Collegium V Guidebook
The mission of the Collegium V Program in the Hobson Wildenthal Honors College
is to promote excellence in undergraduate education and prepare students
to be competitive for the emerging challenges of the 21
century by offering
a variety of innovative curricular, extracurricular, and research initiatives.
The objective of these requirements is to demonstrate and promote
intellectual and academic excellence among Collegium V students.
Table of Contents
GPA Requirement ................................................................... 3
Advising Requirements ........................................................... 3
Event Attendance Requirement .............................................. 3
CV Proper Courses 12 hours required ................................... 4
CV Advanced Work 12 hours required .................................. 5
Selecting CV Advanced Work & Sample Plans ......................... 7
Differences for CS^2, DMHP & TAMS Students ........................ 8
Graduation Requirements ...................................................... 9
CV Honors Capstone Project ................................................. 10
Poster & Presentation Requirements .................................... 11
GPA Requirement
In order to graduate from The University of Texas at Dallas with Collegium V Honors, students must
finish their undergraduate academic career with a cumulative GPA of 3.500 or higher.
Throughout their academic career, CV students must make continuous progress towards reaching a
3.500 GPA for graduation. To facilitate this progress, Collegium V utilizes a progressive scale to track a
student’s GPA. The table below describes the minimum GPA expectations students must achieve to
remain in good standing in the program. If a student fails to meet one of the benchmarks, that student
will be placed on CV probation and must meet with Collegium V staff to discuss their progress toward
graduating with Collegium V Honors.
Stage in Academic Career*
Cumulative UT Dallas GPA (minimum)
End of Freshman Year
End of Sophomore Year
End of Junior Year
*Each of the classifications is based on the number of years a student has been enrolled at UT Dallas (i.e.
a student’s first year would be classified as the freshman year).
**Regardless of when a student plans to graduate, the graduation GPA requirement is 3.500.
Advising Requirements
Students are required to meet with their CV Advisor at least once per academic year to review their
progress toward completing the CV honors requirements. First year students must meet with their CV
Advisor once per semester. You can find expectations of you and your CV advisor on our Four-Year Plan.
Appointments are booked through Genbook and your advisor is assigned based on your last name.
Event Attendance Requirement
Collegium V requires all students to attend at least one Hobson Wildenthal Honors College event each
year. This could be an Honors Night Out cultural event, a Round Table Discussion, a workshop held by
CV staff, or other events sponsored by HWHC (typically including faculty).
Students who do not attend an HWHC event during the academic year will be required to attend two
events in addition to the one required the following year. These extra two events will replace the one
missed the previous year.
You can find more detailed information regarding the Collegium V Event Requirement online here.
CV Proper Courses 12 hours required
CV courses are offered as a substitute and supplement to the standard UT Dallas curriculum.
Many CV courses satisfy the core or elective curriculum requirements for all UT Dallas degrees
and many of the remaining courses meet upper-level degree requirements for some majors.
Collegium V courses may delve further into the course material or may increase the breadth of
coverage compared to the non-Honors equivalent courses. The courses maintain a small
enrollment (capped at 25) that allows students and Honors faculty to regularly include
discussion and student involvement in the classroom, facilitating student-faculty mentoring
CV courses also include one-credit readings courses, based on the Oxford tutorial model. In
these courses, enrollment is capped at 15, and student discussion plays a prominent role in the
educational process. These tutorials provide elective credit for students to think critically about
professional, academic, and cultural topics.
The 12 hours of CV credit classes is essential to integrating students into the CV program and
enabling students to develop closer relations with Honors faculty in courses both within and
outside their major. Any CV proper/classroom hours earned beyond the required 12 will
rollover and count toward satisfying the CV Advanced Work requirement.
Below is a table of the progress that is expected to be made by the CV students. Although
students have until they graduate to complete the CV Proper Course requirement, completing
these earlier will allow students to focus on major courses that further one's academic career.
Stage in Academic Career
Number of CV Proper Courses
Total CV Proper Hours
End of Freshmen Year
4-6 credit hours
End of Sophomore Year
8-12 credit hours
12 credit hours
CV Proper Courses Listing
A complete list of current (and past) CV Proper courses with evaluations, syllabi, and textbook
information is available via CourseBook. For easy reference, please visit the CV Classes
CV Advanced Work 12 hours required
CV Advanced Work allows students to engage in honors-level work in a variety of ways that are tailored
to the individual student’s areas of academic and professional interest. The guiding philosophy of CV
Advanced Work is that students should take initiative and ownership in their development as emerging
intellectuals and professionals.
Students must earn 12 hours of CV Advanced Work in order to graduate with Collegium V Honors.
Students may earn these hours through a variety of activities and experiences not tied to a particular
track or pathway. This flexibility enables students to pursue academic and intellectual excellence in
their chosen field or to pursue supplemental areas of interest.
Please note:
CV Advanced Work does not necessarily provide credit toward completing an academic degree.
A detailed list of how to receive your advanced credit is on the next page. Please check the
Collegium V Organization Center Grade Center in eLearning for updates on your logged hours.
For more information, see Current Student Resources.
Below is a table of the more common means by which students pursue CV Advanced Work.
CV Advanced Work Option
CV Advanced Hours Awarded
CV Advanced Hours Cap
Additional CV Proper Courses
1-3 hours per course
No cap
Archer Fellowship Program
3 hours
3 hours
Contract Course
1-3 hours per course
6 hours
CS^2 Upper Level Classes
3 hours
3 hours
Davidson Honors Program Course
3 hours per course
6 hours
1-3 hours per semester
3 hours
Foreign Language Acquisition
3 hours
3 hours
Graduate Course
3 hours per course
12 hours
Green Fellowship
3 hours
3 hours
Independent Study
1-3 hours per course
6 hours
Innocence Project
3 hours
3 hours
Internship *
1-3 hours per semester
6 hours
1-3 hours per semester
3 hours
Mock Trial
1-3 hours per semester
3 hours
Model United Nations
1 hour per conference
3 hours
Moot Court
3 hours
3 hours
1-3 hours per semester
6 hours
Study Abroad
1-3 hours per semester
6 hours
Supervised Teaching Experience**
1-3 hours per semester
3 hours
1 hour per semester
3 hours
Texas Legislative Internship Program (TLIP)
3 hours
3 hours
UEMR EMT Certification
3 hours
3 hours
NOTE: Advanced Hours are not awarded for shadowing or scribing.
The following information outlines the documentation needed for Internships and Supervised
Teaching Experiences. All essays should be double-spaced, Times New Roman 12-pt font. At the
end of the semester, you will submit all documentation through the online portal found on our
CV website.
*Internship Requirements Includes approved internships for academic credit, as well as approved
internships for which students are not receiving academic credit. For all internships, students must
1. A 2-page explanation of their contribution to the internship.
2. The Verification of Advanced Hours form if this experience was not taken as a course on your
3. A 1-page review following the criteria below to be completed within a month of beginning the
First internship Review both this Harvard Business Review article and one of the podcast
episodes found here or here.
Second internship Review of John A. Daly’s Advocacy (chapters 5, 8, and 13).
For any additional internships, students only need to complete the 2-page explanation of
their contribution and the Verification of Advanced Hours form if this experience was not
taken as a course on your transcript.
**Supervised Teaching Experience Requirements Includes leading Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL),
Supplemental Instruction (SI), Teaching Assistant (TA), and Student Teaching. At the end of the
experience, students must complete:
1. A 3-page explanation of their contribution to the experience.
2. The Verification of Advanced Hours form if this experience was not taken as a course on your
Below is a table that indicates what is needed in order to receive CV Advanced Hours.
Automatically Added
from Transcript
Submit Documentation
through Online Portal
Email CV
Requires Physical
Additional CV Courses
Foreign Language Acquisition
Contract Course
Archer Fellowship
Independent Study
CS^2 Honors
Model UN
DMHP Honors
Graduate Courses
Study Abroad
Green Fellowship
Supervised Teaching Experience
Innocence Project
UEMR EMT Certification
Mock Trial
Moot Court
Texas Legislative Internship
Program (TLIP)
Selecting CV Advanced Work & Sample Plans
Below are some suggestions students may find useful when considering CV Advanced Work,
based on post-graduation goals.
Undecided on post-graduation plans
Archer Fellowship Program
Academic Team
Summer Study Abroad
Independent Study
Graduate Course
Contract Course
Applying to PhD program
Independent Study
Graduate Course
Green Fellowship Program
Applying to medical, dental, pharmacy or physician’s assistant school
Readings classes in medicine
Green Fellowship Program
Study Abroad
Career orientated
Archer Fellowship Program
Study Abroad Experience
Texas Legislative Internship Program
Foreign Language Acquisition
Model United Nations
Applying to law school
Archer Fellowship Program
Texas Legislative Internship Program
Study Abroad
Mock Trial
Innocence Project
Moot Court
Model United Nations
Differences for CS^2, DMHP & TAMS Students
Students in the following programs should review additional information about completing
their Collegium V hours.
CV Requirements for CS^2 Students
Computing Scholars Honors Program
CV Proper Courses 12 hours required
6 hours CV Proper Courses
CS 2305.HN1 and CS 2340.HN1 through CS^2 6 hours
CV Advanced Work 12 hours required
CS^2 upper level Honors Course 3 hours
Additional CV Advanced Work 9 hours
CV Requirements for DMHP Students
Davidson Management Honors Program
CV Proper Courses 12 hours required
CV Proper Courses 12 hours
CV Advanced Work 12 hours required
DMHP Honors Classes 6 hours
DMHP Internship 3 hours
Additional CV Advanced Work 3 hours
CV Requirements for TAMS Students
Texas Academy of Mathematics & Science
CV Proper Courses 12 hours required
CV Proper Courses 9 hours
TAMS Coursework 3 hours
CV Advanced Work 12 hours required
Additional CV Advanced Work 9 hours
TAMS Coursework 3 hours
Graduation Requirements
In order to graduate with Collegium V Honors, students must:
Have at least a 3.500 cumulative UT Dallas GPA
Meet with a CV Advisor each academic year
Attend one Honors event each academic year
Complete 24 Collegium V hours:
o 12 hours from Collegium V Proper Courses
o 12 hours from Collegium V Advanced Work
Complete an approved CV Honors capstone project or an approved senior thesis/project
in one’s major
CV Honors Capstone Project
The CV Honors capstone project is required for completion of CV Honors. Students can select a
topic of interest with approval from CV faculty. Students are encouraged to explore academic
topics of personal interest; the topic does not have to be related to a student’s major or
professional career. This requirement is designed to be flexible in order to maximize its
relevance to each student.
Alternate Capstone Projects
The following projects can also count towards one’s CV Honors Capstone Project. All students
must present at the CV Poster Presentation regardless of the project used.
ECS students satisfy this requirement through the Senior Design Project.
ATEC students satisfy this through their major’s capstone.
Students that complete the Green Fellowship program satisfy this requirement through
their final poster project.
Students completing a senior thesis to graduate with major honors in their academic
discipline can also use that thesis to satisfy the CV Honors capstone project. The final
major honors thesis will be presented in poster form for their CV Honors Capstone.
More details are on the following page.
Students that do not fall into the categories above must complete the following steps:
Review the Capstone Flowchart & Checklist to gain insight into the senior capstone
process and requirements.
Meet with your CV advisor to ensure all CV requirements are met and that your
capstone project is approved before the start of the semester in which you will present
your project. Meet with CV faculty, if necessary.
Create a poster based on your research and attend the CV Poster Presentation, a come
and go event where graduating CV students present for interested faculty, students, and
other guests.
Poster & Presentation Requirements
Posters Requirements
All CV students, including those in ECS, ATEC, or completing a major specific honors thesis, must
construct and present a poster that summarizes their capstone project. Students may use pre-
existing posters if they were required to create a poster as part of their senior project through
their department; permission not to use the standard template must be given. All other
students are required to use the templates below. All posters are 36”L x 24”W.
Poster Template 1
Poster Template 2
Poster Template 3
Poster Template 4
Poster Tips:
Poster Presentation Tips University of New Hampshire
Poster Presentation Checklist University of New Hampshire
Building a Poster Using PowerPoint University of New Hampshire
Presentation Requirements
Students must attend and participate in a symposium style poster presentation. You are
expected to give a brief (8-10 min) overview of your project and answer questions for guests as
they show interest in your project.
Presentations of senior posters are generally made:
Early December (fall graduates)
Mid-April (spring and summer graduates)
Presentation Tips:
Public Speaking The University of Texas at Dallas
TED’s Secret to Great Public Speaking Chris Anderson
The Science of Stage Fright (and how to overcome it) Mikael Cho