Effective August 10, 2023.
Navy Cash Card Terms and Conditions
Your Navy Cash Card
Fees and Interest
In Case of Errors, Questions or Disputes about Your Transactions
Safeguarding Your Card
Your Liability in Case of Loss, Theft, or Unauthorized Transactions
Stop Payments on Recurring Payments/Transfers
Remaining Card Value and Transaction History
Failure to Make Transfers
Disclosure of Card Information
Your Duties and Liabilities
Other Legal Terms
Navy Cash Visitor Card Terms and Conditions
Your Navy Cash Visitor Card
Adding Funds to Your Visitor Card
Navy Cash Kiosks
Fees and Interest
Lost or Stolen Visitor Card
Stop Payments
In Case of Errors, Questions or Disputes about Your Transactions
Card Value
Disclosure of Card Information
Your Duties and Liabilities
Other Legal Terms
Navy Cash Card Terms and Conditions
This Agreement governs the issuance and use of your Card. By obtaining or using a Card, you agree to
the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, which is subject to amendment from time to time
in accordance with applicable law. Further, you agree that this Agreement is binding on your
successors, representatives and assigns.
“Agreement” means these Navy Cash Card
Terms and Conditions.
Bank Transfer” means a funds transfer via ACH
to/from a Linked Account to/from the Card.
“ATM” means an automated teller machine.
Business Daysare Monday through Friday,
excluding federal holidays.
“Card” means the Navy Cash Card issued to you
by PNC, and includes both the Open Loop
Account and Closed Loop Account.
“Closed Loop Account” means the portion of
your Card that may be used to make
transactions on ship using the chip embedded
in the Card.
“DFAS” means Defense Finance and Accounting
“Disbursing Office” or “Disbursing Officer”
means the Disbursing Office or Disbursing
Officer on-ship.
Electronic Funds Transfer” means any Bank
Transfer, or a transfer to/from your Open Loop
Account to/from your Closed Loop Account.
“Foreign Transactions” are Open Loop Account
transactions completed outside of the United
States using your Card.
“FRB” refers to the Federal Reserve Bank of
Kansas City, a fiscal agent of the United States
for the purpose of servicing the Closed Loop
Account on the Card.
Linked Account” means a bank or credit union
account linked to your Card for purposes of
Bank Transfers.
“Navy Cash Kiosk” means the Navy Cash self-
service terminals on Navy ships and at U.S.
military bases.
“Navy Plan of the Day” means the periodic
news and announcement source for the Navy.
“Open Loop Account” means the portion of
your Card that may be used to make debit
transactions off-ship using the magstripe on the
back of the Card.
“PIN” means a four (4) digit personal
identification number assigned to you or
selected by you for identification purposes in
connection with the use of your Card.
“PNC” refers to PNC Bank, National Association,
a national banking association and a financial
agent of the United States for the purposes of
issuing the Card.
“POS” means a point-of-sale terminal used to
make purchases of goods and services.
“Treasury” refers to the United States
Department of the Treasury.
“You” and “your” refer to the person in whose
name a Card is issued.
1. Your Navy Cash Card
Using Your Card
You will be solely and completely responsible for the possession, use and control of the Card. You must
surrender the Card to the Disbursing Office or Navy Cash Customer Service immediately upon request.
You may use your Card as follows:
Closed Loop
Open Loop
Yes (via cash
and Navy Cash
Yes (via check,
cash, and Navy
Cash kiosk)
Please note that some ATMs and POS terminals may not accept the magstripe on your Card for transactions.
The Split Pay Option is not associated with Navy Cash and is a program operated by DFAS. Contact DFAS or the
Disbursing Office for more details.
A. Limitations on Transactions
All transactions are limited to the amount of
money available on your Card.
Certain limits exist on the amount that may be
withdrawn from ATMs or charged to your Card
for purchases each day.
You may load no more than $400 on to your
Card each day through a Bank Transfer.
The following limits apply to the Open Loop
Account that is accessed by your Card:
ATM daily limit - $1,000
POS daily limit - $5,000
Cash load daily limit - $1,000
Check load limit (daily) - $400
Check load limit (monthly) - $1200
The following limits apply to the Closed Loop
Account that is accessed by your Card:
POS daily limit $1,000
Cash load daily limit - $ 1,000
In certain situations (such as on-ship vending
purchases), you may use your Closed Loop
Account without a PIN to conduct up to $25
worth of transactions before a PIN-based
transaction is required.
You cannot use your Closed Loop Account for
ATM transactions.
You may call Navy Cash Customer Service at 1-
866-3NAVYCASH (1-866-362-8922) if you need
additional information about your limits.
During any interruption of an electronic funds
transfer service, there may be additional
limitations on the dollar amount and frequency
of transactions. There also may be additional
limitations on the types, frequency, timing and
amount of transactions, without notice, for
security purposes.
Please note that if you use your Card at an ATM
or other terminal that is not owned by PNC,
operators of those ATMs or terminals may
impose limitations on the amount, number or
frequency of transactions you may make with
your Card.
You may transfer funds from your Open Loop
Account to your Closed Loop Account up to the
maximum value of your Closed Loop Account.
Also, you may transfer up to the entire value of
your Closed Loop Account to your Open Loop
Account up to the maximum value of your Open
Loop Account.
B. Split Pay Option
If you are an active duty Navy sailor or a
Marine, you may choose to receive a portion of
your pay on your Card through the DFAS Split
Pay Option. If you choose to receive your
wages via the Split Pay Option, you must enroll
in the Split Pay Option separately. You will not
be automatically enrolled in the Split Pay
Option by obtaining and using this Card, and
you may choose to receive your wages via
direct deposit. If you choose to enroll in the
Split Pay Option, you will be subject to the Split
Pay Option’s terms, conditions and limitations.
Contact DFAS or the Disbursing Office for more
information on the Split Pay Option.
C. FDIC Insurance
The value on your Card is insured by the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to the
maximum amount permitted by law.
D. Negative Balances
Except as otherwise provided in this
Agreement, when there are sufficient funds
available on your Card, transactions initiated or
authorized by you will be honored. A
transaction may be dishonored when
insufficient funds are available.
PNC and FRB reserve the right to charge your
Card for all transactions you initiate or
authorize, even though a negative balance may
be created, although PNC and FRB have no
obligation to do so. You will be liable for and
must immediately correct any negative balance
on your Card.
If you maintain a negative balance on your Card
for more than 10 days, the amount of your
negative balance will be deemed a debt owed
by you to Treasury.
The Disbursing Officer may collect any debt
owed. If you are no longer serving as part of a
ship command and have been transferred to a
shore command, the Disbursing Officer or DFAS
may initiate a garnishment of wages or a
miscellaneous pay checkage (pay deduction) to
collect the debt owed. If you leave the service
before you settle any negative balance on your
Card, the Treasury may initiate proceedings to
recover the debt owed.
If a Bank Transfer is returned for insufficient
funds, you authorize PNC and FRB to resubmit
the Bank Transfer to your Linked Account.
If you have a negative balance in either your
Open Loop Account or Closed Loop Account,
subsequent credits to that account will be
reduced by the amount of the negative balance.
E. Authorizations and Special Purchases With
Your Open Loop Account
When you initiate a transaction with your Open
Loop Account, a merchant may request a pre-
authorization for that transaction. When a pre-
authorization is provided to a merchant, a hold
is placed on funds on your Open Loop Account
in the amount the merchant is requesting.
Once the final amount of the transaction is
submitted by the merchant, your Open Loop
Account will be debited for that amount.
Certain types of merchants, such as restaurants,
gas stations, car rental agencies, hotels, cruise
lines, beauty and barber shops, health and
beauty spas, and taxis/limousines, generally
obtain a pre-authorization to charge your Open
Loop Account for an amount that may exceed
the actual amount of your final purchase.
If the amount of the authorization exceeds the
funds remaining in your Open Loop Account,
your transaction may not be honored, even
though the funds remaining on your Card are
sufficient to cover the actual amount of your
purchase. The amount of the authorization will
be deducted from your available value until the
completion of the purchase or transaction, or
the expiration of the time period set for
F. Deposit/Load Restrictions
i. In General
All deposits, loads and transfers to your Card
are subject to review for compliance with
applicable law, including without limitation to
Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)
compliance. This may result in delays in posting
items to your Card or refusal to accept deposits
or perform transfers. PNC, Treasury, and FRB
will have no obligation to provide you with
notice of any non-payment, dishonor or protest
regarding any items credited or debited to your
ii. Additional Terms for Check Deposits
Check deposits are generally limited to the
amounts listed in section 1.A. Higher limits may
be available for extenuating circumstances, as
determined by the Local Disbursing Office and
its policies and procedures.
All checks deposited must be payable to you
and be dated no more than 180 days before you
present the check to the Disbursing Office.
Checks must be endorsed by you.
Checks must be drawn on a United States
financial institution and payable in U.S.
currency. No third-party checks, where a check
is signed over to another cardholder other than
who the check is made out to be, are permitted.
We determine availability by counting the
number of Business Days from the Business Day
of your deposit. If a check deposit is received
by a Disbursing Officer, we will consider that
day to be the day of your deposit.
When a check deposit is received by a
Disbursing Officer on a Business Day, funds
from your deposit will be available on the first
Business Day after the Business Day of your
deposit for all purposes.
Funds you deposit by check may be delayed for
a longer period under the following
● You redeposit a check that has been returned
● There is an emergency or intervening service
interruption that is not the fault of PNC or FRB,
such as a failure of communications or
computer equipment.
You will be notified of the delay in your ability
to withdraw funds for any of the reasons listed,
and you will be notified when the funds will be
If notice is received that a check has not been
paid, subsequent credits to your Open Loop
Account will be reduced by the amount of the
check. Negative balances will be handled in
accordance with Section 1.D.
G. Foreign Currency Transactions
All debits to your Card will be posted in U.S.
All Closed Loop Account transactions will be
conducted in U.S. dollars.
Open Loop Account transactions made in a
foreign currency are converted to U.S. dollar
amounts by MasterCard, using the then current
currency conversion procedure and rate.
Currently, the currency conversion procedure
and rate is either a wholesale market rate or a
government-mandated rate in effect the day
before the transaction processing date.
H. Expiration; Refund
Unless otherwise cancelled in accordance with
the terms of this Agreement, your Card is valid
until the expiration date that appears on your
Card. Unless you are no longer eligible for a
Card, upon expiration you may obtain a new
Card. Contact the Disbursing Office or Navy
Cash Customer Service to obtain a new Card.
If you are not eligible for a new Card or if you
cancel your Card, and any funds remain on your
Card, contact Navy Cash Customer Service at 1-
866-3NAVYCASH (1-866-362-8922) or email
[email protected] for a refund of the remaining
funds, less any outstanding transactions. If you
have a Linked Account, a transaction may be
initiated to refund any remaining funds on your
Card to the Linked Account.
I. Cancellation; Termination
Your Card may be cancelled or electronic access
to your Card terminated with or without cause
and without prior notice to you. You shall
remain responsible for charges that arise before
or after termination.
2. Fees and Interest
Please refer to the List of All Fees for
information about fees for the Open Loop
Account. There are no fees for the Closed-Loop
Account. Funds on your Card will not earn
3. In Case of Errors or Questions about Your
A. Open Loop Account Transactions and
Electronic Funds Transfers
Call Navy Cash Customer Service at 1-866-
3NAVYCASH (1-866-362-8922), email
[email protected], or write to Navy Cash Card
Customer Service Unit, 2201 Farnam St.,
Omaha, NE 68102, as soon as you can, if you
think an error has occurred on your Open Loop
Account or with regard to an Electronic Funds
Transfer. PNC allows you to report an error
until 120 days after the transaction allegedly in
error was debited or credited to your Card. You
may obtain an electronic history of your Card
transactions at any time at www.navycash.com,
and you may request a written history of your
Open Loop Account transactions at any time by
contacting PNC (through Navy Cash Customer
Service). You will need to tell PNC:
Your name and Card number
Why you believe there is an error, and the
dollar amount involved.
Approximately when the error took place.
If you tell PNC orally, PNC may require that you
send your complaint or question in writing
within 10 Business Days.
PNC will determine whether an error occurred
within 10 Business Days after PNC hears from
you and will correct any error promptly. If PNC
needs more time, however, PNC may take up to
45 calendar days to investigate your complaint
or question. If PNC decides to do this, PNC will
credit your Card within 10 Business Days for the
amount you think is in error, so that you will
have the money during the time it takes PNC to
complete its investigation. If PNC asks you to
put your complaint or question in writing and
PNC does not receive it within 10 Business Days,
PNC may not credit your Card.
For errors involving new Cards, POS
transactions or Foreign Transactions, PNC may
take up to 90 calendar days to investigate your
complaint or question. For new Cards, PNC may
take up to 20 Business Days to credit your Card
for the amount you think is in error.
PNC will tell you the results within 3 Business
Days after completing its investigation. If PNC
decides that there was no error, PNC will send
you a written explanation.
You may ask for copies of the documents that
PNC used in its investigation.
If you need more information about PNC’s
error-resolution procedures, call Navy Cash
Customer Service at 1-866-3NAVYCASH (1-866-
362-8922) or visit www.navycash.com.
B. Closed Loop Account Transactions
(Excluding Electronic Funds Transfers)
If you believe an error has occurred on your
Closed Loop Account for any transaction except
an Electronic Funds Transfer, tell the Disbursing
Officer or Navy Cash Customer Service as soon
as possible. You are responsible for all Closed
Loop Account purchases and withdrawals that
are authorized using your Card.
4. Safeguarding Your Card
You agree that you will maintain the security of
your Card at all times, keep it in a safe place,
and not give your Card, or make it available, to
any other person. If you permit other persons
to use your Card, you are responsible for any
transactions they authorize with your Card.
Take precautions to safeguard your Card and
PIN at all times. Do not write your PIN on your
Card or keep your PIN in the same place as your
Card. If you share your PIN with another person,
you have authorized that person to use your
5. Your Liability in Case of Loss, Theft, or
Unauthorized Transactions
Tell PNC (through Navy Cash Customer Service)
AT ONCE if you believe your Card or PIN has
been lost or stolen, or if you believe a
transaction has been, or will be, made without
your permission. Telephoning is the best way of
keeping your possible losses to a minimum.
Also, if your transaction history (provided to
you online or through the mail) shows transfers
that you did not make, tell us at once.
If you believe your Card or PIN has been lost or
stolen or that someone has transferred or may
transfer funds from your Card without your
permission, contact Navy Cash Customer
Service by calling 1-866-3NAVYCASH (1-866-
362-8922), emailing [email protected]g, or
writing to Navy Cash Card Customer Service
Unit, 2201 Farnam St., Omaha, NE 68102. In
addition, contact the Disbursing Office.
A. Open Loop Account Transactions and
Electronic Funds Transfers
You will not be liable for any unauthorized use
of the Open Loop Account or unauthorized
Electronic Funds Transfers if you notify PNC,
through Navy Cash Customer Service, of the
loss, theft or unauthorized use of your Card
within 120 calendar days from the time the
transaction is debited or credited to your Card.
If you do not notify PNC (through Navy Cash
Customer Service) within 120 calendar days,
you may not get any money back you lost after
120 calendar days if PNC can prove that PNC
could have stopped someone from making that
transaction had you contacted PNC (through
Navy Cash Customer Service) in time.
If a good reason (such as a long trip or a
hospital stay) kept you from telling us, we will
extend the time periods.
B. Closed Loop Account Transactions
(Excluding Electronic Funds Transfers)
Except as described in Section 5(A) of this
Agreement, because the value of your Closed
Loop Account is reflected on and accessed
through the chip on your Card, funds in your
Closed Loop Account are treated like cash and
may not be recoverable if lost. You are
responsible for all Closed Loop Account
purchases and withdrawals that are authorized
using your Card.
6. Stop Payments on Recurring
You understand and agree that you only have
the right to stop payment on recurring
preauthorized payments/transfers (and not any
other types of transactions) made with your
Open Loop Account.
If you have recurring payments/transfers from
your Open Loop Account at least once every 60
days, you can stop those payments. In order to
stop those payments, you must contact Navy
Cash Customer Service at 1-866-3NAVYCASH (1-
866-362-8922) or email at navyc[email protected] at
least 3 Business Days before the
payment/transfer is scheduled to be made. You
will need to provide the following:
Your name
Card number
Name of the person or company to whom
the payment is scheduled to be made
Amount of the payment/transfer you wish
to stop
If you call, you may also be required to put your
request in writing and provide it to Navy Cash
Customer Service within 14 days after you call.
If the recurring payments/transfers from your
Card will vary in amount, the person you are
going to pay will tell you 10 days before each
payment/transfer how much the
payment/transfer will be and when it will be
made. Or, you may tell the person you are
going to pay to send you a notice only when the
amount would fall out of the limits you have
If you order a stop payment of a recurring
payment/transfer at least 3 Business Days or
more before it is scheduled to occur, and the
payment/transfer is not stopped, PNC will be
liable for your losses or damages.
7. Receipts
Generally you will receive or have the option to
receive a receipt at the time you enter into a
transaction with your Open Loop Account using
an ATM or POS terminal, and at the time you
conduct an Electronic Funds Transfer at a Navy
Cash Kiosk, to the extent required by applicable
law. Receipts may not be provided for some
transactions, including Foreign Transactions,
transactions with your Closed Loop Account
that are not Electronic Funds Transfers, and
transactions that are $15 or less.
8. Remaining Card Value and Transaction
You may obtain information about the amount
of money you have remaining on your Card by
calling 1-866-3NAVYCASH (1-866-362-8922).
This information, along with a 12-month history
of Card transactions, is also available online at
You also have the right to obtain at least 24
months of written history of transactions on
your Open Loop Account by calling 1-866-
3NAVYCASH (1-866-362-8922), or by writing us
at navyc[email protected] or Navy Cash Card
Customer Service Unit, 2201 Farnam St.,
Omaha, NE 68102. You will not be charged a fee
for this information.
You may obtain information on the remaining
value of your Open Loop Account or Closed
Loop Account:
At a Navy Cash Kiosk
From the Disbursing Office
From Navy Cash Customer Service
At www.navycash.com
From the Navy Cash mobile app
You also may obtain information on the
remaining value of your Open Loop Account at
an ATM ashore.
Card transaction history may be limited to the
transactions received since the ship’s last
communication to shore.
Navy Cash Customer Service accepts relay calls
from hearing impaired cardholders.
9. Failure to Make Transfers
If PNC does not complete an Electronic Funds
Transfer to or from your Card on time or in the
correct amount in accordance with the terms of
this Agreement, PNC will be liable for your
direct losses and damages. However, PNC will
not be liable in the following circumstances:
If, through no fault of PNC, you do not have
enough money on your Card to make the
Electronic Funds Transfer
If the ATM where you are conducting the
transaction does not have enough cash
If the ATM, terminal or system was not
working properly and you knew about the
problem when you started the Electronic
Funds Transfer
If circumstances beyond PNC’s control (such
as fire or flood) prevent the transfer,
despite reasonable precautions that PNC
has taken
If PNC has reason to suspect that the
transaction is unauthorized, or PNC has
placed restrictions on the use of the Card
for security reasons
If the funds in your Card are frozen (for
example, because of a court order) and PNC
is not legally permitted to complete the
If you have failed to use your Card, the ATM
or other electronic device in accordance
with PNC’s instructions
There may be other instances, either stated in
this Agreement or other applicable account or
electronic transfer service agreements PNC has
with you, in which PNC will not be liable for its
failure to complete an Electronic Funds Transfer
on time or in the correct amount.
10. Disclosure of Card Information
Information may be disclosed to affiliates or to
third parties about your Card or any transaction
on your Card in the following circumstances:
Where it is necessary for completing
transactions or to resolve disputes arising
from Card transactions
In order to verify the existence and
condition of your Card for a third party,
such as a merchant
In accordance with your written instructions
In order to comply with applicable law,
court orders or subpoenas
In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974,
as amended
To protect or enforce PNC, FRB or
Treasury’s legal rights
If PNC, FRB or Treasury otherwise deem
appropriate, to the extent permitted by law
11. Your Duties and Liabilities
You agree to regularly review your Card value
and transaction history (for your Open Loop
Account and Closed Loop Account) to discover
any unauthorized transactions or errors, and
you agree to notify Navy Cash Customer Service
of any unauthorized transactions in accordance
with Section 5 of this Agreement.
12. Other Legal Terms
A. Governing Law
As this Agreement relates to you and PNC, it will
be governed by applicable federal law and
regulation, Federal Reserve Bank rules and
Operating Circulars, local clearinghouse rules,
and Automated Clearing House Rules, and
where not in conflict with federal law, the laws
of the State of Delaware, without regard to
conflict of law principles.
As this Agreement relates to you and Treasury
and FRB, it will be governed by applicable
federal law and regulation, Federal Reserve
Bank rules and Operating Circulars, local
clearinghouse rules, and Automated Clearing
House Rules. Nothing in this Agreement shall be
construed to recognize any state law as
governing law as this Agreement relates to you
and Treasury and FRB.
B. Holds on Your Card
PNC, FRB, and Treasury may freeze or place a
hold on your Card in order to investigate any
dispute or claim. PNC, FRB, and Treasury will
not be liable for any dishonor of a transaction
that results.
C. Legal Process
Should any legal process or legal notice be
received instructing us to restrict your Card use,
withhold, seize or turnover funds on your Card,
or otherwise affect your Card, you acknowledge
and agree that PNC, FRB, and Treasury may
comply with such legal process or legal notice.
In complying with any legal process or legal
notice, you acknowledge and agree that PNC,
FRB, and Treasury may limit or suspend access
to your Card, refuse to permit withdrawals or
transfer from or loads to your Card, and take
any other action PNC, FRB, and Treasury deem
appropriate or legally required in PNC, FRB, or
Treasury’s discretion, without regard to the
ownership or original source of the funds on
your Card. PNC, FRB, and Treasury will not
contest any legal process or legal notice on your
D. Changes to this Agreement
The terms of this Agreement, including any fees
and/or features of the Card, may be changed
from time to time and for any reason, except as
prohibited by applicable law. If required by
applicable law, you will be notified of changes.
E. Notices
Notices from you will be effective upon receipt
by Navy Cash Customer Service and reasonable
time to process. Unless otherwise noted, all
notices and amendments to this Agreement will
be posted via Navy Plan of the Day notes,
through the Navy Cash website
(www.navycash.com), through the e-mail
address you provide to us, or through other
available means.
F. Waiver
Failure by PNC, FRB, or Treasury to exercise any
rights under this Agreement shall not be
deemed a waiver of any of these rights.
G. Non-Transferable
Any rights in your Card are not transferable
except in accordance with applicable law.
H. Severability
In the event that one or more provisions of this
Agreement shall for any reason be held invalid
or illegal, such holding will not affect the
enforceability of any other provision.
I. Force Majeure and Availability
PNC, FRB, and Treasury will have no liability for
any delays or failure of performance caused in
whole or in part by fire, labor disputes, power
failures, acts or omissions of civil authorities,
civil disturbances, computer malfunction, or any
causes beyond our control. Neither PNC, FRB,
nor Treasury represents or warrants that the
value on your Card will always be accessible or
accepted as payment.
J. Limitation of Liability
You agree that in performing the duties
imposed under this Agreement in no event will
PNC, FRB, and Treasury be liable for any
consequential, indirect or special damages.
K. Call Recording; Consent of Service Calls
By providing telephone number(s) to PNC, FRB
or Treasury at any time, you authorize PNC,
PNC’s affiliates, FRB, Treasury and any
designees to contact you regarding this Card at
such numbers using any means, including but
not limited to placing calls using an automated
dialing system to cell, VoIP or other wireless
phone number, or by sending prerecorded
messages or text messages, even if charges may
be incurred for the calls or text messages; and
you consent that any phone call with us may be
monitored or recorded by us.
Navy Cash Visitor Card Terms and Conditions
This Agreement governs the issuance and use of your Visitor Card. By obtaining or using a Visitor Card,
you agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, which is subject to amendment from
time to time in accordance with applicable law. Further, you agree that this Agreement is binding on
your successors, representatives and assigns.
“Agreement” means these Navy Cash Visitor
Card Terms and Conditions.
Business Daysare Monday through Friday,
excluding federal holidays.
“Closed Loop Account” means the portion of
your Visitor Card or of a Navy Cash Card that
may be used to make transactions on ship using
the chip embedded in the Visitor Card or Navy
Cash Card.
“Disbursing Office” or “Disbursing Officer”
means the Disbursing Office or Disbursing
Officer on-ship.
FRB refers to Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas
City, a fiscal agent of the United States for the
purpose of servicing the Visitor Card.
“Navy Cash Kiosk” means the Navy Cash self-
service terminals on Navy ships and at U.S.
military bases.
“PNC” refers to PNC Bank, National Association,
a national banking association and a financial
agent of the United States for the purposes of
issuing and operating the Visitor Card.
Visitor Card” means the Navy Cash Visitor Card
issued to you by PNC, and includes a Closed
Loop Account.
“Treasury” refers to the United States
Department of the Treasury.
“You” and “your” refer to the person to whom
a Visitor Card is provided.
1. Your Navy Cash Visitor Card
A. Using Your Visitor Card
You will be solely and completely responsible
for the possession, use and control of the
Visitor Card. You must surrender the Card to
the Disbursing Officer immediately upon
You may use your Visitor Card in the following
Pay for purchases or services on-ship, such
as from the ship’s store, vending machines,
U.S. Post Office, and Morale, Welfare &
Recreation programs, programs, or any
other eligible retail location on ship
Load Visitor Card with value at the
Disbursing Office
Obtain cash at the Disbursing Office
Transfer money to, or receive money from,
the Closed Loop Account of another Navy
Cash cardholder or Navy Cash Visitor Card
cardholder at a Navy Cash Kiosk
B. Limitations on Transactions
All transactions are limited to the amount of
money available on your Visitor Card.
Except as otherwise provided in this
Agreement, when there are sufficient funds
available on your Visitor Card, transactions
initiated or authorized by you will be honored.
A transaction will be dishonored if your Visitor
Card has insufficient funds available.
C. FDIC Insurance
The balance on your Visitor Card is insured by
the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
(FDIC) to the maximum amount permitted by
D. Deposit/Load Restrictions
The maximum daily deposit/load limit is $1,000.
PNC, FRB and Treasury reserve the right to
accept or reject any request to load value to
your Visitor Card at our sole discretion.
All deposits, loads and transfers to your Visitor
Card are subject to review for compliance with
applicable law, including without limitation to
the Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC)
compliance. This may result in delays in posting
items to your Visitor Card or refusal to accept
deposits or perform transfers. PNC, FRB and
Treasury will have no obligation to provide you
with notice of any non-payment, dishonor or
protest regarding any items credited or debited
to your Visitor Card.
E. Expiration; Refund
Unless otherwise cancelled in accordance with
the terms of this Agreement, your Visitor Card
is valid until the expiration date that appears on
your Visitor Card. Your Visitor Card will be
deactivated after you leave the ship on which
the card was provided to you.
To receive any value that remains on your
Visitor Card, you must return your card to the
Disbursing Office before you leave the ship on
which the card was provided to you.
F. Cancellation; Termination
Your Visitor Card may be cancelled or electronic
access to your Visitor Card terminated with or
without cause and without prior notice to you.
You shall remain responsible for authorized
charges that arise before or after termination.
2. Adding Funds to Your Visitor Card
You may add funds to your Visitor Card in the
following ways:
Deposit cash or checks through the
Disbursing Office
Receive value from another Closed Loop
3. Navy Cash Kiosks
You may use your Visitor Card at a Navy Cash
Kiosk to perform the following:
Change your PIN
Check the value of your Visitor Card
Transfer value between your Visitor Card
and another Visitor Card or the Closed Loop
Account of a Navy Cash Card
4. Fees and Interest
There are no fees for your Visitor Card. Funds
on your Visitor Card will not earn interest.
5. Lost or Stolen Visitor Card
If you believe your Visitor Card or PIN has been
lost or stolen or that someone has transferred
or may transfer funds from your Visitor Card
without your permission, contact the Disbursing
Because the value of your Visitor Card is
reflected on and accessed through the chip on
your Card, funds in your Visitor Card are treated
like cash and may not be recoverable if lost.
6. Stop Payments
Since all purchase transactions made using the
Visitor Card are immediately deducted from the
value of the Visitor Card, you do not have the
right to stop payment on these transactions.
7. In Case of Errors or Questions About Your
If you believe an error has occurred on your
Visitor Card for any transactions, tell the
Disbursing Office as soon as possible. You are
responsible for all purchases and withdrawals
that are authorized using your Visitor Card.
8. Card Value
You may obtain information on the value on
your Visitor Card:
At a Navy Cash Kiosk
From the Disbursing Office
9. Disclosure of Card Information
Information may be disclosed to affiliates or to
third parties about your Visitor Card or any
transaction on your Visitor Card in the following
Where it is necessary for completing
transactions or to resolve disputes arising
from Visitor Card transactions
In order to verify the existence and
condition of your Visitor Card for a third
party, such as a merchant
In accordance with your written instructions
In order to comply with applicable law,
court orders or subpoenas
In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974,
as amended
To protect or enforce PNC, FRB or
Treasury’s legal rights
If PNC, FRB, or Treasury otherwise deem
appropriate, to the extent permitted by law
10. Your Duties and Liabilities
You agree to regularly review your Visitor Card
value to discover any unauthorized transactions
or errors, and you agree to notify the Disbursing
Office of any unauthorized transactions or
errors as soon as possible.
11. Other Legal Terms
A. Governing Law
As this Agreement relates to you and PNC, it will
be governed by applicable federal law and
regulation, Federal Reserve Bank rules and
Operating Circulars, local clearinghouse rules,
and Automated Clearing House Rules, and
where not in conflict with federal law, the laws
of the State of Delaware, without regard to
conflict of law principles.
As this Agreement relates to you and Treasury
and FRB, it will be governed by applicable
federal law and regulation, Federal Reserve
Bank rules and Operating Circulars, local
clearinghouse rules, and Automated Clearing
House Rules. Nothing in this Agreement shall be
construed to recognize any state law as
governing law as this Agreement relates to you
and Treasury and FRB.
B. Holds on Your Card
PNC, FRB, and Treasury may freeze or place a
hold on your Visitor Card without setting off in
order to investigate any dispute or claim. PNC,
FRB, and Treasury will not be liable for any
dishonor of a transaction that results.
C. Legal Process
Should any legal process or legal notice be
received instructing us to restrict your Visitor
Card use, withhold, seize or turnover funds on
your Visitor Card, or otherwise affect your
Visitor Card, you acknowledge and agree that
PNC, FRB, and Treasury may comply with such
legal process or legal notice. In complying with
©2023 The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. All rights reserved. PNC Bank, National Association. Member FDIC
any legal process or legal notice, you
acknowledge and agree that PNC and Treasury
may limit or suspend access to your Visitor
Card, refuse to permit withdrawals or transfer
from or loads to your Visitor Card, and take any
other action PNC, FRB, and Treasury deem
appropriate or legally required in PNC or
Treasury’s discretion, without regard to the
ownership or original source of the funds on
your Visitor Card. PNC and Treasury will not
contest any legal process or legal notice on your
D. Changes to this Agreement
The terms of this Agreement, including any fees
and/or features of the Visitor Card, may be
changed from time to time and for any reason,
except as prohibited by applicable law.
E. Notices
Notices from you will be effective upon receipt
by the Disbursing Office and reasonable time to
process. Unless otherwise noted, all notices
and amendments to this Agreement will be
posted via the Navy Plan of the Day notes,
through the Navy Cash website
(www.navycash.com), or through other
available means.
F. Waiver
Failure by PNC, FRB or Treasury to exercise any
rights under this Agreement shall not be
deemed a waiver of any of these rights.
G. Non-Transferable
Any rights in your Visitor Card are not
transferable except in accordance with
applicable law.
H. Severability
In the event that one or more provisions of this
Agreement shall for any reason be held invalid
or illegal, such holding will not affect the
enforceability of any other provision.
I. Force Majeure and Availability
PNC, FRB and Treasury will have no liability for
any delays or failure of performance caused in
whole or in part by fire, labor disputes, power
failures, acts or omissions of civil authorities,
civil disturbances, computer malfunction, or any
causes beyond our control. Neither PNC, FRB,
nor Treasury represents or warrants that the
value on your Card will always be accessible or
accepted as payment.
J. Limitation of Liability
You agree that in performing the duties
imposed under this Agreement in no event will
PNC, FRB, or Treasury be liable for any
consequential, indirect or special damages.
K. Call Recording; Consent of Service Calls
If you provide telephone number(s) to PNC,
FRB, or Treasury at any time, you authorize
PNC, PNC’s affiliates, FRB, Treasury and any
designees to contact you regarding this Visitor
Card at such numbers using any means,
including but not limited to placing calls using
an automated dialing system to cell, VoIP or
other wireless phone number, or by sending
prerecorded messages or text messages, even if
charges may be incurred for the calls or text
messages; and you consent that any phone call
with us may be monitored or recorded by us.
List of All Fees for Navy Cash
(Open Loop Account only)
Refer to the Navy Cash Card Terms and Conditions for information regarding the Closed Loop Account
of a Navy Cash Card. Refer to Navy Cash Visitor Card Terms and Conditions for information regarding
a Navy Cash Visitor Card.
All fees
Get cash (in the U.S. or international locations)
ATM withdrawal
“In-network” refers to PNC Bank ATMs and ATMs that are part of
the Allpoint network. Locations can be found at www.pnc.com and
ATM withdrawal
“Out-of-network” refers to all ATMs that are not PNC Bank ATMs
or part of the Allpoint network. You may be charged a fee by the
ATM operator, even if you do not complete a transaction.
Information (in the U.S. or international locations)
ATM balance
inquiry (in-
“In-network” refers to the PNC Bank ATMs and ATMs that are part
of the Allpoint network. Locations can be found at www.pnc.com
and www.allpointnetwork.com.
ATM balance
inquiry (out-of-
“Out-of-network” refers to all ATMs that are not PNC Bank ATMs
or part of the Allpoint network. You may be charged a fee by the
ATM operator.
Your funds are eligible for FDIC insurance. Your funds will be held at or transferred to PNC Bank, an
FDIC-insured institution. Once there, your funds are insured up to $250,000 by the FDIC in the event
PNC Bank fails.
No overdraft/credit feature.
Contact PNC Bank (through Navy Cash Customer Service) by calling 1-866-3NAVYCASH (1-866-362-
8922), by mail at Navy Cash Card Customer Service Unit, 2201 Farnam St., Omaha, NE 68102, by email
at navycash@frb.org, or visiting www.navycash.com.
For general information about prepaid accounts, visit cfpb.gov/prepaid.
If you have a complaint about a prepaid account, call the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau at 1-855-
411-2372 or visit cfpb.gov/complaint.
©2023 The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. All rights reserved. PNC Bank, National Association.
Member FDIC