DOV/HH TA 32/2013
24 July2013
The Authority
The European Banking Authority (“EBA”) is an independent EU Authority established on 1 January
2011 by Regulation (EC) No. 1093/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24
November 2010, and published in the Official Journal of the European Union (L 331/12) on 15
December, 2010.
The Mission
With a view to improving the functioning of the EU internal market, the EBA contributes to ensuring a
high quality, effective and consistent level of regulation and supervision in its areas of competence. It
also promotes public values such as the stability of the financial system, the transparency of markets
and financial products, and the protection of depositors and investors.
It works to prevent regulatory arbitrage and guarantee a level playing field, strengthens international
supervisory coordination, promotes supervisory convergence and provides advice to the Union
institutions in the areas of banking, payments and e-money regulation and supervision, and related
corporate governance, auditing and financial reporting issues.
As an integral part of the ESFS, the EBA works closely together with her sister authorities, EIOPA and
ESMA, as well as the Joint Committee and the ESRB.
The EBA is currently inviting applications for a position of Policy Expert in Home-Host Coordination
Unit at its offices in London, United Kingdom.
Further information on the EBA is available on the EBA website:
Policy Expert
(Home-Host Coordination)
Job description
The European Banking Authority is seeking a suitable candidate for the position of Policy Expert in the
Oversight Department. Under the overall responsibility of the Head of Home-Host Coordination Unit,
the successful candidate will contribute to the development of policies related to the relationships
between home and host Member State competent authorities, and convergence of supervisory
practices in Pillar 2. The role will also involve the monitoring and facilitating competent authorities in
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implementation and application of guidelines and standards in a consistent way in day-to-day
supervisory practices.
Main purpose
The development of the EBA policies for supervisory cooperation and application of supervisory
review and evaluation process, in particular through the development of technical standards,
guidelines, opinions and reports.
Main responsibilities:
Preparing policy stances and providing policy advice related to supervisory home host cooperation,
colleges’ functioning and issues related to the supervisory review and evaluation process and
assessment of risks in Pillar 2,
Participating, and where necessary, leading the development and ensuring the timely completion of
guidelines, binding technical standards or any other policy products in his/her area of expertise,
Providing support to the EBA internal committees and subgroups and their chairpersons,
Taking forward implementation of the policy and providing advice and assistance to colleges of
Representing the EBA at external meetings,
Facilitating external consultations, implementation studies, training and impact assessments for the
respective guidelines and binding technical standards,
Effectively cooperating with the other ESAs and the ESRB, especially with a view to the
development of coordinated and possibly joint policy stances, guidelines and standards.
1. Eligibility Criteria
Candidates will be considered eligible for selection on the basis of the following criteria to be fulfilled
by the deadline for applications:
1.1 General
Thorough knowledge of one of the languages of the European Union and a satisfactory knowledge
of another language of the European Union;
Be a national of a Member State of the European Union, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway;
Be entitled to his/her full rights as a citizen;
Have fulfilled any obligations imposed by the applicable laws on military service;
Be physically fit to perform the duties linked to the post.
Prior to the appointment, the successful candidate will be asked to provide a certificate confirming the
absence of any criminal record and shall be medically examined in order to fulfil the requirements of
Article 12 (2)(d) of the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Communities.
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1.2 Specific
1.2.1 Qualifications
To be eligible, a candidate must have
a) A level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma and
appropriate professional experience of at least one year when the normal period of university
education is at least three years, or
b) A level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma when
the normal period of university education is four years or more.
Only qualifications issued by EU Member State authorities or EEA authorities and qualifications
recognised as equivalent by the relevant EU or EEA Member State authorities will be accepted.
1.2.2 Professional experience
To qualify for the position a candidate must have, in addition to the above, at least 7 years (on the
basis of 1.2.1 a), or at least 6 years (on the basis of 1.2.1 b) of relevant proven fulltime professional
experience in some or all the fields covered by the job description after completing the education as
mentioned above, of which at least three years in the area of banking supervision or development of
supervisory review and evaluation, and related issues.
1.2.3 Knowledge of languages
For working purposes, an excellent knowledge of the English language, both written and spoken, is
Native English speakers will be tested to prove their second language skills.
2. Selection criteria
In addition to the above, the candidate must:
Have proven knowledge of EU banking regulation, in particular affecting supervision of cross-
border banks;
Have experience in undertaking or developing supervisory review and evaluations process or more
general risk assessments of banks;
Have proven experience in designing and drafting banking regulation or supervisory policies,
stances or procedures;
Have proven experience of dealing with a wide range of stakeholders in the EU.
It would be advantageous for the candidate to have experience in an EU/ multicultural/ international
For this position the candidates are expected to fulfil the following competencies:
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Strong sense of responsibility, commitment and co-operation;
Ability to analyse complex information from a wide range of sources, consider options and
propose/implement solutions/recommendations;
Ability to manage own workload and work without close supervision;
Being a good team player with strong inter-personal skills
Ability to work efficiently under time pressure.
3. Equal opportunities
As a European Union agency, the EBA will apply a policy of equal opportunities and will take care to
avoid any form of discrimination in its recruitment procedures.
4. Selection procedure
The selection procedure will include the following:
4.1. The selection committee will be established.
4.2. The selection committee will analyse application documents (CV, motivations letter, and eligibility
criteria grid) of applicants with reference to the eligibility and selection criteria and will establish a
shortlist. Short listed candidates may be invited to sit written tests and interviews.
Written tests will be done in English and will be related to the job and designed to test the ability to
communicate in written English, knowledge and competencies related to the job, and drafting skills.
Total mark for written test: 10. The minimum score to pass: 6.
The interview will aim to assess the suitability of the candidate to perform the duties, professional
knowledge and motivation. The interview will be held in English. Total mark for interview: 10. The
minimum score to pass: 6.
Successful candidates will be listed in order of merit. Suitable candidates who obtain the best score
will be recruited and the candidates with the total score equal to and above 12 will be placed on the
reserve list, which will be valid until 31/12/2013. Inclusion in the reserve list does not guarantee
Please note that the selection committee's work and deliberations are strictly confidential and that any
contact with its members is strictly forbidden.
5. Appointment and conditions of employment
5.1 Contract type, duration and starting date:
The successful candidate can be offered a temporary agent fixed-term contract of three years with a
probation period of six months and the possibility of extension.
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The expected starting date is 16 October 2013.
The selected candidate may be invited to take up the position at a short notice.
5.2 Function group and grade:
The successful candidates shall be recruited at grade AD 7. The estimated monthly basic salary is
from € 5,568.11.
5.3 Summary of the conditions of employment
Salaries are exempted from national tax; instead a Community tax at source is paid;
The correction coefficient (currently on the date of publication of the vacancy notice: 34.4%)
applicable to the remuneration of officials and other servants under Article 64 of the Staff
Regulations for the United Kingdom shall apply;
Depending on the individual family situation and the place of origin, staff members may be entitled
to the following: expatriation allowance, household allowance, dependent child allowance,
education allowance, installation allowance and reimbursement of removal costs, initial temporary
daily subsistence allowance, and other benefits;
Annual leave entitlement - two days per calendar month plus additional days for age, grade, and
distance from the place of origin;
EU Pension Scheme (after 10 years of service);
EU Joint Sickness and Insurance Scheme, accident and occupational disease insurance coverage,
unemployment and invalidity allowance; and
Travel insurance when travelling on missions.
5.4 Place of employment
EBA offices in London, United Kingdom.
6. Submission of Applications
Applications including a curriculum vitae in the Europass format, motivation letter, and eligibility
criteria grid should be submitted in English to the following address: by 8
August 2013 at 12:00 noon London time.
EBA will disregard any application received after deadline. Applicants are strongly advised not to wait
until the last day to submit their applications, since heavy internet traffic or fault with the internet
connection could lead to difficulties in submission. The EBA cannot be held responsible for any delay
due to such difficulties.
Only complete applications will be accepted and considered. In order for the application to be
considered complete candidates must send all documents: a curriculum vitae in the Europass format,
motivation letter, and eligibility criteria grid before the deadline.
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Candidates should assess and check before submitting their application whether they fulfil all the
requirements as specified in the vacancy notice, particularly in terms of qualifications and relevant
professional experience.
Professional experience indicated in the curriculum vitae are counted only from the time the candidate
obtained the certificate or diploma required for the position. Start and end dates of all previous
positions and whether full time or part time work should be indicated in the curriculum vitae. Freelance
or self employed candidates must provide either a copy of the entry in the relevant trade register, or
any official document (for example a tax revenue) showing clearly the length of the relevant
professional experience. Details of any professional experience, training, research or studies must be
given on the application form. Candidates must be able to provide photocopies of supporting
documents clearly showing duration and nature of experience upon request.
At this stage, please do not send supporting documents (copies of ID cards, passports, diplomas, etc.)
7. Data protection
EBA will ensure that candidates’ personal data are processed as required by Regulation (EC) No
45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2000 on the protection of
individuals with regard to processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and
on the free movement of such data. This applies in particular to the confidentiality and security of such
8. Appeal Procedure
A candidate who feels to have been treated incorrectly may ask to have his/her application
reconsidered by sending, within 20 calendar days of the date postmarked on the letter of notification, a
request for review, quoting the number of the selection procedure concerned to the Chairman of the
Selection Committee at the following address: European Banking Authority, Floor 18 Tower 42,
London EC2N 1HQ, United Kingdom.
The Selection Committee will reconsider the application and notify the candidate of its decision within
45 calendar days of receipt of the letter.
If a candidate considers that he/she has been adversely affected by a particular decision, he/she can
lodge a complaint under Article 90(2) of the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European
Communities and Conditions of employment of other servants of the European Communities, at the
following address:
The Executive Director
European Banking Authority
Selection procedure: Ref. DOV HH TA 32/2013
Floor 18 Tower 42
London EC2N 1HQ
United Kingdom
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The complaint must be lodged within 3 months. The time limit for initiating this type of procedure (see
Staff Regulations as modified by Council Regulation No 723/2004 of 22 March 2004 published in the
Official Journal of the European Union L 124 of 27 April 2004 starts to run
from the time the candidate is notified of the act adversely affecting him/her.
You can submit a judicial appeal under Article 270 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (ex Art.
236 TEC) and Article 91 of the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Communities to the:
European Union Civil Service Tribunal
Boulevard Konrad Adenauer
Luxembourg 2925
Please note that the appointing authority does not have the power to amend the decisions of a
selection board. The Civil Service Tribunal has consistently held that the wide discretion enjoyed by
selection boards is not subject to review by the Civil Service Tribunal unless rules which govern the
proceedings of selection boards have been infringed.
For details of how to submit an appeal, please consult the website of the European Union Civil Service
Tribunal: The time limits for initiating these two
types of procedure (see Staff Regulations as amended by Council Regulation (EC) No 723/2004 of 22
March 2004, published in Official Journal of the European Union L 124 of 27 April 2004 http://eur- start to run from the time you are notified of the act allegedly prejudicing your interests.
It is also possible to complain to the European Ombudsman pursuant to Article 195(1) of the Treaty
establishing the European Community and in accordance with the conditions laid down in the Decision
of the European Parliament of 9 March 1994 on the Staff Regulations and the general conditions
governing the performance of the Ombudsman’s duties, published in Official Journal of the European
Union L 113 of 4 May 1994:
European Ombudsman
1 Avenue du Président Robert Schuman
CS 30403
67001 Strasbourg Cedex
Complaints made to the Ombudsman have no suspense effect on the period laid down in Articles
90(2) and 91 of the Staff Regulations for lodging, respectively, a complaint or an appeal with the
European Union Civil Service Tribunal under Article 270 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (ex
Art. 236 TEC). Furthermore under Article 2(4) of the general conditions governing the performance of
the Ombudsman's duties, any complaint lodged with the Ombudsman must be preceded by the
appropriate administrative approaches to the institutions and bodies concerned.