FAQ’S: What is Caeine Powder?
Caeine in Powder Form . . .
It is sold as a powder or capsule supplements. For
about $10 you can buy 100,000 milligrams online.
Thats more than 1,000 Red Bulls worth of caeine in
one package. The powder can be used for homemade
caeinated drinks and foods, as well as pre-work-out
shakes. It is easy to use too much of the powder.
The serving size is 1/16 of a tsp., which requires mini-
measuring spoons and/or a digital scale.
Is Caeine Powder
Regulated by the FDA?
The FDA ensures that claims on supplement labels
are factual—but dietary supplements and caeine
powder is a supplement; do not need approval from
the agency before they’re marketed to the public.
How Much Caeine is Too Much?
Experts agree that you should avoid having more
than 400 milligrams of caeine per day. One Grande
Starbucks coee (16 oz.) has about 500 milligrams.
A 12 oz. Diet Coke has 45 milligrams. Because
caeine is a drug, its eects can vary from person to
person depending on weight, gender, medicaons
and overall health. High amounts of caeine can
lead to an increased risk for cardiac arrhythmias,
palpitaons, seizures, strokes or even death.
Can You Overdose on Caeine?
Deaths caused by caeine overdose are rare, but
they do happen. Five-thousand to 10,000 milligrams
of caeine is considered the lethal amount. There
is 5,000 milligrams in just one small tsp. of caeine
powder (about 1/10 of a tsp.). Mixing two spoonfuls
of the powder into a drink is the same as drinking 70
Red Bulls at once, which could kill you.
Where Can You Buy Caeine Powder?
It can be easily bought on line; Amazon and E-Bay
both sell the substance. It is also available in vitamin
stores and some Health Food shops.
WARNING! Pure caeine products
are dangerous, and serious adverse
eects can result, including death.
Children and people with pre-exisng
heart condions should not use them.
Its important for consumers, especially parents to learn all they can about pure caeine
powder since it has been linked to the recent death of an Ohio teenager. The FDA is
considering regulatory acon pending its invesgaon into the death of 18-year-old Logan
Steiner. In the meanme it is recommending that consumers avoid the substance.
What You Need to Know
Cornell Cooperative Extension in Suffolk County provides equal program and employment opportunities.
Cornell Cooperative Extension is funded in part by Suffolk County through the ofce of the County Executive and the County Legislature.
REFERENCES: 2014 WebMD,LLC and FDA: “Caeine and Your Body