Common regulations for Competitors: Licences
What you need to
know about your
motorsport licence
Common regulations for Competitors: Licences
Reduce the dispatch time of your licence to
under 7 working days by applying online at:
If you are applying for a 2022 Competition Licence, you may be able to apply online.
Please use the checklist below to see if you can take advantage of this service:
First time applicants
You can apply online* for the following licence
Kart Clubman
RS National Navigator
RS Inter Club
RS Clubman
Stress Related ECG information
A Stress Related ECG is required for ANY
International Licence if you are aged 45 years
The report MUST be signed by a Consultant
Cardiologist, and must be clearly stated as so
The report MUST state that it has been per-
formed to either the Bruce Protocol treadmill
test, or the Ergometric Bicycle test
We only require the full written report from the
Consultant Cardiologist (please do not send
the trace)
A Stress Related ECG is required every 2 years**
* If you have NEVER renewed your Competition Licence online
before, or do not have a member login, you will need to
request login details through the Motorsport UK website.
For those renewing their licence(s):
You can apply online* for your Competition
Licence provided you are aged 18 or over and
applying for EXACTLY the same licence grade(s)
you held in 2021 and you DO NOT require:
A Resting ECG
A Stress Related ECG
A Medical
Licence Clearance from your Home ASN
(If you do not hold a British passport)
Any International Licence requiring proof
of competing in 2021 Annual Review by the
Medical Team for:
- A previously declared medical condition
- Or if you have any medical condition which
has not previously been declared
Resting ECG information
A Resting ECG is required for ANY International
Licence if you are UNDER the age of 45
Resting ECG is required every 2 years**
Annual Review
If you have a medical condition which requires
an annual review by the Medical Team you should
include an up-to-date medical report from your
doctor with your application.
** Your previous Resting/Stress Related ECG is valid for 24
months and can be used to apply for a renewal, providing
that your application is received and processed before its
24-month validity period expires. The expiry of the 24-month
validity period must be beyond 1st January 2022. If your
Resting/Stress Related ECG date falls outside of the 24-month
validity period, you must have a new Resting/ Stress Related
ECG performed prior to submitting your application for a
Common regulations for Competitors: Licences
Competitors: Licences
In conformity with A. – all Licence Holders must
comply with the Regulations in this Section, and in addition
with the Specic Regulations for the individual type of event.
Liabilities (32)
1.1. All persons connected with the event, whether by taking
part in it or acting in an ofcial capacity, shall be deemed to
be bound by the General Regulations and the Supplementary
Regulations, and must comply with the Law in relation to
motor vehicles.
1.2. Any breach of these or other valid Regulations
appertaining to the event shall, whether or not a penalty is
specied, be subject to any or all of the penalties specied in
these Regulations (C.2.1).
1.3. An Entrant shall bear the prime responsibility for the
compliance with the Regulations by all persons connected
with an entry. If an Entrant is not present at an event in person,
his nominated driver, or if there is more than one driver, the
rst nominated driver, shall be deemed to be his agent and
shall bear all the duties and responsibilities of the Entrant. (In
addition please note the requirements of S.7.1.7 and U.14.1.5.)
1.4. Any misdemeanour of a driver acting as an agent shall not
absolve the Entrant from responsibility and both driver and
Entrant shall be liable to penalty.
1.5. Any driver who is not acting as an Entrant’s agent or
any other person carried in or assisting with a competing
car during an event shall not be absolved from his own
responsibility under the relevant Regulations because of the
responsibilities assumed by the Entrant or his agent.
1.6. Any person in possession of an ofcial badge or other
means of identication issued by the organiser shall be
deemed to be assisting the Entrant to which the means of
identication concerned has been issued.
1.7. These Regulations and any of the Appendices thereto
may be amended or added to by means of announcements
published in an ofcial Motorsport UK Bulletin.
1.8. No interpretation or clarication of any Regulation will be
valid unless in writing or in an ofcial document.
2.1. Motorsport UK has been empowered by the Federation
Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) to register and
licence British citizens wishing to compete nationally
under Motorsport UK’s Motor Sports Regulations and/or
internationally under the FlA’s International Sporting Code.
Under certain circumstances citizens of other countries
may also apply for registration. Registration will be effected
by the issue of a Competition Licence of a type applicable
to the motor sports discipline and the status, National or
International, in which the applicant wishes to compete.
Subject to certain conditions a status of licence may be
upgraded at any time during the year. Registration shall expire
at the end of the year shown on the Competition Licence. Any
person from 6 years of age wishing to register must complete
a Competition Licence application form. All applicants will be
required to complete a medical self declaration. Applicants
applying for a Car, Truck or Long Circuit Kart Racing, and all
International grades of licence will be required to pass a
medical examination (10). The following regulations contain all
terms and conditions of registration and licence issue.
Competitor Registration
3.1.1. Registration will be effected by the issuing of a
Competition Licence by Motorsport UK. Such issue shall
be conditional upon the applicant’s credentials satisfying
Motorsport UK. At all times Motorsport UK reserves the right
to refuse to issue a Competition Licence. The reason(s) for any
such refusal shall be stated.
3.1.2. Any Competition Licence issued will remain the property
of Motorsport UK which reserves the right to withdraw or
suspend at any time. The reason(s) for any such withdrawal or
suspension shall be stated. A Licence so suspended shall be
surrendered to Motorsport UK forthwith on demand (A.
3.1.3. A Competition Licence granted by Motorsport UK does
not constitute a certicate of the competency of the holder.
3.1.4. Competition Licence Period and Validity
Unless otherwise rendered invalid, all licences, for the
purposes of acquaintance and submission to these rules,
run from the 1st January to the end of the calendar year
shown on the licence
To be valid, a Competition Licence must be signed in ink
and, except for an Entrant’s Licence issued in the name of a
rm or organisation, must bear a passport type photograph
of the holder, being a current likeness
Competition Licence – Types
3.2. The types of licence available are Race, Kart, RS and RS –
Stage Rally and Entrant.
Competition Licence – Grades
3.3. The grade of licences available are (highest rst)
International, National, Interclub and Clubman.
Assumed Name
4. If registration and a licence is requested under an assumed
name or a pseudonym, special application should be made at
the time of applying for registration. Motorsport UK may, if it
thinks t, issue a licence in such a name. Any assumed name
must not be likely to deceive or offend. A person granted
a licence in an assumed name shall not take part in any
competition except under the name shown on such licence.
Note: Throughout these sections an asterisk(*) indicates a requirement for additional information to be printed in the
Supplementary Regulations (SRs). Text shown in Italics indicate a Regulation which may be amended in the SRs.Text shown in
red indicates a new or amended regulation for 2021.
Common regulations for Competitors: Licences
Address and Nationality
5. Motorsport UK shall be entitled to register and issue
licences to:
A British citizen, including a citizen of any part of the
territory of Motorsport UK
A citizen of any other country represented on the FIA
providing they can provide proof to their parent ASN that
they are permanently resident within the UK and that their
ASN has given its prior permission and has recovered any
licence originally issued. ASN authorisation is required for
each licensing year
Acts Prejudicial to Motor Sport
6. A competition licence holder who does anything to bring
motor sport into disrepute or commits an act prejudicial to
the interest of motor sport generally may face disciplinary
action (C.1.1.4 and H3.1.2). A Licence so suspended shall be
surrendered to Motorsport UK forthwith on demand
(A. –
Minimum Ages
7. In all cases where the applicant is under 18 years of age it is
necessary that the application is counter-signed by the Parent
or Guardian. Proof of guardianship may be required.
Please refer to Chart 7 Appendix 1 after this section to
assess eligibility
7.1. A Competitor shall not take time off school to participate
in motorsport without the prior written approval of their
How to Apply for a Competition
8.1. With the exception of rst time applicants for a Race,
Kart or Stage Rally licence all applicants should read these
notes and complete an Application for Competition Licence
Form provided by Motorsport UK. Any changes to the wording
on the ofcial form will make it null and void. After having
completed all the relevant sections of the application form,
an applicant must send it, with the appropriate fee and a
passport type photograph to Motorsport UK. Motorsport
UK will use its best endeavours to process and deliver the
licence to the applicant within 15 working days of receipt
of the application by Motorsport UK. Processing may take
longer if we have to check the applicant’s health. Therefore,
you are recommended to allow for this time before the rst
event for which the licence is required. Applicants with no
health or other problems appertaining to their application
may, on payment of an Express Handling Fee, apply for priority
handling and Motorsport UK will issue their licences within
3 working days. For applicants paying the additional Express
Handling fee arrangements may be made, upon request,
to conrm to organisers that they are a licence holder, this
will usually include the waiver of the non-production of a
licence fee (22.1). To speed the process please clearly mark
the envelope ‘EXPRESS’ and this should preferably be sent by
Recorded Delivery.
If an applicant doesn’t receive the licence, after allowing for
the processing and delivery time, Motorsport UK should be
notied in writing. If the notice is received by Motorsport UK
within 6 weeks of despatch of the licence by Motorsport UK, it
will issue a duplicate.
After 6 weeks have elapsed, the normal duplicate licence
charge will be levied in accordance with Part 3, Appendix 1.
Race Licences
8.2.1. A competitor making an application for the rst time
for a Race licence must obtain a novice race driver ‘Go Racing
Driver Pack’, which contains the required application form,
from Motorsport UK and then complete an approved course
at a school registered with the Association of Racing Drivers’
School (ARDS). The procedure to be followed is contained in
the ‘Pack’.
Competitors who have reached their 14th Birthday may apply
for a Race Club Licence to allow them to race only in Junior
Race Formulae specically authorised by Motorsport UK.
The Licence application must be endorsed and submitted to
Motorsport UK by a Junior Race Championship Organising Club.
This Licence will state ‘Junior Race Formulae Only’ and will be
held by the Championship Organising Club(s).
Exemptions from 8.2.1. are as follows:
8.2.2. Anyone who has held a Race National B or Interclub
licence at any time during 2019, 2020 or 2021. Competitors
who have not renewed or held a Race National B or Interclub
licence since 2018 must comply with the requirement for rst
time applicants detailed above.
8.2.3. *Anyone who can provide proof of having ever held, or
entitled to hold, a Race licence of higher status than Restricted,
National ‘B’ or Interclub. Competitors who have not renewed
their licence for ve years or more will be required to pass the
ARDS written examination.
8.2.4. *Anyone who has held a Competition Licence during
2020 or 2021 and can produce written proof of having been
classied as a nisher in at least eight Rallycross, or ve Time
Attack Hot Lap Challenge events during that time and who
passes a written examination.
8.2.5. *Anyone who is entitled to an International ‘ITE’ Kart
licence and who passes a written examination.**
8.2.6. *Anyone who, being a foreign national, can produce proof
from their ASN that they have the necessary racing experience.
8.2.7. *Anyone, during the year of their 16th birthday, who
is entitled to a Kart International ‘B’ licence, (or is otherwise
approved by Motorsport UK) and who passes a written
examination. The Race Club licence will be issued to the Race
Organising Club. The use of this licence will be restricted to
specically authorised Race Championships and will be held by
the Club until the competitor reaches their 16th birthday.**
8.2.8. *A Race National licence may be applied for by:
(a) a holder of an International Competition Licence issued
by the Auto Cycle Union and providing that proof is produced
of competing in International motor cycle racing during the
preceding ve years
(b) the holder of a Kart International A or ‘B’ licence, subject to
passing the ARDS written examination.**
* As the written examination is based on the Competitors’
Yearbook and other information contained in the ‘Go Racing
Driver Pack’, it is recommended that the pack is purchased in
these exemption categories.
** For those applicants who have no competition car driving
experience or who do not hold a road driving licence no
exemption from the ARDS course is permitted. Proof of
competition car driving experience will be required to
accompany your application for a Car Racing licence.
Common regulations for Competitors: Licences
Kart Licences
8.3. A competitor making an application for the rst time for
a Kart (not Kart Clubman) licence must obtain a novice kart
driver ‘Starting Karting Pack’, which contains the required
application form, from Motorsport UK and then complete an
approved course at a school registered with the Association
of Racing Kart School (ARKS). The procedure to be followed is
contained in the ‘Pack’. Exemptions are as follows:
8.3.1. Anyone who has held a Kart National ‘B’ licence at any
time during 2019, 2020 or 2021. Competitors who have not
renewed or held a National ‘B’ licence since 2018 or earlier
must comply with the requirement for rst time applicants
detailed above.
8.3.2. *Anyone who can provide proof of having ever held, or
entitled to hold, a Kart or Race licence of higher status than
Restricted, National ‘B’ or Interclub. Competitors who have not
renewed their licence for 5 years or more will be required to
pass the ARKS written examination.
8.3.3. Anyone who can provide proof of having ever held a
Kart Clubman or KX licence and can produce written proof
of having been classied as a nisher in at least 6 Kart
Endurance, Kart Tyro/Clubman or KX races, held under the
jurisdiction of Motorsport UK, during 2019, 2020 or 2021.
(The ‘Starting Karting Pack’ is required in this instance
and the driver will be required to pass the ARKS written
8.3.4. Anyone who can provide proof of holding a National
Schools Karting Association (NatSKA) National licence during
2019, 2020 or 2021.
8.3.5. *Anyone who can provide proof of having satisfactorily
completed eight qualifying kart races (as approved by
Motorsport UK), a minimum of four of which must be outdoor
(The ‘Starting Karting Pack’ is required in this instance
and the driver will be required to pass the ARKS written
8.3.6. Anyone who, being a foreign national, can produce
proof from their ASN that they have the necessary Karting
8.3.7. A Kart National licence may be applied for by a holder of
a National Competition Licence issued by the Auto Cycle Union
providing that proof is produced of competing in National
motorcycle racing during the preceding three years. This is also
subject to passing the ARKS written examination.
*As the written examination is based on the Yearbook and
other information contained in the ‘Starting Karting Pack’, it is
recommended that the pack is purchased in these exemption
Stage Rally Licence
8.4.1. A competitor making an application for the rst time for
an RS Stage Rally licence must obtain a novice stage rally ‘Go
Rallying Pack’, which contains the required application form,
from Motorsport UK and then complete an approved course
at a school registered with the British Association of Rally
Schools (BARS). The procedure to be followed is contained in
the ‘Pack’. Exemptions are as follows:
8.4.2. Anyone who has ever held a Non-Race National ‘B’
licence or higher, or equivalent, valid for driving on Special
Stage Rallies held before 31 December 2001.
8.4.3. Anyone who has ever held a Restricted or National Rally
8.4.4. Anyone who, being a foreign national, can produce proof
from their ASN that they have held a licence valid for driving
on Special Stage Rallies or Hill Rallies.
8.4.5. The RS National Navigator Licence is not valid as a
driver’s licence at any grade of event.
Medical Declarations and Records
9.1. Medical Declaration – All Applicants
There are certain medical conditions as detailed in 10.1.9,
which are incompatible with the practise of motor sports at
any status of event. All applicants are required to complete
an annual medical self declaration as to their medical tness
to compete in motor sports competition. If an applicant has
not had a recent medical examination and eyesight test or
they do not understand any part of the medical requirements
set out hereunder they are strongly recommended to have an
examination or eye test other than as provided for in 10.1.11.
At all times any decision as to tness or untness to compete
shall ultimately reside entirely with Motorsport UK.
9.2. Access to Records
Access to Medical Reports Act 1988/Access to Personal Files
and Medical Reports (Northern Ireland) Order 1991 (“the
Acts”)/Access to Health Records and Reports Act 1993 (Isle of
Before we can apply for a medical report from a doctor
who has cared for you, we need your consent by signing the
Declaration in Section 5 of the application. Before doing so,
however, you should read this notice carefully, as it sets out
your rights under the Acts and the procedures for dealing with
9.2.1. You do not have to give your consent but, if you do, you
can say whether you wish to see the report before it is sent to
Motorsport UK’s Medical Consultant. If you do not give consent,
we will be unable to proceed with your application for a
Competition Licence.
9.2.2. If you say you wish to see the report, we will write to
your doctor and advise you that we have done so, and we will
tell your doctor you wish to see the report. You will then have
21 days to contact the doctor about arrangements for you to
see the report. Of course, the quicker you act, the quicker your
application for a Competition Licence can be considered.
9.2.3. If you say you do not wish to see the report, we do not
have to notify you if we apply for one. However, if before such a
report is sent to us, you write to the doctor saying you wish to
see it, you will then have 21 days to contact the doctor about
arrangements for you to see the report.
9.2.4. Whether or not you say you wish to see the report before
it is sent to us, the doctor must let you see a copy for up to six
months after it is supplied, if you ask.
9.2.5. If you ask the doctor for a copy of the report, he can
charge you a reasonable fee to cover his costs.
9.2.6. If you see a report before it is sent to us, the doctor
cannot submit it until he has your consent. You can write to
the doctor, asking him to amend any part of the report which
you consider to be incorrect or misleading, and have attached
to the report a statement of your views on any part where you
and the doctor are not in agreement.
Common regulations for Competitors: Licences
9.2.7. The doctor is not obliged to let you see any part of a
report if, in his opinion, that would be likely to cause serious
harm to your physical or mental health or that of others,
or would indicate the doctor’s intentions towards you, or if
disclosure would be likely to reveal information relating to,
or the identity of someone else who has supplied information
about you, unless that person has consented or the information
relates to, or has been supplied by, a health professional
involved in caring for you. In such cases, the doctor must notify
you and you will be limited to seeing any remaining part of the
report. If it is the whole report, which is affected, he must not
send it to us unless you give your consent.
Medical Declaration Car, Truck or Long Circuit Kart Racing
and all International Licence Applicants
10.1.1. An applicant 60 years of age or over applying for a Car,
Truck, or Long Circuit Kart Racing Competition Licence must
pass a Medical Examination by their General Practitioner (GP).
Thereafter they will be required to complete an annual medical
self declaration until the age of 65. Applicants 65 years of
age and over must undergo and pass a medical examination
in their 65th year and at the following intervals, their 70th,
72nd and 74th years and there after annually. The Competition
Licence must be issued within 3 months of the date of the
medical after which time the report will need to be revalidated
by the examining GP. For International licence requirements for
those 45 years and over, refer to 11.
10.1.2. All applicants for an International Competition Licence
must pass a Medical Examination by their GP every year.
International Competition Licences incorporate a FIA Medical
Certicate of Aptitude, and every 2 years for applicants under
45 a 12-lead electrocardiogram. For an International Rally both
driver and co-driver of the car are required by the FIA to hold a
full International Rally Driver’s licence.
10.1.3. No Car, Truck, Long Circuit Kart Racing or International
licence will be issued until the Medical Examination Report,
if required, has been completed, endorsed and signed by the
applicant’s GP.
10.1.4. In the event of any uncertainty as to whether or not the
applicant satises the Medical requirements, the examination
form should be signed by the GP and should then be sent
directly to Motorsport UK’s Medical Section Administrator, with
any additional information which may be of assistance.
10.1.5. Any fee charged for the medical examination is
the responsibility of the applicant. This also applies to any
additional reports and Specialist examinations requested
by Motorsport UK in connection with an application for a
Competition Licence.
10.1.6. The medical examination should be carried out to a
standard similar to that required for Life Insurance but with
specic attention to the following:
10.1.7. Diabetics requiring treatment with insulin will not
normally be issued with a licence valid for Racing, Karting, Kart
Clubman, Rallycross, Stage Rallying or International Rallying. In
certain circumstances the Medical Consultant at Motorsport UK
will be prepared to consider applications in writing by Insulin
controlled Diabetics. Each applicant would need to present
themself to a Diabetics Specialist recommended by Motorsport
UK and any costs incurred would be borne by the applicant.
10.1.8. Epilepsy is incompatible with tness to Race, Kart, Kart
Endurance, Kart Tyro, Kart Bambino, Rallycross or Stage Rally.
If a person with epilepsy has not had a seizure or medication
to prevent or control ts for a period of ten years they may
present that case to Motorsport UK’s Medical Consultant for
consideration. For other events a person with epilepsy may be
considered for a competition licence providing they can show
that they have not had a t for ve years whether on or off
10.1.9. The following medical conditions may prevent the
granting of a Competition Licence:
(a) Myocardial infarction
(b) Myocardial ischaemia
(c) Coronary artery by-pass surgery
(d) Coronary Angioplasty
(e) Valvular Disease of the Heart or other abnormal condition
whether operated on or not
(f) Severe hypertension which has given rise to
cardiopulmonary problems
(g) Any mental or behavioural disorders*, past or present
whether or not under treatment with drugs or therapy
(h) Epilepsy, seizures or any other neurological conditions
*As dened in ICD.10 (International Classication of Diseases)
10.1.10. The following eyesight standards are required to be
met by applicants for a national licence.
Applicants for International Licences please refer to FIA
Standards, www.a.com (Appendix L).
(a) Minimum corrected visual acuity must be 6/6 with both
eyes open
(b) Minimum binocular eld should measure at least 120
degrees along the horizontal meridian with no defects within
the central 20 degrees
(c) Spectacles should be tted with shatterproof lenses. Contact
lenses if worn should be certied as satisfactory for motor
sport by the ophthalmic specialist who supplied them
(d) A person who suddenly loses sight in one eye will not be
allowed to hold a licence until ve years has lapsed
(e) Double vision is not compatible with the issue of a
Competition Licence
(f) Normal colour vision; method of analysis used should be
a pass of the Ishihara test (24 plate version) with the rst 15
plates, presented in random order, being identied without
error. In the case of any anomaly, recourse is to the Farnsworth
test “Panel D15” or to an analogous system as approved by
Motorsport UK. In any event, as well as passing such tests as
referred to above, there must be no risk of any errors in the
perception of the colours of ags or any light boxes (LED or
otherwise) used in competitions
10.1.11. Race, Truck and Long Circuit Kart.
(a) For Race, Truck and Long Circuit Kart rst time applicants
a vision test to include a test for colour blindness is required
to 10.1.10.
(b) Applicants renewing from the age of 45 years and over are
required to complete a vision test every 3 years
(10.1.10.a and b)
Common regulations for Competitors: Licences
(a) It is strongly recommended that all competitors should be
immunised against tetanus
(b) It is recommended that asthmatics should wear an identity
tag (i.e. bracelet or necklace) declaring that they are asthmatic
and that they should inform the event’s Chief Medical Ofcer of
their condition before competing
(c) It is strongly recommended that an annual eyesight test is
taken other than as provided for in 10.1.11.
(d) The mouth should be kept clear of anything likely to
cause a blockage of the airway in the event of an incident.
It is advisable to remove false dentures and to refrain from
chewing gum
(e) Competitors are advised to refrain from wearing jewellery
which, in the event of an incident, could prove hazardous
(f) The Motorsport UK reference, as the minimum benchmark
for licence requirements, is the regulations laid down by the
DVLA in relation to Group 2 Driving Licences
Medical Declaration International Licence Applicants 45
and over
11.1.1. In addition to the requirements of 9 and 10 above, the
following are required for International Licence Applicants 45
years of age and over.
11.1.2. A current written report of a stress related
Electrocardiogram is required for all International licence
applicants 45 years of age and over. A stress related ECG
will be valid for two years and will need to be subsequently
undertaken in respect of the licence application in the third
year. (Do not send Trace.)
11.1.3. The stress electrocardiogram shall be carried out to
a symptom limitation on a motorised treadmill to a standard
Bruce Protocol; an equivalent bicycle ergometric protocol
is acceptable. Recording is to be made in 12 leads, at rest,
following hyperventilation, and for each minute of exercise
and each of ten minutes of recovery. Reason for cessation to be
stated; report submitted must be by a specialist accredited in
cardiology and signed by a consultant cardiologist.
Medical Declaration Disabled Drivers
12.1.1. Any applicant with a congenital abnormality of any
limb, or amputation or with any other disability should rst
contact Motorsport UK’s Medical Section Administrator at
Motorsport UK House who will be pleased to advise and help
the applicant.
12.1.2. In addition to the requirements of 9, 10 and 11 above,
disabled applicants should note the following:
12.1.3. The following medical conditions may prevent the
granting of a Competition Licence:
(a) Paraplegia
(b) Hemiplegia
(c) Quadriplegia
(d) Loss of limb
12.1.4. When applying for a Competition Licence all applicants
are required to declare any physical disability.
12.1.5. Disabled drivers may be required to present themselves
for examination by Motorsport UK’s Medical Consultant.
If required to attend such examination the applicant will
be required to provide, in advance, a note from his/her GP
describing the applicant’s disability and, if applicable, an
opinion from any specialist who has been consulted.
12.1.6. Any driver or co-driver/navigator who has any medical
condition or disability or who is currently on anti-coagulant
therapy should declare this at the time of entering. Such
information to be solely for the use of the Chief of medical
services in the event of an accident.
12.1.7. Those competing in accordance with 12.1.4 in an
activity where competition numbers as dened in J.4.1 or in
U.17.25-17.28 should display the FIA Non-Ambulant Logo
(as supplied by Motorsport UK) on both sides of the vehicle
adjacent to the side numbers to alert marshals in the case of
an incident. (Drawing 12.1.7.)
12.1.8. Competitors in all disciplines must be able to evacuate
the cockpit in a maximum of 10 seconds whilst complying with
the conditions as prescribed in J.5.19.2.
12.1.9. Postal applicants for an RS Clubmans Licence who
answer ‘yes’ to either of the following questions:
Do you have any serious medical condition which affects
your ability to drive and control a car?
Are you epileptic or do you suffer from any ts, fainting
spells or blackouts or take any medication to control this?
may be issued with a Competition Licence endorsed
Non-Driver to allow participation as a passenger or navigator.
12.1.10. For events other than those Cross Country events
included within P25.1. passengers applying for an RS Clubmans
Licence on the day who answer yes to either of the following:
Do you have any serious medical condition which affects
your ability to drive and control a car?
Are you epileptic or do you suffer from any ts, fainting
spells or blackouts or take any medication to control this?
may participate on the day, subject to 12.1.8. as a passenger or
navigator and may be issued with their Competition Licence
endorsed Non-Driver.
Upgrading, Downgrading and
Retention of Licence
Retention and Downgrading
13.1.1. An applicant may retain his or her licence if they meet
the criteria set out below. If an applicant for whatever reason
does not qualify to retain their current licence grade they will
be automatically downgraded according to these regulations.
13.1.2. Upon renewal an applicant may voluntarily take out a
licence of lesser grade than that to which they are entitled.
13.1.3. Upon receipt of a written request, an existing licence
holder who wishes to exchange their licence for one of lesser
grade may do so but only once during the year.
13.1.4. The charge for so doing will be the payment of the
downgrade fee as per Part 3, Appendix 1 and forfeit of the cost
difference (if any) between the two licences. Any subsequent
upgrade will be charged in accordance with Part 3, Appendix 1.
13.1.5. In order to comply with FIA Appendix L the following
denitions apply in respect of international licence upgrade
Common regulations for Competitors: Licences Circuit Competitions: Refers to competitions or cars
on circuits (according to Appendix O, Art. 2): Karting, Single-
Seaters, Prototypes, GT, Touring Cars, Autocross, Rallycross,
Historic Circuit, Trucks and Drifting. Road Competitions: Refers to competitions or cars
on closed or open roads (Rally, Cross-Country, Hill Climb and
Historic Rally). For a licence qualication competition to be
considered achieved, the driver must actively enter the
competition and be classied in the Ofcial Final Classication
of the competition (list of results) (Heats are not eligible).
Upgrading Procedure
13.2.1. Competitors wishing to collect signatures for upgrading
their competition licence must use the Upgrade Card. For the
Upgrade Card to be valid it must be signed in ink and must
bear a passport type photograph of the holder, which must be
permanently xed to the Upgrade Card in the space provided.
13.2.2. lf you want to upgrade your licence on renewal and you
have met the Upgrading criteria detailed in this section, please
forward your completed 2021 Competition Licence Application
Form together with the appropriate licences and/or Upgrade
Card containing the signatures and the required payment to
the Licence Section.
13.2.3. If you want to upgrade your licence and you are already
in possession of a current 2022 Competition Licence, please
complete the licence amendment card which can be found
at www.motorsportuk.org within the competitor resource
centre and forward it, together with your 2022 Competition
Licence and any other appropriate licences and/or Upgrade
Card containing the necessary signatures with the required
payment to the Licence Section. The payment is calculated
as the difference between the cost of the existing licence
and the new licence plus the upgrading fee as detailed in
Appendix 1. A request for an upgrading signature has to be
made to the organisers, and if the results of the event show
that the driver’s performance was satisfactory, his/her Upgrade
Card will be signed by the Clerk of the Course in the space
provided. In the case of Kart Races, only the Motorsport UK
Steward of the Meeting is empowered to sign and only one
signature per meeting is permitted, (Kart Endurance, Kart
Clubman or Bambino Kart signatures are not accepted to
upgrade a Kart Race Licence). A maximum of two signatures
may be obtained at a car race or Long Circuit Kart meeting.
In exceptional circumstances only, documentary evidence,
such as printed ofcial results sheets may be considered as
proof of performance for upgrading. Results which predate the
competitors last upgrade will only be accepted where the total
number of results obtained is sufcient to meet the upgrade
criteria from the basic competition licence for that discipline to
that being sought.
Racing Licences
Racing How to Retain a Licence
14.1.1. Note: A competitor who is unable to retain their Race
licence as mentioned below may be required to pass a course
at an Association of Racing Drivers’ School. Exemptions to this
requirement are as detailed in 8.2 of this section. Competitors
qualied to retain a National A or higher licence, who have not
renewed their licence for ve years or more will be required to
pass the ARDS written examination.
14.1.2. A competitor who held a Race Club licence in any one
of the years 2019, 2020 or 2021 may renew it for a 2022 Race
Club licence.
14.1.3. A competitor who can provide proof of having ever
held a ‘H1’ Historic Race International licence, Race National or
National A licence may renew it for either a 2022 Race Club,
Race National or Race International ‘ITD-C’ licence.
14.1.4. A competitor who can provide proof of ever having
held a Race International ‘C’ licence may renew it for a 2022
Race International ‘ITC-C’ licence, Race International ‘ITD-C’,
Race National or Race Club licence.
14.1.5. A competitor who can provide proof of ever having
held a Race International A or ‘B’ licence may renew it for a
2022 Race International ‘ITC-C’, Race International ‘ITD-C’, Race
National or Race Club licence. Special arrangements exist for
retaining an International ‘ITA or ‘ITB’ licence and are contained
in Appendix L of the FIA International Sporting Code.
14.1.6. Deleted.
Racing How to Upgrade a Licence
14.2.1. Please note that Rallycross signatures are NOT
acceptable for upgrading any Race licence.
Race Club to Race National
A competitor who is qualied to hold a 2022 Race Club licence
may upgrade it to Race National licence either at renewal or
during the year as follows:
(i) Obtain Clerk of the Course’s signatures on the Upgrade Card
certifying that the qualifying events have been successfully
completed. These are 6 Interclub Races (including Junior Race
signatures) and must not contain more than 1 signature from
Races organised by or on behalf of Racing Schools which form
part of a school course or curriculum
(ii) One of the Clerk of the Course signatures required for
having successfully completed a Race may be replaced by a
Clerk of the Course signature recorded on the Upgrade Card for
completing a day on a marshal’s post during a race meeting
14.2.3. One of the Clerk of the Course signatures for having
successfully completed a Race may be replaced with a
signature recorded on the Upgrade Card for having successfully
completed an ARDS Advanced Course. Exceptionally, and for drivers having rst
satisfactorily completed an ARDS Advanced Course, these races
may be part of a National status Championship, designated
specically by Motorsport UK for this purpose, and in which
the candidate may participate with a Race Club licence for one
season only.
Race National to Race International ‘ITD-C’ . A
competitor who is qualied to hold a 2022 National Race
licence may upgrade it to Race International ’ITD-C’ licence
either at renewal or during the year, without any further
Upgrade to Race International ‘ITC-C’’: A competitor who is qualied to hold a 2022
Race National licence may upgrade it to Race International
‘ITC-C’ licence either at renewal or during the year having
satisfactorily competed in at least 10 events (irrespective of
discipline) at least 5 of which must be circuit competitions
within two years prior to application.
Common regulations for Competitors: Licences A competitor who is qualied to hold a 2022
International ‘ITD-C’ licence may upgrade it to Race
International ‘ITC-C’ licence either at renewal or during the
year having satisfactorily competed in at least 5 circuit
competitions within two years prior to application. A competitor who is qualied to hold a 2022 Kart
International ‘ITE’ may upgrade it to Race International ‘ITC-C’
having satised 8.2.5. and competed satisfactorily in at least 10
circuit competitions within two years prior to application.
Race International ‘ITC-C’ to Race International ‘ITB’
. A
competitor who is qualied to hold a 2022 Race International
‘ITC-C’ licence may upgrade it to Race International ‘ITB’
licence either at renewal or during the year in accordance with
Appendix L of the FIA International Sporting Code.
Race International ‘ITB’ to Race International ‘ITA.
accordance with Appendix L of the FIA International Sporting
14.2.8. First time applicants for an International licence must
have undertaken the FIA e-learning safety training.
14.2.9. Deleted.
14.2.10. Deleted.
Karting to Race National
14.2.11. Deleted.
Stage Rally Licences
Rallying How to Retain a Licence
15.1.1. Note: A competitor who is unable to retain their RS
Stage Rally licence as detailed below may be required to
pass a course at a British Association of Rally Schools (BARS).
Exemptions to this requirement are detailed in 8.4. of this
15.1.2. A competitor who can provide proof of having ever
held a National or National A Rally licence may renew it for a
2022 RS National Stage Rally or International ‘ITD-R’ Rally.
15.1.3. A competitor who can provide proof of having ever
held an International Rally licence may renew it for a 2022
International ‘ITC-R’ Rally licence.
15.1.4. A competitor who can provide proof of having ever
held an International Historic Rally licence may renew it for a
2022 Rally International ‘ITD-R or an RS National Stage Rally
Rallying How to Upgrade a Licence
15.2.1. Please note that Speed, Rallycross or Cross Country
signatures are NOT acceptable for upgrading any RS Interclub
Stage Rally or National Stage Rally licence.
RS Interclub - Stage Rally to RS National - Stage Rally
15.2.2. A competitor who is qualied to hold a 2022 RS
Interclub - Stage Rally licence may upgrade it to an RS National
Stage Rally licence either at renewal or during the year by
obtaining Clerk of the Course signatures on the Upgrade Card
certifying that six rallies of which at least three are Special
Stage Rally events have been completed.
15.2.3. One of the Clerk of the Course signatures for having
successfully completed a Stage Rally may be replaced with a
signature for having successfully completed a BARS Advanced
RS National Stage Rally to Rally International ‘ITD-R’
15.2.4. A competitor who is qualied to hold a 2022 RS
National Stage Rally licence may upgrade it to a Rally
International ‘ITD-R licence either at renewal or during the
year or being entitled to hold the Kart International ‘ITE’
licence without further qualication and having satisfactorily
passed the BARS test.
Upgrade to Rally International ‘ITC-R’ A competitor who is qualied to hold a 2022 RS
National Stage Rally licence may upgrade it to an International
‘ITC-R’ licence either at renewal or during the year having
satisfactorily competed in at least ten competitions a minimum
ve of which must be Road Competitions within the two years
prior to application. A competitor who is qualied to hold a 2022 Rally
International ‘ITD-R’ may upgrade it to an International ‘ITC-R’
licence either at renewal or during the year having competed
in at least ve Road Competitions within the two years prior
to application.
RS Interclub or equivalent to RS Interclub Stage Rally and
15.2.6. Follow the procedure for applicants for a Stage Rally
licence detailed in 8.4 and then proceed as in RS Interclub
Stage Rally to RS National Stage Rally, RS National Stage Rally
to Rally International ‘ITD-R’ or to Rally International ‘ITC-R’
RS National Navigator to Rally International ‘ITD-R’ or to Rally
International ‘ITC-R’
15.2.7. Follow the procedure for applicants for a Stage Rally
licence detailed in 8.4 and then proceed as in 15.2.6 above.
Adding an RS National Navigator
15.2.8. Competitors may add an RS National Navigator licence
to an RS Clubmans or Inter-Club licence at time of renewal or
during the year on payment of the fee as detailed in Appendix
15.2.9. The RS Rally National Navigator Licence is not valid as
a driver’s licence at any grade of event.
15.2.10. First time applicants for an International licence must
have undertaken the FIA e-learning safety training for roads.
Speed Licences
Rallycross Licences
RS Licence Retention
How to Retain a Licence
16.1.1. A competitor who has ever held a Speed International,
Speed National, Speed National A, Speed National A (OPEN) or
RS National licence may renew it for the equivalent or a lower
grade of licence in 2022.
16.1.2. A competitor who can provide proof of ever having
held a National or National A Rallycross licence may renew it
for the same or lower grade of RS National licence in 2022.
Common regulations for Competitors: Licences
16.1.3. A competitor who can provide proof of having ever
held an International Rallycross licence may renew it for the
same or lower grade of RS National licence or International
‘ITC-C’ Off-Road licence in 2022.
16.1.4. All other applicants can apply for an RS Interclub
RS Licence Upgrade
How to Upgrade a Licence
17.1.1. A competitor who is qualied to hold a 2022 RS
Interclub licence may upgrade it to an RS National licence
either at renewal or during the year by obtaining Clerk of the
Course signatures on the Upgrade Card certifying that;
(a) six Interclub Hill Climbs or Sprints have been completed.
Signatures must have been obtained at a minimum of two
different venues. (One of the six signatures required may be
replaced by a signature from a MOTORSPORT UK Recognised
Hillclimb and Sprint School conrming successful completion
of the school course) OR Obtain the Clerk of the Course’s
signatures on the Upgrade Card at six Clubman or Interclub
Autocross or Rallycross events
(b) six Competitive Safaris or Hill Rallies have been completed
(c) Or as provided for in 15.2.4. Or any combination of the
RS Interclub to RS National (Drag) to International Drag ‘IT DR
17.1.2. To obtain a licence for Drag Racing higher than
Interclub, a driver must submit with their application to
upgrade, a letter of endorsement from a recognised Drag
Racing Club. A system of licence endorsement for the category
of vehicle being driven is in place. See Section 5. First time
applicants for an International licence must have undertaken
the FIA e-learning safety training.
RS National to Off Road International ‘ITC-C’
17.1.3. A competitor who is entitled to hold a RS National
may upgrade it to an Off Road International ‘ITC-C’ having
satisfactorily competed in at least 10 events (irrespective of
discipline) at least 5 of which must be circuit competitions
within two years prior to application.
RS Interclub or International ‘ITF’ licence to Off Road
International ‘Junior ITE’. This licence is valid for FIA Specied
Categories only
17.1.4. Drivers having reached their 14th birthday before 1st
January of the year of participation may apply to be issued
the Off-Road ‘Junior ITE’ licence subject to having competed
satisfactorily in at least ve competitions.
RS National to Cross Country International ‘ITD-R’
17.1.5. A competitor who is qualied to hold a 2022 RS
National licence may upgrade it to an International ‘ITC-R’
Cross Country licence either at renewal or during the year by
obtaining Clerk of the Course signatures on the Upgrade Card
certifying two Interclub Competitive Safaris or one National
Competitive Safari have been completed.
17.1.6. First time applicants for an International licence must
have undertaken the FIA e-learning safety training.
Truck Racing Licences
Truck Racing How to Retain a Licence
18.1.1. Retention of a Truck Racing licence is exactly the same
as for a Race licence. Please read 14.1.
Truck Racing How to Upgrade a Licence
18.1.2. These are special licences and the National Truck
Racing licence can be issued in one of the two following ways:
18.1.3. A competitor who is qualied to hold a Race National
or Race International licence must satisfactorily complete an
agreed instruction course in driving Heavy Goods Vehicles. OR
18.1.4. A competitor who already is the holder of a category C
RTA licence must complete an ARDS racing course and take out
a Truck Race National licence.
Truck National to Truck International ‘ITD-C’
A competitor, who satises the requirements of 18.1.3 or
18.1.4, may apply for the Truck International ‘ITC-C’ having
satisfactorily competed in at least 5 circuit competitions within
the two years prior to application.
18.1.6. First time applicants for an International licence must
have undertaken the FIA e-learning safety training.
Kart Licences
Kart – How to Retain a Licence
19.1.1. Note: A competitor who is unable to retain their Kart
licence as detailed below may be required to pass a course at
an Association of Registered Kart Schools (ARKS). Exemptions
to this requirement are detailed in 8.3 of this Section.
Competitors qualied to retain a National or higher licence,
who have not renewed their licence for 5 years or more will be
required to pass the ARKS written examination.
19.1.2. A competitor who held a National ‘B’ Kart licence
during 2019, 2020 or 2021 may renew it in 2022.
19.1.3. A competitor who has ever held a kart National or
National A licence may renew it for the same or lower grade of
licence in 2022.
19.1.4. A competitor who has ever held a Kart International
‘C’ licence may renew it for the same or lower grade of licence
in 2022.
19.1.5. Special arrangements exist for retaining an
International A or ‘B’ licence and are contained in the CIK-FIA
Kart – How to Upgrade a Licence
19.2.1. Please note that Kart Endurance, Kart Clubman (with
the exception of 19.2.2) or Bambino Kart signatures are NOT
acceptable for upgrading any Kart Licence.
Kart Inter-club to Kart National
Kart Interclub
Kart Inter-club (Valid Bambino Only) to Kart Interclub
A competitor who holds an Interclub (Bambino Race) licence
may exchange it for a Kart Interclub licence if qualied to enter
Cadet (U15). They will be a novice until having satisfactorily
completed ve races.
Common regulations for Competitors: Licences
Kart Inter-club to Kart National
A Competitor who is qualied to hold a Kart Interclub licence
may upgrade it to a Kart National licence either at renewal
or during the year as follows: Obtain the Motorsport UK
Steward’s signature on the Upgrade Card at six Clubman
(prior to 31.12.2019) or Interclub Kart Races. One of these
signatures may have been obtained at NatSKA or Kart Clubman
meetings held under a Motorsport UK Permit. Completion of
the ARKS Course (8.3) will constitute one of the six signatures.
Signatures must have been obtained at a minimum of three
different venues. For competitors in Long Circuit events only
two different venues are required so long as the application
is supported by a Long Circuit Karting organising Club. For
upgrades containing both Short and Long Circuit signatures
the minimum of three different venues is required. A
competitor may only obtain one signature per meeting.
Race National to Kart National
19.2.3. A Competitor who is qualied to hold a Race National
licence may apply for a Kart National licence either at renewal
or during the year subject to the following:
Successful completion of the ARKS written test, in addition to
having obtained the Motorsport UK Steward’s signature on the
Upgrade Card at one Short Circuit Interclub Kart Race.
Kart National to Kart International ‘ITG’, ‘ITF’ or ‘ITE’
19.2.4. A competitor who is qualied to hold a National Kart
licence may upgrade it to an International ‘ITG’, ‘ITF’ or ‘ITE’
licence either at renewal or during the year having completed
at least ve competitions as follows: An International ‘ITG’ licence can be issued to drivers
between 11 (reaching their 11th birthday before 1 January
of the year of participation) and 14 (reaching their 14th
birthday during the calendar year) when the Licence is issued
(the drivers weight (including driver’s equipment) must be a
minimum of 35kg at all times during competition). An International ‘ITF’ licence can be issued to drivers
between 13 (reaching their 13th birthday before 1st January
of the year of participation) and 15 (reaching their 15th
birthday during the calendar year) when the Licence is issued
(the drivers weight (including driver’s equipment) must be a
minimum of 40kg at all times during competition). An International ‘ITE’ licence can be issued to drivers
aged 14 (reaching their 14th birthday before 1 January).
Application must be made in accordance with the 2022 FIA
Karting Regulations.
19.2.5. First time applicants for an International licence must
have undertaken the FIA e-learning safety training.
19.2.6. Deleted.
Cross Country Licences
Competition Licence – Fees
20. See Part 3, Appendix 1, Competition Fees for details.
Competition Licence – Inspection
21.1.1. Licences must be produced for inspection at all events
prior to a competitor taking part.
21.1.2. Competitors failing to produce a correct licence will
pay a non-production fee as detailed in Part 3, Appendix 1 or
may be disqualied from the event by the Stewards. Exceptionally, for Karting, where both a Kart PG
and the drivers licence, specic to a single entry, cannot be
produced a single non-refundable fee will be payable.
21.1.3. Under no circumstances can this fee be considered as a
substitute for holding a valid Competition Licence.
21.1.4. Only the originals of licences and Upgrade Cards
are acceptable. Photocopies or facsimiled copies are not
21.1.5. One Entrant’s licence covers all the entries at a meeting
in the name of that Entrant.
Competition Licence Restrictions
22.1.1. The following restrictions apply:
22.1.2. No person shall apply for or hold a current Entrant’s
and/or Driver’s licence from more than one ASN (other than in
22.1.5. below) and such licences shall, if both are required,
always be obtained from the same ASN.
22.1.3. No person may apply for or hold more than one current
licence of the same category.
22.1.4. In special circumstances and, only once annually, the
holder of a licence issued by Motorsport UK may apply to
another ASN to issue them with a licence. This may only be
granted if they are permanently resident in the territory of the
ASN to whom they are applying, have surrendered their licence
to, and obtained written permission from Motorsport UK.
22.1.5. A British citizen, having a licence issued in a foreign
country which is not endorsed with the EU ag (27), will be
able to take part in events within the territory of Motorsport
UK, subject to also taking out a Motorsport UK Interclub or
National Competition Licence.
Competition Licence – Holder’s Indemnity
and Undertaking
23.1.1. In consideration of Motorsport UK granting a
Competition Licence, the holder binds himself to the following
requirements and undertakings (A.2.6, A10 and D.13):
23.1.2. To abide by the Motorsport UK Regulations and any
amendments or additions thereto which may be in force at any
time that the licence is used for the purpose of taking part in a
motor competition.
23.1.3. To pay as liquidated damages for any breach of these
Regulations any sums awarded against him or the organisation
which he represents within the maxima set out in the
23.1.4. That to the best of the licence holder’s knowledge and
belief the driver(s) possess(es) the standard of competence
necessary for an event of the type to which an entry relates
and that the vehicle entered is suitable and road worthy for
the event having regard to the course and the speeds which
will be reached.
23.1.5. That where appropriate, the use of the car entered
shall be covered by insurance as required by the law, which is
valid for such part of the event as shall take place on roads as
dened by the law.
23.1.6. That any competitor taking part in an event is suffering
from any disability whether permanent, or temporary, which is
likely to affect prejudicially his normal control of his vehicle
at the time of the event, may not take part unless he has
declared such disability to Motorsport UK which has, following
such declaration given its written consent to the competitor
to compete.
Common regulations for Competitors: Licences
23.1.7. That any application form for a licence which is signed
by a person under the age of 18 years shall be counter- signed
by that person’s Parent or Guardian. Proof of guardianship may
be required.
23.1.8. Competitors should abstain from the consumption of
alcohol or drugs before or during a competition.
23.1.9. The Parent/Guardian of a minor shall sign the
following declaration: “I am the Parent/Guardian of the driver
I understand that I shall have the right to be present during
any procedure being carried out under the Supplementary
Regulations issued for this event and the General Regulations
of Motorsport UK. As the Parent/Guardian I conrm that I have
acquainted myself and the minor with the Motorsport UK
General Regulations, agree to pay any appropriate charges and
fees pursuant to those Regulations (to include any appendices
thereto) and hereby agree to be bound by those Regulations
and submit myself without reserve to the consequences
resulting from those Regulations (and any subsequent
alteration thereof). Further, I agree to pay as liquidated
damages any nes imposed upon me up to the maxima set out
in Part 3, Appendix 1. (In addition please note that the above is
subject to the requirements of S.7.1.7 and U.14.1.5.)
23.1.10. Where the Parent or Guardian is not present there
must be a representative, who must produce a written and
signed authorisation from the Parent/Guardian, to act as their
National Schools Karting Association
24.1. Motorsport UK waives the requirement to hold a
Competition Licence for competitors who hold a National
licence issued by the National Schools Karting (NatSKA) in
accordance with their rules which have been agreed with
Motorsport UK.
Grades of Event and Licence Types
and Grades
25.1.1. Competitors need a Competition Licence for most forms
of motor sport organised under a permit issued by Motorsport
UK. Select the status and type of event from the Chart 26; this
shows the minimum acceptable licence.
25.1.2. Competitors must normally have registered and
have their licence before competing in any event, but with
the specic exception of Race, Long Circuit Kart Races* and
Stage Rallies**, organisers are permitted to accept a properly
completed RS Clubman, RS Interclub or Kart Application Form
along with the appropriate fee in lieu of the licence.
25.1.3. *Competitors 59 years of age and under who have just
completed their ARKS test may also produce their correctly
completed application and payment in lieu of the licence
(except for Long Circuit).
25.1.4. **Navigators at Interclub or lower status Stage Rallies
may apply for an RS Interclub licence. This can, however, only
be done once annually at events of Interclub or lower status.
No priority fee is payable and the fee for non-production of
licence is not applicable.
25.1.5. Licences issued by Motorsport Ireland will be deemed
valid for all British events providing the holders comply
with all the requirements for the event. Under a reciprocal
agreement British licences are valid in Eire.
25.2.1. National Competition Licences issued by countries
outside the UK will be deemed valid for British events,
providing the following applies and competitors obtain
approval from their own ASN:
(i) The event has been inscribed on the 2022 National Calendar
and that the holders comply with all the requirements for the
(ii) To ensure compatibility with our licence requirements,
clubs should require foreign competitors to comply with the
(a) If the event is of Interclub or Clubman status, the
competitor must be a member of, or join, the organising club or
one of the invited clubs
(b) At an Interclub Race meeting, the competitor must sign
a declaration that he/she is competent to compete in the
appropriate Race, and must satisfy the Clerk of the Course
prior to practice that he/she is aware of the ag signals. The
competitor should be subject to special observation during
practice, and must achieve a lap time of at least 120% of
the class best, unless the Clerk of the Course is satised as
to extenuating circumstances. If he/she has not previously
nished six Races, the competitor must carry a novice cross on
the rear of the car (Q11.4.4)
(c) At a National Race meeting, the competitor must sign
a declaration that he/she is competent to compete in that
status of Race, and must satisfy the Clerk of the Course prior
to practice that he/she is aware of the ag signals. The
competitor should be subject to special observation during
practice, and must achieve a lap time of at least 120% of
the class best, unless the Clerk of the Course is aware of
extenuating circumstances
(d) At any International Race meeting the competitor must hold
a valid International licence
(e) Short Circuit Kart Racing. The competitor must carry ‘Novice’
number plates unless he/she can provide the organisers with
proof of having nished in at least six Kart Races. Normal
observation during practice
(f) Long Circuit Kart Races. A declaration must be signed that
the competitor has nished at least six Kart Races (long or
short circuit). The competitor must carry ‘Novice number
plates unless proof can be provided to the organisers of
having nished at least four long circuit Kart Races. Special
observation during practice
(g) Interclub Rallies. The driver must hold a road licence
valid within the UK. No other restrictions [see (k) regarding
(h) National Rallies. As (g) above, but the competitor must sign
a declaration that he/she has competed in at least four rallies
(i) Co-Drivers. No special requirements
(j) All other events. For all other events which do not utilise the
public highway, no special restrictions apply
25.2.2. British licence holders of National or above grade will
be entitled to compete in National events overseas providing
the event has been inscribed on the ASN’s 2022 Sporting
Calendar, and comply with the requirements of the event. They
will then be subject to the regulations of the appropriate ASN.
These licences will incorporate automatic permission to take
part in such events and contains the words Authorisation to
take part in National and International Competitions abroad in
accordance with Articles 2.3.7 and 3.9.4 of the FIA ISC”.
Common regulations for Competitors: Licences
25.2.3. British licence holders of any International grade
will be entitled to take part in events of the appropriate
type on condition that those events are entered on the FIA
International Calendar. Motorsport UK International licences
incorporate automatic permission to take part in such events.
In case of difculty please contact Motorsport UK.
25.2.4. Concessions to holders of an International Historic
licence may be available, please refer to the FIA International
Sporting Code.
25.2.5. Non UK Race licence holders attending a Motorsport
UK recognised competition driving school may take part in up
to two national events organised by that school on the strict
condition that they have the agreement of both their parent
ASN and Motorsport UK. In such cases their original licence
must be lodged with Motorsport UK who will then issue a
suitable licence for the event, following receipt of a completed
application. This licence will be exchanged for their original
licence at the conclusion of the event(s).
26.1.1. All personal licences entitle the holder to enter the car,
truck or kart* in which he/she will personally take part in the
event. Any other organisation, company, sponsor or person must
obtain an ENTRANT’S LICENCE by making separate application
by completing an Application for Competition Licence Form.
*(In addition, please note the above is subject to the specic
regulations which apply to Drag Racing S.7.1.7 and Karting
26.1.2. The Entrant is the legal entity who is responsible for all
acts and/or omissions of the driver/co-driver and any Person
connected with the entry. A Competitor must ensure that any
Entrant is aware of this. Entrants must respect that Motorsport
UK have the right to require alcohol and illicit drugs testing
on any Person howsoever connected with any Entry operating
within a Motorsport UK Permitted Event and shall at all times
cooperate fully with the relevant procedures. These procedures
are in addition to and not in substitution for any procedure
undertaken by or at the instance of UK Anti-Doping (D.35.1.1.)
26.1.3. The maximum number of words permitted in an
Entrant’s title is six.
26.1.4. Only one Entrant’s licence may be used in connection
with an entry (i.e. two three-word licences cannot be used to
make one entry).
26.1.5. An International Entrant’s licence is valid for all events
both inside and outside the UK.
26.1.6. A National Entrant’s licence is valid for all events inside
the UK excluding International, except in the case of events
for Karts and Historic Cars, where it has the same validity as an
International Entrant’s licence.
Competitors who intend to use this licence internationally
must advise Motorsport UK at the time of application.
26.1.7. *Where a competitor has not reached his 18th
birthday the Entry for an event must be counter-signed by
their Parent or Guardian. Such person will be considered as
being the Minors’ Entrant, and as such will be subject to these
26.1.8. *The Parent or Guardian must attend the event with
the Minor, and sign-on as his Entrant.
*(In addition please note the above is subject to the
requirements of S.7.1.7 and U.14.1.5.)
26.1.9. A discipline may require the Parent or Guardian to be
the holder of a PG Entrant’s Licence. Where this is required the
following will apply:
(a) A Competition Licence Application form must be
countersigned by the Competitor’s Parent or Guardian. The
Competitor’s Parent or Guardian must hold a PG Entrant’s
(b) If the Parent or Guardian does not already hold such a
licence, the PG Entrant’s Licence Application must accompany
the Competition Licence Application form when it is submitted
to Motorsport UK
(c) At an Event a Competitor must be accompanied by the
holder of a PG Entrant’s Licence who must sign on as the
Entrant of that Competitor. When the holder of the PG
Entrant’s Licence is unable to be present (or has signed on but
subsequently needs to transfer responsibility) they may appoint
in writing an Entrant’s Representative to act as their agent for
all purposes under these Regulations
However the holder of the PG Entrant’s Licence will remain
fully liable and responsible under the Regulations, as principal,
as if they had accompanied the Competitor. The Entrant’s
Representative must be in possession of the PG Entrant’s
Licence (21.1.1). Note that an exemption in writing may be
sought from Motorsport UK in advance of the relevant Event
under A.2.4 should a PG Entrant’s Licence be required to be
produced at more than one Event on the same day
(d) The Entrant (who signs on at the Event as the Entrant)
of the Competitor will be responsible for the conduct of
mechanics, helpers, team personnel and any other person
associated with that Competitor
(e) For National Events within the UK a “PG” Entrant’s Licence
will sufce. For International Events a Competitor must be
accompanied by a Licensed Entrant whose licence must be
valid for International Events (31)
(f) Should a PG Entrant’s Licence be suspended at an Event, the
holder may not participate further but the licence shall remain
valid to the extent as provided for below. The holder of that
PG Entrant’s Licence may appoint an Entrant’s Representative
as in (c) above in order that the Competitor may continue to
participate at that Event. That appointment shall continue
to be effective as an Entrant’s Representative to act on
their behalf at subsequent Events in order to facilitate the
Competitor’s ongoing participation whilst the suspension of
the PG Entrant’s Licence remains in force but the PG Entrant’s
Licence holder is entitled to make substituted appointments
pursuant to (c) at any time following the Event at which the
PG Entrant’s Licence was suspended. The PG Entrant’s Licence
holder may not attend subsequent Events in person whilst any
suspension remains in force
(g) Where an Entrant’s Representative has been appointed,
only the holder of the PG Entrant’s Licence may appoint an
alternative Entrant’s Representative
(h) Where a Parent/Guardian has formally appointed a
representative, only that representative is entitled to be
present in any judicial hearing the Parent/Guardian having
transferred their own entitlement
(i) Where a Championship mandates that the holder of a PG
Entrant’s Licence must appoint an Entrant’s Representative in
the form of a Team Entrant’s Licence holder, the Team Entrant’s
Licence holder will be subject to the provisions of (d) above
but does not acquire authority under (f)
Common regulations for Competitors: Licences
27.1.1. During the period of validity of an event Permit there
are no restrictions on advertising on vehicles in the UK except
as follows:
27.1.2. The display must not be offensive.
27.1.3. No display should interfere with the easy identication
of the vehicle’s competition number.
27.1.4. No display on a transparent surface can exceed 13cm
in depth.
27.1.5. Advertising is prohibited on road rallies except as
provided for in R.18.6.1, R.18.6.6 and R.19.8.
27.1.6. Tobacco related advertising is prohibited on all
competing vehicles, their support vehicles and any other form
of equipment directly connected with an entrant or competitor.
As an exception to this any car which can be proved by way of
its history, through its chassis number via the FIA or Motorsport
UK Historic Vehicle Identity Form (HVIF), to have run in a
particular livery will be allowed to continue to display that
livery in the same colours and original size of logos.
Event Advertising
28.1.1. The competitor must make available to the organiser a
specied area of 645 sq cm on each side of the car, adjacent to
the space allocated for the vehicle’s competition number, and
clearly visible, on which the organiser may specify the event, its
sponsor or the course on which it is being run. Normally, this
will be above or below the number background.
28.1.2. The competitor taking part in an event of a
championship series must also make available a specied area
of 645 sq cm on each side of the car on which the organiser
may specify the championship and its sponsor (if that sponsor
is different from the sponsor of the individual event) so long
as the competitor is required to display only the title of the
28.1.3. Failure to display the appropriate sticker may result in
loss of Championship points.
29.1.1. Individual entries for an event must be made in writing
on an appropriate entry form (D.4.3 and D.4.5) before the
specied closing date of entries.
29.1.2. Acceptance of entries shall be at the discretion of the
organisers, whether or not the number of entries submitted
exceeds the maximum number to be accepted in the
competition (D.14).
29.1.3. The organisers may at their discretion:
(a) Select entries as they wish
(b) Refuse any entry. No event or championship organiser shall
have the right to refuse an entry on unreasonable grounds and
competitors may appeal to the MSC if they feel the grounds are
unreasonable (C6.3.2, C6.3.3)
(c) Refund any entry fee or excuse a competitor payment of
any entry fee
(d) * Publicise in the SRs the method by which entries are to
be selected
(e) * Furthermore, the organisers may require accepted
entries to comply with some specic conditions prior to being
permitted to start, but only provided such a condition is stated
in the SRs
(f) * Abandon, cancel or postpone the competition or any class
therein should insufcient entries be received, provided that a
minimum number of entries is specied in the SRs
(g) Amalgamate existing classes or create additional classes
should the type and size of entry appear to warrant such
action, provided that the intention so to act is notied in
writing to all competitors affected, not later than the closing
date for entries
(h) Permit the nomination of drivers to be delayed up to the
time of issuing the ofcial list of competitors
30.1.1. The organisers shall, within seven days of receipt of
an entry, or within two days of the closing date for entries,
whichever is the earlier, notify an entrant that his entry is:
(a) Accepted, or
(b) Refused, or
(c) Placed on a list of reserves and the position on that list, or
(d) Held in abeyance for further consideration
(e) Furthermore, in the case of an entrant notied that his entry
is classied under (d), he shall be notied within two days of
the closing date of entries as to the nal classication of his
(f) An entrant shall be free to withdraw an entry to which
30.1.3(g), (c) or (d) relates provided the organisers are so
informed in writing within three days of the entrant being
(g) When an organiser is accepting entries up to one hour
before a competition (as permitted by D.20), he must notify all
accepted entries, not less than three days before the event, if
there is any likelihood of the event being cancelled because of
lack of entries
30.1.2. Refund of Entry Fees. An entrant shall have the right of
a refund of the entry fee only if:
(a) The event is cancelled, or postponed for more than 12
hours, unless the SRs have provided for a specied part to be
retained towards administrative expenses
(b) An otherwise eligible reserve entry is not permitted to take
part in the event
(c) An entry is withdrawn as provided by 30.1.1(f)
(d) An entry is refused
(e) Provision is made in the SRs for full or partial refund to
a competitor notifying the organisers IN WRITING prior to a
specied date, that he wishes to withdraw his entry
Entrants’ Responsibilities (1, 26)
31.1.1. An entrant shall ensure that:
31.1.2. Only the nominated car is used throughout the event.
31.1.3. Only the nominated driver(s) drive that car.
31.1.4. Only nominated persons are carried in that car.
Common regulations for Competitors: Licences
31.1.5. An entrant shall, before the event, satisfy himself as to
the eligibility and safety of the vehicle and safety equipment
and the competence of its driver.
31.1.6. An entrant shall furthermore ensure that a vehicle is
maintained in an eligible and safe condition throughout the
event or meeting.
31.1.7. The act of presenting a vehicle and safety equipment
for ofcial scrutiny shall be deemed a declaration of its
tness and eligibility for the event and an acceptance of the
consequences of such a declaration not being valid.
31.1.8. Vehicles shall comply with Motorsport UK Technical
Regulations and any appropriate Approved Formulae
31.1.9. There shall be no requirement for eligibility of
a vehicle additional to the preceding point unless such
requirement is stated in the SRs.
31.1.10. The entrant shall be responsible for all acts or
omissions on the part of his driver(s), mechanics, passengers,
and all other persons assisting in any capacity in connection
with his entry, but each of these shall also be responsible for
any breach of the Regulations.
31.1.11. Notwithstanding the above, the driver of any vehicle
disqualied as a result of the actions of his Entrant, Mechanic,
engine or body builder, or any other person assisting in any
capacity with his entry, may also be subject to any penalties
associated with that exclusion.
31.2.1. Entrants and Drivers Forbidden to Abandon one Event
and compete in another.
31.2.2. Any entrant having entered, or any driver having
undertaken to drive in any event, who does not take part in
that event and takes part in another event on the same day
may thereby become liable to the penalty set out in Part 3,
Appendix 1.
31.2.3. Provided also that a competitor who has been notied
that his entry has been accepted conditionally or that a
decision has been deferred may enter for another event on the
same day on condition that if his entry for the second event is
accepted he shall forthwith notify the rst organising club.
31.2.4. Entrants must respect that Motorsport UK have
the right to require alcohol and illicit drugs testing on any
Person howsoever connected with any Entry operating within
a Motorsport UK Permitted Event and shall at all times
cooperate fully with the relevant procedures. These procedures
are in addition to and not in substitution for any procedure
undertaken by or at the instance of UK Anti-Doping (D.35.1.1.)
Competitors’ Responsibilities
32.1.1. All Entrants, Drivers, Navigators and other passengers
must sign-on’ on a form prescribed by Motorsport UK and
undertake to comply with the declarations laid down in
D.13 and shall not be allowed to take part in the event until
they have produced the necessary documents to prove their
eligibility for the event, whether this be by means of an
approved Club Membership Card and/or a Motorsport UK
Competition Licence (or Licence application form completed as
in 26.1). In addition to the foregoing if the vehicle is to be used
on the Public Highway an appropriate current valid Road Trafc
Act Licence will also be required.
32.1.2. Competitors must present their vehicle, in a clean
condition, with any relevant paperwork, for scrutineering at the
nominated time prior to taking part in the event.
32.1.3. Competitors must attend any meeting or brieng where
this is required by the SRs, by the Clerk of the Course, or by the
Stewards of the Meeting.
32.1.4. Competitors and their service/pit assistants must at
all times obey the instructions of an authorised ofcial of the
32.1.5. Competitors and their service/pit assistants must at
all times display means of identication (i.e. passes etc.) as
provided by the organisers.
32.1.6. Competitors must remain available at an event until
any protest period relating to their event or appeal period
in any matter in which they are involved has elapsed, failing
which, any judicial action against or relating to that competitor
may be heard in their absence (C6.3, C7.1.5).
32.1.7. Any competitor knowingly injuring a marshal, an ofcial
or spectator during an event must:
(a) Ensure that adequate help is available
(b) Report the incident to a Senior Ofcial as soon as possible
(c) Report personally to the Clerk of the Course, not later than
the conclusion of the event, and remain at his disposal until
(d) If the incident happened on the Public Highway,
competitors are reminded of their obligations under the RTA
Foreign Events
33.1.1. A competition licence holder proposing to compete in
an event outside the European Union is required by FIA Rules
to ensure that the event is inscribed on the FIA International
Calendar. International Competition Licences issued by
Motorsport UK constitute an authorisation ‘Visa’ and allow
eligible holders to compete abroad on such events.
(See 26.2.1.)
33.1.2. Only competitors classied as nishers and who have
produced the appropriate documents to prove their eligibility
for a competition will be eligible for an award or an individual
position in the results unless the SRs specify otherwise.
Results and Awards
34.1.1. Any award which is not specically offered to a person
other than the entrant will be given to the entrant.
34.1.2. Where eligibility for an award depends upon club
membership this will be determined by means of the club
membership claimed on the entry form. Details of the club
must be printed in the programme. No competitor may
compete for more than one such award.
34.1.3. No competitor may be a member of more than one
team competing for the same award unless the SRs specify
34.1.4. Anovice’ will be a driver who has not previously won
an award in a competition of similar or higher status and type
unless the SRs specify other conditions.
34.1.5. The results of a competition will be ‘Provisional’ until
all vehicles subject to Post-Event Scrutiny have been examined
and a report submitted to the Clerk of the Course, all ofcial
enquiries by the Clerk of the Course and/or Race Director
completed and every competitor has had an opportunity to
protest and/or appeal in accordance with the Regulations, and
such protest or appeal has been duly heard.
Common regulations for Competitors: Licences
34.1.6. Once results are Final they may not be changed subject
only to the powers held by Motorsport UK.
34.1.7. If the Provisional Results are amended for any reason,
fresh Provisional Results must be published and these become
subject to protest or appeal in accordance with the preceding
34.1.8. If printed results sheets are available to all competitors
on the day, copies of these results need not be posted to
entrants. Any alteration to the Provisional Results must be
notied to all entrants.
Advertisement of Results of Competition
35.1.1. Any competitor or other persons or body advertising
the results of a competition shall state the exact conditions of
the performance referred to, the nature of the competition, the
category, class, etc., of the vehicle, and the position and result
obtained, and such additional information as Motorsport UK
may require.
35.1.2. The publication of an advertisement, relating to the
results of a competition drawn up in a way calculated to
mislead the public, or the infraction of this Rule whether by
way of omission from or addition to the particulars required
to be stated or otherwise, shall render the person or body
by whose authority or on whose behalf the advertisement is
published or issued liable to the penalties provided by these
Rules, and may entail the iniction of a penalty on the person
responsible for drawing up the advertisement.
Successful Prosecution (D.25.1.15)
36.1.1. Any competitor who is successfully prosecuted as a
result of his conduct in connection with a motor vehicle whilst
taking part in an event may, at the discretion of the Stewards
of the Meeting, subsequently be disqualied from the results
of that event and be required to forfeit or return any award.
Details of any successful prosecution known to the organising
club shall be passed to Motorsport UK, who will endorse his
licence record and may disqualify the person concerned from
competing in other events.
37.1.1. In respect of any event or part of an event held
anywhere other than on a publicly adopted road, under a
Permit issued by Motorsport UK, competitors will be insured
in respect of third party public liability by the Motorsport UK
Master Policy.
37.1.2. Competitors are not insured under this policy in respect
of legal liability to other competitors.
37.1.3. It is the competitor’s responsibility to ensure that he
is properly insured, as required by the Law, whilst on publicly
adopted roads.
37.1.4. Further details of Insurance are given in Part 3,
Appendix 2.
37.1.5. The competitor shall comply with the terms of the
master insurance policies effected by Motorsport UK, the
principle terms of which are summarised in Part 3, Appendix 2.
37.1.6. A full copy of the master insurance policy may be seen
on application to the Motorsport UK Company Secretary at
Motorsport UK House.
Control of Drugs and Alcohol (D35.1)
Anti-Doping Regulations
38.1. Motorsport UK has adopted the UK Anti-Doping rules
published by UK Anti-Doping (or its successor) as amended
from time to time. Such rules shall take effect and be construed
as Regulations of Motorsport UK. The UK Anti-Doping Rules
are available at www.ukad.org.uk and the WADA Prohibited List
is available at www.wadaama.org or from Motorsport UK on
request. It is the responsibility of each licence holder to ensure
that they are fully familiar with the UK Anti- Doping Rules and
the WADA Prohibited List. The FIA Anti-Doping Regulations will
apply in respect of any International event.
Anti-Alcohol and Illicit Drugs Regulations
38.2. The Motorsport UK Anti-Alcohol policy and Illicit Drugs
guidelines are published on the Motorsport UK website. It is
the responsibility of each Licence holder to ensure that they
are fully familiar with the Motorsport UK Anti-Alcohol and
Illicit Drugs policies and guidelines. The FIA Regulations will
apply in respect of any International event.
38.3. Entrants must respect that Motorsport UK have the
right to require alcohol and illicit drugs testing on any Person
howsoever connected with any Entry operating within a
Motorsport UK Permitted Event and who shall at all times
cooperate fully with the relevant procedures. These procedures
are in addition to and not in substitution for any procedure
undertaken by or at the instance of UK Anti-Doping (D.35.1.1.)
38.4. Any Person who fails prescribed limits or evades or
refuses to comply with testing procedures for Anti-Alcohol
Testing, Anti-Doping Testing or Illicit Drugs testing will have
their Licence and/or all activities within Motorsport UK
Permitted Events suspended pending further investigation
and will be required to leave the Permitted Event Venue.
Drawing H12.1.7
Common regulations for Competitors: Licences
Discipline Driver Navigator
Car Race 16 14 Junior Race Formulae only
Truck Race 21 21 min age on road
Kart Race L/C 16 210cc max to 17
Kart Race S/C 8 85cc gearbox from 13 U15.1.1
Kart Tyro 11
Kart Endurance 16 15hp per Kart
Kart Bambino 6 Special Conditions
Road Rally* 17+RTA 12 2 2-12 in a Child Seat
Navigation Rally* 17+RTA 12 2 2-12 in a Child Seat
Stage Rally 17+RTA 16
14 Junior Rally Championship only 14
Single Venue Navigator
Car Trial** 14 12 2 2-12 in a Child Seat T4.1.6
Classic Reliability Trial** 17+RTA 14 2 2-12 in a Child Seat T4.1.6
Sporting Trial** 16 14
Autotest 16 14 up to 2000cc inc forced induction
PC Autotest/AutoSOLO*** 14 12
Hill Rally*** 17+RTA 16
Safari*** 17+RTA 16
Cross Country Tyro** 13 12 2 2-12 in a Child Seat P44.2.6
Cross Country Trial*** 17 14 Junior Trials from 8-17
Sprint and Hillclimb 16
14 Junior Sprint only
14 Junior Hillclimb with Junior Sprint
Minicross 14
Autocross 16 14 Junior Autocross
Clubcross 14
Rallycross 16 14 Junior Rallycross
Drag Race 16 Junior Dragsters from 8
Passengers are ONLY permitted in events indicated by: *, ** and ***
* Rear passengers do NOT need a licence if under 18
** Front and rear passengers do NOT need a licence if under 18
*** Driver and front passenger need licences
Appendix 1: Charts and Diagrams
Chart 7: Competitors Minimum Ages
Common regulations for Competitors: Licences
EVENT STATUS (as dened in Supplementary Regulations)
AUTOTESTS RS Clubman Any Interclub
ALL TRIALS RS Clubman Any Interclub
NAVIGATION RALLY RS Clubman Any Interclub Any National
ROAD RALLY (including Targa,
Historic and Endurance)
RS Clubman Any Interclub Any National
RS Clubman Any Interclub Any National
Cross Country ‘ITC-‘R’
or Stage Rally
International ‘ITC-‘R’
HILL RALLIES RS Clubman (6) Any Interclub RS National (5)
Cross Country ‘R’
or Stage Rally
International ‘ITC-‘R’
AUTOCROSS (including MINICROSS) RS Clubman Any Interclub
HILL CLImbS, SpRINTS Any Interclub (6)
RS National or Race
National (6)
Speed ‘ITD-R’ or
Race International
DRAG RACES Any Interclub
RS National Drag
Drag International
RALLYCROSS Any Interclub
RS National or Race
International ‘ITC-C’
Race International
RS Interclub Stage
Rally (4)
RS National– Stage
Rally (5)
Rally International
RS National Stage
RS National Stage
Rally International
KART ENDURANCE Kart Clubman (7)
KART TYRO Kart Clubman (7)
Kart Clubman
bambino (9)
RACE Race Club Race National
Race International
RACE HISTORIC Race Club Race National
Race International
Kart Interclub or
Race Club
Kart National or
Race National
Kart International
Race National –
Truck Endorsement
Race National –
Truck Endorsement
International Truck
1. A higher grade licence is always valid for lower permit events of the same discipline (exceptions see 8 below).
2. Race licences are valid for speed events.
3. Race(10), RS and RS Stage Rally licences are valid for Rallycross.
4. Any Interclub, RS National, Race National, RS Rally National Navigator and any International Licence is valid for Stage Navigator.
5. RS Rally National Navigator is valid for Stage Navigator.
6. RS National or Race National required for vehicles dened in S7.1 of the Regulations.
7. Kart Clubman licence is only valid for Kart Endurance/Kart Tyro events.
8. Race National Licences also valid for Long Circuit Kart events.
9. A Kart bambino event may accept any competitor until the 31st december in the year of their 8th birthday.
10. Weight to power ratios have been imposed by fIA according to licence status. Unless otherwise stated reference to International
Race requires a minimum licence status of International C’ Race.
11. For Long Circuit Kart events either the endorsed valid for Long Circuit” Kart Licence or Race Licence, as specied above, is
Chart 26: Competitors Minimum Acceptable Licences
Common regulations for Competitors: Licences
More marketing tools to consider
Throughout the Motorsport UK Yearbook we have introduced you to the basics of
event marketing, shown you how to write press releases and explained how to run
an advertising campaign on Facebook. But what other marketing tools could you
use as part of your plan?
Inluencer relations
Historically, mainstream media have been the
default channel through which to reach mass
audiences. However, in the age of social media,
‘inuencers’ are becoming just as important,
so you should consider inuencer relations as
well as media relations.
Inuencers are, quite simply, people who are
inuential on social media. Broadly, this means
they publish posts and content focusing on a
particular activity or industry, and have built up
a large and loyal following.
The biggest inuencers are now charging
eye-watering sums of money from anyone
wanting to piggyback onto their success, but
have a look around at some of the inuencers
in the motorsport and motoring worlds, and
think what you can offer that might entice
them - a free drive in your event, perhaps? If
there are any celebrities based near your event,
consider a similar approach.
Referral marketing
When looking for new people to take part in
your event, in whatever capacity, why not start
with those already involved? Your existing
customers can be some of your best advocates.
Assuming they have family and friends, at least
some of whom must be like-minded, consider
how you can encourage or even incentivise
them to share details of your event.
Particularly useful for pre-event marketing,
blogs offer a great way to express not only
your key messages but also your mission
statement, i.e. why you are organising your
event. Are you running your event to bring
a motorsport discipline to a new part of the
UK, to revive a venue, or take motorsport to
audiences? Whatever the mission, express it
eloquently and passionately through a blog
post, and use social media to share it.
Google Analytics
Since much of your marketing activity will
be geared towards driving audiences to your
event webpage for more information and to
sign up or buy tickets, you’ll want to track how
well you are doing. This is where GA comes in.
Head to Google Analytics (Google it!) and set
up your account. Once up and running, you will
have access to a wealth of data about trafc to
your website. It can look daunting at rst, but
the basics are actually quite easy to get your
head around. Search for the Google Analytics
Academy, where you will nd a free beginner’s
Common regulations for Competitors: Licences
Status of Event National International UK
Overseas (Non-FIA
FIA Championships
Cross Country National Entrant
Restricted Entrant
International Open
International Open
valid for fIA
Speed National Entrant
Restricted Entrant
International Open
International Open
valid for fIA
Rallies National Entrant
Restricted Entrant
International Open
International Open
valid for fIA
Races National Entrant
Restricted Entrant
International Open
International Open
valid for fIA
Kart Races Kart Entrant Kart Entrant
Kart International
International Open
valid for fIA
Nb : A higher grade licence is always valid for lower permit events of the same discipline.
Chart 27 : Minimum Acceptable Entrants’ Licences
Common regulations for Competitors: Licences
We are the national membership organisation and
governing body for four-wheel motorsport in the UK,
representing competitors, volunteers, clubs and fans.
Motorsport UK is a not-for-prot organisation
(limited by guarantee) that exists to service
and grow the sport. We are a member of the world
governing body, the Fédération Internationale de
l’Automobile (FIA).
Motorsport UK, Bicester Motion, OX
27 8
+44 (0) 1753 765000