Reference: Joint Federal Travel Regulation (JFTR)
***Disclaimer: All the information provided in this document is subject to change without notice. To
obtain the most up to date information, please refer to the latest version of the Joint Travel
Regulation. ***
1. Mileage Driving: As of 1 January, 2021, the mileage rate is paid at $0.16 per authorized
vehicle. The use of a maximum of 2 vehicles is authorized per family provided both vehicles are
driven to the next duty station.
2. Official Travel Time: Generally, 1 day of travel time is allowed for each 350 miles of official
distance of ordered travel. If excess is 51 miles or more after dividing the total number of miles
by 350, one additional day of travel time is allowed. When the total official distance is 400 miles
or less, 1 day's travel time is allowed. See chart below.
Chart for determining number of authorized travel days:
# of Days
51 400
1 Day
401 750
2 Days
751 1100
3 Days
1101 1450
4 Days
1451 1800
5 Days
1801 2150
6 Days
2151 2500
7 Days
2501 2850
8 Days
2851 - 3200
9 Days
3. Calculation of Per Diem: (Effective 1 Oct 20) Drivers of vehicles moving on different days
receive $151.00 per travel day. If traveling by "convoy", a second driver counts as a family
member. Family member(s) 12 years or older receive $113.25 and family member(s) under 12
receive $75.50 per travel day. See chart below.
** Per Diem is based on 350 miles per day for the official distance; is paid for each
authorized travel day(s) or less, if the actual number of travel days is less than
- SM: $151.00 per day
- Spouse: $113.25 per day
- Dependents 12 years and older: $113.25 per day
- Dependents under 12 years of age: $75.50
4. Per-Diem Using Commercial Air or Bus: The payment will be based on the location to which
the service member and/or family member(s) are traveling. Service members receive $38.25 per
day, family member(s) 12 years or older receive $28.69 per day and family member(s) under 12
receive $19.13 per day.
a. DLA is paid to cover the expense of relocating your family member(s) and/or household.
b. DLA has no effect on your normal pay.
c. With dependents: If dependents are relocating DLA is payable; if not relocating DLA is
not payable.
d. Without dependents: when transferred to a permanent duty station where government
quarters are not assigned, DLA will be paid to E6 and above.
e. DLA Frequently Asked Questions:
i. I understand that as a uniformed member, I may receive a DLA to help with
relocation expenses when moving my household due to a PCS. Is this true?
Yes - generally true. You may be authorized a Dislocation Allowance (DLA) when
relocating your household due to a PCS. However, DLA is intended to partially
reimburse relocation expenses not otherwise reimbursed and probably will not
reimburse all of your relocation expenses.
ii. I have a PCS travel order and think I may be eligible for a DLA payment. Where
can I find the rules on DLA?
Please sec JFTR, Chapter S, Part G for information on when a DLA is/is not
iii. How much DLA do I receive?
DLA is based on your grade and dependency status on the PCS travel order
effective date. To determine the PCS travel order effective date, sec JFTR,
Appendix A, definition of EFFECTIVE DATE OF PCS ORDER. The current rate
information can be found on this website by clicking on 'Dislocation Allowance
(DLA)' under 'Other Rates and Allowances', and then selecting the applicable
rate table OR IN JFTR, Chapter 5, Part G.
iv. Can I receive more than one DLA payment in the same year?
Ordinarily members are authorized only one DLA payment per fiscal year.
However, there are some exceptions. For more information, please sec JFTR,
par. US620. If you still have questions please contact your servicing finance
v. Am I authorized DLA when moving from my home of record to my first duty
By law there is no DLA when the PCS is from your home (or the place from
which you entered active duty) to your first pem1ancnt duly station (PDS) unless
your dependents actually move in connection with the PCS.
vi. (E6 and above) I'm making a PCS move but not moving my dependent. Am I
eligible for DLA?
Yes - as a general rule you receive DLA at the without-dependent rate if you
don't occupy Government quarters at your new permanent duty station. Please
see JFTR, Chapter 5, Part G for more information.
6. TEMPORARY DUTY TRAVEL (TDY): Soldiers who are authorized movement of family
members at Government expense and are directed to TDY schooling with PCS
assignment will have the following option for locating their family members while they
perform their TDY: [Soldiers may] elect to move dependent(s) from present CONUS
and/or overseas station to new CONUS duty station prior to reporting to the TDY
station. The gaining commander may authorize up to 10 duty days to settle Soldier's
dependent(s), in government quarters (if available) or on the local economy. SM will
sign into the new CONUS duty station, then proceed TDY for schooling. SM will be
authorized government transportation to and from TDY station (applies to CONUS to
CONUS, and overseas to CONUS PCS movements). Army G-1 has clarified that the new
Permanent Duty Station BAH is payable the day the service member signs in at the new
PDS. The travel voucher for the service member will be filed upon return from TDY to
the new PDS.
a. Authority: Each Service must set regulations for advance BAH payment
administration to include the preparation and disposition of vouchers and
supporting papers. When allowed by Service regulations, a Service member’s
commanding officer, his or her designee, or another designated official may
authorize an advance BAH payment to pay advance rent, security deposits, or
initial expenses due to occupying other than Government housing. An advance
may also be authorized at any time during a Service member’s tour at the
location concerned or when a Service member has relocated due to a PCS order.
The Secretary concerned or the Secretary’s designee may authorize an advance
BAH payment in circumstances and conditions other than those specified in this
paragraph. Service regulations must set repayment procedures for advances
made under special circumstances.
b. Timing: Ordinarily, the advance should not be disbursed more than 3 working
days before the date payment under the lease or rental agreement must be
made. In extenuating circumstances, the officials listed in this Chapter may
authorize disbursement more than 3 working days before the date payment
must be made. The BAH advance may be paid before or after the expenses
occur. A Service member must request the advance payment within 30 days
after incurring the expense.
c. Requirements: Housing expenses must be documented. Required
documentation includes copies of the lease, utility company statement, and any
other pertinent documentation necessary to support the housing expenses.
d. Amount: The advance amount is determined by the Service member’s current
BAH rate, his or her ability to repay the advance, other advances of pay that may
have been made, and any recurring pay deductions. The BAH advance is limited
to a total of 3 months BAH that the Service member is expected to accrue.
Expenses identified by a Service member used to purchase any real estate or
living accommodations must not serve as a basis for authorizing or determining
the amount of the advance.
e. Repayment: Repayment of the advance should be at a rate of at least one-
twelfth of the amount advanced in equal monthly installments for the next 12
months. Collection action should begin on the 1st day of the month after the
advance payment has been made.
i. When justified by the Service member and authorized by the Service
member’s commanding officer, his or her designee, or another Service-
designated official, start of collection action may be postponed for up to
3 months after the advance is made. Repayment may be spread over a
period of more than 12 months, but must be limited to 24 months or the
Service member’s scheduled tour at the location concerned, whichever is
ii. Action must be taken immediately to recoup in a lump sum any BAH
advance that the landlord has returned to the Service member upon
receipt of information that the Service member has vacated the housing
for which the advance was made. If the Service member chooses, he or
she may repay in monthly installments any balance of an advance not
returned by the landlord. The balance must be repaid during the months
remaining on the existing loan repayment schedule.
8. ADVANCE ON BASE PAY (AP): The purpose of an advance pay is to ease hardship
imposed by lack of regular payments when mobilized, ordered to duty at distant
stations, or deployed aboard ships for more than 30 days. Justification is required when
any soldier requests a second advance, an advance of more than 1 month basic pay less
deductions, more than a 12-month repayment schedule, payment earlier than 30 days
before departure, or payment later than 60 days after arrival at the new duty station.
The justification must be in writing and must itemize expenses incurred, extenuating
circumstances, or severe hardship that would be considered exceptions to normal
circumstances. The commander or a designated officer, or civilian in the chain of
command senior to the requestor must approve the request. The overall approval
authority is the Finance office.
a. A Soldier may be paid an advance of basic pay not to exceed three months less
b. Soldiers with dependents on their first months advance pay do not have to itemize their
c. Soldiers without dependents, regardless of grade, will need to itemize expenses and
must show justification in writing that extenuating circumstances exist. If the evidence
furnished is not questionable and all requirements are met, an advance of pay may be
d. Soldiers in the pay grades of E-3 and below, and all Soldiers requesting a 2nd or third
advance pay, must obtain their Commander's signature and must itemize their
a. TLE is paid to offset the cost of acquiring temporary lodging while in/out-
processing post. Must be a temporary residence; and must be in the vicinity of
the old and/or new PDS/DESIGNATED PLACE. (Vicinity is generally considered
within a 50-mile radius.)
b. MEALS ONLY can be claimed if staying with friends or family.
c. Soldiers PCSing Overseas- paid up to five (5) days TLE at Fort Leonard Wood.
Inbound from OCONUS, TLE authorized is 10 days.
d. CONUS to CONUS PCS - paid up to a total of 10 days TLE, 10 days is totaled
between losing and gaining station.
e. Submit the TLE claim at your next duty station. Retain your ORIGINAL lodging
receipts. You may have experience some delay in reimbursement if you use a
third-party agent such as Priceline or Hotels.Com. It is suggested that you go
through Army lodging or book with the hotel directly.
10. RATIONS: Enlisted personnel draw leave rations, which is the same rate as separate
rations, while on PCS leave. An officer's entitlement doesn't change during PCS.
11. BASIC ALLOWANCE FOR HOUSING (BAH-T) Transit Housing Allowance:
a. BAH-T "without dependents" continues while a member is in a travel status or
leave status between Permanent Duty Stations (PDS).
b. BAH-T with dependent rate is not affected by the PCS move. If you terminated
your government family housing leased agreement, your BAH start date will be
the date you terminated housing.
c. BAH while in-transit is based on your losing permanent duty station (POS). The
BAH rate for your gaining PDS will be effective the date you sign in for duty.
12. DA 31: Soldiers must ensure the entire period between their old PDS departure and
their new PDS arrival is covered in the DA 31 "From" and "To" leave date blocks; even if
they take no leave en-route.
13. Permissive TDY: (PTDY AR-600-8-10) for house hunting must be approved by LTC (05) or
14. GTCC PCS Program:
a. Effective July 25, 2014, use of the Government Travel Charge Card will be used
for all official relocation expenses, for those travelers authorized Individually
Billed Account (IBA).
b. Upon notification of PCS, individuals who possess an IBA will contact their local
unit travel charge card Agency Program Coordinator (APC) to register into the
PCS program. Accession and Separation PCS moves are excluded from the
mandatory IBA use requirement.
c. Use of the card eliminates the need to apply for an advance of travel
entitlements and reduces the traveler's dependency on personal funds. The PCS
GTCC program also contains safeguards to prevent fear of delinquency and
subsequent account suspension due to late payment. See the POLICY -GTCC PCS
PROGRAM for the expenses authorized to charge to the GTCC.
d. Participants must do the following:
i. Advise the APC of PCS orders and detachment date.
ii. Request that your GTCC be put in "Mission Critical-PCS status" so that the
account will not suspend or incur late fees until 30 days after the PCS end
date. This must be done at your LOSING unit.
iii. Use the GTCC for allowable expenses.
iv. File a travel voucher IA W department policies.
v. In-process with the gaining APC.
vi. Ensure the GTCC balance is paid by account reconciliation date (PCS
report date+ 30 days).
vii. It is MANDATORY policy for all travelers to use an available CTO
(Contracted Commercial Travel Office) for all official transportation
requirements. Any traveler that procures common carrier transportation
at personal expense for official travel is subject to limited or no
15. Restrictions:
a. Reimbursement for travel and transportation expenses will be limited to the
most direct GSA city pair fare available between the old and new permanent
duty station.
b. If GSA fares are not available, reimbursement will be based on the most cost
effective, government procured, transportation available between the old and
new permanent duty stations.
c. The GTCC will not be used to purchase discretionary travel (i.e. LEAVE), circuitous
routings or travel to/from duty locations not stated in the orders.
d. The soldier must use a government travel office to personally procure travel
arrangements. Purchase of travel through a commercial on-line service or
commercial travel agent is not authorized.
Information provided by the USAREC Leased Government Housing Office.