Creating Multidimensional Data in SAS for Excel Pivot Tables
Chandy Karnum, Ace Analytics Inc., Madison Wis.
If you are an analyst in data driven industry you are constantly faced with the
challenge of digesting large volumes of data into meaningful information in the
cheapest way possible. Although there a number of sophisticated/expensive
software packages and business intelligence systems specifically designed to
provide the solution many of the analysts and organizations have used analytical
tools such as Base SAS and Excel to get the job done. This paper will attempt to
demonstrate how using only a few steps in Base SAS you can create the
multidimensional data for Excel-pivot tables.
Nowadays, Excel has become the common denominator for business analysis in
the industry. However, Excel lacks the power to digest huge volumes of data
found across any industry. Over the years Base SAS has grown to become the
leader in data extraction and summarization regardless of the data source or
volume. Here we will discuss the concepts of a dimensional data model,
multidimensional dataset and the definition of dimensions and facts. Then we will
review data extraction, creating dimensions and summarization techniques using
Base SAS. Finally we will see a demonstration of Excel pivot tables that use the
multidimensional dataset to reveal patterns and trends.
A simple cross-tab report that you generate using PROC TABULATE (figure 1)
may consists of sales totals expressed at two levels of summarization or
dimensions. This is also referred as a two dimensional report where the product
and region variables represent the “dimension” and the sales totals is called as
If one were to produce such reports periodically the “time” dimension will need to
be considered to track performance trends. To visualize this dimension imagine
if the monthly reports were stacked to represent a slice of time.
Creating Multidimensional Data in SAS for Excel Pivot Tables
Chandy Karnum, Ace Analytics Inc., Madison Wis.
To extrapolate further as these reporting requirements get complex one can
imagine the demands on the cross tab reports getting quite complex as more
facts and dimensions are added to the fact-dimension matrix. This matrix is often
simply represented as a cube but understanding multidimensional data may
require the assistance of OLAP visualization tools.
Business analysis often requires visualizing the results by slicing and dicing in
different perspectives or dimensions to discover patterns, clusters or trends.
Instead of cross tab reports this visualization can be better rendered by tools
such as pivot tables in Excel. Pivot table is the simplest form OLAP (On-Line
Analytical Processing) tool and it is fairly easy to implement and understand.
Before we look into pivot tables let’s examine a few concepts and definition.
What is a Multi-Dimensional Dataset/Table?
In simple terms, a multidimensional dataset is constructed with one record for
each discrete metric/fact accompanied by all the relevant or associated
dimensions that describe the fact. These datasets are normally an aggregation of
detail transactional or operational data. The lowest level of aggregation is called
as the “grain”.
Creating Multidimensional Data in SAS for Excel Pivot Tables
Chandy Karnum, Ace Analytics Inc., Madison Wis.
What is a Dimension?
A dimension is a context, aspect or perspective by which the facts may be
accessed, grouped, selected, sequenced, filtered and presented.
Example: Product, Region, Time etc...
What is a Fact?
A fact is a business performance measurement, typically numeric and additive. It
is also called as a “metric”. This measurement is true to the “grain”
Example: Quantity Sold, Price, Total Sales, etc...
What is a Grain?
A grain is the level aggregation defined by the business requirement where there
is one record containing a single measurement value or “metric” that has a
descriptive contexts to related dimensions.
Guideline to acquiring a Multi-Dimensional Dataset:
Even though the larger topic of understanding the concepts around building a
dimensional data models is out of scope, the present work assumes the
availability of multidimensional datasets in the industry. The source of these
datasets may vary depending on the data environment.
For instance:
Transactional data: Sourced from application transaction tables. The
data is highly de-normalized and highly granular where facts and all the
associated dimensions are available one each record. This is the easiest
source where you can get all the facts and dimensions in a single table.
Star Schema: Sourced from a dimensional data mart. The data is
structured into fact tables and dimensional tables linked by primary/foreign
key relationship. This is an ideal source and designed for improved query
performance and capable of complex analysis.
Relational data: Sourced from relational tables where the analyst needs
to link source system tables to derive the facts and dimensions. The grain
of the data creates the fact table and all the associated dimensions are
sourced by linking to tables containing the dimensions. This can prove to
be a very daunting approach requiring complex transformations.
Before sourcing your multidimensional dataset you will need to determine the
business requirement around data analysis. This will help in defining the scope
of “grain” of the data.
Creating Multidimensional Data in SAS for Excel Pivot Tables
Chandy Karnum, Ace Analytics Inc., Madison Wis.
Here are a few thumb rules:
The granularity of the data or the “grain” of the data has to be defined. The
grain is based on the “fact” that needs to be measured. The “dimension” is
the context within which the facts were generated.
The facts and dimensions are sourced in such a way that there needs to
be one record per numeric measurement described by all the relevant
dimensions of interest.
There needs to be a one to one association between the dimension record
and the fact record. ( true to grain)
Dimensional hierarchies must be pre-defined by a business process
Creating a multidimensional data involves three steps:
1. Extraction & Transformation: Multidimensional reporting requires
gathering the facts/metrics and their respective groupings/dimensions at
the granular level.
2. Summarization: The granular data then needs to be aggregated to
produce N-dimensional row level data
3. Load: N-dimensional data then has to be loaded as source data into Excel
to create the pivot table as a presentation layer for visualization.
1. Extraction & Transformation:
The initial extraction of data is the most daunting task of the three steps
because you have deal with huge volume of detail transactional /
operational data. This detail data may reside in several databases that
need to be collated to gather the required facts and dimensions. The
DATA step or PROC SQL happens to be robust enough to handle all
these challenges. When certain dimensions needed for the analysis do not
exist we can programmatically derive them by applying the appropriate
business logic that is referred to as a transformation. Here is how a simple
data extraction and transformation step may look like:
PROC FORMAT; *formats to represent sales metrics;
value slsrange
low - <5000 = "$0 to $5,000 "
5000 - <10000 = "$5,001 to $10,000 "
10000 - <100000 = "$10,001 to $100,000"
100000 high = "$100,000 and above "
OTHER = "Amount not known ";
Data Product_Sales;
Length Country $10;
set sashelp.prdsal2; *source transaction table;
/* Create a Custom Dimension : Region Grouping */
If Country = "U.S.A." and State = "California"
then Region = "USA-West";
If Country = "Mexico" and State = "Campeche"
Creating Multidimensional Data in SAS for Excel Pivot Tables
Chandy Karnum, Ace Analytics Inc., Madison Wis.
then Region = "MX-West";
If Country = "Canada" and State = "British Columbia"
then Region = "CAN-West";
Region = "Other";
/* Create Range based dimensions for Sales amounts*/
format ACTUAL PREDICT slsrange.;
2. Summarization:
Once the data is successfully extracted creating an N-Dimensional data
aggregation is a breeze when you use PROC SUMMARY. This procedure has
all the methods you need to create a fully functional n-dimensional dataset. Here
is an example:
CLASS statement defines the dimensions and the dimensional hierarchies
are specified from right to left.
NWAY creates one record per fact with their respective dimensions
VAR statement captures the facts/metrics and the OUTPUT statement can
be used to produce a variety of statistics.
If you are planning on loading the resulting dataset into excel make sure
the record count is less than 65,536 rows
3. Load / Export to Excel:
The summarized data is the multidimensional data needed to implement pivot
tables. This dataset can be exported to excel using PROC EXPORT. This
requires the “SAS/ACCESS to PC file formats” module or you can use ODS in
Base SAS to generate a XML file. XML files can be easily opened with excel
and save as an excel file. Here is a PROC EXPORT example:
proc summary data = Product_Sales missing nway ;
class Year Qtr Country Region Prodtype product;;
var actual predict;
output out = Product_Sums
Creating Multidimensional Data in SAS for Excel Pivot Tables
Chandy Karnum, Ace Analytics Inc., Madison Wis.
Visualization and Analysis:
Once the data is Excel you can either launch the pivot table wizard to build a
pivot table or you can dynamically create a pivot table by calling a VB Script
from a SAS session. Here is an example of calling a VB script:
* call VB script to make the pivot table ;
data _null_;
x 'C:\userdata\sas\pivot.vbs';
Here is the VB script code:
Set XL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
XL.Workbooks.Open "C:\userdata\sas\Product_Sum_Data.xls"
Xllastcell= xl.cells.specialcells(11).address = "PivotTable"
XL.ActiveSheet.PivotTableWizard SourceType=xlDatabase,XL.Range("A1" & ":" &
XL.ActiveSheet.PivotTables(xldata).PivotFields("YEAR").Orientation = 1
XL.ActiveSheet.PivotTables(xldata).PivotFields("QUARTER").Orientation = 1
XL.ActiveSheet.PivotTables(xldata).PivotFields("COUNTRY").Orientation = 1
XL.ActiveSheet.PivotTables(xldata).PivotFields("REGION").Orientation = 1
XL.ActiveSheet.PivotTables(xldata).PivotFields("PRODTYPE").Orientation = 1
XL.ActiveSheet.PivotTables(xldata).PivotFields("PRODUCT").Orientation = 1
XL.ActiveSheet.PivotTables(xldata).PivotFields("Actual_Sum").Orientation = 4
XL.ActiveSheet.PivotTables(xldata).PivotFields("Predict_Sum").Orientation = 4
After the pivot table is loaded I will demonstrate how a pivot table
can be used to dynamically create cross-tab reports, 3-D
histograms, subtotals, roll-up and do drill-downs.
Cross-tab report:
Creating Multidimensional Data in SAS for Excel Pivot Tables
Chandy Karnum, Ace Analytics Inc., Madison Wis.
Swapping Dimensions:
Create 3-D histograms that can be rotated using the active-x controls.
Creating Multidimensional Data in SAS for Excel Pivot Tables
Chandy Karnum, Ace Analytics Inc., Madison Wis.
The goal of this paper was to provide the audience with a simple
explanation to the underlying principles governing multidimensional
datasets. Multidimensional datasets is the foundation for pivot tables
or any OLAP technology. My hope is that the audience will leave with
a basic understanding of the underlying principles so that they can
further digest more complex topics like dimensional models, star
schemas, etc.
Schacherer , Christopher W. “Base SAS® Methods for Building Dimensional Data
Models”. Paper 58-2010. Published in the MWSUG 2010 Conference
Nelson, Gregory S.B. “Implementing a Dimensional Data Warehouse with the SAS
System” Published in the proceedings of SUGI 22
Gray, J. et. al. “Data Cube: A relational Aggregation Operator Generalizing Group-By,
Cross-Tab, and Sub-totals” Microsoft research technical report MSR-TR-96-XX,
Ecklund, P. “An Introduction to Excel Pivot Tables” published as white paper in the
FUQUA School of Business, 2002
Kimball, R., Ross, M. “The Data Warehouse Toolkit: The Complete Guide to
Dimensional Modeling”. John Wiley and Sons 2002
Contact Information:
I would really appreciate any feedback, questions, comments and ideas. I would like to
hear from you. Here is my contact information:
Chandy Karnum | Principal
Ace Analytics Inc.
1845 Jenifer St.
Madison WI 53704
[email protected] |
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