or common
carrier organizations, for which the expense has been charged to
Your eligible Account and/or rewards programs associated with Your
eligible Account, which is not travel for the purposes of obtaining
medical treatment
Deductible – a specied dollar amount that must be incurred by an
Eligible Person before the Company will assume any liability for all or
part of the remaining covered services; the Deductible applies to all
care rendered during any one Covered Trip
Dentist – a licensed Dentist
Eligible Persona cardholder, his/her spouse/domestic partner
and legally dependent children under age nineteen (19) [under
the age of twenty–six (26) if enrolled as a full–time student at an
accredited university]
Eligible Person’s Residence – the Cardholder’s principal place of
residence as listed in Your card issuer’s le or address reected on
Your billing statement; the principal place of residence from the card
issuer’s records will take precedence over billing statement address in
determining the eligibility of coverage
Emergency Treatmentthe services or supplies provided
by a Dentist, Hospital, Physician or other provider which are
If you're outside of the US, call collect at 1-804-281-5772
Medically Necessary to treat any injury, sickness or other covered
condition where the onset is sudden and unexpected, considered
life–threatening, and if left untreated, could deteriorate resulting in
serious and irreparable harm
Hospital – a facility that holds a valid license if it is required by the
law; operates primarily for the care and treatment of sick or injured
persons as inpatients; has a sta of one or more Physicians available
at all times; provides twenty–four (24) hour nursing service and has
at least one registered professional nurse on duty or on call; has
organized diagnostic and surgical facilities, either on the premises or in
facilities available to the Hospital on a pre–arranged basis; and is not,
except incidentally, a clinic, nursing home, rest home, or convalescent
home for the aged, or similar institution
Medically Necessarythe services or supplies provided by a
Hospital, Physician or other provider that are required to identify or
treat an Eligible Person’s illness or injury and which, as determined
by the Company, are: 1) indicated for the symptom or diagnosis and
treatment of the Eligible Person’s condition, disease, ailment or injury,
2) appropriate with regard to standards of good medical practice,
3) not solely for the convenience of an Eligible Person, Physician or
other provider, 4) the most appropriate supply or level of service which
can be safely provided to the Eligible Person; when applied to the care
of an inpatient, it further means that the Eligible Person’s medical
symptoms or condition requires that the services cannot be safely
provided to the Eligible Person as an Outpatient
Physician – a licensed practitioner of the healing arts acting within the
scope of his/her license; the treating Physician may not be Yourself or
an immediate family member
Reasonable and Customary Charges – charges commonly used by
providers of medical care in the locality in which care is furnished
You or Your – the Eligible Person
Additional Provisions
This information is a brief description of the important features
of this insurance plan. It is not an insurance contract. Insurance
benets are underwritten by Indemnity Insurance Company of
North America (“Provider”). Coverage may not be available in all
states or certain terms may be dierent where required by state law.
No legal action for a claim may be brought against the Provider
until sixty (60) days after the Provider receives Proof of Loss.
No legal action against the Provider may be brought more than
three (3) years after the time for giving Proof of Loss. Further, no
legal action may be brought against the Provider unless all the terms
of the Guide to Benets have been complied with fully.
Please see “General Provision and Denitions” section at the end of
this document.
18 For questions, call 1-888-675-1461 if you're in the US
Extended Warranty Protection
Extended Warranty Protection extends the time period of warranty
coverage by one (1) additional year on original eligible warranties
of three (3) years or less. Coverage is limited to the original
price of the purchased item (as shown on Your itemized sales
receipt), less shipping and handling fees, up to a maximum of
ten thousand ($10,000.00) dollars per claim and a maximum of
fty thousand ($50,000.00) dollars per Account. The benet applies
to purchases made both inside and outside the U.S. The eligible item
must have a valid original manufacturer’s U.S. repair warranty of three
(3) years or less, a store–purchased dealer warranty, or an assembler
warranty. Eligible items given as gifts can also be covered.
You are eligible for this benet when Your name is embossed on an
eligible card issued in the United States, and You charge all or a portion
of the cost of an eligible item to Your credit card Account and/or
rewards programs associated with Your Account.
How Do You Register a Purchase for
Warranty Registration?
When You purchase an eligible item that carries a manufacturer’s
warranty, You have the option to register Your purchase by calling the
Benet Administrator or by going online to register Your purchase at
The Benet Administrator will tell
You where to send copies of Your item’s sales receipt and warranty
information, so they can be kept on le should You need them. While
registration is not required for Extended Warranty Protection, You are
encouraged to consider registration to help You take full advantage of
Your warranties.
If You choose not to register Your item, be sure to keep Your Chase
credit card statement (showing the last four (4) digits of the Account
number) reecting the purchase, the itemized sales receipt, the
original manufacturer’s written U.S. warranty, and any other applicable
warranty You received or purchased when You bought Your item.
These documents will be required to verify Your claim.
How Does Extended Warranty Protection Work?
The Extended Warranty Protection benet extends a valid original
manufacturer’s U.S. repair warranty of three (3) years or less or a store-
provided or store-purchased dealer warranty by one (1) additional
year. Coverage is limited to 4 years for a three-year warranty. This
coverage begins at the end of any cumulative warranties, provided or
purchased, and provides 12 months coverage after those warranties
have expired. All coverage is secondary and only covers what would
have been covered under the original or store provided or store-
purchased warranty.
For example, a manufacturer’s warranty of three (3) months would
be provided with an additional twelve (12) months of coverage
for a combined total of fteen (15) months of coverage. If the
manufacturer’s warranty is for three (3) years, it would be extended
one (1) additional year for a combined total of four (4) years.
If You received or purchased any other applicable extended warranty
when You purchased Your item, this benet will be supplemental to
and in excess of that coverage.
If you're outside of the US, call collect at 1-804-281-5772
What’s Not Covered?
The Extended Warranty Protection benet does not cover the
following purchases:
Boats, automobiles, aircraft, and any other motorized vehicles and
their motors, equipment, or accessories, including trailers and other
items that can be towed by or attached to any motorized vehicle
Any costs other than those specically covered under the terms of
the original manufacturer’s written U.S. repair warranty, as supplied
by the original manufacturer or other eligible warranty
Items purchased for resale, professional, or commercial use
Rented or leased items
Computer software
Medical equipment
Used or pre–owned items (a refurbished item will be covered
as long as it has a warranty with it and would not be considered
used or pre–owned)
Losses caused by or resulting from a Cyber Incident
How Do You File a Claim?
Follow these steps to le Your claim:
1. Contact the Benet Administrator immediately after the failure
of Your covered item. Please note that if You do not notify
the Benet Administrator within ninety (90) days of product
failure, Your claim may be denied. Gift recipients of eligible items
are also covered, but they must provide all the documents needed
to substantiate their claim.
2. The Benet Administrator will ask You some preliminary questions,
direct You to the appropriate repair facility, and send You the
claim form.
3. Return the completed and signed claim form and requested
documentation to the Benet Administrator, and submit it within
one hundred twenty (120) days of the product failure along
with the required documents.
Filing online is faster: visit www.cardbene
What Documents Will You Need to Provide?
The Benet Administrator will provide the details, but generally You
should be prepared to send:
Completed and signed claim form
Chase credit card statement (showing the last four (4) digits of the
Account number) demonstrating that the purchase was made on
Your Account
If more than one method of payment was used, please provide
documentation as to additional currency, voucher, points, or any
other payment method utilized
Copy of the itemized sales receipt
Copy of the original manufacturer’s written U.S. warranty, and any
other applicable warranty
Description of the item, its serial number, and any other
documentation deemed necessary to substantiate Your claim (this
includes bills and, if necessary, a copy of the maintenance record
and receipts)
20 For questions, call 1-888-675-1461 if you're in the US
Original repair estimate or repair bill, indicating cause of failure
Any other documentation deemed necessary by the Benet
Administrator to substantiate the claim
How Will You Be Reimbursed?
If You have substantiated Your claim and met the terms and
conditions of the benet, Your item will be replaced or repaired at
the Benet Administrator’s discretion for no more than the original
purchase price of the covered item as recorded on Your credit
card receipt, less shipping and handling fees, up to a maximum
of ten thousand ($10,000.00) dollars per claim and a maximum
of fty thousand ($50,000.00) dollars per Account. You will be
reimbursed up to the amount charged to Your Account or the program
limit, whichever is less. Any purchases made using rewards points
associated with the Account are eligible for this benet, and You will
only be reimbursed up to the dollar amount to replace or repair the
item or the program limit, whichever is less.
If Your item is to be repaired, You may go to an authorized repair
facility and le a claim for reimbursement. Only valid and reasonable
repairs made at the manufacturer’s authorized repair facility
are covered.
In either case, the Benet Administrator’s payment, replacement, or
repair made in good faith will fulll the obligation under this benet.
Account – Your credit card Account issued by
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. and/or its aliates
Eligible Persona cardholder who pays for their purchase by using
their eligible Account and/or rewards programs associated with their
covered Account
You or Your – the Eligible Person. Please see the “Denitions Related
to Cyber Incidents” in the General Provisions and Denitions section
at the end of this document for additional denitions that apply to
this benet.
Additional Provisions
This information is a brief description of the important features
of this insurance plan. It is not an insurance contract. Insurance
benets are underwritten by Indemnity Insurance Company of
North America (“Provider”). Coverage may not be available in all
states or certain terms may be dierent where required by state law.
No legal action for a claim may be brought against the Provider
until sixty (60) days after the Provider receives Proof of Loss.
No legal action against the Provider may be brought more than
three (3) years after the time for giving Proof of Loss. Further, no
legal action may be brought against the Provider unless all the terms
of the Guide to Benets have been complied with fully.
Please see “General Provisions and Denitions” section at the end of
this document.
FORM #EWP CON 10K/50K/3YR (04/21)
If you're outside of the US, call collect at 1-804-281-5772
Lost Luggage Reimbursement
The Lost Luggage benet provides reimbursement for the dierence
between the actual cash value (replacement cost less depreciation) and
any reimbursement provided by the Common Carrier for the costs You
incur to repair or replace Your Checked Baggage, Carry–on Baggage,
and/or personal property contained within due to loss, damage, or
theft occurring during a Trip.
Your Checked and Carry–on Baggage each have a maximum benet
up to three thousand ($3,000.00) dollars per Covered Person per
Trip. Both include a sub–limit up to ve hundred ($500.00) dollars
for jewelry and watches and a sub–limit up to ve hundred ($500.00)
dollars for cameras and other electronic equipment per Covered
Person per Trip. The benet amounts for jewelry, watches, cameras,
video recorders, and other electronic equipment are part of and not in
addition to the maximum benet amount. Payment of these benet
amounts reduces and does not increase the maximum benet.
The Cardholder and Immediate Family Members are covered when
the Cardholder’s name is embossed on an eligible card issued in the
United States, and the Cardholder charges all or a portion of the fare
to his or her credit card Account and/or Rewards programs associated
with the Account. Immediate Family Member means an individual
with any of the following relationships to the Cardholder: Spouse, and
parents thereof; sons and daughters, including adopted children and
stepchildren; parents, including stepparents; brothers and sisters;
grandparents and grandchildren; aunts or uncles; nieces or nephews;
and Domestic Partner and parents thereof, including Domestic
Partners and spouses of any individual of this denition. Immediate
Family Member also includes legal guardians or wards. Immediate
Family Members do not need to be traveling with the Cardholder for
benets to apply.
Benets begin on the Trip’s Scheduled Departure Date and end on the
Scheduled Return Date. In the event the Scheduled Departure Date
and/or the Scheduled Return Date are delayed, or the point and time
of departure and/or point and time of return are changed because of
circumstances over which You nor the Travel Supplier have control, the
term of coverage shall be automatically adjusted in accordance with
this change. In order for benets to apply, the loss must occur during
the policy period.
If the Cardholder charges multiple Common Carrier fares to his or
her Account for a Trip, each Covered Person is eligible to receive
the benet.
Please Pay Special Attention to These Conditions of
the Lost Luggage Benet:
If Your Checked Baggage is lost, stolen, or damaged by the
Common Carrier or Cruise Line, the loss must be reported to the
Common Carrier or Cruise Line within the Common Carrier’s or
Cruise Line’s required timeframe for notication to be eligible for
this benet.
If Your Carry–On Baggage is lost, stolen, or damaged by the
Common Carrier or Cruise Line, it must be reported to the Common
Carrier or Cruise Line as soon as You exit the Conveyance.
This benet does not apply to any loss caused by or resulting from,
directly or indirectly: War, undeclared war, civil war, insurrection,
Items You inadvertently leave behind on the Common Carrier are not
considered lost or stolen.
22 For questions, call 1-888-675-1461 if you're in the US
rebellion, revolution, warlike acts by a military force or personnel,
any action taken in hindering or defending against any of these,
the destruction or seizure of property for a military purpose, or any
consequences of any of these acts regardless of any other direct or
indirect cause or event, whether covered or not, contributing in any
sequence to the loss. War does not include terrorism.
What’s Not Covered?
The Lost Luggage benet does not apply to loss or theft of
the following:
Items that have been removed from Carry–On Baggage by You and
inadvertently left behind on the Common Carrier or Cruise Line
Documents or valuable papers
Travelers’ checks
How Do You File a Claim?
Follow these steps to le Your claim:
1. Immediately notify the Common Carrier or Cruise Line to begin their
claims process. You will need to provide proof that You submitted a
report to the Common Carrier, so please keep a copy of the report
for Your records.
2. Call the Benet Administrator within twenty (20) days of the
date Your baggage was lost, damaged, or stolen or as soon as
reasonably possible.
3. The Benet Administrator will ask You a few questions, let You know
what other documentation is needed, and send You a claim form
within fteen (15) days.
4. Return the completed and signed claim form and requested
documentation to the Benet Administrator within
ninety (90) days.
Filing online is faster: visit
What Documents Will You Need to Provide?
The Benet Administrator will provide the details, but generally You
should be prepared to send:
Completed and signed claim form
Travel itinerary
Credit card Account statement (showing the last four (4) digits of the
Account number) reecting the charge for the Common Carrier or
Cruise Line fare
Written conrmation that the claim was led with the Common
Carrier or Cruise Line
Copy of the settlement or denial from the Common Carrier or
Cruise Line
Copies of receipts for the purchase of replacement items over
twenty–ve ($25.00) dollars
This benet is payable on an excess basis over and above any amount
due from any other valid or collectible insurance or any other form of
reimbursement payable by those responsible for the loss.
If you're outside of the US, call collect at 1-804-281-5772
Copies of original receipts
Any other documentation deemed necessary by the
Benet Administrator to substantiate the claim
Account – the Cardholder’s credit card Account issued by
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. and/or its aliates
Cardholder – an individual to whom a credit card Account has been
issued by JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. and/or its aliates
Common Carrier –any commercially licensed motorized land, water
or air Conveyance, operated by an organization organized and licensed
for the transportation of passengers for hire and operated by an
employee or an individual under contract; Common Carrier does not
include Cruise Lines
Company – Federal Insurance Company
Conveyance – any motorized craft, vehicle or mode of transportation
licensed or registered by a governmental authority with
competent jurisdiction
Covered Personthe Cardholder and the Cardholder’s Immediate
Family Members
Cruise Linea company that maintains a eet of cruise ships and
markets cruises to the public
Domestic Partnera person designated by You who is registered as
a Domestic Partner or legal equivalent under the laws of the governing
jurisdiction or who is at least eighteen (18) years of age and competent
to enter into a contract; is not related to You by blood; has exclusively
lived with You for at least twelve (12) consecutive months prior to
the date of enrollment; is not legally married or separated and as of
the date of enrollment has with You at least two (2) of the following
nancial arrangements: a joint mortgage or lease, a joint bank account,
joint title to or ownership of a motor vehicle or status as a joint lessee
on a motor vehicle lease or a joint credit card account with a nancial
institution; neither You nor the Domestic Partner can be married to,
nor in a civil union with, anyone else
Insured Personthe Cardholder
Rewards – points, miles, cash rewards, or any other type of redeemable
Rewards, as well as any redeposit fees charged by a Rewards
administrator, provided that all Rewards have been accumulated by
the Cardholder through use of a JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. and/or its
aliates sponsored Rewards program
Scheduled Departure Date – the date on which You are originally
scheduled to leave on the Trip
Scheduled Return Date – the date on which You are originally
scheduled to return to the point of origin or to a dierent
nal destination
Spouse – Your husband or wife who is recognized as such by the laws
of the jurisdiction in which You reside; Spouse includes Domestic
Partners or Covered Persons joined by Civil Unions where applicable
by law
Travel Suppliera Cruise Line, or airline, or railroad or other
Common Carrier
Trip – travel booked through a Travel Supplier when some portion
of the fare for such transportation has been charged to the
Cardholder’s Account issued by JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. and/or
its aliates or has been paid for with redeemable Rewards that were
accumulated by the Cardholder from a Rewards program sponsored
24 For questions, call 1-888-675-1461 if you're in the US
by JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. and/or its aliates; Trip must occur
while the insurance is in–force
We, Us and Our – Federal Insurance Company
You or Your – the Covered Person
Additional Provisions
We have a right to examine under oath, as often as We may
reasonably require, You or Your authorized representative,
if applicable. We may also require You or Your authorized
representative, if applicable, to provide a signed description of the
circumstances surrounding the loss and Your interest in the loss. You
or Your authorized representative, if applicable, will also produce all
records and documents requested by Us and will permit Us to make
copies of such records or documents.
In the event of a claim under this policy, You or Your authorized
representative must fully cooperate with Us in Our handling of
the claim, including, but not limited to, the timely submission of
all reports that We may require. If We are sued in connection
with a claim under this policy, then You or Your authorized
representative must fully cooperate with Us in the handling of such
suit. JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. and/or its aliates or You must
not, except at Your own expense, voluntarily make any payment or
assume any obligation in connection with any suit without Our prior
written consent.
No legal action for a claim may be brought against the Provider
until sixty (60) days after the Provider receives Proof of Loss.
No legal action against the Provider may be brought more than
three (3) years after the time for giving Proof of Loss. Further, no
legal action may be brought against the Provider unless all the terms
of the Guide to Benets have been complied with fully.
We will not use any statements, except fraudulent misstatements,
made by You to void the insurance or reduce benets payable under
this policy, or to otherwise contest the validity of this policy, unless
such statements are contained in a written document signed by You.
If We rely on such statements for this purpose, then We will provide
a copy of the written document to You, as appropriate.
This information is a brief description of the important features
of this insurance plan. It is not an insurance contract. Insurance
benets are underwritten by Federal Insurance Company. Coverage
may not be available in all states or certain terms may be dierent
where required by state law.
Please see “General Provisions and Denitions” section at the end of
this document.
If you're outside of the US, call collect at 1-804-281-5772
Purchase Protection
Purchase Protection protects against theft of, damage to, or
involuntary and accidental parting with new retail purchases within
one hundred twenty (120) days from the date of purchase.
Involuntary and accidental parting with property means the
unintended separation from an item of personal property when its
location is known, but recovery is impractical to complete. At the
Benet Administrator’s discretion, this benet replaces or repairs the
item or reimburses You up to the total purchase price of Your item
for a maximum of ten thousand ($10,000.00) dollars per claim and
fty thousand ($50,000.00) dollars per Year.
You are eligible for this benet when Your name is embossed on an
eligible card issued in the United States, and You charge all or a portion
of the cost of the item to Your credit card Account and/or rewards
programs associated with Your Account.
What is Covered?
Eligible items of personal property purchased with Your Account
and/or rewards programs associated with Your Account
Eligible purchases made outside the United States when purchased
with Your Account and/or rewards program associated with
Your Account
Gifts purchased for friends and family members if purchased
with Your Account and/or rewards programs associated with
Your Account
The outstanding deductible portion of Your other applicable
insurance or indemnity for eligible claims
What’s Not Covered?
The Purchase Protection benet does not cover the
following purchases:
Animals and living plants
Antiques or collectible items
Boats, aircraft, automobiles, and any other motorized vehicles and
their motors, equipment, or accessories, including trailers and other
items towable by or attachable to any motorized vehicle
Computer software
Items purchased for resale, professional, or commercial use
Items that are lost, or that “mysteriously disappear,” meaning
they vanished in an unexplained manner, with no evidence of
wrongdoing by one person
Items under the control and care of a common carrier, including the
U.S. Postal Service, airplanes, or a delivery service
Items in Your baggage on a common carrier unless hand carried or
under Your supervision or that of a companion You know, including
but not limited to, jewelry, and watches
Theft or damage stemming from abuse, fraud, hostilities (war,
invasion, rebellion, insurrection, terrorist activities, and more);
conscation by authorities (if contraband or illegal); normal wear and
tear; ood, earthquake, radioactive contamination; damage from
inherent product defects
Your maximum recovery under the Purchase Protection benet is the
purchase price of the item as recorded on the eligible card receipt, not
to exceed the coverage limit.
26 For questions, call 1-888-675-1461 if you're in the US
Theft or damage from mis–delivery, or voluntarily
parting with property
Medical equipment
Perishable or consumable items, including but not limited to,
cosmetics, perfumes and rechargeable batteries
Traveler’s checks, cash, tickets, credit or debit cards, among other
negotiable purchased instruments
Items used or pre–owned (refurbished items will not be considered
used or pre–owned if accompanied by a warranty)
Losses caused by or resulting from a Cyber Incident
Please Pay Special Attention to These Conditions of
Purchase Protection:
If Your loss involves a portion of a pair or set, You will only be
reimbursed for the stolen or damaged item, not the total value of
the pair or set. This does not apply to items normally sold as pairs or
sets that are not replaceable by purchasing one piece of the pair or
set. In this case, before the claim can be nalized, the individual item
must be returned to the Benet Administrator.
If the purchase was stolen from the delivery location, You are rst
required to le a claim with the common carrier and/or retailer.
If You have insurance (homeowner’s, renter’s, car, employer, or any
other), You are required to le a claim with Your insurance company,
unless the claim amount is below Your deductible. You are required
to submit a copy of any claim settlement along with Your claim
form, or a copy of Your insurance declarations page conrming the
deductible amount.
Purchase Protection provides coverage on an “excess” coverage
basis, meaning it does not duplicate coverage but pays for a loss only
after valid and collectible insurance or indemnity (including, but not
limited to, homeowner’s, renter’s, automobile, common carrier, retail
or employer’s insurance policies) has been exhausted. At that point,
Purchase Protection will cover the loss up to the amount charged to
Your Account, subject to the terms, exclusions, and limits of liability
of the benet.
How Do You File a Claim?
Follow these steps to le Your claim:
1. Call the Benet Administrator within ninety (90) days of the
damage, theft, or involuntary and accidental parting. Please
note that if You do not notify the Benet Administrator within
ninety (90) days of product failure, Your claim may be denied.
Gift recipients may le their own claims if they have the necessary
substantiating documents.
2. Answer a few questions, so the Benet Administrator can send You
the right claim forms and let You know what other documentation
is needed.
3. Return the completed and signed claim form and requested
documentation to the Benet Administrator within one hundred
twenty (120) days of the damage, theft, or involuntary and
accidental parting.
Filing online is faster: visit
What Documents Will You Need to Provide?
Be sure to include all information regarding Your claim, including the
time, place, cause and the amount to either replace or repair the item.
If you're outside of the US, call collect at 1-804-281-5772
The Benet Administrator will provide the details, but generally You
should be prepared to send:
Completed and signed claim form
Credit card Account statement (showing the last four (4) digits of the
Account number) demonstrating that the purchase was made on
Your Account
If more than one method of payment was used, please provide
documentation as to additional currency, voucher, points, or any
other payment method utilized
Copy of the itemized store receipt demonstrating that the purchase
was made on Your Account
Copy of the documentation of any other settlement of the loss
(if applicable)
If the item is repairable, the estimate of repair or a copy of the paid
receipt/invoice for the repairs, indicating the type of damage to the
claimed item (if applicable)
Copy of the police report (made within forty–eight (48) hours of
the occurrence in the case of theft), re report or incident report
to substantiate the loss; if the loss was not reported, please provide
a replacement receipt or other sucient proof of loss deemed
eligible solely by Your Benets Administrator (if applicable)
Any other documentation deemed necessary by the Benet
Administrator to substantiate the claim
In some cases of damage, You will be asked to send the damaged item,
at Your expense, along with Your claim in order to substantiate the
claim, so make sure to keep the damaged item in Your possession.
How Will You Be Reimbursed?
Once You have met the conditions of this benet, the Benet
Administrator will resolve Your claim in one of two ways:
A damaged item may be repaired, rebuilt, or replaced, and a stolen
item will be replaced. Typically, You will receive notice of this decision
within fteen (15) days of receipt of Your claim documentation.
You may receive payment to replace Your item, an amount not
more than the original purchase price, less shipping and handling
charges, up to ten thousand ($10,000.00) dollars per claim and
fty thousand ($50,000.00) dollars per Year. You will only be
reimbursed up to the dollar amount to replace or repair the item or
the program limit, whichever is less.
Any purchases made using rewards points associated with the
Account are eligible for this benet, and You will only be reimbursed
up to the dollar amount to replace or repair the item or the program
limit, whichever is less.
Account – Your credit card Account issued by
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. and/or its aliates
Covered Purchasean item purchased by an Eligible Purchaser and
paid for by using an eligible Account, subject to the exclusions set forth
in this Policy; for a purchase to be considered a Covered Purchase,
the entire purchase amount for the item must have been made
through the eligible Account; Covered Purchase also includes an item
purchased by an Eligible Purchaser and paid for by using an eligible
Account in combination with other tender (such as rewards programs,
cash, gift cards, store credit)
Eligible Persona cardholder who pays for their purchase by using
their eligible Account and/or rewards programs associated with their
covered Account
28 For questions, call 1-888-675-1461 if you're in the US
Return Protection
Return Protection provides reimbursement for the purchase price
up to ve hundred ($500.00) dollars per item of personal property
and an annual maximum of one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars per
Account, if You are disappointed with an item within ninety (90) days
from the date of purchase and the retailer will not allow you to return
the purchase for a refund, exchange, or credit.
You are eligible for this benet when Your name is embossed on an
eligible card issued in the United States, and You charge the entire
purchase to Your credit card Account and/or rewards programs
associated with Your Account.
What’s Not Covered?
The Return Protection benet does not cover the following purchases:
Animals and living plants
Boats, aircraft, automobiles, and any other motorized vehicles and
their motors, equipment, or accessories, including trailers and other
items that can be towed by, or attached to, any motorized vehicle
This benet is supplemental to and in excess of any valid and collectible
avenue of recovery available to You. The Benet Administrator will
reimburse the excess amount, once all other coverage has been
exhausted, up to the coverage amount.
Eligible Purchasera person to whom an eligible Account is issued
and who agrees to use the transaction Account medium and has
charged the purchase to the eligible Account; reimbursement is
extended to losses incurred by a person other than the Eligible
Purchaser if that person is the recipient of the item purchased and
follows the Terms and Conditions of this coverage; no person or
entity shall have any legal or equitable right, remedy or claim for
reimbursement and/or damages under or arising out of this coverage
You or Your – the Eligible Person.
Please see the “Denitions Related to Cyber Incidents” in the General
Provisions and Denitions section at the end of this document for
additional denitions that apply to this benet.
Additional Provisions
This information is a brief description of the important features
of this insurance plan. It is not an insurance contract. Insurance
benets are underwritten by Indemnity Insurance Company of
North America (“Provider”). Coverage may not be available in all
states or certain terms may be dierent where required by state law.
No legal action for a claim may be brought against the Provider
until sixty (60) days after the Provider receives Proof of Loss.
No legal action against the Provider may be brought more than
three (3) years after the time for giving Proof of Loss. Further, no
legal action may be brought against the Provider unless all the terms
of the Guide to Benets have been complied with fully.
Please see “General Provisions and Denitions” section at the end of
this document.
FORM #PURPRO CON 10k (04/21)
If you're outside of the US, call collect at 1-804-281-5772
Cash, bullion, traveler’s checks, tickets, credit or debit cards, and any
other negotiable instruments
Computer software
Damaged or non–working items
Formal attire, including but not limited to, cocktail dresses, tuxedos,
gowns, and formal accessories
Items purchased for resale or for professional or commercial use
Items purchased outside the United States
Items that have been altered
Jewelry, art objects, rare or precious coins or stamps, antiques, and
collectible items
Medical equipment
Perishables, consumables, and limited–life items, including but not
limited to, rechargeable batteries
Real estate and items which are intended to become part of real
estate, including but not limited to, items that are hard–wired or
hard–plumbed, garage doors, garage door openers, and ceiling fans
Seasonal items, including but not limited to, holiday decorations
How Do You File a Claim?
Follow these steps to le Your claim:
1. Contact the Benet Administrator within ninety (90) days of the
date of Your purchase if You are not satised with the eligible item
and the retailer will not accept the return.
2. Answer a few questions, so the Benet Administrator can send You
the right claim forms and let You know what other documentation is
3. Return the completed and signed claim form and requested
documentation to the Benet Administrator within thirty (30) days
of your rst notice of loss.
4. A customer service representative will contact you after receiving
Your claim paperwork. If additional documents are requested, You
will have sixty (60) days to provide them.
5. Once the claim paperwork is complete, You will receive instructions
for shipping the item with its original packaging and any applicable
manuals and warranties to Card Benet Services. The cost of
shipping is your expense. The item must be in like–new or good
working condition in order to be approved for reimbursement.
Filing online is faster: visit www.cardbene
What Documents Will You Need to Provide?
The Benet Administrator will provide the details, but generally You
should be prepared to send:
Signed and completed claim form
Your original itemized sales receipt for Your purchase or original
packing slip for mail order purchases
Credit card Account statement (showing the last four (4) digits of the
Account number) demonstrating that the purchase was made on
Your Account
If You le a claim within the rst thirty (30) days of purchase, You may
be asked to submit proof of the store’s return policy.
30 For questions, call 1-888-675-1461 if you're in the US
Roadside Assistance
The Roadside Assistance program provides you with security and
convenience when You need help, whether you need a tow or roadside
service. Dependable roadside assistance is available 24 hours a day,
7 days a week in the United States and Canada. Just call Cross Country
Motor Club at 1-866-860-7978.
Who is Covered?
You, the Cardholder, are covered when you drive any vehicle you own
or lease, and when you drive a vehicle that is furnished to you by the
owner, while traveling away from home.
What Types of Vehicles Are Covered?
All self-propelled, four (4) wheel vehicles designed, licensed, and used
for private on-road transportation, with trucks limited to a carrying
capacity of up to two thousand (2,000) pounds, are covered subject to
the guidelines section. Commercial vehicles are not eligible for coverage
What is Covered?
Road service events are covered up to a maximum of fty ($50.00)
dollars for each service event, up to four (4) events each year.
Assistance will be provided for one (1) service event arising from
How Will You Be Reimbursed?
Once Your claim is approved and the item has been received, the
Benet Administrator will issue a reimbursement for the purchase
price of the item up to the maximum benet amount per eligible item
or one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars annual maximum per Account,
less any applicable shipping and handling fees. Any purchases made
using rewards points associated with the Account are eligible for
this benet.
Account – Your credit card Account issued by
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. and/or its aliates
Eligible Persona cardholder who pays for their purchase using
their eligible Account and/or rewards programs associated with their
covered Account
You or Your – the Eligible Person
Additional Provisions
This information is a brief description of the important features
of this insurance plan. It is not an insurance contract. Insurance
benets are underwritten by Indemnity Insurance Company of
North America (“Provider”). Coverage may not be available in all
states or certain terms may be dierent where required by state law.
No legal action for a claim may be brought against the Provider
until sixty (60) days after the Provider receives Proof of Loss.
No legal action against the Provider may be brought more than
three (3) years after the time for giving Proof of Loss. Further, no
legal action may be brought against the Provider unless all the terms
of the Guide to Benets have been complied with fully.
Please see “General Provisions and Denitions” section at the end of
this document.
If you're outside of the US, call collect at 1-804-281-5772
the same cause during any consecutive seven (7) day period.
Coverage includes:
Towing – will arrange to transport the vehicle to the nearest repair
facility or location of motorist’s choice
Tire changingmust have good, inated spare
Jump start
Lockout service does not include key replacement
Fuel deliveryIf You run out of gas, an emergency supply will
be delivered to You with the cost for up to two (2) gallons of
fuel covere
Standard winching
How Does It Work?
Call 1-866-860-7978 for Roadside Assistance
When calling for service, please be prepared to provide the
following information:
Your name
Your location and details of the problem. While you remain on the
phone, assistance will be arranged with a reliable tow operator or
Vehicle Identication Number (VIN)
Emergency road service is not available in areas not regularly
traveled, in “o-road” areas not accessible by ordinary
towing vehicles
If you have a rental vehicle, be sure to call the car rental agency
before you call Cross Country Motor Club, as many rental agencies
have special procedures regarding emergency road service.
“Sign and Drive” Service
In most instances, services require no cash outlay (up to the covered
limit), but You must sign the provider’s service acknowledgement at the
time of service. Excess charges (if any) can be applied to Your Chase
card or other payment choice.
Additional Terms:
All services are provided by and/or through, Cross Country Motor
Club, Inc., Medford, MA 02155, except in Alaska, California, Hawaii,
Oregon, Wisconsin and Wyoming where services are provided
by and/or through Cross Country Motor Club of California, Inc.,
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360.
Service providers supplying emergency roadside assistance and towing
are independent contractors and are solely liable for their services.
Chase shall not have any responsibility or liability in connection with
the rendering of the service.
Weather conditions, time of day, and availability of service may aect
assistance responses. Expectations for dispatch are set with the
customer on every call, and an expected estimated time of arrival is
provided to the customer regardless of their location; however Chase
cannot provide any assurances as to the ability of the Service Provider
to meet such estimates.
Please see “General Provisions and Denitions” section at the end of
this document.
For full terms that apply to the program, and the state provisions,
please visit:
32 For questions, call 1-888-675-1461 if you're in the US
Travel Accident Insurance
The Cardholder and Immediate Family Members are covered when
the Cardholder’s name is embossed on an eligible Card issued in
the United States, and the Cardholder charges all or a portion of a
Scheduled Airline fare to his or her Credit Card Account and/or Rewards
programs associated with the Account. Immediate Family Member
means an individual with any of the following relationships to the
Cardholder: Spouse, and parents thereof; sons and daughters, including
adopted children and stepchildren; parents, including stepparents;
brothers and sisters; grandparents and grandchildren; aunts or uncles;
nieces or nephews; and Domestic Partner and parents thereof, including
domestic partners and spouses of any individual of this denition.
Immediate Family Member also includes legal guardians or wards.
What Are the Benet Amounts?
Coverage Loss of Life Benet Amount per
Insured Person
Common Carrier Travel
Accident Insurance
24 Hour Travel
Accident Insurance
The policies will pay the following percentages of the Loss of Life
benet amount for specic Losses:
Percentage of Loss of Life
Benet Amount
Loss of Speech and Loss of Hearing;
Loss of Speech or Hearing and Loss
of one Hand, Foot or Sight of One
Eye; Loss of Both Hands; Loss of Both
Feet; Loss of Sight of Both Eyes; Loss
of a combination of any two of a Loss
of Hand, Loss of Foot or Loss of Sight
of One Eye
Loss of One Hand; Loss of One Foot;
Loss of Sight of One Eye; Loss of
Speech; Loss of Hearing
Loss of Thumb and Index Finger of
the same hand
In the event a Loss is eligible for payment under both the Common
Carrier Travel Accident benet and the Twenty–Four (24) Hour Travel
Accident benet, if You suer multiple covered Losses as the result of
one (1) Accident, the Company will only pay the single largest Benet
Amount applicable to all covered Losses.
If more than one Insured Person covered under the same Account
suers a Loss in the same Accident, the Company will not pay more
than two (2) times the applicable Benet Amount (the aggregate limit
of insurance). If an Accident results in Benet Amounts becoming
payable, which when totaled, exceed two (2) times the applicable
Benet Amount, the aggregate limit of insurance will be divided
proportionally, based on applicable benet amounts owed to all
covered persons.
If you're outside of the US, call collect at 1-804-281-5772
If, subject to all the terms and conditions of this policy You are eligible
for insurance under multiple Accounts, then You will only be insured
once, under the Account which provides You the largest Benet
Amount for the loss that has occurred.
All benets, except for Loss of Life, are paid to You. Loss of Life benets
are paid to the beneciary at the time of death. If You have not chosen
a beneciary or if there is no beneciary alive when You die, then the
Company will pay the benet to Your survivors in the following order:
1) Your Spouse or Domestic Partner; 2) Your child(ren); 3) Your parents;
4) Your brothers and sisters; and 5) Your estate. You have the right to
name a beneciary. Beneciary designations must be submitted in
writing to the Benet Administrator. If any beneciary has not reached
the legal age of majority, then the Company will pay such beneciary’s
legal guardian.
What Losses Are Covered Under the Common Carrier
Travel Accident Benet?
Common Carrier Travel Accident Insurance provides coverage for
a broad range of Losses – including Accidental Loss of Life, Limb,
Sight, Speech or Hearing – that occur while riding as a passenger
in, entering, or exiting any Common Carrier. Coverage also extends
to cover You while 1) You are riding as a passenger, entering ,or
exiting any Conveyance licensed to carry the public for hire or 2) any
Courtesy Transportation provided without a specic charge and while
traveling to and from the airport, terminal, or station: a) immediately
preceding the departure of the scheduled Common Carrier on which
You have purchased passage; or b) immediately following the arrival
of the scheduled Common Carrier on which You were a passenger; or
3) while at the airport, station, or terminal at the beginning or end of a
Common Carrier Covered Trip.
A Common Carrier is any motorized land, water, or air Conveyance
operated by an organization, structured and licensed for the
transportation of passengers for hire and operated by an employee of
such organization or an individual under contract.
If the purchase of the Common Carrier passenger fare is not made
prior to Your arrival at the airport, terminal, or station, coverage
will begin at the time a portion of the cost of the Common Carrier
passenger fare is charged to the Cardholder’s Account.
What Losses Are Covered Under the
Twenty–Four (24) Hour Travel Accident Benet?
Twenty–Four (24) Hour Travel Accident Insurance provides coverage
for a wide range of Losses that can happen when an Accident occurs
while traveling – including Accidental Loss of Life, Limb, Sight, Speech
or Hearing – on a twenty–four (24) hour basis. Coverage activates
when travel begins on the departure date printed on Your Scheduled
Airline ticket and ends on the return date printed on Your Scheduled
Airline ticket for trips up to thirty (30) days. For covered trips more
than thirty (30) days in length, coverage will end at 12:01 a.m. on the
thirty–rst (31st) day of the trip. Coverage will be reactivated only
for Your return trip while You are 1) on a Scheduled Airline; 2) riding
as a passenger in, entering, or exiting any Conveyance licensed to
carry the public for hire or any Courtesy Transportation provided
without a specic charge and while traveling to and from the airport:
a) immediately preceding the departure of the scheduled Common
Carrier on which You have purchased passage; or b) immediately
following the arrival of the scheduled Common Carrier on which You
were a passenger; or 3) while at the airport immediately preceding or
following departure.
34 For questions, call 1-888-675-1461 if you're in the US
For Both Common Carrier Travel Accident Insurance and
Twenty–Four (24) Hour Travel Accident Benets:
If, due to an Accident, You have not been found within one (1) year
of the disappearance, stranding, sinking, or wrecking of any
Conveyance in which You were an occupant at the time of the
Accident, then it will be assumed that You have suered a Loss of
Life while insured under the policy.
If, due to an Accident, You are unavoidably exposed to the elements
and as a result of this exposure suer a Loss, this will be covered
under the policy.
What’s Not Covered?
The Travel Accident Insurance does not apply to any Accident,
Accidental Bodily Injury, or Loss caused by or resulting from, directly
or indirectly:
You entering, or exiting any aircraft while acting or training
as a pilot or crew member; this exclusion does not apply to
passengers who temporarily perform pilot or crew functions
in a life–threatening emergency
Your emotional trauma, mental or physical illness, disease,
pregnancy, childbirth or miscarriage, bacterial or viral infection,
bodily malfunctions, or medical or surgical treatment or diagnosis
thereof; this exclusion does not apply to Your bacterial infection
caused by an Accident or by Accidental consumption of a substance
contaminated by bacteria
Your commission or attempted commission of any illegal act
including but not limited to any felony
Any occurrence while You are incarcerated
You participating in parachute jumping from an aircraft
You being engaged in or participating in a motorized vehicular race
or speed contest
You participating in any professional sporting activity for which You
received a salary or prize money
You traveling or ying on any aircraft engaged in ight on a
rocket–propelled or rocket–launched aircraft
Your suicide, attempted suicide or intentionally self–inicted injury
A declared or undeclared War
How Do You File a Claim?
Follow these steps to le Your claim:
1. Call the Benet Administrator within twenty (20) days of the date
of Your Accident or Loss or as soon as reasonably possible.
Notice must include enough information to identify You. Failure
to give Claim Notice within twenty (20) days will not invalidate
or reduce any otherwise valid claim if notice is given as soon as
reasonably possible.
2. When We receive notice of a claim We will, within fteen (15) days,
send You or Your designee forms for giving Proof of Loss to Us.
If You or Your designee does not receive the forms, then You or
Your designee should send Us a written description of the Loss.
This written description should include information detailing the
occurrence and extent of the Loss for which the claim is made.
In order to be covered under either policy, the Loss must occur within
one (1) year after the Accident.
If you're outside of the US, call collect at 1-804-281-5772
3. Return the completed and signed claim form and requested
documentation to the Benet Administrator within ninety (90) days
of Your date of Loss.
What Documents Will You Need to Provide?
The Benet Administrator will provide the details, but generally You
should be prepared to send:
Completed and signed claim form
Travel itinerary
Police report conrming the claimed Accident
Credit Card Account statement (showing the last four (4) digits of the
Account number) reecting the charge for the Common Carrier or
Scheduled Airline fare
Copy of the death certicate
Accident or Accidental – a sudden, unforeseen, and unexpected
event which a) happens by chance; b) arises from a source external to
You; c) is independent of illness, disease or other bodily malfunction or
medical or surgical treatment thereof; d) occurs while You are insured
under the benet while it is in eect; and e) is the direct cause of Loss
Accidental Bodily Injury – bodily injury, which a) is Accidental; b)
is the direct cause of a loss; and c) occurs while You are insured
under this policy, which is in eect; Accidental Bodily Injury does not
include conditions caused by repetitive motion injuries or cumulative
trauma not a result of an Accident, including, but not limited to
Osgood–Schlatter’s Disease, bursitis, Chondromalacia, shin splints,
stress fractures, tendinitis, and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Account – the Cardholder’s Credit Card Account issued by
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. and/or its aliates
Cardholder – an individual to whom a Credit Card Account has been
issued by JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. and/or its aliates
Common Carrier Covered Trip – travel on a Common Carrier when
You pay any portion of the fare for such transportation with the
Cardholder’s Account and/or Rewards programs associated with the
Cardholder’s Account
Commutation – travel between Your residence and regular place
of employment
Company – Federal Insurance Company
Conveyance – any motorized craft, vehicle or mode of transportation
licensed or registered by a governmental authority with
competent jurisdiction
Courtesy Transportationtransportation provided without a specic
charge by a rental car agency, airport or hotel which transports You
from the airport or station to the rental car agency or hotel or from the
rental car agency or hotel to the airport or station
Credit Carda payment medium that takes the form of a Credit Card,
credit plate, charge plate, courtesy card or other identication card or
device issued to You; You may use the Credit Card to purchase, hire,
rent or lease property or services
Domestic Partnera person designated by You who is registered as
a Domestic Partner or legal equivalent under the laws of the governing
jurisdiction or who is at least eighteen (18) years of age and competent
to enter into a contract; is not related to You by blood; has exclusively
lived with You for at least twelve (12) consecutive months prior to
the date of enrollment; is not legally married or separated and as of
36 For questions, call 1-888-675-1461 if you're in the US
the date of enrollment has with You at least two (2) of the following
nancial arrangements: a joint mortgage or lease, a joint bank account,
joint title to or ownership of a motor vehicle or status as a joint lessee
on a motor vehicle lease or a joint credit card account with a nancial
institution; neither You nor Your Domestic Partner can be married to,
nor in a civil union with, anyone else
Insured Personthe Primary Insured Person, and Immediate Family
Members traveling with You on a Covered Trip
Loss – Accidental Loss of Foot; Loss of Hand; Loss of Hearing; Loss
of Life; Loss of Sight; Loss of Sight of One Eye; Loss of Speech; Loss
of Thumb and Index Finger; Loss must occur within one (1) year
after the Accident
Loss of Foot – the complete severance of a foot through or above
the ankle joint; We will consider such severance a Loss of Foot even if
the foot is later reattached; if the reattachment fails and amputation
becomes necessary, then We will not pay an additional Benet Amount
for such amputation
Loss of Hand – complete severance, as determined by a Physician, of
at least four (4) ngers at or above the metacarpal phalangeal joint on
the same hand or at least three (3) ngers and the thumb on the same
hand; We will consider such severance a Loss of Hand even if the hand,
ngers or thumb are later reattached; if the reattachment fails and
amputation becomes necessary, then We will not pay an additional
Benet Amount for such amputation
Loss of Hearing – permanent, irrecoverable and total deafness, as
determined by a Physician, with an auditory threshold of more than
90 decibels in each ear; the deafness cannot be corrected by any aid or
device, as determined by a Physician
Loss of Life – death, including clinical death, as determined by the local
governing medical authority where such death occurs within three
hundred sixty–ve (365) days after an Accident
Loss of Sight – permanent Loss of vision; remaining vision must be no
better than 20/200 using a corrective aid or device, as determined by
a Physician
Loss of Sight of One Eye – permanent Loss of vision of one eye;
remaining vision in that eye must be no better than 20/200 using a
corrective aid or device, as determined by a Physician
Loss of Speech – the permanent, irrecoverable and total Loss of
the capability of speech without the aid of mechanical devices, as
determined by a Physician
Loss of Thumb and Index Finger – complete severance, through
the metacarpal phalangeal joints, of the thumb and index nger of
the same hand, as determined by a Physician; We will consider such
severance a Loss of Thumb and Index Finger even if a thumb, an
index nger or both are later reattached; if the reattachment fails and
amputation becomes necessary, then We will not pay an additional
Benet Amount for such amputation
Physician – a licensed practitioner of the healing arts, acting within the
scope of his or her license to the extent provided by the laws of the
jurisdiction in which medical treatment is provided; Physician does not
include You, an Immediate Family Member, Your employer or business
partner, or JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. and/or its aliates
Primary Insured Person – the Cardholder
Rewards – points, miles, cash Rewards, or any other type
of redeemable Rewards, provided that all Rewards have
been accumulated by the Cardholder through use of a
If you're outside of the US, call collect at 1-804-281-5772
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. and/or its aliates sponsored
Rewards program
Scheduled Air Covered Trip – travel on a Scheduled Airline when
any portion of the fare for such transportation has been charged to
the Cardholder’s Account; Scheduled Air Covered Trip also means
travel on a Scheduled Airline when free ights have been awarded
from frequent ier or points programs provided that all of the miles
or Rewards were accumulated from a Rewards program sponsored
by JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. and/or its aliates; the trip must:
1) occur while the insurance is in–force, 2) be to a destination that
is more than one (1) mile from Your primary residence, and 3) not
exceed thirty–one (31) days in duration
Scheduled Airlinean airline which is either: 1) registered and
certied by the Government of the United States of America to
carry passengers on a regularly scheduled basis; or 2) registered
and certied by any other governmental authority with competent
jurisdiction to carry passengers on a regularly scheduled basis
Spouse – Your husband or wife who is recognized as such by the laws
of the jurisdiction in which You reside
War – hostilities following a formal declaration of war by a
governmental authority; in the absence of a formal declaration of war
by a governmental authority, armed, open and continuous hostilities
between two (2) countries or armed, open and continuous hostilities
between two (2) factions, each in control of territory or claiming
jurisdiction over the geographic area of hostility
We, Us and Our – Federal Insurance Company
You or Your – the Insured Person
Additional Provisions
We have a right to examine under oath, as often as We may
reasonably require, You or Your authorized representative,
if applicable. We may also require You or Your authorized
representative to provide a signed description of the circumstances
surrounding the loss and Your interest in the loss. You or Your
authorized representative will also produce all records and
documents requested by Us and will permit Us to make copies of
such records or documents.
In the event of a claim under this policy, You or Your authorized
representative, if applicable, must fully cooperate with Us in Our
handling of the claim, including, but not limited to, the timely
submission of all medical and other reports, and full cooperation
with all physical examinations and autopsies that We may require. If
We are sued in connection with a claim under this policy, then You or
Your authorized representative must fully cooperate with Us in the
handling of such suit. JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. and/or its aliates,
You or your authorized representative must not, except at Your own
expense, voluntarily make any payment or assume any obligation in
connection with any suit without Our prior written consent.
While a claim is pending, We have the right, at Our expense, to: 1)
have the person who has a Loss examined by a Physician when and
as often as We feel is necessary; and 2) make an autopsy in case of
death where it is not forbidden by law.
No legal action for a claim may be brought against the Provider until
sixty (60) days after the Provider receives Proof of Loss. No legal
action against the Provider may be brought more than three (3)
years after the time for giving Proof of Loss. Further, no legal action
may be brought against the Provider unless all the terms of the
Guide to Benets have been complied with fully.
38 For questions, call 1-888-675-1461 if you're in the US
Travel and Emergency
Assistance Services
If an emergency occurs while You are traveling away from home, You,
Your spouse and dependent children under twenty–two (22) years old
have access to our Travel and Emergency Assistance Services. To access
these services, call the Benet Administrator to connect You with the
appropriate local emergency and assistance resources twenty–four (24)
hours a day, three hundred sixty–ve (365) days a year.
What Are the Specic Travel and Emergency
Assistance Services?
When you’re traveling away from home, emergencies can escalate
quickly. Something that is relatively straightforward when You are at
home, like replacing prescription medication, can become complicated
when You are navigating local laws or language barriers. Our Travel
and Emergency Assistance Services are designed to help in numerous
situations. Services include:
Emergency Message Service records and relays emergency
messages for travelers, their immediate family members, or
business associates. The Benet Administrator will use reasonable
eorts to relay emergency messages in accordance with benet
guidelines and limitations but cannot take responsibility for
the failure to transmit any message successfully. All costs are
Your responsibility.
Medical Referral Assistance provides medical referral, monitoring,
and follow–up. The Benet Administrator can give You names
of local English–speaking doctors, dentists, and hospitals; assign
a doctor to consult by phone with local medical personnel, if
necessary, to monitor Your condition; and keep in contact with Your
family, serving as a continuing liaison. The Benet Administrator
can also help You arrange medical payments from Your personal
account. All costs are Your responsibility.
Legal Referral Assistance arranges contact with English–speaking
attorneys and U.S. embassies and consulates if You are detained
by local authorities, have a car accident, or need legal assistance.
In addition, the Benet Administrator can coordinate bail payment
from Your personal account. The Benet Administrator can also
follow up to make sure bail has been properly handled. All costs are
Your responsibility.
Travel and Emergency Assistance Services provide assistance and
referral. You are responsible for the cost of any actual medical,
legal, transportation, cash advance, or other services or
goods provided.
This information is a brief description of the important features
of this insurance plan. It is not an insurance contract. Insurance
benets are underwritten by Federal Insurance Company. Coverage
may not be available in all states or certain terms may be dierent
where required by state law.
Please see “General Provisions and Denitions” section at the end of
this document.
Form #TAI CON (02/19)
If you're outside of the US, call collect at 1-804-281-5772
Emergency Transportation Assistance helps You make all the
necessary arrangements for emergency transportation home or
to the nearest medical facility. This includes arrangements to bring
Your young children home and helping You stay in contact with
family members or employers during the emergency. In the case
of a death, the Benet Administrator can make arrangements to
repatriate the remains. All costs are Your responsibility.
Emergency Ticket Replacement helps You through Your carrier’s
lost ticket reimbursement process and assists in the delivery of a
replacement ticket to You, should You lose Your ticket. All costs are
Your responsibility.
Lost Luggage Locator Service helps You through the Common
Carrier’s claim procedures or can arrange shipment of replacement
items if an airline or Common Carrier loses Your checked luggage.
You are responsible for the cost of any replacement items
shipped to You.
Emergency Translation Service provides telephone assistance in
all major languages and helps nd local interpreters, if available,
when You need more extensive assistance. All costs are
Your responsibility.
Prescription Assistance and Valuable Document Delivery
Arrangements helps You ll or replace prescriptions, subject to local
laws, and can arrange pickup and delivery of prescriptions lled for
You at local pharmacies. Services can also help transport critical
documents that You have left at Your home or elsewhere. All costs
are Your responsibility.
Pre–Trip Assistance gives You information on Your destination
before You leave, such as ATM locations, currency exchange rates,
weather reports, health precautions, necessary immunizations, and
required passport visas.
Common Carrierany mode of transportation by land, water or air
operating for hire under a license to carry passengers for which a ticket
must be purchased prior to travel; does not include taxi, limousine
service, commuter rail or commuter bus lines
You or Your – an eligible person whose name is embossed on an
eligible U.S. issued card, and resides in the United States.
Additional Provisions
The benet described in this Guide to Benets will not apply to
Cardholders whose accounts have been suspended or canceled.
The terms and conditions contained in this Guide to Benets may be
modied by subsequent endorsements. Modications to the terms
and conditions may be provided via additional Guide to Benets
mailings, statement inserts, statement messages, or electronic
notications. Allianz Global Assistance (“Benet Administrator”)
is solely responsible for provision of the Travel and Emergency
Assistance benet.
Please note that due to occasional issues such as distance,
location, or time, neither the Benet Administrator nor its service
providers can be responsible for the availability, use, cost, or
results of any medical, legal, transportation, or other services.
40 For questions, call 1-888-675-1461 if you're in the US
Trip Cancellation/Interruption
The Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption benet provides
reimbursement for Eligible Travel Expenses charged to the
Cardholder’s Account up to ten thousand ($10,000.00) dollars
per Covered Person and up to twenty thousand ($20,000.00)
dollars per Trip, if a loss results in cancellation or interruption of the
travel arrangements.
The Cardholder and Immediate Family Members are covered when
the Cardholder’s name is embossed on an eligible Card issued in the
United States, and the Cardholder charges all or a portion of a Trip to
his or her Credit Card Account and/or Rewards programs associated
with the Account. Immediate Family Member means an individual
with any of the following relationships to the Cardholder: Spouse, and
parents thereof; sons and daughters, including adopted children and
stepchildren; parents, including stepparents; brothers and sisters;
grandparents and grandchildren; aunts or uncles; nieces or nephews;
and Domestic Partner and parents thereof, including Domestic
Partners or Spouses of any individual of this denition. Immediate
Family Member also includes legal guardians or wards. Immediate
Family Members do not need to be traveling with the Cardholder for
benets to apply.
For Trip Cancellation:
Coverage begins on the initial deposit or booking date of the Trip
and ends at the point and time of departure on Your Scheduled
Departure Date.
For Trip Interruption:
Coverage begins on Your Scheduled Departure Date and ends on Your
Scheduled Return Date.
In the event the Scheduled Departure Date and/or the Scheduled
Return Date are delayed, or the point and time of departure and/or
point and time of return are changed because of circumstances over
which neither the Travel Supplier nor You have control, the term of
coverage shall be automatically adjusted in accordance with Your or
the Travel Supplier’s notice to Us of the delay or change.
What Are the Eligible Travel Expenses Covered?
Eligible Travel Expenses are Non–Refundable prepaid travel expenses
charged by a Travel Supplier (Travel Agency, Tour Operator, Provider
of Lodging, rental car agency, Rented Recreational Vehicle Provider,
commercial recreational excursion provider, Cruise Line, airline,
railroad, and other Common Carriers). Eligible Travel Expenses also
means redeposit fees imposed by a Rewards program administrator.
Eligible Travel Expenses does not include Event Tickets or prepaid fees
to theme parks, museums, golf courses, or other points of interest
(unless such expenses are included as part of a travel package).
For Trip Interruption only:
Eligible Travel Expenses include Change Fees and costs to
return a rental vehicle to the closest rental agency or Your
personal vehicle to Your closest leased or owned residence. The
benet also reimburses ground transportation expenses up to
two hundred fty ($250.00) dollars to directly transport You for
If You are eligible for insurance under multiple Credit Card
Accounts, You will only be insured under the Account which
provides the largest benet amount for the loss that occurred.
If you're outside of the US, call collect at 1-804-281-5772
necessary medical treatment, to the airport, terminal or station of
departure, and/or between the arrival airport, terminal or station
and Your residence. This does not include transportation in vehicles
operated by a medical facility or specically designed to transport sick
or injured individuals.
If You are forced to temporarily postpone a Trip due to a loss and a
new departure date is set, We will reimburse for the prepaid unused
Non–Refundable land, air, and/or sea arrangements.
What if You Paid for Your Trip Using
Redeemable Chase Rewards?
In the event of a loss, Rewards redeemed for travel will be reimbursed
in an amount equal to their monetary value. If the monetary value of
the redemption does not appear on the Trip itinerary or redemption
conrmation issued by the Travel Supplier, we will reimburse each
point redeemed at a rate of $.01 per reward unit. Redeposit fees
imposed by a Rewards program administrator are also eligible
for reimbursement.
What Losses Are Covered?
The Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption benet covers a broad
array of ‘what–ifs’ that can impact travel plans, reimbursing if:
Accidental Bodily Injury, Loss of Life, or Sickness experienced by You
or Your Traveling Companion which prevents You or Your Traveling
Companion from traveling on the Trip
Accidental Bodily Injury, Loss of Life, or Sickness experienced by an
Immediate Family Member of You or Your Traveling Companion
when the Accidental Bodily Injury or Sickness is considered life
threatening, requires hospitalization, or such Immediate Family
Member requires care by You or Your Traveling Companion
Severe Weather, which prevents a reasonable and prudent person
from beginning or continuing on a Trip and occurs: 1) at the point of
origin of the Trip prior to departure; or 2) in the path between Your
place of permanent residence and the point of origin of the Trip
prior to departure; or 3) within fty (50) miles of the airport, terminal,
station, booked lodging, and/or Host at Destination location listed
on Your travel itinerary; and which: A) impacts a reasonable and
prudent person’s ability to: (a) safely travel to the departure point of
a Common Carrier on which You are scheduled to travel; or (b) safely
remain at a booked Provider of Lodging, or a Host at Destination
location listed on Your travel itinerary; or B) causes the cessation
of operation of a Common Carrier for which You are scheduled
to travel provided that such cessation of operation causes You to:
(a) miss at least 20% of the scheduled duration of the Trip; or (b) miss
the departure of a prepaid cruise, or tour (booked through a Tour
Operator) that You are scheduled to take; or C) causes a Provider
of Lodging with which You booked accommodations to cease
normal operations
Named Storm Warning
Change in military orders for You or Your Spouse
A call to jury duty or receiving a subpoena from the courts, neither of
which can be postponed or waived
You or Your Traveling Companion’s place of permanent residence
being made uninhabitable, being burglarized, or damaged by re
or ood
You or Your Traveling Companion’s lodging accommodations at the
destination of the Trip being made uninhabitable
42 For questions, call 1-888-675-1461 if you're in the US
The death or hospitalization of You or Your Traveling Companion’s
Host at Destination
Quarantine of You or Your Traveling Companion imposed by
a Physician or by a competent governmental authority having
jurisdiction, due to health reasons
An organized strike aecting public transportation which causes
You or Your Traveling Companion to a) miss at least 20% of the
scheduled duration of the Trip; or b) miss the departure of a prepaid
cruise, or tour (booked through a Tour Operator) that You are
scheduled to take
The following losses are specic to Trip Cancellation:
Terrorist Incident within twenty–ve (25) miles of You or Your
Traveling Companion’s place of permanent residence within
thirty (30) days of Your Scheduled Departure Date; or a Terrorist
Incident within twenty–ve (25) miles of an airport, booked lodging,
and/or Host at Destination location listed on the itinerary within
thirty (30) days of the scheduled arrival
A Travel Warning due to terrorism issued by the branch of the
United States Government with jurisdiction to issue such warning
for the immediate vicinity of You or Your Traveling Companion’s
place of permanent residence within ten (10) days of the Scheduled
Departure Date; or a Travel Warning due to terrorism issued by
the United States Department of State or other branch of the
United States Government with jurisdiction to issue such warning
for a geographic area within twenty–ve (25) miles of an airport,
booked lodging, and/or Host at Destination location that is in
eect within thirty (30) days immediately preceding the Scheduled
Departure Date
The following losses are specic to Trip Interruption:
Terrorist Incident within twenty–ve (25) miles of an airport, booked
lodging, and/or Host at Destination location listed on Your itinerary
while on a Trip
Travel Warning due to terrorism issued by the United States
Department of State or other branch of the United States
Government with jurisdiction to issue such warning for a geographic
area within twenty–ve (25) miles of an airport, booked lodging, and/
or Host at Destination location that is issued during Your or Your
Traveling Companion’s Trip
Please Pay Special Attention to These Conditions of
the Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption Benet:
If You suer a loss causing Trip Cancellation or Trip Interruption,
You must immediately notify the appropriate Travel Supplier of such
cancellation. If such notication by You does not occur and failure to
notify the Travel Supplier results in the surrender of Non–Refundable
Eligible Travel Expenses, that would have otherwise been refundable
had You notied the Travel Supplier, no benet shall be payable. If
a loss prevents You from providing the notication, the benet may
still apply.
No coverage will be provided for a Trip that is scheduled to last
longer than sixty (60) days. If a Trip exceeds sixty (60) days in
duration, We will only reimburse the pro–rated portion of any
Non–Refundable pre–paid Eligible Travel Expenses up to the rst
sixty (60) days of the Trip.
Trips must occur while the insurance is in–force to be eligible for
this benet.
If you're outside of the US, call collect at 1-804-281-5772
In no event will We pay more than the benet amount. In no event
will We pay more than the Maximum Benet Amount per twelve
(12) Month Period in any twelve (12) consecutive month period
regardless of the number of Trip Cancellation or Trip Interruption
claims made in that twelve (12) month period. Payment is also
limited to the Maximum Benet Amount per Trip.
The Travel Supplier’s cancellation provisions in eect at the time the
Travel Supplier is notied of a cancellation
In the event that Your Trip Cancellation or Trip Interruption results
in a credit for future travel, accommodations, or other consideration
being issued by the Travel Supplier, no benets shall be payable
for that portion of the Eligible Travel Expenses which such credit
represents until such credit expires.
No benet will be paid for any Eligible Travel Expense unless a portion
of such Eligible Travel Expense has been charged to the Account.
We will not reimburse additional transportation expenses incurred
by You other than those described above. This includes the
dierence in cost between the original fare or any new fare to return
home or rejoin the Trip.
What’s Not Covered?
The Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption benet does not apply to
any loss caused by or resulting from, directly or indirectly:
A change in plans, nancial circumstances, and any business or
contractual obligations of You or Your Traveling Companion and his
or her Immediate Family Members
A Pre–existing Condition or any other event that occurs or commences
prior to the initial deposit date or booking date of the Trip
Any loss due to the voluntary surrender of unused vouchers, tickets,
credits, coupons, or travel privileges available to You from the Travel
Supplier prior to their expiration date
Travel arrangements that are scheduled to take place after the
twenty–sixth (26th) week of pregnancy; or when any multiple
pregnancy, with or without complications, occurs prior to the
initial deposit date or booking date of the Trip; or any pregnancy
associated with an assisted reproductive program, such as
in vitro fertilization
Any loss for any Trip booked while on a waiting list for specied
medical treatment
Any loss for any Trip that is booked for the purpose of obtaining
medical treatment
Disinclination to travel due to civil unrest
Failure of You or Your Traveling Companion to obtain necessary
visas, passports, or other documents required for travel, including
documents required by a common carrier or country such as a
vaccine passport
Your commission or attempted commission of any illegal act,
including any felony
Your suicide, attempted suicide, or intentionally self–inicted injury
You being under the inuence of any narcotic, legal recreational
marijuana, or other controlled substance at the time of a loss (except
This benet is payable on an excess basis over and above any
amount due from any other valid or collectible insurance or
any other form of reimbursement payable by those responsible
for the loss.
44 For questions, call 1-888-675-1461 if you're in the US
if the narcotic or other controlled substance is taken and used as
prescribed by a Physician)
Your disinclination to travel, a country closing its borders, or a Travel
Supplier cancelling or changing travel arrangements due to an
epidemic or pandemic
Default of the Common Carrier resulting from Financial Insolvency
or Financial Insolvency of a Travel Agency, Tour Operator, or Travel
Supplier (Please contact Chase Disputes or the number on the back
of your Chase credit card if your trip has been canceled due to
nancial insolvency)
War, undeclared war, civil war, insurrection, rebellion, revolution,
warlike acts by a military force or personnel, any action taken in
hindering or defending against any of these, the destruction or
seizure of property for a military purpose, or any consequences of
any of these acts; War does not include terrorism
For Trip Cancellation only:
Trips booked to any area known to be associated with Terrorist Activity
For Trip Interruption only:
Travel arrangements canceled or changed by a Travel Supplier
unless the cancellation is the result of Severe Weather or an
organized strike aecting public transportation, or unless specically
covered herein
Any Terrorist Incident or Travel Warning that occurred within
twenty–ve (25) miles of Your or Your Traveling Companion’s place
of permanent residence within thirty (30) days prior to the initial
deposit date or booking date of the Trip
A Terrorist Incident within twenty–ve (25) miles of an airport,
booked lodging, and/or Host at Destination location listed on Your
itinerary within thirty (30) days of Your initial deposit date or booking
date of the Trip
What is the Maximum Benet Amount?
If more than one person insured under the same Account suers a
loss for the same Trip, the Company will not pay more than:
Benet Maximum
Benet Amount
per Trip
Maximum Benet
Amount per Twelve (12)
Month Period
Trip Cancellation $20,000.00 $40,000.00
Trip Interruption $20,000.00 $40,000.00
If the Cardholder charges multiple travel expenses for a Trip, each
Covered Person is eligible for benets, subject to these maximums.
If a loss results in total payable benet amounts that exceed the
applicable Maximum Benet Amount per Trip, benets will be
divided proportionally, based on applicable amounts owed to all
Covered Persons.
How Do You File a Claim?
Follow these steps to le Your claim:
1. Call the Benet Administrator within twenty (20) days of Your Trip
Cancellation or Interruption or as soon as reasonably possible.
2. Answer a few questions, so the Benet Administrator can send You
the right claim forms and let You know what other documentation
is needed.
If you're outside of the US, call collect at 1-804-281-5772
3. Return the completed and signed claim form and requested
documentation to the Benet Administrator within ninety (90) days
or as soon as reasonably possible (but no later than one (1) year
after the ninety (90) day deadline).
Filing online is faster: visit
What Documents Will You Need to Provide?
The Benet Administrator will provide the details, but generally You
should be prepared to send:
Completed and signed claim form
Travel itinerary
Documentation conrming the reason for Trip Cancellation or
Interruption (e.g., medical documents, death certicate, etc.)
Credit Card Account statement (showing the last four (4) digits
of the Account number) reecting the charge for prepaid travel
arrangements (for Trip Cancellation), and proof of expenses incurred
(for Trip Interruption)
Copies of the cancellation or refund policies of providers involved
in the trip, such as the Common Carrier, Tour Operator, or
Travel Supplier
Proof of expenses incurred due to a Trip Interruption
Any unused vouchers, tickets, or coupons
Accident or Accidental – a sudden, unforeseen, and unexpected
event which a) happens by chance; b) arises from a source external to
You; c) is independent of illness, disease or other bodily malfunction or
medical or surgical treatment thereof; d) occurs while You are insured
under the benet while it is in eect; and e) is the direct cause of loss
Accidental Bodily Injury – bodily injury, which a) is Accidental; b) is
the direct cause of a loss; and c) occurs while the Cardholder is insured
under this policy, which is in eect; Accidental Bodily Injury does not
include conditions caused by repetitive motion injuries or cumulative
trauma not a result of an Accident, including, but not limited to
Osgood–Schlatter’s Disease, bursitis, Chondromalacia, shin splints,
stress fractures, tendinitis, and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Account – the Cardholder’s Credit Card Account issued by
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. and/or its aliates
Appropriate Authoritythe U.S. State Department or other U.S.
governmental authority with jurisdiction to issue travel advice
Cardholder – an individual to whom a Credit Card Account has been
issued by JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. and/or its aliates
Change Fees (Trip Interruption only) any fee imposed by a Travel
Supplier to change the date and/or time of prescheduled travel
arrangements of a Trip that has not been cancelled; Change Fees do
not include a change in Common Carrier fare, Provider of Lodging
occupancy rate, or new Common Carrier fares
Common Carrierany commercially licensed motorized land,
water, or air conveyance, operated by an organization other than
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. and/or its aliates, organized and licensed
for the transportation of passengers for hire, and operated by an
employee or an individual under contract; Common Carrier does not
include Cruise Lines, however Cruise Lines are an eligible expense
for reimbursement
46 For questions, call 1-888-675-1461 if you're in the US
Company – Federal Insurance Company
Covered Personthe Cardholder and the Cardholder’s Immediate
Family Members
Credit Carda payment medium that takes the form of a Credit Card,
credit plate, charge plate, courtesy card, or other identication card or
device issued to You; You may use the Credit Card to purchase, hire,
rent, or lease property or services
Cruise Linea company that maintains a eet of cruise ships and
markets cruises to the public
Domestic Partnera person designated by You who is registered as
a Domestic Partner or legal equivalent under the laws of the governing
jurisdiction or who is at least eighteen (18) years of age and competent
to enter into a contract; is not related to You by blood; has exclusively
lived with You for at least twelve (12) consecutive months prior to
the date of enrollment; is not legally married or separated and as of
the date of enrollment has at least two (2) of the following nancial
arrangements with You: a joint mortgage or lease, a joint bank account,
joint title to or ownership of a motor vehicle or status as a joint lessee
on a motor vehicle lease or a joint credit card account with a nancial
institution; neither You nor Your Domestic Partner can be married to,
nor in a civil union with, anyone else
Eligible Travel Expenses – Non–Refundable prepaid travel expenses
charged by a Travel Supplier (Travel Agency, Tour Operator, Provider
of Lodging, rental car agency, Rented Recreational Vehicle Provider,
commercial recreational excursion provider, Cruise Line, airline,
railroad, and other Common Carriers); Eligible Travel Expenses also
means redeposit fees imposed by a Rewards program administrator;
Eligible Travel Expenses does not include Event Tickets or prepaid fees
to theme parks, museums, golf courses, or other points of interest
(unless such expenses are included as part of a travel package);
For the Trip Interruption benet only: Eligible Travel Expenses also
include Change Fees and costs to return a rental vehicle to the closest
rental agency or Your personal vehicle to Your closest leased or
owned residence
Event Ticketwritten evidence permitting admission to an event
that is scheduled to take place while You are insured under this policy
and at a destination other than Your primary residence; the name of
the event, the date on which the event is to take place, and the event
venue must be clearly indicated on the ticket
Financial Insolvencythe inability of an entity to provide travel
services because it has ceased operations either following the ling of
a petition for bankruptcy, whether voluntary or involuntary, or because
it has ceased operations as a result of a denial of credit or the inability
to meet nancial obligations
Host at Destination – a person with whom You are sharing
pre–arranged overnight accommodations at the host’s usual principal
place of residence
Insured Personthe Cardholder
Loss of Life – death, including clinical death, as determined by the
local governing medical authority authorities where such death occurs
within three hundred sixty–ve (365) days after an Accident
Named Storm Warning – a warning issued by a meteorological society
with jurisdiction to issue such warning, during dates of Your scheduled
travel, for a named storm that is occurring or is imminently expected
to occur within fty (50) miles of the airport, terminal, or station You
are scheduled to depart from or arrive to, or Your booked Provider of
If you're outside of the US, call collect at 1-804-281-5772
Lodging, and/or Host at Destination; a Named Storm Warning does not
include a government’s declaration of a state of emergency in absence
of a storm warning issued by a meteorological society with jurisdiction
to issue such warning, or a Named Storm Watch
Named Storm Watch – a statement from a meteorological society
with jurisdiction to issue such watch saying there is the potential for
Severe Weather to occur during dates of Your scheduled travel for
an area within fty (50) miles of the airport, terminal, or station You
are scheduled to depart from or arrive to, or Your booked Provider of
Lodging, and/or Host at Destination; a Named Storm Watch does not
mean that Severe Weather is imminent; a Named Storm Watch only
means that based on the meteorological society’s projected course for
the storm, it is possible
Non–Refundable – money (or Rewards) prepaid by the Cardholder or
the Cardholder’s Spouse or Domestic Partner through use of a covered
Account for a Covered Trip:
which will be forfeited under the terms of the agreement made with
the Travel Supplier for unused travel arrangements; and
for which the Travel Supplier will not provide any other form of
compensation; or
for which the Rewards administrator will not provide reimbursement
of Rewards
Physician – a licensed practitioner of the healing arts, acting within
the scope of his or her license to the extent provided by the laws of
the jurisdiction in which medical treatment is provided; Physician does
not include You, Your Traveling Companion, or Your or Your Traveling
Companion’s Immediate Family Member, Your or Your Traveling
Companion’s employer or business partner, or an Immediate Family
Member of Your or Your Traveling Companion’s employer or business
partner, a massage therapist, a physical therapist, or anyone employed
by JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. and/or its aliates
Pre–existing Conditionillness, disease or accidental injury of You
or Your Traveling Companion, Your Immediate Family Member or the
Immediate Family Member of Your Traveling Companion, for which
medical advice, diagnosis, care or treatment was recommended or
received within the sixty (60) day period immediately prior to the initial
deposit or booking date (whichever occurs rst) of a Trip; the taking of
prescription drugs or medication for a controlled condition throughout
this sixty (60) day period will not be considered to be a treatment
of illness or disease; additionally, regular antenatal care, through
twenty–six (26) weeks gestation, provided it is a single, uncomplicated
pregnancy which does not arise from services or treatment associated
with an assisted reproductive program, including but not limited to
in vitro fertilization, is not considered to be a treatment of illness
or disease
Provider of Lodging – a hotel, inn, motel, bed and breakfast, or
hostel; a Provider of Lodging includes non–commercial time shares,
condominiums, or rentals of a private residence; such rental shall
require a written contract between You and the property owner or
management company, executed in advance of the commencement
of the rental period; such contract must: a) be facilitated by a licensed
rental agent, licensed attorney, or website specically designed for
the purpose of matching those oering short term rental properties
with renters, b) specically outline cancellation provisions, and c) not
have a contract period greater than sixty (60) days; this sixty (60) day
limitation shall include: a) the initial term of the contract as well as
any subsequent extension of the initial contract, and/or b) any new
48 For questions, call 1-888-675-1461 if you're in the US
contract entered into by You to rent the same property listed on the
initial written contract which is incepted within the thirty (30) days
immediately following the initial contract’s expiration date; direct
transactions with owners of property or time shares not facilitated
by a licensed rental agent, licensed attorney, or website specically
designed for the purpose of matching those oering short term rental
properties with renters are not included regardless of whether a
contract is executed
Quarantine – You or Your Traveling Companion is forced into medical
isolation by a recognized government authority, their authorized
deputies, or medical examiners due to You or Your Traveling
Companion either having, or being suspected of having, a contagious
disease, infection, or contamination
Rented Recreational Vehicle Provider – a commercial rental
Company licensed under the laws of the applicable jurisdiction and
whose primary business is renting watercraft, bareboat chartered
boats, all–terrain vehicles, motorcycles, dirt bikes, jet skis, snow
mobiles or any other motorized vehicle used for recreational purposes,
unless stated otherwise or an exclusion applies
Rewards – points, miles, cash Rewards, or any other type of redeemable
Rewards, as well as any redeposit fees charged by a Rewards
administrator, provided that all Rewards have been accumulated by
the Cardholder through use of JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. and/or its
aliates sponsored Rewards program
Scheduled Departure Date – the date on which You are originally
scheduled to leave on the Trip
Scheduled Return Date – the date on which You are originally
scheduled to return to the point of origin or to a dierent
nal destination
Severe Weatherany dangerous meteorological phenomena with
the potential to cause major damage, serious social disruption, or
loss of human life; wildre related smog at the point of origin of
the Trip or within the vicinity of an airport, booked lodging, and/or
Host at Destination location listed on Your travel itinerary for which
a health advisory has been issued by the appropriate government
agency with jurisdiction to issue such advisory shall also be considered
Severe Weather
Sickness – an illness or disease which requires the attendance
of a Physician
Spouse – Your husband or wife who is recognized as such by the laws
of the jurisdiction in which You reside; Spouse includes Domestic
Partners or Covered Persons joined by Civil Unions where applicable
by law
Terrorist Activitymultiple Terrorist Incidents or Travel Warnings
related to terrorism that have occurred within the twelve (12) months
prior to the initial deposit date or booking date of a Trip located within
twenty–ve (25) miles of an airport, booked lodging, and/or Host at
Destination location listed on Your itinerary
Terrorist Cella small unit serving or identifying as part of a larger
terrorist organization where the members coordinate for a specic
attack against a government or civilian population
Terrorist Incidentthe use or intended use of any bomb, nuclear,
biological, or chemical agent dangerous to human life; or any violent
act of a single individual resulting in mass casualties; or any violent act
of a Terrorist Cell resulting in mass casualties; the terrorist act must
be intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; to inuence
If you're outside of the US, call collect at 1-804-281-5772
the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or to aect the
conduct of a government by mass destruction
Tour Operatoran entity which organizes travel components into
packaged arrangements for sale directly to the travelling public
Travel Agencyan entity with which travel arrangements were made
and purchased by the Cardholder
Travel Suppliera Travel Agency, or Tour Operator, or Provider
of Lodging, or rental car agency, or Rented Recreational Vehicle
Provider, or commercial recreational excursion provider, or Cruise
Line, or occupancy provider, Cruise Line, airline, railroad, or other
Common Carriers
Travel Warninga warning, issued by an Appropriate Authority,
that travel is not advisable due to an imminent, credible, and specic
terrorist threat; Travel Warning does not include general travel
advisories in the absence of an imminent, credible, and specic
terrorist threat
Traveling Companionan individual who has made advanced
arrangements with You to travel together for all or part of the Trip
Trip – any travel booked through a Travel Supplier for which:
any portion of the cost has been charged to the Cardholder’s
Account issued by JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. and/or its aliates; or
any portion of the cost has been paid for with redeemable Rewards
that were accumulated by the Cardholder from a Rewards program
sponsored by JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. and/or its aliates
while the insurance is in eect
and is for a time period that doesn’t exceed sixty (60) days in
duration; Note: If a Trip exceeds sixty (60) days in duration, You
will be reimbursed the pro–rated portion of any Non–Refundable
pre–paid Eligible Travel Expenses up to the rst sixty (60) days of
the Trip
Trip Cancellationthe cancellation of travel arrangements due to a
loss when You are prevented from traveling on a Trip on or before the
Scheduled Departure Date of the Trip
Trip Interruptionthe interruption of Your Trip either on the way to
the point of departure or after departure of the Trip; Trip Interruption
also means any change to the date and time of pre–scheduled un–
canceled travel arrangements
War – hostilities following a formal declaration of war by a
governmental authority; in the absence of a formal declaration of war
by a governmental authority, armed, open and continuous hostilities
between two (2) countries or armed, open and continuous hostilities
between two (2) factions, each in control of territory or claiming
jurisdiction over the geographic area of hostility
We, Us and Our – Federal Insurance Company
You or Your – the Covered Person
Additional Provisions
We have a right to examine under oath, as often as We may
reasonably require, You or Your authorized representative,
if applicable. We may also require You or Your authorized
representative to provide a signed description of the circumstances
surrounding the loss and Your interest in the loss. You or Your
authorized representative will also produce all records and
documents requested by Us and will permit Us to make copies of
such records or documents.
50 For questions, call 1-888-675-1461 if you're in the US
Trip Delay Reimbursement
The Trip Delay Reimbursement benet provides reimbursement for
reasonable expenses incurred during the delay up to ve hundred
($500.00) dollars for each ticket purchased when You are delayed
due to a Covered Hazard for more than six (6) hours or require an
overnight stay.
You and Your Family Members are covered when Your name is
embossed on an eligible card issued in the United States, and You
charge all or a portion of a Common Carrier fare to Your credit card
Account and/or rewards programs associated with Your Account.
Family Member means Your spouse/domestic partner and Your legally
dependent children under the age of twenty–six (26). This benet is
limited to one claim per Eligible Person per Covered Trip.
What Expenses Are Covered?
The Trip Delay Reimbursement benet will reimburse Your reasonable
additional expenses incurred during a Covered Trip delay, including
meals, lodging, toiletries and medication.
What’s Not Covered?
The Trip Delay Reimbursement benet does not apply to:
Any delay due to a Covered Hazard which was made public or made
known to You prior to Your departure
Any pre–paid expenses related to Your Covered Trip, such as tour or
activity fees associated with Your Covered Trip
This benet applies to reasonable expenses incurred during Your
delay not otherwise covered by Your Common Carrier, another
party, or Your primary personal insurance policy. You will be
refunded the excess amount (up to the maximum) once all other
reimbursement has been exhausted up to the limit of liability.
In the event of a claim under this policy, You or Your authorized
representative, if applicable, must fully cooperate with Us in Our
handling of the claim, including, but not limited to, the timely
submission of all medical and other reports. If We are sued
in connection with a claim under this policy, then You or Your
authorized representative must fully cooperate with Us in the
handling of such suit. JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. and/or its aliates,
You or Your authorized representative must not, except at Your own
expense, voluntarily make any payment or assume any obligation in
connection with any suit without Our prior written consent.
No legal action for a claim may be brought against the Provider
until sixty (60) days after the Provider receives proof of loss.
No legal action against the Provider may be brought more than
three (3) years after the time for giving proof of loss. Further, no
legal action may be brought against the Provider unless all the terms
of the Guide to Benets have been complied with fully.
This information is a brief description of the important features
of this insurance plan. It is not an insurance contract. Insurance
benets are underwritten by Federal Insurance Company. Coverage
may not be available in all states or certain terms may be dierent
where required by state law.
Please see “General Provision and Denitions” section at the end of
this document.
FORM #TCTI CON10k (05/21)
If you're outside of the US, call collect at 1-804-281-5772
How Do You File a Claim?
Follow these steps to le Your claim:
1. Call the Benet Administrator within sixty (60) days of the Covered
Trip delay.
2. Answer a few questions, so the Benet Administrator can send You
the right claim forms and let You know what other documentation
is needed.
3. Return the completed and signed claim form and requested
documentation to the Benet Administrator within
one hundred (100) days.
Filing online is faster: visit
What Documents Will You Need to Provide?
The Benet Administrator will provide the details, but generally You
should be prepared to send:
Completed and signed claim form
Original and updated travel itinerary and/or the Common
Carrier ticket
Credit card Account statement (showing the last four (4) digits of
the Account number) reecting the charge for the Common Carrier
ticket (unless the travel itinerary reects the last four (4) digits of
Your Account number as payment method)
If more than one method of payment was used, please provide
documentation as to additional currency, voucher, rewards
programs, or other payment method used.
Statement from the Common Carrier explaining the reason
for the delay
Copies of itemized receipts for Your claimed expenses as follows:
receipts are required for food expenses; otherwise, itemized receipts
are required only for expenses of fty ($50.00) dollars or more per
Eligible Traveler
Any other documentation deemed necessary by the Benet
Administrator to substantiate the claim
Account – Your credit card Account issued by
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. and/or its aliates
Common Carrierany land, water, or air conveyance operating
for hire under a valid license for the transportation of passengers
and for which a ticket must be purchased prior to commencing
travel; Common Carrier does not include taxis, limousine services, or
commuter rail or commuter bus lines or rental vehicles
Covered Hazardsequipment failure, inclement weather, strike and
Covered Tripa period of travel that does not exceed three hundred
sixty–ve (365) days away from the Eligible Traveler’s residence to a
destination other than the Eligible Traveler’s city of residence for which
the Eligible Traveler’s cost of transportation for the Common Carrier
has been charged to the Account and/or rewards programs associated
with the covered Account
Failure to contact the Benet Administrator or return the
completed claim form and requested documentation within the
above time periods may result in denial of Your claim.
52 For questions, call 1-888-675-1461 if you're in the US
Eligible Travelera cardholder or Family Member who pays for their
Covered Trip by using the cardholder’s eligible Account and/or rewards
programs associated with the cardholder’s covered Account
Family MemberYour spouse/domestic partner or legally dependent
children under the age of twenty–six (26)
You or Your – the Eligible Traveler
Additional Provisions
This information is a brief description of the important features
of this insurance plan. It is not an insurance contract. Insurance
benets are underwritten by Indemnity Insurance Company of North
America (“Provider”).
No legal action for a claim may be brought against the Provider
until sixty (60) days after the Provider receives Proof of Loss.
No legal action against the Provider may be brought more than
three (3) years after the time for giving Proof of Loss. Further, no
legal action may be brought against the Provider unless all the terms
of the Guide to Benets have been complied with fully.
Please see “General Provisions and Denitions” section at the end of
this document.
General Provisions and Denitions
General Provisions: Apply to ALL Benets:
Signed transactions are covered as long as You use Your eligible card
Account and/or Rewards programs associated with Your Account to
secure the transaction.
You shall do all things reasonable to avoid or diminish any loss
covered by these benets. This provision will not be unreasonably
applied to avoid claims.
If You make any claim knowing it to be false or fraudulent in any
respect, no coverage shall exist for such claim, and Your benets
may be cancelled. Each cardholder agrees that representations
regarding claims will be accurate and complete. Any and all
relevant provisions shall be void in any case of fraud, intentional
concealment, or misrepresentation of material fact.
These benets are provided to eligible cardholders at no additional
cost. The terms and conditions contained in this Guide to Benets
may be modied by subsequent endorsements. Modications to
the terms and conditions may be provided via additional Guide
to Benets mailings, statement inserts, statement messages or
electronic notication. The benets described in this Guide will
not apply to cardholders whose Accounts have been suspended
or cancelled.
Termination dates may vary by nancial institutions. Chase can
cancel or non–renew the benets for cardholders, and if they do,
they will notify You at least thirty (30) days in advance.
After the Benet Administrator has paid Your claim, all Your
rights and remedies against any party in respect of this claim will
be transferred to the Benet Administrator to the extent of the
payment made to You. You must give the Benet Administrator
all assistance as may reasonably be required to secure all rights
and remedies.
These benets do not apply to the extent that trade or economic
If you're outside of the US, call collect at 1-804-281-5772
sanctions or other laws or regulations prohibit the provision of
insurance, including, but not limited to, the payment of claims.
Denitions Related to Cyber Incidents:
The following language applies to Auto Rental
Collision Damage Waiver, Extended Warranty
Protection and Purchase Protection:
“Cyber Incident” means any of the following acts:
(a) unauthorized access to or use of Your Digital Data or a Rental
Vehicle, or a Covered Purchase;
(b) alteration, corruption, damage, reduction in functionality,
manipulation, misappropriation, theft, deletion, erasure, loss of
use or destruction of Your Digital Data or a Rental Vehicle, or a
Covered Purchase;
(c) transmission or introduction of a computer virus or harmful code,
including ransomware, into or directed against Your Digital Data or
a Rental Vehicle, or a Covered Purchase;
(d) restriction or inhibition of access to or directed against Your Digital
Data or a Rental Vehicle, or a Covered Purchase;
(e) computer errors, including human operating error or omission;
power failure, surge, or diminution of electronic systems; or
mistakes in legitimate electronic code or damage from code
installed on a Rental Vehicle, or a Covered Purchase during the
manufacturing process, upgrade process, or normal maintenance.
“Digital Data” means information, concepts, knowledge, facts, images,
sounds, instructions, or Computer Programs stored as or on, created
or used on, or transmitted to or from computer software (including
systems and applications software), on hard or oppy disks, CD-ROMs,
tapes, drives, cells, data processing devices or any other repositories
of computer software which are used with electronically controlled
equipment. Digital Data shall include the capacity of a Rental Vehicle,
or Covered Purchase to store information, process information, and
transmit information over the Internet.
“Computer Programs” means a set of related electronic instructions
which direct the operations and functions of a computer or device
connected to it, which enable the computer or device to receive,
process, store, retrieve or send data.
54 For questions, call 1-888-675-1461 if you're in the US For questions, call 1-888-675-1461 if you're in the US
If you're outside of the US, call collect at 1-804-281-5772If you're outside of the US, call collect at 1-804-281-5772
Visitts to see all
the benets that come with your card.
US: Call 1-888-675-1461
International: 1-804-281-5772