Discover Puerto Rico Earthquake FAQ | January 13 | 5:00pm AST
Frequently Asked Questions:
Are travelers able to travel to/from Puerto Rico?
There are no significant disruptions to tourism as most areas outside the southern region of the Island
were not structurally impacted. Power has been restored to 98%. There have been occasional power
interruptions throughout the Island, however, most hotels and tourism businesses are prepared with
generators should they need it. Travelers with upcoming plans and questions about their personal
itineraries should reach out to their specific travel providers, hotels and other businesses to confirm
details of their operations.
All flights are operating normally to/from the San Juan Luis Muñoz Marin, Ponce and Aguadilla
Ports are operating as usual. All cruises expected to arrive this week operated normally and the
San Juan port received roughly 56,000 cruise passengers from different cruises who
disembarked and enjoy tours and strolled the beautiful colored streets of Old San Juan.
What does the state of emergency in Puerto Rico mean?
Governor Wanda Vázquez declared a state of emergency to ensure resources such as FEMA and the
National Guard are deployed to assist those in need, especially across the southern region of the Island.
Which areas suffered damages?
The areas that suffered the most structural damages are in the southern region. Please refer to the
below map.
Were any specific hotels or tourist attractions damaged?
Two tourism sites, Punta Ventana in Guayanilla and the Ruins of the Lighthouse in Guánica on the
southern part of the Island were damaged. Of the 160 hotels endorsed by the Puerto Rico Tourism
Company (PRTC) throughout the Island, the Copamarina Beach Resort in Guánica and the Costa Bahía
Hotel in Guayanilla are repairing damages caused by the seismic activity of the past days. The rest of the
lodging properties in Puerto Rico continue to operate normally and hosting visitors.
I hear the Island lost power, when will power be restored?
Power across the Island has been restored at 98% and any hotel not back on the grid is prepared and
operating on generators.
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What tourist sites and offerings are open?
Our beaches, restaurants, attractions, hotels and travel service providers across the Island are open and
ready to welcome visitors to share Puerto Rico’s unique culture and warm hospitality. The Ponce Cruise
Port, the Puerto Rico Convention Center, and major attractions such as El Morro, El Yunque, San
Cristobal Fort, and hotels outside the southern region of Puerto Rico, including all areas around San
Juan, continue to be open for business.
Is the water safe to drink?
Give electricity impacts water supply, we are in close contact with the government, the Health
Department and the Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority to learn more about the status of
potable water as power is restored throughout the Island. While we gather additional information, we
recommend travelers drink bottled water as a precautionary measure.
If people want to help, how can they?
A way people can show their support for Puerto Rico at this time is to travel to the Island for their
vacations, work trips, meetings, conferences and events. Tourism fuels the local communities and will
help keep the economy recovering. The local American Red Cross chapter is gathering donations for
those who wish to provide support to those in the southern region as well as various local organizations.
For travelers staying in short-term rentals, are there any resources to consult?
We recommend travelers reach out to their unit owners, property managers, or booking platforms
directly should they need specific assistance related to their stay. For any other emergencies on-island,
they should contact the local police authority or dial 911.
What about taxis and cabs? Everything operating normally?
Taxis and ride sharing options are available throughout the Island.
Will these earthquakes impact my upcoming event or meeting?
We are committed to the success of meetings and events in Puerto Rico, and thankful for your ongoing
trust and partnership. Puerto Rico is open for business. Planners with upcoming events/meetings should
reach out to their travel providers, hotels and other businesses should they have any specific questions.