Health Recommender System for Smart Cities
Houda El Bouhissi
, Dyhia Tagzirt
, Faycal Bouredjioua
and Olga Pavlova
LIMED Laboratory, Faculty of Exact Sciences, University of Bejaia, Bejaia, 06000, Algeria
Laboratoire LITAN, Ecole Supérieure en Sciences et Technologies de l’Informatique et du Numérique, Bejaia,
Khmelnytskyi National University, Instytuts’ka str., 11, Khmelnytskyi, 29016, Ukraine
Recommender systems are a key element in transforming cities into smart cities, improving
the quality of life of citizens, reducing costs, solving complex problems and provide quality
services through personalized solutions. Nowadays, tourism is valuable for smart cities through
its contributions to improve business, employment and economy. Smart city tourism can be
enhanced by various services to improve citizen's life quality of. In this paper, we survey the
existing literature on health recommender systems for smart cities and propose a novel
approach to help tourists finding the appropriate doctor. The experiments showed that the built
recommendation system has great effective promise to improve the efficiency of smart city
tourism services.
Recommender Systems, Healthcare, Smart cities, machine learning, tourism
1. Introduction
Smart cities have become a priority for governments and citizens around the world, as they enable
the use of information and communication technologies to improve the citizen's life quality, make cities
more sustainable and efficient, and solve complex urban problems. The emergence of innovative
solutions for smart cities will provide a stimulating environment for urban recommendations
Recommendation systems (RS)s are a key component in transforming cities to smart cities,
improving the life quality of citizens by finding the services they need quickly and efficiently.
For instance, if a visitor disease occurs in a smart city, without any support, it becomes difficult to
find a nearby doctor. Moreover, he/she can use a RS to find the nearest and most appropriate doctor
based on his/her health status and geographical location. Recommendations are therefore very important
for smart cities to solve complex problems regarding healthcare, mobility, energy, and environment
through using data and technologies to provide personalized responses/services to citizens.
The purpose of this paper is to review the existing literature on health RSs for smart cities and
propose a novel approach for assisting tourists in selecting appropriate doctor.
This paper is organized as following. In the next section, we provide a background of RSs and smart
cities, and then we present the state of the art summarizing some of the existing works. In section 4, we
describe our proposal in detailed. The next section concerns the implementation where we present the
implementation environment and we describe the data source. In section 5, we analyze and discuss the
generated results. We conclude this paper with the conclusion and some perspectives.
MoMLeT+DS 2023: 5
International Workshop on Modern Machine Learning Technologies and Data Science, June, 3-4, 2023, Lviv-Leiden,
EMAIL: Houda.el[email protected]m (H. El Bouhissi); [email protected] (D. Tagzirt); faycal.boure[email protected].dz
(F. Bouredjioua);
ORCID: 0000-0003-3239-8255 (H. El Bouhissi); 0000-0003-2905-0215 (O.Pavlova)
2023 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
CEUR Workshop Proceedings (
2. Background
In this section, we discuss the many ideas and basic principles associated with RSs and smart cities,
as well as their types, features and principles.
2.1. Recommender systems
RSs have been defined in several ways. "RS can be defined as programs that attempt to recommend
the most appropriate items (products or services) to specific users (individuals or companies) by
measuring user interest [1] [2]".
By pulling the most pertinent data and services from a dataset, RSs are being developed with the
goal of reducing information overload and providing individualized services. RS aims to create
individualized suggestions by inferring the preferences and interests of the user from that person's
activity and/or those of other users is its most crucial component.
A RS model involves mainly two key components: "users" and "items" (figure 1). The system
provides recommendations to the users, who provide feedback by either vote or notes. These ratings
are registered as a triplet of (user, item, note), and used to create the "score matrix," which represents
the interactions between users and items. The ratings can take different forms, such as numerical scores
on a scale of 1 to 5 or binary "like/dislike" options.
Figure 1: RS general architecture
Today, we live in a digital world where RSs are the most powerful and practical used tools. RSs can
be classified into three types: content-based filtering, collaborative filtering, and hybrid filtering [3].
These strategies need to be studied in order to provide the final consumer with the best
recommendations according to his/her interests [4].
Different types of models are used in content-based filtering to identify similarities between
elements and produce actionable recommendations. To illustrate the relationship between the various
components of a corpus, probabilistic models like the classifier Naive Bayes, decision trees, or neural
networks may be used. These models are trained using artificial intelligence and indexing approaches.
Collaborative filtering includes a database (user-item matrix) which considers user ratings on
specific items to recommend the same items to other users without considering the content of such
Generally, the collaborative filtering employs clustering and probabilistic approaches and involves
two major sub methods:
User-based method, which is a heuristic method, where the user's preferences that are similar
to other users to provide predictions and inferences.
Item-bade method: Collaborative filtering based on items suggests items that are similar to
other items the active user liked.
Due to their capacity to boost performance, hybrid systems are becoming more and more common.
They use a number of recommendation techniques to produce predictions and recommendations.
In addition to these recommendations, knowledge-based is another type [5], which use specific
information to identify items that match the user's preferences. When data is limited, knowledge-based
systems are generally more reliable than other types of recommendations that depend on the user's
However, if the knowledge system is not able to learn from the user's notes or actions, it may not
provide personalized recommendations. It is important to note that knowledge-based RSs are often used
in conjunction with other methods to ensure an optimal user experience.
Numerous online platforms, including e-commerce websites and social media sharing platforms, are
heavily reliant on RSs today. These systems use algorithms to provide users with recommendations for
articles or products based on their past behavior and preferences.
However, the RSs continue to face a number of challenges [1] that might hinder their effectiveness
despite their widespread use:
Cold start: refers to à situation where the recommender system does not have enough
information about a new user or item to make accurate recommendations. These problems can also
be resolved by hybrid filtering.
Scalability: refers to the ability of the system to handle increasing amounts of data and users
while maintaining its performance.
Privacy: refers to the protection of sensitive user information, such as their preferences and
behaviors that are used by the RS to generate recommendations.
Sparsity: In online shops, we find that the number of candidate items for recommendation is
often high and that users evaluate only a small subset of them. This makes it difficult to determine
a user's interests and may be associated with a bad neighborhood. As a result, the evaluation matrix
(user-item interaction) is a hollow matrix with a high rate of missing values.
These constraints provide significant obstacles to the development and implementation of effective
recommendation systems, necessitating careful consideration and methodical resolution throughout
these processes.
2.2. Smart cities
The term "smart city" originated in the early 1990s, highlighting the significance of information and
communication technologies in building a modern city's infrastructure [6]. The meaning of "intelligent"
varies depending on its usage.
Different papers and works have used various terms, such as "smart city", "knowledge city", or
"digital city" to describe this concept. There is a significant difference between a smart city and a digital
city, which are often confused or used as synonyms, but they are not exactly the same [7].
Generally, a smart city is an interconnected city including sensors and other devices, employs digital
tools to enhance the life quality for populations.
The relationship between SRs and smart cities is essential. As a smart city comprises a whole range
of services, users may it difficult to choose the best service among a multitude of services offered by
smart cities. Users can benefit from RSs by receiving personalized recommendations for products and
services that fit their requirements and interests and simplifying their daily life.
Since smart cities handle many sensors data, this data takes many forms and can either add value or
be of insignificant value. In this context, RSs are a way of filtering an excess of data, adding
personalized features and providing a selection of value adapted to the user's preferences and context.
RSs are strong tools that filter relevant information, upgrading the relations between stakeholders in the
polity and civil society, and assisting in decision making tasks through technological platforms
We assume that there is a critical need to build more RSs for the overall Smart City offering services
in different domains like healthcare, tourism, and education.
3. Related works
The investigation of RSs in the context of a comprehensive, interconnected smart city is still in its
initial phases. It is important that we were unable to locate only few documents that discuss the RS for
smart cities. Therefore, a number of works in literature is associated to the recommendation in
healthcare. According to the recommendation approach, we divide these works into three categories:
collaborative filtering, content filtering and hybrid filtering.
We present here the most important works, which fit our proposal.
3.1. Collaborative filtering
In the healthcare domain, collaborative filtering can be used to recommend treatments by examining
a patient's medical history, current health status, and responding to various treatments.
By providing information about treatment choices that have been effective for patients with similar
conditions, collaborative filtering systems can help doctors in their decision-making about patient care.
We review the works that have been proposed in this area and discover what strategies are often used
to achieve efficient results.
Leanza and Carbonaro [8], propose deploying real-time RSs combined with the sensor infrastructure
of smart cities to provide residents with route suggestions that take into account their health status and
preferences. The authors have described all the components, architecture, and operation of the proposed
In addition, experiments were conducted and a smartphone application called "SmartRoute" was
developed using real data provided by the smart city IoT infrastructure as well as participatory
contributions from users who tested the system in real-life circumstances. The experimental results
show that the approach is efficient and can provide citizens with helpful recommendations, despite the
large amount of unknown data. The author's project is part of a larger discussion about environmentally
friendly investments in smart cities.
The project of Erdeniz [9], is part of a broader research context on the use of RSs to improve the
health status of individuals. In this research area, many works have examined the benefits and
applications of recommender technologies in IoT-based mobile health systems (m-health).
In this context, the paper refers to a previous study that proposes two new recommenders for an IoT
project to provide new health applications, devices, and physical activity plans for patients. The authors
used collaborative and content-based filtering techniques to recommend personalized mobile health
apps and devices to patients based on their health profile.
Forouzandeh et al. [10], studied the use of RSs in IoT (Internet of Things) devices and collected data
from companies such as Telus, Libelium and BlueRover. Based on a survey of 1,875 users, the RS
provides possibilities to users based on popular IoT devices (IOTPO), popular IoT services (IOTPS)
and profile similarity (IOTSRS). The results show that the highest accuracy is achieved by
recommending services based on users' profiles, indicating the importance of users' profiles in
determining their interests and preferences for IoT devices. The accuracy of the RS increases with the
number of users, making it an effective tool for analyzing user preferences for IoT devices.
3.2. Content filtering
Content filtering is a RS approach used in healthcare that provides recommendations based on
information in health data. It can be used for diagnostic purposes, to allow patients to find information
about their health status, or for healthcare companies to improve patient care.
In this work by Sun et al. [11], a RS has been proposed to provide people with personalized exercise
route recommendations based on their health status, using real-time data to improve their lifestyle and
enhance their daily health activities. The system uses collaborative filtering algorithms based on deep
learning to recommend appropriate exercise routes based on the user's health data. The system has been
successfully evaluated on a test dataset, showing high accuracy of recommendations and significant
improvement in the user's health and well-being.
3.3. Hybrid filtering
Hybrid filtering systems are a combination of collaborative and content-based filtering that use both
user and product data to recommend products or services. In healthcare, they can recommend treatments
based on medical history, preferences and guidelines. Hybrid systems offer more accurate and
personalized recommendations, but these systems are data intensive and complex to implement.
Jabeen et al. [12], presented a hybrid Internet of Things (IoT) based RS to diagnose heart disease
symptoms and provide personalized physical and dietary recommendations. The system was designed
to collect patient data using IoT sensors, which gather important information such as blood pressure,
heart rate, and physical activity level. Then, a heart disease prediction model was used to diagnose
cardiovascular diseases and classify them according to patients' gender and age.
The hybrid RS proposed by the authors combines two recommendation approaches: collaborative
filtering and content-based filtering. The first approach recommends articles similar to those the patient
liked, using data from patients with similar characteristics. The second approach recommends articles
based on their content and patient information, such as age, gender, medical history, etc.
The results showed that the hybrid recommendation system had an accuracy of 87.20% for diet
recommendation and 91.50% for exercise recommendation. The authors also compared their RS with
other traditional RSs, such as collaborative filtering and content filtering, and showed that their hybrid
approach was more effective
Subramaniyaswamy et al. [13] present a personalized RS called ProTrip that helps travelers by
generating suggestions based on their interests, preferences, travel sequence, activities, motivations,
opinions, and demographic information. ProTrip is a health-focused system that suggests foods based
on climate characteristics, personal choice and nutritional value. It can also help travelers with chronic
diseases or strict diets. ProTrip is based on ontological knowledge and customized filtering
mechanisms, and has improved accuracy and efficiency over existing models.
Zhang et al. [14] present a state of the art of medical RSs and propose a new system called iDoctor
which is based on hybrid matrix factorization methods. iDoctor differs from existing RSs by using
sentiment analysis to understand the influence of emotions on users' opinions, and by incorporating
users' preferences and physicians' characteristics into the RS. Experimental results show that iDoctor
provides more accurate predictions and greater precision in healthcare recommendations. The authors
show that iDoctor could have practical applications in the healthcare industry, including providing
personalized healthcare recommendations to patients. The paper highlights the importance of analyzing
user sentiments and preferences in the design of healthcare RSs.
Farman [15] presents an IoT-based approach for patients to receive dietary recommendations using
ontology-based systems. The author's paper discusses the use of sensors to collect patient health
information and the use of smart refrigerators and medicine boxes to provide diet and medication
recommendations. The aim is to reduce the burden of chronic patients on hospitals and enable patients
to receive care remotely.
Han et al. [16], investigate how RSs can be used to facilitate patient-physician matching in primary
care. The paper proposes a hybrid RS that uses both content-based and collaborative approaches. The
authors collected patient and physician data in a primary care setting, such as demographic information,
medical history, patient assessments, physician notes, etc. They then used this data to create patient and
physician profiles.
Ben Abdessalem Karaa et al. [17] developed a system called RecSPSC that uses tweets to provide
recommendations for startup projects in the smart city and smart health domains. The system uses
machine learning and the Word2Vec algorithm to analyze tweets, as well as an ontology-based
recommendation method to improve the accuracy of recommendations. The results show that RecSPSC
outperforms traditional recommendation approaches in terms of accuracy. The goal of this work is to
improve the quality of life by providing recommendations for startup projects in smart cities, which can
have a positive impact on the economic and social development of a country.
The present study enables evaluating the effectiveness of various SR approaches and methods by
examining the results in terms of accuracy, recall, and precision. Based on the studies reviewed above,
we conclude that the majority of the most cited projects in the health services domain use the
collaborative approach.
However, using the collaborative filtering method is an issue for newly enrolled users. This is
because to generate personalized recommendations, these systems typically rely on user ratings.
Therefore, because they have not provided enough information for the system to understand them, new
users who have not yet provided feedback or ratings cannot receive personalized recommendations.
4. Proposed approach
Nowadays, tourism is valuable for smart cities in different ways. Tourism contributes to improve
business, employment and economy. Smart city tourism can be enhanced by various services to improve
citizens' life quality.
Tourists select the wellbeing sites in this context; the tourism state health is a major skill in a smart
city. If a tourist becomes sick, we have to provide him the most appropriate treatment.
Our proposed RS use the patient's symptoms as well as his geographical location to suggest the
suitable doctor. In this section, we present our approach in detailed. Using collaborative filtering
techniques, our system suggest doctors that other patients with similar symptoms have checked and
been satisfied. This would enable to provide personalized, effective recommendations to patients who
travel to an unfamiliar city and require emergency medical care.
Figure 2 represent the proposed architecture of the proposed RS and it mainly consists of the
following four functional steps. The first step involves the creation of user profile. The second step
comprises the research of similar profiles according to the profile built in the previous step. The third
step concerns the recommendation proposal at the whole and finally, the fourth step involves choosing
the best doctor.
Figure 2: Proposed approach
In the following, we will summarize and present the steps of our approach in detail:
4.1. Step 1: Creating the user profile
The first step in creating a personalized patient RS is to create a user profile that includes information
such as the patient's medical history, symptoms, personal preferences and contact information. This
profile modeled a system user with significant information.
This step is very important for our methodology, hence, for our ML algorithm, User data is obtained
from information introduced manually by the user using his smartphone or sensor devices.
4.2. Step 2: Searching similar profiles
The recommendation algorithm will then use the user profile information to identify other users with
similar characteristics. The user database includes different clustered profiles formed previously. The
characteristics used to identify similar profiles include age, gender, diagnosis, medical history, etc.
Searching similar profiles involves the use of similarity measure algorithm, in our case, we use Jaccard
similarity [18] because of its low complexity and simplicity since it is the suitable one for our
Jaccard similarity returns a value between 0 and 1 and is defined (formula 1) as the number of
common elements between the two sets divided by the total number of unique elements in the two sets.
The formula for Jaccard similarity is:
Sim (A, B) = |A ∩ B| / |A ∪ B|
Where : A and B are two sets.
|A| and |B| represent the number of elements in each set.
|A ∩ B| represents the number of elements common to A and B.
In other words, we build a set of symptoms associated with the patient's disease, and then compare
this set with the sets of symptoms corresponding to the areas of expertise of different doctors. Jaccard's
similarity is used to rank doctors according to their similarity to the patient and recommend the most
similar doctors first.
This step is important for the recommendation at the whole. If the built profile is similar to an
existing profile, the recommendation is submitted directly to the user based on the recommendation
history. Moreover, if no similar profile is found among the existing clusters, then a new cluster will be
created automatically to accommodate the new user's profile and the process continue to the third step.
4.3. Step 3: Recommending the suitable doctors
There are several unsupervised learning techniques, such as clustering, dimensionality reduction,
anomaly detection and data generation.... Unsupervised learning is used in a variety of fields, including
pattern recognition, data analysis, bioinformatics, and the medical field. Our approach is based on K-
means [19] clustering algorithm since it is the most suitable algorithm for the recommendation.
K-means is used to group users sharing common interests into clusters, to avoid searching for a
match for each new user joining the site with all existing users and to quickly produce lists of similar
In the K-Means clustering algorithm, we first select K initial centroids, where K represents the
number of desired clusters. Then, each data point is assigned to the cluster with the closest mean, i.e.,
the centroid of the cluster.
Then, the centroids of each cluster are updated according to the points assigned to it, and the process
is repeated until the cluster center (centroid) does not change.
To optimize the process, it is recommended to divide the data into smaller groups, so that the
similarity calculation is performed within groups with fewer users.
We choose the K-means clustering method to help patients finding a doctor based on their disease.
We use patients' medical data to create clusters of patients with similar symptoms. Then, we assign each
cluster to a doctor who specializes in treating the diseases associated with these symptoms. Finally, we
assign each cluster to a specialized doctor in treating the diseases associated with the patients' symptoms
in the considered cluster.
4.4. Step 4 : Choosing the best doctors
In the area of RSs, the user needs to collect the best recommended items. In this way, to further
refine the recommendation and choosing the best doctors, i.e., the nearest doctors according to the
patient geographical location, we calculate the Manhattan distance [20] between the patient's
geographical location and the doctors.
This would take into account the user's geographic proximity to similar doctors and optimize the
patient's care by minimizing the distance to travel, which can be an important feature in choosing a
5. Experiment and Evaluation
In the field of health, evaluating and experimenting a RS are crucial steps to measure its reliability.
This may involve various methods such as collecting test data, analyzing errors, evaluating user
satisfaction, and analyzing performance metrics such as accuracy, speed, and scalability.
The results of the evaluation and experimentation help to improve the system for more satisfactory
outcomes for users. We conduct our experiments and simulations in Bejaia, a Mediterranean town in
northern Algeria to investigate the problem and evaluate our methodology using Python 3.4.
Python is a popular choice for machine learning due to its wide range of libraries and high level of
abstraction. The experiments employ libraries such as numpy for numerical computation, pandas for
data manipulation, and matplotlib for plotting results.
A user-friendly application was developed with reduced menus and convivial interface, where the
user introduces personal data and click on the recommendation button. Sensorized IoT devices were
used to gather data, which was connected to a PC for data input.
Our main issue is the dataset, since the proposed methodology is the newest in our city; we create
our dataset involving useful information about city doctors and diseases. A cleaning and filtering
process was performed to obtain a significant dataset that could be used by the machine-learning
The Precision, Recall, and F-measure metrics are used to benchmark the proposed model's outcome
Precision (formula 2) is a metric that measures the quality of a classification model's results by
calculating the proportion of true positives (TPs) over the sum of true positives and false positives (FPs).
It indicates how often a positive prediction by the model is correct, and is defined by the Equation A:
Precision = TP / (TP + FP)
Recall (formula 3) is a metric that measures how well a classification model can identify
all relevant items by calculating the proportion of true positives (TPs) over the sum of true
positives and false negatives (FNs). It indicates how many of the actual positive cases the
model can identify, and is defined by the Equation B:
Recall = TP / (TP + FN) (3)
F-measure (also known as F1 score) is one of the most popular metrics used for
measuring the overall accuracy of a classification model, rather than cluster accuracy. It is
based on both precision and recall values, and can be computed by the following formula
Equation C:
F1 score = 2 * (Precision * Recall) / (Precision + Recall)
The F1 score combines precision and recall into a single metric that balances both
measures, and provides a way to compare the performance of different models. It ranges
from 0 to 1, with higher values indicating better overall performance.
For the experiment, we consider three scenarios:
First scenario: 60% of data for training and 40% remaining for testing.
Second scenario: 70% of data for training and 30% remaining for testing.
Third scenario: 80% of data for training and 20% remaining for testing.
For a beginning, the obtained results are encouraging, about 86% in term of precision.
6. Conclusion
RS for smart cities can have a significant impact on the health and wellbeing of citizens.
However, ensuring that SRs are reliable, accurate, and used by citizens and healthcare
providers is critical to their effectiveness. Smart cities offer innovative solutions to improve
the citizens' quality life, including health.
In this paper, we conduct a literature review of the related works and propose a
collaborative filtering method for doctor recommendation for smart cities.
The main insights of our approach are to provide an efficient recommendation in a short
time since the issue concerns the citizen's health. It also eliminates the limitation of the
cold-start problem by providing recommendations to a new user even if we do not have
much information about the user's transactions.
This project is just the beginning of a big project regarding smart cities. In future work,
we focus further on data collection from sensor devices and the use of deep learning for a
better recommendation.
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