Edition 22
Copyright © 2020 Clarivate Analytics. Derwent and
its logo, as well as all other trademarks used therein
are trademarks of their respective owners and used
under license.
ISBN 978-1-912144-15-0
Copyright © 2020 Clarivate Analytics. Derwent and its logo, as well as all other trademarks used therein are
trademarks of their respective owners and used under license.
Edition 1 published January 1980
Edition 20 published January 2018
Edition 21 published January 2019
Edition 22 published January 2020
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or
transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, recording, photocopying or otherwise
without express written permission from the copyright owner.
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 1
GENERAL AND MECHANICAL PATENTS INDEX (GMPI) ................................................................................. 7
SECTION P: GENERAL ................................................................................................................................ 9
P1: AGRICULTURE, FOOD, TOBACCO ....................................................................................................... 11
P11: SOIL WORKING; PLANTING ................................................................................................................ 11
P12: HARVESTING ...................................................................................................................................... 13
P13: PLANT CULTURE; DAIRY PRODUCTS................................................................................................... 15
P14: ANIMAL MANAGEMENT AND CARE ................................................................................................... 19
P15: TOBACCO ........................................................................................................................................... 21
P2: PERSONAL, DOMESTIC ...................................................................................................................... 23
P21: WEARING APPAREL ............................................................................................................................ 23
P22: FOOTWEAR ........................................................................................................................................ 25
P23: HABERDASHERY AND JEWELLERY ...................................................................................................... 27
P24: HAND AND TRAVELLING ARTICLES; BRUSHES .................................................................................... 29
P25: OFFICE AND HOME FURNITURE ......................................................................................................... 31
P26: CHAIRS, SOFAS AND BEDS .................................................................................................................. 33
P27: SHOPS AND HOUSEHOLD FURNISHING ............................................................................................. 35
P28: KITCHEN AND SANITARY EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................... 37
P3: HEALTH, AMUSEMENT ...................................................................................................................... 39
P31: DIAGNOSIS, SURGERY ........................................................................................................................ 39
P32: DENTISTRY, BANDAGES, VETERINARY, PROSTHESIS .......................................................................... 41
P33: MEDICAL AIDS, ORAL ADMINISTRATION ........................................................................................... 43
P34: STERILIZING, SYRINGES ...................................................................................................................... 45
P36: SPORTS, GAMES, TOYS, AMUSEMENTS ............................................................................................. 51
P4: SEPARATING, MIXING ....................................................................................................................... 55
P41: CRUSHING, CENTRIFUGING, SEPARATING SOLIDS, SORTING ............................................................ 55
P5: SHAPING METALS ............................................................................................................................. 69
P51: METAL ROLLING, DRAWING, EXTRUDING .......................................................................................... 69
P52: METAL PUNCHING, WORKING AND FORGING ................................................................................... 71
P53: METAL CASTING AND POWDER METALLURGY .................................................................................. 73
P54: METAL MILLING AND OTHER MACHINING ........................................................................................ 77
P55: WELDING AND SOLDERING ................................................................................................................ 79
P56: MACHINE TOOLS; POST-TREATMENT FOR METAL WORKING ............................................................ 81
P6: SHAPING NON-METALS ..................................................................................................................... 83
P61: GRINDING AND POLISHING ............................................................................................................... 83
P62: HAND TOOLS, CUTTING ..................................................................................................................... 87
P63: WORKING, PRESERVING WOOD ........................................................................................................ 91
P64: WORKING CEMENT, CLAY, STONE ..................................................................................................... 93
P7: PRESSING, PRINTING ......................................................................................................................... 95
P71: PRESSES ............................................................................................................................................. 95
P72: WORKING PAPER ............................................................................................................................... 99
P73: LAYERED PRODUCTS ........................................................................................................................ 101
P74: PRINTING AND LINING MACHINES................................................................................................... 103
P75: TYPEWRITERS, STAMPS, DUPLICATORS ........................................................................................... 105
P76: BOOKS, SPECIAL PRINTED MATTER.................................................................................................. 107
P77: WRITING, DRAWING APPLIANCES ................................................................................................... 109
P78: DECORATIVE ART ............................................................................................................................. 111
P8: OPTICS, PHOTOGRAPHY, GENERAL ................................................................................................. 113
P81: OPTICS ............................................................................................................................................. 113
P82: PHOTOGRAPHIC APPARATUS .......................................................................................................... 117
P83: PHOTOGRAPHIC PROCESSES/COMPOSITIONS ................................................................................ 119
P84: OTHER PHOTOGRAPHIC .................................................................................................................. 121
P86: MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, ACOUSTICS ............................................................................................. 127
SECTION Q: MECHANICAL ..................................................................................................................... 131
Q1 VEHICLES IN GENERAL...................................................................................................................... 133
Q11: WHEELS, TYRES, CONNECTIONS ...................................................................................................... 133
Q12: SUSPENSION ................................................................................................................................... 137
Q13: POWERTRAIN/TRANSMISSION, SYSTEMS AND THEIR CONTROL .................................................... 139
Q14: VEHICLE ACCESSORIES .................................................................................................................... 141
Q15: TRANSPORTING SPECIAL LOADS ..................................................................................................... 145
MANUFACTURE ................................................................................................................................... 147
Q17: VEHICLE CONSTRUCTION, FITTINGS, PROPULSION ARRANGEMENTS............................................. 149
Q18: BRAKE SYSTEMS, STEERING SYSTEMS, CONTROL ............................................................................ 151
Q19: VEHICLE APPLICATIONS .................................................................................................................. 155
Q2 SPECIAL VEHICLES ............................................................................................................................ 157
Q21: RAILWAYS ....................................................................................................................................... 157
Q22: HAND/FOOT/ANIMAL DRAWN VEHICLES ....................................................................................... 163
Q24: SHIP; WATERBORNE VESSELS; RELATED EQUIPMENT ..................................................................... 165
Q25: AIRCRAFT; AVIATION; COSMONAUTICS .......................................................................................... 171
Q3 CONVEYING, PACKAGING, STORING ................................................................................................ 177
Q31: PACKAGING PROCESSES AND EQUIPMENT ..................................................................................... 177
Q33: PACKAGING CONTAINER AND CLOSURE MATERIALS ...................................................................... 185
Q34: TYPES OF GOODS PACKAGED, BOTTLED, BOUND, LABELLED, UNPACKED ...................................... 187
Q35: REFUSE COLLECTION; CONVEYORS ................................................................................................. 191
Q36: HANDLING THIN MATERIALS ........................................................................................................... 193
Q37: CONTAINER TRAFFIC (PRE-1984 ONLY) ........................................................................................... 193
Q38: HOISTING; LIFTING; HAULING; TRUCKS ........................................................................................... 195
Q4: BUILDINGS; CONSTRUCTION .......................................................................................................... 197
Q41: ROAD, RAIL, BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION ............................................................................................. 197
Q42: HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING, SOIL SHIFTING AND SEWERAGE ........................................................... 199
Q43: GENERAL BUILDING CONSTRUCTIONS ............................................................................................ 201
Q44: STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS ................................................................................................................. 203
Q45: ROOFING, STAIRS, FLOORS .............................................................................................................. 205
Q46: BUILDING AIDS, SPECIAL STRUCTURES, LADDERS ........................................................................... 207
Q47: LOCKS, WINDOW AND DOOR FITTINGS........................................................................................... 209
Q48: BLINDS, SHUTTERS, DOORS AND WINDOWS .................................................................................. 211
Q49: MINING ........................................................................................................................................... 213
Q5 ENGINES, PUMPS, COMPRESSORS, FLUID PRESSURE ACTUATORS ................................................... 215
Q52: REACTION ENGINES; EXTERNAL COMBUSTION; GAS TURBINES; ROCKETS ..................................... 221
Q53: POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT FLUID ENGINES (I.E. DRIVEN BY FLUID) .................................................. 223
AND MACHINES FOR PRODUCING MECHANICAL POWER/THRUST ..................................................... 225
............................................................................................................................................................ 229
Q57: FLUID PRESSURE ACTUATORS; HYDRAULIC/PNEUMATICS IN GENERAL ......................................... 231
Q6 ENGINEERING ELEMENTS ................................................................................................................ 233
Q61: FASTENING ELEMENTS; CONNECTIONS .......................................................................................... 233
Q62: SHAFTS AND BEARINGS ................................................................................................................... 235
Q63: COUPLINGS; CLUTCHES; BRAKES; SPRINGS; DAMPERS ................................................................... 237
Q64: BELTS, CHAINS, GEARING ................................................................................................................ 239
Q65: PISTONS, CYLINDERS, PACKING, SEALS ........................................................................................... 241
Q66: VALVES; TAPS; COCKS; VENTS ......................................................................................................... 243
Q67: PIPES; JOINTS; FITTINGS .................................................................................................................. 245
Q68: OTHER ENGINEERING ELEMENTS .................................................................................................... 247
Q69: STORING/DISTRIBUTING GAS/LIQUID ............................................................................................. 249
Q7: LIGHTING, HEATING ........................................................................................................................ 251
Q71: LIGHTING ........................................................................................................................................ 251
Q72: STEAM GENERATION ...................................................................................................................... 253
Q73: COMBUSTION APPARATUS AND PROCESSES .................................................................................. 255
Q74: HEATING, RANGES AND VENTILATING ............................................................................................ 259
Q75: REFRIGERATION AND LIQUEFACTION ............................................................................................. 263
Q76: DRYING ........................................................................................................................................... 265
Q77: FURNACES, KILNS, OVENS, RETORTS ............................................................................................... 267
Q78: HEAT EXCHANGE ............................................................................................................................. 269
Q79: WEAPONS, AMMUNITION, BLASTING ............................................................................................ 271
SECTION S: INSTRUMENTATION, MEASURING AND TESTING ................................................................ 277
S01: ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENTS .............................................................................................................. 279
S02: ENGINEERING INSTRUMENTATION ................................................................................................. 289
S03: SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTATION....................................................................................................... 307
S04: CLOCKS AND TIMERS ....................................................................................................................... 327
S05: ELECTRICAL MEDICAL EQUIPMENT .................................................................................................. 331
S06: PRINTING AND PHOTOGRAPHY ....................................................................................................... 343
SECTION T: COMPUTING AND CONTROL ............................................................................................... 363
T01: DIGITAL COMPUTERS ....................................................................................................................... 365
T02: ANALOGUE AND HYBRID COMPUTERS ............................................................................................ 397
T03: DATA RECORDING ............................................................................................................................ 399
T04: COMPUTER PERIPHERAL EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................. 437
T05: COUNTING, CHECKING, VENDING, ATM AND POS SYSTEMS ........................................................... 449
T06: PROCESS AND MACHINE CONTROL ................................................................................................. 455
T07: TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEMS ............................................................................................................ 463
SECTION U ................................................................................................................................ EPI - PART 2
U11: SEMICONDUCTOR MATERIALS AND PROCESSES ............................................................................ 481
U12: DISCRETE DEVICES ........................................................................................................................... 509
U13: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS .................................................................................................................... 519
U14: MEMORIES, FILM AND HYBRID CIRCUITS ........................................................................................ 525
U21: LOGIC CIRCUITS, ELECTRONIC SWITCHING AND CODING ............................................................... 537
U22: PULSE GENERATION AND MANIPULATION ..................................................................................... 549
U23: OSCILLATION AND MODULATION ................................................................................................... 557
U24: AMPLIFIER AND LOW POWER SUPPLIES .......................................................................................... 565
U25: IMPEDANCE NETWORKS AND TUNING ........................................................................................... 577
SECTION V ................................................................................................................................ EPI - PART 2
V01: RESISTORS AND CAPACITORS ......................................................................................................... 583
V02: INDUCTORS AND TRANSFORMERS ................................................................................................. 595
V03: SWITCHES, RELAYS .......................................................................................................................... 603
V04: PRINTED CIRCUITS AND CONNECTORS ........................................................................................... 611
V05: VALVES, DISCHARGE TUBES AND CRTS ........................................................................................... 627
V06: ELECTROMECHANICAL TRANSDUCERS AND SMALL MACHINES ..................................................... 659
V07: FIBER-OPTICS AND LIGHT CONTROL ............................................................................................... 677
V08: LASERS AND MASERS ...................................................................................................................... 683
SECTION W .............................................................................................................................. EPI - PART 2
W01: TELEPHONE AND DATA TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS ........................................................................ 689
W02: BROADCASTING, RADIO AND LINE TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS ....................................................... 733
W03: TV AND BROADCAST RADIO RECEIVERS ........................................................................................ 783
W04: AUDIO/VISUAL RECORDING AND SYSTEMS ................................................................................... 813
W05: ALARMS, SIGNALLING, TELEMETRY AND TELECONTROL ............................................................... 859
W06: AVIATION, MARINE AND RADAR SYSTEMS .................................................................................... 883
W07: ELECTRICAL MILITARY EQUIPMENT AND WEAPONS ..................................................................... 899
SECTION X ................................................................................................................................ EPI - PART 2
X11: POWER GENERATION AND HIGH POWER MACHINES ..................................................................... 905
X12: POWER DISTRIBUTION/COMPONENTS/CONVERTERS .................................................................... 911
X13: SWITCHGEAR, PROTECTION, ELECTRIC DRIVES ............................................................................... 927
X14: NUCLEAR POWER GENERATOR ....................................................................................................... 943
X15: NON-FOSSIL FUEL POWER GENERATING SYSTEMS ......................................................................... 945
X16: ELECTROCHEMICAL STORAGE ......................................................................................................... 951
X21: ELECTRIC VEHICLES .......................................................................................................................... 959
X22: AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICS ................................................................................................................ 965
X23: ELECTRIC RAILWAYS AND SIGNALLING ........................................................................................... 987
X24: ELECTRIC WELDING ......................................................................................................................... 993
X25: INDUSTRIAL ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................ 997
X26: LIGHTING ....................................................................................................................................... 1013
X27: DOMESTIC ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES ............................................................................................. 1021
SUBJECT INDEX ....................................................................................................................... EPI - PART 3
APPENDICES............................................................................................................................. EPI - PART 3
APPENDIX 1: EPI SUBJECT MATTER COVERAGE .................................................................................... 1349
APPENDIX 2: EPI MANUAL CODING CRITERIA ....................................................................................... 1351
APPENDIX 3: IPC TO EPI MANUAL CODE APPROXIMATE CONCORDANCE ............................................ 1353
APPENDIX 4: CONCISE GUIDE TO EPI AND MECHANICAL CLASSIFICATION........................................... 1407
APPENDIX 5: NANOTECHNOLOGY ......................................................................................................... 1425
APPENDIX 6: GREEN TECHNOLOGY ....................................................................................................... 1429
APPENDIX 7: INTERNET OF THINGS ....................................................................................................... 1437
This User Manual is intended to assist users of the General and Mechanical Patents Index (GMPI) and
Electrical Patents Index (EPI) Service in making the best use of the classification and indexing (Manual
Coding) scheme which Clarivate Analytics applies to all patents covered.
Clarivate Analytics coverage of Engineering patents is divided into two main areas: the Electrical
Patents Index (EPI) and the General and Mechanical Patents Index (GMPI).
EPI was introduced in 1980 (Update 198018), to provide an improved patent information alerting
service for users whose interests lie in the electrical field. Coverage is arranged in six sections (S-X),
each dealing with a fairly broad range of subject matter. Within these sections are the EPI classes, 50 in
total, which provide a more precise breakdown of material (see Appendix 4 for details). Associated
with each class is a set of Manual Codes applied by Clarivate Analytics technical staff to allow detailed
More recently, GMPI has also been developed from its original structure of two sections (P and Q)
incorporating 103 classes, to improve its focus on mechanical engineering patents and those of general
interest. This involved the introduction of Manual Codes for the mechanical transportation field in
2006, for mechanical packaging in 2012, and for the remaining classes in 2015.
For both EPI and GMPI the codes form a hierarchical indexing system, mainly intended as an online
retrieval tool, that is reviewed annually. For example, the EPI manual codes, which were originally
based, in part, on the International Patent Classification (IPC), numbered approximately 1,900 when
introduced and have been revised 16 times with the latest revision (2020) now including over 15,000
EPI Manual Codes. There are also now over 3,300 GMPI Manual Codes, with 1,900 of those introduced
in the 2015 manual code revision.
The annual Manual Code Revision (MCR) process, carried out in consultation with our customers, is
designed to update the coding hierarchy in order to reflect changes in technology, provide finer
subject matter breakdown to enable customers to find the information they need with precision and
accuracy, and continue to develop an alternative technical viewpoint to that of the IPC.
Format of Manual Codes
Manual Codes are structured so that an increase in the number of characters represents a finer subject
matter breakdown. For the 1992 revision, the permissible maximum length of manual codes was
increased to ten characters (including the hyphen), the possible formats being shown below:
ANN Class
ANN-A Generic Manual Code
ANN-ANN Sub-group
ANN-ANNA Sub-group division
ANN-ANNAN Full Manual Code
ANN-ANNANA (9 or 10 digits)
The class to which a Manual Code belongs is indicated by the characters preceding the hyphen, thus
the codes are always sub-divisions of their related Class. It should be noted that leading zeros are used
to preserve the correct hierarchy. The shortest possible Manual Code is thus of five characters length
(e.g. S01-A).
Criteria for Assigning Manual Codes
Manual Codes are intended to highlight the novel aspects of an invention and are therefore normally
assigned according to the claimed novelty. In addition, depending on either the electrical content of
the invention itself, or its intended use, codes are applied to indicate the application of an invention.
(For a fuller explanation of these criteria see Appendix 2).
It should be noted that Manual Codes are frequently used in combination to represent a particular
topic, so that some subjects may be routinely assigned two or three Manual Codes.
Documents Assigned Manual Codes
Manual Codes are currently assigned to all Basic patents in EPI. Prior to Update 199510, EPI classes
were assigned to title-only entries, except those for Chinese and Japanese patents, which were fully
Transportation Codes
Mechanical transportation Q11-Q25 codes are applied to all patent documents from 200601 and are
applied to highlight mechanical application or patents with mechanical novelty.
The Q codes are designed to be used in conjunction with one another in the same way as the electrical
manual codes are assigned, and they may also be applied in conjunction with the electrical manual
codes when appropriate.
Q11-Q25 codes are applied to cover the core transportation areas such as vehicles in general, trains,
ships and aircraft.
From 200601-201582 mechanical Q codes are applied in two other areas: namely, Q5 (Engines; pumps;
compressors, fluid pressure actuators) and Q6 (Engineering elements), either when:
(i) The patent is in a transportation technology (indicated by the presence of the Q11-Q25
class) and the Q5 and Q6 code provides a more detailed breakdown of the patent
novelty than any of the Q11-Q25 codes applied; or
(ii) The patent has an unspecified application, though one that could be of use in the
transportation field, e.g. a novel piston for an internal combustion engine of unspecified
Packaging Codes
Mechanical packaging Q3* codes are applied to all patent documents from 201201 and are applied to
highlight mechanical application or patents with mechanical novelty. The Q3* codes are designed to be
used in conjunction with one another in the same way as the electrical manual codes are assigned, and
they may also be applied in conjunction with the electrical manual codes when appropriate.
General and Mechanical Codes
From 201501 DWPI Manual Codes are applied to all P* classes and to Q41-Q49, Q71-Q79 classes.
From 201601 DWPI Manual Codes are assigned to all P* and Q* classes including Q5* and Q6* classes
irrespective of technology area, so that from 201601 all Engineering P-X classes must have
corresponding manual codes.
Layout of the Manual
The manual is arranged in three sections.
Parts 1 & 2
Codes in the eight sections P, Q, S-X are listed in alphanumeric order with details including the code
definition, scope notes and associated search terms. For codes introduced post-1980 the year of
introduction is indicated.
An annotated example of a typical entry in the manual is shown below:
Part 3
This comprises an overall keyword index to Parts 1 & 2 of the manual, with 7 appendices as follows:
1 Brief Summary of EPI Subject Matter Coverage
2 Subject Index highlighting EPI Manual Coding Criteria
3 IPC - EPI Manual Code Approximate Concordance
4 Concise Guide to EPI and Mechanical Transportation Classification
5 Nanotechnology: Quick reference guide listing all CPI, GMPI and EPI manual codes relating to
Nanotechnology industries
6 Green Technology: Quick reference guide listing all CPI, GMPI and EPI manual codes relating to
Green technology
7 Internet-of-Things: Quick reference guide listing all CPI, GMPI and EPI manual codes relating to
Internet-of-Things (IoT) technology
Code Heading and Definition
In this new edition, many of the code descriptors have been re-worded and expanded to include
details on how the code is applied and to provide references to other Manual Codes which might be of
interest to the searcher for retrieval purposes.
Additional Search Terms
Additional terms immediately follow most code definitions. These comprise individual terms or groups
of terms which might assist users in devising search strategies. The terms have been derived
intellectually by Clarivate Analytics coders aided by online searches to determine the most frequently
occurring terms in titles of records to which the code has been assigned.
In order to enhance retrieval, the searcher may also wish to use terms of interest in the code title
definition itself and in the accompanying scope notes. In addition, terms appearing against higher level
codes in the hierarchy may be employed, e.g.
In this example, users interested in stators for optical lenses (P81-A01A) should consider terms of
interest (e.g. plano-convex) under the broader code P81-A01, where terms equally applicable to both
sub-divisions are listed.
It should be stressed that the lists of search terms are not comprehensive and users may find it
necessary to use additional terms.
Year of Introduction
The year of implementation of codes added after the initial introduction of EPI in 1980 is indicated in
parentheses immediately alongside the code, e.g. [1987], indicates the code was introduced from the
start of 1987. If such a code is not a subdivision of an existing code, then the code to be searched in
order to retrieve earlier records is given in parentheses following the code heading. If no year is shown
alongside a code, this indicates the code was applied from the start of EPI, i.e. Update 198018.
In a few cases, revision of the Manual Codes has resulted in a particular code or code group being
discontinued. These codes, which are indicated in the manual by an asterisk (*) following the code,
remain valid for records prior to the year of revision.
Keyword Index
Part 3 of the EPI Manual comprises an alphabetical index of the key terms appearing in the definition
and associated with each Manual Code, together with the corresponding code. This index is used to
guide the user to the correct code(s) in Parts 1 & 2 of the manual, where in order to ensure correct
retrieval the user should always consult the full definition for the code including any scope notes. To
avoid ambiguity, the terms appearing in the index are mainly derived from the code definition and only
a few of the additional search terms are indexed.
IPC Manual Code Relationship
An IPC-to-Manual Code concordance at generic Manual Code level is provided at the end of this
manual. It should be noted that the concordance cannot be guaranteed and since the codes are
intellectually applied, other codes may be assigned as appropriate according to the technical content
of the patent.
Please note: The concordance has not been revised fully to date to take care of IPC changes brought
about by the introduction of IPC version 8 and above.
Online Searching of Manual Codes
All Manual Codes are searchable in the Derwent World Patents Index
online files.
Retrieval may be enhanced, depending on the scope of a Manual Code and the desired search, by
combining it with other search terms, such as title/abstract words, title terms, IPCs, patentee names
etc. These terms may be used to restrict the Manual Code to items of particular interest or to ensure
full retrieval by defining the subject matter by use of other terms in addition to the Manual Codes. For
additional information on online searching, please consult the relevant Clarivate Analytics Online User
Guides for each of the hosts.
General and Mechanical Patents Index
Section P: General
P1: AGRICULTURE, FOOD, TOBACCO ....................................................................................................... 11
P11: SOIL WORKING; PLANTING ............................................................................................................... 11
P12: HARVESTING...................................................................................................................................... 13
P13: PLANT CULTURE; DAIRY PRODUCTS .................................................................................................. 15
P14: ANIMAL MANAGEMENT AND CARE .................................................................................................. 19
P15: TOBACCO ........................................................................................................................................... 21
P2: PERSONAL, DOMESTIC ...................................................................................................................... 23
P21: WEARING APPAREL ........................................................................................................................... 23
P22: FOOTWEAR........................................................................................................................................ 25
P23: HABERDASHERY AND JEWELLERY ..................................................................................................... 27
P24: HAND AND TRAVELLING ARTICLES; BRUSHES ................................................................................... 29
P25: OFFICE AND HOME FURNITURE ........................................................................................................ 31
P26: CHAIRS, SOFAS AND BEDS ................................................................................................................. 33
P27: SHOPS AND HOUSEHOLD FURNISHING ............................................................................................. 35
P28: KITCHEN AND SANITARY EQUIPMENT .............................................................................................. 37
P3: HEALTH, AMUSEMENT ...................................................................................................................... 39
P31: DIAGNOSIS, SURGERY ....................................................................................................................... 39
P32: DENTISTRY, BANDAGES, VETERINARY, PROSTHESIS ......................................................................... 41
P33: MEDICAL AIDS, ORAL ADMINISTRATION ........................................................................................... 43
P34: STERILIZING, SYRINGES ..................................................................................................................... 45
P36: SPORTS, GAMES, TOYS, AMUSEMENTS ............................................................................................ 51
P4: SEPARATING, MIXING ....................................................................................................................... 55
P41: CRUSHING, CENTRIFUGING, SEPARATING SOLIDS, SORTING............................................................ 55
P5: SHAPING METALS .............................................................................................................................. 69
P51: METAL ROLLING, DRAWING, EXTRUDING ......................................................................................... 69
P52: METAL PUNCHING, WORKING AND FORGING .................................................................................. 71
P53: METAL CASTING AND POWDER METALLURGY ................................................................................. 73
P54: METAL MILLING AND OTHER MACHINING ....................................................................................... 77
P55: WELDING AND SOLDERING ............................................................................................................... 79
P56: MACHINE TOOLS; POST-TREATMENT FOR METAL WORKING .......................................................... 81
P6: SHAPING NON-METALS ..................................................................................................................... 83
P61: GRINDING AND POLISHING ............................................................................................................... 83
P62: HAND TOOLS, CUTTING ..................................................................................................................... 87
P63: WORKING, PRESERVING WOOD ........................................................................................................ 91
P64: WORKING CEMENT, CLAY, STONE ..................................................................................................... 93
P7: PRESSING, PRINTING ......................................................................................................................... 95
P71: PRESSES ............................................................................................................................................. 95
P72: WORKING PAPER ............................................................................................................................... 99
P73: LAYERED PRODUCTS ........................................................................................................................ 101
P74: PRINTING AND LINING MACHINES .................................................................................................. 103
P75: TYPEWRITERS, STAMPS, DUPLICATORS .......................................................................................... 105
P76: BOOKS, SPECIAL PRINTED MATTER ................................................................................................. 107
P77: WRITING, DRAWING APPLIANCES ................................................................................................... 109
P78: DECORATIVE ART ............................................................................................................................. 111
P8: OPTICS, PHOTOGRAPHY, GENERAL ................................................................................................. 113
P81: OPTICS ............................................................................................................................................. 113
P82: PHOTOGRAPHIC APPARATUS .......................................................................................................... 117
P83: PHOTOGRAPHIC PROCESSES/COMPOSITIONS ................................................................................ 119
P84: OTHER PHOTOGRAPHIC .................................................................................................................. 121
P86: MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, ACOUSTICS ............................................................................................. 127
EPI Manual Codes 2020 11
Part 1
P1: Agriculture, Food, Tobacco
P11: Soil Working; Planting
Electrical details are coded under X25-N01. From 2015,
manual codes have been assigned for all mechanical
details of soil working and planting.
P11-A [2015]
Soil working (mechanical)
P11-A01 [2015]
Soil working using hand tools
Covers spades, shovels, hoes, rakes, etc.
P11-A02 [2015]
Soil working using ploughs
Includes man-driven ploughs, animal-driven ploughs,
tractor-driven ploughs and self-driven ploughs. Also
includes ploughs with rotary driven tools.
P11-A03 [2015]
Soil working using harrows
For the use of harrows in all soil working.
P11-A04 [2015]
Gatherers for removing stones, undesirable roots or the
like from the soil, e.g. tractor-drawn rakes.
P11-A05 [2015]
Includes soil preparations such as stirring and overturning
of soil.
P11-A06 [2015]
Making, covering furrows
Includes the formation of furrows by digging or dragging
soil or any other process. Also involves any process for
covering furrows.
P11-A99 [2015]
Other types of soil working
Includes aerating, thinning, loosening soil, etc. Also
covers soil working using rollers, drags, etc.
Crumbler roller
P11-B [2015]
Treating and fertilizing soil
P11-B01 [2015]
Fertilizing soil
Includes application of fertilizers, manuring, using dung
distributors, etc.
P11-B02 [2015]
Other fertilizer related topics
Includes other fertilizer related topics like dung storage,
aerating etc.
P11-B03 [2015]
Treatment of soil with agricultural actives
Includes e.g. in-furrow treatment of fungicides,
herbicides, insecticides, plant-growth-regulators, etc.
P11-B04 [2015]
Treatment of soil with other types of
Includes soil treatment with all other types of chemicals
or additives, e.g. soil conditioning agents e.g. for
increasing water retention of soils, or sterilizing soil by
steam. Also includes stone powders.
P11-B05 [2015]
Covering soil
Includes covering soil by agricultural foils or mulch.
P11-B99 [2015]
Other types of agricultural processes for soil
P11-C [2015]
Planting and sowing
P11-C01 [2015]
Treatment of seeds
Includes coating / dressing seed, immunizing seed prior
to planting.
P11-C02 [2015]
Germination of seeds
Includes germination of seeds and all testing or
monitoring aspects of seeds before or during
12 P: General
P11-C03 [2015]
Sowing and handling of seeds
Includes apparatus or methods for sowing/distribution of
seeds and any other handling of seeds.
Seed sowing, seed handling
P11-C03A [2016]
Includes sowing/distribution of seeds in earth or
P11-C03B [2016]
Seed handling
Includes seed or seedling transfer apparatus or method.
Seed handling
P11-C04 [2015]
Includes methods/tools for planting seedlings/plants
(including trees).
P11-C99 [2015]
Other types of agricultural processes around
P11-E [2015]
Types of crop produced
Codes in this section are used only in combination with
appropriate codes in P11-A to P11-C sections.
P11-E01 [2015]
Fruits and nuts
P11-E02 [2015]
Vegetables and pulse crops
Including vegetables, legumes, beans, sugar beet, etc.
P11-E03 [2015]
Cereals and grasses
Including e.g. sugar cane, bamboo, rice, etc.
P11-E04 [2015]
Oil seeds and oil fruits
Including e.g. rape, sunflower, olives, palm fruits, etc.
P11-E05 [2015]
Fiber plants
Including e.g. cotton, flax, sisal, etc.
P11-E06 [2015]
Tea, coffee and herbs
Including also hops, spices.
P11-E07 [2015]
P11-E08 [2015]
P11-E99 [2015]
Other types of crops
P11-G [2015]
Cleaning, maintenance/repair of soil working and
planting systems
Includes sharpening of blades, etc.
P11-T [2015]
Constructional details of soil working machines,
These codes can be used in conjunction with other P11
codes to highlight the tool, e.g. blades for harrows are
coded under P11-A03 and P11-T01.
P11-T01 [2015]
Blades, teeth, discs
Sharpening of teeth and blades are also coded under P11-
P11-T02 [2015]
Frame, beam, handle
Frames, beams, handles of equipment or tools for soil
treating are coded here.
P11-T03 [2015]
Lifting or adjusting arrangements for agricultural
machines or implements
P11-T04 [2015]
Tractor or other driven soil working vehicle
Include parts and accessories to tractors for the purpose
of soil working, e.g. coupling devices between tractor and
machine/tool device.
P11-T99 [2015]
Other constructional details of soil working
machines or tools
Includes devices specially adapted for connection
between animals or tractors and agricultural machines or
EPI Manual Codes 2020 13
Part 1
P12: Harvesting
Includes all stages of harvesting, instruments and
machinery used, types of produce harvested.
From 2015, manual codes have been assigned for all
mechanical details of harvesting.
P12-A [2015]
Types of instruments and machinery for
P12-A01 [2015]
Hand instruments for harvesting
Includes all hand-cutting tools, such as scythes, rakes,
forks, etc.
Sickles, knives
P12-A02 [2015]
Machines for harvesting; mowing
Includes digging machines, topping machines, mowers,
lifters, and harvesters or mowers combined with
threshing devices, or with apparatus performing
additional operations while cutting, e.g. with haymakers
or dispensing apparatus for e.g. fertilisers, herbicides etc.
Also includes equipment for binding, packing or storing
harvested produce.
Potato ploughs, grain crop lifters, combine
harvester/mower, packers, knotters, needles, discharge
arms, containers, sheaf counters, outside dividers
P12-E [2015]
Types of crop harvested
P12-E01 [2015]
Fruits and nuts
P12-E02 [2015]
Vegetables and pulse crops
Including vegetables, legumes, beans, sugar beet, etc.
P12-E03 [2015]
Cereals and grasses
Including e.g. sugar cane, bamboo, rice, etc.
P12-E04 [2015]
Oil seeds and oil fruits
Including e.g. rape, sunflower, olives, palm fruits, etc.
P12-E05 [2015]
Fiber plants
Including e.g. cotton, flax, sisal, etc.
P12-E06 [2015]
Tea, coffee and herbs
Including also hops, spices.
P12-E07 [2015]
P12-E08 [2015]
P12-E99 [2015]
Other types of crops
P12-G [2015]
Cleaning, maintenance/repair of harvesting tools
and machines
P12-T [2015]
Constructional details of harvesting tools and
P12-T01 [2015]
Conveyors and other delivering mechanisms for
harvesting machines
Conveyors, bunchers, standers, reels
P12-T02 [2015]
Sieving and separating mechanisms for harvesting
For separating stones or foliage etc.
P12-T03 [2015]
Centrifugal wheels, drums, or spinners
Scoop wheels, scoop tines, screening wheels
P12-T04 [2020]
Cutting parts of harvesting machinery
Includes blades, teeth, knives, cutting and picking
P12-T05 [2020]
Handles, frames
P12-T10 [2015]
Safety mechanisms
P12-T99 [2015]
Other constructional details of harvesting tools or
EPI Manual Codes 2020 15
Part 1
P13: Plant culture; Dairy products
Covers horticulture, agriculture, new plants and
processes, dairy products, etc.
From 2015, manual codes have been assigned for all
mechanical details of plant culture and dairy products.
P13-A [2015]
Horticulture; Agriculture
Apart from soil working / harvesting (P11/P12).
P13-A01 [2015]
Greenhouse cultivation
P13-A01 is a general code for greenhouses or greenhouse
cultivation, used when specific codes below are not
applied. P13-A01 is also used when novel greenhouse is
claimed as a whole.
P13-A01A [2015]
Regulation of temperature in greenhouse
Includes heating and cooling of greenhouse.
Heating, cooling
P13-A01B [2015]
Regulation of light in greenhouse
Regulation of light intensity or wavelength, artificial
P13-A01C [2015]
Regulation of ventilation/gases in greenhouse
Ventilation and controlling gas supply to greenhouses
(e.g. CO
P13-A01D [2015]
Regulation of watering in greenhouse
Includes watering methods/installations in greenhouses.
P13-A01E [2015]
Monitoring, measuring, testing methods in
Includes methods and apparatus for monitoring
greenhouse atmosphere or plant parameters.
P13-A01F [2015]
Other equipment or methods used for green
Includes conveyors in greenhouses.
P13-A02 [2015]
Plant receptacles, supports and barriers
Includes all containers, supports and barriers for plants.
P13-A02A [2016]
Pots, tubs and trays
Includes all plant containers.
P13-A02B [2016]
Trellis, supports and barriers
Includes damage protection barriers, root barriers for
containment or protection, tree supports,
climbing/growth supports etc.
Tree support, root barrier, trellis
P13-A03 [2015]
Includes planting, transplanting, uprooting, felling or
delimbing trees. See also P11 class for planting of trees.
P13-A04 [2015]
Methods and apparatus for plant protection
Includes methods for treatment of plants for protection
against diseases/insects (e.g. using sprayers) or other
dangers; treating plants using gases; generating heat,
smoke, or fog in gardens, orchards, or forests. Also
includes apparatus e.g. sprayers.
P13-A05 [2015]
Methods and apparatus for plant feeding
Includes methods for feeding of plants as far as not
covered in P11 e.g. methods for foliar treatments e.g.
using sprayers. Also includes apparatus, e.g. spreaders or
sprayers etc.
P13-A06 [2015]
Water supply and management
Includes watering gardens, fields, sports grounds, plant
pots, etc. Also methods or systems for reducing water
run-off, evaporation, etc.
P13-A07 [2015]
Other methods and apparatus for modifying
growth of plants
Includes chemical or mechanical methods for modifying
growth of plants except for protecting or feeding of
plants (covered in P13-A04 and P13-A05 codes). Includes
pruning. Also includes any tools or apparatus used for
modifying plant growth.
P13-A08 [2015]
Methods and apparatus for monitoring status of
crops and fields
Monitoring e.g. disease activity, growth and health of
plant, humidity, temperature etc. Also includes any
equipment used to monitor growth activity or conditions.
16 P: General
P13-A10 [2016]
Flower handling
Includes apparatus or methods for flower arranging,
binding bouquets or wreaths, all aspects of flower
preserving etc.
Flower bouquet, floral wreath, flower preserve
P13-A99 [2015]
Other horticulture or agriculture aspects
Includes other types of agricultural or horticultural
methods or equipment not covered elsewhere.
P13-B [2015]
Plant propagation and modification
This section includes plant propagation and processes for
modifying genotypes, phenotypes or plant reproduction
by tissue culture techniques etc.
P13-B01 [2015]
Propagation of vegetative material
Includes propagation from seeds, cuttings, bulbs, artificial
or natural dispersal of plants. Also includes propagation
by scions, tissue culture, grafting, extraction and
germination of material from plant buds, creating
"artificial seed material", etc. For regular seed planting,
see P11 class.
P13-B02 [2015]
New plants or plant breeds
Includes methods using selection, hybridization or
genetic engineering to modify or produce new plants.
P13-E [2015]
Types of crop cultivated
P13-E01 [2015]
Fruits and nuts
P13-E02 [2015]
Vegetables and pulse crops
Including vegetables, legumes, beans, sugar beet, etc.
P13-E03 [2015]
Cereals and grasses
Including e.g. sugar cane, bamboo, rice, etc.
P13-E04 [2015]
Oil seeds and oil fruits
Including e.g. rape, sunflower, olives, palm fruits, etc.
P13-E05 [2015]
Fiber plants
Including e.g. cotton, flax, sisal, etc.
P13-E06 [2015]
Tea, coffee and herbs
Including also hops, spices.
P13-E07 [2015]
P13-E08 [2015]
P13-E99 [2015]
Other types of crops
P13-F [2015]
Dairy products
P13-F01 [2015]
Milking and primary milk treatment
Includes machines for milking or hand milking devices.
Also includes primary milk treatment, i.e.
sterilizing/pasteurizing processes.
P13-F02 [2015]
Secondary milk treatment
Includes cream, butter and cheese manufacture. Includes
kneading machines or hand devices for butter, devices for
shaping butter or cheese, tanks for treatment of cream,
Cheese coating
P13-F50 [2015]
Characterized by dairy product
P13-F50A [2015]
P13-F50B [2015]
P13-F50C [2015]
P13-F50D [2015]
P13-F50X [2015]
Other dairy products
P13-F99 [2015]
Other dairy product processing
Includes extraction of nutrients from dairy products, fat
skimming, etc.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 17
Part 1
P13-G [2015]
Cleaning, maintenance/repair of equipment
This code should be used in conjunction with other P13
EPI Manual Codes 2020 19
Part 1
P14: Animal Management and Care
P14-A [2015]
Animal husbandry; Animal care
P14-A01 [2015]
Housing and fencing; Animal training
Includes items for taming animals, such as nose-rings or
Wing clamps
P14-A01A [2015]
Housing and fencing
Includes pigsties, dog kennels, rabbit hutches, and the
cleaning equipment. Also includes tethering poles,
incubators, floor grids for preventing cattle from straying
(details of electrical fencing are coded under X25-X11 and
X25-N02C), etc. Incubators are also coded under P14-
A05. Insect/vermin traps placed in animal shelters should
be coded in both P14-A01A and P14-B01. Also includes
animal transit boxes, such as dog cages and crates.
Pasture, bird cages, chicken coops, brooders, poultry runs,
dovecots, beehives, artificial honeycombs, rearing-boxes,
aquaria, terraria, pens
P14-A01B [2015]
Animal training
Mazes, labyrinths
P14-A02 [2015]
Feeding and drinking
Feed troughs, feed pails, licking stone holders
P14-A03 [2015]
Washing and grooming
Includes curry-combs, fetlock rings, tail-holders,
protection against weather conditions or insects. Also
includes tools, such as clippers and shavers, for removing
fleece from sheep, etc.
Dehorners, horn trainers
P14-A04 [2015]
Animal wear, including horse tack
Includes horse blankets/covers, hoods, blinders/blinkers,
saddles, etc. Also includes leads for pets and jackets for
dogs and cats.
Muzzles, collars
P14-A05 [2015]
Animal breeding equipment
Includes rearing or breeding of animals, including new
breeds of animals, and devices for assisting or preventing
P14-A06 [2015]
Covers shoeing of horses but also other animals such as
oxen, etc. Includes horseshoes, horseshoe nails and tools
used by a farrier, such as elastic inserts, calks, studs, etc.
Soles, ice-spurs, hoof care
P14-A07 [2015]
Electrical details of milking are covered by X25-N02B.
Milking station
P14-A99 [2015]
Other details of animal husbandry
Includes marking of animals, devices for sorting and
cleaning eggs, tools for collecting honey, bee-smokers,
bee-keepers' accessories, such as veils, etc. Also includes
animal transport, such as safety harnesses, car guards,
animal ramps, restraints, etc.
Manure pouch, urine pouch, honey strainers, carriers, ear
P14-B [2015]
Catching, hunting, trapping or scaring of animals;
P14-B01 [2015]
Scaring, catching or killing of animals
Includes devices for attracting insects, devices for
dispensing poison, bird-scarers, traps, etc. Also includes
hunting appliances, such as shooting stands, beater
rattles, decoys, etc. This code can be used with P14-E
codes to highlight the type of animals scared, caught or
killed. Insect/vermin traps placed in animal shelters
should be coded in both P14-A01A and P14-B01.
Fly papers, fly-swatters, nets, fumigators, flame-throwers,
P14-B02 [2015]
Includes fishing nets, artificial baits, fishing rods, etc.
Landing-spoons, fish-spears, fishing lines
P14-E [2015]
Types of animals
P14-E01 [2015]
Classes of animals
P14-E01A [2015]
20 P: General
P14-E01B [2015]
P14-E01C [2015]
P14-E01D [2015]
P14-E01E [2015]
P14-E01F [2015]
Includes insects, millipedes, shrimps, crabs, spiders,
scorpions, etc.
Crustaceans, apiculture, mussels
P14-E02 [2015]
Primary use of animals
P14-E02A [2015]
Livestock; Farming
Includes cattle, pisciculture, aviculture, poultry, etc.
Horse, cows, sheep, pigs, fish-farming, bee-keeping
P14-E02B [2015]
Domestic pets
Cats, dogs, ferrets, guinea pigs, mice, fish, chameleons
P14-E02C [2015]
Laboratory animals
P14-E02X [2015]
Other specific uses of animals
P14-G [2015]
Cleaning, maintenance/repair of equipment for
animal care
P14-X [2015]
Other details of animal care
EPI Manual Codes 2020 21
Part 1
P15: Tobacco
From 201501, electronic cigarettes will not carry a P15
class anymore, but will solely be coded under X27-A02F.
P15-A [2015]
Types of tobacco
P15-A01 [2015]
Tobacco for pipes, cigars and cigarettes
Kretek, beedi, bidi
P15-A02 [2015]
Chewing tobacco; Snuff
Includes dipping tobacco.
Tobacco gum, snus
P15-A03 [2015]
Non-consumable tobacco
Includes tobacco water and topical tobacco paste.
P15-A09 [2015]
Other specific types of tobacco
P15-L [2015]
Tobacco harvesting and processing
P15-L01 [2015]
Planting, irrigation and harvesting of tobacco
Electric details of soil working and harvesting are coded
under X25-N.
P15-L05 [2015]
Tobacco processing
Includes sifting, sorting, removing impurities from
tobacco, blending, roasting, cooling, stripping and cutting
tobacco. Also includes arrangements for feeding tobacco
leaves in the cutting apparatus and other tools used
during the tobacco processing. Includes chemical and bio-
chemical treatment of tobacco, e.g. to form reconstituted
tobacco. Electrical details of tobacco manufacturing are
coded under X25-P03.
Cleaning, curing, flavouring, puffing, crimpling, tobacco-
P15-M [2015]
Manufacture of cigars and cigarettes
Includes forming tobacco bunches followed rolling, curing
and wrapping final cigars. Also includes forming paper
tubes, filling tubes, conveying cigarettes, branding each
cigarette and packaging finished products. Packing details
are coded under Q31 to Q34 codes, and electrical details
of packing are also coded under X25-F03A. Also includes
hand-driven devices for making cigarettes, such as
cigarette rolling machines, rolling boxes, etc.
Packaging, rolling mat, rolling tray
P15-T [2015]
Constructional details of tobacco products and
related accessories
P15-T01 [2015]
Filter tips; Mouthpieces
P15-T02 [2015]
Cigarette paper and tubes
Includes dipping tobacco.
Tobacco gum, snus
P15-T03 [2015]
Tobacco smoking paraphernalia
Includes pipes, hookahs, arghilas, etc. Includes support
and cleaning implements, and seasoning of tobacco
pipes. Mouthpieces of pipes are also coded under P15-
Bowl, pipe cleaner, pipe tamper
P15-T04 [2015]
Packaging of tobacco products
Includes bands for cigars or cigarettes, and boxes for
cigarette and cigarette papers. Packaging details are also
covered under Q32, Q33 and Q34.
Cigar case, tobacco pouch
P15-T99 [2015]
Other constructional details
Includes matchboxes, tobacco stoppers, cigar/cigarette
holders, ashtrays, cigar cutters, device for producing
smoke images/rings, lighters, etc. Electrical details of
lighters are coded under X27-G01.
Cigar slitters/perforators, humidors
P15-X [2015]
Other tobacco aspects
EPI Manual Codes 2020 23
Part 1
P2: Personal, Domestic
P21: Wearing Apparel
From 2015, manual codes have been assigned for all
mechanical details of clothes. Electrical details are
covered by X27-A02B code.
P21-A [2015]
T-Shirts, shirts and vests
Includes blouses, jerseys, sweaters, etc.
P21-B [2015]
Trousers and shorts; Skirts and dresses
P21-B01 [2015]
Trousers and shorts
Includes dungarees.
Bermuda, leggings, jeggings, chinos
P21-B02 [2015]
Skirts and dresses
Minis, micros, kilts
P21-C [2015]
Coats and jackets
Includes overcoats, raincoats, capes, etc.
P21-D [2015]
Sportswear (excludes sport shoes)
Includes swimwear (including swimming aids), wristbands
and headbands used during sporting activities, etc.
Swimming aids are also coded under P21-N. Sport shoes,
e.g. running shoes, are coded under P22 only. Swimming
gloves, boxing/golf gloves are also coded under P21-H.
Bathing suits, trunks
P21-E [2015]
Undergarments; Hosiery; Nightwear
Includes underwear, bathrobes, pyjamas, nightdresses,
nursing bras (also coded under P21-K), legwarmers, etc.
Socks are also coded under P22-C. Also includes
absorbing material embedded in e.g. underwear. Diapers
are also coded in P32-A60.
Corsets, brassieres, knickers, underpants, petticoat, panti-
hose, tights, stay-ups, stockings, drawers, girdles
P21-F [2015]
Includes hats, caps, helmets (including chin straps and
visors), wigs, masks and dominoes, veils and fascinators.
Also includes artificial eyelashes and eyebrows.
Toupee, hair extensions, hairpiece
P21-H [2015]
Gloves and scarves; Ties and bow-ties
Includes operating gloves, swimming gloves,
baseball/boxing/golf gloves, etc. Sporting gloves are also
coded under P21-D.
Snood, mittens, head-scarf, necktie
P21-K [2015]
Baby/children clothes and linen
Includes bodysuits, swaddling cloths, bibs, etc. Nursing
bras are also coded under P21-E. Also includes maternity
P21-L [2015]
Belts, suspenders and other fasteners
Includes braces, suspenders for socks or stockings. Also
includes trouser clips used by cyclists.
Shoulder strap
P21-M [2015]
Manufacture of clothes
Electrical details of clothes manufacturing are coded
under X25-T codes. Includes tracing wheels, cloth
holders, cushions or boxes for needles and pins, etc. Also
includes patterns, dress forms and bust forms.
Tailor aids
P21-N [2015]
Protective clothing
Includes overalls, apron, knee protectors, etc. Also
includes swimming aids. Safety shoes are coded under
P22-F04 only.
Face masks, gaiters, surgeon gown, protective gloves,
P21-T [2015]
Constructional details
This code should be used in conjunction with other P21
codes to highlight the garment.
24 P: General
P21-T01 [2015]
Collars, sleeves and pockets
Includes cuffs and lining.
Closures, collar-studs, stiffeners, armhole
P21-T50 [2015]
Novel constructional materials
Includes novel materials only. Can be used in conjunction
with other P21 codes to indicate material application.
P21-T99 [2015]
Other specific constructional details
P21-X [2015]
Other wearing apparel
Includes handkerchiefs and artificial or natural feathers
and flowers.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 25
Part 1
P22: Footwear
From 2015, manual codes have been assigned for all
mechanical details of footwear. Electrical details are
covered by X27-A02B1B.
P22-A [2015]
Shoes and sandals
Includes slippers and trainers. Sport shoes are also coded
under P22-F03. Also includes over-shoes.
Brogues, court shoes, flats, loafers, pumps, wedges, clogs,
mules, ballerina, slip-on, dockside, flip flops
P22-B [2015]
Includes safety boots (see also P22-F04 for safety shoes).
Ankle boots, knee-length boots, rubber boots, booties,
thigh-high, knee-high, cowboy boots
P22-C [2015]
Hosiery, e.g. tights and stockings, are coded under P21-
E01. Includes arrangements for securing socks to shoes.
P22-F [2015]
Main types of footwear
P22-F01 [2015]
Shoes for babies and children
P22-F02 [2015]
Shoes for dolls and other toys
P22-F03 [2015]
Sport shoes
Includes shoes and boots for activities such as athletic
events, ball games, cycling, climbing, skiing, skating and
Running shoes, climbing shoes, football shoes, ski boots,
tennis shoes, dancing shoes, skating boots, ballet
P22-F04 [2015]
Safety shoes, e.g. hospital footwear
Sport shoes e.g. football boots, are coded in P22-F03.
Nursing clogs, theatre mules, surgical clogs, safety boots
P22-F05 [2015]
Orthopaedic shoes
Includes ventilated shoes, shoes with specific foot-
supporting parts or shock absorbers, etc.
Insert, in-step support, toe spacer, toe spreader
P22-M [2015]
Manufacture of footwear
Electrical details of clothes manufacturing are coded
under X25-T codes. Includes machines for making laces.
Goodyear welt, lasts, shoemaking, presses, flexing, shoe
gluing, heel cutter
P22-T [2015]
Constructional details of footwear
P22-T01 [2015]
Soles, insoles and heels
Includes details of separate inserts and detachable
wheels attached on reverse of soles.
P22-T03 [2015]
Uppers, boot legs and tongues
Includes sandal straps (also coded under P22-T05).
P22-T04 [2015]
Welt and lining
P22-T05 [2015]
Laces and other fastenings
Includes hooks and eyelets for laces, zips, snap buttons,
buckles, fasteners with toggle levers, etc.
Hook and loop fastener, slide/glide fastener
P22-T06 [2015]
Wear-resisting and safety arrangements
Includes non-skid attachments e.g. ice-spikes, spurs,
Steel toe cap, metal plate, skid-proof
P22-T50 [2015]
Novel footwear materials
Includes novel materials used to form footwear. Can be
used in conjunction with other P22-T codes to indicate
material applications.
P22-T99 [2015]
Other constructional details
Includes decorative buckles.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 27
Part 1
P23: Haberdashery and Jewellery
From 2015, manual codes have been assigned for all
mechanical details of haberdashery and jewellery.
Electrical details of jewellery are covered by X27-A02B2.
P23-A [2015]
Includes all types of closures. Tools used to manufacture
clothes, such as tracing wheels, cloth holders, cushions or
boxes for needles and pins, etc are coded under P21-M.
P23-A01 [2015]
Includes press-buttons, and collar studs.
Press-studs, snap fasteners
P23-A03 [2015]
P23-A04 [2015]
Retainers for ties and cravats
Includes retainers for neckties, cravats, neckerchiefs,
such as tie-clips, spring clips, etc.
Tie pin
P23-A05 [2015]
Includes hat pins, scarf pins and safety pins. Tie pins are
also coded under P23-A04.
P23-A06 [2015]
Buckles, Lanyards
Includes buckles for safety belts. Safety belts are also
coded under Q14-C01.
Seat belts
P23-A07 [2015]
Zippers and other slide fasteners
P23-A08 [2015]
Hook and eye fasteners; hook and loop fasteners
Includes touch-and-close fasteners.
P23-A50 [2015]
Novel constructional materials for haberdashery
This code should be used in conjunction with other P23-A
P23-A99 [2015]
Other types of haberdashery
Includes key-rings, and cards for buttons, collar-studs or
P23-C [2015]
Jewellery and coins
P23-C01 [2015]
Brooches, clips, medals and badges
Brooches are also coded under P23-A05.
P23-C02 [2015]
Bracelets, necklaces, pendant and charms
Includes fastening arrangements for bracelets and wrist-
watch straps. Pendants are coded under P23-C04 only.
Constructional details of watches are coded under S04-A.
Rosaries, chains, watch-chains, wristband
P23-C03 [2015]
Rings, earrings and body piercing
Includes rings worn around the finger or toe. Also
includes equipment for piercing the ear-lobes.
Finger rings, toe rings, Signet ring, piercing rings, piercing
P23-C15 [2015]
Safety arrangements
Includes arrangements for securing the item of jewellery,
e.g. bracelet, to the wearer to prevent loss or theft.
Safety chains
P23-C20 [2020]
Gem settings
Includes arrangements for securing the gem to the piece
of jewellery. This code should be searched in conjunction
with other P23-C codes. Also includes setting tools.
Manufacturing details are coded under P23-M.
Bezel, channel, claw, prong, rose head, buttercup setting,
illusion setting
P23-C30 [2015]
Includes gambling coins, slot machine tokens, cart tokens.
P23-C50 [2015]
Novel constructional materials for jewellery and
This code should be used in conjunction with other P23-C
28 P: General
P23-C99 [2015]
Other types of jewellery
Includes connectible jewellery, and fancy wear such as
crosses and crucifixes.
P23-M [2015]
Manufacture of haberdashery and jewellery
This code should be used in conjunction with P23-A or
P23-C codes. Arrangements for securing the gem to the
piece of jewellery are coded under P23-C20.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 29
Part 1
P24: Hand and Travelling Articles; Brushes
From 2015, manual codes have been assigned for all
mechanical details of clothes. Electrical details are
covered by X27 codes.
P24-A [2015]
Walking sticks, umbrellas and handheld fans
P24-A01 [2015]
Walking sticks
Includes walking aids for blind persons, and walking sticks
convertible into seats. Walking sticks convertible into
umbrellas are also coded under P24-A02. Electric details
of walking sticks are coded under X27-A02E.
Hunting sticks
P24-A02 [2015]
Walking sticks convertible into umbrellas are also coded
under P24-A01. Electrical details of umbrellas are coded
under X27-A02.
P24-A03 [2015]
Handheld fans
P24-B [2015]
Purses, luggage, handheld bags and cases
Includes shopping bags, handbags, beach bags, bags for
shoes, rigid and semi-rigid luggage, such as suitcases,
trunks, travelling baskets, sleeves or socks for mobile
phones, etc. Also includes sacks that can be transformed
into a different article, such as a rucksack turning into a
tent, a mattress, a coat, a sleeping bag, etc. This type of
bag is also coded under P24-D (camping equipment). Also
includes boxes or cases for specific items, such as hat
boxes, cases for telescopes, pocket holders for stamps or
coins, jewel boxes, water-tight boxes used during
swimming, key wallet, camera cases, etc. Make-up boxes
and lipstick cases are coded under P24-C04.
Backpack, money-bag, wallet, guitar case, spectacle case,
watch case, picnic box, protective shell, storage box
P24-C [2015]
Hairdressing and shaving equipment; beauty and
cosmetic treatment
P24-C01 [2015]
Hairdressing equipment
Includes equipment for hair-curling or hair-waving, hair
pins, hair grips, hair combs, and equipment for hair
salons, such as backward lavabos, hair-colouring caps,
spray heads, hairdressers' chairs or portable wash stands.
Also includes processes for waving, straightening or
curling hair, such as chemical processes, and equipment
used for attaching/removing hair extensions. Hairbrushes
are also coded under P24-E.
Hair clamps, hair clasps, hair nets, hair protecting caps,
hair extensions, eyelash curler
P24-C02 [2015]
Shaving equipment
Includes gloves or brush used for lathering, shaving mugs,
containers for storing shaving paraphernalia. Also
includes tweezers.
Details of electric razors are coded under X27-A02A3B.
Shaving mirrors, skin stretchers, shaving brush
P24-C03 [2015]
Manicure and pedicure equipment
Includes nail clippers and nail files, cuticle sticks, finger-
supports, and boxes for storing manicure/pedicure
equipment. Also include artificial nails.
Nail cutters, nail-tip shapers
P24-C04 [2015]
Accessories/container for toilet/cosmetic
Includes accessories such as powder puffs, masks for
marking lips or eyelashes, etc
Also includes containers such as perfume bottles, make-
up boxes, lipstick, boxes for shaving soap, container for
artificial teeth, etc. Details of packaging for cosmetic
products are coded under Q32 to Q34 codes.
Cosmetic box
P24-C99 [2015]
Other toilet/cosmetic equipment
Includes pocket mirrors (shaving mirrors are also coded
under P24-C02).
Hand mirror
30 P: General
P24-D [2015]
Camping equipment
Includes tents, water bottles, hammocks, hanging seats,
mosquito nets, mini camping stoves, metal plates and
mugs, etc. Bags, such as rucksacks convertible into e.g. a
tent, a mattress, etc, are also coded under P24-B02. Also
includes attachments for fastening e.g. books, hats, etc to
the tent, or hammocks, etc.
Tent spikes
P24-E [2015]
Includes details of bristles, handles, integrated reservoir
for e.g. paint, paste, water. Also includes paint rollers and
accessories for brushes, such as protective covers and
special devices for cleaning brushes after use.
Details of electric toothbrushes are coded under X27-
Toothbrush, paint brush, hair brush, comb
P24-M [2015]
Manufacture details
This code should be used in conjunction with other P24
EPI Manual Codes 2020 31
Part 1
P25: Office and Home Furniture
From 2015, manual codes have been assigned for all
mechanical details of office and home furniture. Electrical
details are covered by X27-A03.
Does not include chairs, beds, sofas and mattresses;
these are coded under P26 codes only. P25 codes cover
tables, wardrobes and cabinets.
P25-A [2015]
Includes benches combined with desks, such as school
Nesting table, wall table
P25-A01 [2015]
Types of tables
P25-A01A [2015]
Includes school desks, writing tables, drawing desks,
pulpits and lecterns. Desks for computers are also coded
under T04-L codes.
School bench, workstation, conference table, computer
P25-A01B [2015]
Bedside tables
Dressing tables are also coded under P25-C01C.
P25-A01C [2015]
Garden tables
P25-A01D [2015]
Dining/breakfast tables
Includes tables for restaurants and dining rooms. Also
includes food trays.
Kitchen table, breakfast bar, coffee table
P25-A01X [2015]
Other specific type of tables
Includes sewing tables, tea trolleys and game tables. Also
includes operating table.
Card table, ironing table, billiard table
P25-A02 [2015]
Components of tables
P25-A02A [2015]
Table tops
P25-A02B [2015]
Legs and underframe
P25-A02C [2015]
Includes sliding arrangements and handles of drawers.
Sliding tray
P25-A02D [2015]
Arrangements for modifying the size of the table
Includes folding and extending arrangements.
Stowable table, extensible table, drop-leaves, telescopic
P25-A02X [2015]
Other components of tables
P25-B [2015]
Includes details of doors, hanging arrangements, interior
drawers and wardrobe fixings such as hinges and handles.
Also includes mirror attached to the doors.
P25-C [2015]
Includes racks and shelf units.
P25-C01 [2015]
Types of cabinets
P25-C01A [2015]
Bookshelves and office cabinets
P25-C01B [2015]
Kitchen and bathroom cabinets
Includes cocktail cabinets, cabinet for perishable items,
such as meat safes, bottle racks, and fruit or vegetable
storage cabinets.
Welsh dresser, medicine cabinet
P25-C01C [2015]
Bedroom and dining room cabinets
Includes chests of drawers, dressing tables (also coded
under P25-A01B) and bedside cabinets. Also includes
television stands (see also W03-A09C), radio stands,
record cabinets.
P25-C01X [2015]
Other specific types of cabinets
Includes shoe cabinets and racks for skis or guns.
32 P: General
P25-C02 [2015]
Components of cabinets
Includes systems for modifying the size of the cabinet.
P25-C02A [2015]
Feet and casing
Carcass, partition wall, upright, strut
P25-C02B [2015]
Shelves arrangements
Includes book-ends. Shelving systems for e.g.
supermarkets are also coded under P27-A01.
Book trough
P25-C02C [2015]
Drawers and doors
Includes sliding arrangements.
P25-C02D [2015]
Handles and other fittings
Knobs, key plate, ornaments
P25-C02X [2015]
Other components of cabinets
P25-L [2015]
Convertible/stackable furniture; multi-purpose
Includes furniture that can be converted into other types
of furniture. This code can be used in conjunction with
other P25 codes to highlight the different functions. Also
includes dual-purpose furniture, e.g. a table combined
with a seat.
P25-M [2015]
Manufacture of office and domestic tables,
wardrobes and cabinets
This code should be used in conjunction with other P25
P25-X [2015]
Other home and office furniture
Does not include chairs, beds, sofas and mattresses;
these are coded under P26 codes only. Includes easels or
stands for maps, blackboards, etc.
Umbrella stand
EPI Manual Codes 2020 33
Part 1
P26: Chairs, Sofas and Beds
From 2015, manual codes have been assigned for all
mechanical details of chairs, sofa and beds. Electrical
details are covered by X27-A03.
Does not include tables, wardrobes and cabinets; these
are coded under P25 codes only. P26 codes cover chairs,
beds, sofas, mattresses and all furniture for babies and
Prior to 2012, details of upholstery were coded under
P26-A [2015]
Chairs and benches
Stool, hassock, rocking chair, seat
P26-A01 [2015]
Types of chairs and benches
Children chairs are also coded under P26-E.
P26-A01A [2015]
Home or office chairs
Includes armchairs and garden chairs. Armchairs are also
coded under P26-B01.
Workshop, high chair
P26-A01B [2015]
Hairdressers, barbers or dentist chairs
Includes disabled chairs. Electrical details of disabled
chairs and dentist chairs are coded under S05-K and S05-
E01, respectively.
Operating chair
P26-A01C [2015]
Theatre/cinema/church benches and chairs
Includes chairs/stools for restaurants.
Stadium chair, tipping-up chair, confessional bench,
prayer stool, kneeling stool, public bench
P26-A01D [2015]
Folding/collapsible/stackable chairs
Includes dismountable chairs and booster seats attached
to e.g. dining chairs.
Camping chair, garden chair, beach chair, trunk chair,
inflatable chair, nesting chairs
P26-A01F [2015]
Vehicle seats
Includes seats for cars, bikes, scooters, etc. See also Q14-
P26-A01X [2015]
Other types of chairs
Milking stool, music stool, bean bag, rocking chair
P26-A10 [2015]
Constructional details of chairs and benches
P26-A10A [2015]
Seats, armrests, headrests and backrests
Includes details of folding and reclining arrangements,
and seat padding. Footrests are coded under P26-A10B
Frame, cushion, back support
P26-A10B [2015]
Legs and feet
Includes footrests.
Caster wheel
P26-A10X [2015]
Other constructional details of chairs and benches
Includes hooks to attach bag or coat, such as on theatre
chairs. Also includes protective covers, e.g. to protect
against rain.
Cup holder
P26-B [2015]
Sofas, armchairs and beds
P26-B01 [2015]
Sofas and armchairs
Includes armrests, footrests, hidden storage, feet and
legs. Armchairs are also coded under P26-A01A.
Couch, settee
P26-B02 [2015]
Includes bedsteads and headboards. Beds installed in
vehicles are also coded under Q14-B.
Cots, day-bed, wall bed, hammock, suspended bed
P26-B03 [2015]
Sofa-beds, chair-beds and wardrobe-beds
Includes folding arrangements.
Futon, cabinet bed, table bed, trunk bed
34 P: General
P26-C [2015]
Mattresses and cushions
Includes spring, foam or fluid mattresses. Pillows are
coded under P27-B02. Seat cushions of chairs are also
coded under P26-A10A.
P26-E [2015]
Furniture for children
This code can be used in conjunction with P25 or other
P26 codes to highlight the piece of furniture, e.g. chair,
bed, etc. Includes high chairs, cradles, cots, but also other
nursery accessories such as baby carriers, playpens,
safety harnesses, etc. Electrical details of baby equipment
are coded under X27-X01.
Dressing table, changing table, rocking chair, carrycot,
baby gate
P26-F [2015]
Accessories for chairs, benches, sofas, beds and
This code is used in conjunction with P26-A or P26-B
codes. Includes loose furniture covers and insect nets
(see also P27-C). Bedspreads are also covered under P27-
P26-M [2015]
Manufacture of chairs, sofas and beds
This code should be used in conjunction with other P26
EPI Manual Codes 2020 35
Part 1
P27: Shops and Household Furnishing
From 2015, manual codes have been assigned for all
mechanical details of shop and household furnishing.
Electric details are coded under X27.
P27-A [2015]
Furniture and fittings for shops, restaurants and
Tables and chairs are coded under P25-A and P26-A,
P27-A01 [2015]
Racks and cabinets for displaying merchandise
Includes dispensers for granulated materials, vending
jars, display stands, dummies, etc. Refrigerated cabinets
are also coded under X27-F.
Showcase, bust, wire figure, shop window display
P27-A02 [2015]
Shop, bar or bank counters
Includes paying counters.
Check-out counter
P27-A99 [2015]
Other furniture and fittings for shops, restaurants
and warehouses
Changing rooms
P27-B [2015]
Household and table equipment
Cookware, such as pots and pans, are coded under P28-
A02 only. Details of tables per se are coded under P25-A.
P27-B01 [2015]
Mirrors and picture frames
Shaving mirrors are coded under P24-C02.
P27-B02 [2015]
Bed linen and towels
Includes bedspreads, sleeping bags, blankets, pillows and
travelling rugs. Cushions are coded under P26-C02. Paper
towels are coded under P28-B03.
P27-B03 [2015]
Tableware, glassware, cutlery and table linen
Includes plates, bowls, serving dishes, glasses, jugs, cups,
etc. Also includes table linen, such as napkins and
tablecloths, and tea/coffee pot cosies.
Knives, forks, spoons, wine decanter, crockery, tea pot,
egg cup, sugar tongs, serving tray, drinking straw
P27-B04 [2015]
Carpets and rugs
Includes stair runners and stair rods.
P27-B05 [2015]
Clothes hangers and racks
Includes clothes racks, hat rack, coat hangers, umbrella
stands, shoe horns, etc.
Hat holder, necktie holder
P27-B06 [2015]
Religious decorations
Includes altars, Christmas trees, Christmas decorations,
religious shrines, fonts, etc.
Christmas tree stand
P27-B99 [2015]
Other household and table equipment
Includes screens such as fire screens, flower vases, wall
boards, paper baskets, key holders, letter boxes, etc.
P27-C [2015]
Curtains and blinds
Includes curtain rods/rails, pelmets, runners, gliders, and
arrangements for opening/closing blinds and curtains.
Electrical details are coded under X27-T. Also includes
mosquito nets (see also P26-F when the net is attached to
e.g. a bed).
Pleat curtain tape, net curtain
P27-M [2015]
Manufacture of shops and household furnishing
This code should be used in conjunction with other P27
EPI Manual Codes 2020 37
Part 1
P28: Kitchen and Sanitary Equipment
From 2015, manual codes have been assigned for all
mechanical details of kitchen and sanitary equipment.
Electrical details are covered by X27 codes.
P28-A [2015]
Kitchen equipment
Electrical kitchen appliances, such as toaster or coffee
machines, are coded under X27-B. Cooking appliances are
coded under X27-C. All details of refrigerators are coded
under X27-F. Tableware, such a crockery, cutlery and
glassware, are coded under P27-B03 only.
P28-A01 [2015]
Food and beverages preparation
Includes kitchen gadgets and utensils such as vegetable
slicers, juicers, garlic presses, zesters, egg slicers, ladles,
mechanical timers and scales, etc. Also includes
cafetieres and espresso makers.
Citrus peeler, tin/can opener, coffee grinder, salt and
pepper grinder, egg whisk, nutcracker, sifter, coffee mill
P28-A02 [2015]
Cookware and ovenware
Includes saucepans, woks, oven trays, casserole dishes,
poachers, fish tins, etc. Also includes dish warmers and
Frying pan
P28-A03 [2015]
Kitchen storage
Includes bread bins, spice racks, plastic containers for
food, etc.
Bread box
P28-A99 [2015]
Other kitchen equipment
Includes holders for cooking books, oven gloves, aprons,
vacuum flasks, splashguard for sink, etc.
Cutting board
P28-B [2015]
Sanitary equipment and toilet accessories
Bathroom cabinets are coded under P25-C only.
P28-B01 [2015]
Wash-stands and sinks
Also includes stoppers for sinks and baths, and bathroom
cabinets placed underneath sinks.
P28-B02 [2015]
Baths and showers
Includes bidets, shower screens, shower curtains, and
anti-slip mats, etc. Bath stoppers are included in P28-B01.
Electric details of baths and showers are coded under
Bath feet
P28-B03 [2015]
Bathroom accessories and linen
Includes soap and toothpaste dispensers, soap holders
and dishes, towels, toilet roll and towel holders/racks.
Also includes washing accessories such as bathing
sponges. Towels and anti-slip mats placed in the bath are
also coded under P27-B02.
Loofah, shower cap, toothbrush holder, bath mats,
bathroom storage, bathroom bin, towel rail, bathroom
P28-B04 [2015]
Includes flush-less toilets, such as chamber pots or
urinals, hand tools for cleaning the toilet bowl, cover for
toilet seat, and toilet seat specially adapted for children.
Electrical details of toilets are coded under X27-L.
Hinge, toilet brush, toilet seat
P28-B99 [2015]
Other sanitary equipment
Includes chairs/stools for restaurants.
P28-C [2015]
Domestic cleaning and washing
Electrical cleaning and washing appliances are coded
under X27-D. All details of washing machines,
dishwashers, tumble dryers, and vacuum cleaners are
coded by X27-D01A, X27-D01B, X27-D02 and X27-D03,
Cleaning caddy
P28-C01 [2015]
Equipment for cleaning windows
Includes cloths, sponges, pads, and equipment for
cleaning blinds.
Squeegee, wiper
P28-C02 [2015]
Equipment for cleaning floors, walls, carpets, and
Includes brooms and brushes, buckets, dustpans, and
mops. Brushes for cleaning shoes are coded under P28-
C04 only.
Upholstery/carpet beater
38 P: General
P28-C03 [2015]
Equipment for cleaning/drying crockery
Includes basins, draining boards, and equipment for
polishing cutlery.
P28-C04 [2015]
Equipment for cleaning/polishing footwear
Shoe brush
P28-C05 [2017]
Equipment for cleaning/drying/ironing clothes
Includes mechanical details only of clothes lines and
ironing boards. Electrical details are coded under X27-L
and X27-D09, respectively.
Clothes pegs, pedal washing machine
P28-C99 [2015]
Other specific cleaning or washing equipment
Sink plunger
P28-M [2015]
Manufacture of kitchen and sanitary equipment
This code should be used in conjunction with other P28
EPI Manual Codes 2020 39
Part 1
P3: Health, Amusement
P31: Diagnosis, surgery
From 2015, manual codes have been assigned for all
mechanical details of diagnostic and surgical apparatus.
Electrical details are covered by S05 class.
P31-A [2015]
Diagnosis or surgery apparatus
P31-A01 [2015]
Surgical tools and instruments
Includes cutters e.g. scalpels; clamps and retractors;
distractors and positioners; sealing and stapling devices;
dilators, specula.
P31-A05 [2015]
Diagnostic devices
Includes measurement devices e.g. rulers, calipers;
percussion instruments for tapping on a surface to
determine the underlying structure; Auscultation devices
e.g. stethoscopes.
P31-A99 [2015]
Other types of diagnosis or surgery apparatus and
For operating theatre and dental surgery equipment see
P31-B [2015]
Storage and transport of diagnosis or surgery
Includes containers for storing and transporting surgical
tools and equipment. See also Q31-Q34 codes.
P31-G [2015]
Cleaning, maintenance/repair of diagnosis or
surgery apparatus
P31-M [2015]
Manufacture/Pre-use treatment of diagnosis or
surgery components
P31-R [2015]
Recycling of diagnosis or surgery components
EPI Manual Codes 2020 41
Part 1
P32: Dentistry, bandages, veterinary, prosthesis
From 2015, manual codes have been assigned for all
mechanical details of dentistry, bandages, veterinary, and
prosthesis apparatus. Electrical details are covered by S05
P32-A [2015]
Dentistry, veterinary, prosthesis apparatus
P32-A01 [2015]
Includes mechanical aspects of dental tools and
instruments, orthodontics, impressions. For dental chairs
and accessories see P33-A10.
P32-A20 [2015]
Surgical tools and instruments; supports, restraints and
other auxiliary devices used during examination and
surgery e.g. for holding animal's mouth open; treatment;
reproduction or fertilization devices.
P32-A40 [2015]
Includes dental prostheses
P32-A40A [2015]
Including stents for insertion in blood vessels.
P32-A40B [2015]
Includes artificial limbs.
P32-A50 [2015]
Eye and ear protection and/or treatment
P32-A60 [2015]
Bandages, dressings and first aid kits
Includes dispensers and auxiliary items. Also includes
absorbent/antiseptic pads and swabs such as nappies,
diapers and tampons.
P32-A99 [2015]
Other apparatus and methods for dentistry,
veterinary, prostheses
Includes dental auxiliary appliances (for dental chairs and
work-stands see P33-A10). Also includes therapeutic
heating devices, orthopaedic and contraceptive devices.
Hot-water bottle
P32-M [2015]
Manufacture/Pre-use treatment of dentistry,
bandages, veterinary, prosthesis components
Includes coating of e.g. stents.
P32-R [2015]
Recycling of dentistry, bandages, veterinary,
prosthesis components
EPI Manual Codes 2020 43
Part 1
P33: Medical aids, oral administration
From 2015, manual codes have been assigned for all
mechanical details of medical aids and oral
administration apparatus. Electrical details are covered
by S05 class.
P33-A [2015]
Medical aids
P33-A01 [2015]
Patient transport
Trolleys, wheelchairs, stretchers and other lifting devices,
including those aspects as applied to vehicles such as
P33-A02 [2015]
P33-A03 [2015]
Hygiene and sanitary devices
P33-A10 [2015]
Other hospital and dental surgery equipment
Includes operating tables and dental chairs. Also includes
trolleys for transporting medicines, food and other items.
P33-A20 [2015]
Includes devices for massage, bathing and passive
P33-A40 [2015]
Funeral apparatus and accessories
P33-A50 [2015]
Oral administration of medicines; Feeding devices
Includes feeding tubes, baby teething apparatus e.g.
rings, feeding bottles. For syringes and subcutaneous,
intra-vascular or intra-muscular devices see P34-A02.
P33-A99 [2015]
Other types of medical aids and oral
administration methods
Includes walking aids and crutches
P33-B [2015]
Storage and transport
Includes containers for storing and transporting medical
aids. See also Q31-Q34 codes.
P33-G [2015]
Cleaning, maintenance/repair of medical aids
P33-M [2015]
Manufacture/Pre-use treatment of medical aids
Includes devices and methods for processing
pharmaceutical products into physical forms suitable for
oral administration.
P33-R [2015]
Recycling of medical aids
EPI Manual Codes 2020 45
Part 1
P34: Sterilizing, syringes
From 2015, manual codes have been assigned for all
mechanical details of sterilizing apparatus and syringes.
Electrical details are covered by S05 class.
P34-A [2015]
Sterilization equipment, syringes
P34-A01 [2015]
Sterilization and disinfection devices
For sterilization, disinfection and deodorizing of
substances and materials including air, refuse, bandages
and dressings (See P32-A60 for bandages per se), and
contact lenses.
P34-A02 [2015]
Syringes and other devices for introduction and
removal of media from body
Syringes, needles, and irrigation devices; Inhalers;
sprayers, atomizers and insufflators; subcutaneous, intra-
vascular or intra-muscular devices; catheters and other
drainage apparatus; applicators. Includes blood
transfusion equipment. For oral administration devices
and methods, see P33-A50.
P34-A10 [2015]
Anesthesia; relaxation
P34-A99 [2015]
Other types of sterilization equipment, syringes
and introduction/removal devices
P34-G [2015]
Cleaning, maintenance/repair of sterilization
equipment, syringes
P34-M [2015]
Manufacture/Pre-use treatment of sterilization
equipment, syringes
P34-R [2015]
Recycling of sterilization equipment, syringes
EPI Manual Codes 2020 47
Part 1
P35: Life saving, safety, firefighting, fire
extinguishing and fire prevention
This class covers apparatus and methods for life saving
and safety in a general sense and also for fire fighting and
fire extinguishing. For life saving and safety systems for
specific purposes see the relevant class, for example
water-based life saving equipment such as lifebuoys is
covered in Q24. From 2015 P35 manual codes have been
assigned for all mechanical details of life saving, safety,
firefighting and fire extinguishing. Electrical aspects are
also covered in class X25. Fire alarms are not included
and are covered by W05-B02 codes. Significant
applications are indicated by assignment of P35-U codes
in conjunction with other P35 codes as necessary.
P35-A [2015]
Type of life saving and safety systems
These codes are assigned to indicate the general type of
life saving and safety system involved.
P35-A01 [2015]
Rescue equipment and methods
Covers equipment, and methods for using it, for rescuing
people or animals from a dangerous situation such as a
building during a fire, earthquake, etc. Water-based life
saving equipment such as lifebuoys and the like is
covered by Q24-X01 codes and equipment installed
onboard an aircraft is covered by Q25-B09 codes.
P35-A01A [2015]
Hoists, winches, lifting equipment
Novel aspects of harnesses for supporting a person being
rescued are also assigned P35-A03A.
Lowering, raising, winching, winding
P35-A01E [2015]
Slides, chutes
Escape slides and similar emergency exit arrangements
for aircraft are not included and are covered by Q25-
P35-A01G [2015]
Cushioning devices
Includes use of devices providing a 'soft landing', e.g. for
persons falling or jumping from a high point.
Cushion, inflatable, mat, pad
P35-A01X [2015]
Other types of rescue equipment or method
P35-A03 [2015]
Safety systems in general
These codes cover systems, protective clothing and other
equipment for general safety purposes.
P35-A03A [2015]
Safety harnesses and belts
Includes harnesses for supporting workers, e.g. by
anchoring to a building or other structure. Harnesses
forming part of rescue equipment, e.g. to lift a person for
escape purposes, are also assigned P35-A01A.
Builder, carabiner, construction worker, lineman, window
P35-A03C [2015]
Protective clothing
Includes helmets, masks, and the like to provide
protection for humans and animals from adverse
environments. Fireproof clothing is also assigned P35-
C05. Arrangements for facilitating or enabling breathing
are covered by P35-A05E which is also assigned as
necessary. Systems and equipment for treating hazardous
chemicals or biological agents to make them safe or to
contain them are covered by P35-A03G.
Environmental suit, hazmat suit, NBC suit
P35-A03E [2015]
Breathing equipment and protection against
harmful gases
Includes equipment for filtering gases hazardous to
health of humans or animals and breathable gas supply
systems providing e.g. oxygen or gas mixtures. Breathable
gas supplies for medical purposes are not included and
are covered by P34 codes. Covers equipment, and
methods for removing or neutralizing the effects of
hazardous gases in the air within a building, room, or
other enclosed area. Electrical alarm systems warning of
the presence of toxic gases are covered by W05-B07L
codes and those warning of flammable or explosive gases
by W05-B02A codes.
Chemical plant, filter, firefighter, mine, poisonous gas,
P35-A03E1 [2015]
Breathing masks
Covers masks in the form of equipment carried by an
individual and also those used in multiple-mask systems,
e.g. on board an aircraft. From 2016 all other aspects of
breathing equipment, installations and systems are
covered by P35-A03E5. Includes masks and similar
devices forming part of equipment protecting against
harmful chemicals, e.g. protective clothing, which is also
covered by P35-A03C. Masks with electrical
communications equipment such as intercoms or
portable transceivers are also assigned W01-C04A or
W02-G02A1 respectively. Details of microphones,
earphones and the like incorporated in masks are also
assigned V06-V codes as appropriate.
Cartridge, crew radio, filter, interphone, walkie-talkie
48 P: General
P35-A03E5 [2016]
Breathing equipment, installations and systems
This code covers all aspects of breathing equipment and
installations, e.g. oxygen generators, gas cylinders, hoses
and pipes, except for masks and other devices fitting
around the mouth and/or nose of the user which are
covered by P35-A03E1. Includes equipment carried in
backpack or other portable form and also installations in
e.g. buildings, tunnels or vehicles, including those on-
board an aircraft. Prior to 2016 these details were
covered by P35-A03E or P35-A03E1 depending on novel
P35-A03G [2015]
Protection against harmful chemicals
Includes arrangements for making safe hazardous
industrial chemicals and also chemical or biological
warfare agents. Protective clothing and breathing
equipment are not included and are respectively covered
by P35-A03C and P35-A03E codes.
Biohazard, spillage, tanker, toxic waste
P35-A99 [2015]
Other types of life saving and safety systems
P35-C [2015]
Type of fire fighting, fire extinguishing or fire
prevention equipment or method
The codes are assigned to indicate the general type of fire
fighting, fire extinguishing or fire prevention equipment
or system involved.
P35-C01 [2015]
Fire extinguishing equipment and methods
P35-C01A [2015]
Type of fire extinguishing material
P35-C01A codes are assigned to indicate in a general
sense the type of fire extinguishing material used. When
the material itself is novel P35-C01A8 is also applied, e.g.
a novel chemical composition for extinguishing fires
would be coded as P35-C01A2 and P35-C01A8.
P35-C01A1 [2015]
Carbon dioxide-based fire extinguishing
P35-C01A2 [2015]
Chemical-based fire extinguishing
Covers use of wet chemical-based extinguishing agents.
P35-C01A3 [2015]
Foam-based fire extinguishing
P35-C01A4 [2015]
Powder-based fire extinguishing
P35-C01A5 [2015]
Water-based fire extinguishing
Includes water mist-based fire extinguishing systems.
P35-C01A8 [2015]
Novel materials for extinguishing fires
This code is assigned in conjunction with a P35-C01A
code to indicate the type of extinguishing material used.
See also K01-A for novel materials and compositions for
fire extinguishing.
P35-C01A9 [2015]
Other type of fire extinguishing material
P35-C01C [2015]
Fire extinguishing equipment type
P35-C01C1 [2015]
Portable/hand-held extinguisher
P35-C01C3 [2015]
Fixed installations and building-type extinguishing
Covers permanently installed systems such as indoor
sprinklers and outdoor installations such as fire hydrants.
Fire alarms are not included and are covered by W05-B02
Bulb, fusible alloy, green bulb, red bulb, Wood's metal
P35-C01C5 [2015]
Mobile fire extinguisher
Covers fire extinguishing equipment or systems capable
of being transported to the location of a fire, including
extinguishers mounted on trolleys, aircraft, ships, trains,
or land vehicles such as fire engines which are also
covered in Q19-H02 or in X22-P10 if electrical aspects are
involved. Fire extinguishing systems for putting out fires
on-board vehicles themselves are covered by P35-C01C7
Air tanker, crash tender, fire hose, fire train, fire truck,
fireboat, forest fire, ladder, pump, turntable,
waterbomber, wildfire
P35-C01C7 [2015]
Vehicle-type fire extinguishing system
Covers extinguishing equipment and systems for putting
out fires in a vehicle itself. Vehicles used to transport
extinguishing equipment to the location of a fire are
covered by P35-C01C5.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 49
Part 1
P35-C01C7A [2015]
Aircraft and aerospace-type fire extinguishing
This code covers on-board equipment, methods and
systems for putting out fires on an aircraft or space
vehicle, for which Q25-B09A and Q25-S06 are also
respectively assigned, but does not include aerial
firefighting aircraft, which are covered by P35-C01C5.
P35-C01C7C [2015]
Land vehicle-type fire extinguishing system
This code covers on-board equipment, methods and
systems for putting out fires on land vehicles and does
not include fire engines, which are covered by P35-
P35-C01C7E [2015]
Ship-type fire extinguishing system
This code covers on-board equipment, methods and
systems for putting out fires on ships, for which Q24-
B09A is also assigned, but does not include fireboats,
which are covered by P35-C01C5.
P35-C01C7F [2015]
Rail vehicle-type fire extinguishing system
This code covers on-board equipment, methods and
systems for putting out fires on trains, for which Q21-J09
is also assigned, but does not include fire trains, which
are covered by P35-C01C5.
P35-C01C9 [2015]
Other fire extinguishing equipment type
Beater, fire blanket, fire bucket
P35-C03 [2016]
Nozzles, hoses, pumps and delivery systems
Covers novel aspects of equipment for delivering or
dispensing a fire-extinguishing agent.
P35-C05 [2015]
Fire prevention equipment and methods
Includes arrangements for containing or limiting the
spread of fires, such as physical barriers, flame traps and
the like, firefighting equipment other than extinguishers
and also control of firefighting systems, electrical aspects
of which are covered by X25-X05.
Axe, fire doors
P35-C99 [2015]
Other type of fire fighting, fire extinguishing or
fire prevention equipment or method
P35-G [2015]
Cleaning, maintenance/repair of life saving,
safety, fire fighting and fire extinguishing systems
This code is assigned with P35-A or P35-C codes as
P35-M [2015]
Manufacture/pre-use treatment of life saving,
safety, and firefighting/extinguishing components
Includes testing. This code is assigned with P35-A or P35-
C codes as appropriate.
P35-U [2015]
These codes are assigned with P35-A or P35-C codes as
appropriate to denote significant applications.
P35-U01 [2015]
Bathroom, bedroom, domestic appliance, fitted kitchen,
home furnishings, household appliance, household
product, living room
P35-U02 [2015]
Includes general commercial applications. Can be used
alone or in conjunction with other specific applications.
Bar, business, café, commerce, commercial, department
store, enterprise, hotel, office, restaurant, rest-room,
P35-U03 [2015]
Includes all vehicles.
P35-U05 [2015]
Agriculture; Farming
Arable, chickens, cows, crops, dairy, ducks, eggs, field,
goats, greenhouse, harvest, irrigation, lambs, pigs, pigsty,
planting, plantation, poultry, sheep
P35-U06 [2015]
Manufacturing plants
Factory, production line
P35-U07 [2015]
Food industry
P35-U17 [2015]
Civil Engineering; Construction; Buildings
P35-U18 [2015]
Coal, coalface, gallery, methane, seam, ventilation
P35-U20 [2015]
Waste disposal, waste treatment, pollution
control and recycling
50 P: General
P35-U40 [2015]
This code is assigned for general industrial applications of
life saving, safety, firefighting, fire extinguishing and fire
prevention systems not covered elsewhere.
P35-U99 [2015]
Other specific applications
P35-X [2015]
Other aspects of life saving, safety, firefighting,
fire extinguishing and fire prevention
EPI Manual Codes 2020 51
Part 1
P36: Sports, games, toys, amusements
Covers saddlery from 201201, prior to 2012 this was
classified as Q39.
P36-A [2015]
Type of sport and leisure activity
P36-A codes cover organized competitive sports and also
analogous activities performed as a leisure pursuit or
pastime. Electrical aspects of sports and leisure activities
are covered by W04-X01 codes. Games which in general
do not involve significant physical activity, e.g. indoor
games, are covered by P36-C codes. Games involving
throwing or hitting a ball with an implement such as a
cue, e.g. billiards, are regarded as a sport.
P36-A01 [2015]
Sports using ball, puck, or shuttlecock
Badminton, baseball, basketball, billiards, bowling, bowls,
cricket, croquet, curling, football, golf, hockey, petanque,
pool, snooker, soccer, squash, rugby, table tennis, tennis,
P36-A03 [2015]
Athletics, cycling, racing, air and water based
Includes running on track, cross-country, or marathons,
and sports based on jumping and throwing, e.g. high
jump, javelin, shot-put etc.
Heptathlon, horse riding, horseracing, marathon, motor
racing, pentathlon, swimming, water skiing,
snowboarding, skiing
P36-A04 [2015]
Combat-based sports
Laser-simulated shooting is covered by W04-X01K4E.
Boxing, martial arts, fencing, paintball, wrestling
P36-A05 [2015]
Archery, darts, shooting
This code covers archery in the sense of shooting at
targets using longbow, crossbow, etc. Shooting animals
while hunting is covered by P36-A07.
Bow, dart, dartboard, pistol, rifle, target
P36-A06 [2015]
Gymnastics, climbing and weightlifting
Covers rock climbing and mountaineering on natural
features, and climbing walls and the like in indoor and
outdoor sports facilities. Lifting of weights as part of
general fitness training, i.e. 'weight training' is covered by
Bar, dumbbell, lift, abseiling, crampons, harness, rope,
P36-A07 [2015]
Fishing, hunting
This code covers fishing as a recreational or sporting
activity only. Commercial fishing is not included and is
covered by P14 in general and X25-N02 when electrical
aspects are involved.
Angling, bait, bow, crossbow, decoy, float, line, rifle, rod,
P36-A08 [2015]
Sports equipment, sports facilities and sports
These codes are assigned with other P36-A codes as
P36-A08A [2015]
Sports equipment and clothing
Includes items used by a player of a sport, e.g. horse
racing, or a participant in leisure activities such as horse
Ball, bat, boots, bow, bowls, crampons, crossbow, cue,
fishing rod, goggles, golf clubs, harness, kit, racquet,
riding boots, running shoes, saddle, skateboard, skates,
ski binding, skis, surfboard, training shoes, wetsuit, whip
P36-A08C [2015]
Sports facilities
Covers buildings, sports halls, pitches, sports grounds etc.
AstroTurf®, arena, changing rooms, club, clubhouse,
court, field, floodlights, goals, grass, gymnasium, ice rink,
lockers, race course, race track, swimming pool, track
P36-A08E [2015]
Sports training and fitness training
This code is assigned with other P36-A codes as
necessary, i.e. training for specific sports is covered by
P36-A08E together with the code for the particular sport.
Inventions involving teaching of sports are covered by
P85-A01N which is assigned with this code when both
aspects are involved. Electrical aspects of sports training
are covered by W04-X01A codes.
Exercise bike, treadmill etc.
P36-A99 [2015]
Other aspects of sport and leisure
P36-C [2015]
Type of game
Electrical aspects of games are covered by W04-X02
codes, e.g. coin-operated games are covered by W04-
X02A codes and video games by W04-X02C. Coin-
operated games are also assigned T05-H05E.
P36-C01 [2015]
Board games
Includes chess, checkers, draughts etc.
52 P: General
P36-C03 [2015]
Games involving tokens or pieces to be placed on
a table or other flat surface
Includes dominoes and Mahjong.
P36-C05 [2015]
Card games
Inventions relating to card games played in a casino are
also assigned P36-C09.
Bezique, blackjack, chemin-de-fer, clubs, deal, deck,
diamonds, gin rummy, hearts, joker, Napoleon, pinochle,
poker, rummy, shuffle, solitaire, spades, suit, trick, whist
P36-C07 [2015]
Dice games
Board or card games are covered by P36-C01 and P36-
C05 respectively and this code is only assigned as well as
those codes when the dice aspect is novel.
Die, face, marking, pips
P36-C09 [2015]
Casino games
Includes roulette. This code can be assigned with P36-C05
and P36-C07 respectively for casino games where the use
of playing cards or dice is significant. P36-C09 also covers
non-electrical aspects of coin- or token-operated
'amusement with prizes' ('AWP') games with spinning
reels and the like. Coin-freed aspects of such games are
covered by T05-H codes and electrical aspects by W04-
Blackjack, chemin-de-fer, croupier, dealing shoe, deck,
poker, roulette
P36-C13 [2015]
Games involving ball or balls confined by e.g.
This code includes pinball, bagatelle, ninepins etc. but not
billiards, pool, snooker or table tennis, which are
regarded as sports and covered by P36-A01.
Pachinko, table football, table hockey
P36-C99 [2015]
Other types of games
P36-E [2015]
Toys, playing equipment and novelty items
Electrical aspects of toys, playing equipment and novelty
items are covered by W04-X03E codes.
P36-E01 [2015]
Model vehicles
Includes model aircraft, boat, wheeled vehicle such as car
or truck, racing track, train and train set, etc.
Model railway, model roadway
P36-E03 [2015]
Construction toys and kits
Includes toys comprising miniature bricks or basic
mechanical elements which may be used to assemble
model buildings, machines etc. and also kits of parts to
assemble a specific model. Kits which can be made up
into model vehicles are also assigned P36-E01.
Building set, construction set, self-assembly
P36-E05 [2015]
Dolls, stuffed toys, figures
Includes animated figures and puppets.
Character figure, knitted toy, marionette, plush toy, teddy
bear, toy soldier
P36-E07 [2015]
Outdoor toys and playing equipment
Includes skateboards, scooters and other ride-on vehicles
for children, balls, slides, swings, for home/garden use
and as playground equipment.
Kite, merry-go-round, roller skates, roundabout, see-saw
P36-E15 [2015]
Novelty items
Includes tricks, humorous items such as jokes, collectible
items etc. and complementary toys offered with fast-food
meals or other products.
Cracker, favor, pennant, puzzle
P36-E99 [2015]
Other aspects of toys, playing equipment and
novelty items
P36-F [2015]
Entertainment and other venue-related
equipment and systems
This code covers equipment and systems for use in
venues for entertainment and similar purposes. Electrical
aspects are covered by W04-X03G codes.
Auditorium, cinema, concert hall, fairground, show
ground, stage, theater, theme park
P36-G [2015]
Cleaning, maintenance/repair of sports, games,
This code is assigned with P36-A, P36-C, P36-E or P36-F
codes as necessary.
P36-M [2015]
Manufacture/Pre-use treatment of sports, games,
This code is assigned with P36-A, P36-C, P36-E or P36-F
codes as necessary.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 53
Part 1
P36-X [2015]
Other aspects of sports, games, toys, amusements
EPI Manual Codes 2020 55
Part 1
P4: Separating, Mixing
P41: Crushing, centrifuging, separating solids,
From 2015 manual codes have been assigned for all
mechanical details of crushing, centrifuging, separating
solids, and sorting. In this class the group codes P41-A,
P41-E, P41-J and P41-K respectively refer to apparatus
and methods for:
(i) crushing, pulverizing, disintegrating, and milling;
(ii) separating solids (covered by P43 before 2015);
(iii) centrifuging; and;
(iv) sorting objects (covered by P43 before 2015).
To indicate novel constructional details suitable P41-T
codes are also assigned and novel materials used in
construction of apparatus are indicated by also assigning
P41-T50. Materials processed or handled are indicated
where possible in the respective code groups, otherwise
by assigning P41-V codes with the code describing the
equipment or process involved in the invention.
Significant applications are indicated by assignment of
P41-U codes.
P41-A [2015]
Crushing, pulverizing, disintegrating, milling
Although based on the use of similar processes the terms
'crushing' and 'milling' are used here as generally
understood, e.g. 'milling' usually referring to production
of smaller particles or powders and with regard to
producing an output product with specific size or
properties. For specific materials processed or handled
search with P41-V codes. Milling of metals in the sense of
surface cutting is not included and is covered in class P54.
Crushing, pulverizing and disintegrating as part of a
chemical engineering process is covered by class J02.
P41-A01 [2015]
Type of crushing equipment or process used
P41-A01A [2015]
Jaw crusher
Blake, Dodge, toggle, universal
P41-A01C [2015]
Cone crusher
Compound, multi-cylinder, Symons, single cylinder
P41-A01E [2015]
Roll crusher
P41-A01G [2015]
Gyratory crusher
P41-A01J [2015]
Hammer and impact crusher
Excludes mills such as hammer mills which are covered by
Horizontal, vertical shaft impactor
P41-A01X [2015]
Other type of crushing equipment or process
P41-A03 [2015]
Type of milling equipment or process used
P41-A03A [2015]
Roller mill
P41-A03C [2015]
Disc mill
Buhrstone, flour mill, grist mill
P41-A03E [2015]
Ball mill/Tumbler mill
Cylinder, grinder, planetary, powder
P41-A03G [2015]
Hammer mill
P41-A03J [2015]
Drum mill
P41-A03L [2015]
Stamp mill
P41-A03X [2015]
Other type of milling equipment or process
Includes jet mills.
P41-A04 [2015]
Disintegrating based on cutting or tearing
Includes disintegrating using rotating or reciprocating
knives, including shredders.
Cross-cut, paper shredder
P41-A05 [2015]
External energy input for crushing, pulverizing,
disintegrating, or milling
Includes driving of equipment using motors, engines,
water or wind power and also secondary energy input
using additional energy sources to facilitate the process,
e.g. use of heating or ultrasonic energy to assist in
breaking-up material. Novel electrical aspects are
covered by X25-J.
Belt, chain, drive, gear, shaft
P41-A07 [2015]
Pre-treatment of substances or materials
Novel arrangements for removing foreign bodies or
unwanted materials from substances to be processed are
covered by P41-T01C.
56 P: General
P41-A07A [2015]
Removing husks from e.g. grain
P41-A07X [2015]
Other pre-treatment of substances or materials
P41-A99 [2015]
Other aspects of crushing, pulverizing,
disintegrating, milling
P41-E [2015]
Separating solids
P41-E codes cover the separation, e.g. in a stream, of
solids from other solids and also from gases or liquids.
Codes in this group are assigned together as necessary,
e.g. dry separation of solid materials by means of screens
or sieves is represented by P41-E01 and P41-E06; wet
separation of solids involving pneumatic tables by P41-
E03 and P41-E05. Novel details of apparatus for solid
separation are indicated by assignment of an appropriate
P41-T03 code with P41-E codes. Separation with the
emphasis on sorting or grading is covered by P41-K codes.
Separation as part of a chemical process such as
evaporation, crystallization, solvent extraction,
chromatography etc. is covered by class J01. Electrical
aspects of separation are covered by X25-H codes.
P41-E01 [2015]
Dry separation of solids
Covers separation of two kinds or sizes of solid material
in a dry medium.
P41-E03 [2015]
Wet separation of solids and separation from
Covers separation of two kinds or sizes of solid material
in a liquid medium and also separation of solids from
liquids and from gases. Includes use of techniques such as
filtering and (differential) sedimentation. Electrostatic
precipitation of solid particles from a gas stream or cloud
involving voltages applied from power supplies and the
like is covered by X25-H02 codes.
P41-E05 [2015]
Separating of solids using mechanical agitation
Includes use of pneumatic tables. This code is assigned
with P41-E01 or P41-E03 codes as appropriate. Novel
details of the agitating arrangement are also assigned
P41-E06 [2015]
Separating solids based on size or weight
This code covers separation of solids based on size and
weight where the solid materials are mixed together,
including mixtures with liquids or gases. Sorting and
grading of discrete objects, e.g. to separate them into
distinct categories or in a 'pass/fail' test, is not included
and is covered by P41-K codes.
P41-E07 [2015]
Separating solids using magnetic effects
Includes separation by magnetic/non-magnetic or
paramagnetic/diamagnetic properties based on use of
permanent magnets only. Magnetic separation using
electromagnetism is covered by X25-H01.
P41-E99 [2015]
Other aspects of separating solids
P41-G [2015]
Cleaning, maintenance or repair of crushing,
pulverizing, disintegrating, milling, solid
separation, centrifuging or sorting apparatus
This code covers novel aspects of cleaning, maintenance
or repair of apparatus covered by P41-A, P41-E, P41-J and
P41-K codes which are also assigned as appropriate.
P41-J [2015]
Centrifuges and centrifuging; cyclone apparatus
This code covers novel centrifuges and their use in
separating, mixing, or other processes and also cyclones
and similar devices based on vortex flow. Novel electrical
aspects of centrifuges are covered by X25-J. Centrifuges
and processes involving centrifuging for chemical
engineering are covered in class J01.
Cyclonic separation, dust, hydrocyclone, particle, rotor,
P41-K [2015]
Sorting and grading objects
These codes cover the sorting and grading of discrete
objects, e.g. to separate them into distinct categories or
in a 'pass/fail' test, as opposed to separating continuous
streams of material as covered by P41-E06 codes.
Electrical aspects of sorting are covered by T05-K codes
and X25-F06.
P41-K01 [2015]
Sorting and grading objects based on specific
Novel aspects of measurement of properties such as
dimensions or weight are covered by S02 codes.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 57
Part 1
P41-K01A [2015]
Sorting and grading objects based on dimensions
Area, circumference, diameter, length, size, thickness,
volume, width
P41-K01C [2015]
Sorting and grading objects based on weight
P41-K01E [2015]
Sorting and grading objects based on density
Buoyancy, floating, sinking
P41-K01X [2015]
Sorting and grading objects based on other
specific property
P41-K05 [2015]
Sorting mail
Electrical aspects of mail sorting are covered by T05-K02.
P41-K99 [2015]
Other sorting and grading of objects
P41-M [2015]
Manufacture and testing of crushing, pulverizing,
disintegrating, milling, solid separation,
centrifuging or sorting apparatus
This code covers novel aspects of manufacturing and
testing of apparatus covered by P41-A, P41-E, P41-J and
P41-K codes which are also assigned as appropriate.
P41-T [2015]
Constructional details of crushing, pulverizing,
disintegrating, milling, solid separation,
centrifuging or sorting apparatus
These codes are assigned with P41-A, P41-E, P41-J and
P41-K codes which are also assigned as appropriate to
denote the type of apparatus or process in which they are
used. For example P41-A01A is assigned with P41-T01A
for novel details of hoppers for jaw crushers.
P41-T01 [2015]
Constructional details of crushing, pulverizing,
disintegrating, or milling apparatus
This code and its subdivisions are assigned to highlight
novel aspects of the construction of crushing, pulverizing,
disintegrating, or milling apparatus and are assigned with
P41-A codes as appropriate.
P41-T01A [2015]
Feeding arrangements, hoppers
Covers novel details of apparatus for introducing material
to be processed to a crusher, mill, etc.
P41-T01C [2015]
Removing foreign bodies or unwanted materials
Includes arrangements to remove metal objects from e.g.
crushers or mills and safety measures.
Hydraulic relief system
P41-T01E [2015]
Casings, frameworks
This code covers the main structural aspects of crushing,
milling and similar machines as specified by P41-A codes,
rather than the parts performing the crushing, milling,
Case, enclosure, housing
P41-T01F [2015]
Crushing elements
Covers details of the part of a crusher that performs the
actual crushing process, such as jaws (with P41-A01A).
Cone, hammer, impactor, roller
P41-T01H [2015]
Milling elements
Covers details of the part of a mill that performs the
actual milling process, such as a millstone (with P41-
Ball, bedstone, buhrstone, burrstone, cylinder, roller,
runner stone
P41-T01J [2015]
Sizing elements
Covers elements used in crushers or mills to control the
size of material produced, e.g. by adjustment of crusher
or mill components or the use of sieves or screens for
which P41-E06 is also assigned.
P41-T01X [2015]
Other constructional details of crushing,
pulverizing, disintegrating, or milling apparatus
P41-T03 [2015]
Constructional details of apparatus for separating
These codes are assigned with P41-E codes as
appropriate to denote the type of apparatus in which
they are used. For example P41-T03E is assigned with
P41-E05 for novel details of vibrating or agitating devices
used in separation.
P41-T03A [2015]
Feeding arrangements, hoppers
Covers novel details of apparatus for introducing material
to be processed to a solid material separator.
P41-T03C [2015]
Filters, screens, sieves
Covers novel details of filters, screens, or sieves. The
general code for apparatus and processes using this
technique, P41-E06, is also assigned.
58 P: General
P41-T03E [2015]
Mechanical agitators or shakers
Includes pneumatic tables and similar devices.
P41-T03G [2015]
Magnetic elements
This code covers novel details of permanent magnets
only and is assigned with the general 'magnetic
separation' code. Magnetic separation using
electromagnets is covered by X25-H01.
P41-T03X [2015]
Other constructional details of solid separation
P41-T05 [2015]
Constructional details of centrifuge and cyclone
This code and its subdivisions are assigned with P41-J to
denote novel details of apparatus based on centrifuging
or cyclones.
P41-T05A [2015]
Feeding arrangements
Covers novel details of apparatus for introducing material
to be processed to a centrifuge.
Inlet, outlet, stream
P41-T05C [2015]
Housing, casing
Lid, vessel
P41-T05E [2015]
Rotor, sample or substance holder
P41-T05G [2015]
Drive mechanism
Novel electrical details are covered by X25-J.
Belt drive, gear, planetary
P41-T05X [2015]
Other constructional details of centrifuge
P41-T07 [2015]
Constructional details of sorting apparatus
This code and its subdivisions are assigned with P41-K
codes to denote novel details of apparatus based on
sorting and grading objects.
P41-T07A [2015]
Feeding arrangements
Covers novel details of apparatus for introducing objects
to be sorted.
P41-T07C [2015]
Housing, casing
P41-T07E [2015]
Discriminating arrangements
Covers novel details of apparatus for distinguishing
objects to be sorted, e.g. weighing apparatus for which
P41-K01C and S02-D codes are also assigned.
P41-T07G [2015]
Output arrangements
Includes bins or other receptacles receiving sorted
articles and packing arrangements.
P41-T07X [2015]
Other constructional details of sorting apparatus
P41-T50 [2015]
Novel constructional material
This code is used in conjunction with other P41-T codes
to indicate the use of a novel material in a machine or
similar. Specific details of novel materials are represented
by codes outside P41, such as M27 codes for steels or
section A codes for plastics materials which are also
applied as appropriate.
P41-T99 [2015]
Other constructional details of crushing,
pulverizing, disintegrating, milling, solid
separation, centrifuging or sorting apparatus
P41-U [2015]
Applications of crushing, pulverizing,
disintegrating, milling, centrifuging or sorting
These codes are assigned as necessary to indicate
significant applications of crushing, pulverizing,
disintegrating, milling, centrifuging or sorting apparatus.
P41-U01 [2015]
Includes general or non-specific domestic applications.
Can be used in conjunction with other specific codes as
Bathroom, bedroom, domestic appliance, fitted kitchen,
home furnishings, household appliance, household
product, living room
P41-U02 [2015]
Includes general commercial applications. Can be used
alone or in conjunction with other specific applications.
Bar, business, café, commerce, commercial, department
store, enterprise, hotel, office, restaurant, rest-room,
P41-U03 [2015]
Includes land, air and space vehicles and watercraft.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 59
Part 1
P41-U05 [2015]
Agriculture; Farming
Arable, chickens, cows, crops, dairy, ducks, eggs, field,
goats, greenhouse, harvest, irrigation, lambs, pigs, pigsty,
planting, plantation, poultry, sheep
P41-U06 [2015]
Manufacturing plants
Factory, production line
P41-U07 [2015]
Includes meat, fish, milk, dairy products and food
processing in general as well as alcoholic and non-
alcoholic beverages.
Baked goods, bakery, beer, biscuits, blast chill, bottling
plant, brewery, butter, canned drinks, canned food,
cheese, cider, corned beef, conveyor freezer, conveyor
oven, cream, curing, distillery, dough, eggs, flash freezing,
juice production, margarine, meat processing, mechanical
recovery, pasteurizing, poultry, pressing, sterilizing, tinned
P41-U08 [2015]
Cigar, cigarette, curing, drying, harvesting, planting
P41-U09 [2015]
Packaging; Canning; Tinning; Bottling
Novel aspects of packaging are covered by codes in
classes Q31 to Q34.
P41-U13 [2015]
Pharmaceutical; Medical
P41-U14 [2015]
P41-U17 [2015]
Civil Engineering; Construction; Buildings
P41-U18 [2015]
P41-U20 [2015]
Waste disposal, waste treatment, pollution
control and recycling
Can be assigned with other specific codes as appropriate,
e.g. P41-U03 for scrapping/crushing motor cars. Includes
incineration of waste.
P41-U99 [2015]
Other specific applications
P41-V [2015]
Materials processed or sorted
These codes are assigned to indicate that an invention is
intended to process or handle specific materials. For
materials used in the construction of apparatus covered
in this class see P41-T50.
P41-V01 [2015]
P41-V01A [2015]
P41-V01A1 [2015]
Cast Iron
P41-V01B [2015]
P41-V01C [2015]
P41-V01D [2015]
P41-V01E [2015]
P41-V01F [2015]
P41-V01G [2015]
P41-V01H [2015]
P41-V01P [2015]
P41-V01P1 [2015]
P41-V01P2 [2015]
P41-V01X [2015]
Other types of metal
P41-V11 [2015]
Includes wood shavings or saw dust.
P41-V11A [2015]
P41-V12 [2015]
60 P: General
P41-V13 [2015]
Covers processing or sorting of synthetic polymer
materials. Novel aspects of such materials are
represented by codes in section A.
P41-V14 [2015]
P41-V15 [2015]
P41-V20 [2015]
P41-V22 [2015]
Stones; Rocks; Slate
Prior to 2016 crushing or milling of coal was covered by
this code. From 2016 this topic is covered by P41-V28.
Boulder, ore
P41-V23 [2015]
P41-V28 [2016]
Coal, graphite
Prior to 2016 crushing of coal was covered by P41-V22.
P41-V50 [2015]
Composite materials
This code can be used in combination with other P41-V
codes to highlight the different components of the
composite material.
P41-V60 [2015]
Agricultural produce
Arable, crops, field, greenhouse, harvest, irrigation, plant,
P41-V60A [2015]
P41-V60C [2015]
Fruit or vegetables
Apples, bananas, beans, bilberries, blackberries,
blueberries, cabbages, cauliflowers, courgette, gourds,
grapes, legumes, lettuces, mangoes, marrows, nuts,
parsnips, pears, peas, potatoes, raspberries, root-crops,
strawberries, swedes, tomatoes, turnips, vegetables,
P41-V60X [2015]
Other agricultural produce
P41-V65 [2015]
Manufactured or processed foodstuffs
P41-V99 [2015]
Other materials processed
P41-X [2015]
Other aspects of crushing, centrifuging, separating
solids, and sorting
EPI Manual Codes 2020 61
Part 1
P42: Spraying, atomizing, coating, surface treatment
and liquid application
From 2015 manual codes have been applied for
mechanical aspects of apparatus and processes involving
the handling of liquids and other flowing substances, e.g.
for coating, surface treatment or other purposes.
P42-A [2015]
Type of spraying or atomizing apparatus
These codes cover the type of apparatus for producing a
spray, mist, jet etc. irrespective of its purpose. They
should be searched with P42-T for constructional details,
and P42-U codes to link them to a specific application.
Manufacture of apparatus for producing a spray, mist, jet
etc. is covered by P42-M which is assigned with P42-A
codes as appropriate. Liquid application arrangements
involving direct contact between a surface to be coated
and a liquid-carrying vessel or liquid-bearing element
such as a roller are covered by P42-B codes. Details of
spraying equipment for electrostatic coating are included
as appropriate but electrical details are covered by X25-
P42-A01 [2015]
Single nozzle or jet arrangements
Covers arrangements with a single aperture through
which the flowing material passes.
P42-A03 [2015]
Multiple nozzles or jet arrangements
Includes multiple nozzles or multiple apertures.
P42-A03A [2015]
Spray nozzles or jets arranged in circular, spiral,
rectangular or square pattern
Includes shower heads.
P42-A03C [2015]
Spray nozzles or jets arranged in linear pattern
Includes spray booms
Crop spray
P42-A05 [2015]
Spray, jet or atomizing arrangements with
variable characteristics
Covers arrangements involving variable characteristics of
the nozzle, jet or other application arrangement itself and
also variation in operation produced externally, e.g. by
moving the whole apparatus, deflecting a jet, etc.
P42-A99 [2015]
Other aspects of spraying or atomizing
P42-B [2015]
Contact-based liquid application arrangements
Arrangements for applying liquids by means of spraying
are covered by P42-A codes.
P42-B01 [2015]
Involving immersion or passage through liquid
P42-B03 [2015]
Involving pouring or flowing of liquid over surface
Includes spin coating.
P42-B05 [2015]
Involving use of roller, brush or other liquid-
bearing element
Includes use of spreaders.
P42-B99 [2015]
Other contact-based liquid application
P42-E [2016]
Novel aspects of coating processes and related
These codes are intended to focus on novelty in
processes associated with applying coatings, whether
equipment involved is novel or not.
P42-E01 [2016]
Novel coating processes
All aspects of flocking are covered by P42-E05A which is
assigned with P42-E01 as necessary.
P42-E03 [2016]
Pre-treatment of surfaces to be coated and
treatment of applied coatings
This code covers processes and methods for treating
surfaces prior to coating and also processes and methods
for treating a coating after it has been applied.
Baking, cleaning, degreasing, heating, smoothing
P42-E05 [2016]
Processes for creating special textures or effects
This code covers processes and methods for creating a
surface coating having specific properties.
Anti-adhesive, anti-corrosion, anti-friction, anti-slip,
corrosion-proof, corrosion-resist, fine-textured, low-
friction, lubricating, matt, matte, non-corrosive, rough-
textured, rust-proof, rust-resist, texture
62 P: General
P42-E05A [2016]
This code is assigned with P42-E01 to denote novel
flocking processes.
Charge, electrostatic, fabric, fiber, particle, particulate,
P42-E99 [2016]
Other aspects of coating and related processes
P42-G [2015]
Cleaning, maintenance/repair of spraying,
atomizing, coating, surface treatment and liquid
application apparatus
This code covers novel aspects of cleaning, maintenance
and repair of apparatus covered by P42-A and P42-B
codes which are also assigned as appropriate.
P42-M [2015]
Manufacture and testing of spraying, atomizing,
coating, surface treatment and liquid application
These codes cover manufacture and testing of apparatus
covered by P42-A and P42-B codes which are also
assigned as appropriate.
P42-T [2015]
Constructional details of spraying, atomizing,
coating, surface treatment and liquid application
This code covers novel constructional aspects of
apparatus covered by P42-A and P42-B codes which are
also assigned as appropriate.
P42-T01 [2015]
Constructional details of arrangements for
spraying, atomizing and directly applying fluids
These codes cover constructional details associated with
the fluid atomizing, spraying, or liquid application
apparatus itself. Arrangements for moving or modifying
operation of spraying devices are covered by P42-T05
codes and details of housings and the like are covered by
P42-T01A [2015]
Constructional details of nozzles and spray heads
Includes shape, layout of spray head orifices, etc. as
covered by P42-A codes. Arrangements for modifying the
shape, form or direction of liquid spray or jet, whether by
moving the whole spraying assembly or by the use of
variable jets, are also assigned P42-T05A.
Aperture, shower head
P42-T01C [2015]
Constructional details of direct liquid application
Includes arrangements for pouring or otherwise
transferring liquid to the surface being coated or treated,
as covered by P42-B codes.
Brush, pad, roller, spout
P42-T01X [2015]
Other constructional details of arrangements for
spraying, atomizing and directly applying fluids
P42-T03 [2015]
Constructional details of baths or tanks for fluids
Includes containers for storing fluids and also for
immersing surfaces to be treated or coated.
Bottle, reservoir, vat, vessel
P42-T05 [2015]
Driving arrangements of spraying, atomizing,
coating, surface treatment and liquid application
Covers constructional aspects of arrangements for
moving or modifying operation of spraying, atomizing or
direct liquid application devices, moving or agitating
fluids, and moving surfaces to be coated or treated.
P42-T05A [2015]
Driving or modifying operation of spraying,
atomizing, and liquid application apparatus
Includes arrangements for varying operation by moving
the spraying or atomizing head or the equipment as a
whole, and also for changing part of the spraying or
atomizing head e.g. to modify jet characteristics.
Angle, controllable, cross-section, deflect, variable
P42-T05C [2015]
Driving fluids
Includes pumps, compressors, etc., e.g. for pressurizing
liquids and also arrangements for agitating or heating.
Electrical aspects of spraying apparatus for electrostatic
coating are covered by X25-K01.
Agitator, color changer, delivery control, gas, mixer,
piston, pump, pressure, vibrate
P42-T05E [2015]
Driving and holding workpieces
Includes arrangements for moving the surface being
coated or treated through the equipment or system.
Chain, conveyor, immersing, paint hanger, plunging
P42-T05X [2015]
Other driving arrangements for spraying,
atomizing, and liquid application apparatus
EPI Manual Codes 2020 63
Part 1
P42-T20 [2015]
Casings, frameworks and housings
Includes constructional details of enclosures and
equipment as a whole.
Brace, bracket, drying booth, mounting, spray booth
P42-T50 [2015]
Novel constructional material
This code is used in conjunction with other P42-T codes
to indicate the use of a novel material in a machine or
similar. Specific details of novel materials are represented
by codes outside P42, such as M27 codes for steels or
section A codes for plastics materials which are also
applied as appropriate.
P42-T99 [2015]
Other constructional details of spraying,
atomizing, coating, surface treatment and liquid
application apparatus
P42-U [2015]
Applications of spraying, atomizing, coating,
surface treatment and liquid application
These codes are assigned as necessary to indicate specific
applications in conjunction with other P42 codes. In
'multiple use' cases the codes are not applied, or are only
applied at a general level.
P42-U01 [2015]
Includes general or non-specific domestic applications.
Can be used in conjunction with other specific codes as
Bathroom, bedroom, domestic appliance, fitted kitchen,
home furnishings, household appliance, household
product, living room
P42-U02 [2015]
Includes general commercial applications. Can be used
alone or in conjunction with other specific applications.
Bar, business, café, commerce, commercial, department
store, enterprise, hotel, office, restaurant, rest-room,
P42-U03 [2015]
Includes all land, air and space vehicles and also
P42-U05 [2015]
Agriculture; Farming
Arable, chickens, cows, crops, dairy, ducks, eggs, field,
forestry, goats, greenhouse, harvest, irrigation, lambs,
logging, pigs, pigsty, planting, plantation, poultry, sheep
P42-U06 [2015]
Manufacturing plants
Factory, production line
P42-U07 [2015]
Includes production of beverages such as soft and
alcoholic drinks, as well as tea/coffee, processing of milk
and dairy products, fish, meat and processed foods in
P42-U08 [2015]
Cigar, cigarette, curing, drying, harvesting, planting
P42-U09 [2015]
Packaging; Canning; Tinning; Bottling
Novel aspects of packaging are covered by codes in
classes Q31 to Q34.
P42-U13 [2015]
Pharmaceutical; Medical
P42-U14 [2015]
P42-U17 [2015]
Civil Engineering; Construction; Buildings
P42-U19 [2015]
P42-U30 [2015]
Sports, toys, entertainment and leisure
Includes sports equipment, sports stadiums, ice rinks, ski
slopes, entertainment venues, leisure pursuits, games
and toys. Specific details of inventions in these fields are
covered by P36 codes in general and W04-X codes in the
case of electrical aspects.
P42-U37 [2015]
Scented/therapeutic/insect repellent
P42-U40 [2015]
Covers general or non-specific industrial applications not
covered by other application codes.
P42-U41 [2015]
General functional applications
P42-U41E [2015]
P42-U41F [2015]
P42-U41H [2015]
64 P: General
P42-U41H1 [2015]
Painting, lacquering, applying protective coatings
P42-U50 [2015]
P42-U99 [2015]
Other specific applications
P42-X [2015]
Other aspects of spraying, atomizing, coating,
surface treatment and liquid application
EPI Manual Codes 2020 65
Part 1
P43: Generating and using mechanical vibrations,
cleaning, waste disposal
From 2015 manual codes have been applied for
mechanical aspects of generation and use of mechanical
vibrations, cleaning, and waste disposal. Prior to 2015
this class included separation of solids and sorting, now
respectively covered by P41-E and P41-K codes.
P43-A [2015]
Generating and using mechanical vibrations
These codes cover the generation and use of mechanical
vibrations for performing mechanical work and not for
the purpose of generating audible sound. Audio
transducers are covered by V06-V codes and sound
production in general by P86 codes.
P43-A01 [2015]
Vibration generators
Electrical aspects of small-scale vibration generators are
covered by V06-V04C and other V06 codes as
appropriate. Large-scale (i.e. industrial) vibration
generators with electrical aspects are covered by X25-
P43-A05 [2015]
Coupling or transmitting mechanical vibrations
P43-A99 [2015]
Other aspects of generating and using mechanical
P43-B [2015]
Cleaning in general
See also under the specific item or substance being
cleaned. P43-B01 codes and P43-B05 are assigned
according to the form of the substance performing the
actual cleaning. For example, a water tank for steam
cleaning equipment is coded as P43-B01C and not P43-
B01A. Dry cleaning (of textiles and garments) is not
included and is covered by F03-J04 with electrical aspects
also covered by X25-H09 (industrial scale) or X27-D09
(domestic scale).
P43-B01 [2015]
Cleaning involving liquids, vapors or steam
P43-B01A [2015]
Cleaning involving liquids
Covers cleaning using liquid-phase materials only. The use
of vapors, mists or aerosols of condensed fluid droplets is
covered by P43-B01C.
Fluid, solution, solvent
P43-B01C [2015]
Cleaning involving vapors or steam
Includes steam cleaning and suspensions of e.g. fluid
droplets in air.
Aerosol, droplet, mist, vapor
P43-B05 [2015]
Cleaning involving air or gas flow
Includes use of gases or gas mixtures made up of
substances normally existing in a gaseous state and also
suction-based cleaning excluding domestic suction
cleaners which are covered by X27-D04 codes. Cleaning
using vaporized substances is covered by P43-B01C.
Air line, blast, canned air, compressed air
P43-B07 [2015]
Cleaning involving external energy
Covers application of energy to the item or substance
being cleaned to perform or expedite cleaning.
P43-B07A [2015]
Cleaning involving large-scale mechanical
Agitate, shake, stir
P43-B07C [2015]
Cleaning involving sonic or ultrasonic energy
Electrical aspects of ultrasonic cleaning are covered by
P43-B07X [2015]
Cleaning involving other types of energy
Involves application of mechanical energy, e.g. in the
form of impacts.
P43-B08 [2015]
Measures to avoid the need for cleaning
Covers arrangements for confining dirt, dust,
contaminants, etc. and also selection of surface
characteristics to reduce adhesion of unwanted
Contamination, contour, deposition, form, fouling, fumes,
P43-B99 [2015]
Other general cleaning
P43-E [2015]
General solid waste disposal
Dump, garbage, MSW, municipal solid waste, refuse,
rubbish, tip, trash
P43-E01 [2015]
Solid waste disposal by burning
Novel aspects of apparatus for combustion are covered
by Q73 codes.
Furnace, incinerator
66 P: General
P43-E03 [2015]
Solid waste disposal by burying or dumping
Includes landfill disposal.
Bury, cover, compact
P43-E05 [2015]
Solid waste disposal by treating or converting
Covers treatment of waste to reduce e.g. odor and
conversion into useful product.
Deodorize, detoxify, make safe, recycle
P43-E99 [2015]
Other aspects of general solid waste disposal
P43-G [2015]
Cleaning, maintenance/repair of apparatus for
generating and using mechanical vibrations,
cleaning or waste disposal
This code covers cleaning, maintenance or repair of
apparatus or systems covered by P43-A, P43-B, P43E, and
P43-J codes which are also assigned as appropriate.
Maintain, service, schedule
P43-J [2015]
Contaminated soil or ground treatment
Includes treatment of ground contamination to remove
biohazards, toxins, and the like following chemical
accidents or spillages or to reduce the effects of industrial
P43-M [2015]
Manufacture and testing of apparatus for
generating and using mechanical vibrations,
cleaning or waste disposal
This code covers manufacture of apparatus or systems
covered by P43-A, P43-B, P43E, and P43-J codes which
are also assigned as appropriate.
Build, evaluate, production line, QA, quality assurance
P43-T [2015]
Constructional details of mechanical vibration
generators, cleaning and solid waste disposal
These codes are assigned with P43-A, P43-B, P43E, and
P43-J codes which are also assigned as appropriate to
denote the type of apparatus or process in which they are
used. For example P43-A01 is assigned with P43-T01A for
novel constructional details of driving arrangements for
vibration generators. When novelty involves materials
used in e.g. part of a machine, P43-T50 is also assigned.
P43-T01 [2015]
Casings, housings and frames of mechanical
vibration generators, cleaning and solid waste
disposal apparatus
Case, enclosure, framework
P43-T05 [2015]
Driving arrangements of mechanical vibration
generators, cleaning and solid waste disposal
This code covers gearing and other mechanical aspects of
equipment and machines. Novel electrical aspects are not
specifically included and are covered by X25 codes and
V06 or X11 codes for electric machine details.
Ball-race, bearing, clutch, crown-gear, drive-belt,
gearbox, idler, lever, linkage, mechanical, mechanism,
motor, pinion, pivot, pulley, rack-and-pinion,
reciprocating, rotating, shaft, v-belt, worm-gear
P43-T50 [2015]
Novel constructional material
This code is used in conjunction with other P43-T codes
to indicate the use of a novel material in a machine or
similar. Specific details of novel materials are represented
by codes outside P43, such as M27 codes for steels or
section A codes for plastics materials which are also
applied as appropriate.
P43-T99 [2015]
Other constructional details of mechanical
vibration generators, cleaning and solid waste
disposal apparatus
P43-U [2015]
Applications of mechanical vibration generators,
cleaning and solid waste disposal apparatus
These codes are assigned as necessary to indicate
significant applications of apparatus for generating and
using mechanical vibrations, cleaning, or waste disposal.
P43-U01 [2015]
Includes general or non-specific domestic applications.
Can be used in conjunction with other specific codes as
P43-U02 [2015]
Includes general commercial applications. Can be used
alone or in conjunction with other specific applications.
P43-U03 [2015]
Includes all land, air and space vehicles and also
P43-U05 [2015]
Agriculture; Farming
EPI Manual Codes 2020 67
Part 1
P43-U06 [2015]
Manufacturing plants
P43-U07 [2015]
P43-U08 [2015]
Tobacco industry
P43-U09 [2015]
Packaging; Canning; Tinning; Bottling
Novel aspects of packaging are covered by codes in
classes Q31 to Q34.
P43-U10 [2015]
Cooking and baking
P43-U13 [2015]
Pharmaceutical; Medical
P43-U14 [2015]
P43-U17 [2015]
Civil Engineering; Construction; Buildings
P43-U18 [2015]
P43-U25 [2015]
Chemical engineering; Refinery/chemical plant
P43-U26 [2015]
P43-U30 [2015]
Sports, toys, entertainment and leisure
Includes sports equipment, sports stadiums, ice rinks, ski
slopes, entertainment venues, leisure pursuits, games
and toys. Specific details of inventions in these fields are
covered by P36 codes in general and W04-X codes in the
case of electrical aspects.
P43-U99 [2015]
Other specific applications
P43-X [2015]
Other generation and use of mechanical
vibrations, cleaning, or waste disposal
EPI Manual Codes 2020 69
Part 1
P5: Shaping metals
P51: Metal Rolling, Drawing, Extruding
Electrical details of metal rolling, drawing and extruding
are coded under X25-A02B and T06-D05A1 (control
General metal working where the technique is not
specified is coded under P56-X.
P51-A [2015]
Metal rolling
Includes hot rolling, cold rolling, roll bending, roll
forming, flat rolling, ring rolling, structural shape rolling
and tube rolling.
Foil rolling
P51-B [2015]
Metal drawing
Includes sheet metal drawing and bar, tube and wire
drawing. Electrical details of wire drawing are coded
under X25-A02E.
Deep drawing
P51-C [2015]
Metal extruding
Includes hot, cold and warm extrusion.
Metal extrusion
P51-G [2015]
Maintenance and repair of rolling, drawing,
extruding systems
Roll maintenance, de-scaling
P51-R [2015]
Recycling of rolling, drawing, extruding
Electrical details of recycling systems are coded under
P51-T [2015]
Constructional details of rolling, drawing,
extruding systems
P51-T01 [2015]
Rolls; Rolling balance system
Includes backup rolls, work rolls, etc. Also includes roll
mountings, arrangements to maintain correct position of
rolls and roll changing devices.
Roller, rolling stand frame, interchanging rolls, overhead
P51-T02 [2015]
Drive motors; Pinions; Gearing
In-depth details of motors are covered by X11 codes.
P51-T03 [2015]
P51-T04 [2015]
P51-T05 [2015]
Dies; Mandrels; Presses; Stocks
Includes draw bench. Also includes guides and supports
of mandrels.
Die holder, extrusion press
P51-T20 [2015]
Control and safety arrangements
Includes arrangements for freeing jammed rolls,
preventing fracture of rolls or removing fumes. Electrical
details are covered under T06-D05A1.
Breaker blocks, protection
P51-T22 [2015]
Cooling and lubrication arrangements
This code can be used in conjunction with other P51-T
codes, i.e. cooling arrangements of mandrels are coded
under P51-T22 together with P51-T13. Includes cooling of
finished workpieces.
Phosphate coating, cooling beds
P51-T25 [2015]
Work feeding/guiding arrangements; Coiling
Includes arrangements for moving work between
different stations/steps, turning over sheets, etc,
arrangements for dealing with multi-layer sheets of
metal, e.g. for separating the different sheets of metal
after the rolling process, and for separating the work
from the mandrel. Also includes arrangements for coiling
metal wire or band.
Carriage, drive
70 P: General
P51-T99 [2015]
Other constructional details of rolling, drawing,
extruding systems
Includes arrangements for removing machining waste
from the machine and storage of finished items.
Debris disposal, coilers, uncoilers, rams, plungers
P51-U [2015]
P51-U03 [2015]
Planes, cars, ships
P51-U40 [2015]
This code is applied for manufacture of industrial parts,
such as blades, etc. Manufacture of vehicle parts are
coded under P51-U03 only.
P51-U99 [2015]
Other specific applications
EPI Manual Codes 2020 71
Part 1
P52: Metal Punching, Working and Forging
With the exception of metal punching, P52 codes cover
metalworking processes where the workpiece is reshaped
without adding or removing material.
Electrical details of metal forging are coded under X25-
A02C and T06-D05A (control details), and electrical
details of metal hammering, bending and punching are
coded under X25-A02D and T06-D05A (control details).
P52-A [2015]
Preliminary treatment
Includes preparation of metal stock. This code can be
used in conjunction with P52-B, P52-C, or P52-D codes.
P52-B [2015]
Metal punching
Perforating, stabbing, piercing
P52-C [2015]
Metal forging/hammering/pressing/riveting
Forge furnace
P52-D [2015]
Metal working (excluding metal punching or
P52-D01 [2015]
Metal straightening/stretching
P52-D02 [2015]
Metal bending
Includes metal corrugating, metal coiling, flanging and
P52-D03 [2015]
P52-D04 [2015]
P52-D05 [2015]
Metal drawing
Cold drawing, deep drawing
P52-D06 [2015]
Wire working
Includes wire coiling, bending, twisting, cutting, splitting,
straining, etc.
P52-D99 [2015]
Other metal working processes
Includes flanging, etc. Also includes finishing details such
as attaching head to a drawing-pin, and metal shaping
using fluid pressure, shock waves, etc.
Chemical explosives, edge-curling, edge-strengthening,
edge armoring
P52-G [2015]
Maintenance and repair of punching, working and
forging systems
P52-R [2015]
Recycling of punching, working and forging
Electrical details of recycling systems are coded under
P52-T [2015]
Constructional details of punching, working and
forging systems
Constructional details of presses are also covered under
P71, and constructional details of furnaces are also
covered under Q77.
P52-T01 [2015]
Bolster plates
P52-T02 [2015]
Dies; Die cushions
Die holder, die mounting
P52-T03 [2015]
Rams; Anvils; Hammers
P52-T04 [2015]
Blank holders
P52-T05 [2015]
Frames; Casing
Supports, feet
P52-T08 [2015]
P52-T10 [2015]
Burr prevention/removal arrangements
Shoulder prevention
P52-T20 [2015]
Control and safety arrangements
Barrier guards, protection
72 P: General
P52-T22 [2015]
Cooling and lubrication arrangements
Includes cooling arrangements of finished workpieces.
Cooling beds
P52-T25 [2015]
Workpiece feeding/guiding arrangements
Includes feeding of wire.
P52-T99 [2015]
Other constructional details of punching, working
and forging systems
Includes storage of finished items.
Debris disposal
P52-U [2015]
P52-U03 [2015]
P52-U40 [2015]
Manufacture of vehicle parts is coded in P52-U03 only.
Also covers manufacture of tools, including garden tools,
and locksmith items.
Propeller blade, turbine blade, nails, blacksmith, chain,
P52-U50 [2015]
Hair pins
P52-U50A [2015]
P52-U50B [2015]
P52-U99 [2015]
Other specific applications
Includes manufacture of cutlery.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 73
Part 1
P53: Metal Casting and Powder Metallurgy
P53-A [2015]
Foundry Moulding
Includes manufacture of moulds, cores and patterns.
Details of cores/moulds per se are coded under P53-T02.
Includes details for coating surfaces of
mould/core/pattern and other finishing processes.
P53-B [2015]
Metal Casting
P53-B01 [2015]
Types of metal casting
P53-B01A [2015]
Continuous casting
P53-B01B [2015]
Expendable mould casting
P53-B01B1 [2015]
Sand casting
P53-B01B2 [2015]
Investment casting
Lost wax
P53-B01B9 [2015]
Other types of expendable mould casting
P53-B01C [2015]
Non-expendable mould casting
P53-B01C1 [2015]
Permanent mould casting
P53-B01C2 [2015]
Die casting
P53-B01C9 [2015]
Other types of non-expendable mould casting
Centrifugal casting
P53-B01X [2015]
Other types of mould casting
P53-B04 [2015]
Pre-casting treatment
P53-B05 [2015]
Post-casting treatment
Includes removing castings from moulds, cooling castings
(see also P53-T25) and cutting-off surplus material.
P53-C [2015]
Powder Metallurgy
Fiber reinforcement is coded in M22-H03D. Post
treatment/impregnation is coded in M22-H03E.
Composite layers and materials are coded in M22-H03F.
Metal matrix composites are coded in M22-H03F1.
Ceramic matrix composites are coded in M22-H03F2.
P53-C01 [2015]
Powder manufacture
Powder manufacture is also coded in M22-H01.
P53-C02 [2015]
Powder blending
P53-C03 [2015]
Compacting and/or sintering
Compacting only is also coded in M22-H03A, sintering
only is also coded in M22-H03B, and compacting and
sintering is also coded in M22-H03C. Selective laser
sintering is coded under X25-A08C3.
P53-C99 [2015]
Other powder metallurgy details
P53-G [2015]
Maintenance and repair of foundry moulding,
metal casting and powder metallurgy systems
Includes removal of tundish skulls.
P53-R [2015]
Recycling of foundry moulding, metal casting and
powder metallurgy components
Electrical details of recycling systems are coded under
P53-T [2015]
Constructional details of foundry moulding, metal
casting and powder metallurgy systems
P53-T01 [2015]
Constructional details of moulding machines
Includes details of the system conveying liquid material to
the mould such as gating system, riser and riser aids,
ladles and tundishes.
Mould table, flask, sprue, pouring cup, gates, runners
74 P: General
P53-T02 [2015]
Moulds, cores or patterns
Includes additives for e.g. separating the casting from the
mould, protecting the casting, etc. Machines used to
make the moulds, cores or patterns are coded under P53-
Binding agents, grain structure
P53-T05 [2015]
Lubrication details
P53-T20 [2015]
Control and safety arrangements
Barrier guards, supervision
P53-T25 [2015]
Cooling arrangements of finished workpieces
Cooling of cast workpieces are also coded under P53-B05.
Cooling beds
P53-T99 [2015]
Other constructional details of metal casting and
powder metallurgy systems
Includes storage of finished items.
Debris disposal
P53-U [2015]
P53-U03 [2015]
P53-U40 [2015]
Turbine blade, engine valves, machine components
P53-U99 [2015]
Other specific applications
P53-V [2015]
Types of materials processed
P53-V02 [2015]
Ferrous metals
P53-V02A [2015]
Cast iron
P53-V02B [2015]
P53-V02F [2015]
Nickel-free special alloys
Additional code for special alloys, e.g. for medicinal
P53-V02X [2015]
Other iron alloys
P53-V03 [2015]
Light metals
P53-V03A [2015]
Aluminum (alloys)
P53-V03B [2015]
Magnesium (alloys)
P53-V03C [2015]
Titanium (alloys)
P53-V03X [2015]
Other lightweight alloys
P53-V04 [2015]
Group 11 elements; Coinage metals
P53-V04A [2015]
P53-V04A1 [2015]
Brass (Cu/Zn alloys)
P53-V04A2 [2015]
Bronze (Cu/Sn alloys)
P53-V04A9 [2015]
Other copper alloys
P53-V04E [2015]
Silver (alloys)
P53-V04F [2015]
Gold (alloys)
P53-V04X [2015]
Other precious metals/alloys
P53-V05 [2015]
Refractory metals
P53-V05A [2015]
Chromium (alloys)
EPI Manual Codes 2020 75
Part 1
P53-V05B [2015]
Molybdenum (alloys)
P53-V05C [2015]
Tungsten (alloys)
P53-V05E [2015]
This code is always applied even when a minor
P53-V05X [2015]
Other refractory metals and their alloys
P53-V06 [2015]
Soft metals
P53-V06A [2015]
Lead (alloys)
P53-V06B [2015]
Tin (alloys)
P53-V06C [2015]
Zinc (alloys)
P53-V06X [2015]
Other soft metals and their alloys
P53-V07 [2015]
Nickel (alloys)
P53-V08 [2015]
Cobalt (alloys)
P53-V09 [2015]
Rare earth metals
This code is always applied even when a minor
P53-V10 [2015]
Composites with non-metallic inorganic materials
Non-metallic components are always coded even when a
minor component.
P53-V10A [2015]
Silicon, silicides
P53-V10B [2015]
Boron, borides
P53-V10C [2015]
Carbon, carbides
P53-V10D [2015]
Oxygen, metal oxides
P53-V10E [2015]
Chalcogens (S, Se, Te)
P53-V10F [2015]
Silicates, glass, ceramics
P53-V10X [2015]
Other inorganic materials
P53-V11 [2015]
Composites with organic components, polymers
Includes metal/polymer composite materials, but not
binders, lubricants or other auxiliaries.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 77
Part 1
P54: Metal milling and other machining
P54 codes cover metal machining involving removal of
From 2015, electroworking details have been removed
from P54 and are coded by X25 and X24-F (electric
discharge machining). P54 remains searchable for
electroworking for records prior to 2015.
General metal working where the technique is not
specified is coded under P56-X.
P54-A [2015]
P54-B [2015]
Boring and drilling
P54-C [2015]
P54-D [2015]
Metal working involving removal of material
(excluding turning, boring and milling)
P54-D01 [2015]
Planing; Slotting
P54-D02 [2015]
P54-D03 [2015]
P54-D04 [2015]
P54-D05 [2015]
Filing; Rasping
P54-D99 [2015]
Other metal working involving removal of
material (excluding turning, boring and milling)
Includes reaming bored holes.
P54-E [2015]
Making gears or toothed racks
This code can be used in conjunction with other P51 to
P54 codes to highlight the method used.
P54-F [2015]
Thread cutting
This code can be used in conjunction with other P51 to
P54 codes to highlight the method used. Includes cutting
threads in screws, bolt heads and nuts.
P54-G [2015]
Maintenance and repair of milling and machining
Includes sharpening of saw teeth.
P54-H [2015]
Small-scale/handheld machines
This code should be used in conjunction with P54-A, P54-
B, P54-C or P54-D.
Watchmaker, portable
P54-R [2015]
Recycling of milling and machining components
Electrical details of recycling systems are coded under
P54-T [2015]
Constructional details of milling and machining
P54-T01 [2015]
Includes lathes beds, headstocks and tailstocks.
P54-T02 [2015]
Drives; Gears
If part of a lathe, P51-T02 should be used together with
P54-T03 [2015]
Tools; Tool holders; Chucks; Mandrels
If part of a lathe, P54-T03 should be used together with
P54-T01. Includes saw blades and arrangements for
securing the tool in place.
Reamer, hacksaw, saw blade
P54-T05 [2015]
Frames; Casing
Supports, feet
P54-T20 [2015]
Control and safety arrangements
Barrier guard, safety guard, protection
P54-T22 [2015]
Cooling and lubrication arrangements
78 P: General
P54-T25 [2015]
Workpiece feeding/guiding arrangements
Also includes arrangements for ejecting finished
P54-T99 [2015]
Other constructional details of milling and
machining systems
Debris disposal, scraping
P54-U [2015]
P54-U03 [2015]
P54-U17 [2015]
Building, construction industry
P54-U31 [2015]
P54-U40 [2015]
P54-U50 [2015]
Personal items
P54-U50A [2015]
P54-U99 [2015]
Other specific applications
EPI Manual Codes 2020 79
Part 1
P55: Welding and Soldering
From 2015, P55 manual codes have been assigned for
mechanical details of soldering and non-electric welding.
X24 codes should be used for electric welding, e.g. laser
welding, arc welding, etc.
P55-A [2015]
This code should be used in conjunction with P55-B or
P55-C for soldering/brazing or welding, respectively.
Preparation of surfaces, degreasing, oxides removal
P55-B [2015]
Soldering and brazing
See also X24-A codes.
P55-B01 [2015]
P55-B02 [2015]
P55-B03 [2015]
P55-C [2015]
Welding systems using electricity, such as arc welding,
laser welding, ultrasonic welding, etc, are only coded
under X24. Also includes details of scarfing two surfaces
using flames.
P55-C01 [2015]
Gas welding/cutting
Includes gas cutting torches.
Gas flame welding, butane, propane
P55-C02 [2015]
Solid state welding
Includes cold pressure welding, diffusion welding,
explosion welding, forge welding, friction welding, hot
pressure welding and roll welding.
P55-C99 [2015]
Other types of welding
Includes exothermic welding.
P55-D [2015]
Soldering and welding media
P55-D01 [2015]
Solder, flux
See also X24-A01A.
P55-D03 [2015]
Welding rods and electrodes
Welding rods and electrodes feeders are coded under
P55-D99 [2015]
Other soldering and welding media
P55-G [2015]
Repair and maintenance of soldering and welding
P55-R [2015]
Recycling of soldering and welding components
P55-T [2015]
Tools; Protective equipment; Control; Feeder and
Includes soldering/brazing and welding tools.
(De)soldering irons are also coded under X24-A02A.
P55-T01 [2015]
Soldering torches; (De)soldering irons
Includes arrangements for guiding or supporting torches.
Propane torch, soldering bit
P55-T02 [2015]
Feeders, dispensers and conveying systems
P55-T02A [2015]
Solder dispensers
Solder melting pan
P55-T02B [2015]
Welding rods and electrodes feeders
Details of welding rods and electrodes per se are coded
under P55-D03.
80 P: General
P55-T02C [2015]
Work conveying/supporting systems ; Automatic
welding systems
Includes arrangement for conveying work to be
Driving mechanism, clamp
P55-T20 [2015]
Control and safety arrangements; Protective
Includes protective masks, goggles, etc. Includes details
of fire protection (see also P35). From 2017, details of
cooling and lubrication arrangements are coded under
P55-T20 (previously coded under P55-T99).
Barrier guard, safety guard
P55-T99 [2015]
Other welding/soldering/brazing tools
Includes crocodile clips used as heat sinks, guides, cables
and connectors. From 2017, details of cooling and
lubrication arrangements are coded under P55-T20.
P55-U [2015]
P55-U03 [2015]
P55-U17 [2015]
Building, construction industry
P55-U40 [2016]
Includes welding/brazing of pipes in air conditioning
systems, in factory units, etc.
P55-U42 [2017]
Printed circuits
P55-U50 [2015]
Personal items
P55-U50A [2015]
P55-U99 [2015]
Other specific applications
Includes details of specific structures made by soldering,
welding or cutting, e.g. honeycomb structures.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 81
Part 1
P56: Machine Tools; Post-treatment for metal
Metal rolling, drawing and extruding are coded under
P51. Metal punching, working and working are coded
under P52. Metal casting and powder metallurgy are
coded under P53. Metal milling and machining are coded
under P54. Soldering and welding metal are coded under
P56-A [2015]
Post-treatment for metal working
Includes treatment of finished surfaces/workpieces to
improve resistance to wear or impact, etc.
P56-B [2015]
Arrangements for setting precious stones to metal
Diamond, gemstone
P56-C [2015]
Includes methods and systems for copying directly from a
master model.
P56-G [2015]
General cleaning, maintenance/repair of machine
Includes restoring or reconditioning objects, such as
repairing fractures or cracked metal parts.
P56-T [2015]
Constructional details of machine tools
Includes general details of machine tools. For specific
applications, e.g. metal milling, metal rolling, etc, see P51
to P55 codes. Electrical details are coded under X25.
Details of motors are coded under X11 and V06 for high
power and low power, respectively.
P56-T01 [2015]
Frames; Beds; Tool supports
Feet, casing, springs, tool holder
P56-T20 [2015]
Control, safety and cleaning arrangements
Includes protective covers, arrangements for preventing
overload of tools, etc. Electric details are coded under
X25 and T06 codes. Also includes cooling and lubrication
arrangements, and cleaning arrangements for removing
scrap from e.g. teeth of circular cutters, etc.
Control knobs, compensation, dust protection, splash
P56-T25 [2015]
Workpiece holding/feeding/supporting
Includes arrangements for securing the workpiece in any
desired position.
Clamps, index, guide
P56-T99 [2015]
Other details of machine tools
Includes equipment for storing tools when not in
operation and combination of multiple metal-working
P56-U [2015]
P56-U03 [2015]
P56-U17 [2015]
Building, construction industry
P56-U31 [2015]
P56-U40 [2015]
P56-U50 [2015]
Personal items
P56-U50A [2015]
P56-U99 [2015]
Other specific applications
P56-X [2015]
Unspecified metal working processes and systems
Includes general metal working where the technique is
not specified.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 83
Part 1
P6: Shaping non-metals
P61: Grinding and polishing
From 2015, P61 has been subdivided to cover mechanical
details of grinding and polishing equipment and
processes. See X25-A03C codes for electrical details.
P61-A [2015]
Types of grinding and polishing systems
These codes are applied to highlight the general type of
grinding/polishing machine/mechanism. Use with other
P61 codes as appropriate.
P61-A01 [2015]
Grinding, abrading, honing, lapping, sharpening
P61-A01A [2015]
See P61-V26 for sharpening of metal blades.
P61-A01B [2015]
Includes honing of engine cylinders. See also Q51-A codes
for IC engine details.
P61-A01C [2015]
P61-A03 [2015]
Polishing, burnishing
Stropping, buffing
P61-A20 [2015]
Grinding/polishing mechanism
Use with P61-A01 codes as appropriate.
P61-A20A [2015]
Rotary, e.g. using grinding/polishing discs
Angle grinder, rotary polisher
P61-A20B [2015]
Linear/reciprocating, e.g. using grinding/polishing
Belt sander
P61-A20C [2015]
Blasting with particulate material
P61-A20G [2015]
Portable grinding
P61-A99 [2015]
Other types of grinding and polishing systems
P61-F [2015]
Measuring, indicating, controlling
grinding/polishing equipment
Includes all control and monitoring details. Use with e.g.
X25, T06 and S02 codes as appropriate.
P61-G [2015]
Cleaning, dressing, maintenance/repair of
grinding equipment
Includes cleaning of grinding/polishing equipment,
dressing/conditioning of grinding surfaces, etc.
P61-M [2015]
Manufacture of grinding and polishing
Includes manufacture of grinding/polishing machines and
their parts.
P61-R [2015]
Recycling of grinding and polishing
Includes recovery and re-use or recycling of blast media,
e.g. grit, soda.
P61-T [2015]
Constructional details of grinding and polishing
P61-T01 [2015]
Frames, beds, casings
Also see Q68 class.
P61-T02 [2015]
Headstocks; working spindles
P61-T03 [2015]
Work support, table, conveyor belts
Also see Q35-B for mechanical conveyors per se, and X25-
F01 for electrical details.
P61-T04 [2015]
Drive devices
Includes drive shafts, gearing, 90-degree drive adapters
84 P: General
P61-T08 [2015]
Abrasion devices and media
Includes grinding/polishing discs, wheels and drums,
grinding/polishing bands, and abrasion material blast
devices and their media
Grinding pads, sanding belt, nozzle, impeller
P61-T10 [2015]
Safety devices
Includes protective guards.
P61-T12 [2015]
Dust extraction and suppression
P61-T13 [2015]
Cooling and lubricating equipment
Includes cooling slots in grinding wheels as well as
coolant/lubricant supply arrangements.
P61-T99 [2015]
Other constructional details of grinding and
polishing systems
P61-U [2015]
See other P and Q classes for mechanical applications and
S-X codes for electrical applications.
P61-U01 [2015]
Includes general or non-specific domestic applications.
Can be used in conjunction with other specific codes as
P61-U03 [2015]
Includes motor vehicles, trains, boats and aircraft.
P61-U05 [2015]
Agriculture; Farming; Logging
P61-U07 [2015]
See D11-D14 codes for further details of foodstuffs.
P61-U08 [2015]
See P15 codes for details of tobacco per se.
P61-U13 [2015]
Pharmaceutical; Medical
See P3 codes for mechanical details of medical
P61-U17 [2015]
Civil Engineering; Construction; Buildings
Includes grinding of materials used in roads, railroads,
waterways, canals, buildings. See Q4 codes for further
details of civil engineering and construction.
P61-U18 [2015]
Mining; Drilling
See P61-V22 for grinding of ores, coal etc. See P61-A01A
also for sharpening of drill bits.
P61-U19 [2015]
Includes grinding and polishing of wood during cabinet
making and furniture construction.
Chair, sofa, table, bed
P61-U20 [2015]
Waste disposal, waste treatment, recycling
Includes grinding materials for recycling. Can be assigned
with other specific codes as appropriate, e.g. P61-U03 for
scrapping/crushing motor cars.
P61-U99 [2015]
Other specific applications
P61-V [2015]
Materials ground or polished
P61-V11 [2015]
See X25-A10 for electrical details of wood working.
P61-V13 [2015]
Plastic; Composite; Rubber; Resin
See section A codes for polymers per se.
P61-V15 [2015]
See L01 codes for glass per se.
P61-V20 [2015]
Ceramic; Porcelain; Concrete
Includes grinding of tiles and bricks. See L02 codes for
ceramics/cement per se.
P61-V22 [2015]
Stone; Rock; Ores; Slate, Minerals
Includes grinding of all rocks, stones, ores/minerals.
Granite, sandstone, coal, chalk, diamonds, sapphires,
EPI Manual Codes 2020 85
Part 1
P61-V26 [2015]
Includes grinding honing, sharpening etc. of metal blades,
razors, engine cylinders etc. See section M codes for
metals per se. See P54 for metal milling.
Steel, aluminum, iron
P61-V99 [2015]
Other materials processed
EPI Manual Codes 2020 87
Part 1
P62: Hand tools, cutting
P62-A [2015]
Types of hand/portable power tools
P62-A01 [2015]
Pliers; tweezers
P62-A02 [2015]
Spanners; wrenches
Includes ring, open ended, ratchet wrenches and socket
Torque wrench, spanner
P62-A03 [2015]
Includes impact driver.
P62-A04 [2015]
Wire/strip fastening, connecting and tensioning
P62-A05 [2015]
Fastening/separating tools
Includes tools for fastening or connecting two or more
parts together with or without deformation and for
unfastening parts. For application of nails/staples see
Q61-A06. Includes tools for inserting bearing races, cotter
pins, bushes etc. and removing broken drill bits.
P62-A06 [2015]
Nailing and stapling tools
Includes hand-held stapling tools, and nail/staple
punching, extracting and straightening tools. Includes
tools for applying other fastening elements.
Nail gun, staple gun, stapler
P62-A07 [2015]
Includes all types of hammer.
Club hammer
P62-A08 [2015]
P62-A75 [2015]
Combination or multipurpose hand/portable tools
Includes tools with multiple functions. Can be applied in
conjunction with other individual tool types as required.
P62-A99 [2015]
Other hand/portable tools (except cutting)
P62-B [2015]
Hand cutting/perforating/punching tools
Includes tools for cutting, bevelling, grooving, slitting,
punching, perforating, cutting-out, shaving.
P62-B01 [2015]
Punching; punches
Includes centre punches and other punching tools.
P62-B02 [2015]
P62-B04 [2015]
Cutting-out; Stamping-out
Includes press-type tools.
P62-B05 [2015]
P62-B07 [2015]
Scissors; shears
Garden shears, pinking shears
P62-B08 [2015]
Clippers; shavers
P62-B09 [2015]
P62-B10 [2015]
Axes; hatchets
P62-B50 [2015]
Severing/tearing devices
Includes arrangement for severing workpiece/material
without cutting, e.g. by heating or squeezing.
P62-B99 [2015]
Other hand/portable cutting tools
P62-D [2015]
Workshop equipment; work holders; vices;
P62-D01 [2015]
Work benches; stands; trestles; supports
Includes benches, tables, supports, jigs etc. on which
workpiece is being machined/worked.
88 P: General
P62-D02 [2015]
Vices; clamps; gripping heads
Includes arrangements for gripping tools or workpieces.
Includes magnetic and vacuum work holders.
Sash clamp, G-clamp, workpiece holder
P62-D03 [2015]
Workpiece/material feeding
Includes arrangements for feeding workpiece being
P62-D05 [2015]
Tool storage
Includes tool storage boxes, racks, trays.
P62-D08 [2015]
Marking out or setting out work
Includes scribes.
P62-D99 [2015]
Other workshop equipment
P62-E [2015]
Includes mechanical details of manipulators. See also
Q35-B. See X25-A03E for electrical details of
P62-F [2015]
Measuring, indicating, sensing, controlling
hand/portable tools
Includes mechanical control elements and program
control. See T06 for general electrical control and T01 for
computer control as appropriate.
P62-G [2015]
Cleaning, maintenance/repair of hand and cutting
Includes arrangements for cleaning, lubricating and
sharpening tools. See P61-A01A for sharpening per se.
P62-M [2015]
Manufacture/Pre-use treatment of hand and
cutting tools
Includes equipment and methods of manufacturing the
hand/cutting tool per se.
P62-T [2015]
Constructional details of hand and cutting tools
P62-T01 [2015]
Handles and handle attachment arrangements
P62-T02 [2015]
Tool bits
Includes screwdriver bits, wrench bits/sockets, and bit
P62-T03 [2015]
Hammer heads
P62-T04 [2015]
Drive arrangements
Includes percussion arrangements, such as
electromotors, electromagnetic drives, centrifugal and
rotary drive arrangements, fluid pressure drives, e.g.
using compressed air, IC engines or detonation of
cartridge, and mechanical drives, such as ratchet
mechanisms, cams, cranks, worms, gearing etc. Also
includes joints, wrists and arms used in manipulators. See
X25-A03 codes for electrical aspects of hand tools.
Drive mechanism
P62-T05 [2015]
Noise/vibration dampers
Includes vibration absorbing.
P62-T06 [2015]
Dust/waste extraction
Includes removal of waste material and dust.
P62-T07 [2015]
Safety devices
Includes guards and sheaths.
P62-T08 [2015]
Includes chambers provided with manipulator devices or
holes to allow working by hand.
P62-T10 [2015]
Heating and cooling arrangements
P62-T12 [2016]
Cutting elements/blades
Includes cutting surfaces and blades. Also see P62-B
codes for type of cutting device.
Razor blade, cutter, knife
EPI Manual Codes 2020 89
Part 1
P62-T50 [2015]
Novel constructional materials
Novel materials only. Should be used in conjunction with
other P62-T codes.
P62-T99 [2015]
Other constructional details
P62-U [2015]
See S-X codes for electrical applications.
P62-U01 [2015]
Includes general or non-specific domestic applications.
Can be used in conjunction with other specific codes as
P62-U02 [2015]
Includes general commercial applications. Can be used
alone or in conjunction with other specific applications.
P62-U03 [2015]
Includes hand tools for assembling vehicles (see Q16-D
codes also) or parts of vehicles.
P62-U05 [2015]
Agriculture; Farming; Logging
Includes shears for shearing sheep and well as shears for
cutting grass.
P62-U07 [2015]
P62-U08 [2015]
P62-U13 [2015]
Pharmaceutical; Medical
Includes fastening of wires/rods/bolts used in surgical
P62-U17 [2015]
Civil Engineering; Construction; Buildings
P62-U18 [2015]
Mining; Drilling
P62-U99 [2015]
Other specific applications
P62-V [2015]
Materials machined/cut
P62-V11 [2015]
See X25-A10 for electrical details of wood
P62-V12 [2015]
P62-V13 [2015]
Plastic; Composite; Rubber; Resin
See section A codes for polymers per se.
P62-V15 [2015]
P62-V20 [2015]
Ceramic; Pottery; Porcelain; Concrete
P62-V22 [2015]
Stone; Rock; Ores; Slate, Minerals
Includes grinding of all rocks, stones, ores/minerals.
Sandstone, chalk, diamonds, sapphires, gemstones
P62-V31 [2015]
Fabric; Leather
P62-V99 [2015]
Other materials processed
EPI Manual Codes 2020 91
Part 1
P63: Working, preserving wood
P63-A [2015]
Types of wood working/preserving systems
Includes working and treating of bark, cane, cork, straw,
reeds etc.
P63-A01 [2015]
De-barking; removing branches/twigs
Includes peeling of osier rods and stripping bark from
tree trunks.
P63-A02 [2015]
P63-A03 [2015]
Cutting; sawing
Includes circular saws, gang saws, reciprocating saws,
band saws, strap saws, chain saws, etc.
Saw wires, twisted saw strips, cylinder saws
P63-A05 [2015]
Planing; milling; sanding
See P61-A01 for grinding/sanding in general.
P63-A08 [2015]
P63-A09 [2015]
P63-A10 [2015]
Includes lathe to turn wood.
P63-A15 [2015]
Includes jointing, nailing, stapling, gluing and pressing.
Dovetails, mortises, tenons, dowels, biscuit
P63-A18 [2015]
Includes bending wood e.g. by steam or pressure.
P63-A30 [2015]
Wood treating/preserving
Includes staining, impregnating, dyeing, bleaching and
dampening wood, reeds, cork etc.
P63-A99 [2015]
Other types of wood working/preserving systems
P63-G [2015]
Cleaning, maintenance/repair of wood
working/preserving systems
Includes arrangements for clearing sawdust and shavings
from wood working tools. Includes sharpening of cutting
blades and lubrication of tool drives. Includes cleaning of
implements used to dye, varnish or stain workpieces.
P63-M [2015]
Manufacture of wood working tools/workpieces
Includes methods of manufacturing wood working tools
P63-R [2015]
Recycling/recovery of wood/timber; Use of waste
Includes all processes for manufacturing wood wool,
wood shaving/chips, wood fibers and wood
powder/sawdust whether from waste wood/timber or
P63-T [2015]
Constructional details of wood
working/preserving systems
P63-T01 [2015]
Wood splitting tools
Includes wedges, knives, spreaders, chopping blocks etc.
For splitting wood.
P63-T02 [2015]
Saw blades/cutting elements
Includes saw blades, chains, wires and toothed cylinders
for all types of power and hand saws. Also includes saw
blade tensioning arrangements.
Cutter blocks
P63-T03 [2015]
Planes/Spokeshaves blades/blade adjusters
P63-T04 [2015]
Sanding elements
Includes wood sanding blocks.
P63-T05 [2015]
Drive arrangements
Includes drive shafts, gearings, worms.
P63-T06 [2015]
Braking arrangements
92 P: General
P63-T07 [2016]
Drilling/honing/routing elements
Includes auger/router bit and drill bits per se.
P63-T13 [2015]
Heating and cooling arrangements
Includes hot tables for warming veneers.
P63-T14 [2015]
Lubricating arrangements
P63-T19 [2015]
Fastener feeding, driving, bending arrangements
Includes feeding and inserting nails and staples.
P63-T20 [2015]
Work benches; frames; pillars, workpiece guides;
Includes guide fences and stops for saw mills or sawing
machines, static and portable clamps, presses e.g. used to
adhere veneer or form plywood, arrangements for
feeding, loading, turning and conveying timber/wood and
feed chains/rollers.
Work tables, stops, presses, workpiece feeders, G-clamp,
sash clamp
P63-T99 [2015]
Other constructional details of wood
working/preserving systems
P63-U [2015]
P63-U03 [2015]
Includes wooden dashboards and other vehicle parts.
P63-U05 [2015]
Trees; Logging; Timber
Includes sustainable forest management.
P63-U08 [2015]
Includes wooden pipes.
P63-U17 [2015]
Civil Engineering; Construction; Buildings
Includes recovery and reconditioning of railway sleepers.
Also includes manufacture of wooden stairs, handrails.
See Q4 codes for further details.
P63-U18 [2015]
Mining; Drilling
Includes wooden mine props/supports.
P63-U19 [2015]
Includes manufacture of wooden chairs, tables,
cupboards etc.
Sofa, bed
P63-U30 [2015]
Sports, toys, entertainment and leisure
Includes wooden bats and racquets, bowling pins etc. See
P36 for sports equipment per se.
P63-U50 [2015]
Includes manufacture of wooden walking sticks and
P63-U99 [2015]
Other specific applications
EPI Manual Codes 2020 93
Part 1
P64: Working cement, clay, stone
P64-A [2015]
Clay/Clay mixture production/processing
P64-A01 [2015]
Producing/processing clay suspensions
Includes production and processing of clay slurries and
fluidic clay compositions, e.g. by blunging.
P64-A02 [2015]
Producing/processing clay non-fluidic
Includes homogenizing, comminuting and conditioning
clay in non-fluidic condition.
P64-A99 [2015]
Other types of cement, clay, stone working
P64-C [2015]
Shaping clay/clay mixtures
P64-C01 [2015]
Includes centrifugal/rotational casting and slip casting.
P64-C02 [2015]
Includes all types of moulding.
P64-C03 [2015]
Working shaped/moulded articles
Includes attaching handles and spouts as well as
refinishing (corrugating, smoothing), removing burrs etc.
P64-C04 [2015]
Finishing shaped/moulded articles
Includes coating, glazing, curing, setting and hardening of
moulded articles.
P64-C99 [2015]
Other cement/clay shaping
P64-E [2015]
Working stone/stone-like materials
P64-E01 [2015]
Cutting; splitting
Includes cutting stone into slabs, splitting slates etc.
P64-E03 [2015]
Boring; drilling
P64-E05 [2015]
Turning; milling; planing
P64-E50 [2015]
Working specific materials
P64-E50A [2015]
Stones; Rocks; Bricks; Concrete; Tiles
Includes working of granite, limestone, sandstone, chalk,
bricks, tiles, concrete, pottery, mica, slate, schist etc.
P64-E50E [2015]
Gems; jewels; crystals
Includes precious stones.
P64-E50Z [2015]
Other specific materials
P64-E99 [2015]
Other stone working arrangements
P64-G [2015]
Cleaning, maintenance/repair of cement, clay,
stone working systems
Includes dressing milling discs and rollers. Also includes
cleaning of clay/stone/cement machinery and produced
P64-R [2015]
Recycling/recovery of cement, clay, stone working
Includes recycling of used clay/slip.
P64-T [2015]
Constructional details of cement, clay, pottery,
stone working systems
P64-T01 [2015]
Moulds; cores; mandrels
Includes novel aspects of all types of mould, core or
P64-T02 [2015]
Includes feeding/discharging material as well as moving
moulds on conveyor.
P64-T03 [2015]
Cutting devices
Includes saws and chisels.
94 P: General
P64-T04 [2015]
Drills; boring devices
P64-T05 [2015]
Turning/milling/grinding machines/devices
See also P61 for specific grinding/milling equipment in
P64-T10 [2015]
Safety devices
Includes protective guards.
P64-T12 [2015]
Dust extraction/suppression
P64-T13 [2015]
Heating; cooling; (de)humidifying equipment
Includes means for heating or cooling material in mould.
P64-T99 [2015]
Other constructional details
EPI Manual Codes 2020 95
Part 1
P7: Pressing, Printing
P71: Presses
Details of all types of presses and their operation and
structure etc.
P71-A [2015]
Press Type/Function
P71-A01 [2015]
Types of presses
P71-A01A [2015]
Press brake; frame-type press
Includes C-frame presses, open-frame presses, open back
inclinable presses and press brakes.
P71-A01B [2015]
Horn press
P71-A01C [2015]
Arch press
P71-A01D [2015]
Straight-side press
P71-A01E [2015]
Turret press
Turret punch
P71-A01X [2015]
Other specific types of presses
Includes non defined press types and presses other than
defined in A01A to A01F codes.
P71-A10 [2015]
Main press function
P71-A10A [2015]
Includes using presses for bending, forming, drawing,
cold-working, hot-working, seaming, stamping.
P71-A10C [2015]
Punching; blanking; broaching
Includes cutting shapes out of material, e.g. using
blanking tool.
P71-A10E [2015]
Includes using baling press for e.g. waste paper.
P71-A10F [2015]
Compacting/consolidating material, e.g. scrap
Includes crushing for e.g. cars. Compacting press.
Car crusher
P71-A10H [2015]
Squeezing out liquids from materials
Squeezing-out liquid from liquid-containing material, e.g.
juice from fruits, oil from oil-containing material, filtering,
e.g. straining solids from liquids, using presses in
combination with filtering elements expelling water from
textile fabrics or laundry.
Fluid expel, oil expel, water expel
P71-A10X [2015]
Other specific press functions
P71-B [2015]
Press action
Electrical details of presses are coded under X25.
P71-B01 [2015]
Using press ram/platen
Includes presses using hydraulic/pneumatic drive,
mechanical drive, levers, toggle mechanisms, screws, rack
and pinion, and eccentric shafts, cams, cranks and
knuckle joints.
Bramah press, chains, ropes
P71-B03 [2015]
Using rotary press members
Includes presses using rotary worms and screws, rotary
rollers, rings and discs.
Rotary press, screw press
P71-B99 [2015]
Using other press types/actions
Includes presses using deformable member, e.g.
diaphragm, or endless steel bands used e.g. for producing
Diaphragm press, filter press
P71-T [2015]
Press construction
P71-T01 [2015]
Frames; Beds
Includes beds e.g. for solid-bed, open-bed and adjustable
bed presses. Also includes supports and feet.
P71-T02 [2015]
Bolster plates
96 P: General
P71-T03 [2015]
Platens; Rams; Anvils
P71-T05 [2015]
Drive arrangements
Includes gears, brakes, clutches and flywheels.
P71-T07 [2015]
Dies; Die sets; Die shoes
Die cushions
P71-T08 [2015]
Rollers; Screws
Includes pocketed rollers e.g. used to form tablets.
P71-T15 [2015]
Hydraulic and pneumatic systems
Includes press cylinders, pistons.
P71-T20 [2015]
Control and safety arrangements
Includes measuring, indicating and controlling systems
(mechanical details only).
Monitoring, safety
P71-T22 [2015]
Heating, cooling and lubrication arrangements
P71-T25 [2015]
Material feed/discharge/conveying
Includes blank holders.
P71-T50 [2015]
Novel material details
Novel materials used for the press constructions only.
Should be used in conjunction with other P71 codes as
P71-T99 [2015]
Other constructional details
Includes press accessories such as knives, knife
mountings, etc.
P71-U [2015]
Application of Presses
Characterized by what the press is used for.
P71-U03 [2015]
For scrapping/crushing motor cars, and other vehicles.
P71-U05 [2015]
Agriculture; Farming
Includes arable farming, sowing and harvesting. See P71-
A10E for baling.
P71-U06 [2015]
Manufacturing plants
Includes application of presses used in manufacturing
P71-U07 [2015]
Food industry
Includes food shaping, e.g. for shaping dough, and oil
Olive oil
P71-U11 [2015]
Printing industry
Electrical details of printing presses are covered by S06-C
P71-U13 [2015]
Pharmaceutical; Medical
P71-U13A [2015]
For tabletting pressing.
P71-U13B [2015]
Includes the use of presses for the medical industry.
P71-U20 [2015]
Waste disposal and recycling
Can be assigned with other specific codes as appropriate,
e.g. P71-U03 for scrapping/crushing motor cars.
Biomass waste briquetting, wood waste for making fuel
P71-U99 [2015]
Other specific applications
Applications of presses for uses not mentioned above.
P71-V [2015]
Types of materials pressed
Characterized by the types of materials being pressed.
P71-V01 [2015]
EPI Manual Codes 2020 97
Part 1
P71-V11 [2015]
E.g. for wood shaving or saw dust, forming chipboard.
Chipboard press
P71-V12 [2015]
P71-V13 [2015]
P71-V99 [2015]
Other specific materials pressed
EPI Manual Codes 2020 99
Part 1
P72: Working Paper
Covers all paper working aspects, including the types of
processing involved, apparatus used and types of paper
articles worked.
P72-A [2015]
Paper working process and apparatus
This section covers all aspects of paper processing and
P72-A01 [2015]
Folding or creasing
Covers all methods of folding or creasing paper for
various paper processes.
Fold, crease
P72-A02 [2015]
General shaping of paper or card.
P72-A03 [2015]
Cutting or punching
Any cutting aspects to do with working paper article.
Includes perforating,
Slitting, trimming
P72-A04 [2015]
Applying pressure
Includes pressing or flattening of paper.
P72-A05 [2015]
Applying heat or moisture
Any heating process to form paper or card product.
Heat process, heat treatment, moisten
P72-A06 [2015]
Bonding or attaching paper together
Using adhesives, taping, crimping etc.
Adhesive, crimping, bonding
P72-A07 [2015]
Deformation of paper or card
Covers methods for corrugating or embossing paper or
P72-A08 [2015]
E.g. for wound tubes or cones. See P72-B04.
Winding, tube, cone
P72-A09 [2015]
Crêping paper
Includes forming Crêpe paper.
P72-A10 [2015]
Includes adding products to the pulp, defibrating, or any
other treatments for recycling.
P72-A15 [2015]
Manufacturing equipment
Includes hand tools or machinery to produce paper
P72-B [2015]
Types of paper articles and shapes
This section is characterized by types of the paper articles
or structures produced.
P72-B01 [2015]
Includes cardboard boxes.
P72-B02 [2015]
Includes paper cartons.
P72-B03 [2015]
Includes paper cups.
P72-B04 [2015]
Tubes or cones
Includes making tubes or cones or other wound shapes or
cylinders from paper or card.
Paper tube, conical paper, paper cylinder
P72-B05 [2015]
Paper envelopes
P72-B06 [2015]
Paper bag
P72-B07 [2015]
Includes corrugated card.
100 P: General
P72-B99 [2015]
Other paper articles
Includes light shades, Chinese lanterns, labels or tags,
honeycombed structures, cellular packaging articles etc.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 101
Part 1
P73: Layered Products
Covers details of layered products including methods,
apparatus used, application of producing layered
products, and structure of layered products.
P73-A [2015]
Structure of layered product
P73-A01 [2015]
Characterized by shape
Includes tubular layered products
P73-A02 [2015]
Characterized by structure
Includes flat, solid, ribbed, fibrous, cellular e.g.
honeycombed, corrugated, etc.
P73-A03 [2015]
Relationship between layers
Connections between each layer and separability. Joining
similar or dissimilar materials.
P73-N [2015]
Methods and apparatus for producing layered
P73-N01 [2015]
Methods for producing layered products
P73-N02 [2015]
Apparatus for producing layered products
P73-V [2015]
Layer materials
Characterized by type of material used in layered
P73-V01 [2015]
P73-V11 [2015]
P73-V12 [2015]
Paper; cardboard
P73-V13 [2015]
Plastic; cellulosic plastic substances
P73-V14 [2015]
Glass; glass fibers
P73-V15 [2015]
Ceramic; cement; plaster
P73-V16 [2015]
Rubber; Resin
P73-V19 [2015]
P73-V30 [2015]
Mineral fiber
Rock wool
P73-V99 [2015]
Other specific materials
EPI Manual Codes 2020 103
Part 1
P74: Printing and lining machines
Covers all non-electrical aspects for printing and lining.
P74-A [2015]
Methods of printing characterized by type
These codes are for the methods of mechanical printing.
The apparatus for printing is coded in P74-C. Electrical
details of printing systems or electrical printing processes
are coded under S06 class.
P74-A01 [2015]
Press printing
Includes letterpress printing, rotary press printing, offset
press printing etc.
P74-A02 [2015]
Covers all techniques using lithography.
Offset lithography, offset printing
P74-A03 [2015]
Covers all intaglio printing.
P74-A04 [2015]
Screen printing
Covers stencilling techniques.
Stencil, etymology, silkscreen, serigraphy, serigraph
P74-A10 [2015]
Other types of printing
Covers any types of mechanical printing not mentioned in
P74-A01 to P74-A04.
P74-B [2015]
Printing processes
Covers specific or individual processes involved in various
stages of printing.
P74-B01 [2015]
Composition or typesetting
Composing stick, typesetting
P74-B02 [2015]
Includes forme preparation.
P74-B03 [2015]
Printing surface preparation
Covers all preparation for printing surface.
P74-B05 [2015]
Control aspects of printing
Covers all control aspects of all printing operations. Also
covers safety aspects.
P74-C [2015]
Printing machinery and equipment
P74-C01 [2015]
Apparatus used for composition
Includes details of, or accessories for, machines for
mechanical composition. Includes all hand apparatus for
composition e.g. chases, quoins, or galleys. Also covers
machinery or mechanical apparatus for composing, e.g.
moulding or casting apparatus, matrices etc. Does not
include photographic or photo-electronic composing
machines, these are covered in S06 class. Printing for
record carriers is covered in T03 class.
Chases, quoins, galleys, matrice
P74-C02 [2015]
Printing machines or Presses
Includes platen presses and cylinder presses. Details of
presses are covered by P71 codes.
P74-C03 [2015]
Rotary printing machines
Includes rotary lithography, rotary intaglio or rotary press
printing machines.
P74-C04 [2015]
Screen printers
Screen printing
P74-C08 [2015]
Inking arrangements or devices
Includes, inking units, ribbons, rollers, flat inking
elements, troughs, reservoirs, pads, ducts etc.
P74-C09 [2015]
Media conveying/feeding arrangements
Covers all conveying or feeding apparatus for sheets
through printing apparatus or machines. Includes
grippers, pins, transfer drums etc.
Paper feeding
P74-C10 [2015]
Bronze printing machines
Includes apparatus for bronze printing or for like
P74-C11 [2015]
Line printing machines
104 P: General
P74-C99 [2015]
Other apparatus for printing
Includes cleaning arrangements, safety arrangements,
smudging prevention devices etc.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 105
Part 1
P75: Typewriters, stamps, duplicators
P75-A [2015]
P75-A01 [2015]
Casing; Framework
Includes supports, feet, dust excluders, etc.
P75-A02 [2015]
Keyboard arrangements; Hammers
Includes locks, shift keys, key levers, key buttons, etc.
Tabulating, line spacing, character spacing, keys
P75-A03 [2015]
Media conveying
Includes sheet or web feeding. Details of ink ribbons
feeding are coded under P75-A04 only.
Rollers, holders, guides
P75-A04 [2015]
Inking arrangements
Includes ink ribbon feeding, correction bands and fluid.
Ribbon, ink rollers, ink discs, ink cartridges
P75-A05 [2015]
Drive arrangements
Includes gears, levers, sliding mechanisms, etc.
Mechanical power drives, fluid-pressure power drives
P75-A06 [2015]
Cooling arrangements
P75-A99 [2015]
Other typewriter details
Includes line counters, alarms when approaching end of
line or end of sheet, etc.
P75-B [2015]
P75-B01 [2015]
Handheld stamps
Includes changeable characters, handles, details of
stamping surfaces, stands, numbering devices, etc. Ink
pads are coded under P75-B03 only. Also includes plier-
like tools used for stamping e.g. train or cinema tickets,
P75-B02 [2015]
Stamping machines
This code covers larger-size stamping machines where
the media is held in place on/fed through the stamping
machine. Includes details of sheet feeding, rollers,
holders, guides, etc. Includes selection mechanism for
successive stamping and numbering devices.
Ticket stamping machines
P75-B03 [2015]
Ink for stamps
Includes ink wells or reservoirs, ink ribbons or tapes,
inking pads, etc.
P75-B99 [2015]
Other types of stamps
Includes stamping using rollers with integral ink-supply
P75-D [2015]
Duplicating or manifolding
P75-D01 [2015]
Using pressure-sensitive layers or intermediaries
Hectographic printing, carbon copying etc.
P75-D10 [2015]
Other types of duplicating
EPI Manual Codes 2020 107
Part 1
P76: Books, special printed matter
Includes aspects of book making and details of book
structure or book features etc.
P76-A [2015]
Book binding
P76-A01 [2015]
Book binding methods
Includes stitching, using clips, laces or ribbons, eyelets,
applying glue or adhesive, collating or gathering of
sheets, or binding using fingers, claws or ring-like
elements. Also includes manufacturing bookbinding cases
or covers.
Jacketing, casing, covering
P76-A02 [2015]
Book binding tools or apparatus
Includes hand tools or machinery.
P76-B [2015]
Book covers and page features
P76-B01 [2015]
Book cover features
Includes details of loose covers, hinges, locks or closures,
ornamented covers, covers with column, line or heading
marks or indicators, with means for holding books open,
P76-B01A [2015]
Characterized by material
Characterized by material used for book covers.
P76-B02 [2015]
Page features and accessories
Includes book markers, leaf turners, form sets and
calendar blocks.
P76-C [2015]
Special printed matter
P76-C01 [2015]
Newspapers or the like
Includes all printed new paper or the like matter.
P76-C02 [2015]
Post cards or the like
Includes greeting, menu, business or like cards; letter
cards or letter-sheets.
P76-C09 [2015]
Characterized by application
P76-C09A [2015]
Information and security-bearing printed matter
Identity cards, passports, public transport or admission
tickets, using data chips, bank notes, fingerprints,
signatures, photographs, security threads, magnetic
strips, diffraction gratings, watermarks, lottery tickets
P76-C09B [2015]
Guilloche patterns
Includes Guilloche patterns and other decorative printed
matter of the like.
P76-C09C [2015]
Moiré effects
P76-C09D [2015]
For use in medical treatment or therapy
Includes sterile or impregnated printed matter.
P76-C09E [2015]
P76-C09F [2015]
Translucent or partly translucent parts
P76-C09M [2015]
Comprising special materials
P76-C09M1 [2015]
Liquid crystals
Printed matter that use liquid crystals.
P76-C09M2 [2015]
Metallic materials
P76-C09M3 [2015]
Special inks
P76-C09M4 [2015]
Absorbing or reflecting radiation
For absorbing or reflecting infra-red light, ultra-violet
light, polarized light etc.
P76-C09X [2015]
Other specific applications
EPI Manual Codes 2020 109
Part 1
P77: Writing, drawing appliances
Covers all aspects of writing or drawing appliances.
Includes inventions characterized by type, core material,
constructional details and manufacture for writing or
drawing appliance.
P77-A [2015]
Writing and drawing instruments
P77-A01 [2015]
Fountain pens
Includes nibs
P77-A02 [2015]
Ballpoint pens
Rollerball pen
P77-A03 [2015]
Felt-tip pens
P77-A04 [2015]
Includes propelling pencils and grease pencils.
Pop-a-Point pencil, wax pencil, crayons
P77-A05 [2015]
For use with e.g. touch screens.
P77-A99 [2015]
Writing instruments using other writing-points
Using coreless tubular writing-points, magnetically active
writing-points etc.
Ink brush, quill, reed pen
P77-B [2015]
Core materials for writing or drawing instruments
P77-B01 [2015]
Includes leads for propelling pencils.
P77-B02 [2015]
Metallic writing-core
Can be used in combination with other core material
type, e.g. metallic ink, metallic graphite etc.
P77-B03 [2015]
P77-B04 [2015]
P77-B05 [2015]
P77-B06 [2015]
P77-M [2015]
Manufacture of pens and pencils
Includes manufacturing method and apparatus.
P77-T [2015]
Constructional details of writing or drawing
These codes can be used in conjunction with other P77
P77-T01 [2015]
Propelling and retracting mechanisms
Includes springs, sliders, buttons, twisting mechanisms
etc. for pens or pencils.
P77-T02 [2015]
Includes nib holders.
P77-T03 [2015]
Sheathings; Casing; Cap
Sheathing, casing or caps for all types of writing or
drawing implements. Includes rubber placed at end of
pencil, the wooden sheathing of a pencil, or plastic
sheathing of pen media etc. Pen/pencil casings, or
pen/pencil caps etc.
P77-T04 [2015]
Ink supply/storage; Pencil leads
Includes details of ink reservoirs, ink cartridges and ink
pads. Also covers pencil lead storage or supply containers
etc. Novel ink and pencil leads are also coded by P77-B06
and P77-B01, respectively.
Ink well
P77-T99 [2015]
Other constructional details of writing or drawing
Includes writing or drawing implements in combination
with other items or devices, e.g. with torches, lighters,
toys etc.
Ink blotter
EPI Manual Codes 2020 111
Part 1
P78: Decorative art
Covers all aspects of decorative art, including types of,
and methods of producing decorative art, designs,
materials used etc.
P78-A [2015]
Types of artistic processes
P78-A01 [2015]
Sculpturing or modeling
P78-A02 [2015]
P78-A03 [2015]
P78-A04 [2015]
P78-A05 [2015]
P78-A06 [2015]
P78-A07 [2015]
Painting or drawing
Includes techniques in artistic painting or drawing e.g. oil
painting, water painting, pastel painting, relief painting
P78-C [2015]
Methods for producing decorative effects
Includes: sculpturing, stamping, modeling or bending etc.,
applying different materials of different shapes and sizes,
applying transfer pictures etc., engraving or etching
methods, stamping or pressing or inlaying ornamental
designs onto/into or inlaying surfaces, or any other
methods for decorative or ornamental production.
P78-C01 [2015]
Paper hanging
Machines, apparatus, tools, or accessories therefore for
applying adhesive, for applying the paper to the surface
to be covered or finishing operations.
P78-M [2015]
Machines, apparatus or tools for artistic work
Includes all machinery or tools for producing all artwork
or decorative work. Including tools and apparatus or
equipment used for: painting, sculpturing, carving,
inlaying etc., surface treatment equipment, holders or
containers etc.
P78-P [2015]
Materials for artistic work
P78-P01 [2015]
Paints and other colored materials
Includes any paint or other substance that is used to
create artwork.
P78-P02 [2015]
Wood or wood composites
Includes any wood structure or material used for artwork.
P78-P03 [2015]
Includes paper to create artwork, but does not include
paper canvass (see P78-P06).
P78-P04 [2015]
Includes metals used for artwork.
P78-P05 [2015]
Includes any plastic materials used in artwork.
P78-P06 [2015]
Canvas or other base sheet material
Includes materials for any base for applying artwork to.
P78-P15 [2015]
Other materials used for artwork
P78-S [2015]
Special designs
P78-S01 [2015]
Covers imitation of pictures, e.g. oil paintings, mosaic or
tarsia-work patterns, ceramic patterns, imitating three-
dimensional effects, pearl effects, or mother-of-pearl
P78-S01A [2015]
Metallic or oxidized metallic surfaces
P78-S01B [2015]
Crystalline structures
P78-S01C [2015]
Stone surfaces
P78-S01D [2015]
Wood grain effects
112 P: General
P78-S01E [2015]
Horn, ivory, or meerschaum surfaces
P78-S01F [2015]
Leather or fur
Includes real or imitation leather designs or effects.
Faux leather, faux fur
P78-S02 [2015]
Characterized by irregular areas
Mottled patterns
P78-S03 [2015]
Light effects
Including color effects.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 113
Part 1
P8: Optics, Photography, General
P81: Optics
From 2015 P81 manual codes have been applied for
details of optical elements. The optical elements covered
in this class may form part of optical equipment or
systems covered by other classes such as :
(i) P82 for photographic apparatus;
(ii) P84 for other photographic aspects, including
apparatus for photographic processing, holography and
(iii) S06 for electrical aspects of photography; and
(iv) W04 for digital and video cameras and electronic
image projectors.
P81-A [2015]
Types of optical element, system or apparatus
P81-A01 [2015]
Lens and lens systems
Includes single lenses, multiple lenses/lens groups and
variable refractive power lens/lens group.
Biconcave, biconvex, concave, convex, fluid-filled, glass
lens, negative meniscus, plano-concave, plano-convex,
plastic lens, positive meniscus,
P81-A01A [2017]
Single lens
This code covers individual lenses. Single lenses having
variable refractive power are also assigned P81-A01V1.
P81-A01C [2017]
Multiple lens systems
This code covers two or more lenses used together.
Where the ability to vary overall refractive power by
movement is important, P81-A01V5 is also assigned.
Eyepiece, lens group, telephoto lens, zoom lens
P81-A01V [2017]
Variable power lenses
This code and its subdivisions are assigned with P81-A01A
or P81-A01C as necessary.
Focus, variable magnification
P81-A01V1 [2017]
Individual lens with variable refractive power
This code, normally assigned with P81-A01A, covers
lenses whose refractive power can be varied electrically
or by physical deformation, i.e. changing shape. Lenses of
this type for use in digital or video cameras are also
assigned W04-M01C1E.
Fluid-filled lens, liquid crystal lens, ring electrodes
P81-A01V5 [2017]
Variable power lens groups
This code, normally assigned with P81-A01C, covers two
or more conventional lenses used together and having
the ability to vary overall refractive power by physical
movement, e.g. varying separation.
Gearing, slide, varifocal lens
P81-A03 [2015]
Includes mirrors with multiple surfaces.
Plane mirror, polygonal mirror, reflex reflector
P81-A05 [2015]
P81-A07 [2015]
P81-A09 [2015]
Light guides
For details of light guides and optical fibers see V07-F
P81-A11 [2015]
P81-A13 [2015]
P81-A15 [2015]
Polarization gratings are also assigned P81-A07. Polarizers
for optical fiber technology are also assigned V07-F02B.
Polarized eyeglasses for 3D film or video projection
viewing are also assigned P81-A50E1. The use of
polarized eyeglasses for 3D TV viewing is covered by
Circular, elliptical, left, right
114 P: General
P81-A50 [2015]
Optical system function
These codes are intended to indicate in a broad sense the
main function of the novel optical element specified by
other P81-A codes. In general more detail will be
provided in the class referred to for the process or
equipment in which the element is used. Application in a
wider sense is indicated by assignment of P81-U codes.
P81-A50A [2015]
For viewing distant objects
Includes optical elements used in telescopes, sights and
sighting tubes and binoculars.
Cassegrainian, catadioptric, Gregorian, Keplerian,
monocular, Newtonian, opera glasses, reflecting,
P81-A50C [2015]
For viewing nearby or close-up objects
Includes optical elements used in magnifiers and
Magnifying glass
P81-A50E [2015]
For projection and recording of images or patterns
P81-A50E1 [2015]
For displaying images or patterns
Includes optical elements used in projectors showing
images or patterns on a screen or other surface. Electrical
aspects of photographic projectors for slides or cine film
are covered by S06-B06A and electronic display
projectors based on the use of light valves, deformable
mirror arrays or lasers are covered by W04-Q01 codes.
P81-A50E3 [2015]
For lithography
Covers the use of optical elements in projection of images
or patterns onto light-sensitive materials, e.g. for
decorative design purposes or exposure of photoresist on
a semiconductor wafer prior to etching. See U11-C04E
codes for full details of photolithography for
semiconductor device manufacture, and especially U11-
C04E1A for optical elements and systems. Optical
elements for recording images in photography are
covered by P81-A50E5.
P81-A50E5 [2015]
For recording images in photography
Includes optical elements used in the recording of images
in a camera and also projection printing onto
photographic paper. Electrical aspects of film-based
cameras and projection printing apparatus are covered
by S06-B codes and optical elements for video and digital
cameras by W04-M01C codes.
P81-A50E9 [2015]
For other projection and recording of images or
P81-A50G [2015]
Eyesight correction and protection
Includes optical elements used in spectacles, sunglasses
and contact lenses and also implantable lenses.
P81-A50J [2015]
Light control
Includes control of light intensity, and also phase,
polarization, color and direction, e.g. in optical scanning
equipment. The 'light control' here is intended to be
independent from the source of light itself and based on
the use of filters, diffusers, and the like. Electro-optical
control of these properties is covered by V07-K codes.
Direct control of the intensity of light emitted by
electrical light sources themselves, e.g. by varying voltage
or current, is not included and is covered by X26-C codes
in general and X26-H03C in the case of LED light sources.
P81-A50X [2015]
Other optical system function and optical
P81-A99 [2015]
Other type of optical element or system
P81-G [2015]
Cleaning and maintenance of optical elements,
systems or apparatus
This code covers novel aspects of cleaning and
maintenance of apparatus covered by P81-A codes which
are also assigned as appropriate.
Lens cleaner, polish, recondition, repair, service
P81-M [2015]
Manufacture of optical elements, systems or
This code covers novel aspects of manufacturing and
testing of apparatus covered by P81-A codes which are
also assigned as appropriate.
Moulding, mounting, polishing
P81-T [2015]
Constructional details of optical elements,
systems or apparatus
These codes are assigned with P81-A codes to indicate
the novel aspects of optical elements, systems or
EPI Manual Codes 2020 115
Part 1
P81-T01 [2015]
Housing, casing, frame, support
Includes mounting of lens, mirror, etc.
Aperture stop, internal construction
P81-T02 [2015]
Lens positioning systems
Includes arrangements for moving lenses, e.g. for
changing focus or magnification, including control
Bearing, focus ring, slide
P81-T03 [2015]
Protective coating
Includes coatings to prevent unwanted effects such as
reflection and also to protect from scratches and the like.
Anti-reflective, bloom, magnesium fluoride
P81-T50 [2015]
Novel constructional material
This code is used in conjunction with other P81-T codes
to indicate the use of a novel material in an optical
element or system. Specific details of novel materials are
represented by codes outside P81, such as L01 codes for
glass compositions or section A codes for plastics
materials, which are also applied as appropriate.
P81-T99 [2015]
Other aspects of optical element, system or
apparatus construction
P81-U [2015]
These codes are intended to indicate in a broad sense the
field of application of the novel optical element specified
by P81-A codes and optical equipment using it as
specified by P81-A50 codes.
P81-U01 [2015]
Includes general or non-specific domestic applications.
Can be used in conjunction with other specific codes as
P81-U02 [2015]
Includes general commercial applications. Can be used
alone or in conjunction with other specific applications.
P81-U03 [2015]
Includes land, sea, air and space vehicles.
P81-U13 [2015]
Pharmaceutical; Medical
P81-U14 [2015]
P81-U30 [2015]
Sports, toys, entertainment and leisure
Includes sports equipment, sports stadiums,
entertainment venues, leisure applications, toys and
P81-U40 [2015]
Covers general or non-specific industrial applications not
covered by other application codes.
P81-U41 [2015]
General functional applications
P81-U41D [2015]
Illuminating; Lighting
For specific details of optical elements for use in lighting
applications see Q71-T codes and X26-D01 codes.
P81-U99 [2015]
Other specific applications
P81-X [2015]
Other aspects of optics
EPI Manual Codes 2020 117
Part 1
P82: Photographic apparatus
P82-A [2015]
Types of systems for taking or projecting
photographic images
These codes can be used with other P82 codes as
P82-A01 [2015]
Photographic camera
Includes mechanical details of cameras. For video
cameras see W04-M codes.
P82-A01A [2015]
Still camera
P82-A01C [2015]
Motion picture camera
Cine camera
P82-A02 [2015]
Photographic projection; photograph viewers
Includes mechanical details of photograph projectors or
P82-A03 [2015]
Photographic printing
See G05 CPI manual codes for further details.
P82-A15 [2015]
Auxiliary photographic systems/operations
P82-A15A [2015]
Illuminating scene
Includes techniques for lighting the scene/object such as
backlighting, forelighting, using diffusers/reflectors etc.
See X26 codes for novel electric lighting per se.
Reflector, diffuser, floodlight
P82-A15C [2015]
Sound recording/reproduction
Includes adding of sound to film. See W04 codes for
audio recording/reproduction per se.
P82-A99 [2015]
Other photographic systems
P82-B [2015]
Special Photographic techniques
P82-B02 [2015]
Color photography
Includes color photographic techniques other than
exposing a color film, such as by two, four or more color
separation records or sequential/simultaneous
P82-B04 [2015]
Panoramic/wide screen/extended surface
P82-B06 [2015]
High speed photography
Includes equipment for capturing images at high speed.
P82-B08 [2015]
Using non-optical waves
Includes visual representation of images captured by
other medium such as X-rays or ultrasonic waves.
P82-B99 [2015]
Other photographic techniques
Includes trick photography.
P82-F [2015]
Measuring, indicating, sensing, controlling, testing
of photographic apparatus
Includes focus and exposure control. See P82-T for novel
exposure controlling diaphragms, filters and shutters and
focus controlling drive components. Also includes testing
of photographic equipment.
P82-G [2015]
Cleaning, maintenance/repair of photographic
Includes cleaning of cameras and projectors.
P82-M [2015]
Manufacture of camera and projection
P82-R [2015]
Recycling of photographic apparatus/components
Includes recycling of all photographic equipment and
118 P: General
P82-T [2015]
Constructional details of photographic image
taking/projecting/printing apparatus
Includes camera bodies, lenses, viewfinders, film winders,
projectors, printing apparatus, projection apparatus etc.
See S06 for electrical details of still picture cameras and
projectors and W04-M codes for video cameras.
P82-T01 [2015]
Exposing; Exposure making shutters; Diaphragms
Includes color photographic techniques other than
exposing a color film, such as by two, four or more color
separation records or sequential/simultaneous
P82-T03 [2015]
Viewfinders; Focusing
Includes focusing aids, optics, lenses and their
P82-T05 [2015]
Bodies; Housings
P82-T07 [2015]
Film handling
P82-T15 [2015]
Printers; Printing
See S06 codes for further details of printers.
P82-T99 [2015]
Other constructional details of photographic
image taking/projection/printing apparatus
EPI Manual Codes 2020 119
Part 1
P83: Photographic processes/compositions
P83-A [2015]
Photographic photosensitive materials and
See G06 CPI manual codes for further details of novel
photographic compositions, agents and materials.
P83-B [2015]
Film packages; Wrapping materials for light-
sensitive plates, films, or papers
Includes roll films.
P83-D [2015]
Photographic processes
See G06 CPI manual codes for further details.
P83-D01 [2015]
Multicolor processes
Includes direct bleach-out processes, additive processes
using color or lenticular screens, subtractive color and
cinematographic processes and dye-inhibition processes.
Also includes color processes using color-coupling
P83-D03 [2015]
Diffusion transfer processes
Includes processes using substances transferred by
diffusion consisting of inorganic compounds or of organo-
metallic compounds derived from photosensitive noble
P83-D05 [2015]
Stereo-photographic processes
Includes producing 3-D images, parallax-stereograms,
vectographic images and anaglyphs.
P83-D99 [2015]
Other photographic processes
Includes retouching, varnishing, pasting, mounting, drying
P83-R [2015]
Recycling, regeneration or replenishment of
photographic processing agents
Includes regeneration or replenishment of photosensitive
material and removing emulsion from waste
photographic material.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 121
Part 1
P84: Other photographic
P84-A [2015]
Types of photographic system/process
P84-A01 [2015]
Photomechanical production of textured or patterned
P84-A02 [2015]
P84-A03 [2015]
P84-A05 [2015]
Includes holographic processes and apparatus for
producing holographs. See V07 for further holographic
P84-A05A [2015]
Using light, IR or UV waves
Includes production of holograms using optical waves.
P84-A05C [2015]
Using ultrasonic, sonic or infrasonic waves
Includes production of holograms using sound waves.
P84-A05E [2015]
Using other waves
Includes production of holograms using other waves
while producing an optical image from them.
P84-A99 [2015]
Other photographic systems
P84-G [2015]
Cleaning, maintenance/repair of photographic
Includes use of modular parts to enable maintenance of
photographic apparatus.
P84-M [2015]
Manufacture of photomechanical,
magnetographic etc. components and materials
P84-R [2015]
Recycling of photographic materials components
Includes collection and recycling of waste toner.
P84-T [2015]
Photographic system construction/materials
P84-T01 [2015]
Exposed photographic material processing
Includes containers, trays, clips, frames and darkroom
equipment for treating exposed photographic material.
Includes liquid and gas processing apparatus, diffusion
development equipment and reversal processing
P84-T02 [2015]
Photomechanical production apparatus
Includes screens and exposure apparatus, color
separation. Also includes originals for photomechanical
production of textured or patterned surfaces. Includes
masks, reticles, pellicles and mask
Mask blanks
P84-T50 [2015]
Novel materials
See E codes for further chemical aspects.
P84-T50A [2015]
Image receiving materials; Photosensitive
materials for photomechanical production
Includes photosensitive materials for photomechanical
P84-T50D [2015]
P84-T50E [2015]
Fixing agents
P84-T99 [2015]
Other photographic system details
EPI Manual Codes 2020 123
Part 1
P85: Educational, cryptographic or advertising
apparatus or systems
From 2015 manual codes have been applied for general
details of educational, cryptographic or advertising
apparatus and systems. Where use of electrical or
electronic technologies is significant please refer to the
following :
(i) W04-W codes for educational equipment and systems.
(ii) T01, W01, W02 and W04 codes for encryption,
scrambling and concealment;
(iii) W05-E codes for advertising.
P85-A [2015]
Types of educational apparatus or system,
timetables and perpetual calendars
When teaching aids involve the use of models P85-A05 is
also assigned. Electrical aspects of educational apparatus
and systems are covered by W04-W codes. General
information systems such as maps, timetables and
perpetual calendars are covered by P85-A50 codes.
P85-A01 [2015]
Educational apparatus or systems for specific
Models for demonstration and illustration are covered by
Cards, charts
P85-A01A [2015]
Teaching shapes and spatial awareness
Includes blocks, construction toys with educational
aspects. Construction toys are also assigned P36-E03.
Bricks, shape sorter
P85-A01C [2015]
Teaching reading or writing
Includes aids for learning the alphabet, recognizing letters
and words, and for handwriting.
Braille, lipreading
P85-A01E [2015]
Teaching counting, arithmetic, mathematics
Abacus, blocks, counters
P85-A01G [2015]
Teaching science, medicine and dentistry
Includes aids for teaching botany, biology, chemistry,
physics etc. and also veterinary medicine.
Atom, core, electron, neutron, nucleus, planetarium,
proton, astronomy
P85-A01J [2015]
Teaching music
Metronome, practice
P85-A01L [2015]
Teaching languages
P85-A01N [2015]
Teaching sports, physical education
Covers games involving physical activity. Teaching of
board games, card games and the like is covered by P85-
A01P. Training for sports is covered by P36-A08E which
may also be assigned as necessary. Electrical aspects of
sports training are covered by W04-X01A codes.
PE, swimming
P85-A01P [2015]
Teaching game playing
Covers teaching of board games, card games and the like.
Teaching of games involving physical activity, e.g. team
sports, is covered by P85-A01N.
P85-A01X [2015]
Other educational apparatus or systems for
specific purposes
Needlework, modelling
P85-A05 [2015]
Models for demonstration and illustration;
Includes models of buildings, towns, geographical or
geological features, living creatures, machines, vehicles,
etc. See P85-A01 codes also to differentiate the specific
field of teaching.
Cut-away view, engine, organ
P85-A05A [2015]
Covers simulations for demonstrating a process or effect
and also training simulators. Electrical aspects of training
simulators are covered by W04-W07A and simulations for
demonstration purposes by W04-W07C.
P85-A07 [2015]
Question and answer apparatus and systems
Electrical aspects of question and answer-type
educational systems are covered by W04-W01.
P85-A50 [2015]
General information presenting systems
Covers timetables, perpetual calendars, town plans etc.
P85-A50A [2015]
Covers timetables in e.g. printed form, for use on railways
or other public transport systems and the like.
124 P: General
P85-A50C [2015]
Perpetual calendars
Covers calendars with movable discs, wheels, and the like
for indicating the current date. Clocks and time-indicating
devices in general are not included and are covered by
S04 codes. Calendars involving tear-off sheets are
covered in P76.
P85-A50E [2015]
Maps, guide, town plans and public information
The title of this code has been changed (2018) to indicate
that public information boards and panels are included in
addition to maps in general, maps of an immediate area
such as town plans, and guides to places of interest.
Timetables, e.g. for public transport, are covered by P85-
A50A. Electrical aspects of these information-presenting
items are covered by W04-W09. Displays and signs for
advertising and commercial purposes are covered by P85-
E01 codes and by W05-E03 codes if electrical.
P85-A99 [2015]
Other types of educational apparatus or system
P85-C [2015]
Types of cryptographic system
This code is intended for general arrangements for
making a sequence of symbols (such as text characters)
unintelligible, including the use of mechanical or
electrical means. For specific information encryption,
scrambling or concealment systems based on the use of
electronics and computing techniques see the following :
(i) T01-D01 for data encryption and decryption using
computing techniques;
(ii) W01-A05 codes for secret data communication;
(iii) W02-F05A1 and W02-F10N1 codes for scrambling and
encryption of video and TV signals;
(iv) W02-L05 for general signal scrambling, including
analogue signal scrambling;
(iv) W04-F01L codes for encryption and scrambling in
video recording;
(v) W04-G01L codes for encryption and scrambling in
audio recording.
P85-E [2015]
Types of advertising and displaying system
Electrical aspects of advertising and displays are covered
by W05-E codes. Novel electronic displays are covered by
U14 codes or W05-E codes, depending on technology.
P85-E codes cover advertising with some visual element
and also signs and labels in general. Use of electrical
displays with computing equipment is covered by T04-H
P85-E01 [2015]
Advertising and commercial signs, price labels
P85-E01A [2015]
Advertising signs and displays
Includes hoardings, billboards and the like.
P85-E01C [2015]
General commercial signs
Covers signs for shops or other businesses, including
information on awnings, windows, etc.
P85-E01E [2015]
Signs involving movement
Includes signs moved by e.g. action of the wind.
Electrically-moved advertising signs are covered by W05-
P85-E01G [2015]
Advertising on other articles or items
Covers advertising on items used in e.g., restaurant or
bar, such as glasses, napkins, ashtrays, promotional
items, etc. And also advertising information on vehicles
P85-E01J [2015]
Advertising in printed products
Covers advertisements in newspapers, magazines or
other publications.
P85-E01L [2015]
Price tags and labels
Covers labels attached to goods and also shelf labels and
the like used in stores. Labels in general are covered by
P85-E05. Electrical aspects such as antitheft tags are
covered by W05-B01A2 codes and novel digital marking
such as bar codes or RFID tags by T04 codes.
P85-E01X [2015]
Other aspects of advertising and commercial signs
P85-E03 [2015]
Display cases and stands
Covers display equipment for advertising but also for
general use in e.g. museums, etc.
P85-E05 [2015]
Labels in general
Covers labels and identifying tags in general, but not price
tags or labels which are covered by P85-E01L.
P85-E99 [2015]
Other types of advertising or displaying system
P85-G [2015]
Cleaning, maintenance/repair of educational,
cryptographic or advertising apparatus or systems
This code is assigned with P85-A, P85-C or P85-E codes as
EPI Manual Codes 2020 125
Part 1
P85-M [2015]
Manufacture of educational, cryptographic or
advertising apparatus or systems
This code is assigned with P85-A, P85-C or P85-E codes as
P85-T [2015]
Constructional details of educational,
cryptographic or advertising apparatus or systems
These codes are assigned with P85-A, P85-C or P85-E
codes as appropriate.
P85-T01 [2015]
Housing, casing
P85-T05 [2015]
Internal constructional details
P85-T50 [2015]
Novel constructional material
P85-T99 [2015]
Other constructional details of educational,
cryptographic or advertising apparatus or systems
P85-X [2015]
Other aspects of educational, cryptographic or
advertising apparatus or systems
EPI Manual Codes 2020 127
Part 1
P86: Musical instruments, acoustics
From 2015 P86 manual codes have been applied for
general and mechanical details of musical instruments
and acoustic systems. Analysis and synthesis of speech
and other sounds by electronic or computing devices is
not included and is covered by W04-V codes. Electronic
musical instruments and electrical aspects of musical
instruments in general are covered by W04-U codes but
common features or mechanical aspects are also covered
by appropriate P86 codes. Music teaching is covered by
P85-A01J and when specific to a particular type of
instrument an appropriate P86-A code is also assigned.
P86-A [2015]
Types of musical instruments or musical accessory
P86-A01 [2015]
Musical instruments based on air or gas flow
Includes instruments operated by gases, gas mixtures
such as air, or steam.
P86-A01A [2015]
Wind instruments
Covers instruments operated by a musician blowing into
them. Instruments operated by flow of air or similar from
a machine or hand-operated mechanism are covered by
P86-A01C codes.
P86-A01A1 [2015]
Reed instruments
Covers instruments employing a reed in a mouthpiece
that vibrates when the player blows into or across it.
Bagpipes, bassoon, clarinet, harmonica, mouth organ,
oboe, saxophone
P86-A01A3 [2015]
Lip vibration instruments
Covers instruments in which the player's lips vibrate in a
way analogous to a reed, such as trumpets or trombones.
Cornet, euphonium, French horn, horn, labrosone, tuba
P86-A01A5 [2015]
Air-reed instruments
Covers instruments in which sound is produced by a
player blowing across an opening, such as flutes.
Mechanical reed instruments are covered by P86-A01A1.
Ocarina, panpipes, recorder
P86-A01A9 [2015]
Other wind instruments
P86-A01C [2015]
Electronic organs are covered by W04-U codes. These
codes cover instruments operated by flow of e.g. air
produced mechanically, such as by blowers, bellows,
pumps and the like. Instruments operated by air flow
directly produced by the player blowing into them are
regarded as 'wind instruments' and are covered by P86-
A01A codes.
P86-A01C1 [2015]
Reed organs
Includes harmoniums, accordions, and concertinas.
Bagpipes are regarded as being operated by the player's
exhaled air and so are covered by P86-A01A1.
P86-A01C3 [2015]
Pipe organs
Church organ, steam organ
P86-A01X [2015]
Other musical instruments based on air or gas
P86-A03 [2015]
String instruments
Covers instruments based on vibration of a resonant
string, whether struck, plucked or excited by other
means, such as a bow.
P86-A03A [2015]
String instruments with keyboards
Covers instruments where depression of a key actuates a
mechanism that strikes or plucks strings mounted on a
soundboard or similar.
P86-A03A1 [2015]
P86-A03A9 [2015]
Other string instruments with keyboards
Includes harpsichords. Harps are regarded as instruments
in which strings are plucked directly by the player and are
thus covered by P86-A03E.
P86-A03C [2015]
String instruments normally played using a bow
Covers cello, violin etc.
Bass, double bass, viola
128 P: General
P86-A03E [2015]
String instruments played by manually
strumming, plucking or hitting strings
Includes instruments carried or supported by the player
and those mounted on a support or stand, the strings
being plucked or strummed by a player directly, using
fingers, a plectrum or a hammer.
Banjo, guitar, harp, pedal steel guitar, zither
P86-A05 [2015]
Percussion-based musical instruments
Brushes, castanets, cow bell, cymbal, drum, drumsticks,
hand bell, shaker, tambourine, timpani, triangle,
P86-A30 [2015]
Accessories for musical instruments and musical
instrument playing
Case, music stand, tuning aid, tuning fork
P86-A99 [2015]
Other types of musical instruments
P86-E [2015]
Acoustic systems and sound-producing devices
P86-E01 [2015]
Sound-producing devices
Covers devices intended to produce sounds other than
for musical purposes, e.g. for attracting attention or
warning. Novel electrical aspects of such devices are
covered by W05-A02A and electroacoustic transducers in
general are covered by V06-V codes.
P86-E01A [2015]
Sound production by physical contact or impact
Includes percussion-based sound generation.
P86-E01A1 [2015]
Bells, gongs, other resonating bodies
P86-E01A5 [2015]
Sound production by non-resonant bodies in
Includes rattles.
P86-E01A9 [2015]
Other sound production by physical contact or
P86-E01C [2015]
Sound production by air or gas flow
P86-E01C1 [2015]
Includes drive by motive device and also gas flow.
P86-E01C3 [2015]
Horns, klaxons
Covers sound generation using a vibrating diaphragm.
Mechanical aspects of vehicle horns are covered by Q14-
C04 and electrical aspects by X22-B03H.
P86-E01C5 [2015]
Includes whistles producing sound beyond human
audible range.
Dog whistle
P86-E01C9 [2015]
Other sound production by air or gas flow
P86-E01X [2015]
Other sound-producing devices
P86-E05 [2015]
Sound transmission, modification, and damping
These codes are intended to represent transmission,
modification or damping of sound in a general sense.
Codes elsewhere relating to specific equipment or
applications should also be considered.
P86-E05A [2015]
Sound transmission
Includes acoustic coupling arrangements.
P86-E05C [2015]
Sound modification
Covers use of passive resonators, acoustic lenses and
reflectors and the like, e.g. to re-direct sound.
P86-E05E [2015]
Sound damping and masking
Covers passive systems, such as acoustic damping, use of
absorbing materials, etc. Electronic systems for sound
damping and masking, e.g. using interference effects and
anti-phase sound, are covered by W04-V07 codes.
P86-E05X [2015]
Other aspects of sound transmission,
modification, and damping
Includes acoustic impedance matching. For electrical
impedance matching in general see U25-D05.
P86-E99 [2015]
Other aspects of acoustic systems and sound-
producing devices
EPI Manual Codes 2020 129
Part 1
P86-G [2015]
Cleaning, maintenance/repair of musical
instruments or acoustic systems
This code is assigned with P86-A or P86-E codes as
P86-M [2015]
Manufacture/Pre-use treatment of musical
instruments or acoustic systems
This code is assigned with P86-A or P86-E codes as
P86-T [2015]
Constructional details
These codes are assigned with P86-A or P86-E codes as
appropriate and are intended to highlight specific novel
aspects of musical instruments or acoustic systems and
sound-producing devices.
P86-T01 [2015]
Constructional details of musical instruments,
acoustic systems and sound-producing devices
P86-T01A [2015]
Constructional details of devices generating sound
Covers devices producing the actual sound, such as reeds,
strings, drum skins, etc. for musical instruments and e.g.
a perforated disk in the case of a pneumatic siren.
Bridge, cavity, chamber
P86-T01C [2015]
Constructional details of devices controlling or
modifying sound
Covers novel aspects of devices and systems for
controlling sound, such as keyboards, string-tensioning
devices, pedals etc. and automatic playing systems in the
case of instruments and e.g. sound damping or directing
devices in the case of acoustic systems and sound
producing devices.
P86-T01E [2015]
Constructional details of musical instrument
bodies and acoustic device housings
Covers construction of musical instruments, acoustic
systems and sound producing devices as a whole, e.g.
frames, outer casing, etc.
Lid, neck, soundbox
P86-T01X [2015]
Other constructional details of musical
instruments, acoustic systems and sound-
producing devices
P86-T50 [2015]
Novel constructional material
This code is assigned in conjunction with other P86-T
codes to indicate the specific aspect to which the
material relates. Specific details of novel materials are
represented by codes outside P86, such as M27 codes for
steels or section A codes for plastics materials which are
also applied as appropriate.
P86-T99 [2015]
Other constructional details of musical
instruments and acoustic systems or devices
Includes constructional details of accessories for musical
instruments and musical instrument playing, for which
P86-A30 is also assigned.
P86-X [2015]
Other aspects of musical instruments or acoustic
EPI Manual Codes 2020 131
Part 1
Section Q: Mechanical
Q1 VEHICLES IN GENERAL...................................................................................................................... 133
Q11: WHEELS, TYRES, CONNECTIONS ...................................................................................................... 133
Q12: SUSPENSION ................................................................................................................................... 137
Q13: POWERTRAIN/TRANSMISSION, SYSTEMS AND THEIR CONTROL .................................................... 139
Q14: VEHICLE ACCESSORIES .................................................................................................................... 141
Q15: TRANSPORTING SPECIAL LOADS ..................................................................................................... 145
MANUFACTURE ................................................................................................................................... 147
Q17: VEHICLE CONSTRUCTION, FITTINGS, PROPULSION ARRANGEMENTS............................................. 149
Q18: BRAKE SYSTEMS, STEERING SYSTEMS, CONTROL ............................................................................ 151
Q19: VEHICLE APPLICATIONS .................................................................................................................. 155
Q2 SPECIAL VEHICLES ............................................................................................................................ 157
Q21: RAILWAYS ....................................................................................................................................... 157
Q22: HAND/FOOT/ANIMAL DRAWN VEHICLES ....................................................................................... 163
Q24: SHIP; WATERBORNE VESSELS; RELATED EQUIPMENT ..................................................................... 165
Q25: AIRCRAFT; AVIATION; COSMONAUTICS .......................................................................................... 171
Q3 CONVEYING, PACKAGING, STORING ................................................................................................ 177
Q31: PACKAGING PROCESSES AND EQUIPMENT ..................................................................................... 177
Q33: PACKAGING CONTAINER AND CLOSURE MATERIALS ...................................................................... 185
Q34: TYPES OF GOODS PACKAGED, BOTTLED, BOUND, LABELLED, UNPACKED ...................................... 187
Q35: REFUSE COLLECTION; CONVEYORS ................................................................................................. 191
Q36: HANDLING THIN MATERIALS ........................................................................................................... 193
Q37: CONTAINER TRAFFIC (PRE-1984 ONLY) ........................................................................................... 193
Q38: HOISTING; LIFTING; HAULING; TRUCKS ........................................................................................... 195
Q4: BUILDINGS; CONSTRUCTION ........................................................................................................... 197
Q41: ROAD, RAIL, BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION ............................................................................................. 197
Q42: HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING, SOIL SHIFTING AND SEWERAGE .......................................................... 199
Q43: GENERAL BUILDING CONSTRUCTIONS ............................................................................................ 201
Q44: STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS ................................................................................................................. 203
Q45: ROOFING, STAIRS, FLOORS.............................................................................................................. 205
Q46: BUILDING AIDS, SPECIAL STRUCTURES, LADDERS ........................................................................... 207
Q47: LOCKS, WINDOW AND DOOR FITTINGS .......................................................................................... 209
Q48: BLINDS, SHUTTERS, DOORS AND WINDOWS .................................................................................. 211
Q49: MINING ........................................................................................................................................... 213
132 P: General
Q5 ENGINES, PUMPS, COMPRESSORS, FLUID PRESSURE ACTUATORS ................................................... 215
Q52: REACTION ENGINES; EXTERNAL COMBUSTION; GAS TURBINES; ROCKETS ..................................... 221
Q53: POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT FLUID ENGINES (I.E. DRIVEN BY FLUID) .................................................. 223
AND MACHINES FOR PRODUCING MECHANICAL POWER/THRUST ..................................................... 225
............................................................................................................................................................ 229
Q57: FLUID PRESSURE ACTUATORS; HYDRAULIC/PNEUMATICS IN GENERAL ......................................... 231
Q6 ENGINEERING ELEMENTS ................................................................................................................ 233
Q61: FASTENING ELEMENTS; CONNECTIONS .......................................................................................... 233
Q62: SHAFTS AND BEARINGS ................................................................................................................... 235
Q63: COUPLINGS; CLUTCHES; BRAKES; SPRINGS; DAMPERS ................................................................... 237
Q64: BELTS, CHAINS, GEARING ................................................................................................................ 239
Q65: PISTONS, CYLINDERS, PACKING, SEALS ........................................................................................... 241
Q66: VALVES; TAPS; COCKS; VENTS ......................................................................................................... 243
Q67: PIPES; JOINTS; FITTINGS .................................................................................................................. 245
Q68: OTHER ENGINEERING ELEMENTS .................................................................................................... 247
Q69: STORING/DISTRIBUTING GAS/LIQUID ............................................................................................. 249
Q7: LIGHTING, HEATING ....................................................................................................................... 251
Q71: LIGHTING ........................................................................................................................................ 251
Q72: STEAM GENERATION ...................................................................................................................... 253
Q73: COMBUSTION APPARATUS AND PROCESSES .................................................................................. 255
Q74: HEATING, RANGES AND VENTILATING ............................................................................................ 259
Q75: REFRIGERATION AND LIQUEFACTION ............................................................................................. 263
Q76: DRYING............................................................................................................................................ 265
Q77: FURNACES, KILNS, OVENS, RETORTS ............................................................................................... 267
Q78: HEAT EXCHANGE ............................................................................................................................. 269
Q79: WEAPONS, AMMUNITION, BLASTING ............................................................................................. 271
EPI Manual Codes 2020 133
Part 1
Q1 Vehicles in General
Q11: Wheels, Tyres, Connections
From 2006, manual codes have been assigned for all
mechanical details of vehicle wheels, tyres and
Wheels; Wheel assemblies
Includes novel aspects of vehicle wheels, including
emergency space saver and spare wheels. This code can
also be applied when the wheel assembly as a whole is
being claimed and when no specific components of the
wheel assembly are novel.
Wheelend assembly
Spoked wheels
Includes wheels with separable/replaceable spokes,
nipples etc, such as bicycle wheels.
Disc wheels
Includes wheels with single disc body, e.g. cast alloy
wheels (with or without cut-outs to simulate spokes), and
pressed steel disc wheels.
Includes hub bearing assemblies - see also Q62-G for
more detail.
Includes all axle details including quick release bicycle
wheel axles.
Wheel bearings
Also see Q62-G for specific bearing types.
Tapered roller bearings
Wheel covers
Includes covers for decorative or aerodynamic purposes.
Hub cap
Traction increasing equipment
Includes mechanical devices for increasing friction
between wheel and the ground.
Lugs, spikes, snow chains etc.
Includes tyres with built-in or attachable spikes or chains
removably fastenable to tyres.
Applying traction increasing material, e.g. sand
Includes dispensing particulate material, such as sand, in
front of tyre path.
Rail engaging arrangements
Includes wheels with flanged edges for engaging rails. See
Q19-R02 for vehicles usable on road/rail, and possibly
Q21 for railway vehicles per se.
Wheel-axle combinations, e.g. wheel sets
Includes overall novel wheel/axle combination, e.g. the
whole rear axle/wheel assembly used on a commercial
lorry (also see Q19-C02).
Wheel nuts/fastening elements
Includes wheel nuts and bolts and anti-theft locking
wheel nuts (see also Q61-A codes). Also includes quick
release wheel fastening elements.
Spinner, skewer
Wheel manufacture/ assembly/disassembly
Includes equipment for manufacturing and
assembling/dismantling wheels, such as metal presses
and casting equipment or jigs for enabling manual
building of spoked wheels. For apparatus for
(de)mounting wheel onto vehicle also see Q16-A02.
Other wheel details
Tyre type
134 Q: Mechanical
Inflatable tyres
Can be used to highlight the fact that the tyre
construction is applicable to a pneumatic tyre.
Inner tubes
Emergency or restricted use tyres
Includes tyres that can be temporarily used in a damaged
or deflated condition, e.g. using additional inflatable or
non-inflatable supporting elements.
Run-flat tyres
Includes run-flat arrangements, e.g. by enabling folding of
tyre side wall (see also Q11-B05).
Folding tyres
See Q19-A01 for folding bicycle tyres, and e.g. Q11-B03
for Kevlar® beads per se.
Heavy duty tyres
Includes tyres used in general heavy duty applications.
Can be used in conjunction with Q19 codes to further
specify the type of heavy duty vehicle involved.
Solid tyres
Includes solid rubber tyres and tyres with a solid, e.g.
foam material, insert.
Other tyre types
See also Q66 codes for valves per se.
Includes beads and other similar ply overlap
arrangements for enabling tyre to seat on and be
retained in wheel rim.
Reinforcements or ply arrangements
Includes cross ply, reinforcing cords, layers, inlays etc.
Tyre sidewalls
Includes grooves and rib markings or coloured inlays, e.g.
white walls.
Tread bands, patterns and anti-skid inserts
Includes tread patterns, anti-skid inserts vulcanised into
tyre and wear indicators.
Emergency/puncture repair arrangements
Includes emergency use accessories such as tyre sealant
sprays to temporarily repair tyre until it can be properly
Tyre manufacture, mounting and inspection
Includes all mechanical aspects of tyre manufacture such
as vulcanising, or equipment for mounting of tyres on
wheels (also see Q16-A02) or inspecting tyres. Also
includes equipment for balancing wheels and associated
balance weights (see also S02-J05 for static or dynamic
balance testing per se).
Other tyre details
Includes wheel tape used to cover spoke nipples to
protect inner tube (see also Q19-A for bicycles). Also
includes novel tyre materials and rubber compositions
(see also relevant polymer section A indexing).
Includes assemblies between e.g. towing and towed
Traction couplings or hitches
Includes ball and socket hitches or bolt/shackle type
hitches mounted on towing vehicle. For power take offs
(PTOs) per se, e.g. used on agricultural tractors, see also
Q19-G and Q13-C instead. Also includes fifth wheel
traction couplings used on articulated lorries (see also
Q19-C02). For electrical aspects such as 7pin electrics, see
X22-X01A and V04-D codes instead.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 135
Part 1
Draw gear or towing devices
Includes e.g. V or Y shaped tubular frameworks and hitch
arrangements forming part of towed vehicle. Also
includes towing chains or ropes, and safety arrangements
such as stabiliser bars fixed to towed vehicle for limiting
sway of e.g. towed trailer/caravan.
Fittings to facilitate pushing
Gangways for coupled vehicles
Includes removable walkways between vehicles, e.g.
between lorry cab and trailer.
Other connection details
Includes damping arrangements for limiting vibration etc.
between towing vehicle and towed assembly/trailer.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 137
Part 1
Q12: Suspension
From 2006 Q12 covers all mechanical details of vehicle
suspension systems. Prior to the introduction of Q12
manual codes in 2006, the Q12 class covered vehicle
suspensions, heating, doors and screens.
Rigid suspensions; Rigid connection between axle
and frame
Resilient suspensions
Includes independent resilient suspension for single
wheels and resilient suspension for wheel sets or axles
with inter-related movement, e.g. live axles.
Spring arrangements
Torsion bar springs
Rubber springs
Includes elastomers.
Fluid springs
Includes hydraulic and air springs.
Combination of different spring types
Includes suspensions e.g. employing both coil springs and
air springs.
Vibration dampers; Shock absorbers
Mechanical damper
Includes coil springs used to provide a damping function.
Fluid damper
Includes hydraulic, pneumatic and quasi-fluid, i.e. having
powdered medium, dampers.
Q12-B02C [2008]
Torsion damper
Includes torsional damping arrangements.
Q12-B02D [2008]
Rubber damper
Includes elastic material, e.g. rubber or elastomer
Spring/damper combinations
Includes coil-over dampers. This code can be used in
conjunction with other Q12-B codes to highlight the type
of springs and dampers being used.
Racing car, sports car
Spring/damper characteristic adjustment; Vehicle
ride height control
Includes control of air pressure within air springs. Also
includes arrangements for adjusting caster/camber and
toe-in/toe-out of vehicle wheels (see also Q12-B07 for
suspension adjustment linkages per se).
Height control
Mountings; Brackets
Includes suspension mounting arrangements such as
bushes and brackets.
Nylon, poly, bush
Suspension connections/linkages
Includes Panhard rods, Watt linkages, trailing arms,
wishbones etc. Also includes upper and lower ball joints.
Double wishbones, outboard, inboard
Roll/stability control arrangements
Includes mechanical anti-roll bars per se.
Lubrication arrangements
Oil, grease, nipple
138 Q: Mechanical
Other suspension details
EPI Manual Codes 2020 139
Part 1
Q13: Powertrain/transmission, systems and their
From 2006 Q13 covers all mechanical details of vehicle
powertrains, transmission systems and their control. Prior
to the introduction of Q13 manual codes in 2006, the Q13
class covered vehicle transmissions and controls, including
propulsion unit mounting arrangements and fuel tanks.
Powertrain/Transmission systems and their
For electrical aspects of transmission systems used in
electric vehicles or motor vehicles, respectively see X21-
A02A and X22-G codes only.
Transmission type
Automatic transmission
Includes transmissions where gears are changed under
load, so that power continues to be transmitted to drive
wheels while shifting. Includes sun and planet gears,
planet carriers etc.
Double clutch transmission
Includes transmissions using two multiplate clutches
arranged on drive side with next gear being preselected in
transmission unit not currently transmitting power.
Continuously variable transmission (CVT)
Includes e.g. mechanical belt wrap transmissions.
Toroidal transmission
Includes manual transmissions where clutch is
electronically disengaged during gear shifting, avoiding
the need for a driver’s clutch pedal.
Paddleshift, clutchless
Manual transmission
Includes gearing and synchronisers, e.g. used to allow
collar and gear to make frictional contact before dog
teeth make contact to avoid the need for double
Other transmission types
Includes derailleur type transmission assemblies used on
bicycles (see also Q19-A). Also includes general
hydrostatic transmission system (see Q13-A02 instead for
hydraulic torque converters).
Torque converter
Includes fluid coupling type torque converters used in
multi-speed and automatic transmissions and lockup
clutches used to lock the two halves of the converter
together to eliminate slippage when the converter is up to
speed. Also see Q13-A01A for automatic transmissions
per se.
Hydrodynamic torque converter
Includes both wet and dry plate friction clutches. Also
includes mechanical lock-up clutches used in e.g. torque
converters (see also Q13-A02). Also includes clutch
release bearings (see also Q62-G codes) and clutch
pressure plates. Also includes flywheels (see also Q63-
E02B) including dual mass flywheels prior to 2012. From
2012 flywheels are transferred to Q13-A04. Also see Q17-
N for vibration reduction per se.
Q13-A04 [2012]
Includes mechanical details of all flywheels including dual
mass flywheels (see also Q63-E02B). For vibration
reduction per se see Q17-N.
Includes hydrodynamic retarders, including primary
retarders fitted on drive input side, e.g. for low speed
braking of buses, and secondary retarders fitted on drive
output side, e.g. for higher speed or downhill braking of
Drive shafts
Includes prop shafts and half shafts. Also includes
constant velocity joints and other connections (see also
Q63-A codes).
CV joint, universal joint
140 Q: Mechanical
Includes open and limited slip differentials (See Q13-A11
for 4WD diff locks). See also Q13-A11 for mechanical
Torsen® differentials or viscous couplings used in all wheel
drive off-road vehicles.
LSD, open, diff, plate, Torsen®, viscous coupling, final drive
unit, bevel gears
All wheel drive
Includes both permanent and disengageable all wheel
drive and four wheel drive systems. Includes viscous
couplings, transfer cases and lockable differentials (see
also Q13-A09). For electrical aspects of four or all wheel
drive systems see X22-G05 instead, and for systems using
intelligent brake application see X22-C02 codes.
AWD, 4WD, four-wheel drive, all-terrain, transfer case,
Torsen (RTM) lock, viscous coupling, high-low range
Pedal arm
SPD, clipless
Q13-A17 [2008]
Chainrings and sprockets
Includes toothed chainrings and sprockets e.g. for bicycle
(see also Q19-A).
Includes endless chains and belts.
Lubrication arrangements
Includes oil seals and drain plugs e.g. for gearboxes or
Cooling arrangements
Includes transmission oil coolers.
Q13-A24 [2007]
Includes mechanical aspects of transmission gearing and
gearboxes. See Q64-C for further details of gearing in
Q13-A26 [2008]
Includes gearbox, differential, drive train mounting
arrangements and transmission noise control
arrangements (see also Q17-N for noise reduction in
Bracket, rubber, bush
Other transmission hardware
Powertrain/Transmission control arrangements
Includes gear levers per se and gear knobs. Also includes
clutch control levers e.g. used on motorcycle (see also
Q19-B) and mechanical/hydraulic clutch activation
arrangements and clutch pedals.
Auxiliary drives, e.g. from PTO, driven wheel
Includes power take-offs used on e.g. agricultural tractors
(see also Q19-G). For mechanical aspects of hitches per
se, see Q11-C01.
Other transmission details
Includes transaxles, i.e. where gearbox and differential
etc. are combined into one unit.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 141
Part 1
Q14: Vehicle Accessories
From 2006 Q14 covers all mechanical vehicle accessories.
See X22-J instead for electrical vehicle accessories. Prior
to the introduction of Q14 manual codes in 2006, the Q14
class covered electric propulsion and seating.
Seats; Saddles
Q14-A01 [2007]
Child seats
Includes removable child seats, and child seats and
booster cushions that are integral with vehicle seats.
Safety devices
For electrical aspects, see X22-J11 for general passenger
safety devices.
Safety belts; Body harnesses
See X22-J03B codes only for electrical aspects of seat
Inflatable occupant restraints
Includes inflatable airbags, knee bolsters and side/curtain
airbags. See X22-J07 only for electrical aspects of airbags.
Q14-C02A [2008]
For protecting specific occupant
The codes below are used to highlight whether a specific
occupant is being protected. For e.g. curtain airbags
designed to protect all vehicle occupants then no Q14-
C02A codes need be applied.
Q14-C02A1 [2008]
For protecting driver
Q14-C02A2 [2008]
For protecting front seat passenger
Q14-C02A3 [2008]
For protecting rear seat passenger
Q14-C02C [2008]
Specific inflatable restraint types
These codes can be applied to highlight specific types of
inflatable occupant restraint.
Q14-C02C1 [2008]
Inflatable knee bolster
Q14-C02C2 [2008]
Side/curtain airbag
Q14-C02C3 [2008]
Dashboard/steering wheel mounted airbag
Q14-C02C4 [2008]
Roof mounted airbag
Visual signalling, e.g. reflectors
Includes optical signalling devices such as reflectors and
e.g. posts mounted on bumper to highlight corner of
vehicle for assisting parking or collision prevention. For
reflectors built into vehicle light see X22-B and X26-D01A
codes only.
Audible signalling, e.g. horns
Includes mechanical devices only. See X22-B03H and W05
codes for electrical aspects of vehicle horns.
Portable emergency signal devices
For portable illuminated signalling devices see X22-B03E
and T07-X and possibly X26 or W05 codes only.
Warning triangle
Crash bars, crash pads
See also Q19-A or Q19-B for bicycles and motorcycles
respectively. Also includes side impact protection bars
(also see Q17-A06 for doors). Includes flip-up rollover bars
used in cabriolet vehicles (also see Q19-S).
Includes stabilisers used when learning to ride a bicycle
(see also Q19-A). Also includes stabilisers and grounding
members for construction vehicles (see also Q19-E). For
suspension system stabiliser/anti-roll bars see Q12-B09
142 Q: Mechanical
Pedestrian safety systems
includes passive systems such as pedestrian friendly
bonnets or deformable bumpers (see also Q17-A12).
Q14-C16 [2008]
Vehicle specific clothing
Can be used for all mechanical aspects of vehicle specific
clothing, including bicycle and motorcycle helmets, safety
shoes and jackets with protective inserts.
Other safety devices
Includes collision responsive collapsible steering columns
(see also Q18-B01D5).
Anti-glare equipment; Sun shades; Visors;
Curtains; Screens
For electrical aspects such as electrochromic window
glass, see X22-X05.
See X22-J04 only for electrical aspects of vehicle mirrors.
Luggage/item storage arrangements
Interior compartments/fittings
Exterior fittings/racks e.g. for luggage/sports
Includes panniers and cycle carriers. Also includes
removable racks for carrying other equipment such as
canoes. See Q15 codes for vehicles specifically designed to
carry specific loads.
Sidecars; Forecars
Also see Q19-B for motorcycles per se.
Anti-theft arrangements
Includes steering column lock, steering wheel lock, locking
wheel nuts (see also Q11-A15) and other mechanical anti-
theft assemblies.
Includes vehicle door lock assemblies. For electrical
aspects of vehicle door locks see X22-D01 codes.
Steps, e.g. running boards
Includes lift arrangements, e.g. for disabled person. For
disabled person aids used on disabled person-specific
vehicles such as invalid carriages, see Q15-B13 also.
Includes on and off-board supports and holders and
parking cycles (see also Q19-A). See X22-J20 for electrical
details of cycle stands and supports for parking purposes,
as well as T05 codes for parking fee charging details.
Mudguards; Chain guards; Weather guards
Includes bicycle mudguards (see also Q19-A) and
waterproof car covers used when vehicle is parked to
protect the whole vehicle or e.g. windscreen from frost.
Sanitation devices
Includes toilets and washing facilities. Also includes
sewage and waste storage.
Heating/ventilating/air-conditioning systems
Includes mechanical aspects such as ducting and air
directing nozzles. For electrical aspects see X22-J02 codes.
Windscreen wipers/washers
Includes all aspects of windscreen/window cleaning such
as windscreen wiper blades, screen washers, windscreen
scraper/sponge etc. For electrical aspects of vehicle
windscreen wipers/washers see X22-J01.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 143
Part 1
Q14-P [2012]
Includes foot rest for supporting passenger’s/driver’s feet.
Q14-R [2013]
Vehicle license plate
Includes mechanical details of vehicle number plates. See
Q14-C03 also for novel reflectors and X22-B05 for
illuminated number plates.
Other vehicle accessories
Includes removable aftermarket car mats. See Q17-A10
instead for permanent fixings and fixed interior
trim/carpets. Also includes kitchen equipment used in
caravan or camper van (see also Q19-F01 and Q19-F02
Kitchen; kitchen sinks/worktops/equipment storage;
EPI Manual Codes 2020 145
Part 1
Q15: Transporting Special Loads
From 2006 manual codes have been applied to cover all
mechanical arrangements for transporting special loads.
Prior to 2006, the Q15 class covered these aspects.
Vehicles for transporting special loads and
modified to facilitate
Using tipping movement of load supporting
Includes dump trucks and tipper lorries (see also Q19-E
for construction vehicles per se).
Using endless chains and belts
Includes use of cargo (un)loading conveyor belts.
Using screw conveyors
Includes used of screw conveyors e.g. to unload
particulate material.
Using loading ramp
Includes use of cargo bed that can be raised to an inclined
position to assist unloading.
Using loading platform
Using cranes
Using rollers
Using vibrators or fluid in direct contact with load
See also V06-D for vibration generators, and X22 for
electrical aspects of cargo handling arrangements.
Other loading/unloading arrangements
Vehicle adapted to transport special loads
Also see Q19-C codes for further vehicle applications, e.g.
Q19-C for commercial vehicles per se.
For transporting prefabricated buildings
Includes vehicles or trailers specifically for transporting
mobile homes.
For transporting money or other valuables
Includes armoured cars.
For transporting reels
Includes vehicle for transporting large cable or wire
For transporting animals/meat
Includes lorries or trailers for transporting live animals
such as pigs, sheep or cows, or processed meat.
For transporting refrigerated goods
Includes refrigerated lorries (see also Q19-C02). See also
X27 for refrigeration systems per se.
For transporting bottles
Vehicle/crane transporter
Includes car transporter lorries.
Tanker vehicles
Includes tanker lorries carrying fluids such as petrol, milk
or chemicals.
Spraying vehicles
Vehicles with living accommodation
For caravans and mobile homes or camper vans per se,
see Q19-F01 and Q19-F02 codes respectively.
For transporting mixed concrete
Also see Q19-E for construction vehicles per se.
Concrete mixer
For carrying long loads
146 Q: Mechanical
For transporting persons
Includes wheelchair lifting arrangements and other
vehicle fittings specifically designed to adapt vehicle for
solely transporting disabled persons, e.g. invalid carriages.
For disabled person aids/accessories such as wheelchair
lifts used on conventional vehicles see Q14-I instead. See
Q19-H03 for ambulances per se. Electrical aspects of e.g.
disabled person aids can be coded in X22-X and S05-K
Other vehicle adaptations/modifications
Includes vehicles specifically designed to carry other loads
such as gas tanks/cylinders.
On-board weighing arrangements
Also see S02-D codes for weighing per se, and X22-X06K
for electrical on-board vehicle weighing arrangements.
Securing of loads
Includes novel straps and tie-down assemblies for specific
loads. Includes tarpaulins for covering lorry trailers (see
also Q19-C02 and Q19-J) to prevent load from spilling.
Other vehicles predominantly for carrying specific
EPI Manual Codes 2020 147
Part 1
Q16: Vehicle servicing, maintenance, cleaning
equipment, Vehicle design and manufacture
From 2006 Q16 covers all mechanical details of vehicle
servicing, maintenance and cleaning equipment as well as
vehicle design and manufacture. Prior to the introduction
of Q16 manual codes in 2006, the Q16 class covered
vehicle lighting and signalling. See X22-B codes for
electrical details of lighting and signalling, and Q14-C03
and Q14-C04 codes for mechanical details of vehicle
signalling. When a more specific code exists elsewhere,
then Q16 codes are not required. For example, a wheel
manufacturing apparatus can be adequately covered in
Q11-A28 and does not require the application of a Q16-D
Vehicle servicing/maintenance/cleaning
Vehicle cleaning apparatus
See X25-H09C for electrical aspects of car washers.
Servicing/repairing equipment
Includes all equipment/methods for servicing, maintaining
and repairing vehicles. For electrical aspects of vehicle
servicing equipment, see X22-X16. For off-board
wheel balancer see S02-J codes and Q11-B20. Includes
mechanical aspects of oil
change/reconditioning apparatus and on-board systems
that burn dirty oil in
combustion chamber and replenish engine with clean oil.
For electrical aspects see X22-A16.
Vehicle supporting/lifting/manoeuvring apparatus
See X25-F05 codes for electrical aspects of e.g. vehicle
engine hoists or drive-on ramps.
Axle stands, jack
Vehicle design/manufacture/assembly
This code is used to highlight a vehicle manufacturing
aspect that cannot be covered elsewhere. For vehicle tyre
manufacture see Q11-B20 instead. See T01 codes for
electrical CAD/CAM systems.
Q16-D01 [2007]
Vehicle manufacture/assembly
See X25-X14 only for electrical aspects of industrial
manufacturing/assembly equipment, and X25-F01 codes
for e.g. conveyors per se.
Q16-D01A [2007]
Production line assembly equipment
Q16-D09 [2007]
Vehicle design
See T01 codes for electrical CAD/CAM systems.
Vehicle salvaging; recycling
See X25-W04 for electrical aspects of vehicle/material
Other vehicle servicing/manufacturing equipment
not provided for
EPI Manual Codes 2020 149
Part 1
Q17: Vehicle construction, Fittings, Propulsion
From 2006 Q17 covers all mechanical details of vehicle
construction, fittings and propulsion arrangements. Prior
to the introduction of Q17 manual codes in 2006, the Q17
class covered vehicle parts and fittings as well as servicing.
See Q16-A02 instead of mechanical aspects of vehicle
servicing or X22-X16 and X22-A16 for electrical aspects of
vehicle/engine servicing. For mechanical details of vehicle
engines also see Q51 codes.
Vehicle construction
Under structures; Chassis; Subframe; Connections
Includes tubular spaceframe constructions. Also includes
passenger protection arrangements such as crumple
zones built into the chassis.
Superstructures; Superstructure sub units and
Includes side panels, door pillars, fixed roofs, floors etc.
Combined superstructure and frame; Monocoque
Includes monocoques used in racing cars (see also Q19-
Cycle frames
Includes frames and forks used in cycles and motorcycles.
Also See Q19-A for cycles, Q19-B for motorcycles and Q12
codes for novel details of suspension forks or rear
suspension units.
Streamlining arrangements
Includes spoilers and other valances or wind deflectors.
For electrical aspects of exterior fittings such as speed
responsive spoilers, see X22-X05 only.
Doors; bonnets; tailgates
Includes mechanical aspects of openings such as doors,
boots and bonnets. Gas struts are also coded in Q63-E01D
for fluid springs. For electrical aspects such as electric
sliding doors or electric door locks, instead see X22-X05
and X22-D01 codes respectively. Also includes side impact
beams (see also Q14-C06 for crash bars per se).
Includes window glass per se and mechanical winders for
raising and lowering windows. See X22-H codes only for
electrical aspects of power windows.
Windshield, windscreen
Sunroof; Removable roof panels; Convertible soft
top roof
For electrical aspects see X22-J08 only.
Targa top, roadster
Sealing arrangements
Includes rubber seals and other water-proofing
Drainage channel, sealing strip
Body finishing arrangements
Includes decorative trim elements such as external
rubbing strips, all interior trim, and liners and covers for
load compartments such as pick-up truck load beds. For
car weatherproof covers used when vehicle is parked see
Q14-K instead.
Dashboard; Instrumentation
Includes plastic dashboard mouldings, mountings and
clips. See X22-E only for electrical aspects of vehicle
dashboards/instrumentation, and S02 codes for
Exterior fittings; Bumpers
Includes bullbars and A-frames mounted on front of off-
road vehicle.
Spare wheel stowing, holding or mounting
Endless track arrangements
Includes e.g. tank and bulldozer Caterpillar (RTM) tracks
(see also Q19-D and Q19-E codes for military and
construction vehicles per se). Also see Q19-X for
unspecified type tracked vehicles.
150 Q: Mechanical
Air cushion vehicle equipment
See also Q19-R01 for air cushion vehicles per se. Includes
inflatable skirts. Also see Q24 codes for hovercraft per se.
Other vehicle constructions/fittings
Propulsion arrangements
This code can be applied to highlight motor vehicle engine
application, especially novel internal details of internal
combustion engines such as pistons (Q51-A03B),
crankshafts (Q51-A03E) etc., though Q51 codes are the
primary codes used to highlight novel internal combustion
engines details per se. For novel engine parts that bolt
onto the engine such as exhaust systems and intake
manifolds see Q17-E09 or Q17-E15 instead. For electrical
aspects of vehicle engines see X22-A codes only.
Engine mounting arrangements
Includes mechanical engine mountings (see also Q51-X).
Mechanical vibration reduction mountings can also be
coded in Q17-N. For electrically controlled vibration
reducing engine mountings see X22-A12 only.
Engine cooling arrangements
Includes radiators per se. For electrical aspects of engine
cooling, such as electric water pumps, see X22-A10 only.
Water, cooling, antifreeze
Engine lubricating arrangements
Includes e.g. sumps and oil pick up pipes. See X22-A18 for
electrical oil pumps etc.
Fuel supply arrangements; Fuel tanks
Includes tanks for storing petrol, diesel, hydrogen etc. For
electrical fuel supply arrangements see X22-A02 codes
and X22-A03A codes for corresponding control details.
Fuel, tank, carburettor
Propulsion unit control arrangements
Includes e.g. throttle cables, accelerator pedals, hand
controls etc. For electrical aspects such as electronic
throttle controls and electric pedal details see X22-A03B
and X22-X12 codes instead.
Q17-E09 [2009]
Exhaust systems
Includes novel primaries, collectors and silencers of motor
vehicle exhaust systems. See also Q51-J codes for IC
engine exhausts per se. See X22-A07 for electrical aspects
of vehicle exhaust systems.
Other propulsion details
Includes engine heating/warming arrangements (see also
Q51-L), e.g. using diverted exhaust gas. From 2009 novel
mechanical aspects of vehicle exhaust systems have been
transferred to Q51-E09.
Noise/Vibration/Harshness reduction
Includes all mechanical aspects associated with reducing
noise, vibration and harshness within vehicle, such as use
of sound deadening materials. This can be used in
conjunction with other Q codes as appropriate, e.g. with
Q12 for suspension based NVH reduction. For electrical
NVH aspects see the relevant X22 codes such as X22-
G03N for transmission based NVH reduction, X22-X08 for
general passenger compartment noise reduction and X22-
A12 for engine noise/vibration reduction. See Q51-J01
instead for vehicle exhaust silencers.
Other vehicle construction; fittings, Propulsion
arrangements not provided for
EPI Manual Codes 2020 151
Part 1
Q18: Brake systems, Steering systems, Control
From 2006 Q18 covers all mechanical details of vehicle
brake and steering systems and their control. Prior to the
introduction of Q18 manual codes in 2006, the Q18 class
only covered brake control systems. See X22-C02/X22-C05
codes for electrical details of vehicle braking and steering
Braking systems; Control
For electrical aspects of braking systems, see X22-C02
codes only.
Braking system components
These codes are applied to highlight specific novel
components of the braking system, such as novel brake
discs per se (Q18-A01A). If the braking system as a whole
is novel, rather than a specific individual part of it, then
apply Q18-A03 codes instead, e.g. Q18-A03A for novel
disc brake assemblies.
Includes novel brake discs per se.
Includes novel brake drums per se.
Pads and shoes
Includes novel brake pads and shoes and their materials.
Includes novel hydraulic brake callipers and mechanical
cable operated callipers.
4-pot, V, side-pull, cantilever
Cylinders/reservoirs, e.g. master cylinder
Brake force control
Includes brake bias valves (also see Q18-A01E). Includes
all systems and methods for adjusting braking force. See
X22-C02C for electrical brake pressure control systems.
Q18-A01H [2013]
General brake hydraulics
Includes general hydraulic aspects of vehicle brakes such
as brake pipes, hoses, hydraulic lines, clips etc.
Q18-A01J [2007]
Air brakes
Includes e.g. air compressor arrangements for
compressing air used in brakes of heavy vehicle such as
truck (see also Q19-C02). For novel reciprocating air
compressors see also Q55-A.
Q18-A01P [2007]
Parking brakes
Includes mechanical details of hand brakes or foot
actuated parking brakes. See also Q18-A07 codes for
novel details of the parking brake actuating arrangement
per se.
Other brake system components
Brake assemblies
These codes are only applied when the brake system as a
whole is novel. For individual novel brake system
components such as discs or callipers see the relevant
Q18-A01 codes only.
Disc brake assemblies
Drum brake assemblies
Brake assemblies with braking member acting on
periphery of drum or wheel rim etc.
Includes bicycle cantilever brakes (see also Q19-A).
Brake systems controlled by back-pedalling
Includes hub brakes and brakes built into bicycle (see also
Q19-A) transmission utilising e.g. disks, drums, contacting
coaxial cones, or expanding brake bushings, that are
actuated upon back-pedalling, See Q63-B05 for
freewheels and free-wheel clutches.
Other brake assemblies
Brake cooling arrangements
152 Q: Mechanical
Brake action initiating devices
Includes mechanical driver actuated devices. For electrical
aspects of brake actuation devices see X22-X12 and X22-
C02 codes.
Foot control
Includes brake pedal per se and after-market alloy drilled
pedal pads or rubber covers. See X22-X12 only for
electrical aspects of brake pedals.
Foot pedal
Hand control (e.g. brake lever)
Includes brake levers (also see Q19-A for bicycles and
Q19-B for motorcycles).
Automatic brake initiation
For electrical aspects of automatic brake initiation see
X22-C02D codes only.
Portable wheel chocks
Includes portable chocks e.g. for preventing vehicle from
moving during servicing or wheel changing.
Brake safety devices; Monitoring
Includes mechanical aspects of e.g. brake safety such as
brake pad wear indicators (see also Q18-A01C).
Other brake systems
Includes deployable braking parachutes. Also includes
exhaust braking, e.g. used on diesel-engined trucks (see
also Q19-C02 and Q51-D03) for sustained slowing down
long hills, to prevent overheating of mechanical friction
brakes (also see Q51-J07 for exhaust systems per se).
Steering systems; Control
For electrical aspects of steering systems, see X22-C05
codes only.
Steering controls
For electrical aspects of steering wheels, see X22-C05C
codes only.
Hand wheels; Steering wheel
Includes steering wheels per se and covering elements.
See Also Q14-C02 for steering wheel mounted airbags.
Hand levers
Handlebars; Grips; Stems
Includes handlebars, grips, stems, bar-ends etc. (also see
Q19-A for bicycles and Q19-B for motorcycles per se).
Steering column
Includes column per se.
Rake/reach adjustment mechanisms
Includes telescopic and tiltable steering columns to enable
adjustment of driving position.
Includes steering column mounting clamps.
Q18-B01D5 [2008]
Collapsible steering column
Includes steering columns designed to collapse during
vehicle collision for safety purposes (see also Q14-C20 for
driver safety).
Other steering controls
Steering gears/racks
Includes steering racks and associated pinion gears.
Mechanical type
Includes steering arrangements utilising a mechanical
rack/gear arrangement. If hydraulic power assistance is
also used see Q18-B06C as well.
Hydraulic type
Includes systems using hydraulic piston/cylinder
assemblies instead of a mechanical rack arrangement to
displace steering arms. Also see Q18-B06C for hydraulic
power steering.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 153
Part 1
Steering linkages; Stub axles or their mounting
Includes universal joints, e.g. for interconnecting upper
and lower steering columns, and tie rod ends.
Power assisted steering systems
For electrical power assisted steering systems see X22-
C05A codes only.
Mechanical, e.g. using power take-off
Includes hydraulic power assistance.
Automatic steering control arrangements
For electrical automatic steering systems see X22-C05B
Other deflectable wheel steering apparatus
Includes passive four wheel steering (4WS) systems (see
X22-C05A1 only for electrical 4WS systems).
Steering non-deflectable wheels, i.e. endless
Includes steering of tracked vehicles. (also see Q19-D for
military tanks and Q19-E for bulldozers).
Other steering arrangements not provided for
Includes other steering devices such as steerable skis for
snow mobiles (see also Q19-F04).
EPI Manual Codes 2020 155
Part 1
Q19: Vehicle applications
From 2006 Q19 covers vehicle applications. Prior to the
introduction of Q19 manual codes in 2006, the Q19 class
only covered air-cushion vehicles. From 2006, see Q19-
R01 and Q24-P10 for air-cushion vehicles such as
Includes bicycles, unicycles, tricycles, tandems, recumbent
cycles. For electrical aspects or accessories for bicycles,
see X22-P01 only.
Motorcycles; Scooters; Mopeds
See X22-P02 only for electrical aspects of motorcycles.
Commercial vehicles
See X22-P05 codes only for electrical aspects of
commercial vehicles.
See X22-P05A for electrical aspects of buses and coaches.
Includes tractor-trailer over-the-highway vehicles. See
X22-P05B for electrical aspects of lorries.
Articulated lorry, HGV
See X22-P05C for electrical aspects of taxis.
Refuse collecting vehicle
See X22-P05X for electrical aspects of dust carts.
Snow removing vehicle; Snow plough; Road
cleaning vehicles
See X25-U05 for electrical aspects of road cleaning and
X22-P05X e.g. for snow ploughs.
Road sweeper
Forklift truck
See X25-F05A and X21-A01B or X22-P05F for electrical
aspects of forklift trucks.
Other commercial vehicles
Includes milk floats, pick-up trucks and commercial vans.
Military vehicles
Includes tanks, armoured personnel carriers etc. See W07
and possibly X22-P06 for electrical aspects of military
Construction vehicles
Includes bulldozers, excavators and cranes. See X25-U
(construction), X25-D01 (earth mover) and X22-P07 for
electrical aspects. For unspecified use tracked vehicles see
Q19-X instead.
Recreational vehicles
Includes MPVs (multipurpose vehicles), SUVs (sports
utility vehicles), people carriers and quad bikes. See X22-
P08 for electrical aspects of recreational vehicles.
Caravan; Trailer tent
Camper van; Motorhome
For equipment adapting vehicle to provide living or
sleeping accommodation see Q15-B10.
Racing/sports cars; Go-carts
See Q22-C instead for children’s push-along go-karts.
Snow mobile
For sledges see Q22-C01 instead.
Agricultural vehicles
Includes tractors, combine harvesters and agricultural
implements. See X22-P09/X22-X11 and X25-N codes for
electrical aspects of agricultural vehicles per se.
156 Q: Mechanical
Emergency vehicles
See X22-P10 only for electrical aspects of emergency
Police car
Fire engine
See also Q19-C02 for articulated lorry trailers. For
electrical aspects of trailers see X22-P11 only.
Driverless/autonomous vehicle
Includes mechanical details of vehicles that can drive
themselves, such as novel interior design/seating/function
that takes advantage of reduced need for conventional
driver controls. See X22-P15 and X21-A01L for electrical
details of autonomous motor vehicles and electric
vehicles respectively.
Electric vehicle; fuel cell vehicle
Only mechanical aspects of electric vehicles are coded
here. See the electrical X21 codes only, when the novelty
is electrical in nature.
Hybrid vehicle
Only includes mechanical aspects of hybrid vehicles.
Includes series/parallel/mixed hybrid-electric and hybrid-
fuel cell vehicles. See X22-P04 and X21-A01D codes only
for hybrid electric vehicles where the novelty is electrical
in nature.
Includes hybrid-flywheel and hybrid-pneumatic vehicles.
Convertible vehicles (usable on/in different
Amphibious vehicles; Air cushion vehicles, e.g. for
transporting heavy loads over small distances
Includes hovercraft type vehicles. Also see Q24-P10 and
Q24-P30 for mechanical aspects for marine hovercraft and
amphibious vessels respectively, or W06-C codes for
electrical aspects.
Vehicles usable on road/rail
Includes motor vehicles with outriggers to allow travel on
railway track. Also see Q21 for mechanical railway details,
or X22-X and X23-A codes for electrical aspects.
Vehicles convertible into aircraft
Also see Q25 for mechanical aspects of aircraft, or W06-B
codes for electrical aspects.
Other convertible vehicles usable in or on
different media
Q19-S [2007]
Soft top/cabriolet vehicles
Includes vehicles that have a soft-top roof or a foldable
hard roof, e.g. on coupe/convertible cars. See also Q17-
A08 for novel convertible roofs per se. See Q14-C06 for
flip-up rollover bars used cabriolet vehicles.
Other vehicle types
Includes unspecified use tracked vehicles (see Q17-A14
for endless track arrangements per se).
EPI Manual Codes 2020 157
Part 1
Q2 Special Vehicles
Q21: Railways
From 2006 manual codes have been assigned for all
mechanical railway details. For electrical aspects of
railways see X23 codes instead.
Railway track arrangements/construction
Track construction per se
Includes mechanical aspects such as track rails and
sleepers per se. Also includes track maintenance
assemblies and maintenance vehicles. For track
inspection, see Q21-C03I instead. Further includes
mechanical details of track changing arrangements, track
switches and crossings.
Railway stops fixed to permanent way; Track
brakes; Sand tracks; Buffers
Stations; Station equipment
Includes platform doors, turnstiles etc. See X23-A09A for
electrical offboard/station aspects.
Track/station based equipment for transferring
passengers, articles or freight to or from train
Includes gangplank and ramp assemblies. For train
mounted aspects, see Q21-J06 and Q21-J07 codes instead.
Track based rail or wheel flange lubrication
Turntables; Traversers
Shunting or short distance haulage devices
Track mounted derailers; Apparatus for placing
vehicles on track
Includes portable or fixed track mounted jacks and hoists
for lifting rail cars. For train mounted lifting apparatus see
Q21-M03 instead.
Q21-A12 [2010]
Bridges and tunnels
Includes constructional details of railway bridges and
Other railway track arrangements
Railway type
Elevated railway
See also Q21-B02 for monorail systems.
With suspended vehicles
Without suspended vehicles
See also Q21-B01 for elevated monorail systems.
Rope/cable railways
Includes aerial runways. See also Q21-C01D1 for novel
traction arrangements utilising cables, ropes or chains.
Tramway or funicular system
Includes tramways or funiculars using rigid tracks and
cable or chain traction. For trams per se see Q21-C03G
instead. For novel cable/chain traction assemblies see
Q21-C01D1 also.
Power-and-free systems
Includes overhead systems with suspended vehicles that
can be engaged with drive train when powered or
disengaged when in free unpowered or stopped mode.
For power and free conveyors see Q35 class or X25-F
codes if electrical.
Ski lift, sleigh lift or trackless systems with guided
towing cables only
158 Q: Mechanical
Rack railway
Sliding or levitation systems
Magnetic suspension arrangements
See X23-A01A4 and X12-C codes for electrical aspects of
magnetic levitation systems and electro- and super-
conducting magnets per se.
Underground railways
Also see Q21-A codes for constructional details of
underground railway tunnels, platforms, stations etc.
Subway, metro
Other railway types
Includes tunnel systems. Also see Q35 class for e.g.
pneumatic tube conveying arrangements or X25-F codes
for electrical conveying systems.
Locomotive/motor railcar type
These codes are applied to classify the locomotive type
when the novelty being coded is mechanical. If the
novelty is electrical in nature then see X23 and other EPI
codes instead.
Type of propulsion for locomotive or railcar
Steam locomotives or railcars
Electric locomotives or railcars
IC engined or gas turbine engined locomotives or
motor railcars
See also Q21-C01B for diesel-electric locomotives.
Other propulsion systems for locomotives or
motor railcars (e.g. with propulsion devices
between or alongside rails, e.g. pneumatic
Tractive effort applied to cables or chains
See also Q21-B03 codes for e.g. funiculars.
Tractive effort applied to racks
Tractive effort applied or supplied by aerodynamic
force or fluid reaction
Type of carriage or wagon
These codes are intended to highlight specific types of
carriage or wagon construction.
Passenger carriages
This code is mainly applied when the novelty relates to
the carriage superstructure itself or fittings such as
windows, doors or bulkheads etc. permanently mounted
to/inside the carriage. Novel accessories such as seats
used in a passenger carriage are not normally included
here (see Q21-J03).
Wagons or vans
Includes freight wagons.
Tank wagons or carrying fluent materials
Includes tankers for carrying liquids.
Hopper cars
Includes e.g. wagons for carrying particulate material with
dispensing openings at bottom of wagon.
Tipping wagons
Mine cars
See X25-D02 for electrical aspects of mining vehicles.
Tramway vehicles
The code is applied for novel trams per se. For cable/rope
driven tram or funicular railways in general see Q21-B03A
Buffer cars
EPI Manual Codes 2020 159
Part 1
Railway inspection trolleys
Includes all types of railway inspection vehicles. For novel
track maintenance vehicles, also see Q21-A01.
Other railway vehicles
Includes rail vehicles convertible for use on road (see also
Rail vehicle construction; fittings; Underframes;
Suspension; Transmissions
Includes wall panels, floors, bulkheads and roofs etc. For
movable roof assemblies see Q21-D17 instead.
Underframes; Chassis
Includes wheel/axle assemblies fastened to chassis.
Connections between underframes and bogies,
e.g. to allow relative movement
Includes suspension arrangements. See X23-A01C for
electrical aspects of railway suspension systems.
Adjustment of wheel axles or bogies when
rounding curves
Includes e.g. passive carriage tilt control. See X23-A01C
for railway train active suspension/carriage tilt control.
Also includes arrangements for adjusting
orientation/steering of wheels e.g. when rounding bend
to reduce wheel flange and rail head wear.
Axle boxes and their mounting
Includes wheel bearing arrangements inside axle box.
Lubrication assembly for axle box
Includes lubrication arrangements and oil sumps for axle
box wheel bearings.
Arrangements to allow use on tracks of different
Includes systems for adjusting wheel spacing to allow
train to run on different gauge tracks.
Derailment preventing equipment
Rail engaging elements, e.g. wheels or balls
Includes wheels and other assemblies for engaging tracks,
overhead rails etc.
Q21-D10A [2007]
Traction increasing equipment
Includes dispensing of particulate material such as sand
under train wheels on railway track to increase grip. See
Q21-F09 also, if sand is dispensed specifically to improve
Wheel guards; Bumpers; Obstruction removers
Couplings; Draught or buffering appliances
Includes couplings between carriages.
Draw gear
Transmission systems
Includes power transmission arrangements.
Drive shaft, gearing
Aerodynamic modifications to reduce air
Includes spoilers and other wind deflectors, especially for
high speed trains.
160 Q: Mechanical
Movable roofs; Covers; Tarpaulins
For fixed roofs see Q21-D01 for novel train
Other rail vehicle constructions, fittings
Includes constructions/fittings designed for safety
purposes, such as fire resistant bulkheads (see also Q21-
D01). Accessories such as fire extinguishers are included in
Q21-J09 only.
Brake systems
See X23-A01B for electrical braking systems. Q18-A codes
may also need to be applied when they provide a more
detailed breakdown of the brake system.
Braking arrangements acting on wheels
Brakes with braking members co-operating with
Hydrostatic, hydrodynamic or aerodynamic brakes
Includes air brakes.
Brake wear compensating mechanisms
Includes mechanical adjusters to compensate for brake
pad wear.
Brake actuation mechanisms
Includes brake actuating levers.
Other braking arrangements
Includes other braking systems and brake system
Brake pipes, clamps, clips, hoses
Rail vehicle accessories
See X23-A13 for electrical train accessories. Other Q14
codes may also need to be applied when a more detailed
breakdown exists.
Sleeping accommodation; Beds
See X27-A03 for electrical aspects of furniture per se.
Heating; cooling; ventilating; air-conditioning
Includes mechanical ducting and vents.
Sanitation arrangements
Includes toilets and washing facilities.
Includes all train mounted arrangements for assisting
boarding of passengers such as fixed or movable steps, or
wheelchair lifting or ramp assemblies etc.
Cargo/luggage loading and unloading
Includes cargo loading ramps and hoists. For platform
based cargo/passenger handling, see Q21-A04 instead.
Cargo/luggage storing/securing arrangements
Includes cargo storage compartments and restraining
devices such as luggage nets or straps.
Q21-J08 [2007]
Railway safety systems
Includes systems for evacuating passengers from train
during emergency and e.g. glass hammers mounted inside
train. Also includes fire fighting equipment such as fire
extinguishers. See Q21-D05 for train constructional
features designed specifically for safety purposes such as
fire-resistant bulkheads.
Fire-extinguisher, emergency, safety, escape slide, escape
Other rail vehicle accessories
Includes any other rail vehicle accessories that can not be
coded elsewhere.
Locomotive servicing/maintenance; Cleaning;
Train/track design and manufacture
For track maintenance equipment see Q21-A01 instead.
Track inspection vehicles are coded in Q21-C03I only.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 161
Part 1
Train cleaning apparatus
Includes equipment for washing the exterior of the train
or train specific equipment for cleaning the inside of the
Locomotive servicing equipment, e.g. filling
locomotive with water or sand
Includes water columns and coal bunkers (see also Q21-
C01A for steam locomotives). Also includes tools used
during servicing and maintenance operations.
Rail vehicle mounted locomotive
supporting/lifting/manoeuvring apparatus (e.g.
breakdown recovery train)
Includes train mounted cranes for manoeuvring train after
derailment or accident. For track mounted equipment
such as cranes and jack assemblies, see Q21-A08 instead.
Train design/manufacture/
See e.g. T01 codes for computer/CAD/CAM systems for
train design and manufacture.
Other locomotive servicing/manufacturing
equipment not provided for
Q21-N [2007]
Noise/Vibration/Harshness reduction
Includes all aspects of reducing noise, vibration or
harshness on-board railway train, and also offboard
aspects such as track mounted arrangements for reducing
noise from passing train (see also Q21-A15).
Safety and signalling equipment
For electrical aspects of railway safety or signalling see
X23-B codes.
Points and signalling
See X23-B03 for electrical aspects of points and signals
and their operation.
Points and scotch blocks and their operating
Includes locking mechanisms for points.
Signals and their operating devices
For warning signals used at level crossing to warn
motorists, see Q21-S07C.
Visible signals
Includes flags, semaphores and reflectors. See X23-B03 for
electrical/illuminated signals.
Audible signals
Includes pneumatic horns.
Signalling indicators on train
Arrangement for interlocking between points and
See X23-B04A codes for electrical interlocking between
points and signals.
Train traffic control; Track/station blocking
Includes arrangements for dividing track into block
sections so that multiple trains are not present in a signal
block, to reduce the risk of collisions. See X23-B04C for
electrical aspects of track/station blocking.
For controlling traffic in one direction only
For controlling traffic in two directions over same
pair of rails
Includes e.g. using token system, tablets, staffs etc.
Safety systems for rail/road crossing traffic
See X23-B05A and maybe T07-B05A for electrical aspects
of railway crossing systems.
162 Q: Mechanical
Guards; Gates
Includes mechanical gates and barriers per se.
Operation of gates
Includes actuating arrangements for opening and closing
Warning devices for road traffic
See T07-A05A for electrical aspects of railway crossing
road traffic warning systems.
Other locomotive aspects
Includes locomotive aspects that are not covered
EPI Manual Codes 2020 163
Part 1
Q22: Hand/Foot/Animal Drawn Vehicles
From 2006 Q22 covers all mechanical details of hand/foot
and animal drawn vehicles such as carts, wheelchairs,
sledges and horse-drawn carriages. Prior to the
introduction of Q22 manual codes in 2006, the Q22 class
covered hand and motor vehicles which included carts,
sledges, steering systems/controls, vehicle under/super
structures, trailers and vehicle design, manufacture and
Hand carts
With single axis carrying transport wheels
Includes wheelbarrows.
With more than one axis carrying transport wheels
Includes four-wheeled barrows and mechanical aspects of
shopping trolleys (see X25-F05A for electrical aspects of
shopping trolleys).
Accessories for hand carts
Includes handle grips and brakes.
Carriages for children; Perambulators
Pram, pushchair
With single wheel axis
With more than one wheel axis
Includes three and four wheeled, twin axle pushchairs.
Accessories for children’s carriages/perambulators
Includes luggage racks, bottle holders etc.
Other hand propelled vehicles
Includes unpowered children’s go-karts.
Sledges/ice boats
See S05-G02A for electrical aspects of wheelchairs, and
X21-A01A and S05-K01 for electrical aspects of mobility
Q22-C03 [2007]
Accessories for other hand propelled vehicles
Includes seats, handles, foot rests, etc.
Land vehicles drawn by animals
Includes e.g. horse-drawn carts.
Q22-M [2007]
Foot propelled vehicles
Includes stand on scooters and skateboard type devices
propelled by user's feet. See W04-X codes for electrical
aspects of toy skateboards. See Q19-A instead for bicycles
and P36 for novel roller skates or ice skates.
Q22-X [2007]
Other carts/carriages/vehicles
Includes stand on scooters and skateboard type devices.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 165
Part 1
Q24: Ship; Waterborne Vessels; Related Equipment
From 2006 manual codes have been assigned for all
mechanical ship, waterborne vessel and port details. For
electrical aspects of ships see W06-C codes instead.
Ship construction; Fittings
Includes surfboard constructions.
Hydrodynamic or hydrostatic features
Includes e.g. hydrofoils and hydroplanes. Also includes
shock-wave/drag reducing bow assembly.
Hull shell
Includes permanently fixed, non-movable keels.
Movable/drop keels/centre boards
See Q24-E05A instead for movable rudders.
Stern posts
Includes flooring.
Also see Q24-B09H for watertight arrangements for
Panellings; Linings
Reinforcements for carrying localised loads
Collapsible; foldable; inflatable hulls
Includes inflatable dinghy hull assemblies and cushions for
hovercraft (see also Q24-P10).
Ballasting; Self-bailing equipment; Scuppers
Includes bilge pumps.
Multiple hull arrangements
Includes catamaran twin hull and trimaran triple hull
Q24-A01X [2007]
Other hull details
Windows; Doors; Ports
Windows; Port holes
Ports; Hatches
Superstructures; Masts
Includes conning towers. See W06-A codes for radar
installations and W02 codes for radio masts etc.
Other ship construction; fittings
Ship accessories
Includes mechanical aspects of shipboard lighting and
signalling (see also X26 for lighting per se).
Passenger/crew accommodating arrangements;
Cabins; Galleys
166 Q: Mechanical
Furniture vessel specific
Includes furniture specifically designed for marine/ship
application, such as seats and beds etc.
Sanitation arrangements
Washing facilities; Showers
See X27-A02A4 for electrical aspects of showers and wash
basins, and X27-E03A for electrical aspects of water
Load accommodating arrangements
Load accommodating compartments
Includes e.g. movable/detachable decks, and storage
Ship-board load handling arrangements
Includes e.g. derricks, cranes, winches, chutes, cableways,
conveyors for loading/unloading.
Q24-B02E [2007]
Ship-board passenger handling arrangements
Includes ship-mounted extendable gang planks or
platforms lowerable into the water or onto dry land to aid
boarding or alighting of vessel. For shore mounted
passenger handling arrangements see Q24-R03 instead.
Heating; Ventilating; Air-conditioning
Includes mechanical aspects only. See W06-C01C5 for
electrical aspects of HVAC systems.
Duct, vent
Includes e.g. mechanical gauges, periscopes. See S02
codes for further details of instrumentation per se, and
W06-B01B codes for electrical instrumentation details.
Desalination plants fresh water production
Emergency/safety equipment
Includes shipboard safety devices. For personal
equipment such as life jackets and life rings, see Q24-
Fire fighting equipment
Life boat equipment
Fastening or storage on deck
Deployment devices
Includes e.g. hoists, davits, winches.
Apparatus to control vessel attitude
Includes equipment to decrease roll, pitch or like
unwanted vessel movement. Includes arrangements to
reduce the risk of capsizing or sinking.
By improving stability
Includes use of e.g. ballast tanks.
By improving buoyancy
Includes use of e.g. buoyancy chambers.
Anti-collision arrangements, e.g. feelers
Watertight arrangements
Includes e.g. watertight doors/bulkheads (see also Q24-
A03B and Q24-A01I respectively).
Q24-B09X [2007]
Other safety/emergency equipment/systems
Includes emergency escape equipment such as escape
shaft in vessel, e.g. between sunken vessel and rescue
Waste water/Sewage treatment plants
See Q24-B01C for sanitation and toilet systems per se.
Q24-B99 [2010]
Other ship accessories
EPI Manual Codes 2020 167
Part 1
Tying-up; anchoring, towing/pushing equipment
Mooring equipment
For mooring against jetty, pier or other vessel.
Anchoring arrangements
E.g. when using ground-engaging anchor.
Boat hooks
Towing/pushing equipment
Ancillaries, e.g. chains; ropes; clamps; bollards;
fairleads; hawsers
Includes ancillaries used for e.g. mooring, anchoring or
tying up. Includes fenders used to protect side of ship's
Marine propulsion and steering
Propulsive elements
These codes describe the type of propulsion used on the
ship and are only applied when the type of propulsion
system has some bearing on the novelty.
Directly acting on water
Includes water jet propulsion (see Q24-P21 for jet-skis).
Of rotary type
Includes propellers per se and propeller driven vessels
when the propulsion aspect is important.
Paddle wheels
Paddle steamer
Of non-rotary type, e.g. flaps
Includes oars (see also Q24-E01G for muscle power).
Directly acting on air (e.g. for hovercraft)
Also see Q24-P10 for hovercraft per se, and Q24-P30 for
swamp boats having large propeller acting on air.
Directly acted on by wind (e.g. sails, Magnus
Includes sails per se. See Q24-A05 for masts per se.
Using muscle power
Includes use of e.g. oars, movable thwarts, foot rests,
Using other means
Includes e.g. using water currents, e.g. tidal flow, or direct
engagement with water bed.
Propulsion power plant
The codes in this section describe the type of propulsion
used on the ship and are generally only applied when the
type of propulsion has some bearing on the novelty.
Using internal combustion engines
Outboard motors
Inboard motors
Using external combustion engine, e.g. gas turbine
For gas turbine engines per se, see also Q52 codes.
Using steam
Using steam turbine
Using positive displacement steam engine
168 Q: Mechanical
Using hydraulic fluid motor
Using nuclear energy
Using land vehicle supported on vessel
Using land based animal/vehicle, e.g. horse
Q24-E02M [2008]
Fuel supply arrangements
Includes fuel tanks and associated pipework. For IC engine
and gas turbine engine fuel supply aspects see Q51-H01
and Q52-C codes respectively.
Q24-E02X [2007]
Other propulsion power plant
Transmission systems
Includes novel drive trains.
Drive shafts; propeller shafts; shaft tubes; seals
Steering arrangements
Steering by rudders
Includes rudder and tiller assemblies per se.
Steering by propulsive elements
Includes systems changing direction of propeller shaft.
Steering/slowing by extensible flaps
Steering by deflecting propeller slipstream
Includes rudder type elements in propeller slipstream.
Other steering arrangements
Military equipment
See W07 codes for electrical aspects of military
equipment and W06-C codes for electrical aspects of
ships. See Q24-P30 for military vessel application.
Offensive equipment
Guns and missile launchers
See W07-E05 for electrical aspects of weapons launching
systems. Also includes torpedo launchers.
Mine and depth charge launchers
Ammunition stores and handlers
Defensive equipment
Includes e.g. camouflage. For electrical aspects of active
camouflage see W07-F03 instead.
Mine sweeping/clearing
E.g. using towed mechanical cables. For electrical aspects
of mine detection/sweeping/clearing see e.g. W07-F05
and W06-C codes instead.
Q24-N [2007]
Noise/Vibration /Harshness reduction
Includes all ship-board arrangements for reducing noise,
vibration or harshness, e.g. use of sound-deadening
Vessels or floating structures adapted for special
Pipe laying vessels
Cable laying vessels
EPI Manual Codes 2020 169
Part 1
Ice breakers
Fishing vessels
Includes small fishing boats and large commercial
Barges or lighters
Environmental vessels, e.g. for collecting pollution
from open water
Includes vessels adapted to clear up or contain
environmental disasters such as oil spillages.
For transporting marine vessels
Floating buildings, drilling platforms, workshops
Includes floating vessels normally designed to be static at
a fixed location.
Canal boat
Waterborne air cushion vehicle
Includes hovercraft.
Submarines; submersible craft
Flying vessels
Includes airfoil boats and ground effect craft. See Q25-P04
for flying boats and sea planes.
Military vessels
Includes e.g. aircraft carriers, destroyers, frigates. For
electrical aspects of military ships see W06-C and W07
codes respectively.
Light ships
See Q24-R15 instead for ground-engaging piers/jetties.
See W06-C07C for electrical aspects of buoys.
Canoes; Kayaks
Sports/pleasure equipment, e.g. surfboards,
sailboards, water skis
Includes all recreational vessels such as small recreational
boats (see also Q24-P22 for sailing boats), personal
watercraft, jet-skis, surfboards etc.
Boogie board, kite surfing, sail board
Q24-P22 [2010]
Sailing boats
Includes all sail powered vessels such as sailing boats and
yachts. See Q24-E01E for sail arrangements per se.
Q24-P24 [2008]
Tanker vessels
Includes marine vessels that transport fluids such as crude
oil, water, fuels etc.
Q24-P25 [2007]
Commercial vessels
Includes general non-specific commercial ships. Use other
Q25-P codes instead when a more specific commercial
vessel is specified.
Q24-P28 [2007]
Emergency services vessels
Includes coastguard vessels, police boats, fire tenders etc.
For lifeboats and lifeboat equipment on-board e.g. ferry,
see Q24-B09C (and Q24-P14 for ferry) also.
170 Q: Mechanical
Other special purpose vessels
Includes swamp boats and amphibious vessels (see also
Port, harbour, marina equipment
Vessel launching/hauling-out
Includes slipways and boat hoists.
Passenger handling equipment
Includes steps and other dockside passenger handling
Load/vehicle handling equipment
Includes vehicle loading ramps.
Marine craft servicing and maintenance
See W06-C07 for electrical aspects of ship maintenance.
Cleaning equipment
Includes hull scrapers.
Other ground/port based equipment
Includes piers and jetties (see also Q21-P17 for inflatable
Other waterborne vessel details and related
Life saving in the water
Life jackets; Vests; Buoyancy aids; Rings
Shark screens; Nets
Diving equipment
Ship/boat manufacture
See W06-C08 for electrical aspects of ship manufacture.
See Q51-M or Q52-M respectively for manufacture of IC
and gas turbine engines used in ships.
Salvaging equipment
Ship design and testing
Includes e.g. using towing tanks or model basins for
designing. See T01 codes for computerised (CAD) ship
Boat trailers; other over-land boat transportation
See also Q19-J for trailers per se. For vehicles specifically
designed to carry specific loads such as vehicles or boats,
see Q15-B07.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 171
Part 1
Q25: Aircraft; Aviation; Cosmonautics
From 2006 manual codes have been assigned for all
mechanical aircraft, aviation and cosmonautic details. See
Q25-S for cosmonautics per se and Q25-X for non-specific
aircraft/spacecraft systems such as aircraft/spacecraft
manufacture (Q25-X05). For electrical aspects of aircraft
and space vehicles see W06-B codes instead.
Aircraft construction; Fittings
Includes aircraft body construction and interior trim.
Includes nose cones.
Air frames
Includes fuselage subframes/chassis.
Includes flooring.
Skins; panels; linings; insulation
Ribs; spars; stringers
Skins; panels
Windows; doors; hatches
Stabilising/aerodynamic surfaces
Includes tail planes; nose planes; fins; nacelles. For control
surfaces per se, such as moveable flaps and rudders, see
Q25-C05 codes instead. For nose cones per se, see Q25-
A01 instead.
Undercarriages; alighting gear
Wheels assemblies
Includes aircraft wheels and tyres. For novel tyres etc. see
also Q11 codes for a more detailed breakdown.
Skis; runners
Float assemblies
Includes buoyant floats for landing on water. See also
Q25-P04 for sea planes per se.
Air cushion alighting gear
Q25-A05G* [2006-2007]
Arrestor hooks, e.g. for use on aircraft carrier
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to Q25-
A07G. Q25-A05G remains searchable for patents from
200601-200682. Includes all arrangements for slowing or
stopping aircraft, including air brake parachutes.
Q25-A07 [2007]
Brake systems
Includes mechanical brake system components such as
novel brake pad friction materials.
Q25-A07A [2007]
Air brakes
Includes deployable air-brake parachutes.
Q25-A07G [2007]
Arrestor gear/hooks, e.g. for use on aircraft carrier
Includes hydraulic arrestor gear cooperating with arrestor
hook for stopping military aircraft (see also Q25-P13) on
board aircraft carrier. See Q25-A05G prior to 200701.
Q25-A07X [2007]
Other braking systems
172 Q: Mechanical
Aircraft accessories
Includes aircraft lighting/signalling.
Passenger/crew accommodating arrangements;
Cabins; Galleys
Includes mechanical aspects of kitchen equipment, e.g.
food carts. Also includes retractable steps to assist
boarding of crew/passengers.
Furniture aircraft specific
Includes e.g. aircraft specific tables, trays and seats,
including ejector seats (see also Q25-M for military
Sanitation arrangements
Includes waste water and sewage processing systems.
Washing facilities; Showers
Load accommodating arrangements
Load accommodating compartments/decks
Includes luggage and cargo holds and passenger
compartment overhead storage compartments.
Aircraft-board load handling arrangements
Includes e.g. derricks, cranes, winches, chutes, cableways
and conveyors for loading/unloading. See Q25-R05 for
airport based load handling equipment.
Heating; Ventilating; Air-conditioning
Includes ducting etc. For electrical aspects of HVAC
systems used in aircraft, see W06-B01C5 instead.
De-icing arrangements
Includes e.g. using ducted hot gas. For electrical de-icing
arrangements see W06-B01C4 and X25-B codes for
electrical heating per se.
Instrumentation (mechanical aspects)
For electrical aspects of aircraft instrumentation see W06-
B01B and S02 codes.
On-board safety/emergency equipment
See W06-B01C8 for on-board electrical security systems
e.g. to prevent hi-jacking.
Fire fighting equipment
Includes fire blankets and extinguishers used on-board
Emergency oxygen supplies
See W06-B01C9 for electrical aspects of emergency
oxygen supply systems.
Escape slides (and other emergency exit
Includes inflatable emergency slides. See also Q25-B01A
for ejector seats.
Other aircraft accessories
E.g. includes dropping, releasing articles and liquids, e.g.
to fight forest fire or for crop spraying (see X25-X05 and
X25-N01B respectively for electrical aspects of fire-
fighting and crop spraying).
Aircraft propulsion and steering; attitude/altitude
Propulsive elements
These codes describe the type of propulsive elements
being used and are generally only applied when the type
of propulsive elements has some bearing on novelty.
Directly acting on air
EPI Manual Codes 2020 173
Part 1
Rotary propellers
See also Q25-C02B for turboprop external combustion
engine propulsion. Also includes helicopter rotors (also
see Q25-C05C if rotor control surface
positioning/feathering is detailed).
Of non-rotary type, e.g. flappable wings
Also see Q25-P03 for ornithopters per se.
Directly acted on by wind
Includes e.g. hang glider canopy.
Using muscle power
Includes use of pedal power.
Using other means
Propulsion power plant
These codes describe the type of propulsion used on the
aircraft and are generally only applied when the type of
aircraft propulsion has some bearing on the novelty.
Using internal combustion engines
Using external combustion engine
For gas turbine engines per se, see also Q52 codes.
Gas turbine, RAMJET, SCRAMJET, turbojet, turboprop
Using land based animal/vehicle
Includes e.g. using vehicle to tow glider during take-off.
Q25-C02M [2007]
Fuel supply arrangements
Includes fuel tanks and associated pipework. For gas
turbine engine fuel supply aspects see Q52-C codes. Also
includes mechanical aspects associated with in-flight
Q25-C02X [2007]
Other propulsion power plant
Transmission systems
Includes novel drive trains.
Drive shafts; propeller shafts etc.
Steering/attitude/altitude control arrangements;
By rudders
By flaps/control surfaces
Includes aerodynamic control surfaces and their control,
e.g. flaps in aircraft wings.
By propulsion plant
Includes use of e.g. tiltable turbine engines to achieve
steering/attitude control.
Aircraft stabilisation
Includes e.g. transferring fuel to adjust trim, or ballast
Influencing air flow over aircraft surfaces
Includes boundary-layer flow control, and e.g. use of slots,
ducts, porous or rough surfaces, magnus effect of shock
wave generators to adjust air flow over aircraft surfaces.
For use of flaps and other movable control surfaces to
adjust air flow, see Q25-C05C instead, and for fixed
aerodynamic assemblies such as tail or nose planes, see
Q25-A04 instead.
Military equipment
Respectively see W07 and W06-B codes for electrical
aspects of military equipment and aircraft per se. Includes
both offensive and defensive equipment. See Q25-P30
instead for military aircraft applications per se.
174 Q: Mechanical
Q25-N [2007]
Noise/Vibration /Harshness reduction
Includes all aircraft-board arrangements for reducing
noise, vibration or harshness, including use of sound
deadening material.
Aircraft adapted for special purposes
Lighter-than-air aircraft
Rotorcraft; Helicopter
Includes aircraft utilising a wing flapping motion.
Sea plane
Includes amphibious aircraft and flying boats. Flying
ground effect aircraft are coded in Q24-P12 only.
Hang-gliders and para-gliders
VTOL (Vertical-take-off and landing) aircraft
Convertible aircraft
Includes e.g. motor vehicle convertible into aircraft (see
also Q19-R03).
Q25-P13 [2007]
Military aircraft
For mechanical military equipment used onboard aircraft,
see Q25-M. See W07 and W06-B codes for electrical
aspects of military aircraft.
Q25-P15 [2007]
Unmanned aerial vehicles
Includes mechanical aspects of UAVs and micro UAVs
used for geophysical surveying or military reconnaissance,
imaging etc.
Q25-P25 [2007]
Commercial aircraft
Includes general non-specific commercial aircraft.
Other special purpose aircraft
Airport, ground or aircraft carrier equipment
Aircraft storage; Hangars
Includes moorings for airships.
Airfield/runway construction
Includes airfield construction methods and e.g.
mechanical aspects of runway lighting. Helipad/landing
pad. (also see W06-B02E and X26).
Passenger handling equipment
Includes steps and aircraft stands.
Load handling equipment
See Q25-B02 codes for aircraft mounted load handling
Aircraft launching/towing gear; Arresting gear
Aircraft servicing and maintenance equipment
Cleaning equipment
EPI Manual Codes 2020 175
Part 1
Other ground/aircraft carrier based equipment
Space/cosmonautic vehicles/equipment
See W06-B03 instead for electrical aspects of
space/cosmonautic vehicles. These codes are used in
isolation and are not intended to be used in conjunction
with other Q25 codes, except Q25-X codes for non-
specific aircraft/spacecraft systems and equipment.
Cosmonautic vehicle type
Artificial satellites; Space stations
For satellite communication systems per se, see W02-
C03B1 codes only.
Space shuttles
Space rockets
Extra-terrestrial vehicles
Moon buggy
Navigation and position control
Includes e.g. using jets, gyros, inertia, Earth’s magnetic
field, gravity gradient.
Includes mechanical aspects. See S02 for instrumentation
in general and W06-B01B for electrical aspects of aircraft
Propulsion systems
Includes solid rocket boosters (see also Q52-B03 for
rocket engines per se).
Life support equipment
Includes mechanical aspects of heating and air-
conditioning equipment.
Protection/safety/emergency devices
Includes systems for protecting the space craft per se. For
astronaut protecting space suits see Q25-X01 only.
Protection against radiation
Protection against meteorites/foreign bodies
Thermal protection
Includes mechanical heat shields and tiles. Also includes
thermal insulation on spacecraft to protect astronauts
from extreme temperatures.
Crew/passenger accommodation
Sanitation arrangements
Systems for re-entry into Earth’s atmosphere;
retarding/landing devices
Includes parachutes, space capsules.
Coupling/separating equipment
Includes docking equipment. Also includes couplings
between vehicles or parts of them, e.g. between
separable rocket stages or between solid rocket booster
and space shuttle.
Ground equipment
Includes rocket launching tower.
Q25-S11 [2007]
Load accommodating arrangements
Includes cargo bays and storage compartments, as well as
load handling arrangements such as arms used to launch
satellites. See W06-B03 and X25-F or X25-A03E codes for
electrical aspects of load handling/manipulating
Other space/cosmonautic equipment
176 Q: Mechanical
Other aircraft/cosmonautic details and related
Flying suits; Space suits
Parachute training equipment
Astronaut training equipment; Simulators
Aircraft/spacecraft manufacture
Includes both aircraft and spacecraft manufacturing
systems, and (dis)assembly equipment and methods. See
W06-B08 for electrical aspects of aircraft or spacecraft
manufacture. See Q51-M or Q52-M respectively for
manufacture of IC and gas turbine engines used in
Aircraft design and testing
E.g. using wind tunnels.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 177
Part 1
Q3 Conveying, Packaging, Storing
Q3 manual codes have been applied from 2012 to
primarily allow mechanical details of packages and
packaging equipment to be highlighted.
Q31: Packaging processes and equipment
From 2012 Q31 has been redefined to cover codes that
are intended to highlight the equipment/methods etc.
used for packaging/labelling material/goods during
primary and secondary packaging. The type of
container/bottle being filled/labelled/closed etc., as well
as the container material can be specified by assigning
Q32 and Q33 codes, respectively. The type of product
being packaged/bottled can also be highlighted by the
assignment of Q34 codes. For novel details of the actual
container/bottle or its closure see Q32 codes instead.
Details of transit packaging are coded under Q32-T. Prior
to 2012 Q31 remains searchable for packaging and
labelling in general.
Packaging, Liquid Handling
Packaging/packing/bottling details with electrical content
are coded under X25-F03A codes.
Packaging equipment, methods and control
Filling, bottling
Includes filling by gravity flow, rotary feeders (screw and
centrifugal type feeders), vibratory feeders, pressure,
pneumatic means, e.g. suction, etc. Also includes
equipment for assisting filling, such as funnels or nozzles
for introducing the articles or materials into containers.
Also includes details for feeding blanks to the filling
machine, for opening container, e.g. box or bag, and
maintaining it in position during filling. Electrical details of
Filling/bottling plant and processes are coded in X25-
Canning, tinning
Filling, bottling equipment and apparatus
Filling, bottling methods, processes and control
Closing and sealing packages or bottles
Details of Modified-Atmosphere Packaging (MAP)
equipment and processes, such as gas flushing and
compensated vacuum that re-balance gases inside the
package to e.g. reduce levels of oxygen and to replace
gases with Nitrogen or CO2, are coded under Q31-A01B1A
and Q31-A01B3A, respectively.
MAP, vacuum packaging
Closing and sealing equipment and apparatus
MAP and Vacuum equipment and apparatus
Closing and sealing methods, processes and
MAP and Vacuum methods, processes and control
Opening packages/bottles
Opening equipment and apparatus
Includes manual and powered opening devices, such as
can openers and slotted keys. Bottle and can openers with
electrical content are also coded under X27-B04.
Corkscrew, bottle opener, can/tin opener, churchkey
Opening methods, processes and control
Includes details for orientating the articles, e.g. cigarettes,
filled bottles, biscuits, before being placed in crates,
boxes, etc.
Wrapping equipment and apparatus
Wrapping methods, processes and control
178 Q: Mechanical
Includes details for placing bottles in crates.
Banding, strapping, bale
Bundling equipment and apparatus
Bundling methods, processes and control
Unpacking/emptying equipment, methods and
For dispensing measured amounts of liquid, see Q31-A03
Unpacking/emptying equipment and apparatus
Unpacking/emptying methods, processes and
Dispensing equipment, methods and control
Includes details for dispensing a liquid into a recipient,
such as a spirit measure attached to a bottle of spirit,
device for dispensing beverages on draught or for
dispensing beverages in bottles. Details of containers with
removable pouring/dispensing arrangements, such as
spout, spray pump, are coded under Q32-D06C only, and
details of packaging with integral dispensing
arrangements are coded under Q32-D06B only.
Dispensing equipment, method and control details with
electrical content is coded under X25-F03B. Dispensers for
domestic alcoholic beverages with electrical content are
coded under X27-X02. Bottling in general is coded in Q31-
A0A codes only.
Spirit measure, bar optic
Liquid/semi-liquid transfer equipment, methods
and control
Includes transfer of liquids from storage containers or
reservoirs into vehicles or portable containers.
Solid/particulates/powder transfer equipment,
methods and control
Includes transfer of particulates from storage containers
or reservoirs into vehicles or portable containers.
Cleaning/sterilising equipment, methods and
Includes devices and methods for cleaning or sterilising
cans/tins, bottles, etc., including concurrent cleaning and
filling of cans/tins, bottles, etc.
Autoclave, pasteurisation
Other packaging equipment, methods and control
Labelling; Tagging
Labelling/tagging equipment and methods with electrical
content, including labels and tags per se, are coded under
Labelling equipment and methods
Labelling equipment and apparatus
Labelling methods, processes and control
Includes labels directly glued on a container, such as
adhesive labels, wraparound labels, etc. Also includes
labels attached to a container using e.g. a string, ribbon or
elastic, such as swing tag labels. Also includes cardboard
sleeves. Details of labels for tracking/tracing the
packaging are also coded under Q32-D03A.
Food labelling regulations and standards
Manufacturing details
Includes manufacturing details of packaging plant as well
as manufacture of packaging containers/bottles
themselves. Q31-C should be used in conjunction with
other Q32 codes to highlight the type of container or
closure being manufactured, e.g. bottle, jar, lid, etc. Also
see section A for novel polymer details such as A12-P for
packaging applications and A11-B/C for details of forming,
moulding and heat sealing of polymers. Also see section
L01 for manufacture of glass items such as L01-L06 for
packaging applications as well as e.g. L01-E for
manufacturing hollow containers. Includes manufacturing
details of external and internal packaging elements.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 179
Part 1
Recycling details
Includes recycling details of containers, lids/caps and
transit packaging. Electrical details of recycling are coded
under X25-W04.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 181
Part 1
Q32: Container/Closure Types, Special packaging
features and Transit packaging
From 2012 Q32 has been redefined to cover container
and closure types and special features of
containers/packaging. Q32 codes should be used in
conjunction with Q31, Q33 and Q34 codes as appropriate.
Manufacturing and recycling details are covered by Q31-C
and Q31-R, respectively. Prior to 2012 Q32 remains
searchable for containers in general.
Container Type
These codes are used to highlight the type of container
that is either novel per se or used in the
packaging/bottling system/method.
Cans; Casks; Barrels; Drums
Aerosol containers
Drums; Tanks
Casks; Barrels
Q32-A06 [2018]
Capsules; Cartridges
Includes coffee capsules, and ink cartridges. Ink cartridges
for printers are also coded under S06-G06A.
Boxes; Crates
Sacks; Bags; Pouches; Envelopes
Includes plastic compost bags and paper bags.
Includes resealable freezer bags and other airtight bags.
Re-sealable, air-tight, zip (RTM)
Collapsible tubes
Includes tubes for toothpaste or ointment.
Blister packaging; Skin packaging
Wrapping films; Film laminates; Shrink packaging
Shrink packaging; Shrink wraps/films
For shrink wrapping of multiple packages, e.g. for
transportation see Q32-T01C instead.
Q32-A20 [2014]
Other container types
Container or bottle construction
Details of transit packaging elements, such as corner
protectors, air pillows or polystyrene peanuts, are coded
under Q32-T codes only.
Includes lines of weakness to facilitate the opening of the
Reinforcements; strengthening arrangements
182 Q: Mechanical
Foldable; erectable containers
Includes containers formed from blanks such as cardboard
boxes (see also Q32-A08 and Q33-C).
Collapsible containers
Includes containers that can be collapsed when not
storing product.
Handles; carrying aids
Other constructional details
Includes lining, drip catcher, internal/external coating and
inspection window.
Closure details, e.g. lids/caps
Q32-C codes are intended to highlight the
type/construction of the actual closure/lid etc. for the
package itself.
Removable lids/caps
Screw cap, pushdown and turn cap
Includes push-on caps.
Includes deformable ring pulls as well as lids with
integrated pull tabs for food cans/tins that do not require
a can opener. Also includes crown caps used on beer
bottles and closures with lines of weakness designed to be
broken. Stay tabs for beverage cans are coded under Q32-
C02 only.
Crown cap, crown seal, pull-off bottle cap, ring-pull, tape
tab, tear strip, tearable wire
Bungs and corks
Includes rubber or plastic stoppers and corks for wine
bottles. Wine bottle foils or capsules are coded under
Q32-D11 instead. Includes closures arranged within necks
or pouring openings or in discharge apertures.
Films and seals
Includes lidding films used to form a sealed layer on
yogurts, margarine tubs, packs of delicatessen, etc. Also
includes disc-like seals for bottle opening. For novel seals
used in re-sealable bags also see Q32-A15A.
Aluminium foil liner/gasket
Other removable closures
Non-removable closures/lids/caps
Includes lids that are hinged or slideable and remain
attached to container whether open or closed, such as
stay tabs for beverage cans. Also includes details of
closing arrangements for bags and sacks, e.g. adhesive
flaps, strings, etc.
Stay-on-tab, gable top
Other closure details
Includes details to prevent idle rotation of the cap (to
prevent gravity from rotating the cap downwards when
contents are discharged from the container).
Anti-fogging lid
Special packaging features
Packaging providing special environment
Includes packaging keeping goods at specific temperature,
pressure, moisture level, or oxygen level, or using
fungicides, antimicrobials and nanocomposites for longer
shelf life, etc. Includes moisture absorbers, e.g.
desiccants, oxygen scavengers/absorbers, and the use of
thermochromic inks to indicate a change in temperature.
Insulation, sterile
Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP)
Includes "breathable" films used in equilibrium modified
atmosphere packaging that passively control the
atmosphere inside the package to prolong the life of the
packaged goods.
Vacuum packaging, EMAP
Includes gas barriers, e.g. oxygen barriers, moisture
barriers and bacterial barriers.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 183
Part 1
Other packaging providing special environment
Includes corrosion inhibitors.
Self-heating/self-cooling packaging
Includes active packaging to heat food without external
heat source or power, typically using an exothermic
chemical reaction, esp. for military ready-to-eat meals.
Also includes cooling contents using endothermic
Safety features
Trackable/traceable packaging
RFID details per se, including constructional details, are
coded by T04-K codes only, and electrical details of goods
tracking are coded by X25-F11. This code is used to cover
attachment details of e.g. RFID chip to the packaging. Also
includes codes used in the food industry e.g. ‘family farm
codes’ on meat products so consumers can learn the
location of the farm where e.g. chickens, cows, etc were
raised, and in the medical industry to avoid drug
counterfeiting. If the codes are printed on/attached to the
label, also include Q31-B02. Also includes special labels
dedicated to barcodes. Details of barcodes per se,
barcode writing and reading are coded under T04-C02,
T04-A02B and T04-A03B1, respectively.
Trace code
Tamper resistant; preventing unauthorised
removal/refilling; Anti-counterfeit features
Includes child resistant caps, and valves used for
preventing refilling of containers.
Tamper evident
Includes pop-up caps on jam jars and breakable seals
across cap/lid.
Wax seal
Other safety features
Containers storing two or more different products
Includes containers with internal partitions or multi-
compartment containers for storing 2 or more samples of
the same product or two or more different products. Also
see Q32-B02 for novel partitions/dividers used in
Dispensing features
This code is used in conjunction with Q34-A and Q34-B to
highlight the type of product dispensed, e.g. liquid/semi-
liquid or solid/particulates. Equipment/method/control
details for dispensing contents into a container, e.g. for
dispensing beverages in bottles, are coded under Q31-A03
Controlled/metered dose
Includes details for dispensing a controlled quantity, such
as for nasal sprays or inhalers. This code can be used in
conjunction with Q32-D06B or Q32-D06C to specify
whether the dispenser is removable or integrated within
the container.
Spirit measure, bar optic
Containers with integral dispensing arrangements
Includes containers with built-in dispensing arrangements.
Spouts etc. that can be removably attached to the
container, e.g. screwed on spouts, are coded under Q32-
D06C only. Ring-pulls, stay tabs and ring pull type
removable tin tops are coded In Q32-C instead.
Containers with removable pouring/dispensing
Includes lids with spouts, e.g. screw on spouts. If spout is
integrated within the container, see Q32-D06B instead.
Includes screw-on (see also Q32-C01A) sport caps for
drinks bottles with lift/flip up top to allow drinking.
Spray pump
Preventing loss of cap/lid
Includes pull-off caps that are fixed to closure by tether.
Closures/lids/caps with means for preventing re-
Includes containers with single-use closures such as one-
way valves or closures that are destroyed upon opening.
184 Q: Mechanical
Closures/lids/caps with means for pressure
Includes wire arrangement for applying pressure to cork
used on champagne bottles.
Decorative features
Includes wine bottle foils or capsules, as well as wax seals.
Protective features; Secondary covers
Includes secondary covers used to protect main closure
from e.g. dirt, such as plastic caps covering drinking spout
(see also Q32-D06) or sports cap for bottle (see also Q32-
Dust, dirt, contamination, protection
Transit Packaging
These codes are intended to highlight package
accessories, e.g. straps, wrappers, cardboard edges to be
fitted to outside of package to protect it during shipment
External packaging elements
Plugs, Sleeves, Caps for protecting/bundling of
Includes protectors for screw threads, corner protectors,
and end caps.
Flexible elongated elements
Includes straps and cable ties. Use of cable ties in
electronic equipment wiring or in cable installations in
general is covered by V04-T01A and X12-G04A2
Wrappers or flexible covers and wrapping
Pallets and palletizing equipment
Internal packaging elements
Includes partitions and inner packaging pieces used to
separate, cushion, suspend and fill irregular spaces within
a container. Includes chips or peanuts made of
polystyrene or recycled products, air pillows, foam
packaging such as expanded polystyrene foam,
polyethylene foam or polyurethane foam, and corrugated
Partitions or dividers placed inside a container for
separating 2 or more products stored in the same
container are coded under Q32-B02 and Q32-D05 only.
Air pouches, bubble wrap (RTM), encapsulated air plastic
sheeting, EPS, foam-in-place, kraft paper, loose fill, PE, PU
EPI Manual Codes 2020 185
Part 1
Q33: Packaging container and closure materials
From 2012 Q33 has been redefined to highlight the
material the container or closure is made of. Q33 codes
should be used with Q31, Q32 and Q34 as appropriate.
Prior to 2012 Q33 remains searchable for closures in
Plastic; polymer; polystyrene; thermocol
Paper; card; cardboard
Treated paper, card and cardboard
Includes foil-lined containers for e.g. fruit juices.
Includes aluminium foil.
Ceramic; Earthenware
Microwaveable packaging
Includes food packaging specially made for use in a
microwave. Includes metalized film (metalized
polyethylene, polypropylene, PET) or metalized cardboard
(so called crisping sleeve) used as a subset for cooking in a
microwave oven, to help make food crisp and brown. See
also X27-C01 for microwave cookware.
Cloth; Fabric
Includes details of packaging made from terry cloth, linen,
cotton, fleece, microfibers, etc.
Green/sustainable packaging
Biodegradable packaging
Includes compostable packaging.
Made from renewable sources
Includes packaging made from renewable sources such as
corn starch, sugarcanes, and tapioca products including
roots, chips or starch. Also includes packaging made from
recycled materials.
PLA, Polylactide, Poly(lactic) acid, pea starch, bioplastic,
Recyclable packaging; Reuseable packaging
This code includes packaging made from recyclable
materials that can be used again after processing (e.g.
made of glass, metal, card and paper). Also includes
packaging that can be cleaned and reused, e.g. milk
bottles. Packaging made from recycled materials is coded
under Q33-J02 only. Details of edible packaging are coded
under Q33-J04 only.
Edible packaging
Reduced/minimal packaging
This code includes packaging made using minimal
materials, leading to reduced layers of packaging, lower
mass (product to packaging ratio), lower volume, etc.
Energy efficient packaging
Includes packaging with low carbon footprint and/or using
renewable energy.
Other environmental aspects of packaging
Other packaging container/closure material
EPI Manual Codes 2020 187
Part 1
Q34: Types of goods packaged, bottled, bound,
labelled, unpacked
From 2012 Q34 has been redefined to highlight the type
of product being packaged/bottled etc. and should be
used in conjunction with other Q31-Q33 codes as
appropriate. Prior to 2012 Q34 remains searchable for
packaging elements/types in general (now covered in
general by Q32).
Fluent solids; Powders; Dry particulates
This code is used in conjunction with other Q34 codes as
This code is used in conjunction with other Q34 codes as
Food for human consumption
These codes can be used in conjunction with Q34-A and
Q34-B to indicate whether the food product is a liquid or a
Meats; Poultry; Fish
Raw meats/poultry/fish
Includes packaging of meat mince, sausages, and
marinated raw meats/poultry/fish.
Processed meats/poultry/fish
Includes packaging of all smoked, cured and cooked meat
products, including salamis, pates and hams. Ready meals
made using meat, poultry and/or fish are also coded
under Q34-C08A. Packaging of mince, sausages and
marinated uncooked meats are coded under Q34-C01A
Delicatessen, fish pastes, sardines
Vegetables; Fruits; Produce
Includes packaging of fresh and processed
vegetables/fruits/etc, including pre-cut salads, diced
carrots, peeled potatoes, tinned tomatoes, fruit
compotes, etc.
Beans, soya, legumes, peanuts, garlic
Includes packaging of dried fruits.
Raisins, fruit purees, fruit salads, olives
Nuts and seeds
Pecan, almond, cashew, sesame
Other vegetables/fruits/produce
Includes packaging of grains, rice, flour, breakfast cereals,
Includes packaging of fresh and processed dairy products,
such as milkshakes, powdered eggs, etc.
Milk; Yoghurt
Includes packaging of cream, ice cream, butter,
milkshakes, etc. Also includes packaging of lactose-free
Powdered milk, UHT milk, buttermilk, baby milk
Dried eggs
Other dairy products
Bakery; Confectionery; Pasta
Includes packaging of breads, cakes, biscuits, pasta, crisps
and sweets.
Cookies, spaghetti, macaroni, rice, candies, chewing gum
Condiments; Sauces; Sugars; Oils
188 Q: Mechanical
Herbs; Spices
Includes packaging of fresh, frozen and dried herbs. Herb
pastes, such as basil or coriander pastes, are coded under
both Q34-C06A and Q34-C06B. Packaging of mustard is
coded under Q34-C06B only.
Sauces; Soups; Pastes
Includes packaging of pasta sauces, curry pastes, sauce
pouches, mayonnaise, tomato sauce, etc. Herb pastes,
such as basil or coriander pastes, are coded under both
Q34-C06A and Q34-C06B.
Tomato puree, dry sauce mix, mustard, marinade
Oils; Vinegars
Includes packaging of cooking oils, such as olive oil,
sunflower oil. Also includes packaging of salad dressing.
Sugar and sweeteners
Includes packaging of sugar cubes, loose sugar, syrups,
but also sugar substitutes/artificial sweeteners.
Drinks and beverages
This code does not include milk packaging, which is coded
under Q34-C04A only.
Water and soft drinks
Includes packaging of still/sparkling water, fruit juices,
squashes and concentrates.
Tea and coffee
Includes packaging of ground and instant coffee, coffee
beans, coffee machine pods, one-cup coffee filters, syrups
(chicory), loose tea, tea bags and chocolate drinks. Also
includes packaging of filter papers used in coffee makers.
Alcoholic drinks
Beer, wine, whisky
Specialty foods and meals
Whole or partially prepared meals
Includes meal kits, and marinated uncooked meats.
Sushi, pizza, burger, ready-made sandwiches
Baby foods
Includes packaging of powdered milk, long-life milk, food
pouches, etc. Packaging of milk products is also coded
under Q34-C04A.
Food supplements and vitamins
Includes packaging of slimming milkshakes.
Parenteral and enteral feeding
Food for animal consumption and supplements
Animal food
Includes packaging of pet food or livestock feed.
Fodder, pet treats
Animal supplements/health products
Includes packaging of vitamins, cod liver oil, animal
grooming products, etc. Also includes packaging of animal
health products, such flea products, ointments, etc. These
are also coded under Q34-J01 for pharmaceuticals.
Textiles; Clothing; Garments; Shoes
Paper; Sheets; Magazines; Newspapers
Includes packaging details of toilet paper. Also coded
under Q34-J03.
Building/construction materials
Includes packaging for tiles, bricks, windows, glass
panels/sheets, etc. Also includes packaging for waste
materials from building sites, such as rubbles. Packaging
for asbestos is also coded under Q34-H99.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 189
Part 1
Hazardous and waste materials
Includes corrosive materials.
Chemicals; Fertilizers
Insecticide, pesticide
Fuels; Oils
Includes oil, such as machine or engine oil. Cooking oils
are coded under Q34-C06C only.
Hospital waste/Bio-hazards
Nuclear materials/Radioactive waste
Q34-H05 [2015]
Household waste and garbage
Includes biodegradable and recyclable waste.
Other hazardous materials
Asbestos, explosive materials, ammunitions, refrigerant,
paint, poison, dead organisms/creatures
Pharmaceuticals; Medical; Cosmetics; Cleaning
Includes packaging of pharmaceuticals for internal and
external usage. Includes packaging of food supplements,
such as vitamins. Packaging of meal replacements and
diet products, such as slimming milkshakes or soups, are
coded under Q34-C08C only.
Medicine, tablets, ointment, inhaler, flea products
Includes packaging of medical instruments such as
needles, dressings, etc. Special carriers for e.g. human
organs with integrated cooling systems are also coded
under Q32-D01. Packaging of tablets and medicines are
coded under Q34-J01 only.
LifePort®, sterile bandages, blood
Cosmetics; Toiletries
Packaging details of toilet paper is also coded under Q34-
Soap, shampoo, toothpaste, make-up, razor blades
Cleaning products
Does not include packaging of toiletries; these are coded
under Q34-J03 only.
Cleaning wipes, cleaning foam, washing up liquid, clothes
Vehicle parts; Tyres; Machine parts; Tools
Vehicle parts; Tyres
Includes packaging details of parts for cars, airplanes,
boats, trains, bikes, etc.
Machine parts; Tools
Includes packaging of gardening equipment, and welding
electrodes. Also includes packaging of screws, nails, drill
bits, etc.
Tobacco products
Includes packaging of cigarettes, cigars, pipes etc. Includes
packaging of filters and cigarette papers. Packaging of
electronic cigarettes are coded under Q34-M02 only.
Cigarillos, blunt, corona, kretek, tobacco pouch, cigarette
Electrical/electronic equipment/parts
White goods and kitchen appliances
Washing machine, microwave, cooker, blender, coffee
maker, toaster, fridge
Electronic goods
Includes packaging of musical instruments, toys and sport
equipment with electrical content e.g. keyboards, battery-
operated toys, and electronic cigarettes. Packaging of
musical instruments, toys and sport equipment are also
coded under Q34-T.
LCD, television, game consoles
190 Q: Mechanical
Other electrical/electronic equipment/parts
Includes packaging of electrical beauty products (electric
razors, massagers, etc.), batteries, solar/photovoltaic
panels/cells, lightbulbs and tubes.
Includes packaging of non-electrical items, such as
crockery, furniture, cleaning accessories (e.g. cleaning
mops, cloths, washing gloves, etc). Packaging of kitchen
appliances, white goods (washing machines, microwaves,
etc) and electrical beauty products is coded under Q34-M
codes only. Packaging of household waste/garbage is
coded under Q34-H05 only.
Watch, jewellery
Musical instruments; Toys; Sport
Packaging of musical instruments, toys and sport
equipment with electrical content, e.g. keyboards,
battery-operated toys, game consoles, are also coded
under Q34-M02.
Other specific goods
Includes packaging for stationery, plants, flower bulbs and
Pencils, pen erasers, staplers
EPI Manual Codes 2020 191
Part 1
Q35: Refuse Collection; Conveyors
From 2012 manual codes have been assigned for all
mechanical details of refuse collection and conveyors.
Refuse Collection
Refuse receptacles
Includes cleaning/sterilizing equipment integrated with
the refuse receptacle. Details of cleaning/sterilizing
equipment including electrical details are coded under
Bin bag, dustbin, wheelie bin, dumpster
Vehicles to collect refuse
Details of e.g. vehicle gears, motors, etc, are also coded
under Q19. Includes details of front loaders, rear loaders
and compactors. Includes cleaning/sterilizing equipment
integrated with the vehicle. Details of cleaning/sterilizing
equipment including electrical details are coded under
Garbage truck, trash/dump truck, grapple truck, bin
wagon, dustcart, dustbin lorry, garbage scow
Other refuse collection details
Includes details of belts, gears, chutes, safety equipment,
etc. Also includes lubricating and cleaning/sterilizing
equipment. Details of cleaning/sterilizing equipment
including electrical details are coded under X25-H09.
Electrical details of conveyors, including control details,
are coded under X25-F01 codes only. Details of elevators,
escalators, lifts or moving walkways are coded under Q38-
A only.
Roller conveyor
EPI Manual Codes 2020 193
Part 1
Q36: Handling Thin Materials
From 2012 manual codes have been assigned for all
mechanical details of thin material handling.
Handling of piles
Carpets, corduroy, velvet
Handling of webs
Continuous sheets of metal, paper
Handling of thin materials
Handling of filamentary materials
Cable, string, wool
General handling
Includes details of delivering or advancing articles from a
machine, collating articles, storing materials on e.g. reels,
spindles, bobbins, etc, adjusting tension in material,
driving gear, recirculation system, securing material to
cores, etc. This code can be used in conjunction with
other Q36 codes to specify the type of thin materials
Q37: Container Traffic (Pre-1984 Only)
EPI Manual Codes 2020 195
Part 1
Q38: Hoisting; Lifting; Hauling; Trucks
From 2012 manual codes have been assigned for all
mechanical details of hoisting, lifting, hauling and trucks.
Elevators, escalators, lifts, moving walkways
Details of conveyors are coded under Q35-B only.
Electrical details of elevators, escalators, lifts and moving
walkways, including control details, are coded under X25-
F04 codes only.
Goods lift
Cranes, capstans, winches, tackles, trucks
Includes mechanical details of cranes, capstans, hoists,
winches, tackles, trucks and factory/robotic vehicles. See
X25-F05 codes for electrical details of cranes, winches,
trucks etc. For mechanical details of forklift trucks see
Hoist, block and tackle
Q39: Liquid handling, saddlery, upholstery
*This class is now discontinued. Liquid handling has been
transferred to Q31, saddlery has been transferred to P36
and upholstery has been transferred to P26. Q39 remains
searchable for records prior to 2012
EPI Manual Codes 2020 197
Part 1
Q4: Buildings; Construction
Q41: Road, rail, bridge construction
From 2015 manual codes have been assigned for all
mechanical details of road, rail, and bridge construction.
Q41-A [2015]
Q41-A01 [2015]
Types of bridges
Q41-A01A [2015]
Suspension or cable-stayed bridge
Q41-A01B [2015]
Arch-type bridge
Q41-A01C [2015]
Truss-type bridge
Q41-A01D [2015]
Movable, portable or floating bridges
Q41-A01F [2015]
Swing or drawbridges
Q41-A01X [2015]
Other specific types of bridges
Q41-A05 [2015]
Constructional details of bridges
Q41-A05A [2015]
Structural components
Q41-A05B [2015]
Q41-A05G [2015]
Novel constructional materials
Q41-A10 [2015]
Safety equipment/components
Crash barriers
Q41-A20 [2015]
Applications of bridges
Details of the structure carried by the bridge.
Q41-A20A [2015]
Road bridges
Q41-A20B [2015]
Rail bridges
Q41-A20C [2015]
Pedestrian bridges
Q41-A20D [2015]
Waterway bridges
Bridges carrying rivers or canals.
Q41-A20H [2015]
Aqueducts, pipelines bridges
Q41-A20X [2015]
Other types of bridges and platforms
Includes helicopter landing stages and bridges carrying
airport runways.
Q41-B [2015]
Q41-B05 [2015]
Structural components
Includes pre-fabricated units.
Q41-B10 [2017]
Safety equipment
Includes barricade, crash barrier, reflectors.
Safety, indication, warning, road divider
Q41-B50 [2015]
Novel road materials
Includes novel materials for road surfaces and road
Asphalt, concrete, composite, bituminous, gravel, stone,
brick, aggregate
Q41-E [2015]
Q41-E01 [2015]
Types of railways
Q41-E01A [2015]
Q41-E01B [2015]
198 Q: Mechanical
Q41-E01C [2015]
Q41-E01D [2015]
Q41-E01E [2015]
Q41-E01F [2015]
Magnetic levitation
Q41-E01X [2015]
Other types of railways
Q41-E02 [2015]
Constructional details of railways
Includes constructional details of rails, sleepers,
foundations and track ballasts.
Q41-E10 [2015]
Safety equipment/components
Crash barriers, buffers
Q41-F [2017]
Sound damping
Includes sound damping or masking in roads, bridges and
Noise barrier, vibration damping
Q41-G [2015]
Cleaning, Maintenance and Repair
Q41-M [2015]
EPI Manual Codes 2020 199
Part 1
Q42: Hydraulic engineering, soil shifting and
From 2015 manual codes have been assigned for all
mechanical details of hydraulic engineering and sewerage
systems. (See also X25-D).
Q42-A [2015]
Hydraulic engineering and soil shifting
Q42-A01 [2015]
For locks see Q42-A04.
Q42-A02 [2015]
Coastal defenses and control of watercourses
Q42-A02A [2015]
Barrages, Weirs
Q42-A02B [2015]
Q42-A02B2 [2015]
Water collection
Includes pipelines and aqueducts used to collect and
divert water into reservoir.
Q42-A02C [2015]
Quays, docks
Q42-A02D [2015]
Embankments, levees and sea-walls
Q42-A03 [2015]
Q42-A04 [2015]
Locks, ship-lifts
Includes locks and ship-lifts used in canals and docks. See
also Q24 codes.
Q42-A05 [2015]
Irrigation and drainage
Q42-A10 [2015]
Dredging, soil shifting, excavations and
Includes bulkheads, piles and caissons. For mining see Q49
Q42-B [2015]
Underground or underwater structures
Includes tunnels.
Q42-D [2015]
Water supply
Water supplies for human and animal consumption. For
irrigation see Q42-A05.
Q42-D01 [2015]
Pipelines and aqueducts
Q42-D03 [2015]
Q42-E [2015]
Q42-E01 [2015]
Pipelines, drains and sewers
Q42-E02 [2015]
Sewerage processing plants
Includes sewage processing/treatment. See X25-H03 and
Chemistry codes such as D04 codes as required.
Q42-F [2015]
Sanitary equipment
See X27-L for electrical details of toilets.
Q42-M [2015]
Includes manufacture of sewage treatment and sanitary
EPI Manual Codes 2020 201
Part 1
Q43: General building constructions
From 2015 manual codes have been assigned for all
mechanical details of general building constructions.
Q43-A [2015]
Types of building structures
General building structures, for details e.g. walls, see
relevant codes sections.
Q43-A01 [2015]
Q43-A02 [2015]
Q43-A03 [2015]
Includes fixed and removable, e.g. false, ceilings.
Q43-A04 [2015]
Q43-A05 [2015]
Q43-A06 [2015]
Q43-A07 [2015]
Service and access structures
Structures associated with stairways, elevators, ducts,
Q43-A08 [2020]
Bearings and connections
Other general purpose structures within buildings. Also
includes bearing-type supports and anti-vibration / anti-
shock elements.
Q43-A99 [2016]
General building insulation
Pipe insulation
Q43-D [2015]
Light fittings
Includes reflective natural light ducts/tubes. See also Q71
codes and X26 codes (for electrical details only).
Q43-E [2017]
Sound proofing
Includes sound proofing in walls, floors etc.
Damping, masking, noise suppression
Q43-F [2020]
Protection (other)
Includes protection against damp and pests by using e.g.
impregnation of wood, ventilation.
Q43-M [2015]
Manufacture of building structures
EPI Manual Codes 2020 203
Part 1
Q44: Structural elements
From 2015 manual codes have been assigned for all
mechanical details of structural elements.
Q44-A [2015]
Structural components
Structural components of buildings.
Q44-A01 [2015]
Load-supporting components
Includes joists, girders, trusses, lintels or transoms. For
load-bearing walls see Q43-A01.
Q44-A01A [2015]
Q44-A01B [2015]
Q44-A01C [2015]
Q44-A01D [2015]
Q44-A01G [2015]
Reinforcement components
Q44-A01X [2015]
Other supporting structures
Includes underfloor supports, roof supports.
Q44-A10 [2015]
Sheets, panels
Q44-M [2015]
Manufacture of structural elements
EPI Manual Codes 2020 205
Part 1
Q45: Roofing, stairs, floors
From 2015 manual codes have been assigned for all
mechanical details of roofing, stairs and floors.
Q45-A [2015]
Includes covering materials and components for roofs,
walls, ceilings and floors e.g. slates, tiles, mosaic, carpets,
laminated flooring, wallpaper.
Q45-A01 [2015]
Roof covering
Q45-A01A [2015]
Slates, tiles, ceramics
Q45-A01B [2015]
Includes roofing felt, polyethylene.
Q45-A01C [2015]
Includes using bitumen on flat roofs.
Q45-A02 [2015]
Living roof; Thatched roof
Roofs which are partially or completely covered with living
vegetation e.g. grass, sedum, planted in a growing
medium on top of a waterproof membrane.
Q45-B [2015]
Q45-D [2015]
Tools and equipment
Q45-E [2015]
Stairways, ramps,
Q45-E02 [2015]
Balustrades and handrails
Q45-F [2015]
Q45-F02 [2015]
False flooring
For use in offices to allow routing of e.g. computer-related
Q45-M [2015]
EPI Manual Codes 2020 207
Part 1
Q46: Building aids, special structures, ladders
From 2015 manual codes have been assigned for all
mechanical details of building aids, special structures and
Q46-A [2015]
Building aids
Q46-A01 [2015]
Q46-A02 [2015
Falsework, forming, shuttering
Includes supports.
Q46-A03 [2015]
Includes ladders.
Q46-A03A [2015]
Q46-A04 [2015]
Safety and protective arrangements
Includes structures and equipment used to protect
persons working on buildings and to protect the buildings
from damage by e.g. weather, dust etc.
Q46-A05 [2015]
Material handling and building repair
Preparation of concrete, brick-laying equipment. Repair of
existing buildings.
Q46-B [2015]
Special Structures
Q46-B01 [2015]
Q46-B02 [2015]
Q46-B03 [2015]
Shelters, kiosks
Buildings and structures which provide protection against
e.g. earthquakes, war, climatic conditions. Includes bus
stops and railway platform roofs.
Q46-B04 [2015]
Garages, vehicle storage
Q46-B05 [2015]
Public buildings, institutions
Q46-B05B [2015]
Medical institutions
This code covers hospitals, infirmaries and other buildings
used for medical applications e.g. doctor's or dental
Q46-B05C [2015]
Educational, reference
This code covers schools, universities, libraries and
Q46-B05D [2015]
Leisure and entertainment facilities
Includes sporting arenas, theatres, swimming pools,
fitness centers.
Q46-B05F [2015]
Shops and Hotels
Q46-B07 [2015]
Q46-B07A [2015]
Power generation
Q46-B07C [2015]
Q46-B10 [2015]
Towers, chimneys
Q46-B11 [2015]
Monuments, statues
Q46-B12 [2015]
Enclosures, fences
For gates and other openings in fences and barriers, see
Q46-B15 [2015]
Tents, marquees
Q46-M [2015]
Manufacture of building aids, special structures
and ladders
EPI Manual Codes 2020 209
Part 1
Q47: Locks, window and door fittings
From 2015 manual codes have been assigned for all
mechanical details of locks, window and door fittings.
Q47-A [2015]
Q47-A01 [2015]
Pin and Tumbler
Q47-A02 [2015]
Q47-A05 [2015]
Includes 'combination' padlocks.
Q47-B [2015]
Door and window fittings
Q47-B01 [2015]
Hinges, brakes
Q47-B02 [2015]
Q47-B10 [2015]
See Q61 for general fasteners
Q47-M [2015]
Manufacture of locks, windows and door fittings
Q47-U [2015]
Q47-U01 [2015]
Q47-U02 [2015]
Q47-U03 [2015]
For automobile door locks see also Q14-H01
Q47-U40 [2015]
Q47-U55 [2015]
Safe deposit and security
Includes safes and other secure storage facilities for use in
e.g. banks.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 211
Part 1
Q48: Blinds, shutters, doors and windows
From 2015 manual codes have been assigned for all
mechanical details of blinds, shutters, doors and windows.
Q48-A* [2015-2015]
Blinds and shutters
*This code is now retired. It remains searchable and valid
for records produced in 2015. From 2016 see Q48-L.
Q48-B [2015]
Door and window frames
Q48-D [2015]
Door leaves, window sashes
Q48-J [2015]
Ventilation and sealing
Q48-K [2015]
Gates and turnstiles
For allowing access through and over structures such as
fences and barriers.
Q48-L [2015]
Screens, blinds, shutters and other protective
Q48-M [2015]
Q48-P [2015]
Primary function
Q48-P05 [2015]
Protection against specific conditions
Includes doors or windows designed for protection
against specific conditions.
Q48-P05A [2015]
Protection against theft, vandalism or military action.
Q48-P05C [2015]
Protection against fire, heat or explosions.
Q48-P05E [2015]
Protection against dangerous gases.
Q48-P05H [2015]
Protection against harmful radiations.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 213
Part 1
Q49: Mining
From 2015 manual codes have been assigned for all
mechanical details of mining and quarrying apparatus.
Q49-A [2015]
Mining and quarrying equipment
Q49-A01 [2015]
Extraction equipment
Q49-A01A [2015]
Drilling machines
Q49-A01C [2015]
Cutting machines
Q49-A01H [2015]
Support structures
Q49-A10 [2015]
Includes drill bits, drilling rods, pipes, casings and tubing.
Q49-B [2015]
Mining and quarrying methods
Q49-B01 [2015]
Extraction methods
Q49-B01A [2015]
Percussion drilling
Q49-B01B [2015]
Rotary drilling
Q49-B01C [2015]
Q49-B01D [2015]
Q49-C [2015]
Mining and quarrying structures
Q49-C01 [2015]
Includes air filtering and dust removal.
Q49-C03 [2015]
Q49-C05 [2015]
Safety and protective arrangements
Includes structures and equipment used to protect
persons working in mines and quarries. Includes fire
prevention and extinguishing. Details of fire prevention
and extinguishing systems are also coded under P35.
Q49-C08 [2015]
Q49-C09 [2015]
Roofs and supports
Q49-E [2015]
Mining and quarrying locations
Q49-E01 [2015]
Surface, open-cast
Q49-E03 [2015]
Q49-E05 [2015]
Q49-H [2015]
Maintenance equipment; equipment and methods
for removing tools from mines, boreholes or wells
Q49-V [2015]
Material being mined or quarried
Q49-V01 [2015]
Q49-V01A [2015]
Iron ore
Q49-V01B [2015]
Q49-V01C [2015]
Q49-V01H [2015]
214 Q: Mechanical
Q49-V01J [2015]
Q49-V22 [2015]
Granite, marble
Q49-V28 [2015]
Q49-V31 [2015]
Precious stones
Q49-V35 [2015]
Fluids; Slurry
Includes sand slurry.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 215
Part 1
Q5 Engines, Pumps, Compressors,
Fluid Pressure Actuators
Q51: Internal Combustion Engines; Reciprocating
Engines; Rotary Engines
From 2006 Q51 covers all mechanical details of positive
displacement combustion engines. Prior to the
introduction of Q51 manual codes in 2006, the Q51 class
covered machines and engines in general including
positive displacement engines, steam engines/turbines,
engine valves, cooling, lubrication and silencing. Also see
Q17-E for vehicle internal combustion engine propulsion
arrangements. For electrical aspects of motor vehicle
engines see X22-A codes only.
Reciprocating positive displacement engines
Engine type
These codes are normally applied when the engine type
has a direct bearing on the novelty.
With single cylinder
With multiple cylinders
This code is only applied when it is especially important to
highlight the fact that an engine has multiple cylinders, or
when the whole multi-cylinder engine is being claimed
and further Q51 codes might not be applied. It is normally
assumed that an engine will have multiple cylinders unless
otherwise specified. Includes, in-line 4, V5, straight/V6,
V8, W10, V12 etc. engines.
With multiple pistons in same cylinder
With movable cylinders
With precombustion chambers
Q51-A01G [2007]
With variable compression ratio
Includes engines with arrangements for varying the
compression ratio in use.
Q51-A01J [2007]
Includes IC engines operating in two-stroke cycle, e.g. for
moped (see also Q19-B).
Q51-A01X [2014]
Other engine types
Includes variable cycle engines, e.g. capable of running in
two-stroke mode at low speed and 4-stroke mode at
higher speeds. IC engines operating in two-stroke cycle,
e.g. for moped (see also Q19-B).
Component parts
Cylinders; Cylinder heads
See Q51-D for valves. Includes precombustion chambers
per se (see also Q51-A01E).
Includes pistons with charge flow guides, i.e. scoops in
piston head for swirl control.
Swirl control
Seals; Gaskets; Piston rings
Includes oil control rings.
Casings; Crankcases; Cam/rocker covers
Piston to output shaft connections; Connecting
Includes con rods connecting pistons to drive shaft. For
connections from drive shaft to other transmission shafts
or wheels, see Q62 codes. Includes crankshafts per se.
Q51-A03X [2007]
Other reciprocating engine components
Rotary or oscillating piston engines
Rotary combustion engines
Includes four-stroke, Otto cycle Wankel engines.
216 Q: Mechanical
With single rotor
With multiple rotors
Component parts
Rotor seals
Connections between piston and casing
Includes drive arrangements for cooperating members,
e.g. for rotary piston and casing.
Oscillating/swing piston engines
See Q53-C for fluid driven oscillating piston engines.
Oscillating, swing, opposed piston
Q51-B05A [2014]
Free piston engines
Includes free-piston or "crankless" IC engines. See also
Q51-A01J for two-cycle operation.
Dual piston, free piston, oscillating-piston
Gas-driven positive displacement engines
See Q53-A instead for positive displacement engines
driven by liquid.
Open cycle hot gas positive displacement engines;
Steam engines
Includes reciprocating steam engines. See Q52 instead for
non-positive displacement steam turbines. Can be used in
conjunction with other Q51 codes as appropriate, e.g.
Q51-A03B for steam engine pistons.
Closed cycle hot gas positive displacement engines
I.e. positive displacement engines that are operated by
expansion and contraction of a mass of working gas that is
heated and cooled. See X25-X08 for electrical aspects of
Stirling engines.
Closed cycle, heat, cool, Stirling engine
Q51-C05 [2007]
Air/gas driven positive displacement engines
Includes IC engines driven by compressed air supply and
not involving combustion.
Engine/fuel type
See X22-A20 for electrical aspects of vehicle engine/fuel
This code is not routinely assigned, since engines are
assumed to be petrol unless otherwise stated.
Mixed fuels
Includes engines running on dual fuels such as
petrol/alcohol or diesel/LPG.
Single unconventional fuel
Includes engines running on e.g. alcohol or bio-fuels.
Gaseous fuel
Using LPG, natural gas, hydrogen.
Bio-fuel; Alcohol
Includes engines running on free fatty acid methyl ester
(bio-diesel) or alcohol such as methanol or ethanol.
Valve gear; Valve drive arrangements
Includes 4-valve drives for IC engines. For electrical
aspects of vehicle engine intake/exhaust valve gear see
X22-A11 and X22-A03G codes instead.
Lift valves; Poppet valves
Includes valve guides.
Gate or sliding valves
See also Q51-A01J for reed valves used in two-stroke
internal combustion engines.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 217
Part 1
Rotary or oscillating valve gear
Steam engine valve gear
Valve drive arrangements; Valve
adjustment/control; Cam control
Includes mechanical valve clearance adjusters for motor
vehicle engines.
Hydraulic lash adjusters
Camshafts; Cams; Eccentrics
Tappets; Pushrods; Rocking arms etc.
Includes hydraulic lash adjusters.
Hydraulic tappet
Other valve gear
See X22-A10 for electrical aspects of vehicle engine
lubrication, such as electric oil pumps. For oil pressure
monitoring for motor vehicle engines, see X22-E01C.
Pressure lubrication
Q51-F01A [2014]
Dry sump systems
Includes dry sump lubrication systems and associated oil
tanks and pipework.
Mixed with fuel and/or air
Includes crankcase breathing and cam cover breathing.
Includes feeding of crankcase or cam cover air and any
entrained oil back into induction system or to oil catch
Q51-F05 [2007]
Oil filters
See Q51-H05A for turbocharger intercooling.
Air cooling
Includes forced air feeding, i.e. fans.
Liquid cooling
Charge feed i.e. fuel or air supply
For electrical fuel/air supply aspects of motor vehicle
engines see X22-A02 and X22-A03 codes instead.
Fuel feed
For electrical vehicle fuel pumps and fuel control see X22-
A02D and X22-A03A codes respectively. See Q17-E04 for
vehicle engine fuel supply.
Carburettion (carburettors)
See X22-A02C for electrical aspects of IC engine
Fuel injection
Includes fuel systems using compressed air or mechanical
control. Can also be applied to highlight novel mechanical
aspects of EM fuel injection valves (also see X22-A02A
codes for electrical fuel injection apparatus). See X22-
A03A1 codes only for electric fuel injection control.
Common rail arrangement
For electrical aspects of common rail injection systems see
Fuel pump
E.g. using compressed air or mechanically controlled fuel
injection pump. See X22-A02D for electric fuel pumps and
X22-A03A3 for electric fuel pump control. Includes gear
pumps and rotary vane type pumps.
Fuel pressure regulator
Includes pressure relief valves.
218 Q: Mechanical
Fuel filter
See X22-A02B for electrical aspects of fuel filters.
Fuel treatment
Includes e.g. fuel additive arrangements or water
Other fuel systems
Includes fuel lines, hoses and pipework. Includes fuel
heating arrangements. See X22-A02B for electrical fuel
heaters. Also includes fuel cooling (see also Q51-G).
Q51-H02 [2010]
Fuel vapour recovery
Includes mechanical details of fuel vapour recovery
systems. See X22-A02E instead for electrical details of fuel
vapour recovery systems.
Air intake systems
See X22-A03B for electrical aspects of air intake
Supercharging; Turbocharging
Respectively see X22-A14 and X22-A03C for electrical
aspects of motor vehicle super/turbo chargers and their
control. Includes intercoolers.
Throttle valve
Intake air control valves.
Intake flow swirl/turbulisation control
Includes mechanical arrangements for promoting mixing
of air and fuel, e.g. using scoops in piston head (see also
Q51-H05F [2007]
Air filters
Includes disposable paper air intake filters and reusable
foam filters.
Ignition systems
Includes ignition systems using e.g. application of direct
heat, incandescence, friction, pyrophoric or catalytic
ignition. See X22-A01 codes for electrical ignition systems.
Exhaust systems; Pollution control
See X22-A07and X22-A03J for electrical aspects of vehicle
exhaust/emissions control systems. Also includes exhaust
braking, e.g. for diesel engined truck (see also Q18-A30).
Silencing systems
Includes use of resonance, sound absorbing materials or
baffles. For electrical aspects of engine noise reduction
see X22-A12 (including active noise suppression - possibly
see W04-V07 also).
Exhaust gas cleaning systems
See X22-A07 or X22-A03J for electrical aspects of motor
vehicle engine exhaust gas cleaning and pollution control.
See X22-A05 and S03-E codes for vehicle exhaust gas
sensors per se.
Exhaust gas filters
Includes e.g. diesel particulate filters (see also Q51-D03).
Catalytic cleaning; Catalytic converters
Includes catalyst materials and catalytic converters,
construction. For electrical aspects see X22-A07 only.
Inertial or centrifugal separators
Secondary air/fluid supply
For electrical aspects of secondary air control used in
motor vehicle exhausts, see X22-A03L.
Q51-J02E [2008]
Exhaust gas recirculation
Includes mechanical aspects of exhaust gas recirculation
arrangements. See X22-A07 for electrical aspects of EGR
or X22-A03A2C for EGR control.
Q51-J02F [2010]
Exhaust heat recovery
Includes recovery of heat of vehicle exhaust e.g. for
passenger compartment heating. For electrical details of
exhaust recovery systems see X22-A17.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 219
Part 1
Q51-J07 [2007]
Exhaust braking
Includes exhaust brakes and exhaust brake control, e.g.
used for slowing diesel-engined truck (see also Q19-C02
for trucks and Q51-D03 for diesel engines) when travelling
down long hill, to avoid overheating mechanical friction
brakes. Also see Q18-A30 for exhaust braking prior to
2007. See X22-A03B5 and/or X22-A09 instead for
electrical aspects of vehicle exhaust/engine braking.
Starting systems
For motor vehicle IC engine electrical starting see X22-
A08, or X22-A04 for electric starter motors per se. Also
see relevant X11 and X13 codes for motor hardware and
control respectively.
Using muscle power
E.g. using hand cranks, pull cords and motorcycle
kickstarts (see also Q19-B).
Using mechanical power storage
E.g. using springs or inertia.
Using auxiliary engines
Other starting arrangements
Includes e.g. using explosive cartridges.
Q51-L [2007]
Engine heating/warming apparatus/method
Includes use of exhaust gas heat to warm engine/coolant.
See X22-A15 for electrical details of engine warming.
Q51-M [2007]
Engine manufacture/assembly/disassembly
Includes manufacturing and assembly aspects of engine
and engine components, not specifically for
transportation applications such as motor vehicle, boat,
aircraft - see relevant Q17 (with Q16-D), Q24 and Q25
codes respectively.
Q51-N [2010]
Noise, vibration and harshness reduction
See also Q17-N and Q17-E codes for mechanical details of
motor vehicle engine noise reduction. See X22-A12 for
electrical details of vehicle engine noise and vibration
Other engine details
Includes IC engine details not already covered, such as
engine mountings (also see Q17-E01 for vehicle engine
EPI Manual Codes 2020 221
Part 1
Q52: Reaction Engines; External Combustion; Gas
Turbines; Rockets
From 2006 Q52 covers all mechanical details of non-
positive displacement combustion engines such as turbine
and rocket engines. Prior to the introduction of Q52
manual codes in 2006, the Q52 class covered both
positive displacement and non-positive displacement
engines/turbines and their control. For power generation
gas turbines see X11-C01, for aircraft gas turbines engines
see W06-B01 codes and for electrical aspects of gas
turbines used in land vehicle propulsion see X22-P03.
Gas/steam turbine engines
See Q25-C02B for aircraft gas turbine engines per se.
Turbine engine type
Q52-A01A [2007]
Turbojet engines
Q52-A01C [2006]
Turbofan engines
Q52-A01E [2007]
Turboprop engines
Q52-A01S [2007]
Steam turbines
Includes non-positive displacement steam turbines. See
X11 codes for power generation steam turbines, and see
Q51-C01 instead for reciprocating piston steam engines.
Q52-A01X [2007]
Other turbine engines
Includes engines that are capable of running on variable
Component parts
Rotor and stator
Includes manufacturing methods. Includes rotor and
stator blades.
Combustion chamber
Includes charge flow guidance and cooling.
Nozzles, Nacelles
Also see Q25-A04 for aircraft engine nacelles per se.
Intake/exhaust configuration; Intake
Includes air intake ducts and lips etc.
Non-turbine reaction engines
Pulse jet
Includes pulse jet engine where gaseous fuel/air mixture
is combusted in pulses to generate propulsive effort
which is a reaction to the rearward flow of hot gases.
Pulsejet, deflagration
Q52-B01A [2007]
Pulse detonation engines
Includes pulse wave detonation engines that detonate
fuel rather than deflagrate it.
PDE, PWDE, deflagration-to-detonation transition, DDT,
high speed, high altitude, supersonic, hypersonic
Ram jet
Rocket engines
Includes solid fuel engine constructions. Also see Q25-S04
for spacecraft propulsion systems per se.
Composite pulse, ram, rocket engine combinations
Includes composite pulse, ram, rocket engines. Also
includes hybrid pulse detonation engines capable of
operating in air-breathing and rocket modes.
Fuel supply systems
Also see P25-C02B for aircraft jet engines and their fuel
supply per se.
Fuel heating
222 Q: Mechanical
Fuel supply control
See W06-B01A5 for aircraft engine electrical fuel supply.
Fuel injection
Q52-C09 [2007]
Other fuel supply aspects
Starting systems
Includes fluid or mechanical drives e.g. using cartridges or
starter turbines.
Ignition systems
See W06-B01C9 for electrical ignition systems for aircraft
turbine engines.
Q52-G [2007]
Engine cooling
Includes overall cooling of gas turbine/external
combustion engines. For gas turbine intake charge air
cooling see Q52-A03 instead.
Q52-M [2007]
Engine manufacture/assembly/disassembly
Includes manufacturing/assembly/disassembly aspects of
gas turbine engines. For manufacture of aircraft or ship
gas turbine engines also see Q25-C02B and Q24-E02B
respectively (and possibly Q25-X05 or Q24-X05 for aircraft
and marine vessel manufacture per se).
Other engine details
EPI Manual Codes 2020 223
Part 1
Q53: Positive Displacement Fluid Engines (i.e. driven
by fluid)
From 2006 Q53 covers all mechanical details of positive
displacement fluid engines (i.e. driven by fluid). Prior to
the introduction of Q53 manual codes in 2006, the Q53
class covered jet engines and fuel supply systems.
Reciprocating piston fluid engines
See Q51-A codes for positive displacement reciprocating
engines driven by gas.
Rotary piston fluid engines
See Q51-B codes for positive displacement engines driven
by gas.
Oscillating piston engines
See Q51-B05 for oscillating piston engines driven by gas.
Component parts
Includes valve gear, pistons, cylinders seals.
Other positive displacement fluid
EPI Manual Codes 2020 225
Part 1
Q54: Non-positive Displacement Fluid Engines (i.e.
driven by fluid); Miscellaneous Motors and Machines
for Producing Mechanical Power/Thrust
From 2006 Q54 covers all mechanical details of non-
positive displacement fluid engines (i.e. driven by fluid).
Prior to the introduction of Q54 manual codes in 2006,
the Q54 class covered starting and ignition systems. See
Q51-K, Q51-I and Q52-D, Q52-E for starting and ignition
systems for positive and non-positive displacement
engines respectively.
Water turbines
Prior to 2007, this code was used for impulse engines
having transportation interest. From 2007 this code has
been expanded to cover all water turbines.
Q54-A01 [2007]
Impulse turbines
Includes turbines that use nozzles to change water's
potential energy into kinetic energy, with resulting high
velocity water jet made to impinge upon curved turbine
blades which reverse the flow, with the resulting change
of momentum or "impulse" causing a drive force on the
blades. Mainly used in very high head applications.
Pelton, Turgo, Michell-Banki, crossflow, Ossberger turbine
Q54-A05 [2007]
Reaction turbines
Includes turbines that are encased or fully submerged and
are acted upon by water which changes pressure as it
moves through the turbine and gives up its energy. Mainly
used in low and medium head applications.
Francis, Kaplan, propeller, bulb, tube, Straflo, Tyson,
Water wheel
Q54-B* [2006-2007]
Reaction type engines
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to Q54-
A05 from 200701. Includes e.g. Francis turbines, propeller
turbines and Kaplan turbines. See Q51-C02 for closed
cycle turbine engines driven by gaseous medium.
Friction type engines
Using non-bladed rotors, e.g. serrated.
Endless chain type engines/machines
Spring motors
Gravity and inertia motors
Includes flywheel energy storage.
Producing mechanical energy from wind, i.e. wind
For wind turbines used to generate electrical power, see
X15-B instead.
Producing mechanical energy from geothermal or
solar energy
Producing mechanical energy from muscle power
Includes treadmills or horse mills.
Other non-positive displacement fluid
engines/machines; other mechanical energy
Includes perpetua mobilia using hydrostatic thrust, or
using liquid flow, e.g. swinging flap type. Also includes
ocean thermal energy conversion, using pressure or
thermal differences, etc. Also see X15 codes for non-fossil
fuel electricity generation.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 227
Part 1
Q55: Positive Displacement Fluid
Machines/Pumps/Compressors (i.e. for driving fluid)
From 2006 Q55 covers all mechanical details of positive
displacement fluid machines/pumps/compressors (i.e. for
driving fluid). Prior to the introduction of Q55 manual
codes in 2006, the Q55 class covered machines and
engines for liquids.
Reciprocating piston fluid machines
Includes reciprocating piston positive displacement
pumps and compressors.
Rotary piston fluid machines
Includes rotary piston positive displacement pumps and
Oscillating piston fluid machines
Includes oscillating piston positive displacement pumps
and compressors.
Diaphragm operated fluid machines
Includes diaphragm operated positive displacement
pumps and compressors.
Q55-E [2007]
Scroll fluid machines
Includes positive displacement scroll compressors or scroll
pumps using fixed and orbiting Archimedean spiral scrolls.
Component parts
Includes valves, seals, rotors, casings.
Other positive displacement fluid machines
EPI Manual Codes 2020 229
Part 1
Q56: Non-positive Displacement Fluid
Machines/Pumps/Compression (i.e. for driving fluid)
From 2006 Q56 covers all mechanical details of non-
positive displacement fluid machines/pumps/compressors
(i.e. for driving fluid). Prior to the introduction of Q56
manual codes in 2006, the Q56 class covered pumps.
Radial flow fluid machines
Includes centrifugal pumps and helic-centrifugal pumps or
Axial flow machines
Includes e.g. non-positive displacement screw type
pumps. For scroll pumps/compressors see Q54-E instead.
Fluid machines pumping fluid by direct contact of
another fluid or using inertia of fluids to be
Jet pumps
Includes pumps in which fluid flow is induced by pressure
drop caused by velocity of another fluid flow.
Diffusion pumps
Component parts
Includes shafts, bearings, rotors, casings, cooling strainers,
cavitation reducers used in pumps or compressors.
Other non-positive displacement
Includes e.g. hydraulic rams.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 231
Part 1
Q57: Fluid Pressure Actuators; Hydraulic/Pneumatics
in General
From 2006 manual codes have been assigned for all
mechanical details of fluid pressure actuators and
hydraulics/pneumatics in general.
Telemotors; with movement proportional to pump
Servomotors; with position of output conforming
to input
Combined servo and telemotors
Pyrotechnic actuators
For motor vehicle safety systems such as vehicle airbags,
see Q14-C02 only.
Component parts
Includes valve gear, guide vanes etc. used in fluid pressure
actuators or hydraulics in general.
Other fluid pressure actuators and fluid dynamic
control aspects
Includes general devices for influencing the flow of fluids
and also manufacture and testing of devices covered in
EPI Manual Codes 2020 233
Part 1
Q6 Engineering Elements
Q61: Fastening Elements; Connections
E.g. for securing machine parts together. Includes both
male (bolt) and female (nut) fastenings. These codes are
normally only applied when the fastening itself is novel.
Threaded fasteners
For lock nuts see also Q61-A07A.
For torque limiting break bolts see also Q61-A07C.
Special purpose fastener action
Locking fasteners
Includes nylon insert locknuts (see also Q61-A01).
Torque limiting
Includes e.g. break bolts (see also Q61-A03).
Includes self-tapping screws (see also Q61-A05).
Friction grip fasteners
Includes clamps, clips and shrinkage connections.
Key type connections
Includes bayonet connections.
Rivet connections
Includes peel type rivets and rivnuts (also see Q61-A01).
Nails, staples; Dowels
Includes dowel and plug type connections that are
inserted or screwed into hole, with e.g. expanding bodies
or tabs engaging hole or gripping reverse side of wall.
Wall plug, Rawlplug (RTM)
Anti-tamper connections
Includes snap off fastener head that snaps off when
predetermined tightening torque is reached to leave
behind shaped anti-tamper head.
Deformable connections
Includes e.g. split pins.
Washers; Lock washers, Spring washers
Q61-J [2016]
Stuck or welded connections
Includes use of glue or welds to press or connect parts
together. Also includes welding of nuts/bolts to part (also
see Q61-A codes).
Cold pressure welding, adhesive
Q61-R [2007]
Fastener installation tools
Includes tools used to install or remove fastening
elements used in transportation applications such as
mechanical compressed air driven rivet guns used in
aircraft manufacture (see also Q25-X05). This code can be
used in conjunction with other Q61 codes to specify the
type of fastening being installed/removed.
Other fastening elements
Includes hooks and eyes, suction cups etc.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 235
Part 1
Q62: Shafts and Bearings
Flexible shafts
For conveying rotary movement
For conveying sliding movement
Rigid shafts
See Q19-A and Q13-A15 for cycle cranks.
Q62-B01A [2016]
Adjustable cranks
Prior to 2016 this topic was covered by Q62-B03
Eccentric shafts (including camshafts)
See Q51-E05A for motor vehicle internal combustion
engine camshafts.
Q62-B03* [2006-2015]
Adjustable cranks
*This code is now discontinued and has been transferred
to Q62-B01A from 201601. It remains searchable for
records prior to 2016.
Rigid connections, fixed joints
Pivots, pivotal connections
Includes ball joints, trunnions, crank pins.
Q62-G codes Include bearing elements and their races and
also hydrodynamic bearings. From 2016 Q62-G08 is
introduced for constructional details of bearings and also
housings, caps, covers and mounting arrangements, and is
assigned with other Q62-G codes to denote bearing type.
Prior to 2016 these aspects were covered by other Q62-G
codes or Q62-X as appropriate.
Sliding contact bearings
Includes plain bearings e.g. used as crankshaft and
connecting rod bearings in motor vehicle piston engines.
See also Q51-A03E for crankshafts and con rods per se.
Includes nylon self-lubricating bearings and fluid film
bearings using a film of lubricant between sliding surfaces.
Bushing, babbit, journal bearing
Rolling contact bearings
Anti-friction bearings
Ball bearings
Includes bearings e.g. used to support a shaft or pulley.
They can handle both axial and radial loads, though are
usually used when the loading is fairly small.
Ball thrust bearings
Includes ball bearings subjected to axial thrust loading,
such as those used in bar stools or Lazy Susan (RTM)
turntables. These cannot handle much radial load.
Roller bearings
Includes roller bearings used in conveyors where heavy
radially loads need to be supported. Also includes needle
roller bearings having small diameter cylinders designed
to fit into tight spaces.
Tapered roller bearings
Includes motor vehicle wheel bearings subject to axial
(cornering force) and radial (vehicle weight) loads. They
are usually mounted in pairs facing opposite directions so
that they can handle thrust in both directions.
236 Q: Mechanical
Roller thrust bearings
Includes bearings used in gearsets such as those found in
car transmissions between gears, and between the
housing and the rotating shafts. These are suitable for
handling large axial/thrust loads.
Giant bearings
Includes giant (1.5m diameter) ball bearings used under
buildings to provide earthquake protection, or giant roller
bearings used to move very heavy objects (also see Q62-
G02A and Q62-G02C respectively).
Magnetic bearings
Includes magnetic bearings used in high speed
applications such as flywheel energy storage systems,
where the flywheel rotating in excess of 50000 rpm can
float on a magnetic field created by the bearing.
Elastic bearings
Combination bearings
Bearing play adjustment
Q62-G08 [2016]
Constructional details of bearings
Includes constructional details such as balls, rollers,
bushes, linings, ball cages, raceways, housings, caps,
covers and mounting arrangements. Prior to 2016 these
aspects of bearings were included in Q62-G codes or Q62-
X as appropriate.
Cooling and lubricating arrangements
Q62-G99 [2016]
Other bearing aspects
Includes load-reducing or equalizing arrangements. The
use of magnetic force for load-reducing or equalizing is
also covered by Q62-G03. Prior to 2016 constructional
aspects of bearings were included in Q62-G or Q62-X as
appropriate but from 2016 are covered by Q62-G08.
Q62-H [2016]
Maintenance and servicing of shafts and bearings
Includes cleaning. Prior to 2016 maintenance, servicing
and cleaning were covered by Q62-M and Q62-X as
Manufacturing and testing arrangements for shaft
or bearings
For electrical metal grinding operations see X25-A03C2.
Other shaft or bearing aspects not provided for
Includes arrangements to reduce the effects of centrifugal
force. Prior to 2016 this code included mountings,
housings, caps and covers for bearings which are now
covered by Q62-G08.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 237
Part 1
Q63: Couplings; Clutches; Brakes; Springs; Dampers
Couplings for transmitting rotary motion
For rigidly connecting shafts
Q63-A02* [2006-2015]
Controlled movement coupling e.g. elastic
*This code is now discontinued. From 2016 all couplings
allowing relative movement between the coupled
members are coded in Q63-A03.
Controlled movement couplings; Slip, yielding,
impulse couplings
Includes couplings that permit relative rotational
movement between the connected parts during drive;
couplings that slip on overload and couplings that
alternately accelerate/decelerate driven member.
Includes universal joints and constant velocity joints.
Elastic coupling, UJ, CV joint
Fluid couplings
Quick acting/release couplings
For motor vehicle clutches see Q13-A03, and for electrical
aspects of vehicle powertrain hardware see X22-G01.
Interengaging clutches
I.e. clutches with interengaging parts.
Friction clutches
Includes wedge action clutches and wet and dry plate
friction clutches.
Fluid actuated clutches; Fluid transmission
Includes hydraulically actuated clutches. See Q13-A03 for
motor vehicle clutches.
Mechanically operated clutches
Includes cable actuation arrangements.
Freewheel clutches, freewheels
Multiple/combination clutches
Other clutch details
For vehicle brakes see Q18-A codes only. For electrical
aspects of brakes or brake wear indicators see X22-C02
and X22-E02A respectively.
Drum brakes
See Q18-A01B for motor vehicle brake drums.
Fluid actuated drum brakes
Mechanically actuated drum brakes
Drum brake components
Includes drums, brake shoes.
Disc brakes
See Q18-A01A for motor vehicle brake discs.
Fluid actuated disc brakes
Mechanically actuated disc brakes
For electrically actuated motor vehicle parking brake see
Disc brake components
Includes discs, brake pads, callipers.
Band brakes
238 Q: Mechanical
Fluid actuated band brakes
Mechanically actuated band brakes
Band brake components
Includes wear surfaces and adjusters.
Q63-D09 [2007]
Other brake details
Springs; Shock absorbers; Dampers
See Q12-B codes for motor vehicle suspension
spring/damper arrangements. See X22-M instead for
electrical aspects of motor vehicle suspensions.
See Q12-B01 for motor vehicle suspension spring
Coil springs
Leaf springs
Cup springs
Fluid springs
Magnetic springs
Torsion springs
Elastic members e.g. elastomers
Other springs
Shock absorbers; Dampers; Vibration suppression
See Q12-B02 for motor vehicle suspension dampers
arrangements. For electrical aspects of vehicle dampers,
including ride height control see X22-M codes.
Using damping fluid
Using damping mass/inertia
Includes flywheels, counterweights.
Using friction
Q63-E02D [2008]
Elastic dampers
Includes rubber and elastic material dampers.
Q63-E02E [2008]
Magnetic dampers
Includes magnetic fluid dampers.
Shock absorber/damper components
Includes seals, oil ports, split rings etc.
Other shock absorbers/dampers
Includes torsion dampers.
Spring/damper combinations
Includes coil over dampers. Also see Q19-F03 for racing
car independent coil over dampers.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 239
Part 1
Q64: Belts, Chains, Gearing
Driving belts
Includes IC engine timing belt (see also Q51-E05), and belt
tensioning arrangements.
Cambelt, timing belt
Ropes or cables
Belt fastening and tensioning arrangements
Includes turnbuckles, clamps and belt tensioning
arrangements (see Q51-E for IC engine timing belt
tensioning arrangements).
Driving chains
Includes IC engine timing chain (see also Q51-E05).
Hauling chain
Chain fastening arrangements
Includes links, shackles, hooks.
Mechanical gearing
Includes toothed gearing, helical gearing, ball or roller
Cams, cam followers
Toothed members; Worms
Friction members
Includes friction discs and pulleys.
Lubrication/cooling arrangements
Fluid gearing
Gearing control
Includes gear levers per se. For electrical aspects of motor
vehicle transmission control see X22-G03 codes.
Q64-C09 [2007]
Other gearing details
Transmission linkages
Includes cam transmissions, wobble plate transmissions.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 241
Part 1
Q65: Pistons, Cylinders, Packing, Seals
These codes are not applied when other specific
transportation related codes can be applied. For example,
a novel cylinder used in an internal combustion engine
can be coded in Q51-A03A, and does not require
application of a Q65-B code.
Pistons; Plungers
See Q51-A03B only for pistons used in internal
combustion engines.
Includes running faces and cylinder liners.
Q65-C* [2006-2007]
Pressure vessels
*This code is now discontinued. From 200701 pressure
vessels used for transportation purposes have been coded
in Q69-B01 instead.
Seals; Packing
Includes piston rings and sealing and packing
arrangements in general.
Other piston, cylinder and seal details
EPI Manual Codes 2020 243
Part 1
Q66: Valves; Taps; Cocks; Vents
For electrical aspects of mechanical valves see X25-L01
codes. See Q51-E only for valve gear used in internal
combustion engine.
Lift valves
Includes cut-off apparatus with closure members having
component of their opening/closing motion perpendicular
to closing faces.
Gate or sliding valves
Includes cut-off apparatus with closure members having a
sliding movement along the seat for opening and closing.
Reed valve
Diaphragm valves
Includes cut off apparatus with closure member deformed
but not moved bodily.
Rotary valves
Multiway valves; Mixing valves and fittings
incorporating them
Valve construction
Valve members; Valve seats; Seals
Valve housings; Casings
Valve actuation arrangements
Includes use of floats. See X25-L01A and V02-E02A1 for
electromagnetically actuated solenoid valves.
Functional valve types
Check valves
Safety valves; Equalising valves
Vent valves
Includes venting or aerating arrangements.
Fluid delivery valves
Needle valve
Other valve/vent/tap details
EPI Manual Codes 2020 245
Part 1
Q67: Pipes; Joints; Fittings
For electrical aspects of large scale pipelines see X25-Y02.
Pipes; Hoses
See Q18-A01X for vehicle brakes pipes/hoses per se.
Rigid pipes
Includes copper pipes.
Flexible pipes
Includes rubber hoses.
Pipe laying and repair
Includes pipe cleaning (See X25-H09 and X25-Y02 for
electrical aspects).
Blockage removal
Pipe connections; Joints and Seals
Pipe connectors/joints
includes quick acting connectors, i.e. quick
release/fastening, compression joints etc.
Hose nipple, end fitting, branching
Includes rubber seals and gaskets.
Pipe accessories
Includes e.g. pipe supports and holders such as hose clips.
Clamps, cleats, clips
Q67-D [2016]
Pipe protection
Includes protection against corrosion, incrustation, wear,
fire, etc. Also includes heating or cooling details for
preventing damage (e.g. freezing) of pipes.
Protective tubing, thermal insulation
Other pipeline details
EPI Manual Codes 2020 247
Part 1
Q68: Other Engineering Elements
Frames; Casings; Beds, Supports
Frames; Casings
From 2007 the scope of this code has been expanded to
include all frames or casings e.g. for reciprocating or
rotary engines, e.g. to facilitate engine assembly (see also
Q51-M). From 2007 portable frames are specifically coded
in Q68-A01A.
Q68-A01A [2007]
Portable frames
Includes wheeled frames. For trolley jacks etc., also see
Includes mounting of engines on foundations, e.g. for test
Stands; Trestles; Supports
Includes movable stands and trestles for supporting
various articles/equipment in various locations or
Q68-B [2018]
Boards; Panels; Sheets
Layered products are covered under P73.
Q68-L [2007]
General lubrication systems
Includes generally applicable lubrication systems. For
specific lubrication systems such as IC engine lubrication,
vehicle transmission lubrication or vehicle suspension
lubrication systems instead see Q51-F, Q13-A20 and Q12-
B15 codes respectively. Also includes cleaning details of
lubrication systems.
Q68-S [2007]
General safety devices
Includes generally applicable safety devices such as safety
guards or screens or other systems e.g. requiring the use
of both hands.
Q68-X [2018]
Other engineering elements
This code covers engineering elements not covered by any
other Q61 to Q68 codes.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 249
Part 1
Q69: Storing/Distributing Gas/Liquid
Variable capacity gas holders
Fixed capacity gas holders
For motor vehicle hydrogen/natural gas etc. fuel tanks see
Q17-E04 only.
Pressure vessels
Includes pressurised vehicle fuel tanks, e.g. containing
LPG. See also Q69-B for fixed capacity fuel tanks.
Vessels not under pressure
Vessel filling method or apparatus
Vessel discharging method or apparatus
Pipeline systems
Q69-M [2016]
Gas/liquid holder/tank manufacture
Includes methods and equipment for manufacturing tanks
and holders for gas/liquid.
Q69-T [2016]
Gas/liquid tank constructional details and
Includes tanks details, reinforcing elements, stands etc.
Q69-X [2014]
Other gas/liquid handling systems
Includes steam traps.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 251
Part 1
Q7: Lighting, Heating
Q71: Lighting
All details of electric lighting or illumination obtained by
unconventional sources like LED, EL devices are coded
under X26.
Q71-A [2015]
Type of light source
Q71-A01 [2015]
Electric lighting
All details of electric lighting are coded under X26.
Q71-A02 [2015]
Non-electric lighting
Q71-A02A [2015]
Q71-A02B [2015]
Includes crystalloluminescence, bioluminescence,
chemoluminescence, thermoluminescence,
phosphorescence or fluorescence.
Q71-A02X [2015]
Other type of non-electric light sources
Q71-A50 [2015]
Combustible/Flammable material used
Q71-A50A [2015]
Q71-A50B [2015]
Q71-A50C [2015]
Paraffin lamp
Q71-A50D [2015]
Candle, rushlight
Q71-A50X [2015]
Other combustibles
Q71-G [2015]
Maintenance and repair of lighting devices
Q71-M [2015]
Manufacture/Pre-use treatment
Includes pre-treatment of candle wicks.
Q71-R [2015]
Recycling of components from lighting devices
Electrical details of recycling systems are coded under
Q71-T [2015]
Constructional details
Q71-T01 [2015]
Q71-T02 [2015]
Refractors; Reflectors
See also V07 codes.
Q71-T03 [2015]
Light filters; Light screens; Diffusers; Light guides;
See also V07 codes.
Q71-T04 [2015]
Container for combustible material (e.g. oil)
Q71-T06 [2015]
Ignition of combustible; Arrangement for
controlling quantity of combustible used
Flint, permanent match, spark wheel, adjusting wheel
Q71-T07 [2015]
Protection from damage/draughts; Protection for
Includes shock-absorbers, thermal insulation, flame-
retardant solutions. Also includes gas-tight, water-tight
arrangements and draughts insulation.
Windproof, lightning protection
Q71-T99 [2015]
Other constructional details
Includes modular construction, candle holders, wicks and
stiffeners for candle wicks. Also includes fastenings and
suspending/attaching arrangements (see X26-R for
electric lighting), and cooling details.
252 Q: Mechanical
Q71-U [2015]
Q71-U03 [2015]
Q71-U13 [2015]
Q71-U32 [2015]
Q71-U33 [2015]
Hurricane lamp
Q71-U34 [2015]
Q71-U35 [2015]
Table lamps/floor lamps
Q71-U36 [2015]
Lightsticks, handlamp
Q71-U37 [2015]
Scented/therapeutic/insect repellent
Q71-U45 [2015]
General area/location of use
Q71-U45A [2015]
General outdoor use.
Gardens, waterways, camping, roads
Q71-U45C [2015]
General indoor use.
Furniture, mirror, oven, refrigerator
Q71-U45E [2015]
Underwater use
Q71-U99 [2015]
Other specific applications
Christmas decorations
EPI Manual Codes 2020 253
Part 1
Q72: Steam generation
Electric steam boilers are coded under X25-W02.
Q72-A [2015]
Steam generation - Heating method
Q72-A01 [2015]
Using heat content from hot heat carriers
This code includes the use of hot slag, hot residues,
molten metal, hot liquid or hot vapor, etc. as heat transfer
Iron blocks
Q72-A02 [2015]
Using combustion
Details of combustion processes are covered by Q73
Q72-A03 [2015]
Pre-heating details (pre-heaters)
Includes water and air preheating systems, and
combination of exhaust-steam and smoke-gas preheaters.
Also includes details of thermal de-aeration of feed-water
and accumulators arranged within combustion chambers,
combined with steam accumulators or directly connected
to boilers.
Smoke-gas preheaters, exhaust-steam preheaters, feed-
water heaters, accumulator
Q72-A04 [2015]
Superheating of steam
Covers the use of hot flue gases from the furnace,
radiations or heat generated by chemical reactions, etc, to
superheat the steam.
Q72-A05 [2015]
Control and safety systems
Includes arrangements for regulating steam temperature
and superheat temperature by regulating flue gas flow, by
indirectly cooling or heating the superheated steam in
auxiliary heat-exchangers, by using injected water sprays,
etc. Also includes control details of water feed.
Water-level, regulator, vent
Q72-A99 [2015]
Using a different heating method
Q72-B [2015]
Types of boilers
Q72-B01 [2015]
Fire-tube boilers
Q72-B02 [2015]
Water-tube boilers
Flash boiler
Q72-B03 [2017]
Biomass boilers
See Q73 for combustion systems and Q74 for heating
Q72-B04 [2015]
Fluidized bed combustion boilers
Includes atmospheric fluidized bed combustion boilers,
pressurized fluidized bed combustion boilers and
atmospheric circulating fluidized bed combustion boilers.
Q72-B05 [2015]
Stoker fired boilers
Includes boilers using spreader stokers and chair-grate or
traveling-grate stokers.
Q72-B06 [2015]
Pulverized fuel boilers
Pulverized coal
Q72-B07 [2015]
Waste heat boilers
Heat recovery steam generator
Q72-B08 [2015]
Superheated steam boilers
Q72-B99 [2015]
Other types of boilers
Includes instantaneous boilers.
Q72-G [2015]
Maintenance and repair of steam generating
Self-cleaning, de-sludging
Q72-M [2017]
Manufacturing details of boilers
Q72-T [2015]
Constructional details of steam generating
Q72-T01 [2015]
Drums; Headers
Q72-T02 [2015]
254 Q: Mechanical
Q72-T04 [2015]
Flues or fire tubes; Water tubes
Includes details of linings, inserts, fittings for preventing
burning-off of tube edges, attachments and supports.
Tube bundle
Q72-T05 [2015]
Boiler support, frame and casing
Stay-bolt connections
Q72-T07 [2015]
Arrangements for facilitating fluid circulation (air,
water, etc)
Includes details of valves, pumps, compressors, nozzles,
injectors and arrangements for inducing draughts.
Ventilating shafts, baffles, saddles or propellers
Q72-T09 [2015]
Heat exchangers
See also Q78 codes for details of heat exchangers.
Q72-T10 [2015]
Insulation details
Heat shield
Q72-T11 [2015]
Q72-T99 [2015]
Other constructional details of steam generating
Includes steam traps, economizer, etc.
Q72-U [2015]
Q72-U01 [2015]
Facial steamer
Q72-U03 [2015]
Q72-U16 [2015]
Power engineering; Power plants; Electrical power
Q72-U40 [2018]
Q72-U41 [2015]
Q72-U99 [2015]
Other specific applications
EPI Manual Codes 2020 255
Part 1
Q73: Combustion apparatus and processes
Details of internal combustion engines are coded under
Q51 only.
Electrical details of combustion are coded under X25-X13
(industrial combustion) and X27-G (domestic combustion).
Q73-A [2015]
Types of combustion apparatus and processes
Q73-A01 [2015]
Combustion systems using catalytic material
Includes details of catalytic material.
Q73-A02 [2015]
This code can be used in conjunction with Q73-A15 codes
to highlight the type of fuel used.
Wick burner, radiant gas burner, cutting torch, vortex
Q73-A03 [2015]
Start-up details/techniques
Pre-treatment of fuel is coded under Q73-T05A.
Q73-A04 [2015]
Fluidized bed combustion
Includes stationary beds, circulating fluidized beds,
vibratory fluidized beds, transport/flash reactors and
annular fluidized beds. Details of fluidized beds are also
covered under J04-E07A and J04-X03A.
FBC, bubbling bed, CFB, FR, AFB
Q73-A05 [2015]
Cremation furnaces
Details of furnaces are coded under Q77.
Q73-A15 [2015]
Fuel used
Q73-A15A [2015]
Solid fuel combustion
Includes details of pulverulent fuels.
Coal, charcoal, wood, powder
Q73-A15B [2015]
Liquid fuel combustion
Includes wick burners and blue-flame burners.
Oil, diesel, petrol, kerosene, biodiesel
Q73-A15C [2015]
Gaseous fuel combustion
Includes burners that use gas stored under pressure as a
liquid. Includes pre-mix and non-pre-mix gas burners,
radiant gas burners, inverter burners and welding/cutting
Natural gas, propane, landfill gas
Q73-A15D [2015]
Biomass fuel
This code is to be used in conjunction with other Q73-A15
codes for solid biomass (together with Q73-A15A),
biodiesel (together with Q73-15B), biogas (together with
Q73-A15C) or on its own if the type is not specified.
Landfill gas, biofuel
Q73-A15X [2015]
Other fuels
Q73-A99 [2015]
Other types of combustion apparatus and
Includes systems for returning solid combustion residues
or flue gasses to combustion chambers. Also includes
explosive combustion chambers.
Q73-B [2015]
Combustion control/regulation
Electrical details of combustion control are coded under
X25-X13 (industrial combustion) and X27-G02 (domestic
Q73-B01 [2015]
Control by regulating fuel supply
Q73-B02 [2015]
Control by regulating air supply or draught
Includes the use of bellows, diaphragms, etc. Details of air
inlet arrangements are coded under Q73-T02 codes.
Air flo, cyclone, vortex
Q73-B09 [2015]
Other arrangements for regulating or controlling
Q73-G [2015]
Maintenance and repair of combustion apparatus
Includes method and apparatus for cleaning all surfaces
contaminated by combustion products or combustion
residues. This includes removing ash, clinker or slag from
combustion chambers, and removing solid residues from
passages or chambers beyond the fire, e.g. from flues by
soot blowers.
Nozzle cleaning, grate cleaning, purging
256 Q: Mechanical
Q73-R [2015]
Recycling of components from combustion
Electrical details of recycling systems are coded under
Q73-T [2015]
Constructional details of combustion systems
Q73-T01 [2015]
Burner construction
Details of air supply in burners are also coded under Q73-
T02. Includes layout of burners to obtain a specific type of
flames, e.g. pencil or sheet flames, loop flames, impacting
flames or rotating flames.
Q73-T01A [2015]
Mounting/supports of burners
Q73-T01C [2015]
Nozzles for burners
Cleaning of nozzles is also covered under Q73-G.
Q73-T01X [2015]
Other details of burners
Includes evaporator, burner head, wick, flame spreader,
Q73-T02 [2015]
Details of air/gas supply/airflow
Includes details for supplying air or other non-combustible
liquids or gases (e.g. oxygen or steam) to the combustion
apparatus. Also includes firebridges and arrangements for
inducing draughts, such as ventilating shafts.
Mixing tube, air inlet, fan, blower, baffle, deflector, valve,
Q73-T02A [2015]
Includes details of linings, jackets, casings, joints, inlet
holes and doors.
Connection, mouths, cover, gas outlet
Q73-T03 [2015]
Combustion chamber
Includes details of casings, doors, linings and walls. Also
include supervision window for observation. Also includes
details of multiple combustion chambers, such as details
of separate secondary combustion chambers, where the
combustion chambers are arranged in series or parallel to
one another.
Crown, roof
Q73-T04 [2015]
Cleaning of grates is also covered under Q73-G. Includes
constructional details of grates with hollow or solid bars,
double grates, inclined grates, revolving/rocking grates
and travelling grates.
Basket grates, telescoping grates, dumping-grates, end
fittings, bearer, frame, spacer, support, fire-bars
Q73-T05 [2015]
Fuel system
Nozzles for burners are coded under Q73-T01C only.
Q73-T05A [2015]
Pre-treatment of fuel
Includes pre-treatment details before feeding fuel to
combustion apparatus. Includes mixing solid fuel with a
liquid, mixing two or more liquid fuels, or pre-heating fuel.
Slurry, emulsion
Q73-T05B [2015]
Fuel feed system
Includes feeding details by piston, screw, by gravity, or
using spreader stokers with or without moving hoppers.
Air blast, pump, free fall
Q73-T05C [2015]
Fuel nozzles
Nozzles for burners are coded under Q73-T01C only.
Q73-T06 [2015]
Q73-T07 [2015]
Treatment and removal of combustion products
Includes devices for treating smoke or fumes, e.g. for
removing noxious materials from smoke or fumes using
purifier or traps.
Q73-T09 [2015]
Cooling arrangements
Q73-T10 [2015]
Fluidized bed construction
Includes details of air inlets, fuel feeders for fluidized
beds. Also includes devices for removing material from
EPI Manual Codes 2020 257
Part 1
Q73-T11 [2015]
Igniters/lighter construction
Electrical igniters and cigarette lighters are included in
X27-G01only. Extinguishing devices are coded under Q73-
T12 only. Includes details of casing, friction wheel, fuel
container, wicks, flint, etc. Includes mechanical ignition
(using friction or shock effects), lighters containing fuel
and ignition by a pilot flame.
Q73-T12 [2015]
Extinguishing devices
Includes devices for blowing-out or snuffing candle
flames. Igniters are coded under Q73-T11 codes only.
Q73-T20 [2015]
Safety arrangements
Includes protection from flashback and blowback, and
safety systems e.g. in case of failure of gas supply. Cooling
arrangements are coded under Q73-T09.
Q73-T99 [2015]
Other constructional details of combustion
Includes soot blower.
Q73-U [2015]
Q73-U01 [2016]
Electric details of domestic combustion are coded under
X27-G. Electrical details of gas cookers are coded under
Cooking stove, boiler
Q73-U07 [2015]
Food industry
Q73-U20 [2015]
Waste disposal, waste treatment and recycling
Includes cremation of human or animal carcasses.
Q73-U26 [2015]
Q73-U27 [2015]
Includes steam boilers.
Q73-U40 [2015]
Includes drying (see also Q76 for drying details). Also
includes welding or cutting torches.
Q73-U45 [2015]
Underwater use
Q73-U99 [2015]
Other specific applications
EPI Manual Codes 2020 259
Part 1
Q74: Heating, ranges and ventilating
Cooling and refrigerating details are coded under Q75.
Electrical details of HVAC systems are coded by X27-E
Q74-A [2015]
Types of heating, ranges and ventilating
Q74-A01 [2015]
Stoves and ranges
Includes closed stoves, stoves with open fires, free-
standing stoves and ranges, integrated stoves and ranges
and combined stoves and ranges.
Fireplaces, charcoal brazier, camping stove, back-to-back
Q74-A02 [2015]
Space heating and ventilating; Water heating
Electrical details are coded under X27-E01.
HVAC, climate control system
Q74-A02A [2015]
Fluid heating systems
Includes water and/or air heating systems, fluid heating
systems using heat pump and storage heating systems.
Combination boiler, combi
Q74-A02B [2015]
Air conditioning systems
Electrical details of air conditioning systems are coded
under X27-E01B. Includes air conditioning systems with
additional air treatment, such as combined with
humidifiers or dehumidifiers. Electrical details of air
humidifying systems are coded under X27-E01B2.
Q74-A02C [2015]
Air humidifying/de-humidifying systems
Electrical details of air humidifying systems are coded
under X27-E01B2 only.
Includes details of air humidifying systems by evaporation
of water using heated or unheated wet elements, by
forming water dispersion in air or by injection of steam in
Q74-A02E [2015]
Ventilation systems
Includes natural ventilation systems, i.e. not using any
mechanical systems, and ventilation systems using forced
flow, e.g. using fans placed on doors/windows.
Q74-A02F [2015]
Air-cleaning and filtration systems
Air purifier
Q74-A02G [2015]
Air curtains
Includes air currents used for screening.
Q74-A02H [2015]
Portable HVAC units
This code is to be used in conjunction with other Q74-A02
Mobile, collapsible
Q74-A02J [2015]
Fixed HVAC units
This code is to be used in conjunction with other Q74-A02
code(s). Includes wall-mounted units, ceiling-mounted
units, under-floor units and roof-mounted units.
Q74-A25 [2015]
Fuel used
This code is used in conjunction with other Q74-A codes.
Q74-A25A [2015]
Solid fuel
Coal, charcoal, wood, wood pellets, powder
Q74-A25B [2015]
Liquid fuel
Oil, diesel, petrol, kerosene, biodiesel
Q74-A25C [2015]
Gaseous fuel
Natural gas, propane, landfill gas
Q74-A25D [2015]
Biomass fuel
This code is to be used in conjunction with other Q74-A25
codes for solid biomass (together with Q74-A25A),
biodiesel (together with Q74-A25B), biogas (together with
Q74-A25C) or on its own if the type is not specified.
Landfill gas, biofuel
Q74-A25E [2015]
Electrical power
Heating and air-conditioning devices powered by
electricity are coded under X27 and X25.
Q74-A25F [2015]
Solar power
See also X15-A codes.
Q74-A25X [2015]
Other types of fuel
Geo-thermal power
260 Q: Mechanical
Q74-G [2015]
Maintenance and repair of heating, ranges and
ventilating systems/parts
Q74-H [2015]
Use of heat/steam recovery
See also X15-H codes.
Q74-R [2015]
Recycling of heating, ranges and ventilating
Electric details of recycling systems are coded under X25-
Q74-T [2015]
Constructional details of heating, ranges and
ventilating systems
Details of heat exchangers are coded under Q78.
Q74-T01 [2015]
Air ducting/circulation systems
Includes diffusers, louvres, grilles, flaps, guide plates,
vertical ducts, air handler, plenum, air outlet and intake
vents, fan, blower, etc.
Ductwork, flue, turning vane, stac, flex, AH, plenum space
Q74-T02 [2015]
Includes refrigerant pipings.
Q74-T03 [2015]
Casings; Covers; Doors; Supports
Includes details of solar guards, snow guards and
decorative panels. Also includes screens and fuel guards
of stoves and ranges.
Camouflage, wall attachments, mountings, feet
Q74-T04 [2015]
Fireboxes; Fire grates; Fire irons; Hearth; Fuel
Includes details of frame, hood and heat deflectors. Also
includes details of fuel containers, such as hods for coal
storage, and tools for handling e.g. coal, such as tongs or
Fire surround, shaker grate, fire tools, shovel, tongs,
poker, brush, hopper, hopper plate, coal box
Q74-T07 [2015]
Includes details of burner cap, burner ring, LPG conversion
kit, cast iron pan supports, etc.
Bunsen burner, burner assembly
Q74-T08 [2015]
Compressors; Evaporators
Q74-T09 [2015]
Noise filters are coded under Q74-T15 only. Includes air
filters and water filters.
Q74-T10 [2015]
This code can be used in conjunction with Q74-T03 to
cover details of door, casing, mountings, etc.
Q74-T11 [2015]
Water tanks
Includes drip trays.
Water cylinder
Q74-T15 [2015]
Arrangements for vibration or noise suppression
Vibration isolator, noise filter, sound attenuator
Q74-T16 [2015]
Insulation; Seals
Noise insulation is coded under Q74-T15.
Draught shield
Q74-T20 [2015]
Control or safety systems
Electrical details are coded under X27-E01B.
Control knob, protective guard, fire resistant
Q74-T99 [2015]
Other constructional details
Includes arrangements for preventing condensation, tiles
and tiles attachments.
Shim liner
Q74-U [2015]
Q74-U01 [2015]
See also Q74-U10 for cooking and baking.
Barbeques, camping stove
Q74-U02 [2015]
Includes shops, offices, sport halls, theatres, schools and
Shops, offices, sports halls, theatre
EPI Manual Codes 2020 261
Part 1
Q74-U03 [2015]
Q74-U06 [2015]
Manufacturing plants
Q74-U07 [2015]
Food industry
Q74-U10 [2015]
Cooking and baking
This code can be used in conjunction with Q74-U01 or
Q74-U40 for domestic and industrial cooking and baking,
Q74-U14 [2015]
Q74-U40 [2015]
Covers industrial applications not covered by other
application codes.
Q74-U99 [2015]
Other specific applications
EPI Manual Codes 2020 263
Part 1
Q75: Refrigeration and Liquefaction
From 2015, X27-F codes only cover refrigeration with
substantial electrical content. All mechanical details are
now covered under Q75. Details of air conditioning
systems are coded under X27-E01B (electrical content)
and Q74 (mechanical content).
Q75-A [2015]
Types of refrigeration systems
Electrical details of refrigeration systems are coded under
X27-F02A. Refrigerant lubricants are coded under H08-
D11 only.
Q75-A01 [2015]
Non-cyclic refrigeration systems
Includes ice boxes.
Q75-A02 [2015]
Cyclic refrigeration systems
Q75-A02A [2015]
Compression systems
Includes refrigeration systems with multi-stage
compression, compression systems using Joule-Thompson
effect, using multiple cooling stages, using Stirling cycle or
using turbines. Also includes refrigeration systems using
multiple evaporator circuits, multiple condenser circuits,
with cascade operation, using 3He-4He dilution, etc.
Q75-A02B [2015]
Sorption systems
Includes continuous and non-continuous sorption
systems. Also includes refrigeration systems using
endothermic solution of salt, using desorption of
hydrogen from a hybrid, etc.
Q75-A02C [2015]
Heat pumps
Includes compression-type and sorption-type heat pumps.
Electrical details of heat pumps are coded under X27-
Absorption heat pumps
Q75-A02H [2015]
Systems using combination of operation modes
Includes compression-sorption systems. Also includes
combined heating and refrigeration systems.
Q75-A02X [2015]
Other types of cyclic-refrigeration systems
Includes refrigeration systems using evaporation of
refrigerant without recovery of vapor, or using waste
Q75-A03 [2018]
Defrosting and de-icing
Q75-A20 [2015]
Refrigerant used
Details of refrigerant are also coded under J07-A08.
Refrigerant lubricants are coded under H08-D11 and J07-
A10 only.
Q75-A20A [2015]
Q75-A20B [2015]
Q75-A20C [2015]
Q75-A20X [2015]
Other refrigerants
Q75-A99 [2018]
Other refrigeration details
Q75-E [2015]
Production, storage and distribution of ice
From 2015, X27-F04 covers ice manufacture only with
substantial electrical details. Includes production of ice
with or without refrigeration. Also includes production of
artificial snow (e.g. for winter sports), and specialized
tools used during production of ice.
Harvesting tools, saw, ice shaving, ice presses
Q75-F [2015]
Liquefaction, solidification and separation of gases
by pressure and cold treatment
Q75-T [2015]
Constructional details of refrigeration, liquefaction
and solidification systems
Constructional details of motors are coded under V06.
Q75-T01 [2015]
Electrical details of compressors are coded under X27-
Q75-T02 [2015]
Absorbers; Adsorbers; Boilers
Electrical details of absorbers and adsorbers are also
coded under X27-F02C. Also includes analyzers and
264 Q: Mechanical
Q75-T03 [2015]
Evaporators; Condensers; Heat exchangers; Valves
Includes cold exchangers, accumulators, sub-coolers,
desuperheaters and superheaters. Details of heat
exchangers are coded under Q78. Electrical details of
evaporators and condensers are coded under X27-F02C.
Expansion valves
Q75-T06 [2015]
Housings; Walls; Handles; Shelves
Includes cabinets, seals and feet. Also includes special
inserts for doors (e.g. for bottles), ice trays and egg trays
for domestic fridges and details of interior light. Fridge
lights are also covered by X27-F02C2 and Q71.
Door, tray
Q75-T08 [2015]
Water and ice dispensers
Details of ice generation are also covered by Q75-E codes.
Electrical details of ice generation are coded under X27-
Q75-T09 [2015]
Arrangements for circulating cooling fluids
Includes air intake filters.
Q75-T20 [2015]
Control and safety systems
Includes guards, protective plates, etc. Electrical details
are coded under X27-F03.
Defrosting, frost prevention
Q75-T99 [2015]
Other constructional details of refrigeration
Includes arrangements for preventing or removing
deposits or corrosion, arrangements for transporting
items to be cooled, etc.
Q75-U [2015]
Q75-U01 [2015]
Includes free-standing and integrated appliances, and
combined fridge-freezers.
Wine cooler
Q75-U03 [2015]
Includes cars, trucks, airplanes, boats, etc.
Q75-U07 [2015]
Food industry
Q75-U30 [2015]
Sports, toys, entertainment and leisure
Includes ice rinks, ski slopes, etc.
Q75-U40 [2015]
Includes cold rooms.
Q75-U99 [2015]
Other specific applications
EPI Manual Codes 2020 265
Part 1
Q76: Drying
Electrical details of drying methods and apparatus are
coded under X25-G.
Q76-A [2015]
Pre-treatment (to facilitate drying)
Q76-B [2015]
Drying method
Q76-B01 [2015]
Drying using heat
Includes drying methods using heat convection, heat
conduction, radiation (e.g. from the sun) or using heat
created within the materials/objects to be dried (e.g. by
Spray-drying, fluidised drying
Q76-B02 [2015]
Drying without using heat
Includes drying by evaporation/sublimation of moisture
(e.g. in a vacuum), by centrifugal force or by pressure.
Includes the use of a freezing step. Also includes drying by
suction, or by contact with sorbent bodies.
Clothes press, mangle, wringer
Q76-B03 [2015]
Drying using a combination of heat and heat-free
Q76-G [2015]
Cleaning, maintenance and repair of drying
Includes testing, lubricating and oiling arrangements.
Q76-M [2015]
Manufacture of drying machines/Pre-use
Pre-treatment of items to be dried (to facilitate drying)
are coded under Q76-A only.
Q76-R [2015]
Recycling of drying parts/components
Q76-T [2015]
Constructional details of drying machines
Q76-T01 [2015]
Q76-T03 [2015]
Arrangements for conveying materials/objects to
Includes fluidised beds, rollers and belts. Includes stirring
Trays, racks
Q76-T04 [2015]
Arrangement and control of air/gas supply
Includes details of gas used during the drying process (if
different than air). Includes mechanical control details
only. Also includes filters.
Humidity, temperature, pressure, flow
Q76-T06 [2015]
Heating/refrigerating arrangements
Includes details of combustion heating (see also Q73
codes), and tubes containing heated fluids. Refrigeration
details are also covered under Q75.
Freezing coil
Q76-T08 [2015]
Ventilation/cooling details of drying machine
Q76-T99 [2015]
Other constructional details
Safety system
Q76-U [2015]
Q76-U01 [2015]
Airing cupboard, washing line
Q76-U13 [2015]
Medicine, tablets, antibiotics, medical ingredients,
additives, blood plasma
Q76-U21 [2015]
Characterized by specific type of materials to dry
Q76-U21A [2015]
For drying elongated/long materials
Fabrics, fibres, yarns
Q76-U21B [2015]
For drying loose materials
Granules, pellets, cubes
266 Q: Mechanical
Q76-U21D [2015]
For drying gas
Natural gas
Q76-U21E [2015]
For drying food/plants
Q76-U21E1 [2015]
For drying food
Instant coffee, milk powder, coffee, tea, eggs, cereal,
spices, flavorings
Q76-U21E2 [2015]
For drying plants
Tobacco, flowers
Q76-U40 [2015]
Combine harvester, paint pigments, ceramic materials,
catalyst supports, microalgae, paper pulp
Q76-U99 [2015]
Other specific drying applications
EPI Manual Codes 2020 267
Part 1
Q77: Furnaces, kilns, ovens, retorts
Furnaces, kilns, ovens and retorts are also coded under
J09. Details of combustion processes are also covered
under Q73 codes.
Q77-A [2015]
Type of furnaces/kilns/ovens/etc
Q77-A01 [2015]
Vertical furnaces
Includes vertical furnaces with multiple shafts/chambers.
Blast furnace
Q77-A02 [2015]
Horizontal/slightly inclined furnaces
Includes details of rotary furnaces. Includes externally and
internally heated furnaces, tiltable furnaces or furnaces
with multiple chambers/drums.
Q77-A03 [2015]
Hearth-type furnaces
Includes details of reverberatory-type furnaces. Includes
furnaces with single chamber/hearth, multiple
chambers/hearths or with movable working
Q77-A04 [2015]
Muffle furnaces; Retort furnaces
Includes furnaces muffle furnaces and retort furnaces
with multiple chambers.
Q77-A07 [2015]
Fluidized-bed furnaces
Q77-A99 [2015]
Other type of furnaces, kilns, ovens or retorts
Includes bell-type furnaces, furnaces with stationary
charge but moving kiln sections, open/uncovered
sintering apparatus, crucible/pot furnaces and tank
Q77-B [2015]
Fuel used
Q77-B01 [2015]
Q77-B02 [2015]
Q77-B03 [2015]
Natural gas
Q77-B04 [2015]
Q77-B99 [2015]
Other fuels
Q77-D [2015]
Management of waste heat and exhaust gases
Q77-G [2015]
Cleaning, maintenance and repair of furnaces,
kilns, oven and retorts
Q77-R [2015]
Recycling of furnaces, kilns, ovens and retorts
Electric details of recycling systems are coded under X25-
Q77-T [2015]
Constructional details of furnaces, kilns, ovens and
Q77-T01 [2015]
Drum; casing; lining; wall; roofs; dividers
Includes details of refractory bricks, partitions and doors.
Also includes sealing arrangements.
Blanket, muffle
Q77-T02 [2015]
Air blowers/tuyeres
Includes details of blower motors (see also X11 codes),
filters and blower chambers.
Q77-T03 [2015]
Includes details of floor-mounted, wall-mounted or roof-
mounted burners.
Q77-T04 [2015]
Radiant coils/tubes
Q77-T05 [2015]
Arrangement for charging/discharging charge
Feeders, hoppers, screw feeders
Q77-T06 [2015]
Heat exchangers
See Q78 codes for more details.
268 Q: Mechanical
Q77-T07 [2015]
Flue-gas stack
Includes stack dampers. Also includes details to enhance
stability in e.g. strong winds.
Damper blade
Q77-T08 [2015]
Dust collectors; Soot blowers
Q77-T10 [2015]
Cooling arrangements
Q77-T20 [2015]
Control and safety arrangements
See also J09-B04.
Q77-T99 [2015]
Other constructional details of furnaces, kilns,
ovens and retorts
Includes details for corrosion protection, arrangement for
forming or maintaining specific atmosphere within
chamber, and tools for stirring molten materials.
Q77-U [2015]
Q77-U14 [2015]
Laboratory furnace
Q77-U20 [2015]
Waste disposal, waste treatment and recycling
Includes cremation of human and animal carcasses.
Q77-U26 [2015]
Q77-U99 [2015]
Other specific applications
EPI Manual Codes 2020 269
Part 1
Q78: Heat exchange
Heat exchangers used in refrigeration systems are also
coded under Q75.
Q78-A [2015]
Types of heat exchangers
Q78-A01 [2015]
Steam or vapor condensers
Q78-A02 [2015]
Characterized by the fluid direction
Q78-A02A [2015]
Parallel flow
Q78-A02B [2015]
Q78-A02C [2015]
Q78-A02D [2015]
Multi-pass arrangements
Includes combination of parallel and counter flows.
Q78-A03 [2015]
Indirect contact heat exchangers
Includes shell and tube heat exchangers, shell and tube
heat exchangers, plate heat exchangers, compact heat
exchangers, adiabatic wheel heat exchangers, dynamic
scraped surface heat exchangers, regenerative heat
exchangers and phase-change heat exchangers.
Surface condenser, U-tube heat exchanger, double pipe
heat exchanger, plate tin heat exchanger, CHEs, plate and
shell heat exchanger, intermediate flow
Q78-A04 [2015]
Direct-contact heat exchangers
Includes direct-contact trickle coolers, such as cooling
Q78-A05 [2015]
Heat exchangers using a combination of indirect
and direct heat exchanging methods
Q78-G [2015]
Cleaning, maintenance and repair of heat
Includes supports/frames for attaching cleaning
appliances, masks delimiting areas to be cleaned, etc.
Includes cleaning by distortion, by vibration, by flushing
e.g. chemical solvents, by combustion processes.
Abrasive tools, cleaning brushers, scrapers, hammers,
cutters, self-cleaning
Q78-M [2015]
Manufacture/Pre-use treatment of heat
Q78-R [2015]
Recycling of heat exchanger components
Electric details of recycling systems are coded under X25-
Q78-T [2015]
Constructional details of heat exchangers
Q78-T01 [2015]
Tubular elements
Q78-T03 [2015]
Casings; Header boxes; Heat/flow reflectors
Includes plates and other arrangements for
increasing/decreasing heat transfer, e.g. for promoting
droplets formation, affecting the flow pattern, turbulent
flow to reduce skin-effect, etc.
End plate, baffle plate, impeller
Q78-T04 [2015]
Sealing arrangements
Q78-T20 [2015]
Control and safety arrangements
Q78-T99 [2015]
Other constructional details of heat exchangers
Includes arrangements for preventing the formation of
deposits/corrosion, for collecting and removing
condensate, and for removing ice/water (to prevent
clogging by frost). Also includes arrangement for
suppressing noise.
Q78-U [2015]
Q78-U03 [2015]
270 Q: Mechanical
Q78-U07 [2015]
Food industry
Includes dairy industry.
Q78-U16 [2015]
Power engineering; Power plants; Electrical power
Q78-U17 [2015]
Hydraulic engineering; Water
management/treatment; Sewerage
Q78-U25 [2015]
Chemical engineering; Refinery/chemical plant
Q78-U40 [2015]
Other industrial applications (not covered by other
Q78-U codes)
Includes reboilers.
Q78-U41 [2015]
Includes cooling of electronic devices (see also V04
Q78-U41A [2015]
See also Q75 and X27 codes.
Q78-U99 [2015]
Other specific applications
EPI Manual Codes 2020 271
Part 1
Q79: Weapons, ammunition, blasting
See also K03.
Q79-A [2015]
Type of weapons
Q79-A01 [2015]
Cold weapons
This code is applied for weapons projecting missiles
WITHOUT the use of explosive or combustible propellant
Q79-A01A [2015]
Blow guns
Q79-A01B [2015]
Sling weapons
Catapults, slingshots
Q79-A01C [2015]
Includes long bows and compound bows.
Q79-A01D [2015]
Thrusting or cutting weapons
Includes sabres, cutlasses, swords, epees, daggers,
stilettos, lances, pikes and harpoons.
Q79-A01X [2015]
Other cold weapons
Includes batons, truncheons, sticks, shillelaghs, bolas,
knuckledusters, spring guns, liquid ejecting guns, such as
water pistols, and compressed gas guns, such as air guns
or steam guns.
Friction-wheel operated launcher, speargun, toy gun
Q79-A02 [2015]
Q79-A02A [2015]
Non-lethal guns such as flare pistols are coded under Q79-
A02F only.
Q79-A02B [2015]
Shoulder-fired firearms
Rifles, carbines, shotguns, gyrojets
Q79-A02C [2015]
Machine guns
Includes automatic and semi-automatic machine guns.
Q79-A02D [2015]
Artillery guns
Cannons, carronades, falconets, field guns, Howitzers
Q79-A02F [2015]
Non-lethal guns
Includes rescue equipment guns, riot control guns and
alarm pistols. Also includes starting pistols, tranquiliser
guns and paintball guns.
Flare guns, Lyle guns, Very pistol, Flash-ball
Q79-A02X [2015]
Other types of firearms
Harpoon guns
Q79-A03 [2015]
Q79-A04 [2015]
Mechanical details of missile launchers attached to a
vehicle are coded under Q24-M01A. Includes
rocket/torpedoes launchers.
Q79-A05 [2015]
Mines, e.g. landmines
Includes anti-personnel mines and anti-vehicle mines.
Also includes fragmentation mines, blast mines and naval
Anti-tank mines
Q79-A06 [2015]
Missiles and hand grenades
Includes air-to-air missiles, air-to-surface missiles, surface-
to-air missiles and surface-to-surface missiles. Also
includes stun grenades, chemical and gas grenades, tear
gas grenades, etc. Anti-missile systems are coded under
Molotov cocktails, warheads, rockets, torpedoes
Q79-A09 [2015]
Includes controlled use of explosives for e.g. rock blasting,
Q79-A99 [2015]
Other types of weapons
Includes fictional guns, such as ray-guns.
272 Q: Mechanical
Q79-E [2015]
Training/practice weapons and facilities
Includes shooting/firing ranges and archery targets. Can
be used with other Q79 codes to specify type of weapon,
e.g. archery targets are also coded under Q79-A01C. Also
see P36-A05 for archery/shooting target practice.
Bobbing targets, moving targets, clay-pigeon targets,
bullet catcher
Q79-F [2015]
See also K04-C codes.
Q79-F01 [2015]
Shell/container, includes wrapping
Q79-F02 [2015]
Star pellets
Includes arrangement of star pellets within the shell for
specific display.
Palm, round shell, willow, chrysanthemum
Q79-F03 [2015]
Bursting charge; Mortar/launching arrangements
Also includes details of fuse/time delay.
Compressed air, gunpowder
Q79-F99 [2015]
Other firework details
Q79-G [2015]
Cleaning, maintenance and repair of weapons
Includes testing, lubricating and oiling arrangements.
Scrapers, cleaning rods
Q79-H [2015]
Protection for weapons, personnel or equipment;
Armoured vehicles
Q79-H01 [2015]
Protection for personnel; Protective clothing
Includes military specific clothing, eye/ear protection and
head protection.
Q79-H03 [2015]
Protection for weapons or equipment (not vehicle)
Includes decoys.
Q79-H04 [2015]
Armoured vehicles
See also Q19-D.
Q79-M [2015]
Manufacture/Pre-use treatment of weapons
Q79-S [2015]
Recycling and decommissioning of weapons
Decommissioning details of ammunitions are also covered
by K03-A04. Alterations so that a gun can no longer be
fired are also covered under Q79-T02X.
Q79-T [2015]
Constructional details of weapons and
Details of explosives are coded under K04. Constructional
details of practice targets, such as archery targets, are
coded under Q79-E codes only.
Q79-T01 [2015]
Constructional details of weapons
Protective clothing is covered under Q79-H01.
Q79-T01A [2015]
Bows, bowstrings
Includes details of bow-string drawing or releasing
devices, bow stringers, bow wax, arrow rests, guides and
bow stabilisers/dampers. Archery targets are also
included under Q79-E. Arrows per se are coded under
Limbs, risers, tillers, bow sights, necking points, bracing
height gauges, darts
Q79-T01B [2015]
Handles; Crossguards
Also includes butts and butt plates.
Stocks, recoil absorbing pads
Q79-T01C [2015]
Blades; Folding blades
Includes details of the folding mechanism. Also includes
concealment details, such as for swordsticks and cane-
Q79-T01D [2015]
Holders, sheath or scabbards
Includes details of storage such as gun bags, gun cases,
bow cases, quivers, etc.
Gun slip, gun holster
EPI Manual Codes 2020 273
Part 1
Q79-T01E [2015]
Rifled bores, smoothbores
Q79-T01F [2015]
Magazines; Arrangements for feeding/loading
Includes details of pump-action mechanism or lever-
action mechanism. Details of ammunitions are coded
under Q79-T02.
Rocking lever
Q79-T01G [2015]
Triggers and other ignition mechanisms
Q79-T01H [2015]
Aiming mechanisms
Includes b-pods and shooting sticks. Also includes
mounting arrangements, e.g. gun mountings on a vehicle.
Iron sights, turrets, monopod, target acquisition,
trajectory compensation
Q79-T01X [2015]
Other constructional details of weapons
Includes high seats, recoil pads. Also includes details of
gunshot sound and smoke simulation, such as shock-
sensitive explosive compounds. Cartridges blanks are
included under Q79-T02A. Details of gun
decommissioning are coded under Q79-S.
Q79-T02 [2015]
Constructional details of ammunitions
Tracer ammunition
Q79-T02A [2015]
Includes details of cartridge blanks.
Rubber bullets
Q79-T02B [2015]
Includes arrows and arrowheads. Rubber bullets are
coded under Q79-T02A.
Q79-T02C [2015]
Propellants, primers (to ignite propellant) and
Includes details of fuse mechanism, delay arrangement,
booster and main charge.
Q79-T02F [2015]
Storage of ammunitions
Includes details of ammunition belts or bags and
ammunition boxes. Details of magazines are coded under
Q79-T02X [2015]
Other constructional details of ammunitions
Q79-T10 [2015]
Safety arrangements
Includes latch and double-trigger system for guns, device
for absorbing or damping detonation-wave during
explosions or protecting the user whilst firing the gun, etc.
Blasting mat
Q79-T50 [2015]
Novel constructional material (weapons and
Should be used in conjunction with other Q79-T codes to
indicate material application.
Fiberglass, rubber, stone, thermoplastics, HMPE
Q79-T99 [2015]
Other accessories
Shooting mats
Q79-U [2015]
Q79-U03 [2015]
Q79-U17 [2015]
Civil Engineering; Construction; Buildings
Includes demolition of e.g. buildings, chimney stacks,
using blasting.
Building implosion
Q79-U30 [2015]
Sports, toys, entertainment and leisure
Includes martial arts weapons, paintball, fireworks and
fire performances.
Sparklers, Catherine Wheels, fire-breathing, fire-eating,
Q79-U31 [2015]
Self-defence; military
274 Q: Mechanical
Q79-U31A [2015]
Includes replica firearms for training.
Q79-U31C [2015]
Q79-U45 [2015]
Underwater use
Q79-U99 [2015]
Other specific applications
EPI Manual Codes 2020 275
Part 1
Electrical Patents Index
EPI Manual Codes 2020 277
Part 1
Section S: Instrumentation, Measuring and Testing
S01: ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENTS .......................................................................................................................... 279
S02: ENGINEERING INSTRUMENATION.................................................................................................................. 289
S03: SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTATION .................................................................................................................... 307
S04: CLOCKS AND TIMERS ................................................................................................................................. 327
S05: ELECTRICAL MEDICAL EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................................... 331
S06: PRINTING AND PHOTOGRAPHY .................................................................................................................... 343
EPI Manual Codes 2020 279
Part 1
S01: Electrical Instruments
This section is restricted to measurements of electrical
properties and values. It does not include other methods
such as optical inspection of electrical and electronic
apparatus, for which codes for the device under test,
together with the appropriate code, in e.g. S03, should be
Current and volt meters with pointer display
Does not include those used to display other measured
variables e.g. on vehicle dashboard. For details of pointer
displays in measurement, see S02-K06A. For vehicle
dashboard instrumentation, see S02-K06X and X22-E
Ammeter, coil, moving coil
Integrating power or current meters
Includes meters with electromechanical and electronic
integration, e.g. kilowatt-hour meter. See S01-D02 for
instantaneous power measurement. See also X12-H04
Hour, watt, energy, utility, disc, security
S01-B01 [1992]
Remote meter reading
Includes monitoring of meter per se. See also S02-K08A.
See also X12-H04A.
S01-B03 [1997]
Digital electricity meters
S01-B05 [1992]
Protection against tampering
See also T05-H06 for coin, token, or card-freed systems.
Includes local or remote indication of tampering.
Security, anti-fraud
Instruments displaying waveforms or digital values
Cathode ray oscilloscopes
See V05-D codes for details of CRTs per se.
Oscillograph, CRO, vertical, trigger, horizontal, storage,
Other instruments displaying waveforms or digital
Includes instruments with other display types.
Measuring electric variables
Currents or voltages
Functions of currents or voltages
Amplitude, average
S01-D01A1 [1983]
Effective values
Includes r.m.s values.
Root mean square
S01-D01A3 [1992]
Peak detection
Maximum, hold, sample and hold
S01-D01A9 [1992]
Other functions of currents or voltages
Indicating presence or sign
Polarity, offset, comparator
Indicating presence
Includes indication of zero-crossing point of AC waveform.
Level reference, hysteresis
Using AC/DC, current/pulse conversion, etc.
A-D and D-A converters per se are covered by U21-A
S01-D01C1 [1983]
DC to AC, digital
S01-D01C1A [1992]
DC-to AC
Includes chopper circuit. See U24-G01A1 and U24-G02E
for instrumentation chopper amplification circuits.
280 S: Instrumentation, Measuring and Testing
S01-D01C1B [1992]
S01-D01C5 [1983]
AC to DC
Rectifier, bridge, detector, full-wave rectifier
S01-D01D [1992]
‘Indirect’ measurement techniques
Includes non-contact measurement techniques and those
involving transformation into non-electric quantity.
S01-D01D1 [1992]
Using inductive or magnetic measurement
Clamp ammeter
S01-D01D1A [1992]
Using current transformer
See also V02-G01B and X12-C01, respectively for low and
high power transformers per se.
Core, coil, primary, secondary, phase
S01-D01D3 [1992]
Using electrostatic effects
Includes capacitive measurement, CVTs, etc.
S01-D01D5 [1992]
Using optical transformation
See also V07-K for light property such as polarisation
varying in proportion to electric quantity.
Pockel’s effect, Electrochromic, Faraday rotation
S01-D01D7 [1992]
Using particle beam
Includes measurement using e.g. electron beam probing
circuit, and also measurement by deflection of beam. See
also V05-F01 codes and V05-F08B.
S01-D01D9 [1992]
Other indirect current/voltage measurements
Other current/voltage measurements
Power, power factor or energy
Includes instantaneous power measurement. Integrating
meters are covered by S01-B. Includes measurement of RF
power (with S01-H05).
Thermocouple, heating effect, remote indication
Frequency; analysing frequency spectra
By conversion to amplitude or phase shift
Resonance, tuned circuit, integrato, frequency to voltage
By pulse counting
Clock, gate, digital frequency meter, bit rate
Analysing frequency spectra
S01-D03C1 [1992]
Frequency sweeping apparatus.
Includes ‘spectrum analyser’ and panoramic receivers.
Measurement receivers per se are covered by W02-G03
codes, monitoring of transmission systems in general by
W02-C05 codes and band scanning by U25-J01 codes.
S01-D03C3 [1992]
Fourier analysis
See T01-J04B for implementation by data processing
S01-D03C5 [1992]
Distortion and harmonic content measurement
THD, total, distortion factor meter, nonlinear
S01-D03C9 [1992]
Other frequency spectra analysis
Other frequency aspects
Phase angle between voltages and currents
See U23-C for phase comparator per se.
Lissajous figure
EPI Manual Codes 2020 281
Part 1
LCR and impedance-based measurements
Codes in this section relate to the measurement of
impedances per se (S01-D05B), resistance (S01- D05B1),
impedance related measurements such as reflection
coefficient (S01-D05B5), four terminal network
characteristics (S01- D05C), and measurement of
inductance, capacitance, quality factor etc (S01-D05A
codes). For bridge measurements see S01-F01 also. For
high-frequency measurement use S01-H05 also. For
measurements on passive components, use S01-G12
codes also.
Inductance, capacitance, Q factor, loss factor,
dielectric constant
AC bridge
S01-D05A1 [1992]
Inductance measurement
Self, mutual
S01-D05A3 [1992]
Capacitance and dielectric constant measurement
S01-D05A5 [1992]
Quality/loss factor measurement
Tan delta, loss angle, Q-factor, dissipation factor
Resistance and reflection-based measurements
Includes general measurement of impedance.
Measurement of resistance, or predominantly resistive
impedance, is covered by S02-D05B1.
S01-D05B1 [1992]
Resistance measurement
S01-D05B5 [1992]
Reflection-based measurements
For measurements on antenna feeder e.g. VSWR, gain etc,
see W02-B08A1 also.
Reflectometer, time domain
S01-D05B5A [1992]
Characterising circuit
Includes e.g. scattering parameter measurements.
S01-D05B9 [1992]
Other 2-pole measurements
S01-D05C [1980]
4-pole characteristics
Includes measurement of 4-terminal network (i.e. 2-port
network) characteristics such as attenuation, phase or
amplitude as a function of frequency, Nyquist diagram,
Bode plot, etc.
Gain, gain-bandwidth, insertion loss, roll-off, stability,
transient response, transmission loss
Pulse characteristics (individual pulses)
Measurement and monitoring of pulse trains are covered
by U22-D03.
Duration, rise-time, fall-time, overshoot
S01-D07 [1992]
Electric and electromagnetic fields
Measurement of magnetic field strength is covered by
S01-E01 codes.
S01-D07A [1992]
Electrostatic fields
Includes measurement of point charges. See also S01-H02
for high voltage applications.
S01-D07A1 [1997]
Using optical techniques
S01-D07B [1992]
Electromagnetic fields
See also S01-H05 for RF field strength measurements.
S01-D07B1 [1992]
Antenna radiation diagram
See also S01-G08A5 and W02-B08A1.
S01-D07B3 [1997]
Using optical techniques
S01-D08 [1992]
Modulation and noise
S01-D08A [1992]
Modulation index or depth
See also S01-G08A1 and W02-G01 for transmitter testing.
Modulators per se are coded in U23.
Cross-modulation, AM, FM, frequency, deviation, sideband
282 S: Instrumentation, Measuring and Testing
S01-D08B [1992]
Noise power; noise figure
See also S01-G08A3 and W02-G03 codes for receiver
S-N, signal-to-noise, ratio
S01-D08B1 [1997]
For electronic amplifier
See U24 codes
S01-D08B3 [1997]
For optical amplifier
See also S02-J04A1C and V07-K01C.
Other electrical variable measurements
Includes measurement of turns ratio and number of turns.
(See also V02/X12).
Measuring magnetic variables
Resonance, free induction decay signal coil, NMR, field,
nuclear, echo, spin echo, magnetometer, magnetise, Hall-
effect, flow
Direction/ magnitude of magnetic field/ flux
Gradiometer, permanent
S01-E01A [1992]
Using superconductive quantum interferometer
See also U14-F02B.
S01-E01A1 [1997]
DC squid
S01-E01A3 [1997]
RF squid
S01-E01B [1992]
Using galvano-magnetic devices
Includes use of Hall-effect devices.
S01-E01B1 [1992]
Detector device per se
See also U12-B01A for Hall-effect devices.
S01-E01C [1992]
Using magneto-optical devices
Includes use of Faraday Effect devices. See also V07-K03.
S01-E01C1 [1992]
Detector device per se
S01-E01D [2005]
Using magnetoresistive devices
S01-E01D1 [2005]
Device per se
S01-E01X [1992]
Other magnetic variable measurement (including
Magnetic properties
S01-E02A [1992]
Quantised spin properties
See S03-C02F and S03-E07 codes. S01-J02 code is used for
cooling arrangements.
S01-E02A1 [1997]
S01-E02A1A [1997]
Sample handling
Includes spinning mechanism.
S01-E02A2 [1997]
S01-E02A2A [1997]
Image enhancement
Includes artefact suppression. See S05-D02B2 for medical
application. See S03-E09X for contrast agents.
S01-E02A3 [1997]
Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance
EPI Manual Codes 2020 283
Part 1
S01-E02A4 [1997]
Spin, paramagnetic, resonance, electron
S01-E02A8 [1997]
Quantised spin measuring device details
Refers to all devices within the scope of S01-E02A.
S01-E02A8A [1997]
Coils and waveguides
Includes coils for RF excitation and detection. Does NOT
include coils for generating magnetic fields, e.g. gradient
coils. For coils generating magnetic fields, see S01-
E02A8E. Also includes antennae. See also V02-F01G and
X12-C codes.
S01-E02A8C [1997]
Signal and image processing
See T01-J04B for use of Fast Fourier Transform.
Fourier Transform
S01-E02A8E [1997]
Includes coils for generating magnetic fields, e.g. gradient
coils, electromagnets. See also V02-E codes.
Electromagnetic, superconducting
S01-E02A8P [2005]
Pulse sequences
Covers methods and apparatus which control the timing,
shape and duration of the RF pulses.
S01-E02A8Q [2005]
Control and operation
Covers all systems for operation and control of NMR
equipment other than RF pulses.
S01-E02A8X [1997]
Other quantised spin properties measuring device
S01-E02A9 [1997]
Other quantised spin properties
S01-E02X [1997]
Other magnetic properties
See S03-E11 for investigation of materials using magnetic
Ferromagnetic, eddy, susceptibility, coercivity, excitation,
Measurements involving comparison with a
Ratio, standard
Ac or dc bridges
See S01-D05 also for appropriate measurement.
Resistance, capacitance, inductance, Wheatstone,
S01-F01A [1992]
With transducer forming part of bridge
Includes Wheatstone bridge circuit with resistance strain
gauge e.g. for force measurement (see also S02-F01C), or
weighing (see also S02-D01B).
Other reference measurements
Testing electric properties; locating electric faults
See general scope note for S01 section. Includes power
supply fault, energy quality, energy efficiency, etc.
Electronic circuits
Covers measurements at nodes of circuits which may be
discrete or integrated.
Digital circuits
Includes logic tester/analyser.
VLSI, integrated, IC, ROM, EEPROM
S01-G01A1 [1992]
Testing integrated circuits
Measurements on IC regarded as functional block are
covered by S01-G02B. Includes use of electron beam
probe techniques (see also S01-D01D7), and boundary
scan testing (see also S01-G01A5). For on-chip test
circuits, see U11-F01D2, U13-C07 also.
284 S: Instrumentation, Measuring and Testing
S01-G01A3 [1992]
Testing modules or cards
S01-G01A5 [1992]
Logic analyser
S01-G01A9 [1992]
Other digital circuit testing
Printed circuit boards
See V04-R06 codes.
Contact, mount, probe, pin, PCB
S01-G01B1 [1987]
Bare PCB i.e. before component mounting
Tracks, continuity, short circuit
S01-G01B3 [1987]
Assembled PCB, including ATE
See S01-H03 codes for probe details.
Suction, board positioning, ‘bed-of-nails’, component
S01-G01C [1992]
Analogue circuits
S01-G01C1 [1992]
Analogue integrated circuits
See note for S01-G01A1.
S01-G01C3 [1992]
Analogue circuit modules
S01-G01C9 [1992]
Other analogue circuit testing
S01-G01D [2006]
Using external optical/ thermal/ other stimulation
Includes measurement where circuit is stimulated by
external energy to induce voltage/current/ resistance
change, which is then used for failure detection/ testing
operation of circuit. For any subsequent non-contact
measurement of voltages/currents, see also S01-D01D.
EBIC, OBIC, OBIRCH, voltage contrast
Tubes and semiconductor devices and display
Characteristic, curve, acceptance test
S01-G02A [1992]
See also V05-L07E1 codes and X26-A03 for tube and
discharge lamp testing respectively.
Valve, CRT
S01-G02B [1992]
Semiconductor devices
Codes in this section are used to denote testing of a
semiconductor device as a “functional block” or “black
box”. See S01-G01A1 and S01-G01C1 for testing involving
measurement of voltages and currents within the circuit
Note, also includes unspecified electrical testing of
semiconductor devices.
Bipolar, unipolar, FET, MOS, CMOS, integrated circuit, IC,
transistor, thyristor, SCR, triac, diac, diode, rectifier,
S01-G02B1 [1992]
At wafer or die level
See U11-F01D codes also.
Defect, fault, mark, identify
S01-G02B5 [1992]
Completed (encapsulated) device
See also U11-F01C codes.
IC, integrated circuit, transistor, SCR, triac, diac, diode,
rectifier, varactor
S01-G02C [2006]
Display panels
Electrical measurements relating to display panels, e.g.
LCD, PDP, FED, and associated circuitry. See also S02-
J04A3A for LCD testing
Materials, for dielectric strength or breakdown
Includes arc detection in general.
HV, discharge, withstand, tracking, arcing, insulator
Testing for short circuits, discontinuity and leakage
Cable core identifier, plug/socket connection tester,
continuity tester
S01-G04A [1992]
Short circuit and leakage
S01-G04A1 [1992]
Short circuit
EPI Manual Codes 2020 285
Part 1
S01-G04A5 [1992]
S01-G04A5A [1992]
With preset threshold
S01-G04C [1992]
Checking continuity
S01-G04C1 [1992]
Without resistance measurement
S01-G04C5 [1992]
With resistance measurement
S01-G04C5A [1992]
With pre-set threshold
Locating faults in cables or networks
Used for ‘installed’ cables and transmission lines. See also
X12-G01C for power cables W02-C01D for communication
Telecommunication, break point, capacitance
S01-G06 [1983]
See X16-H also which includes non-electric testing, e.g. of
specific gravity, not coded in S01-G06.
Charge, terminal, accumulator, ampere-hour, capacity
S01-G06A [1992]
Measurement of remaining battery capacity
Reserve, residual, discharge
S01-G07 [1983]
Electrical machines
See V06-M11 and X11-J codes also.
Winding, coil, phase, rotating, rotor, stator, motor,
generator, dynamo, alternator, dynamoelectric
S01-G08 [1992]
Radio equipment and related systems
See also W02-C05 and W02-G, and also relevant S01-D
codes for specific electrical measurement aspect, e.g.
from S01-D07 and S01-D08.
S01-G08A [1992]
Testing methods for equipment
The codes in this section are used when the method of
testing is intended for a specific type of equipment.
S01-G08A1 [1992]
Transmitters, repeaters
S01-G08A3 [1992]
S01-G08A5 [1992]
S01-G08A9 [1992]
Other equipment testing
S01-G08B [1992]
Equipment for testing
The codes in this section are used when the novelty
resides in the test equipment itself.
S01-G08B1 [1992]
Signal sources
Includes signal generators, noise generators, etc.
S01-G08B3 [1992]
Equipment with measuring facility
Includes e.g. RF power meter, noise-measuring receiver
S01-G08B5 [1992]
Screening arrangements
Includes e.g. RF Faraday cage. See also S01-J02.
S01-G08B9 [1992]
Other radio test equipment
S01-G08C [1992]
Electromagnetic compatibility testing
See S01-D08B for noise figure measurements and S01-
G08B5 for Faraday cage measurements. Covers tolerance
of circuits to EM interference and output interference of
device to other devices (e.g. effect of electric motor on
Other electrical property tests
Includes non-specific aging testing.
S01-G10 [1992]
Switches and switchgear
Includes circuit breaker and relay testing. See also V03
and X13 codes.
Contact, contactor, breaker, relay, reed
286 S: Instrumentation, Measuring and Testing
S01-G12 [1992]
Passive components
Use with S01-D05 codes as appropriate, e.g. for
measurement of resistance of an inductor, search S01-
D05B1 and S01-G12E5.
S01-G12A [1992]
See V01-A04H1 (or X12-A if power type) also.
S01-G12C [1992]
See also V01-B01G7C (electrolytic), V01-B04C (non-
electrolytic), or X12-B (power capacitors).
S01-G12E [1992]
Inductive components
See also V02-H codes for low power components and X12-
S01-G12E1 [1992]
S01-G12E5 [1992]
S01-G13 [2011]
Testing of all electrical insulators.
S01-G14 [2006]
Wires or cables
See also relevant X12-G codes.
Electrical instrument details (general)
Non-electric, or non-specifically electric, instrument
details are covered by S01-J codes.
S01-H01 [1983]
Testing, calibrating and compensation
Reference, standard, setting-up, compare, monitor, self-
S01-H01A [1992]
Includes compensation for e.g. noise effects, temperature
variation etc. See also S02-K02 codes for compensation
aspects of measurement systems in general.
Noise reduction
S01-H01B [2005]
S01-H01C [2005]
S01-H02 [1983]
For high voltage/current networks
HV, power line
S01-H03 [1983]
Probes, contacts
S01-H03A [1992]
Multiple probe arrangement
Includes probe board, pin network, ‘bed-of-nails’ etc. See
also S01-G01B for measurements on PCBs.
Integrated circuit, IC, wafer, circuit board, card, automatic
test equipment, ATE
S01-H03B [1992]
Single probe
Includes probe for e.g. multimeter, or oscilloscope.
Test prod, clip, alligator, crocodile
S01-H04 [1997]
S01-H05 [1987]
For high-frequency measurements
Use with other codes where HF effects dictate
measurement techniques. NMR and MRI are no longer
coded in this section, see relevant S01-E02 codes.
Microwave, probe, RF, capacitance, inductance, skin
effect, leakage
S01-H07 [1992]
Processor-controlled instrument
Includes computer control of operation. See also T01-
S01-H07A [1992]
Interfacing and remote control
Includes data transfer arrangement for multiple
instrument systems. See T01-J08A and T01-C/T01-H codes
EPI Manual Codes 2020 287
Part 1
S01-H09 [1992]
Other electrical instrument details
From 2009 power supply for instrumentation are coded in
S01-J04 instead.
Instrument details (classes S01 to S03)
Codes in this section relate to non-electrical and electrical
Housings for electrical equipment in general are covered
by V04-S codes.
Meter, lock, seal, case, wall, tamper, access, hinge, cover,
Indicating elements, cooling, screening
See S03-A04 for cooling arrangement for optical
measuring instruments.
Shielding, set-up, adjustment, standard, reference
S01-J02A [1992]
Indicating elements
Scale, meter, printer, display, read-out
S01-J02C [2005]
Cooling, screening
S01-J03 [2006]
Instrument manufacture
Includes all manufacturing of instrumentation included in
S01, S02 or S03 classes. Search with apparatus or method
codes in addition to this code for specific instrumentation
manufacturing details.
S01-J04 [2009]
Power supply
Includes power supply for all instrumentation devices in
S01, S02 and S03.
Voltage source, current source
S01-J05 [2018]
Cables, terminals
Includes wires, cables, terminals, etc, for all
instrumentation devices in S01, S02 and S03. See also V04
Switching box
Other instrument details (incl. vibration
Includes supports, arrangements adjusting position or
attitude, compensating for effects of tilting.
Mount, vibration, isolation
EPI Manual Codes 2020 289
Part 1
S02: Engineering Instrumentation
Measuring, dimensions, angles, areas, contours,
Codes in this section are applied in the hierarchy
according to the primary method of measurement, e.g. a
Vernier caliper using an electrical transducer to produce
reading on a display would be coded under mechanical
Mechanical measurement
Slide, scale
Rules, micrometers, wheels
Tape, mark, edge
Gauges (e.g. feeler-pin or thread gauges)
Caliper, feeler, probe, dial, tool, vernier
Measuring arrangements, (for)
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A10 together with S02-A01 from 201401. It remains
searchable for records prior to 2014.
Position, configuration, curve, displacement, distance,
dimension, height, shape
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A10A together with S02-A01 from 201401. It remains
searchable for records prior to 2014.
Radius, circle
Length, width, thickness
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A10B together with S02-A01 from 201401. It remains
searchable for records prior to 2014.
Spacing, depth, contour
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A10B together with S02-A01 for spacing and depth, and
S02-A10C together with S02-A01 for contour, from
201401. It remains searchable for records prior to 2014.
Angles, alignment, position, area
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A10D together with S02-A01 for angles, orientation and
alignment, S02-A10C together with S02-A01 for area and
S02-A10G2 together with S02-A01 for position from
201401. It remains searchable for records prior to 2014.
Includes measuring orientation.
Roughness, deformation
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A10E together with S02-A01 for roughness, S02-A10F
together with S02-A01 for deformation from 201401. It
remains searchable for records prior to 2014.
Surface, flat, smooth
Other mechanical measurements
Electrical or magnetic measuring arrangements
Diameter, spacing
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A10A together with S02-A02 for diameter and S02-A10B
together with S02-A02 for spacing from 201401. It
remains searchable for records prior to 2014.
Distance, displacement, gap, radius
Thickness of sheet or coating
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A10B1 together with S02-A02 from 201401. It remains
searchable for records prior to 2014.
Capacitance, magnetic, eddy current, film
Length, width or thickness
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A10B together with S02-A02 from 201401. It remains
searchable for records prior to 2014.
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A10F together with S02-A02 from 201401. It remains
searchable for records prior to 2014.
Strain gauge, distortion
290 S: Instrumentation, Measuring and Testing
Depth, contour
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A10B together with S02-A02 for depth and S02-A10C
together with S02-A02 for contour from 201401. It
remains searchable for records prior to 2014.
Curve, profile
Angles, alignment, position
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A10D together with S02-A02 for angles and alignment and
S02-A10G2 together with S02-A02 for position from
201401. It remains searchable for records prior to 2014.
Includes measuring orientation.
S02-A02G* [1997-2013]
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A10E together with S02-A02 from 201401. It remains
searchable for records prior to 2014.
Smooth, surface
Other electrical or magnetic measuring
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A10 together with S02-A02 from 201401. From 201401,
details of area measurements are coded under S02-A10C
together with S02-A02. S02-A02X remains searchable for
records prior to 2014.
Includes area.
Surface, cross-section
Optical measurement
Note - codes in this section cover disclosures where light
is the primary means of measurement irrespective of
subsequent treatment or processing, such as in CCTV
Beam, laser, reflect, grating
Measuring arrangements, (for)
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A10 together with S02-A03 from 201401. It remains
searchable for records prior to 2014.
Thickness of sheet, diameter, coating
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A10B1 together with S02-A03 for thickness of sheet or
coating, and S02-A10A together with S02-A03 for
diameter from 201401. It remains searchable for records
prior to 2014.
Radius, circle
Length, width, thickness, spacing
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A10B together with S02-A03 from 201401. It remains
searchable for records prior to 2014.
Distance, displacement
Deformation, depth or contour
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A10B together with S02-A03 for depth, S02-A10F together
with S02-A03 for deformation, and S02-A10C together
with S02-A03 for contour from 201401. It remains
searchable for records prior to 2014.
Profile, curve, strain, irregularity, undulation
Angles, alignment, position
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A10D together with S02-A03 for angles and orientation,
and S02-A10G2 together with S02-A03 for position from
201401. It remains searchable for records prior to 2014.
Includes measurement of orientation, tapers or optical
axes alignment.
3D position
Area, roughness
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A10C together with S02-A03 for area and S02-A10E
together with S02-A03 for roughness from 201401. It
remains searchable for records prior to 2014.
Flat, smooth, surface, cross-section
Measuring arrangements using fluids
Inclination, liquid, spirit-level, bubble, pneumatic,
hydraulic, air, gas
Measuring using radiation, sound
EPI Manual Codes 2020 291
Part 1
S02-A05A [1983]
Includes dimensional measurements using e.g. electron
S02-A05A1 [1997]
Using microwaves
Includes use of terahertz radiation.
S02-A05A3 [1997]
Using atomic or nuclear radiation
Includes electrons, X-rays, gamma radiation etc.
X-ray, gamma ray
S02-A05B [1983]
See W06-A05 for sonar systems, S03-E08 or S05-D03 for
materials testing or medical systems respectively.
Ultrasonic, echo, propagation time, round-trip
S02-A05B1* [1997-2001]
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A05C1 together with S02-A05A/B between 2002 and
2013, and to S02-A10A together with S02-A05A/B from
201401, but remains searchable and valid for records
from 1997 to 2001.
S02-A05B2* [1997-2001]
Length, width, thickness
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A05C2 between 2002 and 2013, and to S02-A10B together
with S02-A05A/B from 201401, but remains searchable
and valid for records from 1997 to 2001.
S02-A05B3* [1997-2001]
Deformation, depth, contour
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A05C3 between 2002 and 2013. From 201401,
deformation measurements are coded under S02-A10F
together with S02-A05A/B, depth under S02-A10B
together with S02-A05A/B and contour under S02-A10C
together with S02-A05A/B. S02-A05B3 remains searchable
and valid for records from 1997 to 2001.
S02-A05B4* [1997-2001]
Angles, alignment, position
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A05C4 between 2002 and 2013. From 201401, angle and
alignment measurements are coded under S02-A10D
together with S02-A05A/B, and position under S02-A10G2
together with S02-A05A/B. S02-A05B4 remains searchable
and valid for records from 1997 to 2001.
S02-A05B5* [1997-2001]
Area, roughness
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A05C5 between 2002 and 2013. From 201401, area
measurements are coded under S02-A10C together with
S02-A05A/B, and roughness under S02-A10E together
with S02-A05A/B. S02-A05B5 remains searchable and
valid for records from 1997 to 2001.
S02-A05B9* [1997-2001]
Other dimensional measurement using sound
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A05C1 between 2002 and 2013, and to S02-A10X together
with S02-A05A/B from 201401, but remains searchable
and valid for records from 1997 to 2001.
S02-A05C* [2002-2013]
Measuring arrangements, (for)
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A10 from 201401, but remains searchable and valid for
records from 2002 to 2013.
Codes in this section are used with S02-A05A or S02-A05B
codes to specify what is being measured.
S02-A05C1* [2002-2013]
Thickness of sheet, diameter, coating
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A10A for diameter, and S02-A10B1 for thickness of sheet
or coating from 201401, but remains searchable and valid
for records from 2002 to 2013.
Radius, circle
S02-A05C2* [2002-2013]
Length, width, thickness, gap, spacing
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A10B from 201401, but remains searchable and valid for
records from 2002 to 2013.
292 S: Instrumentation, Measuring and Testing
S02-A05C3* [2002-2013]
Deformation, depth, contour
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A10F for deformation, S02-A10B for depth, and S02-A10C
for contour from 201401 but remains searchable and valid
for records from 2002 to 2013.
S02-A05C4* [2002-2013]
Angles, alignment, position
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A10D for angles and alignment, and S02-A10G2 for
position from 201401 but remains searchable and valid
for records from 2002 to 2013.
Includes measurements of orientation.
S02-A05C5* [2002-2013]
Area, roughness
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A10C for area, and S02-A10E for roughness from 201401
but remains searchable and valid for records from 2002 to
S02-A05C9* [2002-2013]
Other dimensional measurement using radiation,
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A10X together with S02-A05A/B from 201401, but
remains searchable and valid for records from 2002 to
S02-A06* [1992-2013]
Coordinate and position measurement
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A10G from 201401, but remains searchable and valid for
records from 1992 to 2013.
The emphasis is on relative measurement to any arbitrary
coordinate system, e.g. Cartesian or Polar, rather than
absolute measurement.
S02-A06A* [1992-2013]
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A10G1 from 201401, but remains searchable and valid for
records from 1992 to 2013.
S02-A06A1* [1992-2013]
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A10G1 together with S02-A01 from 201401, but remains
searchable and valid for records from 1992 to 2013.
S02-A06A2* [1992-2013]
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A10G1 together with S02-A02 from 201401, but remains
searchable and valid for records from 1992 to 2013.
S02-A06A3* [1992-2013]
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A10G1 together with S02-A03 from 201401, but remains
searchable and valid for records from 1992 to 2013.
S02-A06A9* [1992-2013]
Other coordinate type measurement
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A10G1 together with S02-A09 from 201401, but remains
searchable and valid for records from 1992 to 2013.
S02-A06C* [1992-2013]
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A10G2 from 201401, but remains searchable and valid for
records from 1992 to 2013. For determining location in
space rather than orientation.
S02-A06X* [1992-2013]
Other relative measurement
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A10G9 from 201401, but remains searchable and valid for
records from 1992 to 2013.
S02-A07 [1992]
Calibration, compensation and testing
S02-A08* [1992-2013]
Combination of measuring methods
*This code is now discontinued from 2014, but remains
searchable and valid for records from 1992 to 2013. From
201401, a combination of S02-A01 to S02-A05 codes is
used to highlight the use of more than one measuring
method. When the measuring method is not specified,
only S02-A10 codes are applied to highlight what is
Codes in this section are used to indicate the use of one or
more than one method from the preceding groups, e.g.
electrical and optical measurement, or where the primary
method of measurement is unclear.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 293
Part 1
S02-A08A* [1992-2013]
Thickness of sheet, diameter
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A10A for diameter and S02-A10B1 for thickness of sheet
from 201401, but remains searchable and valid for
records from 1992 to 2013.
S02-A08B* [1992-2013]
Length, width, spacing
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A10B from 201401, but remains searchable and valid for
records from 1992 to 2013.
S02-A08C* [1992-2013]
Deformation, depth or contour
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A10F for deformation, S02-A10B for depth, and S02-A10C
for contour from 201401 but remains searchable and valid
for records from 2002 to 2013.
S02-A08D* [1992-2013]
Angles, alignment, position
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A10D for angles and alignment, and S02-A10G2 for
position from 201401 but remains searchable and valid
for records from 2002 to 2013.
Includes measurements of axes, tapers, orientation, etc.
S02-A08E* [1992-2013]
Area, roughness
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A10C for area, and S02-A10E for roughness from 201401
but remains searchable and valid for records from 2002 to
S02-A08X* [1992-2013]
Other combined measuring
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
A10X from 201401, but remains searchable and valid for
records from 1992 to 2013.
Other measuring methods
This code is applied for measuring methods that cannot
be coded under S02-A01 to S02-A05 codes. When the
measuring method is not specified, only S02-A10 codes
should be applied to highlight what is being measured.
S02-A10 [2014]
Measuring arrangements (for)
Codes in this section are used to indicate what is being
measured, and should be applied together with other S02-
A codes to indicate the method of measurement.
S02-A10A [2014]
(S02-A01C1, S02-A02A, S02-A03B1, S02-A05C1, S02-A08A)
Radius, circle
S02-A10B [2014]
Length, Width, Thickness, Spacing, Depth
(S02-A01C2, S02-A01C3, S02-A02A, S02-A02C, S02-A03B2,
S02-A05C2, S02-A05C3, S02-A08B, S02-A08C)
Gap, clearance, displacement
S02-A10B1 [2014]
Thickness of sheet or coating
(S02-A02B, S02-A03B1, S02-A05C1, S02-A08A)
S02-A10C [2014]
Contour, Area
(S02-A01C3, S02-A01C4, S02-A02E, S02-A02X, S02-A03B3,
S02-A03B5, S02-A05C3, S02-A05C5, S02-A08C, S02-A08E)
Includes shape measurements.
Curvature, spherometer
S02-A10D [2014]
Angles, Orientation, Alignment
(S02-A01C4, S02-A02F, S02-A03B4, S02-A05C4, S02-A08D)
S02-A10D1 [2014]
Angles, Orientation
(S02-A01C4, S02-A02F, S02-A03B4, S02-A05C4, S02-A08D)
Inclination, taper
S02-A10D2 [2014]
(S02-A01C4, S02-A02F, S02-A03B4, S02-A05C4, S02-A08D)
S02-A10E [2014]
(S02-A01C5, S02-A02G, S02-A03B5, S02-A05C5, S02-A08E)
Flat, smooth
S02-A10F [2014]
(S02-A01C5, S02-A02D, S02-A03B3, S02-A05C3, S02-A08C)
Mechanical strain gauge, resistance strain gauge,
294 S: Instrumentation, Measuring and Testing
S02-A10G [2014]
Coordinates, Position
The emphasis is on relative measurement to any arbitrary
coordinate system, e.g. Cartesian or Polar, rather than
absolute measurement.
S02-A10G1 [2014]
S02-A10G2 [2014]
For determining location in space rather than orientation.
S02-A10G9 [2014]
Other relative measurements
S02-A10X [2014]
Other measuring arrangements
Surveying and navigation
Position, scan, infrared, IR, laser optical
Measuring distances in line of sight; optical
See W06-A06 for laser ‘radar’ systems. Rangefinders for
photographic cameras are also coded in S06-B01A.
Range, light, beam, modulate, reflect, camera
S02-B01A [2005]
Large scale position and location measurement
Includes mining and pipeline machinery position location.
Does not include RADAR, GPS systems (see W06).
Measuring height, distances transverse to line of
sight; levelling between separated points,
surveyors’ levels; tracing profiles
S02-B02A [2005]
Measuring altitude
Measuring inclination
Level, spirit, liquid, bubble, inclinometer, clinometer,
angle, plumb, bob, slope, slant, gradient, grade
Photographic surveying; open-water surveying
Includes electronic imaging surveillance from e.g. orbiting
space vehicle. Electrical aspects of photographic cameras
are covered by S06-B codes, video cameras by W04-M01
Photogrammetric, aerial, aircraft, satellite, map, plane,
Measuring angles (incl. theodolites; sextants)
Angular, axis
S02-B05A [2005]
Measuring attitude and orientation
Electrical aspects of compasses are also coded in W06-
Magnetic, magnetometer, elevation, azimuth, pole,
See also W06-A07 for electric/electro-optical details.
Gyro, rotating, angular, rate, axis
S02-B07A [1992]
With electric transducer
Coriolis, vibration
S02-B07B [1992]
Using optical effects.
Includes Ring Laser Gyroscopes and optical fiber
gyroscopes. See V08-A01A1 for Ring Laser Gyroscopes and
V08-A codes for laser details. See V07-N01 or optical fiber
gyroscopes specifically and V07-K codes for light control
Fiber-optic, Sagnac effect, RLG, beam, relativistic, counter-
EPI Manual Codes 2020 295
Part 1
Navigational techniques
See also W06-A codes. For systems specifically for aircraft,
ships and land vehicles, see also W06-B01B1, W06-C01B
and X22-E06 codes respectively.
Road, display, indicate, route, map, moving map, update,
S02-B08A [1997]
Using radio
S02-B08C [1997]
See W06-A03A for Global positioning System. X22-E06B
covers GPS as applied to vehicle navigation.
GPS, Global Positioning System, NAVSTAR
S02-B08E [1997]
Display and indication aspects
For novel visual display aspects see S02-K04C; for audio
output, see S02-K04A and possibly also W04-V for speech
synthesis; for haptic output, see S02-K04D.
S02-B08G [1997]
Includes software. See also T01-J06B codes.
S02-B08X [2005]
Other navigation techniques
Includes inertial and dead reckoning techniques.
Other surveying/ navigation
Includes electrical aspects of telescopes.
S02-B10 [1992]
Testing, calibration and monitoring of
surveying/navigation equipment
S02-B11 [1992]
Instrument combinations
Includes measurement of two or more variables.
S02-B12 [1992]
Distance recording devices
S02-B12A [1992]
For vehicles
Includes odometers. For electrical aspects see also X22.
(Tachographs are coded in T05-G01 and X22-E05).
Hodometer, tachometer
S02-B12B [1992]
Non-vehicle travel recorder
Includes pedometers.
Measuring vol., vol. flow, mass flow or liq. level;
metering by vol.
Meter, water, air, gas, fluid
Continuous volume/mass flow meters
Pressure, valve, pipe, rate, fuel, transducers
Using rotating vanes; using pressure/pressure
difference measurement
Wheel, turbine, blade, Bernoulli, Venturi
Other mechanical flow measurement (incl.
dynamic effects)
Vortex, float, swirl, Karman
Using electric, magnetic, wave propagation or
thermal effect
S02-C01B1 [1983]
Wave effects
Ultrasonic, Doppler, blood, velocity, acoustic, sonic, sound,
S02-C01B4 [1983]
Electric or magnetic effects
Electromagnet, coil
296 S: Instrumentation, Measuring and Testing
S02-C01B7 [1983]
Thermal effects
Engine, IC, intake, heat
S02-C01B7A [1997]
Device per se
S02-C01B7C [1997]
S02-C01F [1992]
Mass flow meters
Includes Coriolis flow meters.
S02-C01F1 [1997]
Air mass flow sensors
Other flow meters
Includes using camera to image fluid to determine
Discontinuous volume flow meters, water and gas
Chamber, piston
S02-C02A [1997]
Water meter
Includes water meters using continuous flow
measurement techniques.
S02-C02A1 [1997]
Protection against tampering
S02-C02C [1997]
Gas meter
Includes gas meters using continuous flow measurement
S02-C02C1 [1997]
Protection against tampering
Other vol. flow measurement (incl. compound
meters, measuring relative flow)
Fuel, engine, IC
Dose, pump, chamber, container, drink, supply
With expanding or contracting measuring
Piston, stroke
With moving measuring chambers
With stationary measuring chambers
Other dispensers
Measuring volume, capacity; measuring-vessels
Level indicating
Tank, fuel, depth, gauge, height
By floats
Switch, magnet, reed
S02-C06A1 [1992]
Operating electrical switch or transducer
S02-C06A1A [1992]
Operating switch
S02-C06A1B [1992]
Operating transducer
Covers arrangements with proportional output, e.g.
resistance wiper blade.
S02-C06A5 [1992]
Non-electric system
EPI Manual Codes 2020 297
Part 1
By measuring weight or pressure
By measuring variation of electrical properties of
This code and its subdivisions are used for cases in which
the substance being monitored directly modifies the
electrical property concerned. See S02-C06A codes for
float-operated systems.
Probe, electrode, resonance, oscillator
S02-C06C1 [1992]
Resistive system
S02-C06C1A [1992]
Combined with heater
S02-C06C3 [1992]
Capacitive system
S02-C06C9 [1992]
Other sensor properties (e.g. inductive)
Using wave propagation effects
Refraction, reflection, diffraction, interference
S02-C06D1 [1992]
Using optical frequencies (em)
Light, IR
S02-C06D3 [1992]
Using sonic or ultrasonic radiation
S02-C06D5 [1992]
Using radio frequencies (em)
For radar-type systems search with W06-A04H8.
Microwave, RF
S02-C06D9 [1992]
Other wave propagation level sensing
Other level indicating
Includes dip-sticks and observable marks or scales on
transparent vessel. Also includes level indicating using
measurement of temperature.
Testing, calibrating and compensation aspects of
S02-C equipment
Scale, load, platform
Weighing apparatus
Beam, pan
Using elastic materials
Strain, gauge, spring, extension
Other weighing appts. details
Includes magnetic, electrostatic or fluid action balancing.
Liquid, hydraulic
Weighing appts. for special purposes
Weighing continuous stream of material
Includes measurement of weight of material e.g. on
conveyer belt.
Flow, grain, granular, powder, fluid
Weighing batches
Check, automatic discharge
Weighing sheets, wires, fluids, livestock, vehicles
(e.g. aircraft), weighing during motion
Platform, weighbridge
S02-D02D [1992]
Price-indicating balance
Includes weighing at point-of-sale (see also T05-L01
Other weighing appts. for special purposes.
Includes appts. for incorporation in vehicles and appts. for
weighing people.
298 S: Instrumentation, Measuring and Testing
Indicating/recording weight
Display, calculate, label, printer
S02-D07 [2014]
Calibration, compensation and testing of weighing
Includes monitoring details.
Other weighing aspects
Includes details of weighing apparatus, e.g. bearings,
beams. Since 201401, calibration, compensation and
testing details of weighing equipment are coded under
S02-D07 only.
Measurement of mechanical vibrations
Includes measurement of sound intensity.
Vibration measurement methods
Includes measuring reverberation time, propagation
velocity, resonant frequency or sound impedance.
Acoustic, sound, transducer, speed
Vibration detectors
Includes detectors in fluids, radiation-sensitive detectors;
detecting capacitance or reluctance change.
Piezoelectric, magnetostrictive, optical, fiber-optic
Other measurement of mechanical vibrations
Measuring force, torque, work, mechanical power
or efficiency, fluid pressure or vacuum
Measuring force
Load, thrust
Hydraulically/pneumatically; by deformation of
gauges; by counter-balancing
Using variations in vibration freq., magnetic
properties, capacitance or inductance
Magnetostrictive, resonance, oscillator
Using electrical resistance strain gauges
Includes piezo-resistive devices.
Load cell
S02-F01E [1997]
S02-F01G [1997]
Other force measurement (including stress
Measuring torque, work, mechanical power or
Motor, engine, brake, dynamometer, generator
Applications and methods of measuring force
Linear force, tension
Includes e.g. muscular force, ski binding release force,
tension in ropes, belts etc.
Torque, mechanical power, work
Includes, e.g. axial thrust in shaft, vehicle power, several
components of force, torque on nut, testing brakes, force
applied to control members, e.g. brake pedal, steering
input etc.
Torque wrench, robot, manipulator, brake pedal force,
steering input
Testing, compensation and calibration; other
Measuring fluid pressure or vacuum
Gas, air, liquid
EPI Manual Codes 2020 299
Part 1
Measuring pressure mechanically (using)
Flexible tube- or bellows type gauges
Flexible diaphragm- or capsule type gauges
Membrane, plate
Other mechanical fluid pressure measurement
(incl. piston or liquid-column gauges)
Measuring pressure electrically or magnetically
(incl. electrical or magnetic indication of
mechanical sensor displacements) (using)
Potentiometers, strain gauges, piezo-resistances
Resistor, extension
Piezoelectric devices; variations in inductance,
capacitance, magnetic properties; movement of
magnets; electro-kinetic cells
Electrode, resonance, plate
S02-F04B3 [1992]
Semiconductor transducer
See also U12-B03E.
Measuring pressure differences, several pressures,
inflation pressures
Includes measurement of tyre pressure. See S02-F04E for
remote indication and X22-E02 for on-board electric
Differential, vehicle, remote
S02-F04C1 [1997]
Pressure differences
S02-F04C1A [1997]
Inflation pressures
S02-F04C2 [2005]
Blood pressure
S02-F04C3 [1997]
Several pressures
S02-F04C3A [1997]
Partial pressures
See also S03-E03 if achieved electrochemically.
Vacuum gauges; measuring rapid changes in
pressure; engine energy or work indicators
S02-F04D1 [1997]
Vacuum gauges
See also V05-K03 for ionisation pressure gauges, e.g.
Penning gauges.
Pirani, Penning
S02-F04D3 [1997]
Measuring rapid changes in pressure
S02-F04D3A [1997]
Knock detection
See also S02-J01A for IC engine testing and X22-A05A for
IC engine pre-ignition detector. Includes knock detection
by means other than using pressure measurement.
Protection against overload or environment;
temperature compensation
S02-F04F* [1980-2013]
Testing, calibration and compensation
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S02-
F07 from 201401, but remains searchable and valid for
records prior to 2014. Does not include temperature
compensation, see S02-F04E.
S02-F04J [1992]
Optical techniques
Optical fiber, polarisation, birefringent
300 S: Instrumentation, Measuring and Testing
Other pressure measurement
S02-F07 [2014]
Calibration, compensation and testing
This code can be used together with other S02-F codes to
highlight the type of equipment used, e.g. for measuring
blood pressure (S02-F04C2). Details of temperature
compensation of equipment measuring fluid pressure or
vacuum are coded under S02-F04E only.
Measuring speed, acceleration or shock
Linear or angular velocity
Rotating, wheel, vehicle, shaft, speedometer
Includes angular velocity measurement using optical
Laser, light, gyro, beam, ring
Electrically or magnetically
Generator, tacho, pulse, frequency
Measuring angular velocity
Does not include measurement of angular velocity using
electric gyroscope; see S02-G01X.
S02-G01B1A* [1992-2004]
With fixed sensor
*This code is now discontinued, but remains searchable
and valid for records from 1992 to 2004.
S02-G01B1B* [1992-2004]
With moving sensor
*This code is now discontinued, but remains searchable
and valid for records from 1992 to 2004.
S02-G01B2 [2005]
Measuring linear velocity
Other electrical or magnetic velocity measurement
S02-G01D [1997]
Doppler effect methods
See also W06-A04A2 (RF radar), W06-A05
(sonic/ultrasonic techniques) and W06-A06 (optical
techniques). S02-G02X covers Doppler methods for
measuring speed of fluids.
Other (incl. mechanically)
Includes determination of time to travel fixed distance
and measurement of angular velocity using electric
Gyroscope, vibration, Coriolis
Speed of fluids, or bodies relative to fluids (by)
Flow, gas, wind, anemometer, liquid
Measuring electric or thermal variable affected by
the flow
Heat, bridge, cooling, hot-wire
Measuring fluid force or pressure differences
Pitot tube
Other measurement of speed of fluids, or bodies
relative to fluids (incl. swirl flowmeter)
Ultrasonic, Doppler, vortex, acoustic
Acceleration or shock
Inertia, force, accelerometer
S02-G07 [1992]
Calibration, compensation and testing
S02-G07A [1992]
S02-G07C [1992]
Compensation aspects
S02-G07E [1992]
Testing and monitoring
EPI Manual Codes 2020 301
Part 1
Apparatus details and other speed-related
measurement aspects
Includes constructional details of measuring devices.
Indicating/recording movement or direction of
Includes analysis of trajectories.
Range, motion analysis, golf swing
Testing machines, structures or appts.
Model, simulate, performance testing, testing during
S02-J01A [1983]
IC engines
Fuel-consumption, cylinder, pressure, injection, Diesel,
valve, speed, knock
S02-J01A1 [1997]
For aircraft
Includes piston engines.
S02-J01C [1992]
Gas turbine engines
S02-J01C1 [1997]
For aircraft
Includes turbo-prop engines and ram jets. See W06-B01B5
for onboard testing of aircraft engines.
Bypass ratio, turbofan, compressor, afterburn
S02-J01E [1992]
Steam turbines
See X11-A01X for steam turbine testing where steam
turbine is specifically for electricity generation.
S02-J01F [2005]
Rocket motors and ion propulsion
S02-J01X [1992]
Other engine types
Includes all vehicle types: aerospace, automotive and
locomotive, etc.
Wheel, track, roll, balance, transmission
Tyre performance, suspension, steering, wheels
Surface, road, tread, hold, grip, angle, toe-in, shock
S02-J02B [1992]
S02-J02E [1992]
Electrical system
See also S01-G01 for electrical test appts. See X22 codes
for tests on vehicle electrical systems.
S02-J02F [1992]
Crash/impact testing
S02-J02F1 [1992]
Crash dummy
Other vehicle tests (includes testing vehicle
Alignment, body, clutch, gearbox
Machine parts
Friction, drag
S02-J03A [1983]
Gearing, transmission, bearings
Shaft, tooth, torque, differential, ball race
S02-J03X [1992]
Other testing of machine parts
Optical appts. (also optical testing)
Beam, image, reflect, pattern, scan, objective, focal-
length, mirror
S02-J04A [1992]
Testing of optical apparatus
S02-J04A1 [1992]
Testing optical fiber and other guide structures
302 S: Instrumentation, Measuring and Testing
S02-J04A1A [1997]
Testing optical fiber
See V07-J also.
S02-J04A1C [1997]
Testing optical amplifiers
Includes optical fiber amplifiers. See also S01-D08B3 and
S02-J04A1X [1997]
Testing other guide structures
S02-J04A3 [1997]
Testing liquid crystals
See also U14-K01A8.
Nematic, cholesteric
S02-J04A3A [1997]
Testing LCDs
See also U11-F01F and/or U11-F01D and U14-K01A8.
S02-J04A5 [1992]
Testing and measuring lenses and lens systems
S02-J04A9 [1992]
Testing other optical appts.
Prism, grating
S02-J04B [1992]
Testing of specific optical apparatus
S02-J04B1 [1992]
S02-J04B3 [1992]
Fiberscopes and endoscopes
See also V07 codes for novel fiber-optic aspects. See also
S05-D04 codes for medical applications, V07-N02 for
optical fiber details and S06-B09 for photographic
attachments. See W04-M01 for video camera equipment.
S02-J04B3A [1997]
S02-J04B3C [1997]
S02-J04B9 [1992]
Other optical appts.
Investigating static or dynamic balance
Rotor, rotating, motor, weight, bearing, moment of inertia
and dynamic balance/unbalance sensor
Investigating fluid-tightness
Leak, pipe, seal, pressure, air-tight, gas, hermetic, vacuum
By detecting leakage fluid
S02-J06A1 [1992]
S02-J06A3 [1992]
Acoustic or ultrasonic detection
S02-J06A5 [1992]
Using tracer substance
Radioactive, dye, fluorescent
S02-J06A7 [2006]
Optical detection
Includes using camera, spectrometer. Prior to 2007,
covered by S02-J06A9.
S02-J06A9 [1992]
Other leakage fluid detection methods
Liquid, bubble, submerged, immersion testing
By measuring fluid loss/gain rate
Flow rate, pressure drop
Other fluid tightness investigation
Aerodynamic or hydrodynamic testing
Electrical aspects of aircraft and ship testing are also
coded in W06-B05 and W06-C05 respectively.
Flow, pressure, wind tunnel, aircraft, ship, tank, wave
EPI Manual Codes 2020 303
Part 1
Vibration or shock testing of structures
Impact, dynamic, oscillating
Other testing of machines, structures or appts.
Includes testing during production, performance testing.
S02-J10 [1992]
Investigating elasticity of structures
Extension, strain, stress, Young’s modulus
Indicating or recording general
Appts. indicating/recording function of variable,
e.g. r.m.s., mean
Integrate, meter, data analysis, plotting best straight line,
form factor, statistical methods, standard deviation,
median, average, mean, least squares, regression
Appts. with compensating correcting/protection
S02-K02A [1992]
Compensation/correction for transducer
Includes linearizing.
Linearity, law
S02-K02B [1992]
Compensation/correction for ambient variations
Includes compensation for variation of temperature.
S02-K02B1 [1997]
Temperature compensation
S02-K02B3 [1997]
Pressure compensation
S02-K02B9 [1997]
Other environmental compensations
S02-K02C [1992]
Includes protection from overload, excess signal level, etc.
S02-K02D [1992]
Noise reduction
S02-K02X [1992]
Other aspects of compensation, correcting and
Transferring or converting sensor output
Transducer, encode, analogue-digital, A-D
Electrically or magnetically
Influencing current/voltage capacitively or
S02-K03A1A [1992]
S02-K03A1C [1992]
Influencing current/voltage resistively or
S02-K03A2A [1992]
S02-K03A2C [1992]
LVDT, coil, movable armature
S02-K03A5 [1992]
Using magnetic effects
S02-K03A5A [1992]
S02-K03A5C [1992]
304 S: Instrumentation, Measuring and Testing
S02-K03A5E [1992]
Hall effect
S02-K03A5F [1997]
(S02-K03A, S02-K03B)
S02-K03A5X [1992]
Other magnetic effects
Other electrical or magnetic transfer
Light, fiber, fiber-optic, reflect, beam, intensity,
interferometer, laser
S02-K03B1 [1992]
Using fiber optics
See also V07-K10 codes.
S02-K03B9 [1992]
Other optical transference or conversion
Other (incl. using fluid or mechanically)
Covers use of piezoelectric transducer.
Indicating measured values
S02-K04A [1992]
Audible indication
S02-K04C [1992]
Visible indication
Display, LED, LCD
S02-K04G [1992]
Indicating threshold value
S02-K04D [2006]
Haptic indication
Prior to 2007, covered by S02-K04X. See W05-A01A1 for
general haptic annunciators and alarms.
Tactile feedback, vibrating indicator
S02-K04X [1992]
Other measured value indication
Recording measured values
Includes memory details, pen recorders, line printers etc.
See T04-G for line printer details.
Plot, position, writing, print, mark, paper, platen, X-Y,
Component parts of recording/indicating appts.
Line printers are only included when specifically for
printing measured values. See S06 codes for line printer
Scales, dials, pointers
Instrument, display, indicia, markings
Recording elements
Print, ink, paper, mark
Electric, magnetic, heated, optical, perforating
Electrode, beam, dot matrix, electrocardiogram
Ink transfer recording elements
Other component parts of recording/indicating
Includes vehicle dashboard instrumentation; see also X22-
E codes.
S02-K07 [1992]
Testing, calibration and monitoring
S02-K07 codes are only applied when the instrument used
is unclear. Otherwise, specific calibration/testing codes
from the relevant S02-A to S02-G sections should be
applied instead, such as S02-B10 for testing and
calibration of surveying and navigation equipment
S02-K07A [2005]
Testing and monitoring
(S02-K07, S02-K09)
EPI Manual Codes 2020 305
Part 1
S02-K07B [2005]
S02-K08 [1992]
Remote reading; tariff metering
S02-K08A [1992]
Remote reading
See also S02-K08B for remote reading of e.g. gas, water
(S02-C02 codes also), or electricity meters (S01-B01 also),
and W05-D codes, e.g. W05-D04A5 for radio link or W05-
D07G if for vehicles, which cover telemetry in general.
S02-K08B [1992]
Tariff metering appts.
Other indicating or recording
From 201401, monitoring details are coded under S02-
K07A. This code remains searchable and valid for
monitoring details for records prior to 2014.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 307
Part 1
S03: Scientific Instrumentation
Measuring optical radiation (IR, visible and UV)
See also S03-E04 for appts. having provision for
investigating material sample. Measurement performed
on laser beam is also coded in V08-A06. Includes black
body radiation source.
Photometry by comparison with reference light or
electric value
Photometry using electric radiation detectors
Includes meters/sensors for measuring and/or detecting a
light source, e.g. infrared detectors. See also U12-A02
Laser power meter
S03-A01B1 [1997]
Photometry using photovoltaic detectors
See also U12-A02A2 and X15-A02A codes.
Photodiode, bandgap, depletion region, space charge,
solar cell
S03-A01B3 [1997]
Photometry using capacitive detectors
Includes ferroelectric devices. For discrete ferroelectric
devices, see V01-B02B9. For integrated ferroelectric
devices, see also U12 codes, e.g. U12-C02F for capacitor
and U12-D02A7 for transistor.
S03-A01B5 [1997]
Photometry using photoresistive detectors
See also U12-A02B1.
S03-A01B7 [1997]
Photometry using array of detectors
See U13-A01X for focal plane array and W04-M01B5 for
producing video image with optical radiation, and W04-
M01E1A for producing video image with infrared
S03-A01B9 [1997]
Other electric radiation detectors
PMT, photomultiplier
Other photometry aspects
Includes measuring e.g. visually, chemically etc., also
general details.
Spectrometry; colorimetry; polarimeters
See S03-E04 codes for more details.
Generating spectrum e.g. by prism or diffraction
grating; measuring line intensity
S03-A02A1 [1997]
Absorption, double-beam, flicker or Raman
Colorimetry; polarimeters
See also S03-E04B5.
Colour, filter, polarise, Nessler tube, polarisation,
birefringence, refractive index
S03-A02F [1997]
Interferometric spectrometers
Includes Fourier Transform spectrometers, e.g. FTIR
spectrometer. For novel aspects of the interferometer,
see S02-A03A. See T01-J04B1 for novel computing aspects
of the Fourier Transform.
Golay detector
Other spectral measurements
Includes atomic emission spectrometers (See also S03-
E04D3) and spectroradiometers.
Pyrometry and IR temperature measurement
Infrared, temperature, pyrometer, pyroelectric, heat-
sensing, remote, bolometer, actinometer
308 S: Instrumentation, Measuring and Testing
S03-A04 [1997]
Cooling arrangements for optical instruments
Covers all devices within the context of S03-A and S03-
E04. Covers cooling arrangements for IR detectors. See
S01-J02 for cooling arrangements for other measuring
S03-A05 [1992]
Calibration/testing of optical instruments and
compensation aspects
(S02-K02, S02-K09)
S03-A05A [1992]
Testing of optical instruments
S03-A05C [1992]
Calibration of optical instruments
S03-A05E [1992]
Compensation aspects of optical instruments
Other optical measurements
Measuring optical phase difference, degree of coherence,
optical wavelength, velocity of light.
Interferometer, phase
Thermometers and calorimeters
Covers temperature and heat quantity measurements.
Medical thermometers with electrical content are also
coded in S05-D01E.
Fuse, catalyst
Thermocouple, junction, Seebeck
Linear resistance e.g. platinum resistance
Resistor, film, wire
Other electric/magnetic type
Includes e.g. using semiconductor p-n junction, crystal
resonator frequency, thermal noise of resistance or
conductor. Also includes measurement by unspecified
electric transducer.
Integrating or differentiating expansion or
contraction e.g. mercury thermometer
Bimetal, alcohol, maximum-minimum
Adaptations and novel measurements for specific
Includes novel measurement of temperature where
sensor is of unspecified type or unimportant.
S03-B01E1 [1992]
For aggressive environments
S03-B01E9 [1992]
Other adaptations of thermometers for specific
S03-B01F [1983]
Thermistors per se are also coded in V01-A02A.
Resistor, PTC, NTC, positive, negative, temperature
S03-B01G [1992]
Covers aspects where there is modification of some
optical property, e.g. polarisation state or refractive index.
Thermometers using colour changes, e.g. of liquid crystals
or chemical indicators, are covered by S03-B01X.
Pyrometry is covered by S03-A03.
S03-B01H [1992]
Testing, calibrating and compensation
S03-B01H1 [1992]
Testing of thermometers
S03-B01H3 [1992]
Calibration of thermometers
EPI Manual Codes 2020 309
Part 1
S03-B01H5 [1992]
Compensation aspects of thermometers
S03-B01K [1992]
Display of temperature
(S02-K04, S03-B01)
Includes recording of temperature. See also S02-K04 and
Display, LED, LCD, record
Other thermometers
Includes e.g. casings, measuring temp. using acoustic
effect or colour change of liquid crystal/chemical
Ultrasonic, thermochromic
Heat quantity measurement. Includes electrical
measurement for domestic heating system - also X27-
E01A. Also includes calibration, testing and compensation
of calorimeters. Calorimetry for investigation of sample
properties is coded in S03-E01C.
Flow, thermal flux
Includes non-geophysical applications such as detecting
presence of objects, e.g. using light barrier (S03-C08). (See
also S03-C06). Well logging apparatus with electrical
content is also coded in X25-E02.
Seismology, seismic/acoustic prospecting
Seismic, exploration, log, prospecting, reflect, surveying,
oil, gas
Generating seismic waves
Vibration, piston, generator, hydraulic, shear, explosive
charge, pneumatic cannon
Detecting, transmission, or recording of seismic
Also includes transmitting seismic signals to recording
apparatus (see also W05-D codes, e.g. mud pulse
telemetry W05-D06M1). Towed hydrophone arrays are
covered by S03-C01C1.
For water-covered areas; for well logging
S03-C01C1 [1983]
For water-covered areas
Marine, streamer, tow, hydrophone
S03-C01C5 [1983]
For well-logging
Borehole, formation, downhole
Other seismology, seismic/acoustic prospecting
(incl. processing seismic data)
Electric, magnetic, em prospecting, measuring
earth’s magnetic field
Well-logging appts. is coded under respective prospecting
S03-C02A [1983]
With electric current
Electrode, probe, resistor
S03-C02B [1983]
With magnetic/electric field
Includes measuring Earth’s magnetic field and proximity
sensors. For weapon detection at airports, see also S03-
C06 and W06-B02A1.
Coil, resonance, oscillator, pipe-finder, metal detector,
magnetotelluric, terrestrial
S03-C02F [1997]
Using quantised spin properties
S03-C02F1 [1997]
For NMR details per se, see S01-E02A1 and S03-E07C.
S03-C02F3 [1997]
For MRI per se, see S01-E02A2 and S03-E07A.
S03-C02F5 [1997]
Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance
310 S: Instrumentation, Measuring and Testing
S03-C02F9 [1997]
Using other quantised spin properties phenomena
S03-C02X [1983]
Other electric, magnetic, em prospecting (incl.
electromagnetic prospecting methods)
Antenna, borehole, RF, microwave
Prospecting using nuclear radiation
Gamma, neutron, x-ray
Gravimetric or other prospecting; measuring
gravitational field/waves
S03-C04A [1997]
Optical prospecting
Includes thermal prospecting. Does NOT include light
barriers (see S03-C08 codes).
S03-C05 [1992]
Geophysical natural disaster prediction and
Includes e.g. earthquake, volcano and landslide prediction
and detection techniques. See also S03-C01 codes for
seismic detection apparatus per se. See W05-B08 codes
for natural disaster alarm systems.
S03-C06 [1997]
Detecting presence of person or object
This code is used to differentiate between prospecting
and presence detection and is technology non-specific. It
will thus almost always be combined with another (usually
S03-C) code: e.g. detecting presence of contraband using
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance would be coded as S03-
C02F1 and S03-C06. Includes also baggage inspection at
airport (See also W06-B02A5) and pipeline detection (see
also X25-Y02). See W05-B and W05-C for alarms in
Drugs, Narcotics, Explosives
S03-C07 [2005]
For non-seismic well-logging or open water
These codes are used to differentiate between well-
logging, open water prospecting or presence detection
and are technology non-specific. Thus, they will almost
always be combined with other (usually S03-C) codes. For
seismic well-logging or open water prospecting, see S03-
C01C codes.
S03-C07A [2005]
Non-seismic well-logging
S03-C07B [2005]
Non-seismic open water prospecting
S03-C08 [1992]
Light barriers
Packaged semiconductor light transmitting and receiving
devices for light barriers are coded in U12-A02C2. Optical
intruder detection is covered by W05-B01C2 codes.
Machine-operator protection
S03-C08A [1992]
Construction details
S03-C08C [1992]
Other geophysics
Includes mechanical well diameter measurement.
S03-C10 [1997]
Testing, calibrating and compensation aspects of
geophysics devices
Includes testing of geophones. For geophones per se, see
S03-C01B codes.
Includes weather houses, sunshine duration
measurement, rainfall or precipitation gauges, windspeed.
Atmosphere, pollution, pressure, precipitation, rain,
satellite, balloon, probe, ionospheric sounding
S03-D01 [1992]
Wind speed and direction gauges
See also S02-G02 for anemometer details.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 311
Part 1
S03-D02 [1992]
Detection of precipitation; Air humidity
S03-D02A [1992]
Measuring rainfall
Precipitation, gauge
S03-D02B [1992]
Detecting presence of rain, snow, ice or fog
Smog measurements are coded under S03-D06 only.
S03-D02B1 [1992]
For non-meteorological application
Includes detection for automatic actuation of vehicle
windscreen wipers (See also X22-J01).
S03-D02C [2016]
Air humidity measurements
See also S03-F09A.
S03-D03 [1992]
Atmospheric pressure measurements
Fluid pressure measurements are covered by S02-F04
S03-D04 [1992]
Air temperature measurements
Thermometers are covered by S03-B01 codes.
S03-D05 [1992]
Weather prediction systems, weather forecasting
Includes weather satellite and weather radar systems.
Includes prediction of cyclones, thunderstorms,
hurricanes, etc. See W06-A04H2 for weather radar, S02-
B04 for satellite surveying of the earth. See also W05-B08
section for adverse weather alarms.
S03-D06 [1992]
Pollution, fall-out measurements
Includes all environmental pollution measurement, e.g.
marine, fresh water, air, soil, etc. For air quality per se,
see S03-E14N codes.
S03-D09 [1992]
Other meteorology
Includes detection of atmospheric measurements for non-
meteorological applications, and meteorological data
processing. Also includes lightning strike detectors.
Investigating physical or chemicals properties of
materials: methods and appts.
Electrical apparatus for medical purposes is also coded in
S05-C if in-vitro, or S05-D01G/S05-D01L if in-vivo.
Electrical exhaust sensors for internal combustion engines
are also coded in X22-A05B.
Thermal (by investigating)
Changes of state or phase; sintering; coefficient of
expansion: thermal conductivity
Using melting or boiling points, distillation, sublimation,
expansion, thermal conductivity.
Moisture content; flash-point, explosibility;
presence of flaws
Includes e.g. psychrometry, dew point, humidity,
S03-E01B1 [1997]
Thermal cycling
Includes thermal test chambers for PCBs and integrated
circuits. See also V04-R06 codes for PCB testing and U11-
F01G for burn-in testing of integrated circuits. Includes
thermal cycling of test pieces, such as might be carried
out in a metallurgy laboratory. If the material under test is
subjected, additionally, to a load, see also S03-F02B for
time varying load and S03-F02C for fixed load.
Temperature excursion, PCB, semiconductor device,
integrated circuit, coupon
S03-E01B3 [1997]
Flaw detection
Includes detection of flaws using infra-red radiation. For
flaw detection using visible or ultraviolet radiation, see
S03-E04F2. Includes thermal imaging.
Includes e.g. combustion. Calorimeters per se are in S03-
312 S: Instrumentation, Measuring and Testing
S03-E01E [1992]
Emissivity determination and differential thermal
Includes acoustic thermography. For detecting flaws, see
also S03-E01B3.
Other thermal investigation
Electrical (by investigation)
Moist, liquid, flow, humidity
Resistance of solid absorbing or reacting with fluid
Includes e.g. semiconductor gas sensor.
Oxide, metal, film, moist, humidity, resistor, bridge,
oxygen, semiconductor
Resistance of liquid or electrically heated body in
S03-E02C1 [1997]
Moisture detection
S03-E02C3 [1997]
Flaw or contamination detection
S03-E02C5 [1997]
Capacitance spectroscopy
Includes Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy, TSCAP and
Admittance Spectroscopy. For measurements on
semiconductor materials, see U11-F01A codes. For
measurements on devices, see U11-F01C codes.
DLTS, deep level, impurity, trap, lifetime
S03-E02D [1992]
S03-E02F [1992]
Using tunnel current and analogous effects
Includes all scanning probe microscope types and all
adaptations for measurement, e.g. measurement of
electric or magnetic fields, photon excitation, capacitance
and ionic conductance, in addition to other relevant
instrumentation codes.
See also V05-F for novel microscope and manufacturing
details and S02-A codes for novel cantilever displacement
For optical scanning tunnelling or near-field optical
microscopes with tunnel current type probes, see
additionally S02-J04B1 and S03-E04R.
Does NOT include use of scanning probe technology for
patterning techniques or recording - see V05-F05D and
relevant T03-C and U11 codes.
SPM, magnetic force, MFM, SNOM, shear-force
S03-E02F1 [1997]
Scanning tunnelling microscopes
S03-E02F3 [1997]
Atomic force microscopes
Other electrical investigation
Includes e.g. measuring Q-factor change on oscillating
piezoelectric crystal resonator caused by deposition (see
also S03-E12), investigating breakdown voltage (see also
S01-G03), electrostatics.
For ion sensor FET see U12-D02A also.
Measuring deposition or liberation from
electrolyte e.g. coulometric titration
Electrolytic, coulometer, titration, Karl Fischer
Measuring currents/voltages in voltaic cells
EPI Manual Codes 2020 313
Part 1
Due to effects at electrodes; e.g. potentiometric
Includes vehicle lambda probes.
Fuel, air, engine, exhaust
Due to effects in the electrolyte; concentration
Includes electrochemical pH sensors. See also S03-F10.
For non-electrochemical pH detection, see relevant S03-
E04 and E09 codes, as well as S03-F10.
pH sensor
Other measuring currents/voltages in voltaic cells
Containers, electrodes, membranes, partitions
Includes CHEMFETS, ISFETs and integrated circuits using
these transducers (also coded in U12-D02A and U12-B03E
for discrete devices, and U13-D02 for integrated circuit
structure). Also includes electrolyte.
S03-E03C1 [1997]
See also S03-E14H codes.
S03-E03E [1992]
Includes isoelectronic focussing. For detectors to identify
substances separated by electrophoresis, see S03-E09C7
Separation, gel, macromolecular, protein
Other electrochemical investigation
Prior to 2005, included non-electrochemical pH
measurement. After 2005, see S03-F10 only.
Optical (by investigating)
See also S03-A02 codes.
Photometer, light, centrifuge
Colour; spectral properties
Spectroscope, colour
Using photoelectric detection
S03-E04A4 [1992]
Measurement using radiation at two wavelengths
Includes measurement of blood oxygen content using
catheter (S05-D01G).
S03-E04A5 [1992]
Wavelength dependent absorption
Includes atomic absorption spectrometers. See also S03-
A02 codes.
S03-E04A5A [1992]
With light modulation
Includes photoacoustic absorption spectroscopy.
S03-E04A5B [1997]
Infrared spectroscopy
S03-E04A5E [1997]
Visible/ultraviolet spectroscopy
UV, electronic transition, Hund’s rules
S03-E04A5G [1997]
Gaseous phase
“Gaseous phase” refers to the phase to which the
radiation is applied. Includes, therefore, atomic
absorption spectrometers. This code will nearly always be
combined with at least one other S03-E04A5 code.
S03-E04A5L [1997]
Liquid phase
“Liquid phase” refers to the phase to which the radiation
is applied. This code will nearly always be combined with
at least one other S03-E04A5 code.
S03-E04A5S [1997]
Solid phase
“Solid phase” refers to the phase to which the radiation is
applied. Includes Attenuated Total Reflectance
Spectroscopy. This code will nearly always be combined
with at least one other S03-E04A5 code.
314 S: Instrumentation, Measuring and Testing
Other spectral properties
Reflection, refraction, transmission; dichroism;
phase- or polarisation affecting properties
Transmission; specular reflectivity
S03-E04B1A [1992]
Includes non-dispersive gas analysis. Includes
measurement by splitting light source into two paths, one
for reference/control, one for test sample, and measuring
relative absorption.
Turbidity, densitometer
S03-E04B1B [1992]
Specular reflectivity
S03-E04B5 [1983]
Refraction; phase; interference; dichroism;
polarisation; diffraction
Polarise, refractometer, interferometer, ellipsometer,
measuring refractive index
S03-E04B5A [2005]
Surface plasmon resonance
Scattering, diffuse reflection
Includes Rayleigh and Tyndall scattering. Also includes
Optical Time Domain Reflectrometry (from 1992;
previously coded in S03-E04B1).
In moving fluid; e.g. smoke detection
See W05-B02A1 also for smoke detecting fire alarm using
scattering effects.
Suspension, particle, fire alarm, turbidity
In material in container
S03-E04C3 [1997]
Optical computerised tomography
OCT, optical coherence tomography
Optical, electrical, mechanical or thermal
Fluorescent, atomise, plasma, flame, photothermal,
S03-E04D1 [1992]
Raman scattering
S03-E04D3 [1997]
Atomic emission spectrometer
S03-E04D3A [1997]
Inductively coupled
Chemiluminescence; bioluminescence; observing
effect on chemical indicator
React, luminescent, reagent
Jewels; detecting flaws or contamination
See T04-D for automated visual inspection techniques. For
systems using IR detection of thermal images S03-E01B
takes precedence.
Inspect, reflect, semiconductor, mask, pcb, printed circuit
board, recognition, visual, comparison
S03-E04F1 [1992]
Detecting contamination or impurities
S03-E04F2 [1992]
Flaw detection
S03-E04F3 [1992]
Optical examination of jewels
Gem, cut, facet
Moving sheets
Paper, newspaper
Moving fluids or granular solids
EPI Manual Codes 2020 315
Part 1
S03-E04J [1997]
On-line measurements
Covers arrangements for use in a production
line/manufacturing environment (see also X25 codes).
S03-E04J will nearly always be combined with at least one
other S03-E04 code.
S03-E04P [1992]
Calibration/compensation/testing of optical
measurement system
(S02-K02, S02-K09)
S03-E04R [1992]
Optical microscopy
See also S02-J04B1 for microscope appts.
S03-E04R1 [2006]
Confocal Microscopy
Includes laser scanning microscopy. See also S03-
E04D/E04E if used with fluorescent staining methods.
S03-E04T [1997]
Using Fourier Analysis
Includes use of Fast Fourier Transform (see also T01-
J04B). This code will nearly always be combined with at
least one other S03-E04 code.
Cuvettes; Imaging and other optical investigation
Includes automatic optical analysis apparatus (with S03-
E15 codes), forming picture using TV camera.
Using microwaves and other radio frequency
This code covers methods and apparatus for investigating
physical or chemical properties of materials by means of
microwaves and other radio waves, including microwave
spectrometry and general terahertz radiation
investigation. (TeraHertz imaging is covered by S03-E05E).
For investigation using electromagnetic waves other than
radio waves see S03-E04 codes (optical) and S03-E06
codes (X-rays, neutrons, electrons, etc.). Investigating
properties using electric and magnetic fields are covered
by S03-E02 codes and S03-E11 codes respectively, and use
of spin effects by S03-E07 codes.
Dipole moment, loss factor, moment of inertia, gas phase,
radio frequency, RF, waveguide
S03-E05A [1997]
Moisture detection
S03-E05C [1997]
Flaw detection
S03-E05E [2005]
Terahertz radiation imaging
Using e.g. X-rays, neutrons, electrons
Includes use of ionizing or particle radiation for
determining properties of a sample, e.g. patient x-ray
diagnosis or scanning electron microscopy. For
measurement of ionizing radiation intensity per se (x-ray,
gamma ray, alpha, beta etc.), particle behaviour or
electron beam current density, see S03-G codes.
Medical apparatus is also coded in S05-D codes. For
luggage check see also S03-C03, S03-C06 and W06-B02A.
Measurement of radioactive emission from sample
injected into human body, e.g. scintography is not
included (see S03-G02B3). Control of X-ray equipment in
general is covered by V05-E02 codes. Includes use of
gamma rays.
Tube, beam, radiate, radioactive
Measuring absorption
S03-E06A1 [1992]
Flaw detection
S03-E06A3 [1997]
Moisture detection
Forming picture
Scan, tomography, scintillation, display, phosphor,
stimulable sheet
S03-E06B1 [1992]
See also V05-F codes for electron, ion and X-ray
microscopes. Prior to 2005, included tunnelling
microscopes - now only coded in S03-E02F codes.
316 S: Instrumentation, Measuring and Testing
S03-E06B3 [1992]
Electronic imaging
Includes use of e.g. video camera systems responsive to
radiation, and stimulable-sheet phosphor imaging (see
also S05-D02A5C for medical X-ray stimulable-sheet
system and S06-K codes for aspects analogous to
facsimile, especially S06-K99G).
S03-E06B3A [2005]
Computer tomography
S03-E06B5 [1992]
Photographic recording
S03-E06B9 [1992]
Other image-forming methods
Diffracting, reflecting, scattering e.g. back-
scattering radiation
Crystal structure, Compton
S03-E06C1 [1992]
Flaw detection
By measuring secondary emission, e.g. X-ray
Does not include fluoroscopy.
Auger electrons, photoelectric effect, x-ray spectrometer
S03-E06D1 [2005]
Flaw detection
S03-E06H [1992]
Details of apparatus
S03-E06H1 [1992]
Radiation source
Includes control, e.g. source intensity control, dosage etc.
For source positioning see S03-E06H4.
S03-E06H2 [2006]
Detector positioning
See S03-E06H5 codes for novel detection system per se.
S03-E06H3 [1992]
Specimen positioning
S03-E06H4 [2005]
Source positioning
S03-E06H5 [1992]
Detection system
Includes e.g. cassettes.
S03-E06H5A [2005]
Semiconductor detectors
For measurement of ionizing radiation intensity using
semiconductor detectors, see S03-G02B2G.
S03-E06H5B [2005]
Scintillation detectors
For measurement of ionizing radiation intensity using
scintillation detectors see S03-G02B1.
S03-E06H5C [2005]
Stimulable sheet phosphors
For novel stimulable sheet phosphors per se, see V05-
M01C1. For novel stimulable phosphor read-out systems,
see S06-K99G and other S06-K codes as appropriate.
S03-E06H5D [2005]
Video systems
For novel X-ray video systems per se, see W04-M codes.
S03-E06H7 [1992]
Shielding, protection
S03-E06H9 [1992]
Other appts. details
Other uses of X-rays, neutrons, electrons
Includes contrast agents for X-rays.
Contrast media
NMR, EPR or other spin effects
See S01-E02A codes. S03-C02F is used when the purpose
is prospecting, together with S03-C06 if for contraband or
intruder detection. For static and gradient field coils, see
also X12-C and V02-F01G respectively and for coils in
general see S01-E02A8A. For medical apparatus, see also
S05-D02B codes.
Spin echo, tomography, axis
S03-E07A [1992]
See also S01-E02A2 codes. Contrast agents are coded in
S03-E09X also.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 317
Part 1
S03-E07C [1997]
Includes NMR spectroscopy. See also S01-E02A1 codes.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
S03-E07E [1997]
See also S01-E02A4.
Electron spin resonance, paramagnetic, klystron
S03-E07G [1997]
Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance
See also S01-E02A3. For contraband detection, see also
S03-C02F5, and S03-C06 codes.
S03-E07X [1997]
Other quantised spin measurements
See also S01-E02A9.
Cyclotron resonance
Using sonic or ultrasonic vibrations
Includes vibrations which may be induced acoustically,
thermally, optically, magnetically etc., but detected using
acoustic apparatus. For photo-acoustic spectroscopy
where optical radiation is detected, see S03-E04A5A. For
ultrasound generating transducers, see V06-V01N. For
ultrasound “measurement” transducers, see V06-V04G
codes. See S02-A05B codes for acoustic dimension
measurement. For medical imaging see also S05-D03
codes and V06-V04K for transducers for specifically
medical use.
Transducer, piezoelectric
Flaw detection
Includes acoustic emission techniques, e.g. where a
material is subjected to a mechanical stress and the
acoustic output detected by a microphone. See S03-F02B
and S03-F02C for tensile testing per se.
Crack, inspect, material, pipe, weld, nondestructive testing
S03-E08C [1992]
Specific property
Covers investigation of a specific physical property by
measurement of sonic or ultrasonic vibration. Includes
e.g. analysing fluids; measuring attenuation, speed,
density, frequency spectrum to characterise medium.
S03-E08E [1997]
(S03-E08, S03-E08A)
E.g. using visualisation of interior, using Barkhausen
S03-E08G [1992]
Acoustic microscopes
Covers acoustic microscopes per se.
Other sonic or ultrasonic measurements
Includes construction details of ultrasonic equipment, e.g.
probes and arrangements for orientation - see also V06.
Measuring deposition on crystal resonator using variation
in Q-factor or impedance is not included - see S03-E02X.
Includes contrast agents.
Contrast media, UCA
Chemical methods
Precipitation; absorption, adsorption
Ion-exchange; catalysis; combustion
By chromatography e.g. column, plate
Gel, injection, flow, needle, capillary, vaporise
S03-E09C1 [1983]
Gas chromatography
S03-E09C3 [1992]
Thin layer chromatography
S03-E09C5 [1983]
Liq. and ion exchange chromatography
S03-E09C7 [1997]
Chromatography and electrophoresis detectors
From 2006, this code covers detectors to identify
substances separated by electrophoresis. Electrophoresis
per se is covered in S03-E03E.
318 S: Instrumentation, Measuring and Testing
S03-E09C7A [1997]
See also S03-A01B codes.
S03-E09C7B [1997]
Mass spectrometric
(S03-E09C, S03-E10A)
For mass spectrometers, see S03-E10A and V05-J01 codes.
S03-E09C7C [1997]
Thermal conductivity
(S03-E01A, S03-E09C)
For thermal conductivity measurements per se, see S03-
S03-E09C7D [1997]
Includes flame ionisation and photo-ionisation detectors.
S03-E09C7E [1997]
Electron capture
(S03-E09C, S03-E03)
S03-E09C7F [1997]
For electrochemical sensors generally see S03-E03 codes.
S03-E09C7X [1997]
Other chromatography detectors
Titration, micro-analysis
Karl Fischer, sample, end-point
Chemical indicators
Reagent, strip, colour, chart, compare
S03-E09F [2005]
Immunoassay techniques and biological indicators
Includes all novel reagents and techniques. See also S03-
E04D and S03-E04E for fluorescence detection and
observation techniques. For radiopharmaceutical
immunoassay indicators, see also S03-G02B9.
For microarray and biochip techniques, see also S03-H01
Prior to 2005 coded in S03-E14H4.
Antibody, assay, antigen, binding, ligand, fluorophore,
monoclonal, conjugate
Other chemical investigation methods
Includes contrast agents for MRI (see S03-E07A also).
Investigating ionisation of gases or electric
S03-E10A [1992]
For mass spectrometer or spectrograph
See also V05-J01 codes.
Ionise, smoke detector
S03-E10A1 [1997]
Using magnetic sectors
S03-E10A1A [1997]
Double focussing mass spectrometers
Nier-Johnson, Mattauch-Herzog
S03-E10A2 [1997]
Tandem mass spectrometers
S03-E10A3 [1997]
Time-of-flight mass spectrometers
Includes e.g. ion mobility spectrometers. Also includes
Coaxial Impact Collision Ion Scattering Spectrometer.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 319
Part 1
S03-E10A4 [1997]
Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometers
Includes spark source mass spectrometry and ion
scattering spectrometry. For ESCA, Auger spectroscopy,
electron microprobe see S03-E06D; for low energy
electron diffraction, see S03-E06C.
SIMS, duoplasmatron, SSMS, ISS
S03-E10A5 [1997]
Quadrupole mass analysers
Includes ion trap mass spectrometers.
S03-E10A6 [1997]
Inductively coupled mass spectrometers
S03-E10A7 [1997]
Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometers
Includes Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometers.
S03-E10A8 [2002]
MALDI/SELDI mass spectrometers
For mass spectrometers with matrix assisted laser
desorption ionisation source. See V05-J01E for novel
ionising arrangements.
Matrix assisted laser desorption ionisation, surface
enhanced laser desorption ionisation
S03-E10B [2005]
Energy spectrometers
S03-E10C [1992]
Investigating discharges per se
Includes, e.g. plasma processing endpoint detection
through plasma colour change.
Investigating magnetic variables
Flux, Hall, diamagnetic, paramagnetic
S03-E11A [1983]
Flaw detection (incl. eddy current)
Surface, inspect, fault, crack, weld, nondestructive testing
S03-E11C [1992]
Specific property
Covers measurement of a specific physical property using
investigation of magnetic variables, e.g. using saturation
of remanence to investigate mechanical hardness
(mechanical testing of hardness in general is covered by
S03-E11C1 [1997]
Contamination detection
S03-E11X [1992]
Other magnetic variable investigation
Analysing by weighing; by measuring
pressure/volume of gas
Balance, vapour pressure, gas sorption, adsorption,
S03-E12A [1992]
By analysing weight/ by weighing
Includes gravimetric analysis.
S03-E12B [1992]
Specific weight determination
S03-E12C [2005]
By measuring pressure/volume of gas
Sampling; specimen preparation
Sampling solids
Microtome, cut, slide
Sampling liquid or fluent material
Also includes sampling of granular solids, e.g. sand, flour,
salt etc.
Flow, sand, flour, water, liquid
Dippers, dredgers, suction or ejector devices
Intake at several levels; splitting samples; flowing
or falling material sampling
320 S: Instrumentation, Measuring and Testing
Other sampling liquid or fluent material
Includes sampling of suspensions from liquids, gases or
other fluent materials, e.g. exhaust gas particulate
Sampling gases
Preparing specimens for investigation
Centrifuge, filter, separate, freeze
S03-E13D1 [1992]
For automatic analysers
See S03-E15 codes also. Includes preparation of many
samples from one original which will be subjected to
different test procedures.
S03-E13F [2006]
Sample holders, carriers or storage systems
Includes e.g. microscope slides, sample refrigerators,
cuvettes, novel instrumentation-type glassware, e.g. test
tube, petri dish. Note that general laboratory glassware is
not included.
Investigation methods (for)
Codes in this section are used when testing methods or
appts. are specifically intended for investigation of the
material or substance concerned. Depending on the scope
of the invention, codes for a specific testing method may
also be assigned.
Food, Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics
S03-E14A1 [1992]
Drugs, medicines, pharmaceuticals
Electrical aspects of pharmaceuticals manufacture are
covered by X25-P02. See also S05-C05.
Capsule, tablet
S03-E14A2 [2005]
Food and drink
Milk, meat, tobacco, alcohol
S03-E14A3 [2005]
See X25-H03 for electrical aspects of water and sewage
Sea, waste, effluent, pollution, process
Electrical aspects of metallurgy are covered by X25-Q
codes, and of working metals by X25-A codes, e.g. X25-
A01 (casting).
Melt, cast, metallurgy, phase, assay
S03-E14C1 [1992]
Testing metallic electrodes
For electrodes per se, see S03-E03.
S03-E14C3 [1997]
S03-E14C3A [1997]
See X25-Q01 for electrical aspects of steel manufacture.
S03-E14C3X [1997]
Other alloys
Brass, solder, bronze
Concrete, glass, ceramics, refractories, resins,
plastics, rubber, leather, wood
Asphalt, chalcogenide
S03-E14D1 [1983]
Cement, strength, setting
S03-E14D4 [1983]
Glass, ceramics, refractories
Electrical aspects of glass working are covered by X25-
S03-E14D7 [1983]
Resins, plastics, rubber, leather, wood
Electrical aspects of plastics working are covered by X25-
A06, of rubber working by X25-A07.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 321
Part 1
Fuels, explosives; soil
S03-E14E1 [1992]
Includes crude oil and oil-derived fuels, as well as coal,
natural gas etc. Oils for lubrication are covered by S03-
Gas, liquid, hydrocarbon, crude, refine, LNG, LPG
S03-E14E3 [1992]
Blasting, detonate, pressure
S03-E14E7 [1992]
Rock, core, sample, groundwater recharge, minerals
Oils, viscous liquids; paints; inks
Includes lubricating oils. Fuel oils are covered by S03-
Lubricate, flow, cleaning products
Paper; textiles
See X25-T codes for electrical aspects of paper and textile
Sheet, fabric, web, yarn, fiber, pulp
Biological material
For electrical aspects of biological material investigation
see S05-C codes also where medical application stated.
Medical, clinical, forensic, diagnose
Coagulate, plasma, platelet, cell count
S03-E14H2 [2005]
Biological fluids
Includes urine, semen etc.
S03-E14H3 [2005]
Nucleic acids
Includes general DNA/RNA sequencing and tests for
specific gene sequences, where there are no specific
details. Where novel reagents are claimed, see also S03-
For microarray or biochip technology see also S03-H01A
S03-E14H4* [1983-2004]
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S03-
E09F, but remains searchable and valid for records from
Antibody, assay, antigen, monoclonal, conjugate, bonding,
HIV, AIDS, hepatitis
S03-E14H5 [1992]
Enzymes, proteins and amino acids
S03-E14H6 [1992]
Tissue samples
Other biological material
S03-E14J [1992]
Includes seeds, crops.
S03-E14L [1992]
Chemical and biological warfare agents
Includes detection. See S03-E09 for chemical detection
techniques, S03-C06 for luggage or mail inspection
methods or S03-H01 for lab-on-chip or biochip
For electrical aspects of chemical or biological warfare
detection see W07-F01 also.
S03-E14M [1992]
Herbicides, pesticides
322 S: Instrumentation, Measuring and Testing
S03-E14N [1992]
Air quality
Covers air quality, e.g. in workplace, hospitals and home.
See S03-D06 also for pollution monitoring. Details of gas
analysis and gas sensors are also coded under S03-E14P.
Breathable, pollution, contaminant
S03-E14N1 [1997]
In buildings
S03-E14N3 [1997]
Clean room
See U11-C15B for clean room used in semiconductor
manufacture and T03-A02B9 for clean room used in
magnetic record carrier manufacture.
Semiconductor, impurity
S03-E14N9 [1997]
Other air quality measurements
S03-E14P [1997]
Gas sensor; Gas analysis
Includes determining the components of a gas. See also
S03-E02A and S03-E03 for electrical and electrochemical
gas sensors, respectively. Details of air quality analysis
(pollution) are coded under S03-E14N and S03-D06.
Gas detection
S03-E14P1 [1997]
For combustion products
Carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide
S03-E14P3 [1997]
For chemical reaction products
S03-E14P9 [1997]
Gas sensor for other products
Livestock, poultry, SF6
S03-E14R [2006]
Flame/combustion detector
Includes methods/apparatus for detection of flames or
combustion, e.g. for fire alarm (see also W05), or
industrial/domestic combustion equipment (see also X25-
X13/ X27-G02). For pyrometric detection, see also S03-
A03; for optical detection, e.g. UV, see S03-E04 codes.
S03-E14W [2016]
General industrial waste
S03-E15 [1992]
Automatic analysis equipment
Codes in this section are used with other S03-E codes
depending on the specific nature of the equipment. For
example use S03-E15 and S03-E14H codes for automatic
biological material analysis apparatus.
S03-E15A [1992]
For computer control aspects see e.g. T01-J08A.
Investigation of physical or chemical properties of
materials: specific properties
By immersion of objects in fluids; from
transmission of radiation; by measuring pressure
Displacement, ultrasonic
Other density measurement
Mechanical strength
Load, indent, ball, bearing, Vickers, Rockwell, Mohs
Resistance to wear or heat; machinability; cutting
Includes applying time varying (cyclic) loading. If the
sample is also subjected to temperature excursions, the
code S03-E01B1 is additionally applied.
Abrasion, tool, bearing, erosion
EPI Manual Codes 2020 323
Part 1
By applying steady tension or compression
If, in addition to steady tension or compression, the
sample is subjected to temperature excursions, the code
S03-E01B1 is also applied.
Tensile, stress, strain, fatigue
By steady bending, twisting or shearing
Torque, shaft, flexure, axis
By applying impulsive forces
Impact, shock, frequency
Other mechanical strength measurement (incl.
ductility, twisting and coiling properties)
Flow properties
Includes viscometers.
Fluid, liquid, viscosity, thixotropic, Poiseuille’s formula,
Stokes’ law, Ostwald, Newtonian fluid
By moving body in material
E.g. rising or falling speed, rotary bodies, rotational,
damping effect.
Vibratory viscometer
Other flow properties
Includes measuring flow of material e.g. through capillary
Diffusion effects; surface or boundary effects
Includes e.g. measurement of wettability.
Surface tension, Ficks law, solder wettability
Particle size; sedimentation of suspensions
For blood, see S03-E14H1 also, and S05-C01 if electrical
appts. is involved.
S03-F05A [1992]
S03-F05C [1992]
Particle size
Includes cytometry.
Concentration of suspensions; permeability, pore-
volume or surface area of porous materials
S03-F06A [1983]
Concentration of suspensions
Aerosol, Colloid, Emulsions, Slurry
S03-F06B [1983]
Permeability, pore-volume or surface area of
porous materials
Pressure, osmosis, porosity, filter, gas-mask, respirator
S03-F06C [1992]
Particle counters
Includes cytometry.
Weather-, light- and corrosion resistance
Coefficient of friction; adhesion
Surface, adhesives
Moisture content (incl. hydrometers); detecting
flaws or contamination
S03-F09A [2005]
General moisture detection / humidity
Includes measurement of moisture e.g. mechanically, but
not measurement using capacitance, microwaves or
radiation absorption; for these cases see S03-E02C1, S03-
E05A, S03-E06A3 respectively. Air humidity measurement
used in meteorology is coded under S03-D02C.
S03-F09B [2005]
General flaw detection
S03-F09C [2006]
General contamination detection
Prior to 2007, covered by S03-F09B.
324 S: Instrumentation, Measuring and Testing
S03-F10 [2005]
pH measurement
See also S03-E03B2 for electrochemical methods, and
S03-E09E and S03-E04E for chemical indicators. Prior to
200501, non-electrochemical pH measurement was coded
in S03-E03X.
S03-F11 [2014]
Non-destructive testing
This code is used to highlight the non-destructive aspect
of the testing or analysis. This code can be applied with
other S03-F codes to highlight the type of analysis/test
Other physical or chemical properties
For sampling devices see S03-E13 codes.
Growth measurement
Measurement of nuclear or X-radiation
Codes in this section are concerned with novel methods
and equipment for measuring radiation per se. For
measurement on materials using radiation see S03-E06
codes, and for object detection/prospecting see S03-C
codes, e.g. S03-C03.
Beta, gamma, particle, radioactive
Recording/ processing movements of particles,
measuring neutron radiation
Includes processing or analysis of tracks. Neutron
dosimetry is also in S03-G02A.
S03-G01A [1992]
Recording/ processing movements of particles
Wilson cloud chamber, bubble, scintillation, track
S03-G01C [1992]
Measuring neutron radiation
S03-G01X [1992]
Other recording/ processing movements of
particles, measuring neutron radiation
Measuring nuclear or X-radiation
Dosimeters; integrating detectors
Includes e.g. chemical, photographic, luminescent
dosimetry, and arrangements integrating the output of an
electrical detector.
Thermoluminescent, expose, film badge, TLD
Measuring intensity
Codes in this section are used for particular radiation
detection arrangements.
Count, camera, discriminate
Scintillation detectors
Counting-tubes, ionisation chambers; Cerenkov,
semiconductor, resistance or secondary emission
For tube type detectors see V05-H also.
S03-G02B2A [1992]
Counting tube (e.g. Geiger-Muller)
S03-G02B2C [1992]
Ionisation chamber
S03-G02B2E [1992]
Secondary emission detector
S03-G02B2G [1992]
Semiconductor detector
See U12-A03 also.
S03-G02B3 [1997]
Nuclear imaging
Covers all cases where a radiopharmaceutical is injected
into the patient, e.g. in Positron Emission Tomography or
Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography. See also
S05-D02C. See U22-D02C for coincidence circuit for PET
See S03-E06B codes for imaging using externally applied
radiation, e.g. X-ray tomography.
SPECT, PET, Gamma camera, Anger camera, Compton
Other nuclear radiation intensity measurement
Includes radioactive immunoassay techniques - see also
Image, phosphor, scan, sheet
EPI Manual Codes 2020 325
Part 1
Beam position/section; spatial/spectral
distribution; polarisation, absorption cross
section; half-life
S03-G02C1 [1992]
Beam measurements
Covers position or section measurements.
Faraday cup
S03-G02C1A [1992]
Beam polarisation
S03-G02C1C [1992]
Cross section
Beam area, absorption, barn
S03-G02C3 [1992]
Radiation spectrometers
Includes, e.g. X-ray or Mössbauer spectrometers. Note:
This code is reserved for analysing nuclear radiation for
the purest of reasons, e.g. at a nuclear power station or a
nuclear research institute.
Using nuclear radiation (X-rays, neutrons, gamma rays
etc.) to analyse material properties is covered by S03-E06
codes, e.g. S03-E06D.
S03-G02C5 [1992]
Half life measurements
S03-G05 [1992]
Calibration, testing and compensation aspects
S03-H [2005]
General scientific instrumentation technology
These codes can be used with S01 and S02
instrumentation types, except for the S03-H03 codes. For
testing, calibration or compensation, see relevant sections
in S01 and S02.
S03-H01 [2005]
Lab on Chip and Microarray technology
These codes are used in combination with other S03
codes to denote specific technology types. For general
automatic analysis equipment, see S03-E15. See also U13-
D04 codes for semiconductor based technology. For
instrumentation using electrochemical techniques, see
S03-E03 codes.
LOC, Lab-on-chip
S03-H01A [2005]
Microarrays and Biochips
See relevant S03 codes for detection type. See S03-E09F
for Immunoassay techniques. Prior to 2005, see S03-E15.
DNA Chip, Protein Chip, GeneChip
S03-H01B [2005]
Microfluidic instrumentation
S03-H02 [2005]
Micro/nanometre scale instrumentation
See also V06 codes for micro and nano-scale
actuators/motors/sensors and U12-B03F codes for
MEMS/NEMS technology in general.
S03-H02A [2005]
Micrometre scale instrumentation
In general, covers instrumentation technology involving
manipulation or manufacture at a scale of greater than
0.1 microns.
S03-H02B [2005]
Nanometre scale instrumentation
In general, covers instrumentation technology involving
manipulation or manufacture beneath 0.1 microns, or 100
S03-H03 [2005]
Testing, compensation and calibration
These codes are used to indicate general testing,
calibration or compensation for S03 equipment. Note that
some areas of S03 already have testing, calibration and
compensation codes. Where these codes already exist,
they take precedence over S03-H03, e.g. S03-A05 codes,
S03-C10 and S03-E04P. Prior to 2005, see S02-K and S01-
S03-H03A [2005]
S03-H03B [2005]
S03-H03C [2005]
EPI Manual Codes 2020 327
Part 1
S04: Clocks and Timers
All aspects of clocks and watches are included, whether
electrical or not.
Mechanical aspects of clocks and watches
Drive, geartrains, escapements, balances etc.
Includes clutch mechanisms, weights, chains, mainsprings
Gear, wheel, pendulum, movement, pivot, adjust
Time indication
Hour, rotating, analogue, face, indicia, minute
Hands, dials, drums
Sundials are in S04-A09 only.
Face, disc, display, timepiece, concentric, ring
Day, date, tide or local time indicators
Calendar, display, zone, disc, window, world, month, ring,
Other (time indication)
Includes illumination, striking, alarms, ringing, etc.
Bell, chime, light
Winding; setting
Including clutch wheel and locking bar mechanisms.
Adjust, hand, spring, compress, pushbutton
Cases, glasses
Display, window
Includes watch straps and clock stands. Details of watch
straps are also coded under P23-C02.
Ring, seal, mount, housing, plastics, body, face, frame
S04-A04A1 [1992]
Anti-magnetic shielding
S04-A04A2 [1992]
Materials and manufacture
Glass, metal, titanium, alloy, nitride, aluminium, carbide,
coating, deposit, film, jewel, bind
Frameworks, bearings, calipers
Plate, metal, plastics, rotor, spring, wheel
Other (mechanical aspects)
Includes combination of timepieces with other measuring
instruments. Metronomes, sundials, hourglasses and
other gravitational timepieces.
Dial, display, compass, magnetic
Electrical aspects of clocks and watches
S04-B01 [1983]
Power supplies; electrical winding; motor driven
time indication
Inverter, voltage, capacitor, control
S04-B01A [1983]
Power supplies; electrical winding
For batteries see X16, for solar cells see X15-A02, U12-
A02A codes.
S04-B01B [1983]
Motor driven time indication
For stepper motors see also V06-M05. For motor control
see also V06-N codes, e.g. V06-N01.
Rotor, drive, stator, pulse, synchronous, pole, circuit,
current, analogue, switch, gear, magnetic
Balances, pendulums, tuning forks
Drive, movement, spring
Crystal, piezoelectric, resonance, trimmer
328 S: Instrumentation, Measuring and Testing
Other (oscillators)
Includes laser and maser oscillators (see also V08-A01A
and V08-B) and atomic clocks. Atomic oscillators are
covered by U23-A06 from 2016 (pre-2016 by U23-D02).
Time and frequency standards are also coded in S04-C09.
Timing chains; setting
Includes drive blocking and radio transmission aspects.
Display, counter, divider, memory, digital, microprocessor
Electronic displays
S04-B04A [1992]
Electro-optic displays
Includes lamps, LEDs, LCDs etc.
Digital, liquid, indicate, segment, analogue, calendar, date
Acoustical time indication; alarms
For combined radio/alarm appts. see also W03-G03A.
Piezoelectric devices, buzzers etc. are in V06 also.
Signal, sound, frequency, tone
S04-B05A [1992]
Musical animation
Master slave clocks and radio controlled setting
Radio and line transmission details of timing signals, drive
mechanisms, pulse transmission systems etc.
Signal, control, circuit, receive, adjust, phase, reference,
standard time signal, MSF, WWV, DCF-77
S04-B07 [1992]
Braille clock
S04-B08 [1992]
Motion clock, e.g. cuckoo or movable drum
Other (Electrical aspects)
Includes casings and manufacture for electronic
timepieces. Clocks/watches integral with gaming, cooking,
medical etc. devices. All aspects of circuitry specifically for
Memory, radio, dial
Circuit, control, automatic, program
Time switches
If switch details are claimed, then see V03-C08 also. For
cooking appliances see X27-C. For washing/drying
appliances see X27-D.
Cam, set, circuit, domestic, drive, mechanism, contact,
rotating, washing, cycle
Timer clocks
For cooking appliances see also X27-C. For audio/video
appts. see also T03, W03, W04.
Switch, set, interval, select
S04-C02A [1992]
Including time indicator or alarm
S04-C02X [1992]
Other (timer clocks)
Measuring unknown time intervals
For sports equipment see W04-X. Includes stopwatches.
Counter, period, start-stop, elapsed, oscillator, hand,
S04-C03A [1992]
Measuring methods and equipment per se
S04-C03C [1992]
S04-C03C1 [1992]
Measuring electronic signals and pulse duration
See also S01-D06.
S04-C03C2 [1992]
Measuring duration of activities, operations, and
See T05-G for specific monitoring of vehicles, machines,
S04-C03X [1992]
Other (time interval measurements)
S04-C07 [1992]
Colour change time indication, e.g. for perishable
EPI Manual Codes 2020 329
Part 1
Other (timer aspects)
Includes time and frequency standards (see also S04-
B02X) and also electronic metronomes and hour-glass
type timers. For clocks using gravitational effects see S04-
A09 also.
Frequency, standard, atomic, resonance, select, interval,
program, pulse, stabilised, adjust, microprocessor,
molecular, oscillator, count, delay
Watchmakers’ tools
Includes tweezers, eyepieces, measuring and calibrating
appts., and relevant electronic test gear.
S04-E [1992]
Time recording
Includes e.g. time clock for employees.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 331
Part 1
S05: Electrical Medical Equipment
Electrical aspects only are included, except for documents
with A61N IPC, which guarantees inclusion whether
electrical or not.
For treatment of abnormal cells/tissues etc. using non- or
minimally invasive equipment, e.g. electrotherapy,
magnetotherapy, radiation therapy, ultrasound therapy
etc. See S05-B codes for corresponding surgical
equipment, and S05-D codes for measurement of
bioelectric currents.
Condition, treat, beauty, patient
Heart pacemakers and defibrillators
Includes all aspects of electrical cardiovascular
Cardiac, sense, implant, lead, pulse, atrium, control,
tissue, ventricle, physiological, time
S05-A01A [1992]
Includes general heart stimulation arrangements.
S05-A01A [1992]
Demand pacemakers
Includes pacemakers controlled by physiological
parameter e.g. heart biopotential.
S05-A01A5 [1992]
Programming and control aspects
Includes programmed control of pacemakers, e.g. using
stored program. See T01-J06A for data processing in
medical applications.
S05-A01A5A [1997]
Remote programming and control
Includes arrangements for programming and controlling
operation from external source, e.g. for modifying version
of control program.
S05-A01B [1997]
Can be used for both internal and external defibrillators.
S05-A01C [1997]
Power supplies and storage
Includes power supplies and storage for all implanted
heart therapy equipment, and charge storage
arrangements for defibrillators. See U24 codes for power
supplies in general, and X16 codes for power storage
Electrodes and connecting leads
Includes any apparatus attached to or through skin for
purpose of applying electric field or current. If current
application is also claimed then see also S05-A04.
Contact, lead, connect, conducting, implant, stimulating,
S05-A02A [1997]
For stimulation of heart
Covers electrodes used in conjunction with pacemaker or
S05-A02B [1997]
For stimulation of nervous system
Covers electrodes used to apply current to muscles or
nervous system for e.g. pain relief, i.e. TENS.
Radiation/Ultrasonic therapy (including magnetic
Including optical, magnetic, X-ray irradiation, and
protection from undesirable radiation.
Frequency, hyperthermia, beam, electromagnet, isotope
S05-A03A [1983]
Optical radiation (including IR, UV and Laser)
Laser apparatus is in V08 also. For UV and sun-ray lamp
apparatus see X27-A02A2 also. Lamps per se are also in
X26. Radiation therapy using visible light is in S05-A03A9
Ultraviolet, tan, lamp, cooling, lens, sun, beam
S05-A03A1 [1997]
Includes application of heat from Infrared source. See also
S05-A05B for heat therapy in general.
332 S: Instrumentation, Measuring and Testing
S05-A03A2 [1997]
Includes laser for cosmetic use, e.g. laser hair and tattoo
S05-A03A3 [1997]
S05-A03A9 [1997]
Other light, including visible light spectrum
S05-A03B [1997]
Electric fields therapy
Includes application of static electricity and electric fields.
From 2016, all RF-based therapy inventions are coded in
S05-A03D. Pre-2016, RF-based therapy inventions were
coded in S05-A03B or S05-A03X depending on novel
S05-A03C [1997]
Sonic or ultrasonic therapy
See S05-B02 for ultrasonic surgical equipment e.g.
lithotripsy, and S05-A05 for massage using ultrasound.
Infra-sonic can also be coded here. For music therapy see
S05-A03D [1997]
Microwave and other radio-frequency (RF)
From 2016 includes all RF-based therapy. Pre-2016,
inventions were coded in S05-A03B or S05-A03X
depending on novel aspect. See X25 for microwave
S05-A03E [1997]
Magnetic fields
Includes all aspects of magnetotherapy e.g. using
magnetic fields produced by coils or permanent magnets,
applied externally, or internally using implanted elements.
S05-A03E1 [2002]
Includes use of permanent magnets, e.g. traditional
Chinese medicine.
S05-A03E2 [2002]
Electromagnetic therapy
S05-A03F [1997]
Using X-Rays
See S05-D02 codes for X-Ray diagnostic equipment.
S05-A03X [1997]
Other radiation
Includes Gamma-ray therapy and particle irradiation
S05-A04 [1983]
Applying currents
Electrodes per se are also in S05-A02. Includes all aspects
of nerve, muscle and skin stimulation for e.g. pain relief,
i.e. transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, and also
Pulse, frequency, implant, HF, muscle, regulate, ECT, TENS,
S05-A04A [1992]
See also S05-J02 for administering drugs through the skin.
S05-A05 [1983]
Physical therapy, massage, acupuncture
(S05-A09, S05-X)
Not steam baths, saunas, etc. These are coded under S05-
A09 and X27-E03A1 only. Includes massagers using
ultrasound. See W04-X01A for sports training equipment.
See X27-A02A2 for massage/vibrators.
Exercise, cycle, treadmill, vibration, heat, limb, movement,
S05-A05A [1997]
Artificial respiration and cardiac assistance
For cardiac assistance and respiratory aids using e.g. heart
massage, pumping and applied pressure etc. Applying
electric currents for heart stimulation is coded in S05-A01.
Respiratory aids using e.g. gas or air are coded in S05-
Pump, squeeze, pressure, cardiac wrap/harness
S05-A05B [2002]
Heat and cooling therapy
Therapy using direct application of heat. Also includes
therapy using cooling techniques.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 333
Part 1
S05-A05C [2005]
Massage details for domestic items, such as beds, chairs,
beauty treatment, etc. are also coded under X27-A02A2.
S05-A05D [2005]
S05-A05E [2007]
Physical therapy
S05-A07 [1992]
Eye exercise, strengthening defective eye muscles
Other (e.g. speech therapy, relaxation therapy)
Includes electrical aspects of e.g. aromatherapy and
homeopathy, steam baths, saunas etc., audio relaxation,
deaf/dumb speech therapy, insomnia curing apparatus,
air cleaners and filters.
S05-A10 [2006]
Patient positioning for therapy
Used for cases where the novelty is in the positioning of a
patient rather than in the therapeutic device itself.
Surgical instruments, devices and equipment. See S05-A
codes for therapeutic equipment. Anaesthesia apparatus
is in S05-L. Diagnostic endoscopes are in S05-D04.
Instrument, shock, wave, tissue, pressure, coagulate,
incision, cut, cauterisation
S05-B01 [1992]
Using laser, IR, or UV
Includes all aspects of laser surgery.
Light, optical, beam, focus
S05-B02 [1992]
Using sonic or ultrasonic equipment
Includes extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy e.g. using
ultrasonic waves. See V06 for details of ultrasonic
Lithotripsy, stone, concretion
S05-B03 [1992]
Using mechanical or electrical equipment
Includes electrosurgical apparatus and electrosurgical
cauterisation instruments.
S05-B04 [1992]
Monitoring during surgery
From 2006, S05-B04 codes cover monitoring during the
complete surgery, including the patient (S05-B04B), the
surgical instruments (S05-B04A1) and the surgical
procedure per se (S05-B04A).
S05-B04A [1997]
Monitoring of surgical apparatus/procedure
For monitoring status of surgical equipment during
surgery, e.g. temperature of cauterisation appts., power
used by ablation appts. etc. From 2006, also includes
monitoring progress of surgical procedure itself, e.g.
amount of tissue removed, status of tissue surrounding
operation site etc. Also includes intra-operative imaging
S05-B04A1 [2006]
Monitoring location of surgical instruments
Includes equipment for tracking the location of surgical
instruments inserted into patient, and monitoring location
of instruments in the operating theatre, e.g. instrument
tags, swab counters etc. Prior to 2006 coded in S05-B04A.
Tagging, swab
S05-B04B [2006]
Monitoring patient during surgery
For monitoring vital signs, etc. of patient during surgery.
Prior to 2006 coded in S05-B04.
S05-B05 [1997]
Endoscopic surgery
Includes apparatus for keyhole surgery. See S05-D04 for
diagnostic endoscopes.
S05-B06 [2002]
S05-B07 [2005]
Remote control and Automated/Robotic surgical
S05-B09 [1992]
Other (Surgical equipment)
334 S: Instrumentation, Measuring and Testing
Medical analysis of biological materials
These codes cover electrical aspects only. See S03-E13
codes for sampling, S03-E14H codes for specific sample
types and other relevant S03 codes for specific testing
Sample, cell, liquid, microscope, measure
See also S03-E14H1. Breathalysers are in S05-C09. Covers
in-vitro testing.
Flow, fluid, monitor, test, coagulate, corpuscle
S05-C02 [1997]
Biological fluids
For analysis of content of biological fluids i.e. urine, semen
etc. See also S03-E14H2.
S05-C03 [1997]
Biological tissues
In-vitro analysis of tissue samples for detection of
abnormal cells from e.g. biopsy. See also S03-E14H6.
Biopsy, culture, cell
S05-C05 [1992]
For testing medicine, drugs
See also S03-E14A1.
Other (analysis of biological materials)
Includes breathalysers (see also S03-E14H9) and electrical
DNA analysis (see also S03-E14H3).
Measure, chamber, fluid, test, assay, electrophoresis,
DNA, ultrasonic
Electrical diagnosis
Measuring and recording systems
For indicating and recording in general see also S02-K. For
details of wearable computing / fitness sports training
devices see also T01-M06A1D and W04-X01A1.
Electrode, data, display, monitor, physiological, process,
image, probe, transducer
For bioelectric currents
Including measuring neurological and nerve stimulation,
electrodes, physiological testing and encephalographic
Conducting, potential, brain, EEG, physiological
S05-D01A1 [1983]
ECG, EKG, signal, cardiac, heart, lead, tachycardia,
bradycardia, fibrillation, QRS complex
S05-D01A1A [1997]
Includes electrodes adapted for ECG measurements e.g.
scalp, chest etc.
Scalp, foetal monitoring, cardiography
S05-D01A2 [1997]
Neurological currents and signals
Includes measurement of neurological bioelectric currents
and signals e.g. electroencephalography,
electromyography, magnetoencephalography etc.
EMG, EEG, MEG, squid
S05-D01A2A [1997]
Electrodes for detecting bioelectric signals other than
ECG, i.e. EEG, EMG e.g. needle electrodes.
For heart rate, blood pressure
Pressure measuring devices are also in S02-F04 codes for
flow measuring see also S02-C. Includes vein and artery
wall thickness and blockage measurement.
Catheter, pulse, ultrasonic
S05-D01B1 [1983]
Blood pressure or flow
Sphygmomanometer, Korotkoff, cuff, Doppler, fluid,
S05-D01B1A [1997]
Blood pressure
EPI Manual Codes 2020 335
Part 1
S05-D01B1B [1997]
Blood flow
Includes measurements of blood flow velocity and cardiac
Tracer, thermo-dilution, catheter
S05-D01B5 [1983]
Heart rate, pulse
Measuring or recording pulse. See S05-A05 for exercise.
Cardiac, frequency, stethoscope
For lungs, body shape, or movement
S05-D01C1 [1983]
Lungs and respiration
Includes all aspects of breathing, exhaled air gas content
and volume measurement.
See S05-C09 for breathalysing for e.g. alcohol or drug
Pressure, expire, inhale
S05-D01C5 [1983]
Body shape or movement
Detecting, measuring or recording systems for testing
shape, size and movement of body parts; e.g. bone and
muscle strength and dimension measurements.
Position, limb, gait, posture
S05-D01C5A [1992]
Measurements for non-medical purposes
Includes fingerprint identification, driver alertness sensors
and determining eye movements for use in controlling
aircraft, etc.
S05-D01C7 [2020]
Sleep monitoring
For monitoring sleep patterns and other sleep
parameters. Used in conjunction with other S05 codes
depending on specific monitoring and measurement
Using electric currents or magnetic fields
Includes all aspects of electrical current, voltage, and
frequency measurement not covered elsewhere in S05-
D01. NMR diagnosis is in S05-D02B only. From 2006,
audiometering is coded under S05-D01D2 only.
Electrode, sense, frequency, tone, ear, generator, skin,
S05-D01D1 [1997]
Body impedance measurements
S05-D01D2 [2006]
Hearing test
S05-D01E [1992]
For body temperature measurement
S05-D01F [1992]
For reflex and reaction measurement
S05-D01G [1992]
In-vivo blood composition measurement
Includes in-vivo measurements of blood characteristics
e.g. blood gas concentration, pH value, glucose
S05-D01H [1992]
Instruments for auscultation. See V06 for acoustic
S05-D01J [1997]
Tissue, bone content and properties measurement
Includes measurement of bone density, bone mineral
content, water, fat content and properties such as tissue
elasticity etc. See S05-D01G for in-vivo blood composition
Bone marrow, bone mineral
S05-D01K [2005]
Internal Pressure Measurement
Blood pressure measurement is coded in S05-D01B1A
only, and Intraocular pressure measurement is coded in
S05-D05 only.
S05-D01L [2006]
In-vivo fluid measurement
This code is for in-vivo measurement of bodily fluids other
than blood. Includes spinal fluid, stomach acid, urine,
sperm etc. For in-vivo blood measurement, see S05-D01G
Spinal fluid, stomach acid, urine, sperm
336 S: Instrumentation, Measuring and Testing
Other (Psychotechnics)
Includes pain threshold sensing.
Psychotechnics, mental state
Radiation diagnosis
See S03-E06 codes for analysis by radiation in general. See
S05-A codes for therapeutic equipment using radiation
e.g. X-Rays. For nuclear or X-radiation measurement see
also S03-G02 codes. Video cameras/signal generation -
see also W04-M01F.
Image, phosphor, stimulable sheet, light, radiographic,
read-out, tomography, scintillation
Using X-rays
Radiographic, support, dental, image, source
S05-D02A1 [1983]
Computer, source, beam, CAT, CT, project
S05-D02A3 [1983]
Generating X-rays; protection
Includes equipment for protection from radiation and
safety aspects. See V05-E codes for X-ray tubes and
control in general.
Voltage, beam, source, anode, radiographic, cathode
S05-D02A5 [1983]
Recording; analysing
Film, light, video, intensify, radiate, radiographic, display,
ray, cassette
S05-D02A5A [1992]
Electrical aspects of film cartridge and developing
apparatus are also coded in S06.
S05-D02A5B [1992]
For X-ray TV system see also W04-M01F, and V05-D for
tube aspects.
Fluoroscopy, feature
S05-D02A5C [1992]
Stimulable sheet phosphor
See also S06-K99G and S03-E06B3. See also V05-M01C
codes for image storage screens.
S05-D02A5D [2002]
Other detectors
Includes, for example, photon detectors.
S05-D02A5E [1992]
Processing of recorded image
Includes all aspects of processing recorded X-ray image for
e.g. storage, enhancement, analysis, enlargement,
rotation etc. See T01-J10 codes for image processing using
digital computers, and T01-J06A for data processing
systems for medical applications.
S05-D02A6 [1992]
X-ray table, positioning
S05-D02A6A [1997]
Positioning X-ray source
S05-D02A6B [1997]
Positioning X-ray detector
S05-D02A7 [2006]
X-ray contrast media
See also S03-E09X for contrast agents.
S05-D02B [1992]
NMR diagnosis
S05-D02B1 [1992]
NMR equipment, magnet, RF pulse generator
See also S01-E02A and S03-E07 codes for MRI/NMR
measurements in general.
S05-D02B2 [1992]
Image processing, analysing
Includes processing of recorded image for e.g.
enhancement, enlargement, analysis etc. See T01-J10
codes for image processing, and T01-J06A for medical
data processing systems.
S05-D02B3 [1992]
MRI contrast media
See also S03-E09X for contrast agents.
S05-D02B4 [2006]
Adaptations for MRI compatibility
Adaptations to electrical medical appts. for use in MRI
environment or for mitigating unwanted effects due to
MRI procedures, e.g. shielding for implanted devices.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 337
Part 1
S05-D02C [1992]
Using nuclear radiation
Covers cases in which radiopharmaceutical is injected into
patient. Includes gamma camera, SPECT and PET. See also
S05-D02E [1992]
Patient table, patient positioning
Operating tables specifically for scanning are in S05-D02E
only, not S05-G.
Other (radiation diagnosis, e.g. optical)
Includes use of radiation e.g. thermal, optical, microwave
radiation for investigating physical or chemical properties.
Includes lamp, laser, UV, Infrared equipment.
Resonance, radiate, spin, echo, frequency phase, IR, UV,
Ultrasonic diagnosis
See S03-E08 codes for sonic and ultrasonic testing in
Ultrasound, image, linear scan, sector scan, echo,
frequency, probe, acoustic, tissue, blood
S05-D03A [1992]
Includes general transducer aspects. See also V06.
S05-D03A1 [1992]
Device details
Acoustic, ultrasonic diagnostic transducers,
magnetostrictive, electrostrictive, crystal, ceramic
S05-D03A2 [1992]
Arrangements of transducers
Includes transducer arrangements for transmission and
reception of ultrasonic waves, e.g. array.
Ultrasonic transducer array
S05-D03B [1992]
Equipment other than transducers
S05-D03C [2006]
Ultrasound contrast media
See also S03-E09X for contrast agents.
S05-D03E [1992]
Image processing and analysing
For processing recorded image for e.g. enhancement,
storage and analysis. See T01-J10 for image processing in
general, and T01-J06A for medical data processing
S05-D04 [1983]
For endoscopic surgical equipment see S05-B05. See also
S02-J04B3C and V07-N02 for optical fiber details.
Light, optical fiber, image, illuminate, reflect, laser,
arthroscope, laparoscope, colonoscope
S05-D04A [1997]
Control aspects
Covers arrangements for controlling movement and
positioning of endoscopes within body.
Endoscope positioning, endoscope control
S05-D04B [1997]
Imaging aspects
Includes equipment for capturing image of internal
organs/cavities, e.g. video camera, CCD, ultrasound etc.
See W04-M01 codes for video camera equipment.
S05-D05 [1992]
Eye testing, examination
Includes all arrangements for examining the eye for
diagnostic purposes; e.g. determining cornea shape,
examining eye fundus, measuring cornea curvature,
intraocular pressure measurement, testing astigmatism,
glaucoma etc. Detecting eye movements for controlling
e.g. photographic camera, aircraft etc. is coded in S05-
Intraocular pressure, cornea, astigmatism,
ophthalmoscope, ophthalmic, eye photography,
gonioscope, glaucoma, patient chair
S05-D06 [1997]
Diagnostic information systems
Includes computer systems designed to aid in patient
diagnosis e.g. expert systems and diagnostic databases.
See T01-J16A for expert systems in general, and T01-
J06A1 for medical information systems.
Information system, medical diagnostic database, medical
expert system
338 S: Instrumentation, Measuring and Testing
S05-D06A [2005]
Includes systems for patient diagnosis where patient and
medical expert are in different geographical locations e.g.
where patient’s image, measurements etc. are transferred
via internet, wireless telephone. N.B. This code is used for
initial diagnosis of the patient only. For everyday
monitoring of patients from remote locations, see S05-
S05-D07 [1997]
Diagnostic displays and monitors
Includes equipment for displaying diagnostic information,
e.g. radiation images. See T04-H for visual display units,
W05-E codes for general display arrangements, and W03
for television displays.
Terminal, monitoring, diagnostic display
S05-D08 [2005]
General diagnostic processing
S05-D08A [2005]
General image processing
Can be applied either when type of image isn’t mentioned
or when it isn’t important.
S05-D08B [2005]
General data processing
Can be applied either when type of data isn’t mentioned
or when it isn’t important.
Other electrical diagnosis
Including aspects of diagnosis associated with pregnancy
e.g. conception, sex and ovulation determination. Includes
measurements associated with nutritional management
systems, e.g. diet planners, calorie counters.
Foetus, ovulation, gender, conception
Electric toothbrushes are covered by X27-A02A3A only.
For sterilising apparatus see also S05-G. Anaesthesia is
also in S05-L.
Optical, motor, handpiece, tooth, grip, x-ray
S05-E01 [1992]
Dental surgery apparatus
S05-E02 [1992]
Peripherals. e.g. lamp or chair
S05-E03 [1997]
Diagnostic equipment and measurement e.g. X-
Includes all electrical equipment for dental diagnosis and
measurement. Includes initial electrical measurements for
dental prosthetics design. See S05-D02 for radiation
diagnosis in general.
S05-F [1983]
Implant, artificial, larynx, nerve, stimulating, tactile
S05-F01 [1992]
Hearing aids
Includes only implanted hearing aids.(See W04-Y codes
for all aspects of implanted and non-implanted hearing
Ear, cochlea, deaf, sound
S05-F02 [1992]
Internal incontinence device
S05-F03 [1992]
Arm or leg prostheses
S05-F04 [1992]
Artificial heart pump
Includes permanent artificial hearts only. Blood pumping
and treatment circuits for use during surgery, and therapy
e.g. dialysis, are coded in S05-H. Heart pacemakers are
coded in S05-A01A codes only. Heart pump motors are
also coded in X25-L03A.
S05-F05 [1997]
Artificial aids for eyesight
Corneal implant, artificial eyes, contact lens
S05-F09 [1992]
Other (prostheses)
S05-G [1983]
Medical and Digital Health systems, hospital
equipment, sterilization equipment
For dentistry equipment see S05-E also.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 339
Part 1
S05-G01 [1992]
Includes electrical equipment for sterilising or disinfecting
medical equipment only. For sterilization of medical waste
before disposal see S05-W. For non-medical sterilisation
or disinfection see X27.
S05-G01A [1992]
Using mechanical cleaning, or chemicals
Includes ultrasonic vibrations and disinfectant.
S05-G01B [1992]
Using heat, radiation, or electricity
Sterilisation using hot gases, plasma or microwave
radiation etc.
Ultraviolet, microwave, hot gas, steam
S05-G02 [1992]
Medical and Digital Health systems, hospital
Includes medical and healthcare IT systems. Also includes
patient monitoring and life support systems, and
equipment for use in operating theatres, doctor and
dentist surgeries and ambulances.
Incubators, patient transport
S05-G02A [1992]
For moving patients (includes wheelchairs)
Electric wheelchairs may also be coded as electric vehicles
in X21, depending on claimed content.
Stretcher, trolley
S05-G02B [1992]
Beds, nursing equipment
S05-G02B1 [1997]
Patient beds
Includes beds configured for medical use; e.g. with
adjustable frame, patient lifting apparatus, tiltable axes
S05-G02B2 [1997]
Patient monitoring
Includes monitoring equipment for use by nurses for
observation and long-term monitoring of e.g. unconscious
patients in intensive care unit, ward etc. to determine
change in condition, e.g. heart attack.
ITU, patient monitor
S05-G02B2A [1997]
Monitoring patients from remote location
Includes equipment for monitoring patients at home.
S05-G02B2B [1997]
Portable hospital equipment
Includes monitoring equipment for use in e.g. ambulance
and equipment which may be carried easily by a person.
Ambulance equipment, portable patient monitor
S05-G02B3 [1997]
Life support systems
S05-G02B3A [2002]
Incubators for infants
S05-G02C [1992]
Operating theatre equipment
Operating tables specifically for radiation diagnosis go in
S05-D02E only.
S05-G02D [1992]
Nurse call systems
See also W05-A, and W01-C04 codes for intercoms.
S05-G02E [1997]
Respiratory aids using gas
Includes devices for assisting respiratory system using gas,
e.g. ventilators, inhalators etc., and monitoring mixture of
supplied gas. See S05-A05A for assistance of respiration
by e.g. mechanical/electrical means. See S05-D01C1 for
aspects of breathing, exhaled air gas content and volume
Ventilator, breathing aid, inhalator
S05-G02F [2006]
Tissue and fluid extraction equipment
Electrical novelty in equipment used to withdraw fluids
and tissue, e.g. for testing, therapy.
S05-G02G [1992]
Medical IT systems
See also relevant T01 codes for computing aspects.
S05-G02G1 [1997]
Patient’s medical records
For patient record storage and administration in e.g.
hospital. See T01-J05B for database aspects.
Electronic patient record, EPR
340 S: Instrumentation, Measuring and Testing
S05-G02G2 [1997]
Health care administration
Includes health administration and insurance processing
systems. See T01-J05A2 for administration using
computers in general.
Health care scheduling, health insurance, health cover
S05-G02G3 [2005]
Data transfer/storage methods and apparatus
Includes all aspects of data transfer between medical
equipment, from equipment to central database or from
remote location to medical centre. Includes encryption,
image compression, access control, network or database
details, etc.
S05-G02G4 [2006]
Treatment planning systems
This code is used for systems such as radiotherapy
planning systems, wherein for example the size, shape
and location of a tumour are used to calculate the most
effective positioning and intensity of X-ray generators.
Can be used with S05-A or S05-B codes if system is
integral with therapeutic or surgical apparatus.
S05-G02G5 [2020]
Pharmacovigilance systems
Control, analysis and management of systems for
recording and analyzing data associated with
pharmacovigilance, clinical trials, drug screening etc.
S05-G02G9 [2005]
Other medical IT systems methods/apparatus
Includes medical surveys, population screening etc.
S05-G02X [2012]
Other hospital equipment
Includes special equipment used in hospital bathrooms,
such as baths for patients with lower body bone fractures
or whole body bone fractures. Includes equipment used
outside hospitals, e.g. at doctor surgeries, etc. Equipment,
e.g. lamps, chairs, etc. used in dental surgeries are coded
under S05-E02 only.
Gynaecological lamp
S05-H [1983]
Dialysis; pumping
Permanent artificial hearts are coded in S05-F04 only,
even if pumping aspects are claimed. Includes all aspects
of filtering. Electrical aspects of pumps are also coded in
Blood, flow, fluid, valve, piston, chamber, hemodialysis,
liquid, monitor, kidney
S05-H01 [1997]
Dialysis and blood treatment circuits
Covers all aspects of blood treatment; blood oxygenators,
filtering, artificial kidneys, dialysis systems etc.
Haemofiltration, diafiltration, oxygenator, blood
treatment, peritoneal
S05-H02 [1997]
Blood pumping systems
Transfusion, blood pump, circulatory assistance
S05-J [1983]
Includes all electrical aspects of syringes and intravenous
fluid administering and control apparatus. For anaesthetic
administration control see S05-L also.
Pump, reservoir, drug, valve, volume, deliver, meter,
chamber, implant, membrane
S05-J01 [1992]
Liquid, flow
S05-J01A [1992]
Monitoring of intravenous fluid delivery
S05-J02 [1992]
Drugs through skin
Delivery of drugs for anaesthesia is coded in S05-L02. See
also S05-A04A for iontophoresis.
S05-K [1992]
Aids for handicapped people (e.g. Braille devices)
Blind, obstacle detection
S05-K01 [1997]
Mobility aids
Invalid vehicle, vehicle access, invalid mobility
EPI Manual Codes 2020 341
Part 1
S05-L [1992]
S05-L01 [1997]
Gas delivery systems
S05-L02 [1997]
Intravenous or intramuscular delivery systems
Local anaesthesia, relaxation, analgesia
S05-M [1992]
Electrical drug storage and dosing
Manufacturing details of medicines, tablets, etc. are not
coded under S05-M, but under X25-P02 (electrical details
S05-M01 [1997]
Drug delivery systems
Drug dosing, drug delivery, dispenser
S05-M02 [1997]
Monitoring medication compliance
Arrangements for indicating time for taking medicine,
programmed dispensers, monitoring medicines taken etc.
Regime, pill counter, timer
S05-M03 [1997]
Drug storage systems
Includes storage facilities for drugs, etc. in hospitals,
doctors' surgeries.
S05-M04 [1997]
Ventilator systems with medication
See S05-G02E for respiratory aids e.g. ventilators.
S05-M05 [2019]
Pharmaceutical dispensing and delivery systems
Includes dispensing and delivery of medical prescriptions
within hospitals and other pharmacies.
Pharmacy, Dispensary
S05-P [1997]
Medical simulation systems
For medical education using training and simulation aids,
i.e. for training in medical procedures e.g. surgical,
therapeutic, analysis, nursing etc. See W04-W07 for
simulator systems, training and demonstration, and T01-
J06A for data processing in medicine. See also P85-A
codes, in particular P85-A01G, for non-electrical aspects.
Medical education, medical simulation, medical training
S05-V [2006]
This code is to highlight veterinary application and can be
used in conjunction with other S05 codes which highlight
novelty. See also X25-N02 codes. Prior to Jan 2007 these
were coded in S05-X.
S05-W [2015]
Medical waste management
Sterilization of medical waste before disposal. For
sterilising or disinfecting medical equipment only see S05-
G01. See also X25-W01 and X27-D.
From 2007, veterinary applications are coded under S05-V
only. Includes teaching, transplanting, atomising and
enuresis detection. For teaching involving training and
simulations aids, see also S05-P.
Air, respiration, valve, flow, patient, infant, pressure, gas
S05-Y [2005]
Additional medical device details
S05-Y01 [2005]
Testing and monitoring of medical equipment and
Includes methods and apparatus for alerting an operator
when an abnormality occurs in an electrical medical
S05-Y02 [2005]
Nano/micro scale medical devices
S05-Y03 [2005]
Implantable medical devices
S05-Y04 [2005]
Ingestible medical devices
342 S: Instrumentation, Measuring and Testing
S05-Y05 [2006]
Control, monitoring and communication of
internal devices
Includes e.g. magnetic control of ingestible devices,
remote monitoring of implanted devices etc. Can be used
in conjunction with specific device codes. See also W05-D
codes for remote control, communication and monitoring
apparatus per se.
S05-Y07 [2019]
Manufacture of medical equipment
Includes manufacturing of diagnostic and surgical
EPI Manual Codes 2020 343
Part 1
S06: Printing and Photography
S06-A* [1980-2009]
Electrography, electrophotography,
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-D to K. Includes
electrical and non-electrical aspects.
Copier, copy, image, photocopier
S06-A01* [1980-2009]
Recording members
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E01.
Layer, charge, conducting, image, surface, acceptor,
compound, donor, dope
S06-A01A* [1980-2009]
Photoconductive layers
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E01A. Includes all
types of charge-generating layers and photosensitive
Hydrazone, photoreceiver, accept
S06-A01A1* [1980-2009]
Organic photoconductive layers
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E01A1.
Cyclic, polycyclic, heterocyclic, quinone
S06-A01A2* [1980-2009]
Inorganic photoconductive layers
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E01A2.
Amorphous, silicon, selenium, carry, dope, surface, oxide,
S06-A01A3* [1980-2009]
Sensitisers; binding materials
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E01A3.
Dye, composition, photosensitiser, organic, oxidative
S06-A01A4* [2007-2009]
Treatment of recording members
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E01A4. Includes
application of a lubricant to the surface of the drum, etc.
S06-A01A9* [1980-2009]
Other (photoconductive layer aspects)
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E01A9. Includes
aspects of photoconductive belt/drum not covered by
other S06 codes.
S06-A01B* [1980-2009]
Carriers; intermediate or cover layers
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E01B.
Sensitive, image, amorphorous, coating, drum, base layer,
protective layer.
S06-A01D* [1997-2009]
Manufacture of recording members for magneto-,
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E01C. Includes
deposition of layers on drum.
S06-A01D1* [1997-2009]
Apparatus used for manufacturing of recording
members for magneto-, electro(photo)-graphy
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E01C1.
S06-A01F* [1997-2009]
Temperature control
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E01D. For
warming up photoconductor layers on drum or belt up to
normal working operation temperature.
S06-A01X* [1980-2009]
Other (Recording members)
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E01X. Includes
thermoplastic and photoelectric layers, paper treatment
and manufacture, see S06-C02 codes for lithographic plate
Image, electrostatic, surface, copy, substrate, polymer
S06-A02* [1980-2009]
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E02.
Electrode, surface, electrostatic
S06-A02A* [1997-2009]
Corona charger
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E02A. Includes all
aspects of corona discharge. If corona ring or loop is
claimed, then also coded in X12-F04.
Discharge, electrode, grid, scorotron, corotron, dicorotron
S06-A02B* [1997-2009]
Contact charger
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E02B.
Roller, brush
344 S: Instrumentation, Measuring and Testing
S06-A03* [1980-2009]
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-D/E03. Includes
aspects of platen movement, copying station or unit
holding original document, lens/mirror systems and drum
and belt drive details.
S06-A03A* [1983-2009]
Frame scanning
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-D01A. Includes
slit and full frame scanning.
S06-A03B* [1983-2009]
Line (i.e. raster) scanning
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-D01B. Raster
output scanner
Laser, modulate, polygonal, mirror
S06-A03C* [1983-2009]
Synchronisation; changing magnification
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-D10A. Includes all
aspects of magnification/reduction lens systems.
Size, variable, enlarge, ratio, paper, select, adjust
S06-A03D* [1992-2009]
Optical elements, e.g. lenses
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-D03/E03B
S06-A03E* [1992-2009]
Light source driver (e.g. biassing)
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-D02A/E03A1.
Illuminate, biassing
S06-A03E1* [1997-2009]
Light source per-se
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-D02/E03A.
Includes lamps (see also X26) and e.g. laser (see also
Lamp, LED
S06-A03F* [1992-2009]
Driving system and construction
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-D04/E03C.
Includes mountings for optical system
Glass, feed, position
S06-A03F1* [1997-2009]
Document feeder
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-D04B.
Original, sheet, page, contact glass
S06-A03G* [1992-2009]
Image reading appt.
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-D. Includes
electronic image acquisition scanner, raster input scanner.
S06-A03G1* [1997-2009]
Image sensor
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-D05. Electronic
image CCD pick-up element of line type and of matrix
S06-A03G3* [1997-2009]
Determining details of original document
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-D06. Density and
size measurement, color, page width/length, see also S02-
A03B2 for length/width/thickness measurements.
S06-A03H* [1992-2009]
Magnetographic and non-light exposure
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-D09.
S06-A03X* [1992-2009]
Other (Exposing)
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-D09. Includes
thermal and X-ray (electroradiography) exposure.
Electroradiography, X-ray
S06-A04* [1980-2009]
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E04. Includes
copy density and darkness control and brush or magnetic
applicator details
Bias, contrast, replenishment
S06-A04A* [1980-2009]
Using solid developer
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E04A.
Powder particles
S06-A04A1* [1992-2009]
Dry toner supply and storage e.g. reservoir
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E04C. Toner
supply from container, tank, hopper to developer
S06-A04A1A* [1992-2009]
Toner level detector
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K07B1.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 345
Part 1
S06-A04A1B* [2002-2009]
Toner density detector
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K07B2.
S06-A04A2* [1992-2009]
Toner application
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E04C. Includes
application by magnetic brush arrangement, scavangeless.
S06-A04A9* [1992-2009]
Other (using solid developer)
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E04.
S06-A04B* [1980-2009]
Using liquid developer
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E04B.
Flow, fluid, suspension
S06-A04C* [1980-2009]
Developer materials
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E04. Codes in this
section cover materials per se and their manufacture only.
Includes toner details for electrophotographic facsimile
and laser printer.
Compound, particle, cellulose, composition, copolymer,
disperse, dry, magnetic
S06-A04C1* [1980-2009]
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E04A1.
Charge, resin, binder, component, polymer, coating
S06-A04C2* [1980-2009]
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E04B1.
Suspension, polymer, resin, solvent, acid, aqueous,
S06-A04C5* [1997-2009]
Manufacture and manufacturing appt.
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E04D.
S06-A04C9* [1997-2009]
Other (developer materials)
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E04X.
Cyan, ester, solution, aerosol
S06-A04X* [1997-2009]
Other (developing)
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E04X. Storing
waste toner for disposal.
S06-A05* [1980-2009]
Transferring images
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E05. Includes
removal of recording sheet from drum after transfer.
Surface, receive, separate, contact, dielectric
S06-A05A* [1997-2009]
Corona charger
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E05A. Includes all
aspects of corona discharge. If corona ring or loop is
claimed, then also coded in X12-F04.
S06-A05A1* [2002-2009]
Corona charger transfer of toner
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E05A1.
S06-A05A2* [2002-2009]
Corona charger separation of paper
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E05A2.
S06-A05B* [1997-2009]
Contact type charger
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E05B.
Transfer roller, blade, belt
S06-A05B1* [2002-2009]
Transfer roller or belt, toner transfer details
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E05B1.
S06-A05B2* [2002-2009]
Transfer roller or belt, paper separation details
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E05B2.
S06-A05C* [1997-2009]
Intermediate belt/drum
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E05C.
S06-A05D* [2008-2009]
Care of transfer appts.
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E05D. For
lubrication of transfer roller, belt, intermediate roller or
S06-A06* [1980-2009]
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E06.
346 S: Instrumentation, Measuring and Testing
S06-A06A* [1992-2009]
Heat and pressure application
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E06A. If heater
aspects are claimed see X25-B codes also.
S06-A06B* [1992-2009]
Roll and roll driving
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E06B1. Includes
clearing jams in fixing system.
S06-A06B1* [1997-2009]
Belt and belt driving
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E06B2.
S06-A06C* [1992-2009]
Fuser oil composition and application
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E06C.
S06-A06C1* [1992-2009]
Fuser oil composition
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E06C1.
S06-A06D* [1997-2009]
Lustre control
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E06D.
Heating, gloss, pre-heating
S06-A06P* [2008-2009]
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E06P. E.g. for
reducing the moisture content of the transfer material to
increase its rigidity.
S06-A06X* [1992-2009]
Other (fixing)
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E06X. Cooling
S06-A07* [1980-2009]
Multi-processing stations
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E. This code is
used when the system or process as a whole is claimed
rather than any specific aspect.
Processor cartridge
S06-A07A* [1997-2009]
Drive system for several imaging stations
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E. Driving linked
colour stations
S06-A08* [1980-2009]
Using magnetic patterns or thermoplastic layers
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E07. Includes all
aspects of magnetography. Magnetic printer head details
may also have T03-A03 codes assigned, depending on
Latent, heat, permeable, field, deformation
S06-A09* [1980-2009]
Electrography not using charge patterns
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E08. Includes
Polymer, deform, electrostatic, field, impact, magnetic,
S06-A10* [1980-2009]
Cleaning, residual charge elimination etc.
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K06. Includes
corona discharge, scrapers, ozone gas removal and
charge-unifying drum exposure.
Develop, light, residue, dust, roll, collect, filter
S06-A10A* [1992-2009]
Toner removal
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K06C. Involves
removal of toner.
Surface, brush, lube block
S06-A10A1* [1992-2009]
Using blade
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K06C1.
S06-A10B* [1992-2009]
Charge removal and ozone removal
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K06B.
Drum, discharge
S06-A10C* [1997-2009]
Returning toner for re-use
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K06C2.
S06-A10D* [2007-2009]
Transfer of toner to collection or waste container
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K06C3. Covers
mechanism for transferring toner to the collection or
waste container for later removal and recycling outside
the copier.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 347
Part 1
S06-A10E* [2007-2009]
Removal of other material, e.g. dust
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K06D. Includes
details of air cleaning systems. If cleaned air is expelled
outside the copier, see also X27-E01B2 (electrical aspects
S06-A11* [1980-2009]
Multicolour systems
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K01. Used for any
aspect of colour system, with other codes as appropriate.
Dye, pigment, tint
S06-A11A* [1992-2009]
Full colour
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K01A.
Four colour, magenta, cyan, yellow, black
S06-A11B* [1992-2009]
Two colour, highlighting
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K01B.
S06-A12* [1983-2009]
Sheet handling/feeding
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K02. Includes all
mechanisms for transporting sheet through copier,
collators and sorters.
Paper, document, roller, guide, position, side, belt, detect,
platen, path
S06-A12A* [1983-2009]
Multicopies; duplex
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K02A.
Reverse, double, invert
S06-A12B* [1983-2009]
For different paper sizes
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K02B. For feeding
paper of different lengths and thickness.
S06-A12C* [1992-2009]
Collators and sorters
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K02C. Includes
feeding paper containing classified info to a locked tray.
Includes paper stores.
Stack, tray
S06-A12D* [2002-2009]
Paper skew detection, skew correction, clearing
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K02D.
S06-A12E* [1997-2009]
Sheet decurling
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K02E.
S06-A12F* [2008-2009]
Duplex sheet feed
*This code is now discontinued.
S06-A14* [1987-2009]
Control, monitoring, warning devices
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K07. Includes
operating status display (for display control circuitry see
T04-H codes), mode selection devices, microprocessor
details (see also T01-J codes, e.g. T01-J08A), and recording
inhibiting devices.
S06-A14A* [1992-2009]
User input and display
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K07A1. Includes
mode selection keys, etc.
S06-A14B* [1992-2009]
Monitoring and error detection
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K07B.
Fault, reset
S06-A14C* [1992-2009]
Control of copier operation
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K07A. Covers
general details of control system.
S06-A14D* [1997-2009]
Power supply control
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K07A2.
S06-A14E* [1997-2009]
Remote monitoring and control
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K07C1.
S06-A14F* [2005-2009]
Management of confidential/secure documents,
e.g. prevention of illegal copying
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K07A3.
Preventing illegal copying of banknotes, securities and
private documents, recognising copy prevention marks on
documents, output to authorised operator. See also
T01/T04 for image processing aspects and T05-J for
testing of securities, banknotes, etc.
348 S: Instrumentation, Measuring and Testing
S06-A15* [2002-2009]
Electrophotographic copier rollers
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K03H. General
constructional details of rollers.
S06-A16* [1987-2009]
Electronic copier
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K07.
S06-A16A* [1992-2009]
Digital copier, editing copier
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K07A4. Includes
picture processing and modification aspects of otherwise
conventional appt.
S06-A16B* [1992-2009]
Systems with non-electrophotographic input or
output arrangements
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K99B a together
with S06-F/G/H/J codes. Includes systems with CCD sensor
input, and thermal output.
S06-A16C* [1997-2009]
Systems with electrophotographic and non-
electrophotographic output
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K99B a together
with S06-F/G/H/J codes.
S06-A17* [1997-2009]
Recycling Systems
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K04. From 2005
covers all aspects of recycling. See also X25-W04 for
electrical aspects of recycling systems in general.
S06-A17A* [2005-2009]
Paper Recycling
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K04A. For
removing toner from recording paper to enable re-use of
S06-A17B* [2005-2009]
Toner Recycling
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K04B together
with appropriate S06-E04 codes.
S06-A17C* [2005-2009]
Component Recycling
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K04C. See also
V04/X12 for recycling electrical components.
S06-A18* [1992-2009]
Finishing apparatus
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K05.
S06-A18A* [1997-2009]
Stapling, binding, paper cutting, paper punching,
paper folding
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K05A. Includes
bookbinding/stapling/cutting/punching devices situated
inside the copier or separate
bookbinding/stapling/cutting/punching machines
attached to the copier.
S06-A18B* [2006-2009]
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K05B.
Laminating, protective layer
S06-A18C* [2008-2009]
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K05C. Includes
immediate shredding directly after scanning.
S06-A18D* [2008-2009]
Attachment or printing of copy prevention marks
to document to prevent forgery
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K05D. Includes
applying a magnetic wire, RFID tag, etc., as part of the
printing process. If attaching a RFID tag, see also T04-K
codes. Details on watermarking also coded under T01.
S06-A19* [1992-2009]
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K03. Includes
details of machine casing, framework, etc., and also
internal mounting arrangements of components and
S06-A19A* [1997-2009]
Paper holders
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K03B.
Container, storage
S06-A19A1* [1997-2009]
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K03B1. For
holding paper sheets before being fed for copying onto.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 349
Part 1
S06-A19A2* [1997-2009]
Trays, bins
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K03B2. For
receiving documents or copy paper sheets after copying
operation, duplex intermediate tray.
S06-A19B* [1997-2009]
Ventilation and humidifying mechanisms
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K03C.
S06-A19C* [1997-2009]
Frames, casings, bearings
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K03D.
S06-A19D* [2007-2009]
Manufacture and manufacturing apparatus
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-K03E. Covers
manufacturing method and apparatus for the
manufacture of copier elements.
S06-A19E* [2008-2009]
Packaging for electrography, electrophotography
and magnetography
*This code is now discontinued, see V04-X together with
S06-K99 codes.
S06-A20* [1980-2009]
Other (electrography, electrophotography,
*This code is now discontinued, see S06-E09. Includes
forming electrostatic latent image as initial stage in data
acquisition for e.g. audio and video systems, e.g. still
picture camera with electrostatic latent image production
(see also T03 and W04). Includes electrophotographic
displays (see W05-E codes also), recycling other than
paper and ink, non-copy-able documents, etc.
Display, light
Electrical aspects only are included. Video and electronic
still-picture cameras are covered by W04-M01 codes.
Image, optical, instant-picture, SLR, disc, roll, cartridge,
Focussing; indicating
Lens, automatic, adjust, reflect, drive, intensity, light,
S06-B01A [1983]
Focus detection; rangefinders
Rangefinders combined with surveying navigating appt.
are coded in S02-B01. (See W06-A codes for radar and
analogous systems.)
Position, distance, beam, drive, element, IR, infrared,
ultrasonic, UV, ultraviolet
S06-B01B [1983]
Lens positioning; indicating
Includes all aspects of positioning motors (see also V06),
viewfinder display details and film data marking appt.
Focal, alarm
S06-B01B1 [1992]
Lens positioning, driving
Length, barrel, zoom, correcting focus
S06-B01B2 [1992]
Film data marking
Information, record, print, time, date
S06-B01B2A [1997]
S06-B01B2B [1997]
Magnetic marking see also T03 codes
Magnetic head
S06-B01C [1997]
Viewfinder display
S06-B01E [1997]
Eye gaze direction detection
Detects pupil of eye for controlling direction of line for
auto-focussing or line of view. See S05-D01C5A for eye
ball position detection.
Camera exposure control
Automatic, lens, manual, speed
Light metering
See also S03-A01 codes.
Intensity, compensate, bright, photometry
350 S: Instrumentation, Measuring and Testing
Exposure time and aperture evaluation and setting
Includes evaluation using film speed/sensitivity
S06-B02B1 [1997]
Reading data from film/film cartridge
Using pre-set data on film or cartridge to automatically set
camera. Reading magnetic marking see T04 and T03 codes
DX code
S06-B02B2 [1997]
Aperture/shutter speed setting
Includes manual input for pre-setting aperture size or
shutter speed.
Shutter and aperture control
Includes remote actuation.
Electromagnet, magnet, motor, drive, blade, diaphragm,
mechanism, open, time
S06-B02C1 [1992]
Remote actuation
See W05-D04 codes for optical or radio controlled system.
S06-B02C5 [1992]
Actuation using timer delay
See also S04-C01.
S06-B02E [1997]
Camera shake detection/correction
For sensing movement due to user of camera in order to
perform compensation e.g. optically using lens or to warn
user of excessive movement or to prevent photo-taking
Movement sensing
Flash units
Part of camera, lamps, tubes, reflectors, fittings, and
operating circuits are coded in X26 also.
Illuminate, pulse, strobe, gun, trigger, charge, built-in
S06-B03A [1983]
Covers discharge tube flash units, xenon discharge tube,
capacitor discharge circuit.
Capacitor discharge, xenon lamp
S06-B03A1 [2002]
Pre-light emission
Pre-light emission before discharge of flash to prevent red
eye. See only W04-M01H codes if for digital camera.
S06-B03B [1983]
Covers incandescent lamp flash units.
S06-B04 [1983]
Film processing
Electrical aspects of developing exposed film, exposing
photographic paper, scanning negative, developing
exposed film and paper. Includes electrical aspects of X-
ray film processing. Does not include electrical aspects of
film manufacture or details of film material.
Image, colour, print, expose, negative, positive, copy,
S06-B04A [1983]
Photographic printing appts.
Electrical aspects of printer for wet developing of
photographic film or paper to produce photographic print.
Control and monitoring of process. For positive or
negative scanning to provide digital image to computer
and computer output appt. see S06-B06B. For printing
from digital camera see also W04 esp. W04-D10, for non-
wet printing see T04-G.
Frame, original, scan filter, magnify, reduce, colour output
on microfilm
S06-B04A1 [1992]
Copiers using microcapsule sheets
Cylith, cycolour
S06-B04A2 [2005]
Processing exposed film
Electrical aspects of developing, fixing, washing and drying
S06-B04A3 [2005]
Processing developed negatives
Electrical aspects of processing developed negative to
produce photographic prints.
Enlarging, exposing, rinsing, fixing, washing, drying
S06-B04A5* [1992-2004]
Control and monitoring of printing station
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to S06-
B04A2 for film/slide processing, including control and
monitoring details and S06-B04A3 for print/slide making,
as well as control and monitoring details and modification
of exposure based on e.g. negative characteristics.
Correct, auto-exposure, contrast measurement, density
EPI Manual Codes 2020 351
Part 1
S06-B04B [1983]
Photographic film manufacture
Includes electrical aspects of photographic film
manufacture only. See S06-B04A2 for developing exposed
film and electrical aspects of chemical, thermal
development and S06-B04A3 for developing photographic
paper and electrical aspects of chemical, thermal
Develop, electrolytic, solution, emulsion, heat, dry, flow,
fluid, liquid, mix, roll, silver, agitate, recovery, halide
S06-B04C [1997]
Film order processing
Mini-lab, direct plate exposure
S06-B04E [1997]
Photographic film or paper feeding (not in camera)
Convey, feed
Includes cinema equipment and projectors. for motion
picture film, telecine machine. Magnetic and video
recording are covered by T03 and W04.
Cine, picture, motion, sound, track, record, tape, frame,
television, telecine, reel, synchronising, screen
S06-B06 [1983]
Projectors, viewers (incl. microform)
Video projectors are covered by W04-Q01 codes and only
coded in S06-B06 if they are either a permanent part of a
photographic projector, or intended for use as an
overhead projector transparency. For projector
synchronisation with audio/video recording appts. see
W04-K01 also.
Transparency, cassette, frame
S06-B06A [1992]
Display, slide, screen, reel
S06-B06B [1992]
Film scanners and viewers
Scanning positive or negative to provide digital image to
computer, printer, self service kiosk etc.
S06-B06C [1992]
Microfilm apparatus
Read, fiche, microfiche
S06-B08 [1983]
Other camera electrics
Includes e.g. motorised control for instant-picture camera,
eyepiece lamps, microprocessor control of camera and/or
lens etc, mode selection control. Remote control is
covered by S06-B02C1.
Control, drive, data, transmission
S06-B08A [1992]
Film winding in camera
Reel, perforation detection
S06-B08B [1997]
Film loading detection
For determining correct cartridge loading and film feed.
S06-B08C [1997]
Power source details
Includes storage compartments for battery and detection
of battery voltage level. See also X16 for battery details, if
measuring battery level see X16 and S01. See U24 for
power supply details.
Other (photography)
Includes electrical aspects of X-ray photography
(processing is also coded in S06-B04 codes).
Radiate, beam, colour, cassette, medical, tomography,
photobooth, separate flash units and lighting units,
Includes electrical aspects of presses, rotary machines etc.
but not character and line printers, printers as computer
peripherals, which are covered by S06-D to K codes. For
textile printing see also X25-T.
Colour, image, scan, picture
Photoelectronic composing; controlling composing
Pre-press proofing, colour proofing.
Character, select, text, space, graphic, laser, font,
phototypeset, typeset
Plate production; colour separations
Imagesetter, platesetter, computer to plate,
electrophotographic plates per se are coded in S06-A01X.
Tone, beam, half, night, pixel, reproduce, lithography, flat-
bed scanner, drum, gravure
352 S: Instrumentation, Measuring and Testing
S06-C02A [1992]
Plate production
S06-C02A1 [2006]
Computer to plate manufacture
Covers all aspects of direct plate manufacture and
production from computer original without intermediate
stages. See also T01 for computer design aspects.
CTP, computer-to-plate
S06-C02B [1992]
Colour separation
Printing, press control
Control of flexographic, offset lithographic, screen
printing, gravure, printing processes, etc.
Machine, plate, rotating, cylinder, sheet, roll, ink, offset,
lithography, stencil printer
S06-C03A [1992]
Control system for plate loading, sheet feeding, wash-up,
damping, inking and registering, etc.
S06-C04 [2008]
Media conveying details
Includes electrical details of media, e.g. paper or web,
conveying in printer, e.g. offset printer.
S06-C05 [2002]
Print finishing equipment
Novel electrical aspects of sheet/batch collators, folders,
booklet makers, binders, perforator, scorer, numberer
Staple, sheet separation, stack, bind, feed
Other (printing)
For textile printing see also X25-T.
S06-D [2010]
Scanning Systems
Previously coded as S06-A03, W02-J01, W02-J02A.
Includes aspects of platen movement, copying station or
unit holding original document, lens/mirror systems,
drum and belt drive details and scanning drive (See also
V07-K05). See also U14-H01B for thin film image sensor,
U13-A01 and U13-A02 for circuitry and CCD. Details of
scanners that are not part of an image forming device
(e.g. flat bed scanners) are coded in T04-M only.
S06-D01 [2010]
Scanning Type
S06-D01A [2010]
Frame Scanning
Previously coded as S06-A03A. Includes slit and full frame
S06-D01B [2010]
Raster/Line Scanning
Previously coded as S06-A03B. Raster output scanner
Laser, modulate, polygonal, mirror
S06-D02 [2010]
Light Source
Previously coded as S06-A03E1. Lamps (see also X26) and
e.g. laser (see also U12/V08).
Lamp, LED
S06-D02A [2010]
Light Source Driving
Previously coded as S06-A03E.
Illuminate, biassing
S06-D03 [2010]
Optical Elements
Previously coded as S06-A03D, W02-J01A. See also S06-
D01 if specific to type of exposure.
S06-D04 [2010]
Drive System and Construction
Previously coded as S06-A03F, W02-J01B. Includes
mountings for optical system. See also V06 codes for
motor details.
Glass, feed, position
S06-D04A [2010]
Position detection and adjustment
Previously coded as W02-J01C. Includes control and error
compensation of scanning velocity and position.
S06-D04B [2010]
Document feeder in scanning system
Previously coded as S06-A03F1. Feeding of paper through
the copier other than through the scanning arrangements
are coded under S06-K02
Original, sheet, page, contact glass
S06-D05 [2010]
Previously coded as S06-A03G1, W02-J02A1. Electronic
image CCD pick-up element of line type and of matrix
CCD, photoelectric detector, thin film image sensor, multi-
element array
EPI Manual Codes 2020 353
Part 1
S06-D05A [2010]
Integral reading circuitry
Previously coded as W02-J02A1A.
S06-D06 [2010]
Determining details of original document
Previously coded as S06-A03G3. Density and size
measurement, color, page width/length, see also S02-
A10B for length/width/thickness measurements.
S06-D09 [2010]
Non-light exposure
Previously coded as S06-A03H, S06-A03X. Includes
thermal and X-ray (electroradiography) exposure.
Electroradiography, X-ray
S06-D10 [2010]
Combined scanning and printing arrangements
S06-D10A [2010]
Synchronising, changing magnification
Previously coded as S06-A03C. If synchronisation with
sheet feeding is involved, then S06-K02 codes are also
assigned. Includes all aspects of magnification/reduction
lens systems.
Size, variable, enlarge, ratio, paper, select, adjust
S06-E [2010]
Electrophotographic Image Production
Previously coded as S06-A, T04-G04, W02-J02B2.
S06-E01 [2010]
Recording members
Previously coded as S06-A01, T04-G04C. Drum driving
aspects are coded in S06-E03 codes only. Includes
photosenstive paper, photoconductive belt, drum, etc.
Toner is coded under S06-E04 only. Constructional details
are also coded under S06-K03.
Layer, charge, conducting, image, surface, acceptor,
compound, donor, dope, photoconductor, belt
S06-E01A [2010]
Photoconductive layers
Previously coded as S06-A01A. Includes all types of
charge-generating layers and photosensitive paper. Also
cross reference with T04-G04C for photosensitive
materials for optical printer.
Hydrazone, photoreceiver, accept
S06-E01A1 [2010]
Previously coded as S06-A01A1.
Cyclic, polycyclic, heterocyclic, quinone
S06-E01A2 [2010]
Previously coded as S06-A01A2.
Amorphous, silicon, selenium, carry, dope, surface, oxide,
S06-E01A3 [2010]
Sensitiser; binding materials
Previously coded as S06-A01A3.
Dye, composition, photosensitiser, organic, oxidative
S06-E01A4 [2010]
Treatment of recording members
Previously coded as S06-A01A4. Includes application of a
lubricant to the surface of the drum, etc.
S06-E01A9 [2010]
Other (photoconductive layer aspects)
Previously coded as S06-A01A9. Includes aspects of
photoconductive belt/drum not covered by other S06-
E01A codes.
S06-E01B [2010]
Carriers; intermediate or cover layers
Previously coded as S06-A01B.
Sensitive, image, amorphorous, coating, drum, base layer,
protective layer.
S06-E01C [2010]
Previously coded as S06-A01D. Includes deposition of
layers on drum.
S06-E01C1 [2010]
Manufacturing apparatus
Previously coded as S06-A01D1.
S06-E01D [2010]
Temperature Control
Previously coded as S06-A01F. For warming up
photoconductor layers on drum or belt up to normal
working operation temperature. The control aspect is also
coded by S06-K07A1. See also X25-B codes for details of
electric heating.
354 S: Instrumentation, Measuring and Testing
S06-E01X [2010]
Other (recording members)
Previously coded as S06-A01X. Includes thermoplastic and
photoelectric layers, paper treatment and manufacture,
see S06-C02 codes for lithographic plate manufacture.
Electric details of paper manufacture is also coded under
Image, electrostatic, surface, copy, substrate, polymer
S06-E02 [2010]
Previously coded as S06-A02. Desensitisers for removing
residual charge are coded in S06-K06.
Electrode, surface, electrostatic
S06-E02A [2010]
Corona charger
Previously coded as S06-A02A. Includes all aspects of
corona discharge. If corona ring or loop is claimed, then
also coded in X12-F04.
Discharge, electrode, grid, scorotron, corotron, dicorotron
S06-E02B [2010]
Contact charger
Previously coded as S06-A02B.
Roller, brush
S06-E03 [2010]
Previously coded as S06-A03. See also S06-D for combined
scanning and printing arrangements.
S06-E03A [2010]
Light Source (for exposure)
Previously coded as S06-A03E1, T04-G04B. See X26 for
lamp details, for LED heads see also U12-A01A3 or U12-
Lamp, LED
S06-E03A1 [2010]
Light Source Driving (for exposure)
Previously coded as S06-A03E.
Illuminate, biassing
S06-E03A2 [2010]
Light source type - LED
Previously coded as W02-J02B2A.
S06-E03A3 [2010]
Light source type - Laser
Previously coded as W02-J02B2B.
S06-E03B [2010]
Optical Elements
Previously coded as S06-A03D, T04-G04A1.
Polygonal, galvanometer
S06-E03C [2010]
Drive System and Construction
Previously coded as S06-A03F, T04-G04A2. Includes
mountings for optical system. Details of sheet feeding are
coded under S06-K02 codes. See also V06 codes for motor
S06-E03C1 [2010]
Position detection and adjustment
S06-E04 [2010]
Previously coded as S06-A04. Includes copy density and
darkness control and brush or magnetic applicator details.
For removal of developer from drum see S06-K06. For
colour developer, see also S06-K01 codes. See also S06-
K07B1A and S06-K07B1B for level detection and density
detection of developing agent respectively. Inkjet inks and
thermal ink ribbons are not coded here, but are coded by
S06-G04 and S06-H02 respectively.
Bias, contrast, replenishment
S06-E04A [2010]
Using solid developer
Previously coded as S06-A04A.
Powder particles
S06-E04A1 [2010]
Composition of solid developer
Previously coded as S06-A04C1.
Charge, resin, binder, component, polymer
S06-E04B [2010]
Using liquid developer
Previously coded as S06-A04B.
Flow, fluid, suspension
S06-E04B1 [2010]
Composition of liquid developer
Previously coded as S06-A04C2.
Suspension, polymer, resin, solvent, acid, aqueous,
S06-E04C [2010]
Developer application
Previously coded as S06-A04A2. Includes application by
magnetic brush arrangement, scavangeless.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 355
Part 1
S06-E04D [2010]
Manufacture of developer agent
Previously coded as S06-A04C5.
S06-E04E [2010]
Toner supply and storage
Previously coded as S06-A04A1. Toner supply from
container, tank, hopper to developer.
S06-E04X [2010]
Other developing and developer materials
Previously coded as S06-A04C9, S06-A04X.
S06-E05 [2010]
Transferring images
Previously coded as S05-A05. Includes removal of
recording sheet from drum after transfer.
Surface, receive, separate, contact, dielectric
S06-E05A [2010]
Corona charger
Previously coded as S06-A05A. Includes all aspects of
corona discharge. If corona ring or loop is claimed, then
also coded in X12-F04.
S06-E05A1 [2010]
Corona charger - transfer of developer
Previously coded as S06-A05A1.
S06-E05A2 [2010]
Corona charger - separation of paper
Previously coded as S06-A05A2.
S06-E05B [2010]
Contact type charger
Previously coded as S05-A05B.
Transfer roller, blade, belt
S06-E05B1 [2010]
Contact type charger - transfer of developer
Previously coded as S06-A05B1.
S06-E05B2 [2010]
Contact type charger - separation of paper
Previously coded as S06-A05B2.
S06-E05C [2010]
Intermediate belt/drum
Previously coded as S06-A05C.
S06-E05D [2010]
Care of transfer apparatus
Previously coded as S06-A05D. For lubrication of transfer
roller, belt, intermediate roller or belt.
S06-E06 [2010]
Previously coded as S06-A06.
S06-E06A [2010]
Heat and pressure application
Previously coded as S06-A06A. If heater aspects are
claimed see X25-B codes also.
S06-E06B [2010]
Fuser mechanism and driving
S06-E06B1 [2010]
Fuser roller
Previously coded as S06-A06B. See also S06-K03H for
constructional details of rollers.
S06-E06B2 [2010]
Fuser belt
Previously coded as S06-A06B1.
S06-E06C [2010]
Fuser oil
Previously coded as S06-A06C.
S06-E06C1 [2010]
Fuser oil composition
Previously coded as S06-A06C1.
S06-E06D [2010]
Lustre control
Previously coded as S06-A06D.
Heating, gloss, pre-heating
S06-E06P [2010]
Previously coded as S06-A06P. E.g. for reducing the
moisture content of the transfer material to increase its
S06-E06X [2010]
Other fixing details
Previously coded as S06-A06X.
356 S: Instrumentation, Measuring and Testing
S06-E07 [2010]
Using magnetic patterns or thermoplastic layers
Previously coded as S06-A08, T04-G09. Includes all
aspects of magnetography. Magnetic printer head details
may also have T03-A03 codes assigned, depending on
content. Includes magnetic line printers used as computer
Latent, heat, permeable, field, deformation
S06-E08 [2010]
Electrography not using charge patterns
Previously coded as S06-A09. Includes electrophoresis.
Polymer, deform, electrostatic, field, impact, magnetic,
S06-F [2010]
Impact Image Production
Previously coded as T04-G01. Includes mechanical action.
Electromagnet and solenoid drive aspects are coded in
V02-E02A also.
Armature, coil
S06-F01 [2010]
Dot Printer
Previously coded as T04-G01A.
Matrix, pin, wire, needle
S06-F02 [2010]
Using Type
Previously coded as T04-G01B. Self contained typewriters
are in S06-K99A.
Select, hammer, daisy-wheel, disc, step, font, typeface,
S06-F03 [2010]
Previously coded as T04-G01C. Includes printer ribbon re-
Ink, cassette
S06-G [2010]
Ink-Jet Image Production
Previously coded as T04-G02, W02-J02B3.
Liquid, dye, nozzle, resin, water, channel, drop, pressure,
reservoir, eject, electrode, pulse
S06-G01 [2010]
Previously coded as T04-G02A.
Thermal ink-jet, bubble, piezoelectric, ultrasound
S06-G02 [2010]
Selective drop deflection
Previously coded as T04-G02B.
Charge, electrode, stream, gutter, continuous
S06-G03 [2010]
Printhead details
Previously coded as T04-G02A1, T04-G02B1, W02-J02B5.
Search together with S06-K03 for constructional and
manufacturing details. See also S06-G01 or S06-G02 to
highlight the type of inkjet system. See also S06-K06A for
printhead cleaning. Details of piezoelectric elements for
inkjet printheads are also coded under V06-M06D.
S06-G04 [2010]
Inkjet ink
Previously coded as T04-G02C.
S06-G05 [2010]
Recording Media
Previously coded as T04-G02E. Includes media
composition and manufacture. Includes pre-print
application of liquid (not ink) to paper/ pre-treatment of
paper for ink jet printing. See also X25-T09A for electrical
details of paper manufacture.
Paper, fabrics, OHP sheet, recording pattern of LCD screen
S06-G06 [2010]
Ink Chamber/Cartridge
Previously coded as T04-G02G. See also S06-K03 for
chamber construction. Search together with S06-G03 for
combined chamber and printhead details. See also S06-
K07B1A and S06-K07B1B for level detection and density
detection of inkjet ink respectively.
S06-G06A [2010]
Refilling of ink cartridge
Previously coded as T04-G02F.
S06-G07 [2010]
Post ink application processing
Previously coded as T04-G02H. Includes processes for
treating ink after application using e.g. heat or UV light.
S06-G10 [2010]
Applications of ink-jet printing technology
Previously coded as T04-G02J. Covers printing on non-
paper-like media, e.g. CD (see also T03). Includes textile
printing (see also X25-T04D), Manufacturing LCD screens
and filters (see also U14). 3D printing and other industrial
applications using inkjet technology (see also X25-A08).
EPI Manual Codes 2020 357
Part 1
S06-H [2010]
Thermal Image Production
Previously coded as T04-G03, W02-J02B1. Includes
thermal ink compositions and heat sensitive paper and
ribbons. For photo-thermography, see also S06-E04.
Transfer, thermosensitive, resistive elements, thermal
transfer ink ribbon
S06-H01 [2010]
Using thermally sensitive paper
Previously coded as T04-G03A.
S06-H01A [2010]
Composition of heat-sensitive layer
Previously coded as T04-G03A1.
S06-H02 [2010]
Using thermal ribbon
Previously coded as T04-G03B. Includes use of thermal
transfer sheets.
S06-H02A [2010]
Thermal ink composition
Previously coded as T04-G03B1. Includes composition and
manufacture of thermal ink. If colour ink, see also S06-
K01. Ink for inkjet printer is only coded under S06-G02C.
S06-H03 [2010]
Printhead details for thermal printer
Previously coded as T04-G03C. See also S06-K06A for
printhead cleaning. For thin-film resistor heads see also
U14 codes, e.g. U14-H01B.
S06-J [2010]
Electrode (e.g. electrosensitive/erosive) Image
Previously coded as T04-G05.
S06-K [2010]
Image Production Units features
Covers features common to all printer types such as paper
feeding and control systems.
S06-K01 [2010]
Colour system
Previously coded as S06-A11, T04-G04, W02-J07. Used for
any aspect of colour system, with other codes as
Dye, pigment, tint
S06-K01A [2010]
Full colour
Previously coded as S06-A11A.
Colour, magenta, cyan, yellow, black, CMY, CMYB, RGB
S06-K01B [2010]
Two colour, highlighting
Previously coded as S06-A11B.
S06-K02 [2010]
Sheet feeding
Previously coded as S06-A12, T04-G06A, W02-J05A.
Includes all mechanisms for transporting sheet through
copier, collators and sorters. For feeding of an original
document through a scanner, see S06-D04B only.
Constructional details of sheet feeding mechanisms are
coded under S06-K03 codes.
Paper roll, paper tray, document holder
S06-K02A [2010]
Multicopies; duplex
Previously coded as S06-A12A.
Reverse, double, invert
S06-K02B [2010]
For different paper size, clearing jams, skew
Previously coded as S06-A12B. For feeding paper of
different lengths and thickness. Paper skew detection is
coded by S06-K02D.
S06-K02C [2010]
Collators and sorters
Previously coded as S06-A12C. Feeding paper containing
classified info to a locked tray. See T04-J codes for feeding
outside printing unit.
S06-K02D [2010]
Paper skew detection
Previously coded as S06-A12D. Paper skew correction is
coded by S06-K02B. For clearing jams in fixing system see
also S06-E06.
S06-K02E [2010]
Sheet decurling
Previously coded as S06-A12E.
S06-K03 [2010]
Previously coded as S06-A19, T04-G11, W02-J05, W02-
J06. Includes details of machine casing, framework, etc.,
and also internal mounting arrangements of components
and modules.
358 S: Instrumentation, Measuring and Testing
S06-K03A [2010]
Carriage/Motor aspects
Previously coded as T04-G06. Includes all carriage systems
not coded elsewhere. Constructional details of motors are
covered by V06 codes.
S06-K03B [2010]
Paper Holders
Previously coded as S06-A19A.
Container, storage
S06-K03B1 [2010]
Previously coded as S06-A19A1. For holding paper sheets
before being fed for copying onto.
S06-K03B2 [2010]
Trays, bins
Previously coded as S06-A19A2. For receiving documents
or copy paper sheets after copying operation, duplex
intermediate tray
S06-K03C [2010]
Ventilation and humidifying mechanisms
Previously coded as S06-A19B.
S06-K03D [2010]
Frames, cases, bearing
Previously coded as S06-A19C.
S06-K03E [2010]
Manufacture and manufacturing apparatus
Previously coded as S06-A19D. Covers manufacturing
method and apparatus for the manufacture of elements.
S06-K03F [2010]
Connectors, circuitry
Previously coded as W02-J05C.
S06-K03G [2010]
Power supply
Previously coded as W02-J06. Includes mains and battery
supplies for all types of units including portable systems.
Control aspect of power supplies are coded by S06-K07A2
only. Also includes protection circuits. See U24-D, U24-E,
U24-F and U24-X codes.
Surge, overload, back-up
S06-K03H [2010]
Previously coded as S06-A15. General constructional
details of rollers. See also S06-E05B for transfer roller or
S06-E06B1 for fuser roller.
S06-K04 [2010]
Previously coded as S06-A17, T04-G11B, W02-J05D. See
also X25-W04 for electrical aspects of recycling systems in
S06-K04A [2010]
Paper recycling
Previously coded as A06-A17A. For removing toner from
recording paper to enable re-use of paper.
S06-K04B [2010]
Recording agents recycling
Previously coded as S06-A17B.
S06-K04C [2010]
Components recycling
Previously coded as S06-A17C. See also V04/X12 for
recycling electrical components.
S06-K05 [2010]
Previously coded as S06-A18, T04-G06B, W02-J05B. For
collators and sorters see S06-K02C.
S06-K05A [2010]
Stapling, binding, cutting, punching, folding
Previously coded as S06-A18A. Includes
bookbinding/stapling/cutting/punching devices situated
inside the copier or separate
bookbinding/stapling/cutting/punching machines
attached to the copier.
S06-K05B [2010]
Previously coded as S06-A18B.
Laminating, protective layer
S06-K05C [2010]
Previously coded as S06-A18C, T04-G06S. Includes
immediate shredding directly after scanning/printing.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 359
Part 1
S06-K05D [2010]
Attachment of anti-copy mark
Previously coded as S06-A18D. Includes applying a
magnetic wire, RFID tag, etc., as part of the printing
process. If attaching a RFID tag, see also T04-K codes.
Detection of copy prevention marks on documents are
also coded under S06-K07A3. Details on watermarking
also coded under T01.
S06-K06 [2010]
Cleaning/Recording Agent Removal
Previously coded as S06-A10, T04-G02D. Covers
mechanism for transferring toner to the collection or
waste container for later removal and recycling outside
the copier. For details of toner or ink recycling, see S06-
S06-K06A [2010]
Printhead cleaning
S06-K06B [2010]
Charge and ozone removal
Previously coded as S06-A10B.
Drum, discharge
S06-K06C [2010]
Removing excess developer agent
Previously coded as S06-A10A. Involves removal of toner.
S06-K06C1 [2010]
Using blade
Previously coded as S06-A10A1.
Scraper, doctor blade
S06-K06C2 [2010]
Returning toner / ink for re-use
Previously coded as S06-A10C.
S06-K06C3 [2010]
Transfer of developing agent to waste container
Previously coded as S06-A10D. Covers mechanism for
transferring developing agent to the collection or waste
container for later removal and recycling outside the
printer/copier/facsimile. See S06-K06C2 when the toner is
recycled within the copier for immediate re-use. See S06-
K04B for details of recording agents recycling.
S06-K06D [2010]
Removing dust, etc. from components
Previously coded as S06-A10E. Includes details of air
cleaning systems. If cleaned air is expelled outside the
copier, see also X27-E01B2 (electrical aspects only).
Constructional details of ventilation and humidifying
mechanisms are also coded by S06-K03C.
S06-K07 [2010]
Communication and Control
Previously coded as S06-A14, S06-A16, T04-G10, W02-J03,
W02-J08. Includes operating status display (for display
control circuitry see T04-H codes), mode selection
devices, microprocessor details (see also T01-J codes, e.g.
T01-J08A), and recording inhibiting devices. Does not
include motors and solenoids for carriage and platen
S06-K07A [2010]
General control systems
Previously coded as S06-A14C, T04-G10A, W02-J03A7.
S06-K07A1 [2010]
User input and display
Previously coded as S06-A14A, T04-G10A1, W02-J03A4.
Includes mode selection keys, etc
Operator warning device, mode setting, touchscreen
S06-K07A2 [2010]
Power supply control
Previously coded as S06-A14D.
S06-K07A3 [2010]
Management of confidential/secure documents
Previously coded as S06-A14F, T04-G10F, W02-J11.
Preventing illegal copying of banknotes, securities and
private documents, recognising copy prevention marks on
documents, output to authorised operator. See also
T01/T04 for image processing aspects and T05-J for
testing of securities, banknotes, etc. Attachment of anti-
copy mark, e.g. a RFID, is also coded under S06-K05D.
Secrecy details during communication, such as
transmission data encoding, password, data encryption,
etc., are also coded by S06-K07C7.
S06-K07A4 [2010]
Image processing
Previously coded as S06-A16A, W02-J03A1, W02-J03A2.
Includes details of digital copiers. See also T01.
Picture signal amplifier, halftone screening, edge
enhancement, noise or error suppression
S06-K07A4A [2010]
Compensation for acquisition aspects
Previously coded as W02-J03A1A.
Shading compensation
S06-K07A4B [2010]
Changing magnification, composing and electronic
layout control
Previously coded as W02-J03A2A, W02-J03A2B.
360 S: Instrumentation, Measuring and Testing
S06-K07A4C [2010]
Image outputting
Previously coded as W02-J03A3. Includes systems for
generating previews of image before sending (using e.g. a
facsimile) or printing. Details of user display is also coded
by S06-K07A1.
S06-K07A4D [2010]
Compression/bandwidth reduction
Previously coded as W02-J03B. See U21-A05 codes for
coding in general, W04-P01A codes for TV signal
compression, and W02-G04A codes for bandwidth
reduction in general.
S06-K07A5 [2010]
Copy sheet counting
Previously coded as W02-J03A7A.
S06-K07B [2010]
Monitoring systems
Previously coded as S06-A14B, T04-G10G, W02-J03A5.
Covers monitoring systems of the device, monitoring of
the communication system is S06-K07C6 only.
S06-K07B1 [2010]
Monitoring of recording agent
S06-K07B1A [2010]
Recording agent level detection
Previously coded as S06-A04A1A.
S06-K07B1B [2010]
Recording agent density detection
Previously coded as S06-A04A1B.
S06-K07C [2010]
Previously coded as W02-J03C, W02-J08. Includes input-
output arrangements, telephone interface and secrecy
systems (with W02-L). Search W01-C05B1 and W01-C01H
for telephone aspects also. For ISDN aspects see W01-
C05B7. For LAN aspects see W01-A06 codes.
S06-K07C1 [2010]
Remote control/monitoring
Previously coded as S06-A14E, T04-G10E. Search together
with S06-K07A and S06-K07B codes as applicable.
S06-K07C1A [2010]
Print Job/Queue
Previously coded as T04-G10E1.
S06-K07C2 [2010]
Previously coded as T04-G10C.
S06-K07C2A [2010]
Telephone interfacing
Previously coded as W02-J03C7. Includes combined
facsimile-telephone. See W01-C01P4. Also W01-C05B3H.
S06-K07C2B [2010]
Network interfacing
Previously coded as W02-J08A. Includes aspects of
printers with built in print server.
S06-K07C2C [2010]
ISDN interfacing
Previously coded as W02-J08C. Also W01-C05B7 codes for
general aspects of ISDN.
S06-K07C2D [2010]
Computer interfacing
Previously coded as W02-J03C8. See also T01-C03B code.
S06-K07C3 [2010]
Signal processing
Previously coded as W02-J03C1.
S06-K07C4 [2010]
Determining and setting transmission
Previously coded as W02-J03C2. Includes detecting type
of receiving station (e.g. G3, G4).
Autodialler, modem
S06-K07C5 [2010]
Reception details
Previously coded as W02-J03C5.
Automatic answering
S06-K07C6 [2010]
Monitoring and error checking
Previously coded as W02-J03C3.
S06-K07C7 [2010]
Previously coded as W02-J03C6. Includes transmission
data encoding, password, data encryption. Management
of confidential/secure documents are also coded by S06-
EPI Manual Codes 2020 361
Part 1
S06-K99 [2010]
Machine Type
The machine type codes cover the application of a patent
for a particular function. Patents that describe multiple
applications will not be covered (except MFP).
S06-K99A [2010]
Self-contained printing machine
Self-contained typewriters, label printers, independent
units, hand held printing devices.
S06-K99B [2010]
S06-K99C [2010]
Printer peripherals for use with a computer.
S06-K99D [2010]
S06-K99E [2011]
Previously coded as T04-H02.
S06-K99F [2010]
Multifunctional peripheral
Includes patents describing the combination of two or
more other machine types.
S06-K99F1 [2010]
Multifunctional peripheral including fax
Previously coded as W02-J07.
S06-K99G [2010]
Analogous systems
Previously coded as W02-J10. For medical stimulable
sheet phosphor systems see also S05-D02A5C. For
electronic blackboard (previously coded in W02-J09) see
also W04-W05.
S06-K99X [2010]
Other (printer types)
Previously coded as T04-G09. Includes Braille printers,(see
S05-K, T04-X for other Braille aspects), electronic pen
recorders. Magnetic printers are coded under S06-E07
EPI Manual Codes 2020 363
Part 1
Section T: Computing and Control
T01: DIGITAL COMPUTERS ................................................................................................................................. 365
T02: ANALOGUE AND HYBRID COMPUTERS ........................................................................................................... 397
T03: DATA RECORDING ..................................................................................................................................... 399
T04: COMPUTER PERIPHERAL EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................................ 437
T05: COUNTING, CHECKING, VENDING, ATM AND POS SYSTEMS ............................................................................. 449
T06: PROCESS AND MACHINE CONTROL ............................................................................................................... 455
T07: TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEMS ........................................................................................................................ 463
EPI Manual Codes 2020 365
Part 1
T01: Digital Computers
Mechanical digital computers
Align, calculate, register, interlock
Fluid-pressure digital computers
Pneumatic, hydraulic, valve
Input/output arrangements
Covers specific input arrangements for transferring data
to be processed into a form which is capable of being
handled by a computer. See T01-H for information
transfer. Peripheral devices per se are in T04. See U21 for
electronic switching.
For record carriers (e.g. magnetic tape)
Includes buffering. See T01-C07C1 for smart card
Card, disc, drive, reader, SCSI (small computer system
interface), PCAT, SASD
T01-C01A [1997]
To/from DASD
Includes details of all defined standards, e.g. ATA, SATA,
Floppy disc, hard disc, CD-ROM
T01-C01C [1997]
To/from semiconductor memory
See also U14-A codes.
Flash memory
For manual input device
Mechanical switches are coded in V03, and electronic
switch details in U21.
Coordinate, enter, key, touch, matrix
T01-C02A [1987]
Keyboard interface
Alphanumeric code generation, key stroke detector
T01-C02A1 [1992]
In co-operation with display
Includes keys used in conjunction with icons or
instructions displayed on the screen such as help keys,
cursor control keys and function select keys. Details of
icons used for program management are coded in T01-
T01-C02A9 [1992]
Other (optoelectronic keyboard)
Opto-electronic keyboard
T01-C02B [1987]
Position-digital value converters
Digitiser, co-ordinate
In cooperation with display
See also T01-J12 for GUI/HCI, and T01-J12B for GUI
T01-C02B1A* [1992-2001]
For mouse
*This code is now discontinued, see T04-F02B1 from
2002. Includes use of mouse to ‘pull down’ icon functions
and windows. See also T01-J12B for windows in general.
T01-C02B1B* [1992-2001]
For joystick
*This code is now discontinued, see T04-F02B3 from
2002. Includes interfaces and code translators for
joysticks. See T01-P02 and W04-X02 codes also, if used for
computer/arcade games.
T01-C02B1C* [1992-1996]
For light pen
*This code is now discontinued. See T01-C02B1H from
1997-2001 and T04-F02A1 from 2002.
T01-C02B1D* [1992-2001]
Virtual keyboards and touch screens
*This code is now discontinued, see T04-F02A2 from
2002. Includes interfaces and ‘key’ / position code
translation. Also includes finger-operated mouse.
T01-C02B1E* [1997-2001]
Three-dimensional space signal input/output
*This code is now discontinued, see T04-F02B from 2002.
Includes virtual reality handsets/sensor, gloves (see W04-
V07E codes also).
366 T: Computing and Control
T01-C02B1G* [1997-2001]
Tracker ball
*This code is now discontinued, see T04-F02B5 from
T01-C02B1H* [1997-2001]
Pen input
*This code is now discontinued, see T04-F02A1 from
2002. Includes input by inductive or capacitive pen, light
pen and touch pen. For pen sensing details, see T04 and
T01-C02B1J* [1997-2001]
Finger-shaped or hand input
*This code is now discontinued, see T04-F02B from 2002.
Devices which use relative movement of finger or hand as
input to processor.
T01-C02B9* [1992-2001]
Other (position-digital value converters)
*This code is now discontinued, see T04-F02B from 2002.
Data exchange with distant stations
Bus, transmit, receive, terminal, link, line receiver
T01-C03A [1992]
Arrangements for interfacing with networks
Transmitting information between computers via
communication medium. Including LAN and WAN
interfacing details of computer networks. See T01-H07 for
inter-computer communication and T01-M02 for
multiprocessing structure. For bus arbitration and cycling
arrangements see T01-H05B. Also includes computer
peripheral network connections, but see also appropriate
code for specific peripheral e.g. T01-C05A1.
ARPANET (advanced research project agency network),
T01-C03B [1992]
Data communication
Includes telephone interfaces and modems.
RS-232 (Recommended Standard 232), RS-485, RS-422, RS-
T01-C03C [1997]
Wireless link
Connection between/to devices, for connection to
peripheral (e.g. printer) see T01-C07C3 instead. Includes,
satellite, radio, infra-red, etc. interfaces for accessing a
network. See also W01-A06C3 and W01-A06C4.
T01-C03C1 [1997]
Broadcast radio/television signal input
TV card
Output to displays
Video, colour, graphics, character, monitor,
For CRTs
Monitor, VDU
For display panels
Matrix, LCD, gas discharge, plasma, hologram
T01-C04C [1997]
LED display
T01-C04D [1997]
Display processing
Graphics card
Update, Bitmap
Output to printers (incl. plotters, typewriters)
Character, font, format, graphic, line, text, ink-jet, impact,
thermal, X-Y, chart
T01-C05A [1992]
To printer
For '3D printing' technology such as Fused Deposition
Modelling (FDM) see T01-J07B3.
Ink-jet, impact, thermal, laser
T01-C05A1 [1997]
To/from networked/shared printers
T01-C05B [1992]
To plotter
X-Y, chart
EPI Manual Codes 2020 367
Part 1
T01-C06 [1992]
Bar code reading and character recognition, such as OCR,
are covered by T04-A03B1 and T04-D04 codes
respectively. Hand scanners for computer input are coded
in T04-M02. This code is used for computer interfacing
details only.
OCR, bar codes
T01-C06A [2012]
To/from networked/shared scanner
Covers the scanners that share with the network
Remote scanner
T01-C07 [1992]
Interconnections (subsystems)
Includes general aspects not specific to interfaced devices
such as input/output and data communications. See T01-
H05A for I/O controllers and processors, and T01-L09 for
physical structures.
T01-C07A [1992]
Asynchronous/Synchronous operation
Covers interfaces characterised by communication mode.
See T01-H07B for bus protocol details.
USART (sync/async receiver/transmitter), start-stop bit,
T01-C07B [1992]
Fiber optics
Also coded in V07.
T01-C07C [1992]
Includes backplanes, cables, chip carriers and
plugboard/card/overlay motherboards. See also T01-L02
and V04 for hardware details, and T01-L09 for wiring and
Current loop, EIA, interrupt, DMA/program controlled,
slave, adaptor card, latch-chip, SCSI
T01-C07C1 [1992]
Smart card reader interface
T01-C07C2 [1992]
Includes structure e.g. shift registers, re-circulating, and
buffer/interface function such as rate control.
T01-C07C3 [1997]
Non-wired connection between peripheral and
Includes radio and optical signal transfer between
computer and peripheral. Remote control of computer.
Free space, wireless, infrared
T01-C07C4 [1997]
Serial ports, parallel ports, serial-parallel
Centronics (RTM), USB
T01-C07C4A [2005]
Serial interface with additional features
Additional features such as power supply. See also T01-
H07, T01-H05B for bus transfer and T01-L01/3 for
connector details. See also V04 codes.
USB, universal serial bus interface, hot swap, plug and
play, firewire, IEEE 1394, i-link®
T01-C07C5 [1997]
Using standard interfaces or expansion cards
See T01-C11 for PCMCIA cards per se.
T01-C07D [1992]
Covers wiring arrangements and connections to interface
including power arrangements. Includes interface buses
and point-to-point connection. See T01-H07A for bus
T01-C08 [1992]
Digital input/output using sampling of analog
Analog to digital converter
T01-C08A [1992]
Speech recognition/synthesis input/output
See also W04-V codes for sound wave analysis/synthesis,
speech to text, text to speech and T01-J18 for
speech/audio processing.
Telephone, output, sound
T01-C08B [1997]
Measurement signal input
See also T01-J07A for data acquisition applications.
368 T: Computing and Control
T01-C10 [1997]
Non-manual human input
Includes eye input, foot input and neurological input to
T01-C11 [1997]
PCMCIA cards
See also T04 and U11.
Data conversion
See U21-A for coding and code conversion in general.
T01-D01 [1992]
Data encryption and Decryption
Includes private and public key encryption. See W01-A05
codes for data communications aspects.
T01-D01A [2002]
Encryption algorithm
For encoding a plain text message using number of
division using ki dimensional vector on a finite field.
Polynomial, primary number
T01-D02 [1992]
Coding and information theory
Includes data compaction/compression, formal
communication models, and non-secret encoding
systems. Image compression prior to 1997 - see also T01-
J10A1. T01-J10B, now indexed in T01-J10D.
Lempel-Ziv, sliding window, Huffman, holotropic, fractal
T01-D02A [2005]
See also T01-J10D for image watermarking and W04 for
audio/visual watermarking.
T01-D03 [1992]
Includes justifying, scaling and normalising.
T01-D04 [2005]
Data flow speed conversion
Pre 2005 see T01-D09.
T01-D09 [1992]
From 2005 see T01-D04 for data flow speed conversion.
Data processing
Instruction, masking, bit manipulation
Sorting, selecting, merging or comparing data
Algorithm, key, routine, sequence generator, word, bit
stream manufacture
T01-E01A [1992]
Includes grouping data records, rearranging, and re-
Software Boolean logic operation
T01-E01B [1992]
Includes special character detection.
T01-E01C [1992]
Includes merging.
Computation using only denominational number
Digital processing using binary, ternary etc. number
Arithmetic, binary, decimal, exponent, floating-point,
integer, logic, mantissa, operand, fixed point, coded
Adding, subtracting
Addend, carry, even, subtrahend, sum
Multiplying, dividing
Multiplication, multiplier, product
T01-E02C [1997]
Logic processing
See U21-C for logic circuits.
T01-E02D [1997]
Other (incl. evaluating functions)
Approximation, interpolation, complex numbers,
logarithm, root, square
EPI Manual Codes 2020 369
Part 1
Computation using digital non-denominational
Integration, differentiation, increment, pulse,
proportional, multiplier, divider, P-modulo arithmetic
Comparing digital values; random number
See also T01-J15 for chaos modelling.
Pseudo random binary sequence (PRBS), comparator,
T01-E05 [1992]
Novel data processing technology
T01-E05A [1992]
See also T01-M06D and T02-A03 for analogue optical
computing and T02-B for hybrid arrangements. Pure
optical, electro-optical components are found in V07-K06.
SLM (spatial light modulators), SLR (spatial light
T01-E05B [1992]
Neuronal configurations
Neural networks in general are covered by T01-J16C1. See
T02-A04A5 for analog neural networks.
T01-E05C [1992]
Superconducting elements
Superconducting computing systems are covered by T01-
M06E. See also U14-F02B.
T01-E05D [1992]
T01-E05Q [2005]
Quantum Computing
Using quantum theory for processing. Prior to 2005 see
T01-E05X. For Quantum processor architecture see T01-
T01-E05X [1992]
Other novel data processing technology
Program control
T01-F01A [1987]
Enhancement of operating speed
Includes use of several micro-control devices operating in
Score boarding
T01-F01B [1992]
T01-F01B1 [1997]
Firmware microprogramming
See T01-S01A for disclosure of firmware code.
T01-F01C [1992]
Address formation
Includes address formation of next microinstruction
Interrupt, multi-programming, multi-tasking,
software interrupts
Covers supporting and keeping track of operations of
multiplicity of users who are running numerous
concurrent processes.
Access, multi-port, multi-task, request, poll, queuing
T01-F02A [1992]
Task transfer initiation
Covers multiple task sequencing and selection. Initiating
and controlling task operations and use of system
T01-F02A1 [1997]
Interrupt handling/processing
T01-F02B [1992]
Saving or restoring of program or task
Covers program control blocks and multiple register set
370 T: Computing and Control
T01-F02C [1992]
Task interaction
Includes multiprocessor transaction management
protocol and allocation of resources to processes, load
balancing and scheduling.
Lock-out avoidance, IPC
T01-F02C1 [1997]
T01-F02C2 [1997]
Resource allocation
T01-F02C3 [2006]
The ability of an operating system to execute different
parts of a program simultaneously.
T01-F02C4 [2007]
Data transfer between applications
Execution of machine instructions
Fetch, instruction, nodes, pipeline, pre-fetch
T01-F03A [1987]
Address formation of next instruction, branching,
access of instruction operand
T01-F03B [1987]
Concurrent instruction execution, pipeline, look-
Low level parallel mechanisms, RISC
T01-F03B1 [1997]
T01-F03C [1997]
Instruction decoding
T01-F04 [1987]
Subprogram execution
T01-F05 [1987]
Arrangements for executing specific programs and
system management software
Includes operating systems, supervisors, executives and
Debug, edit, execute, state-machine
T01-F05A [1992]
High level language and language processors
Binary Compilers and Assemblers for e.g. operating
system compilation. Use of Application Programming
Interface (API), Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs) during
program execution. From 2007, for use of API during
software development see T01-J20B1, and for Compilers
and Assemblers used in software development, see T01-
Cobol, Fortran, Pascal, Lisp, C, C++, Java®
T01-F05B [1992]
Booting/initialisation and recovery
Includes reconfiguration, retry, checkpointing and
T01-F05B1 [1997]
T01-F05B2 [1997]
Boot-up and program loading. Hot configuration. Version
management of software e.g. BIOS firmware. For version
management of software code see T01-F05F or T01-J20B2
during development. For Installation and/or updating of
software involving transmission over network see T01-
N02B1E. For network security software updates see T01-
Plug and play
T01-F05B3 [1997]
Sleeping and waking, power-up/down, halting
Includes Power Management
T01-F05C [1992]
Interactive support programs
Includes time share control.
T01-F05D [1992]
Job entry system programs
T01-F05E [1992]
Data handling programs and storage management
Includes allocation/deallocation strategies, distributed
memories, segmentation, storage hierarchies and
swapping. See also T01-E01 and T01-J05B.
BIOS, Kernel, utilities, file management, up/down loading,
share seize mechanisms
EPI Manual Codes 2020 371
Part 1
T01-F05E1 [2008]
T01-F05F [2007]
Software version management
T01-F05G [1997]
Operating systems and virtual systems
Machine emulation including network operating systems.
MS-DOS, Unix, OS/2, Novell NetWare, Windows NT, LINIX
T01-F05G3 [1997]
Virtual systems
Includes shells and interfaces created by OS and
emulation of terminal types by OS software.
Bourne-shell, utilities
T01-F05G5 [1997]
System management
Includes user privilege set-up; security - see T01-J12C,
usage monitoring see - T01-G05C, T01-G11; file
management - see T01-F05E.
T01-F05G5A [2006]
Screen savers
T01-F05G7 [2006]
Real time clock
Covers updating and management of real time system
T01-F06 [1992]
Program control arrangements
Covers program arrangements were instructions are pre-
programmed before processing is carried out. See T01-
M05 for architecture. Non-numerical controllers per se
are covered by T06-A04B. For disclosure of firmware see
T01-S01A. See also U21 for logic devices.
T01-F07 [1992]
Object based systems
Links, AKO, ISA, object-oriented programming (OOP),
object-oriented database (OODB)
Error detection/correction; monitoring
Software debug systems are covered by T01-J20.
Using redundancy in data representation
See also U21-A06 for error correction/ detection circuitry,
and W01-A01 codes for data transmission aspects.
T01-G01A [1992]
Using checking codes
Error correction words (ECW), Error correction codes (ECC),
Hamming distance
T01-G01A1 [1992]
Using parity
Testing hardware during idle time
Includes integrated circuits with on-chip testing circuitry.
See also S01-G01A, U11-F01D2, U13-C07, U14-D.
Diagnose, check-bit, routine, sub-routine, program,
signature analysis
T01-G02A [1987]
Defective hardware location subsystems
T01-G02A1 [1987]
On integrated circuit
Includes LSSD (level sensitive scan design). See also U13-
T01-G02A2 [1992]
System/field testing
Includes Computer Aided Test (CAT) system comprising of
microcomputer/computer to aid testing of processor/CPU
based systems or appts. See also T01-J07B for quality
T01-G02A2A [1992]
Automatic Testing Equipment (ATE)
See also T01-J08F for system test other than processor
T01-G02A2B [1992]
Built in testing
Includes scanpath, signature and boundary analysis.
Built in block operation (BILBO)
372 T: Computing and Control
T01-G02A2C [1992]
By comparison
Includes comparing with known ‘good’ cards or appts.;
redundancy in registers and comparing results in both;
and signature analysis.
Goldcard, Signature analysis
T01-G02A2D [1992]
Test programs and algorithms
Includes software for generating test patterns and/or
collecting results and analysing faults. Also software
controlling test procedures or appts.
T01-G02B [1992]
Marginal testing
Includes preventative maintenance and safety margins.
Using redundancy in operation or hardware
Redundant processors - see T01-G05B from 1997.
Passive fault masking, active fault masking, backward
error recovery, single event upset (SEU) prevention, RAID
T01-G04 [2014]
Computer vibrating testing
Includes testing computer assemblies for resistance to the
effects of mechanical vibration and shock. See also S02-E
(Measurement of mechanical vibrations).
T01-G05 [1987]
Fail-safe and monitoring systems
Includes appts. for error recovery and monitoring during
operation of processor or processing system for reliable
operation of hardware or software. See T06-A08 also for
control system applications and T01-J20 for software
debug and test.
Fail, fail-safe, fault-tolerant
T01-G05A [1987]
Watchdog monitoring / Ensuring proper program
Includes halting of operation of all processing within
computing system upon detection of error. See also T01-
F05B for booting/initialisation and recovery from 1992.
Rollback, halting operation, freeze
T01-G05B [1987]
Using additional processors
Includes redundant processor techniques (see T01-G03
for non-processor redundancy).
T01-G05C [1992]
Includes patterns, pulse trains and error processing.
T01-G05C1 [1992]
Recording or statistical evaluation of computer
T01-G06 [1992]
Logic simulation
Includes simulation machine/processor executing logic
simulation, and logic models; and several simulation
processors working in parallel. See also T01-J15A3 for
electrical/electronic circuit emulation in CAD systems;
T01-F05G3 for machine emulation.
Event driven, levelized
T01-G06A [1992]
Compiled code
LCC (levelized compiled code)
T01-G06B [1992]
Table driven
Using look-up tables to model logic functions.
T01-G06C [1992]
Hardware accelerators
Includes use of hardware for certain functions of
simulation in cooperation with software to reduce load on
processor to speed up process.
T01-G07 [1992]
Fault simulation
Includes introduction of known faults and
monitoring/analysing effect such as stuck-at-one and
stuck-at-zero techniques.
T01-G07A [1992]
Test sequence generation
Includes test vector compression.
T01-G07X [1992]
EPI Manual Codes 2020 373
Part 1
T01-G08 [1992]
Computer Diagnostics
Includes fault location, file/diagnostic dictionary software,
remote diagnostic (see also T01-N codes), fault masking
and fault documentation. See T01-J08F for diagnostic of
non-computer equipment.
T01-G08A [1997]
Systems support
Includes systems support repository, help system. For AI
based expert system support, see also T01-J16A.
From 1992 see T01-J20C for software debug systems; T01-
G05C for monitoring of computer systems; T01-G06 for
logic simulation systems; T01-G07 for fault simulation
systems; and T01-G08 for diagnostic systems.
T01-G11 [1997]
Measurement of non-processing parameters of
computer systems
(T01-G05C, T01-G09)
Includes smoke or fire detection (see W05-B02 codes
also), alarm generation, power/spike failure in computer
systems. See also T01-G05C for processor related
monitoring. See T01-J08F for computer testing and
monitoring of non-computer equipment.
T01-G11A [1997]
Power supply
Includes measurement and control of external power
supply to computer. See T01-L01 for computer power
supplies and T01-G05A.
T01-G11B [1997]
Temperature measurement and control
Includes measuring temperature/humidity of computer
surroundings to maintain optimum operating conditions.
See also T01-G05A.
T01-G11C [1997]
User monitoring e.g. tiredness
Includes measuring muscle tiredness, time of continuous
use (see also T01-G05C), harmful screen emissions.
T01-G11F [2012]
Fan speed measurement and control
Covers measuring the speed of the fan and controlling the
speed depends on the CPU usage
T01-G11X [2005]
Other measurement of non-processor parameters
Data storage and memory, interconnection, data
See U14-A for semiconductor memories per se, and T03
for data storage and recording by relative movement
between head and record carrier.
Interconnections to random access memory,
addressing and memory allocation, memory
systems and architectures
Harvard architecture
T01-H01A [1987]
Module Addressing Technique
Shadowing, memory allocation table, look ahead
T01-H01B [1987]
Memory storage components, hardware, or use of
Includes data layers, data logging memory cards and
cassettes. See T04-K for smart cards per se. See also T01-
H01C for unauthorised copying or memory protection
(e.g. for disk or ROM). For physical construction of record
carriers, see U14 for semiconductor memories and T03 for
disks and tapes etc.
T01-H01B1* [1992-2004]
Dynamic recording by relative movement between
recording head and storage medium (disk, drum,
tape etc.)
*This code is now discontinued. See T01-H01B4, T01-
H01B5 and T01-H01B6 from 2005.
File server, disk, drum, tape
T01-H01B1A* [1997-2004]
Storage Arrays
*This code is now discontinued. See T01-H01B7 from
T01-H01B2* [1992-2004]
Optical, magneto-optical computer memory
*This code is now discontinued. See T01-H01B4/5/6 from
Hologram, CD-ROM, DVD
374 T: Computing and Control
T01-H01B3 [1992]
Semiconductor / solid state memory
Includes semiconductor, bubble, capacitor, card, core, and
RAM. See also U14-A codes.
RAM, ROM, DRAM, EPROM, EEPROM, flash memory
T01-H01B3A [1992]
Memory card
Search together with other T01-H01B3 codes for type, see
also T04-K. for removable memory.
MMC, SD, CF, Memory Stick
T01-H01B3B [2005]
Static Magnetic Memories
Covers solid state magnetic memories.
T01-H01B3C [2005]
Static Optical Memories
Covers solid state optical memories.
T01-H01B3D [2006]
Non-volatile electronic semiconductors memories
Flash memories, see also T01-H01B3A flash memory
T01-H01B4 [2005]
Dynamic Magnetic
Includes Hard Disks, floppy disks.
T01-H01B5 [2005]
Dynamic Magneto-Optical
T01-H01B6 [2005]
Dynamic Optical
T01-H01B6A [2005]
Volume Read e.g. Holographic
For use of media that is read by passing a light beam
through (not off) the material such as holographic
T01-H01B7 [2005]
Storage Arrays
Also code under memory type, see also T01-G03 for
redundant storage areas, e.g. RAID. See T01-H01B1A prior
to 2005.
T01-H01B9 [2005]
Other, including. all non-semiconductor static
T01-H01C [1987]
Memory/Storage Protection
For data back-up/protection see T01-G and T01-F05E.
T01-H01C1* [1992-2005]
Smart card fraud protection
*This code is now discontinued. See T04-K04 from 2006.
T01-H01C2 [1992]
Illegal memory access prevention
T01-H01C3 [1992]
For prevention of memory loss including refresh
See also U14-A03B4A. Prevention of memory loss due to
defective memory.
T01-H01C4 [1992]
T01-H01D [1987]
Stacks and Registers
Covers fast-access temporary storage locations within
CPU. Dual port memory is covered by T01-H03D from
T01-H01X [1987]
Includes high performance storage units (HPSU).
BICPU (bimemory independent CPU)
T01-H02* [1987-1991]
Virtual memory, cache stores
*This code is now discontinued. See T01-H03A from 1992.
T01-H03 [1992]
Memory type
(T01-H02, T01-H09)
T01-H03A [1992]
Cache memory, virtual memory and hierarchical
Includes use of small, high speed buffer, virtual and
hierarchical memories. Includes address translation (see
also T01-H01A). Prior to 1992 covered by T01-H02, now
discontinued. Network Caching is covered by T01-N01D4
from 2005.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 375
Part 1
T01-H03B [1992]
Associative memory
Includes content addressable and parallel searching.
T01-H03C [1992]
Interleaved memory and mass storage
Includes secondary memory.
Expanded memory unit
T01-H03D [1992]
Sequential access and shared memories
Includes common shared bus, multiport, crossbar
switching memories (Dual port memory was coded in T01-
H01D prior to 1992).
Dual port memory, video RAM
T01-H03X [1992]
T01-H05 [1987]
Computer peripheral control / General request
handling/ Bus Accessing
T01-H05A [1987]
Program control for computer peripherals
See also T03 for data storage controllers for dynamic
recording, e.g. T03-A10 codes (magnetic), T03-B08
(optical) and T03-D01E5 (magneto-optical).
Channel processor
T01-H05B [1987]
Handling requests
For interconnection or data transfer. See also W01-A03A
for general data communication access systems.
T01-H05B1 [1992]
For access to memory bus
Includes priority.
T01-H05B2 [1992]
For access to input/output bus
Includes polling, interrupt, burst mode, DMA, cycle steal.
T01-H05B3 [1992]
For access to common bus or bus system
Includes centralised access control, request, token, time
dependant, slot and contention.
T01-H05B4 [1997]
Local bus systems
(T01-H05B, T01-H05B2, T01-H05B3)
PCI, VL-bus
T01-H07 [1987]
Information transfer / Bus structures
Search T01-C03 also for data exchange interfacing with
distant stations, and W01-A for digital transmission in
T01-H07A [1987]
Bus structures
See also T01-C07D for bus interface.
T01-H07A1 [1992]
Includes common/parallel, plural and variable
width/speed buses.
T01-H07A2 [1992]
Includes centralised, decentralised control.
T01-H07A9 [1992]
T01-H07B [1987]
Bus transfer protocols
See W01-A03A also for control of access to transmission
Handshaking, synchronous, asynchronous, conversion
T01-H07C* [1992-2001]
Information transfer
*This code is now discontinued, see T01-N and W01-A
from 2002. Includes computer network management,
routing and communication control. See also T01-J08C
and W01-A for communication in general. See also T01-
C03B for computer interface for communication via
Inter-operability, open systems, GroupWare, CSCW
T01-H07C1* [1992-2001]
Electronic mail
*This code is now discontinued, see T01-N01C and W01-
A06E1, W01-A06G2, W01-A06X from 2002. Voice mail in
telephone system coded in W01-C02B7C. See also W01-
A06E1, W01-A06G2, W01-A06X.
Computerised voice mail
376 T: Computing and Control
T01-H07C3* [1997-2001]
Data / Media Transfer Applications
*This code is now discontinued, see T01-N01D from 2002.
Includes downloading file from remote site (FTP).
T01-H07C3A* [1997-2001]
Audio, sound transfer
*This code is now discontinued, see T01-N01D1A from
Internet radio
T01-H07C3B* [1997-2001]
Computerised video and image file transfer
*This code is now discontinued, see T01-N01D1B from
2002. Includes computerised video conferencing.
T01-H07C3C* [1997-2001]
Electronic document transfer
*This code is now discontinued, see T01-N01D2 from
2002. For intranet and internet documentation and web
page transfer.
T01-H07C3D* [1997-2001]
Multimedia transfer
*This code is now discontinued, see T01-N01D1 from
2002. Combination of text, data, image, sound, or
computer programs. Audio/video aspects of multimedia
systems are also assigned W04-K10.
T01-H07C3E* [1997-2001]
Running / executing software from remote site or
*This code is now discontinued, see T01-N01D3 from
Applet, Java
T01-H07C5* [1987-2001]
Distributed and networked computer
*This code is now discontinued, see T01-N02 from 2002.
T01-H07C5A* [1997-2001]
Computer network control, monitoring and
*This code is now discontinued, see T01-N02 from 2002.
See T01-J08C for communication controllers and W01-A06
for data transmission systems in general.
T01-H07C5C* [1997-2001]
Data transfer over private network, intranet
*This code is now discontinued, see T01-N02A2A from
2002. Data and file transfer within single computer
T01-H07C5E* [1997-2001]
Over public network, internet transfer
*This code is now discontinued, see T01-N02A2B from
2002. Data and file transfer between networks. Includes
on-line systems.
PSTN, TCP/IP, gateway
T01-H07C5S* [1997-2001]
Using server
*This code is now discontinued, see T01-N02A2C.
Print server
T01-H07C7 [1997]
Local inter-processor data transfer
Inter-processor communication in multiprocessor
T01-H07C7C [1997]
Non-bus interconnections.
Matrix, circuit-switched
T01-H07P* [1997-2001]
Computer communication protocols
*This code is now discontinued, see T01-N02A from 2002.
See T01-H07C prior to 1997, T01-J12C for computer
security and T01-D01 for encryption. Bus transfer
protocols are found in T01-H07B.
T01-H08 [1992]
Multiprocessor memory management
See also T01-M02 for multiprocessor systems and details.
See also T01-J05B4 (DBMS) for locking.
Distributed system, parallel-processor, single instruction
multiple data (SIMD)
EPI Manual Codes 2020 377
Part 1
Data processing systems
Desk and pocket calculators
See also T01-M06A1 where no processing details
T01-J02* [1980-1991]
Multi-processor systems
*This code is now discontinued, see T01-M02 from 1992.
T01-J02A* [1987-1991]
*This code is now discontinued, see T01-M02A from 1992.
T01-J02B* [1987-1991]
Co-operating processor
*This code is now discontinued, see T01-M02B from 1992.
T01-J02C* [1987-1991]
*This code is now discontinued, see T01-M02C from 1992.
For evaluating statistical data
See also T01-J04B2 for correlation.
For function synthesis/ analysis or equation
T01-J04A [1983]
For solving equations
Differential, polynomial, linear programming
T01-J04B [1983]
For correlation or transformation, e.g. Fourier,
Walsh, etc.
T01-J04B1 [1992]
Transformation function
Includes Walsh, Fourier and multi-dimensional
FT, FFT, S-transform
T01-J04B2 [1992]
Correlation function
Includes digital filtering, array and convolution. Digital
filters in general are coded in T01-J08B and U22-G01
codes. See also T01-J03 for statistical analysis using
T01-J04C [1992]
Matrix or vector computation
Includes complex numbers.
T01-J04D [1992]
Function evaluation by approximation
T01-J04E [2005]
Mathematical Modelling
See also T01-J15H for simulation systems involving
mathematical models.
Chaos theory
For administration, commerce or information
T01-J05A [1987]
Non-Specific Administration, business and
commercial Tool
See T05-L codes also for EFT, point-of-sale and automatic
teller machines. From 2002 see T01-N01A for on-line
business systems.
Cash, cash-transaction, point-of-sale, meter, postage,
T01-J05A1 [1992]
Includes banking, billing, Point of Sale (POS), and
T01-J05A2 [1992]
Administration and Management Tools
Includes management, resource allocation, business,
education, government, marketing and law. Also includes
decision support, MIS, stock control, workflow control and
project management.
T01-J05A2A [2002]
Business Models
Includes business to public administration relationship
models, problem solving/identifying solutions,
requirements, and end-to-end thread, see T01-N01A2 for
Internet Business models and T01-J05A2 prior to 2002.
378 T: Computing and Control
T01-J05A2B [2002]
Workflow Management
Includes execution and automation of a business process,
see T01-J05A2 prior to 2002.
T01-J05A2C [2002]
Data Analysis
Includes assessing the financial health of a company,
processing of market data to predict the future demand of
a product/service, surveying and polling in order to obtain
data, cost model and TCO, see T01-J05A2 prior to 2002.
T01-J05A2D [2002]
Inventory Monitoring/Management
Includes cash register/terminal maintaining or updating a
record of goods, see T01-J05A2 prior to 2002.
T01-J05A2E [2002]
Insurance and Risk Analysis
Includes processing and assessing insurance claims,
evaluation of risk factors in a loan determination, see T01-
J05A2 prior to 2002.
T01-J05A2F [2002]
Investment portfolio selection, planning analysis
and trading
This code covers evaluation of securities or other types of
investments, and trading in commodities and securities,
see T01-J05A prior to 2002.
T01-J05A2G [2005]
Intellectual Property and Copyright management
See T01-N01A2G for on-line systems. See also W04 for
audio/video aspects.
T01-J05A2H [2005]
Personnel Management
Includes internal business administration, health and
safety, employment tribunal, organisation chart, people
performance management, payroll, pensions, benefits,
recruitment, career development, etc. See T01-N01A2H
for online personnel management.
Peoplesoft ™, OrgPlus ™
T01-J05A2L [2007]
Legal and Regulatory
Includes legal services such as litigation and contracts as
well as accountability and compliance with government
T01-J05A2M [2011]
Marketing and Advertising
Includes all off-line advertising and marketing aspects.
T01-J05A3 [2005]
Tools for Government
This code is intended for electronic public administration
and management tools used by governmental bodies or
agencies to implement government-to-citizen (G2C),
government-to-business (G2B) and/or government-to-
government (G2G) service(s). Includes commerce,
voting/election, immigration, law enforcement, licensing,
taxation, records management etc. See T01-N01A3 for on-
line systems and T05-F for voting.
IRS, legislation, ID, social services, Citizenship
T01-J05B [1987]
Data storage and retrieval, databases
Includes directory structures, filing, and storage, See T01-
J10 also for image and pictorial data storage and
accessing. For data recording see appropriate T03, W04
Database, file, directory, storage
T01-J05B1 [1992]
Content analysis and indexing
Includes abstracting, linguistic processing, and thesauri.
T01-J05B2 [1992]
Includes directory, file organisation and record
T01-J05B2A [1997]
Image filing/archiving
T01-J05B2B [1997]
Data and directory structures
Includes hashing, tree structures.
T01-J05B2C [2007]
T01-J05B3 [1992]
Search and retrieval
Includes algorithms for reducing time required for
searching large data bases e.g. clustering, query
formulation, searching and selecting, Presentation of
results. For on-line searching see T01-N03A2.
T01-J05B4 [1992]
Includes current awareness, information networks,
question-answering, fact retrieval, database.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 379
Part 1
T01-J05B4A [1997]
Distributed databases, blockchains
Includes distributed ledger systems such as Blockchain.
T01-J05B4B [1997]
Relational database
T01-J05B4C [1997]
Object-Oriented database
T01-J05B4D [1997]
Deductive database
T01-J05B4F [1997]
Image and video databases
T01-J05B4M [1997]
Database Management
Includes database updating, version control, concurrency
and access control.
T01-J05B4P [1997]
Database Applications
For database software applications or systems that use
T01-J05B9 [1992]
Data bank sharing, library automation
T01-J05C [1997]
Information analysis
Medical equipment and information systems
T01-J06A [1983]
See also S05 codes for electrical medical equipment in
general. For initial diagnostic, S05-D06A. For continuing
monitoring, S05-G02B2A. From 2005 see T01-N01E for on-
line systems. For non-medical biological processing see
T01-J13A only.
Diagnose, patient, biological, medical
T01-J06A1 [1997]
Medical information systems
See also S05-G02G. For medical records, S05-G02G1. For
administration including appointments, S05-G02G2. From
2005 see T01-N01E1 for on-line systems.
T01-J06B* [1983-2001]
For vehicle or missile guidance
*This code is now discontinued, see T01-J07D from 2002,
See X22-E06 for land vehicle on-board systems and W06-
B01B1 and W06-C01B1 for aircraft and ship based
systems. Navigation in general is covered by S02-B and
W06-A codes.
Aircraft, flight, navigation, map, guide, course, track
following, collision avoidance
T01-J06B1* [1997-2001]
Geographical Information Systems
*This code is now discontinued, see T01-J07D3A from
2002. For map generation see T01-J10C2A
T01-J07 [1983]
For industrial process control
Manufacture, parameter, factory automation (FA)
T01-J07A [1987]
Data collection/acquisition
See W05-D codes for measurement and control signal
transmission systems.
Process variable, nuclear physics, meteorology
T01-J07A1 [1997]
Portable data input devices
See T01-M06A1 for portable computers.
T01-J07A3 [1997]
Multiple sensor data acquisition
T01-J07B [1992]
Computer control of manufacturing/industrial
machines and Quality Control (QC)
Includes Computer-Aided Manufacture (CAM) and
computerized robotics/mechatronics. See T01-J16 for
Artificial Intelligence (AI), Fuzzy Logic, and Neural Network
aspects. See also T06-A, T06-D and X25-A codes.
CAM, industrial robot, Industry 4.0
T01-J07B1 [1997]
Quality control
T01-J07B2 [2005]
Semiconductor manufacture control
This code covers aspects of semiconductor manufacture
and cleaning processes. See also U11-C (especially U11-
380 T: Computing and Control
T01-J07B3 [2016]
3D printing / additive manufacturing
Includes control of machines used for 3D printing /
additive manufacturing technologies such as Solid
Freeform Fabrication (SFF), stereolithography, Laminated
Object Manufacturing (LOM), and Fused Deposition
Modelling (FDM). See also X25-A08 codes. For computer
control and interfacing with printing devices such as inkjet
or laser printers and plotters, see T01-C05.
T01-J07C* [1992-2001]
Vehicle microprocessor systems
*This code is now discontinued, see T01-J07D1 from 2002.
Includes aerospace, shipping. See also T01-J06B and T06-
B01 for vehicle guidance. See also X22 codes.
Heating system control
T01-J07C1* [1992-2001]
*This code is now discontinued, see T01-J07D1A from
2002. See also X22-G01 for vehicle transmission systems
per se.
T01-J07C2* [1992-2001]
Multiplex control system
*This code is now discontinued, see T01-J07D1B from
2002. Vehicle multiplex systems per se are covered by
X22-K, and signal transfer aspects in W05-D02 and W05-
T01-J07D [2002]
Vehicle/Aircraft/Missile process control systems
Includes microprocessor systems for aircraft, vehicles, and
missiles. See X22 and W06 for aircraft and ship based
systems. Navigation in general is covered by S02-B and
W06-A codes.
Aircraft, flight
T01-J07D1 [2002]
Vehicle microprocessor system
Includes aerospace, shipping. See also T01-J06B (pre-
2002), T01-J07D3 and T06-B01 for vehicle guidance. See
also X22 codes and T01-J07C1 prior to 2002.
Heating system control
T01-J07D1A [2002]
See also X22-G01 for vehicle transmission systems and
T01-J07C2 prior 2002.
T01-J07D1B [2002]
Multiplex control system
Vehicle multiplex systems per se are covered by X22-K,
and signal transfer aspects in W05-D02 and W05-D07D.
See also T01-J07C2 prior 2002.
T01-J07D3 [2002]
For guidance
See X22-E06 for land vehicle on-board systems and W06-
B01B1 and W06-C01B1 for aircraft and ship based
systems. Navigation in general is covered by S02-B and
W06-A codes. Also see T01-J06B1 prior 2002.
Aircraft, flight, navigation, map, guide, course, track
following, collision avoidance
T01-J07D3A [2002]
Geographical Information Systems
For map generation see T01-J10C2A.
T01-J08 [1983]
For electrical equipment
Computer-control, component, frequency, test, digital
signal processors, DSP
T01-J08A [1992]
Equipment support processing
This code is intended to highlight that a device uses a
processing system when nothing is particularly novel
about the processing system. Some applications have
specific codes in T01 e.g. T01-J07D for vehicles or T01-
J07B for industrial machinery, which should always be
used in preference to this code. This does not apply to the
sub-levels of this code (i.e. T01-J07D1 and T01-J08A2
could be used together to show a vehicle microprocessor
system based around a DSP).
Microprocessor based system, ASIC
T01-J08A1 [1997]
Using external, general purpose computer e.g.
Personal Computer
T01-J08A2 [1997]
Using Digital Signal Processors
Covers processor converting analogue signals to digital.
See also U22-G codes.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 381
Part 1
T01-J08A3 [2011]
For game machine
Includes all processing aspects of integrated game
devices/machines. See also T05-H05E and W04-X02.
Pachinko machines, Arcade games, pinball game
machines, etc
T01-J08B [1992]
Digital filters
Corresponding math function in T01-J04B2. See also U22-
G01 codes.
T01-J08C [1992]
Communication controller
See T01-H07 for inter computer communication.
T01-J08F [1997]
Testing or monitoring of equipment function and
See T01-G for microprocessor and computer testing.
T01-J08F1 [2006]
Performance and data logging
T01-J08X [1992]
T01-J09* [1980-2011]
*This code is now discontinued. Includes multimedia up to
1996, see T01-J30 from 1997.
T01-J10 [1987]
For image processing
See also T04-D for image recognition and pre-processing,
and under application in e.g. W04-P codes for video
processing, respectively. Control of photographic film
cameras is found in T01-J08A and S06-B.
T01-J10A [1987]
Image acquisition
T01-J10A1* [1992-1996]
Data compression
*This code is now discontinued. See T01-J10D from 1997.
Codes remain valid before 1997; see also T01-D02, T01-
J10B for image compression prior to 1997.
T01-J10A2 [1992]
Image memory management
Covers use of memory system for processing in
conjunction with a data presentation/computer graphics
system e.g. manipulating the address or contents of image
or text information stored in memory. For display memory
organisation and structure for storing an image and
manipulating image data between the display memory
and the display system see T01-C04. See also T01-J05B for
information storage and retrieval.
T01-J10B [1987]
Image processing
Covers digital image processing arrangements using a
personal/mobile computer, e.g. image enhancement,
analysis, objects processing, optical character recognition
(OCR), edge detection, facsimile, and video. If processing
is in peripheral or other device then see T04-D. T04-D07
can be applied to highlight applications. (T01-J10 and T04-
D are only used together when the novelty does not
describe how/when the processing is carried out).
Pel, pixel
T01-J10B1 [1992]
Image enhancement
Includes use of histogram, deblurring, noise filtering and
edge detection.
T01-J10B2 [1992]
Image analysis
Includes determination of characteristic parameters and
scene analysis.
T01-J10B2A [2002]
For recognition
Includes character and image recognition, OCR, and object
T01-J10B3 [1992]
Object processing
T01-J10B3A [1997]
Object enlargement, reduction and rotation
T01-J10B3B [1997]
Object colour processing and colour system
T01-J10C [1987]
Image generation
Graphics, function generator, fractal image generation
382 T: Computing and Control
T01-J10C1 [1992]
Generating graphs
T01-J10C2 [1992]
Generating shapes, curves, lines
T01-J10C3 [1992]
In text
Includes form filling and format. Processing
ideographic/pictographic languages and characters. Font
generation and manipulation.
Graphic character representation
T01-J10C4 [1992]
Includes solid modelling, mesh, surface determination,
tessellation, voxel, and shading.
T01-J10C4A [1997]
Virtual reality
Generating and displaying of virtual reality images.
T01-J10C4B [1997]
Computer tomography
T01-J10C5 [1992]
Stored modelling data, animation and graphic
Texture mapping
T01-J10C7 [1997]
Composite image formation
Combining two or more objects or images.
T01-J10C9 [1992]
‘Painting systems’
T01-J10D [1997]
Image digitisation/coding/compression
See T01-J10A1 and T01-J10B prior to 1997. See also T01-
T01-J10E [1997]
Image storage
(T01-J05B, T01-J10A2)
Image filing and archiving. See T01-J10A2 for image
memory management. See also T01-J05B2A for image
filing, and T01-J05B4F for image and video databases. Also
includes video storage.
T01-J10G [1992]
Includes film, TV, tomography, robotic eye, facsimile,
automatic focussing image processing.
T01-J10X [1992]
See T01-H07C3B between 1997 and 2002. See T01-
N01D1B post 2002.
T01-J11 [1992]
Productivity Tools and Applications
Includes WYSIWYG, typesetting and editing.
T01-J11A [1992]
Word processing (WP)
T01-J11A1 [1997]
Spelling/dictionary, grammar-checking, parsing
T01-J11B [1992]
Desk top publishing (DTP)
Ventura®, PageMaker®, QuarkXpress®
T01-J11C [1997]
Electronic and intranet documentation
See T01-N03B2 for on-line aspects.
T01-J11C1 [1997]
Using Mark-up languages and navigating
documents using hypertext
Includes page description languages.
T01-J11C2 [1997]
Help documentation
T01-J11C3 [2007]
Parsing markup language documents
T01-J11D [1997]
Document delivery system and office automation
T01-J11E [2005]
Presentation Software
Presentation software, includes multimedia presentation
software, see also T01-J30 and W04-W.
PowerPoint ®
EPI Manual Codes 2020 383
Part 1
T01-J11F [2005]
See also T01-J05A2B for business schedule organising. See
T01-N03A3 for networked aspects.
T01-J11G [1997]
T01-J12 [1992]
Program management, GUI/WIMPS/HCI
Covers software and processing aspect of interactive
operator interface windows applications security, and pull
down menus.
T01-J12A [1992]
T01-J12B [1992]
Window/split screen
Includes menu driven system where options are
presented for selection by user. See also T01-C02 for
means of selection.
Menu driven, front of screen
T01-J12B1 [1997]
User interface management system
T01-J12C [1992]
Preventing unauthorised access to files and processing
systems such as anti-hacking and copy protection;
electronic security systems for computers. See also T01-
H01C2 for illegal memory access prevention.
T01-J12C1 [2006]
See also W04-V04A3 for voice authentication.
T01-J12C1A [2006]
Using Password
Covers password systems for gaining access to computer
system. See T01-N02B1B for network based password
T01-J12C1B [2006]
Using Biometrics
Covers biometric systems for gaining access to computer
system. See T01-N02B1H for network based biometric
systems. See also T04-D07F for biometric image
recognition and S05-D01C5A for measuring systems.
T01-J12C2 [2006]
Security System Administration
T01-J12D [1992]
Icons, Widgets
Covers use of graphic object displayed as a symbolic
reference for a process or file which may be selected by
user. Includes cursor and pointer manipulation. See also
T01-J13 [2005]
Scientific Analysis
Processing systems used to support scientific analysis. See
S03 for analysis acquisition systems.
T01-J13A [2005]
Biological analysis
Biological analysis includes DNA analysis and other
biological systems. See also T01-J06A for medical
T01-J14 [1992]
Language translation
See T01-J16C3 for intelligent natural language processing.
T01-J15 [1987]
Computer-aided design (CAD) and simulation
Includes computer modeling and simulators. See also T01-
J10C for image generation, and T01-E04 for random
number generation. For Computer-aided manufacturing
(CAM) see T01-J07B.
Netlist, net library
T01-J15A [1987]
Design and simulation of electrical circuits and
See also U11 or V04. Includes CAD systems for mask
T01-J15A1 [1987]
Logic circuit, CPU design
T01-J15A2 [1987]
Wiring layout, PCB’s, integrated circuits
T01-J15A3 [1992]
Computer simulation of electrical and electronic
Includes use of graph models, petri net and analog
GPSS, SPICE, VHDL, Computer timing analysis
384 T: Computing and Control
T01-J15A4 [1992]
Network design
Includes positioning and routing.
T01-J15B [1997]
Design verification
Includes fault finding techniques.
T01-J15H [1997]
Simulation of non-electronic systems
Includes simulation of e.g. thermodynamics and weather
systems, and also includes electrical systems not covered
by T01-J15A/B codes. See also T01-J04E for mathematical
T01-J15X [1987]
CAD for non-electronic applications
Computer-aided design (CAD) for all applications
(including electrical systems) not covered by T01-J15A/B
T01-J16 [1992]
Artificial intelligence (AI)
Covers knowledge processing, inexact reasoning e.g. fuzzy
T01-J16A [1992]
Expert systems
Comprising a system of an integrated collection of facts
and relationships, including knowledge base and table
searching, question and answering. Includes knowledge
base, rule base and table searching.
Teiresias, rulebase
T01-J16B [1992]
Fuzzy logic systems
Includes circuits for performing logic with more than two
levels e.g. non-binary or analog logic systems. See also
T02-A04B6 for hardware details, and U21-C03B1B for logic
circuits. For implementation details search appropriate
codes, e.g. X22-A03K for vehicle engine control using fuzzy
T01-J16C [1992]
Knowledge processing
Forward chaining
T01-J16C1 [1992]
Neural networks
Includes the use of parallel distributed processing
elements constructed in hardware or simulated in
software. For implementation details search appropriate
codes, e.g. T06-A05A for neural network based control
systems. For analogue aspects and implementations see
SPANN (sequence processing artificial neural network)
T01-J16C2 [1992]
Includes use of a specific method or system to adjust the
rules, i.e. connection weights, e.g. concept learning
T01-J16C3 [1992]
Natural and pictorial language processing
Includes where presentation of data to the user includes
non-verbal representations or symbol, or statements in
standard English language syntax. Non intelligent
language translation is covered by T01-J14.
Semantics, abstracting concepts, phrases
T01-J16C4 [1992]
Genetic algorithms
Includes creating new solutions by dividing and splicing
the old and determining the fitness of the new. Also
includes artificial life. Duplicating the laws of nature e.g.
inheritance and evolution.
T01-J16C6 [1997]
Intelligent searching
Includes heuristics, hill climbing, depth first and breadth
first searching, simulated annealing, travelling salesman
T01-J16C9 [1992]
Other AI
T01-J17 [1992]
Digital function generators
Trigonometric, Look-up table
T01-J18 [1997]
Computer processing for speech/audio
(T01-C08A, T01-J08, T01-J09)
EPI Manual Codes 2020 385
Part 1
T01-J20 [1987]
Software development
Covers only Software programming techniques and
production / compilation / debug aids. For Software
implementations search T01-J, T01-N codes e.g. T01-J12B
for windowing software, T01-N03B for Internet
constructional software. For Program code patents see
T01-J20A [1992]
Programming techniques
Includes functional, automatic, computer-generated,
concurrent, sequential, object-oriented, procedural and
network programming. For Object-based systems see T01-
F07. For Object-oriented database see T01-J05B4C.
Object orientated programming (OOP), architecture
neutral/dependent distribution format (ANDF),(ADDF)
T01-J20B [1992]
Software Development Tools, Systems Analysis
Languages, methodologies, Development environment,
Systems analysis.
Structured, top-down, work bench SSADM
T01-J20B1 [1997]
Software Development Kit
Integrated Development Environment. Programming
Tools. API for software development only. For use of API
in program execution see T01-F05A. Program Compilers
and Assemblers. Software source code libraries. For
dynamic link libraries (DLLs) see T01-F05A.
API, code libraries, code text editors
T01-J20B2 [1997]
Systems Analysis, Documentation
Systems Analysis and Design, Specifications, Source code
development version management. From 2007, for
version management of other software e.g. BIOS,
embedded software, application package, network
security software see T01-F05B2, T01-N02B1E, T01-N02B3
as appropriate.
T01-J20B2A [1997]
Software registration and Anti-piracy
For incorporation of Software registration and Anti-Piracy
coding mechanisms at development stage of software.
See T01-J20X before 1997. See T01-J05A2G, T01-N01A2G
for Intellectual Property and Copyright management.
Software protection
T01-J20C [1992]
Software Test, Verification, Debug, Optimization
Software test, verification and debug within and without
Integrated Development Environment. Test data
generation. Quality Assurance. Optimization of source
code. Software simulation.
Beta-testing, debug, test case simulation
T01-J20D [1992]
Anti-Virus and Security program development
Development of Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware programs.
Analysis of Virus signatures. From 2007, see T01-N02B3
for applications of Anti-Virus software.
Virus signature analysis
T01-J20X [1992]
Other software details
For Software copyright protection see T01-J20B2 from
1997 - 2006, and T01-J20B2A from 2007.
T01-J21 [2006]
Non-vehicle navigation
For vehicle guidance see T01-J07D3, covers all other
guidance systems. See also S02-B08.
T01-J21A [2006]
Geographical information systems
Includes updating or displaying geographical information.
T01-J21B [2006]
Position fixing
Processing details used to fix position of user, see also
W01/W02 for communication system position fixing and
W06 for position fixing in general.
T01-J21C [2006]
Route planning
T01-J30 [1997]
Multimedia computer systems
For details of media systems see W03-G03C1. See T01-
J09, T01-J10 prior to 1997.
T01-J30A [2002]
Educational aids
Includes use of multimedia systems for education and
training purposes, CAI, tuition support systems, and
student. Educational equipment is also assigned W04-W
codes, also see T01-P01 prior to 2002. From 2005 see T01-
N01B codes for on-line systems.
386 T: Computing and Control
T01-J30B [2002]
For computer games
See W04-X02C for video games, and T01-J10C for image
generation aspects, see T01-P02A prior to 2002.
T01-J30B1 [2002]
For toys and novelties
See T01-P02 prior to 2002.
T01-J30C [2005]
Media Players
Includes computer-based media players that are not
browser based for playing CDs, DVD’s (see also T01-H01B),
videos and audio files. See also T01-N03A1B for on-line
systems and W04 for media.
Windows® Media Player, iTunes®
T01-J30D [2005]
Computer processing for sports and training
Covers use of digital computing in sports and exercise
equipment. See also W04.
T01-J30E [2006]
E-book reader software
T01-J30F [2006]
Image/Video/Audio editing software
See T01-J12 for GUI aspects and W04 for details of
image/video/audio being edited.
T01-J31 [2011]
Computer processing for physically handicapped
Includes processing equipment for blind, dumb etc
T01-J40 [1997]
Virtual reality systems
(T01-J10C4, T01-J10C9)
T01-J40A [2002]
(T01-J10C4, T01-J10C9, T01-J40)
Search T01-J40 together with T01-P02A to prior to 2002.
T01-J40B [2002]
Training/Sports Aids Equipment
(T01-P02B, T01-J40)
See also W04-X01 codes for electrical aspects of sports
equipment in general, search T01-J40 together with T01-
P02B to prior to 2002.
T01-J40C [2006]
Augmented reality systems
Combining virtual reality displays with real world views
allowing a user to see both at the same time. See also
T01-J10C codes for image generation aspects. See also
W04-W07E codes for virtual reality in general, as well
other W04 codes for virtual reality and display aspects,
e.g. W04-Q01K for head up displays.
T01-J45 [2012]
For evaluating software application or package
Covers evaluating the performance and load testing of a
software application using a framework or by a CPU
T01-J50 [2012]
Trial period software
Includes software intended to be used for a defined
period of time, search together other T01-J or T01-N
codes for type of software
T01-K [1983]
Clock signal generation/distribution
See also U22 codes for clock generators and distributors,
e.g. U22-A04A2 and U22-D06 respectively.
Oscillator, synchronisation, timing
T01-K01 [1997]
Varying clock rate/frequency
Clock generators with variable or programmable
frequency, e.g. for slowing/increasing clock frequency.
Programmable frequency, variable clock rate
T01-L [1987]
Computer equipment details
T01-L01 [1987]
Power supplies, stand-by arrangements
Mains supply are covered by U24-D and E and X12-H and
J. See X16 for battery systems and X15 for solar
power/renewable resources.
Back-up, automatic switching, regulator, stabiliser
T01-L01A [2005]
Primary power supply
Note that for portable devices the battery is the primary
power source and would be coded here (as well as T01-
EPI Manual Codes 2020 387
Part 1
T01-L01B [2005]
Back-up power supply
UPS, battery back up
T01-L01C [2011]
Solar power supply
See also X125 for details of solar power system.
T01-L02 [1987]
Constructional details
See V04-T for constructional details of electronic appts. in
Stand, support
T01-L02A [1997]
See also V04-T03 codes.
Cooling, ventilating
T01-L02B [1997]
Includes peripheral installations in computer housings e.g.
internal drives, trackballs etc. See also V04-S codes.
Housing, casing, cabinet
T01-L02C [1997]
PCB mounting
For mounting of PCBs in computer housing and devices
being mounted on the PCB. See V04-T02 for PCB racking.
Racking, PCB, mounting
T01-L02D [1997]
EM shielding
See V04-U for EMI shielding.
T01-L02E [2002]
Prevention of theft
Includes devices which prevent the theft of computer
T01-L02F [2006]
Computer system acoustic noise reduction
Includes noise reduction for forced cooling (e.g. fans and
liquid cooling pumps etc).
T01-L02G [2011]
Shock-proof and absorbtion
Includes proofing against earthquakes, etc. Search
together with other T01-L codes as appropriate (e.g. T01-
L02B for shock absorber in housing)
T01-L03 [2005]
Connectors, cables and wiring
Includes cables, wiring, etc. for computers. Pre-2005 see
T01-L09. See also V04 (particularly V04-M30E) and X12.
Connector, computer cable, wiring
T01-L09 [1987]
From 2005 see T01-L03 for connectors.
T01-M [1992]
Computer/processing architecture
These codes are used for novel architectures, and in
conjunction with other T01 codes as additional descriptive
detail or as a more general description. See T02 for
analogue or hybrid systems. For computer systems using
redundancy, see T01-G03 and T01-G05B codes.
T01-M01 [1992]
Single processor computer unit
Covers processor arrangements where instructions are
received from an external source. See T01-M05 for pre-
programmed architectures.
Microprocessor, CPU
T01-M02 [1992]
Multiprocessor systems
Covers use of multiple processors to process logically- or
functionally-divided jobs or tasks, and to execute
programs or program segments concurrently,
asynchronously or simultaneously. Multi-tasking is
covered by T01-F02 codes.
T01-M02A [1992]
Covers use of separate computers that are linked through
communications network to process task/job.
Plain, true, distributed
388 T: Computing and Control
T01-M02A1 [1992]
Computer networks
Computer network interfacing is covered by T01-C03A.
Inter-computer communication is covered by T01-H07C.
See also W01-A06 codes for network details and networks
in general.
T01-M02A1A [1997]
Network-only computers
Includes computers designed to operate using software
accessed via a network e.g. Internet.
Internet, network computer, network terminal
T01-M02A1B [1997]
Client-server systems
Covers architecture details of Client-Server systems.
Computer networks in general are covered by W01-A06
codes. Data communication within Client-Server Networks
are covered by T01-N02A2C. Use of servers is coded in
Client-server, back-end, front-end
T01-M02A1C [1997]
Covers architectural details of internetworking systems
such as the Internet, 'Internet-of-Things', WANs and the
associated interconnection details. See also W01-A06B7
for Internets, W01-A06G for interconnection details and
T01-N02A2 for communication details.
Internet, intranet, WAN, LAN
T01-M02B [1992]
T01-M02C [1992]
Computer architectures designed to carry out multiple
arithmetic operations simultaneously or concurrently.
Systolic, hypercube
T01-M02C1 [1992]
Characterised by instruction/data relationship
Architectures classified by the presence of single or
multiple streams of instructions and data.
SIMD (single instruction multiple data), SISD (single
instruction single data), MIMD (multiple instruction
multiple data), MISD (multiple instruction single data)
T01-M02C2 [1992]
Pipeline/vector computer
Instruction pipelining is covered by T01-F03B.
T01-M02C3 [2005]
Superscalar computers
For processors that execute multiple scalar operations in
parallel. Includes Very Long Instruction Word processors.
See T01-M02C prior to 2005.
VLIW, 2nd Generation RISC, Trace Scheduling
T01-M02D [1997]
Master-slave systems
T01-M03 [1992]
Data/demand driven
Architectures for executing only executable code
components required to provide requested data.
T01-M04 [1992]
Reduced instruction set computer
See T01-F03B for pipelined execution of machine
T01-M05 [1992]
General microcomputing architectures
Covers processor arrangements where instructions are
pre-programmed or hardwired into the processor before
processing is carried out. See also T01-F06 for program
T01-M06 [1992]
Characterised by type
T01-M06A [1992]
Covers personal computers. For use as descriptive code
with other T01 codes.
T01-M06A1 [1992]
Includes laptop, notebook, hand-held and calculator. For
processing aspect of calculator see also T01-J01.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 389
Part 1
T01-M06A1A [1997]
Hand-held: Tablet computers
For mobile telephones with computer functionality see
W01. Pre-1997, search T01-J01, T01-J05, T01-J09, T01-
T01-M06A1B [1997]
Docking stations
T01-M06A1C [2006]
E-book reader hardware
Hardware specifically for displaying E-books. Includes
details of screens, controls and design intended to
simulate a conventional paper book. See also T01-N01B5
for online aspects, U14 for novel display aspects T01-
M06A1A, T01-L02B, V04 for novel casings.
E-book reader
T01-M06A1D [2006]
Wearable computers
Includes 'smartwatches' and other computer devices used
for applications such as fitness tracking and health
monitoring. For physiological measurements search with
S05-D01 codes and for performance-related
measurements during sports or fitness training search
with W04-X01A1.
T01-M06A3 [1997]
T01-M06A5 [2006]
This code covers computer systems designed as one self-
contained unit, e.g. video game console.
T01-M06A9 [1992]
Other (personal computer types)
T01-M06B [1992]
Covers systems handling large base of time-sharing
terminal users.
T01-M06C [1992]
T01-M06D [1992]
Optical system
See also T01-E05A for digital optical processing elements,
and T02-A03 for analogue and hybrid optical processing
T01-M06E [1992]
Superconductor system
See also T01-E05C for superconducting elements. See also
U14-F02 codes.
T01-M06Q [2005]
Quantum System
Using quantum devices for processing. Prior to 2005 see
T01-M06C/X. See T01-E05Q for processing systems using
quantum mechanics.
Quantum well gate
T01-M06S [2005]
Covers architecture and construction of servers. Use of
servers in computer networks is covered in T01-N02A3C,
client-server systems communications in T01-N02A2C and
architecture of client-server systems in T01-M02A1B.
Constructional details are also coded in T01-L section.
T01-M06X [1992]
Other (computer types)
T01-M09 [1992]
Other (inc. virtual machines)
Virtual machines are also coded in T01-F05. See also T01-
F05G3 for virtual systems, and T01-F02 for
T01-N [2002]
Internet and information transfer
T01-N01 [2002]
Documents describing specific applications of network
communication and Internet systems.
T01-N01A [2002]
Includes Internet banking, billing, point of sale (POS) and
metering, see T01-J05A1 and T01-H07C5E prior to 2002.
390 T: Computing and Control
T01-N01A1 [2002]
Financial technology systems
Includes 'FinTech', cryptocurrency, electronic payment
systems e.g. Near-Field Communication (NFC), Internet
banking, billing, point of sale (POS) and metering (T01-
J05A1 and T01-H07C5E prior to 2002). See also T05-L for
POS systems in general.
FinTech, bitcoin, altcoin, Ethereum, electronic funds
transfer (EFT), digital wallet
T01-N01A2 [2002]
Internet Business models
Includes Business Models for the Internet, See T01-J05A
and T01-H07C5E prior 2002, and T01-J05A2 for non-
Internet related Business models.
T01-N01A2A [2002]
E-shop, e-auction, e-mall, and e-services
Includes On-line ordering, transactions of goods and
services, and virtual market place, See T01-J05A together
with T01-H07C5E prior to 2002.
On-line shopping, auction, e-commerce
T01-N01A2B [2002]
Includes seeking suppliers, electronic tendering. See T01-
J05A2 together with T01-H07C5E prior to 2002.
T01-N01A2C [2002]
Advertising and Marketing
Includes network based systems such as web marketing,
common marketing, consumer buying habits, feedback
and banner advertising. See also T01-N01A1 and T05-L02
if involving financial incentives (coupons) and W05-E03E
for display aspects.
T01-N01A2D [2002]
Social media / virtual communities
Includes social media discussion forums and message
posting. See also T01-N03A1C for messaging applications.
Pre-2002 see T01-J05A and T01-H07C5E.
Facebook™, Twitter™
T01-N01A2E [2002]
Value chain service provider and Integrator
Includes logistics, production management, web based
shipping support, web hosting and integrated on-line
T01-N01A2F [2002]
Information Brokerage
Includes financial advice, consultancy,
stock/commodities/futures market monitoring/trading
(see also T01-N01A1 and T05-L02 for trading). See T01-
J05A2 with T01-H07C5E prior to 2002.
On-line broker
T01-N01A2G [2005]
On-line Intellectual Property (IP) and Copyright
See T01-J05A2G for off-line systems including protecting
copyright of downloaded files. See also W04 for
audio/video aspects.
T01-N01A2H [2005]
On-line Personnel Management
Includes internal business administration, performance
management, payroll, pensions, benefits, recruitment,
career development, etc. See T01-J05A2H for offline
personnel management.
T01-N01A2J [2005]
On-line insurance and risk analysis
Includes on-line processing and assessing insurance
claims, evaluation of risk factors in a loan determination.
T01-N01A2L [2007]
Legal and Regulatory
Includes legal services such as litigation and contracts as
well as accountability and compliance with government
T01-N01A2M [2010]
Carbon trading
Covers emissions trading, previously coded as T01-
Cap and trade, Kyoto protocol
T01-N01A3 [2005]
This code is intended for network based electronic public
administration and management tools used by
governmental bodies or agencies to implement
government-to-citizen (G2C), government-to-business
(G2B) and/or government-to-government (G2G)
service(s). Includes commerce, e-voting, immigration, law
enforcement, licensing, taxation, records management
etc. See T01-J05A3 for off-line systems and T05-F for
E-Gov, G2C, G2B, G2G, E-voting
EPI Manual Codes 2020 391
Part 1
T01-N01A4 [2007]
On-line non-profit organization
Includes charities.
T01-N01B [2002]
Entertainment and Educational
See T01-H07C together with T01-H07C5E prior to 2002,
from 2005 expanded to cover on-line educational
T01-N01B1 [2002]
Includes network, on-line gaming and on-line gambling
(see also T01-N01A1, T05-L02 and W04). See T01-H07C3B,
T01-H07C3D and T01-H07C5E prior to 2002. See T01-J30
for off-line systems.
Internet gaming, MUD, multi user dungeon, MMOG,
MMORPG, massive multi-user on-line game
T01-N01B2 [2002]
Chat rooms
See T01-H07C3D together with T01-H07C5E prior 2002.
On-line chat
T01-N01B3 [2005]
On-line Education
Covers Educational systems using a computer network
and use of computer networks in an educational
environment. See T01-J30A together with T01-N01D prior
to 2005. See also T01-N01A2D for virtual classrooms, etc.
T01-N01B3A [2005]
Remote examination/testing
T01-N01B4 [2005]
News systems
Covers on-line systems for news updates including e-mail
subscription services (together with T01-N01C).
T01-N01B5 [2006]
Documents describing E-book (electronic book) per say
including file format aspects see also T01-N01A2G for
copyright control aspects T01-J11C for electronic
documents in general.
E-book, Electronic book
T01-N01B9 [2002]
Other Internet Entertainment
T01-N01C [2002]
Includes electronic mail for use by computer systems
connected to a network. Facsimile services are covered by
S06 codes, telex systems by W02 codes and message
switched networks by W01-A codes. See also W01-A06E1,
W01-A06G2, and W01-A06X.
Computerised voice mail
T01-N01D [2002]
Data Transfer
Includes downloading file from remote site (FTP). See T01-
H07C3 and T01-H07C5E prior to 2002.
T01-N01D1 [2002]
(T01-J09, T01-H07C3D)
Combination of text, data, image, sound, or computer
programs. Audio/video aspects of multimedia systems are
also assigned W04-K10. See T01-H07C3D prior to 2002.
T01-N01D1A [2002]
Audio, sound transfer
See T01-H07C3A prior to 2002.
Internet radio
T01-N01D1B [2002]
Video and Image transfer
Includes computerised video conferencing. See T01-
H07C3B and T01-H07C5E prior to 2002. See also W01-
A06E1A for data conferencing and broadcasting and W02-
F01E3 interactive Internet broadcasting.
T01-N01D2 [2002]
File Transfer
For transfer of files other than multimedia. Includes
downloading non-internet executable programs, as well
as web page transfer. Includes the transfer of Instant
Message (IM) data between users in real time.
T01-N01D3 [2002]
From remote site or server
Includes networks where applications are run on server
under the control of a client system. See T01-H07C3E
prior to 2002.
Applet, Java, thin-client
392 T: Computing and Control
T01-N01D3A [2012]
Cloud computing services
Includes network systems where applications are run
using a virtual system from remote locations, such as
Software as a Service (SaaS), Infrastructure as a Service
Cloud Computing, Citrix ®, Virtualization, Virtual Desktop
T01-N01D4 [2005]
Network File Caching
For storage of regularly accessed files such as web
graphics. See also T01-N02A3C for server based caching,
T01-N03A1 for browser based caching, see also T01-H03A
before 2005.
T01-N01D5 [2006]
T01-N01E [2005]
On-line Medicine
See also S05 codes for electrical medical equipment in
general. For initial diagnostic, S05-D06A. For continuing
monitoring, S05-G02B2A. From 2005 see T01-N01E for on-
line systems. For drug delivery/ordering systems see also
T01-N01A2 codes.
T01-N01E1 [2005]
On-line Medical information systems
See also S05-G02G. For medical records, S05-G02G1. For
administration including appointments, S05-G02G2.
T01-N01F [2017]
Internet of Things
Interconnection / Internetworking of computers, devices
and systems used in applications such as home
automation, smart grids.
T01-N02 [2002]
Communications and Control
See T01-H07C3A prior to 2002.
See T01-J08C for communication controllers and W01-A06
for data transmission systems in general
T01-N02A [2002]
Includes computer communications within a network.
T01-N02A1 [2002]
Communication Protocol
(T01-H07P, T01-H07C)
Covers novel aspects of TCP/IP and novel uses of other
protocol types for transfer over a network. See also W01-
A06F for protocols in general and W01-A06F2 for network
protocols. See T01-H07P prior to 2002, T01-H07C prior to
1997. Bus transfer protocols are found in T01-H07B.
T01-N02A1A [2005]
Covers network addressing as opposed to routing. For
setting and determining destination of packets, not route
that they will travel. Includes Domain Name System (DNS),
network identification and Universal Resource Locators
(URLs). See also W01-A06F2.
IP address
T01-N02A1B [2005]
Ad-hoc network systems
Includes setting up dynamic networks. See also under
application, e.g. T01-N01B2 for chat rooms, T01-N01A2C
for advertising. See also W01 for network codes, e.g.
W01-A06C4A for Bluetooth network or W01-A07H2A for
Bluetooth interface.
ProximityMail™, BluePing™, ‘on the fly’ wireless network,
relay area network, RAN, localised community messaging
T01-N02A2 [2002]
Network Communication
(T01-H07C5A, T01-H07P)
For communications between computers in a network,
see T01-H07C5A and T01-H07P prior to 2002.
T01-N02A2A [2002]
Includes computer communication over a private network
i.e. interconnected distributed communities of computer
based data terminals within a single building or a localised
group of buildings. See T01-H07C5C prior to 2002, and
also see W01.
Intranet, local area network
T01-N02A2B [2002]
Includes computer communication over a public network
i.e. networks which link computers, data terminals or
Local Area Networks which are physically located in
different locations or establishments, also see T01-
H07C5E prior to 2002 and see W01.
Internet, wide area network, Gateway, PSTN, TCP/IP
EPI Manual Codes 2020 393
Part 1
T01-N02A2C [2002]
Client/Server system
Includes computer communication using a client/server
relationship, see T01-H07C5S prior to 2002.
T01-N02A2D [2005]
Code covers storage area networks. See also T01-H01B
codes for storage media type, T01-N02B codes for access
and W01-A06B5B for network aspects.
T01-N02A2E [2005]
Peer-to-peer networks
Covers network communication between stations without
using a central server. See also W01-A06B8C and W01-
Viral network, p2p
T01-N02A2X [2002]
Other Network communication system
Includes other types of computer communications not
already covered in T01-N02A2.
T01-N02A3 [2002]
Includes physical hardware such as computers and servers
used for accessing a network, see T01-H07C5S prior to
T01-N02A3A [2002]
Dedicated systems for accessing the Internet e.g.
set top box
Includes systems designed specifically for accessing the
Internet, also see W04.
T01-N02A3B [2002]
Computer based routing
Includes routing and management of network traffic, also
see W01 and see T01-H07C5A prior to 2002.
T01-N02A3C [2002]
Includes processing performed on the server and claimed
server devices, see T01-M06S for architecture and
construction (along with T01-L). See T01-H07C5S prior to
T01-N02B [2002]
Includes control of computer software.
T01-N02B1 [2002]
Access and Control
Includes control of access to file and folders.
Permissions, access control list, ISP
T01-N02B1A [2002]
File management and access, databases
Includes watermarking (see also T01-D02A from 2005),
hashing e.g. for blockchain / distributed ledger systems
(see also T01-E04) and digital certificates for file
authentication. See also T01-N01D (for file transfer) and
T01-J05B (for data storage and retrieval, databases).
Hash values, digital certificates
T01-N02B1B [2002]
User Privileges/Password systems
Includes access file/folders and restricted areas using a
password, see T01-J12C prior to 2002.
Security, login, Permissions, access control list
T01-N02B1C [2005]
Unsolicited Advertising Protection
Includes spam and pop up protection, see also T01-N01C
for e-mail.
Spyware, adware, browser hijack
T01-N02B1D [2005]
Includes devices or software for controlling access to
network data or resources from external network
connections and for controlling access to external
network resources or data by internal network clients.
Firewall, intrusion detection, port forwarding, port
blocking, NAT, Stateful packet inspection
T01-N02B1E [2006]
Network operating system management
Management of network operating systems. Installation
and/or updating of software involving transmission over
network. For network security software updates see T01-
Automatic software updates
T01-N02B1F [2006]
Internet portals
T01-N02B1G [2006]
Internet gateway
394 T: Computing and Control
T01-N02B1H [2006]
Biometric authentication
Covers biometric authentication for computer networks.
See T01-J12C1B for off-line systems. See also T04-D07F for
biometric image recognition and S05-D01C5A for
measurement systems.
T01-N02B2 [2002]
Includes monitoring computer/network communications
and hardware, see T01-H07C5Aprior to 2002.
T01-N02B2A [2002]
User monitoring
Includes monitoring user(s) activity on a
T01-N02B2B [2002]
System and Fault monitoring
Includes monitoring systems which are used to monitor
computer hardware operation, log events, report failures
also, on-line(internet-based) monitoring and on-line
diagnosis of any electronic system, see T01-H07C5A prior
to 2002. For monitoring of electrical appliances over the
internet see T01-N01D and W05.
Event monitor, system log, event viewer
T01-N02B2C [2005]
Transmitted content analysis
Monitoring contents of transmitted files, including emails.
Packet sniffing, chat room monitoring
T01-N02B3 [2006]
Network security, anti-malware
Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware Software applications. Testing
server security and setting updates for security programs.
For security program update via network transmission see
T01-N02B1E. Before 2007 see T01-J20D for Anti-Virus
software applications.
Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware, Trojan, Worm, Hacking
T01-N02B5 [2006]
Web site management
Incorporation of multimedia content in websites.
Changing content viewed by different visitors to site.
T01-N03 [2002]
Internet Software
Search together with T01-S03.
T01-N03A [2002]
User Applications
T01-N03A1 [2002]
Browser, apps
Includes browsers and other applications (apps) which
enable users to interface with internet content. See T01-
J12B prior to 2002. See T01-J12B1 for user interface
management details.
Internet Explorer™, Netscape™, Safari(RTM),
T01-N03A1A [2002]
Content management/Parental control
Includes controlling the content viewed using a browser.
Net nanny
T01-N03A1B [2002]
Media player
Includes software which allows multimedia
content/information to be viewed/played.
Real player™
T01-N03A1C [2002]
Messaging/chat applications
Includes pop-up messaging/chat windows. See also T01-
N01A2D for social media in general.
WhatsApp™, ICQ, emoji
T01-N03A2 [2002]
Search Engines and Searching
Search together with T01-J05B3 and T01-H07C5E prior to
T01-N03A3 [2005]
Meeting co-ordination and organiser/calendar
Covers applications to arrange meetings with groups of
people through software. Covers a personal calendar
application linked to an email program. See T01-J11E for
off-line see also T01-N01C email.
Microsoft Outlook™, Lotus Notes™
T01-N03B [2002]
Constructional Software
Includes software used to design web sites/page.
T01-N03B1 [2002]
Internet executable programs
Includes executable programs, e.g. applets, flash needed
to view content. Covers only novel aspects see T01-N01D3
or T01-N03A1 for applications.
Applet, flash, Java bean
EPI Manual Codes 2020 395
Part 1
T01-N03B2 [2002]
Mark up languages
Includes page description language used in creating,
editing, and navigating electronic documents, see T01-
J11C1 prior to 2002.
Hypertext, HTML, XML
T01-N03B2A [2002]
Includes editors used to edit mark-up language e.g.
Microsoft® FrontPage.
T01-N03B2B [2007]
Parsing markup language documents
T01-N03B3 [2005]
Scripting Languages
Covers patents concerned with web based scripting
languages which are neither compiled nor mark-up
PHP, ASP, JavaScript, PERL, CGI
T01-N03B4 [2005]
Format conversion
Covers conversion of media from one network standard to
another one. Includes converting e-mail (T01-N01C) to
e.g. Facsimile (S06) or SMS (W01), also includes
converting web browser formats such as SGML, XML and
HTML (T01-N03B2).
T01-P* [1992-2001]
Computer educational aids and toys
*This code is now discontinued, see T01-J30 and T01-J40
from 2002.
T01-P01* [1992-2001]
*This code is now discontinued, see T01-J30A from 2002.
Includes use of computers for education and training
purposes, question and answer systems, computer aided
instruction, CAI, tuition support systems, student testing
and computerised marking systems (see also T04 codes).
Educational equipment is also assigned W04-W codes.
T01-P02* [1992-2001]
Toys, games and novelties
*This code is now discontinued, see T01-J30B1 from 2002.
Covers all computer games and computerised toys. See
W04-X codes for electrical aspects of games and
T01-P02A* [1997-2001]
Computer video games
*This code is now discontinued, see T01-J30B and T01-
J40A from 2002. See W04-X02C for video games, and T01-
J10C for image generation aspects.
T01-P02B* [1997-2001]
Sports equipment
*This code is now discontinued, see T01-J40B from 2002.
See also W04-X01 codes for electrical aspects of sports
equipment in general.
T01-S [1997]
Software content
These codes are used to indicate documents that have a
significant software content, and which contain either a
program listing, or in which software is used. T01-S codes
are used in conjunction with other T01 codes to indicate
software aspects.
T01-S01 [1997]
Software listings
Software in the form of a program listing.
T01-S01A [1997]
Machine-oriented low-level languages
Documents containing listings written in e.g. binary,
machine, assembler and firmware languages.
T01-S01B [1997]
High-level languages
Documents containing source code written in high level
language, e.g. C, C++, Java, Visual Basic etc.
T01-S01C [1997]
Pseudo-code and Algorithms
Documents in which algorithms, rather than software is
T01-S02 [1997]
Software patents
Covers documents in which an invention is described and
claimed in terms of software, but in which no program
listing is included.
396 T: Computing and Control
T01-S03 [1997]
Claimed software products
Claimed products based on software, and stored on e.g.
CD-ROM, in which the use of a computer program or
software components is stated in an independent claim.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 397
Part 1
T02: Analogue and Hybrid Computers
Analogue computers
Slide-rule, linear, circular
Mechanical or fluid-pressure computers
Pneumatic, hydraulic, gearing
Using optical or electro-optical, elements
See also T02-B and T01-E05A. Optical components per se
are found in V07.
Transform, correlation, acoustic-optical
T02-A03A [1992]
Includes diffraction grating and Fourier analysis
implemented using optical elements.
T02-A03B [1992]
Optical computer
Digital optical computers are coded in T01-M06D and
digital components in T01-E05A.
Electric or magnetic computers
Modelling, simulation
Economics, statistics, electric equipment,
T02-A04A5 [1992]
Neural networks are also coded in T01-J16C1 and digital
neural elements in T01-E05B.
Other (applications)
Operational amplifier
Multiplication or division
Integration or differentiation
T02-A04B2A [1992]
SAW convolver
Evaluating polynomials, roots, exponentials,
discontinuous functions
Square-root, exponent, logarithm, tangent, cotangent,
sine, cosine, trigonometry
Arbitrary function generation
Interpolation, extrapolation, equation solving
T02-A04B6 [1992]
Fuzzy Logic
See also T01-J16B and U21-C03B1B.
Other (incl. optimisation or addition)
Includes correlation transforms, (coded in T02-A04B1,
T02-A04B2 prior to 8701).
Other (incl. programming)
Hybrid computing arrangements
See also T02-A03 and T01-E05A for use of optical
EPI Manual Codes 2020 399
Part 1
T03: Data Recording
This class covers dynamic recording systems, i.e. those
based on relative movement between record carrier and
transducer. Record carriers themselves are included
irrespective of application and are covered in T03 alone.
Mechanical aspects of carrier driving and head positioning
are also included in T03 for all applications, but W04
codes are assigned as well to indicate intended use for
audio/video recording. All other aspects of audio and
video recording, such as circuitry and signal processing,
are covered in W04 only. Static stores themselves are
coded in U14 and computer storage systems using them
in T01-H codes. Abstract storage systems (e.g. software
for controlling storage) that do not contain any details of
physical recording equipment, such as methods for
backing up computer data, are covered in T01 and are not
coded in T03. Bar-coding is not covered in T03, being
covered by T04-A03B1.
In class T03, recording technologies are split into ‘group
(5 character) codes covering four main areas :
T03-A magnetic recording, e.g. 'hard disk drives’, but
also including floppy disks, magnetic tapes, cards and
T03-B optical recording, e.g. optical disks such as ‘CD’
and ‘DVD’, optical cards and tapes also being included.
T03-C capacitive recording, electron beam recording and
‘tunnel current’ recording.
T03-D –‘combination’ recording, i.e. recording using two
(or more) of the above methods, e.g. magneto-optical
recording such as ‘ 'MiniDiscs ® but also including electro-
optical recording and other technologies.
Apart from the above codes, the other code groups in T03
are independent of 'recording technology' and can be
assigned alone - when inventions are broadly applicable -
or in conjunction with the technology codes to convey
more detail. For example, within the T03-F disk drive
codes, T03-F02C1 represents a novel drive motor. In the
T03-A codes specific to magnetic recording T03-A08A1C is
assigned for any aspect of hard disk drives. Thus a novel
disk drive motor for an HDD is coded as T03-A08A1C and
Magnetic recording/reproduction
‘Combination’ recording involving magnetic methods such
as magneto-optical, is not included - see T03-D01 codes.
Record carriers
Includes materials for cards with magnetic ‘strip’ - see
T04-C01 also. Magnetic record carriers per se are coded in
T03 only, even if audio-video application is stated. For
records prior to 2002 carriers with containers (e.g. tape
cassettes) are also coded in W04 when application to
audio or video recording is stated or implied.
Magnetic layers
Prior to 2007 all magnetic materials and films are also
coded in V02-A01 and V02-B01 codes respectively. From
2007 V02-B01 has been discontinued while V02-A01
codes are only applied for magnetic materials of general
application. Therefore V02 is no longer routinely assigned
for magnetic recording media and heads with the
exception of nanostructures, which are coded in V02-B04.
Particle, bind, ferromagnetic, film, coating, layer
T03-A01A1 [1987]
Magnetic materials
Includes composition and physical details of materials.
T03-A01A1A [1992]
Metal and alloy compositions
Prior to 2007 this topic was also coded in V02-A01A2. This
topic is no longer coded V02.
Chromium, cobalt, iron, nickel
T03-A01A1C [1992]
Non-metallic compositions
Includes ferrite materials. Prior to 2007 this topic was also
coded in V02-A01B2.
Oxide, ferrous, ferric, gamma
T03-A01A1E [1992]
Physical details
Covers details such as e.g. size or shape of magnetic
particles themselves - details of physical properties of
magnetic layer as a whole are covered by T03-A01A8.
Acicular, diameter, needle
T03-A01A3 [1987]
Binder materials
Includes composition, physical details and manufacture.
Resin, polyurethane, PVC, polymer, copolymer
400 T: Computing and Control
T03-A01A5 [1992]
Additional non-magnetic material in magnetic
Includes lubricant (see also T03-A01B5 codes).
T03-A01A6 [1992]
Multilayer magnetic coatings
Layer arrangements of carrier as a whole are covered by
T03-A01A6A [2006]
Exchange coupling system
T03-A01A7 [1992]
Complete magnetic layer formula
See also T03-A01A which will continue to be used for
cases where precise details cannot be identified.
Recipe, formulation, composition
T03-A01A8 [1992]
Physical details of magnetic layer
Details of magnetic materials per se are covered by T03-
A01A1 codes.
T03-A01A8A [1997]
Physical and chemical details of magnetic layer
Covers thickness, hardness, etc. and also inventions
specifying low level of, or absence of, certain elements.
Hardness, HB, HR, HV, durability, roughness, film
T03-A01A8C [1997]
Magnetic property details of magnetic layer
Covers details such as specific coercivity, Curie point etc.
T03-A01A9 [1992]
Other magnetic layer details
Base layers; protective coatings
Film, surface, protect, substrate, lubricate, organic
T03-A01B1 [1987]
Base layers, substrate
T03-A01B1A [1992]
Polyester, polyethylene, terephthalate, resin, glass,
aluminium, titanium, alloy
T03-A01B1B [1992]
Base layers
Covers layers applied to substrate before magnetic layer is
T03-A01B1X [1992]
Other layers below magnetic layer
Indicates layers between magnetic layers, normally used
with T03-A01A6, which indicates multilayer magnetic
T03-A01B3 [1987]
Backing layers
Covers layers on opposite side of substrate to magnetic
Back-coating layer, reverse
T03-A01B5 [1987]
Protective coating and lubricating layers
T03-A01B5B takes precedence over T03-A01B5A if the
position of the lubricating layer is not disclosed or
Film, anti-abrasion, slide, friction
T03-A01B5A [1992]
Lubricating layers part of magnetic layer
See T03-A01A5 also.
T03-A01B5B [1992]
Lubricating layer separate from magnetic layer
Covers layer subsequently applied to carrier surface.
T03-A01B5C [1992]
Protective coating layer
Antistatic layers are covered by T03-A01B5D.
Anti-corrosion, nitride
T03-A01B5D [1992]
Antistatic layers and materials
For antistatic measures and materials in general see X25-S
Charge, triboelectric, conductive dispersion, carbon black
EPI Manual Codes 2020 401
Part 1
T03-A01B5X [1992]
Other layers above magnetic layer
Includes ‘parking area’ e.g. for CSS operation of a hard
disk (T03-A01C1A). See also T03-A01G.
Contact-start-stop, zone
T03-A01B7 [2008]
Heat transfer layers
This code covers heat transfer layers chiefly for thermo-
assisted magnetic record carriers, for which T03-A01T is
also assigned.
Thermal, laser, heating, spot
Characterised by form
Codes in this section are applied to indicate the type of
carrier only and are used in conjunction with other T03-
A01 codes as appropriate. To distinguish recording
apparatus in general by carrier type, see T03-N codes.
T03-A01C1 [1987]
T03-A01C1A [1992]
Hard disk
Covers disk with rigid substrate.
Stack, cylinder, bulk store
T03-A01C1C [1992]
Flexible disk
Covers floppy disks.
T03-A01C3 [1987]
T03-A01C3A [1992]
For helical scan recording
T03-A01C5 [1992]
See T04 also for card carriers of ‘magnetic strip’ type.
T03-A01C7 [1992]
T03-A01C8 [1992]
Characterised by intended application
Codes in this section are only used if the carrier is
specified (not necessarily claimed) to be primarily for a
specific purpose.
T03-A01C8A [1992]
Audio recording
T03-A01C8B [1992]
Video recording
VTR, camera-recorder, camcorder, electronic still picture
camera, Mavica
T03-A01C8C [1992]
Computer data recording
This code is not used for hard disks, the assumption being
made that such carriers are chiefly intended for this
T03-A01C8X [1992]
Other recording application
T03-A01C9 [1992]
Other magnetic carrier
Includes work piece adapted to store limited amount of
data e.g. for identification purposes. This code, when
assigned with T03-M02 indicates photographic film with
an integral magnetic carrier. (See also S06-B codes).
T03-A01D [1987]
Vertical recording medium
This code is used with other T03-A01 codes as
Perpendicular, thickness direction
T03-A01E [1992]
Superconducting magnetic record carrier
This code is used with other T03-A01 codes as
appropriate. See T03-A06K for other aspects of using
superconductors in magnetic recording. General aspects
of recording using superconductors (other than in
magnetic recording) are covered by T03-C07.
Superconductive devices and materials in general are
covered by U14-F codes. (X12-D06 codes are assigned for
high-power aspects of superconductors).
T03-A01F [1992]
Layer arrangements
This code deals with emphasis on sequence of layers
without particular reference to any one layer. Multilayer
magnetic coatings are covered by T03-A01A6.
402 T: Computing and Control
T03-A01G [1992]
Additional recording area and physical recording
This code covers the physical arrangement of the record
carrier into separate areas, either for dedicated (e.g. servo
tracks) or general use. Recording formatting on a
physically continuous recording surface is covered by T03-
Hard sectoring, index, format, pre-format, reference
T03-A01G1 [1992]
Separate magnetic tracks
T03-A01G3 [2008]
Carrier with discrete magnetic recording areas
Includes magnetic carrier with patterned magnetic layer,
such as nano-imprinted type. For hard disk carriers search
with T03-A01C1A and other T03-A01 codes as
appropriate. Manufacture of such carriers is covered by
T03-A02G3 and other T03-A02 codes as appropriate.
Pattern, depression, pit
T03-A01G5 [1992]
Using other recording method
Covers the use of non-magnetic storage, e.g. a magnetic
carrier with an optical or capacitive servo track.
T03-A01H [1992]
Includes compositions, details of optical transparency, etc.
See T03-E05A5 for leader-sensing mode control in tape
Colour, light, transmission, autostop
T03-A01R [2006]
Recycling and destroying magnetic carrier
This code is used for recycling and destroying of magnetic
record carriers only. Recycling and destroying of optical
carriers is covered by T03-B01R and of magneto-optical
carriers by T03-D01R. Where an invention is applicable to
recycling or destruction of several types of carrier or the
type is not disclosed the general code T03-H02R is
assigned instead. For recycling of recording or playing
equipment see V04-X01C.
T03-A01T [2008]
Thermo-assisted magnetic record carrier
Covers magnetic carriers which are locally heated to
facilitate high-density recording. Equipment using this
type of recording is assigned T03-A06N1 codes, (T03-
A06M codes from 2007-2012), and other T03 codes as
HAMR, heat assisted magnetic recording
Other magnetic carrier details
Marking, cinefilm magnetic soundtrack
Record carrier manufacture
For manufacture restricted to a specific type of carrier,
search with T03-A02E codes.
T03-A02A [1987]
Applying magnetic film to substrate
Includes apparatus (with T03-A02D1) and methods for
liquid deposition, sputtering, evaporation, and other
techniques. Prior to 2007 see V02-H02 codes also for
magnetic film application. Therefore V02 is no longer
routinely assigned for manufacture of magnetic recording
media with the exception of nanostructures, which are
coded in V02-H02G. Manufacturing processes other than
magnetic layer deposition are covered by T03-A02B
codes. (See note for T03-A02B8).
Vapour deposition, vacuum deposition, plating, coating
T03-A02A1 [1992]
Coating by liquid method, including plating
Prior to 2007 magnetic film deposition by plating was also
coded in V02-H02C.
Electrolytic, electroless, spray, dip
T03-A02A3 [1992]
Coating by sputtering, vapour deposition
T03-A02A3A [1992]
Prior to 2007 this topic was coded in V02-H02B as well.
Sputtering apparatus of general application is also coded
in X25-A04 and V05-F codes.
T03-A02A3B [1992]
Vapour deposition
Heat, vessel, evaporate
EPI Manual Codes 2020 403
Part 1
T03-A02A3X [1992]
Includes techniques such as plasma spraying.
Flame, jet
T03-A02A5 [1992]
Treatment of deposited layer
T03-A02A5A [1992]
During deposition
Includes e.g. magnetic orientation.
Field, orient, direction
T03-A02A5C [1992]
After deposition
Includes e.g. heat treatment.
T03-A02B [1992]
Substrate and non-magnetic layer processing
Codes in this section are used to describe manufacturing
processes (or equipment when used with T03-A02D
codes) other than for magnetic layer deposition, which is
covered by T03-A02A.
T03-A02B1 [1992]
Manufacture of substrate and base layers
T03-A02B1A [1992]
Manufacture of substrate per se
Includes shaping, stamping etc. but not manufacture of
substrate material, which is covered by T03-A01B1A. Prior
to 1997, this code covered texturing and polishing of
substrates (chiefly for hard disks, in which case T03-
A02E1A is also assigned). From 1997 these topics are
transferred to T03-A02B1C and T03-A02B1D. Both codes
are assumed to relate to substrates, unless T03-A02B1B is
also assigned to indicate base layer treatment.
Moulding, rolling, punching, extruding, stretching
T03-A02B1B [1992]
Base layer application and treatment
Covers manufacture and deposition of base layers prior to
magnetic layer deposition. Manufacture of base layer
materials per se is covered by T03-A01B1B.
T03-A02B1C [1997]
It is assumed that this code relates to substrates unless
T03-A02B1B is also assigned to indicate base-layer
T03-A02B1D [1997]
It is assumed that this code relates to substrates, unless
T03-A02B1B is also assigned to indicate base-layer
CSS, flying height, slider, roughness
T03-A02B3 [1992]
Backing layer manufacture
Covers production of back-coat layers, but not materials
manufacture which is covered by T03-A01B3.
T03-A02B5 [1992]
Protective and lubricating layer manufacture
Covers deposition of layers only, for compositions see
T03-A01B5 codes.
T03-A02B7 [1992]
Additional manufacturing processes
Covers manufacturing steps carried out after basic carrier
manufacture, e.g. cleaning, tape slitting (previously coded
in T03-A02 and T03-M02), etc., but not loading into carrier
case which is covered by T03-H01 codes. Equipment
performing these processes is coded in T03-A02D3.
T03-A02B8 [1992]
Multistep manufacturing processes
This code is used for inventions covering a number of
manufacturing steps without apparent emphasis on any
one, and therefore takes precedence over T03-A02A
codes if magnetic layer deposition is mentioned as only
one of several process steps.
T03-A02B8A [1992]
Multistep manufacturing process for whole carrier
This code is used for inventions describing the complete
manufacturing process only.
T03-A02B9 [1992]
Other manufacturing processes
Includes packing and shipping of manufactured carrier.
Also includes writing of servo tracks during manufacture.
T03-A02C [1992]
Quality control, testing (methods and equipment)
QC, evaluate, inspect
T03-A02C1 [1992]
Checking manufacturing process
Monitoring, control, instrumentation
404 T: Computing and Control
T03-A02C5 [1992]
Checking finished or partially finished carrier
Flaw, inspection, testing, still-picture, contact-stop-start,
CSS, lifetime
T03-A02C5A [1992]
Using optical or other inspection
See also appropriate code in S03, e.g. S03-E04F2, which
covers optical flaw detection.
Chemical, corrosion, humidity, heat, wear, exfoliation,
abrasion, durability, asperity
T03-A02C5B [1992]
By test recording
Error, bit error rate, BER, check
T03-A02D [1992]
Manufacturing equipment
T03-A02D1 [1992]
For manufacture of carrier per se
This code is used with other T03-A02 codes as
appropriate, to indicate specific purpose. For example,
use T03-A02A codes with T03-A02D1 for equipment used
to apply magnetic layer to the carrier substrate; for
general aspects of equipment for magnetic disk
manufacture use T03-A02D1 with T03-A02E1.
T03-A02D3 [1992]
For subsequent processing
Includes equipment for treatment carried out after
manufacture of carrier per se, e.g. slitting of tape
(previously coded in T03-A02 and T03-M02), and general
handling aspects.
Stack, wind, conveyor, feed
T03-A02D5 [1992]
For bulk storage, e.g. pancake
Reel, drum
T03-A02E [1992]
Characterised by type of carrier
Codes in this section are used (with other manufacturing
codes as appropriate) to indicate the type of carrier being
manufactured only. Prior to 1992 use T03-N codes.
T03-A02E1 [1992]
T03-A02E1A [1992]
Hard disk
T03-A02E1C [1992]
Flexible disk
T03-A02E3 [1992]
T03-A02E5 [1992]
T03-A02E7 [1992]
T03-A02E9 [1992]
Other magnetic carrier
T03-A02G [2008]
Manufacture of carrier with separate recording
Includes manufacture of magnetic carrier not having
magnetic recording film over the whole area.
T03-A02G1 [2008]
Manufacture of carrier with separate magnetic
recording tracks
Includes manufacture of magnetic carrier with separate
magnetic track regions. For hard disk carriers search with
T03-A02E1A and other T03-A02 codes as appropriate.
T03-A02G3 [2008]
Manufacture of carrier with discrete magnetic
recording areas
Includes manufacture of magnetic carrier with patterned
magnetic layer, such as nano-imprinted type.
Pattern, depression, pit, stamper
T03-A02G5 [2008]
Manufacture of carrier including non-magnetic
recording areas
Includes manufacture of magnetic carrier with separate
recording area using other technology, such as optical, for
which T03-B codes are also assigned. Magneto-optical
record carriers are not included here, being covered by
T03-D01A8 codes.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 405
Part 1
Prior to 2007 see also V02-A02 codes for magnetic
materials. Prior to 2002 if audio/video application is
indicated see also W04-B02A. For erase heads search with
T03-A06E1. From 2002 heads for audio/visual recording
are no longer coded in W04-B02. Audio/visual
applications are indicated by W04-B10, W04-B12, W04-
B14 and W04-B16 codes.
Field, transducer, coil, flux, bias, inductance, yoke, core,
ferromagnetic, pick-up, read, write
Heads with multiple active gaps
Multichannel, multitrack, film, glass, erase
T03-A03A1 [1992]
For operation on same track
T03-A03A5 [1992]
For operation on different tracks
For array type heads T03-A03A7 takes precedence.
Stereophonic, DCC
T03-A03A7 [1992]
Array-type multiple head
Other inductive head structures
This code is used for inductive head structures not catered
for by other T03-A03 codes which take precedence, or
when precise detail cannot be determined.
Flux-sensitive heads
Includes magneto-resistive aspects (covered in T03-
T03-A03C1 [1992]
Combined with write head
Composite, disk drive
T03-A03C3 [1992]
Using magnetoresistive material
All heads with thin film construction are additionally
coded in T03-A03E. For biasing arrangements see T03-
A03J9 also. Magnetoresistive elements used in non-head
devices such as MRAM are coded in U12-B01B. Prior to
2007 thin film heads were also coded in V02-B03 but this
code is now discontinued.
T03-A03C3A [1997]
Using giant magnetoresistance effect
GMR, spin valve, Barkhausen
T03-A03C3C [2005]
Tunnel junction magnetoresistive head
See also T03-A03C3A for tunnel junction giant
magnetoresistive head.
T03-A03C3G [2006]
Ballistic magnetoresistive head
T03-A03C3X [2006]
Other magnetoresistive head types
T03-A03C5 [1992]
Using semiconductor-type device
See also U12-B01 codes.
Hall effect
T03-A03C9 [2005]
Flux sensitive head details
T03-A03C9A [2005]
Magnetic layers
Pinned layer, free layer
T03-A03C9C [2005]
Spacer layer
Includes conductive non-magnetic layer between
magnetic layers.
T03-A03C9E [2005]
Tunnel barrier layer
Includes insulating non-magnetic layer between magnetic
T03-A03C9G [2005]
Exchange layer
T03-A03C9J [2005]
Shielding layer
Used for internal shielding layers of magnetoresistive
heads only. For other shielding aspects see T03-A03J7A.
T03-A03C9L [2005]
Layer arrangements
Covers emphasis on sequence of layers without particular
reference to any one layer.
406 T: Computing and Control
T03-A03C9N [2005]
Biasing arrangements
Circuitry for biasing magnetic heads is covered in T03-
T03-A03C9X [2005]
T03-A03D [1987]
Vertical recording head
This code is used with other T03-A03 codes as
T03-A03E [1987]
Thin film heads
Assumed to be for inductive type head structures unless
applied in conjunction with T03-A03C codes. This code is
intended for magnetic heads wholly of film-circuit type
construction, i.e. including thin film coil windings (for
details of which search with T03-A03J5). Magnetic heads
in which only the core and related magnetic circuit
components are of thin film construction are not
included. Cores for such heads are covered by T03-
A03J1C, and for thin film circuit type heads by T03-
A03J1E. Metal-in-gap heads are covered by T03-A03F
codes. Prior to 2007 magnetic film details of ‘thin film’
heads of both types were also coded in V02-B03, which
has now been discontinued. For film circuits in general,
see U14-H codes, which are not assigned for thin film
magnetic heads.
T03-A03E1 [2006]
Lead layers
Covers layer arrangements for internal head connections.
External head connections are covered in T03-A05C8.
T03-A03F [1992]
Metal-in-gap head
T03-A03F1 [1992]
Gap-filling material
Details of gap materials and structure for magnetic heads
in general are covered by T03-A03J3C.
T03-A03J [1992]
General magnetic head details
Covers details of inductive type heads. For details of
magnetoresistive heads see T03-A03C9 codes. Codes in
this section are used alone or in conjunction with other
T03-A03 codes as appropriate.
T03-A03J1 [1992]
Head cores
Carrier-contacting surfaces, including pole-pieces, are
covered by T03-A03J3.
T03-A03J1A [1997]
Magnetic material composition
Prior to 2007 see also V02-A02 codes for further details of
T03-A03J1C [1997]
Thin film core (for non-film head)
This code relates to magnetic heads with film-type cores,
other parts of the head, such as windings, being of
conventional construction. Prior to 2007 see also V02-B
codes, especially V02-B03. From 2007 these codes are
discontinued. Heads which are entirely of film circuit
construction are covered by T03-A03E, their cores being
covered by T03-A03J1E. Metal-in-gap heads are covered
by T03-A03F codes.
T03-A03J1E [1997]
Thin film head cores
This code is intended for core details of magnetic heads
which are entirely of film circuit type construction, also
coded in T03-A03E. See T03-A03J1C for magnetic film
cores for otherwise conventional heads. (Prior to 2007
V02-B03 is also assigned for all aspects of thin magnetic
films used for heads).
T03-A03J3 [1992]
Carrier-interfacing surface
Covers mechanical aspects and magnetic details such as
pole pieces, but not cores, which are covered by T03-
T03-A03J3A [1992]
Pole pieces
Includes flux guides. Details of cores are covered in T03-
T03-A03J3C [1992]
Gap details
Metal-in-gap head details are covered by T03-A03F codes.
T03-A03J3E [1992]
Head face
Covers mechanical aspects of carrier-contacting surface
surrounding active part of head, such as shape, friction-
reduction, etc.
Hardness, roughness, smooth, projection, asperity
EPI Manual Codes 2020 407
Part 1
T03-A03J3J [2007]
Heating device
Covers arrangements for hearing carrier-interfacing
surface of head to control fly height. Also coded in T03-
A05C1. Arrangements for thermo-assisted magnetic
recording (where portion of carrier is heated as part of
the recording process) are not coded here, being covered
in T03-A06M instead.
T03-A03J5 [1992]
HF coils in general are covered by V02-F01 codes. Prior to
2007 HF coils for magnetic heads were also coded in V02-
F05, which has now been discontinued.
T03-A03J7 [1992]
Casing, shielding, substrates
From 1997 codes in this section include substrates,
previously covered in T03-A03J9.
T03-A03J7A [1997]
Casing and external shielding
T03-A03J7C [1997]
Internal shielding layers
Includes shielding layers within film-type heads (see T03-
A03E). For shielding layers within magnetoresistive heads
see T03-A03C9J.
T03-A03J7E [1997]
T03-A03J8 [2006]
Internal head connections
See T03-A03E1 for internal head connections for thin-film
heads (e.g. magnetoresistive or inductive heads). External
head connections are covered in T03-A05C8.
T03-A03J9 [1992]
Other general head details
Prior to 1997 this code included head substrates, now
covered by T03-A03J7E and prior to 2005 also included
biasing arrangements for magnetoresistive heads which
are now covered in T03-A03C9N. Circuitry for biasing
magnetic heads is covered in T03-A06G.
Head manufacture, testing, demagnetisation,
T03-A04A [1987]
Manufacture, testing
Prior to 2007 see also V02-H codes and V02-H05. From
2007 manufacture and testing of magnetic heads is
covered in T03 only.
T03-A04A1 [1992]
Head manufacture
T03-A04A1A [1992]
T03-A04A1B [1992]
Film deposition
T03-A04A1C [1992]
Coil winding
T03-A04A1D [1992]
Casing manufacture
Includes manufacture of shield and mounting
T03-A04A1E [1992]
Mechanical or chemical treatment
Includes e.g. burnishing, etching etc.
T03-A04A5 [1992]
Head testing
Includes test recording and non-electrical testing and
inspection methods (also coded in e.g. S03).
T03-A04B [1987]
Demagnetisation, cleaning
See V02-D for demagnetisation in general.
T03-A04B1 [1992]
Demagnetising magnetic heads
Degaussing, coil, solenoid, decay
T03-A04B3 [1992]
Cleaning magnetic heads
Cleaning of record carriers and of recording equipment in
general is covered by T03-H02B and T03-H02C
Aerosol, cartridge
T03-A04B3A [1992]
Cleaning compositions
408 T: Computing and Control
T03-A04B3B [1992]
Dummy carrier for cleaning
Includes cleaning cassettes, floppy disks adapted for
cleaning, etc.
Cleaning tape
T03-A04B3C [1992]
Head mounting and positioning
For records prior to 2002 audio/video head mounting and
positioning is also coded in W04-B03. From 2002 W04-B03
is no longer used, audio/visual applications being
indicated by W04-B10, W04-B12, W04-B14 and W04-B16
Drive, motor, stepper, track, control, rotating, read, write,
slide, carriage
Azimuth correction, track centering, alignment
Error detection, angle, pitch
T03-A05A1 [1987]
Dynamic adjustment, i.e. dependent on recorded
Includes use of piezoelectric elements for head deflection.
Control, pilot
T03-A05A1A [1992]
Head adjusting element
See also V06-M06D for piezoelectric actuator. Includes
shape memory alloy elements with self heating or
auxiliary heater.
SMA, bimorph
T03-A05A1B [1997]
Head position adjustment based on maximum
read signal level
Covers dynamic arrangements positioning head for
optimum output, without necessarily using dedicated
servo information for track following (covered by T03-
Peak, maximise
T03-A05A1C [1992]
Track-following system, servo
For combined track accessing and following servo system
see T03-A05B1A which is used as the default 'servo' code
for magnetic recording and takes precedence over this
code. For track following servos in general see T03-G02C1.
For layout of servo tracks on magnetic carriers see T03-
A06F codes. Details of physically separate servo tracks
(magnetic and non-magnetic) created during formation of
magnetic layer on carrier are covered in T03-A01G.
T03-A05A1D [1992]
Speed control for moving head
Covers rotary-head speed control. See T03-E03A7 for
helical scan tape speed control.
T03-A05A1E [2008]
Head positioning for dual actuator systems
Includes control of a secondary actuator, e.g. on the main
head arm of a disk drive, for fine positioning. For details of
head adjusting elements per se see T03-A05A1A.
T03-A05A1G [2005]
Using non-magnetic servo information
Includes use of optical servo tracks.
T03-A05A1X [1992]
Other dynamic adjustment
T03-A05A3 [1992]
Adjustment not dependent on recorded signal
alignment, setting up
Includes temp. compensation and manual adjustment of
e.g. azimuth. See T03-K07 codes for testing also.
Screw, spring, pitch
T03-A05B [1992]
Track selection
Covers arrangements to position head over desired track.
T03-A05B1 [1992]
By recorded signal
Includes track accessing servo. See T03-G02B1 for track
accessing servos in general.
Index, count, track crossing
EPI Manual Codes 2020 409
Part 1
T03-A05B1A [1992]
Switching to track following servo action
This code is used as the default 'servo' code for magnetic
recording. Inventions specific to track following servos
only for magnetic recording are covered by T03-A05A1C.
T03-A05C [1992]
Head support structure
Includes details of head to medium interface such as air
bearing, contouring, gimbal, suspension and load arm.
Use with T03-A05F codes for disks.
T03-A05C1 [1992]
For head-to-carrier spacing adjustment
Raise, lift, lower
T03-A05C1A [1992]
T03-A05C3 [1992]
Head support arm
Covers details of arm per se such as shape, mounting etc.
T03-A05C3A [2007]
Dual actuator systems
Covers arrangements for mounting a secondary actuator
on main head arm for fine positioning. For details of head
adjusting elements per se and positioning methods see
T03-A05A1A codes.
T03-A05C5 [1992]
Motor drive
Includes motors per se - see V06-M codes also. See T03-
A05D7 for helical-scan head motor drive.
T03-A05C5A [1992]
Rotary drive
T03-A05C5C [1992]
Linear drive
T03-A05C8 [2005]
Connections to read/write head
Includes wiring formed on head support arm. Prior to
2005 this was covered by T03-A05C3 and T03-A06C.
T03-A05D [1992]
Specific head positioning details for helical-scan
T03-A05D1 [1992]
Layout of heads i.e. disposition
T03-A05D3 [1992]
Signal coupling arrangements
Codes in this section are concerned with signal transfer
between the rotating heads and stationary part of
T03-A05D3A [1992]
Inductive e.g. transformer
See V02-F02 codes also.
T03-A05D3C [1992]
T03-A05D3E [1992]
Radio frequency
T03-A05D3G [1992]
See V04-L01 codes also.
T03-A05D3X [1992]
Other rotary signal coupling
T03-A05D5 [1992]
Rotary head drum
Covers details of head drum per se, such as shape,
materials, etc.
410 T: Computing and Control
T03-A05D7 [1992]
Rotary head motor drive
Includes motor per se. Motor-driven positioning for non-
rotary heads in general is covered by T03-A05C5 codes.
T03-A05E [1992]
Head positioning for longitudinally-scanned tape
T03-A05F [1992]
Head positioning for disk
Codes in this section are used either alone or with other
T03-A05 codes, if the use of T03-A05F codes conveys
additional information. See also T03-A08 codes, now
assigned for all aspects of magnetic recording equipment.
Prior to 1997, T03-A05F codes may be used to
discriminate equipment type when head positioning is
T03-A05F1 [1992]
Non-contacting during operation
Hard disk, stack, CSS
T03-A05F5 [1992]
Contacting during operation
Floppy, flexible, diskette
T03-A05G [2005]
Parking, latching arrangements
Includes load-unload ramps in hard disk drives, for which
T03-A08A1C is also assigned. Prior to 2005 this topic was
covered by T03-A05X.
Other head positioning aspects
Recording, reproducing or erasing
See T03-P codes for signal processing for recording in
general, and W04-F and W04-G01 codes for video and
audio recording signal processing in general.
Direct, FM, PM or boundary displacement
analogue recording
Frequency, phase, modulate, pulse
Other analogue recording
Digital recording
Code, decode, pulse, bit, mark, space
T03-A06C1 [1992]
Recording/write circuitry
T03-A06C3 [1992]
Read circuitry
Sense, threshold, peak
T03-A06D [1992]
T03-A06E [1992]
Coil, magnet
T03-A06E1 [1992]
In equipment
Oscillator, head
T03-A06E3 [1992]
See V02-D for demagnetising in general. Prior to 1992
T03-H02 was used for bulk erasure.
T03-A06F [1992]
Covers signals recorded as magnetic information on
carrier only. See T03-A01G codes for physical aspects of
record carrier formatting, e.g. hard sectoring. See W04-
B01A codes for formatting aspects relevant to
audio/video recording.
T03-A06F1 [1992]
Track layout
T03-A06G [1992]
Arrangements for biasing magneto-resistive heads are
covered in T03-A03C9N (prior to 2005 this was covered in
EPI Manual Codes 2020 411
Part 1
T03-A06H [1992]
Skew correction, timebase correction
See W04-F02B and W04-G01 codes for video and audio
recording aspects.
T03-A06K [1992]
Superconductive magnetic recording
See T03-A01E for superconductive magnetic record
carriers per se.
T03-A06M* [2005-2012]
Thermo-assisted magnetic recording
*This code is now discontinued. Prior to 2013 it was used
to indicate localised heating, usually by a laser, of an area
on a magnetic record carrier to be written on. From 2013
this technology is transferred to T03-A06N1 within the
category of energy-assisted magnetic recording.
T03-A06M1* [2007-2012]
Thermo-assisted magnetic recording methods
*This code is now discontinued. Prior to 2013 it was used
to indicate recording methods using heat assistance. From
2013 this technology is transferred to T03-A06N1A within
the category of energy-assisted magnetic recording.
T03-A06M3* [2007-2012]
Heat source
*This code is now discontinued. Prior to 2013 it was used
to indicate novel aspects of the heat source for heat-
assisted recording. (Also covered in V08 for novel details
of lasers and U12 for semiconductor lasers). From 2013
this technology is transferred to T03-A06N1C within the
category of energy-assisted magnetic recording.
T03-A06M5* [2007-2012]
Optical system
*This code is now discontinued. Prior to 2013 it was used
to indicate novel aspects of the optical system for heat-
assisted magnetic recording. From 2013 this technology is
transferred to T03-A06N1E within the category of energy-
assisted magnetic recording.
T03-A06N [2013]
Energy-assisted magnetic recording
This code and its subdivisions cover the use of a separate
energy source to enable writing to a magnetic record
carrier using a lower magnetic field strength, i.e. to lower
the coercivity of a storage bit while it is being written. The
technology is assumed to apply to vertical/perpendicular
recording and the general code for that topic, T03-A06V,
is not normally assigned for energy-assisted magnetic
recording. For application to hard disk drives search with
T03-A08A1C. Note that magneto-optical recording is not
included and is covered by T03-D01 codes.
T03-A06N1 [2013]
Thermo-assisted magnetic recording
Covers thermo-assisted ('heat-assisted') magnetic
recording. Between 2005 and 2012 this topic was covered
by T03-A06M codes.
T03-A06N1A [2013]
Thermo-assisted magnetic recording methods
Covers thermo-assisted ('heat-assisted') magnetic
recording methods. Between 2005 and 2012 this topic
was covered by T03-A06M1 codes.
T03-A06N1C [2013]
Heat source for thermo-assisted magnetic
This code covers novel aspects of the heat source for
heat-assisted recording, e.g. a laser. (Also covered in V08
for novel details of lasers and U12 for semiconductor
lasers). Prior to 2013 this technology was covered by T03-
T03-A06N1E [2013]
Optical system for thermo-assisted magnetic
This code covers novel aspects of the optical system for
heat-assisted recording. Prior to 2013 this topic was
covered by T03-A06M5.
Lens, near-field optics, solid immersion
T03-A06N3 [2013]
Microwave-assisted magnetic recording
Search with T03-A03 codes for magnetic head details, e.g.
T03-A03C3A for heads based on giant magnetoresistance
effect or T03-A03C3C for tunnel junction magnetoresistive
heads. From 2014 oscillators based on spin transport
electronics effects are also assigned U23-A05.
GMR, MAMR, oscillating field, spin torque oscillator, STO,
T03-A06N3A [2013]
Microwave-assisted magnetic recording methods
T03-A06N9 [2013]
Other energy-assisted magnetic recording
Covers the use of a separate energy source, other than
heat or microwave energy, to lower storage bit coercivity
during writing.
412 T: Computing and Control
T03-A06V [2007]
Vertical recording
This code is used for highlighting the relevance of vertical
recording methods where neither a novel vertical
recording medium or novel vertical recording head is
involved. Novel vertical recording media and heads are
not routinely coded here, being covered by T03-A01D and
T03-A03D respectively. Note that energy-assisted
magnetic recording (as covered from 2013 by T03-A06N
codes) is assumed to involve use of vertical/perpendicular
magnetic recording and so T03-A06V is not routinely
assigned for that topic.
Other recording circuitry and methods
T03-A07 [1987]
Prior to 2006 this section included write/erase protection.
From 2006 hardware aspects of write/erase protection for
all types of recording are transferred to T03-H07 while
signal format and signal processing methods are covered
solely in T03-P07. T03-A codes are now used in addition to
T03-H07 or T03-P07 codes to indicate applicability to
magnetic recording.
Copy, master, duplicate
T03-A07A* [1992-2005]
Preventing overwriting, erasure or copying
*This code is now discontinued. See T01-H01C and T01-
J12C for computing aspects.
T03-A07A1* [1992-2005]
Preventing accidental loss of data
*This code is now discontinued.
T03-A07A1A* [1992-2005]
By hardware detail e.g. erase tab etc.
*This code is now discontinued. Prior to 2006 the code
was used with T03-N03 for tape cassette systems and
with T03-N01 for disks.
T03-A07A1B* [1992-2005]
By signal format, by recorded data
*This code is now discontinued. See T03-P07 for general
non-magnetic recording signal processing aspects of data
erasure or copying prevention.
Pilot, inhibit
T03-A07A3* [1992-2005]
Preventing unauthorised deliberate access or
*This code is now discontinued.
T03-A07A3A* [1992-2005]
By hardware detail e.g. disk drive lock
*This code is now discontinued.
T03-A07A3B* [1992-2005]
By signal format
*This code is now discontinued.
T03-A07B [1992]
Copying; re-recording
Covers authorised copying of magnetic recordings.
T03-A07B1 [1992]
Duplication of pre-recorded information at post
mfg. stage, e.g. time code carrier
Includes servo track writing post manufacture, e.g. in hard
disk drive. Duplication of whole carrier information is
covered by T03-A07B3 codes.
Pre-formatting, servo, index, SMPTE
T03-A07B3 [1992]
Duplication from one carrier to another
T03-A07B3A [1992]
Making many copies from one master
T03-A07B9 [1992]
Other copying, re-recording
T03-A08 [1992]
Magnetic drive
Codes in this section are used with either T03-E or T03-F
codes as appropriate to indicate carrier positioning
aspects. Portable standalone drives are also coded in T04-
P. Prior to 1997, these codes were used to indicate these
aspects only, but are now widened in scope to be applied
for any novel aspect of magnetic drives which would be
included in T03. To further discriminate the type of
equipment concerned, codes from the T03-N section
should be used where T03-A08 codes are not sufficiently
T03-A08A [1992]
Disk drive
See T03-F codes also.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 413
Part 1
T03-A08A1 [1992]
Single disk drive module
From 2012 T03-A08A1G is introduced for portable hard
disk drives that are used for external storage. Hard disk
drives of normal form factor for use within computers,
servers, etc., are covered by T03-A08A1C and card-type or
similar small form factor drives are covered by T03-
A08A1E. In 2002 the title of T03-A08A1 was amended to
better reflect its intended coverage of single units which
may drive one or more magnetic disks. Storage systems
based on multiple magnetic disk drive modules used
together are covered by T03-A08A5 codes.
T03-A08A1A [1992]
Floppy disk drive
T03-A08A1C [1992]
Hard disk drive
This code is used as the default reference for a 'hard disk
drive'. Card type, or similar small form factor magnetic
disk drives used within equipment are covered by T03-
A08A1E and external hard disk drives by T03-A08A1G
(from 2012), both of which are assigned instead of T03-
A08A1C. Please note that since T03 codes cover dynamic
recording systems only, SSDs and similar solid-state
replacements for hard disk drives are not assigned this
code and are instead covered by T01-H01B3 codes.
T03-A08A1E [1997]
Card type, small form factor magnetic disk drive
This code covers compact and/or thin drives, assumed to
be of hard disk type unless other codes indicate
otherwise, that are mounted inside the equipment using
the stored data. Portable hard disk drives that are
external to the computer or other equipment with which
they are used are covered by T03-A08A1G.
T03-A08A1G [2012]
Portable hard disk drive
This code covers hard disk drives that are self-contained
and used as external drives, e.g. for connection to a PC via
a USB or similar interface. T04-P is also assigned for
external computer storage disk drives. Standard hard disk
drives and compact drives of e.g. card-type that are
mounted inside equipment are covered by T03-A08A1C
and T03-A08A1E respectively.
Back-up, desk-top, external storage
T03-A08A5 [1992]
Multiple disk drive modules
From 2002 the title of this code has been amended to
better reflect its intended coverage of multiple disk drive
units (assumed to be for hard disks unless T03-A08A1A
also assigned).
T03-A08A5A [1997]
RAID system
Redundant array inexpensive disks
T03-A08C [1992]
Card drive
See T03-F and T04-A03A/T04-J codes also.
T03-A08E [1992]
Tape drive
See also T03-E codes. This code is intended solely for
drives intended for computer storage applications, e.g.
tape streamers. It is not applied for details of audio or
video tape recorders.
T03-A08M [2007]
Multiple head actuator type drive
Drives with multiple heads mounted in a fixed relationship
with respect to each other are not routinely coded here.
T03-A10 [1992]
Interfacing with magnetic recorder
T03-A10A [1997]
Interfacing hardware
Includes plugs, sockets, cables etc.
T03-A10C [1997]
Interface circuitry
T03-A10E [1997]
Control aspects
See T01-C01 and T01-H01 codes also. Use with T03-
A08A5A for RAID aspects.
T03-A10E1 [1997]
Data transfer aspects
T03-A10E3 [1997]
Control of storage
Includes file allocation, etc.
414 T: Computing and Control
Optical recording/reproduction
For records prior to 2002 audio/video applications are
assigned W04-C codes also. From 2002 carriers and
head/record carrier driving aspects of audio/video optical
recording are no longer coded in W04. For audio/video
applications of optical recording drives see W04-C10
codes. Hard formatting aspects specific to audio/video
recording are also covered in W04-C01F while signal
formatting aspects are covered in W04-C05. Optical
reading/writing circuitry is coded in W04-C06.
These codes are not used for cinematography per se (S06-
B05), but optical soundtrack systems are included.
‘Combination’ optical recording, e.g. magneto-optical
(T03-D01 codes), is not assigned T03-B codes unless
stated to be applicable to optical recording also.
Disk, storage, compact, laser, beam, light
Record carriers and their manufacture
For records prior to 2002 all aspects of record carriers per
se are assigned W04-C01 codes also, irrespective of stated
application. From 2002 W04-C01 codes are no longer
used. Codes for carrier type (T03-B01D section) are
assigned when possible, to indicate this aspect only. (Prior
to 1992 use T03-N codes). From 2002 T03-B01D codes can
be used to indicate audio/video carrier applications. From
1997, T03-B01H is used for layer arrangements without
particular reference to any one (previously assigned the
general T03-B01 code).
T03-B01A [1987]
Mould, transparent
T03-B01A1 [1992]
Includes glues, resins used for bonding multiple
PMMA, polycarbonate, resin
T03-B01A5 [1992]
Structure; shape
T03-B01A5A [1992]
Double substrate
Double-sided, dual-substrate
T03-B01B [1987]
Light sensitive layers
Photo-sensitive, photochromic, contrast, reflection, pit
T03-B01B1 [1992]
Light sensitive materials
T03-B01B1A [1992]
Light absorbing materials
Includes IR-absorbing compounds.
T03-B01B5 [1992]
Characterised by recording process
Codes in this section are only assigned when some aspect
of the light sensitive layer is novel, not to routinely
indicate carrier type, which is catered for by T03-B01D
T03-B01B5A [1992]
Covers methods involving depletion of material, such as
hole burning.
Ablative, evaporation, metal film, surface tension
T03-B01B5C [1992]
Includes formation of bubbles.
Polymer, metal, bi-layer, gas, scatter
T03-B01B5E [1992]
Includes alloying or segregation of material.
Exothermic, chemical reaction, alloy, separate,
crystallisation, bi-layer
T03-B01B5G [1992]
Phase transition
Includes change between crystalline and amorphous
Phase-change, liquid crystal
T03-B01B5J [1992]
Combination of methods
Includes use of more than one recording mechanism for
multilevel recording of data. From 1997, multiple light
sensitive layer arrangements and (single) layers sensitive
to more than one wavelength, previously coded here, are
respectively transferred to T03-B01B5N and T03-B01B5P.
High density, tri-level
T03-B01B5L [1992]
Reversible process
See T03-B01D8 for rewritable optical carrier in general.
Erasable, rewritable, photochromic
EPI Manual Codes 2020 415
Part 1
T03-B01B5N [1997]
Multiple light-sensitive layer
T03-B01B5P [1997]
Layer sensitive to different light wavelengths
T03-B01B5X [1992]
Other recording processes
T03-B01C [1987]
Protective layers, (anti-) reflective layers
Coating, film
T03-B01C1 [1992]
Internal reflective or antireflective layers
This code takes precedence over T03-B01C3 and is used
for indeterminate cases.
T03-B01C3 [1992]
External reflective or antireflective layers
T03-B01C5 [1992]
Protective (ext.) layer
Anti-abrasion, scratch-resistant, antistatic
T03-B01C7 [1992]
Protection subsequently applied to carrier
Includes plastic air-occlusion film applied to surface of
compact disk.
T03-B01C8 [2007]
Labelling layers
Includes optical and thermo sensitive layers for recording
human readable information as well as layers suitable for
printing e.g. by ink jet (see T04-G02). Layers for recording
data are covered in T03-B01B and are not coded here. See
T04 for details of printing not carried out by the optical
T03-B01C9 [1992]
T03-B01D [1992]
Record carrier type
Codes in this section are used in conjunction with either
those for features of carriers per se, or those for
manufacture, to indicate the type of the carrier only.
T03-B01D1 [1992]
T03-B01D1A [2002]
For audio/video storage
T03-B01D3 [1992]
Includes cards with circular tracks and centre-hole to
allow recording/playback in optical disk recorder.
T03-B01D3A [2002]
For audio/video storage
T03-B01D4 [2006]
Super resolution carrier
Includes layer arrangements on carrier, e.g. mask layers,
to increase resolution beyond wavelength of read/write
laser. Super resolution arrangements involving optical
components of head are covered in T03-B02B6 and are
not coded here.
Super RENS, Super Resolution Near Field Structure
T03-B01D5 [1992]
T03-B01D5A [2002]
For audio/video storage
T03-B01D6 [1997]
Multilayer carriers
Includes double-substrate arrangements (also assigned
T03-B01A5A) and carriers with multiple light sensitive
layers on one substrate (see also T03-B01B5N).
T03-B01D7 [1992]
Non-erasable carrier
This code is only used when this aspect of the carrier is
stated, and not merely instead of T03-B01D8. Search in
conjunction with T03-B01D8 for hybrid carrier
arrangements with erasable and non-erasable areas.
Direct read after write, DRAW, write once read many
times, WORM, compact disk, CD
T03-B01D7A [1997]
Read only
Includes CD-ROM.
T03-B01D7C [1997]
Covers carrier enabling writing, but not erasing.
416 T: Computing and Control
T03-B01D8 [1992]
Erasable and rewritable carrier
For details of recording layers see T03-B01B5L. Search in
conjunction with T03-B01D7 for hybrid carrier
arrangements with erasable and non-erasable areas.
T03-B01E [1992]
Use with T03-B01D codes to indicate manufacture of a
particular type of carrier.
T03-B01E1 [1992]
T03-B01E1A [1992]
From 1997, this code will be used to cover stampers per
se only -see note for T03-B01E3E.
Press, punch, form, substrate, roll, sheet
T03-B01E1B [1992]
Coating equipment
Covers equipment for applying any type of layer to
Evaporate, coat, deposit, spray, sputter, vacuum, vapor
T03-B01E1M [2006]
Mastering equipment
Includes equipment for writing to glass master and
performing other mastering processes. See V05 codes for
novel aspects of electron beam writing equipment.
Electron beam writer
T03-B01E3 [1997]
Characterised by process
Codes in this section are used with other T03-B01E codes
as appropriate to provide additional information on the
processes involved in an invention.
T03-B01E3A [1997]
Fabrication and recording of master
Includes production of master from raw material and also
process of recording data on it which carriers will finally
Glass, cut, tape master, hard disk, subcode
T03-B01E3C [1997]
Production of intermediate copies
Includes production of ‘metal master’ and ‘metal mother’.
Plating, sputtering, coating
Production of stamper per se
Stampers per se, and materials for them, are coded in
T03-B01E1A. From 1997, their manufacture will be
described by use of T03-B01E3E together with T03-B01E1
or T03-B01E5 as appropriate. (Prior to 1997, T03-B01E1A
itself was used with either ‘apparatus’ or ‘method’ codes).
T03-B01E3G [1997]
Includes bonding of multiple substrates and setting resins
as well as sheet stamping methods. See T03-B01E3X for
punching hole in substrate after pressing.
Injection moulding
T03-B01E3J [1997]
Applying coatings after pressing
Includes labelling where label is part of carrier (also coded
in T03-H02A1A and X25-F08 when there are significant
electrical details). Chiefly covers application of reflective
and protective films after pressing process. T03-B01E1B
will continue to be assigned (in addition to T03-B01E3J)
where novel coating equipment is involved.
T03-B01E3L [2011]
Polishing and cleaning
This code covers polishing and cleaning of an optical
recording medium or a stamper or similar (e.g. with T03-
B01E3E) as part of a manufacturing process. Polishing,
cleaning or reconditioning of already-manufactured
optical carriers by a user is not included and is covered by
T03-H02B with T03-B01D codes assigned also as
appropriate to denote the form of the carrier, e.g. T03-
B01D1 for disk cleaning or scratch repair.
T03-B01E3P [1997]
Packing and shipment
Includes placing CDs in ‘jewel boxes’ (‘jewel boxes’ per se
and their manufacture are covered by T03-L01A1),
labelling, etc. Electrical details of packing and labelling of
carrier containers are also assigned X25-F codes.
T03-B01E3S [2002]
Multistep manufacturing process
This code is used for inventions covering a number of
manufacturing steps without apparent emphasis on any
T03-B01E3X [1997]
Other optical carrier manufacturing processes
EPI Manual Codes 2020 417
Part 1
T03-B01E5 [1992]
T03-B01E7 [1992]
Testing, monitoring
T03-B01E7A [1992]
Of manufacturing process
Instrumentation, check, measure
T03-B01E7B [1992]
Of carrier during manufacture
T03-B01E7C [1992]
Of complete carrier
Includes test recording and inspection by e.g. optical
testing methods.
T03-B01F [1992]
Recording format
Covers physical aspects only such as groove/land
structure and other aspects fixed at time of disk
manufacture, as well as geometry of recordable and non-
recordable pits. See T03-B05 for signal aspects of
recording formats, including spatial arrangement of data
on carrier and between carrier layers.
Sector, servo, index
T03-B01F1 [1992]
To increase storage density
Capacity, data
T03-B01F1A [2007]
Multivalue data formats
Includes recording marks that are able to contain several
pieces of information by using variations in length, width
or depth, to store data values with base greater than two.
T03-B01F5 [1997]
Details of grooves, pits, etc.
T03-B01F5A [1997]
Relating to tracking
Track following and accessing is covered in T03-B02A3
codes, also assigned where appropriate.
T03-B01H [1997]
Layer arrangements
Covers details of sequence layers making up record carrier
without specific reference to any one layer.
T03-B01R [2006]
Recycling and destroying optical carrier
This code is used for recycling and destroying of optical
record carriers only. Recycling and destroying of magnetic
carriers is covered by T03-A01R and of magneto-optical
carriers by T03-D01R. Where an invention is applicable to
recycling or destruction of several types of carrier or the
type is not disclosed the general code T03-H02R is
assigned instead. For recycling of recording or playing
equipment see V04-X01C.
Heads and head/light source positioning
T03-B02A [1987]
Positioning, focusing
Codes in this section cover both lens positioning for
focusing, and positioning of the head as a whole for track
selection and alignment.
T03-B02A1 [1992]
Lens positioning for focusing
Positioning of the head moving across the carrier is
covered by T03-B02A3 codes.
T03-B02A1A [1992]
Drive element per se
Includes voice coil motor. (See V06-M04 also).
T03-B02A1C [1992]
Focus detection and control
Includes focus servo arrangements.
Feedback, error, lens, position
T03-B02A3 [1992]
Head positioning
Covers positioning of head as a whole, for track selection
or following, not focusing, which is covered by T03-B02A1
T03-B02A3A [1992]
Drive element per se
Includes linear motor. (See V06-M06B also).
Coil, pulse, step
T03-B02A3B [1992]
Movable mounting structures
Includes rail assembly allowing head movement.
Guide, slide
418 T: Computing and Control
T03-B02A3C [1992]
Track selection and access
Includes track-accessing servo arrangements. (For track
access servo in general, see T03-G02B1 codes).
Index, seek, kick pulse, step, initialise
T03-B02A3D [1992]
Track following
Includes track-following servo arrangements. (For track-
following servos in general see T03-G02C1).
Alignment, feedback, off-track, shift, compensate, tilt
T03-B02A3E [1992]
Interchangeable servo system
Includes track accessing servo switching to track following
mode. This code takes precedence over T03-B02A3C and
T03-B02A4 [2005]
Tilt correction
Covers arrangements involving movement of lens or using
other optical systems e.g. liquid crystal element. Search in
conjunction with T03-B06 codes for compensation by
signal processing.
T03-B02A5 [1992]
Compensation system
Includes arrangements compensating for temperature
change or vibration, in either focus or track
access/following system.
Shift, disturbance, distortion, jitter
T03-B02A7 [1992]
Light source control
Includes control of bias circuit for semiconductor laser
(see also U12-A01B4 and corresponding codes in V08).
Monitor, current, feedback, LED, photodiode, APD sensor
T03-B02A8 [1997]
Using multiple heads, head positioning for double-
sided disk
From 2007 this code has been expanded to include
multiple head systems not exclusively used for double-
sided disks. Previously this code covered only head
positioning for double-sided disks.
T03-B02A8A [2007]
Head positioning for double-sided disk
All general aspects of multiple head drives are also
covered in T03-B10M. Includes dual-head systems and
arrangements for single head to move to other side of
disk. Search using T03-B02A8 for all records prior to 2007.
T03-B02A8C [2007]
Reading multiple formats
T03-B02A8E [2007]
Increasing access speed
T03-B02A8G [2007]
Simultaneous reading of multiple tracks
T03-B02B [1992]
The codes in this group cover constructional aspects of
optical heads per se. Head positioning is covered by T03-
B02A codes.
T03-B02B1 [1992]
Light source
This code covers novel light sources themselves, such as
laser diodes, specific details of which are covered by U12-
A01B codes and also codes in V08. It does not refer to
assemblies including the light source and associated
optical elements external to it which are covered by T03-
B02B if no specific detail is given, or by other T03-B02B
subdivisions as appropriate. Light sources are normally
assigned T03-B02B1 only but in cases of specific
application to reading or writing, subdivision codes are
assigned instead. Frequency doubling or other multiplying
optical arrangements are covered by T03-B02B7E (coded
as T03-B02B1 and T03-B02B7 prior to 1997). Light source
control aspects are coded in T03-B02A7.
LED, laser, solid, gas
T03-B02B1A [1992]
For recording
Writing, erasing, overwrite
T03-B02B1B [1992]
For reading
T03-B02B3 [1992]
Photodetector for focus and read
Photodiode, diode, APD, quadrant, sensor
T03-B02B5 [1992]
T03-B02B6 [1997]
‘Super-resolution’ optical aspects
Aperture, Rayleigh, wavelength, refraction
EPI Manual Codes 2020 419
Part 1
T03-B02B7 [1992]
Optical systems, optical elements
Includes other optical elements e.g. lightguides for
transferring reading or writing light, (see V07-F01 codes
for novel aspects). Lenses are covered by T03-B02B5.
'Super-resolution' optical aspects are indicated by
assignment of T03-B02B6 with T03-B02B5 or T03-B02B7
codes as appropriate.
T03-B02B7A [1997]
Beam splitter
T03-B02B7C [1997]
Polarising arrangements
T03-B02B7E [1997]
Harmonic generators
(T03-B02B1, T03-B02B7)
Covers arrangements effectively reducing wavelength of
recording or reading light.
T03-B02B7G [2005]
Diffraction gratings
T03-B02B7M [2006]
Multiple optical path
Includes systems for reading different types of optical
T03-B02B8 [1992]
Optical recording head cleaning, head
manufacture, head testing
From 2012 the scope of this code has been expanded to
include manufacture and testing of optical heads,
respectively covered by subdivisions T03-B02B8C and T03-
B02B8E, in addition to optical head cleaning, for which
T03-B02B8A is now the main code. Note that T03-B02B8
codes refer to the optical head itself, as defined by T03-
B02B codes, and not head positioning aspects as covered
by T03-B02A codes. Prior to 2012 T03-B02B8 covered only
arrangements for cleaning sources, detectors, and optical
system with cleaning of e.g. an optical disk player lens by
a dummy carrier being covered by T03-B02B8A. From
2012 T03-B02B8A is used as a general reference for head
cleaning. Cleaning of recording equipment in general is
covered by T03-H02C.
T03-B02B8A [1992]
Optical recording head cleaning, including use of
dummy carriers
From 2012 the scope of this code has been expanded to
cover general arrangements for cleaning optical recording
and playback heads, such as lens cleaners, in addition to
its previous coverage of dummy carriers for cleaning. Prior
to 2012, T03-B02B8A was used for cleaning using dummy
carriers such as cleaning disks and T03-B02B8 served as a
general 'optical head cleaning' code. (Prior to 1992 T03-
B02 and T03-H02 were assigned for optical head
Wipe, pad, brush, solvent, lens
T03-B02B8C [2012]
Optical recording head manufacture
Between 2006 and 2011 search T03-B02B codes with T03-
M08 (general manufacturing code) for optical recording
head manufacture. From 2012 T03-M08 is no longer
assigned for this topic.
T03-B02B8E [2012]
Optical recording head testing
Between 1992 and 2011 search T03-B02B codes with T03-
K07 codes (general testing code) for optical recording
head testing. From 2012 T03-K07 codes are no longer
assigned for this topic. When optical testing is involved
codes in e.g. S02-J04 or S03-E04 subgroups are also
assigned as appropriate.
T03-B02C [1992]
Static carrier reading and writing system
Covers arrangements for reading or writing where relative
movement of light source/sensor with respect to
recording medium does not involve physical movement of
either record carrier or a head apparatus. Instead relative
movement takes place, for instance, by optical beam
scanning with electro-optical or electromechanical
scanning, or use of an switched optical array. Does not
cover optical static stores, which are covered by U14-A02
T03-B03* [1992-2004]
Record carrier positioning
*This code is now discontinued and from 2005 novel
aspects of optical record carrier positioning are assigned
the appropriate T03-B10 code in conjunction with T03-F
or T03-E codes.
T03-B03A* [1992-2004]
For disks
*This code is now discontinued. Prior to 2005 T03-N01
was also assigned and T03-F codes were applied for
specific details.
420 T: Computing and Control
T03-B03C* [1992-2004]
For cards
*This code is now discontinued Prior to 2005 T03-N05 was
also assigned and also T03-F codes for specific details.
Codes in T04, e.g. T04-A03B and T04-J are assigned for
this topic.
T03-B03E* [1992-2004]
For tape
*This code is now discontinued Prior to 2005 T03-N02
and/or T03-N03 or T03-N04 were also assigned along with
T03-E codes, which are still assigned for specific tape drive
T03-B05 [1992]
Signal recording format and methods
T03-B05A [2005]
Recording methods
Includes arrangements for recording label information
using data recording equipment on visible light sensitive
layer. For this topic see also T03-H02A.
T03-B05A1 [2005]
Optimisation methods
Includes use of test recording area. Use with appropriate
code, e.g. T03-B02A7 for controlling light source power.
T03-B05F [2005]
Covers arrangement of data only, physical aspects such as
hard sectoring of data, are covered by T03-B01F. Index
signal recording and related aspects are also in T03-J01
Constant, angular, linear, velocity, CAV, CLV
T03-B05F1 [2007]
Data arrangement within recording layers
Covers two dimensional data layout.
T03-B05F5 [2007]
Data arrangement between recording layers
Covers arrangement of different data types between
different layers, e.g. layer used for interactive data such as
Java info in Blu-Ray disks.
T03-B05F9 [2007]
Other data arrangements
T03-B05K [2005]
Determining format or type of carrier inserted
E.g. distinguishing between CD and DVD or between CD-R
and CD-RW in drive capable of handling multiple formats.
T03-B06 [1992]
Reading/writing circuitry
This code is used with T03-P codes when signal processing
aspects are involved.
Laser, diode
T03-B06A [1992]
T03-B06C [1992]
T03-B07 [2007]
Re-recording, duplication
(T03-B01E3X, T03-B05A)
Includes equipment and methods for duplicating optical
carriers by recording on writable media. Production of
optical carriers by pressing is covered in T03-B01E and is
not coded here.
T03-B08 [1992]
Interfacing with optical recording equipment
Other optical recording/reproduction aspects
Includes editing/recording techniques esp. for optical
recording, track flaw detection, noise elimination etc.,
when not relevant to other T03-B codes.
T03-B10 [2005]
Optical drive
Portable standalone drives are also coded in T04-P. From
2005 optical drives are coded in this section in accordance
with carrier type and are no longer assigned a
corresponding T03-N code. Prior to 2002 optical drives are
coded in T03-N as appropriate and W04-C10. From 2002
W04-C10 codes are applied only for audio/video recording
applications and therefore between 2002 and 2005
optical drives with no audio/video aspect were assigned a
T03-N code in conjunction with the appropriate T03-B
codes to denote novel aspects.
T03-B10A [2005]
Disk drive
R, BD-RE, BluRay, UMD
EPI Manual Codes 2020 421
Part 1
T03-B10A1 [2005]
Multilayer disk
From 2002 to 2005 drives for optical disk with multiple
recording layers, e.g. DVD-9, DVD-10 and DVD-18 formats,
are assigned W04-C10A2 where the invention has
significant audio/video recording aspects. From 2005
W04-C10A2 is no longer used and all multi-layer aspects
of drives are coded here. Optical disk drives for
audio/video recording which are also used for recording
other data formats are coded in W04-C10A3A.
T03-B10C [2005]
Card drive
T03-B10E [2005]
Tape drive
T03-B10M [2007]
Multiple head type drive
T03-B12 [2005]
Holographic recording
This code is applied in conjunction with other T03-B codes
to denote the relevant aspect. Prior to 2005 holographic
recording was assigned T03-C09 as well as in T03-B codes.
Other dynamic recording/reproducing methods
Audio/video applications are coded in W04-D codes also.
For records prior to 2002, where application to
audio/video recording is not stated, only capacitive record
carriers and recording equipment are routinely assigned
W04 codes also (in W04-D section). From 2002 W04-D
codes are only applied where audio/video applications are
specifically mentioned. For static stores see U14-A codes.
T03-C01 [1992]
Includes ferro-electric probe storage.
PVC, carbon, conductive, lubricant, stylus, diamond,
shank, antistatic
T03-C03 [1992]
Using electron beam
See also V05-F08C3 and other V05-F codes for equipment
aspects, as appropriate.
T03-C05 [1992]
Using tunnelling effects
See also V05-F08C3 and V05-F01A5, and other V05-F
codes for equipment aspects, as appropriate.
T03-C05A [1997]
Record carriers and their manufacture
T03-C07 [1992]
Using superconductive element
See T03-A01E for superconducting magnetic record
carriers, and T03-A06K for superconductive magnetic
recording systems. Superconductive materials and devices
in general are coded in U14-F codes, (X12-D06 codes are
assigned for high-power electrical aspects of
T03-C09 [1992]
Other recording methods
Recording/reproducing using combination of
Audio/video applications are assigned in W04-D codes
T03-D01 [1987]
Magneto-optical recording
T03-D01 codes cover recording intended to be read as
changes in reflected light due to the Kerr effect and not
recording based on temporary lowering of coercivity by a
heat source that is read magnetically, as in heat-assisted
magnetic recording (covered by T03-A06N1). Prior to 2002
all aspects of magneto-optical recording were assigned
W04-D codes. From 2002 carriers and mechanical aspects
of magneto-optical recording are no longer coded in W04.
Carriers intended specifically for audio/video recording
are coded in T03-D01A1K. Audio/video applications of
magnetic-optical recording drives are assigned W04-D20
codes. Inventions are assigned T03-D01 codes when
specific reference is made to magneto-optical recording.
However, it should be noted that T03-B should be
considered also for general aspects, such as optical
systems, which may also be relevant to magneto-optical
recording, and to allow for cases where the magneto-
optical aspect cannot be ascertained.
Photomagnetic, Kerr effect, disk, substrate, film, rare
earth, amorphous, optomagnetic
T03-D01A [1992]
Record carriers
Prior to 1997, this code included disclosures dealing with
a sequence of layers without emphasis on any specific
one. This subject matter is now transferred to T03-D01A4.
T03-D01A1 [1992]
Carrier type
Codes in this section are used to indicate carrier type for
both novel carrier details and novel manufacturing
aspects. For these aspects, T03-N codes are not assigned
from 1992.
422 T: Computing and Control
T03-D01A1A [1992]
T03-D01A1C [1992]
T03-D01A1E [1992]
T03-D01A1K [2002]
For audio/video recording
T03-D01A2 [1992]
T03-D01A3 [1992]
Reflective, antireflective, and dielectric layers
The title of this code has been expanded to reflect the
previous inclusion of dielectric layers, now covered by
T03-D01A3A [1992]
Antireflective layer
T03-D01A3C [1992]
Reflective layer
T03-D01A3E [1997]
Dielectric layers
This code is mainly intended for layers internal to the
carrier. Spacing layers between two magnetic layers are
covered by T03-D01A5G. External protective layers are
covered by T03-D01A7 codes.
T03-D01A4 [1997]
Layer arrangements in general
This code is used for inventions where structures involving
several layers are claimed, without particular emphasis on
any one. See other T03-D01A codes for novel details of
specific layers.
T03-D01A5 [1992]
Magnetic layers
See V02-A01 codes for magnetic compositions also, and
V02-B01 for magnetic film in general.
T03-D01A5A [1992]
Recording layers
T03-D01A5C [1992]
Reference layers
T03-D01A5E [1997]
Exchange coupling system
(T03-D01A5A, T03-D01A5C)
T03-D01A5G [1997]
Spacing layers
Covers layers consisting of metallic or non-metallic
material separating two magnetic layers. Dielectric layers
in general are covered by T03-D01A3E.
T03-D01A5J [2005]
Domain wall displacement system
Covers systems which transfer high density recorded
marks from memory/recording layer to
displacement/reproduction layer via switching layer
through exchange coupling force, then causing exchange
coupling force to disappear through heating and shifting
domain wall in reproduction layer to increase size of mark
so as to allow reading by standard wavelength laser.
Memory layer, switching layer, displacement layer, control
layer, reading layer, magnetically amplifying magneto
optical system (MAMOS)
T03-D01A7 [1992]
Overcoat layer
T03-D01A7A [1992]
Lubrication aspects of overcoat layer
T03-D01A8 [1992]
Record carrier manufacture and testing
Prior to 2002 this aspect was also coded in W04-D01A1,
irrespective of application. From 2002 W04-D01A1 is no
longer used. Use T03-D01A1 codes to discriminate carrier
type (T03-N codes not assigned from 1992).
T03-D01A8A [1992]
Substrate manufacture
T03-D01A8C [1992]
Reflective layer deposition
T03-D01A8E [1992]
Magnetic layer deposition
Also coded in V02-H02 codes for novel aspects of
equipment or process. Magnetic layer deposition for
purely magnetic record carriers is covered by T03-A02A
T03-D01A8G [1997]
Overcoat and lubricating layer deposition
EPI Manual Codes 2020 423
Part 1
T03-D01A8J [1992]
Carrier testing
For non-recording testing aspects see S02/S03 codes, e.g.
S03-E04F2 for optical flaw testing.
T03-D01A9 [2005]
Recording format
Covers physical aspects only, e.g. details of grooves and
pits. See T03-D01E7 for signal aspects of recording format.
T03-D01B* [1992-2004]
Record carrier positioning
*This code is now discontinued. From 2005 novel aspects
of magneto-optical record carrier positioning are assigned
T03-F or T03-E codes in conjunction with the appropriate
T03-D01K code.
T03-D01B1* [1992-2004]
For disks
*This code is now discontinued. Prior to 2005 T03-N01
was also assigned along with T03-F codes for specific
T03-D01B5* [1992-2004]
For tape
*This code is now discontinued. Prior to 2005 T03-N02
and/or T03-N03 or T03-N04 were also assigned. See T03-E
codes for tape drive details.
T03-D01C [1992]
Optical head details
T03-D01C1 [1992]
Optical elements
Includes light guides (see V07-F01 codes also).
T03-D01C1A [1992]
T03-D01C1C [1992]
Beam splitter, polarizer
T03-D01C1E [1997]
‘Super-resolution’ optics
Numerical aperture, NA, Rayleigh, refraction
T03-D01C1G [1997]
Harmonic generator
Covers arrangements effectively reducing wavelength of
recording or reading light.
T03-D01C3 [1992]
Light source
See U12 and V08 codes as appropriate for details of lasers
and their control.
T03-D01C3A [1992]
Light source control
T03-D01C5 [1997]
See U12-A02B codes for semiconductor device respects.
Photodiode, diode, APD, quadrant, sensor
T03-D01D [1992]
Optical head positioning
T03-D01D1 [1992]
T03-D01D1A [1992]
Focus servo
T03-D01D1C [1992]
Motor drive
Includes voice-coil motors and their control. See also V06-
M04 and V06-N codes.
T03-D01D3 [1992]
Track selection and accessing
Includes motor drive for head positioning. See also V06-M
and V06-N codes as appropriate.
T03-D01D3A [1992]
Track accessing servo
Track access servo systems in general are covered by T03-
T03-D01D3C [1992]
Switching to track following servo action
T03-D01D5 [1992]
Track following
T03-D01D5A [1992]
Track following servo
Track following servo systems in general are covered by
424 T: Computing and Control
T03-D01D7 [1992]
Motor drive for track selection and following
Includes motor per se and also drive circuitry not
specifically part of track access or track following servo
systems, these being covered by T03-D01D3A and T03-
D01D5A respectively.
T03-D01E [1992]
Erasing, rewriting, writing, interfacing methods
and circuits
The title of this code has been expanded to reflect its
wider use since 1992 to include reading and writing
circuitry (now covered by T03-D01E3 codes) and
interfacing aspects (T03-D01E5 codes).
T03-D01E1 [1992]
Erasing/rewriting methods
Includes methods intended to reduce access time.
T03-D01E1A [1992]
Reducing unnecessary erasure
Includes monitoring of unrecorded areas to allocate data
T03-D01E3 [1997]
Writing and reading circuitry
See also T03-P codes where broader signal processing
aspects are involved.
T03-D01E3A [1997]
T03-D01E3C [1997]
T03-D01E5 [1997]
Interfacing aspects
Includes actual interfacing circuits and also storage
control aspects, e.g. file allocation, etc. See also T01-H
codes for computer storage systems.
T03-D01E7 [2005]
Signal recording format, methods
T03-D01E9 [1997]
Other magneto-optical recorder aspects
T03-D01F [1992]
Magnetic system
T03-D01F1 [1992]
Magnetic head
Includes manufacture of head (see V02-H05 also).
Magnetic heads for purely magnetic recording are
covered by T03-A03 codes.
T03-D01F1A [1992]
Head movement
Covers spacing/movement of head relative to disk
surface. Optical head positioning is covered by T03-D01D
T03-D01F3 [1992]
Bias magnet, initialisation system
Novel permanent magnets are also coded in V02-E01,
electromagnets in V02-E02 codes.
T03-D01F3A [1992]
Position adjustment
Includes movement towards disk surface.
T03-D01H [1992]
Recording method
Codes indicating recording method are assigned to
indicate equipment type, and thus may be used with any
other T03-D01 code provided the type of recording is
T03-D01H1 [1992]
Magnetic field modulation
Covers systems with constant intensity (unmodulated)
light beam.
T03-D01H5 [1992]
Light beam modulation
Covers systems with constant (unmodulated) magnetic
T03-D01K [2005]
Magneto-optical drive
Portable standalone drives are also coded in T04-P. From
2005 magneto-optical drives are coded in this section in
accordance with carrier type and are no longer assigned a
corresponding T03-N code. Prior to 2002 magneto-optical
drives are coded in T03-N as appropriate and W04-D20.
From 2002 W04-D10 codes are applied only for
audio/video recording applications and therefore
between 2002 and 2005 optical drives with no
audio/video aspect were assigned a T03-N code in
conjunction with the appropriate T03-D01 codes to
denote novel aspects.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 425
Part 1
T03-D01K1 [2005]
Disk drive
T03-D01K3 [2005]
Card drive
T03-D01K5 [2005]
Tape drive
T03-D01R [2006]
Recycling and destroying magneto-optical carrier
This code is used for recycling and destroying of magneto-
optical record carriers only. Recycling and destroying of
magnetic carriers is covered by T03-A01R and of optical
carriers by T03-B01R. Where an invention is applicable to
recycling or destruction of several types of carrier or the
type is not disclosed the general code T03-H02R is
assigned instead. For recycling of recording or playing
equipment see V04-X01C.
T03-D03 [1992]
Electro-optical recording
Includes photorefractive ferroelectric carrier system with
e.g. static electric field and modulated light beam. For
details of head and carrier positioning see T03-E, T03-F,
and T03-G codes, as appropriate.
T03-D03A [1992]
Record carriers and their manufacture
Prior to 2002 W04-D01A codes were also applied. From
2002 W04-D01A codes are no longer used.
T03-D09 [1992]
Other combination recording methods
Tape(/filament) transport
For records prior to 2002 tape transport for audio/video
recording was also coded in W04-B04B or W04-E02B.
From 2002 tape transport aspects are no longer covered
in these equivalent codes in W04, but are assigned W04-
B10A or W04-B12A as appropriate if specific to video or
audio tape recorders respectively. T03-N codes are
assigned as appropriate to indicate equipment type.
Motor, rotor, drive, belt, gear, tape deck
Spools; cassette changing; loading; threading
Spools within cassette housings are coded in T03-H01B, or
T03-H01C only. Winding tape onto spools during
manufacture is covered by T03-H codes only. Includes
retention of cassette/spool in position during
Engage, guide, cam, gear, eject
T03-E01A [1992]
Hub, reel, flange, leader
T03-E01B [1992]
Cassette changing
Load, eject, slot, slide, carriage
T03-E01B1 [1992]
Changing/ejecting mechanism within apparatus
T03-E01B1A [1992]
Cassette door
Flap, damping, spring
T03-E01B5 [1992]
External feeding apparatus
From 2006 external tape feeding for library systems is no
longer included here, being covered by T03-Q01 and T03-
Q07A. Prior to 2006 search with T03-E01B5 and T03-Q01
for external feeding arrangements for tape libraries.
T03-E01B7 [1992]
Handling different sized cassettes
Cassette adaptors per se (e.g. for enabling insertion of
small cassette into standard machine) are covered by T03-
T03-E01C [1992]
Looping, threading
T03-E01C1 [1992]
For helical scan tape
Includes arrangement to withdraw loop of tape from
cassettes. Also coded in T03-N02 and T03-N03. Prior to
2002 audio/video applications of this technology were
also assigned W04-B04B7A which is discontinued from
2002 and thus no longer assigned.
Other tape guidance
Includes capstan and rotary head guides, vacuum
arrangements and pressure pads.
Controlling, regulating or indicating speed
T03-E03A [1992]
Speed control
Servo, feedback
426 T: Computing and Control
T03-E03A1 [1992]
By measurement of carrier speed
Tachometer, pulse counting
T03-E03A5 [1992]
By recorded data
T03-E03A7 [1992]
In conjunction with helical-scan head
See also T03-A05A1D for helical scan head speed control,
also coded in T03-N02.
Tape tension control; speed changing; reversing
Fast forward, rewind, selector, motor
Control of operating mode
For records prior to 2002 audio/video applications are
coded in W04-B04B5 codes. From 2002 these codes are
no longer assigned.
Select, switch, function, play, rewind, fast forward,
display, pause, cue, autostop, solenoid
T03-E05A [1992]
Based on sensed carrier features e.g. autostop
T03-E05A1 [1992]
Sensing recorded data
T03-E05A3 [1992]
Sensing tape tension
T03-E05A5 [1992]
Sensing non-magnetic feature on tape e.g. leader
Includes optical detection. (Leader per se is covered by
T03-A01H and T03-A01C3).
Light transmission, transparent
T03-E05A7 [1992]
Sensing speed of carrier
Includes detection of drop in speed, e.g. at end of tape, to
halt operation.
T03-E05A9 [1992]
Other control based on sensed carrier features
T03-E05B [1992]
Manual control
Includes operating controls, keys, switches, etc.
T03-E05C [1992]
Remote control
See W04-E04A for remote control specific to audio or
video recording.
Optical, IR, ultrasonic, radio, wire
Driving spools
Includes motor, gearing and pulley systems, torque
Reel, belt, tension, friction
T03-E06A [1992]
This code is used as a general code for tape drive system
Driving tape
Includes capstan/pinch roller systems.
Other driving arrangements
Includes braking arrangements. Spool rotation preventing
devices within cassettes are covered by T03-H01B7A.
Clutch, reel, torque
Disk, drum, etc. drive and positioning
This section deals mainly with disk drive arrangements
(general), but also covers analogous systems for card,
drum, or other carriers. (For convenience the term ‘disk’ is
used below). Search with T03-N codes to discriminate
type of equipment, and with specific codes from other
sections, e.g. T03-A08, T03-B03, etc.
Motor, floppy, hard, card, drum, cylinder
Automatic disk changing
Includes all types of loading/ejection mechanism where
disk is not placed in final recording/reproducing. Position
by hand.
Load, arm, cartridge, eject, feed
T03-F01A [1992]
Loading mechanism and drive
Includes disk tray.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 427
Part 1
T03-F01A1 [1992]
Disk shutter opener
Disk cartridge shutters per se are covered by T03-H01A5.
Includes arrangements to extract disk from cartridge
within drive for playback/reproduction.
Pin, tab, lever
T03-F01A5 [1992]
Ejection system
This code covers arrangements peculiar to the ejection of
carriers, and not merely part of the reciprocating system
for loading/unloading, which is covered by T03-F01A.
T03-F01A7 [1997]
Handling different disk size or type
T03-F01B [1992]
Disk positioning and centering
Hub, locate
T03-F01C [1992]
Disk changing control system
Monitor, controller, circuit
T03-F01D [1992]
Manual loading of carrier
T03-F01E [1992]
Loading from carousel container for several
Covers arrangements enabling simultaneous loading of
several carriers, which are then played or recorded on,
sequentially or non-sequentially. ‘Internal’ jukebox
arrangements are covered by T03-F01F1. Carousel
container per se is covered by T03-H01A2.
T03-F01F [1992]
Automatic feeding of single carrier from e.g. stack
T03-F01F1 [1992]
Feeding from stack within recording apparatus
Includes jukebox systems. Feeding systems from external
stack (apart from library systems) are covered by T03-
F01F5. Library systems are covered by T03-Q codes.
T03-F01F5 [1992]
Feeding from stack or system external to
equipment per se
From 2006 library systems are no longer included here,
being covered by T03-Q codes.
T03-F01X [1992]
Other feeding arrangements
Driving; control of drive and operating function;
Motor details are coded in V06.
T03-F02A [1992]
Drive control
Covers circuitry supervising and monitoring operation.
Aspects specific to disk changing are covered by T03-F01C.
See V06-N codes for motor control circuits.
T03-F02A1 [1992]
Speed control
T03-F02A5 [2005]
Motor tilt control
T03-F02C [1992]
Drive components
Covers only those mechanical or electromechanical
elements concerned with driving carrier.
T03-F02C1 [1992]
Drive motor
See V06-M codes also for motor details.
Spindle motor
T03-F02C3 [1992]
Turntable, spindle, bearings, disk clamping
T03-F02C3A [1997]
Disk clamping arrangements
(T03-F01B, T03-F02C3)
Covers arrangements to clamp disk onto shaft. Clamp
arrangements for drive braking are covered by T03-F02C5.
T03-F02C3C [1997]
T03-F02C5 [1992]
Braking arrangements
Arrangements to fix disk(s) on driving shaft are covered by
T03-F02E [1992]
Carrier pressure arrangements
Includes arrangement to press floppy disk against
magnetic head.
428 T: Computing and Control
T03-F02G [1992]
Ventilation, cooling, air filters
Includes fans, heatsinks, etc. Cooling of electronic
equipment in general is covered by V04-T03 codes.
T03-F02G1 [1992]
Air filters and particle/contaminant trapping
Air filters of general application are covered by T03-H02C.
Prior to 1992 see T03-F02 and T03-H02. Includes the use
of coatings etc. inside a drive to adsorb contaminants e.g.
in an HDD (with T03-A08A1C).
T03-F02J [1992]
Multi-carrier type drive
This code is used with other T03-F codes as appropriate
and covers arrangements specific to driving several
carriers simultaneously.
T03-F02L* [1992-2004]
Casings, constructional details
*This code is now discontinued and since 2005 codes in
this section are no longer used. Constructional aspects of
disk drives are now assigned T03-L05 codes in conjunction
with T03-A08A, T03-B08A or T03-D01K1 as appropriate, or
in conjunction with T03-N01 for general cases.
T03-F02L1* [1997-2004]
Casings, housings
*This code is now discontinued.
T03-F02L5* [1997-2004]
Internal construction
*This code is now discontinued.
T03-F02X [1992]
Other disk drive details
Includes internal connectors, e.g. between drive assembly
and PCB. Prior to 2005 this code included external
interfacing connectors, which are now covered in T03-
M07. Includes arrangements for lubricating carriers within
disk drives. For lubricating arrangements for motor
bearings see T03-F02C3C along with V06.
General head arrangements
To be used where appts. is non-specific or common to
several types of recording. For specific applications see
the relevant code group, e.g. T03-A05 for magnetic, and
T03-B02A for optical recording.
Disk, drive, arm, carriage, position, motor, mount,
rotating, transducer, align, stepper, slide, pick-up
For adjusting head/record carrier spacing
Air, bearing, lower, pressure, raise
For track selecting/aligning
Covers mechanical and electromechanical arrangements.
T03-G02A [1992]
Head position actuator
T03-G02A1 [1992]
Drive motor
See V06-M codes for details of motor per se.
T03-G02A5 [1992]
Mounting, support
Includes support arms, bearings etc.
T03-G02B [1992]
Track selection
T03-G02B1 [1992]
Track access servo
T03-G02B1A [1992]
Switching to track following action
T03-G02C [1992]
Track alignment
T03-G02C1 [1992]
Automatic alignment, track following servo
T03-G02C5 [1992]
Manual alignment; setting up
For testing aspects see T03-K07 codes also.
T03-G02E [1992]
Preventing servo crosstalk or unwanted
Includes arrangements to prevent crosstalk between e.g.
track following servo and focus servo in optical or
magneto-optical disk systems, (see T03-B and T03-D01
codes also as appropriate).
Other head arrangements
Includes other head locking/positioning appts. and
head/carrier pressure maintaining appts.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 429
Part 1
Record carriers and accessories in general
Codes in this section relate to containers, casings, sleeves
etc. in which record carrier is driven. Storage containers in
which the carrier is removed for playing are covered by
T03-L01 codes.
Sleeve, cover, cartridge, housing material, fabric, fiber
For disks
Prior to 2002 disk containers for audio/visual recording
applications were also coded in W04-E02A1. From 2002
these codes are no longer used and T03-H01A6K is applied
for disk containers specifically intended for audio/visual
Floppy, hard, compact, envelope, jacket, fold, flexible
T03-H01A1 [1992]
Covers composition of container.
T03-H01A2 [1992]
For multiple disk container
Includes carousel arrangement in which carriers can be
driven for recording or reproduction. See T03-F01E also
for carousel-changing aspects.
T03-H01A3 [1992]
T03-H01A4 [1997]
Liner for disk container
T03-H01A5 [1992]
Protective arrangement e.g. shutter
Disk drive arrangements for opening shutters are coded in
T03-H01A6 [1992]
Disk type
T03-H01A6A [1992]
T03-H01A6B [1992]
T03-H01A6C [1992]
T03-H01A6D [1992]
T03-H01A6K [2002]
For audio/video recording
T03-H01A6X [1992]
Other disk type
T03-H01A7 [1992]
Disk hub
T03-H01A8 [1992]
Manufacture and assembly
Covers manufacture of component parts of container and
mounting carrier inside it.
T03-H01A9 [1992]
Other disk container details
Cassettes for end-to-end webs/filaments
Prior to 2002 this topic was also coded in W04-B04B1 and
W04-E02B1. From 2002 these codes are no longer used
and audio/visual applications are indicated using T03-
H01B4. Cassettes are assumed to be for magnetic tape
unless other codes indicate otherwise.
Tape, guide, insert, reel, spool, end, leader
T03-H01B1 [1992]
Polycarbonate, plastics
T03-H01B3 [1992]
Covers shape, internal arrangement of component parts,
T03-H01B4 [2002]
For audio/video recording
(W04-B04B1 and W04-E02B1)
T03-H01B5 [1992]
Protective arrangement e.g. tape cover
Search with T03-N02 for helical scan cassettes.
430 T: Computing and Control
T03-H01B6 [1992]
Cassette adaptor
Arrangements in a recorder to allow loading of different
sized cassettes are covered by T03-E01B7.
T03-H01B7 [1992]
Spools, spool locks
Spools not part of a cassette are covered by T03-E01A.
T03-H01B7A [1992]
Spool locks
Preventing spool rotation by tape drive components (e.g.
brakes) is covered by T03-E08.
T03-H01B8 [1992]
Loading with tape, manufacture of cassette per se
Includes manufacture and assembly of cassette.
T03-H01B8A [1992]
Loading cassette with tape
Includes arrangements for cutting tape and attaching
leader, gripper or buckle etc. For novel gripper or buckle
arrangements per se, see T03-H01B9.
T03-H01B8C [1992]
Manufacture of cassette per se
Includes moulding of cassette halves.
T03-H01B9 [1992]
Other end-to-end cassette details
Includes labels (with T03-H02A1A). Includes attachments
to tape leader for gripping etc.
Cassettes for endless webs/filaments
Loop, continuous, spool, message recorder, telephone
answering, announcement
Other container details
Record carriers, cleaning
Magnetic head cleaning is covered by T03-A04B codes
Disk, tape, cassette, head, compact, housing, cartridge,
filter, fluid
T03-H02A [1992]
General aspects of carriers, including labels
Prior to 2002 labels for audio/video recording carriers and
cassettes were coded in W04-E03A. From 2002 this code
is no longer used and audio/video applications of labels
are coded in T03-H02A8. Includes labels applied to carrier
itself and to housing, e.g. cassette case, jewel box, etc.
T03-H02A1 [1997]
Labels and authentication marks
T03-H02A1A [1997]
Includes labels applied to carrier itself and to housing, e.g.
cassette case, jewel box. For labelling during manufacture
of optical media see T03-B01E codes and X25-F08 (if there
are significant electrical details).
T03-H02A1C [1997]
Authentication markings for record carrier
Includes both human-readable and machine-readable
markings, such as bar coding (see T04-A and T04-C codes
also). Identification of counterfeit recordings by added
signals is not included being covered in T03-P07C, and for
audio and video recording in W04-G01L3 and W04-F01L3
T03-H02A3 [2002]
Integrated circuit storing carrier information
This code is intended for ICs incorporated in record
carriers to act as e.g. ‘electronic labels’, with the
possibility of reading contents information, or similar,
either by recording equipment itself, or by an accessory
T03-H02A8 [2002]
For audio/video recording
T03-H02B [1992]
Cleaning of carriers
This code is used to highlight the cleaning or re-
conditioning of record carriers by an end user and not as a
step in a manufacturing process. For cleaning, re-
conditioning and similar processes as part of record
carrier manufacture see codes for manufacture of the
particular carrier type, e.g. T03-A02 codes for magnetic
carriers, T03-B01E3L and other T03-B01E codes for optical
carriers, or T03-D01A8 codes for magneto-optical carriers.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 431
Part 1
T03-H02C [1992]
Cleaning equipment, including air filters
Air filters specifically designed for disk drives are coded in
T03-F02G1 only. Prior to 1992 search T03-F02 and T03-
H02. Cleaning of magnetic and optical heads is not
included and is respectively covered by T03-A04B3 codes
and T03-B02B8 codes (from 1992).
T03-H02R [2006]
General carrier recycling and destroying
This code is used for recycling and destroying of record
carriers in general, i.e. where the invention is applicable
to several types of carrier or the type is not disclosed. It is
not assigned when recycling or destroying of a specific
type of carrier is involved, for which T03-A01R (magnetic
carriers), T03-B01R (optical carriers) or T03-D01R
(magneto-optical carriers) is assigned. For recycling of
recording or playing equipment see V04-X01C.
T03-H07 [2006]
Preventing overwriting, erasure or copying
Covers hardware-based methods of write/erase
protection, e.g. erase tab, disk-drive lock. See T03-P07 for
erasure/ copy prevention using signal formats/signal
T03-H07A [2006]
Preventing accidental loss of data
T03-H07C [2006]
Preventing unauthorised deliberate access or
Other record carrier and accessory aspects
Including spool manufacture, tape winders/rewinders and
disk-sleeve insertion appts.
Indexing; synchronising; measuring tape travel
This section includes codes for counters, gap inserting,
cue recording, and carrier storage marking/indication.
Labels for carriers are covered by T03-H02A1A. For
audio/video applications see W04-H and W04-K codes
Pulse, code, position, track, time, counter, indicate, display
T03-J01 [1992]
Index signal recording and detection
T03-J01A [1992]
Time code
T03-J01C [1997]
Indexing information relating to carrier contents
Includes ‘table of contents’ information, recorded
separately or interleaved with main recorded information,
but usually by same recording process in either case.
Labels providing such information in human-readable
form are covered by T03-H02A1A.
T03-J01C1 [1997]
User-recordable contents index information
Includes ‘user table of contents’ information, and thus
implies use of recordable, rather than ‘read-only’ carriers.
T03-J01E [2006]
Error management information
T03-J03 [1992]
T03-J03A [1997]
Synchronising data with carrier speed or head
Codes in this section cover both control of carrier speed
based on data rate, and modification of data rate based
on head or carrier drive aspects. Details of clock circuits
and systems are in T03-J03C.
CAV, CLV, angular, linear, wobble
T03-J03A1 [1997]
Controlling carrier speed based on recording data
See also T03-E03A5 and T03-F02A1 for tape and disk drive
aspects respectively. Arrangements modifying data rate
based on carrier speed or position of head on carrier, e.g.
differing linear velocity along radius of a disk, are covered
by T03-J03A3 and T03-J03A5 respectively.
T03-J03A3 [1997]
Modifying data rate based on carrier speed
Covers arrangements to modify data rate based on
measured speed of carrier.
T03-J03A5 [1997]
Modifying data rate based on head position
Includes arrangements to modify data rate based on
change in linear velocity of tracks on a disk along its
432 T: Computing and Control
T03-J03C [1997]
Clock system details
See appropriate codes in e.g. U22 and U23 for actual
oscillator and clock extraction circuits.
Phase, PLL
T03-J03C1 [1997]
Clock generation and recording
Crystal, resonator, feedback, ring
T03-J03C5 [1997]
Clock recovery
This code is intended for read circuitry establishing a clock
signal from recorded data itself.
T03-J05 [1992]
Measuring carrier travel
T03-J05A [1992]
Measuring tape travel
Includes tape counters. Search with T03-E05A1 for
arrangement for stopping e.g. in response to gaps in
recorded information.
Automatic music search system, AMSS, display
Editing; monitoring
Includes dubbing, splicing, displays, disk speed
monitoring, etc. For audio/video applications see W04-H
and W04-J codes also. See T03-P01A for digital recording
error correction.
Control, check, monitoring
T03-K01 [1992]
Editing, splicing tape
T03-K01A [1992]
Tape, join, repair, bond
T03-K03 [1992]
Operation displays
VU, volume unit, meter, mode, indicate
T03-K05 [1992]
Recording equipment control and circuits (general)
Includes control systems compensating for ageing effects,
temperature change, etc.
T03-K05A [1992]
Adaptive control systems
T03-K07 [1992]
Recording equipment testing
Electronic circuitry testing in general is covered by S01-
G01 codes.
T03-K07A [1992]
Testing during manufacture
From 2012 T03-K07 codes are no longer assigned for
optical recording head testing. See T03-B02B8E.
Production line, evaluate, reject
T03-K07C [1992]
Complete equipment testing
Includes self-test facilities and performance testing of
finished equipment.
Test tape, test disk, error check
T03-K07E [2006]
Detecting carrier defect
Covers arrangements to protect drive from damage. For
detection of defects using BER measurements search
along with T03-P01A. Arrangements to store information
concerning the location of carrier errors, e.g. bad sectors,
in order to speed up read and write processes are not
coded here, being covered in T03-P01A and T03-J01E
instead. Prior to 2006 this topic was covered in T03-P01A
and T03-J01C.
T03-K09 [1992]
Other monitoring details
Recording housings
Codes in this section relate to storage housings for record
carriers, and also constructional details of recording
Disk, cassette, storage, magnetic, tape, floppy, cover, lock,
support, case, compact, compartment, stack
T03-L01 [1987]
Cases and storage racks or boxes for record
T03-L01 codes relate to casings and housings for record
carriers, from which the carriers can be removed, and are
not assigned for casings and housings of equipment,
which are covered by T03-L05A. T03-L01 codes cover
cassette boxes, racks, storage boxes for floppy disks, hard
disks, tape reels etc. but not casings inserted into
recording equipment in which the carrier is driven during
recording/playing process (covered by T03-H01 codes).
Pre-2002, record carrier containers for optical recording
EPI Manual Codes 2020 433
Part 1
carriers and other carriers specifically used for audio /
video recording were also assigned W04-L01 codes. From
2002 these codes are no longer used and T03-L01K codes
are used to indicate the type of carrier that the container
is used for, and where appropriate, its application.
T03-L01A [1992]
Record carrier container
Includes packaging aspects, e.g. shipping containers.
T03-L01A1 [1992]
For disks
Compact, CD case, sleeve
T03-L01A3 [1992]
For tape
Search with T03-N03 for cassettes, and also T03-N02 for
helical scan cassettes.
Video rental
T03-L01C [1992]
Storage racks and cases
Includes arrangements for home or office use, mounting
in car, etc., and also display stands for use in e.g. shop.
Retail, store
T03-L01C1 [1992]
For disks
Floppy, computer, data, file, box
T03-L01C3 [1992]
For tape
T03-N02, T03-N03 are also assigned as appropriate.
Spool, reel, cassette, drawer, rack, box
T03-L01K [2002]
Carrier type
T03-L01K1 [2002]
T03-L01K3 [2002]
T03-L01K5 [2002]
T03-L01K8 [2002]
For audio/video recording
T03-L01N [2007]
Novelty housings, containers, combined with
other article
Covers record carrier containers used for additional
function. Includes record carrier cases and racks
combined with other article, e.g. drinks can. Use in
conjunction with other T03-L codes to indicate type of
T03-L05 [1987]
For recording equipment; constructional details of
recording equipment
T03-L05 codes relate to recording equipment per se and
mounting details. T03-L01 codes are only assigned in
addition when e.g. a storage rack is an integral part of an
automatic feed system. (For library systems T03-Q codes
are also assigned plus T03-E/T03-F as appropriate).
Housings/constructional details specific to audio/visual
recording equipment is also coded in W04-L05.
T03-L05A [1987]
Cabinets, casings, stands
T03-L05B [1987]
Includes mounting of components, internal layout, cooling
etc. See V04-T for constructional details of electronic
appts. in general.
T03-L05N [2005]
Noise and vibration reduction using constructional
This code covers constructional arrangements to reduce
acoustic noise and vibration generated by the recording
and reproducing equipment itself. Arrangements to
reduce electrical noise in recorded or reproduced signals
are covered by T03-P05.
T03-L05S [2005]
Shock absorbing and damping
This code covers constructional arrangements to reduce
the effects of externally-applied shocks and vibration on
the recording and reproducing equipment. Arrangements
to reduce acoustic noise and vibration produced by the
recording or reproducing equipment itself are covered by
434 T: Computing and Control
T03-M [1983]
For flat record carriers
This code was used to indicate card-type carrier systems
prior to 1992. From 1992, T03-N05 will be assigned
Card, strip
For web and other record carriers
Prior to 1992, this code was chiefly used to indicate
certain magnetic tape manufacturing processes (with T03-
A02), such as slitting. From 1992 these are covered by
T03-A02B7 and T03-A02E3, and T03-M02 is now mainly
used for non-standard web carriers such as photographic
film with e.g. magnetic recording aspects, (also assigned
T03-M05 [2005]
Power supply details
T03-M07 [2005]
Interfacing, connectors
Covers external interfacing and connectors e.g. between
drive and other equipment, only. Interfacing for magnetic
drives and optical drives is covered in T03-A10 and T03-
B08 respectively, and is not coded here. See V04 codes
T03-M08 [2006]
General equipment manufacturing details
This code covers the manufacture of recording and
playback equipment in general and is not assigned where
more specific codes are available, such as T03-A04A1
codes for magnetic head manufacture and (from 2012)
T03-B02B8C for optical head manufacture. T03-M08 is not
assigned for manufacture of 'bought-in' components used
in recording equipment, or for record carrier manufacture
which is covered by specific codes in e.g. T03-A02
(magnetic carriers), T03-B01E (optical carriers), T03-C
(capacitive and other carriers), T03-D01A8 (magneto-
optical carriers), T03-D03A (electro-optical carriers) and
T03-D09 (other 'combined method' carriers).
Other general recording aspects
T03-N [1983]
Recorder types
Notes :
(1) Codes in this section are applied to indicate equipment
type only, and do not themselves indicate novel features;
(2) It is not intended that the codes be used in isolation,
but rather to restrict the scope of other T03 codes;
(3) From 1992, T03-N codes have not been assigned to
record carriers per se which can be assigned codes from
the following sections: T03-A01C, T03-A02E, T03-B01D,
(4) Prior to 2005 T03-N codes were assigned to all
inventions involving a record carrier drive used for a given
type of record carrier. From 2005 codes in this section will
be only be applied where the recording method, e.g.
magnetic. optical etc. is unknown or the invention is of a
general nature. T03-A08, T03-B08 and T03-D01K codes
are applied for inventions involving a particular method of
(5) Carriers in casings (e.g. cassettes, diskettes as covered
by T03-H codes) are also assigned T03-N codes.
Helical scan
T03-N05 [1992]
Card recorder
See also T04 and T05-H02 codes for card-freed systems.
T03-N06 [1997]
Drum recorder
T03-P [1987]
Signal processing for recording (general)
Codes in this section may be used in conjunction with
other T03 codes, or alone. For audio applications see
W04-G01A also, and for video recording see W04-F codes.
T03-P01 [1987]
Digital recording
EPI Manual Codes 2020 435
Part 1
T03-P01A [1987]
Error detection
See U21-A06 for error detection in coding systems in
Decode, code, block, interleave, Reed Solomon, cyclic,
correct, memory
T03-P01B [1992]
Compression and decompression codes
See T01-D02 for computer application of data
compression and U21-A05A2 in general.
T03-P01D [2005]
Equalisation, thresholding and digital signal
Covers signal processing circuitry for detection and
reading of signals. Can be used in conjunction with T03-
A06C3 and T03-B06C for specific application to magnetic
and optical recording respectively. Prior to 2007
inventions specific to magnetic or optical read circuitry
were assigned T03-A06C3 or T03-B06C only. See also U22-
G codes for digital signal processing.
T03-P01F [1997]
Formatting aspects
Formatting aspects of magnetic record carriers, with
emphasis on layout of tracks, are covered by T03-A06F
T03-P02 [1987]
Demodulate, AM, FM, PM
T03-P05 [1992]
Noise reduction
This code covers arrangements to reduce electrical noise
in recording or reproducing signals. Error detection and
correction in digital recording is covered by T03-P01A.
Reduction of acoustic noise (sound energy) generated by
the equipment is not included and is covered by T03-
T03-P07 [1992]
Signal processing to restrict or monitor access,
writing, erasing or copying
W04-F01L and W04-G01L codes cover analogous
arrangements specifically for audio and video recording
and in these cases T03-P07 codes are not assigned.
Prevention of overwriting, erasing or copying using
hardware techniques, for all types of recording, is covered
in T03-H07. Prior to 2006 T03-A07 codes covered anti-
copying aspects specific to magnetic recording.
T03-P07A [1997]
Signal processing to prevent unauthorised access
or copying
T03-P07C [1997]
Signal processing to identify occurrence of copying
T03-Q [1992]
Library systems
Covers systems for bulk storage of data, especially with
automated retrieval.
T03-Q01 [1992]
Tape storage
Covers magnetic tape storage, unless additional codes
indicate otherwise.
T03-Q05 [1992]
Disk storage
T03-Q05A [1992]
Magnetic disk library
T03-Q05C [1992]
Optical disk library
T03-Q05E [1992]
Magneto-optical disk library
T03-Q05X [1992]
Other disk library
T03-Q07 [2006]
General aspects of recording media library
From 2006 this section covers all media library loading
mechanisms and control systems. Previously this topic
was covered in T03-E01B5 and T03-F01 for tape and disk
systems respectively.
T03-Q07A [2006]
Loading mechanism and drive
T03-Q07B [2006]
Media changing control system
436 T: Computing and Control
T03-S [2005]
Use of data recording apparatus for non-recording
Use in conjunction with T03-B01D1 for articles
incorporating optical disks, e.g. clocks, drinks coasters.
Also for using storage media for holding
biological/chemical samples, testing/instrumentation
aspects are also coded in S03.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 437
Part 1
T04: Computer Peripheral Equipment
Using digitally marked record carriers
Read, card, data, print, sense, code, document, mark,
encode, bar codes
Punched card or tape punches and readers
Optical, hole, punch hole, aperture
Other digital marking (writing)
Includes credit or security card marking. Digitally marked
cards per se are covered by T04-C codes. Writing to IC
cards is covered by T04-K02. Includes erasure of markings.
T04-A02A [1992]
Electrostatic or magnetic
T04-A02B [1992]
Digital marking to be read using light (incl. IR,UV)
Includes bar code marking, two-dimensional bar code
T04-A02X [1992]
Other writing
Other digital mark sensing (reading)
Reading of IC cards is covered by T04-K02.
Head, pick-up, sweep
By detecting electrostatic or magnetic field change
Using light (incl. IR, UV)
Optical, beam, illuminate, laser, lens, reflect
T04-A03B1 [1992]
Bar code reading
Search with T05-L01C for point of sale application, T01-
C06 for computer interfacing and T04-M02 for hand-held
bar-code scanner.
UPC, POS, two-dimensional code
T04-A03B9 [1992]
Other reading with light
Concealed data
Other reading
Contact, key, electrode, acoustic, ultrasound
T04-A05 [2005]
Card feeding apparatus
Card feeding details for digitally marked record carrier.
See T04-A03 for reading aspects.
Verifying correctness of digital marking
Covers checking and monitoring of marking e.g. for
alignment, not routine reading to determine
authorisation, etc. Includes error detection.
Digitally marked record carriers
Includes physical aspects, material, shape, etc. Covers
only carriers with digital markings, digitally marked ID on
items. ‘Smart’ cards are in T04-K01. Includes punched
paper cards or tape (punches/readers are in T04-A01) see
also T05-H02C5.
Identify, code
T04-C01 [1992]
Magnetic carriers are also assigned T03-A codes, or T03-
A02 codes for manufacture, cross reference with T05-
Strip, card
T04-C02 [1992]
Using light (incl. IR, UV)
Cross reference to V07 hologram, T05-D card/badge
access, T05-H cash payment, T05-C fare registering.
Optical, hologram, bar code
T04-C09 [1992]
Other record carriers
Includes electrostatic cards, inductive cards and remote
438 T: Computing and Control
Character and signal pattern recognition
For data processing aspects of image acquisition and
processing devices e.g. analysis, image detection,
scanning, optical character recognition, camera, e.g.
recognition for edge detection in peripheral. (T01-J10 and
T04-D are only used together when the novelty does not
describe how/when the processing is carried out). See
also X25 codes, e.g. X25-A03E for robot manipulators. If
novelty is in camera then see W04.
Image, detect, camera, digital, identify, scan, optical,
video, facsimile, line, pixel, analysis
Using characters containing code marks
Used for system where character conveys additional
information, e.g. in stroke width, or magnetic ink
character recognition systems.
Image acquisition
Scanning, reader, image pick-up, TV camera, alignment,
CCD camera
T04-D02A [1992]
Mechanical and optical aspects of image
Lens, focus
T04-D02B [1992]
Circuitry, processing of image acquisition
Processing within pick-up device, else coded in image
processing see T01-J10 codes.
Image pre-processing for image recognition
Image pre-processing before recognition processing, cross
reference to T01-J10B2 for image processing/image
Filtering, quantising, compression, expansion,
enhancement, contour, sensing
T04-D03A [1992]
Noise reduction
Noise reduction done in peripheral unit.
T04-D03B [1992]
Edge recognition and determining orientation
Includes OCR (optical character recognition) and
fingerprint identification, (see S05-D01C5A also). For
speech recognition, see W04-V codes only. Scanner-
computer interface details are coded in T01-C06.
Compare, reference, digital, memory, match
T04-D05 [1992]
Monitoring and error detection
Covers monitoring of parts of recognition system only.
Using pattern recognition to detect errors in a pattern is
in T04-D07A.
Fault detection
T04-D07 [1992]
Applications of recognition techniques
See also under application.
T04-D07A [1992]
Detecting defect in pattern
Errors in the recognition system itself are covered by T04-
D05. Flaw detection, also see S03-E. Includes comparison
with original pattern e.g. PCB, workpieces, valuable
papers etc. Cross reference to U11 for checking
circuit/wiring layout, see also T01-J15A2.
T04-D07B [1992]
Sorting objects by type
Includes quality pass-fail tests based on e.g. colour. See
also T05-K and X25-F06 for sorting.
T04-D07B1 [1992]
Using patterns specifically applied as identification
T04-D07C [1992]
Identification of item
T04-D07D [1992]
Detecting movement or position
T04-D07D1 [1992]
Detecting movement
EPI Manual Codes 2020 439
Part 1
T04-D07D3 [2011]
Detecting dimensions
Covers uses of recognition system to determine
dimensions of an object, e.g. height, length, etc. See also
S02-A03. Details of 3D scanners are coded under T04-M05
T04-D07D5 [1992]
Detecting position or orientation
T04-D07E [1992]
Hand written character recognition
Cross reference to T04-F04 input of handwritten
T04-D07F [2006]
For image recognition relating to fingerprint recognition.
See T04-D04 only prior to 2006. See also T05-D01B for
entry/exit registers based on human characteristics. See
also S05-D01C5A where novel detection systems are
T04-D07F1 [2006]
Facial recognition
T04-D07F1A [2007]
Eye detection
Includes iris recognition, for red eye detection see also
T04-D07F2 [2006]
Fingerprint recognition
T04-D07F9 [2007]
Other biometrics
T04-D07K [1992]
Using non-visible light images (e.g. IR, UV)
T04-D07X [1992]
Other recognition applications
T04-D08 [1992]
Colour systems
Other recognition aspects
Graph reading
Includes curve followers and devices for converting
position of manually operated writing or tracing member
into an electrical signal. Light pens, joysticks, etc. are
covered by T04-F02 codes. See T01-C02 codes for
computer interfacing of manual input interfacing systems
and T01-C06 for scanner interfacing.
Position, tablet, coordinate, optical, digital, screen, matrix,
Manual input arrangements for computers and
computer controlled equipment
Only used if input devices details are given. Covers manual
or other physical input arrangements. Covers input for
computer controlled devices. Includes
keyboards/keypads, trackpads and touchscreens for
personal digital assistants (PDAs), handheld video games,
handheld GPS systems, etc. See T01-C02 codes for
interface to computer.
Position, select, switch, contact, digital, touch, coordinate
T04-F01 [1983]
Keyboards and keypads
For typewriter keyboards, see also S06-K. For switch and
key actuation aspects, see V03-C01, cross reference T01-
C02A for keyboard interface. Virtual keyboards are coded
in T01-C02B1 only. Details of keypads for mobile phones
are coded under W01-C01B8 only. If use of
keypad/keyboard is not precise, no T04-F code is applied,
but V03 codes instead.
T04-F01A [1992]
Control, circuitry
T04-F01A1 [1992]
Key operation circuitry
Including scanning. See also U21-B02C.
T04-F01A5 [1992]
Key coding aspects
See also U21-A05D codes for key coding aspects.
Foreign, function key
T04-F01B [1992]
Cross reference to V03 for constructional details.
Key, membrane, pushbutton, pressure, casing, housing
440 T: Computing and Control
T04-F02 [1983]
Control, video game, indicate, matrix
T04-F02A [1992]
Based on absolute position
Input device when pressed/touched on particular
position, inputs data according to that position.
X-Y, coordinate
T04-F02A1 [1992]
Light pen
Optical, light pointer
T04-F02A2 [1992]
Details of touch sensors are coded under U21-B02C.
Constructional details of the touchscreen are also coded
under T04-F02C. Details of touchscreens for mobile
phones are coded under W01-C01B8H only, details of
touchscreens for digital cameras and camcorders are
coded under W04-M01D3E instead, and details of
touchscreens for printers and copiers are coded under
S06-K07A1 only.
T04-F02A5 [1992]
Manual input pad and stylus
Includes details of digitiser tablet, graphic interface and
touch pad.
Pen, matrix
T04-F02B [1992]
Based on relative position
Input device when moved moves e.g. cursor accordingly.
T04-F02B1 [1992]
T04-F02B1A [2005]
Mouse using optical elements instead of roller ball.
T04-F02B2 [2005]
Track Pad
Touch pad used as mouse input e.g. on laptop computer.
T04-F02B3 [1992]
Joystick, gamepad
Includes input devices used for gaming machines, e.g.
joypad, driving wheel, etc. that are used in place of
T04-F02B3A* [2002-2006]
Force feedback for joystick
*This code is now discontinued. From 2007 see T04-F03.
Pen, matrix
T04-F02B5 [1992]
Track ball
T04-F02B7 [2002]
Three dimensional input
Includes power glove, 3-D input with strain gauges, virtual
reality and acceleration measurements used as input e.g.
tilt sensor used to scroll display on a PDA.
Glove, Wiimote®, Wii remote®
T04-F02C [2005]
Construction, manufacturing and testing details of
analogue input arrangement
Includes mechanical details, manufacture and
manufacturing apparatus. See also codes for type (e.g.
T04-F02B1 for mouse, etc.). See T04-L01/L05 prior to
T04-F03 [2007]
Haptic feedback for manual input devices
Previous to 2007 see T04-F02B3A.
T04-F04 [1992]
Input of hand written characters
T04-F05* [1992-1996]
Hand scanner for computer input
*This code is now discontinued but remains searchable
and valid for records from 1992 to
1996. From 1997 see T04-M02. See also S06 codes.
Scanner computer interfacing details are covered by T01-
C06 and image acquisition details are covered by T01-J10A
T04-F06 [2007]
Miscellaneous input devices
Includes buttons and foot pads for input. See also V03 or
U21 for details of device.
T04-G* [1980-2009]
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-D to K.
Press/plate-type printers are in S06-C only. Includes all
aspects of individual character and line printers.
(Computer output interface details are in T01).
Drive, feed, roll, copy, character, line, carriage, motor,
head, record, word-processor
EPI Manual Codes 2020 441
Part 1
T04-G01* [1980-2009]
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-F from 2010.
Includes mechanical action. Electromagnet and solenoid
drive aspects are coded in V02-E02A also.
Armature, coil
T04-G01A* [1983-2009]
Dot printers
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-F01 from 2010.
Matrix, pin, wire, needle
T04-G01B* [1983-2009]
Using type
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-F02 from 2010.
Select, hammer, daisy-wheel, disc, step, font, typeface,
T04-G01C* [1992-2009]
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-F03 from 2010.
Ink, cassette
T04-G02* [1980-2009]
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-G from 2010.
Liquid, dye, nozzle, resin, water, channel, drop, pressure,
reservoir, eject, electrode, pulse
T04-G02A* [1983-2009]
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-G01 from 2010.
Thermal ink-jet, bubble, piezoelectric, ultrasound
T04-G02A1* [2002-2009]
Print head for ink jet drop-on-demand printer
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-G03 from 2010.
Thermal ink-jet, bubble, piezoelectric, ultrasound
T04-G02B* [1983-2009]
Selective drop deflection
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-G02 from 2010.
Charge, electrode, stream, gutter, continuous
T04-G02B1* [2002-2009]
Print head for selective drop deflection printer
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-G03 from 2010.
Charge, electrode, stream, gutter, continuous
T04-G02C* [1992-2009]
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-G04 from 2010.
T04-G02D* [2002-2009]
Inkjet head cleaning and general maintenance of
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-K06 from 2010.
T04-G02E* [1997-2009]
Recording media
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-G05 from 2010.
Includes pre-print application of liquid (not ink) to paper/
pre-treatment of paper for ink jet printing. See also X25-
T09A for electrical details of paper manufacture.
Paper, fabrics, OHP sheet, recording pattern of LCD screen
T04-G02F* [2002-2009]
Refilling of ink cartridge
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-G06A from 2010.
T04-G02G* [2005-2009]
Ink Chamber
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-G06 from 2010.
T04-G02H* [2005-2009]
Post ink application processing
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-G07 from 2010.
Includes processes for treating ink after application using
e.g. heat or UV light.
T04-G02J* [2005-2009]
Applications of ink-jet printing technology
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-G10 from 2010.
Covers printing on non-paper-like media, e.g. CD (see also
T03). Includes textile printing (see also X25-T04D), 3-D
printing and other industrial applications using inkjet
technology. Manufacturing LCD screens and filters (see
also U14).
T04-G03* [1983-2009]
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-H from 2010.
Includes thermal ink compositions and heat sensitive
paper and ribbons.
Transfer, thermosensitive
T04-G03A* [1992-2009]
Using thermally-sensitive paper
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-H01 from 2010.
T04-G03A1* [1992-2009]
Composition of heat-sensitive layer
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-H01A from 2010.
442 T: Computing and Control
T04-G03B* [1992-2009]
Using thermal ribbon
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-H02 from 2010.
Includes use of thermal transfer sheets.
T04-G03B1* [1992-2009]
Thermal ink composition
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-H02A from 2010.
Includes composition and manufacture of thermal ink.
T04-G03C* [1992-2009]
Printhead details for thermal printer
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-H03 from 2010.
For thin-film resistor heads see also U14 codes, e.g. U14-
T04-G04* [1983-2009]
Optical (incl. laser)
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-E from 2010. For
line projection onto photosensitive medium which is then
electrophotographically developed. If light deflection or
modulation aspects are claimed, then see V07-K codes
Toner, laser
T04-G04A* [1992-2009]
Optical system, and driving system
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-E03 from 2010.
T04-G04A1* [1992-2009]
Optics (e.g. lenses and mirrors)
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-E03B from 2010.
Polygonal, galvanometer
T04-G04A2* [1992-2009]
Driving system
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-E03C from 2010.
See also V06 codes for motor details.
T04-G04B* [1992-2009]
Printhead details, including light source
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-E03A from 2010.
For LED heads see also U12-A01A3 or U12-A01A6.
Array, LED, shutter
T04-G04C* [1992-2009]
Photosensitive materials
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-E01 from 2010.
Includes photosenstive paper, photoconductive belt,
drum, etc.
Photoconductor, belt, sheet
T04-G05* [1983-2009]
Electrode (e.g. electrosensitive/erosive)
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-J from 2010.
Electrostatic printing using any means other than light for
charging. For electrographic details (e.g. developing. If not
specifically for printing see also S02-K.
Electrostatic, dielectric, electrochromic, stylus
T04-G06* [1983-2009]
Sheet breadth control, carriage drive for sheet
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-K03A from 2010.
Includes solenoids and motors, but not control circuitry.
Position, step, margin, tabulate, space, nip
T04-G06A* [1992-2009]
Media feeding
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-K02 from 2010.
Line feed, paper
T04-G06B* [2005-2009]
Finishing apparatus
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-K05 from 2010.
Includes stapling, binding, laminating, etc. See also S06-
C05 for industrial process. For devices independent of
printer see T04-J02.
T04-G06C* [2006-2009]
Transferring image
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-K05 from 2010.
E.g. in ink jet printer - jetting onto substrate and then
transfer to final substrate.
T04-G06S* [2008-2009]
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-K05C from 2010.
Includes details of shredder integrated into printer, e.g.
for automatically shredding confidential paper after paper
T04-G07* [1992-2009]
Colour printing
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-K01 from 2010.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 443
Part 1
T04-G08* [1992-2009]
Self-contained typewriters and printing devices
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-K99A from 2010.
Includes details of label printers, independent units, and
hand held printing devices.
T04-G09* [1980-2009]
Other printer types
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-K from 2010.
Includes magnetic and Braille printers (see S05-K, T04-X
for other Braille aspects), electronic pen recorders.
T04-G10* [1992-2009]
Control systems for printers
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-K07 from 2010.
Does not include motors and solenoids for carriage and
T04-G10A* [1992-2009]
Internal control
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-K07A from 2010.
Includes control circuitry, power management.
T04-G10A1* [2005-2009]
User input and display
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-K07A1 from
2010. Includes mode selection keys, etc.
T04-G10C* [1992-2009]
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-K07C2 from
2010. Also coded in T01-C05A.
Serial, parallel, Centronics, RS232
T04-G10E* [1992-2009]
Control from outside printer
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-K07C1 from
2010. See T01-C05A for output to printer, T01-H05A for
print drivers and T01-J08F for diagnostic aspects of any
peripheral equipment. Network printers will also require
other T01 codes.
Network printer, print driver
T04-G10E1* [2005-2009]
Print Job/Queue
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-K07C1A from
2010. See also T01-C05A/T01-C05A1 for output to printer
and T01-H05A for print drivers.
T04-G10F* [2006-2009]
Management of confidential / secure documents,
e.g. prevention of illegal copying
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-K07A3 from
2010. Prevention of illegal printing of private documents,
etc, recognizing or printing copy prevention mark on
documents, output to authorised operator. See also T01
for image processing aspects, and T05-J for testing of
securities, banknotes, etc.
T04-G10G* [2007-2009]
Monitoring of printing
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-K07B from 2010.
T04-G11* [2005-2009]
General Construction
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-K03 from 2010.
T04-G11A* [2005-2009]
Construction and manufacturing details of printer
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-K03 from 2010.
Includes mechanical details, manufacture and
manufacturing apparatus. See T04-L01/L05 prior to 2005.
T04-G11B* [2005-2009]
Recycling Systems
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-K04 from 2010.
See also X25-W04 for electrical aspects of recycling
systems in general.
Visual display units
Includes displays for computer related equipment such as
for laptops and PDA’s (personal digital assistants) and
portable game consoles (e.g. Nintendo DS™, Sony PSP™).
For signal processing aspects e.g. contrast control, white
balance control etc, see also W03 codes.
Screen, video, cursor, terminal, processor, VDU, graphic,
line, monitor
CRT control arrangements
For CRT per se see V05-D codes. CRT TV display aspects
are covered by W03-A08A codes.
Image, deflect, raster, pixel
For single beam tubes
T04-H01A1 [1983]
Character and stroke generators
Pattern, vector
444 T: Computing and Control
For storage, colour or other tubes
Beam index, beam penetration
T04-H01B1 [1992]
T04-H02 [1985-2010]
*This code is now discontinued. See S06-K99E from 2011.
For computer interface per se see T01-C05B also.
Record, pen, drive, motor, X-Y, chart, curve, draw, mark
Arrangements for other visual indicators
Includes LED, LCD element drive arrangements. Display
arrangements in general are in W05-E codes also. Plasma
displays per se are coded in V05-A codes also.
Gas discharge, optical, panel, number, alphanumeric,
character, symbol
T04-H03A [1983]
For single character
Seven segment, decoder, segment
T04-H03B [1983]
For several characters, e.g. matrix
From 2005 all display types (except LED) will not be coded
in this section without novel details of the matrix array.
Row, column, driver, address
T04-H03C [1992]
Characterised by type
T04-H03C1 [1992]
See also U12-A01A.
T04-H03C1A* [1997-2010]
Driver circuitry
*This code is now discontinued, see T04-H03F together
with T04-H03C1 from 2010. See also U12-A01A5B for
array or U12-A01A5A for single LED.
T04-H03C2 [1992]
See also U14-K01.
Liquid crystal, ferroelectric, anti-ferroelectric, deformed
helical ferroelectric
T04-H03C2A* [1997-2010]
Driver circuitry
*This code is now discontinued. See T04-H03F together
with T04-H03C2 from 2010. See also U14-K01A3.
T04-H03C3 [1992]
See also U14-J03.
T04-H03C3A* [1997-2010]
Driver circuitry
*This code is now discontinued. See T04-H03F together
with T04-H03C3 from 2010. See also U14-J03.
T04-H03C4 [1992]
Plasma display panel
See also V05 codes.
T04-H03C4A* [1997]
Driver circuitry
*This code is now discontinued. See T04-H03F together
with T04-H03C4 from 2010. See also V05-A01G.
T04-H03C5 [2002]
Field emission display
T04-H03C5A* [2002]
Field emission display driver circuitry
*This code is now discontinued. See T04-H03F together
with T04-H03C5 from 2010. See also V05.
T04-H03C6 [2002]
Digital micromirror display
See also V07 for mirror control.
T04-H03C6A [2002]
Digital micromirror display driver circuitry
*This code is now discontinued. See T04-H03F together
with T04-H03C6 from 2010.
T04-H03C7 [2006]
Electrophoretic display
Based on electrophoresis effect, microencapsulated EPD,
partition-type EPD, charged particle display,
electrochromatic display, electrostatic display.
T04-H03C7A [2006]
Electrophoretic display driver circuitry
*This code is now discontinued. See T04-H03F together
with T04-H03C3 from 2010.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 445
Part 1
T04-H03C8 [2007]
Interference based MEMS display
See also U12-B03F1 and V06-M06G.
T04-H03C9 [1992]
Other display types
Includes Braille type displays (Braille printers are coded
under T04-G09).
Head mounted display
T04-H03D [1992]
Back lighting for displays
See also X26-U04A.
T04-H03E [2005]
See also W04-Q01 for novel projector details, projectors
don't receive any other T04-H codes.
T04-H03F [2010]
Driver circuitry
Search together with other T04-H02 codes as appropriate
to denote application of driver circuitry.
T04-H03M [2008]
Multi-display systems
T04-H04 [2005]
Construction, manufacturing and testing details of
Covers display housings, casings, stands, supports, wiring
components, etc. previously coded in T04-L. Does not
include details of the display elements per se which are
covered by the relevant class (e.g. U14 for LCD). Search
with other T04-H codes for display types.
T04-H06 [2007]
Stereoscopic and 3D displays
Conveying record carriers between independent
Including computer paper perforation and sprocket
details, collators and sorting appt. For digitally marked
record carriers see T04-A05 from 2005. See also S06-C05
and X25-F02A.
Guide, position, web, card, document
T04-J01 [1992]
Media feeding
See S06-K for paper feeding in printer, T04-K02C1 for
smart card feeding, and T04-A05 for card feeding.
Transport, path
T04-J02 [1992]
Collating, sorting
Sort, staple
T04-K [1987]
Smart media e.g. cards incorporating integrated
circuit memory etc.
Includes reading aspects. Constructional details are coded
in U11/U14 as appropriate. See also under application
(T05, W05, W06 or X25). For protective coatings see V04-
R03E. See also X25-F08 if details of the actual attachment
of the tag (e.g. RFID tag) to an item.
IC, memory, contactless, smart paper
T04-K01 [1992]
Smart media details
Includes all construction aspects of smart media.
Key, IC
T04-K01A [2006]
Circuitry, inc. encapsulation
For construction and manufacturing of the circuitry
aspects of smart media. See also U11, U14 and V04 for
T04-K01B [2006]
General construction details
For all aspects of smart media construction/manufacture
except circuitry which is coded in T04-K01A.
T04-K01C [2007]
See also W02-B codes as well as V04-G06 for PCB details
and U13 for integrated circuit details.
T04-K02 [1992]
Reading and writing aspects
Including smart card feed/conveying. See also T01-
H01B3A. See also W02-C02G7 (near-field radio) or W02-
G05 (transponder) for non-contact details.
PCMCIA, contact, non-contact
T04-K02A [2006]
446 T: Computing and Control
T04-K02B [2006]
Covers non-contact reading/writing, physical details of the
non-contact system only should be covered in K01 and/or
K03. For example the construction of the antenna in a
transponder is T04-K01C and T04-K03B and would not be
included here unless a communication aspect is also
described. See also W02-C02G7 (smart cards) and W02-
G05 codes (transponders and tags).
T04-K02C [2006]
Reading/Writing apparatus
Covers all aspects of the apparatus used to read from or
write to smart media, rather than the media itself.
T04-K02C1 [2006]
Feeding mechanisms
Prior to 2006 see T04-J.
T04-K02C2 [2007]
Constructional details of card reader / writer
Includes non-electrical constructional details such as
housing and mountings. Details of circuits, connectors,
interfaces, etc. go under T04-K02C.
T04-K02C3 [2010]
Control, circuitry of card reader/writer
T04-K03 [2006]
Media type
Codes used to highlight the type of media used. Search
together with other T04-K codes as required.
T04-K03A [2006]
Smart card
T04-K03B [2006]
T04-K03C [2006]
T04-K03D [2006]
Memory card/stick
T04-K03D1 [2006]
USB Memory stick
T04-K04 [2006]
All security aspects including physical protection of the
hardware, encryption (see also T01-D01) and fraud
protection (previously coded T01-H01C1).
T04-K05 [2012]
Testing smart media
For security aspects see T04-K04
T04-L [1987]
Constructional details of peripheral and ancillary
Includes construction of peripheral equipment not
covered by T04-F01B, T04-F02C, S06-K or T04-H04.
Computer housing and constructional details are covered
by T01-L02. See also V04-T and V04-S.
T04-L01 [1987]
Casings, cabinets of peripheral equipment
Includes details of housing, stand, support. Furniture
aspects of ‘electronic office’ are coded in T04-L07 from
Adjust, position, angle, stand, hinges
T04-L02 [2005]
Power supply arrangements for peripheral
See also U24 and X12.
T04-L05 [1987]
General constructional details
Includes mounting of PCB’s, components, leads, rails,
leverage system, etc.
T04-L07 [1992]
Furniture aspects of ‘electronic office’
Includes furniture aspects. See also T01-L02 for furniture
specifically for computer.
Desk, cable, chair, flooring
T04-L08 [2012]
Cleaning of computer and peripheral devices
T04-L09 [1987]
Other peripheral accessories etc.
Includes details of mouse mat, arm rest, theft alarm (see
also W05 codes) or document stand.
Filter, screen, antistatic, theft alarm, mouse mats, arm
rest, attachments, protective cover
T04-M [1992]
(Digitiser) Scanner for computer input
See S06-D only from 2010 for scanning arrangements for
image forming devices.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 447
Part 1
T04-M01 [1997]
2D scanner, incl. flatbed scanner
See also T04-D codes for image processing aspects, S06 as
appropriate, and T01-C06 for computer interfacing details.
Details of 3D printing technology are also coded under
T04-M02 [1997]
Hand-held scanner
Includes hand-held bar-code scanner (see also T04-
A03B1). Prior to 1997, hand scanners for computer input
were coded under T04-F05 (now discontinued). Details of
3D printing technology are also coded under X25-A08.
T04-M03 [2010]
Construction and manufacturing details of
Includes details of casing, framework and internal
mounting arrangements of components and modules.
Details of 3D printing technology are also coded under
Frames, glass, sheet, PCB
T04-M04 [2010]
Control circuitry of scanners
Includes internal control and power management. Details
of 3D printing technology are also coded under X25-A08.
Control, circuit, power supply
T04-M05 [2016]
3D scanner
Details of 3D printing technology are also coded under
T04-N [2012]
Audio input/output
Includes speakers, headphones and microphones
specifically for computer applications.
T04-P [1997]
Drives for computer input
External drive unit, see also T03.
Includes card case/wallet (see also T03), office
automation, cleaning appt. for computer peripherals,
computer equipment for handicapped people (see also
S05-K, and for Braille printer see also S06-K), and
maintenance equipment, shedder, electric stapler and
general packaging specifically for office equipment.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 449
Part 1
T05: Counting, Checking, Vending, ATM and POS
Counting objects
Counting of coins or banknotes is covered by T05-L07.
Vehicle counting is covered by T07-A01C.
On conveyor
For electrical conveyor aspects see X25-F01 codes.
Production line, manufacture, process, monitor
In stack or randomly distributed
Sheet, card, lamina, pile
Counting mechanisms
Includes mechanical, electromechanical, and electronic
arrangements. These codes are not used for counting
circuits in general, which are covered by U21-D codes.
T05-B codes are used for counting devices per se which
may be used to count objects, events, units of distance
travelled, etc. For some non-electronic applications see:
(1) T05-A codes for object counting
(2) T05-G codes for registering/indicating
(3) T05-L09 for currency counting
(4) S02-B12 for distance recorders and pedometers.
Wheel, disc, register, pin, reset, restore
Counters with additional facilities
Includes arrangements for performing an operation at
predetermined count. For tape recorder see T03-J05A and
W04-H03 also.
Ticket-issuing, fare-registering, franking appts.
For electrical printing aspects see S06 codes also.
Meter, memory, transport, vehicle
T05-C01 [1992]
Ticket and receipt issuing
Includes label printing devices. See T05-H codes as
appropriate for payment-operated systems and T05-K02
for mail delivery. See S06 for printing aspects.
Bill, invoice, slip, cut, separate, pass, toll, mark, perforate
T05-C03 [1992]
Fare registering
Includes taximeters (see also T05-G01 and X22-E05 for
electrical aspects) and charge indicating aspects of vehicle
toll systems (see T05-C01 for ticket issuing aspects and
T05-D02 for monitoring aspects).
Distance, time, rate
T05-C05 [1992]
Franking appts.
Includes all aspects of franking equipment, such as
registering of credit, security, and control. See also T01
codes e.g. T01-J05A1 for financial data processing
systems, and S02-D codes for weighing. Sorting of mail is
not included - see T05-K02.
Postage, meter, rate, reset, verify, stamp
Individual entry or exit registers
Includes systems for control and recording of access. See
W05-B01 codes for intruder alarm aspects and X25-M
codes for locks.
Identify, pass, code, enter, security, authorise, door, gate,
T05-D01 [1992]
For personnel control
Turnstiles per se are coded in T05-D01X.
Restricted area, banking, lobby, automatic
teller/transaction machine, ATM
T05-D01A [1992]
With record carrier
See T05-H02 codes as appropriate for card-freed aspects
in payment-based systems, see T04 for record carry types
and W02-G for transponders.
Includes checking/validating ticket or pre-paid card
Data, optical, magnetic, barcode, record, carrier,
transponder, token
T05-D01A1 [2005]
With portable electronic device
Covers the use of a mobile device, e.g. PDA or mobile
phone as the record carrier. See also W05-D08C and W05-
D06G for remote control aspects.
T05-D01B [1992]
With human characteristic detection
Includes e.g. finger or palm-print analysis by pattern
recognition (see S05-D01C5A and T04-D codes also), and
voice recognition (see W04-V codes also).
Recognise, ID, face, feature, retina, voiceprint
450 T: Computing and Control
T05-D01X [1992]
Includes turnstiles per se, toll-gate, barrier control,
adjustable entry gate and structural details.
Stadium, arena
T05-D02 [1992]
For vehicles
Includes toll systems, automatic fee charging system while
entering/exiting motorway. See also T05-C01 and T05-C03
respectively for ticket/card issuing and charge indicating
aspects. For automatic vehicle identification see T07-A03.
See W02-C and W05-D for communication aspects.
Checking occurrence of condition
Includes pass/fail test in e.g. production line
manufacturing process. Also for lottery or bingo games.
Audible or visible signalling for industrial aspects refer to
Identify, compare, inspect, authorisation, entry
Voting and lottery appts; generating random
See T01-E04 for digital random number generators, and
U22-A01A for random pulse generators.
Game, select, display, bingo, card, ticket, ballot, cast,
majority, register, betting
Display, record, register, measure, indicate, monitor, check
Vehicle working
Includes on-board distance and operation recording
equipment which is also coded in X22 when electrical. For
taximeters see also X22-E05 (fare-indicating aspects are
also covered by T05-C03). For tachographs see also X22-
E05, and S02-K05/S02-K06 codes for chart recorder
details, T01-H01B3 codes for electronic data storage in
memory modules.
Tachograph, fuel, speed, tacho-generator, taximeter
Machine working
Includes systems and apparatus monitoring the operation
of a single machine or a group of machines, e.g. in a
manufacturing environment. For computer-aided
manufacturing aspects see T01-J07B also.
Safety, press, tool, factory, automation, FA, CAM, QC,
quality control, idle time, down time
T05-G02A [1992]
For maintenance
Includes operation cycle counters and logging
arrangements to determine maintenance intervals,
remaining lifetime, etc.
Log, maintain, repair, recondition
T05-G02B [1992]
Production line process monitoring
Remote monitoring of measured values in general is
covered by W05-D codes.
Work-area, workstation, track, conveyor, materials
handling, truck
T05-G02B1 [1992]
Using record carrier attached to workpiece
Includes arrangements to identify workpiece,
manufactured item, etc., using e.g. barcode, magnetic
label, or other passive record carrier (See T04 codes also,
e.g. T04-A03B1 for optical barcode reading). Transponder
systems are covered by T05-G02B1A.
Ferromagnetic, magnetise, electrostatic, light, IR, UV,
visible, human-readable, pattern recognition
T05-G02B1A [1992]
Transponder interrogation systems
Covers systems using an electronic ‘tag’ attached to
workpiece, manufactured item, etc., which can be
interrogated by a central station, or equipment at a
particular workstation. Interrogation-based systems of
this type are also coded in W06-A04B5, and details of
transponders per se in W02-G05 codes.
Time of events
Time measurement in general is covered in S04. This code
is used for arrangements to monitor both the time at
which events occur and also their duration (see S04-C03
and S04-E codes also). It includes timing for sporting
events (see W04-X01 codes for electrical aspects) e.g. lap
time recording systems, start and finish times, etc., and
also registering systems for employee attendance, time
and motion study, etc.
Clock, clock in, period, elapsed time, night watchman,
security, patrol, race, photo-finish, trigger, actuate, work
T05-G03A [1992]
Parking meter
See T05-H codes also for coin- or card payment aspects.
Parking control systems are covered by T07-F.
Vehicle, bay, credit, reset
EPI Manual Codes 2020 451
Part 1
Coin-, token-, or card-freed appts
This section deals with direct or indirect payment-based
arrangements for dispensing, or providing services.
Dispensing involving volume measurement is covered by
S02-C04 codes. Documents are assigned T05-H codes
either by virtue of G07F IPC, which may involve inventions
without electrical aspects, or based on their electrical
content. In the latter case, X25-F03 codes may also be
assigned e.g. X25-F03B1 for food/drink vending machines.
T05-H codes may be assigned for any payment-based
provision of goods or services, and hence codes for the
particular application should also be searched.
Vending, slot, dispense, cash, denomination, insert,
automat, unattended
Coin-actuated mechanisms; interlocks
Includes mechanical and electrical systems. See T05-H03
for coin testing/sorting aspects.
Lock, release, activate, chute, lever, switch
Equipment actuated by objects other than coins
Codes in this section are used with other T05-H codes as
T05-H02A [1992]
Actuated by banknote
T05-H02B [1992]
Actuated by token
T05-H02C [1992]
Actuated by record carrier
Includes card-operated systems e.g. with data stored in
magnetic strip or electronically. See also T04, e.g. T04-A03
T05-H02C1 [1992]
Using dedicated record carrier
Includes e.g. telephone card, pre-paid card not usable for
other purposes. (See also T05-H05C and W01-C07A codes)
T05-H02C3 [1992]
Using non-dedicated record carrier
Includes use of credit/debit banking card and multi-
purpose pre-paid card.
Charge, account
T05-H02C5 [1992]
Characterised by type of carrier
Codes in this section are used to indicate system type
only, and not necessarily novel aspects.
T05-H02C5A [1992]
Magnetic card
See T04-C01 also for card per se, and T04-A03A for
reading aspects.
T05-H02C5B [1992]
Optical card
See T04-C02 also for card per se, and T04-A03B codes for
reading aspects.
T05-H02C5C [1992]
Smart card, IC card
Integrated circuit memory cards per se are coded in T04-
K01. For reading/writing aspects see T04-K02 and T01-
H01B3A also. For non-contact type see also W02.
T05-H02C5X [1992]
Other types of carrier
T05-H02D [2005]
Actuated by Mobile Device
For equipment actuated by fund or credit transfer from
mobile telephone devices or portable computing devices,
via e.g. cellular phone network, Internet, Bluetooth® or
local wireless network. See W01-C and T01-N01A1 and
T01-M06A1, T05-L02 codes.
T05-H02E [1992]
Reverse vending, e.g. for returnable container
Includes arrangement returning deposit on receipt of one
or more containers. Returnable-deposit systems for
supermarket trolleys are covered by T05-H05A1.
Recycle, returnable, carton, box, bottle, can, crusher,
T05-H02X [1992]
Coin testing or sorting appts. combined with coin-
freed appts.
Includes analogous testing arrangements for token- or
banknote-freed systems. Includes change giving
mechanism. See also codes in S03 for e.g. optical,
magnetic testing etc. and T04-D codes for pattern
recognition aspects.
Select, reject, validate
452 T: Computing and Control
Appts. dispensing discrete articles
Includes packaged items such as canned beverages, but
arrangements dispensing liquids into cups are covered by
Select, storage, vending, cigarette, confectionery,
newspaper, contraceptive, ticket
T05-H04A [1992]
Involving heating/cooking
See also X25-F03B1 and X27-C for cooking aspects.
Payment-freed cooking/heating appts. for food supplied
by customer is covered by T05-H05. For patents involving
heating and cooling, only T05-H04 is applied.
Microwave, IR, grill, conveyor, oven, meal
T05-H04B [2011]
Involving cooling/freezing
For patents involving heating and cooling, only T05-H04 is
applied. See also X27-F for refrigeration.
Appts. for hiring articles, coin-freed facilities, and
T05-H05A [1992]
Article hiring apparatus
Video, tape-cassette, sports equipment
T05-H05A1 [1992]
Returning payment or part payment on return of
Includes supermarket trolley with coin-freed lock.
(Reverse vending encouraging return of containers is
covered by T05-H02E).
Deposit, unlock, chain, free
T05-H05C [1992]
Payment-freed provision of services
Includes payment of parking meters (see T05-G03A also)
and public telephones (see W01-C07A codes also).
Automatic banking machines are coded in T05-H02 codes
for card/note accepting aspects and in T05-L03 codes.
Prepayment, call box, left luggage, locker, launderette,
washing machine, dryer, lighting, illumination, toilet,
commentary, cable TV subscription, car wash
T05-H05E [1992]
Payment-freed amusement and entertainment
See W04-X02A also for electrical aspects of gaming
machines and W04-X03A1 also for jukeboxes. See also
T01-J30B for video game machines.
Gambling, prize, reward, award, win, lose, skill, AWP,
amusement-with-prizes, slot machine, pinball, pachinko
Appts. dispensing fluids, granular material or
Includes quantity and tariff adjustment. Meter rental
charges. Electricity consumption meters are also assigned
S01-B codes. Dispensing of canned drinks is covered by
Beverage, sachet, ingredients, powder, mix, liquid, meter,
pump, water
T05-H08 [1992]
General details of vending and analogous appts
Codes in this section are used alone, or with other T05-H
codes as appropriate.
T05-H08A [1992]
Constructional details
Housing, mounting, casing, support, reinforce, door,
access, lock, maintain, refill, cashbox
T05-H08C [1992]
Control systems
See also T01 where significant control aspects are
Microprocessor, computer, logic, monitor, fault, alarm,
T05-H08C1 [2005]
Control from outside unit
Covers control, management and monitoring of payment
freed devices from an external unit such as a central
server. Includes inventory monitoring for vending
machines (see also T01-J05A2D), control of multiple
gambling machines in casino (see also W04-X02A8).
Microprocessor, computer, logic, monitor, fault, alarm,
Testing coins or valuable papers
Testing of coins or banknotes in e.g. vending machines is
covered by T05-H03.
Banknote, denomination, value, counterfeit, currency,
reject, validate
Sorting and delivering
See X25-F06 also for electrical aspects of sorting in
Conveyor, select, separate, divert, channel, grade,
evaluate, compare
EPI Manual Codes 2020 453
Part 1
T05-K01 [1983]
Coins and tokens
See T05-H03 for coin-sorting aspects of coin-freed appts.
Includes change giving apparatus and coin wrapping (see
T05-L09 also).
T05-K02 [1983]
Valuable papers (including mail)
Franking equipment is covered by T05-C05.
Banknote, dispense, bank, note, sheet, feed, envelope,
letter, post, postcode
T05-K05 [1992]
Objects on conveyor, and manufactured objects
T05-K09 [1992]
Point-of-sale equipment, EFT, and other currency
handling systems
Cash, bill, note, coin, banking, reject, refund, dispense
T05-L01 [1992]
Point of sale equipment
Checkout antitheft alarms are coded in W05 only, e.g.
W05-B01A codes.
POS, shop, store, retail
T05-L01A [1992]
Cash register
See also T01-J05A1 for processing aspects.
ECR, till drawer, key, lock, receipt, paper roll, printer,
display, calculate, processor
T05-L01B [1992]
Card reader
Includes credit/debit card reading system. See also T05-
H02D codes and T05-L02 for electronic funds transfer
EFT, EFTPOS, wipe, swipe, terminal, validate
T05-L01C [1992]
Product code reader
For both checkout and inventory purposes.
Scan, laser, polygon, mirror, orient, decode, format, check,
portable, data terminal
T05-L01C1 [2006]
Using bar code
See also T04-A03B1 for bar code reading in general.
T05-L01C3 [2006]
Using mobile electronic device
Contactless payments using smartphone or other mobile
device incorporating RFID/transponder technology. See
also T04-K and W02 for RFID/transponders in general.
Digital wallet
T05-L01C9 [2006]
Includes image recognition of item (see T04-D).
T05-L01D [1992]
Data transfer and network aspects
Includes networks linking cash registers and central
computer. See also T01 and W01-A06 codes.
LAN, WAN, local area, wide area, bus, loop, ring,
interconnect, interface
T05-L01E [2005]
POS Weighing Scales
See T05-L01X prior to 2005. See also S02 for weighing
apparatus in general.
Scales, weigh
T05-L01F [2005]
Electronically Addressed shelf edge display
Coded as T05-L01X prior to 2005.
T05-L01H [2006]
POS printers
T05-L01X [1992]
Other POS equipment or systems
Conveyor, automatic packing, price
T05-L02 [1992]
Electronic payments
Includes Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and digital wallet
systems. See T01-N01A1 for Computer/Internet aspects
and W01-C05B3C for telephone line data transmission
T05-L03 [1992]
Cash dispensing and depositing machines
Includes automatic teller machines.
Bank, terminal, banknote, card, ATM
T05-L03A [1992]
Cash-handling aspects
See T05-K02 for banknote sorting/delivering in general.
454 T: Computing and Control
T05-L03A1 [1992]
Deposit, envelope
T05-L03A5 [1992]
Cash dispensing
T05-L03C [1992]
Security and control
See T05-H02 codes for card operated access system
details, and T05-D01 codes for control of access to
T05-L03C1 [1992]
General control system
Includes display arrangements and selection keys.
Microprocessor, computer, controller, program
T05-L03C5 [1992]
Security system aspects
Authorise, validate, personal identification number, PIN
T05-L03E [1992]
Constructional details
Includes internal details such as component mounting,
and also housing, reinforcement, etc.
Casing, support, bezel, escutcheon, display filter
T05-L05 [1992]
Cashboxes, strongboxes, safes, moneyboxes
See W05-B01 codes for theft/burglar alarms.
T05-L05A [1992]
Strongboxes, safes
Lock, combination, tumbler, time delay, release
T05-L05B [1992]
Personal moneybox, coin holders
T05-L07 [1992]
Coin and note counting
T05-L09 [1992]
Coin wrapping, minting
EPI Manual Codes 2020 455
Part 1
T06: Process and Machine Control
These codes cover general or unspecified control systems
and methods. T06 codes are often applied due to the
presence of guaranteed G05B (T06-A codes) and G05D
(T06-B codes) IPCs, as well as G05G (T06-C codes), as long
as there is some electrical content for the latter. In the
absence of a guaranteed G05B or G05D IPC, if the control
is "specific", then T06 codes are not normally applied. For
example, non-specific or general torque control will be
coded in T06-B12, but if the patent details control of
electric motor torque, e.g. for a motor vehicle power
steering system, then T06 codes will not be applied
(unless there is e.g. a G05D-017 IPC assigned), because
the control can be much more accurately highlighted by
applying specific V06-N (motor torque control) and X22-
C05A (vehicle power steering) codes.
General control systems
This code is used for systems for regulating specific
variables which are more generally applicable.
Comparing elements
Includes electric analogue and digital comparators.
General electronic comparators are coded in U22-A04D5.
Error detectors
Anti-hunting and internal feedback arrangements
Includes electric and fluidic anti-hunting measures;
electric and fluidic feedback to obtain proportional,
integral and differential characteristics. See also T06-
A06A9 for PID control per se.
Obtaining smooth (dis)engagement of automatic
control; safety arrangements
Includes both electric and fluidic arrangements.
Programme-control systems
Numerical controllers
Using measuring device
Characterised by computer; with central computer
controlling several NC machines
See T01-F06 for CNC-related microprocessing.
CNC, computerised numerical controller
T06-A04A2A [1997]
Total factory control
For central factory control not using NC systems, see T06-
FA, DNC, Direct/distributed numerical controller
T06-A04A3 [1997]
Positioning or contouring control systems
Also includes tool centring, measuring workpiece for
machining, backlash and other types of error
compensation, and control of velocity, etc.
T06-A04A4 [1997]
Machine data input and handling arrangements
Includes NC systems where form of data input is the
characterising feature e.g. manual data input, generating
data from the drawing, or using design data from a
CAD/CAM system. Also includes reading, buffering or
conversion of data.
T06-A04A5 [1997]
Using tool path interpolation
T06-A04A6 [1997]
Monitoring and safety systems
See also T06-A03 and T06-A08 for general safety and
monitoring systems, respectively.
Other numerical controller aspects
Includes open loop systems.
T06-A04B1 [1997]
Sequence or logic controller
Also includes programmable logic controllers. See also
T01-F06 for program control arrangements e.g. using
stored programs, such as in PLC, for control of computer
peripheral. For general safety and monitoring systems,
see T06-A03 and T06-A08, respectively.
PLC, relay ladder, graph set processing
T06-A04B3 [1997]
Fluidic control systems
456 T: Computing and Control
T06-A04B5 [1997]
Recording and playback/teaching systems
T06-A04B7 [1997]
Total central control of factory
For central factory control using NC systems, see T06-
FMS, Flexible manufacturing system, CIM, computer
integrated manufacturing, multi-machine control, IMS,
integrated manufacturing system
Adaptive (optimum) control systems
T06-A05A [1992]
Artificial Intelligence-based systems
Includes expert-, rule-, or knowledge-based systems. See
also T01-J16 codes.
AI, KBE, rule acquisition, inference engine, neural network,
heuristic rules
T06-A05A1 [1992]
Fuzzy control
See also T01-J16B.
T06-A05C [2007]
Using algorithms
Includes adaptive control systems using algorithms to
optimise system performance. E.g. includes control
algorithms used in washing machines (see also X27-
D01A5) to optimise wash cycle based on sensed
parameters such as weight of clothes, temperature etc.
Automatic controllers
(Dis)continuous controllers
T06-A06A1A [1992]
Output of controller is continuous function of deviation
from desired value. See T06-A06A3 for records from 1983
to 1991.
T06-A06A1D [1992]
Output of controller is discontinuous function of deviation
from desired value e.g. two or multi-step controllers. See
T06-A06A5 for records from 1983 to 1991.
With output pulse-train signal; with multiple
inputs and outputs
Includes systems where the output of controller is pulse-
height, -width, or frequency-modulated; multiple inputs
obtained from more than one sensor and outputs applied
to more than one correcting element.
T06-A06A3* [1983-1991]
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to T06-
A06A1A from 1992 onwards to indicate its proper
hierarchical relationship to T06-A06A1. It is still searchable
and valid for records of 1983 to 1991.
T06-A06A5* [1983-1991]
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to T06-
A06A1D from 1992 onwards to indicate its proper
hierarchical relationship to T06-A06A1. It is still searchable
and valid for records of 1983 to 1991.
Other electric automatic controllers
Includes arrangements to obtain PID and proportional,
integral, or differential characteristics.
Pneumatic or hydraulic only
Computer controlled systems; systems using
T06-A07A [1992]
Computer-controlled systems
This code is used together with other codes only if
substantial computing details are disclosed. For example,
CNC machine tool motor control systems would be coded
only in T06-A04A. See also T01-J07B for the computing
aspects of industrial process controllers.
T06-A07A1 [1992]
Distributed control systems
EPI Manual Codes 2020 457
Part 1
T06-A07B [1992]
Systems using models
Testing and monitoring control systems
T06-A10 [1992]
Sampled-variable control systems
T06-A11 [1997]
Control systems-related (data) communications
See also W01-A06 codes for data communications in
general. RF type communications are in W02 and
transmission systems for measurement and control
systems are covered by W05-D codes. Only used when
‘control’ data is being communicated.
Other general control systems aspects
Includes open-loop automatic control systems; general
constructional details of controllers e.g. control boards or
racks for electronic controllers (see V04-T codes for
electronic equipment constructional features).
Control of non-electric variables
Includes normally documents with the G05D IPC, or those
with substantial electrical content but no relevant
provision elsewhere in EPI, e.g. flow control. Does not
cover automotive vehicle controllers like torque (see X22-
A03D instead), etc. unless G05D is applied.
T06-B codes are primarily applied with regard to the final
variable being controlled, though in some cases, an
intermediate variable being controlled may also be coded,
if deemed helpful. For example: in a system controlling
the flow of fluid by varying the speed of a pump, T06-B04
will be the code normally applied to highlight the desired
flow control aspect (if a G05D IPC is assigned or no
specific application is detailed), and in most cases the
intermediate speed control aspect (T06-B09) will not need
to be coded.
Vehicle position, course, altitude or attitude
For aircraft flight controllers, see W06-B01A5.
Position or course in two dimensions
Includes vehicles using near-field transmission system e.g.
having buried conductors in floor etc. (see W02-C02 also).
Steering, tracking, robotic vehicles, navigation
Altitude or attitude; target seeking control
See W07-A codes also for missile guidance.
Aircraft, flight, satellite
Other vehicle position/course control
Includes 3-dimensional position or course control.
Position or direction
Without feedback
With feedback
Material dimensions
Without auxiliary power
Using electric means
Other flow controller
Chemical or physico-chemical variables
Humidity; viscosity; light intensity
Only used for general or non-specific control systems. For
illumination control/light dimming see X26-C codes only,
for controlling light intensity of display see appropriate
U14, W05 etc. display codes only, and for humidifiers per
se see X27-E01B2 only.
458 T: Computing and Control
Of two or more fluid flows
Other ratio control with(out) auxiliary power
Other ratio control
Speed; acceleration
Without auxiliary power; with auxiliary non-
electric power
Using electric means
Mechanical force or stress
Fluid/Gas pressure
Without auxiliary power
Other fluid pressure control
Torque; mechanical power; mechanical
Control of electric heaters is in X25-B04, central heating
control in X27-E01A.
Without auxiliary power
Using electric means
Using elements with temp. dependent electric or
magnetic properties
With auxiliary heater
Other electric temperature control
Other temperature control
Several variables simultaneously
Other non-electric variables’ control
Includes simultaneous control of electric and non-electric
Mechanical control devices or systems
Included in EPI only if application is for electrical systems
or devices.
Controlling and controlled members
Includes knobs for switches or variable resistors, etc. See
V03-B09, V01-A03.
Limiting movement
Manually operated mechanisms
With single controlled member
With several controlled members
Other mechanical control devices or systems
EPI Manual Codes 2020 459
Part 1
In general, relates to items in X25, which should also be
T06-D01A [1983]
Soil working, sowing, harvesting
See also X25-N01A for electrical equipment.
Tractor, depth, plough, harvester, agricultural vehicles
T06-D01B [1983]
Irrigating, fertilising, culture
See also X25-N01B for electrical equipment.
T06-D01C [1987]
Livestock industry
Includes feeding, milking, and enclosure heating and air
conditioning. See also X25-N02.
Feeding control
Food, pharmaceuticals and tobacco processing
See also X25-P.
T06-D02A [1987]
See also X25-P02.
Drugs, medicines
T06-D02B [2011]
Includes control of tobacco processing plant.
T06-D02C [2014]
Includes control of food processing plant.
Textile and paper manufacture
T06-D03A [1983]
Paper and cardboard making
See also X25-T09.
T06-D03B [1983]
Fiber, yarn, etc. manufacture
See also X25-T04A.
Spinning, winding, twisting, combing, carding, tension-
T06-D03C [1983]
Fabric manufacture
See also X25-T04B codes.
Looms, knitting machines, wefting machines, warping
machines, weaving, textile manufacture
T06-D03D [1983]
Sewing machine/Embroidery machines
See also X25-T04C.
Separating; crushing; mixing, sorting
See also X25-J for crushing and mixing. Also includes
T06-D04A [2020]
Metal working; casting
T06-D05A [1983]
Metal working
T06-D05A1 [1987]
Shaping; rolling; hammering; bending; punching
Includes shaping of materials (excluding cutting), e.g.
rolling (see also X25-A02B), bending, punching and
hammering (see also X25-A02D).
T06-D05A2 [2011]
See also X25-A02A for presses per se.
T06-D05B [1983]
See also X25-A01.
Machine tool control
Control of portable power driven screw or nut setting.
460 T: Computing and Control
T06-D06A [2019]
Riveting control
See also X25-A03R and X25-A03F for riveter control. See
T06-D20 prior to 2018.
Grinding; polishing; cutting; drilling; manipulators
T06-D07A [1983]
Milling; grinding; polishing
See also X25-A03C codes as appropriate.
Abrading, honing, lapping, planing, sanding, burnishing,
T06-D07B [1983]
Also see X25-A03E. See T06-D08F and X25-F05A instead
for autonomous and robotic vehicles.
T06-D07C [2011]
Turning; boring; drilling; cutting
Also see X25-A03A and X25-A03B codes as appropriate.
Sawing, trimming, grooving, lathe
Conveying, lifting, hauling, handling materials
Includes strip and coil handling. Also see X25-F02 for
web/strip/coil handling per se. Includes cable winding
aspects. Also see X12-D07X or X12-G10 for cable winding
machine and cable drums/reels.
Sheets, roll, paper, filaments
Article feeding; tension regulating
See also X25-F01A for control details of conveyors.
Belts, transporting goods, shelving and retrieving,
locating, addressing
See also X25-F04A for control details of lifts.
Elevators, car call control, escalators, cabins, cages
Cranes, load engaging equipment, soil shifters
See also X25-F05 for cranes and X25-D01 for excavators
and soil shifting.
Hoists, excavators, winches
T06-D08F [1987]
Trucks, goods or robotic vehicles
Includes goods conveying vehicle control (see also X25-
F05A codes).
Robotic vehicles, autonomous vehicles, trucks, fork lift
trucks, trolleys
Other material handling control systems
T06-D09 [1983]
See also X25-A codes for metal working, and X25-Q codes
for iron and steel manufacture, furnace control (see X25-
X13 also), heat treatment etc.
T06-D10 [1983]
Chemical processing
T06-D11 [1987]
See also X25-D02 for mining.
Conveyors, machines
T06-D12 [1987]
Earth drilling; Well production
Includes oil, gas and water wells drilling. Drilling for
building construction is not covered. See also X25-E01 for
drilling equipment. Also see H01 codes.
T06-D13 [1987]
See also X25-A06 for plastic working per se.
Extruding, injecting, moulding
T06-D14 [2011]
Includes control of rubber processing and tyre
manufacturing plant. See also X25-A07 for rubber working
per se.
EPI Manual Codes 2020 461
Part 1
T06-D15 [2014]
Includes control of packaging/dispensing machines.
T06-D16 [2017]
Includes all processing and manufacturing aspects of
T06-D20 [1997]
Other applications of control systems
Includes drying (see X25-G), etc. From 2011 control of
presses is transferred to T06-D05A2. From 2019 control of
riveting machines is transferred to T06-D06A (see also
EPI Manual Codes 2020 463
Part 1
T07: Traffic Control Systems
Traffic control systems specifically for rail, air/marine
transport are not included, and are covered by X23 and
W06 codes respectively. Some offboard roadside aspect
or traffic control centre must be present to be coded in
T07. Purely onboard motor vehicle aspects are coded in
X22 only.
Determining road vehicle position, speed or flow
T07-A01 [1992]
Monitoring flow of traffic
Includes measurement of number of vehicles passing
within fixed time period.
Congestion, volume, closed-circuit TV, CCTV, survey, cable,
pressure, detect
T07-A01A [1992]
Measuring speed of traffic
Includes measurement of average speed.
T07-A01A1 [1992]
Measuring individual vehicle speed
Includes police speed trap using e.g. radar, laser, etc. (For
driver countermeasures see X22-E08 and W06-A04E3C).
Gun, check, readout
T07-A01B [1997]
Detecting presence of vehicle
This code is for detecting the presence of a vehicle in a
known local position, e.g. using inductive loops embedded
in roadway that detect change in magnetic field caused by
presence of the vehicle. For detecting the presence of
vehicles specifically for traffic signal control, e.g. traffic
light control, see T07-C03A only. For detecting free
parking space see T07-F also. For systems detecting an
unknown geographic location of the vehicle see T07-A05
codes instead.
T07-A01B1 [1997]
Detecting ‘wrong way’ travel
Use with T07-E codes also.
T07-A01C [1992]
Vehicle counting
See also T07-F for counting number of vehicles entering
car park.
T07-A01D [2002]
Vehicle classification system
Includes classification of vehicle type, e.g. car, lorry,
motorbike, and e.g. monitoring of vehicle height. Includes
optical systems in which light beam is interrupted when
high vehicle such as truck passes by.
Classify, vehicle type, height sensing
T07-A03 [1992]
Identifying and recording individual vehicle
T07-A03A [1997]
Transponder interrogation
Transponder interrogation systems for vehicle
identification in general are covered by T04-K03B, T04-
K02 and W06-A04B1 codes and W02-G05 codes for novel
RF details.
RFID, transponder, tag
T07-A03A1* [1997-2001]
For tolls or other charging systems
*This code is now discontinued; the transponder aspect is
now transferred to T07-A03A and the toll aspect is
transferred to T07-A03E from 2002 onwards. T07-A03A1
remains searchable for records between 1997 and 2001.
T07-A03C [1997]
Recording images
Includes systems triggered by detecting vehicle speeding,
or travelling through stop signal.
Automatic camera, number, offence, violation
T07-A03C1 [1997]
By photography
Electrical aspects of photography are also assigned and
are coded in S06-B, especially S06-B02 codes.
T07-A03C5 [1997]
By video systems
Closed circuit TV systems are assigned W02-F01 codes.
See W04-M01 codes for details of video cameras.
CCTV, VCR, tape, playback
T07-A03C5A [1997]
With pattern recognition of licence plate
See T04-D codes also.
464 T: Computing and Control
T07-A03E [2002]
Toll and charging arrangements
Transponder aspects for transmission of data between toll
booth and vehicle are coded in T07-A03A also. See T05-
D02 also and T05-C03 for charge indicating aspects. See
X22-X07 also for on-board vehicle aspects such as
windscreen mounted transponder.
Transponder, card, debit, toll
T07-A05 [1992]
Monitoring position of vehicle
This code is for monitoring the geographic position of a
vehicle. For position monitoring in conjunction with
mobile radio systems see W02-C03C codes (e.g. W02-
C03C1E). For T07-A05 to be applied there needs to be
some offboard or roadside aspect. Purely onboard vehicle
position determination is coded in X22-E06 instead, as
well as e.g. S02-B08C and W06-A03A5C if GPS is used for
the position fixing. For systems detecting the position or
rather presence of a vehicle at a known point on the road,
see T07-A01B instead, or T07-C03A if the aim of the
presence detection is for road traffic signal control.
Location, city, zone, district, road, street, plan, moving
map, destination
T07-A05A [1992]
Monitoring position of scheduled vehicle e.g. bus
Includes systems for monitoring position of buses or other
vehicles such as delivery vehicles following a set route or
travelling between specific destinations, e.g. to allow off-
board controller to monitor vehicle progress. See also
T07-A05L for display of vehicle position to controller. See
also X22-P05A and other appropriate X22 codes for on-
board bus details.
T07-A05A1* [1992-2006]
Displaying information to passenger
*This code is now discontinued and transferred to T07-
A05D and T07-A05S. T07-A05A1 remains searchable for
records from 1992-2006.
Time, interval, indication, boarding, alighting
T07-A05A3* [1992-2001]
Displaying information to controller
*This code is now discontinued; the display to central
controller aspect is transferred to T07-A05B and the
application to scheduled vehicles is covered by T07-A05A.
T07-A05A3 remains searchable for records between 1992
and 2001.
Central station, route
T07-A05B [2002]
Displaying information to controller
Includes informing central station of vehicle position, e.g.
to allow controller to monitor vehicle progress and alter
vehicle schedule if required (see also T07-A05S). See also
X22-E06F for updating vehicle navigation display.
Central station, route
T07-A05C [1992]
Displaying information to driver
Includes arrangements indicating position of vehicle to
driver, e.g. using roadside beacons or other roadside
based navigational systems. Systems transmitting actual
control signals affecting vehicle steering for example, are
covered by T07-D01 (and X22-C05B for automatic steering
details). See also X22-E06F and S02-B08 codes. Includes
use of offboard traffic centre to inform driver of best
route to destination, e.g. due to traffic congestion, i.e. to
reduce processing requirements of on-board navigation
system. T07-G01 may also need to be applied for
indication of traffic congestion.
T07-A05D [2007]
Displaying information to passenger
Includes systems for informing passenger of current
position of bus or taxi or its expected arrival time.
Includes display of vehicle position on hand-held device,
in-bus display or on off-board bus stop display.
T07-A05U [2007]
Monitoring position of un-scheduled vehicle e.g.
Includes systems for monitoring position of taxis, e.g. to
allow dispatcher to efficiently dispatch taxis to most
appropriate pick-up points. See also T07-A05L for display
of taxi position to controller, T07-A05N for display of pick-
up point to taxi driver, and T07-A05J for informing
passenger of current taxi location and expected arrival
time. See X22-P05C and other appropriate X22 codes for
on-board taxi details.
Traffic signals and roadsigns
The codes in this section relate to equipment providing
both variable traffic instructions and fixed information.
Display, road, warning, optical, reflect, sign, emergency,
EPI Manual Codes 2020 465
Part 1
T07-B01 [1992]
Signal details
T07-B01A [1992]
Light source
Only includes novel light sources/bulbs etc. per se. See
X26 for lamps and U12-A01A codes for LEDs. Lampholders
are coded in T07-B01B.
Incandescent, discharge, bulb, fluorescent, light emitting
diode, LED, HID
T07-B01B [1992]
Reflectors, filters, lenses, fittings
Includes holders for lamps or other light source.
T07-B01C [1992]
Constructional details
Casing, mounting, cable, harness, seal, post, street
T07-B05 [1992]
Signal type
Codes in this section are used to indicate signal type
either alone, in conjunction with T07-B01 codes, or with
T07-C codes.
T07-B05A [1992]
Traffic intersection control
Includes standard ‘traffic lights’ and pedestrian crossing
T07-B05A1 [1992]
Portable, temporary unit
Includes portable display used at traffic intersection. For
movable displays used in other situations see T07-B05G
Road works, repairs, one-way, alternate, single line,
T07-B05A5 [1992]
Indicating elapsed time
Includes indication of time before next signal change.
Period, warning, fuel saving, pollution
T07-B05C [1992]
Variable information display
Includes matrix displays e.g. indicating temporary speed
limit, motorway lane closure, etc.
T07-B05E [1992]
Fixed display
Includes illuminated direction signs.
T07-B05G [2002]
Movable display
Includes portable or temporary displays, e.g. mounted on
movable trailer, and used at roadworks along motorway
to inform drivers of temporary speed limit or lane
closures. Portable displays used for traffic intersection
signalling such as temporary traffic lights are coded in
T07-B05A1 only.
T07-B07 [2002]
Traffic signals and roadsigns with ancillary
Includes roadside transmitters, e.g. incorporated in road
sign to transmit radio position signal or speed limit signal
to vehicle. See also T07-D03 if vehicle speed is
automatically controlled.
Radio transmitter, beacon, speed limit notification
Controlling traffic signals
For control of a particular type of signal search with T07-
B05 codes (except T07-B05E).
T07-C01 [1992]
Control circuitry
Computer, microprocessor, sequential, program, logic,
clock, time
T07-C03 [1992]
Switch and detector arrangements
Includes manual switch for e.g. pedestrian crossing. See
also V03 codes for novel mechanical switches per se.
T07-C03A [1992]
Detecting presence of vehicle
Includes using inductive loops below road surface (also
coded in S03-C02B) to detect vehicle presence and then
control traffic signal. For vehicle presence detection not
associated with traffic signal control see T07-A01B only.
Sense, pressure, magnetic field
T07-C05 [1992]
Monitoring and alarms
Includes safety measures to prevent signal conflict,
warning of signal lamp failure, etc.
T07-C07 [1992]
Over-ride control system
Includes emergency services vehicle priority system. See
also X22 and e.g. W05-D codes for wireless remote
466 T: Computing and Control
Vehicle guidance and control systems
Includes offboard systems that effect automatic control or
guidance of land vehicle.
T07-D01 [2002]
Vehicle guidance systems
This code covers arrangements controlling vehicle travel
direction in road traffic or off-road traffic system,
normally where there is some traffic contention aspect,
e.g. to prevent collisions. (See T06-B01A, X22-C05B and
W02-C02 codes for inductive loop and radiating cable
guidance systems also. For materials handling vehicles,
see X25-F05A codes). Systems providing navigational
information only, without automatic guidance control, are
covered by T07-A05C and also included in X22-E06 codes
for onboard aspects, and in S02-B08. Information
processing aspects of vehicle guidance irrespectively are
covered by T01-J07D codes.
Position, road, track, cable, near field, automatic steering
T07-D03 [2002]
Vehicle automatic control systems
Includes automatic regulation of vehicle speed in
response to signal transmitted from roadside transmitter.
See also T07-B07 if transmitter is incorporated into road
sign. X22-A03B and X22-C02D codes may also need to be
applied for automatic vehicle speed and braking control.
Speed limit enforcement, speed control, automatic
braking, by-wire
Anti-collision systems
See X22-J05 codes for self-contained on-board road
vehicle systems, which are not coded here, and W06-A
codes for ‘radar’ types, e.g. W06-A04H1.
Ultrasonic, light, beam, distance, receive, transmit, rear,
indicate, safety, warning, obstacle
T07-E01 [1992]
Warning of or preventing collision
Includes warning of insufficient vehicle spacing.
T07-E05 [1992]
Warning of unsafe vehicle position
Includes warning of deviation from lane using some road
based apparatus such as passive radar reflector or
transponder embedded in road. Excludes on-board
vehicle optical detection of painted white line.
White line, pattern, stud
Parking control systems
Includes indication of occupancy of parking spaces (see
T07-A01B also for vehicle presence detector and T07-
A01C for vehicle counting) and vehicle access control and
direction of vehicle to parking space. See also T05-D codes
for barrier/access control aspects per se. See X25-U02
only for vehicle handling/lifting/storing via powered
equipment in multi-storey car park. Parking meters are
not included-see T05-G03A.
Time, display, vehicle, car, card, fee, ticket, charge
T07-G [1992]
Informing driver of traffic, road and weather
From 1997, the scope of this code has been widened to
include warning of traffic congestion. Includes use of radio
broadcasting or telephone information services. See W01-
C05 codes for telephone aspects, W02 codes for radio
systems (especially W02-E01B5 for RDS-based systems)
and W05 for signalling in general. T07-B codes may be
relevant also for signalling aspects.
T07-G01 [1997]
Informing driver of traffic congestion
Includes use of roadside display to inform driver of delays
or transmission of information directly to onboard vehicle
display (see also X22-E11). For systems also displaying
alternative route to driver to avoid congestion, also see
T07-A05C and X22-E06F codes.
Accident, road works, lane closure, traffic jam, diversion,
signal failure, alternative route
T07-G02 [2013]
Informing driver of road surface conditions
Includes informing driver of temporary road surface,
resurfacing works, pot holes, raised ironwork etc. For
warning of road flooding etc. see T07-G05 instead. If the
monitoring system is located on the road, X25-U05 should
also be applied. If the monitoring system is mounted on
the vehicle, see X22 only.
T07-G05 [1997]
Adverse weather condition monitoring and
For warning driver of severe weather such as flooding so
that alternative route can be used. See S03-D codes for
meteorological aspects also.
Visibility, fog, mist, temperature, frost, ice, black ice, flood
EPI Manual Codes 2020 467
Part 1
T07-H [2002]
Intelligent highway systems
Includes general details of intelligent roadways, such as
roadside infrastructure, e.g. beacons or transponders
beside or embedded in road, to assist with automatic
vehicle steering (see also T07-D01) or vehicle separation
distance control (see also T07-D03). For vehicle control via
a central traffic centre, see T07-A05 codes instead.
T07-M [2012]
Traffic administration and traffic modelling/design
Includes traffic planning and designing. Also see T01-J05A
for administration or T01-J15X for computer design and
Other electrical traffic control aspects
Includes illuminated road studs and lane markings, and
electrically height adjustable road bumps. Includes
warning triangle placed on road by vehicle driver, e.g. to
guide emergency vehicle to accident site. See also X22-
Cats eye, speed bump, warning triangle