RSP Highlights -
© 2024 Home Depot Product Authority, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Doing the right thing each and every day for the benefit of our
associates, customers, vendors, suppliers, service providers
and the communities we serve is critical to our ongoing
Each day we are challenged to be fair and consistent, to
comply with the laws that govern our activities, and to notify
others when something needs to be corrected. Our Business
Code of Conduct and Ethics provides you with guidance in
making the right choices when called upon to do so. Please
become familiar with our Code, as well as all of our Corporate
Compliance Policies and Standard Operating Procedures. As
you review these materials, please keep in mind that it is not
simply the letter of the Code, but the spirit that we all must
If you are faced with a situation where you think our Company
values or compliance with the law may be in question, you
should bring this to the attention of your immediate manager or
supervisor, your Human Resource partner, Corporate
Compliance, or, if you prefer, you may anonymously report
your concern through THD AwareLine at 800-286-4909 or
Working together, we will maintain our values and ensure the
success of The Home Depot.
Thank you.
Ted Decker, Chair, President and Chief Executive Officer
The Home Depot has a
strong commitment to
ethics and integrity, and
our core values define the
means by which we do
INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................................................................1
OUR CORE VALUES ..............................................................................................................................1
COMPLYING WITH THE CODE AND THE LAW ...................................................................................2
THE OPEN DOOR POLICY ....................................................................................................................2
ZERO TOLERANCE FOR RETALIATION .............................................................................................2
WAIVERS TO THIS CODE ......................................................................................................................2
DOING THE RIGHT THING FOR OUR ASSOCIATES..............................................................................4
SAFETY ...................................................................................................................................................4
LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT .................................................................................................................5
Alcohol and drug abuse ................................................................................................................................................... 5
Fair employment practices/discrimination..................................................................................................................... 5
Harassment ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Violence in the workplace ............................................................................................................................................... 6
ASSOCIATE ASSISTANCE ....................................................................................................................6
CONFLICTS OF INTEREST ....................................................................................................................7
Financial interests ............................................................................................................................................................ 7
Personal relationships ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
Gifts and entertainment ................................................................................................................................................... 8
DOING THE RIGHT THING FOR OUR CUSTOMERS ............................................................................ 10
ANTITRUST AND FAIR COMPETITION .............................................................................................. 10
CONFIDENTIALITY, PRIVACY AND INFORMATION PROTECTION ................................................ 11
DOING THE RIGHT THING FOR OUR SHAREHOLDERS ..................................................................... 13
INSIDER TRADING ............................................................................................................................... 13
FINANCIAL INTEGRITY AND REPORTING ........................................................................................ 14
RECORDS RETENTION ....................................................................................................................... 15
DOING THE RIGHT THING FOR OUR COMMUNITIES ......................................................................... 16
ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY ................................................................................................ 16
GOVERNMENT INTERACTIONS ......................................................................................................... 17
Political involvement ...................................................................................................................................................... 17
Government contracting ................................................................................................................................................ 17
The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and anti-bribery ................................................................................... 18
The Corporate Compliance Team can provide guidance in situations where you are unsure of the
right thing to do. We understand that doing the right thing at work is not always as easy as it may
sound. Just send us an email with your question to corporate_compliance@homedepot.com.
This Business Code of Conduct and Ethics (the Code) is intended to provide you straightforward
information about The Home Depot’s operating principles and offer tools to help you make decisions
that align with our ethical expectations and legal obligations. All associates are expected to act with
honesty and integrity. Adhering to the highest ethical standards and doing the right thing are the driving
forces behind The Home Depot’s success and have been a core component of how we have done
business since the beginning. Inside you will find examples of ethical decisions you may face as an
associate as well as references to our global Corporate Compliance policies. You will also find
information on what to do if you have questions or concerns regarding ethical conduct.
This Code applies worldwide to all Home Depot associates, inclusive of business operating units,
subsidiaries and all members of the Board of Directors. This Code is designed to provide a broad
overview and scenarios on how to conduct Company business in a manner consistent with our core
values. As it cannot cover every potential scenario you may encounter,
remember that in most situations your own good judgment is the
best gauge when facing a potential ethical issue.
Our values reflect the beliefs, principles and standards that
form the groundwork of our behavior and should be drawn
on when making decisions. We believe in Excellent
Customer Service, Building Strong Relationships,
Entrepreneurial Spirit, Respect for All People, Creating
Shareholder Value, Doing the Right Thing, Giving Back and
Taking Care of Our People.
We have operations in countries around the world, and our associates are citizens of these various
countries. As a result, our operations are subject to a diverse set of local laws and cultures. Associates
are expected to comply with this Code and all applicable laws and regulations. If local law ever conflicts
with this Code, seek the guidance of Corporate Compliance or your Legal partner for resolution.
Board members, officers and associates are expected to report suspected or observed violations of this
Code, Company policies or applicable laws and regulations to Company management. Failure to follow
the provisions of this Code can lead to discipline, up to and including termination.
We each have a right and responsibility to ask questions about issues that are not clear to us. The
Home Depot’s Open Door Policy provides you access to two-way, honest and respectful
communications. This Policy is intended to create an atmosphere that encourages you to voice your
concerns, express doubts, discuss problems, ask questions, make observations and offer suggestions
about workplace issues. You should feel comfortable approaching your immediate supervisor, any
other supervisor/manager, human resource associate, corporate officer or any other Company resource
at any time.
If you suspect wrongdoing, including violations of this Code, Company policies or the law, report it
immediately. Retaliation against anyone who reports a good faith concern is prohibited and will not be
tolerated. Good faith means that your concern is honest and accurate to your knowledge, regardless of
whether it is discovered at a later date that you were mistaken. Allegations made maliciously in bad
faith may be subject to disciplinary action.
For associates, Executive Vice Presidents may authorize an exception to certain provisions of this
Code or may designate a Senior Vice President or Vice President to review and approve such
exceptions on their behalf. All exceptions must be approved in advance and must be submitted to
Corporate Compliance at corporate_compliance@homedepot.com.
For Board members and Executive Officers, waivers of the Business Code of Conduct and Ethics may
be granted only by the Audit Committee or the full Board of Directors and will be subject to applicable
laws and regulations regarding disclosure to shareholders.
If you have questions or concerns, speak up. The Home Depot provides several options to report
potential violations of this Code, Company policies or applicable laws and regulations.
Depending on your concern, often it is best to speak first with your immediate manager or supervisor.
Your immediate manager or supervisor is best suited to respond to your issue immediately and may
already be familiar with the concern you are reporting.
If you feel uncomfortable talking with your immediate manager or supervisor for any reason, contact
one of the following resources:
Contact your HR partner
Contact the 24-hour THD AwareLine at 800-286-4909 or thdawareline.com, where you can
choose to remain anonymous
Contact Corporate Compliance at corporate_compl[email protected]m
I reported a concern about fraud in our store to my supervisor, Bob. Since reporting my
concern, Bob has stopped including me in certain meetings. Is this retaliation?
Significant changes in how you are treated after reporting a potential issue can be
perceived as retaliation. If you feel you are being treated differently since reporting
an allegation, raise your concern by notifying your HR partner, THD AwareLine or
Corporate Compliance.
We are committed to providing our associates and customers a safe working and shopping
environment. As an associate, you are expected to comply with all safety standards and demonstrate
safe behaviors in everything you do. If you are concerned or have questions, comments or feedback
regarding safety or environmental compliance in your workspace, notify your supervisor immediately.
The Home Depot should never ask or expect an associate to perform any task that is considered
Marcus, a department supervisor, asked Tonya to use a forklift to help move some pallets,
unaware that Tonya was not properly trained to operate lift equipment. What should each
party do in this situation?
Realizing the potential safety issue, Tonya should tell Marcus she is not properly
trained. Marcus should advise Tonya not to operate the forklift, find another
associate to help and ensure Tonya gets the necessary training so she can assist in
the future.
To learn more about Home Depot’s commitment to the safety and health of its customers
and associates, read the Safety Policy available on myApron or by contacting Corporate
The Home Depot believes that all people should be treated with dignity, and we will not accept conduct
that fails to show appropriate respect to others. Our core value of Respect for All People exemplifies
how we should treat our fellow associates, customers, suppliers, vendors and service providers.
Any conduct that fails to show appropriate respect to others, including fellow associates, customers,
professional customers, vendors, suppliers and service providers, violates the Company’s values. The
following are examples of unacceptable conduct: insults; threats; intimidation; ridicule; vulgarity;
discrimination; harassment; physical or verbal abuse; sexually explicit humor, conversation or behavior;
slurs or stereotyping; unwelcome sexual advances; unwelcome touching or invasion of personal space;
ignoring the rights of others; and insensitivity to the beliefs and customs of others.
We are committed to providing a safe, healthy and drug-free workplace. Using illegal drugs at any time,
using alcohol when on the job or on Company premises or coming to work under the influence of
alcohol or drugs is strictly prohibited. This prohibition is a condition of employment. Any associate found
in violation of this condition of employment is subject to immediate termination. Please refer to THD’s
Standards of Performance for further detail.
The Home Depot is an equal opportunity employer committed to ensuring all associates work in an
environment of mutual respect. We will not discriminate against any associate or applicant with regard
to race, color, religion, creed, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, disability (actual or perceived
physical or mental disability), medical condition, pregnancy or perceived pregnancy, genetic
information, marital status, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, transgender status, age,
sexual orientation, reproductive health decision-making, military and veteran status, or any other basis
prohibited under applicable law.
The Home Depot will not tolerate harassment in the workplace. Harassment or disrespectful behavior
can be verbal, non-verbal or physical. Examples include:
Verbal harassment (e.g., epithets, derogatory comments or slurs)
Physical harassment (e.g., assault, impeding or blocking movement, or any physical
interference with normal work or movement, when directed at an individual)
Visual forms of harassment (e.g., derogatory posters, cartoons, or drawings, or inappropriate
messages or photographs sent via text message, email, or any other means)
Sexual favors (e.g., unwanted sexual advances, or the conditioning of an employment benefit
upon an exchange of sexual favors)
Threats or intimidation
Bullying behavior, including but not limited to threats, intimidation, coercion, ridicule, insults, or
Scheduling in a punitive manner
We have a zero-tolerance policy for actions that threaten our associates, customers, suppliers,
vendors, service providers, visitors or property. Examples of threatening actions include verbal threats
of violence, physical assaults or the intentional destruction of Company property or merchandise. If you
observe a situation that could become potentially violent, report the issue immediately to Human
Resources or a member of management. The incident should then be reported by the manager to the
Global Security Operations Center (GSOC) at 1-877-436-3376 as soon as possible.
I think I was passed up for a promotion due to my race. What should I do?
If you feel you have been discriminated against due to race or any other legally
protected characteristic, you should raise your concern by notifying your HR partner,
or by contacting THD AwareLine or Corporate Compliance.
My co-worker circulated an email that was offensive to me. What should I do?
First ask the co-worker to stop sending you these types of emails. If you are not
comfortable speaking directly with the co-worker, or the co-worker does not stop
sending these types of emails, you should contact your immediate supervisor, HR
partner, THD AwareLine or Corporate Compliance.
Carelon Wellbeing is a free, confidential Employee Assistance
Program (EAP) providing support and/or guidance in a number
of areas, including:
Substance use
Family challenges
Life changes
Domestic violence
All associates, spouses and children of associates and household members of associates have free
and confidential access to 6 sessions per situation per year.
For information or assistance, please call Carelon Wellbeing at 888-275-0021 or visit
Want to learn more about Home Depot’s Labor and Employment standards? Read the Labor
and Employment Policy or the Standards of Performance available on myApron or by
contacting Corporate Compliance.
You have a responsibility to make decisions based on the interests of The Home Depot without regard
to how they might benefit you. A conflict can occur when your personal interests interfere in any way
or even appear to interfere with the interests of the Company. Even if you did not intend for your
actions to create a conflict, the perception of a conflict by others can be just as damaging to you or The
Home Depot. Be on the lookout for situations that may create the appearance of a conflict and avoid
them whenever possible.
Questions concerning conflicts of interest should be referred to Corporate Compliance.
For further information, see the Conflict of Interest Policy, available on myApron or by
contacting Corporate Compliance.
Your personal financial interests, or those of your family, should not conflict with your responsibilities to
The Home Depot. In particular, financial interests in a Home Depot current or prospective supplier,
vendor or service provider, as well as any instance in which you or a family member may receive
personal gain through opportunities discovered through Home Depot, may present a conflict of interest.
If you have the authority to award business to or control decisions regarding a particular supplier,
vendor or service provider, or supervise others who have that authority, you (and your immediate family
members) should not have a direct financial interest (including debt and all forms of equity such as
shares of common or preferred stock, options, warrants, LLC membership interests, etc.) in that entity,
unless you receive approval from Corporate Compliance.
Additionally, associates should not have a financial interest that creates a competing interest against
The Home Depot. If you are unsure if a financial interest creates a conflict of interest, contact Corporate
Compliance or read the Conflict of Interest Policy available on myApron for guidance.
Financial investments where you have no direct investment (e.g., mutual funds, 401k investments, etc.)
are not considered conflicts of interest for the purpose of this Code.
Social, family and romantic relationships with current or prospective suppliers, vendors, service
providers and other associates can create an appearance of a conflict of interest and, in the worst case,
could interfere with your ability to perform your job objectively. If you have a social, family or romantic
relationship with a supplier, vendor or service provider for which you have direct and primary
responsibility for the business relationship, disclose the relationship to Corporate Compliance. If you
have a close personal or romantic relationship with a direct report or supervisor, either current or within
the previous twelve months, you must disclose it to Corporate Compliance, and we will partner with the
appropriate HR resource to review. If you are unsure whether a relationship creates a conflict, contact
Corporate Compliance for guidance.
In addition, if you are asked to serve as a board member, consultant, advisor or employee of any
current or prospective third-party that may do business with Home Depot, you must have Corporate
Compliance review the relationship for any potential conflicts of interest prior to accepting the position.
Associates cannot have a compensated role on the board or advisory council of a current Home Depot
vendor, supplier or service provider.
The Home Depot expects its suppliers, vendors and service providers to act ethically and in a manner
that meets or exceeds the standards set forth in this Business Code of Conduct and Ethics.
The acceptance of gifts and entertainment from current or potential suppliers, vendors or service
providers can cause a conflict of interest or give the appearance that you put your personal interests
ahead of The Home Depot’s best interests.
As a general rule, you should not accept gifts and entertainment except for the limited situations,
described below, in which gifts and entertainment may be accepted as part of normal business
activities or common courtesies between business partners.
Gifts and entertainment should never be solicited and when accepted, should be infrequent and a
reasonable dollar value. Gifts and entertainment should never influence or appear to influence a
business decision. If you have a question about a situation, discuss it with your supervisor or Corporate
The following examples of gifts and entertainment are never allowed:
Cash or cash equivalents such as gift cards or gift certificates
Free or discounted merchandise or services not available to the general public
Vendor product samples for personal use
Travel or lodging for an associate or an associate’s family member
The following examples of gifts and entertainment are allowed when infrequent and reasonable:
Meals that are associated with business activities
Admission to industry events such as conferences and trade shows and related activities
during the event (meals, giveaways under $100, etc.) as long as it is provided to multiple
clients or potential clients
Continuing professional education or development opportunities, such as product
knowledge training or other activities to further associate knowledge and skills
Tickets to sporting or cultural events offered to associates with a market value under $100
if the offer is for the associate (not family members) to attend the event with the supplier,
vendor or service provider (in no case should an associate solicit tickets)
Gift baskets and other perishable items, provided they are shared with other associates at
your work location
Other nominal gifts under $100
Financial or in-kind donations made directly to The Home Depot Foundation are not considered to be a
form of gifts and entertainment and are therefore not subject to this policy.
What to do if you receive an unsolicited gift that is not listed above?
If you receive an unsolicited gift that is not allowed above, advise your immediate supervisor and return
the gift with a letter explaining our guidelines. You can find a Gift Return Letter template on the
Corporate Compliance page on myApron or by contacting Corporate Compliance.
There are some situations when refusing a gift would be inappropriate, awkward or cause professional
embarrassment. Certain gifts may also be impractical to return. If you are faced with these situations,
contact Corporate Compliance to determine proper disposition of the gift.
If you are a store associate and receive an unsolicited gift that is not allowed above, check with your
Store Community Captain or Store Manager and they will help donate the item to a nonprofit partner in
your area.
Approval of gifts and entertainment
Approvals are not needed for any items allowed above. If there is a business reason why you should
accept a gift or entertainment that is not explicitly allowed, complete a Gift Approval Form and return it
to Corporate Compliance. You can find a Gift Approval Form on the Corporate Compliance page of
myApron or by contacting Corporate Compliance.
Giving gifts and entertainment
Gifts and entertainment for customers, suppliers, vendors and service providers should be supported
by a valid business purpose and should be reasonable under the circumstances. We should always be
respectful of the policies of our customers, suppliers, vendors and service providers when considering
potential gifts or entertainment.
Any gifts or entertainment for foreign government officials or employees of foreign state-owned
enterprises must comply with The Home Depot Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and Anti-Bribery
Policy. Providing anything of value to local, state or federal officials in the U.S. must comply with The
Home Depot Political Activity and Government Relations Policy. More information about these topics
can be found in the Doing the Right Thing For Our Communities section of this document.
The Home Depot competes vigorously and lawfully to serve our customers in the competitive
environment in which we operate and always acts with integrity and a spirit of fair dealing in doing so.
Accordingly, all associates are required to comply with antitrust and related competition laws in
jurisdictions in which we do business. These laws in the United States and other countries typically
restrict and/or regulate competitive business practices in order to preserve fair, honest and vigorous
competition. Violations of these laws can result in damage to our reputation, severe monetary penalties,
and criminal penalties for those involved.
It is important to collect information about our competitors to compete effectively; however, such
collection must be done in a lawful and ethical manner. Associates are prohibited from engaging in
illegal business practices, including entering into agreements, reaching “understandings” or exchanging
information with competitors about how we do business and sharing confidential and proprietary
business information with or requesting such information from competitors. In addition, pricing decisions
must be made independently of our suppliers, vendors or service providers. If you are dealing with a
potential antitrust issue, seek the advice of the Legal Team at legal_question@homedepot.com.
To learn more about fair competition and how to interact with competitors, read the Antitrust
Policy available on myApron or by contacting Corporate Compliance.
Much of the information with which we come into contact at work each day is confidential. Confidential
information is not generally known to competitors and others outside the Company and may include:
financial information, including but not limited to information about sales, earnings, expenses and
investments; pricing information; supplier, vendor or service provider lists; customer data; plans for
future store/facility locations; business development materials; costs of goods; personnel files,
Company policies, manuals, guidelines, procedures and SOPs; computer software; design documents
and specifications; videos; and memos. Confidential information is critical to our competitive advantage
and must not be disclosed, except as specifically authorized or legally required. Information that has
been made public by the Company, such as press releases, news articles or advertisements, is not
considered confidential and does not require protection. It is the responsibility of each of us to use
discretion in handling Company information so that we do not inadvertently reveal confidential
information to competitors, suppliers, vendors, service providers, friends and/or family members. If you
are unsure about whether certain information is confidential, presume that it is.
We respect the privacy of our customers and associates and are committed to the responsible
collection, use and disposal of their Personal Information. Personal Information includes any
information that identifies, relates to, describes, or is reasonably capable of being directly or indirectly
associated with or linked to a specific individual, including household information. Some examples of
Personal Information include a person's name in combination with their credit card number, driver’s
license number and/or social security number. All associates are expected to safeguard Personal
Information in accordance with our Privacy & Information Protection Policy and applicable laws. For
more details and suggestions on how Personal Information should be properly handled, refer to the
Company’s Privacy & Information Protection Policy.
If you identify a loss, theft or misuse of any Personal Information, report it immediately to
The Home Depot maintains a large variety of assets including physical assets and valuable proprietary
and confidential information assets. Proprietary and confidential information may be maintained in
either hardcopy or electronic formats. It is vital to our reputation that all associates ensure this
information is adequately protected and controlled. Examples of ways to protect proprietary or
confidential information include:
Password protect proprietary or confidential information on a shared computer drive
Lock your computer screen when away from your computer
Properly dispose of documents or media containing Personal Information (e.g., securely shred)
A department manager asked me to send her a list of everyone in her department who
worked on a recent Team Depot event so that she can thank them for their participation. I
want to help her out, but I am very busy. Is it ok if I just send her a spreadsheet I prepared
for HR that lists the names of everyone in our department and circle the Team Depot
participants? Does it matter that the spreadsheet also includes other information, such as
associates’ social security numbers, phone numbers, addresses and emergency contact
No, the spreadsheet should not be shared. Associates should always be on alert for
situations in which they might be handling Personal Information and protect it
accordingly. This responsibility includes limiting access to this kind of information to
only those who have a legitimate business need to see it. Here, the spreadsheet
contains additional Personal Information, including Sensitive Personal Information
such as social security numbers, which the department manager does not need to do
her job. Only the minimum amount of information necessary for the department
manager to do her job should be shared.
I cannot find a thumb drive I used to store some files I was working on for my job. Thumb
drives are not that expensive, so I think it will be faster and easier if I just pay to replace it
myself. The files on the thumb drive may have contained some customer information. Do I
still need to tell someone that I lost the thumb drive?
Yes. Personal Information should not be stored on flash or thumb drives as they are
easily lost or stolen. Any lost or stolen Personal Information should be immediately
reported to your manager and Cybersecurity@homedepot.com.
Want to learn more about how to protect personal and business information? Read the
Privacy & Information Protection Policy available on myApron or by contacting Corporate
While at work you will have access to important Company property and information. All associates
should protect The Home Depot's property in order to avoid theft, carelessness and waste as these
have a direct impact on our profitability. All Company assets should be used for the benefit of The
Home Depot and never used to promote your own interests or those of another person or company.
Our intellectual property must be used properly and protected from infringement by others. The Home
Depot family of logos, Homer, advertisements and computer software are examples of assets that
make up our intellectual property. Inventions, discoveries, ideas, concepts, written material and trade
secrets that are created by associates using Company time, resources or materials are also the
property of The Home Depot.
We comply with federal and state securities laws and do not tolerate insider trading. Insider trading
means trading securities on the basis of material, non-public information or sharing material non-public
information with another person so they can trade. "Material" information is information that a
reasonable investor would likely consider important when making a decision to buy, sell or hold
securities. Some examples of material, non-public information would include the following if not
otherwise publicly disclosed:
Earnings, revenues or other financial information
Business conditions or strategies, including sales volumes, margins and conditions affecting our
Potential mergers, acquisitions, tender offers, joint ventures or changes in assets
Introduction of significant new products or services or business development initiatives
Developments regarding customers or suppliers, including the gain or loss of customers or
Changes in the control or management of The Home Depot
Borrowing activities or issues related to liquidity
Events related to our securities (e.g., stock splits, dividend changes, share repurchases)
It is unethical and illegal to buy or sell stock or other securities on the basis of material non-public
information. It also is illegal to communicate non-public information to any other person so that they
may trade.
In addition, neither associates nor members of the Company’s Board of Directors may enter into
hedging or monetization transactions designed to limit the financial risk of ownership of Home Depot
securities. These include prepaid variable forward contracts, equity swaps, collars, exchange funds and
other similar transactions, as well as speculative transactions in derivatives of Home Depot’s securities,
such as puts, calls, options (other than those granted under a Home Depot compensation plan) or other
I am good friends with Jack, a vendor representative at ABC Company. Jack told me that
ABC Company just landed a big sale with The Home Depot. Although an official
announcement has not been made, can I purchase shares of ABC Company?
No. This could be considered trading on the basis of material, non-public information
and a violation of Company policy, as well as federal securities laws.
To learn more about insider trading restrictions including who to call about a potential trade,
read the Securities Laws Policy available on myApron or by contacting Corporate
Accurate business records are essential to the management of the Company and maintaining the
Company’s reputation and credibility. It is the responsibility of each associate to maintain complete and
accurate financial and business records. These records include financial statements as well as time
sheets, bills, invoices, expense reports, payroll and benefits records and other essential Company data.
The Home Depot is committed to providing full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable reports and
disclosures to regulatory authorities and the public. Associates must comply with all government laws,
rules and regulations and the requirements of other appropriate private and public regulatory authorities
applicable to our financial and business records. This includes making sure that our financial
statements conform with generally accepted accounting principles, the Company’s accounting policies
and its system of internal controls. Associates are expected to report any observed or suspected
violations of law or regulation, Company Policy or activity that might constitute financial fraud or
financial misconduct to the General Counsel or another member of senior management, Internal Audit
or Corporate Compliance. If you are uncomfortable approaching a member of management, Internal
Audit or Corporate Compliance, you can contact THD AwareLine on a confidential basis. Any proposed
change in Company accounting policies must be reported to and approved in advance by the
Company’s Chief Accounting Officer and Controller or his or her designee.
To learn more about the Company’s commitment to maintaining accurate books and
records, read the Financial Controls Policy available on myApron or by contacting Corporate
You may collect large amounts of information as part of your daily job, such as emails, spreadsheets
and contracts that may need to be retained for business or legal reasons. It is important to keep this
information for the period of time required and then properly dispose of it thereafter.
The Home Depot maintains a Records Management Policy that provides guidance on what documents
are business records and how long they should be maintained. Associates should consult this policy
before destroying business records.
To determine the required retention time for your documents, see the Records Management
Policy available on myApron or contact Records Management at
We are committed to complying with environmental laws and regulations and acting responsibly to
reduce the impact of our operations and products on the environment. We work closely with our
suppliers to develop sustainable products and packaging to minimize the impact on the environment.
The Home Depot focuses on the areas where we can have the greatest impact by promoting our five
environmental pillars: carbon emissions, sustainable forestry, circularity, water conservation and
responsible chemistry. We expect our associates, suppliers and other business partners to join in our
efforts to preserve our environment, and we encourage our customers to do likewise.
An associate spilled fertilizer in a store aisle. The associate swept up the spilled fertilizer
and threw it in the trash. Was this the correct way to handle the spill?
Certain fertilizers can be hazardous materials. The associate should follow the Safety
SOP located on myApron regarding the correct steps to take when dealing with and
disposing of hazardous waste.
To learn more about the Company’s commitment to the environment, visit the Responsibility
page of Home Depot's website at corporate.homedepot.com/responsibility
The Home Depot demands the highest standards of professional conduct and ethics in our interactions
with government officials. We strictly prohibit the giving of money, gifts, services or entertainment to
government officials in exchange for official action or otherwise to gain an improper business
advantage. In addition, potential business transactions involving government officials or their family
members can raise special regulatory and ethical concerns. Any requests from government officials or
their family members for payments by, business relationships with, or benefits from the Company for
the officials or their family members should be brought to the attention of the General Counsel or
Corporate Compliance. Additional detail on specific aspects of interactions with government officials is
provided below.
In an effort to ensure that federal, state and local governments of those countries in which we conduct
business act responsibly and in the best interest of our customers and associates, The Home Depot
actively participates, and encourages its associates to participate, in the political process. In doing so,
Home Depot demands the highest standards of professional conduct and ethics from our associates.
All associates are required to comply with the Companys Political Activity and Government Relations
Policy, which contains standards of conduct for participation in the political process.
The Home Depot sponsors The Home Depot Political Action Committee (PAC), which supports public
officials and candidates who understand the issues affecting The Home Depot and promote a favorable
business climate for the Company. Participation in the PAC is strictly voluntary and has no effect on
one's employment with The Home Depot.
Some state and local governments have laws that restrict political contributions from companies and/or
their employees who sell products to them. Home Depot Board members, senior executives and
associates responsible for soliciting contracts with state or local governments should check with the
General Counsel or the Government Relations Department before making personal political
contributions at the state and local level.
The Political Activity and Government Relations Policy and most current annual report of corporate
contributions to political candidates, parties, committees and other entities operating under Section 527
of the Internal Revenue Code is available at ir.homedepot.com under Corporate Governance.
To learn more about The Home Depot’s involvement in the political process, read the
Political Activity and Government Relations Policy available on myApron or by contacting
Corporate Compliance.
The rules imposed on the Company when it sells to the government are often different from, and more
restrictive than, the rules that apply to purely commercial transactions. As a government contractor, we
are committed to complying with these requirements and view doing business with the government as a
special trust and responsibility.
To learn more about doing business with the government, read the Government Contracting
Policy available on myApron or by contacting Corporate Compliance.
It is against our policy to participate in any form of corruption. Neither we, nor outside parties acting on
the Company’s behalf, will bribe another party to gain any benefit for the Company. U.S. law and the
foreign laws of countries where we do business make it illegal to offer or pay a bribe to a foreign official
for a business favor or to gain an improper business advantage. The term “foreign official”, i.e., non-
U.S. government officials, includes employees of any government agency, government-owned
business (such as state-owned enterprises), public international organization, or political party, plus any
political candidate. Bribes go beyond giving cash payments and may also include giving gifts or other
items of value, such as charitable donations. Our policy also prohibits giving facilitating or expediting
payments to foreign officials. Since The Home Depot can be held liable for payments made by third
parties, outside parties engaged directly or indirectly by The Home Depot who may interact with foreign
officials on the Company’s behalf must be approved by Legal, be thoroughly screened before being
hired and must contractually agree to comply with The Home Depot's Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
(FCPA) and Anti-Bribery Policy and these laws. Finally, it is our policy to comply with the statutory duty
the FCPA imposes on public reporting companies to maintain accurate books and records as well as an
adequate system of internal accounting controls.
Given the complexity of the FCPA and anti-bribery laws, we have a robust training program in place to
ensure awareness and compliance. Associates should contact the Legal Team with any questions
concerning obligations to comply with this policy at legal_questi[email protected]m.
A foreign customs official has detained import product due to incorrect paperwork but is
offering to release the goods for a payment. I am told this is customary in the country. Is this
No. You must fix the paperwork. Providing money, gifts or entertainment to the
foreign official would be a bribe and violate local law and the FCPA.
For more information about conducting business in compliance with anti-bribery laws, read
The Home Depot Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and Anti-Bribery Policy available on
myApron or by contacting Corporate Compliance.