“ Medicinal Drug Recommendation System ”
Major project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the
degree of Bachelor of Technology
Computer Science and Engineering
Assistant Professor ( Grade - I ) in CSE Department
of Jaypee University of Information Technology
Department of Computer Science & Engineering and Information
Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat,
Himachal Pradesh, INDIA
This is to certify that the work which is being presented in the project report
titled Medicinal Drug Recommendation System” in partial fulfilment of the
requirements for the award of the degree of B.Tech in Computer Science &
Engineering and submitted to the Department of Computer Science &
Engineering, Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat is an
authentic record of work carried out by Deepti Aggarwal (181378) during the
period from January 2022 to May 2022, under the supervision of Dr. Ruchi
Verma, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Jaypee University
of Information Technology, Waknaghat.
Deepti Aggarwal
The above statement made is correct to the best of my knowledge.
Dr. Ruchi Verma
Assistant Professor (Grade - I)
Department of Computer Science & Engineering and Information Technology
Jaypee University of Information Technology
Candidate’s Declaration
I hereby declare that the work presented in this project entitled
“Medicinal Drug Recommendation System” has been done by me under the
supervision of Dr. Ruchi Verma (Assistant Professor ,Grade-I), Department of
Computer Science & Engineering), Jaypee University of Information
I also declare that the matter embodied in this project has not been submitted
elsewhere for award of any degree or diploma.
Supervised by:
Dr. Ruchi Verma
Assistant Professor (Grade - I)
Department of Computer Science & Engineering and Information Technology
Jaypee University of Information Technology
Submitted by:
Deepti Aggarwal,
CSE Department
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Project Objective
1.3 Project Motivation
1.4 Language Used
1.5 Technical Requirements
1.6 Deliverables of the project
Research Papers and Literature Surveys
3.1 Computational Model Development
3.2 Date Set Used in the Minor Project
3.2.1 Types of Data Set
3.2.2 Features of the data set
3.3 Design of Problem Statement
3.4 Algorithm / Pseudo code of Project Problem
3.5 Models
3.6 Flow Graph of the Project
3.7 Screenshots
4.1 Screenshots of the Performance Analysis
5.1 Discussion on the Results Achieved
5.2 Application of the Project
5.3 Limitation of the Minor Project
5.4 Future Work
EDA: Exploratory Data Analysis
ML: Machine Learning
i.e: that is
RAM: Random Access Memory
CPU: Central Processing Unit
GPU: Graphics Processing Unit
NLTK: Natural Language Toolkit
DTC: Decision Tree classifier
POS: Parts of Speech
Table 3.1: CPU specification…………………………………………………….12.
Table 3.2: GPU specification……………………………………………………13.
Graph 3.1: Finding out the maximum number of drugs…………………………24.
Graph 3.2: Find the bottom 20 conditions……………………………………….25.
Graph 3.3: Word count plot……………………………………………………...27.
Graph 3.4: Frequency of bigrams………………………………………………..28.
Graph 3.5: Trigram occurrence………………………………………………….29.
Graph 3.6: Frequency of occurrence of the qualgrams………………………….30.
Graph 3.7: Number of reviews given 1 to 10 ratings……………………………31.
Graph 3.8: Count of reviews…………………………………………………….32.
Graph 3.9: Mean ratings…………………………………………………………33.
Graph 3.10: Pie chart corresponding to the share of each rating………………..33.
Graph 3.11: Number of reviews written each month……………………………34.
Graph 3.12: Mean ratings of the reviews every month………………………….34.
Graph 3.13: Mean ratings in a day.……………………………………………...35.
Graph 3.14: Distribution of the variable usefulCount…………………………..35.
Graph 3.15: Total missing values……………………………………………….36.
Graph 3.16: Number of missing terms in each column…………………………37.
Graph 4.1: LightGBM Features (avg over folds).................................................41.
Fig 3.1(a): Dataset………………………………………………………...……..14.
Fig 3.1(b): Features of dataset……………….…………………………………..14.
Fig 3.2: Exploratory Data Analysis ……………………………………………..16.
Fig 3.3: Data Preprocessing…………………………………………………………….17.
Fig 3.4(a): Sentiment Analysis…………………………………………………..18.
Fig 3.4(b): Sentiment Analysis…………………………………………………..19.
Fig 3.5: Format of Confusion Matrix……………………………………………21.
Fig 3.6: Machine Learning LightGBM Model…………………………………..22.
Fig 3.7: Major Project flow chart………………………………………………..22.
Fig 3.8: The data exploration part………….………………………….…………23.
Fig 3.9: The Leaf-wise growth in a LightGBM Model…………….…...………..23.
Fig 3.10: Flow chart for Sentiment Analysis…………………………………….24.
Fig 3.11: Wordcloud representation of reviews………………………………….26.
Fig 3.12: Wordcloud representation of the stop words…………………………..37.
Fig 4.1: Accuracy of LGBM model with target value usefulcount………………38.
Fig 4.2: confusion matrix LightGBM model without sentiments………………..39.
Fig 4.3: Accuracy of LGBM model with target value sentiments……………….40.
Fig 4.4: confusion matrix LightGBM model with sentiment analysis…………..40.
Fig 4.5: usefulcount overall dftest to find the recommended medicines………...41.
Fig 4.6: Results of recommendation system……………………………………..42.
With the increase in the amount of clinical data being generated and scattered around
the internet, "Health Information" has become the most concerned and searched topic
on the internet.
Since there is an overload of information about medicinal practices, it has become
difficult to make patient-oriented decisions for the medical professionals.
Research shows that a lot of medicine specialists usually make errors when they
prescribe medicines to patients. This happens because they are not very experienced
and sometimes even perform guess work for the same which is very dangerous.
These errors and mistakes made by inexperienced doctors while recommending
medicinal drugs lead to multiple deaths.
To avoid such mistakes, we provide a medicine recommendation system for doctors
which can be used by them while prescribing medicines.
We believe that a recommendation system, which can recommend medicines, can be
really helpful to doctors and medical staff and pharmaceuticals to recommend the
correct medication as per the condition of the patients. Hence, while improving the
services, it will also take care about the patient’s health and being. This could help in
a lesser number of deaths due to errors and happier patients.
1.1 Introduction
For a very long time, vast amounts of clinical information about patients' or people's medical
status, such as hospital reports, lab results, and medical operational procedures, have been
stored and recorded somewhere. Now that there are a large number of records, the digitаl
information about the same has increased dramatically, and this information is then used to
make decisions about a patient's condition and medical problems. This digital information is
distributed across multiple platforms rather than being confined to a single one. This makes
it extremely difficult to find the information that medical personnel and patients require.
Along with this, there has been a significant change in the medical field, as the number of
tests, remedies, and medicines for a specific medical condition is increasing significantly
with each passing day, making it very difficult to decide the correct and most appropriate
remedies for the patients. Recommender systems have been integrated into the online
services that provide this medical information, and these services help to make the selection
process easier for the users. Previously, these systems were an important part of the
healthcare domain to support the medical suggestions domain, hence the name Heаlth
Reсоmmender Systems. These systems provide patients with a better understanding of their
respective medical conditions, i.e. better personalization provided by medical data and
increased details of provided recommendations. These systems aim to make patients' lives
easier by providing a great experience for their medical condition suggestions, assisting
them in taking better care of their health, and doing their best to make patients fоllоw а
better and fit lifestyle, as well as assisting health care workers and professionals with disease
information and treatment.
We hope to depict the proposed medicine recommendation system and its operation in this
project. This system employs current technologies such as machine learning, data mining,
and so on. to find useful records embedded in medical data and reduce medical errors made
by doctors when prescribing medications This system is made up of the following modules:
dаtаbаsе mоdule, dаtа рrераrаtiоn, dаtа visuаlizаtiоn, reсоmmеndаtiоn, and mоdel
еvаluаtiоn mоdule. The proposed medication recommender system employs machine
learning N-Gram and Lightgbm algorithms to predict the best medicinal drug based on each
patient's medical condition, achieving metrics such as good accuracy, scalability, and mode
1.2 Project Objective
Our aim is to construct a recommendation model that can assist the doctors, be it
experienced or inexperienced, people who are new to medicine fiend, medical practitioners
and students as well as the patients or consumers themselves to prescribe and take
,respectively, the right medicinal drug, which won’t harm the patient in any way,i.e a
framework where they look up for the condition and the system would provide all the drugs
listed with its accurate measure to tell which medicine is better.Our foremost goal will be to
build a reliable and efficient model.
1.3 Project Motivation
A lot of medicine specialists usually make errors when they prescribe medicines to
patients. This happens because they are not very experienced and sometimes even
perform guess work for the same which is very dangerous. These errors and mistakes
made by inexperienced doctors while recommending medicinal drugs lead to
multiple deaths.
To avoid such mistakes, we provide a medicine recommendation system for doctors
which can be used by them while prescribing medicines.
1.4 Language Used
Python is a decrypted, object-oriented, raised level programming with enthusiastic
semantics. It is a combination of a raised level of certain data structures, and dynamic
typing as well as dynamic binding which makes it engaging for various existing
components to use it as a scripting language. Python reduces the cost of program
maintenance as it has easy to learn syntax which is greatly helpful in increasing the
readability of the code. The edit-test-debug cycle of python language is incredibly
fast due to the absence of any compilation step.
Machine Learning :
Machine learning is the idea that machines can learn from the pre existing data and
work in a way that they need not be explicitly programmed every time for a new data
set. It is a branch of Artificial Intelligence that aims at automating analytical models.
Machine learning builds models from test inputs. Machine learning is done where
masterminding and programming express computations is unthinkable. Models
incorporate spam filtering.
Natural Language Processing :
Sentiment Analysis is a well-known NLP technique that is used to analyse and then classify
text information or spoken human language information into specific classes. The Sentiment
Analysis technique is used to categorise public opinions by classifying them as positive,
neutral, or negative based on polarity.
Since python offers such a large collection of NLP tools and libraries to choose from, we
generally use Python to perform NLP tasks. Other than this, there are other features of
Python which makes it one of the best programming language choices for such NLP tasks
and projects like the structure of syntax, which is so simple and the transparent semantics of
python results in making it such a great choice of tasks that include Natural Language
Processing tasks.
Python has so many amazing features that make it so versatile and overall such a great
technology for working on tasks involving machines processing natural languages. We know
that Python provides programmers with a vast array of tools that can aid in the performance
of natural language processing tasks. One of them is POS tagging, which will be used in the
project's sentiment analysis phase. It also allowed coders to create classifications of
documents and models.
Since python has such a vast collection of modulus and libraries, it has been used in so many
tasks and has therefore replaced many programming languages and has become one of the
most popular programming languages, for performing the nlp related sentiment analysis
task. Some of the Python libraries that used in performing Machine Learning tasks are :
In Python script, which is capable of running on TensorFlow, CNTK, or Theano allows for
fast experimentation, Keras is one of the high-level API neural networks which was built to
enable faster experimentation.
Another open source Python library is Numpy which is used for scientific computing and
helps users and programmers to work with the mathematical functions , around which the
concept of machine learning revolves. Not only this, numpy also allows python to work
with most efficient arrays and matrices.
Pandas is a package which helps in data manipulation and is a very important tool when it
comes to cleaning of data, exploration of data and visualization tasks as well as data
1.5 Technical Requirements (Hardware )
1. RAM requirement will be >= 1 GB
2. Any Intel Preprocessor will work fine
3. Hard Disk is required to be >=6 GB
4. Speed need to be >=1 GHZ
Linux Operating System/Windows
Modern Web Browser
Python Platform (Anaconda2, Spyder, Jupyter)
NLTK Toolkit
Visualization Modules
Sklearn Module
1.6 Deliverables of the Project
Medicine recommendation systems that will act as a helping hand to the doctors or
medicine practitioners in selecting the right medicinal drug for the patients according to their
diseases/medical conditions. Hence, a strategy that will take care of the safety of the people
consuming that medicine as well as providing exceptional services.
We measure the total mean predicted values for every drug listed for the
diseases/medical condition and then on the basis of the order of the value, to recommend
the most accurate and most useful, less harmful drug for every problem/disease .
Garg, Satvik. (2021).” Drug Recommendation System based on Sentiment
Analysis of Drug Reviews using Machine Learning”.
Start by checking for missing records as well as redundant columns or rows or any such
data, and removing all such unwanted and unusual information. It also removes all the
patient conditions that have no meaning at all. The data is cleaned for further analysis.
Begin by cleaning the data and then visualising the data exploration process. There was a
feature engineering and feature extraction scope. Perform a test train split once the data is
ready for further analysis. SMOTE can be used to balance the data. Using classifiers, check
the performance metrics, and then create a recommendation system.
In this work,every comment left by the consumers were categorised as a positive feedback
or a negative feedback, and at the same time the ratings were also considered. Depending
upon the rate, it was considered good and bad by taking ratings less than equal to 5 as
negative and others as positive.
Research Gaps:
taking up different values of n-gram and also comparisons between different over-sampling
Sridevi. U.K, Shanthi. P,” An Ontology-Based Sentiment Analysis Model
towards Classification of Drug Reviews”, Vol-2786, CEUR-WS
Different sets of keywords related to mental disorders have been used to categorize the
reviews by several patients.
Long Short Term Memory Network which is an RNN network was used to categorize
opinions. Precision, recall and F-score were used to calculate the accuracy and also
comparison in between the models.
After combining the values of F-score, Precision and Recall for all the three polarities, the
accuracy of the model came out to be 63%.
Research Gaps:
The possible drug review interactions should have been concentrated upon more so that the
comprehensive drug review data would have better served an individual's healthier lives.
M. D. Hossain, M. S. Azam, M. J. Ali and H. Sabit, "Drugs Rating Generation
and Recommendation from Sentiment Analysis of Drug Reviews using Machine
Learning," 2020 Emerging Technology in Computing, Communication and Electronics
(ETCCE), 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ETCCE51779.2020.9350868.
Start by looking at the null data, and the data which is not required and is unwanted, any
unrelated fields that are beside the point of the data provided. The moving onto the handling
of reviews by breaking them down to tokens, taking care of stop words, formatting the
words to their root forms, finding for scope of feature extraction and looking into n grams.
The methodology starts from cleaning the data by using techniques discussed in
preprocessing. Then considering the rating and reviews left by consumers and generating a
model for example KNN, Decision Tree Classifiers, SVC and performing sentimental
analysis and then finally generating a recommendation system.
The models except KNN were showing good accuracy.The KNN model was found to be
least accurate. The decision tree model was recommending drugs with accuracy of about
76% while on the other hand, the support vector model was about 83% accurate.
Research Gaps:
Their long-term goal was to improve the efficiency and reliability of their system by
performing phrase-level sentiment analysis. They would also like to work on tensor
factorization techniques.
Varun A.Goyal , Dilip J. Parmar , Namaskar I. Joshi , Prof. Komal
Champanerkar,”Medicine Recommendation System”,International Research
Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume: 07 Issue: 03 | Mar 2020
It uses data mining techniques.
(i) Data extraction
(ii) Pre-processing
(iii) Random Forest, GBDT
(iv) Recommends medicine
The user gives the details of his condition and a medicine is predicted according to it.
Research Gaps:
The ability of preprocessing big diagnosis data needs to be enlarged.
T. Venkat Narayana Rao, Anjum Unnisa, Kotha Sreni,”Medicine
Recommendation System Based On Patient Reviews” ,International Journal of
Scientific & Technology Research Volume 9, Issue 02,February 2020
It started by understanding and investigating the data and then preprocessing it.The
information is cleaned for further analysis. Since it consists of multiple missing values and
correlated data. The tasks were to find such data and remove all defective, unusual
information and remove data redundancy.
Started by analysing the review dataset, by performing exploratory analysis and
visualizations. Then preprocessing the data according to the defective, unusual values
present. Then once the data was read for further modelling, the next was the model building
stage for which the N-gram model and LightGBM model were used. And finally the model
was predicting the proper medicine for a particular disease.
The system recommended all medicinal drugs based on their mean predicted value. The
medicine was deemed accurate based on these predicted values, and if the mean value was
higher, it was deemed more accurate, and thus that medicine was recommended. The
N-gram model was found to be 80% accurate at recommending appropriate medications,
while the Lightgbm model was found to be 90% accurate.
Research Gaps:
Since the ages and demographic information was not considered during the training phase,
efficiency would have improved by considering the same . Apart from this, the products and
drugs that were given were not provided with their brands or the chemical contents which
could’ve helped to recommend better medicines.
Y. Bao and X. Jiang, "An intelligent medicine recommender system framework,"
2016 IEEE 11th Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA),
2016, pp. 1383-1388, doi: 10.1109/ICIEA.2016.7603801.
The preprocessing started by processing the missing values in the data and then performing
a chi-square test for analysis of correlation followed by normalization of data..
The modules in the research paper were - the database system, followed by a data
preparation stage, then there was a recommendation model part and finally, evaluation of
model and data visualization was done . Neural networks, SVM and DT classifiers are some
of the models that were used to train the model.
Accuracy for the ID3 decision tree was found to be 89%, whereas,The SVM model was
considered best. It was found to give out the best predictions with 95% accurate values.
Although BPNN was found to be the most accurate with 97% accuracy, its running time and
data understanding was not good.
Research Gaps:
The authors want to increase the accuracy and efficiency of their model as well as want to
compare the existing model with the one where they would use a technology called
MapReduce parallel.
Na, Jin-Cheon & Kyaing, Wai. (2015). “Sentiment Analysis of
User-Generated Content on Drug Review Websites”. Journal of Information
Science Theory and Practice. 3. 6-23. 10.1633/JISTaP.2015.3.1.1.
The grammatical relationship of words in a clause was processed using the Stanford NLP
Sentiment Lexicons were created to collect the negative and positive phrases from the data
and then the dependency tree was applied to the data for finding the grammatical
relationship between the words i.e. if it is the governor or the dependent. SVM and
Linguistic Approach was also used to check the accuracy.
The accuracy of the model came out to be 62% according to the first SVM and 66%
according to the second SVM but the highest accuracy that we came across came from the
Linguistic Approach i.e. 69%.
Research Gaps:
To reduce the possibility of error, the tagged aspects were manually checked, which is a
time-consuming process that should be changed. Furthermore, the evaluation was conducted
on relatively smaller datasets, which must be improved in conjunction with the use of
specialised rules using machine learning for a large set of sentiment analysis rules.
3.1 Computational Model Development
For this project work we used the machine with the following specs at the time of training.
CPU: The computer we used had the following specs:
Table 3.1 CPU specifications
CPU Model name
CPU frequency
2.3 Ghz
No of CPU cores
Available Ram
7.86 GB
Disk Space
400 GB
These are the CPU specs of the machine we used to do computations. Most of the
computational work mostly happens on the GPU. But the CPU takes care of most of the
preprocessing. The large amount of RAM did not put loads of pressure and made it easier for
the whole dataset to be loaded in time and we did not have to worry about any system crashes
occurring. The clock speed of the CPU mentioned 2.3 Ghz is the basic clock speed which if
needed can go upto 5 Ghz. But no overclocking was needed as the system was able to do the
work in its normal 4 cores.
Table 3.2: GPU Specifications
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060
GPU Memory
10 GB
GPU Memory Clock
1.40 Ghz
GPU Release Year
Available RAM
6 GB
Disk Space
400 GB
Tools Used: We used the following tools in making our model.
Jupyter Notebook
Scikit Learn
Flask Framework
These packages mentioned above were used in their latest upto date editions. The code works
properly and would not cause any issue until any further updates in them.
3.2 Date Set Used in the Major Project
The drug dataset that is being used for the project is taken from UCI Machine Learning
Repository , provided in portals for such pharmaceutical databases known as Drug.com
and Druglib.com. These portals are open to medicine practitioners as well as patients
and have a large visit count by the people. largest and the most widely visited. This
contains over 200,000 patient drug reviews.
Fig 3.1(a) Dataset
3.2.1 Data Format & Features
Fig 3.1(b) Features of dataset
The data is arranged in such a way that every patient who takes some medicine
according to his medical condition has a unique ID. After the prescription of the
medicine, each patient has to write a review on how the medicine was useful or helpful in
his respective condition. After that, whatever patient takes the same medicine and finds
the review useful clicks on the usefulCount which adds 1 to the variable.
3.3 Design of Problem Statement
Our goal is to build a recommendation model that can help doctors, whether experienced
or inexperienced, people new to medicine, medical practitioners and students, and
patients or consumers themselves prescribe and take the right medicinal drug. When
treating an infectious disease, it is critical for doctors to choose a first-line drug. So the
goal is to make it a little easier for doctors to prescribe a medicine by simply using the
framework and searching about the diseases of the patient that they may not have had
prior experience with.
Medicine recommendation systems that will act as a helping hand to the doctors or
medicine practitioners in selecting the right medicinal drug for the patients according to
their diseases/medical conditions. Hence, a strategy that will take care of the safety of the
people consuming that medicine as well as providing exceptional services.
Task 1: Prepare the data and find n gram
Task 2: Perform Sentiment Analysis on Reviews and usefulcount
Task 3: Generate a recommendation system
3.4 Algorithm / Pseudo code of the Project Problem
3.4.1 Exploring the data/ Data Exploration
It is a process of inspecting or understanding the data and extracting useful insights or main
characteristics of the data that would be used in the training of our model.
In the data exploration part, we will look at data types with various visualization
techniques and statistical techniques. The aim of this process is to set the topic,
preprocess the data so that it fits the objective of our project and also create various
variables to fit into the model.
Exploring variables, comparing to check whether a person has provided multiple reviews for
the condition, and making sure that there exists no such case where one consumer writes
more than one review.
Checking for errors or unwanted fields present in the data.
Considering the fact that it is a recommendation system based on the patient reviews, it is
not feasible to recommend when there is only one medicine for a particular condition.
Therefore, we will analyze only the conditions that have at least 2 drugs per condition for
safe and better recommendation of medicines.
Visualizing the data, Word Count Plots, Graphical Analysis
Correlation Analysis
Fig 3.2 Exploratory Data Analysis Using N Gram in our project
It is a proximate succession of n words gathered through a certain sample of
subjective information where is not continuous and occurs within a range
starting from 1 till infine. It is widely used in probability theory and data
For example,
The word “information” is called a unigram .
When we start combining the words, “gathered information”, it becomes a
bigram, consisting of two words.
Similarly, “preparation techniques like” is a 3-gram (trigram).
And “preparation techniques like checking” will be 4 gram because it considers
four words and this can go on and on.
We will look for the perfect N gram which could give us the best and most
useful information from reviews.
We will check through 1 ~ 4 grams which corpus best classifies emotions so
that the model makes the best sense from the reviews given by various patients.
3.4.2 Data preprocessing
As we saw in may papers, the preprocessing stage started by looking into the data and
finding whether their exists null or empty values in the records, or whether there are
values that are repeating and are redundant, or if the data consists of unusual and out of
context data fields and records, and then remove all such irregularities to make our data
ready for statistical analysis. Now in our data, the null values were only seen in the
conditions column, so we need to remove them. Apart from this, since the unique ID
must be unique for every patient we make sure that there are no duplicate values.
The reviews in our data is subjective information and requires cleaning for which we
took care of the following -
The process of Tokenization helps us to break down the continuous text/sentence thanks
makes sense into chunks of single words known as tokens. This results in providing a list
of tokens of the sentence and removing special characters like dots at the same time.
Then we look for the Stop words in our token list.This process helps to remove such
frequently used words from our subjective information because if a word is used so
frequently it provides zero to no meaning to our target value since the word is no more
distinct but very common. The stop words are words that are very generi, for example
‘have’,’a’,’the’, etc,which become insignificant.
Another technique is Negation Handling. There are good chances of us removing
important meaningful and insightful words that act like stop words, but actually have the
power to change the meaning of the whole sentence, for example ‘not’,’not so’,’too bad’,
etc. So to avoid such problems we take care of these conditions and provide a separate
list of words that should not be considered as stop words for our preprocessing. This will
be used in our project as well.this will help us to not remove important words from the
One of the processes is Stemming, which helps to break and bring down the word to its
root form by removing the affixes from that lexicon. The idea of stemming is to bring the
word to its base form from where it cannot be broken down further. It increases the
retrieval accuracy along with reducing the size of the index.
Just Like Stemming, there is a process called Lemmatization in which we again break
the words down to their atomic form properly by using vocabulary analysis of words. It
also groups the various forms of the same words together. The base form returned is
known as the lemma.
Fig 3.3 Data Preprocessing
3.4.3 Sentiment Analysis
Because there is no sentiment assigned to any of the reviews in the dataset, we must assign
sentiment to the patient reviews and ratings. Its primary function is to determine the
emotional tone of any text's body. This proposed sentiment analysis, or what is commonly
known as opinion mining, for the given reviews is very helpful and important as it makes
the given data more valuable in terms of the use of various parties involved seeking the
recommended medicinal drug through our model. This is a popular way to categorize the
medicinal drug as useful or not taken by the respective patient.
Emotion analysis will be done using word dictionary sentiment analysis or using
SentiWordnet of NLTK module, to label our pre-processed reviews data as positive or
The formula that we will be using is :
Now analysing the Positiv_ratio :
1. Less than 0.5 then it is classified as negative
2. Values having ratio more than 0.5 are considered positive
3. If it comes out to be exactly 0.5 then it is classified as neutral
This process will help us identify the emotions each patient meant while writing the review
for the medicine he/she took for their medical condition. This will easily categorize the drug
as per the patient’s review who consumed the respective medicine in their medical
Fig 3.4(a) Sentiment Analysis
Fig 3.4(b) Sentiment Analysis
3.4.4 Modelling
At the modelling part, emotion or sentiment analysis using NLTK’s Wordnet and
SentiWordnet is done to make the most sense out of the reviews written by various
patients. To make the best sense out of the reviews we used n-gram 1~ 4 grams and then
applied deep learning, etc. To compensate for the natural language processing limitation
we used LightGBM which is a distributed and fast machine learning model which is
based on decision trees, that eventually results in the increase in efficiency of the model
while reducing the memory usage. The reliability of our review data was further secured
through a usefulcount feature of the dataset that allows users to like the review which was
helpful to them also which in turn lets us know if the written review was actually of any
use to them or not. This feature helps us identify the reviews which are not that reliable.
3.5.5 Performance Metrics and Results
All these steps include the sentiment analysis of our data and then using n-gram to make
the most sense out of the reviews, followed by a LightGBM model that allows us to
measure the total mean value that is predicted for each drug under certain medical
disease/condition and according to the order of these values, we check which medicine is
the most appropriate to consume. Hence making the process of recommending first grade
medicine not only for doctors or any health care workers but also for the patients
themselves easier and effective. We find the accuracies and the confusion matrices for the
models for better understanding of the results
Fig 3.5 Format of Confusion Matrix
3.5 Models
3.5.1 LightGBM
Light GBM is characterized to be a gradient boosting framework and uses a tree based
learning algorithm. In particular, it uses two techniques called GOSS i.e. Gradient-based
One Sided Sampling and EFB i.e. Exclusive Feature Bundling, which basically makes the
algorithm more accurate and also reduces memory usage in our algorithm and overcomes
the shortcoming of histogram-based algorithms.
Light GBM spreads trees vertically while other algorithms grow trees horizontally so that
Light GBM grows tree leaf-wise while other algorithms grow level-wise. A Leaf-wise
algorithm can reduce more losses than a level-wise algorithm. It selects a leaf with
maximum delta loss to grow. It may increase the complexity of the model and may lead
to overfitting in small databases.
Light GBM is named ‘Light’ because of its high speed and can handle large data sizes
and takes lower memory to execute. Another reason Light GBM is popular, because it
mainly concerns the accuracy of results.
Fig 3.6 Machine Learning LightGBM Model
3.6 Flow Graph of the Project
Fig 3.7 Major Project flow chart
1. Data Exploration Analysis & Data Preprocessing:
Fig 3.8 The data exploration part is the first part of data analysis that is used to explore data to
gather insights from the start.
2. Model:
Fig 3.9 The Leaf-wise growth in a LightGBM Model
Fig 3.10 Flow chart for Sentiment Analysis
3.7 Screenshots of the various stages of the Project
Graph 3.1 We begin by grouping the data according to the condition of the patients and
finding out the maximum number of drugs present for a particular medicinal condition.
Graph 3.2 The next step was to again group the medicines related to different conditions and
then plot them in a way that we can find the bottom 20 conditions with the least number of
medicines per condition as prescribed by the patients.
Fig 3.11 Next we used the wordcloud library which is a data visualization technique. In this
the size of each word indicates its importance as well as its frequency.
Graph 3.3 This is a word count plot which depicts the frequency of occurrence of words.
The blue graph shows the occurrence between 1 to 5 and the pink shows the occurrence of
the words ranging from 6 to 10.
Graph 3.4 This graph shows the frequency of bigrams i.e. two words taken at a time for our
n-gram analysis. The green graph displays the words with 1 to 5 times occurrences and pink
shows the words with 6 to 10 occurrences.
Graph 3.5 These graphs show the trigram occurrence inside the text. The blue graph shows
the phrases occurring 1 to 5 times and the pink graph shows the phrases occurring 6 to 10
Graph 3.6 The frequency of occurrence of the qualgrams is represented in these graphs with
phrases ranging 1 to 5 according to their occurrence in green and the other phrases ranging
from 6 to 10 in the pink graph.
Graph 3.7 In this step we count the number of reviews that have been given 1 to 10 ratings
in descending orders. This allows us to identify the number of reviews that have been
helpful to others apart from the patient writing the review.
Graph 3.8 This graph displays the count of reviews that are being written each year. The
highest reviews were written in 2016.
Graph 3.9 The graph displays mean ratings each year.
Graph 3.10 This is the pie chart corresponding to the share of each rating.
Graph 3.11 The graph represents the number of reviews written each month in the dataset.
Graph 3.12 This is the graph representing the mean ratings of the reviews every month.
Graph 3.13 This graph displays the mean ratings in a day.
Graph 3.14 The distribution of the variable usefulCount, the count of the number of people
who found the review given by a particular patient useful to increase the reliability of the
Graph 3.15 The total missing values are represented using this graph in our dataset and the
percentage comes out to be 0.55%.
Graph 3.16 The graph represents the number of missing terms in each column.
Fig 3.12 This is a wordcloud representation of the stop words that need to be removed from
our data for it to consume less memory and make it more accurate while predicting.
4.1 Screenshots of the Performance Analysis
When sentiments are not considered. Target: usefulcount
Fig 4.1 Accuracy of LGBM model with target value usefulcount
Fig 4.2 This is the confusion matrix that we have finally achieved at the end of our
LightGBM model without sentiments.
When Sentiment Analysis is performed and target values are sentiments
Fig 4.3 Accuracy of LGBM with sentiment analysis
Fig 4.4 This is the confusion matrix that we have finally achieved at the end of our
LightGBM model with sentiments as targets
Graph 4.1 LightGBM Features (avg over folds)
Predicted Results
The following results were calculated by adding the df_test of LightGBM on Sentiments
Model and the Sentiments via dictionary and then multiplying the result with normalized
usefulcount -
Fig 4.5 normalizing useful count and overall dftest to find the recommended medicines
Fig 4.6 Results of recommendation system
After model building and evaluation, this is the final version of our recommendation of
medicinal drugs according to various conditions based on the order of value, therefore, a
medicine recommendation system which recommends all the medicines/drugs with their
mean predicted value. These predicted values tell us which of the medicines are more
accurate and have been proven useful as well have no harmful effects, and therefore are
safer to use. A medicine is better when the mean predicted value is more. so, doctors
prescribe the best medicine by considering the highest mean value predicted.
5.1 Discussion on the Results Achieved
The project was selected as a motivation for recommending the right medicinal drug as per
the condition of the patients by checking the reviews from the dataset and then proceeded
the project starting with the exploration data analysis phase, followed by the data
preprocessing where we need to make the data easy for further analysis and modelling. In
the data exploration stage, we used the statistical techniques as well as the visualisation
techniques to understand the data and its features.In the same section, we had to find the best
n-grams that could represent the relationship and emotions with the features like rating or
data. The next part of the project was the data preprocessing stage. Here we had to remove
the missing, defective and unwanted data from the set as well as any such condition which
had less than two drugs for recommendation since it won’t be as reliable. In the process of
modelling, to handle the limitations which were in NLP, we decided to use Lightgbm to
overcome it. It is one of the fastest machine learning algorithms which is based on the
decision tree classifier. Alongside, we conducted an emotional analysis or sentiment analysis
using NLTK’s Wordnet and SentiWordnet as well as using a word dictionary. Apart from
this, we also normalised the biassed usefulcount by condition for better efficiency and
reliability. All these steps allowed us to measure the total mean predicted result values for all
the drugs under every condition which would help in recommending the right drug by the
order of its value.
5.2 Application of the Project
Since the pandemic began, many people with problems other than covid have avoided going
to hospitals for a thorough examination in order to avoid coming into contact with the virus.
This has resulted in online treatments and the use of drugs found on the internet.
Furthermore, many doctors and medical students have begun practising medicine and
recommending drugs to patients with limited knowledge and experience, resulting in errors
and mistakes in their judgement and a number of deaths.
To avoid such mistakes, we provide a medicine recommendation system which could help
the doctors or people who want to treat themselves and can be used by them while
prescribing or taking medicines respectively.
5.3 Limitation of the Project
In conclusion, these are the limitations we had during the project.
Sentiment word dictionaries for sentiment analysis is not a great way since it has low
reliability if the rate of categorised good and bad words are limited. Therefore, we could
have provided a criteria where, if the number of sentiment words was 5 or less, we
could exclude the observations to avoid biassed results.
We normalised usefulCount to ensure the reliability of the predicted values, and
multiplied it to the predicted values,but as the review gets older, the usefulCount may
be higher for them since the number of visitors increases from the date when the
reviews are posted. Therefore, we should have also considered time when normalising
If the emotion is positive, the reliability should be increased to the positive side, and if
it is negative, the reliability should be increased toward the negative side. However, we
simply multiplied the usefulCount for reliability and did not consider this part. So we
should have multiplied considering the sign of usefulCount according to different kinds
of emotion.
5.4 Future Work
Our future work would be to work on the limitations of these projects.
The results could’ve been better if we’d have used deep learning to train the model. Apart
from that, we need to consider time when normalising the usefulcount since the count
increases if the review was older.
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