Know all men by these presents, that the undersigned,
for a good and valuable consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant unto Baldwin
County Electric Membership Corporation, a Rural Electric Cooperative (hereinafter called the "Cooperative")
whose post office address is Summerdale, Alabama, and to its successors or assigns, the right to enter upon the
lands of the undersigned, situated in the county of Baldwin, state of Alabama, and more particularly described as
Section _____
Township _____ Range _____ Parcel No:
…including, in addition, such area as is necessary to properly install guys and anchors for line angle and dead
end structures located upon said easement;
and to construct, operate and maintain an electrical distribution line or systems on or under the above-described
lands and/or in, upon or under all streets, roads or highways abutting said lands; to inspect and make such
repairs, changes, alterations, improvements, removals from, substitutions and additions to its facilities as the
cooperative may from time to time deem advisable, including, by way of example and not by way of limitation, the
right to increase or decrease the number of conduits, wires, cables, hand holes, manholes, connection boxes,
transformers and transformer enclosures; to cut, trim and control the growth by chemical means, machinery or
otherwise of trees and shrubbery located within 10 feet of the center line of said line or system, or that may
interfere with or threaten to endanger the operation and maintenance of said line or system (including any control
of the growth of other vegetation in the right-of-way which may incidentally and necessarily result from the means
of control employed); to keep the easement clear of all buildings, structures or other obstructions; and to license,
permit or otherwise agree to the joint use or occupancy of the lines, systems or, if any of said system is placed
underground, of the trench and related underground facilities, by any other person, association or corporation.
The undersigned agree that all poles, wires and other facilities including any main service entrance equipment,
installed in, upon or under the above-described lands at the Cooperative’s expense shall remain the property of
the Cooperative, removable at the option of the Cooperative.
The undersigned covenant that they are the owners of the above-described lands and that the said lands are free
and clear of encumbrances and liens of whatsoever character except those by the following persons:
*in witness whereof, the undersigned have set their hands and seals this
day of , 20___.
By: _______________________________(L.S.)
Print Name: ___________________________________
By: _______________________________(L.S.)
Print Name: ___________________________________
Signed, sealed and delivered
in the presence of:
(Notary or Witness)
(Notary or Witness)
My Commission expires _________20____
Affix Seal Here
Baldwin EMC Use Only
Work Order #
Township Range Section Pole Number