Time Use, Perceived Addiction, Sexual Functioning,
and Sexual Satisfaction
Sarah Blais-Lecours, BA,
Marie-Pier Vaillancourt-Morel, PhD,
Ste´ phane Sabourin, PhD,
and Natacha Godbout, PhD
Using pornography through the Internet is now a common activity even if associated sexual outcomes, including
sexual satisfaction, are highly variable. The present study tested a two-step sequential mediation model whereby
cyberpornography time use is related to sexual satisfaction through the association with, in a first step, perceived
addiction to cyberpornography (i.e., perceived compulsivity, effort to access, and distress toward pornography) and
with, in a second step, sexual functioning problems (i.e., sexual dysfunction, compulsion, and avoidance). These
differential associations were also examined across gender using model invariance across men and women. A sample
of 832 adults from the community completed self-report online questionnaires. Results indicated that 51 percent of
women and 90 percent of men reported viewing pornography through the Internet. Path analyses showed indirect
complex associations in which cyberpornography time use is associated with sexual dissatisfaction through per-
ceived addiction and sexual functioning problems. These patterns of associations held for both men and women.
Keywords: cyberpornography, sexual functioning, addiction, sexual satisfaction, gender
ver the past 10 years, with sexual content easily ac-
cessible through Internet, pornography viewing has be-
come a typical pattern of behaviors, self-reportedly performed
to increase sexual well-being and satisfaction.
Despite a lack
of consensus about the definition of ‘cyberpornography use,’
one common denominator seems to be the consumption of
sexually explicit Internet material. Following a recent re-
analysis of four large representative samples of American
adults, Regnerus, Gordon, and Price
concluded that, over a
given year, 69 percent of men and 40 percent of women in-
tentionally viewed pornography. Whereas prevalence estima-
tes are robust, it is less clear whether and under what
conditions these behaviors become problematic or, on the
contrary, increase sexual well-being and satisfaction. The
available research evidence on this topic is not only recent and
limited but also the examination of empirical data is inevitably
shaped by complex moral, political, and social issues.
surprisingly, recent scientific discussions are frequently po-
larized along a permissive–restrictive continuum.
Past results on pornography use outcomes are highly vari-
able, especially with regard to sexual outcomes. Indeed, many
individuals report that pornography consumption is associated
with improvements in sexual life, increased sexual knowl-
edge, and a more positive and permissive attitude about sex-
Likewise, Landripet and S
concluded that,
in heterosexual young men, pornography consumption does
not seem to be related to desire, erectile, or orgasmic diffi-
culties. These results stand in stark contrast with those of
recent studies reporting that pornography use is associated
with adverse sexual effects such as sexually compulsive be-
haviors, dependence to pornography, and risky sexual be-
Sexual satisfaction is also either negatively
or positively
associated with viewing pornography.
Whereas these contradictory findings are partly associated
with between-study methodological discrepancies, the body of
evidence remains small and it is important to identify factors
that may explain the association between cyberpornography
use and sexual well-being.
Because sexual dissatisfaction is common
and predicted
by a wide array of psychosocial factors,
time spent con-
suming cyberpornography could most probably be associ-
ated with sexual dissatisfaction through multiple pathways,
including sexual functioning problems. Because cyber-
pornogr aphy use may encourage some consumers to develop
cole de Psychologie, Universite
Laval, Que
bec, Canada.
partement de Sexologie, Universite
du Que
bec a
al, Montre
al, Canada.
Volume 19, Number 11, 2016
ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/cyber.2016.0364
unrealistic expectations, performance anxiety, less control
over sexuality, and more concerns about their sexuality,
the development of sexual functioning problems examined
through sexual dysfunction, compulsion, and avoidance
could explain sexual dissatisfactions.
Past research endeavors on cyberpornography use have
been mainly informed by a descriptive view of the phe-
nomenon (i.e., the number of hours consuming cyberporno-
Because social attitudes and personal meanings
attached to cyberpornography viewing are rapidly evolv-
measures of cyberpornography use should also assess
perceived addiction to cyberpornography. Time spent con-
suming cyberpornography may be associated with sexual
functioning and satisfaction through users’ subjective self-
perception of internal pressures, interferences with daily life,
and affects activated by these behaviors. In a recent 1-year
longitudinal study, perceived addiction to cyberpornography
was associated with psychological distress, even when con-
trolling for time spent viewing cyberpornography.
There is
thus a pressing need to integrate descriptive and subjective
measures to better understand cyberpornography-related
sexual functioning and satisfaction.
Pornography user’s gender may also explain the contra-
dictory outcomes of cyberpornography consumption. The
differential association between pornography use and sexual
functioning and satisfaction in women and men is under-
studied. Some differences are reported in the way men and
women consume pornography, where men prefer to use
pornography alone for arousal and masturbation, women
tend to use it with their partner as part of their sexual ac-
These gender differences may have specific ef-
fects on the association between cyberpornography use and
sexual functioning and satisfaction.
Current study
The current study aimed to examine the factors that may
explain the diversity of sexual outcomes associated with cyber-
pornography viewing. More specifically, the role of three
variables was examined; perceived addiction to cyberporno-
graphy, sexual functioning problems, and gender. We tested a
two-step sequential mediation model whereby cyberporno-
graphy time use is related to sexual satisfaction through the
association with perceived addiction to cyberpornography
(i.e., perceived compulsivity, effort to access, and distress
toward cyberpornography) and where perceived addiction is
associated with sexual satisfaction through sexual function-
ing problems (i.e., sexual dysfunction, compulsion, and
avoidance). We also examined whether this sequential me-
diational model was invariant across gender. It was hypo-
thesized that perceived addiction to cyberpornography and
sexual functioning would play a mediational role between
cyberpornography time use and sexual satisfaction and that
the mediational model would vary across men and women.
Participants and procedure
A convenience sample of French-speaking men and wo-
men aged 18 or older was recruited in a Canadian province
through university electronic lists, online classified adver-
tisements, and social networks. Advertisements informed
participants that the study was an online survey assessing the
determinants of sexuality in adulthood. The study protocol
and consent procedures were approved by an institutional
review board. Of the 1,329 voluntary participants who star-
ted the survey, 832 (62.6 percent) completed the questions on
cyberpornography use. Of these, 71.8 percent were women
(n = 597) and 28.2 percent were men (n = 235) aged between
18 and 78 years (M = 25.20, SD = 7.99). A total of 35.3 per-
cent were either married or cohabiting individuals (n = 294),
29.6 percent were dating (n = 246), and 33.3 percent were
single (n = 277).
Cyberpornography time use.
Based on Grubbs et al.
and Wetterneck et al.
measures of pornography time use,
using a single question, participants were asked to indicate
their average amount (in minutes) of weekly use of cyber-
pornography over the last 6 months. Studies in sex research
report high levels of test–retest reliability for self-reported
sexual behaviors (q = 0.84–0.96)
and strong correlations
between self-reported retrospective measures of sexual be-
haviors and daily diary estimates (r = 0.87).
Perceived cyberpornography addiction. The Cyber Por-
nography Use Inventory
was used to assess three key di-
mensions of perceived addiction to cyberpornography:
perceived compulsivity to cyberpornography (three items,
e.g., I believe I am addicted to Internet pornography), inten-
sity of efforts to access cyberpornography (three items, e.g.,
At times, I rearrange my schedule to be alone to view por-
nography), and emotional distress associated with cyberpor-
nography use (three i tems, e.g. , I f eel ashamed after viewing
pornography). Confirmatory factor analyses showed that each
item of the three dimensions was significantly correlated with
its respective factor, ranging from 0.52 to 0.92.
The alpha
coefficients ranged from 0.68 to 0.91.
Sexual functioning. In the present study, sexual function-
ing was examined through sexual dysfunction, sexual com-
pulsion, and sexual avoidance. For sexual dysfunction, the
Arizona Sexual Experiences Scale (Brassard A, Bourassa M.
2012. Taduction franc¸aise du Arizona Sexual Experiences
Scale (ASEX) [French translation of the Arizona Sexual Ex-
periences Scale (ASEX)]. Unpublished manuscript.)
used to quantify sex drive, arousal, vaginal lubrication/penile
erection, ability to reach orgasm, satisfaction from orgasm, and
pain during sex. This questionnaire includes six Likert-type
items, with a higher score indicating more sexual dysfunction.
This scale demonstrated good psychometric properties: ex-
cellent internal consistency, strong test–retest reliability, and
good construct validity.
The alpha coefficient was 0.73.
For sexual compulsion and avoidance, the Sexual Com-
pulsivity Scale
and the Sexual Avoidance Subscale of the
Sexual Aversion Scale
were used to respectively assess
difficulties to manage sexual thoughts, concerns, and behav-
iors, as well as avoidant behaviors relating to sexual contact.
These questionnaires include 10 Likert-type items. These
scales were selected because of their psychometric qualities,
good internal consistency,
and good temporal stability.
The alpha coefficient was 0.83 for sexual compulsivity and
0.86 for sexual avoidance.
Sexual satisfaction. The Global Measure of Sexual Sa-
was used to assess global satisfaction with vari-
ous aspects of the sexual relationship. This questionnaire
includes five items rated on 7-point bipolar scales: good-bad,
pleasant-unpleasant, positive-negative, satisfying-unsatisfying,
and valuable-worthless. A higher score reflects a higher
level of sexual satisfaction. This measure was chose n be-
cause of its psychometric qual ities in differ ent sampl es;
good internal consi stency, strong temporal stability , and
good construct validity.
The alpha coefficient for this
measure was 0.91.
Statistical analyses
Descriptive statistics was computed using SPSS 20 and path
analyses, using Mplus,version7.
Bivariate analyses, a mul-
tivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and Pearson’s cor-
relations were used to examine sample characteristics, mean
differences between men and women, and the relationships
between study variables. Effect size magnitude was estimated
based on Cohen’s
guidelines, where g
> 0.01 was considered
small, g
> 0.09 was medium, and g
> 0.25 was large.
Path analyses. A saturated path analysis model was first
assessed in the full sample allowing residual terms of me-
diational variables to covary. Then, nonsignificant direct
paths were removed to obtain a more parsimonious media-
tional model. The robust maximum likelihood estimator was
used in all analyses. Based on most recommended guide-
overall model fit was tested by considering to-
gether the comparative fit index (CFI), the root mean square
error of approximation (RMSEA), the standardized root
mean square residual (SRMR), and the ratio of chi-square to
degrees of freedom (v
/df). A CFI value of 0.90 or higher, a
RMSEA and a SRMR value below 0.05, and a v
/df less than
three are indicators of good fit.
Multiple group path analysis was used to determine if the
model differed between men and women.
A saturated
model, allowing all paths of the final model to be estimated
freely between men and women, was compared to a model in
which structural paths were constrained to be equal across
gender using a corrected chi-square difference test (Satorra–
Bentler scaled chi-square).
A significant chi-square dif-
ference test indicates that the mediational model varies
between men and women.
Descriptive statistics
Psychosexual variables across gender.
In the present
sample, 51.0 percent (n = 304) of women and 90.2 percent
(n = 211) of men reported cyberpornography use; this gender
difference was significant; v
(1) = 109.45, p < 0.001, and Cra-
mer’s V = 0.36. Means and standard deviations for all psycho-
sexual variables in the model according to gender are
reported in Table 1. The MANOVA examining gender dif-
ferences on psychosexual variables yielded a significant mul-
tivariate large effect, F(8, 810) = 61.60, p < 0.001, g
= 0.378,
Wilks’s L = 0.622. Therefore, univariate between-gender main
effects were examined for individual dependent variables. To
account for multiple tests being run, results were interpreted
using a Bonferroni-corrected p value of 0.006 (0.05/8 tests =
0.006). Using this significance level, univariate analyses in-
dicated significant differences between men and women on all
variables except for distress caused by cyberpornography
use, sexual avoidance, and sexual satisfaction (Table 1). As
compared with women, men reported significantly more
cyberpornography time use, perceived compulsivity to cyber-
pornography, efforts to access cyberpornography, and sexual
Correlations among psychosexual variables. Correlations
between psychosexual variables are reported in Table 2. All
variables were significantly related with the exception of
cyberpornography time use with distress caused by cyber-
pornography and with sexual avoidance. All psychosexual
variables were negatively associated with sexual satisfaction
with effect sizes ranging from small to large.
The mediational role of perceived addiction and sexual
functioning in the association between time
use and sexual satisfaction
The main hypothesis of the present study was that per-
ceived addiction to cyberpornography and sexual functioning
would play a mediational role between cyberpornography
time use and sexual satisfaction. The saturated model showed
that, when indirect paths were estimated, five direct paths
were nonsignificant: the paths from perceived addiction to
sexual satisfaction and the paths from cyberpornography time
use to sexual compulsivity and sexual avoidance. These paths
Table 1. Mean Differences for Psychosexual Variables Across Gender
Women Men
n = 587 n = 232
Internet pornography time use in minutes 17.03 (40.91) 75.32 (88.09) 166.45 <0.001* 0.17
Compulsive Internet pornography 1.35 (0.88) 2.90 (1.61) 307.52 <0.001* 0.27
Effort to access Internet pornography 1.12 (0.44) 1.66 (1.00) 118.48 <0.001* 0.13
Distress caused by Internet pornography 1.99 (1.40) 2.23 (1.55) 4.61 0.032 0.01
Sexual dysfunction 16.91 (4.15) 13.72 (3.92) 101.46 <0.001* 0.11
Sexual compulsivity 14.27 (4.36) 16.56 (5.18) 41.42 <0.001* 0.05
Sexual avoidance 12.63 (4.08) 13.29 (4.75) 3.95 0.047 0.01
Sexual satisfaction 26.94 (6.26) 25.76 (6.73) 5.67 0.018 0.01
*significant at the Bonferroni corrected p value = 0.006.
were removed from the mediational model (Fig. 1). Results
indicated good fit for this model: v
(5) = 4.16, p = 0.526;
RMSEA = 0.00, 90% CI: 0.00 to 0.04; CFI = 1.00; SRMR =
0.01; and v
/df = 0.83.
The model indicates that cyberpornography time use is
positively associated with perceived compulsivity to cyber-
pornography, which in return has two significant indirect ef-
fects on sexual satisfaction through a negative association
with sexual dysfunction and a positive association with sexual
compulsivity. The indirect effect through sexual dysfunction
(b = 0.34, 95% CI: 0.19 to 0.52) predicted higher sexual sat-
isfaction, while the one through sexual compulsivity is asso-
ciated with lower sexual satisfaction (b =-0.17, 95% CI: -
0.29 to -0.09). The indirect effect of perceived compulsivity
on sexual satisfaction through sexual avoidance did not reach
significance (b = 0.04, 95% CI: -0.13 to 0.20).
Pornography time use is positively associated with efforts
to access cyberpornography, which have an indirect effect on
sexual satisfaction through a positive association with sexual
compulsivity, which in turn predicted lower sexual satis-
faction. This negative indirect effect through sexual com-
pulsivity was significant (b =-0.32, 95% CI: -0.55 to -0.16),
while those involving sexual dysfunction (b =-0.03, 95% CI:
-0.36 to 0.26) and sexual avoidance (b =-0.32, 95% CI: -
0.70 to 0.02) were not.
Cyberpornography time use is not associated with distress
arising from cyberpornography use. However, distress aris-
ing from cyberpornography use has a significant negative
indirect effect on sexual satisfaction through increased sex-
ual dysfunction (b =-0.38, 95% CI: -0.54 to -0.24) and
sexual avoidance (b =-0.50, 95% CI: -0.67 to -0.35),
whereas the indirect effect through sexual compulsivity
(b =-0.03, 95% CI: -0.08 to 0.003) was nonsignificant.
Gender invariance of the mediational model
The comparison of the mediational model, in which all
paths were freely estimated between men and women, to the
model in which structural paths were constrained to be equal
across men and women produced a nonsignificant chi-square
difference, v
(17) = 15.44, p = 0.564. Thus, the me-
diational model presented in Figure 1 held for men and
women. This invariant mediational model between men and
women proved satisfactory; v
(27) = 23.64, p = 0.650;
RMSEA = 0.00, 90% CI: 0.00 to 0.03; CFI = 1.00; SRMR =
0.03; and v
/df = 0.88.
Viewing pornography through the Internet is increasingly
becoming a socially normative activity. In the present sam-
ple, cyberpornography was widely used, with almost all men
and 50 percent of women having viewed sexually explicit
Internet material over the last 6 months. This gender dif-
ference is substantial and confirm the gender prevalence
difference observed in past studies.
This result
should be tempered by the general social context, where
Table 2. Correlations Among Cyberpornography Time Use and Psychosexual Study Variables
Variables 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
1. Cyberpornography time use
in minutes
2. Compulsive cyberpornography 0.50***
3. Effort to access cyberpornography 0.50*** 0.62***
4. Distress caused by
0.03 0.19*** 0.11**
5. Sexual dysfunction -0.19*** -0.19*** -0.14*** 0.20***
6. Sexual compulsivity 0.30*** 0.44*** 0.43*** 0.13*** -0.16***
7. Sexual avoidance 0.04 0.09** 0.11** 0.31*** 0.31*** 0.13***
8. Sexual satisfaction -0.09** -0.11** -0.10** -0.20*** -0.44*** -0.15*** -0.51***
Note: n ranged between 826 and 832.
**p < 0.01;***p < 0.001.
FIG. 1. Path analysis
model of perceived addiction
to cyberpornography and
sexual functioning as media-
tors of the association be-
tween cyberpornography
time use and sexual satisfac-
tion. *p < 0.05. **p < 0.01.
***p < 0.001. Covariances
between mediators are esti-
mated in the model, but not
reported to avoid confusion.
attitudes toward women’s pornography use are generally
more ambiguous or negative.
This may have led women, as
compared to men, to underreport pornography consumption
because of shame associated with this sexual behavior or
because of a social desirability bias. Indeed, findings from
Shaughnessy et al.
showed that women report more negative
attitudes toward cyberpornography (e.g., online sex is morally
wrong or dirty), which was related to their tendency to con-
sume less pornography than men. Despite this possibility,
these gender differences may also reflect the fact that, because
men traditionally were and still are the main consumers of
cyberpornography, most sexual scenarios depicted in videos
are generally oriented toward men’s needs, fantasies, and
preferences and may be less attractive to some women.
Apart from this gender prevalence difference, a complex
pattern of findings emerges from the present study. First,
even when controlling for perceived addiction to cyberpor-
nography and overall sexual functioning, cyberpornography
use remained directly associated with sexual dissatisfaction.
Even though this negative direct association was of small
magnitude, time spent viewing cyberpornography seems to
be a robust predictor of lower sexual satisfaction. However,
because of the cross-sectional nature of our design, it is
difficult to determine whether viewing cyberpornography
causally increases sexual dissatisfaction or if women and
men who are less satisfied sexually tend to increase their use
of cyberpornography. Another interesting possibility would
be that these two variables are causally related through a
reciprocal nonrecursive model. Future longitudinal studies
will shed light on these causal hypotheses.
In addition to this direct effect, cyberpornography use was
also associated with sexual satisfaction through different in-
direct pathways. First, cyberpornography viewing was related
to perceived compulsivity to cyberpornography, which, in
turn, was associated with overall sexual compulsion and, ul-
timately, with sexual dissatisfaction. This finding is consistent
with recent past studies.
Another pathway linked cyber-
pornography use to perceived compulsivity to cyberporno-
graphy, which was related to higher sexual satisfaction
through lower sexual dysfunction. In our results, this is the
only positive effect cyberpornography use has on sexual sat-
isfaction. This positive association may be explained by the
protective effect of regular sexual behaviors on sexual dys-
function and, therefore, on sexual satisfaction or it could be
that individuals with sexual dysfunctions are not compulsively
attracted to cyberpornography use given their sexual prob-
lems. Finally, another pathway showed that distress caused by
cyberpornography, which was not explained by time spent
viewing cyberpornography, predicted higher sexual dysfunc-
tion and sexual avoidance, both of which were associated with
lower sexual satisfaction. In this pathway, the negative affects
experienced when viewing cyberpornography might probably
be exacerbated by the confrontation with these self-reported
sexual dysfunctions.
These complex mediation results sup-
port Hald’s
proposal; studies need to address possible
moderators or mediators of the relationship between cyber-
pornography use and sexual difficulties.
These direct and mediational pathways proved to be in-
variant for women and men. Even if past investigations re-
ported that men use cyberpornography more often than
women, as in the present study, and that the type of sexual
fantasies searched online and the reasons for using online
pornography differ,
our results highlight that psychosexual
outcomes are similar for men and women. Thus, we observed
negative psychosexual functioning in both women and men.
Even if the negative association between cyberporno-
graphy use and sexual satisfaction for men and women
clearly stem from our results, it is important to interpret the
present findings in the light of potential limitations. The
correlational and cross-sectional nature of this study pre-
cludes definitive conclusions about the causal sequence
proposed in our study. In addition, the generalizability of our
results may be limited by the use of a convenience sample
and a sampling strategy that excluded individuals without
Internet access. In addition, there is a potential self-selection
bias when recruiting individuals who volunteer to participate
in an online sexuality research. Finally, the current studies
relied exclusively on online questionnaires, which may lead
to report bias.
Particularly, asking participants to retro-
spectively report their cyberpornography time use in the last
6 months is subject to recall biases. Future studies should
replicate our findings with a multiple-item prospective
measure of cyberpornography use and examine the temporal
stability of cyberpornography behaviors.
Clinical implications
Standard routine assessment should provide health pro-
fessionals with detailed information on frequency, type of
content viewed, and intensity of cyberpornography behav-
iors, as well as users’ subjective self-perception of internal
pressures, interferences with daily life, and affects activated
by the consumption. The current results suggest that
evidence-based practice should rely on the assessment of the
correlates of any level of cyberpornography use and thera-
pists may respond with informed concern because of its
possible association with negative sexual outcomes.
Our findings suggest the value of a better understanding of
the personal and relational motivations and affects underly-
ing cyberpornography use to help underline the specific
mechanisms involved for each user, hereby facilitating the
development of effective interventions within a biopsycho-
social framework.
For example, users for whom cyber-
pornography is a maladaptive coping strategy may benefit
from affect regulation training or mentalization-based in-
while social situations’ exposure or social
skills’ training may help consumers using cyberpornography
to reduce loneliness or boredom.
When cyberpornography
is used to avoid couple difficulties, individuals and their
partner may benefit from couple therapy and psychoeduca-
tional interventions, where both partners are helped to under-
stand personal and relational triggers of pornography use.
However, more studies are needed to document the efficacy of
these interventions and develop empirically-driven therapeutic
guidelines to improve sexual well-being.
Sarah Blais-Lecours was supported by a doctoral fellow-
ship from the Interdisciplinary Research Centre on Intimate
Relationship Problems an d S exual Abuse (CRIPCAS ).
Marie-Pier Vaillanc ourt-Morel was suppor ted by doctoral
fellowships f rom the Social Sci ences an d Humanit ies
Research Co uncil (SSHRC), the Fonds de rec herche du
et Culture (FRQ-SC), and the CRIPCAS.
Natacha Godbout wa s supported by a research scholar
grant from the Fonds de reche rche du Q ue
authors thank He
ne Paradis and B ei Feng for their as-
sistance with the statistical analyses.
Author Disclosure Statement
No competing financial interests exist.
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Address correspondence to:
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