Highlights in Business, Economics and Management EBMEE 2022
Volume 4 (2022)
Research on the Security Problems and Countermeasures of
NBA Allstar Game
Yixuan Huang
, Zhixun Jin
Vanke Meisha Academy, Shenzhen, 518000, China
* Corresponding Author Email: [email protected]
These authors contributed equally
The NBA All-Star Game (NBA All-Star Game) was first held by the National Basketball
Association on March 2, 1951, and has evolved into an annual exhibition Game featuring NBA stars.
The modern All-Star Game has evolved into a seven-day “All-Star Weeken”. The paper is about
figuring out some problems during the NBA All-star weeks. This article analyzes the factors,
challenges, and corresponding strategies for the success of the NBA All-Star Game. Even though
there are so many issues that this paper needs to consider during the NBA All-Star game, this paper
also proposes some solutions for each issue. In short, although economic interests drive the NBA
All-Star Game, it always reflects the value concept of “people-oriented and service first”. It is a
comprehensive embodiment of the coexistence of diverse cultures in the United States and the
humanistic care of the youth and the disabled. Finally, it is pointed out that the NBA All-Star Game
can also provide enlightenment to the development of other sports events.
Keywords: Security Problems; Countermeasures; NBA All-Star Game.
1. Introduction
The NBA All-star Game (NBA All-star Game) was first held by the National Basketball
Association on March 2, 1951, and has evolved into an annual exhibition Game featuring NBA stars.
Every year two teams consisting of the best players from the East and West regions hold a match to
decide the winner. The modern All-Star Game has evolved into a seven-day “All-Star Weekend”.
The paper is about how to figure out some problems during the NBA All-star weeks [1].
Teams typically compete to host the All-Star weekend in their towns. The bid is submitted to the
NBA a few years in advance. The bid-cities must have cutting-edge facilities for the major event in
addition to hotels and convention center space for the significant projected local and worldwide media
A bidding team needs more than just a home court to secure the event because the weekend
includes traditional events like the Skills Challenge, Three Point Shootout, Slam Dunk Contest, and
the All-Star Game. They are combined with other events that bring the Game to the fans, like the
practice sessions, All-Star celebrity game, and more. The bid document is significant because the
infrastructural support a city can provide determines whether an All-star Weekend will be successful.
For example, Portland could not submit a competitive bid because of administrative difficulties in
obtaining approval for the construction of the Hyatt Regency convention-size hotel next to the Oregon
Convention Center, a project anticipated to begin at the latest in 2017 [2-3].
The NBA commissioner suggested that Orlando wouldn’t be considered for another weekend until
at least 2018 to give more cities a chance to host the weekend (provided their bids are complete).
Even though the 2012 event was a huge success, the NBA commissioner wanted to give more cities
a chance to host the weekend. This does not imply that a city must host all 29 of the other teams
before being given another chance [4].
2. Method: Secondary data
The analysis of secondary data mainly has two different research purposes: one is to find answers
to existing questions through analysis by using the data collected by others for other questions because
Highlights in Business, Economics and Management EBMEE 2022
Volume 4 (2022)
of their existing research questions. In the other case, new methods and techniques are used to analyze
the current data for the same research question as the data collector to test the research results of
others. That is, different analysis methods are used to process the same data to see whether the same
conclusion can be reached
3. Result
3.1 Problem 1
One of the biggest problems that might be happened in the NBA All-star game is traffic. The NBA
All-star game always attracts fans from every place in the world because it has the best and most
talented players. For example, the dunk contest is a great competition to watch. All the players in the
league who are good at dunking or have crazy physical talents will sign up for the competition and
compete for the championship to bring the spotlight to themselves and NBA. When an event like this
has this much traction and attention, traffic is bound to be an issue; people will come into a crowd on
the street and line up to get into the stadium. Therefore, the roads in front of the stadium are usually
crowded with fans who want to watch the Game; these fans always go to the stadium before the Game
starts, so the huge traffic flow will make traffic on the road very inconvenient. Everyone wants to go
to the All-Star Game, so they all go to the arena about an hour before the Game starts, and often a lot
of fans end up stuck in traffic for a long time. At the same time, it will also affect public transportation
because the stadiums are mostly built in the center of the city and the most traffic-filled areas, so even
if some people are not going to watch the Game, they still need to pass through the busy road. And
this usually affects their life. For example, they may be in a hurry to deal with something. Thus, traffic
is a huge problem that needs to solve. Still, it probably can be solved by communicating with the
local government or encouraging people to come earlier than before so that they won’t affect other’s
life [5-6].
Something uncontrollable may happen, such as a natural disaster. Since the NBA all-star game is
held in February every year, it’s the coldest time in the United States, and sometimes, there will be
some natural weather problems, such as heavy snow. The cities like Minnesota, New York, and
Boston always face problems caused by the natural environment. If you’re the manager who plans
the All-star Game, you have everything planned out, and the All-Star Game is about to start, and then
a sudden snowstorm freezes the roads and blocks all traffic near the arena. When faced with such a
situation, how should you calm down, think about solutions, and explain to the fans? There are also
incidents in the stadium, so the security should be set up perfectly. You can always see some fans
want to keep in touch with their favorite players as closely as possible, so they forget the rules and
jump onto the court to see their superstars. The results are all the same: being caught by security and
ejected out of the stadium [7].
3.2 Problem 2
There have always been serious traffic problems in big cities in the United States, especially during
Gala such as All-Star, when a large number of cars from all over the world pour into a city, which
greatly causes congestion. So, the traffic problem is not only a traffic problem but also needs to be
divided into several subdivided problems and how to solve them. First, the first problem is that the
city gets more profits, which leads to the sale of many tickets, leading to overcrowding. In the All-
Star Game, only a part of the tickets is sold to other states, but if this number is not controlled, it will
lead to players from other states will come to the city, increasing the burden of city operation. We all
know the traffic problem is increasing daily in big cities. There are many main reasons for this.
Distorted urbanization, the increase in population, and the increase in the number of vehicles are the
3 biggest factors causing city traffic problems.
Highlights in Business, Economics and Management EBMEE 2022
Volume 4 (2022)
3.3 Problem 3
With the formation of crooked urbanization, the roads are not wide enough and not linear enough
to provide traffic flow quickly. As a result, we see blocked roads, big queues, and angry drivers.
With the increasing population and the improvement of financial possibilities, everyone can now
buy a car, albeit at low prices. The number of vehicles going into traffic is increasing daily, the
existing roads are not enough, and the traffic problem is growing.
People should be informed, especially about traffic, and be warned about the use of vehicles. Of
course, many studies and projects are done on this subject. Renovated roads, new roads, and many
more investments are made to improve traffic. However, no matter how long the road is made, it is
necessary to direct the people towards using public transportation. Today, these warnings are made
very often. The biggest reason for the traffic, especially in the morning commute hours and in the
evening, is the widespread use of private vehicles.
Instead of using our private vehicles, we can go faster to the area we want to reach by using public
transportation. Now you will say, how do we go faster using public transportation? The answer is, of
course, simple. As the number of vehicles in traffic decreases, traffic will not occur, and public
vehicles will be able to take you to your destination more quickly. The NBA All-star game always
happened when the city had a large amount of class [8-9].
3.4 Problem 4
As All-Star Weekend has grown in popularity worldwide, so has the price tag. A normal NBA
regular season game costs around $500, but a famous All-Star game can cost four to five times as
much as a regular season game, making it unaffordable for more people. And when the price is
inflated to a high level, it can affect whether the Game will be sold out. Before the Game, it’s hard to
predict if someone will go crazy and buy many tickets and resell them when they go on sale.
Sometimes people are scared off by high ticket prices, and so-called scalpers snap up ticket prices
and sell them at low prices, which can make the expected revenue of the arena far less than the reality.
“These games should be about your average fans going to an arena and seeing superstars play a game
of basketball in person. As it is now, tickets are 2000-18000 dollars per ticket. No wonder the All-
star has become such a snooze fest. You have a bunch of rich snobs going to the Game looking for a
way to show off or blow cash” (“All-star game”).
Problem four: The All-Star Game is such an influential event that its popularity doesn’t even
belong in the Finals of many sports. And such a hot game must have a special time and venue to be
held, so many other events need to make way for the All-Star Game on the day of the All-Star Game.
For example, on the day of the All-Star Game, all the regular season games in the NBA are set aside
for this day, and all the players and fans come to watch this day’s action. Also, many events and
players can utilize the heat of the NBA all-star game to advertise themselves. “If the NBA wants fans
to take its Development League seriously, it must stop treating the league like a second-class citizen.
Therefore, it makes perfect sense to move the Game to the main arena to serve as the kickoff event
for All-Star Saturday night” (Roy).
Inform the authorities if you see danger or a disturbance on the road: we may encounter various
situations when driving on city streets, roads, or highways. We should not be indifferent to these
situations. For example, we can testify to a demonstration, debris, departing animals, or an accident.
Given these events, it is advisable to call the relevant authorities because the faster the problem is
reported, the faster the actions to be taken. Respect the lanes: Remember that there is one lane to drive
fast and another to drive at a more normal speed. So the car can pass one by one in the normal time.
With many cars from other cities, the city can still manage as before during the nab All-star game.
The rising price of tickets is usually a hard thing to solve. This is an inevitable economic
phenomenon in a society that the greater the demand for something, the greater the price level.
However, the price level of tickets should be adjusted according to the situation changes. For example,
when the ticketing situation is poor, it is necessary to decline the ticket price to increase sales. When
the ticket sales are good, we can increase the economic revenue by raising the price. Therefore,
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Volume 4 (2022)
adjusting the price level by observing the ticket sale at that time is the solution for the ticket price
The NBA can make a lot of money even if multiple games are played in a single day. But as the
annual All-Star Game is still very dignified. Every year on this day, the NBA stops all regular season
games to celebrate the All-Star Game, and other games, including hockey, are canceled to ensure the
comfort of the arena. Even if there may be some situations, such as the use of the site is not well
communicated, as long as the timely contact will not appear too often. Generally, NBA will choose
the cities with new ballparks, and those who have not hosted the Game in many years or ever tend to
get selected. Some cities are the first to hold NBA All-star Game, so they may not have many
experiences and meet some technical issues. Nevertheless, actively and positively communicating
will release this problem in the majority [9-10].
4. Discussion
4.1 Solution 1
Even though there are so many issues that we need to consider during the NBA All-Star game, we
could also think of some solutions for each issue. The first solution for traffic is communicating with
the local government to control traffic flow during that period. During NBA All-Star weekend, the
traffic flow must increase by a large percentage by its massive known attention to fans. To avoid this
phenomenon happening too severely, the local government will adjust some traffic laws to satisfy the
All-star game request. For instance, according to Bingel, the All-star weekend held in Cleveland this
February led Cleveland’s government to restrict some of the avenues temporarily: full closure on East
Mall Drive between Lakeside Ave and St Clair Ave and full closure on West Mall Drive between St
Clair Ave and Rockwell Ave (Bingel). Also, they set restrictions on the parking spot; “there will be
no parking on the below streets from Friday, Feb. 18-Monday, February 21. Prospect Ave between
Ontario St and E. 22nd St; E. 9th St between Euclid Ave and Carnegie Ave; E. 18th St between Euclid
Ave and Prospect Ave; E. 21st St between Euclid Ave and Prospect Ave (Bingel).
4.2 Solution 2
The cause of traffic jams is that many fans go to the stadium by driving or riding bikes, conflict
with the people on their way home from work. “The game starts at 8 p.m. ET, with television coverage
on TNT starting at 6 p.m. ET. Kevin Harlan, Reggie Miller, Dwyane Wade, and Allie LaForce will
call the game” (Goodwill and Haynes). According to the quote above, since the Game begins at 8
p.m., the hour before the Game starts, which is 7 p.m., is the busiest time when everyone is in traffic,
whether they are on their way to the stadium or home anywhere else. In order to avoid overly traffic
jams, we should encourage fans to come earlier than they did before so that they can miss the period
that everyone is off work to their home.
4.3 Solution 3
During the development of the NBA All-star game, one of the biggest gala in the USA. Many
people from different areas come to one city to enjoy the week. In this circumstance, we must consider
managing the parking issue and illegal parking in the street. According to Bingel, there will also be a
partial closure on E. 18th St. between Prospect and Carnegie Avenues starting Weds., February 16.
During the All-star weekend, By restricting the road near the stadium, the audience and athletes can
easily get into the stadium without difficulty.
4.4 Solution 4
Making a weather forecast is crucial when the event is prepared. When we consider preparing for
the NBA All-Star Game, we must consider the climate. For instance, we should consider whether
there will be a climatic problem, like if there’s heavy rain or snow or a typhoon. “Nothing ruins an
Highlights in Business, Economics and Management EBMEE 2022
Volume 4 (2022)
outdoor event faster than severe weather. However, planning for weather conditions is key for a
successful outdoor event or meeting. Weather can be tricky and hard to predict, but with a little insight
and tips, any event planner can be prepared for whats in the forecast” (Foerster). Imagine that if a
significant event has been prepared for several months but is ruined by the weather, that will be
disappointing for every fan and staff. Therefore, having an advanced weather forecast can avoid
unpredictable climatic problems in the majority.
4.5 Solution 5
Refunding fans, the money they paid for tickets and apologizing is a way to comfort their
disappointment. Since the coronavirus has been spreading all over the world, significant events are
much easier to be postponed by governments. Hence, refunding tickets to the fans and apologizing to
them is essential. For example, “but after the coronavirus pandemic struck, the concerts were
postponed — one by seven months, the rest indefinitely. She now wants her money back but says she
is having trouble getting a refund from Ticketmaster” (Sisario and Bowley). This case shows that
refunding tickets should be paid much more attention than before, especially in this severe disease
situation. Whether in concerts, basketball, or baseball events, we should promptly return the tickets
to the fans and apologize to them. Otherwise, they will be extremely dissatisfied and may negatively
impact the stadium’s future development.
5. Conclusion
From the perspective of the economy, competition system, media, and other factors, this paper
analyzes the successful experience, security problems, and countermeasures of the NBA. It provides
a reference for the marketing development of sports events in China. The marketing implications
include: (1) strengthening the infrastructure construction, enhancing its strength, and building the
brand value of Chinese sports events. (2) Focus on creating and packaging sports events in China. (3)
Strengthen cooperation with the media to establish the image of sports events in China. (4) Strengthen
the broadcasting of sports events in China.
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