Launched in 2006, Robloxs popularity
among gamers 8-years-old and up has
exploded, and it is now one of the top online
entertainment platforms for kids and teens,
according to comScore. But Roblox isnt
actually a game. Its a platform that allows
anyone to create their own online games by
using its game design tool known as Roblox
Studio. In a way, Roblox is similar to
YouTubeit gives people the tools to create
digital content and a place to share and
enjoy content from others.
Creators have published millions of games
on the platform, which is available on Xbox
One, personal computers, iOS, Android and
Kindle Fire devices, as well as virtual reality
headsets. The most popular games attract
hundreds of thousands of players each day.
Top games like Jailbreak can attract more
than 100,000 concurrent players at
peak times.
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Roblox games are social, multiplayer
experiences. In fact, Roblox could be your
childs first experience with digital
socializing. Players can comment and
converse with other players inside a game
and also chat with their friends on Roblox.
Parents can turn off Robloxs social
features (see the sidebar Robloxs Social
Features. Roblox also has a parents guide
While Robloxs social features can create
some anxiety for parents, they also provide
a hands-on opportunity for parents to help
kids develop good digital habits that will
last a lifetime. Thats important,
considering thatat some pointyour
child is likely to use other social
networking platforms that dont offer
parental controls.
By Maureen Kochan & Larry Magid, Ed.D.
T H E P A R E N T ' S G U I D E T O
Kids register for Roblox with their birth date. Its important for kids to enter their
correct birth date because Roblox has default security and privacy settings that
vary, based on a players age.
You can check the age bracket of your childs account by looking in the upper-
right corner of the navigation bar, where it will read 13+ or <13, depending
on the date of birth given when the account was opened. If your child has
previously set up an account incorrectly with an age of 13+, its simple to change
the childs age to <13 in the account settings section.
All Roblox games feature basic security and privacy measures. All user-uploaded
images are reviewed by human moderators for inappropriate content before
being posted, and there are filters that weed out bad words and other
problematic language. Players age 13 and older can see and say more words and
phrases than younger players, but inappropriate chat and sharing personal
information (including phone numbers and addresses) are restricted regardless
of age. Links to YouTube channels and social media usernames can be shared by
players 13 and older.
While the imagery on Roblox has a blocky, digitized look, parents should be
aware that some of the user-generated games on Roblox may include themes
and/or imagery that may be too intense for young or sensitive players.
Creators arent required to place a rating or warning on their games, but users
and parents can restrict the games available for play by enabling Account
Restrictions on their account settings. Some young kids enjoy scary games and
stories while others squirm at books, movies or games with dark themes. You
know your child best, so discuss this aspect of Roblox with your child.
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1. What is Roblox?
Roblox is an online entertainment platform for play that allows people to create games for the public using Robloxs
digital tool known as Roblox Studio. There are literally millions of games on Roblox. Though parents can turn off its social
features, Roblox may be your childs first experience with digital socializing, which gives you a hands-on opportunity to
help your child develop good digital habits that will last a lifetime. Your child will probably first experience Roblox as a
player, not a creator, but many kids will graduate into designing their own games.
2. Why do kids love Roblox?
Roblox has millions of games that have been created by talented people from all over the world. Kids can play and interact
with real-life friends on virtual play dates, or play with people they only interact with on the platform. If they get bored
with one game, there are always millions more to try, and new ones being created and updated every day.
3. How can I help my child stay safe on Roblox?
The rules for using any game or service are pretty similar. Everyone should be respectful of themselves and others, be
mindful of what they post, and understand how to use any privacy settings, security tools or blocking and reporting
mechanisms. Roblox also provides parents with tools to restrict certain activities, like chat, within the platform.
4. Should my child play Roblox with people he or she doesnt know?
There isnt a single answer for every child or family. Roblox does give you a lot of control over who can interact with your
child and how. You can choose who can message them, who can chat with them in the app, who can chat with them in the
game and so on. Click on Privacy under Settings to adjust these controls.
5. How much screen time is best for my child?
This is a harder question to answer than it may seem. The American Academy of Pediatrics has recently revised its screen
time recommendations and, instead of arbitrary limits, now suggests, For children ages 6 and older, place consistent
limits on the time spent using media, and the types of media, and make sure media does not take the place of adequate
sleep, physical activity and other behaviors essential to health. In other words, use of Roblox or any other service should
be balanced with the childs other activities and never interfere with school, family time or other forms of play, especially
physical activities.
Because Roblox may be your childs first
experience with digital socializing, its a
great opportunity for parents to ramp up
discussion around internet safety. If you
dont want your child to use Robloxs
social features, there is a simple way to
turn them off (see "Roblox's Social
Features," page 4).
Stay nearby. Whether your child plays
Roblox on a computer, tablet or gaming
console, we recommend kids (especially
younger ones) play with you or another
trusted adult nearby when theyre first
starting out. Youll want to see what kind of games theyre playing, how theyre
playing (sportsmanship matters online, too) and with whom theyre interacting.
Even once your child becomes accustomed to Roblox, its still a good idea to
check in once in awhile to make sure theyre using it appropriately.
Play Roblox with your child. See their favorite games and how they interact.
Make an account for yourself and add your child as a friend so you can play
games together. This will give you a better sense of what types of experiences
your child will encounter on the platform and also how they interact with other
friends and players inside specific games. And, besides, it might be fun for
you, too.
Community rules. Review Robloxs Community Rules with your child, especially
their guiding principles which are written to be easy to understand. Also
consider drawing up a family agreement that outlines your expectations for their
online behavior. Make it a discussion (never a lecture) and remember to explain
common scam. Players of all ages have their posts and chats filtered to prevent
personal information from being shared, but no system is foolproof. Roblox
offers an extra layer of protection with two-step verification, which we
recommend. See ConnectSafelys "Tips for Strong, Secure Passwords & Other
Authentication Tools ( for additional advice.
Predatory behavior. Talk to your child about online grooming, including what
it is and what to watch out for, such as inappropriate or overly personal
questions or unsolicited gifts (such as Robux). People with bad intentions may
encourage children to meet with them on other, less moderated social
platforms. Discuss this with your child and ask them to come to you with any
inappropriate requests from other players. While parents worry most about
inappropriate contact with adults, children can also be bothered, solicited and
harassed by peers.
Bullying. Unfortunately bullying can and does happen on Roblox, despite
Robloxs tools to block bullying text language whenever possible. Again, talk to
your child about what to watch out for and teach them how to block and report
offenders. For more advice, see ConnectSafelys "A Parents Guide to
Cyberbullying" (
(Note that these steps may vary based on the device.)
Blocking in-game:
1. Find the user inside of the leaderboard/player list on the upper-right of
the game screen (if the leaderboard/player list isnt there, open it by
clicking on your username in the upper-right corner).
2. Click on the player you wish to block. Select Block User.
Blocking on the website or mobile app:
1. Visit the player's profile.
2. Click the three dots in the upper right corner.
3. Select Block User.
Reporting in-game:
1. Click on the Menu button, located at the upper left of the screen (the
Menu icon looks like three lines stacked on top of each other).
2. Click the flag icon located next to a player's name or click the Report
tab at the top of the menu. Complete the form.
Reporting on the website:
Every player-created asset has a Report Abuse link that will send a report
to Roblox's moderation system. In most cases this will be found in the
bottom of the description box in red lettering, or under the menu in
the upper right. Complete the form.
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to your child that along with rights and
privileges come responsibilities. Be clear
about consequences for any violation of
the agreement.
Blocking and reporting. Robloxs
human and digital moderators cant
police every player and game, so it also
relies on reports from its users when
people break the rules. Players can use
the Report Abuse links located
throughout the app and in the Report
tab of every game menu. Talk to your
child about what to report (including
bullying, inappropriate behavior, scams
and other game violations) and how to
make a report. Or, ask your child to come
to you if they experience a problem so
you can help make that report.
Parental controls. All accounts have the
option to enable an Account PIN,
which, when active, requires a 4-digit
code to make changes to an account.
These settings can be adjusted from
within the Security tab of the Account
Settings page, accessed by clicking on
the gear icon in the upper-right corner of
the site. Parents can use this feature for
very young or new players, but, for most
families, the goal should be to help your
child make responsible decisions
without relying on the extensive use of
parental controls. For a broader look at
parental controls, see "What parents
should think about when using or
considering parental controls" from
Hacking. While Roblox has made their
platform more secure, hacking still
happens. Games can be injected with
malicious code or inappropriate content.
Talk to your child about this possibility.
If they see anything suspicious, tell them
to talk to you and report the content to
Passwords and other personal
information. Starting at an early age,
talk with your kids about the importance
of keeping passwords and other
personal information private. Friends
can become ex-friends and use a stolen
account in mean or inappropriate ways,
including stealing your childs Robux
(the online currency that players can use
to buy digital items on the Roblox
platform). Scammers can also lure kids
into giving private information in
exchange for free Robux, which is a
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It may seem like just yesterday when your
child was learning how to play Candy
Land or Old Maid. How simple those
games seem now! But you dont have to
be an expert to help your child stay safe
on and enjoy Roblox or any other online
game. Even if you think your child is more
tech savvy than you, youre still the parent
and have a lot of experience and wisdom
that applies to most aspects of your
childs life, including use of technology.
In fact, the rules for using any game, app
or service are pretty similar. Everyone
should be respectful of themselves and
others, be mindful of what they post, and
understand how to use any privacy
settings, security tools or blocking and
reporting mechanisms.
We encourage you to try out Roblox with
your kids, which will give you a feel for the
platform and its privacy and security
features. This also offers a great
opportunity to help your child develop
critical thinking skills so that no matter
what service they use (online or off), they
think about what theyre doing, take
actions to protect their privacy, safety,
security and reputation, and keep an eye
out for scams and things that may not be
what they seem. And since your child may
be (or will soon be) more of a Roblox
expert than you, it will give them a chance
to be the teacher, and you the student,
which can be a great role reversal.
Your kids may also be more likely to talk to
you about their experiencesboth good
and badif they feel you have some
knowledge, and even appreciation for,
their favorite online games and services.
As your child grows and matures its
important to keep the lines of
communication as open as possible and to
have ongoing conversations about whats
appropriate for them in terms of privacy
settings, time spent online, and the types
of activities theyre engaging in. It
generally works better to talk with your
kids about their favorite toolswith
genuine interest, not fearbecause
theyre more likely to come to you when
they need help, and youre much more
likely to be kept in the loop about the
technology that they use.
You can restrict your child from chatting and messaging with others on
Roblox. Whatever settings you choose, we recommend discussing your
decisions with your child. If you limit Robloxs social features, consider
revisiting these restrictions as your child grows and matures.
1. Log into the account.
2. Go to Account Settings by clicking on the gear icon.
3. Select Privacy.
4. Review the options under Contact Settings and Other Settings. Select
No one or Friends or enable Account Restrictions (players age 13 and
older have additional options).