Town of Washington
Comprehensive Plan Review
March 2022
Open House - February 25, 2022
Public Input Collected
Submied by:
Community Planning and Environmental Associates
Joined by:
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Includes Virtual Open House Results as of 3/11/22 (113 participants). Virtual Results
shown in RED. Items shown in highlight indicate highest ‘score’.
Note: Boards 1 & 2 were informational and did not solicit comments. Handwritten comments
which could not be reliably interpreted are followed by a “(?)” to indicate transcription may not
be accurate. Number of people with an asterix (*) indicates people who identified as living
outside both the town and village.
“Simple Glamping Site” = 39 + 16 = 55
“Private Remote Cabins” = 53 (including 1*) +20 = 73
“Small Size Inn” = 128 (including 4*) +83 = 211
“None of the Above” = 14 + 3 = 17
Very much dependent on location within town and village
“Medium Size Inn” = 85 (including 2*)+48 = 133
“Large Size Inn” = 40 (including 4*)+19 = 59
“2 Story Hotel” = 55 (including 1*)+39 = 94
“None of the Above” = 32 (including 1*)+21 = 53
“Medium 2-story hotel/motel” = 22+22 = 44
“Large 3 story hotel” = 2+2 = 4
“Large 4 story hotel” = 0+1 = 1
“None of the Above” = 95 (including 3*)+61 = 156
Very misleading labeling categories and associated photographs
Do you feel that the existing Vision & Goals support new hospitality uses within the
“Yes / Probably” = 95 (including 4*)+52 = 147
“No / Probably Not” = 21+34 = 55
Current Town Vision Board - Hard to reconcile w/o specific understanding of the current
Yes/Probably if tax revenue raised is specifically used towards these goals, e.g. land
conservation, protecting historic sites, etc.
This question is too broad. Current ___? ___? Cover a small inn but not a larger
development like ____? (Migdale?)
Intent vs. Execution are two very different things. Is it possible to be less restrictive
without violating the mission statement? Probably yes.
Not if it is Migdale.
Very misleading wording to determine and measure adequate responses
This question is very misleading!
I don’t trust the question - it seems to ask if I want to change the plan - NO.
Would you like to see any new hospitality uses added within the Town of Washington?
YES: 34+9 = 43
NO: 12+11 = 23
MAYBE: 60 (including 3*)+38 = 98
If maybe…what would it most depend on?
23% in person - If it avoids disturbance of sensitive environmental areas: 64+12=76; Total
18% in person - If design blends into rural / country character: 51 (including 1 from outside
jurisdiction)+22=73; Total 19.5%
16% in person- On Size & Scale of Buildings: 45 (2)+29=74; Total 19.7%
18% in person- If it is an adaptive re-use of an existing building: 50 (1)+11=61; Total 16%
13% in person- On number of guest rooms: 36 (2)+8=44; Total 12%
7% in person - If it is eco-friendly design: 20+2=22; Total 6%
3% in person- If it hosts events: 7+3=10; Total 3%
1% in person- On size of hosted events: 2+7=9; Total 2.4%
1% in person - If it is secluded and not visible from road: 2+4=6; Total 1.6%
Total stickers from in-person Open House: 277* (Note that people were supposed to
spend up to 3 stickers on this question, however 277/3 = 92 people, although only 60
said ‘maybe’ above, not all of them indicated that?) Total % is calculated from total
stickers plus votes from virtual (375).
What OTHER characteristics do you feel new hospitality uses would need to have to
appropriately fit into the desired character for the Town?
No empty buildings on Franklin Street
We need: groceries, cheese, bakery, cobbler - regular daily stores that make a village,
no fancy boutiques
Not AirB+B
The Village needs to change it’s own zoning or mindset to allow more hospitality. That is
the only way to encourage more visitors to the village businesses.
Should adopt British model to focus all activity on town center revival and end ridgeline
Agri-tourism is a tremendous opportunity - Have resources through RCSY(?) / Glynwood
- Better center of food sustainability transition
NOT ask for more water, traffic, parking and sewage than we already have
Small scale Boutique hospitality an event Culture(?) space(?) would add value
Tourism could increase tax base but it should benefit residents as well as a community
resource. - Opportunity for review of proposals must be given. - Loss of green space
must be minimal
Better to repurpose existing buildings
Hospitality should NOT be in rural area - that is our attraction - let’s preserve it!
Simple, tasteful, respectfully determined, regulated
Offer new, non-competing(?) services to attract visitors
Socio-economically diverse and inclusive. Locally owned, operated. No more real estate
on Franklin.
Hospitality in/around the Village would drive traffic to local businesses. Make it happen.
A modern design that speaks to the landscape could be beautiful - architecture is an
evolving art + can encompass many styles.
Be AFFORDABLE to family + friends (working class of average income). Be careful of
resources available. Minimize increase in town/village taxes (affordable)
Respect the existing zoning - hospitality belongs in commercial districts vs. residential
areas. Spot zoning variances create dangerous precedents.
Re-use hospitality resources we already have
Hospitality should be close or in (?) Village. No development in rural areas or Migdale(?)
Bring hospitality close to Village, support Village. Community Development Programme
Future Town Vision Board - confusing. “New Use” doesnt mean more capacity, but I think
that’s whats meant.
Using existing buildings
Leave dirt roads ALONE. No over development on them.
Creates more job opportunities, more vibrant community life, more diverse businesses
Use existing Historic landmarks + landscapes
Any building that brings more people should be offset by a set aside or forever wild land
- Wilderness set as a goal
Creates local jobs. Support local businesses. Include local residents
Small Bed & Breakfasts
Any changes cannot impact village water supply quality
Not serve as a back-door to selfish commercial development and housing projects
Maintain the RURAL nature, ecologically friendly & community minded (takes into
account land uses of the local residents)
Small scale dirt roads!
Small scale, Location is critically important, Limit on total “beds”
Goal 3 - Strengthen Village Center - Need “REAL” retail
Bring business back into town that serve real people instead of crazy stores most people
cant afford
Hospitality should be concentrated in the village where it will add to the liveliness and
prosperity of the town village. [strikeout theirs] In the town bed and breakfasts venues
are great - NO RESORTS.
Owner commitment to hire + train locals and promote local businesses in Millbrook.
Do not exceed natural resources to system. water/septic, etc.
More diverse businesses
The function/space should be proportionally appropriate to the acreage size
Fit for purpose? Is open acreage an acceptable use for Yurts, Tents & Glamping sites?
Not in my opinion.
Benefits local businesses and does not compete.
Respects & honors privacy and peace of residents. Job Creation. NO digital or LED
signage please.
Location only in existing commercial location (Village / W. Hollow)
In terms of hospitality, I think the Village needs more inviting experiences to draw more
out of town guests. These destinations could include restaurants, cultural events + a
community center - all while keeping in mind the beauty + history of the Village, and
sustainable - ECO(?) efforts.
Get things to do for all before adding hospitality
We need additional lodging and dining alternatives in the area but new facilities must fit
in terms of SCALE and LOCATION such that the rural character of the area is
Diversity of socio-economic offerings.
Should be near, but not necessarily in a Village or Hamlet
Benefits community job creation
Practical businesses for everyday residents
Need to support outdoor sports pursuits (MBlt(?) shooting (?) riding, etc). Those so away
we are Bedford without(?) the NYC proximity
Ideally, we should support uses that encourage foot traffic in the Village, which will
enable a greater variety of businesses to thrive.
Outdoor skating rink in new Bennet Park that could be a skateboard park in warmer
Larger scale development should only pass approval with owner “Gifting” a % of land
parcel as a “Conservation” easement that does not allow further development, thereby
protecting watershed and naturally occurring attribute of our beautiful Millbrook!
Add some additional hospitality facilities of modest size, BUT let’s dont turn into
Why are there so many EMPTY stores?
Locate in Village as wish strongly expressed in the last Comprehensive Plan - let village
zoning decide.
It would not take place in an existing residential zone, it would not impinge on neighbors
quiet use and enjoyment of their properties. There is currently an impermissible
short-term rental business, including BYO camping, clamping and cabin offerings taking
place at Silverbrook Manor, which was disturbingly and incorrectly listed as an existing
legitimate hospitality business. Neighbors have all been negatively impacted by noise,
trespassers and unsightly tents. This should not be permitted under any circumstances.
No tents, glamping, yurts or camping platforms. Traditional motels, hotel and inns would
be best for our community, especially taking into consideration that we want this
hospitality improvement to be for 12 months not seasonal.
Direct access to the Village in order that guests can easily utilize and support local shops
& restaurants.
Just tax air bnb. That’s it’s.
No ruin zoning, not ruin the town,
Protect neighbors from disruptive noise, exterior lighting, pollution and trespassing by
persons and animals; not allow transient use; protect environment; all animals must
show proof of vaccination; For weddings and events the number of guests and staff to be
limited and there must be ample off road private parking; liquor license where liquor is
Placing hospitality in the village conforms with the comprehensive plan and presents
more likelihood that visitors will frequent village businesses. It addresses current issues
without opening a door that we may not be able to close. If we allow hospitality in the
TOW it will be hard to manage and likely will be subject to creep. (If 20 rooms are
allowed why not 24?)
"I believe that size of a small hotel (and there could be more than one: 2 or 3 seems
possible to me, in various areas.) is very important and it would be helpful to see range of
numbers of rooms, e.g ""8 -10 rooms,"" "" 20 rooms max,"", etc.
Also of primary importance would be the esthetics, which could be varied but curated by
a group of local architects, perhaps on an informal basis.
For example, the very large hotel in the center picture of your examples of size, above,
could be just fine if it were on the outskirts of the town, surrounded by quite a lot of
Also any new ""overnight stays"" places should not be outlandishly expensive . "
New uses should avoid large-scale events that create inappropriate traffic and
overwhelm the village. Reasonable sized events (even up to 50 or 75 people) seem fine,
but once we get into 100+ people, I have concerns. There is a need for hospitality
options and growth is inevitable BUT it should be controlled and appropriate for the area.
It would be a bonus if inns and small event venues had a bar/restaurant open to the
public when the venue wasn’t booked.
Should not be a hospitality chain. The architecture should fit in with the Town. Should not
be bootstrapped to other projects, such as a housing development. Hospitality uses
should not be aggregated, or there should be limited aggregation to prevent over
development. Some in town would like to see a venue for weddings, etc. If a “hall” is
allowed, there should be just one. Should a hall and overnight accommodations be
Any new hospitality venues should blend into existing rural character of town, including
size of facilities. It should accommodate the residents and business, not overwhelm or
destroy them. Working in unison with existing community to provide services in need -
i.e. - horse, shooting, school & local events, not create a whole new "destination location"
"It should have the small town, non touristy character of the Town as it exists now. But we
definitely need to make the Town less sleepy and welcoming.
Needs to support our current events and community
all the rest of the above
all of the rest of the above
And all the rest of the above
I feel that large housing developments do not fit the current Existing Town Statement, and
I feel that the existing Town Statement should not be changed to suit plans for developers
who are not compliant with the existing Town Vision. If someone wants to become part of
the community, they should provide plans that will support the Vision of the Town.
Don't change the existing plan. No new developments please.
Not a chain and not owned by a corporation.
"higher end clientele to bring in people who will help support the shops in the town.
Not clog the roads outside of town, or otherwise drain resources from the more rural
areas, by focusing on in the Village itself!
By "size and scale" and "number of guest rooms" I mean essentially a small inn or bed &
breakfast. A business that fits into a rural environment and does not stand out from the
houses already in the area. Something which is built on a fraction of an acre.
I am concerned about the water supply and excessive traffic patterns. There is already
excessive traffic on Route 44 outside of the village, and on rural roads because of
developments at the top of Tower Hill Rd. We do not want additional
development-driven traffic. We do not want the water supply to be threatened by
excessive development.
It would need to bring a benefit to town residents-- events that town residents could
attend cost-free, profit sharing (community owned) for homeowners in the town of
Washington-- after all, we will be experiencing all of the negative impacts (traffic, water
issues, increased taxes).
"These questions are confusing because they do not distinguish between the ""TOWN""
and the ""Village"". I'm ok with additional hospitality within the village center. I am
against it in the surrounding rural town lands.
My biggest issue is WHERE an Inn or hotel is sited. Happy to see one in the Village, and
nowhere else.
I hope your survey will do a much better job of clarifying which area you are asking about
than this survey does. e.g isn't the Village also a part of the Town? So when you ask just
about the Town aren't you confusing the main issue here?"
Lighting (no large spot lights/flood lights/neon signs)
green space
Located within the village.
Affordable accommodations for guests visiting local family and friends.
No giant hotels; nothing that creates more traffic; does not upset the environment &
natural resources of the area.
attractive and high end
In order to truly accommodate a positive impact on the Village of Millbrook and its
respective businesses, adequate parking will need to be addressed. I do not believe that
the village is equipped to deal with robust increases in visitors/cars/traffic. Just try to get
something done in the village in a Saturday morning during the farmers market.
If we are going to allow hospitality, it should be with high quality, proven operators. We
have a large number of estates that do not feel like they will change hands in a good
way through the next generation. Less people want 10-30k sf homes, much less second
homes! At the same time, we love the quaint downtown and want to preserve it. I would
rather have self-contained inns that will spur economic development while not disrupting
the town.
What aspects of Short-term rentals, if any, do you think the Town should consider
Noise. Total involvement of AirB&B or VRBO owner (not an absentee owner who has no
consideration to renters). Adopt limited # of days per year an AirB&B can be
Regulating how many (to be determined by Village Board or voted on my residents)
BnB’s can be operating at one time in Village. You have a pre-determined # and have a
“waiting list”. Make sure the character of the Village streets remain the same.
Rentals need to have live-in landlords.
Regulate noise, parking, size, # of rooms. Make sure insured - meets codes. Tax for
revenue to the Town.
NO airb+bs keep the tight knit community.
Sizes, # of rooms, length of stay. Meet (?) safely(?) issues sanitation issues.
We need both short term and long term rentals that are pet friendly and family friendly.
Town should offer rules for guidance.
Short term rentals should be a home owners right. If there are concerns, taxes, permits
or other safety measures can easily be implemented to maintain desirable character of
If rural & no neighbors homeowner occupied taxed as a business cap on ppl
I support Airbnb to help working families stay here.
Use tax revenue - impact to present services (cost, staffing) of zoning over time -
reconsider huge B&B special permit allowance
Length (excessive) of stays, noise, hours (outdoor), parking, lighting, distance from other
residence homes, enforcement / penalties
No AirB+B, if only on 10 acre zoning - plus completely isolated from neighbor, owner
must be there full time, Do not want Timothy(?) Leary(?) situation. Really NOT a NEED
for town.
Collect taxes, noise regulations, Limit # of AirBnB’s in the town/village
Min 2 weeks
The town should cap the number of STRs in the village and town (drawing of bunny and
Should be regulated + taxed + only when owner occupied
Can short rentals be restricted to Operate(?) in a commercially zoned area where other
BnB’s are located???
Have a 2 week rental minimum so it wont be a revolving door
Need regulations - Potential, limit nights, register with town
AirB+B’s 1. Where are they located? 2. They should register with the town as they do
with the County. 3. They should pay a fee or assessed more on Tax’s because of the
business aspect. 4. Do they fulfill the T of Washington’s needs? 5. If they do fulfill our
needs, the need for hospitality may not be as much. 6. The committee should make
studying the effects of AirB+B’s a PRIORITY.
Ask if people would or would not - want one next to them
I didn’t know there were that many! It doesn’t seem like we need any more. There should
be oversight + permits. (maybe there already are)
Create neighbor complaint process specific to STR so neighbors are not using law
Collect tax
Don’t think there should be any short term rentals.
Noise, trash, crowds. AirB&B can bring in a LOT. 8(?) people who do not view ____?
With respect. Perhaps limit via permit process.
Register + pay hospitality taxes. Some regulations.
If at all allowed they should be regulated in all respects (just as a bed & Breakfast would
be) to guarantee code compliance. Tax revenue should go to the town as opposed to
communities where absentee owners/landlords reside. All environmental health code
rules + regulations that apply to any other hospitality business need to be applied.
AirBnB is concerning: - security, transient “neighbors”, devalues adjacent properties.
(Agree! [second person seems to have added this]
Better to have residents visiting than empty homes. Need to define rules of renting.
I suspect it will ruin small-town life for Village residents. The Village is too small to
accomodate ____?
AirBnB serves a need in the community. Especially overflow for events. However, I am
sensitive to loud groups disturbing neighbors.
All aspects of short term. Most rent short term for parties.
Short term rentals are undesirable as they destroy community cohesion, foster a
transactional relationship to the community and create a transient feeling.
Short term rentals should be prohibited. One needs and wants to know ones neighbors.
SHort term renters have little stake in community or sense of responsibility to neighbors
whether owner is on site or not, pay no taxes to town ___? ___? They are still a burden
to….[unsure if this continues on another note]
Millbrook draws visitors because of its rural, uncluttered nature. Rentals that exploit this
resource should contribute financially to maintain it.
Ban them.
B+B’s are a part of a cultural experience. Promote.
Need to keep rentals short term and limited in total number in the town.
Make them register so they can be taxed, etc.
Should be inspected regularly, CO detectors, smoke detectors
Don’t regulate, but DO make it easier to rent (long term) here. Our barrier for entry is too
Should AirBnB etc be taxed?
Rentals OK for short term. BAN AirB&B. Make sure health + safety issues addressed.
More locally run Bed/Breakfast showcase town/village history. We need housing and
long-term rentals for people who want to live in the Village. Not more VRBO/Airbnbs
Noise, capacity, occupants, bedrooms, parking
Noise, trash + pay hotel taxes to county and/or town.
Hours, # of people per property, trash, noise, tax revenue
If the town is too busy, it will lose its charm making it appeal to a different type of buyer
Regulations should be considered
It would be helpful to know where Airb+b or VRBO’s are located with owner contact info
AirBnB’s should be limited with good rules & penalties for garbage, noise, length of stay,
number of residents and protection of neighbors from property devaluation
Needs regulation - 1) length of stay 2) number of guests 3) noise 4) garbage 5) light
pollution 6) taxes 7) parking
I have a problem ruins neighborhoods
STRs should be regulated in terms of not disturbing neighbors, etc. e.g. no fireworks &
unleashed dogs
No rentals shorter than 1 week - and no more than 12 weeks/year
Length of stay - weekend or week max stay
# of occupants, noise, traffic, taxes
Noise, frequent turnover
Town if losing revenue - tax or fee the user pays. Limit # of people per square foot,
Health and safety measures in place?
AirBnb - should be limited in the number of guest nights permitted per year. Owner
should be present and available
Have a cap of available short term rentals based on population
STRs need different rules based on zone/location. Cannot impose same restrictions on
rural/secluded property w/ acreage as a property in the Village
It is fine if the property is maintained. A limited number so the Village remains a “village’
All of them and they should not be permitted. Many neighboring towns and villages have
outlawed them because of the multitude of problems they cause. Whatever minimal
benefit the town thinks it might enjoy would be quickly undermined by the amount of time
and resources needed to manage the issues that other towns have already recognized
are not worth the bother.
Absolutely all of them! VRBO, Airbnb, Tentrr and The Dyrt are only a few of the
numerous short-term rentals that the town should regulate for reasons such as health
and safety. The short-term rentals have been addressed by numerous other towns in
Dutchess and Columbia Counties due to the nuisances they have become to
neighboring property owners denying their right for quiet enjoyment of their own property.
I have discussed this with the BOH. They cannot police these short-term rental which
should be addressed by town zoning.
Town should collect a lodging or occupancy tax
Just tax it. Easy.
"Protect neighbors from disruptive noise, exterior lighting, pollution and trespassing by
persons and animals; not allow transient use; protect environment; must be licensed by
the Town and enforcement of violations.No village properties with swimming pools
because tenants tend to gather and party around them into all hours of the day and
night with loud noises, drinking and lights.
Limit the number of days per year that the property can be rented on a transient short
term rental.
All aspects. For instance, the Town of Clinton requires permitting, septic inspections,
details re frequency, parking and safety, and collection of tax. Notices of violation and
penalties should be issued for those not properly permitted. Short term rentals can be
disruptive to neighboring property owners and impact ones quiet enjoyment of his/her
land. Noise has historically been an issue. Light pollution. Board of health approvals for
septic, food service (if any) and limitations on functions held on site to avoid commercial
use. Location of permitted short term housing - i.e. in the Village near our businesses.
Consider limiting frequency and quantity (i.e. size of home) of visitors per year and
quality of accommodations offered to focus on the goals of Millbrook and its
environment. Concerns about guests wandering into neighboring parcels who are
unfamiliar with boundary lines. Major consideration must be given to liability.
I believe all aspects should be regulated as having short term renters in your
neighborhood can be disruptive if not dangerous. This is a town where we expect o
know our neighbors.
I think such rentals should be heavily regulated for noise and maximum occupancy, such
as to avoid use for large parties, for example.
I worry most about noise if the rentals are “party houses.” I have no problem with people
renting houses in the area in general. Of course, large numbers of rental properties
could cause issues, if many people are going out in the village regularly. I’m not feeling
much pressure from the existing properties. The trend does dilute the local flavor of the
area in the sense that I just see so many people I don’t recognize. That’s not a criticism
or negative moment per se. The area just feels different from even 10 years ago. Life
goes on I guess.
The number of overnight visitors should be limited.
All STR should be regulated through special use permits, the same as a B & B is
required, renewable as long as there are no violations
all B & B style accommodation should be regulated
noise and partying
At this point, they are the only viable places to stay in the TOW so it doesn’t make
sense to add regulations that burden the homeowner and get passed on to the renter.
how many people can be accommodated and for how long and for how often per year
how many people, for how long and for how often per year
how many individuals, for how long and for how often during the year
I think Short-Term Rentals are fine, and it will be a good revenue source for the
Town/Village to collect taxes that are due from those rentals. I think the number of guests
should be regulated thru Permits which are dependent on the size of the rental property.
NO. It provides needed income. It also has promoted millbrook and its businesses.
Homeowners should have to register and seek approval from the town in order to have
their place listed as a short term rental, especially in the village. They should also have
to keep information on the individuals they are renting their places to in case anything
unsavory happens. There should also be some kind of limit or stipulation preventing
people from buying a house solely to rent it out as a short term rental. This would all be
to prevent an influx of untracked strangers in our town and to preserve the community.
"If the terms are set as minimums of 1-2 week periods it helps bring in a better subset of
individuals., and not just weekend partiers...
I wouldn't like it if my neighbor changed every couple of weeks. I would limit rentals to a
portion of a house occupied primarily by the owner. The Town of Washington is and
should remain a community of people who, if they don't know their neighbors at least
know who they are. It is this stability which creates a sense of community.
The number of short term rentals should be regulated, and needs to be low. High
numbers of short term rentals means fewer homes on the market for home buyers who
intend to live in our neighborhood. As long-term residents get priced out, who remains?
Goodbye new families. Goodbye young couples struggling to pay the rent. Goodbye
students, artists, and anyone who can’t afford to compete with vacationers’ budgets.
Goodbye neighborhood diversity, goodbye affordable housing. I do not want that for my
Commercialized short-term rentals should be extremely limited, even decreased. These
situations make it impossible for most families to live here because, as long-term
residents get priced out of our neighborhood, who remains? Goodbye new families.
Goodbye young couples struggling to pay the rent. Goodbye students, artists, and
anyone who can’t afford to compete with vacationers’ budgets. Goodbye neighborhood
diversity, goodbye affordable/workforce housing.
"Term of rental period (i.e. avoid weekend rentals, and favor longer-term/seasonal
Add a hospitality tax to cover the costs they generate to our infrastructure and services.
Number of vehicles allowed within reason, no parties (but usually both are addressed in
the details by the host)
No regulating is necessary or required
That they are small, suitable for 1 family.
ALL. Regulate and tax.
I feel that houses that are in very close proximity to other houses are NOT appropriate
as short term rentals either at all or certainly not to large groups. Having used this sort of
short term rental, I think the number of cars allowed to park in front of the house, the
number of guests allowed to stay there and the limiting of outside noise after a certain
hour are all appropriate regulations. I think secluded properties are not such an issue.
I would have no problem with short term rentals, assuming appropriate taxes are
collected and paid to local governance as is typical in the state of NY. I have clients
coming to Millbrook several times a year, and always recommend that they stay locally.
For us, just noise, honestly. I don't want folks throwing parties in rentals, but otherwise, I
don't have an issue.
Photograph of locations identified on board from Open House.
Comments (some found on resources board):
Keep hospitality in the Village
This map is excessful small to allow for stickers on a specific areas considering the size
of map, stickers and potential responses.
1) This is a leading question - assumes we must have hospitality. 2) Most likely the
people who showed up DID NOT place hospitality in the area where they live.
Is the REALLY an overwhelming need for this ANYWHERE?
Natural Resources should be #1 concern. ALWAYS.
Natural Resources should be #1. They are what makes the Town ______ (?) is once
gone very hard to impossible to put back.
I’d like to revisit and download this data online, Thanks.
Re: Revisit on line - good idea
Locations from Virtual Open House
Comments (from Virtual Open House):
Millbrook Village / very close proximity to the village (like Cottonwood)
This does not work. Only in the village.
Many would like to see The Cottonwood Motel and old Cottonwood Inn refurbished. That
area has a significant amount of traffic for those traveling to Orvis, Millbrook School and
the many destinations in Amenia and Connecticut. There is a lot of history for many in
that location, as it is the gateway into Millbrook.
I cannot see the map - but only in the village of Millbrook
This includes an existing motel that can be expanded upon.
Guests would be centrally located to our Village. Businesses have struggled and failed
for countless years in Mabbettsville which highlights the need to keep guests along or
very near to Franklin Ave. Reflecting upon history and success of other surrounding
areas (i.e. Rhinebeck with multiple inns and hotels in the heart of the Village) we need to
focus resources in our Village to avoid more failed business and vacant buildings.
"Without trying to designate on the map, I can suggest that the Washington Hollow Area
would be a very good location, although most of it is in Pleasant Valley, but not the
Cottonwood. ,
The Mabbettsville area would be a good area for hotel type facilities, but they would have
to be very small, because it is residential. In addition, the water table in Mabbettsville is a
The area near Charlottes' restaurant could use a smallish hotel like facility, perhaps up
to10 rooms.
There is no doubt land available which is not in any of the ""of-limits"" land, e.g. water ,
along Route 44.
In the village, a reuse of a building, such as the St. Joseph's School, and perhaps others,
should be investigated as a possible re-use, as a small hotel."
I didn't draw a box because it would depend on what the hospitality use was.
keep it close to the village so they would spend time there
I think a good area for hotels might be on Route 44 where there is more commercial
development already. It is close to the Taconic Parkway, and close enough to Millbrook
that guests will travel into the Village of Millbrook for shopping and dining out.
I don't want these resorts at all. They will ruin our nice small town and will not benefit the
middle class families that have lived here for generations. I don't want Millbrook to
become known as the weekend destination of the 'haves.' The jobs generated will be of
no interest to the people who live here; I don't want the Millbrook community to be
working to be a playground for non residents.
Keeping development in the town center makes sense to protect the countryside and
draw more business into the town. It would be helpful if the inn or hotel had a restaurant
to draw people to...
Not on the map are Poughkeepsie and Rhinebeck and Hudson, etc. Large towns that can
absorb a hotel without losing the town's character (and which in fact already have large
hotel accommodations). Bed & breakfasts are more or less welcome anywhere.
I do not want large scale development resorts at all in our area, so I did not select
anything on the map. I am against this development. Do not include hospitality zoning in
the new town charter.
I do not feel any new development should take place at all. Old buildings should be
utilized and renovated.
I do not want any new hospitality locations in the Town of Washington.
In the Village only. No hospitality development anywhere else - full stop.
Keep it in the Village please.
Hospitality is not appropriate nor in keeping with the vision for our future that must
residents would prefer. It's not what this town is about, nor why most people consider
themselves fortunate to live here. There is more than enough "Hospitality" in other parts
of Dutchess County without bringing it here.
smaller hospitality (air b&b) closer to the village, larger inns on the outskirts allowing easy
access to local sites and businesses.
walking distance to or in village commercial center
I tried drawing but it does not work as described. Possible areas are Amenia village,
Hyde Park village or Poughkeepsie City. All these places already have some hospitality
facilities. Leave them there & stay away from the countryside & rural communities like
Unable to use drawing tool correctly. Believe hospitality should be available along route
44 from Salt Point to east most town line. Commercial business already exist on this
entire route. An inn in the village would be nice but am against Airbnbs in the village as
they currently exist next to families trying to live a normal daily life with children. Am
against airbnbs in the town unless the owner resides on the property and would limit the
number/tax accordingly. The number of rooms currently offered by airbnbs is probably
equal to the number of rooms proposed by the Migdale project! I would rather have
Migdale be a high end hospitality destination than have airbnbs in the town/village. I
think we should have negotiated with Guidara and could have solved hospitality and
repurposing of an historic building at the same time. I see MIgdale is not on an aquifer.
So much mis-information thrown around in an unpleasant way.
I like the Rhinebeck and Millerton models of hospitality spaces in or adjacent to the
I would love to see a medium size and/or small inn that is self contained. I think it would
help the town build a slightly more vibrant downtown without changing the traffic or
density of the town itself.
Anywhere in the Town or Village along the Route 44 or 343 corridor. Your assumption
that Hotels are allowed by special permit in the Mabettsville area are correct but there
cannot be any commercial growth in this hamlet unless there is 2x's residential growth
which is saying it is not allowed as there is not going to be more residential growth there.
So in reality there is nowhere in the ToW to have commercial growth.
What CONCERNS do you have about any new hospitality uses being added within the
Town? (e.g. traffic, noise, light pollution, large gatherings, impact to scenic character,
There will be no limits to the growth of hospitality venues.
Not needed. Benefits - not clearly explained - could be bad - most people like town as is.
There is a potential for changes to town - that MOST people would not want.
All below - Fire, ambulance, infrastructure
All of the above questions
Prices will go up for locals - water issues - Traffic! - Construction - “White Elephant” if
project is large - our landscape!!
The Cottonwood, once renovated, will fill many of our hospitality needs. Millbrook Inn is
nice too.
Migdale is a DEVELOPMENT - would bring in city folks - Millbrook will lose its integrity
Keep scale under consideration
Consider the wildlife & the trees. They have rights too even if no one represents them!
More traffic, more roadside garbage, higher taxes - NO THANKS! KEEP IT RURAL AND
All of it. Look at what happened to Rhinebeck. It’s making money, but who can go there
in the summer any more? KEEP IT SMALL PLEASE.
I’m content with the existing plan.
I am AGAINST creating ANY hospitality zones because, once created, it will open the
flood-gates to everyone wanting to develop property.
Protect our beautiful rural area!
Keep crowds away!
I think that our town’s main attraction is nature. Nature is inexorably defiled by human
development so keep human presence low. There is no honest(?) alternative.
I’m content with the existing plan.
Make an effort to get more businesses in town that would speak to local people e.g. - not
designer shops
While there is a definite need for places to stay for visitors, it should obviously not
change the character of the town. It should be strictly evaluated and meet guidelines
established by Town. (No sneaky deals.
Must limit the # of new hospitality venues so the number of people who are attracted to
village will not overwhelm the services available in village
Sewers, water, cost to Town - roads, density, crime, traffic
- impact to scenic character - large gatherings
- Traffic and congestion - lack of parking - finding appropriate space without destroying
residential neighborhoods - aesthetic control
Crowds of people / traffic
1. Impact to scenic character 2. Traffic - especially trucks
All of the above
Cheapen the value of the town by making it too comercial
Impact on water - drainage - sewage - runoff - traffic to quiet(?) areas w/ animals -
animal destruction by increased traffic
- Must be in character(?) - Create(?) jobs to maintain character of Millbrook
All of the above
All of the above
Businesses taking advantage of non-specific use definition. The town needs to define
what each hospitality use is + what may be permitted where, if at all.
Cabins that are eventually sold as condos/homes/housing development
Town should avoid spot zoning and subdivisions
Noise and disruption - unsafe - more transient owners - a resort town
Parking spots in general we are already crowded
All of the above
Noise, transient character to community tenants and absentee owners/landlords have no
stake in community or neighborly relationships
Hospitality should not change the character of the town. MUST conform to exist.
Comprehensive plan, or as modified. Must meet SEQRA regulations + all town
Impact to rural character - Environmental - water, light, sewage, noise - traffic
All of the above
All of the above
Dirt roads in Sutton(?) Killearn(?) Butts Hollow Tower Hill can’t support truck traffic
Noise - traffic - pollution
Will totally change character of town. Don’t want to be Westchester
Pollution - crime
Intrusiveness of Air BnB’s, an transienly of short-term tenants + absentee owners who
have no stake in the character and stability of community and needs of neighbors
Traffic, noise + light pollutants
Light pollution - destruction of natural habitat - ugly mcmansions
Airbnb noise
The town absolutely needs to define hospitality in very specific term no ETC allowed!
PROLIFERATION - what does our community become if any one can rent their home on
Not in open(?) country - Cluster near Village or hamlet - High-end to attract big $
IMpact on fire/rescue department - require sprinklers in buildings - Fire + EMS volunteers
are needed
Any(?) the above
Air(?) b+bs = revolving door - lack of neighborly community - less use of public schools -
Noise pollution large gathering impact on environment + character
The present plan is pretty well thought out. It protects the rural area, the aquofar, can
handle the traffic + parking. No development!!!
Attracting people who do not respect our community, the people & the properties
The town should not be able to vote on establishing hospitality in the village & the village
should not be able to vote on hospitality in the village
Impact to scenic character!
I am a neighbor to Silverbrook Manor, incorrectly noted above as a legitimate hospitality
business. I have had trespassers on my property and have spent months looking at
unsightly tents. There is no appropriate sanitation. The property impacts 40 surrounding
homes. There is no place for that here and we should not expect residents to happily
welcome campsites in their backyards. A bed and breakfast or an inn in an already
existing commercial zone, run by respectful and responsible owners is one thing, but
short term rentals should not be permitted. Allowing them is a mistake
"Hospitality that is outsized and self-contained that would not motivate guests to utilize or
support local shops / restaurants / services.
Impact to bucolic character of TOW and environment / water "
Just tax air BRB. That’s a no brainer. We don’t have the infrastructure for it. Go to
Orange County.
All of the examples above are concerns. There are areas that cannot handle any
additional traffic. We continue to have problem areas due to excessive traffic and side
roads that are not being policed in which speeding has become a major issue with many
residents complaining on Facebook. Noise is one of the most important concerns and it
should be taken into consideration with all decisions for placement of hospitality in order
to keep with the towns vision of great scenic beauty, a healthy natural environment, and
a high quality of life for its residents which can be severely compromised when noise
takes away from ones quiet enjoyment of their property, as those who live near Orvis will
confirm. The reason so many love where we live is to look up in the sky at night and see
the stars. Light pollution is just as important as it has often been addressed by the
zoning board for complaints of such.
Ruining aquifer, making a huge change to the community we cannot undo, ruining the
rustic character for a small portion of our community to benefit
"traffic, noise, light pollution, large gatherings, impact to scenic character, etc.)
I have great concerns about heightened noise in R5 and R10 zones that are mostly
surrounded by private residences. There is no doubt that there will be heightened traffic
(wear and tear on roadways), noise (parties, people coming and going) light pollution
(i.e. new construction, clearing of trees, already having difficulty regulating LED signage
& lighting of the Gulf station), impacts to scenery and nature, trespassing by those
unfamiliar with large properties, board of health regulations, manpower for Town to
actively regulate & issue monetary sanctions for violations. Counter productive to place
hospitality next to DLC or other open preserved areas. Glamping invites guests for
cheap rates & creates a very different atmosphere that Millbrook has worked hard to
preserve. Needs to be strictly regulated to cultivate growth at existing sites & in Village,
while at size manageable to our communities values. Concerned about liability of
property owners and that of their neighbors.
All of the above plus environmental impacts, habitat disruption, and a loss of our quality
of life.
"Size should be limited.
30 keys max per Hotel or Inn"
I believe I’ve covered much of this. Traffic, noise, overcrowding in the village, loss of
local character, changing “energy” and feel of the town/village are all concerns for me. I
suppose I’d be disappointed in Millbrook became Rhinebeck.
All of the above. Prefer to keep rural, small town, small hospitality uses like an inn or
renovated contemporary motel. Nothing more.
Biggest concern is the overall man-made pollution, which encompasses light, noise, air
& water. Each of these are precious commodities for current and future residents. Once
something is added/created it slices away at these resources, which should be
preserved for the residents within the town, and shared sparingly with our visitors.
Opening Pandora's Box and welcoming streams of outsiders, many of whom would have
no appreciation for the area and show little respect to the lands protected by intelligent
forward thinking residents, would in fact destroy the open lands of rural character and
take away from the quiet country lifestyle so many residents have come here to live.
village is small and cannot handle much outside traffic and limited parking within village -
additional hospitality should have plans to not overwhelm our infrastructure
Traffic, water use, light pollution, noise, driving up prices in the village
Danger to water table.
traffic, environmental degradation, sanitation, noise, large gatherings, security
Primary concern would be any new unattractive construction that has a negative impact
on the landscape.
no more than a 50 room inn no more than 2 inns
Any development will have an impact on the town. As long as our current Town Vision is
maintained, I don't think anyone will object to new businesses. If we discard the current
Town/Village Vision and let just anyone who has the money come to town and do
whatever they would like to do, without regard to our current vision, then the Millbrook
that we all know and love will cease to exist.
We don't have the water or sewage to support these plans and I would not want these
plans even if we did! I don't want the noise and traffic. The village should not be a tourist
destination; it would open us up to crime. Our village is not here to be used as a vacation
stop along the way . People live in Millbrook because they like the way it is; we don't
need to turn it into Westchester county or Rhinebeck. Why change what is working.
Traffic, destruction of landscape from people with no regard for our natural and beautiful
changing the tranquility of the area
pot smoking glampers...
Increased AirBnbs reduce full-time residents and reduce the sense of community. We
don't want to be just a tourist town - we want people to establish roots.
"(1) New hospitality should be connected with the Village, and keep us vibrant and
(2) I will oppose any development that is distinct from the Village, isolated, and does not
add to something for all of us."
The Town of Washington has incredible beauty which is what has drawn many of us to
the area. That natural beauty exists today because of what is NOT here: notably hotels
and resorts. Instead of having horses on large fields we could have a Holiday Inn.
Instead of the beautiful Hitchcock Estate of cattle and fields we have we could have a
casino. The magic of the Town could be gone if the door is opened to the hospitality
industry. . I don't want to lose it.
No real concerns. Unless they are too commercial and don't fit within the culture and feel
of the area.
My concerns are: traffic, noise, light pollution, large gatherings, impact to scenic
character, water supply/quality, and etc. I do not want an absentee wealthy developer
coming into our area to become even more wealthy while we suffer the consequences
listed above.
More traffic, noise, pollution and impact on the environment is not wanted. I've lived here
for 30 years and I like the town the way it is.
Our area is special precisely because we do not permit the rural lands to be developed
and turned into suburban or commercial areas. This whole exercise concerns me as we
have plenty of room in the Village to add a small inn or hotel. We are being put through
this reevaluation of our very well thought out plan prematurely solely as a result of
pressure put on us by outside developers. I am afraid of having our town ruined. Noise,
traffic, light, pollution, overtaxing our fire department and our water sources. But
mainly--permanently altering our landscape and the nature of our town for the worse.
You allow this now and your beautiful town will be gone forever.
a large gathering and scenic character are 2 concerns but if rules are set in place I do
not think those concerns would be relevant.
"would rather no see air B&Bs unless they are taking up a small space in a full time
residents house (ie. an apartment in a garage / carriage house / basement / attic)
More Air b&b's will affect the Public Schools, community, families of the village. "
"All of the above and more. My concern is we are moving forward with something that
may not really be needed, a thing with a future potential for self-inflicted, irreversible
changes to the town that we know and love, changes that most of us would not want to
Hospitality was never an issue for this community before the Janet's Farm developer
appeared on the scene. And if not for that, it would still be a non-issue today, not wanted
or needed by most of us.
Perhaps, maybe, just maybe, the first step should be does our community really NEED
these changes at all. And maybe, just maybe the answer when people fully think it
through, and consider some of the potential downsides, -- not just look at the pretty
pictures of buildings displayed at the open house gathering, the answer might be no, not
really. Maybe, the best course to follow is just for the town to continue with the goals of
our present comprehensive plan, working hard to make sure they are being
depends on who is the marked clientele.
"Traffic and noise increase. Large gatherings. I'm concerned that any hospitality option
fit/blend into the community, in scale and appearance.
I'm very concerned that Air B&B type rentals will --or have-- impact the village. Homes
need to be occupied by a committed and involved resident/community member."
Architecture should blend with village and town but would like to not see anymore stores
and restaurants close.
all of the above should be evaluated
All of the above are concerns: traffic, noise, light pollution and impact to scenic
character. Also WATER. I am not necessarily opposed to large gatherings. But that
depends on the definition of large. As long as the facilities can accommodate the group,
that is fine. But, to me, the facility MUST be in keeping with the 2015 Comprehensive
Plan, which necessarily limits its size.
In addition to traffic, noise, and light pollution it will take away the rural and scenic
character of the town. It will not add anything positive, it will only have a negative impact
to the town of Washington.
"Obviously we want to avoid huge traffic issues, and, to me, also larger
events/gatherings that are not self-contained. To me, what's fascinating about this whole
argument is that we already have some hospitality issues.
We live across from Millbrook Winery, for instance, and all spring though the fall they
have electronically enhanced rock music going on Fridays and Saturdays. They allow
bands to come and play and have never asked if it bothers any of the neighbors. Do they
have a sound permit to disrupt our bucolic spring and summer weekends?
And while we want them to have a business and support them by buying from them,
they're also using ENORMOUS amounts of water. It pools beneath their property on
Wing Road most of the days they water the vines. In a town that complains about water,
its egregious.
And while those noise and the water uses seems to be fine to the town, the idea of a
small or mid-sized inn on a piece of underused land is toxic to many folks. I just don't get
I have none as I believe we can have successful hotels or hospitality units done right
anywhere in the town if done with good taste and good locations. I have stayed in hotels
in Cape Cod , Vermont, Maryland , San Diego (Del Mar), Italy, Amsterdam, Florida and
more most are done in good taste and hard to believe they are hotels or hospitality units.
Traffic in summer
Any new uses should not stress existing town infrastructure such as roads, fire
protection, police, and not adversely impact local water supplies through water usage
and sewage. This means that any hospitality must be small-scale.
In addition, people living in residential areas have a right to be protected from noisy short
term rentals. Air BnBs should be prohibited unless they have no impact whatsoever on
neighbors and infrastructure.
Security and safety.
What BENEFITS do you think new hospitality uses could bring to the Town? (e.g.
increased tax revenue, lower property tax, local jobs, tourism supports local business,
Bring jobs and cultural diversity
If small + in keeping with “local” feeling, it would be a meeting point. Cottonwood ideal!
The myth of trickle down economics to the business community needs to be debunked.
Studies show impact on local business minimal to non-existant.
Diverse character, opportunity to celebrate the land & create jobs/opportunities to
enhance town & tax base.
Only benefit to local businesses but damage the rural and peaceful character of the
Local jobs - tourism supports local business.
Support local business
Tax money - hopefully business support
We could use more tourism. This will increase outside money coming into the town
bolstering it’s economy.
Support to all local businesses
Tourism will be good for the small businesses, tax rev. will benefit growth. More short to
long-term function is required for talent, skilled labor, students and consultants that come
to help.
Support local biz - expand economic opportunities - more jobs - more vibrant + diverse
Jobs should be mandated - no trickle down. It(?) doesn’t work.
Benefit is tourism + the economic benefits THAT come with it. Don’t count on jobs that
pay well.
All of the above.
Employment - lower(?) tax base - Adaptive re use of buildings - More cultural vibrancy(?)
- look @ Millerton as a model
All of the above
All of the above
Support local business, provide(?) visitor rooms
All of the above
1. More business activity 2. Restaurants
$ More visitors = more business - livelier town
If it is just hospitality and not a resort type facility, restaurants, glamping etc. It’s OK. It
would because people would go into the Village + patronize village business.
Provide a place where relatives/friends can stay when visiting - Bring $$$ to existing/new
1. Local jobs 2) Opportunity for newcomers 3) Stop the stuffy privilege that is old mill-
money bldg only a “Community Center” is too vague!, not constant use.
Keep town feeling vital vs ABANDONED
Real estate tax rev - support of local business - jobs
Unless we add businesses to village I don’t see any benefits
Support local Businesses
Temporary housing for friends + family - More vibrant + diverse community to support:
music/arts, food (ethnic, healthy, gourmet), Recreation - cycling, x-country skiing
Attracting well-heeled visitors will drive(?) businesses to Franklin Ave. Support local
sporting(?) venues, attract Millbrook school parents to spend more in our community.
However, we should add a hospitality tax to drive revenue for the town.
Millbrook needs visitors to support businesses in the village. Hospitality dev in the village
is(?) unrealistic. Folks don’t want to stay in town. They want the rural experience.
Why more hotels etc. instead of upgrading shopping etc.
Why come to Millbrook? There is nothing to do. Just to enrich developer?
Would love to see more local B&B to bring tourism BUT we need local businesses to
operate hours that support this. Need restaurants/coffee shops to support visitors and be
open normal hours.
None just money to the developers
A couple of small, medium sized inns, OK. Otherwise, No benefit.
Why cant THORNE BLDG. have SOME HOTEL rooms, screening room, bar w.
Fireplace? Snack bar? Something hip that will attract a few out of towners but will also
offer the residants a meeting point/bar? Making Thorne
An inn or B&B in the village could bring business to the area, but I truly do not believe
that hospitality will meaningfully increase tax revenue. Again, taking the Silverbrook
Manor example, there is no plausible way for that kind of inappropriate and
impermissible short term rental business to increase tax revenue or lower property tax.
To the contrary, the issues arising from absentee owners allowing their homes or
property to be rented out will cost more to manage than could ever be gained. Local job
creation is a non-starter. Any small business owner in the area - across multiple
industries - will attest to the fact that they cannot find or retain employees. If we can't
staff the existing businesses, how will new businesses fare better?
A right-sized accessible hospitality establishment in the village could be beneficial to help
support our local businesses.
Tax revenue is nice for air brb would be smart for the town.
Hopefully, it will bring additional business to the village. Though many feel there is not
enough variety for everyone in which only time will tell. The Corners News and Millbrook
Department Store brought a great balance to the village. There was a need for both and
many would like to see these types of businesses in the village once again.
Overnight accommodations are needed for persons visiting family members.
It will only increase tax revenue if a recreation or hospitality tax is attached to every
rental or if more structures are built
Tourists don't spend much money in MBK village. Restaurants could benefit. "
Support local businesses if in the Village.
More life to the Town of Millbrook.
More restaurants
I’m not so sure that the marginal increase in tax revenue wouldn’t be offset by costs and
increased needs for municipal services (e.g., traffic accidents, parking issues, garbage
collection, etc.). But, that’s all more of a hunch than anything truly analytical. I assume
that can be projected. A bit of increased business is great as long as it’s appropriate. We
don’t need another real estate office (no offense intended). And I would be disappointed
if restaurant reservations became like the Hamptons.
It would be great to decrease the tax bill but whatever we do has to support local
businesses. We need a better range of restaurants and shops.
Smaller Inn or Boutique Hotels (in conjunction with B&B and STR) are ideal to suit the
needs of the community. Providing much needed (extra) overnight accommodation for
local events, without burdening those owners during off seasons being empty and a need
to try to market as a destination location. Also providing service at a price that will
accommodate a wide range of residents, their guests, friends and families, helping to
bring people into the community to enjoy the village and surrounding area without
overwhelming it with large outside event venue traffic etc., pricing within normal limits
accommodation limits, not only elite pricing.
repurposing appropriate buildings/locations, including all B & B accommodations can
help when local events are happening and prevent guests to these events having to stay
in Poughkeepsie
local jobs, tourism supports local businesses, increased tax revenue, etc
It would be a benefit if the establishment caused people to support local businesses.
Large, self-contained projects, like Migdale, would not do that. Increased tax revenue is
good too.
tourism, increased business in the Village and surrounding areas, more jobs, increased
tax revenue
Hospitality open to the public with generate new income for the town a new energy in the
local downtown Village
increase in tourism, increased income
They may increase tax revenue, property taxes may go down. I think there are a lot of
way the town can increase revenue besides hospitality. We need to start looking at that
also. Not just Hospitality.
The problems will far outweigh any benefits. No doubt
Absolutely none
tourism, tax dollars,
It would help revive a dying village filled with lawyers, accountants, antique stores and
hopefully allow other business to thrive. There is not enough foot traffic or reasons to
come to Millbrook to keep businesses alive and support new ones.
increased number of people in town that could help to support businesses other than
real estate firms...
increased tax revenue, lower property tax, local jobs, tourism supports local business
There may be some additional lower paying jobs from hotels and resorts.
Revenue to local businesses, new jobs, a place for visitors to stay who want to enjoy the
The only benefits I would support are profit sharing ventures for those of us who own
homes and live here year-long. As yearlong residence we would be experiencing the
negative effects.
In the rural areas of the town--NONE.
An Inn or hotel in the Village might bring in business for our local retailers. And it would
be nice if it was at least somewhat affordable so the people of the village and town could
put guests there."
support of local businesses! Local jobs! Tourism! So many benefits if done correctly.
I think a small hotel in the village, perhaps in an old, large house, or a hotel outside of
the village would be perfect.
It's equally possible that the reverse will be true, as has happened with other
communities, such as Amenia with Silo Ridge or the Durst/Carvel project in Pine Plains
and Milan. Sometimes the things listed here cause taxes to go up or property values to
go down. Or even if there are benefits, they may accrue to people who presently do not
live here. And the people who live here now actually wind up less happy living here
than before. This question subtly implies a very rosy outcome for our present residents,
which may not be real, and offers no evidence to back up that they are.
friends and family have a place to stay.Do not favor Air BnB or any form of camping/high
or low end Historic hotel
Could benefit current businesses and offer further business opportunities. Obviously, tax
revenue increases and jobs would be desirable. Yes, tourism supports the local
economy, but only as it is in harmony with the community.
increased tax revenue, local jobs, tourism supports local businesses, put Millbrook on
the map where more people come to enjoy winery...
tax revenue and jobs --- Millbrook needs a boost --- in decline since Bennet closed ---
vacant shops. And, meant to mention earlier, we would be better served having people
employed in the town living in the current airbnbs.
I do think the TOW could use more small hotels/inns just as a practical measure. there
are very few places for people who visit to stay overnight.
I don't believe there will be any benefits for the town. I believe we will lose more of the
character and the lifestyle we so cherish. The loss will grossly outweigh any gain for the
1. Jobs jobs jobs!
2. More people to support a vibrant downtown. Pine plains just attracted a chef with two
stars in The NY Times for Stissing House, and we have almost no good restaurants in
3. Lower taxes hopefully.
All of the above.
Local jobs, increased tax revenue, tourism that supports local businesses
Any benefits must be carefully documented. For example, increased tax revenue might
result along with increased fire and police protection. Enforcement of noise ordinances
and environmental considerations should be considered as well.
it will help local businesses on Franklin Avenue
Lower property taxes, Tourism supports local business
Can you think of a specific Inn, Hotel, B&B or other hospitality use that you think might
be a good fit for the Town of Washington? (This is a list, there were many repeats of
Millerton Inn, Mohonk Mountain House, Troutbeck. Blackberry Farm, Mayflower Inn)
Good Stone Inn - Middleburg, VA
Mohonk Mountain House - Ulster
Taconic Kimpton, Manchester, VT
Wheatleigh Hotel in Lenox, Twin Farms
Deerfield Inn - Deerfield, MA; Exeter Inn - Exeter, NH
Brentwood Hotel - Saratoga Springs
Concord Inn - Concord, MA; Kendron Valley Inn - South Woodstock, VT; Pitcher Inn -
Warren, VT
Mohonk Mountain House - New Paltz, NY
Troutbeck in Amenia
Pitcher Inn - Warren, VT
Elk Cove(?) Inn - Elk, CA
Blue Barn BnB, Troutbeck Inn, Rhinebeck Inn
Blantyre, Blue Barn B+B
Joni’s former Blue Barn Inn
The Millbrook Inn
The Millerton Inn.
Cottonwood is great. That Migdale bullshit is not worth changing our comprehensive plan
for just because someone couldn’t sell their property for as much as they wanted.
Millbrook Country Inn
Village of Rhinebeck has multiple inns in the heart of the Village.
for the town - no.
White Hart inn in Salisbury is a good fit. Has a restaurant and shop. Is a destination. Or a
small version of Troutbeck
When traveling - we usually choose a Boutique Hotel that is small, quant & reasonably
priced. Owned by people who enjoy being a part of the accommodation, which makes it
charming and enjoyable, with community interaction that help us immerse ourselves
locally while visiting.
Too many to favorites. But always stay in a homey environment that doesn't cost arm &
Anything that isn't too big should be fine.
The Mayflower Inn, in Washington Connecticut
Beekman Arms
The Red Lion Inn., Stockbridge, MA. The Whalers Inn, Mystic CT.
Small approved B & B's like cat in your lap or cottonwood
Think back to when Bennett college was a hotel.
smaller scale blackberry farm
I stayed recently at a series of bed & breakfasts in Maine. If it would help I could retrieve
their names. I haven't stayed in a bed breakfast or hotel in our area recently because I
live here.
I think allowing short term rentals (such as vrbo) offer similar benefits: revenue to local
businesses, jobs (housekeeping, handy men, etc,)
I love using vrbo when I travel; they offer a more comfortable stay than hotels (you can
stay with your entire family) and you get a real sense of the area by staying in
someone's home. I've never had a problem; as long as the guests are mature and
responsible it can be a great experience. Most towns across the globe offer vrbo and
airbnb. They encourage tourism, support local businesses and are often more affordable
than typical hotels."
No, I believe a community center would be a better fit for our area. I do not agree with
large scale hospitality development.
Rhinebeck is a very good model. They had a lovely small Inn. As demand for rooms
grew, they bought local houses nearby and restored them (adding to the charm and
prosperity of their village) and use them as additional rooms. Should demand decrease,
they will be able to trim back and keep the primary Inn running. Having it located right in
the Village supports the restaurants and shops. Millerton has a nice Inn as well and it
supports a vibrant village center. does their movie theater!
Stagecoach Inn - Lake Placid, NY - offering quaint lodging while keeping with the look
and feel of the town.
I'm sure people can think of places they have stayed they would like to see here. But
that could be said of many things. This as with the other hospitality uses introduced here
are commercial uses. The last two Comprehensive Plans sought to limit or eliminate
commercial uses in the Town as something that when all is said and done would detract
from rather than enhance their shared visions of what they desired for the future of our
Historic hotel in Gettysburg
Blackberry Farm
Take a look at what the Johnson family has done in hunt country in Middleburg, Va.
Twin Farms (Vermont)
Woodstock Inn (Vermont)
CONSULTANT NOTE: Can the Committee help us to identify where some of these places are
that people don’t give location info on, such as Twin Farms?
Twin Farms
Kevin McGrane Air B&B and gorgeous garden enhances the Town
Troutbeck, The Millbrook Inn, The Old Drovers, The Cottonwood, Millbrook Country
House, Blue Barn Inn, Buttermilk Falls
Cottonwood Motel, Troutback history + remote + size, Farmstand in Village
Millerton Inn, Troutbeck
Troutbeck, Valley Rock, Buttermilk Falls [assume this is the one in Marlborough NY]
J Whilz(?) Hest(?) in Salisburg
Ryan Family Farm
Smaller scale - Mayflower, Pitcher Inn
Buttermilk Falls
Troutbeck, Buttermilk Falls, Boars Head Inn - Charlottesville, VA
Surrey Hotel
Small country Inns Not all $1.5k a night!
Small Inns ok, but not “resort” type development - M. could use a few more restaurants
and upscale shops
In reference to Short-term rentals, are current zoning laws being enforced and should
the business interests of short-term rental owners be advantaged over the peace and
privacy of full-time residents?
It is ESSENTIAL to preserve OPEN SPACE + the things that have brought us to
Millbrook into(?) past once gone it will change Millbrook irrevocably!
Is there a specific question you would like to see us include in the Town-wide survey?
Would campsites (glamping) be considered hospitality?
Where are hospitality sites best located where they are fit for purpose
Does hospitality include event businesses?
How best to protect our natural ecosystems & wildlife. Consult with the Cary Arboretum
Uses for increased tax revenue, plan for parking
How are the increased infrastructure needs to be paid for? To be paid by? Who is
coordinating T.O.W. + Village of Millbrook?
Increase in hospitality can = more EMS calls. We already have a full time paid
ambulance. Will a 2nd be needed?
Increase in hospitality = more smoke alarms + CO detectors = more fire calls. How if FD
Are you willing to allow hospitality (varying scale) in your backyard?
Are current zoning laws being enforced?
Ice-skating, hiking, tea, fishing
Do you think the essential rural culture/lifestyle of Millbrook is worth preserving?
Should developers be required to reveal who these investors are?
Code enforcement, PLEASE.
We need oversight + implementation of zoning laws?
What about Millbrook would you like to see shift / change / improve?
What’s the benefit for average person?
No matter what is available locally, it’ll be too expensive for average locals. Our
popularity w/ NYC clientel makes prices higher than average night. Overflow of family
visiting will still need to go to Poughkeepsie, Kingston or Fishkill.
Do you think _____ (current?) zoning and comprehensive plan objectives should be
changed to allow more hospitality / commercial uses?
Are you comfortable with larger crowds in our community?
How can we fine-tune the rules to adapt to the housing shortage and support our rural,
quiet way of life? If hosts outside of town have more land, can we support them to
control where hospitality activates as an intelligent + productive act of control?
If a hospitality business is in violation what are the consequences? What recourse do
neighbors have if affected adversely?
Should Migdale be considered? Why was Town Board so quick to jump on Migdale
What do you know about the Migdale Project? Are you for? Are you against?
Possible to refurbish EXISTING large farm houses (County House Rd) w/ small if any
added buildings
Is Migdale dead?
What stores do you miss in the Village on Franklin?
A large scale hospitality business gets allowed -> damage to roads and/or full time
owners wells dry up -> what can be done?Air B+B do you want your village neighbors to
be revolving + unfamiliar faces?
Are you a village or town resident?
How can the town address the clear need for more affordable housing accommodations,
both long & short term?
How to get the town + village government to work together!
Zoning enforcement is hit or miss
(maybe never an issue, but…things could speed…) Do you feel hospitality growth can be
Should there be an investigation into how the Migdale scandal happened?
We need more diversity of thriving businesses. Too many real-estate officers. Deserted
(?) buildings, No consistency in store front. Non-retail businesses in retail store fronts.
Example: how does Stewarts or ______ (Avuvlia(?) add to Village appeal? They really
Are the residents of the town willing to pay more in taxes to accommodate the newly
created departments that will be needed to address the litany of problems caused by
allowing short term rentals in our community.
Do we want a resort in our Town?
Do we need to revise our comprehensive plan for a petition that was withdrawn?"
Please make sure to ask people about size and scale - a 70 cabin - 90 room resort is not
"What authority will police bed and breakfasts, inns, short term rentals, vrbo, etc. and
make sure that properties in violation are fined, fees collected and/or shut down.
Who will personally inspect properties before licensing and issue licenses to operate?"
Do you think we have too many real estate offices in the Village?
What brought you to the Town of Washington and do you want to see that reason
Should accommodation be more important than protecting our rural community and our
natural resources?
Should we alter the current Town/Village Vision to accommodate development not
consistent with our current Town/Village Vision?
Is the tax revenue really worth it. What would really be gained from the increased tax
Include a question about what types of business people would like to see.
a question about maintaining the aesthetics of the village..
I am desperate for wider shoulders (or bike lanes) in the roads around the Village
(especially 44 and 343). I want to be able to bike with children to places.
A question which makes the proposal of a "new hospitality use" into something more
concrete in its potential longer term impact. For example,:" Would you oppose turning
Charlotte's Restaurant on Rt 44 into a Holiday Inn? Or: Would you object to Fitch's
Corner Horse Farm being turned into a Hilton Hotel?
Nothing that I can think of.
Do you want to be priced out of the homebuyers market in your neighborhood?"
Please ask WHERE the folks who want more hospitality really want to see it. And be
clear up front about your terms for the TOW vs. the Village. Last, your map fails to
indicate that the Village allows hospitality. It should.
On scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the least (or however you decide the survey format),
"How happy would you be if one of the suggested hospitality uses opened right next to
where you live?"
who is the intended market
How do those opposed to building anything new plan on supporting the village stores
and restaurants.
How many months a year do you spend in Millbrook/Town of Washington?
What would you do about all of the closed businesses?
How much ""open space"" do you own? Or, what size lot is your property?
How can we encourage more people to own open space and pay the taxes on it?
How often do you shop in the village?
How often do you go to a restaurant in the village?
Do you think MIgdale is historically significant?
"How would you feel instead of seeing a beautiful green field with horses be replaced
with Silo Ridge?
How would you feel if there is a Holiday Inn or a large hotel replacing the beautiful Red
Barns and Horse farms we have loved in the Town of Washington.
Are you prepared for traffic jams on rte. 44 or 343 on a Sunday and are you prepared to
hear traffic and horns instead of crickets"
I think if we're looking at hospitality, we should look at everything that exists already too.
Like the Vineyard and other places that are using huge amounts of water, having BIG
public events (hundreds of cars park at the vineyard every fri/sat). Why are they good to
do what they're doing already if we're so concerned about hospitality in the town?
I would like to know how long the individuals who return the surveys have lived in the
town or village and if they are working or retired, live here full time or part time.