Incorporating Research Project Experience on Your Resume
Employers are very interested in learning about class projects and undergraduate research. On your resume,
discuss the project, your involvement and outcomes to impress the employer about your research experience.
Below are examples of how you can incorporate your Research Project Experience into your resume.
Heading Examples:
For students or graduates who have spent a great deal of their academic career working on research for a
professor or multiple professors, a separate section dedicated to your research experience would be beneficial.
Ex. 1: Research Experience
Ex. 2: Research Publications
Ex. 3: Research Presentations
How to Describe your Research:
Provide the employer details about your role in the research project. Describe the research itself and results from the
research. Specify the nature of the research, for example, if you collected data or conducted experiments. Remember
to share if the research was published or other accomplishments.
Begin your description with strong verbs/phrases
such as these below:
Created theories and ideas
Identified problems
Problems imagined
Identified resources
Set goals
Extracted information
Created spreadsheets
Created databases
Developed evaluations
Calculated results
Set goals
Extracted information
Created spreadsheets
Created databases
Developed evaluations
Calculated results
Examples of Formatting Research Project Experiences:
The Senior Project, University Honors Program, California State University, San Bernardino,
May 2012-Sept. 2013
Constructed Qualtrics survey of non-traditional students’ needs.
Interpreted and analyzed quantitative and qualitative results
Expressed results and findings in the form of a research paper, public performance, lab experiment,
computer program, work of art, and four 5-page summative papers to coincide my research.
CSUSB Main Campus | [email protected] | (909) 537-5250 | University Hall 329 |
Palm Desert Campus | [email protected] | (909) 537-8236 | Indian Wells 102
Incorporating Research Project Experience on Your Resume
Undergraduate Research Assistant, Department of Biology,
CSUSB Sept. 2013-Dec. 2013
Maintained mutant worm populations, grew plasmid-containing E. coli to feed worms, screened worms
for phenotypes using microscopy and fluorescence microscopy, updated RNAi database on findings
Wrote grant applications and twice awarded funding for research through the Undergraduate Research
Opportunities Program (UROP)
Undergraduate Researcher, McNair Scholars Program, CSUSB Summer
Review, summarize, and analyze interview cases to identify common themes related to the Good
Parenting Project and Teen Pregnancy Project within San Bernardino County
Document data using "IBM SPSS" Statistics Desktop from completed participant surveys
CSUSB Main Campus | [email protected] | (909) 537-5250 | University Hall 329 |
Palm Desert Campus | [email protected] | (909) 537-8236 | Indian Wells 102