(H. B. 3417)
(No. 113-2011)
(Approved July 4, 2011)
To set forth the new Puerto Rico Cruise Ship Industry Promotion and
Development Act; create the Ports Authority Cruise Ship Incentive Fund, to
be attached to the Ports Authority and the Tourism Company Cruise Ship
Incentive Fund, to be attached to the Tourism Company, in order to create
and strengthen an incentive program to stimulate the arrival of more cruise
ships to the Island, increase the number of passengers, promote the
acquisition of supplies and the contracting of services with local businesses,
provide assurance and stability to this important tourist sector of Puerto
Rico; create various new strategic incentives to strengthen Puerto Rico’s
position with respect to the worldwide cruise ship industry; create an
Internship Program; appropriate funds; terminate the incentive program
adopted under Act No. 76 of August 25, 2005, as amended; and for other
The tourist industry is an integral part of Puerto Rico’s economy and
its development is a priority for this Administration. Tourism represents
approximately $3,600,000,000 annually for our economy or approximately 6% of
the National Gross Product. It is a source of much economic activity and jobs for
Puerto Ricans. Puerto Rico is located in the Caribbean, where the tourist market
competition is vast with various competitors. Therefore, we have the duty of
staying at the forefront of the tourist industry so that Puerto Rico continues to be an
attractive destination not only due to its features, but also to the new initiatives that
attract to the Island more tourists from around the world.
The cruise ship industry is one of the main sectors of tourism and of Puerto
Rico’s economy, not only due to its economic impact, but also to the image of the
Island it projects to the world. In fact, Puerto Rico is perhaps one of the most
important locations for the cruise ship industry. The arrival of such ships to Puerto
Rico has a direct economic impact of over two hundred and forty five million
dollars ($245,000,000) every year, given that approximately 1.2 million tourists
visit Puerto Rico every year through such means, thus allowing for the creation of
over four thousand (4,000) direct and indirect jobs.
One of the programmatic commitments of this Administration is to make
cruise ship tourist visits more attractive and to promote them, in coordination with
cruise ship companies. Tourism is also an integral part of the economic and
strategic plan of our Administration: the Strategic Model for a New Economy
(MENE, Spanish acronym). The MENE has been praised by renowned economists
in Puerto Rico, and its goal is to strengthen Puerto Rico as a home port destination
and to improve its relationship with cruise ship companies.
In view of the significant economic impact of the cruise ship industry on the
economy, the Government of Puerto Rico has traditionally created incentives to
retain and incentivize such industry. For such reason in 1985, the Government of
Puerto Rico established the first incentive program and built new port facilities. In
1988, agreements were entered into between the Puerto Rico Ports Authority and
Puerto Rico Tourism Company, whereby two types of incentives were agreed upon
with cruise lines to stimulate their permanence in Puerto Rico, mainly as home
port. The first of these incentives consisted of a head passenger tax, should the
cruise line bring more than a certain number of passengers a year. The second
incentive consisted of a credit per passenger, which was retroactive to the first trip
of the year, provided that the ships visit the Island more than forty (40) times a
After a tax review process conducted by the Puerto Rico Ports Authority,
the head passenger tax was significantly increased by 30%, to $13.25, effective on
July 1, 2004. To ensure that such increase would not adversely affect the tourist
industry, Act No. 76 of August 25, 2005 was adopted to create new incentives for
cruise ship companies. Act No. 76-2005 extended the previously established head
passenger tax and the home port incentives and added incentives to cruise ships
that would remain in port for over eight (8) hours, incentives for the number of
passengers, and refunds for purchasing supplies in Puerto Rico. Later, Act No. 99
of June 21, 208 amended Act No. 76-2005 to extend its effective term to Fiscal
Year 2011, extend the application of some incentives to all ports within the
jurisdiction of Puerto Rico, and clarify technical issues within the Act. That is to
say, the effective term of the existing incentives ends on June 30, 2011.
The Port of San Juan and of other towns throughout the Island are part of a
highly competitive sector, mainly due to the fact that new and attractive
destinations continue to emerge in other parts of the world, such as the
Mediterranean Sea, Asia, and Latin America, and in other cities of the continental
United States. For such reason, it is imperative for the Government of Puerto Rico
to ensure that the ports of the Island continue to be regarded as ideal destinations
for the cruise ship industry, which is growing and becoming increasingly
competitive. Thus, it shall be necessary to ensure that the cost of arriving to and
using our ports be reasonable, providing continuity to the traditional incentive
program through a new law.
On the other hand, the success achieved with cruise ships is an opportunity
to promote other tourist areas in Puerto Rico. The offer of incentives must be
broadened, providing the industry with incentives for the sale of travel deals that
include a cruise trip and a stay in a hotel of Puerto Rico, providing incentives not
only for the purchase of products in Puerto Rico, but also for the contracting of
ship maintenance and repair services, and providing incentives geared toward
promoting the offering of tours to cruise ships. Likewise, we deem it convenient to
promote the creation of an Internship Program, so that our students in the tourism
field may have the opportunity to train through direct experiences in cruise ships.
Furthermore, the cruise ship industry has confirmed that most cruise ship tourists
worldwide usually resort to travel agencies to obtain information and decide their
cruise destination. In light of the foregoing, we must create the necessary
mechanisms to take advantage of this reality as an opportunity to nourish the local
cruise ship industry, by creating a new incentive for travel agencies through this
In brief, this Legislative Assembly deems it necessary to strengthen the
competitiveness of Puerto Rico in the cruise ship industry, by extending the scope
of the law so that it includes key segments within the industry as a chain of
distribution, service providers, and tour companies.
Section 1.- Short Title.-
This Act shall be known as the “Puerto Rico Cruise Ship Industry Promotion
and Development Act.”
Section 2.- Public Policy.-
Through the adoption of this new Puerto Rico Cruise Ship Industry
Promotion and Development Act and the new incentives for the cruise ship
industry, the Government of Puerto Rico seeks the following primary objectives:
1) to reaffirm and strengthen the importance of Puerto Rico as a regional and world
cruise ship home port; 2) to increase the number of cruise ships arriving in Puerto
Rico; 3) to increase the stay of cruise ship passengers in lodgings throughout all
the regions and municipalities of Puerto Rico, as well as in the islands that
comprise its archipelago (Vieques, Culebra, and others); 4) to increase the number
of visits and the volume of passengers in the cruise ships that visit Puerto Rico;
5) to increase consumption in the Island by passengers and crew, including
expenses related to the acquisition of supplies and other operating expenses of
those cruise ships arriving to the Island; 6) to generate and increase profits for the
different economic segments of Puerto Rico connected directly or indirectly with
the cruise ship industry; 7) to offer incentives on equal terms to all cruise lines and
establish partnerships with every cruise line so as to maximize the promotion of
Puerto Rico as a tourist destination and improve the relationship with the cruise
ship industry in general.
Section 3.- Creation of the Ports Authority Fund.-
A special fund to be denominated as the Ports Authority Cruise Ship
Industry Incentive Fund” (the “Authority Fund”), is hereby created in the books of
the Puerto Rico Ports Authority, to be attached to the Puerto Rico Ports Authority,
which shall not have a specific fiscal year. The Authority Fund shall be kept
separate from other public funds under the custody of the Puerto Rico Ports
Authority. The Authority Fund shall be nourished by the following appropriations:
(a) During Fiscal Year 2011-2012, five million dollars ($5,000,000) from
the funds of the Puerto Rico Tourism Company and four million dollars
($4,000,000) to be identified by the Office of Management and Budget as part of
the General Budget, subject to compliance with Section 5 of this Act.
(b) During Fiscal Years 2012-2013 and 2013-2014, four million dollars
($4,000,000) from the Puerto Rico Tourism Company and five million five
hundred thousand dollars ($5,500,000) annually from funds that the Office of
Management and Budget has identified in the General Budget, subject to
compliance with Section 5 of this Act.
(c) The appropriation of funds provided in this Act and those to be
appropriated in the future by the Legislative Assembly to the special fund herein
(d) Any other funds donated, transferred, or assigned by the Federal or
State government, municipalities, or private entities or persons, including the
Budgetary Fund created by virtue of Act No. 147 of June 18, 1980, as amended.
(e) The balance in the Authority Fund at the close of each fiscal year shall
remain therein and may be used to attain the purposes of this Act in subsequent
fiscal years.
Section 4.- Creation of the Tourism Company Fund.-
A special fund to be denominated as the “Tourism Company Cruise Ship
Industry Incentive Fund” (the “Company Fund”), is hereby created in the books of
the Puerto Rico Tourism Company, to be attached to the Puerto Rico Tourism
Company, which shall not have a specific fiscal year. The Tourism Company
Fund shall be kept separate from other public funds under the custody of the Puerto
Rico Tourism Company. The Company Fund shall be nourished by the following
(a) From Fiscal Year 2011-2012 to Fiscal Year 2013-2014, one million
five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000) annually from the funds of the Puerto
Rico Tourism Company.
(b) The appropriation of funds provided in this Act and those to be
appropriated in the future by the Legislative Assembly to the special fund herein
(c) Any other funds donated, transferred, or assigned by the Federal or
State government, municipalities, or private entities or persons, including the
Budgetary Fund created by virtue of Act No. 147 of June 18, 1980, as amended.
(d) The balance in the Company Fund at the close of each fiscal year shall
remain therein and may be used to attain the purposes of this Act in subsequent
fiscal years.
Section 5.- Establishment of Incentives for Cruise Ship Companies or
(a) Cruise ship companies or operators that visit any port in the
jurisdiction of Puerto Rico may be eligible for the following benefits:
1. Cruise Ship Company Incentive:
i. Four dollars and ninety five cents ($4.95) shall be
deducted from the thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents ($13.25) head passenger
tax imposed per passenger as fixed by the head or administrative authorities of the
ports of Puerto Rico. This incentive shall apply to the first one hundred and forty
thousand (140,000) passengers arriving to any port of Puerto Rico in cruise ships
of the company within the twelve (12) month period of the fiscal year, beginning in
Fiscal Year 2011-2012. Likewise, the amount of seven dollars and forty-five cents
($7.45) per passenger shall be deducted, when the company has exceeded such
number of passengers. If the head passenger tax of a port is different from that of
the incentive, the lower amount shall apply. If the fixed official head passenger tax
is reduced, the incentive provided herein shall be reduced proportionately.
ii. The funds required to grant the incentives hereunder shall
originate from the Authority Fund and shall be administered by the Ports
2. Home Port Frequent Visit Incentive:
i. One dollar ($1.00) per passenger shall be contributed to
cruise ship companies or operators that use any port in the jurisdiction of Puerto
Rico as home port. Two dollars ($2.00) per passenger after the twenty-first (21
visit of the cruise ship company within a fiscal year period, beginning in Fiscal
Year 2011-2012. Once the fiscal-year visits of the cruise ship company exceed
one hundred and twenty (120) within a fiscal-year period, the cruise ship company
shall receive a contribution of four dollars ($4.00) per passenger after visit number
sixty-one (61).
ii. The funds for the incentives to be provided hereunder
shall originate from the Authority Fund and be administered by the Ports
3. Cruise Ship Home Port Bilateral Marketing Program:
i. A Bilateral Marketing Program between the Puerto Rico
Tourism Company and the eligible cruise ship company (hereinafter the
Marketing Program) shall be created for the purpose of placing Puerto Rico as the
home port of the Caribbean and incentivize its worldwide demand. To each
Marketing Program, the sum of one dollar ($1.00) shall be contributed per
passenger in cruise ships departing from any port of the jurisdiction of Puerto Rico
during the fiscal-year period beginning in Fiscal Year 2011-2012, provided, that to
qualify for such incentive, the cruise ship company shall contribute to its
Marketing Program a percentage of the amount of the incentive claimed,
as prescribed through regulation by the Tourism Company pursuant to this Act.
ii. The funds required to grant the incentives hereunder shall
originate from the Company Fund, and the Marketing Program shall be
administered by the Puerto Rico Tourism Company.
4. Port of Call Incentive:
i. The sum of one dollar ($1.00) per passenger shall be
contributed to ships docking at any port of the jurisdiction of Puerto Rico for at
least eight (8) hours and pay the applicable tax to said port during a fiscal-year
period, beginning in Fiscal Year 2011-2012.
ii. The funds required to grant the incentives hereunder shall
originate from the Authority Fund, and shall be administered by the Ports
5. Supplies and Services Incentive:
i. Every cruise ship that docks at any port within the
jurisdiction of Puerto Rico shall be eligible to receive an incentive equal to ten
percent (10%) of the expenses incurred in the purchase of supplies and/or
contracting maintenance or repair services of the cruise ship in Puerto Rico,
excluding materials, goods, or equipment installed as a result of such service, as
specified in the regulation adopted by the Tourism Company. An additional five-
percent (5%) tax shall be offered for the acquisition of goods manufactured in
Puerto Rico as certified by the Puerto Rico Industrial Development Company, or
agricultural products of Puerto Rico as certified by the Department of Agriculture.
ii. The services contemplated herein shall exclude docking
services required by the cruise ships in each port of call.
iii. Cruise ship owners or operators that comply with these
provisions shall receive these benefits after presenting evidence, to the satisfaction
of the aforementioned agencies, that the purchases were made from companies in
which fifty percent (50%) or more of their shareholders or owners reside in Puerto
Rico or fifty percent (50%) or more of the sold goods are manufactured thereby. In
the case of companies engaged in the rendering of services, as defined in the
regulation of the Trade and Export Company, the employees rendering such
services shall reside in Puerto Rico. Transshipment or transfer of goods directly to
cruise ships from ports where ships carrying food or beverages dock shall not
constitute an activity incentivized or eligible for this incentive. Vendors and
service providers shall also be certified by the Puerto Rico Trade and Export
Company and comply with all the applicable circular letters, administrative orders
and regulations.
iv. The funds required to grant the incentives provided
hereunder shall originate from the Company Fund.
(b) To ensure the fiscal soundness and reliability of the incentives
program, it shall be effective for only three (3) years, until Fiscal Year 2013-2014,
after which term it may be reevaluated and extended by means of legislation.
(c) It is hereby expressly provided that the incentives listed herein shall
apply exclusively to eligible cruise ships that use any port within the jurisdiction of
Puerto Rico.
(d) The incentives herein provided shall be granted by the Puerto Rico
Tourism Company or the Puerto Rico Ports Authority, as the case may be, to the
appropriate company, operator or agent within a term that shall not exceed thirty
(30) days after submitting the invoices, according to the corresponding regulation,
claiming the incentives listed herein; provided, that, should the Puerto Rico
Tourism Company or the Puerto Rico Ports Authority be in disagreement with
regard to any invoice item, such disagreement shall not prevent the payment of any
other item in the invoice that has not been objected. Likewise, the Puerto Rico
Tourism Company or the Puerto Rico Ports Authority shall be responsible for
notifying the entity that submitted the invoice within said thirty (30) day period
about any objection to any invoice item stating the reasons that support the
Section 6.- Establishment of Incentives to Entities Engaged in the Sale of
Travel Deals.-
(a) The Puerto Rico Tourism Company shall also develop an incentive
program for entities engaged in the sale of travel deals. An incentive shall be
contributed to those entities making sales to persons other than residents of Puerto
Rico and acquire through qualified entities trips on cruise ships starting or ending
in any port within the jurisdiction of Puerto Rico, combined with stays in hotels of
Puerto Rico. The incentive shall be proportional to the number of reservations
made in hotels of Puerto Rico. For purposes of this subsection, one (1) reservation
shall mean one (1) night stay in any room of any hotel endorsed by the Puerto Rico
Tourism Company.
(b) The incentives to be provided under this subsection shall be
administered and provided for through regulations by the Puerto Rico Tourism
Company. The funds and appropriations needed for the establishment of the
incentive program for entities engaged in the sale of travel deals shall be identified
by the Puerto Rico Tourism Company and originate from the Company Fund.
Section 7.- Establishment of Incentives for Organizations Authorized by
the Tourism Company to Offer Tourist Transportation in Piers.-
(a) Any tour company authorized by the Puerto Rico Tourism Company
to offer tours or tourist transportation in the piers of Puerto Rico, in which it
collects and drops off passengers, shall be entitled to provide its services and
contract directly with cruise ship companies and may receive a one-dollar ($1.00)
contribution per cruise passenger that obtains a tour in the cruise ship where he/she
travels during a fiscal year period beginning in Fiscal Year 2011-2012. The
contribution per passenger shall be determined annually by the Tourism Company.
(b) Any tour company authorized by the Puerto Rico Tourism Company
to offer tourist transportation in the pier area shall be eligible to receive the
benefits of this subsection, provided, it complies with the provisions of this Act
and the regulations approved thereunder.
(c) The funds and appropriations needed for the establishment of the
incentive program for tour companies shall originate from the Company Fund and
shall not exceed five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) per year. This program
shall be administered by the Tourism Company.
Section 8.- Beneficiaries.-
Only cruise ship owners and operators, entities engaged in the sale of travel
deals established in Puerto Rico or abroad, and organizations authorized by the
Puerto Rico Tourism Company to collect passengers at piers, as the case may be,
shall be entitled to apply for the incentives provided in this Act; provided, that the
agencies or agents thereof in Puerto Rico shall have the authority to apply for,
transact, and receive such benefits as a result of the business relationship with
those they represent.
Section 9.- Fund Administration.-
(a) The Puerto Rico Ports Authority and the Puerto Rico Tourism
Company shall prescribe by regulations to such effect, all that pertains to the
manner and form in which the incentives shall be applied for and granted, in order
to ensure a sound administration of public funds.
(b) The Puerto Rico Ports Authority shall have the obligation to oversee
that the funds appropriated to the Authority Fund are used as provided in the
regulations adopted by the same. The Puerto Rico Tourism Company shall have
the obligation to oversee that the funds appropriated to the Company Fund are used
as provided in the regulations adopted by the same.
(c) On or before ninety (90) days as of the close of every fiscal year, the
Puerto Rico Ports Authority and the Puerto Rico Tourism Company shall submit a
report to the Governor and the Legislative Assembly of Puerto Rico on their
compliance and administration of this Act.
Section 10.- Internship Program.-
The public policy of the Government of Puerto Rico is to develop the
abilities of those students who are enrolled in academic programs related to the
tourism industry. Thus, an Internship Program is hereby created to be regulated by
the Puerto Rico Tourism Company to enable students of the universities of Puerto
Rico to serve the internship required as part of their curricula in the cruise ships
covered under this Act. The Puerto Rico Tourism Company shall have a term of
one year as of the approval of this Act to establish said Program in coordination
with cruise lines and universities of the Island.
Section 11.- Regulations in Effect.-
During the period beginning on the effective date of this Act until the
effective date of any regulation to be promulgated thereunder, the incentives
provided under this Act shall be subject to all the provisions of Regulation 7103 of
March 10, 2006, known as the Cruise Ship Incentive Regulation,” Regulation
7816 of December 14, 2009, known as the “First Amendment to the Cruise Ship
Incentive Regulation,” as well as any administrative determination, circular letter,
or other official communication of the Executive Director of the Puerto Rico
Tourism Company, pursuant to Act No. 76 of August 25, 2005, or Act No. 99 of
June 12, 2008, in all those provisions that are not inconsistent with the provisions
of this Act. Furthermore, the regulations in effect in other agencies, including the
Trade and Export Company, pursuant to Act No. 76 of August 25, 2005, as
amended, shall continue in effect with respect to all those provisions that are not
inconsistent with the provisions of this Act.
Section 12.- Consignation of Funds.-
During Fiscal Years 2011-2012 to 2013-2014, the Office of Management
and Budget shall consign in the Joint Resolution of the Budget of the Government
of Puerto Rico the amount appropriated under this Act to nourish such Funds.
Section 13.- Puerto Rico Cruise Ship Incentive Special Fund under Act
No. 76 of August 25, 2005, as amended.-
It is hereby expressly provided that, as of the effective date of this Act, no
new applications for benefits under Act No. 76 of August 25, 2005, as amended,
shall be accepted. In addition, as of the effective date of this Act, no fund
appropriations shall be made to the Puerto Rico Cruise Ship Incentive Special
Fund created under Act No. 76 of August 25, 2005, as amended. Any surplus or
balance in said fund shall be transferred to the Puerto Rico Tourism Company,
without prejudice to any application for benefits already filed under the provisions
of Act No. 76 of August 25, 2005, as amended, or under consideration as of the
approval of this Act.
Section 14.-Savings Clause and Severability.-
If any provision, section, subsection, paragraph, subparagraph, chapter,
clause, phrase or part of this Act were ruled invalid, null, or unconstitutional by
any court with competent jurisdiction, such ruling shall not affect, impair or
invalidate the remaining provisions of this Act, thus limiting the effect of the ruling
to the section, subsection, paragraph, subparagraph, chapter, clause, phrase or part
thus ruled invalid, null, or unconstitutional.
Section 15.- Effectiveness.-
This Act shall take effect immediately after its approval.
I hereby certify to the Secretary of State that the following Act No. 113-2011 (H. B. 3417)
of the 5
Session of the 16
Legislature of Puerto Rico:
AN ACT to set forth the new Puerto Rico Cruise Ship Industry Promotion and
Development Act; create the Ports Authority Cruise Ship Incentive Fund,
to be attached to the Ports Authority and the Tourism Company Cruise
Ship Incentive Fund, to be attached to the Tourism Company, in order to
create and strengthen an incentive program to stimulate the arrival of
more cruise ships to the Island, increase the number of passengers,
promote the acquisition of supplies and the contracting of services with
local businesses, provide assurance and stability to this important tourist
sector of Puerto Rico; create various new strategic incentives to strengthen
Puerto Rico’s position with respect to the worldwide cruise ship industry;
create an Internship Program; appropriate funds; terminate the incentive
program adopted under Act No. 76 of August 25, 2005, as amended; and
for other purposes.
has been translated from Spanish to English and that the English version is correct.
In San Juan, Puerto Rico, on the 3
day of October, 2012.
María del Mar Ortiz Rivera