Journal of Mobile Networks and Applications manuscript No.
(will be inserted by the editor)
WreckWatch: Automatic Traffic A ccident Detection and
Notification with Smartphones
Jules White, Chris Thompson, Hamilton
Turner, Brian Dougherty, and Douglas C.
Received: date / Accepted: date
Abstract Traffic accidents are one of the leading causes of fatalities in the US.
An important indicator of survival rates after an accident is the time between
the acci dent a nd when emergency medical personnel are dispatched to the scene.
Eliminating the time between when an accident occurs and when fir s t responders
are dispatched to the scene decr eases mortality rates by 6%. One approach to
eliminating the delay between accident occ urrence a nd first responder dis patch
is to use in-vehicle autom atic accident detection and notificati on systems, which
sense when traffic accidents occur and immediately notify emergency personnel.
These in-vehicle sys tems, however, are not available in all cars and are expensive
to retrofit f or o lder vehicles.
This paper describes how smartphones, such as the iPhone and Google An -
droid platforms, can automatically detect traffic accidents using accelerom eters
and accoustic data, immediately notify a central emerg ency dispatch server after
an accident, and provide situational awareness through photographs, GPS coor-
dinates, VOIP co mmunication channels, and accident data recording. This paper
provides the following contributions to the study of detecti ng traffic accidents
via smar tphones: (1) we present a formal model for accident detection that com-
bines sensors and context data, (2) we show how smartp hone sensors, network
connections, and web services can be used to provide si tuational awarenss to first
responders, and (3) we provide empirical results demonstrating the efficacy o f dif-
ferent approaches employed by smartphone accident detection systems to prevent
false positives.
J. White and H. Turner
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Virginia Tech
E-mail: {julesw,hturner0}
C. Thompson, B. Dougherty, and D.C. Schmidt
Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Vanderbilt University
E-mail: {cthompson,briand,schmidt}
2 J. White et al.
1 Introduction
Emerging trends and challenges. Car accidents are one of the leading causes
of death [2] in the US, causing over 100 fatalities daily. In 2007 alone more than
43,1 00 deaths resulted from 10.6 million traffic accidents. For every 100 licensed
teenagers between the ages of 16 and 19, there will be 21 tra ffic accidents, making
car accidents the leading cause of death for that age group in the U.S. [25].
A number o f technological and sociological improvements have helped reduce
traffic fatalities during the past decade, e.g., each 1% increase in seatbelt usag e is
estima ted to save 136 lives [9]. Advanced life saving mea s ures, such as electronic
stability control, also show s ignificant prom ise for reducing injuries, e.g., crash
analysis studies have shown that approximately 34% of fatal traffic accidents coul d
have been prevented with the use of electroni c stability control [21]. Moreover, each
minute that an injured crash vi c tim does not receive emergency medical care can
make a large difference in their survival rate, e.g., analysis shows that reducing
accident response time by one minute correlates to a six per c ent difference in the
number of lives saved [12].
An effective appro ach for reducing traffic fatalities, therefore, is to reduce the
time between when an accident occurs and when first responders, such as medical
personnel, are dispatched to t h e scene of the accident. Automatic collision noti fi -
cation systems use sensors embedded in a car to determine when an accident has
occurred [26,7]. These systems immediately dispatch em ergency medical personnel
to serious acci dents. Eliminating the ti me b etween accident occurrence and first
responder dispatch reduces fatalities by 6% [26].
Conventional vehicular sensor systems for accident detect ion, such as BMW’s
Automatic Crash Notification S ystem or GM’s OnStar, notify emergency respon-
ders i mmediately by utilizing built-in cellular radios and detect car accidents with
in-vehicle sensors, such as accelerometers and airbag deployment monitors. Fig-
ure 1 shows how traditional accid ent detecti on systems operate. Sensors attached
Fig. 1: A Vehicle-based Accident Detection and No tification System
Smartphone Traffic Accident Detection 3
to the vehicle use a built-in cellular radio to communicate with a m onitoring cen-
ter that is responsible for dispatching emergency responders in t h e event of an
Unfortunately, most ca rs in the US do not have autom atic accident detection
and notification systems. Onl y in 2007 did automa tic notification systems become
standard options in GM vehicles and most other non-lu xury manufacturers do not
include these systems as a standard option. Based on 2007 traffic accident data,
autom atic traffic acc ident detection and notification systems c ould have saved
2,46 0 lives ( i.e., 6% of 41,000 fatalities) had they been in universal use. A key
impediment to using these systems is that they are infeasible or prohibitively ex-
pens ive to install in existing vehicles and add to the initial cost of new vehicles.
Moreover, these systems ca n be rendered obsolete, as evidenced by GM r emoving
500, 000 subscribers from the OnS tar ser vice because they were equipped w ith ana-
log (rather tha n digital) communicatio ns systems, and were theref ore incompatible
with their newer communication infrastructure.
Solution approach Traffic accident detection and notification with
smartphones. To address the lack of accident detection and notification systems
in many vehicles, smartphones can be used to d etect and report traffic accidents
when acci d ent detection and notification systems are unavailable. Smartphones,
such as the iPho n e and Google Android, have beco me common and their usage
is rapidly increasing. In the 2nd q uarter of 2010 alone, 325.6 million smartpho nes
were so ld [27]. This larg e and growing base of smartphone users presents a sig-
nificant oppor tunity to extend the reach of automatic accident reporting sy s tems.
Moreover, smart p hones are widel y used by the teenage demographi c, which is his-
torically the most accident prone driver age group. The number of teenagers using
mobil e phon es has been increasing steadily, fro m 45% of teens in 2004 to 63% in
2006 and then 71% in 2008 [20].
The low cost of smartphones compared to other traffic analysis and acci dent
prediction systems makes them an appealing a lternat ive to in-vehicle accident
detectio n and reporting systems [23]. Moreover, smartphones travel with their
owners, pr oviding accident detection regardless of whether or not the vehicle is
equipped with an accident detection and notification system. Furthermore, because
each smartphone is associated with its owner, automatic notification systems built
on smartphones can aid in the identification of victims and deter mining what
electronic medical records to o b tain before victims a rrive at the hospital.
The a b ility to detect traffic accidents using smartphones has only recently
become possible because of the advances in the processing power and sensors
deployed on smartphones. For ex ample, the iPhone 4 includes a GPS system for
determining the geographic position of the phone, an accelerometer for measuring
the forces applied to the phone, two separate microphones, and a 3-axis gyroscope
for detecting phone orientatio n. Moreover, smartphones now pos ses s significant
sensor data processing power tha t can support the real-time execution of senso r
data noise filtering and analysis algorithms. For example, the HTC Nexus One
Android smart ph one has a 1Ghz processor and 512MB of RAM.
Another key smartphone attribute for accident notification is that they pro-
vide a variety of network interfaces for relaying inform ation back to centralized
emergency response centers, such as 911 call centers. The iPhone 4 contains a cel-
lular interface for sending and receiving data over GSM networks. Wifi can also be
used by the iPhone 4 to send data to a nearby wireless access point. Smartphon es
4 J. White et al.
1. Accident
Detection with
2. 3G Data
Accident Info
3. Server
accident info
and contacts
Fig. 2: Smartphone-Based Accident Detection System
also i n clude Bluetooth wireless interfaces that can communicate directly with the
onboard computers in many newer cars.
Smartphone-based accident detection a p plications have both advantages and
disadvantages relati ve to conventional in -vehicle accident detection syst ems, e.g.,
they are vehicle-independent, increasingly pervasive, and provide rich data for
accident analysis, including pictures and videos. Building a smartphone-based ac-
cident detection system is hard, however, because phones can be dropped (and
generate fa lse positives) and the phone is not directly connected to the vehicle.
In contrast, conventional in-vehicle accident detection systems rarely incur false
positives because they rely on sensors, such as accel erometers and airbag sensors,
that directly detect damage to the vehicle.
This paper shows how the sensors and processing capabilities of smartphones
can be used to overcome the challenges of detecting t raffic accidents without di rect
interaction with a vehicle’s onboard sensors. We describe an approach for using
smartphones to measure the forces experienced by a vehicle and its occupants
to provide a portable “black box” data recorder, accident detection system, and
autom atic emergency notification mechanism. The approa ch detailed in this paper
uses the sensors on a smartphone to record the G -forces (acceleration) experienced
by the vehicle and occupant, the GPS locati on and speed of the vehicle, and
the acoustic signat ures, such as air bag deployments or impact noise, during an
accident. Figure 2 shows how sensors built into modern smartphones can detect
a major acceleration event indicative of an accident and t h en utilize the built-in
3G data connection to transmit that information to a central server to alert first
responders. That server then processes the information and notifies the a u thorities
as well as any emergency contacts.
Smartphone Traffic Accident Detection 5
This paper significantly extends our prior work [8] on traffic accident detec-
tion and notification using smartphones [8] in three ways. First, we present a
forma l model and algor ithm for detecting accidents using smartph ones. Second,
we describe how aco us tic data can be analyzed to lower false positives. Third, we
include the results of experiments that quantify how acoustic data can help detect
accidents and reduce false positives.
Paper organization. The remainder of this paper is orga n ized as follows: Sec-
tion 2 describes the challenges associated with using sma rtphones to detect t raffic
accidents; Section 3 describes techniques we developed to overcome these chal-
lenges; Section 4 em p irical ly evalua tes how to prevent fals e positives and accident
reconstruction capabilities; Section 5 compares our work on smart ph one-based ac-
cident detection systems with related work; and Section 6 presents concluding
2 Challenges Associated w ith Automatically Detecting Car Accidents
This s ection explores the challenges a ss ociated with detect ing car accidents using
a smartphone’s sensor data. A task of critical importanc e in accident detection is
ensuring that false positives are not reported to emergency services, such as 911.
According to the US Department of Justice, 25 to 70 percent of calls to 911 i n some
areas were “phantom c alls” where the caller imm ediately hangs up [29]. California
receives approximately 6 million 911 calls from cell phones and between 1.6 and
3.6 million of these calls are phantoms [29]. Clearly, smartphone traffic accident
algo rithms must be careful not to increase the volume of phantom emergencies.
It is hard to strike a balance between no accident false positi ves and fully
reporting all traffic accidents that occur. Vehicu lar accident detection systems,
such as OnStar, have a significant advantage since they are i ntegrated with the
vehicle and its onboard air bag depl oyment and crash sensors. Sensor data received
by these sy stems directly correlates to the forces experienced by the vehicle.
In contrast, smartp h one accident detection syst ems must indirectly predict
when an accident has occurred based on sensor inputs to the phone. Since pho nes
are mobile objects, they may experience fo rces and sounds (indicative of a traffic
accident) that originate from other sources, such as a user dropping the hand-
set. Accident detection algo rithms f or sm artphones must use sensor data filtering
schemes tha t are resistant to noise, yet provide high enough fidelity to not filter
out valid a c cidents.
2.1 Chall enge 1: Detecti ng Accident Forces Without Electronic Control Unit In-
Conventional in-vehicle accident detecti on systems rely on sensor networks through-
out th e car and direct interaction with the vehicle’s electronic control units (ECUs).
These sensors detect acceleration/deceleration, airbag deployment, and vehicular
rollover [3, 32]. Metrics f rom these sensors aid in gener ating a detailed accident
profile, such as locating where the vehicle was struck, number of times it was hit,
severity of the collision, and airbag d eployment.
6 J. White et al.
Smartphone-based accident detectio n app lications must provide similar infor-
mation. Without direct access to ECUs, however, it is harder to collect informa-
tion about the vehicle. Alt hough many cars have accident/event data r ecorders
(ADRs/EDRs), it is unrealistic and undesi rable to expect dr ivers to connect their
smartphones to these ADRs/EDR s every time they get into the car. Not only would
connecting to A D Rs/-EDRs require require a standardized interface (physical and
software) to ensure compatibility, but it would require exposing a safety-criti c al
system to a variety of smartphone types and middleware platform s .
These conditions make it infeasible to verify and va lidate that each rapidly de-
veloped sm artphone version integrate properly with every ADR/-EDR. Moreover,
while many new cars have some form of ADR/EDR, any smartphone application
that req u ired interaction with an onboard computer would be useless in cars that
lacked one. What is needed, t h erefore, is to collect the same or similar information
utili z ing only the sensors present on the smartphone alone. Section ?? explains how
we address th is challenge by using the sensors in the Android platf orm to detect
accelerations/decelerations experienced by car occupants and Section 4 analyzes
device sensor data captured by smartphones and shows that low false positive
accident detection is possible.
2.2 Chall enge 2: Providing Situational Awareness and Communication with Vic-
tims to First Responders
Situational awareness involves being informed of the environment of a specific
area at an instant in time, comprehending the state of that environment, and be-
ing able to predict future outcomes in that space [11,6]. There are three levels
of situational awareness: (1) perceiving emergency indicators in the environment,
such as a driver seeing the collisi on of two vehicles in front of them, (2) compre-
hending the implications of those indicators, such as the driver realizing that they
need to slow down, and (3) possessing an abil ity to predict what will transpire
in the future, such as the driver determining that one o f the cars involved in the
accident will end up in the left lane [16].
After an accident, accident detection systems can provide critical situational
awareness to first responders regarding the condition of the vehicle and occupants.
This da ta can then be used by first responders to comprehend the physical state
of the passengers and possibly predict how long they can survive without medical
attention. For example, OnStar automatically places a voice call from t h e vehi-
cle to an emergency dispatch service so that first responders can inquire about
the condition of the vehicle’s occupants, provide gu idance, and predict w hether
or not an ambulance should be dispatched. These accident detection systems can
also determine and report back to first responders information on air bag deploy-
ment, which indicates a serious accident. Moreover, accident detection systems,
such a s OnStar, can pinpoint the GPS coordinat es of a n accident and relay this
inform ation to first responders.
Effective smartphone accident detection systems must be able to replicate the
complex s ituational awareness capabilities that are used by firs t respo n ders. They
must also provide indicators of the environment in a form that can be consumed by
first respon ders. For example, the raw acceleration values of the phone are unlikely
to h elp first responders und erstand what happened in an accident. Moreover, the
Smartphone Traffic Accident Detection 7
system must provide sufficiently rich information to first responders to predict the
future state of the driver and passengers, which is hard when the phone cannot
directly measure their health or the car’s condition. Sect ion 3.5 describes how we
use a combinatio n of VOIP telephony, text messaging, mapping, and bystander
reporting to provide si tuational awareness to first resp onders.
2.3 Chall enge 3: Pr eventing False Positives
Vehicle-based accident detection sys tems monitor a network of sensors attached to
the car to determine if an accident has occurred. One key indicator of a collision
is an instance of high acceleration/ decelerati on due to a large change in velocity
of t h e vehicle over a short period of ti me. These acceleration events are hard to
atta in if a vehicle is not actively being driven since it is unlikely that an unattended
car will simply roll away from a parked location. Since smartphones are portabl e,
however, it is possible that the phone may experience accelerat ion events that were
not al s o experienced by th e user. For instance, a phon e may accidently drop from
6 feet i n th e air.
Since a smartphone-based accident detection application contacts em ergency
responders—and may dispatch police/rescue teams—it is essential to identify and
suppress false positives. Due to smartphone mobility it is hard to differentiate
programmatically between an actual car accident versus a dropped purse or a fall
on a hard surface. The inability to identify and ignore false positives accurately,
however, can render smartphone-based ac cident detection applicat ions useless by
wasting emergency responder resources on incident reports that were not real ac-
cidents. Section ?? explains how we address this challenge by using device usage
context (such as sp eed) to filter out potential false positi ves and Section 4.1 pro-
vides empirical results evaluating our ability t o suppress false positives.
3 Solution Approach
This section describes a prototype smartphone-based client/server application we
developed—called “WreckWatch”—to a dd ress the challeng es presenting in Sec-
tion 2. WreckWatch provides functionality simil ar to an accident/event data recorder
by recording the path, speed, and forces of acceleration on a vehicle leading up to
and d uring a n accid ent [5]. It can also no tify emergency responders of accidents,
aggregate images and video uploaded by bystanders at the scene of an accident,
and send prerecorded text and/or audio messages to emergenc y contacts.
3.1 The WreckWatch Client/Server Architecture
WreckWatch is separated into two main components—the WreckWatch s erver and
the WreckWatch client—shown in Figure 3. The WreckWatch client was developed
using Google Android. It acts as a mobile sensor, relays accident information to
the server via sta nd ard HTTP post operations, and provides an interface that
allows third-party observers to contribute accident report data.
8 J. White et al.
Accident Detection
Accident Maps
Situational Awareness Data
Emergency Contact Registration
Data Aggregation
Emergency Dispatch
VOIP Communication/Provisioning
Map Updates
Situational Awareness Data Storage
Fig. 3: WreckWatch Architecture Diagram
The WreckWatch Android client is written in Java based on Android 1.5 with
Google APIs. It consists of several Andr oid application Activities
for mapping,
testing, and image upload. Background services detect accidents by polling sm art-
phone system sensors, such as the GPS receiver and accelerometers. T h e po lling
rate is configurable at co mpile-time to meet user needs and to provide the appro-
priate p ower consumption characteristics. The WreckWatch c lient can gather data
from phone datab ases (such as an address book ) to designate emergency contacts.
Communication to the server from the Android client uses standard HT TP post
operati ons.
The WreckWatch server was developed using Java/MySQL with Jetty and the
Spring Framework. It provides data aggregation and a communication conduit to
emergency responders, family, and friends. It also allows clients to submit acci-
dent characteristics (such as accel eratio n, route, and speed) and presents several
interfaces, such as a Googl e Map and XML/JSON web services, for a c cess ing this
inform ation.
As accident infor mation becomes available, the WreckWatch server posts loca-
tion, route and severity information to a Google Map to aid emergency r esponders,
as well as other drivers attempt ing to navigate the roads near the accident. This
map i s avail able over HTTP through a standard web b rowser and is built with
AJAX and HTML, a s sh own in Fig u re 4. The remainder of this section presents
the formal accident detection model used by WreckWatch and its approach to re-
ducing false posit ives and then discusses features of the WreckWatch client/server
application that supports first responder situational awareness.
Activities are basic building block components f or Android applications and can be thought
of as a “screen” or “view” that provide a single, focused thing a user can do.
Smartphone Traffic Accident Detection 9
Fig. 4: WreckWatch Acci dent Map
3.2 The WreckWatch Formal Accident Detection Model
A carefully crafted formal model of accident detection is important to detect traf-
fic acc idents accurately. Challeng e 1 from Section 2.1 descr ibed the problems as-
sociated with detecting traffic accidents wit h out direct measurement of impact
data from onboard sensors. Ch allenge 2 from Section 2.3 examined th e potential
for false positives, which is a key concern with applications that automatically
dispatch police or rescue. To address both challeng es, WreckWatch uses a soft
real-time multi-sensor sampling approach, with threshold-based filtering to pre-
dict when an accident occurs. The forma l accident prediction framework is based
on the following 11-tuple model of the phone state, which is used to extrapolate
the state o f the vehicle:
γ =< φ, T
, ρ, T
, β, ǫ, S
, S
, S
, M
, M
, M
, M
> (1)
is the span of time after an acceleration event sets a value for the va riable
φ befor e the variable is reset.
φ is an a c celerati on variable that indicates the maximum accel eratio n experi-
enced in any direction by the phone. The ma ximum acceleration value is reset
after S
milliseconds have elapsed.
is the span of time after a sound event with a sound pressure level greater
than M
dBs that the sound event variabl e, ρ, will remain set to 1.
ρ is a binary sound event variable that indicates if a sound event greater than
dBs has occurred. The variable has value 1 if a sound event of M
dBs o r
more was experienced by the phone and 0 otherwise. From experimentation
and a l iterat u re review on air bag deployment [30], we have found t h at 140dBs
is a good value for M
10 J. White et al.
is the span of time after the pho n e is no lon ger traveling at least M
that t h e speed threshold variable, β, wil l remain set to 1.
β is a speed threshold variable with value 1 if th e phone has been traveling at
greater than M
ǫ is the distance traveled since the last time the variable β switched from value
1 to 0.
is the minimum acceleration in Gs required for an acceleration event alone
to trigger accident detection.
is the minimum decibels required for an acoustic event to trigger the sound
event variable.
is the minimum speed in miles per hour that the device must be traveling
in order to activate the accident detection system when it is inactive.
is the max distance in feet that the device is permitted t o move at a speed
lower than the speed threshold, M
, before the acci dent detection system is
The WreckWatch accident detection algorithm operates on the 11-tuple γ. The
accident detection function
Ev : γ {0, 1} (2)
evaluates to 1 if an accident is detected and 0 otherwise. A n accident detection
can be triggered by one of two situations: (1) a high acceleration event and a high
decibel sound event are r ecorded while the vehicle is moving above the threshold
sp eed, M
or (2) the distance moved sin ce the last time the speed threshold M
was exceeded is less than M
feet and an acceleration and sound event occur. More
forma lly, we define these two accident det ection conditions as:
Ev(γ) =
1 if (
+ αρ M
T r
(β == 1) (a)
1 if (ǫ < M
+ αρ M
T r
) (b)
0 otherwise
α is a adjustab le weighting fa ctor applied to the sound event that denotes its
import ance in the accident detection model . Higher values for α al low collisi ons
at low speed or where the s afety systems sign ificantly dampen the impact,
which can be detected through a combination of sound and acceleration.
T r
is t he threshold for accident detection.
The firs t accident detection scenario is triggered when the smartphone is trav-
eling above a thresh old speed associated with being i ns ide a car. In this situation,
an accident is detected if the smartphone experiences a violent acceleration event,
indicating a probable collision, fo llowed by a high-decibel acoustic event, such
as air bag deployment, a horn, or an impact noise. It is also possible to detect
an accident solely from an acceleration event, without a sound event, where the
acceleration value alone is so large that it exceeds the accident detection threshold
T r
Smartphone Traffic Accident Detection 11
The second scenario for accident detection oc cu rs when the smartphone is
traveling in s ide of a vehicle that stops at an intersection, traffic lig ht, or other
location. In this scena rio, the algorithm attempts to detect if the user has exited
the car o r is merely waiti n g for a light or traffic condition to change. The accident
detectio n alg orithm uses the M
distance threshold to keep the detection proc ess
active b elow the thr eshold speed. As long as the smartphone does not travel more
than M
feet from the last location the speed threshold was exceeded, the detection
algo rithm assumes that the user is still inside the car . This extra condition allows
the algorithm to detect accidents that occur when the user’s car is s truck by
another vehicle while stopped.
record forces
experienced in
Fig. 5: Device Sensors Provide Acceleration Informat ion
3.3 Using Acceleration Events to Detect Collisions
The accident detection model, γ relies on sam pling the a c celerometer to detect
colli s ions, as shown in Figure 5. Given a stream of values from the accelerometer,
denoted As, where each value As
is recorded at t ime T
, As
is the most
current value, and T
is t he curr ent in stant in time:
φ =
if As
if (T
As, As
The value for φ is set to the greatest acceleration event exp erienced in any direction
over the time span S
. If the current accelerat ion value is greater than φ, then φ
is up dated to th e most recent ac celeration value.
12 J. White et al.
3.4 Using Acoustic Events to Detect Accidents
Our prio r work [8] on accident detection was based solely on acceleration. It was
thus p otentially susceptible to false positives at low sp eeds and thus required higher
settings for M
(higher values fo r M
, reduce the probability that low speed colli-
sions w ill be reported). In our accident detection model described in Sect ion 3.2,
we added acoustic data analysis to improve lower speed collision detection and
reduce the probabi lity of a false pos itive by listening for high decibel acousti c
events, such as im p act n oise, car horns, and air bag deployment. For example, air
bag deployment is accompanied by high-amplitude, short-duration n oise that can
exceed 170dB at peak a mplitude [30].
The WreckWatch formal model for accident detection uses built-in microphones
on a smartphone t o detect high-decibel acoustic events indicative of an accident.
Using a secondary sensor in conjunction with acceleration attempts to lower the
probability of false positives. As di sc us s ed in Section 4.2, clipping of the audio
above 150 decibels and other potential noises (such as shouting) make it hard to
use sound alone to detect accidents. It is possibl e that thi s limitation could be
overcome, but we chose to make acoust ic events a seconda ry filter for accident
detectio n that aids in reducing false positives.
The accident detection model γ relies on sampling the micr ophone to detect
accident noise. Given a stream of soun d event decibel values denoted Ks, where
each value Ks
is recorded at T
, Ks
is the most current value, and T
the current instant i n time:
ρ =
1 if Ks
1 if Ks
Ks, (Ks
0 otherwise
During any time spa n of S
milliseconds, if a decibel value exceeds the M
old, then ρ is set to 1. Once ρ is set to 1, it will remain set as long as sound events
of greater th an M
decibels are experienced every S
Our future work will investigate dynamically adjusing the weight, α, applied
to the sound event during accident detection. For example, if the car radio is set
to a high volume level, ρ may remain continually set to 1. In this scenario, high
decibel sound is much less indicative of an accident and thus α should be set to a
low value.
3.5 Providing Situational Awareness to First Resp onders
Chall enge 3 from Section 2.3 described the im portance of replicating the situa-
tional awareness capabilities of in-vehicle accident detection and reporting systems.
WreckWatch uses a combination of imagery, voice communicatio ns , GPS localiza-
tion, and javascript object notation (JSON) web services to relay si tuational data
to fi rst respo n d ers, as described below.
Citizen scientist imagery. In an emergency, WreckWat ch allows bystanders
and uninjured victims to serve as “citizen scientists” [10] and report critical situ-
atio n al data to first responders. In particular, it allows bystanders and uninjured
Smartphone Traffic Accident Detection 13
Bystanders take
photos of
Photos are
aggregate on server
and streamed to
first responders
first responder
Fig. 6: Accident Image Upload
victims t o take pictures using their smartphones and share them with first re-
sp onders, as shown in Figure 6. Figures 7a and 7b show the client interface for
uploading pictures of victim injuries or the accident scene to the WreckWatch
Emergency responders can access the uploaded images via mobile devices en
route or a standard web browser at an emergency response center. The Wreck-
Watch client provides mapping f u nc tionality throu gh Google Maps on th e device
to ensure that emergency responders can continuously receive information about
an accident to prepare them for what ever they encounter at the accident site. This
map also allows other motorists to route themselves a round an accident, thereby
reducing congesti on.
VOIP communication channels. The WreckWatch server uses digital portable
branch exchange (PBX) functionality to make/receive phone cal ls and provision
phone li nes dynamically. It can t h erefore interact with emergency responders via
traditional circuit-switched networks and create accident information hotlines in
response to serious accidents via an Asterisk-based digital PBX running Linux. The
server can also be configured with emergency contacts to notify via text and/or
audio messages in the event o f an accident. This da ta is configured at some time
prior to a collision event so the server need not interact with the cl ient to notify
family or friends.
The PBX is built on Asterisk and connects to the server through a Java API.
The Android client and web client pull information from the server and can be
configured based on user needs. Due to the loose coupling and use of open stan-
dards between clients and server, additional clients fo r other platforms (such as
other sm artphones or desktop applications) can be implemented with out the need
14 J. White et al.
(a) Bystanders Can Upload Acci-
dent Images
(b) Client Application can View or
Upload Accident Images
Fig. 7: Traffic Accident Ima ging
to up d ate the server. The WreckWatch server architecture also supports a hetero-
geneous group of clients, while providing a pp ropriate qualities of service to each
JSON emergency web services. The WreckWatch server is a web-based s er-
vice based entirely on freely-available APIs and open-source software. It is written
in Java and built using J etty atop the Spring Framework. It utilizes a MySQL
database to store accid ent information and image meta-information. The server
communicates with the clients via a RESTful architecture over H TTP using cus-
tom XML (for the Android application) and JSON (for the web-based a p plication).
All communicatio n between the clients and the server is initiated by clients.
The server’s operations (such as accident information upload) are performed by
individual handlers that can be configured at runtime and are specified by parame-
ters in an HTTP request. This architecture enables the addition of new operat ions
and functionali ty wit h out any software modifications or the need to recompile. All
configuration is handled by an XML file parsed during server startup.
Geolocation and mapping of accidents. When an a c cident occurs, the Wreck-
Watch client immediately reports certain accident charact eristics to the server, in-
cluding the GPS location o f the wreck. Each accident is geo-tagg ed on the server
with it s location and entered into a searchable dat abase of accidents. The acci-
dent locations are made available to fi rst responders and other motorists t hrough
a Google Maps interface.
To further enhance first responders’ underst anding of the conditions leading
up to the accident the route driven by the vehicle in the 30 seconds leading up to
the crash is overlayed on top of the map. This route overlay allows first responders
to determine the direction of travel and p ossible caus e of the collision. This infor-
Smartphone Traffic Accident Detection 15
mation allows the system to ser ve as a black box” and possibly help to indicate
areas where road i mprovement is needed.
3.6 Potential Advantages of Smartphone-b ased Accident Detection Systems
Our work with smartphone-based accident detection systems in the context of
WreckWatch, we i d entified the following advantages relative to in-vehicle accident
detectio n s ystems:
1. Smartphone sensors may measure forces closer to those experienced
by victims. In the event of an accident, if the sma rtphone is in a user’s pocket, the
smartphone will experience close to the same forces and accelerations experienced
by the occupants of the vehicle. Moreover, if the smartphone remains stationary
relative to the vehicle during the collision, it is possible to use the data gathered
from the smartphone to recreate an d model the forces it experienced. In this ca s e,
the smartphone can pr ovide data much like that gathered by vehicular EC Us.
Smartphones ar e often ca rried in a pocket [17] attached to a person. In t h ese
cases, the smartphone would exp erience the same forces as vehicle occupants,
and could thus provide more information than in-vehicle systems by recording
the forces experienced by occupants rather than just the vehicle itself. When this
directionality and movement is combined with speed and location information
from the GPS receiver, it is possible to help reconstruct the accident, including
any s econdary impacts .
2. The ubiquitousness of smartphones and thei r relatively low cost may
help improve accident detection and notification system use. Many ex isting
accident detection and traffic monitoring systems require an in-and-out of vehicle
infrastructure to operate effectively. While some p roposed accident detection sys-
tems utilize the existing cellular network, t h ey have traditionally focused solely on
voice capabilities and have not gained wide adoption. Smartphones allow use of the
existing voice and data infr astructur e, without the need for additional in-vehcile
hardware. Due to customers and manufacturers not having to pu rchase new ha rd-
ware, it is possible that the ado ption r ate of a smartphone-based accident detection
systems would be higher than non-smartphone a lternat ives.
3. Reduced software maintenance complexity via smartphone applica-
tion upgrade mechanisms. One inherent complexity in traffic monitoring and
accident detection systems is the need to upgrade those systems to fix bugs a nd
improve f un ctionality over time. With thousands or millions of in-vehicle accident
detectio n systems, maintenance can rapidly become a very expensive op eratio n .
An unfortunate reality is tha t freq u ently maintenance o ften becomes unduly ex-
pens ive, resulti n g in the delay of ma ny mino r improvements until there is a major
improvement that justifies the cost of bringing a vehicle into a service center for an
upgrade. It may also be impossibl e to upgrade some legacy s ystems and continue
servicing them, e.g., OnStar d ropped 500,000 of their s u bs cribers due to outdated
analog hardware.
Smartphones provide an effective solution for remote software maintenance
through their built-in application store upgrade mechanisms, such as the iTunes
Store. Moreover, smartphones tend to have a much hig her refresh rate than cars,
due to their lower co sts and appeal as a status symbol. This trend towards constant
16 J. White et al.
turnover of h ardware offers the potential to lower the averag e age of the hardware
in use for accident detection.
4. Smartphone situational awareness systems can be augmented through
cloud-based services. While onboard sensors are excellent f or rapid accident
detectio n, they are typically limited in terms of processi n g and notification ca-
pabilities. Since Smartphones are conn ected to a data network they can access
cloud services to elastically extend their computational and/or storage capabil-
ities. Moreover, new data an alysis services can be plugged into servers without
requiring complex upgrades of clients.
3.7 Potential Disa dvantages o f Smar tphone-based Accident Detection Sys tems
While smartphones show significant advantages in the fields of accident det ection
and traffic monitoring, there potential disadvantages that motivate future research
and refinement, as disc us s ed below.
Accident detection systems consume a significant amount of battery
power. GPS receivers consume a large amou nt of power and sampling them at
the rate necessary to determ ine speed accurat ely reduces the battery life of t he
device to several hours. To overcome t his limitat ion, users can plug smartphones
into cigarett e lights in vehicles to provide t h em with power. Requiring users to
plug-in smartphones helps establish the context needed to eliminate false positives
and also mitigates the power consumption of the GPS receiver.
Low speed traffic may trigger deactivation of WreckWatch. If a driver is
stuck in low-speed traffic, their vehicle may travel beneath the M
sp eed thresh-
old for significant periods o f time. Although WreckWatch uses the smartpho ne’s
GPS to determine device and (consequently) vehicle speed it only begins record-
ing accelerometer information and looking for potential accidents above M
sp eed
threshold. In addition to reducing battery drain, this filter helps eliminate any ac-
celeration events due to significant accidental smartphone drops that might occur
outside a vehicle.
In high traffic co n gestion situations, however, filtering may shut o the accident
detectio n system if the car travels more than M
feet at low speed, even though
the user is sti ll in the vehicle. Future work will explore filtering approaches that
better distinguish beteween low-speed vehicle movement and walking. We intend
to u se the rythmic movement o f walking t o make this distinctio n.
Safety systems reduce impact forces. In-vehicle accelerometers are physi-
cally mounted to the chassis of the car, so their motion directly mirrors the vehicle
and will experience most forc es the vehicle experiences. Smartphones, however, are
likely to be held in a pocket or holster. Car safety systems are designed to reduce
the force on the occupants of the car during an accident a nd because of this, the
forces experienced by the phone may be significantly less than the forces exper i-
enced by the accelerometers in the car .
These safety systems accomplish this reduction in force by increasing the time
over which the change in velocity occurs. The net change in speed is the sa me,
but the acceleration is less because it occur s over a longer period of time. Direct
measurements report much higher a c celerati ons, e.g., the peak accelerations ex-
perienced inside a football helm et dur ing play are approxima tely 29.2 G’s [24].
For low-speed accidents there is the potential that the safety systems will reduce
Smartphone Traffic Accident Detection 17
the acceler ation on the phone below the M
G-force threshold needed for accident
detectio n. Although low-speed crashes are less lif e-threatening, they still create a
hazard to other motor ists and sho uld be reported. In future work, we are investi-
gati n g other approaches to improve low-speed accident detection.
Destruction of the smartphone may prevent accident notification deliv-
ery. To maximize the probability that an accident is reported, it is critical to prior-
itize data transm ission. WreckWatch uses a two-stage process to r eport accidents.
First, the initial accident report is sent to the server using a small message that
can be delivered over UDP o r HTTP. Any additio n al informa tion, such as forces
of acceleratio n during the crash, is then transmitted immediately fol lowing the
transmission of critical data. WreckWatch uses this two-stage protocol to increase
the probability that t he accident and crash diagnostic data is reported success-
fully. This two-stage protocol does not completely guarantee that a smartphone
will be abl e to transmit crash data if it is destroyed. We are actively researching
future ap proaches to improving notification success probabilities through the use
of ru ggedized external cradles for smartphones.
Smartphone OS development companies control the software capabilities
of the sensor. For the forseeable future, a smartphone-based accident detection
system would run as an application d eployed on top of a smartphone op erating
system (OS). This approach implies that the software must operate within the
architectural limitations of the platform. One example is the lack of multi-tasking
on initial versions of the iPhone and on the new Windows Phone 7. A smartph one
user would likely not be willing to run an accident detection app lication every time
they enter their vehicle. Not only is this an issue for the initial d evelopment of such
a system, but once the system is developed major changes in t h e OS application
programming interface (API) would have t he potential to crippl e the entire system .
This p roblem a lso follows from the current tr end of rapid updates to smartphone
OS APIs, i.e., if a developed acc ident detectio n syst em was not updated with
changes in the smartphone OS API it could become obsolete rapidly.
Production quality te sting is hard. A key concern of a smartphone accident
detectio n s ystem is the need to avoid fal s e positives. When this need is combined
with the large degrees of fr eedom (e.g., speed, noise conditions, location of device,
etc.) in an accident it is hard to validate a developed smartphone based accident
detectio n system emp irically. For this work to r each product ion quality reliabili ty,
methods to test the operational effectiveness of accident detection systems must
be created.
4 Empirical Results
This section describes results o f tests performed on the WreckWatch application
described in Section 3. These results empir ically evaluate WreckWatch’s ability
to prevent false positives and gather in formation to reconstruct an accident accu-
18 J. White et al.
4.1 Experiment 1: Evaluating the Possibility of False Positive Acceleration Values
As described in Section 2.3, avoidi ng false positives is a key challenge when de-
tecting car acci dents with smartp hones. Although WreckWatch only activates the
accident detection system at speed, it is still possible that a driver or passenger
could drop their smartphone whi le the vehicle is in motion. The first experiment
was design ed to d etermine if the acceleration component of WreckWatch’s acci-
dent detection system would be triggered by the phone falling inside the vehicle
or by emergency braking that did not result in a crash.
Hypothesis . Accidental fall s or non-emergency braking would pro-
duce insufficie nt accel eration to trigger accident detection. We hypothesized
that the acceleration experienced by a smartphone when dropped would be sub-
stantially less than a car accident. We believed it would be hard to produc e 4Gs
of force without dropping the phone from a substa ntial height (such as fr om a
multi-story building) or from a moving vehicle (such as a car on the highway).
We considered both situations to occur rarely enough that they did not warrant
Experiment setup. Since WreckWatch’s speed filtering only activates the ac-
cident detection system when the phone is in mot ion, our experiments were con-
ducted inside a vehicle. To analyze the potential for false positives from accel-
eration changes, we conducted two experiments desig n ed to simulate events that
generate accelerations whose values cou ld potential ly be interpreted as car acci-
All experiments were performed on a Google ION device running the vendor
imag e of Android 1.5 on a 525 Mhz processor with 288 MB of RAM. The de-
vice was factory reset before loading WreckWatch and no additional third-party
applications were installed. WreckWatch reco rded a c celeration on three axes at
the highest pos s ible rate and wrote these values to a CSV file on the SD card in
the device. This data was then downloaded to a Windows desktop computer for
analysis in Excel.
In all g raphs, positive z-axis values indicate po sitive accelerat ion in the di-
rection from the battery cover toward the screen. Likewise, positive y-axi s values
indicate positive accelerati on in the direction from the USB connector toward the
smartphone speaker. Fina lly, positive x-axis values indicate p ositive a cc eleration
from left to right when looking at the device with the USB connector closest the
Empirical results. For the first test, the Android device was dropped from ear
height in the driver’s seat of a car. The device bounced o the seat and wedged
between the seat and center console. Figure 8a shows the acceleration on each axis
during the collision with the floor.
Using 9.8 m/s as an approximate value for Earth’s gravity, the device experi-
enced approximately 2G’s in each direct ion with nearly 3G’s on the x-axis befo re
coming to rest. The required acceleration to trigger airbag deployment is 60G’s [13,
1]. In addition t o being 30 times smaller than required to deploy an airbag, this
value is well below the 4G’s used as a filter. It is therefore unlikely a smartph one
could be dropped in a manner that would exceed 4G’s. This data supports the use
of a filter (presented in Section 3.2) to prevent false positives.
A sudden stop is Another pot ential scenario that could potentially generate a
false positive. This test was performed in a vehicle by reaching a speed of approx-
Smartphone Traffic Accident Detection 19
(a) Acceleration During a Fall (b) Acceleration During a Sudden Stop
Fig. 8: Acceleration During Falls and Sudden Stops
imately 25 mph and enga ging in a sudden stop. The test results are approximate
as the exact speed was unknown and braking pressure was not exa ct. Figure 8b
shows the acceleration experienced o n each axis during the stop. As described in
Section 3.6 , because the smartphone remained stationary relative to the vehicle,
it experienced the same forces as the vehicle. In this instance, the acceleration
experienced by the smartphone was actually less than that experienced during the
This result is attributed to the fact that although the stop was sudden and
forceful, the car (and consequently th e smartphone) came to a rest over a period
of time that was long er th an during the drop test. In other words, the change
in velocity was greater but the actual acceleration was less becau se the change
occurred over a longer period of ti me. Based on this data, it is unlikely for the
smartphone to experience 4G’s of a cc eleration si mply due to a sudden stop.
4.2 Experiment 2: Evaluating the Possibility of Accoustic False Positives
Smartphone microphones can potentially augment the acelerom eter of the phone
to det ect collisions. Drivers and passengers, however, often inadvertently create
an array of loud noises that could potentially be interpreted by the devic e as the
sound of an airbag deploying, leading to false incident reports. We therefore needed
to determine whether benign noises associa ted with normal cell phone use coul d
be mistaken for airbag deployment.
Hypothesis Benign nois y acitivities, such as phone drops, shouting,
laughing, loud music and driving w ith windows down would produce i ns uf-
ficient noise levels to trigger accident detection. We hypothesized that none
of these noises would reach the 160dB range of an air bag deployment. If this was
the case, it would be possible to tune the accident detection model to more heavily
rely on accoustic signatures.
Experiment setup. To determine if vehicular or other so un d s unrelated to
those indicati ng a collision could trigger accident detection, we r ecorded the sound
pressure in decibels (dB) of a number of potential road sounds that could generate
20 J. White et al.
(a) Highway Noi se (b) Dropped Phone
Fig. 9: Potential Noise Levels During Highway Transportation
false positives. The decibel measurements for each sound were recorded di rectly
by the phone rather than an external measurement device to directly measure the
accoustic inputs that would be received by the accid ent detecti on algorithm. The
road noises that we analyzed incl u d ed:
1. Highway noise
2. The p hone falli ng fr om ear height in a vehicle
3. Loud laughter
4. Shouting in an argument
5. Playing the radio at full volume and
6. Playing the radio at full volume with all windows down
Empirical results. The results of the experiment are shown in Figure 9, Figure
10 and Figure 11. The baseline readings were ta ken driving a 2006 four door Honda
Accord at speeds of 55 -70 mph on an interstate highway with the radio playing at
1/3 of maximum volum e. As shown in Figure 9 the ma ximum decibel level reached
for the baseline was 81 d b.
Noise during tr ansportation can dram atically increas e, however, due to several
incidents, such as phone dr ops, laughing, shouting, playing the radio loudly, and
rolling down the windows. An effective solution must ensure that the device sound
processing capabilities can differentiate between these benign activities an d the
noises associated with severe collisions, such as ai rbag deployment. Additional
experiments were executed to simulate these events.
First, we recorded the decibel level associated with dropping the device multiple
times form ear height. The results can be seen in Figure 9. Phone drops resulted
in a maximum decibel level of 103 db, co ns iderably less than the 160-180 db
generated by a n airbage deploying. We then measured the noise levels associated
with two people laughing loudly and two people having a shouting argument. As
shown in Figure 10, these activities resulted in a maxi mum noise level of 145 dBs.
Smartphone Traffic Accident Detection 21
(a) Shouting Argument (b) Loud Laughter
Fig. 10: Human Noise Levels During Highway Transportation
We finally measured the noise generated by playing the radio at maximum volume
and driving with all windows down. These activities also generated noise levels of
145 dB as sh own in Figure 11.
Based on these experiments, we determined that the abil ity for the device to
detect sound pressure levels greater than 145 d B is limit ed due to signal clipping.
Using sound levels alone to determine if an accident has taken place could therefore
potentially lea d to false positives as a result of norm al benign activities. We use
this result to tune our accident detection model to rely on t he accoustic signature
as a secondary indicator of acc idents and improve detection at accel eratio n values
below our accelerometer threshold. For ex ample, w hile th e device reporting a noise
level of 145 dB could be the result of a shouting match, a reading of 145 db and
a readi ng of 3.5G’s of force by the accelerometer would likely indicate that an
accident occurred.
4.3 Experiment 3: Evaluating Accident Reconstruction Capabilities
WreckWatch can potentially reconstruct an accident based solely on the data gath-
ered from the smartphone. Due to the smartphone’s presence in the vehicle during
an accident, the smar tphone will usually experience the same forces at the sa me
time as the occupants and t he vehicle itsel f. For example, 40% of cell phones are
carried in some form of pocket [17] , in whi ch case the device will likely experience
the same forces experienced by the person wearing the pocket.
Hypothesis The accelerometer value would provide sufficient infor-
mation to reconstruct its movement during a crash. Due to the short time
period in w h ich a crash takes place, it is possible that a smartphone would have
insufficient processing power and sensor sampling r ates to capture enough data
to accurately model t h e movement of the phone. We hypothesized that modern
22 J. White et al.
(a) Radio Max Volume (b) Max Volume with Windows Down
Fig. 11: Stereo Noise L evels During Highway Transportation
(a) X-Axis Acceleration (b) Y-Axis Acceleration (c) Z-Axis Acceleration
Fig. 12: Accelerati on While D ropped in a Car
smartphones have sufficient processing power and sens or sampli n g rates to aid in
accident reconst ruction.
Experiment setup. To demonstrate this approach, we analyzed the data from
the two experiments conducted in Section 4.1 to determine if we could reconstruct
the orientation and movement of the smartphon e.
Empirical resul ts. The graph in Figure 12a shows it is possible to determine
that the smar tphone was initially experiencing zero acceleration along the x-axis
indicating th at the x-axis was perpendicular to the ground. This orientation is
consistent with holding th e smartphone to the ear. While falling, the smartphone
tilt ed su ch the left edge of the sm artphone (relative to the screen with the scr een
facing away from the ground) was the closest edge to the sky and then flip ped
agai n such t hat the left edge was clo s est to the ground. When Fig u res 12a, 12b,
and 12c are combined it is clear that the bott om of the smartphone made contact
first, followed by the lef t edge, and finally the back of the dev ice.
Smartphone Traffic Accident Detection 23
(a) X-Axis Acceleration (b) Y-Axis Acceleration (c) Z-Axis Acceleration
Fig. 13: Accelerati on During a Sudden Stop
The acceleration experienced during the sudden stop was actually less than
that experienced during the fal l. Given what is known about t he event, it is there-
fore possible to identify the orientatio n of the smartphone during the event. By
examining the graphs in Figure 13 it is pos sible to deter mine that the smartphone
was resting at an angle such that the top of th e smartphone was higher than the
bottom o f the smar tphone. The decrease in acceleration along t h e z-axis is indica-
tive of t he force induced on the device by the seat as the car came to a rest. Graphs
of other sudden stop events also have a similar appeara nc e, as long as the device
remained stationary relati ve to the car .
These reconstruction capabilities can help accident investigators identify what
was experienced by the occupants of the vehicle and provide them with infor-
mation that an AD R/EDR simply cannot provide. This information can a lso be
combined with that present in the ADR/ EDR to better understand the entire ac-
cident rather than simply the forces experienced by the vehicle itself. WreckWatch
gives investigators the capability to analyze a real-world accident in a manner
simil ar to the way they would a controlled colli sion involving crash-test dummies.
Although WreckWa tch cannot provide investigators with all i mpact information
(e.g., the forces exper ienced at the ribs [15] or the pressure on the face [22]), it can
provide them with specific information about the overall force on the body and
how effectively the restraints protected the passenger.
5 Related Work
This section compares WreckWatch with related work on accident and traffic detec-
tion systems. Our comparison with related work is organized as follows: (1) intel-
ligent transporta tion systems, (2) traffic monitoring with cell phones, (3) mayday
systems, and (4) traffic an d road monitoring monitoring sensor networks.
Intelligent transportation systems. The US Federal Communications Com-
mission (FCC) requires cell phones to provide emergency personnel with their lo-
cation. This mandate increases thei r viability as an accident-detection system by
ensuring that position data i s not limited to advanced smartphones. Vehicle local-
izati on [35] and r apid data acquisition are important to an Intelligent Transporta-
tion Sy s tem (ITS), which uti lizes sensor networks to m onitor traffic conditions
and make adjustments to increase safety and reduce congestion on transportation
networks [33]. These systems count cars to determine speed and congestion, as well
24 J. White et al.
as detect ice build-up and ot her hazards [19]. An ITS is not limited to highway
traffic mo nitoring [4]. One major advantage of WreckWatch is that it co u ld be
utili z ed as a subsystem to an ITS.
Traffic moni toring with cell phones. Related work ha s us ed cell ph ones to
construct a wireless mobile network for traffic-related applications. Traffic condi-
tions are often measured via loop detectors that count vehicles and determine their
sp eed. Since these loop detectors are typically embedded in the pavement there is
a high cost associated with their insta llation and maintenance [18]. Moreover, loop
detectors are often instal led in main highways, limiting available information [28].
Cell phones have been tapped as a pot ential solution to both of these issues,
because they provide a substantially larger amount of informati on, and because
cell phone tracking could be available on most roads without installing speci alized
detectio n hardware. WreckWatch is a step towards showing that cell phones are
an effective medium towards a wireless sensor network focused on automob ile and
traffic information.
The European Nati onal Institute for Transport and Safety Research conduct ed
a study that used t h e volume of cell phones in range of a given cellular tower
to identify potential areas of congestio n or accidents [18]. This work is similar
to WreckWatch in that it utilizes the cellular radios for th e communication of
inform ation. WreckWatch is unique in that it utilizes the Android platform’s sensor
APIs to detect wrecks on a vehicle by vehicle basis, rather than using aggregate
metrics. WrechWatch’s execution directly o n t h e smartphone allows it to access
and utilize significantly more inform ation about the device and user.
Mayday systems. Mayday systems provide voice connection to an emergency
assistance while automatically providing user location. Additional it ems tha t may-
day systems provide include remote doo r unlocking, remote engine diagnosis, theft
detectio n and tracking, automatic route guidance, travel information, and various
hands-free operations. Previous work [35] outlines the implications of location
awareness on cellular devices, and the effect that this awareness would h ave on
mayday systems.
The WreckWatch system could be extended to pr ovide immediat e voice capa-
bilit ies via integrat ion with the Asterisk digita l PBX. Given WreckWatch’s current
integration with the Asterisk PBX, this extension is not technically hard to pro-
totype. Whi le remote diagnosis seems far-fetched, advances in automobile ECU
interfaces will likely make this possible in the future. With the increase in wireless
keys, remote door unlocking could be accomplished. If the phone has a wireless chip
at the correct frequency then i t can simply broadcast the door (or engine) key com-
bination. If not, add-on s martphone sensor interfaces can be built to provide such
capability. Route guidance, travel information, and hands-free operations could be
easily added to t h e WreckWatch system by utilizing various Android APIs.
Other work [34] focuses on using the cellular features of OnStar together
with accident detection functionality to investigate potential correlations between
hands-free phone calls and c ar accidents. This work analyzed the proximity of calls
to the OnStar system to an airbag deployment notification. WreckWatch c ould be
extended to provide this information, a n d even more information by analyzing
behavior (such as texting, voice calls, Internet browsing or even gaming) prior to
an accident. Work to analyze the impact of distracti ons due to information sys-
tems (such as cell phones [ 31,14]) has relied on imprecise analysis that cou ld be
improved throug h the use of a system like WreckWatch that can not only detect
Smartphone Traffic Accident Detection 25
accidents, but i s also aware of potentially distracting actions, such as answering
calls or checking emails.
Traffic and road monitoring monitoring sensor networks. Other related
work has implemented sensor networks in constructio n zones to monitor traffic
flow and congestion /citebathula2009 s ensor. These networks must be long-lived,
inexpensive, rapid ly deployable, and require mi n imal m aintenance. Wr eckWatch
provides all these capabiliti es at a significantly lowered co s t to developers. More-
over, related work has not focused on the increased danger due to construction
zones occasionally introducing unfamiliar roads in an area where drivers feel fa-
miliarity and comfort. WreckWatch can include not only passi ve monitoring, but
also active alerting and notification.
Monitoring road and t raffic conditions using smart ph ones has been evaluated
in past research. Prior work has focus ed on the sensing com ponent of detecting
various contextual items, such as honk detect ion and physical bump/brake/po thole
detectio n [23]. WreckWatch extends these co n cepts (e.g., adding airbag deployment
detectio n), capitalizes up on the advantag es of utilizing the underlying smartphone
cellula r infrastructure, provides automated interaction with emergency responders,
and automatically notifies emergency contacts, such as family members.
6 Concluding Remarks
Reducing the time between when a n acc ident ta kes place and when it is detected
can reduce mortality rates by 6% [12]. Conventional in-vehicle accident detection
and notification systems, such as OnStar, are effective in reducin g the ti me ga p
before first responders are sent to the scene. These systems, however, are expensive
and not available in all vehicles.
To further increase the usage of automatic accident detection and noti fic a-
tion systems, smartphones can be used to indirectly detection accidents throu gh
their onboard sensors, such as accelerometers. Many challenges must be overcome,
however, particularly the potential for false positives from accidentally dropped
phones. Due to the large volume of “phantom” (accidental) calls to emergency
services, reducing the false positive rate of smartph one accident detecti on is im-
Using a combination of context data, such a s determining when a user is in-
side a vehicle, sensor data, such as accelerometer and acoustic information, and
intelligent sensor data filtering, accident detection systems can be cr eated that are
resistant to false posit ives. For examp le, air bag deployment is only triggered at
over 60G’s of acceleration. As shown by experiments in Section 4, accelerations
above 4Gs are unlikely f or dropped phones.
In developing and evaluating our prototype accident detection and notification
system, WreckWat ch, we learned the following lessons:
Accidents exe rt extreme forces on a phone that are unlikely to occur
when dropping it. The forces experienced during a car coll ision are extreme and
highly unlikely to occur in any other event other than a high-speed collision. These
events are therefore eas ier to identify and catego rize accordingly. Moreover, by
combining the accident det ection process with contextual inf ormat ion to determine
when the user is in a vehicle, false positives are l es s likely.
26 References
Smartphones can offer novel situational awareness capabiliti es. Unin-
jured motorists and bystanders can serve as citizen scientists and provide multip le
streams of voice and imagery data from the scene of the accident. This information
can aid first responder s in determining the s erverity of the accident, the victims in-
volved, and the urgency of medical care. Mo reover, smartphones can p rovide data
about the identify of the victims and automatically alert emergency contacts, such
as family members.
Smartphones application stores significantly aid in decreasing the cost
and complexity of software maintenance. The built-in application upgrade
mechanisms and communication channels on a smartphone make it possible to
push updates to thousands or milli ons o f clients and roll back if installation fails.
We have fou nd that this capability is quite helpful in mai ntaining/evolving the
software in accident detection and notification systems.
It may not be poss ible to detect all accidents with smartphones. Due
to the filt ers utilized to prevent false positives, it may be possi b le to experience
a low speed “f ender-b ender witho u t the application detecting it. More work is
needed to enhance the filtering mechanisms to account for these types of collisions.
In particular, WreckWatch’s filtering algorithm could be enhanced to determine
whether the user is in a vehicle or not utilizing history information. For exa mple,
users often travel similar routes to work and WreckWatch could learn where stops
or reduct ions in speed are common by analysis of trends (e.g. if a person usually
travels through an area at 40mph but occasionally slows to a stop indicating a
potential traffic jam). Likewise, WreckWatch could use known intersections to
identify potential stops and anticipate them or download traffic i n formation to
predict the location of traffic jams resulting from long-duration redu ctions in speed.
Acoustic data is not suffici ent for detecting traffic accidents. Our empir-
ical results show that some smartphone microphones and signal processing infras-
tructure suffers from signal clipping above 140dBs. This clippling makes it hard
to differentiate sounds, such as shouting, from air bag deployment. It i s possible
that this limitation can be overcome, but it will require additi onal work.
WreckWatch is an open-so u rce Android application tha t is freely available from
Acknowledgements This work was supported by a grant from the National Science Founda-
tion, RAPID:Collaborative Research:Cloud Environmental Analysis and Relief, CNS# 1047753.
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