A complete guide
to cleaning and
preparing data
for analysis using
Excel™ and
Google Sheets™
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Copyright 2019 Inzata Analytics. Published by DSM Media. All Rights Reserved.
Nobody likes
cleaning data.
So we built AI
to do it.
Inzata provides intuitive, visual
and interactive data analysis
software for business users to
onboard, profile, and curate
quality information.
Inzata’s AI instantly scans every
field in new datasets and gives you
a statistical grade of its quality,
column by column, helping you
pinpoint problem areas and
quickly clean them up.
Table of Contents
Top 5 Benefits of Data Cleaning 12
Improve the Efficiency of Customer Acquisition Activities 12
Improve Decision Making Processes 12
Streamline Business Practices 13
Increase Productivity 14
Increase Revenue 14
Risks of Cleaning Data In Spreadsheets 17
Performance and Size Limits in Spreadsheet Tools 18
Excel Limits 18
Google Sheets Limits 19
Desktop App (Excel) 20
Cloud App (Google Chrome or Excel Online) 21
Most Common Data Problems 23
Missing values 23
Null values 23
Partial or Incomplete Values 24
Duplicates 24
Mis-Formatted Data (Data in The Wrong Format) 24
Text Encoding Artifacts 25
Unstructured Data 25
Dataset with Delimiter and Offset Issues 25
Determine What Cleaning Your Data Needs 27
Data Profiling 27
Get data into a Wide Format (aka Square Format) 28
Profiling Data with Tables 29
The Benefits of Tables (Excel)/Filter Views (Sheets) 29
Getting Started with Tables for Data Profiling 30
Removing/Reversing Table 32
Inference 37
Interpolation 37
End Goals for the Data 38
The Best Way to Deal with Data Errors: Highlight Them 43
Removing Non-Printing Characters 44
The Power of PASTE > VALUES 45
Get Rid of Unnecessary Spacing 46
Conversion from Text to Numbers 46
How to Address Missing Data 47
Correct Use of Upper Case 48
Merging Cells and Wrapping Text 49
A great way to clean data quickly: Find and Replace: 49
Parse Data Using Text to Column 50
Check for non-standard values in the data 53
Use TRIM to remove spaces 53
Use the @CONCATENATE and @SPLIT functions to restructure records 55
Spell Check 55
Example 56
Getting Rid of Duplicates 57
Prepare data for output with PASTE VALUES 59
Exporting Data from Spreadsheets to CSV, TXT Files 60
The First Step - Plan: 63
Collection of data: 64
Keep These Expert Tips In Mind 65
Code, Calculate and Convert your Data: 66
The Most Important Rule - The Integrity of Data: 67
Chapter 1: Introduction
So, you just got handed a new data file. It’s tempting to just load it up into your favorite
visualization tool. But your first stop should be to determine the quality of your data.
The truth is, most data has at least a few data quality problems. The data may have
been collected recently, or maybe it came from an application. You’d have good reason
to check its quality before proceeding.
Data with quality issues can often operate just fine in its native application. It could be a
duplicate record that nobody ever accesses, they might not even know it's there. The
other reason is that most application data is looked at a small sliver at a time. One
account or customer at a time. Rarely does anyone export the entire dataset and look at
it in aggregate. Over time, duplicate and inaccurate records build up and are rarely
Poor data quality is the kryptonite of good reporting and credible analytics. If your data
isn’t of adequate quality, at worst you won’t be able to proceed any further. At best,
others may question your conclusions if you can’t show the right attention to data
In this book, I’ll use terms like “Company” and “Business”. But these techniques really
apply to any organization that works with data. Kindly insert schools/governments/ not-
for-profits/religious organizations/political campaigns/etc. as needed.
I’ll also use “Customers“ a lot, but substitute your term of choice for the people and
persons you interact with. You may call them subscribers, members, voters, students,
associates or citizens. They’re all Person data types.
Chapter 2: Why Clean
Data cleansing is the process of spotting and correcting inaccurate data. Organizations
rely on data for many things, but few actively address data quality. Whether it’s the
integrity of customer addresses or ensuring invoice accuracy. Ensuring effective and
reliable use of data can increase the intrinsic value of the brand. Business enterprises
must assign importance to data quality.
A data driven marketing survey conducted by Tetra data found that 40% of marketers
do not use data to its full effect. Managing and ensuring that the data is clean can
provide significant business value.
Improving data quality can eliminate problems like expensive processing errors, manual
troubleshooting, and incorrect invoices. Data quality is also a way of life because
important data like customer information is always changing and evolving.
Business enterprises can achieve a wide range of benefits by cleansing data and
managing quality which can lead to lowering operational costs and maximizing profits.
Who are the heroes who allow the organization to seize and enjoy all these benefits? I
affectionately refer to these poor souls as PWCD’s, or People Who Clean Data
“People with Crappy Data” is an alternate interpretation coined by some of my clients.
These brave people, and hopefully you are reading this because you hope to be one of
them, are the noblest. They often get little recognition even though they clean up the
messes of hundreds, if not thousands of other people every day. They are the noble
janitors of the data world. And I salute them.
Top 5 Benefits of Data Cleaning
Improve the Efficiency of Customer Acquisition
Business enterprises can significantly boost their customer acquisition and retention
efforts by cleansing their data regularly. With the high throughput of the prospecting
and lead process, filtering, cleansing, enriching having accurate data is essential to its
effectiveness. Throughout the marketing process, enterprises must ensure that the data
is clean, up-to-date and accurate by regularly following data quality routines. Clean data
can also ensure the highest returns on email or postal campaigns as chances of
encountering outdated addresses or missed deliveries are very low. Multi-channel
customer data can also be managed seamlessly which provides the enterprise with an
opportunity to carry out successful marketing campaigns in the future as they would be
aware of the methods to effectively reach out to their target audience.
Improve Decision Making Processes
The cornerstone of effective decision making in a business enterprise is data. According
to Sirius Decisions, data in an average B2B organization doubles every 12-18 months
and though the data might be clean initially, errors can creep in at any time. In fact, in
nearly all businesses where data quality is not managed, data quality decay is constantly
at work. Each time new records are added; duplicates may be created. Things happening
outside your organization, like customers moving and changing emails and telephone
numbers will, over time, degrade data quality.
Yet the majority of enterprises fail to prioritize data quality management, or even
acknowledge they have a problem! In fact, many of them don’t even have a record of
the last time quality control was performed on their customer’s data. More often than
not they merely discard or ignore data they believe to be of poor quality, and make
decisions through other means. Here you can see that data quality is a massive barrier
toward digital transformation and business intelligence, much less every company’s
desire to become more Data Driven.
Accurate information and quality data are essential to decision making. Clean data can
support better analytics as well as all-round business intelligence which can facilitate
better decision making and execution. In the end, having accurate data can help
business enterprises make better decisions which will contribute to the success of the
business in the long run.
Streamline Business Practices
Eradicating duplicate and erroneous data can help business enterprises to streamline
business practices and avoid wasteful spending. Data cleansing can also help in
determining if particular job descriptions within the enterprise can be changed or if
those positions can be integrated somewhere else. If reliable and accurate sales
information is available, the performance of a product or a service in the market can be
easily assessed.
Data cleansing along with the right analytics can also help the enterprise to identify an
opportunity to launch new products or services into the market at the right time. It can
highlight various marketing avenues that the enterprises can try. In practically any other
business process you can name, decisions are made every day, some large, but many
small. It is this systematic pushing of high-quality information down the chain of
command, into the hands of individual contributors that helps them improve decisions
made at all levels of the organization. Called Operational Intelligence, it is used more
commonly for quick lookups and to inform the thousands of decisions that are made
every day inside the organization.
Increase Productivity
Having a clean and properly maintained enterprise dataset can help organizations
ensure that the employees are making the best use of their time and resources. It can
also prevent the staff of the enterprise from contacting customers with out-of-date
information or create invalid vendor files in the system by conveniently helping them to
work with clean records thereby maximizing the staff’s efficiency and productivity. High
quality data helps reduce the risk of fraud, ensuring the staff has access to accurate
vendor or customer data when payments or refunds are initiated.
Increase Revenue
Business enterprises that work on improving the consistency and increasing the
accuracy of their data can drastically improve their response rates which results in
increased revenue. Clean data can help business enterprises to significantly reduce the
number of returned mails. If there are any time sensitive information or promotions that
the enterprise wants to convey to their customers directly, accurate information can help
in reaching the customers conveniently and quickly.
Duplicate data is another aspect which can be effectively eradicated by data cleansing.
According to Sirius Decisions, the financial impact of duplicate data is directly
proportional to the time that it remains in the database.
Duplicate data can significantly drain the enterprise’s resources as they will have to
spend twice as much on a single customer. For example, if multiple mails are sent to the
same customer, they might get annoyed and might completely lose interest in the
enterprise’s products and services.
Chapter 3: How
Spreadsheets Became
The #1 BI Tool in the
Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets are the first choice of many users when it comes to
handling large amounts of data. They’re readily available, easy to learn and support
universal file formats. When it comes to using a spreadsheet application like Excel or
Google Sheets, the point is to present data in a neat, organized manner which is easy to
comprehend. They’re also on nearly everyone’s desktop, and were probably the first
data-centric software tool any of us learned.
In this eBook, we are going to tell you some of the tips as to how to clean and prep up
your data using Excel and Google Sheets, and make it accurate and consistent, and
make it look elegant, precise, and user-friendly.
Risks of Cleaning Data In Spreadsheets
While spreadsheet tools are quite adequate for many small to mid-level data chores,
there are some important risks to be aware of. Spreadsheets are
desktop-class, file-oriented tools which means their entire data
contents are stored in volatile RAM while in use and on disk while
you’re not using them. That means that between saves, the data is
stored in RAM, and can be lost.
Spreadsheet tools also lack any auditing, change control, and meta-data features that
would be available in a more sophisticated data cleaning tool. These features act as
backstops for any unintended user error. Caution must be exercised when using them as
multiple hours of work can be erased in a microsecond.
Unnoticed sorting and paste errors can also tarnish your hard work. If the data saves to
disk while in this state, it can be very hard, if not impossible, to undo the damage and
revert to an earlier version.
Spreadsheets also lack repeatable processes and automation. If you spend 8 hours
cleaning a data file one month, you’ll have to repeat nearly all of those steps the next
time another refreshed data file comes along. More purpose-designed tools like Inzata
Analytics allow you to record and script your cleaning activities via automation. Data is
also staged throughout the cleaning process, and rollbacks are instantaneous. You can
set up data flows that automatically perform cleaning steps on new, incoming data.
Basically, this lets you get out of the data cleaning business almost permanently.
Performance and Size Limits in Spreadsheet Tools
Most folks don’t bother to check the performance limits in Spreadsheet tools before
they start working with them. That’s because the majority won’t run up against them.
However, if you start to experience slow performance, it might be a good idea to refer
to the limits below to measure where you are and make sure you don’t start stepping
beyond them. Like I said above, spreadsheet tools are fine for most small data, which
will suit the majority of users.
Excel Limits
Excel is limited to 1,048,576 rows by 16,384 columns in a single worksheet.
A 32-bit Excel environment is subject to 2 gigabytes (GB) of virtual address space,
shared by Excel, the workbook, and add-ins that run in the same process.
64-bit Excel is not subject to these limits and can consume as much memory as
you can give it. A data model’s share of the address space might run up to 500
700 megabytes (MB), but could be less if other data models and add-ins are
Google Sheets Limits
Google Spreadsheets are limited to 5,000,000 cells, with a maximum of 256
columns per sheet. (Which means the rows limit can be as low as 19,231, if your
file has a lot of columns!)
Uploaded files that are converted to the Google spreadsheets format can't be
larger than 20 MB and need to be under 400,000 cells and 256 columns per
In real-world experience, running on midrange hardware, Excel can begin to slow to an
unusable state on data files as small as 50mb-100mb. Even if you have the patience to
operate in this slow state, remember you are running at redline. Crashes and data loss
are much more likely!
If you believe you will be working with larger data, why not check out a tool like Inzata,
designed to handle profiling and cleaning of larger datasets?
Chapter 4: Which is
better? Google or
Either tool can be very effective. It really comes down to which one you’re most
comfortable with. Excel came first, and Google Sheets has tried very hard to emulate its
major features.
The most visible difference between the two is that Excel is mainly used as a desktop
app, and Google Sheets is mainly used as a cloud application (i.e., accessed in a
This has both pros and cons:
Desktop App (Excel)
More robust UI and ribbon, more right-click options
Takes up local disk space
Quicker user experience, but computations can sometimes be slower
Opening and saving files takes slightly longer
Like any desktop app, it can crash and there is a risk of losing work
Opening multiple local files is faster
Files always saved to local storage
More wizards and troubleshooting available
Cloud App (Google Chrome or Excel Online)
App is in the cloud, requires lower desktop computer resources
Browser interface is less robust, and can sometimes be less responsive than a
desktop app
Less right-click and context-window functionality
Calculations and queries on larger datasets are often faster, since it executes on
cloud servers.
Much less likely to crash.
Work is constantly saved in the cloud, your files are always updated.
Collaboration and sharing are slightly easier
For this book, we will alternate between using screenshots of both tools. Most of the
operations are identical and we will point out where special instructions for one tool or
the other are required.
Chapter 5: Types of
Data Quality Problems
Now it’s time to start thinking about the specific quality issues within our data. There is a
whole field built around multiple aspects of Data Quality Measurement and
Management. Because it was written by data nerds, of course it has a fancy title:
(BTW, that right there is an 8-word title for a concept that’s only six-words long. Hooray
for Data Nerds!)
But this is not a book about data quality, it’s a book for people wanting to clean data
with Excel and Google Sheets. So I’m not going to explore the entire world of data
quality dimensions.
I am going to zero in on the most common problems you’re likely encounter with dirty
data, and show you the fastest possible way to:
1. Spot them, and
2. Evaluate them, and
3. Fix them
Most Common Data Problems
I’ve picked the most common data problems you’re likely to see in the average
organization. There might be other problems not on this list, but the ones below are the
most common. If you do come up with a new one, drop us a line. We’re always on the
hunt for new species of data problem!
While you’re reading these below, focus on remembering how to spot them. We’ll get to
fixing them in a later chapter.
Missing values
Many times because the data has not been entered in the system correctly, or certain
files may have been corrupted, the data has several missing variables. For example, if an
address does not include a zip code at all, the remaining information can be of little
value, since the geographical aspect of it would be hard to determine.
Null values
Some systems exporting data will output a “NULL” or “0” value when there is a blank
field. These will end up in your data file, and they are equivalent to a blank field,
however if you check only for Blank values, you might be undercounting the real
number of missing values. There may be other conventions used by your system, such
as multiple “0”s, “xxxxx’’s, so watch for patterns of those as well.
Partial or Incomplete Values
Sometimes there is data in a field, but it’s not all the data you’re expecting. Incomplete
values can be as simple as an initial instead of a name in the Last Name field. These are
most often caused by human data entry error but they could also come from failed
writes or a mis-mapping of fields.
Another example might be where a single data field contains an incomplete value (such
as a phone number without the area code). The other type of incomplete value is an
incomplete record. For example, a Customer Address record that is missing a Zip code.
It’s important to differentiate between the two because each one must be addressed
Multiple copies of the same records take a toll on the computation and storage, but
may also produce skewed or incorrect insights when they go undetected. One of the key
problems could be human error someone simply entering the data multiple times by
accident or it can be an algorithm that has gone wrong.
A remedy suggested for this problem is called “data deduplication”. This is a blend of
human insight, data processing and algorithms to help identify potential duplicates
based on likelihood scores and common sense to identify where records look like a
close match.
Mis-Formatted Data (Data in The Wrong
If the data is stored in inconsistent formats, the systems used to analyze or store the
information may not interpret it correctly. For example, if an organization is maintaining
the database of their consumers, then the format for storing basic information should
be pre-determined. Name (first name, last name), date of birth (US/UK style) or phone
number (with or without country code) should be saved in the exact same format. It may
take data scientists a considerable amount of time to simply unravel the many versions
of data saved.
Text Encoding Artifacts
As data is moved and imported from system to system and written to files, text
encoding can vary. This can cause strange, non-English symbols to appear amongst your
data instead of familiar apostrophes and quotation marks.
Unstructured Data
Exactly like it sounds, data with no structure. No columns, no headings, it barely fits in a
spreadsheet. Just a big file of text information. If you downloaded all of the comments
ever made on Facebook and threw them into one file, that would be some unstructured
data. Unfortunately, there’s no way to go about cleaning unstructured data before
you’ve structured it. It’s a whole other topic.
Dataset with Delimiter and Offset Issues
This type of data problem is practically invisible in a CSV file but looks absolutely
horrible in the spreadsheet, but luckily it is not all that difficult to fix. It occurs when the
delimiter structure of your input file is off. It can be cause by a single comma or
semicolon in the wrong place. This misplaced delimiter will cause the spreadsheet to
misinterpret the data structure. If you’ve ever loaded a file that looked fine for the first
500 rows, then suddenly everything was shifted by one column for the rest of the file
and everything after it looked like gibberish, this error was likely the culprit.
Chapter 6: Things You
Must Do Before
Cleaning Data
Determine What Cleaning Your Data Needs
First, understand what kind of data you have. The easiest way to do this is to load it up
into your favorite text editor or spreadsheet application. If the data is CSV or other
delimited file, it should load fine into either tool. I prefer a spreadsheet like Excel or
Google Sheets because it’s slightly easier to view CSV data in columns and rows. (If it
won’t even load or loads funny, start with a basic text editor until you determine what is
Data Profiling
The process of studying the data to determine what is wrong is known as Data Profiling,
and it’s important that you do it before any cleaning.
When I was a student, I had a teacher who constantly told us to the whole test before
you start filling in answers. Of course, many of us scoffed at that. Then on our next quiz
she fiendishly put in the 2
to last question: “Do not answer the first 18 questions on this
test. Any mark, including erased marks will result in a zero score.” I wasn’t the first to get
to question #19, but I saw other students furiously erasing the entire sheet before giving
up in frustration. I learned a lesson that day: Survey the whole pool, don’t just jump in.
Data cleaning is no different. The number one mistake beginners make is that they
don’t profile data before jumping into cleaning, they spot an issue and right away start
cleaning it, then they spot another, then another.
Then, after they’re a few hours in, they realize that there are way more issues than they
realized, and some are systemic, and they’ve been creating new issues in the data, so
they have to start over. Data Profiling can be as simple as looking over the data to more
complex statistical tests to check for Uniformity. Don’t skip it.
Get data into a Wide Format (aka Square
This is just to get the data ready to work with. A wide format is pretty simple. It means
that the data is composed entirely in rows and columns (doesn’t matter how many, as
long as it’s roughly square shaped). Your columns should ideally contain headings (the
title of the column). Do your best to put these in, they’ll help you stay organized. You
want to avoid gaps between rows or any extraneous information that might be in the
You can also take the opportunity to remove any extraneous data and/or formatting. I
find it’s easier to start out with unformatted data due to the conditional formatting we
might apply later. It’s also easier on the eyes.
This not only makes your work look neat and clean, it also gives you some virtual
boundaries as you’re working with the data that will prevent errors. Using the various
functions provided in Excel and Google Sheets, it is possible to convert non-tabular data
into tabular data.
Profiling Data with Tables
One of the quickest ways to profile data, whether it has headers or not, is to use the
spreadsheet tool’s Format as Table function. Excel’s is right there in the ribbon, Google
Sheets calls theirs “Filter Views” and it’s under the ‘Data’ menu. Select all of the columns
you wish to include as a table (which should be all of them). Clicking “Format as Table”
will create a new table in the same spot on your worksheet. The table will have column
headings and allow you to perform additional functions on each individual column with
a few clicks.
The Benefits of Tables (Excel)/Filter Views
With a table you can:
Sort the entire table by individual columns (while avoiding common sort errors)
Filter the data displayed in the table by values inside columns
Quickly view the range of values in each column to detect NULLs, Blanks, and
outlier values.
Doing this across the dataset is great for getting a quick understanding of the datas
Getting Started with Tables for Data Profiling
Simply select the columns in the dataset you want to format as table (usually this is all of
them) and click “Format as Table”. (In Google Sheets go to “Data”, select “Filter Views”)
A dialogue will pop up confirming the range you want to format, and there will be a
checkbox “My table has headers”. If you leave this checked, Excel will use the 1
row in
the dataset as the header values and not count it as part of the dataset. If your data
does not have headers, uncheck this. But you recall what I said about headers right? Get
Now you’ll see the table created and Row 1 will contain your headers with some
additional buttons. If your data did not have headers, Excel will still create a header row
in Row 1 with generic header names (i.e., Column 1, Column 2, etc.)
In all cases, the first row will now contain some additional functions accessible when you
click a cell in that row.
Continue exploring the data in the table. Use the value selectors and filters to
understand how common different values are in your data. Scroll through the list of
unique values to spot outliers and slight variances in the data. You can also spot
duplicates fairly easily as the table will Alphabetize the discrete set of values so you can.
Although it might be tempting to fix errors within the data at this point, this is purely an
exploratory phase.
You can start a small scratchpad or separate worksheet to jot down the issues you’re
seeing. Don’t worry about determining how widespread the issue is across the data,
you’ll get to that later. For now, just focus on cataloging problems by type.
Using Tables is a great way to explore and get familiar with a dataset, since you can
easily sort, filter and view the unique values in each column. It’s one of the first things I
do to a new data set first and really speeds up your exploration, especially with really
large ones.
One major advantage of tables (over a standard worksheet) is that sort and filter
operations will always affect the entire dataset, not just the selected column. This is a
huge safety net in avoiding sort errors. It eliminates the possibility that you sort your
dataset and forget to include a column. It also saves time not having to select the entire
dataset every time.
Looking over the filtering options for every column is a great tactic for catching
alternate spellings of words that might mean the same thing and makes it simple to fix
these by filtering to only them.
For example, if you encounter a category column with only 3-4 possible values, but then
see an alternate spelling of one of the values, you can zoom to it and correct it easily by
copying the correct values over the bad ones.
Once you’re done using the functions of the table, you have the option of leaving the
data in Table format or removing the table format if you want to do other things to the
Of course, if you’re planning on exporting your final dataset into some delimited or text
format, you’re going to want to remove the Table structure since it’s a spreadsheet-only
thing and not supported by TXT or CSV file formats.
Removing/Reversing Table
To remove the Table format, you would think you could click the table button again and
select “Remove Table”, but there is no such choice. Instead Excel wants you to select the
table, then click the contextual “Table” choice at the top of the ribbon, then select
“Convert to Range”. This will remove the table features, but oddly, will leave the table
formatting. It will also remove any filters and leave the data in the last sorted state
Chapter 7: Categorizing
Different Data Quality
One question PWCD
usually ask themselves at this point is “Do I need other data to
clean up this dataset?”
PWCD, generally like to be able to clean up data without having to go searching for a
whole lot of other values. I don’t think it’s because they’re lazy, (After all, these are
people who I’ve seen write and compile a 100-line Python script just to avoid manually
deleting commas in 20 fields).
No, I don’t think it’s that. I think it’s a desire for efficiency and accuracy. Chasing down
other data can be time consuming, and sometimes impossible. Bringing other data into
the fold also means inheriting any problems that new data has.
No sir, if I can infer or interpolate a field without getting out of this chair, damn sure I’m
going to do it. (OK, maybe I am a little lazy).
“People Who Clean Data”, “People with Crappy Data”
It’s now time to divide and prioritize your data’s problems into two categories:
Type 1: Things you can
usually fix from the original
data file
(“I’ll have it done before lunch.”)
Type 2: Problems that require
additional information to fix
(“Probably not gonna happen.”)
Misformatted data
Text encoding artifacts
Delimiter and offset issues
Missing Data
Null Values
Unstructured data
Problems that could fall into either category
(“Uh. I’ll need to get back to you.”)
Partial or incomplete values
These are general guidelines, nothing with data is ever absolute. However,
misformatted data, assuming the data is otherwise complete, and you know how the
correct formatting should look, can be easy to correct with a few keystrokes.
Phone Numbers
Both are complete and accurate phone numbers, they are just formatted differently.
Simply pick one format and change all of values to conform to that format (don’t worry-
we’ll show you how in a later chapter). This can be done without needing to pursue
additional information, all that you need to fix it is within your source data.
However, if a customer name record has the LastName but is missing the FirstName,
and you don’t know their first name, there’s really nothing you can do to fix that. You’ll
have to find somebody who knows the correct first name - which can be a challenge
You might also need to make some informed decisions through this process about what
is worth fixing and what is not. If your analysis plans for the data later on don’t really
rely on the First Name value, then great news: Your work is done!
With cleaning data there is always a trade-off between effort and results. Your goal
should never be perfection, “good enough” is certainly good enough.
You may have noticed I slipped a 3rd category in there, problems that may or may not
be fixable with just the source data. Well, it really does depend on your data and the
nature of the problems.
Duplicate records are a perfect example. If every field in the duplicate record is the same
value as the other duplicate record, meaning they are 100% identical, then you can
usually delete one, keep the other, and move on with life.
However, what if the two records are identical except for one value, say email address,
which is different.
Now, which one do you delete?
Without more information, you run the risk of deleting the “good” one. So again, time
to go find someone who knows which email address is correct.
Now let’s throw another angle in.
What if your records contain a “Last Updated” date stamp. One of the records was last
updated 2 months ago, the other was last updated 6 years ago. Does that make it easier
to decide? It sure does.
Partial or incomplete values are similar, it depends on how much data is missing. Did
someone just forget to type in a few letters in a State Name, so you have a value like:
You’d probably be justified in changing that to “Oklahoma” and getting on with life.
However, if the missing data is not something you can logically interpolate or infer, then
you need to go get more data.
There are two other techniques that you can use to fix Type 2 problems without
obtaining additional data, if you’re lucky: Interpolation & Inference. These are by no
means going to be 100% accurate, but you can infer and sometimes interpolate missing
values to produce a complete dataset.
Inference is based on logically inferring what the missing value would be based on other
values in the record. Sometimes other values in the row can give clues as to what a
missing value might be.
If you know Zip Code, you can infer City and State with great accuracy. However, the
inverse is not true, since Zip Codes are a subset of Cities and Cities are a subset of State.
Interpolation is most often used with numeric data and time series, and involves using
mathematical formulas to compute or approximate the “most likely” value to put into a
field. Again, sticking with the “good enough” doctrine, this is not going to be 100%
perfect, but you can often get close enough.
Let's say you have a dataset of daily temperature readings for six months. We know
while there could be a wide range between the highest and lowest temperatures in this
range, they usually don’t differ that much from day to day.
You could create a formula that takes the temperature from one day ago and one day to
the future of the missing value, and averages them. You could make this even simpler by
calculating the average temperature per week and using that value to fill in missing
records during each week.
Your accuracy with interpolation depends greatly on the data and your knowledge of it.
If you are not experienced with a dataset, try to speak with someone who is. They might
be able to give you some rules you could use to simulate missing values.
End Goals for the Data
Finally determine what your end goals are for this data.
Will you keep it in a Spreadsheet for analysis?
Are you planning to load it into another tool or program for analysis?
Knowing what you ultimately want to do with the data will help guide how you perform
certain functions. With Excel, and Google Sheets, there are certain features and functions
that you’ll want to avoid.
Chapter 8: Planning
Your Data Cleaning
Tasks - What’s the
Right Order?
Now that you’ve jotted down the various problems observed with the data, (and dont
worry if you missed any - more tests are coming), it’s time to decide what order in which
to tackle them.
In general, the following order is preferred and provides the most efficient way to work.
Some problems need to be fixed before others.
The above order is merely a guideline, your mileage may vary with your particular
datasets. The step ‘Remove Duplicates is at the end because it is (usually) the only step
that usually involves deleting records, and we might need those records to perform
other tasks.
However, if your dataset contains many duplicates, you may wish to move that step up
to avoid doing cleanup work on rows that will ultimately be thrown away.
Chapter 9: Cleaning
Data - Getting Started
Now that you have your list of data issues identified and prioritized, you’re ready to start
the actual cleaning process.
What follows is a list of how-to techniques that address each of the Data Problems we
discussed above. They are roughly in sequential order, but ultimately you will determine
the correct order, depending on your task prioritization from earlier. You may wish to
do some of these in Table
Also note, many techniques are multi-taskers and can be used to address multiple data
problems, so you might come back to them again and again as you move through your
To remove Table Mode, go to “Table” at the top and select the button “Convert to
Range”. This will remove all table filtering and reset your data to basic rows and
The Best Way to Deal with Data Errors: Highlight Them
If the data in your Excel sheet is full of errors, you can address them in two ways. You
can use conditional formatting or use the "Go to special" to highlight with the errors.
Conditional formatting
1. Select the data set,
2. Go to home,
3. Select conditional formatting and select new rule,
4. Select "Format only cells that contain" in the new formatting rule dialogue box,
5. In the rule description, select errors from the drop down.
Next you have to select the format and click OK. This will make sure that the error is
highlighted in the selected dataset.
Go to Special- Select the data set, Press F5, which will open the Go to Dialogue box.
Next, click on special button at the bottom left. Select the formulas and uncheck all the
options except for “Errors”. This will select the cells which have errors. Now, you can
manually highlight the errors and decide how to correct them.
Removing Non-Printing Characters
Certain parts of the text may contain leading, trailing, or multiple embedded space
characters or nonprinting characters that can cause problems when you sort, filter,
search, etc. These unnecessary characters make your text hard to understand and cause
problems for the reader. It also makes your data look awkward, rather than elegant. You
can make use of the trim, clean, and substitute functions to get rid of these unwanted
and non-printing characters.
You can trim by selecting the cells where you want to remove spaces and click TRIM.
You can also clean text with =CLEAN(text).
The Power of PASTE > VALUES
I’m going to mention the PASTE SPECIAL > VALUES feature both at the beginning and
end of this section, because it has usefulness throughout your data cleaning process
and especially at the end.
Paste Values will basically take whatever is displayed in a cell on the screen, and make
that the new value. It’s very handy if you’ve used a function or formula to create a new
field and you want to lock those new values. It’s especially helpful if you want to use a
column of values based on formulas to re-sort your dataset and avoids circular
reference errors.
To use it, just create a new empty column directly next to the one you want to clone,
copy your source column and select Paste Special > Values from the menu. You are then
free to delete the original column with the formulas and the source columns if you no
longer need them. Now that new column will no longer change if the input values are
change or are deleted.
Remember that except for the Undo feature, Paste Values is a one-way trip, there is no
way to get back to the formulas from a column that contains values, so be sure you
don’t need them. If you’re unsure, sometimes it’s easier to switch to a new worksheet,
paste your values there as a new worksheet, that way you can always go back and tweak
your formulas if needed.
Get Rid of Unnecessary Spacing
No one wants to look at a messy spreadsheet; a disorganized Excel or Google Sheet
which looks like a complicated maze to navigate and makes collecting the data in it
seem like a difficult chore.
Unwanted spaces make the presentation of data look erratic, so it’s best to remove
them and adhere to the uniform pattern of spacing. Maintaining a uniform pattern of
spacing, preferably leaving a row between lines of text, so that the data doesn’t look too
One way to get rid of the extra spaces is using the TRIM function. The EXCEL Trim
function takes the cell reference as the input and removes leading and trailing spaces
and the spaces between the words, if there are any.
Conversion from Text to Numbers
Sometimes there is a possibility that when you import your data from the text files to
the external databases, the numbers might be stored as text and this could be an issue if
you want use those cells for the calculations. There is also a possibility that some of the
records contain an apostrophe before the number to make it a text value. This would
also create an issue with the calculations. You can get rid of this problem and convert
the numbers which are stored as text into numbers with this simple trick.
In any cell, which is blank, type 1, select the cell and press Control+C. Then select the
cell which you want to convert to numbers. Select paste. For Excel, you can paste by
using the keyboard shortcut Alt+E+S. Now, in the Paste Dialogue box, select multiply.
Next click OK. Your numbers which are in the form of a text will be converted back to
How to Address Missing Data
It is often said that prevention is better than cure. This is true in the case of blank cells.
They can create a big problem if they do not get treated beforehand. You might face a
problem with blank cells in a data set which is used to create reports or dashboards. If
there is a small data set, you can fill the blank cells with 0 or Not Available or just
highlight it.
But if you are working on a huge data set, doing it manually can take you hours. And for
that, you can select and populate all the blank cells at once. This is how you can do it
with Search Special.
Select the entire data set and press F5 which will open the "Go to dialogue box".
Next, click on special button which will open the go to special dialogue box. Go to the
dialogue box, select blank and click OK. Again, go to the dialogue box and select blank,
which will select all the blank cells in your data set. Now it is as simple as it can get.
Enter "Not Available" or " 0" or anything you want to in these cells and press
Control+Enter. And tada, you are done.
Correct Use of Upper Case
A lot of users consider it unnecessary to follow the rules of capitalization in an Excel or
Google Sheet. They couldn’t be more wrong. To ensure a professional and clean
appearance to the reader, make sure the first letter of the words in headings and the
words at the start of a new sentence of text are capitalized. Also ensure that the entire
text of the headings is in bold. This makes it look like a certain degree of effort has been
put into the creation of the spreadsheet, and the data wasn’t just haphazardly typed in
and then forgotten.
The correct use of capitalization improves the presentation of your spreadsheet, and
makes it look neater and more readable.
Unlike Microsoft Word, Excel doesn't have a Change Case button for changing
capitalization. However, you can use the UPPER, LOWER, or PROPER functions to
automatically change the case of existing text to uppercase, lowercase, or proper case.
Functions are just built-in formulas that are designed to accomplish specific tasksin
this case, converting text case.
UPPER will convert the target cell to all UPPER CASE
LOWER will convert the target to all lower case.
PROPER will convert the text to Proper Case (1
letter of each word is capitalized).
Merging Cells and Wrapping Text
When you’re writing long phrases or sentences that tend to spill over the borders of the
text box, all you need to do is select the number of cells you wish to contain the text
inside and merge them. Then, select all the text, and use the option of “wrap text.”
This will neatly contain the text within the boundaries set by you and will prevent them
from spilling over borders. It makes your spreadsheet look much more organized and
neat and makes the text easier for the reader to find in one place, rather than having to
scroll to read the entire sentence.
So, select the number of tiles that you want to put the text in and merge them. Select
the text and click “wrap text.
A great way to clean data quickly: Find and Replace:
Find and replace is indispensable when it comes to data cleansing. For example, you can
select and remove all zeros, change references in formulas, find and change formatting,
and so on.
In an Excel sheet, finding a particular cell with a particular unit and changing it,
especially when they are many, can be a herculean task.. If you want to remove all the
2's or all the 5's, you can Go to home, click find and select and click REPLACE by the
shortcut Control+H. A find and replace dialogue box will open, where you have to
register in the "Find what" and "Replace with" and then you click the replace all.
Find and Replace is very powerful. In fact Google Sheets supports Regular Expressions,
which allow you to fine tune your formulas with wildcards. However, be sure to back up
regularly and validate your results before moving on. There is no easy way to step
Parse Data Using Text to Column
A very common issue is finding several distinct fields of data crammed into a single
spreadsheet field. This makes it impossible to filter or properly organize your data.
To resolve this problem, you can parse and split this text into various cells by using the
Text to Column function in Excel. To parse the data, go to Data and select Text to
Column, which opens the text to column box.
Starting dataset, multiple values jammed together in one column.
Next, select the data type and click next.
Next, select Delimiter, the character which separates your data. Now, select the data
format and also the destination cell. Click finish and your work is done!
Check for non-standard values in the data
The quickest and easiest way to do this is with a Table/Filter View. Just go into the
column and select the drop-down arrow. In
the window that appears, all of the different
discrete values in the column will show up,
regardless of how many fields the column
This is super helpful with Attribute columns
where you’re only expecting a few values to
show up. It’s a lot shorter and easier to scroll
through to spot non-standard values.
If you have any, first click “Select All” to
unselect everything, then select just the non-
standard value(s) to filter and highlight them
in your table.
When you click OK, you will see all the rows containing just the non-standard values in
your data.
Use TRIM to remove spaces
=TRIM: Remove extra spaces
=PROPER: Makes first letter in each word uppercase
=CLEAN: Removes all non-printable characters from text
=VALUE: Converts text to number
=TEXT: Converts number or text to new format
Use the @CONCATENATE and @SPLIT functions to
restructure records
These two functions are super-handy if you have data that needs to be split or
combined. @CONCATENATE will create a single column from multiple columns and
values, you can even insert text in between the concatenated values. @SPLIT does - you
guessed it - the exact opposite, it lets you define rules for splitting columns. These two
are a situation where you probably want to create a new column and use Paste Values
to paste just the result values of the new columns. That way you can delete the original
Spell Check
The worst way to present an Excel or Google Sheet is to have it filled with spelling
errors. This not only makes your work appear hurried and sloppy, it is also a cause of
major irritation and inconvenience for the reader. Realize that not all your data is going
to benefit from a spell-check, so use it only on columns that contain words that would
normally be found in a dictionary. However, if you regularly clean data with a lot of the
same terms, you can also hack the spell check slightly by putting these terms into a
Custom Dictionary in Excel. This will let you search through the data and find non-
standard, “fuzzy” matches of the correct term, and hopefully correct them. This seems to
work only with alphabetic values, not numbers.
To spell check, select the cell from where you want to start checking. Press F7 on your
keyboard OR you can also click the spelling button on the review tab in the proofing
group which will perform the check on the worksheet.
This technique is helpful if you regularly see the same data quality issues, and can be
faster than Find and Replace.
You have an attribute column with 2 acceptable correct values, “ANT” and “DNT”. If you
add these terms to the Custom Dictionary, then run spell check on that data column, it
will highlight any deviations and give you the option to change it to one of the
acceptable values.
Getting Rid of Duplicates
Duplicates are never good; definitely not in your Excel. They’ll inflate your counts and
make just about any calculation inaccurate. You can do two things to remove the
duplicates Highlight It or Delete It.
Highlight Duplicate Data:
o Select the data and Go to Home > Conditional Formatting > Highlight
Cells Rules > Duplicate Values.
o Specify the formatting and all the duplicate values get highlighted.
Delete Duplicates in Data:
o Select the data and Go to Data > Remove Duplicates.
o If your data has headers, ensure that the checkbox at the top right is
o Select the Column(s) from which you want to remove duplicates and click
This removes duplicate values from the list. If you want the original list intact, copy-
paste the data at some other location and then do this.
Select the data, click Home, go to conditional formatting, highlight cells rules and click
duplicate values. Make sure that you specify the formatting and your work will be done.
You can also delete the duplicates in data. Simply, go to Data and then Remove
Duplicates. But note, this will only delete duplicates where every field in the data is
identically duplicated. In real world business data, most duplicate records are not 100%
identical, so this might not get all the duplicates you would want to target.
In case of data with headers, the checkbox at the top right corner should be checked.
Next, click the columns from where you wish to remove duplicates and click OK to
delete the duplicates.
Prepare data for output with PASTE VALUES
Now, if you’re truly finished and your data looks good, time to clean up all those
formula cells and get data ready for output as raw values. You’re going to use Paste
Values one last time to create a completely new worksheet that contains only the values.
That way you can still revisit formulas if you have to adjust something later, and you also
keep a record of all your formulas if you need to repeat the cleaning process with a new
dataset in the future.
Exporting Data from Spreadsheets to CSV, TXT Files
If you’re going to analyze or load your data someplace else, you’re going to want to use
a more universal file format like Comma-Separated-Values, Pipe-Delimited, or plain
Spreadsheet tools offer this option under the Save As… or Download As… feature. Do
note that while you may have multiple sheets in your spreadsheet, only the active one
can be saved in this manner, so make sure all of your target data is on the same sheet.
Chapter 10: Final
Cleaning data comes with a lot of complications and most people have a problem with
data cleaning because frankly, it gets boring and monotonous after some time. However
it is a critical function that can dramatically improve decision accuracy and business
We know that the job of data analysts is especially tough. We hope the techniques in
this book will help you on your journey toward quality data, and that you will progress
Data cleaning isn't as difficult and frustrating as it might seem if you have the right
training and strategy as to how to deal with data.
When you have the task of managing data, keeping on top of consistency and accuracy
are two underlying jobs you have to deal with every day. These steps should help make
it easier to create a daily protocol. Once you have completed your data cleaning
process, you can confidently move forward using the data for deep, operational insights
now that your data is accurate and reliable.
Nobody likes
cleaning data.
So we built AI
to do it.
Inzata provides intuitive, visual and
interactive data analysis software
for business users to onboard,
profile, and curate quality
Inzata’s AI instantly scans every field
in new datasets and gives you a
statistical grade of its quality,
column by column, helping you
pinpoint problem areas and quickly
clean them up.
Appendix: A Few Expert
Tips for Data Analysts
The First Step - Plan:
They say that the best way to do a particular job is to plan about it at the infancy stage.
If you do not plan and get done with your work, that might be a possibility that you
have to go back to the beginning and plan it again. There are many times when
statisticians and data analysts jump to the final decision, even before having data, and
that is where the problem starts. They sometimes even decide as to which statistical test
will be used on the data, which is getting ahead of themselves.
Further, as a data analyst, you should consider the variables which are important, the
interactions which should be interrogated and the statistical package which will be used
for analysis. You, as a data analyst, should know that each package has its own
advantages so that you can arrange the data accordingly from its infancy. Planning is
not a small task. It involves everything from collecting your data to making sure that it is
in the right format and is capable of answering your questions at the end.
You never know which direction you will take while making your research. It is better to
do a pilot study for the data that you plan to fit into the categories that you have
designed and for that, you need to collect some data. So again, you will have to go back
and start from scratch. You again need to plan everything from the beginning until and
unless you know how your study will progress. The only thing which matters is that if
you have planned your data in a proper manner, your outcome will be very satisfying.
But you should still be prepared for a few surprises!
Collection of data:
The main thing you should keep in mind while doing collection of data is whether you
will get the data from an outside source, or you will collect the data yourself. When you
get the data from an outside source, and if the data is a little messy, there are not a lot
of things that you can do about it, other than cleaning the data yourself. But when it
comes to collecting the data yourself, you can decide on some of the standards before
you get started and it will save you by going through a lot of pain in clearing the data.
In case you have a data set which is not big enough and can fit on a single Excel
worksheet, then it is better for you to keep your entire data on a single worksheet.
Consider that you enter your data across multiple worksheets, now you will have to go
through the pain of making a few mistakes and then sorting your data can be much
more painful.
Further, you might have to start with your data set again. You might also be asked to
arrange the data so that each and every column is a single variable like height, weight,
inside net measurement and much more or each row should correspond to a single
sample like patient, test-tube, customer.
Hence, it is better to format your data in this manner from the starting. You will also
need to sort your data by different columns and to restore the original order, hence, the
best way to go about it is to create a unique ID column, numbered in consecutive
Here's a little secret for you; your very own Excel also has a data entry form, which is
built in and, we are sure, a lot of you might not know about it. You can use this to enter
your data quickly and easily. Try this feature and you can thank us later.
Keep These Expert Tips In Mind
There are two different things, data cleaning and organizing it. Data cleaning can be
done by anybody but cleaning the data quickly, efficiently and organizing it is an art.
When you start with your data collection or data entry, it is better to organize your Excel
workbook so that you can work on it, without losing your sanity. Don't worry, if you do
not know how to do it, we will tell you a few simple steps.
Firstly create a worksheet for your data which is raw, another sheet for cleaning in
progress, and the third sheet for the cleaned data, so that you can analyze it. There are a
lot of advantages when you make 3 worksheets in your Excel, one of it being that you
can always view your data in the stages, as and when they come. If by any chance you
discover an error in the later worksheets, you can always trace it back, and figure out
where the error was caused. In this way, you will not feel irritated and frustrated by the
clutter on your Excel sheet.
The next part is data cleaning and we emphasize that you do not clean your data in the
same worksheet where you store your data. Hence, there are other sheets which you will
need in your Excel workbook which includes code sheet, note sheet, spreadsheets 1 2 3
4 and many more so that you can clean your data in different columns.
You can always use the Find and Replace feature and replace that single word in the
entire workbook. It is also critical to remove the trailing and the spaces which can create
havoc on your analysis, and for that Excel has a few formulae which includes trim, clean
and substitute.
There is not any waiting time and you can remove all the non-printing characters from
the entire workbook in just a minute, even if the workbook is small or big. You can also
remove duplicates, find and replace, standardize the case of your text data such as
Code, Calculate and Convert your Data:
These are the very critical 3C's, which will help you to get your data set analysis ready. It
is very likely that when you collected your data, you might have entered them as codes
like [small, medium, large] or [1,2,3]. Hence, you should know what these codes mean
and it is very necessary to make notes of the same. You should enter the code in a code
worksheet and make sure that you explain the same in the notes worksheet.
Further, some data is collected and some is not. There is also a possibility that
sometimes the data which has been collected has to be rounded, and sometimes it has
to be kept in categories. For example, weight may be measured in kilograms or grams
and rounded to the nearest decimal places. This can be done by ROUND, ROUNDUP
and ROUNDDOWN. All of this basically depends on what you want to do with your data,
how do you want to analyze it, so that you can perform calculations.
What you can do is that you can also create a new worksheet known as calculated data
where you can create composite variables, such as the body mass index, convert the
numerical variables into categories, and then round your data. As we have told you
earlier that some of your data must also have been stored as text. Now you will have to
convert it into integers and this is where you should learn how to use VLOOKUP and
Using this, your task will become very simple. VLOOKUP can be used very effectively in
the following way: For example, you can have entries like grade 1 grade 5 grade 7 and
you want to convert it into normal integers of 1, 5 and 7. In this case, you can use
VLOOKUP and make your work quite easy.
The Most Important Rule - The Integrity of Data:
Sometimes, there is a possibility that data may be entered wrongly. For instance, the age
of a particular person while being 10 may be written as 100. Learn the formula to use
MIN, MAX, AVERAGE, COUNT and for the text entries COUNTIF will help you to know
how many entries of small medium or large you have in your variable. If you have an
empty set you can use COUNTBLANK.
In case you want to identify statistical outliers in your numerical variables, you can
always use the QUARTILE function of Excel. It will be better for you to use this function
at an earlier stage so that you can decide what to do with this as it is the make and
break deal. Now there can be an issue that there is a negative number in both the age
as well as the height column, which is obviously an error and you need to sort it out. It is
also possible that the minimum, mean and the maximum Heights and ages can be
incorrect. So in these cases, you can use descriptive statistics which can quickly identify
the errors before you move any further and start your analysis.