Impact of Enhanced
vMotion Compatibility on
Application Performance
Performance Study
Impact of Enhanced vMotion Compatibility
on Application Performance
Table of Contents
Executive Summary .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Introduction................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Enhanced vMotion Compatibility ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Scalability ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
How Does EVC Work? ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
EVC Baseline .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
EVC Requirements ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Test Environment ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Workloads Studied ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Hardware and Software ................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Database ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Java Applications ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Encryption .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Multimedia .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
String Processing ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Best Practices ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
References ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Impact of Enhanced vMotion Compatibility
on Application Performance
Executive Summary
VMware® Enhanced vMotion Compatibility (EVC) enhances the scope of VMware vSphere® vMotion® by making
VMware® ESXihosts with different CPU technologies compatible for vMotion. It does this by making available a
common CPU feature set through the use of a baseline. With a baseline in place for older processors, application
performance becomes important. Do the applications running in the virtual machines with an older CPU
presented perform as well as they do on virtual machines that have access to feature sets available in newer
generation processors? In this paper, we quantify the performance impact of EVC mode on a diverse set of
applications. We study workloads from database, Java, multimedia, and encryption categories and report the
Test results show that almost all workloads perform well even when the virtual machine presents an EVC mode
that corresponds to an older processor generation. The EVC mode setting had varying impact on workload
performance based on the ESXi hosts’ CPU instruction set features made available and their relevance to the
workloads. One workload, AES-Encryption, didn’t fare as well due to a dependence on special-purpose
instruction sets only available in younger processor generations.
VMware vMotion [1] plays a critical role in data center management; virtual machine migration helps in load
balancing, resource management, and preventive maintenance. Clusters in a typical datacenter usually have a
mix of processors belonging to different generations, if not different vendors. Processor vendors continue to
offer special purpose enhancements targeting individual market segments with each new generation. In light of
this heterogeneous nature of a cluster and attendant hardware dependencies, vMotion is forced to limit the
possible destinations to which a virtual machine could migrate.
In order to ease this restriction, VMware supports EVC mode [2] [3] through the use of Intel FlexMigration and
AMD-V Extended Migration technologies. EVC mode can be specified at the cluster level. This sets a baseline
processor generation enabling wider migration choices for a virtual machine, typically the oldest or the least
capable processor becomes the determining EVC mode for all the hosts in that cluster. Subsequently, any virtual
machine running in that cluster can be migrated to any other ESXi host, regardless of CPU, within the cluster.
Despite the obvious advantages of EVC mode, administrators need to factor in the costs associated with this
feature to help in the decision making process. Some applications could potentially lose performance due to
certain advanced CPU features not being made available to the guest even though the underlying host supports
them. This has been a concern for VMware customers, partly due to the lack of information on the extent of
performance loss and the class of applications that get affected.
In this study, we aim to quantify the performance impact of EVC mode for a set of applications covering a
spectrum of application domains.
Impact of Enhanced vMotion Compatibility
on Application Performance
Figure 1. Live migration of machines through VMware’s vMotion
Enhanced vMotion Compatibility
EVC mode allows migration of virtual machines between different generations of CPUs, making it possible to
aggregate older and newer server hardware generations in a single cluster. This flexibility provides scalability of
the virtual infrastructure by offering the ability of adding new hardware into an existing infrastructure while
extending the value of existing hosts.
EVC allows IT organizations to scale out (expand) their existing infrastructures by increasing the number of ESXi
hosts available for vMotion. Instead of having to wait for a purchasing window to buy servers in bulk to ensure a
homogenous cluster that meets vMotion requirements, IT professionals can use existing hardware with mixed
CPU technology to increase the ESXi hosts in their clusters and still maintain vMotion compatibility.
EVC is complimentary to the popular design methodology of the building block architecture. Building blocks
extend the concept of a framework and outline a pre-defined set of items or modules that allow for scalability
while maintaining standardization. Cluster configurations are often treated as a single building block structure,
which can limit an organization’s procurement strategy of server hardware. This is especially true in
environments where migration using vMotion is necessary but the ESXi hosts have different CPU generations and
are incompatible for vMotion. In this case, the best approach has been to aggregate server hardware.
Aggregation can be difficult, however, because the release cycle of hardware generations are typically shorter
than financial purchasing windows. Bulk procurement of machines during a financial purchasing window can lead
to an oversized, underutilized cluster configuration in the early stages of its lifecycle. By enabling EVC, the
requirement of identical hardware to provide maximum portability of virtual machines within the cluster is
removed. Enabling EVC allows for expanding clusters gradually and allows for future expansion of clusters while
still aligning with building block architectures.
Impact of Enhanced vMotion Compatibility
on Application Performance
How Does EVC Work?
EVC creates a baseline that allows all the hosts in the cluster to advertise the same CPU feature set. The EVC
baseline does not disable the features within a CPU, but indicates to a virtual machine that specific features are
not available. EVC only focuses on CPU features specific to CPU generations, such as SIMD (SSE) or AMD-now
instructions. EVC hides these CPU features from software running inside virtual machines by not advertising
these features. This means that the features are still available and active, but they are not “publically
broadcasted.” When enabling EVC, a CPU baseline must be selected. This baseline represents a feature set of the
selected CPU generation and exposes specific CPU generation features. If a virtual machine powers-on, this
baseline will be attached to the virtual machine until it powers off.
Note: The EVC baseline is attached to the virtual machine until it powers off, even if the virtual machine is
migrated to another EVC cluster.
EVC Baseline
When an ESXi host with a newer generation CPU joins the cluster, the baseline will automatically “hide” the CPU
features that are new and unique to that CPU generation. As an example, suppose an administrator has a cluster
containing ESXi hosts configured with Intel® Xeon® Core™ i7 CPUs, commonly known as Intel Nehalem.” The
baseline selected
Intel® "Nehalem" Generation
presents the cumulative features of the
Intel® "Merom"
Intel® "Penryn" Generation
and the
Intel® "Nehalem" Generation
to the virtual machine. This has the
net effect of providing the standard
Intel® "Merom" Generation
features plus SSE4.1, SSE4.2, Popcount and
RDTSCP features available to all the virtual machines. When an ESXi host with a Westmere (32nm) CPU joins the
cluster, the additional CPU instruction sets like AES/AESNI and PCLMULQDQ will be suppressed automatically.
For our testing, we chose baselines of Intel processor generations “Westmere,” “Nehalem,” “Penryn,” and
Figure 2. Intel processor generations and corresponding features
Note: The figure above provides some examples, it does not list all of the differences.
Impact of Enhanced vMotion Compatibility
on Application Performance
EVC Requirements
To enable EVC on a cluster, the cluster must meet the following requirements:
All hosts in the cluster must have CPUs from a single vendor, either AMD or Intel.
All hosts in the cluster must have advanced CPU features, such as hardware virtualization support (AMD-V or
Intel VT) and AMD No eXecute (NX) or Intel eXecute Disable (XD) and must be enabled in the BIOS.
All hosts in the cluster should be configured for vMotion.
All hosts in the cluster must be connected to the same vCenter Server system.
In addition, all hosts in the cluster must have CPUs that support the EVC mode you want to enable. To check EVC
support for a specific processor or server model, see the
VMware Compatibility Guide
[4]. Interaction of EVC and
Hardware Virtualization Support
VMware's hypervisor is unique in that it supports a variety of execution modes depending on the capabilities of
the hardware. The VMkernel automatically selects the best hypervisor execution mode that will deliver the best
virtual machine performance given the capabilities of the hardware and type of guest operating system. These
virtualization acceleration features such as VT-x/AMD-V and RVI/EPT are available for use by the hypervisor
independent of EVC or the EVC baseline, and the VMkernel switches on the fly to whatever mode is the best
performing one for the guest as the virtual machine is migrated around the cluster.
Test Environment
Our goal is to replicate the scenario of an administrator assigning a server being downgraded in terms of
processor generation due to the presence of older generation nodes in a cluster so that all the hosts can be
available for vMotion . Accordingly, we created a cluster, with EVC-mode enabled, in a datacenter. We added a
host based on the Intel Xeon “Westmereprocessor to the cluster. We created several guest virtual machines to
run several workloads with different EVC modes ranging from IntelMeromto IntelWestmere.
Workloads Studied
We selected several workloads to represent different classes of popular applications running in the enterprise
and compared the performance of each when the virtual machine was set with an EVC mode presenting different
processor generations. This test was done to determine if virtual machines with lower processor generation EVC
settings performed at the same level as those with higher processor generation EVC settings. The workloads
chosen are shown in Table 1.
Database Oracle SwingBench
Java SPECjbb2005
Encryption OpenSSL (version 1.0.0)
Multimedia H264 Video Encoding (X264 0.120.X)
Table 1. Workloads selected to represent different types of popular applications
These applications and their performance with EVC are described in the following sections.
Impact of Enhanced vMotion Compatibility
on Application Performance
Hardware and Software
We used the following hardware and software in the guest and the host.
Hardware: 1 virtual CPU, 8GB RAM, 32GB hard disk
Operating System: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.1 (Kernel Version 2.6.32)
Hardware: Dual 6-core Intel® Xeon® Processor X5680 @3.324GHz, 144GB RAM
Operating System: ESXi 5.1
To meaningfully understand the performance variations among database workloads across processor
generations, we selected a popular benchmark named Oracle SwingBench [5]. Oracle SwingBench is a load
generator for Oracle database, wherein the response times of various user transactions could be measured. We
made use of one of the benchmarks supplied with SwingBench, named OrderEntry.
The setup consisted of a server virtual machine and a client virtual machine. The client virtual machine was
hosted on a different node in a separate cluster, connected by a 10Gb Ethernet link. Our focus is on the server
virtual machine, which houses the database and responds to transactions initiated by the client. In a typical
SwingBench setup, the server performance almost exclusively determines overall transaction rate. Thus, we
created a virtual machine with RHEL 6.1
nd installed the SwingBench server component on it and paired it with
the client virtual machine over the network.
We varied the EVC mode of the cluster in which the SwingBench server virtual machine was hosted and
measured the transaction rate reported by the client. The results are presented in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Transaction processing rate of Oracle SwingBench with different EVC modes
Transactions Per Minute
EVC Mode
Oracle SwingBench
Impact of Enhanced vMotion Compatibility
on Application Performance
The figure shows that there is no significant variation in the transaction processing rate with EVC modes. A
database server virtual machine will maintain its performance on an ESXi server with an Intel processor
“Westmere” even when the older processor capabilities of “Nehalem,” “Penryn,” and “Merom” are presented
through EVC.
Java Applications
We ran EVC mode experiments on the industry-standard, server-side Java benchmark SPECjbb200 [6]. We
used a non-compliant test configuration of one JVM with a heap size of 256MB and ran the benchmark with the
warehouse sequence of {1, 2}, which starts the server-side Java application with one warehouse workload and
then increases to two warehouses. The guest was a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.1 with 8GB RAM and 32GB hard
disk virtual machine with one virtual CPU. The ESXi host is described in Hardware and Softwareon page 7. We
ran SPECjbb with different EVC modes and present the reported scores, which reflect testing published on
August 26, 2012.
Figure 4. Scores from SPECjbb runs with different EVC modes
As shown in Figure 4, we observed negligible variation (0.007%) in the measured scores reported by these
experiments across EVC modes. This means that a virtual machine running a Java-based server-side application
maintains its performance on an ESXi host with processor capabilities as new as “Westmere” and as old as
SPECjbb Score
EVC Mode
Impact of Enhanced vMotion Compatibility
on Application Performance
In this experiment, we used the open source encryption application OpenSSL (Version 1.0.0) [7] to measure the
encryption speed using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) cipher with different key sizes. AES [8] has a
key size of 128, 192, or 256 bits.
OpenSSL has a built-in performance test feature named
with which one can measure the operations
performed in a given time. We chose to tabulate the results for a block size of 8192 bytes with different key sizes.
In order to measure to the impact of EVC mode, we repeated this experiment with different Intel EVC modes:
Merom,” “Penryn,” “Nehalem,” and Westmere.The results are presented in the chart below.
Figure 5. Encryption speed reported by OpenSSL (AES algorithm) with different EVC modes
As shown in Figure 5, Intel-Westmere EVC mode outperforms other modes by more than three times. This
improved performance is due to the encryption acceleration made possible by the introduction of the AESNI
instruction set available on Intel processors “Westmere.Administrators running encryption applications in a
virtual machine on a “Westmere” capable ESXi host should expect a drop in application performance when the
ESXi host is mixed with ESXi hosts that feature older generation processors.
CPU vendors have continually enhanced multimedia performance through various hardware improvements as
well as instruction set extensions. The instruction set extensions have come in the form of SSE versions being
introduced regularly: SSE1,2,3,4, SSE4.1, and SSE4.2. In the cross-section of EVC modes we evaluated, all the
processor generations corresponding to the EVC modes incorporate all SSE versions prior to SSE4. SSE4 has two
subsets named SSE4.1 and SSE4.2. SSE4.1 has extensions to the core SSE instruction set focused on multimedia,
while SSE4.2 introduces new string and text instructions that are intended to accelerate string processing.
For evaluating multimedia workloads, we focus on the performance improvements resulting from the SSE4.1
instruction set. We selected a relatively performance-intensive video encoding task as our workload. We selected
the popular open source implementation of H.264 standard video encoder implementation called X264 [9] in
two pass fast encoding mode. The input to X254 is a raw HD video file of 1.3GB in size, which ensured that the
encoder was able to recognize and use the SSE4.1 instruction set in applicable EVC modes. The performance is
measured in terms of frames processed per second for different EVC modes and the results are presented in
Figure 6.
Kbytes Processed/Sec
Encryption Mode
Impact of Enhanced vMotion Compatibility
on Application Performance
Figure 5. Video encoding rate of X264 with different EVC modes
The figure shows approximately 4% improvement in the encoding rate by going from Merom” to “Penryn.”
Beyond “Penryn,” the multimedia application maintained its performance. This is due to SSE4.1 being supported
in all those EVC modes with no other multimedia-specific instruction set extension in play.
Adminstrators can include ESXi hosts featuring Intel “Penryn,” “Nehalem,” and “Westmere” in a vMotion cluster
with ESXi hosts as old as “Penryn” and expect similar performance in virtual machines running multimedia
String Processing
As mentioned in the previous section, the SSE4 instruction set has two subsets named SSE4.1 and SSE4.2. SSE4.2
introduces new string and text instructions (STTNI) that are intended to speed up string and document
processing in general and accelerate XML parsing in particular.
Unfortunately, there is no commercially available XML parsing engine that makes use of STTNI. We experimented
with a popular XML processor, Apache Xerces, and found that EVC mode did not affect any measurable
performance variation. We expect the performance of such applications to be maintained in virtual machines
with an EVC mode of IntelMerom” through Intel “Westmere.
Best Practices
Based on our tests, we recommend administrators consider the types of workloads running in a cluster before
enabling EVC mode. For a large class of mainstream workloads, including those of databases and Java
applications, our studies showed no impact on performance by setting EVC mode to an older processor
generation. We identified two workloads that didn’t fare as well: AES-encryption and video encoding. We
observed only a slight degradation for video encoders on IntelMerom” Generation EVC mode. We also observed
performance loss for AES-encryption workloads on EVC modes prior to IntelWestmere.” Administrators should
consider what an acceptable performance loss is in these cases. For the multimedia case, make sure the oldest
EVC baseline is Intel “Penryn” Generation to ensure application performance. For the encryption case, make sure
the application performs well at the IntelMerom” Generation setting. Otherwise, set up a homogenous cluster to
ensure vMotion compatibility across ESXi hosts or warn users to expect performance loss for these applications.
EVC Mode
X264 Video Encoding Rate
Impact of Enhanced vMotion Compatibility
on Application Performance
In this paper, we examined a cross-section of workloads to understand and quantify the performance impact of
EVC mode on real-life applications. We selected representative workloads from different domains including
encryption, database, Java, and multimedia. We collected performance data in a cluster with EVC capability
enabled and we presented the results.
We demonstrated that AES encryption workloads benefit from the presence of AESNI available in processor
generations Intel Westmereand onwards, to the extent of about a three times gain. When it’s required to select
an EVC mode to align with an older processor generation due to the presence of older generation nodes in a
cluster, performance loss for some operations can occur. For example, selecting a pre-“WestmereEVC mode
can lead to performance loss on Westmereor post-“Westmeresystems due to a loss of AES functionality. The
multimedia workload, video encoding, showed minor performance loss by going to the Intel Merom” Generation
(due to loss of SSE4.1). Barring these, other types of workloads showed no discernible performance loss by
stepping down to older processor generations.
VMware, Inc. 3401 Hillview Avenue Palo Alto CA 94304 USA Tel 877-486-9273 Fax 650-427-5001
Copyright © 2012
VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. VMware products are covered by one or more patents listed at
. VMware is a registered trademark or trademark of VMware, Inc. in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may
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of their respective companies. Item:
EN-000988-00 Date: 10-Aug-12 Comments on this document:
Impact of Enhanced vMotion Compatibility
on Application Performance
VMware, Inc., "VMware VMotion: Live Migration for Virtual Machines Without Service Interruption." 2009.
VMware, Inc., "Enhanced vMotion Compatibility (EVC) processor support." VMware Knowledge Base, 13 June
VMware, Inc., "CPU Compatibility and EVC," ESXi and vCenter Server 5.0 Documentation.
VMware, Inc., "VMware Compatibility Guide."
G. Dominic, "SwingBench 2.2 Reference and User Guide." 8 August 2005.
Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation, "SPECjbb2005."
OpenSSL Project, "Open source toolkit for SSL/TLS." 10 May 2012.
C. Paar, J. Pelzl and B. Preneel, "The Advanced Encryption Standard," in
Understanding Cryptography: A
Textbook for Students
and Practitioners
, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009.
- a free h264/AVC encoder," VideoLAN Organization.