Ignition Interlock Program FAQ
Agency of Transportation
120 State Street
Montpelier, Vermont 05603-0001
The Vermont Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) issues an Ignition Interlock Restricted Driver’s License (RDL) to
eligible alcohol-related DUI and Refusal to Consent to Breath Test offenders. An RDL will allow offenders to operate
non-commercial vehicles equipped with an ignition interlock device.
Please read these FAQs carefully and in their entirety to determine if you are indeed eligible for an RDL and to inform
you what your requirements, responsibilities, and commitments will be upon obtaining an RDL.
Before being issued an RDL, you will be required to sign an Ignition Interlock Participation Agreement, certifying that
you fully understand you agree with the Vermont Department of Motor Vehicles, for which you agree you will abide
by the Vermont Ignition Interlock Laws and the Ignition Interlock Program Rules.
What is an RDL/IID?
What is an Ignition Interlock Device?
An Ignition Interlock Device (IID) is an after-market device installed in a vehicle. The IID is connected to a vehicle's
starter, ignition, or other onboard computer systems. The device prevents a driver from operating the vehicle if the
driver has been drinking. Before starting the vehicle, a driver must blow into the device; if the driver’s BAC is at or
over a pre-set limit, 0.02 in Vermont, the IID will not allow the vehicle to start. Once the vehicle is started, at random
times during the vehicle’s operation, the device will prompt the driver to provide another breath sample, referred to
as “random retests.” If the breath sample is not provided, or if the breath sample is at or exceeds a BAC of 0.02, the
IID will log the event as a “failure” and signal the vehicle to begin flashing the lights and sounding the horn. This will
continue until the vehicle is turned off or a clean breath sample has been provided.
What is an Ignition Interlock Device Restricted Driver’s License?
An Ignition Interlock Device Restricted Driver’s License (RDL) is a Driver’s License that has been restricted to limit the
operation of motor vehicles by a person whose license or privilege to operate has been suspended for an alcohol-
related driving under the influence offense to motor vehicles installed with an approved ignition interlock device. A
person with an RDL may not operate a commercial motor vehicle as defined in 23 VSA §4103. You are granted a
conditional reinstatement before your regular eligibility date if you participate in the Ignition Interlock Program. If
given an RDL, you must adhere to all of the terms and requirements associated with an RDL; failing to do so will result
in an extension of your IID requirements.
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Introduction: ................................................................................................................................................. 1
What is an RDL/IID? ...................................................................................................................................... 1
Obtaining an RDL: ......................................................................................................................................... 3
RDL Eligibility: ................................................................................................................................................ 3
Terms and Requirements for License Restoration: ...................................................................................... 3
Obtaining, Installing, and Using an Ignition Interlock Device: ...................................................................... 5
Operating a Vehicle Equipped with an IID .................................................................................................... 7
What happens if I fail the breath test during a “random retest”? ............................................................... 7
What happens if I do not provide a breath sample during a “random retest”?........................................... 7
Violations: ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
Renewing an RDL: ......................................................................................................................................... 9
Returning to an Unrestricted License: .......................................................................................................... 9
Removing an Ignition Interlock Device: ...................................................................................................... 10
Requests for Hearings: ................................................................................................................................ 10
Miscellaneous Information on IIDs: ............................................................................................................ 11
What kind of information does the IID record? .......................................................................................... 11
Does the Department of Motor Vehicles monitor the IID? ........................................................................ 11
What things will make me fail a breath test? ............................................................................................. 11
What happens if I fail the breath test when I try to start my car? ............................................................. 11
What happens if I fail a breath test, but I have not been drinking? ........................................................... 12
Will the IID lose the memory data if the battery is disconnected? ............................................................ 12
Can I use a remote starter on my IID-equipped vehicle? ........................................................................... 12
Can I start my car and let it run with the heater on to defrost my windows? ........................................... 12
What if I did have someone else take the breath test for me so I could drive my car? ............................. 12
Will installation of the IID damage the vehicle? ......................................................................................... 12
I will temporarily be out of state; how will I meet the requirements of my RDL? ..................................... 12
I have been experiencing problems with my IID installer, what do I do? ................................................... 13
RDL Unit contact information ..................................................................................................................... 13
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Obtaining an RDL:
How and where do I apply for an RDL?
Application for an RDL must be made by contacting the Ignition Interlock Department (RDL unit), by phone, at
802.828.2061, or by emailing the unit at dmv.RDL@vermont.gov
. We will review your driving record to determine if
you are eligible to apply for an RDL. We will then send you a packet of information that includes a personalized
requirement letter, the RDL application, a participant agreement, an installation form, and a list of manufacturers.
You must contact this Department before visiting any office to ensure that all requirements have been met.
RDL Eligibility:
Am I eligible for an RDL?
You must be under suspension for an alcohol driving offense in Vermont
If the offense involved a refusal to take a breath test, the following waiting periods must be served:
o 30 days for the 1
o 90 days for the 2
o One year for 3
or subsequent offenses
For applicants under 21 who are suspended under 23 VSA. §1216, there is no waiting period. You may apply for
an RDL once the suspension has been issued.
You are not eligible for an RDL If any of the following apply:
You are currently only under suspension for driving while under the influence of drugs
You currently hold a Learner’s Permit
You currently hold a Junior Operator’s License
You are under suspension for any reason other than driving under the influence offense and points suspension
stemming from a negligent operation or grossly negligent operation
Is it mandatory to have the RDL?
For all first alcohol offenses, it is voluntary if you want to drive before the suspension has served the full term.
For all second offenses that happened before July 1, 2016, it is voluntary. Second offenses that took place on or
after July 1, 2016, are mandatory to have an RDL.
For all third or subsequent offenses, it is mandatory to have an RDL.
If I am eligible, are there any other requirements?
Yes. Contact the RDL unit at 802.828.2061 or by email at dmv.RDL@vermont.gov for a packet that includes a
personalized requirement letter of items you must complete.
Terms and Requirements for License Restoration:
Driving under the influence offenses:
offense: Operate under the terms and requirements of an RDL violation-free for 90 days from the date of
reinstatement, as well as completion of IDRP, etc.
offense: Operate under the terms and requirements of an RDL violation-free for 18 months from the date of
reinstatement, as well as completion of IDRP, etc.
or Subsequent offense: Operate under the terms and requirements of an RDL violation-free for 3 years then
apply and be approved by the Total Abstinence (see below).
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Refusal to consent to a breath test:
offense: Operate under the terms and requirements of an RDL for 6 months from the date of reinstatement,
as well as completion of IDRP, etc.
offense: Operate under the terms and requirements of an RDL for 18 months from the date of reinstatement,
as well as completion of IDRP, etc.
or Subsequent offense: Operate under the terms and requirements of an RDL for 3 years, plus prove Total
Abstinence (see below).
Applicants under 21 suspended under 23 VSA § 1216:
offense: Operate under the terms and requirements of an RDL for 6 months from the date of reinstatement,
as well as completion of IDRP, etc.
2nd or Subsequent offense: Operate under the terms and requirements of an RDL for 18 months from the date
of reinstatement or until reaching the age of 21, whichever is longer; as well as completion of IDRP, etc.
Total Abstinence Program:
If you apply for reinstatement through the Total Abstinence program, you will be required to have operated under
the terms and requirements of an RDL for three (3) years, prior to applying to the Total Abstinence Program. You
will need to have proven you have abstained from the use/consumption of alcohol, illegal drugs, marijuana, and
taking a regulated prescribed drug inconsistent with the prescribing label for three years prior to applying to the
Total Abstinence Program. You will need to complete and be approved for Total Abstinence before being released
from the RDL program.
Do I have to take any exams?
If your license was revoked, or if your license has been expired 3 or more years, you will be required to take the
eye, knowledge(permit), and driving (road) exams prior to obtaining an RDL.
The knowledge (permit) test will be taken online at dmv.vermont.gov/licenses/new/learners-permit
. When you
have successfully completed the permit test, you will be expected to pay $39.00 for the exam by credit card online
or by check through the mail. The $24.00 permit fee will not need to be paid. Once you have completed and paid
for the online permit, you will need to mail all of your RDL paperwork into the RDL unit at 120 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05603 ATTN: RDL Unit. The paperwork must include the RDL application, a signed and notarized
participant agreement (all four pages), the installation form along and the appropriate fees. If you have an
Enhanced Driver’s License (EDL), you will need an additional $36.00. All paperwork must be completed and the
IID device must be installed. Even though you have passed the online test and permit is available for printing, you
are not allowed to drive until you have applied for the RDL and submitted all of the paperwork.
You will be mailed a reinstatement letter and a copy of the temporary license with an “A” (driving with a licensed
operator 25 or older) and “T” (Ignition Interlock device required) restrictions. Once you have received that in the
mail, you may go online and schedule your driving test. When you appear for the exams, you will need to pay
$23.00 for the driving test. If you pass, you will be issued a corrected license removing the “A” restriction.
Note: The vehicle used for the driving exam must be equipped with a camera-equipped IID.
See Obtaining, Installing, and Using an Ignition Interlock Device.
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Is there a fee for taking the exams?
Yes, all exam fees are applicable. The fees are as follows:
Vision Exam: No fee
Knowledge (permit) Exam: $39.00
Driving Exam: $23.00
Note: You take the permit test online, you will be required to only pay the $39.00 knowledge exam fee. Do not pay
the $24.00 permit fee. Once you have successfully passed the permit test, you will need to mail your RDL paperwork
to the RDL Unit at 120 State Street Montpelier, VT 05603. The paperwork must include: RDL application, signed and
notarized participant agreement (all four pages), completed installation form. You must enclose a check or money
order for $125.00. If you have an Enhanced Driver’s License (EDL), you will need an additional $36.00. All paperwork
must be completed and the IID device must be installed.
What happens if I fail any of the exams?
Vision Exam:
If the screening determines that your vision does not meet the required standards of 20/40, you will be referred to an
eye doctor of your choice at your expense. The eye doctor will complete an evaluation to determine if any restrictions
should be placed on your driving privilege.
Knowledge Exam (Permit Test):
The knowledge exam has 20 questions. You must answer at least 16 questions correctly to pass the test. If you fail
the exam, you must wait at least one day before another attempt can be made.
Driving Exam (Road Test):
The driving exam will not be given until you have passed the eye and knowledge exams. If you fail the driving exam,
an RDL will be issued; however, you will be restricted to operating a vehicle only when accompanied by a licensed
individual over the age of 25 years old.
How much does it cost to get an RDL?
The cost for an RDL can vary depending on a person’s circumstances. You the price it cost for the IID, please contact
the manufacturer. For other costs associated with reinstating your record, please contact our RDL Unit at
Obtaining, Installing, and Using an Ignition Interlock Device:
Where can I get more information about getting an IID installed?
The list of certified manufacturers may be found at dmv.vermont.gov. If you do not have internet access, you may
contact our RDL Unit at 802.828.2061 to obtain a copy of the list.
Are there different types of IIDs?
Yes. For the most part, there are two types of IID’s:
(1) a “standard” device and,
All fees are subject to change.
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(2) a device that is equipped with a camera. Some of the camera-equipped devices also have Global Positioning
System (GPS) and “real-time” reporting capabilities.
Does it matter which type of IID I have installed?
Yes. You must install an IID that is equipped with a camera.
In some cases, the courts and/or Department of Corrections may require you to install a device that has “Real-Time”
reporting” and/or GPS capabilities.
The list of manufacturers is located at dmv.vermont.gov and will indicate the types of IIDs each manufacturer offers.
If you do not have internet access, you may contact our RDL Unit at 802.828.2061 to obtain a copy of the list.
How much does it cost to have an IID?
Costs will vary by manufacturer, installer, and type of device. You are responsible for all the costs associated with an
ignition interlock device. These costs can include installation, purchasing or leasing, removal, calibrating, data
retrieval, servicing, and any other fees charged by the installer/manufacturer. Recipients of 3SquaresVT, LIHEAP,
Reach Up benefits or like benefits from another state are eligible for a 50% reduction in the cost of installation,
maintenance, and removal of ignition interlock devices. Benefit letters from the program you are a part of may be
submitted directly to the manufacturer or the RDL unit for forwarding to the manufacturer. Contact manufacturer
for more information.
How do I use an IID?
When the device is installed on your vehicle, the installer will provide you with both written, and hands-on training,
on how to operate a vehicle equipped with an IID.
Do I need to have an IID installed on all vehicles owned/registered to me?
No. However, you may not drive a vehicle without an IID. If you have multiple vehicles, you may install an IID on the
only vehicle you will use, or on multiple vehicles. If you install IIDs on more than one vehicle, you will have to pay all
of the associated fees (i.e. installation, purchasing or leasing, removal, calibrating, data retrieval, servicing, etc.) for
each IID installed in each vehicle you will be driving. The vehicle(s) in which the device is installed must be registered,
inspected, and insured.
Can I install an IID on my motorcycle?
No. Because IIDs perform “random retests”, for safety purposes, IIDs cannot be installed on motorcycles.
Can I install an IID on my snowmobile, motorboat, or ATV?
No. IIDs may only be installed on vehicles (cars and non-commercial trucks).
I need to rent a car; can I drive a rental car with my RDL?
The terms and requirements of your RDL allow you to drive only vehicles equipped with an IID; if the rental car does
not have an IID, you are not permitted to drive the rental vehicle.
Do I need to notify DMV that I had the IID installed?
Yes. When you have the IID installed, have the installer complete a Certification of Ignition Interlock Device
Installation (VL-082).
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Operating a Vehicle Equipped with an IID
What is a “permanent lockout state”?
When certain violations are logged by the IID, when the vehicle is turned off, the IID will not allow the vehicle to start
again under any circumstances. The vehicle would need to be towed to the installer for servicing before you can
operate it again. The violations which result in a permanent lockout state are:
The IID detects tampering, circumvention, or bypass attempts,
Driver fails to provide a breath sample 3 consecutive times,
Scheduled service date is missed, or
Service is not obtained within 5 days of the service reminder.
Note: Committing the above violations may also result in the extension of your RDL requirements. See Violations.
“Random Retests”:
What is a “random retest”?
To prevent a driver from having someone else blow into the IID to start a vehicle, and to prevent a driver from drinking
while driving, the IID requires the driver to submit to random retests at variable intervals after a driver has passed
an initial breath test and started the vehicle. The IID will signal you to take a retest within a certain amount of time
after starting your vehicle.
Will performing a “random retest” cause me to take my eyes off the road, creating a hazardous situation?
No. When the IID signals for a retest, the driver has 10 minutes to provide the sample or to pull over to the side of
the road in a safe area to provide the breath sample. There are no buttons to push; the driver must only breathe
into the unit to complete a breath sample.
What happens if I fail the breath test during a “random retest”?
If the IID detects a BAC of 0.02 or greater, the horn will sound repeatedly, and the headlights will flash until the
vehicle is turned off. You are allowed unlimited attempts to provide a breath sample within 10 minutes. Once the
vehicle is turned off, the IID will not allow you to restart the vehicle without taking an initial breath test. Failing a
“random retest” will result in an extension of your RDL requirements.
See Violations
What happens if I do not provide a breath sample during a “random retest”?
If you fail to do the retest within 10 minutes, the horn will sound repeatedly, and the headlights will flash until the
vehicle is turned off. Once the vehicle is turned off, the IID will not allow you to restart the vehicle without taking an
initial breath test. The IID will place your vehicle in a permanent lockout state; the vehicle would have to be towed
to the installer for service before you can operate it again.
Why do the lights flash and the horn blow if I fail a “random retest”, or if I do not provide a breath test during the
“random retest”?
If you have failed the “random retest” breath test, or if you do not provide a breath sample for a “random retest”,
the flashing of lights and sounding of the horn is a mechanism of alerting law enforcement who are in the area you
are traveling. It is a warning that they should conduct a traffic stop on your vehicle.
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If I fail a “random retest”, will my car turn off while I am driving?
No. For safety reasons, the device cannot turn off the vehicle while you are driving. If you turn the vehicle off, it will
not start again, but it will not turn off while you are driving.
Can family members and friends drive my IID-equipped vehicle?
Yes. The RDL holder is not responsible for other drivers using the IID.
Can two RDL participants use the same IID?
No. The manufacturers cannot add more than one participant to an account. When DMV has received the log
summary for the device after calibration, there is no way to know who the other drivers are who are not listed on
the account.
What if I am required to drive my employer’s company vehicle that is not equipped with an IID?
You may only operate vehicles equipped with an IID. A device may be installed on a company vehicle if the registered
owner of the vehicle provides a letter giving written permission to install it in the vehicle.
Can I drive a commercial vehicle with an RDL?
If the IID malfunctions, will it shut the vehicle off?
No. The IID unit has no means of interrupting the operation of a vehicle once it is started.
I cannot provide enough breath samples to operate the IID. What can I do?
The IID is set to accept 1.5 liters of breath. If you feel you cannot provide that volume of breath, you can have your
doctor complete the Ignition Interlock Medical Waiver form (VL-097) and submit it to the DMV for approval to
lowering the volume your device is set at. The lowest a device can be lowered to is 1.2 liters per blow upon medical
What actions are considered violations of the terms and requirements of an RDL?
The following actions are considered violations of the terms and requirements of an RDL and will result in an
extension of the period you must operate under the terms and requirements of an RDL:
If you make three (3) attempts to start a vehicle with a BAC of 0.04 or above, your IID requirements will be
extended for three (3) months.
o Any subsequent attempts to start a vehicle with a BAC of 0.04 or above will result in an additional
three (3) month extensions which will run consecutively (following one after the other).
If you fail one (1) “random retest” due to a BAC of 0.04 or above, but less than 0.08, your IID requirements
will be extended for three (3) months.
o Any subsequent random retest failures due to a BAC of .04 or above, but less than .08, will result in
an additional three (3) month extensions which will run consecutively (following one after the other).
If you fail one (1) random retest due to a BAC of .08 or above, your IID requirements will be extended for six
(6) months.
o Any subsequent random retest failures due to a BAC of .08 or above will result in additional six (6)
month extensions which will run consecutively (following one after the other).
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If you (a) operate a motor vehicle not equipped with an IID, or (b) attempt to tamper with or circumvent the
device, or (c) fail to pull over after failing a random retest your IID requirements will be extended for six (6)
If another person assists you or provides a breath sample for you (circumvent), either for the initial start or
a random retest while you are operating the motor vehicle, your IID requirement will be extended for six (6)
o Each additional circumvention will result in a six (6) month extension which will run consecutively
(following one after the other).
If you miss a required service visit to have the IID calibrated, your IID requirements will be extended for sixty
(60) days.
Renewing an RDL:
When does my RDL expire?
Your initial RDL will expire on your second birthday after the issuance of your initial RDL.
Example: If your date of birth is 2/15/1990, and you are issued an RDL on 8/15/2024, your initial RDL will expire on
How often do I need to renew my RDL?
Your RDL must be renewed every year. A renewal notice, along with an Application for Ignition Interlock Device
Restricted Driver’s License will be mailed to you 30 days before your RDL expires. You will need to complete the
application and return it to DMV with the appropriate renewal fees.
How much does it cost to renew my RDL?
Please visit our website at dmv.vermont.gov/licenses/fees for current license fees.
How many times may I renew my RDL?
Your RDL may be renewed every year for an indefinite number of years.
Returning to an Unrestricted License:
How do I get my unrestricted license back after I serve the required time with an RDL?
The RDL Unit will send a letter a short time before your actual release date advising you of when you may procure a
corrected license without the IID restriction. If you do not receive a letter, you may contact DMV at 802.828.2061
to verify that you are eligible to have the interlock removed. Do not remove the device before receiving the RDL
release letter. If you remove the IID before you are eligible to have it removed, the manufacturer will notify DMV of
the removal. DMV will issue a suspension of your license until the IID is re-installed and a reinstatement fee is paid.
When you have met the original reinstatement requirements (completion of CRASH, etc.) at the end of the required
period for operating under an RDL, you may apply for the restoration of your unrestricted license. You will need to
complete either a Replacement/Corrected License (VL-040) or License (VL-021) application depending on the
expiration of the unrestricted license.
What if I committed violations and received an extension?
If you committed any violations which would result in an extension of your RDL requirements, you will not be eligible
for the restoration of your unrestricted license until the appropriate terms have been served.
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See Violations.
I completed the Total Abstinence program, when can I return to an unrestricted license?
If you have previously been reinstated for Total Abstinence, you are not eligible for an unrestricted license; you will
be required to have an IID in your vehicle permanently. If you have completed the Total Abstinence Program
investigation for the first time, the RDL unit will be notified once the decision is issued from the AOT hearings Unit.
Removing an Ignition Interlock Device:
What if I voluntarily remove the IID from my vehicle before I am eligible to have it removed?
If you remove the IID from your vehicle before you are eligible, we will receive notification from the IID
installer/manufacturer. Upon notification from the manufacturer, a new suspension, a new suspension with a 10-day
lead time will be mailed to you. The lead time and any Departmental processing time will not be counted towards
your suspension. Your suspension will remain in effect until you have furnished proof that your device has been
reinstalled. The length of time your privilege to drive has been under suspension will be added to your RDL release
What happens if I sell my vehicle?
Before selling the vehicle, you must have the IID removed by the installer and then installed in your new vehicle. You
will also need to have the installer complete a Certification of Ignition Interlock Device Installation, VL-082, and return
it to this Department.
What if my vehicle has been wrecked?
Contact your installer for specific instructions on how to handle this situation. Depending upon the amount of damage
to your vehicle, you may need to obtain a new IID. Should you have to replace your vehicle, you will need to have a
device installed in your new vehicle. You do not need DMV permission to remove the device. Have the installer
complete a Certification of Ignition Interlock Device Installation (VL-082) and return it to this Department.
I have kept my IID for the required amount of time based on my suspension, what steps should I take
before having the device removed?
The RDL Unit will send a letter a short time before your actual release date advising you of when you may procure a
corrected license without the IID restriction. At that time, you may take the vehicle to your installer to have the IID
removed. If you do not receive a letter, you may contact DMV at 802.828.2061 to verify that you are eligible to have
the interlock removed. If you have met your original reinstatement requirements, DMV will advise you that you may
have the IID removed from your vehicle. You will also need to re-apply for the restoration of your unrestricted license
by completing a Replacement/Corrected License application (VL-040).
See Returning to an Unrestricted License
Requests for Hearings:
I was denied an RDL, can I request a hearing?
A person whose application for an RDL is denied may request a hearing. The hearing is to provide the person with
the opportunity to show cause why the decision of the Commissioner should not be upheld.
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My RDL requirements were extended, can I request a hearing?
A person who commits any violations which would result in an extension of his or her RDL requirements may request
an administrative hearing for the sole purpose of verifying the record of adjudication or conviction.
Who do I contact to request a hearing?
Agency of Transportation - Hearings Section
219 N Main Street
Barre, VT 05641
Phone 802.622.1313 l Website: dmv.vermont.gov/hearings
Miscellaneous Information on IIDs:
Does the IID need to be serviced or maintained in any way?
Yes. This will be covered by your installer.
What kind of information does the IID record?
The IID collects and stores the information below, which is reported to the Department of Motor Vehicles:
Date and time of any use, or attempted use, of a vehicle including a photo of the driving compartment;
Date and time of any attempt to tamper, circumvent or bypass the device;
Date, time, and alcohol concentration, in grams per 210 liters, of each breath sample provided to the device;
Date and time of any malfunctions of the device;
Date and time of any failures to provide retest samples;
Date and time a “service required” message is issued to the customer by the device;
Date any service is performed;
Mileage and hours of operation of the vehicle since the previous service was performed.
Does the Department of Motor Vehicles monitor the IID?
Yes. If the data report indicates a failure to comply with any of the interlock program requirements, it may result in
an extension of your RDL requirements.
See Violations.
What if I forget to bring my car to the installer for servicing?
The device will give you a reminder 7 days prior to the scheduled service date, followed by a warning to obtain service
within 5 days. If you fail to bring your vehicle to the installer for service within those 5 days, the IID will place your
vehicle in a permanent lockout state; the vehicle would have to be towed to the installer for service before you can
operate it again. Failure to bring your car in for service will result in an extension of your RDL requirements.
See Violations
What things will make me fail a breath test?
Anything containing alcohol may make you fail a breath test. It is advised not to eat or drink while using the IID.
Contact your manufacturer or installer for more information.
What happens if I fail the breath test when I try to start my car?
The vehicle will not start and the IID will enter a short lockout period of a few minutes. This lockout period allows an
opportunity for the alcohol to dissipate from the mouth and for you to consider the reason for the failed breath
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alcohol test, for example; is the failure a result of the use of mouthwash, cough syrup, etc., or as a result of consuming
too much alcohol. The IID will record the failure, which will be noted in the data report. If you make three (3)
attempts to start a vehicle with a BAC of .04 or above, your IID requirements will be extended for 3 months.
See Violations
What happens if I fail a breath test, but I have not been drinking?
Rinse your mouth with water, wait 5 minutes and keep taking a retest until you successfully pass the test. Your breath
sample must register as .000 BAC within an hour of a failed test that is not from drinking or it could result in an
extension of your IID requirements.
Will the IID lose the memory data if the battery is disconnected?
No. The device has a battery backup system to protect the data.
Can I use a remote starter on my IID-equipped vehicle?
No. Because you have to blow into the device to start your vehicle, a remote starter will not work.
Can I start my car and let it run with the heater on to defrost my windows?
No. The IID will randomly ask for breath tests (“random retests”) while the vehicle is running. If you fail to do the
retest within 10 minutes, the horn will sound repeatedly and the headlights will flash until the vehicle is turned off.
The IID will log this as failure to provide a “random retest” which may lead to a permanent lockout state.
See Violations
My vehicle requires repair or a state inspection:
We strongly suggest that you notify your installer before performing vehicle maintenance, service, or repairs that
would involve starting or driving your vehicle or disconnecting the battery. Your auto repair technician can contact
your installer for specific instructions on how to avoid recording erroneous violations.
Can I have someone else take the breath test for me to start the vehicle?
No. Vermont law and Ignition Interlock Program Rules make it unlawful for an RDL holder to request or solicit another
person to blow into, or otherwise activate the device, to operate the IID-equipped vehicle while you are under the
influence of alcohol. If someone blows into the IID to start the vehicle or on a random test, but you take the next test
in the same event, it is considered circumvention. A violation such as this will result in an extension of your RDL
See Violations
What if I did have someone else take the breath test for me so I could drive my car?
The car would be started illegally and would result in fines and/or an extension of your RDL requirement.
Will installation of the IID damage the vehicle?
No. The IID unit is only connected to the wiring under the dash and under the hood. At the end of the program, the
installer should restore the wiring to their pre-IID installation conditions.
I will temporarily be out of state; how will I meet the requirements of my RDL?
Vermont requirements still need to be maintained. Contact the manufacturer of your IID to locate an authorized
interlock installer in the jurisdiction you will be in, who will provide you with the required services. It is your
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responsibility to work with your interlock manufacturer and authorized installer to provide us with all required
reporting until you return to Vermont.
I have been experiencing problems with my IID installer, what do I do?
Contact the manufacturer of the IID installed in your vehicle. A list of manufacturers can be found on our website
dmv.vermont.gov or may be found in the information, pamphlet, or manual you received when the IID was installed
in your vehicle.
RDL Unit contact information
RDL Unit
Department of Motor Vehicles
120 State St
Montpelier, VT 05603