Scanning Documents on your iPhone or IPad
How to scan documents on your iPhone or iPad - Apple Support
 Is your name and date of birth clear? Are all the dates in the correct
format? Is there a healthcare provider signature?
Make sure to scan each of these documents separately: Physical Exam Form (2
 (3 pages), TB screening Form (2 pages).
Scan a 
You can use the Notes app to scan -page documents on your iPhone or iPad.
1. Open Notes and select a note or create
a new one.
2. 
 to start scanning a
document in Notes, then tap Scan
Documents .
3. Make sure the scan is set to manual in
the top right-hand corner to more easily
control the scan .
4. Center your document to make sure you
capture the full page. To capture a scan,
 or press
page, then tap Keep Scan. To captu re
pages, follow the same steps.
5. When you are done, you can send the
completed document to email, or save
to Health On Track.
Scanning Documents on your Android
How to Scan Documents to PDF With Your Android Phone's Camera
 Is your name and date of birth clear? Are all the dates in the correct
format? Is there a healthcare provider signature?
Make sure to scan each of these documents separately: Physical Exam Form (2
"Scan," and take a photo of the document. 
the images and convert it to black and white.
1. First, open Google Drive on your
Android device and make sure you're
signed in with your Google account. Tap
right corner.
2. 
Select "Scan."
3. The camera will immediately open---you
may need to grant the app permission
frame, then snap the photo.
4. 
that you want to use the photo. Tap the
5. 
manually adjust it with the crop and
Tap "Next" to proceed.
6. 
choose which folder to save it to. The
document will be saved as a PDF in the
desired folder.